#the others' dark world form designs might not come for a while sorry :(
quirkle2 · 1 year
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ferret wars :)!! he's got a lil pouch as a backpack ,,,,,,,,,,, i continuously provide evidence for my case that he is a perfect being
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dicenete · 21 days
Hey, I'm rambling about IkePri again
Okay, I just need to get these thoughts I have about Gilbert von Obsidian out because I enjoy predicting stuff and overthinking design and narrative choices even tho they might not be right. :P But there really isn't that much predicting other than me overthinking about narrative and design choices. This time there will be most likely spoilers of Gilbert's route so far, and route of Clavis and some thoughts I have just gathered while playing the game in general. I try to put these thoughts in cohesive order, but well... I don't know if I can really, because I just need to get these out of my head. These are my thoughts, ramblings and opinions. Feel free to form your own and certainly disagree with me! I apologize about the lack of art in this post. I'm busy with work currently so no fanart for a while. I'm also not native English speaker, so there might be grammatical errors and such. Sorry about that. Everything under the cut.
To start with Ikemen Prince is a romance visual novel first and foremost. That doesn't mean it can't be deep (and it certainly has been deeper than I initially expect, which left me positively surprised). I suppose there is somesort of thematic vibe that there is no prince whose ideals are the main thesis of the game itself. But that also kinda leaves that fact there is no huge catharsis regarding the world and it's state. Everything so far has been left quite open. And the more I have learned about lore of the world, I really feel like anti-monarchist here xd Clavis really sold me the idea for real. Or atleast throw away the absolute monarchy. That's where I think things should go, but that's my own belief. (really, the last king of Rhodolite... He umm... I have some opinions.) Chevalier and Gilbert First things first: I don't hate or dislike Chevalier as a character. There are just some things that give me Deus Ex Machina feels. But I know it is what they are going for with him. This genius that so far ahead of everyone that it is so alien concept to rest of the people. And well that is a very hard concept to pull off without being a genius yourself as a writer. Or that is what I feel like. But what I do love is what the writers are doing with him and Gilbert in thematic sense! (Hence why Chev x Gilbert sounds so juicy to me)
I really took steps to the deep end as I started to think about why I have enjoyed Gilbert's route or was interested in his story to begin with, but have little interest in trying Chev's one. Because they are so similar but they really aren't.
How I would describe it is that where as Clavis is the complementary to Chev, the purple to his yellow, the emotionality vs rationality, the heart vs the brain, Gilbert is more like right brain to Chev's left brain. If it makes sense like that xd Their color schemes are harmonious. Not opposite. Almost like how Nokto and Licht's color schemes are harmonious with each others.
(Nokto (Blue + white + gold) vs Licht (Blue + black + gold)) Not to mention that their names clearly are meant to mean light and dark. (Licht: variant for light, Nokto: comes form latin nox or noctis, meaning night = dark) But that is a rambling for another time.) Both their crests are tigers. White and black tiger. Chev's color scheme is White + gold and black. Whereas Gilbert's is Black + gold and white. But then the overall color that game devs use to signal about the characters baffles me a bit. Gold/Yellow vs Black/dark red. They don't seem to have too much connection or that of which comes to my mind quickly and without digging deeper. (because I believe that if you dig deep enough, you have digged yourself into a trap of overthinking about things. (Justifying things because you want to justify them, which I'm not big fan of. And sometimes things don't need meaning and we have to live with that. As much as it pains my overthinker brain.)) But here is my impressions about Gilbert so far. I'm at the point where MC has left the Clavis's party (I loved it btw). Gilbert really does give me toxic INFJ villain feels, but let's not get too hang up on terms such as that. But he is someone who is driven forth by his own ideals and desire to change the world better. He, like Clavis, seems to cloak himself in this idea that he is the villain and is okay, even happy, to take that role. He is the one who, like Chevalier, has thrown away emotional attachment out of the window (or so they say) unlike Clavis who makes his choices based more on emotion rather than rational thinking. Maybe that's why I like Clavis and Gilbert, they push MC out of their black and white thinking. That things are not so easy peezy as "choose a right king and everyone will be happy". There will always be someone who is mad about it. That's why I really loved the scene with Gilbert with the orphaned kids and the Clavis's party. He seems to enjoy the company of children (who are not morally corrupted or tainted) and he really empathically listens to those who are angry. He believes in the idea that "no one remembers what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel". (A quote with debatable origin, people say that it was coined by Maya Angelou. But I really love this quote, because I think it is the truth.) Gilbert isn't trying to rationalize against someone's choices with pure intellect. He uses empathy to guide him to the most rational outcome in that emotional scope. But he also uses this to manipulate people with fear. He uses fear extensively and he does it actively. Where as I feel like Chev just has that aura about him automatically. Hence my next thought: Action vs Stasis!
Gilbert and Clavis are action oriented. They shake the gameboard, they make the first moves. Gilbert probably more than Clavis. They both want change. Is it change for the better, we will see, I still haven't finished Gilbert's route but he really gives me this "I'm willing to become the greatest threat so that people unite to defeat me." or "I will conquer all so there will no longer be wars.". Chev, on the other hand, symbolizes stasis. His goal is to keep the kingdom of Rhodolite going. That's his duty and he is willing to take it. (even tho we can debate if that is something he really really believes in or even thinks about that much. I feel like it is out of obligation rather than of personal ideal. But alas, I have not played Chev's route yet.) Chev is reactive rather than proactive. He waits for the opponent to make the first move and reacts accordingly. (I'm not saying he is not reactive once game is on. More like "if there was not threat to deal with, he wouldn't create one".)
Chev doesn't care what you think about him. Gilbert does. He might seem like he doesn't but he is really there to prove a point. (I will pick up his dislike for lying later >.>) Chev is not. Chev knows that his way is the right way for him and that is enough for him. Chev also actively makes a "gettaway plan" for himself in Clavis. He knows that Clavis is the final thread that keeps him from going overboard because he understand that he has to be blind for "individual people" aspect to be a good ruler. Gilbert probably understands this about himself too, but he is trying to prove a point. So he needs to go overboard. Because masses of people need absolutes to react to. If it is something banal, it won't do. His evil actions need to shake the very foundation of ideas. The people have to face those things head on and see it for themselves. They cannot be sheltered. Gilbert gives me the vibes that he is willing to sacrifice himself not for the kingdom, but for the betterment of all mankind. He is happy to become the villain #1 if that means that other people will rise and take down the corrupted Obsidian or the corrupted idea. I would say that he is Lawful Good going on about things like Lawful Evil.
Gilbert asking questions means that he wants you to think, he wants to challenge your opinions and how you look at the world. Same as Clavis. They yearn for change. They want to change the world. Where as Chev wants to maintain things as they are. Chev "If it is not broken, we don't need to fix it" Michel. Where as Clavis and Gilbert want to improve the system. They are idealistic. Gilbert and lying
This is something very interesting. At first I thought that he was all "I dislike when people lie to me." but he really is "I dislike lying in all its forms." And he does say that he doesn't lie. And I'm starting to believe that is really the case. All the things he says are true. But because how other people see him, they are suspicious anyway. Like MC is. Like we all probably are when we start the route and think "So what is your trauma, baby girl?" When he is unsure or knows that he shouldn't say the thing he really thinks or that is true, he will deflect or give a very vague response. Which makes me quite happy to replay his route at somepoint with this in mind. In conclusion: Welcome to my TED talk, with no head or tail, just me overthinking about things about a otome gacha game. If you read this far, thank you for your time. Remember, if I ramble about it, it just means that I'm invested. Have a good day~
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septicwriters · 1 month
What I think your favorite ego says about you!
Dark: You are one of two things: you are cool, calm, and collective or, batshit wild. Regardless of which, when you snap, YOU SNAP. Whoever pissed you off better pray to the old gods because the new one ain't picking up his phone. You either seem like you have your shit together, or you really do. There is no in-between.
Anti: Relax? Who is she? Who are eccentric from the start. You are quiet at first, making people think you are shy and just have to warm up to them, when in reality, you are biding your time. Watching your surroundings to see how everyone ticks, and then you strike. Violence is not always your attack, you can also deal out verbal attacks as well. Your RBF is on point.
Wilford: You are that person who is cheerful to hide your trauma. Sorry, but we can still see it. You can't hide a body behind a glass wall. You will smile and give homemade treats and remember everyone's birthday, but everyone once in a while, you will say something to cause everyone's concern to go to an 11. High ADHD levels.
Jackie: You are that one person that is motivated beyond belief. You will wear yourself out with over positivity and helping others and then break down in a public restroom. Crying from stress is a call for attention, even in an empty room (false, cry if you need too) can't drink coffee because it sends your hyperness through the roof and gives you a headache.
Damien: You are the mom friend of the group, you either have snack pouches and juice, or a way to reprimand your friends. You are shy around confrontation, but always quick to come up with a solution to a problem. You wouldn't share homework answered, but would help with the homework. You are the designated driver.
Chase: things you cry at: cat videos, cute kid videos, slice of life anime, cute finales of comedies. You have some sort of an addiction. Coffee, alcohol, cleanliness, art, your hobby, collecting hobbies. Something to keep your hand busy is always needed, helps tame the voices. Your therapist friend begs you to go to therapy, but who can afford it? Definitely not you, and besides, you aren't even that serious. Thinking about death is normal, right? Right?!
Celine: you are the wine aunt. Weather that is literal or towards your friends, that is your title and you where it with pride. Might be some sort of witch. You can become serious quickly, you go from go lucky to problem solver 1-100 real fast. You are always available, even if you're not happy about it. You listen to problems and come up with half good answers. Sorry to say, but arson is not always the answer.
Schneep: you are the therapist friend, and you need a therapist. Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Must have perfect grades, perfect attendance, perfect ingernal. Coffee is not breakfast, nor is it good to drink at 3 in the afternoon. Eat some real food, please, granola bars are not going to get you through the day.
Actor: in some way, shape, or form, you are a profectionist. People may get upset about the way things must line up, if your drink is one inch higher than expected, everything is ruined. Everything must be perfect, or it's terrible. You either love art, or an artist yourself who hates your art. When someone tells you you are a profectionist, you lash out in anger. Take a nap, might do you good.
JJ: silent but deadly. Words are very rarely exchanged with those outside your friend group. When someone asks you what you are reading, you lift up your book to show the title and continue to read. You made your own lunches at school. If someone crosses you, you will be passive aggressive about it. Dresses formal for every occasion.
Google: you have anger issues, eldest sibling , reliable one? When someone needs advice, you are the first to go to. You regularly go to those warehouses to destroy things. You don't work well with others, prefer to work alone than In a group. Effortlessly get A's on tests.
Marvin: you are either gay, or the gayest straight person. If there's no glitter, you don't want it. You're temper is fiery, but your significant other wouldn't have you any other way. You have enemies, and your friends are worried about that. You have either mental or physical scars and are self conscious about them. Your scars tell your story, don't be embarrassed. You live in the library and write papers that aren't necessary.
Bing: your favorite Ninja turtle was Mikey. Love Bill and Ted. The life of the party, always trying to be the cool guy. You fail at it, but you don't let that slow you down. You once tried to do something reckless, failed, and said that you'll practice until you do it. You succeed. You do anything you put your mind to. Useless facts, no, no one knew that otters hold hands while sleeping to not drift away, but thank you for sharing. Orange crush is your favorite drink.
Tell me how accurate I am!
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legend-of-binkus · 2 years
The Master Sword of the Downfall Timeline
As promised in my last post, here it is! My little deep dive into Legends sword and how I think it will affect the story going forward.
(Also, I loved reading everyones thoughts on that post. Thank you so much for sharing!)
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(art is from Nintendo Player's Guide (SNES) for A Link to the Past, pg 17. AND Jojo's LU comic, Divine Dark Reflections pt7)
Sorry this took a little longer then planned, but I came across some new interesting details while researching this and it took me a bit longer to compile my thoughts.
Let’s quickly start off by discussing some points that were brought up by others on my last post.
Is it possible for two Master Swords to coexist in the LU?
YES. In fact it's happened in canon before!
“At the end of Skyward Sword, because of the time travel involved, the Goddess Sword and Master Sword exist simultaneously. The Master Sword is within the Sealed Temple while the Goddess Sword is up in Skyloft.” —https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Master_Sword
Is the Spirit of the sword still in Legends sword?
Again, I would say yes. Not only is this supported by the Tempered Sword glowing in response to the Master Sword after Legend regains his human form, but also if BotW is the ending point for all the timelines then that means the spirit of the sword lives on, as it's HEAVILY implied that Fi is the one who tells Zelda that Wild can be saved.
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Ok, now let's jump into the predictions and theory!
First, gotta start off with some context.
This actually all began when I came across this old quote from Jojo while making my The Chains Secrets post (and my thoughts just kind of spiraled from there...)
“they know a Hero before failed, it’s nothing personal to them, it’s simply the world as they know it. But it gives weight to their responsibility seeing as the Hero of Hyrule’s home is still suffering the consequences. but this did give me some good ideas so Thanks for this Q!”
This quote is regarding Hyrule and Legend’s knowledge of the death of a previous hero. They haven’t mentioned it yet to the others (and I highly doubt they realize that the Hero who died was an alternate version of Time), but it’s not like it’s never crossed their minds… for instance, I bet you anything that when Twi was discussing the Master Sword with Legend that the thought of the previous hero’s fate crossed Legend's mind.
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It’s a small but important detail. Legend is aware of the fate that met the hero before him, but hasn’t said anything about it yet. I’m not entirely sure why, but I can see how this knowledge would weigh heavy on him.
So how does this relate to Legend's version of the Master Sword?
Strap in, we're diving into a lot of lore!
As I delved further into research for this theory I noticed something very peculiar about the Master Sword in ALttP that I have never noticed before.
The Master Sword changes forms when pulled from the pedestal.
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Now you might be thinking, Binkus, come on... the developers had to simplify the sword cuz originally it was like the size of the player. And yeah... true. BUT while looking into official art for the game I noticed that the sword is also depicted in two different ways from when it's resting in its pedestal VS Link wielding it. Take a look.
