#the richest man in babylon summary
self-learns · 8 months
Chapterwise Summary of the Book "The Richest Man in Babylon"
Have you ever puzzled what it takes to end up the richest character in a legendary city? George S. Clason’s timeless classic, “The Richest Man in Babylon,” presents worthwhile financial expertise via a collection of parables set inside the historic city of Babylon. This ebook is a treasure trove of financial standards that have stood the take a look at of time. Let’s take a…
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thesirencult · 6 months
Have any favourite book recommendations? ✨💘
5 Books Everyone Should Read
This is a collection of 5 books I believe anyone can read and gain something from them. These are all from different genres and I probably need to post a bigger "masterlist" of sorts when I have the time ! @siren-honey thank you for this question ! These books are some I read (or re-read) this past few weeks, so they are not my "all star" rooster but nonetheless they are great books!
The Bank by Marc Roche
This is an older book but its teachings still ring true. My dad bought this book many many years ago and it talks about Goldman Sachs and how the big banks and investment companies "rule the world ". Now I know that doesn't sound very exciting to read baout but it is great for anyone who wants to level up and open their eyes on what is really going on in the world. If you can not find the book and want to learn a bit about it, just send me a private message or an ask and I will post a summary <3
2. Why Men Love Bitches
Everyone and I mean, EVERYONE should read this book. Don't scrunch your nose because of the name! It helps you come in contact with your auntentic self and the wild feminine side of yours. Let your head down tiger ! It's time to show what you're made of.
3. Plato's Republic
A dialogue written by Plato. It doesn't only discuss the matter of "justice" but it also contains the "Allegory Of The Cave". Now, I'm studying history and philosophy so these texts are "easy" (lies!) for me to read and analyze (more lies! lol), but if you don't want to read thw whole dialogue just search it up online and read about the main points. You will still learn something !
4. 48 Laws Of Power
I'm a history buff. I love the way Robert Greene, in all of his books, combines history with psychology. Sadly, his teachings are right. This book will help you distinguish people and learn how to spot the good characters in your life. Anything by Robert Greene is great to read! You won't want to put it down !
5. The Richest Man In Babylon
This book is one of my favourites because it is a no bull$hit guide to wealth. It tecahes the fundamentals and shows that they never changed. As an example, many "wealth coaches" tell you to never buy a house and always rent, but right now we see that it is much cheaper to buy than rent. These cycles repeat themselves all the time and the author suggests you always have a home, big enough to live at comfortably or that you can rent and use as an investment property. The book is also a container of wise teachings on life in general.
6. The Body Keeps The Score
Health is wealth. PERIOD. I love this book cause it shows the link between our brain, mindset and physical body. If you read just one book of all the ones I mentioned let it be this. As a society we have glorified wealth and wordly accomplishments and we have forgotten our temple, our vessel of life, our body!
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uncle-ak · 1 year
Summary: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
"The Richest Man in Babylon" is a classic personal finance book written by George S. Clason in 1926. The book uses parables set in ancient Babylon to teach essential financial lessons. Here's a summary of the main principles outlined in the book:
Start thy purse to fattening: Pay yourself first. Set aside at least 10% of your income as savings before spending on anything else. This habit will help you accumulate wealth over time.
Control thy expenditures: Live within your means and create a budget to avoid overspending. Learn to differentiate between necessities and luxuries.
Make thy gold multiply: Invest your savings wisely to grow your wealth. Instead of letting your money sit idle, seek investment opportunities offering reasonable returns with minimal risk.
Guard thy treasures against loss: Protect your wealth by investing in safe and reliable ventures. Research before investing and avoid putting all your money in a single venture to minimize risk.
Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment: Own your own home to save on rent and create a long-term asset.
Ensure a future income: Plan for your future and retirement by investing in income-generating assets or insurance policies that provide financial security.
Improve thy ability to earn: Invest in yourself by acquiring new skills, knowledge, and experience. Continually improve your earning capacity to increase your income and build wealth.
The timeless principles in "The Richest Man in Babylon" emphasize the importance of saving, budgeting, investing wisely, and continuously improving one's financial knowledge. The book encourages readers to be disciplined and patient in pursuing wealth, stressing the importance of living within one's means and being diligent with money management.
Additional lessons from the book include:
Seek wise counsel: When it comes to investments and financial decisions, seek advice from knowledgeable and experienced professionals. This helps to minimize risks and make well-informed choices.
