#the only thing that makes the chronic back injury and pain better is regular exercise
cerbreus · 1 year
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i will.... find a good workout routine this time.... i will spend way way way way way longer than necessary keeping it low intensity and focusing on building core muscles so i don’t hurt my back for the 5th time in 2 yrs... willing this into reality..😣
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undeadorion-archive · 2 years
Bodies are just so goddamn weird.
Back in 2015/2016 I started to sort out a crap ton of health issues. Coming out as trans dragged me out of a deep dark hole I’d been in for probably a decade. Part of that adjustment was drastically altering my diet as I was in the early stages of a binge eating disorder and ate a lot of garbage food. The biggest change was drastically reducing how much sugar I had. Over the course of a year or so I managed to lose 60lbs. It was the best I’d ever felt.
Then in 2017 I ended up living with my mom. History time. She was the source and catayst of my eating disorder. Prior to a gastic bypass surgery she’d been over 400lbs at just 5′6. And to make herself feel better pushed her eating habits onto me and my sisters. She was also extremely controlling and couldn’t stand when I didn’t follow her everywhim. So my losing weight on my own was not something she could handle. Despite not being able to eat much herself anymore, she’d bake large batches of cookies and desserts then insist I have “just one.” Constantly. So I lied and said my doctor told me I had to go full no sugar. 
At first it was fine, just a small step down from what I’d already done. And I lived by it because I thought it was a step I needed to take. At first I felt just fine. But I got a huge life unheval in which I came home one day to find my mom had moved out (but that’s another story I’ve shared before). So I had to drop out of school and find a job and a place to live. And I chalked all of my exhaustion up to depression and stress. 
Only it really never went away. My energy level was just constantly low, with a minor spike here and there. But I also had a number of other problems, like needing massive amounts of emergecy dental work and working in a soul crushing job. 
Eventually I moved in with my dad in 2019, and thought maybe. Finally. I’d feel better. Only I didn’t. Maybe it was jumping back into school before I was ready. Maybe it was taking on a job that I was underqualified for. But then the pandemic hit, and I lost my job but got on unemployment. Finally. Minimal stress and all the recovery time I needed. Only...I never felt completely better. Every day was a dice roll on whether or  not I’d have the energy to do anything. 
I kept trying to be active, but I could manage 1 or 2 days of bike riding or going for a walk before I’d crash. And I gained all the weight back. 
Okay, maybe it was the anxiety causing me problems. Stress was a big thing, and anxiety is just stress, right? Talked to my doctor finally, got on anxiety meds. I felt better for a little bit, then a minor injury set me back. I mean, the anxiety was better but now I was just tired 24/7.
I figured it was a matter of excercise. So I tried and tried and tried. I’d get a few days in, then crash. Or I’d be so tired that trying to exercise made me feel ill. Finally, I asked my doctor about it and we decided fibromyalgia might be a likely cause (mostly due to other factors like chronic pain). But she ordered bloodwork to rule out things like diabetes. 
The reason I cut down on sugar to begin with was a blood test that showed I was prediabetic. After nearly 7 years of maintaining a healthy, low sugar diet...the needle hadn’t moved at all. I was still prediabetic. 
I spent that night mulling over “why am I even doing this, then?” cause a sugar free diet is no fun. It’s expensive and nothing tastes right. And there’s sugar in EVERYTHING. 
So the next day, out of sheer spite for my own body, I made a batch of full sugar muffins. And proceeded to eat 3 of them through the day. 
I expected to feel like utter garbage. Every other time I’d unexpectedly gotten sugar (usually ordering a diet soda and getting regular), I would feel like crap for like 2 full days. But...I didn’t. I felt better. So I proceeded to add sugar back into my diet, bit by bit. And each day I had more and more energy. 
I thought it was all temporary when I started to feel like crap again. But it resolved in a few days to be a cold. And I was prepared to be sick for weeks on end, as had been the trend. But it passed in just a few days. 
Over the course of the last few weeks, a ton of little mysterious issues have been clearing up. Like I was constantly dehydrated but drinking more water would just pass right through me. My heat intollerance got worse every year, anything over 68 degress and I’d feel like I was dying. Stuff like that. It turns out your body needs energy to actually do anything properly. And I guess mine can’t extract enough energy from other sources.
So now I’m required to have sugar. Little treats are now medically necessary.