See how the sword is depicted in the pedestal in comparison to outside of it? Even the box art and the games title screen feature the two different versions of the sword.
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To my knowledge, there's no in-game explanation for this. It just happens.
(quick side note... I am once again floored by Jojo's attention to detail here! She took elements from various depictions of the Master Sword when designing her version of the sword that Legend finds. There's the shape and coloring of the modern depiction of the sword, the lack of a spike on the on the cross-guard and the different rain-guard on the ALttP version of the sword in the pedestal, plus the cloth/leather wrapping from the golden hilt version. Just amazing.)
Now, it's not unheard of for the Master Sword to take on different forms. It has slight variations in all the games it appears in, with the largest changes to its design happening in Skyward Sword, Wind Waker, and (of course) A Link to the Past.
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Ok... but why? Why change forms upon being pulled out of the pedestal? And specifically why change to look so beat up? Is this the swords true form? The sword in the art with the golden/orange hilt isn't looking it's best. Just look at the sword on the box art for the game, it's all dinged-up.
(This is probably why Legend tempers the Master Sword in the first place)
But you know, Legends Master Sword reminds me of another— the Master Sword from BotW. Specifically it's depiction in the final memory.
During that last battle, Wild is dying and the state of the sword reflects that. He wasn’t suddenly struck down with a surprise killing blow. He was struggling to even stand and was running only on adrenaline and determination to protect Zelda. The moment she accesses her powers and saves them he just collapses.
Zelda's dialogue in the game also implies there's a connection between sword and master.
“We pray for your protection, and we hope that… that the two of you will grow stronger together, as one.” — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
So it seems that if the sword's master dies, there's a negative impact on the Master Sword itself.
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Even though Wild was brought back through the Shrine of Resurrection, the Master Sword is definitely not in the best of shape and constantly breaks (and the BotW 2 trailers further support this with the sorry state of the sword in those previews)
Now, remember what happened to the swords previous master before Legend?
He died...
And the Master Sword's true state after being pulled from the pedestal in ALttP reflects this.
Legend inherited the burden of a suffering kingdom and a dilapidated sword mourning for its lost master.
"Thank you, Master Link. May we meet again in another life…" — Fi (Skyward Sword)
Time was only the swords second wielder— Fi finally got to meet her master again, however this time he was only a child. The spirit of the sword probably did what it thought was best by putting a young Time into a seven year sleep, but unfortunately we know that decision didn't turn out too well in any timeline...
One he's essentially erased from and Ganondorf returns, another he regains his lost time but dies full of regrets, and the last (which Legend is a part of) he dies fighting Ganon.
Maybe it would have actually been worse if the sword had never put him to sleep, but we'll never truly know...
Ok, so where can this take the story in regards to LU?
Well... there's two character's in particular that I've already mentioned that I believe could be impacted by both Legend and his version of the Master Sword; Wild and Time.
And perhaps part of the reason Legend has yet to mention the nature of his sword is just for story telling purposes. You know...for the ✨DRAMA✨
I've touched on Wild's complicated feelings towards the sword in a previous theory, and we know that he's currently struggling under crushing guilt at the moment.
Legend is probably not someone's first choice when seeking out comfort, but I believe Legend's unique experiences could help him understand what Wild is going through. Legend knows that Wild is not the only Hero to die. He knows what it's like to not be able to save everyone you care about. He knows what it's like to wield a battered sword. He knows what it's like trying to save a barren land. He knows that none of what happened was Wild's fault, and that the blame falls solely on Ganon.
I'd love to see these two have an interaction where they open up about their experiences.
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With Time, I ponder the possibility of his views on the Master Sword changing slightly. Or maybe just healing the spirit of Legend's sword. He would never willingly use the sword that Sky currently carries, but imagine a circumstance where he unknowingly takes up Legend's blade, and he wields the sword that has been mourning his death for centuries. This could be an interesting way for everyone to find out more about their weird timeline split. (plus Time finding out he died in one of them is delicious drama/angst)
Having said that however... Seeing how the Hero before Twi (AKA Time) left the sword in perfect condition in the woods where he grew up PLUS the fact that the Hero's Shade carries the Master Sword's scabbard when teaching the 5th Hidden Skill leads me to believe that Time's feelings towards the sword may soften up a bit.
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I'm leaning more towards the Legend & Wild interaction theory more so then the Time & Legend's Sword theory, BUT let me know your thoughts! I always love to hear them.
Also, if you like my long rambling then feel free to check out my other LU Theories!
Thanks again to everyone who read up to this point! You're the real Heroes! <3
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lanternkiwi · 1 year
what i personally think would happen if the bllk characters were in alice in borderland
cause i love bllk and aib season two just came out and i love aib!! i was gonna make this earlier like before 2022 ended but i didn’t have enough time.
possible bllk manga spoilers & aib spoilers! read at your discretion D:
isagi yoichi, chigiri hyouma, bachira meguru, & kunigami rensuke !! — excels in club & spade games. and they’re a little group! just like arisu, chota, kurabe, and shibuki &lt;;3 if you know what’s coming, sorry (i’m not)
isagi might not be physically strong but he has good endurance and is one of the more intelligent characters. actually, he might even pull off a low-mid difficulty diamond level game but he sticks to his strengths of clubs & spades. i feel like he’d lean closer to club games so he can work w others and form bonds w them if they all manage to survive! he’s trying his best and he really wanted to get back to the real world so he can tell his parents he’s okay, he thinks they’re worried sick about him and they are.
chigiri is just like isagi. he, isagi, kunigami, & bachira met in a club game and they made the fateful decision to team up! they’ve been together ever since. it was isagi’s first game- the others were still relatively new, but not a beginner like him. chigiri is still paranoid about his acl injury because the club & spade games are very physically demanding for him. but once he discovered how much he wanted to live, for his sister and his mother, he was able to overcome that mental block. i also think chigiri is able to pull off a low level diamond game if he’s lucky
bachira’s the one that keeps everyone’s spirits high! he’s agile and fast so spade games are right up his alley. he has no problem working w his three buddies so club games are also a personal preference of his. he likes to make light of every dark situation they might find themselves in; give them hope in hopeless times. the anchor of the group :( bachira once confessed he’s never negative and never gives up cause his mom would kick his ass if she found out he did. he wants to go back for her.
kunigami secretly finds spade games fun. they challenge him and he’s able to get stronger the more spade games he participates in. he also has no problem with the occasional diamond game either. he’s got a good head on him, why not use it? he, much like bachi, tries to keep the groups spirits up. but, unfortunately, kunigami got himself in a bit of a bind. he was a bit too selfless. he made the decision to sacrifice himself for isagi, chigiri, and bachira if it meant they could live. it was a hearts game. their visas were running out and they almost had no choice. isagi, chigiri, and bachira were the only survivors of their 13 person game.
who know what else this world has in store..
rin and sae itoshi — diamond and spade games galore!! these smart asses love a good diamond game and their physical strength shines in spade games.
despite the two of them never ever getting along, their new circumstance called, no, demanded for teamwork. they still had their arguments and disagreements, that’ll never change. but at least they cooperated during games. it was all they asked for each other.
sometimes they split to do other games alone and had a designated meetup spot. sae would try his hand at low level heart games and would be surprised to see how well he’d perform. rin attempted a club game on his own, he knew damn well working w his brother would be difficult but his visa was counting down the days.
he ended up meeting aryu and toki in this game and to his surprise, he didn’t completely hate it. and he didn’t die either, which was also nice. the three of them formed a nice alliance that rin could rely on, he asked them to stick around for a while until it was time to meet with sae again. they agreed.
sae, in one of his diamond games, met a trio of players named oliver, kazuma, & sendou. he found all three of them to be rather annoying, but when one of their friends kazuma died in the game, he felt … bad? sae hated the idea of working together, he had no idea who was going to betray him- even rin. but he figured some temporary company wouldn’t hurt anyone.
our little trio- isagi, chigiri, and bachira- had heard of a paradise called the beach during one of their games. chigiri talked to one player named aryu who might’ve accidentally let the name slip. he was immediately infatuated with chigiri because how in the world was his hair so shiny and smooth in a post apocalyptic world like this? a miracle. aryu had no problems answering chirigi’s questions, even the location of the beach was so easily given away.
chigiri had no idea how long aryu was a member of the beach, but his answers were good enough. now, after that game, all three of them had a least a week each to search for the beach. it was perfect. they were going to be safe! have a nice place to rest, maybe even a good meal! at least, that’s what bachira always said. isagi was still in a strange slump because of what happened with kunigami, but he was still focused on the task at hand.
finding the beach.
they found themselves outside of a resort, with spray paint over the name- BEACH. they found it. they were here! when suddenly- everything went dark.
isagi was the last to wake up between him and his friends. the three of them were tied to chairs and in a dining hall that was emptied out. there were people in the room with them as well.
the guy directly in front of them introduced himself as oliver aiku, but they were to call him hatter. to his left was sendou shuto and sae itoshi. turns out sae’s chosen company was good company after all. there was a tall player, styled hair and round frame glasses as well. another had black spiky hair with purple ends and a sly smile plastered on his face. in between them was a guy with white hair, an awkward green stripe of hair going down the center of his bangs. those three guys were armed. on the other side of the room, there was a duo. one with purple hair and one with white. these guys weren’t armed, for some reason. what they all had in common though, was their clothing. beach clothes. weird, on theme, but weird.
isagi, chigiri, and bachira were allowed to join the beach as official members! they had to wear beach attire, oliver says it’s harder to hide weapons that way.
isagi was approached by the duo from the room. they introduced themselves as reo mikage and nagi seishiro. reo explained the hierarchy of the beach. he and nagi were oliver’s executives, along with sendou and sae. sae had taken kazuma’s spot after his death in the diamond game. but the beach was split. oliver’s half- and karasu’s half. the mercenaries were allowed to have weapons on the beach, and they were the ones most likely to participate in games. karasu’s executives were yukimiya kenyu, tokimitsu toolazytolookuphisfirstname, otoya eita, and rin itoshi.
aryu and toki took rin back to the beach after their game and karasu was impressed by rin’s talents. he knew right then and there he would be an excellent executive.
modified the beach’s hierarchy a little to suit the story idc IM IN CONTROL HERE
unfortunately, as i’m in control, i need to kill some people off. our group is a tad bit too big to send into the final stages so i’ll try to keep their deaths canon to their aib counterparts (save for bachi- he has the power of my personal bias)
also if it’s not totally clear yet, the bllk’s counterparts to aib are
isagi = arisu, chigiri = usagi, reo = chishiya, nagi = kuina, bachira = chota (he’s supposed to be dead but again, power of my personal bias), kunigami = kurabe, oliver = hatter/takeru, karasu = aguni (random asf i know 💀 ran outta players), yukimiya = kuzuryu (but the king of diamonds will be someone else wink wink), sae n rin = ann- miss me w that “two people can’t be one person” THIS IS MY AU. I AM THE GOD HERE. i guess that makes toki that tattoo guy and aryu niragi huh 😭😭😭 promise aryu won’t commit any atrocities like niragi did. also don’t worry about mira. just don’t. trust me. i got a plan for her.
reo, nagi, sae, rin, isagi, chigiri, and bachira all survived the massacre at the beach. the ten of heart games had brought them closer together and they formed an unlikely alliance.
and finally, they had all the playing cards in the deck. now the face cards were surfacing.
reo, sae, and rin were separated from the group when they were ambushed by the king of spades! sae and rin ended up together, as a duo once again, while reo was off on his own.
so that just leaves isagi, chigiri, bachira, and nagi to fend for themselves. nagi is worried about reo, he’s never really been apart from him. but he knows reo’s smart so he has faith.
they try their hand at a king of club game where they reconnect with aryu to their surprise. they thought he had died in the fire at the beach! they were worried cause they were one player short to play the game but with aryu, they could participate.
this is where they met the king of clubs, michael kaiser. he had a team of four behind him as well- alexis ness, annndd think of two other players from bastard cause i’m too lazy to look up their names 💀 but you get the gist.
also yea i was thinking about making kaiser the king of spades but again… i got plans. wink.
michael and isagi were rivals in this game, it was no secret. and michael’s game was tough. an obstacle course that required both incredible physique and teamwork. michael might as well have been a heart as well because his shit talking nearly drove a wedge between isagi’s group. ness’ taunts and condescending words affected chigiri and nagi. they were able to pull themselves together at the last moment, and claim their victory.
michael and his group were killed by their group, but not before he explained that every face card game was a battle to the death. they might have won, but the couldn’t have done it without bachira’s sacrifice (sorry my personal bias is now in a committed relationship with reo) isagi was crushed. he had known bachira the longest, but his death was not in vain. isagi and chigiri stayed together after the game while nagi went to search for reo, and maybe even sae and rin if he got lucky. and aryu decided to separate from the group as well. just pretend like i have a good reason as to why he left.
reo, sae, and rin met up in an unlikely place. the king of diamonds. the man didn’t look like he’d be able to put up much of a fight. but he was lanky, tall, and had a bowl cut. he also had that creepy look in his eyes that freaked reo out lowkey.
his name was ego jinpachi.
his puzzles and riddles had the three of them stumped at times. the questioned seemed simple, they were “who is most likely to” and they had a hypothetical scenario with three different answer options. they were all sat in front of older screens with messed up font, it was hard to understand at first but they got the hang of it. and of course, those who answered wrong would die. at first, they provided tons of background information to help them answer the question. but as the game went on, the stories got shorter and shorter. but at least one of them had to know the answer.
they doted off of each other to answer the riddles and solve the puzzles. then at the last moment, ego had asked them “who is most likely to die” and presented them with four options instead. and, they weren’t allowed to talk at all.
option one- A liTTle girL WitH a BaD hEarT and NO DoNor
option two- a GuY wAlkInG oNto inComIng trAFFic
option three- tHe SMoKER wItH stAgE FOUR lUng CanCer
option four- thE GOod Jumper wIthiN his PAraCHute stIngs
reo, sae, and rin were the only three left alive, the other two players had died. it was just them and the game master, ego jinpachi.