Please take advantage of opportunities: Look for lucrative opportunities and be prepared to act when they arise. However, always do thorough research and consider the potential risks before moving.
Be persistent: Building wealth takes time, dedication, and patience. Stay focused on your financial goals and consistently apply the principles outlined in the book to achieve success.
Be charitable: Share your wealth with others who are less fortunate. Giving back to your community helps those in need and instills a sense of gratitude for your financial well-being.
In summary, "The Richest Man in Babylon" provides valuable insights into personal finance and wealth-building through its engaging parables. The book's simple yet powerful lessons have remained relevant throughout the decades, making it an essential read for anyone looking to improve their financial situation and achieve long-term financial success.
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bukreview · 1 month
The Richest Man in Babylon : George S. Clason
Title : The Richest Man in Babylon Author : George S. Clason QUICK SUMMARY : “The Richest Man in Babylon” is a classic personal finance book written by George S. Clason, set in ancient Babylon. The book is structured around a series of parables that offer timeless financial wisdom. Your future is spread before you like a road leading into the distance. Along that road you have ambitions that you…
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bigbankbillionaires · 5 months
Money isn't just about... | Big Bank Billionaires
Money isn't just about... | Big Bank Billionaires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV_8ftp-0EU Unlock the money secrets of financial wisdom and supercharge your motivation with our exclusive content! Dive into a world where wealth meets wisdom, exploring key insights to master your financial game. Elevate your money mindset, embrace the path to prosperity, and witness the transformative power of financial wisdom in action. Hit play, absorb the knowledge, and let the journey to financial success begin! 💰🔥 🔔 Subscribe to the channel and unlock the secrets to financial freedom and luxurious living: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbankbillionaires ✅ Stay Connected To Us. 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/JD3BdpW ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists: 👉 I AM A BILLIONAIRE AFFIRMATIONS (Billionaire Mindset): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyD8GRpl3JALt5-9mHphiO8NUCj7aP9ew 👉 Financial Book Summaries (Billionaire Mindset): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyD8GRpl3JALQm_enVvfTAyBHxiRB3CzG ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Billionaire Affirmations: Manifesting Wealth and Abundance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXWcAlC_Q_I 👉 Opulent Abundance Affirmations: Attract Wealth and Prosperity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjxtndXhSGE 👉 Unlocking Wealth: The Richest Man in Babylon Book Summary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRXw1EqrDIE 👉 Billionaire Empire Affirmations - Build Your Wealthy Empire with Power Affirmations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ9taWCsxLk ================================ ✅ About Big Bank Billionaires: This is where the Billionaire Luxury lifestyle begins! A Billionaire mindset requires nurturing, and that’s what this page is about. Wealth Affirmations, Money Affirmations, and Visualizations do just that to feed your Billionaire Spirit. We are here to help you grow into your future Billionaire self! Motivate the Billionaire within you with our animated book summaries to help you understand the world of finance. The Billionaire Mindset is just a few daily choices away. 🔔 Hit that subscribe button for exclusive access to the lives of the ultra-rich and the keys to your empire of wealth: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbankbillionaires ================================= #FinancialWisdom #MoneyMotivation #WealthMindset #wealthwisdom #youtubeshorts #aiart #financialsuccess Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of the Big Bank Billionaires. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Big Bank Billionaires via Big Bank Billionaires Brand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIdTEA18kOXq8kbtGz5XUYA January 04, 2024 at 02:19PM
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culturebooklove · 8 months
summary of the book “The Richest Man in Babylon” #book #story #newvideo
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ravikugupta · 8 months
Summary of "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason
“The Richest Man in Babylon” is a timeless classic that offers practical financial advice through engaging stories set in ancient Babylon. Written by George S. Clason, the book presents essential principles of wealth creation and financial management. This summary provides an overview of the key concepts and takeaways from the book, empowering readers to achieve financial success and…
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financeflashnews · 1 year
Top 5 Financial Motivational Books to Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals
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The article you shared provides summaries of four personal finance books: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason, The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach, and I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi. These books teach readers about the power of the mind, the importance of saving money, investing wisely, and living within their means. They provide practical advice and strategies for achieving financial success, such as setting up an automatic savings plan, investing in a diversified portfolio, living below your means, paying yourself first, and being patient and persistent. These books offer valuable financial advice for anyone looking to achieve financial success. 