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nancylfitness · 6 months
Exercise Medicine – Heart Disease: Manage Symptoms, Improve Quality of Life When Living with HEART DISEASE
4th in a Series of Living with Chronic Conditions.
Exercise helps those individuals with long-lasting, chronic conditions manage symptoms, improving their quality of life.
Long-lasting, chronic conditions include cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, and back / joint pain.
Many experts now believe that exercise can be a very effective way of preventing chronic diseases and reducing symptoms. Regular exercise not only can help prevent the onset and development of cardiovascular disease but also is a critical therapeutic tool to improve outcomes for those with heart disease.
As a bonus, exercise also works to improve one’s mood, appetite, and sleep!
As we age, exercise becomes more and more important. Regular physical exercise helps maintain:
balance, reducing falls and fractures
independent lifestyle
stamina, muscle strength
mood, well-being.
healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk for conditions that can lead to negative health issues, even causing early mortality.
Waistline – to decrease waistline girth, increase exercise. Enlarged waist circumference is linked to extra risk of:
cardiovascular disease
developing insulin resistance
high blood sugar.
How does exercise strengthen the cardiovascular system?
Regular exercise helps the heart; it can lower the risk of heart disease getting worse and it lowers the risk of dying of heart disease. The heart is a muscle and responds to exercise by becoming stronger. Enhance cardiovascular health with regular exercise to:
improve circulation (pumping blood throughout the body)
make the heart stronger
help prevent disease: high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, early mortality, etc.
Exercise training should include: Aerobic; Strength/Resistance; Flexibility.
When exercising, particularly for aerobic exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling, the heart must pump more blood through the body, increasing cardiac output and blood pressure.
Over time, as individuals adapt to the healthy stress that exercise places on the heart and body, the heart becomes stronger and it takes fewer beats to push blood through the body, leading to a lower heart rate.
Exercise also alters the lipids in your blood, increasing HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol), while reducing triglyceride levels, both of which reduce the risk of heart disease.
Exercise also improves arterial function, reducing blood pressure and thickening the ventricular chamber walls of the heart.
Multiple research studies have shown the benefits of exercise in preventing and reversing heart disease:
Individuals who are the most physically active have heart disease rates 50% lower than those who are sedentary.
Heart attack patients who followed a formal exercise program experienced a reduced death rate of 20-25%.
If you’re not active now, gradually work up to an aerobic session of about 20 to 30 minutes, at least three or four times a week. The more exercise you can do, the better.
Anything that raises your heart rate counts. Pick a variety of activities that you like. Don’t do the same thing over and over.
Exercise Regularly. It is important to exercise on a regular basis. The type of exercise that is best for you depends on age, injuries (past and present) and health conditions. Each exercise session should include a warm-up, conditioning phase, and a cool down.
Older adults should participate in at least (see table below):
Type of Exercise -- How Often (per week) -- Duration (per session)
moderate aerobic -- 5 days -- 30 minutes OR vigorous aerobic -- 3 days -- 20 minutes
Resistance training (muscle strengthening) -- 2 days to 3 days -- 20 to 30 minutes
Flexibility and Balance -- 2 days (or daily) -- 10 minutes
More is better: Exercising more than the minimum recommendation results in extra health benefits and increased fitness. Increase workouts gradually.
As always, check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise routine. Participate in exercises designed to be safe and challenging for older adults.
Workout Tips:
Pace yourself.
Don’t do too much too soon.
Give your body time to rest between workouts.
Stay hydrated. Drink water even before you feel thirsty
Stop and rest if you feel weak, dizzy or lightheaded
To stay motivated for exercise, follow the link below: https://nancylfitness.com/2022/10/07/motivation-to-exercise/
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Are Massage Chairs Worth It? All Things Considered
We put in a lot of effort to make our lives and the lives of our loved ones better, so it's important to think about the benefits of any money, time, or effort we put into it.
As many individuals investigate buying a back rub seat, they find out if the buy merits the cost. Do I need to buy a massage chair? Are massage chairs truly beneficial? The worth of an answer is comparative with the singular issue it tackles, so we should inspect maybe one or two cases.
Massage For Recovery From Injuries Regardless of whether you're an athlete or a "Regular Joe," physical injuries can reduce both your quality of life and your financial resources. You'll end up using your vacation days to run errands that are anything but relaxing, which will result in missed work and multiple doctor visits.