the other three answers were obvious. but a jumper within his parachute strings? was he tangled in his parachute and that’s why he was going to die? or-
no. it wasn’t that. reo saw it. right there in the answer. the fourth option, the capital letters spelt out the game masters name.
reo had his answer. he then had to wait for sae and rin to hopefully notice the same things he did.
and he was right (personal bias sorry i couldn’t bring myself to kill the toshi bros). all three of them had survived that last game, killing the king of diamonds.
players that were still left were able to defeat the other games and meanwhile, isagi and chigiri joined the queen of spades game, defeating her as well
sorry to speed through the queen of spades cause i loved her game but dawg there aren’t enough girls in bllk to give them a queen okay 😭 unless i make like idk julian loki the queen of spades LMFAOOO
moving onto the final arcss. the way this was just supposed to be a fun little rant and then turned into a whole ass au. god. it’s also so obvious when i decided to start turning it into an au 😭
the king of spades are going on killing people without mercy. isagi and co had reunited and they were ready to try to defeat the king. after someone had crashed their car into him, and he had gotten out without a scratch, isagi and co knew they needed a good ass plan and a lot of strength to beat him. before they could come up with a real plan tho, the king of spades removed his hood and mask. and he was—
kunigami?! 😱 (act surprised)
isagi couldn’t believe it. he thought kunigami had died a long time ago… but here he was. standing in front of him with a neighborhood body count the bad kind, an assault rifle, and a dream with the intent on killing him.
well, canon to episode seven, kunigami packed everyone else up except isagi 😭🙏 nagi? shot trying to protect reo (to bllk’s canon it would be the opposite but i refuse to critically injure reo so bite the bullet nagi! literally) chigiri? stabbed multiple times. reo? beaten up while trying to avenge nagi (he was not shot or stabbed, again i refuse to hurt my boy) sae and rin? shot and shot (and probably shot again) it was brutal. unfair, even.
kunigami then tracks down isagi who was busy building a bomb in a nearby connivence store (oh these aren’t homemade they were made in a factory… a bomb factory. they’re bombs!) and the two are forced to have a heartbreaking confrontation :(( isagi wonders why kunigami was doing this, how he could easily kill so many people. kunigami was met with a cruel world after his “death” they had saved him and made him a citizen because his abilities were spectacular. unlike anything they had seen before. isagi was heartbroken, distraught, and angry. kunigami was one of the first friends he had made here, and now he was his worst enemy…
anyways kunigami blows the fuck up, with the help of best boy reo of course.
isagi goes to check on the rest of his buddies and finds chigiri is the only one left that can really move around. if isagi was smart he’d just leave chigiri w reo but hey! arisu took usagi so isagi is taking chigiri. rin and sae are beside each other, and reo chooses to stay with nagi.
chigiri and isagi move onto the final game. the queen of hearts.
she was beautiful. short red hair and a well put together business look. she had a tablet in her hands and puts it down when she greets the only two players there with a smile.
she’s the final game.
and her name is anri teieri.
anri would never hurt these boys in bllk’s canon but again this is my au and what i say goes
y’all know how the queen of hearts game goes shits too elaborate to type out here just go watch episode eight 💀💀
meanwhile, reo is tending to everyone else’s wounds, trying to keep them all alive. especially nagi. rin and sae were having their little ann & kuina heart to heart while reo was focused on nagi.
it’s a shame that they were only able to get along in death. sae couldn’t begin to express how sorry he was that he allowed their relationship to end like this. rin returned the same sentiment. they were both hurt and continued hurting each other to make themselves feel better, or to at least forget the pain. overcoming the other meant overcoming their own personal pain.
“when we meet in the real world… let’s be brothers again…”
sae’s last words— as his wounds were more fatal than rin’s. he was losing blood at a much faster rate than rin was. it was the first time reo had ever seen rin cry. no matter what the games had put him through, no matter what injury he might’ve gotten, rin never faltered. never cried. never showed any weakness like that. until now, as he watched his brother die before his tear filled eyes.
tw for overdose for chigiri’s explanation!!
after the defeat of girl queen pussy boss anri, isagi and chigiri chose to go back to the real world!! they survived the borderlands. they got another chance to live. reo and nagi went back as well. rin was the last to say his decision, but he accepted to go back to the real world, grabbing his brothers hand before saying it.
rin woke up in the hospital, where his sleep deprived and saddened mother was sitting beside him. she rejoiced at his awakening. apparently, sae and rin had gotten into a car crash after practice. sae was in surgery and it wasn’t looking good for him at first but by some miracle, he was going to be okay. dad-toshi was waiting for his surgery to be over while mom-toshi stayed with rin.
down the hall, chigiri was being embraced by his sobbing mother and bawling sister. chigiri almost overdosed on medications for his knee because of the pain during practice.
in the room across from his, isagi was hugging his mother. he had devoted himself to soccer so much that he neglected his own health. it caused him to pass out during practice but because he had ignored his bodies needs for while, it raised even more issues.
but that wasn’t the important part, the important part was the boarderlands were over. they could finally rest.
this… this was supposed to be short 🧍‍♀️well, shorter than this at least, it was only supposed to be like oooooo which bllk characters would be good at which games ooooo but then it turned into a whole ass au 😭😭😭 if you made it this far congrats. if your fave died along the way sorry 💀
didn’t know how to kill off the players in the borderlands in their real world so i just skipped it 🧍‍♀️ uhh idk bachi was possessed by his monster and had a failed exorcism and kunigami dropped weights on himself mid workout /j
also don’t ask about barou. i was in the middle of writing out kunigami’s reveal as the king of spades and then suddenly remembered him. barou could’ve had another i’m wasnt the king moment but i wasn’t in the mood to rewrite the majority of it already and i thought kunigami being the king of spade would kinda be like what happened with him and the wild card program. i couldve made barou take aryu’s place as “niragi” and also made him aguni at the same time but again too lazy to go back and change it in case i missed a detail and it’s just confusing. but if i did automatically include barou he would’ve been a mercenary and been the niragi/aguni of the group without any like… major atrocities.
and finally kira died in his first game, end of story <3
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mrultra100 · 1 year
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Even with how I doubt myself, along with all of the other Pokemon that I love and can’t put into a team, this is now my own personal team of 6, all based on not only my tastes, but also things like personal experience, aesthetics that I like, some special quirk to them like a certain Ability or move, that sorta jazz.
Hisuian Samurott- It was very hard for me to decide my favorite starter. Skeledirge, Venussur, Incineroar, and Swampert were all good contenders. But, at the end of the day, the spiky-shelled otter samurai managed to win out. Part of why I loved Legends: Arceus was how it went about with the new regional forms being a good majority of new Pokémon, and that rings true for the first starter-based regional forms in the series. While I considered regular Samurott to be a alright Pokemon, it doesn’t have enough of the same charm for it to be on the same rank as favorites like the aforementioned Venusaur and Skeledirge. The Hisuian variant completely flips the script on that, by turning Samurott into a much more spikier, samurai-focused, Water/Dark bruiser. The design and pattern of its shell, along with its mustache, have made this Pokemon a lot better. If we get more Legends games with regional final evos like this, I’ll be all for it.
Pincurchin- Of course, my favorite Pokémon just HAD to be here, and I’m not complaining about a single bit of it. Pincurchin is a banger in of itself. Yes, it does look weak, but this is my team, I make the rules here. If you do it right, a Pincurchin is able to be a pint-powerhouse in its own right. I’ve had this Pokémon for both my Shield and Scarlet teams, so I know what I’m talking about. Also, it’s cute as a button. Gotta give it extra “points” for that. (Yes, I couldn’t resist making a stupid sea urchin pun, I’m not sorry)
Tyrantrum- As dinosaur-crazy as I am, Tyrantrum was actually what got me into being really into T. Rex. Long before the days of the lipped, sparely feathered, chonky swimmers that we know and love, the world’s most famous dinosaur just didn’t appeal to me as much as it does today. Who would’ve thought Pokémon would come and help with that? Not only is Rock/Dragon a cool type combination, nor does it have a banger ability (Strong Jaw), I actually had a Level 100 Tyrantrum during the X and Y days. I wish I actually brought him over to future games, as he was sadly lost to history, but he basically was my main man.
Yanmega- I have to give kudos to Legends Arceus again for making me appreciate another Pokemon that I didn’t thought up at first. Not only does Yanmega tap into my liking of bugs very well (A title rivaled by Vikavolt, Lokix, and a few other Pokémon), it certainly has that kaiju feel to it. The one that I used in Legends was named Megagarius. That name alone should be pretty obvious to anyone who knows even a LICK of Godzilla.
Mimikyu- Long before Pincurchin came onto the scene, I considered Mimikyu to be my favorite Pokémon. Since I’m a sucker for some good ol’ gothic horror, how can I even say no to the little guy? Fun typing, equally fun ability, and even more delightfully creepy backstory aside, this has to be one of the cutest of all Pocket Monsters out there. I’m so happy that everyone has decided to show the little guy with love. He rightfully deserved it, dammit!
Glimmora- I am so, SO sorry to Clodsire and Revavroom, but the funny crystal flowersponge has them both beat. Not only does it have a fun and interesting type, along with a absolutely bonkers ability that makes it a threat to face as the first Pokémon, but Glimmora’s design might actually be one of the best in the franchise in a long time, even with many others rivaling it. I’m not gonna go into full detail about its inspirations here, as I’ve got a full-on post planned for it in the future, but as a quick taste for now; Think of this Pokémon (and its pre-evolution) as a three way between a nightshade flower, a hunk of copper sulfate, and a deep-sea sponge.
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Given how Tumblr doesn’t let you add in more than 10 pictures for some stupid reason, I can only afford to add in 4 additional ‘Mons that got close to being in the team. While the sheer agony of 6 slots makes it hard to come up with a team that you’d be cool to spend a lifetime with, made even more harder that there are now more than 1000 of these things now, I find it interesting to stay true to yourself when making a Pokémon team. Who knows? If you’ve struggled come up with a perfect team like me, you just need to list down which interests and aesthetics suit you the best. Maybe then, you could find the team that screams “You” the most.
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puff-mmd · 1 year
i was thinking, what if the demon used to have a physical form, but lost it due to a bad deal with a human a very long time before he meets the inventor?
after a long time, he's able to visit the human world again and wow it looks much different.
he comes across the inventor (who i was imagining as a woman, she has white hair that she's dyed orange at the tips, and pale skin with freckles all over - she's pretty, but has a kind of rugged feel to her)
and he's intrigued by her work. the prosthetics in her shop are skillfully crafted, and he can't help but reach out for them, even though he cannot touch them. when his eyes finally land on the inventor, he's startled (didn't see her hidden among the piles and stacks and various shelves and drawers)
he's leaning over her, studying her sleeping face against the desk, when her eyes crack open, bleary from the bright lamp in he dark room.
she first thinks the demon is a shadow, a trick of the light, but as her eyes focus on the doorway, she can clearly see a figure.
he emerges slowly, letting the light shine on and through his barely there presence.
"what... who are you...?"
i don't have any names yet woops
anyways, i feel like they might end up bonding over the feeling of being tossed aside for other things. the demon was forced to give up his physical form because of one mistake, while the inventor, who worked under a legendary prosthetic designer and ended up taking over his shop after he died, feels like she is unable to uphold his legacy (despite the fact that her work is still more high quality than most of the cheap designers around, people go for what costs less even if they pay for it later when it wears out much faster).
eventually, after they have opened up about their pasts to each other, the inventor offers to make a whole body for him to inhabit. after all, he's a demon and can possess things (which they test out with a single limb, and she can't help but laugh over his attempts to move as a stand-alone leg)
i saw a scene where he is winding around her, able to kin of coil around her almost as she is designing a part for the body, and the feeling of his presences (it looks like a solid figure, but when light shines on him you can see through him, and he's more particley and without any definition, only a transparent blackness. his eyes are the only faint color that can be seen)
and she kind of shivers, because he feels almost tickly against her.
...........sorry yeah it turned into kind of romantic, idk
there was another scene of them after she has finished, and she is holding his face close to check him (see if the material she used for the face can emote well enough)
it's a bit stiff, as in he can make slight emotions, but it's better than nothing.
she notices though, he seems to be overheating...
so she tells him to leave the body, there must be something she miscalculated or wired wrong - there's no reason for his face to be so warm.
"that's strange, everything seems to be working just fine without you in it..."
'oh,' he wonders, 'i have no idea why...'