Link: https://financeflashnews.com/top-5-financial-motivational-books-to-help-you-achieve-your-financial-goals/ 
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The Richest Man in Babylon is a collection of parables mostly based in ancient Babylon on financial advice. Written as pamphlets by George S. Clason—a businessman during the Roaring Twenties whose writings became well-valued by readers at the time of the Great Depression (Garrett, 2011)—they were published together in 1926. Being nearly 100 years old now, this book has remained a literary financial advice classic that is still studied today.
The last section of the book, “How to Study for Financial Success” goes over how to use the four parables as a course on financial literacy and individually outlines guides for individuals, families, business executives, and classrooms. Considering that I want to delve deeper into this book I have decided to reread it loosely according to his plan for individuals. I’ve made a little list below based on the information provided on pages 113-117.
Week 1: Carefully read through each of the four lessons individually on different days.
Week 2-5: Study each lesson in depth for one week each. Use the summaries and review questions provided on pages 121-141 as tools to aid you in your study. Preferably answering three questions every day.
- Return to the reading every six months to review and reflect on how you’ve applied the lessons and see the lessons in the new light of your experience and new knowledge.
I probably won’t be extremely diligent in making sure I read a lesson every day. No one’s really making me do this and to tell you the truth I have other things to do in my life. But I at least want to give this book somewhat of a read-through on its own terms. Though this is a fiction book, its topic of discussion and its somewhat archaic style doesn’t lend well to leisurely reading. Clason even writes of his work: “Each lesson is in the form of a tale. Do not be misled by their seeming simplicity into thinking that casual reading will make you the master of their contents (pg. 112).”
Maybe after this method of reading, I’ll be able to tell if the book is really all that amazing and life-changing or if it’s overrated and the author is just pompous.
Works Cited
Clason, George S. The Richest Man in Babylon. Original Classics Edition, 2019.
Garrett, M. (2011). Inside the Richest Man in Babylon. SUCCESS. https://www.success.com/inside-the-richest-man-in-babylon/
           I just read an old book on financial advice and now I’m going to do a more thorough read of it.
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sujeetsharma · 2 years
Book - The Richest Man in Babylon
Currently reading this amazing book The Richest Man In Babylon... The story of richest man Arkad. I will update the summary once I will finish the book.
I hope I will reach my goodreads goal at least half of my goal by end of this year. Reading challenge is quite tough and it's when you're reading paper books. Thanks to technology and time now audio books and summaries are also available and I like KuKu FM and Audible, what I missed that I spent good amount of time in my hometown without books.
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stories-to-wisdom · 2 years
This an animated story (Book Summary) of the Richest Man in Babylon.
This is a classic book on wealth. It covers practically every aspects of financial success and wealth creation. 
 Please watch the complete animated video of book summary to understand the laws and secrets to become rich.
 The Key Takeaways from the story are: 
1) Whatever you earn, keep one-tenth or more of your earings aside as savings.
2) Make investments from that savings, so that savings will work for you. 
3) Always take advice from an expert in particular field.
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openbazaarstuff · 4 years
The richest man in babylon summary. धन संचय करना एक समय लेने वाली प्रक्रिया है। यदि आप वास्तव में कुछ चाहते हैं। आपको कल अपना जीवन जीने के लिए आज समझौता करना होगा। इसलिए वित्तीय रूप से स्थिर बनने के लिए आपको अपने भविष्य की योजना बनाने की आवश्यकता है।
व्यय हमारे द्वारा उत्पन्न आए के सीधे अनुपातिक है। एक साधारण जीवनशैली अपनाएं। आपकी कमाई का 10 में से 7 हिस्सा, आपके कपड़े, भोजन, घर के लिए प्राप्त है। यदि आप सही मायने में अपनी वित्तीय स्थिति को इस नियम से बदलना चाहते हैं।
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mayihustle · 2 years
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bukreview · 2 months
Post Trailer
“The Richest Man in Babylon” is a classic personal finance book written by George S. Clason, set in ancient Babylon. The book is structured around a series of parables that offer timeless financial wisdom. Here’s a detailed summary in 5000 words:### IntroductionThe book begins with a prologue set in ancient Babylon, a city known for its prosperity and wealth. Arkad, the richest man in Babylon,…
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bigbankbillionaires · 5 months
MANIFEST INFINITE LUCK Music to Attract Infinite Abundance | 174Hz | Big Bank Billionaires