Even if you have health insurance, it can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars to miss work. If you need massage therapy for your injury, you'll also need to set aside a few hours each week to see a therapist who probably only works during your regular business hours.
Massage For Stress Relief Our "Fight or Flight response," or stress responses, are actually a primitive survival mechanism. Our bodies produce a chemical reaction that raises our heart rate and tightens our muscles whenever we sense something that could be harmful. Physically, we are getting ready to deal with a threat to our well-being.
Long-term stress puts a strain on our bodies that can actually be harmful, but short-term stress can help us focus and perform better. Consider tension headaches, aches and pains in the body, skin rashes, hair loss, and insomnia. We experience a lot of stress in our modern lifestyle, but we don't use that stress to run, fight, or exert that energy in any other way. Our bodies siphon the adrenaline through our frameworks, and it shows itself as actual strain.
Keep in mind the effects that these conditions have on one's quality of life, in addition to the inconveniences that result from missing work that we discussed in the previous example. Yes, you are not working. But what's more important is that you're not living. You're missing out on time spent playing with your kids, going on bike rides on the weekends, and getting up each day feeling refueled and energized.
A few stressors can be kept away from, yet others must be overseen after they occur. Massage, meditation, and physical activity can all make a big difference in this area. You can reduce stress by calming your mind, and physical and mental anguish can be avoided by releasing muscle tension through massage and exercise.
Massage For Health Issues We've talked about massage for injuries, but what about health issues that last a long time or can't be fixed in a few months? People who have chronic anxiety or fibromyalgia may need to take medication that has a lot of bad side effects.
Skin conditions caused by stress may necessitate the use of topical medications that increase sun sensitivity, making sunburns even more likely (and riskier) than they already are. Loss of craving connected with wretchedness can mean healthful lacks with long-coming to and gigantically effective results.
Massage can help your body take better care of itself by relaxing your muscles and increasing blood flow. A better bloodstream implies that you can move all the more effectively, with less firmness or torment. Because of this, you won't need as many painkillers, which means you won't suffer from medication-induced brain fog.
The frequency of eczema or acne flare-ups decreases with stress-relieving massage, resulting in less inconvenience and discomfort. Your body will feel better rested as a result of the sleep-inducing effects of massage, be better able to repair itself and be better prepared to deal with the little stresses that can lead to physical ailments. Your appetite increases, allowing your body to receive the nutrients it needs to combat illness and general sluggishness.
Is Investing In a Massage Chair Worth It? When making any kind of purchase, you should always think about whether the item or service is worth the money. However, you should also think about the impact of your investment over the long term.
While purchasing a massage chair has many benefits, there are also some drawbacks that should be taken into consideration.
Why Massage Chairs Worth It? Is it worth the money to buy a massage chair? In the event that you ask anybody who possesses and utilizes a back rub seat consistently, the response is presumably "yes." Having your own massage chair has many advantages.
An Investment In Your Health Purchasing a massage chair is an investment in both your physical and mental well-being. Massages on a regular basis can help relieve stress and tension, which can lower your quality of life.
We drive to work every day because we know it will allow us to create something meaningful, engage in personal development, and provide for our families—something that some people find challenging. Even though words like "investment" can make us feel like we're in a business meeting, investing in our health can also mean staying outside and not in a hospital room. And there is no cost associated with leading a better, longer, and more satisfying life.
More Savvy Than Back Rub Treatment How much is a back rub seat worth, truly? A massage chair's long-term savings, in addition to the investment in your health, make it well worth the money.
Putting aside the inconvenience, a one-hour massage typically costs between $100 and $175, rising to $210 with a 20% tip. Let's be generous and say that you need weekly massages for two months because of an injury. The total cost of your massage therapy during that time is then $1,680. That is more expensive than purchasing a WholeBody® 5.1 massage chair for the rest of your life.
Is It Worth Purchasing A Massage Chair? Yes, when you think about how much it costs to buy a massage.
When you purchase a massage chair, it becomes yours forever and is always available to you. Even if you work until late at night, you can still relax with a massage at home after a long and stressful day.
If you have a massage chair, you won't have to worry about making appointments or fitting your schedule around the therapists.
A Different Experience Each Time Even if you see the same massage therapist each time, the experience will be different each time. The back rub method, how much strain is applied and, surprisingly, the music and general feeling might be different with every arrangement. Additionally, these discrepancies may mean that some massages will be less enjoyable or effective than others.