(it's because she was too close to him and he was feeling flustered, actually being able to feel her hands on his cheeks)
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spypiner · 2 years
Henry gpass fabric
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Henry Glass Fabrics are high quality, quilt shop quality fabrics. It's just that I got really, well, I guess we're even.Henry Glass is one of our favorite fabric manufacturers! They have a host of famous designers, and add more every year! Some of the more well known designers and designers we carry include Kim Diehl, Jan Mott, Stacy West of Buttermilk Basin, Shelly Comisky of of Simply Shelly Designs, Leanne Anderson and her daughter Kaytlyn Kuebler, Janet Rae Nesbitt, Jane Shasky and many more! JACK: Well, thanks for helping me explain the origins of glass and sorry about throwing that water on you before. Nowadays we have all sorts of glass for all sorts of purposes, and it's opened up windows, so to speak, into a whole world of inventions and discoveries. He was the first to find a way of making glass perfectly flat. Well, most of that is thanks to this guy Henry Bessemer. Ah, not bad hey.Īnd in the 17th century we got telescopes.Īs for the big sheets of glass that are used in buildings pretty much everywhere. Then in the 16th century in Venice we got our first look at ourselves thanks to mirrors. Oh, I can see everything so much more clearly now. In the 13th century in Northern Italy the first glasses to enhance eye sight came about. Yeah, I love it, love what you've done.Īs the years went on glass became more and more popular. Oh, I'm just kidding, no, no it looks great. What have you done? All the glass is stained. By the 1100s many European cathedrals were being decorated with stained glass windows, coloured with powdered metals mixed into the molten glass. Instead, you might just have a hole in your wall with an animal hide curtain or a window made out of paper, fancy. Yep, there was a time when people didn't have glass windows. JACK: Manny, Manny, can you see me? I can see you. Glass blowing was later taken by the Romans who used it, along with a sort of pressing technique, to create the first glass windows. And around the first century BC the Syrians came up with the technique of glass blowing, which truly changed the game. Over the next few hundred or so years glass making became popular across the Mediterranean, Europe and into parts of Asia. Ha.Ībout 1000 years later the Ancient Egyptians also began creating things out of glass, in particular they were quite fond of making glass beads. But instead, no, I was making this, a cup for my drink. JACK: Yeah, so, all I did was mix silica sand, lime, and soda. And some historians reckon it might have happened by accident. But the first human efforts to make glass, that we know of anyway, happened around 2500 BC, in the ancient region known as Mesopotamia. Including Australia's First Nations peoples who used it as cutting tools, as tips for spears and for ceremonial purposes. And from what experts can tell humans have been using these types of glass for hundreds of thousands of years. There are a few other types of naturally occurring glass, like fulgurite which occurs when sand is hit by lightning and tektite which is the result of a meteorite impact. The other is typically, but not always, sand. What do you think?Īs the volcano would suggest, one of the main ingredients in making glass is heat. It appears to have been formed when the molten rock from this volcano cooled rapidly resulting in this sort of blackish/greenish thing. This is obsidian, it's a type of natural glass. While we clean up, let's take a look at the long, long history of glass and I do mean long. Bluebird of Happiness 2719-95 Mixed Media Dark Gray by Janet Rae Nesbitt for Henry Glass Fabrics. Oh gosh sorry, you're just so terrifying sometimes. Bluebird of Happiness 2715-95 Alphabet Dark Gray by Janet Rae Nesbitt for Henry Glass Fabrics. But have you ever wondered where does glass comes from? Why can I see through it? Is it just hot sand? And why can't I throw stones in glass houses? Well, I've asked a very dear friend of mine to help explain. JACK, REPORTER: When it comes to drinking vessels, for me, nothing beats a glass.
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mirclealignr · 2 years
once upon a dream | c.c
cho chang x reader
requested by anon — cedric wants the reader’s help asking out Cho, but the reader is crushing on her too.
warnings; some angst, mentions of food.
word count; 1300+
to be notified when i post, fill in my tag list form or follow @mirclesjournal
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In the late morning of a bright Sunday afternoon, Cedric Diggory approached your breakfast table, unaware he was about to disturb the peaceful reverie you were held in. His easy smile and light footsteps were tactical and only pleasing to the right person—someone who was not in his way. A stab to the egg on your plate left his smile faltering as you stared him in the eye, a plain look upon your face that was unmistakably hostile. Yet he was not deterred.
“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?” He asked with a grin, sitting down at your table and picking up an apple.
“What do you want?” You dismissed his childish comment, preferring to get straight to the point.
“Well,” he took a bite, “You’re best friends with Cho,” he stated, a simple fact.
To someone like Cedric, Cho’s friendship with you was unfathomable. In a world designed by Cedric, Cho and the likes of him were north of the river, while the rest of you were south, and the bridge between was broken with little chance of repair. But the world was as it was, and it seemed that it served Cedric quite this way, for through you he had an advantage.
“I’m gonna ask her out today, got any advice on where I should take her?” He smirked.
It was as if he knew that by asking that very question he was torturing you, knotting up your insides tighter and tighter until you couldn’t bare the feeling of being conscious. The well kept secret of your heart was so easily aggravated.
But how could he know? Could he see on your face what was reflected on his own?
“I don’t know,” you lied—you’d thought about the idea a million times over in your head, but in Cedric’s place was you.
“Don’t be like that,” he laughed, “I could use a little help.”
“It’s not as if we’re waiting around to be asked out, it’s not something we talk about that often,” you snapped, though it wasn’t a word of a lie—you rarely talked about going on dates, perhaps she saved that for her other friends.
“Well surely you know where she likes to go?” He furrowed his brows.
“Maybe I do. But if you like Cho that much, so should you!” You scoffed, standing up from the table, ready to leave your unfinished breakfast.
“Where are you going?” Cedric asked, unused to to the participants in his unwanted conversations having limited time for him.
“I have things to do today, Diggory. Work it out for yourself,” you raised your voice back to him as you walked further away.
Your cheeks felt hot, your body flushed as you walked further into privacy where it was acceptable for your feelings to come out of hiding. You were supposed to spend the day with Cho, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at her smile and wonder if it was because of Cedric Diggory.
What might she look like when he asked her? Perhaps the sun would beat down on her pitch black her, the darkness and the light harmonising over her. Maybe she’d blush and smile coyly at her asker, her admirer, her smile inviting them in, almost close enough to do what they’d been dreaming of.
Cedric Diggory always got what he wanted, and it had always bothered you. But nothing so much as this, because this time your wants collided—they were the same. If history was to be used as evidence, your chances were slim against someone who always came out on top.
“Y/N?” You heard a voice call for you, almost questioning if it was really you they were seeing, “Thank Merlin, I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Cho laughed.
“Sorry,” you said flatly.
“It’s fine,” she sighed peacefully, sitting beside you under the shade the large and old oak tree provided on the Spring afternoon, “Just glad I found you.”
Guilt. It was all so finicky, so hard to adjust. She couldn’t have been more perfect, and here you were envious of someone else’s potential happiness, wishing they didn’t get what they wanted, when all the while there was the possibility that Cho’s happiness depended on it too. She was never anything but the best to you, so understanding, so empathetic.
“You’ll never guess what happened, though!” She practically squealed from excitement.
Yes you could. “What?” You asked anyway, trying to force the forged smile on your face to keep.
“Cedric Diggory asked me out on a date!” She laughed.
Swallowing your guilt-ridden sobs, you laughed with her, almost choking on the bitter aftertaste they left behind. “I’m happy for you,” you said, as genuinely as you could; you meant it, but you couldn’t feel it yet.
“Why? You think I said yes to him?” She asked with an air of disgust, but composed herself, “I’m sure he’ll make someone very happy, but not me.”
“R-really?” Your voice broke as you asked the small question, as the simple word escaped your lips, and for the first time Cho really looked at you.
“What’s wrong?!” She asked quickly, throwing an arm over your shoulders.
You shook her off abruptly, hating for her to touch you in such a friendly manner. “It’s nothing.”
“No it’s not, tell me wh-”
“Please don’t make me, it’ll ruin everything, if I haven’t been doing that enough on my own,” you looked downcast.
“You’re not ruining anything, what’s going on?” She asked again, quite worried this time.
You fought with your heart, your feelings desperate to be unleashed and liberated after so many months held captive. Every outcome was playing in your head as Cho’s features twisted into an expression of genuine fear.
“Cho I- I know Cedric asked you out, or that he was going to. He asked me to help this morning, but I wouldn’t.”
“Is that what you’re upset about?” She questioned you without waiting for an answer, “Sweetheart, that’s nothing to be upset about, I don’t like him anyway!”
You stood up, looking down at her. Small fragments of sun were glittering over her face and hair, the warm weather had painted her cheeks slightly rosy. She looked like a fairy from a fantasy novel, and you imagined her with wings and flowers in her hair, looking just as ethereal as she did now.
She was never anything but the best to you, so understanding, so empathetic.
You took a deep breath, “It’s not that I wouldn’t help, it’s why I wouldn’t help,” you explained, watching her become more confused as her smile faded, “I didn’t want to help because I wanted to ask you out. I have done for months now, but I’ve been too scared,” you revealed.
It felt like you were falling from the sky awaiting an inevitable crash landing while you watched Cho’s features change again, but into unrecognisable emotions. So, as you closed your eyes, listening to the birds chirp above you, the students squealing nearby, the rustle of leaves on their branches, you steadied your breathing and calmed your heart.
“It’s alright,” she whispered softly, but it sounded closer to you than you might have expected, “Open your eyes,” she instructed.
She was right in front of you, a small yet pained smile adorning her lips. She wrapped her arms around you and buried her face into the crook of your neck, but your arms remained at your sides. It didn’t seem to bother Cho; when she pulled away, she brought your face to her lips gently and kissed your cheek.
“What’s happening?” You asked in a whisper, still too surprised to move or reciprocate.
“I suppose something we’ve both wanted,” she giggled, inching closer to your lips.
She tasted sweet, just as you imagined she would. Her lips were soft, like you knew they would be. But never had you thought your predictions would be validated. It was a dream.
No, it was real.
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chloe-the-ice-queen · 3 years
This Doesn’t Mean We’re Friends - Ch. 2
Hey guys! Another chapter done and posted, I hope y’all enjoy it!! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, I probably won’t cap it unless I really need to :)
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Marinette and Chloe rode in the Bourgeois limo from Marinette's bakery to the Grand Paris. Chloe filled her in on what to expect and what to do. "I'll be with you most of the time, so I can tell you who to steer clear of, and who you should try to talk to. I'll try to introduce you to a few people I know would be interested in your designs. You made that dress, right?"
"Yeah, designed and created it from scratch." Chloe eyed Marinette's dress appreciatively. It was tastefully made, the dark blue complementing the girl's dark hair and bluebell eyes. The top was halter-style, with a high neckline and no sleeves. It fit Marinette's form, with rhinestones glittering on her torso. The bottom half of her dress was long and elegant, falling loosely to the floor, the front hem higher than the back, showing off Marinette's silver heels. It wasn't half bad. 
It was actually quite impressive, as most of Marinette's designs were. She had upgraded from her normal pink capris and grey cardigan outfit after Lila had come back to school, transitioning to a more stylish, modern look. But this dress was nothing less than gorgeous on the small girl, but wasn't overly classy and overdone like some dresses she was sure to see throughout the night. It looked nice, but it didn't look like she was showing off, which Chloe could appreciate.
Chloe herself wore a sleek, sleeveless yellow dress that highlighted her fair skin and bright blue eyes. Chloe's hair flowed freely around her shoulders, curled and styled, while Marinette had hers up in an elegant bun, with loose curls framing her face. Together, the two girls contrasted each other, but the stark differences went well together. 
As they pulled up to the front of the hotel, paparazzi and reporters swarmed the red carpet, bombarding the famous partygoers.
"They shouldn't be too interested in us, but just ignore them." Chloe advised Marinette, before opening her door and sliding out of the car. Marinette slipped out behind her, adjusting to the flashing of cameras and the buzz of conversation. She shut the door behind her, and joined Chloe in walking up the front steps.
Just going to the event was sure to bring her some recognition, especially accompanied by Chloe, but she wasn't too worried about being bombarded by paparazzi. Only a few reporters bothered them, and as instructed, Marinette tuned them out.
Once they entered the ballroom, the chatter became more of a dull roar. Chloe greeted a few people mingling just inside the doorway, before they were accosted by a very familiar voice. Adrien, who was dragging a disgruntled Lila along behind him. "Hey guys! It's nice to see you here!" Adrien enthused. 
"I'm sure." Chloe said, unamused. "Now if you don't mind, we need to-"
"I thought that you could introduce us to some of your friends here, Chloe. That way Lila can make some new friends-" Adrien interrupted. Lila suddenly looked interested in their conversation. 
"Well, since we know how many connections Lila has, I'm sure she doesn't need me to introduce her to anyone." Said Chloe. 
"Don't be like that Chl-"
"Chloe!!" Someone near them half shouted, turning the heads of people around them. A boy around their age was walking over to them, waving. "I wasn't sure if you'd come or not. It's been a while." 
"Henri!" Chloe said, looking entirely amused. "I haven't spoken to you since that party in London."
"I doubt either of us will ever be invited to that again." Henri said, making Chloe laugh. Now that he was closer, Marinette studied him. He was very handsome, objectively, of course. The kind of easy beauty that makes you want to laugh or cry. He had dark brown curls, and kind brown eyes that sparkled with amusement. When he glanced at her, she felt her face flush a little. Chloe and the stranger, Henri, traded stories and jokes for a minute, while the other three observed. Adrien seemed to recognize the newcomer, and Lila was waiting for her chance to jump into the conversation.
"Now," his voice was quieter, teasing, but making sure the other three heard him as well. "You should introduce me to your very pretty friend here. I don't believe I've seen her at any of your events before." He smirked at Chloe, who rolled her eyes. 
"This is-"
"Lila, nice to meet you." The green eyed girl said, sticking out her hand, which he ignored, looking at her with annoyance and slight disbelief, if Marinette had to guess.
Chloe seemed taken aback, "This is Marinette, an amazing up-and-coming designer who my mother and Gabriel Agreste have both scouted for their brands." She turned to Marinette, "This is my friend Henri, his parents are both models and his mother is a designer my mother has collaborated with. I'm sure the two of you have quite a lot in common, so why don't we go find a table to chat?"
"Why don't we come with you? You know that I happen to be friends with quite a few designers and models myself, I might be able to give some input." Lila said, while Adrien, who had been looking angry at Chloe, perked up. 
He and his date began to follow the trio, when Chloe said, "Sorry, you two, but my mom reserved a table just for three. And I'm sure Lila can get you guys seats next to someone much more important anyways." She grabbed Marinette and pulled her along with her to a table near the front, Henri following behind them.
"Adrien's gotten worse since last time." The boy remarked as they sat down.
Marinette looked at him disapprovingly, when Chloe responded, "I agree. I thought it was just because of his dad, but his social skills have somehow become even worse since he started going to school."
Marinette looked surprised. Probably because she felt surprised. Didn't Chloe like Adrien? Wasn't he her best friend? Maybe they had a falling out, or maybe Chloe had stopped liking Adrien for the same reason Marinette had. Whatever the case, they could all agree on one thing. 
"That girl is nasty." Henri said. "Do you know her?"
Marinette and Chloe looked at each other. "Unfortunately," Chloe supplied. "She's in our class."
"Ah, my apologies. Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Marinette. If you're as good as Chloe said, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around more."
Marinette smiled as Chloe said, "She is quite talented. She made the dress she's wearing."
The bluenette looked at her shoes under the table. "Ah, an excellent designer then. I'll be sure to mention you to my parents when I get the chance. In the meantime, though, Chloe, I need to be going. I need to talk to a few people before I head out, it was good to see you again." 