MANIFEST INFINITE LUCK • Music to Attract Infinite Abundance | 174Hz | Big Bank Billionaires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zArjpqtJvZw MANIFEST INFINITE LUCK • Music to Attract Infinite Abundance | 174Hz | Big Bank Billionaires Music to Manifest Abundance at 174Hz, Inspired by the Wisdom of Big Bank Billionaires. Immerse yourself in this transformative frequency, carefully crafted to align your energy with boundless abundance. 🔔 Subscribe to the channel and unlock the secrets to financial freedom and luxurious living: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbankbillionaires ✅ Stay Connected To Us. 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/JD3BdpW ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists: 👉 I AM A BILLIONAIRE AFFIRMATIONS (Billionaire Mindset): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyD8GRpl3JALt5-9mHphiO8NUCj7aP9ew 👉 Financial Book Summaries (Billionaire Mindset): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyD8GRpl3JALQm_enVvfTAyBHxiRB3CzG ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Billionaire Affirmations: Manifesting Wealth and Abundance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXWcAlC_Q_I 👉 Opulent Abundance Affirmations: Attract Wealth and Prosperity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjxtndXhSGE 👉 Unlocking Wealth: The Richest Man in Babylon Book Summary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRXw1EqrDIE 👉 Billionaire Empire Affirmations - Build Your Wealthy Empire with Power Affirmations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ9taWCsxLk ================================ ✅ About Big Bank Billionaires: This is where the Billionaire Luxury lifestyle begins! A Billionaire mindset requires nurturing, and that’s what this page is about. Wealth Affirmations, Money Affirmations, and Visualizations do just that to feed your Billionaire Spirit. We are here to help you grow into your future Billionaire self! Motivate the Billionaire within you with our animated book summaries to help you understand the world of finance. The Billionaire Mindset is just a few daily choices away. 🔔 Hit that subscribe button for exclusive access to the lives of the ultra-rich and the keys to your empire of wealth: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbankbillionaires ================================= #InfiniteLuck #AttractAbundance #financialsuccess #abundancefrequency #wealthfrequency Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of the Big Bank Billionaires. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Big Bank Billionaires via Big Bank Billionaires Brand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIdTEA18kOXq8kbtGz5XUYA January 04, 2024 at 02:48AM
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michaelbranch · 3 years
A Brief Summary of Ideas: No Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners
*These summaries are kept intentionally very brief, just hitting what I consider some of the important/interesting takeaways, most word-for-word or paraphrased. My goal is also to stick to ideas/principals that might guide others (or my future self) in deciding the value of a read (or re-reading). T = takeaway, Q = Question
No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners
Author: Noah Rasheta
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Buddha means “awakened one”. He was a teacher, not a god.
Various schools view the Buddha in different ways.
Didn’t name a successor. Advised that his teachings would serve as the teacher.
There were many buddhas throughout history.
Little scholarly debate around Siddhartha (Gautama, the “Buddha”)’s existence. Some debates around specific events.
Teachings center on two main themes: problem of human suffering and methods to cease it.
Practitioners are encouraged to see whether the teachings work; not whether they are true. T = Buddhism is a practice. It can be something you do; not who you are.
Buddhism can be many things: religion, way of life, philosophy. Generally nontheistic tradition; not concerned with many of the big questions asked by other religions.
Various schools use different texts and writings as their source. Writings are not considered to be dictated by a deity.
Several sects of Buddhism. Two main branches are Theravada and Mahayana.
Our perception of the reality of any situation is influenced as much by ideas as it is by what actually happened. In our day to day lives, we’re continually making meaning and creating stories about everything that happens.
Our perception is influenced by how our minds are conditioned.
Nirvana is the state of awakened existence. Freed from perceptions to see reality as it is without wanting it to be different. The ultimate goal of Buddhist practice. Can’t be explained; only experienced.
Good and evil are not inherent forces; they’re states of mind.
Greed, hatred, and ignorance = the 3 poisons.
Letting go of hatred isn’t a moral issue. It creates unnecessary suffering for ourselves and others. Affects the emotional well being of the person doing the hating more than the person being hated.
Two types of truths.
Truths that are true whether we believe them or not.
Truths that are true simply because we believe them. We’re bound by space and time to one unique view in the here and now.
Three universal characteristics of life.
Suffering. 3 types of suffering:
Suffering of suffering: Natural. Ex. Pain.
Suffering of loss. Natural. Ex. Lose a loved one or job.