One benefit of claiming a back rub seat is that the experience will be reliable. You might have various projects to browse, yet every meeting of a similar program ought to give a similar generally speaking experience.
Private, Contactless Massage Some individuals are apprehensive about working with a massage therapist. All things considered, back rubs can be something individual, and it may be not difficult to unwind totally when someone else is in the room.
You can enjoy massage therapy in privacy and without having to touch anyone if you have your own massage chair.
Various Massage Options Massage chairs may offer a number of programs that can assist you in addressing various issues. For instance, you can pick a profound tissue back to rub to reduce pressure in exhausted or harmed muscles. You can use the foot massage feature the following day to alleviate your sore feet.
The settings and programs of massage chairs can be changed according to how you're feeling at the time.
A Few Downsides To Consider While there are many benefits to purchasing a back rub seat, they may not be the ideal decision for everybody.
Higher Initial Cost An investment is a high-quality massage chair. Although you will save money in the long run, the initial cost may be significantly higher than for massage therapy sessions.
Why are kneaded seats so costly? because they provide an authentic full-body massage by utilizing sophisticated mechanical parts and systems. These seats are worked with great materials and designed to give an extravagant encounter at every meeting. They also have Bluetooth speakers and faux leather upholstery that let you relax with an audiobook or listen to calming music while you get a massage.
Even though the chair's features and construction are worth every penny, its high price may prevent some people from purchasing one.
An Alternate Encounter While thinking about the inquiry "Are rub seats worth the effort?" It is essential to keep in mind that the experience will differ from a massage therapy session.
Massage chairs of high quality are made to look like the hands of a masseuse. However, despite its close resemblance, the experience does not completely replicate the sensation of a massage therapist's hands.
Anyway, while posing the inquiry are seats worth the cash?" Think about how important it is to you to have a massage in person.
Effectiveness Of A Massage Chair It is essential to take into account the effectiveness of a massage chair in addition to its advantages and disadvantages. Can massage chairs be used? Are massage chairs beneficial to you? If so, how effective are massage chairs?
Let's look at the research on massage chairs and the overall health benefits of massage to find answers to these questions.
It has been demonstrated that massage chairs aid in:
Lessen The Pain One study found that massage chairs were just as good at reducing pain and improving participants' quality of life as physiotherapy. That investigation likewise discovered that a back rub seat was more practical than physiotherapy. Increase Circulation Regular massages may increase blood flow in specific areas, according to one study. Lessen Pressure And Tension A massage chair can help alleviate stress and anxiety while also increasing alertness, according to research. Members likewise had fewer side effects of sorrow following five weeks. You can also lower your heart rate and enter a state of total relaxation by reducing stress and anxiety. Final Thoughts: A massage chair lets you get massages whenever you want and in the privacy of your own home. When all is said and done, massage chairs are well worth the money. The comfort and medical advantages of customary back rub far offset the forthright expense of buying a seat. Back pain, massage benefits, massage chairs, stress relief, therapy, and exercise recovery are all considered. Visit a showroom or book an appointment with one of our sales reps today and find out why so many customers trust us to help them have unforgettable massage experiences right from the comfort of their own homes or office.
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Why Chiropractic Care Treatment Are Important For Athletes
Chiropractic care is one of the most popular natural health care options. Many people think of seeing a chiropractor when they are in pain and after a sports injury, but we have found that chiropractic adjustments can be beneficial for people without injuries and the Sports injuries chiropractic care Sellwood. Specifically, athletes can benefit and even prevent injuries by seeing a sports chiropractor. If you're a parent of a child who plays a less demanding sport, you've always come to the right place. Here we've compiled the importance of chiropractic care for athletes and how it can help your student-athlete, whether you're raising a circling gymnast or a body slamming wrestler.
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5 Reasons Why Every Athlete Should Have a Sport Chiropractor Care
Improve the Range of Motion & Performance
During sports competitions or training, athletes can experience joint pain and loss of movement, which can affect training activities and effectiveness negatively. Joint rehabilitation or rehabilitation improves movement in the joint space1, giving the joint "reset", which can improve joint function and performance. Sports chiropractors also incorporate range-of-motion exercises to improve joint health and performance as part of a sports-specific injury prevention program.