The three stood, and Henri turned and hugged Chloe, and then turned to Marinette. She smiled. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Henri."
"The pleasure is mine, I'm sure." Henri said, and took Marinette's hand, kissing the back of her knuckles lightly, his eyes teasing. Marinette laughed, blushing slightly. 
The trio separated, Chloe pulling Marinette off to meet other people.
Through the entire interaction, two pairs of green eyes watched the small group from across the room. One filled with jealousy, one with annoyance and maybe a little sadness too.
Throughout the night, Chloe introduced Marinette to dozens of people. A few designers, models, artists, business moguls, celebrities, you name it. In return, Marinette stayed with Chloe and endured tedious conversations she had to engage in for her parents' sake. Chloe would never admit it, but having the baker girl there was nice, it made the evening slightly less unbearable. 
For the bluenette, it was great exposure into the fashion world. She got to meet several of her idols and make connections with influential people. People started to hear about her designs, many of them admired the dress she wore that showcased her budding talent.
Style Queen herself was thrilled to see her there. Chloe had let her mother know who she was bringing once Marinette was invited, of course, but Audrey was still happy to see her favorite young designer.
At the end of the evening, Marinette and Chloe rode back to the Dupain-Cheng bakery together. When the limo pulled to a stop, Marinette started to get out, then paused. "Thank you so much for everything Chloe. I know you don't like me much, but tonight was so much fun and I'm so grateful that you introduced me to so many people. And thank you for inviting me to come with you, even if it was just to tick off Lila." Marinette gushed, honestly honored by Chloe's thoughtfulness, even if it was caused by spite.
"Yeah whatever, you're welcome Dupain-Cheng, this doesn't mean we're friends, okay?" Chloe grumbled.
Marinette smiled. "Good night, Chloe." She closed the door before Chloe could respond, and walked into the bakery. 
When Marinette went to bed that night, she went to sleep with a happy buzz in her chest, Tikki nestled beside her on the pillow. 
Alrighty then, I guess that’s Chapter 2 done! I hope y’all liked it!! And that should also be the end of these super short chapters, the next one will definitely be a lot longer, and will hopefully be posted sometime tomorrow?? I love you guys, thanks for all your support!
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Harley’s Plea for Help: Chapter 2
Chapter 1
“How long do you think it’s gonna take before she decides to sneak out?” Nightwing asked over his comms, lazily leaning against the balcony railing in front of him with his head resting on one hand.
“Dude, I started sneaking out almost twenty minutes ago,” a girl’s voice made Nightwing squeak and turn around, to reveal a teenage girl leaning against the door that led to the balcony he was on. “I didn’t want to draw attention to myself by doing unnecessarily showy gymnastics down from my hotel room’s balcony, no matter how much fun that would be, so I just snuck out one of the hotel’s back exits. Then I looked up to admire the moon and saw you here, staking out what is clearly my suite, and decided to come pay you a visit.”
“How long have you been there? And how did you even get behind me? I hope you didn’t break and enter, that’s an actual lived-in apartment behind us right now,” Nightwing asked, turning around to analyze the daughter of Harley Quinn for the first time in person.
She looked just like in her pictures, of course. Jet black hair like her father’s, except it seemed to have a bluish shine in the light. And her eyes were definitely Harley’s— thank goodness for that —vibrant blue and clearly analyzing him with the same amount of intensity as his did her. He had to bite back a chuckle. In a turn of complete irony, she really did look like a Wayne kid. Fit all of Bruce’s usual criteria to be adopted. But she was tiny, even smaller than Harley’s lithe form. He, Bruce, and Tim were of the hypothesis that the exposure both her parents had to Ace Chemical’s vats of acid likely had an effect on her DNA that stunted her growth. Perhaps there were other effects that they wouldn’t be able to figure out until they got to know her better, too, though it was clear that her skin was a likely one. It wasn’t unnaturally pale like her parent’s after their acid dips but it was paler than normal for sure, just a shade or two shy of being paper white.
And he could see, now, what Harley meant when she referred to Marinette as a powerhouse. It wasn’t very noticeable in pictures, but up close Dick could see the carefully honed muscle of an acrobat curling over her otherwise slim build. Combined with the knowledge that Marinette had been taught at least some serious self defense from a young age, he could see how such a tiny package could be a remarkable threat when necessary.
Marinette grimaced as the other Batfam, who were all nearby staking out her room from different angles, dropped onto the large balcony with them.
“Uh, well. I didn’t break and enter, I rather not get off to a criminal-ly start on my first night in Gotham, you know? But I realized that even though I was able to figure out the exact room you were staking me out from, I realized as soon as I got into the first floor of the building that I had no idea how to actually get to you. So I just climbed the stairs all the way to the roof and scaled my way down to this balcony, and pretended I’ve been here for a while when really I was barely able to hear you ask when I was gonna sneak out. I’m still out of breath, actually,” she put a hand on her chest and sure enough her breathing was still slightly fast. But not enough to be worrying or even all that noticeable. Yet another piece of evidence to show that she was a very active individual and had resistance built up to physical activity.
“Yup,” Robin groused grumpily, crossing his arms. “With all that rambling, you couldn’t be anyone else’s child but Quinzel’s.”
Marinette’s face immediately flushed pink all the way to her ears. “I’m sorry! I’ve been trying so hard to quit that habit, too!” She grumbled a bit to herself, putting her face in her hands. They all chuckled at the display. Red Hood ambled over, draping his arm over her shoulders (he nearly had to bend in half to do it, the height difference was that bad).
“As adorable as your freak out is, why’d you even come up here anyway? There’s no way you’d scale down a ten-story building just to say hello.”
She let out a heavy sigh at that, slowly peeling her face out of her hands. “Yeah, I recognized you guys right away. And honestly, as much as Momma Harley would be super proud of me for managing to give an entire group of vigilantes the slip, she’d also ground me for life if she found out that I saw you guys and still snuck away even though she probably swallowed her pride and asked you guys to babysit me, right? Self preservation. Contrary to popular belief, I do actually have some.”
“Wait,” Red Robin held up a hand, brows clearly furrowed under his cowl. “You expected her to ask for our help?”
“Well,” she made a so-so motion with her hand. “I didn’t think of it beforehand, but it all clicked once I saw Nightwing. I know how much my mom is worried about me, especially since you-know-who broke out a few days ago. She is more than worried enough to ask you guys for help. Even if she does complain about you guys, a lot actually, she also has made it clear that she trusts you guys with the stuff that actually matters.
“‘You know who’?” Batman repeated, arms crossed. If Marinette squinted, she thought there might have been a grin on his lips. “Is that how you always refer to him?”
“What else am I gonna call him?” she asked, face going deadpan. “Sperm donor? Source of a large amount of my self doubt and depreciation? The prime reason I haven’t been able to see my mom in person more often over the years? Oh, I know! How about I just always refer to him as ‘that bastard I wanna punch,’? That sounds good!” she rolled her eyes sarcastically. “Only one person in this world has the right to be considered my father in any capacity, and it sure as hell isn’t him. Genetics notwithstanding.”
Red Hood straight up guffawed at that, landing several rough pats on her back that made the girl stumble a bit. “Yep, I like this one! But as fun as it would be to see you give that jackass a mean left hook, it’s better if he never finds out who you are or knows that you’re here,” the vigilante’s voice got dark and serious very quickly. “He doesn’t forget people he finds interesting easily, and if he ever finds out about the connection you have to him, he’ll be a constant threat in your life.”
“I know,” Marinette agreed with a nod. “And if this conversation was happening two years ago, I’d say that my mom’s concerns aren’t unfounded. That I am too easily emotionally compromised and despite my deep seated issues and hatred for that man, I couldn’t guarantee he would be unable to get to me.”
Batman straightened up, as did all of his sons around him. None of them had missed the ‘if’ there. Batman’s voice went from charmingly deep to it’s usual gruff grumble. “What changed in two years?”
They all watched as Marinette gulped, taking a deep breath as she stalled for time, looking out at the view on the balcony before seeming to steel herself and return her gaze to Batman’s. When she did, it was suddenly full of iron will.
“I didn’t lie when I told Mom that I came to visit her— but that isn’t the whole truth, either. If I just wanted to visit her in Gotham, I would have waited until I was eighteen like we agreed. But I can’t wait, Paris can’t keep going on like this. I entered that contest because it was the fastest way to see you. I didn’t know if I would win, but… I had to take the chance. There was no way I’d be able to get to Gotham behind my mom’s back otherwise.”
“What are you talking about?” Robin hissed, stepping up to his father’s side. “Paris has been silent. If anything were happening, we would have heard about it by now.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” Marinette corrected, never losing that ironclad look in her eyes. “Because a combination of magic and politics is keeping it quiet. No news about Paris’ situation is able to leave the city limits. Magic makes any non-native who leaves Paris think that everything they experienced was just a crazy dream. Natives won’t forget, but politics has all of us under very strict NDAs if we leave city boundaries, and all of our local news and social media is blocked from being accessed by anyone outside the city. But, I figured a little breaking of the rules wouldn’t exactly put a stain on my family’s reputation or anything, so,” she dug in her pocket and pulled out a thumb drive, holding it up for all of them to see. She swallowed again, but never stopped her eye contact with Batman. She held out the thumb drive.
“I came to Gotham to ask for your help. This sped things up, I didn’t expect to see you on my first night here, but two years in Hawkmoth’s Paris has really taught me how to roll with the punches. This,” she shook the thumb drive. “Holds videos of every fight since HawkMoth first showed up. It has all the information I’ve gathered over two years, tracks his movements and lists all his targets and— everything. But I’m not a detective, I’m a designer. I make clothes, I spar on the weekends, I am not good at getting evidence to prove that someone is a magic-abusing villain holding an entire city hostage.”
“We’re gonna need some details, Little Q,” Red Hood finally removes his arm from around her shoulders, instead crossing his arms and looking down at her sternly. “If your city has a villain holding it hostage, is anyone fighting him? And if you do have someone fighting him, why don’t you need our help, or why didn’t they call the Justice League? The JLE should be in Paris, right?”
Marinette snorted, face scrunching up in obvious distaste. “I’ll have to answer those a little out of order. First; the JLE was kicked out of Paris. They moved their headquarters to Italy about five years ago, I’m just surprised they apparently kept that secret from you,” she gestured to all of them, who indeed seemed very caught off guard by that tidbit. But Marinette just sighed and continued. “Though that’s a good thing, actually. We do have heroes, it started out as just a pair but it’s grown into a small team out of necessity. They didn’t call the Justice League because the last thing we need is any powered heroes coming in and making it worse— your league doesn’t have the best reputation for letting newer heroes take the lead even on their home turf, you know,” she pointed out, which made Batman shift a bit guiltily. He knew the JL was often a bit… heavy handed in their methods.
“What makes the situation so bad that you don’t want to bring experienced heroes into it?” Red Robin cut in, sounding as if the whole situation was a puzzle he was determined to sort out. Which, really, was exactly what Marinette had been counting on. She shot him a finger gun, grinning.
“That’s exactly the point! Hawkmoth uses a magical artifact, like I said— but this artifact can brainwash anybody who experiences even the slightest negative emotion. Sadness, anger, fear— anything negative. And it gives them powers, but puts them largely under his influence,” her expression twisted again, this time into a wry little grimace. “I guess you can say that my momma’s psychiatry background has secretly come in handy a lot over these past two years. And Hawkmoth is exactly why I try to tell Momma Harley to stop visiting me— I have worked my butt off to keep her from finding out about his attacks or getting Akumatized. Every time she shows up it gives me a heart attack!”
Marinette waved a hand dismissively. “It’s the term used for when someone is turned into a super powered villain because of HawkMoth. The brainwashing— really it’s more similar to a straight up corruption. The person usually lacks their usual moral compass, and just seeks to soothe whatever set off their negative emotion in the first place. Usually, that means they seek a bloody revenge. And if someone who already has extensive training or extremely strong powers gets Akumatized, guess what?” She made jazz hands even though her face was deadpan. “Extra powers, or amplified ones, for the metas or superheroes who are Akumatized. And imagine what someone with, say, Batman’s level of experience could do if he had powers and no moral compass,” the silence that followed her words was deafening. She just nodded, knowing she had gotten her point across. “I’ve been working my butt off to stay positive, because if I’m Akumatized…” her shoulders fell, and she had to swallow a lump in her throat. “... I have no idea what I’d turn into, but if you take into consideration both my training and my family history… it’s really best if we never find out what kind of magic-powered supervillain I’d make.”
“So, let me get this straight,” Nightwing said after another long moment of silence for that to all sink in. He gestured at her with an open palm. “You’ve been dealing with a terrorist for two years who targets emotional vulnerability, you apparently have never been corrupted by this magic at least to present day, but your mother still worries about you being very emotionally fragile. And your heroes are not detectives, which is clearly what you need or you wouldn’t have asked us for our help.”
Marinette nodded. “I used to be very impressionable. At the start of all this, I was a huge people-pleaser. I got attached to new people in a matter of minutes. My mom always said I reminded her too much of herself— but two years of fighting off a guy trying to get into my head—“
“Wait,” Batman nearly barked, taking a step forward. “He’s been targeting you? You specifically?”
Marinette nodded grimly, mouth a straight line. “Not from the beginning, but this past year it’s been painfully obvious. He might be able to sense the strength of people’s emotions, and unfortunately I don’t exactly experience my emotions very… gently. All of my emotions tend to the much more intense side of the spectrum. If that’s true, then he might know that any negative emotion I feel will make an extremely strong Akuma. Either that, or he’s going by process of elimination. All of my friends, except for one, have been Akumatized already. So has my Papan and my grandmother. But it’s obvious when he’s targeting someone, I’ve felt him try to override my will on several occasions. But I can’t just repress all of my negative emotions forever, so consider us working against the clock right now. That thumb drive has all the details you need about our heroes, how exactly Hawkmoth’s powers work, and so on.”
“Do your heroes know you’re asking for our help?” Red Robin asked, gaze burning a figurative hole through Marinette’s face. “Better yet, if this drive has as much information as you say it does, how did you get it?”