All-pervasive suffering. Self inflicted. Generally arises out of an ignorant or delusional understanding of reality. How we perceive or interpret circumstances. If we didn’t hold a certain belief, the suffering wouldn’t exist. Difficult to detect because it requires us to scrutinize our deeply held views.
Impermanence. Gross impermanence: larger scale (ex. Matter, people). Subtle impermanence: moment to moment change.
Nonself. No inherent essence in anything. Things “are” because of, and in relation to, other things, but don’t exist by themselves as permanent or separate entities. Everything is interdependent. No fixed permanent version of us, only continually changing combination of causes and conditions.
Nonattachment is different from attachment.
In order to be attached 2 things are required: the person who is attached and the object of attachment.
If there is “no self” that nothing to do the attaching. Ignorant view of self that causes us to cling.
Emptiness = all things are devoid of meaning until we assign meaning to them.
As life unfolds it doesn’t mean anything; positive or negative. All things simply are as they are.
Birth isn’t the start and death isn’t the end. Every beginning has an end, and every end gives birth to a new beginning. No beginning or end; only change.
Q (as it relates to misconception about reincarnation) = if there is no permanent you; what part of you could transcend death to become reincarnated?
Humans, like everything else in nature are part of a continual cycle of change.
Karma means “action”.
Law of cause and effect. No justice, intelligence, or moral system behind it.
Central teaching of karma is that we can pause and break the cycle of reactivity. In our mindful pause we can choose a more skillful action to contribute to the web of cause and effect.
Question of theism is irrelevant in Buddhism. Better question is “are my beliefs (non beliefs) preventing me from seeing and experiencing reality properly.
Agnostic (saying “I don’t know”) is like the Zen beginner’s mind; allows us to be open to learning and experiencing.
4 Noble Truths. They can be viewed as “tasks to do” rather than “beliefs”.
Presence of suffering in life.
Cause of suffering. Desire. Suffering emerges when we want life to be different; when we struggle against what is. The more we dwell on our sense of suffering, he more we reinforce it.
End of suffering. It’s not the suffering that ceases, rather our craving NOT to suffer. Suffering is a lifelong reality. Being able to see emotion and allow it to just be.
Path that leads to the end of suffering. The eightfold path.
Eightfold Path. Grouped into 3 essential categories. Don’t think of the “right” in terms of right vs. wrong. But more like right as in wise or skillful.
1 . Right understanding. Recognizing that what we’re seeing might not be actually what it appears to be.
2. Right intent. Consider intent in action. Behaving reactively makes it difficult to be mindful of intent. Ask yourself, “why”.
Ethical conduct
3. Right speech. Communicating with others in a way that doesn’t cause harm. Consider why you say something as much as what you say. Doesn’t always have to be pleasant.
4. Right action. Doing what is proper and necessary for your situation.
5. Right livelihood. Each need to determine for ourselves if what we do for a living is doing more harm than good for ourselves and others. Incorporate right intent.
Mental discipline
6. Right effort. What it takes to put into practice other parts of the path. Dedicating time and effort.
7. Right mindfulness. Pay attention.
8. Right concentration. Focusing the mind on one thing: whatever we’re doing at that moment. Be present.
To embrace/accept suffering isn’t to give up. Rather is not resisting or fighting against reality. We’re not accepting the bad things that happen. We’re accepting THAT bad things happen. Then we can ask what are we going to do about it.
5 Aggregates. We are made up of 5 components that come together to create the perception of a distinct, individual “I”:Form, Sensation, Perception, Mental formations/thoughts, Consciousness.
Perception happens and immediately gives rise to the awareness of perception. The “I” that is aware of the perception gives rise to a sense of self. Aggregates aren’t actually “you”. Just temporary, interdependent, conditional phenomena.
5 Basic precepts. Recommendations for ways of living that might aid you in the path to enlightenment. Can be interpreted differently based on culture, etc.
Abstain from taking life.
Abstain from what is not given.
Abstain from sexual misconduct.
Abstain from incorrect speech (rooted in the three poisons of greed, hatred, or ignorance).
Abstain from intoxicants that cloud the mind (can include more than just drugs/alcohol, might include media consumption or habits).
If you formally decide to become a “Buddhist” many forms do so with a formal ceremony. Don’t have to. Some variation in taking refuge in the 3 refuges.
The buddha (if he did it, so can you).
The dharma (teachings).
The community (easier with others).
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