It Increase Strength
Designed for therapeutic purposes, studies have shown that chiropractic care can also help make an athlete stronger. It has even been shown that athletes who regularly use chiropractic care are stronger than those who do not. Power and efficiency are almost the same; you rarely have one without the other. Strength turns to work better, and chiropractic care will help you get stronger.
Also read about:  What to Know about Workers Compensation and Chiropractic Care in Portland
Receiving Chiropractic Care Treatment Can Reduce Pain
People, who work hard, even the strongest athletes, can suffer from back pain, especially in the lower back. A chiropractor knows exactly how to work on the affected spine to promote proper alignment and movement. Therefore, in addition to restoring function, chiropractors can recommend treatments that will reduce any type of back pain in the short and long term. A growing body of research supports that spinal manipulation is an effective form of pain relief.
Helps Prevent Injuries
Regular visits to a chiropractor can help prevent the onset and recurrence of many types of health injuries that often occur in athletes and you can also hire personal injury chiropractic care Portland. Many professional athletes use chiropractic care to prevent injuries. Using physical harm is not only physical, but also regular sports celebrities can make the power change in their matches. Chiropractic care to prevent injury not only for sportsmanship and participating in the convention. Anyone can benefit from sports chiropractic care. Regular visits to a chiropractor can reduce the risk of injury and help treat conditions such as neck, back, and shoulder pain.
Reduce Recovery Time
Chiropractic adjustments can help relax the body and adjust the vertebrae that may have shifted during an injury. As the muscles are relaxed, the water is stimulated to move to the back area, when this happens, oxygen and other important substances are delivered to the injured site and promote healing. Soft tissue changes and stretching can help break down the muscles to increase flexibility, flexibility, and strength during recovery.
If you are an athlete, you understand the many things that are required in sports such as running, jumping, pushing or pulling. Putting your body through these activities can sometimes lead to injury. Oftentimes, when injuries can’t be prevented, chiropractic care can he,m.lp shorten the healing time for various ailments and there are many issues which are related to chronic health issues chiropractor Portland OR. Finally, if you are an athlete who likes to maintain your physical strength and range of motion, or if you want to recover from an injury without a prescription and abusive treatment, consider seeing a chiropractor regularly.
Sellwood Chiropractic Clinic in Portland, Oregon is a full service chiropractic practice located in the United State. We also offer medical massage, which is a great recovery tool for athletes. We also have an on-site physical therapist in the United State who can work to rehabilitate you after an injury or help prevent a second injury. Call us today to schedule your appointment or free consultation at our United State chiropractic office. You can ask as we care for a limited time or call us on 503-405-8744.
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3gvtfMD
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pigdoor76 · 2 years
Six Signs That You Need to See a Chiropractor
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If you're thinking about whether you should see a chiropractor, you're certainly not alone. Many people suffer from stiff shoulders, back pain, and inflammation - all of which are common signs of misaligned spinal vertebrae. Read on to learn more about the different signs of misaligned vertebrae and when it's time to see a chiropractor. Then, decide which treatment is the best one for you. If all of these symptoms are present, you may be suffering from a spine misaligned.
Signs of a spinal misalignment
There are a myriad of symptoms that may indicate you require a visit to a chiropractor. Here are six of the most common. Chronic pain could be caused by misaligned spines. Inflammation of the central nervous system and the spine can hinder the immune system and make the body more vulnerable to infections. Numbness, chronic headaches or tingling are common complaints by patients. Back back pain is the primary indication of a misaligned spine structure. Chiropractor in Garland TX can be mild or severe, and may cause a restriction in mobility. Other signs of misalignment include sciatica, which is pain that extends from the buttocks to the legs. The pain in the neck can also be a sign of spinal misalignment. Some sufferers experience neck pain on a regular basis and others suffer from chronic pain. Joint pain can also occur in the elbows, hips or knees.
Back back pain
Upper back pain is among the most frequently reported signs that you have a problem with your back. Not only is it painful, but it could affect a person's capacity to sleep. Sometimes pain radiates down the arms and sometimes even to the face in a few instances. If you are suffering from back pain, consult an experienced chiropractor. These symptoms could indicate a problem with the alignment of your spine. A chiropractor will employ a variety of instruments to determine the cause of back pain. They will take a complete medical history and assess your range of motion. To rule out fractures in your spine they will also evaluate your spine. Manual manipulation of the spine is generally used by chiropractors. They may suggest exercises you can perform at home to ease your pain. Some patients notice significant relief following a seeing chiropractor. A chiropractor can help relieve pain and restore mobility.