Marinette handed the drive over to Batman, who finally took it and tucked it in his belt as she answered.
“Momma Harley might have a lot to say about your detective skills, but you are all still strangers to me. So consider this a test of your abilities— I expect that you will all go to extreme lengths to verify all of the information I gave you anyway. After all, I’m still the daughter of your most hated enemy. Right?” She met each of their gazes, one by one, with a challenging one of her own. “You’ll just have to figure out my connection to the heroes on your own. And how I got the information, too. It shouldn’t be too hard for the so-called world’s greatest detectives. And maybe this can double as a trust exercise. I fully expect you guys to scour through every inch of my past, and dig up everything you can on me. I encourage you to try to find everything you can, so that hopefully you can decide to trust me on your own once you have all the details laid out in front of you. By the way, for your own sanity? I’d start with reading about all of our heroes’ powers and abilities before you watch any footage of past attacks.”
Red hood rocked back on his heels, trading glances with the other vigilantes before they all shared a nod. Apparently having decided their course of action, Red Hood leaned down and hoisted Marinette up into a princess carry. All traces of her previous iron will melted away in favor of the high pitched squeal of surprise she gave, and once more she became an overly flustered teenager.
“Alright, little cutie. Let’s get you to your mom’s place before she and her crazy plant lady fiancé come hunting us down.”
“I can walk! I can freerun on my own! Mon dieu please let me down! Eeeeek!” She squealed again as Robin slapped a domino mask over her eyes and Red Hood wasted no time jumping over the balcony railing with her still in his arms. The fact that they were lowered down by a wire wrapped around Hood’s waist didn’t seem to take away any of the fright that came with a sudden drop over an eighth-story balcony.
Part 1
@emotionalsupportginger @alysrose-starchild @emistar0 @kibastray @justanotherfanficlovinbitch @alyssadeliv @blackroserelina @blackstarlight-co @readingalldaysleepingallnight @maanae @aespades @jaybird-and-co @fleursroses @probably-a-hologram @misterpianoman (didn’t work sorry)
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brendaaaa · 3 years
Pillow Talk (Mike Wheeler x fem!Reader)
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Mike sighed, his breath warm and tickling your neck. You were currently entangled with him, both blissed out and in a state of contentment.
It was a warm summer night, the windows up by the ceiling in the Wheeler’s basement cracked open, letting in a little bit of night air. But it barely put a dent in the stifling heat. You didn’t mind too much, because most of it was coming from Mike’s body being so close to yours, and how could you complain about that? The overhead lights were on, unlike the lamps that were scattered around the room, but you could hardly tell because all the lightbulbs were out except for one. And even that was flickering in and out every minute or so. The fluorescent light, designed to be neon and bright, similar to what you might see in a school or public building, was on the other side of the room, so that shadows were cast over you and Mike. After what felt like an unusually needy and desperate love filled time you just shared, you were both very quiet, you laying on your back with your boyfriend tucked on top of you, head in the crook of your neck. You traced a small circle on the back of his shoulder with one finger, his bare skin as hot as if he had a fever. Just touching it made you shiver, even though you had had your hands all over him the entire night. It was times like these when you wished summer would never end. When you could just -ahem- make love to Mike forever and talk to him about anything and everything and play with his mop top of dark curly hair. When you could watch old creature features from the 50s and listen to his mom’s Beatles records. When you could tease him about everything and get teased right back. When you could kiss him on the corner of his lips, waiting for the smile that would always cross his face when you did that. When you could go outside and lay on the freshly mowed lawn at two a.m, holding hands. When he could make you peanut butter toast and you would sit at the kitchen table, pretending to be married and grown. When you would never have to deal with the real world. “Mike,” you said, in a whisper, carefully cutting through the blissful silence. “Mhm,” he murmured, moving his head down to rest more near your collarbones, lips leaving little vibrations on your skin as he went. You shivered under his touch and continued with what you were trying to say, “I- can we-,“ you stopped talking, and the only thing you could hear was the hum of the kitchen appliances running on the floor above you, along with Mike’s slow breathing and your own shallow breaths.
His nose brushed against your warm skin as he lifted his head up, dark eyes meeting yours. He looked so beautiful in the shadows, so perfect that it just made you want to cry more than you already wanted to. “What is it?” He asked softly, keeping one hand glued to your waist while the other reached up to caress your jawline.
“Mike?” You asked, and you could hear the shake in your voice. “Can we never grow up?” His eyes studied yours for a moment, before he dropped back down to press a kiss to your collarbone. He then laid his head back on your body with a sigh. “I sometimes wish the same thing,” he said. You smiled, slightly reassured, and stroked his hair. “That’s good. I sometimes think that I’m going crazy.” “You’re not,” he said firmly, tightening his grip around your middle before admitting, “I sometimes feel like I’m losing it too.”
“It’s like…” you started saying in a whisper. “Life moves so fast...and I want to grow up and experience new things, but I also, I also want to stay like this forever…” Mike smirked, and although you didn’t have a super clear view of his face, you knew him well enough to picture what his face would look like in good lighting. “You mean like this? Right now, here with me...naked in my basement? Or just as a teenager.” You silently laughed for a moment, and finally said “Uh, both.”
You closed your eyes, and couldn’t keep the grin forming on your face away. Mike always had a way of making you feel better. “I want to buy a cat.” “Sorry?” You asked, lifting your head up to see him better. You thought to yourself, did he seriously just say that? Well...okay then…
“I want to buy a cat…” he repeated, and he shifted, nuzzling into your chest.
“Jeez sorry I thought we were confessing. You think you're going crazy, I want a cat,” you felt his shoulders move up in a shrugging motion.
You laughed, but then said, “Mike, you should get a cat.”
“I know, but my dad’s allergic,” he muttered.
“Screw him,” you giggled. “Or it can just live at my house. It would give you an excuse to come over more often.”
“That works,” Mike admitted.
“If It lives at my house, we’re naming it Fluffy.”
“Like in the Brady bunch? Hell no.”
“More like hell yes. My house, my cat.”
“Then what’s the point?” Mike chuckled. “It’s supposed to be my cat, and I’m naming Yoda. That’s final.”
You were quiet for a moment, and then you nonchalantly whispered into his ear, “Fluffy.”
“Yoda,” he whispered back.
You, meaning to kiss the top of his head, but instead accidentally pecking his ear, couldn’t help but giggling as you insisted, “Fluffy.”
“Noo,” Mike said, holding his face up close to yours, “Yoda.”
“Let’s not get a cat,” you said.
He shrugged, “Okay,” and laid his head back down, adjusting himself to get comfortable.
“You goin’ to sleep on me?” You teased, noticing his change in positioning.
“Mayyybe,” he said, and you could tell he was tired, his voice getting huskier and his eyes dropping.
“I love you…” you whispered, shutting your eyes.
He mumbled something back but you couldn’t really understand.
“I love you, Mike,” You said again, and started to drift off yourself.
Word Count: 1042
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omiscurls · 3 years
hmm this is like my first time responding to a request thing so here goes: (slight webtoon spoilers!!)—- imagine if you/reader finds out about kaeyas secret accidentally, before he told diluc. how would he react to that? i’ve given some thought into it and i’d love to see your perspective!
dark whispers
plot: hurt/comfort, reader finds out about kaeya's secret before anyone else
contains: kaeya
warnings: WEBTOON SPOILERS, the story takes place before the start of the game, approximately 5-6 years, alcohol, acting under the influence, you can even say underage drinking, curse words
the sun had long set behind the mountains adoring the territories of mondstadt city. it's people had already closed their shops, workshops and businesses, having gone home to their families, many of them possibly already drifting off to sleep.
some individuals, as everyday, be it a workday, weekend, or a holiday, decided to go entertain themselves with different kinds of alcohol at the local tavern.
but to some of the mondstadt folk, that day, that evening was a special one, for it was a celebration of the ever so famous master crepus' adoptive son, kaeya, turning seventeen.
the night fell special even for regular customers, not only the ones celebrating, for it was rare for the master of the dawn winery himself to pour drinks and serve them at his establishment. for the birthday of his son, though, he had abandoned his normal nightly duties, and stood behind the counter for a good couple of hours, giving one speech and joining everyone in singing happy birthday for the young knight.
he had gone home around an hour ago, leaving the happy, slightly drunk bunch of customers in the hands of a younger bartender.
"alright" kaeya's older brother, and cerpus' firstborn, diluc, had made everyone quiet with the way he clapped his hands, a sly smirk on his lips as he looked his friend and brother in the eyes. diluc, being older, already knew the taste and... other qualities of alcohol a little better than the blue-haired boy, so he found nothing but amusement in the way kaeya couldn't find balance on his chair, or in how his eyes just wouldn't focus on one spot, instead wandering around the walls and ceiling of the tavern. "kaeya" he called out, making the boy face him with a dumbfounded look. "you're one round of shots behind me"
kaeya's expression changed to distressed within seconds, as he examined the three glasses before his eyes, wondering if he'll even fit those in his stomach.
"is yer head made out of stone or sum?" he slurred out "how're ya this sober?"
diluc laughed, pointing to the glasses.
"less complaining, more bottoming these out" he rushed, arms crossing at his chest, as he leaned back on his chair and observed his little brother struggle to make the decision.
"go to hell" kaeya mumbled, emptying the drinks one by one, a grimmace coming to his face right after he had laid the last glass back on the table. "what even is that?" he asked, unamused, as diluc responded happily:
a smile of satisfaction painted the redhead's face.
"what?" kaeya's eyes widened "how'd you even get this past father?" he leaned lower on the table, studying diluc's expression. „that’s like, forty percent sheer alcohol!”
"i have my ways" he responded enigmatically, and kaeya shook his head in resignation.
"aight" the birthday boy took a deep breath "your turn. ya don't want to loose now, do you?" remains of a grin lifted the point of his mouth, as diluc chuckled, pouring the transparent liquid into the glasses yet again.
"what's the prize?" you asked one of their friends, having come late to the scene of the challenge.
"oh, the one to loose has to do the other's chores for a month" the guy responded, eyes not darting away from how diluc managed to empty all three glasses, much to kaeya's dispair.
hours had passed, and everyone slowly left the birthday party, diluc leaving kaeya in your hands, as he helped the bartender clean up the mess the young knights had made. you asked the blue-haired boy if he wanted to get some fresh air, to which he nodded, you can't say eagerly, but nodded nonetheless. so that leaves you to where you were now, slowly walking towards your place, kaeya bumping into your side every now and then as he lost balance.
"did you have fun?" you asked happily, eyes focusing on his face, waiting for a response.
"yea" he murmured, not even sparing you a look.
"poor you, are you that wasted?" you continued, amused, as a hiccup left his throat.
"'m not wasted" he denied instantly. " 't was nice to spend some time with diluc, we all know i don't have much of that left"
your eyebrows furrow in confusion, as you stop in your tracks, making him stop, too. he seemed to have thought this was a normal thing to say, and politely waited for you to start walking again, but you didn't, instead crossing your arms, and asking again.
"what do you mean by that?"
he scoffed, almost rudely. " he's gon' hate me for life, isn't it obvious?" he slurred, head lifting to look on the starry sky, hands going deeper inside his pockets. your expression turned even more confused, as he stared up, acting like it was the most natural thing to say, and like everybody knew this.
"what's he gonna hate you for? he's your brother, he loves you deeply, right?" you wanted to rub his arm, or something, do anything to soothe the feelings that must've been eating him alive, but stayed still.
"brother" he scoffed again. you couldn't possibly see, from the angle his head was at, but hot tears flooded his eyes as he said the word out loud, and the moment of silence that came after, he used to calm down even the slightest bit. "i think that's the most beautiful lie i ever came up with, y'know? brother." he repeated.
"what- what do you mean by that?"
"i've been nothing but a useless homewrecker to his family for as long as i have been in this world. how did i ever find the audacity to call myself his brother? oh my, even i hate my guts for this." he chuckled, painful irony overflowing his voice "and my dearest, short-tempered diluc is gonna flip the fuck out, for sure"
"kaeya" you asked, growing to be scared of how mysteriously he was acting "is there anything you wish to tell me?"
you swallowed a gulp in your throat by saying that, and awaited the reply in stress, even if you didn't know why.
his gaze finally came down from the sky, as he looked at you with a sad smile.
"if it was up to me, i'd wish not to tell a soul anything. but i have been lying for far to long, and my so-called family did nothing to deserve that. nothing, nothing bad, ever, and yet they've been cursed to deal with one like me. truly unfair, the fate of this world. how kindness pays off in nothing but sorrow."
you could tell he was a bit more sober by how his words were more understandable than before, but he was still far from his right mind. you would've stopped him, but there was really no going back now, and you almost needed to hear what secret he was talking about.
"my dearest" he said, addressing you "please, do not get angry with me as well. i don't know what i'd do if i lost even more people than i intend to with this information."
after you nodded in confusion, he explained the story, briefly and in a twisted way, having little control over his slurred words.
you stood there in silence for a good long while as silent tears rolled down from both yours and his eyes.
"i'm sorry" he finally mumbled "i'm sorry, i swear i didn't do what i was designed to do, i didn't tell anyone anything, i didn't attempt to harm anyone. it wasn't my decision to make, i swear, i hold no loyalties to-"
"kaeya" you interrupted him, and he feared for the worst. "that must've been so confusing for the little kid you were"
the worried tone of your voice, the way your words were covered in affection, the way your eyes seemed to care, it all flooded his wrecked soul all too quickly and all to strongly, making him gasp for air, as if it was knocked out of his lungs.
"you- you don't think i'm a-"
"no" you interrupted again, afraid of how he might finish the sentence. "and neither will diluc. i can't promise you he won't be mad, because he probably will, but you're brothers, by blood or not. you're gonna fight and you're gonna make up, because no anger will ever top the love i'm sure he has for you. and if rougher days are really coming your way" you said, approaching him to wrap your arms around his shaky form. "then i'll stand by you to face them with you."
little did you both know. the date of diluc ragnvidr’s 18th was approaching faster than anyone could ever anticipated.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hi do you think you do the 4 lords reaction to finding out their GN s/o has a shadow demon that goes wherever they go and some time find the 2 of them playing board games
Hiii!! okay important note here! i decided to go a little off topic (sorry) for the purpose of a part 2 where the lord’s s/o will be an angel!! of course still gender neutral and there will be a shadow demon but the s/o will be a demon that hasn’t fully formed yet!
i’ve been really uninspired lately so this probably isn’t my best! i apologise :((
Devil or Angel? Pt.1
General HC’s
It was strange how quickly your life had changed. One morning you were just a normal villager in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere Romania and the next day you woke up from the cold dirty ground with a pair of huge dark wings and sharp nails.
You had been exploring some of the woodlands surrounding the village, looking for a water source which was running low when a dark figure came barrelling towards you. It felt like hours, when really it was only a few seconds of sharp searing pain. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave the village alone.
You didn’t die however, or maybe you did? You weren’t quite sure what was happening to your body. All you knew was it must have been something supernatural to make the huge black wings appear.
“Looks like you finally woke up! Do you know how fucking boring it is just waiting for you to wake up?”
You screamed in terror at the large demonic creature floating above you. It was surrounded by a cloud of black mist with red eyes that pierced through its silhouette. It had a large wicked smile aligned with sharp teeth and a set of wings that matched your own.
Behind those eyes was something much more human however, in fact it looked rather bored.
“Who, or what are you?! And mind that language!”
The creature only laughed at you, amused by the whole situation which bothered you beyond compare.
“Well I’m a demon, if I didn’t swear you’d probably think me an angel with these playful charms I posses! And to be more specific I’m your demon, it seems you fell prey to one of the other demons condemned to this world it’s quite the tragedy really.”
You were shocked at just how easily this creature, this demon talked to you. As if it was a completely normal morning and life in the village had not changed at all.
“Oh don’t act so shocked, you medieval villagers have been worshiping my kind for a lot longer than that Mother Miranda. You’re one of us now!”
Surprisingly over time the creature, who’d you’d nicknamed “red” for their glowing eyes, was slowly growing on you. You might even call them a friend.
Sure Red was cocky as all hell and didn’t hesitate to cause trouble amongst the village but they became very protective over you and showed you the ropes on life as a demon.
Life can get kinda boring when you’re practically immortal and so you and red pass the time playing old Romanian board games and solitaire. When village life got really boring you even stooped so low to play go fish together.
A lot of the time you cause mischief in and around the village while Red was practically the devil on your shoulder, egging you on to stir the pot. The lycans were particularly enjoyable to taunt.
Regardless of everything, you couldn’t see yourself without Red and to lose them would crush you. There had been one too many nights when you’d chat about everything and nothing until you fell asleep curled up underneath your wings.
That was when you felt a protective wing curl around you, one that wasn’t your own.
“Always gotta fall asleep on me don’t you, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll have you partying all night before you know it kiddo.”
Alcina Dimitrescu
It started out as a stupid dare when Red dared you to sneak into Castle Dimitrescu and steal the Lady’s lipstick after hearing the village gossip that it was expensive.
You did not expect however to get caught in the hallway, starting straight up into the eyes of Alcina Dimitrescu, a stuttering and blushing mess. It was something that Red would tease you for until eternity ended.
After winning her favour, both you and Red were invited to stay in the Castle with Alcina and her daughters. She thought you were much better company than her brother and her affluent but gothic lifestyle totally appealed to you.
As it turns out you and Alcina had a lot more in common, both being creatures of a supernatural nature. You enjoyed the lazy afternoons curled up on the couch, a glass of maidens blood in your hand as she gentle stroked the back of her hand against your wings.
You had the finest outfits that matched your black wings perfectly and everything was tailor made so you were comfortable.
Red taught you how to fly so you were able to use your wings to be at eye level with Alcina which was perfect for hugs and kisses.
It turns out that Red is a great babysitter for the girls and keeps them entertained with hunting maidens and chasing them around the Castle while you and Alcina can spend some time together.
Donna Beneveinto
At first, Donna is truly scared of you and Red much like how you were in the beginning. But eventually, with the help of Angie she saw that you were not going to harm her.
You loved to spend time with Donna and watch her make her dolls or sew her dresses. Sometimes Red will come back with Angie from a day of causing trouble to find you reading to her another encyclopaedia of plants. Her head is resting on your chest and your wings are wrapped around her protectively while you read.
Your favourite thing to do together is to take Donna into your arms and fly to the top of the mountain where the waterfall begins and watch the sunset together. She’ll always have a deathly grip on your hand the whole time even though you’ve reassured her that you’d never drop her.
One time when you leaned in and gave her a kiss, a rather loud noise was heard from the corner and interrupted you.
“EWWW you guys are too cute!! All that lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick!”
Red is standing to the side with Angie on their shoulder who is sitting there making her own dramatic faces. One of Angie’s wooden hands covers Red’s eyes while the other is held on her forehead as if the kiss was enough to kill her.
Besides from their comment both Angie and Red act like your wing man for your relationship with Donna. They absolutely love you two together and have set up many dates for the two of you.
Salvatore Moreau
You meet Salvatore Moreau one day when you’re at the reservoir playing hide and seek in the near by mines with Red.
As it’s your turn to hide you end up ducking between some planks to find a tv set up and a small couch. Sitting in the middle of it happens to be someone you now know as Sal.
He thought you were going to kill him at first, hiding his face in his hands but very slowly after some months he saw that you weren’t a threat.
Over this time trying to convince Sal that you weren’t going to hurt him and trying to spend more time with him, Red took the opportunity to tease you for your crush.
“I think someone’s in got a little crush hmm??”
Eventually you become very close with Sal and the two of you will playfully chase each other at the reservoir. Sal will swim just below the surface while you fly just above it and your fingers brush together just where the water meets the air.
One time when you were chasing Red around the rooftops of the old village, you slipped and fell into the water, something that your large feathery wings did not enjoy and Red had to pull you out.
You ended up bundled on the couch with Sal, a bunch of blankets around you as your wings dried out. It took forever and you ended up a giant bundle of fluffy feathers but Sal thought you looked adorable.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl caught you and Red taunting the lycans when he went to check on them at their den one day. At the site of you two he raised an eyebrow and proceeded to light a cigar.
“I think you two may be lost, don’t you know it’s dangerous out here?”
You can hear the sarcasm in his voice and you spread your wings out to be intimidating, Red’s black mist behind you adding to it.
“Indeed it is very dangerous out here, I’d hate for you to get hurt.”
It was then when the three of you burst into a fit of laughter knowing that you were the strongest creatures in these woods and nothing could really hurt either of you.
Both you and Karl had a mischievous side and spent a lot of time causing trouble for his sister in her Castle.
It was fun to spend time with Karl and you both grew rather close. He even trusted you enough to let you help him on some of his plans and designs.
Red was particularly fond of the idea of killing Mother Miranda.
“Ooh when she’s gone can I have my picture put back up?! Pretty please!”
Karl designed his soldats with a red glowing chest plate that reminded him of your red glowing eyes which now matched Red’s.
While Karl will deny it forever, he’s completely in awe of you and finds you absolutely breathtaking. He can’t get over how soft your wings are and always cuddles up to you complaining that it’s cold even though it’s sweltering hot in the factory.
One day Karl took you by surprise and kissed you gently but with a degree of confidence which took him months to find. You melted into him and wrapped your arms around him securely, completely forgetting Red who’s hovering in the room.
“Guys I hate to break it to you but I’m kinda third wheeling here…”
Needless to say, Red third wheeled a lot and ended up befriend Sturm as an alternative to watching you guys make out.
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Jurassic period alien interacting with key cultures and historical figures in Middle East & Asia throughout history
@ketchupmaster400​ said:
Hello, so my question is for a character I’ve been working on for quite a while but wasn’t sure about a few things. So basically at the beginning of the universe there was this for less being made up of dark matter and dark energy. Long story short it ends up on earth during the Jurassic Period. It has the ability to adapt and assimilate into other life animals except it’s hair is always black and it’s skin is always white and it’s eyes are always red. It lives like this going from animal to animal until it finally becomes human and gains true sentience and self awareness. As a human it lives within the Middle East and Asia wondering around trying to figure out its purpose and meaning. So what I initially wanted to do with it was have small interactions with the dark matter human and other native humans that kinda helped push humanity into the direction it is now. For example, Mehndhi came about when the dark matter human was drawing on their skin because it felt insecure about having such white skin compared to other people. And ancient Indians saw it and thought it was cool so they adopted it and developed it into Mehndi. Minor and small interactions though early history leading to grander events. Like they would be protecting Jerusalem and it’s people agains the Crusaders later on. I also had the idea of the the dark matter human later on interacting with the prophets Jesus Christ and Muhammad. With Jesus they couldn’t understand why he would sacrifice himself even though the people weren’t deserving. And then Jesus taught them that you have to put other before yourself and protecting people is life’s greatest reward. And then with the prophet Muhammad, I had the idea that their interaction was a simple conversation that mirrors the one he had with the angel Jibril, that lead to the principles of Islam. Now with these ideas I understand the great importance of how not to convey Islam and I’ve been doing reasearch, but I am white and I can understand how that may look trying to write about a different religion than my own. So I guess ultimate my question is, is this ok to do? Is it ok to have an alien creature interact with religious people and historical events as important as they were? Like I said I would try to be as accurate and as respectable as possible but I know that Islam can be a touchy subject and the last thing I would want is to disrespect anyone. The main reason I wanted the dark matter being in the Middle East was because I wanted to do something different because so much has been done with European and American stuff I wanted to explore the eastern side of the world because it’s very beau and very rich with so many cultures that I want to try and represent. I’m sorry for the long post but I wanted you guys to fully understand what my idea was. Thank you for your time and hope you stay safe.
The consensus from the moderators was that the proposed character and story is disrespectful from multiple cultural perspectives. However, we can’t ignore the reality that this is a commonly deployed trope in many popular science fiction/ thriller narratives. Stories that seek to take religious descriptions of events at face value from an areligious perspective particularly favor this approach. Thus, we have two responses:
Where we explain why we don’t believe this should be attempted.
Where we accept the possibility of our advice being ignored.
1) No - Why You Shouldn’t Do This:
Hi! I’ll give you the short answer first, and then the extended one.
Short answer: no, this is not okay.
Extended answer. I’ll divide it into three parts.
1) Prophet Muhammad as a character:
Almost every aspect of Islam, particularly Allah (and the Qur’an), the Prophet(s) and the companions at the time of Muhammad ﷺ, are strictly kept within the boundaries of real life/reality. I’ll assume this comes from a good place, and I can understand that from one side, but seriously, just avoid it. It is extremely disrespectful and something that is not even up to debate for Muslims to do, let alone for non-Muslims. Using Prophet Muhammad as a character will only bring you problems. There is no issue with mentioning the Prophet during his lifetime when talking about his attributes, personality, sayings or teachings, but in no way, we introduce fictional aspects in a domain that Muslims worked, and still work, hard to keep free from any doubtful event or incident. Let’s call it a closed period: we don’t add anything that was not actually there.
Reiterating then, don’t do this. There is a good reason why Muslims don’t have any pictures of Prophet Muhammad. We know nothing besides what history conveyed from him. 
After this being said, there is another factor you missed – Jesus is also an important figure in Islam and his story from the Islamic perspective differs (a lot) from that of the Christian perspective. And given what you said in your ask, you would be taking the Christian narrative of Jesus. If it was okay to use Prophet Muhammad as a character (reminder: it’s not) and you have had your dark matter human interacting with the biblical Jesus, it will result in a complete mess; you would be conflating two religions.
2) Crusaders and Jerusalem:
You said this dark matter human will be defending Jerusalem against the Crusaders. At first, there is really no problem with this. However, ask yourself: is this interaction a result of your character meeting with both Jesus and Prophet Muhammed? If yes, please refer to the previous point. If not, or even if you just want to maintain this part of the story, your dark matter human can interact with the important historical figures of the time. For example, if you want a Muslim in your story, you can use Salah-Ad-Din Al-Ayoubi (Saladin in the latinized version) that took back Jerusalem during the Third Crusade. Particularly, this crusade has plenty of potential characters. 
Also, featuring Muslim characters post Prophet Muhammad and his companions’ time, is completely fine, just do a thorough research.
 3) Middle Eastern/South Asian settings and Orientalism:
The last point I want to remark is with the setting you chose for your story. Many times, when we explore the SWANA or South Asian regions it’s done through an orientalist lens. Nobody is really safe from falling into orientalism, not even the people from those regions. My suggestion is educating yourself in what orientalism is and how it’s still prevalent in today’s narrative. Research orientalism in entertainment, history... and every other area you can think of. Edward Said coined this term for the first time in history, so he is a good start. There are multiple articles online that touch this subject too. For further information, I defer to middle eastern mods. 
- Asmaa
Racism and Pseudo-Archaeology:
A gigantic, unequivocal and absolute no to all of it, lmao. 
I will stick to the bit about the proposed origin of mehendi in your WIP, it’s the arc I feel I’m qualified to speak on, Asmaa has pretty much touched upon the religious and orientalism complications. 
Let me throw out one more word: pseudoarchaeology. That is, taking the cultural/spiritual/historical legacies of ancient civilizations, primarily when it involves people of colour, and crediting said legacies to be the handiwork of not just your average Outsider/White Saviour but aliens. I’ll need you to think carefully about this: why is it that in so much of media and literature pertaining to the so-called “conspiracy theories” dealing with any kind of extraterrestrial life, it’s always Non-Western civilizations like the Aztec, the ancient Egyptians, the Harappans etc who are targeted? Why is it that the achievements of the non West are so unbelievable that it’s more feasible to construct an idea of non-human, magical beings from another planet who just conveniently swooped in to build our monuments and teach us how to dress and what to believe in? If the answer makes you uncomfortable, it’s because it should: denying the Non-West agency of their own feats is not an innocent exercise in sci-fi worldbuilding, it comes loaded with implications of racial superiority and condescension towards the intellect and prowess of Non-European cultures. 
Now, turning to specifics:
Contrary to what Sarah J. Maas might believe- mehendi designs are neither mundane, purely aesthetic tattoos nor can they be co-opted by random Western fantasy characters. While henna has existed as an art form in various cultures, I’m limiting my answer to the Indian context, (specifying since you mention ancient India). Mehendi is considered one of the tenets of the Solah Shringar- sixteen ceremonial adornments for Hindu brides, one for each phase of the moon, as sanctioned by the Vedic texts. The shade of the mehendi is a signifier for the strength of the matrimonial bond: the darker the former, the stronger the latter. Each of the adornments carries significant cosmological/religious symbolism for Hindus. To put it bluntly, when you claim this to be an invention of the aliens, you are basically taking a very sacred cultural and artistic motif of our religion and going “Well actually….extraterrestrials taught them all this.”
In terms of Ayurveda (Traditional holistic South Asian medicine)  , mehendi was used for its medicinal properties. It works as a cooling agent on the skin and helps to alleviate stress, particularly for the bride-to-be. Not really nice to think that aliens lent us the secrets of Ayurvedic science (pseudoarchaeology all over again). 
I’m just not feeling this arc at all. The closest possible alternative I could see to this is the ancient Indian characters incorporating some specific stylistic motifs in their mehendi in acknowledgement to this entity, in the same vein of characters incorporating motifs of tribute into their armour or house insignia, but even so, I’m not sure how well that would play out. If you do go ahead with this idea, I cannot affirm that it will not receive backlash.
These articles might help:
 Pseudoarchaeology and the Racism Behind Ancient Aliens
A History of Indian Henna (this studies mehendi origins mostly with reference to Mughal history)
Solah Shringar
2) Not Yes, But If Ignoring the Above:
I will be the dissenting voice of “Not No, But Here Are The Big Caveats.” Given that there is no way to make the story you want to tell palatable to certain interpretations of Islam and Christianity, here is my advice if the above arguments did not sufficiently deter you.
1. Admiration ≠ Research: It is not enough to just admire cultures for their richness and beauty. You need to actually do the research and learn about them to determine if the story you want to tell is a good fit for the values and principles these cultures prioritize. You need to understand the significance of historical figures and events to understand the issues with attributing the genesis of certain cultural accomplishments to an otherworldly influence. 1.
2. Give Less Offense When Possible and Think Empathetically: You should try to imagine the mindsets of those you will offend and think about to what degree you can soften or ameliorate certain aspects of your plot, the creature’s characteristics, and the creature’s interactions with historical figures to make your narrative more compatible. There is no point pretending that much of areligious science fiction is incompatible with monotheist, particularly non-henotheistic, religious interpretations as well as the cultural items and rituals derived from those religious interpretations. One can’t take “There is no god, just a lonely alien” and make that compatible with “There is god, and only in this particular circumstance.” Thus:
As stated above by Asmaa and Mimi, there is no escaping the reality the story you propose is offensive to some. Expect their outcry to be directed towards you. Can you tolerate that?
Think about how you would feel if someone made a story where key components of your interpretation of reality are singled out as false. How does this make you feel? Are you comfortable doing that to others?
3. Is Pseudoarchaeology Appropriate Here?: Mimi makes a good point about the racial biases of pseudoarchaeology. Pseudoarchaeology is a particular weakness of Western-centric atheist sci-fi. Your proposed story is the equivalent of a vaguely non-descript Maya/Aztec/Egyptian pyramid or Hindu/ Buddhist-esque statue being the source for a Resident Evil bio weapon/ Predator nest/ Assassin’s Creed Isu relic.
Is this how you wish to draw attention to these cultures you admire? While there is no denying their ubiquity in pop-culture, such plots trivialize broad swathes of non-white history and diminish the accomplishments of associated ethnic groups. The series listed above all lean heavily into these tropes either because the authors couldn’t bother to figure out something more creative or because they are intentionally telling a story the audience isn’t supposed to take seriously.*
More importantly, I detect a lot of sincerity in your ask, so I imagine such trivialization runs counter to your expressed desire to depict Eastern cultures in a positive and accurate manner.
4. Freedom to Write ≠ Freedom from Consequence: Once again, as a reminder, it’s not our job to reassure you as to whether or not what you are proposing is ok. Asmaa and Mimi have put a lot of effort into explaining who you will offend and why.  We are here to provide context, but the person who bears the ultimate responsibility for how you choose to shape this narrative, particularly if you share this story with a wide audience, is you. Speaking as one writer to another, I personally do not have a strong opinion one way or the other, but I think it is important to be face reality head-on.
- Marika.
* This is likely why the AC series always includes that disclaimer stating the games are a product of a multicultural, inter-religious team and why they undermine Western cultures and Western religious interpretations as often (if not moreso) than those for their non-Western counterparts.
Note: Most WWC asks see ~ 5 hours of work from moderators before they go live. Even then, this ask took an unusually long amount of time in terms of research, emotional labor and discussion. If you found this ask (and others) useful, please consider tipping the moderators (link here), Asmaa (coming eventually) and Mimi (here). I also like money - Marika.
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shlutnutt · 3 years
My favorite pet
-kai anderson smut-
hopefully its good lol not really proof read also
Tumblr media
warnings⚠️: gun play, death mention, hardcore penetration, oral sex, fingering, name calling, slapping, sir kink, spit kink, harsh language, bath sex, 69
Working for Kai Anderson has never been easy, you needed the money and urgently for your father's open heart surgery. Kai was extremely cruel almost as if he was just born with a rotten heart, but Winter usually makes it known that he's a great guy.. Even if he doesn't show it.
"Hurry the fuck up you slut! You're here to serve me, not make me wait" Kai demands from the basement in which he'd stay most of his times at in his head designing his world domination plans. "Im on my way Kai! Had to clean up a little, sorry." you apologize as you walk down the creaky stairs leading to his dusty dim basement manwhich in hand. "What have I said about the sorrys Y/N?" Kai gazes up at you while you dont dare step another foot, an intimidating expression suited on his rough face, manwhich in hand, comfortably seated on his wooden chair.
"Sorrys are stupid and unecessary, stupid little sluts like me don't apologize. " you complied. "Good girl." Kai praises, as you automatically sprint back upstairs. There were no words to describe how intimidated you were by Kai Anderson, not because of the fact he was a psychopathic cult leader serial killer, but because of the way he carries himself. Always firm, vigilant, direct and determined . He was also illustrated as a sex god amongst a few of his cult members, they'd talk about how he'd make them come in just one minute in addition to leaving their legs trembling for hours. Even though you were slightly terrified of him you'd not give up the chance to hooking up if he'd offer.
Arriving back home to your little kitten (Dex) you were up for a hot steamy bath after the exhausting day Kai had given you. As you run the water carefully stepping in the oversized bathtub you begin to relax, coming up with the brilliant idea to drink some hennessy to boost your relaxation. You soon jump at the sudden buzzing coming from your phone, noticing it was Kai you instantly pick up to avoid his aggressive protests.
Y/N: "Yeah.. What's up?"
Kai: "You forgot your cat food at my place, Y/N."
Y/N: "Can I umm.. come by pick it up tomorrow? Im kinda busy right now."
Kai: "Nope. No need. I got it, Im at your front door, if you don't mind opening?"
Y/N: "Shit.. Im taking a bath, uhh there should be a spare key under the mat somewhere."
Kai: "You sound dru-"
You terminate the call quickly as your heart soon skips a beat due to the loud unlocking commotion coming from your front door echoing through your empty home. Dex's meowing began to rise, you dont think much of it since Dex gets overly excited from the pure sight of cat food, but when you hear his meowing getting closer along some heavy footsteps you grow alerted, getting ready to step out the bath.
"Can i come in?" You hear a familiar masculine voice politely question from the other side of your bathrom door. "What? no. Im taking a bath can you wa-" Kai enters, pretending to cover his eyes to give you privacy. "What the fuck." you yelp. "Hey, I just needed your help opening the bag, its kinda weird made, plus your little pussy needed attention." you chuckle to yourself from his use of words. "You wouldn't want it to starve to death huh?" Kai questioned you, proceeding to prentending to cover his eyes with the one free hand he had. He looked better than ever.. He wore a black long sleeve shirt which hugged his ripped body along some black fitted jeans, accompanied by his hot man bun, he noticed how you hungrily checked him out and took his hand off his face revealing himself fully to you.
"Like my outfit?" Kai asked in an overly charming voice giving you a silly twirl, which weirded you out since he's alwalys been a meany, could've been because he wasn't in his old deppressing basement away from his deadly cult who does nothing less than slaughter people for entertainment, or maybe it was because of how intoxicated you were. "Yeah, I actually like it. You look so fucking hot. Wait shit I d—" you accidentally let out one of the many thoughts that circled your mind triggering an unexpected shiver to run through your veins causing the little soapy foams that covered your body to vanish into the warm water unintentionally revealing your bare body for Kai to see.
"Oh, God. Don't move, you stay just like that." Kai demanded as his voice deepened to the sight of you. His dark appealing eyes scanned through your own causing your breathing to quicken at an inhuman speed. Unawaredly you bit your lip, effecting Kai's bottom lip to slip under his teeth also. Tension filled the bathroom as you two just stared at eachother, not one of you attempting to break the eye fucking you've been holding onto.
"Take off your clothes." you instinctively order. Kai's eyes widen as he slowly lifted up his long sleeve revealing his battle scars along with his divine form, as you just admired in the temperate warm bathtub you continued to comfortably lay on.
"That's it?" you question as Kai teased lowering his pants down slightly revealing his boxers and sharping v line. "I want more, baby" you order once again, this time softly attaching your hands to your soaped up breasts. "I think I might need some more inspiration." Kai suggested. "What kinda inspiration?" you interrogate once again. "Touch yourself for me, pet." Kai groaned out.
Rolling your eyes a little in response to Kai's nickname you begin to trace your hands down to your soaked core, rubbing it a few times before slipping a finger halfway in, moaning to the view of Kai pleasuring himself through his pants, you gasp to him pulling out a pistol from his inner hip, pointing it at you instantly.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Kai questions, his warm breath fanning your face softly as he traced his gun up and down your body. "No." you shook your head terrifiedly as Kai's hand wiped the tears that your petrified eyes had shed before slapping the fuck out of you leaving a red mark instantaneously. Whimpering in fear and in pain you spat on his face in disrespect.
Kai paused and slowly cleaned off your spit with two fingers of his bringing it towards his mouth seductively sucking them clean before guiding his fingers from his mouth to yours. "Spit again" Kai motioned his fingers against your mouth signaling you to spit on them once again.
You spat on his fingers as he repeated his past actions, suddenly grabbing you by your neck to his mouth brushing his lips lightly against yours as he whispers against your mouth " You're gonna be good for me, right?" "Yes." you respond attempting to close the gap that you both held when he automatically pulled back to look deep into your eyes saying "It's yes sir, Y/N." "Yes si—" you're immediately interrupted by Kai's harsh lips on yours not giving you an opportunity to come up for air, continuing to trace his gun choking you and pulling your hair aggressively.
You pull on his pants signaling him to take them off as he hears your calls and unbuckles his belt allowing it to loudly make contact against the tiled floor. Tossing his pants elsewhere, Kai pushed you deeper into the bathtub as he joins you, turning on the hot water faucet.
"Open your legs for me." Kai intructs as you obediently do as you're told feeling his fingers fill you up quickly. Keeping his steady rhythm Kai continues fingering you, making out with you allowing his tongue to explore your mouth completely, loud moans filling your bathroom.
"Im really close, Ka– ..sir" you instruct in between needy moans reaching for his cock, provoking Kai to pull his fingers out of you angirly.
Another slap reaches the other side of your face as you whimper in pain. "I told you to call me sir, pet." "But I di–" "Shh, pet. Shut the fuck up. Suck your master's cock will ya?"
You proceed to straddle Kai's bare body against yours slowly and carefully drifting your head down to his erected member and your needy core to his face, forming 69. Beginning to kitten lick Kai's tip you feel his fuzzy face vibrate against your innocence making you moan against his, returning the same vibrations.
"Don't stop doing that.. it feels so fucking good." Kai instructs against your clit in which you obliged. His tongue swiped up and down your core aggressively, sucking your bud and tongue fucking you at times, making your pleasure on him sloppier by the second. Kai grabbed your thighs harshly digging his nails in deep trying to get as close as possible to you whilst flickering his tongue antagonising your swollen clit in which you let out a long deep groan against his freeing your juices all in his mouth in which he slurps dry immediately.
Kai chose to face fuck you belligerently causing your blood flow to your head making you dizzy in the instant as you allow your intoxicated body to be used as a sex toy. "Get on 4, you pet" Kai demanded as he pointed a corner of the now empty-waterd bathtub. "Yes, sir." you obliged once more switching your position as your legs trembled along the way causing a deep chuckle to escape Kai's lips, proud of his work.
Kai slid his erection past your soaking needy folds with no hesitation, causing your back to arch instantly against his. Kai had insane stamina in which you knew the sex wasn't going to be over unless he was done. His hips contacted your ass everytime, creating beautiful wave patterns to form on them, turning Kai on even more by the second.
"F–fuck.. you feel so good, my little slut." Kai praised as he gritted his teeth in between each slap against your ass, making you scream in pure pleasure as your climax was getting closer and closer. "Scream louder for me, Y/N." Kai instructed as you screamed for dear life against his nonstopping thrusts, satisfyingly sighing at the feeling of Kai's member softening inside of you as his warm liquids leaked out of your pussy.
"You're a fucking god, Kai." you praise, calling him by his real name purposely. "Next time I fuck you i'll make sure that you're left in a fucking wheelchair, Y/N." Kai snaps at you totally serious about what he just said while you giggled at his words.
"I love you, byee" your intoxicated self says to Kai's exhausted self, putting on his clothes whilst his wet hair shielded his dark intense eyes.
"Fuck you and feed your cat" Kai responds pointing at Dex who's been locked in the bathroom the whole time, witnessing it all.
"Oh shit."
Damn. Poor Dex lmao
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