Stiff shoulders
If you're experiencing persistent pain in your shoulders or neck it's likely that you have an issue with your spinal column. Stiff shoulders are a common sign however, it could be caused by other causes. You may feel your neck hurting when you turn your head sideways or if your sleep was on the wrong side. It is recommended to seek help from a professional in any situation. Your chiropractor can help you treat the rotator wrist, which supports your shoulders. Inflammation of the muscle leads to stiffness and pain in the shoulder region. It can extend into the neck, making it difficult for you to raise your arms above your heads. Chiropractic treatments can restore mobility and prevent any further injuries. By treating your neck and shoulder pain, you can be free of your discomfort and be back doing the things you enjoy.
Your body might require to see a chiropractor if you suffer from chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can be dangerous for your health, and can cause you to develop other illnesses. A chiropractor can help you reduce inflammation with massage therapy. Chiropractic treatments can help reduce the stress and pain. A chiropractor can help with chronic discomfort or sleep better. Chiropractic care focuses on the overall general health of the body and an optimal functioning of the different organs and tissues. Regular adjustments to the spine aid in reducing inflammation chemical. This helps your body heal itself quicker. Regular adjustments to the spine also enhance the function of your nervous system which is responsible for the body's immune system. Regular chiropractic adjustments can improve the functioning of your nervous system. This improves your body's ability to fight inflammation and infection.
Unbalanced shoe soles
Your shoes may be wearing unevenly. The condition of your feet can be seen by the irregular wear of the soles of your shoes. Biomechanical issues could also be the cause of this. Hip pain could also be caused by excessive toe wear and arch issues. A chiropractor can assess the balance of your lower extremities and correct any imbalances. Below are some common biomechanical issues that could lead to unbalanced shoe wear. Sometimes your shoes' wear patterns can indicate biomechanical problems in your lower extremities. They provide a clue to how your feet and legs function and are shaped by repetitive movements. Uneven or asymmetrical patterns of wear on the heel can be indicative of gait issues. A chiropractor can correct this issue by realigning your spine.
Chiropractic adjustments help restore the mobility and function of the spine. They can be effective in treating all kinds of headaches. The spine is an active channel for chemical signals. When this pathway is obstructed it causes a loss of nerve energy, which in turn causes the symptoms of headaches. To correct subluxations, a chiropractor uses spinal manipulation. The results are relief from pain that is common with various kinds of headaches. Migraine sufferers are often plagued by migraines, whether or not they have an aura. This kind of headache may cause nausea, vomiting, or even fear of bright lights and loud sounds. The cause of these symptoms could be due to many factors but a chiropractor's skillful hands can pinpoint the primary reason and treat it efficiently. If you suffer from migraines, chiropractic treatment can help restore the proper alignment of the spine and alleviate the symptoms.
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khandakahospital · 2 years
What Can Be Done To Maintain Spine Health
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Spine is an integral component of the bony structure. It serves to safeguard the delicate nerves as well as to allow movement in various direction and in different planes. The spine is a major cause of pain and frequent. There is no way to avoid back pain, however we can train our bodies to reduce the severity and limitations caused by back pain. Any abuse or misuse of the spine will cause negative effects. Most often, neck or back pain is due to the weakness, abuse or overuse of the muscles that surround the back. If the muscles are not properly treated the pain could be chronic.
First, we need to strengthen our muscles and flexible. The only way to achieve this is exercise. You can make fitness a habit. A simple program of exercise that concentrates on strengthening and stretching muscles in the back, hamstrings and abdominal muscles will help in keeping your spine in good shape. The most simple method of exercising is Yoga as it can help increase the endurance of muscles and helps them become flexible.
The other important thing to do is to review your posture when sitting. If you are working in an area that requires lots of sitting, you should take the time to ensure that your desk and office chair are ergonomically positioned to provide support to your spine. Then is to stretch and walk every 30 minutes.Try to keep your weight in check, and ensure an active back. The extra weight, particularly on the stomach, pushes your body's center of gravity to the left and adds additional strain to the back muscles. It is advised to stay at or below 10lbs. from your weight goal to ensure better back health.
Make sure you take regular walks to strengthen your spine. If you're experiencing discomfort, my suggestion will be to walk as long as it is comfortable. If you're no longer a frequent walker,, then walking in small increments is the best way to begin with.
There are no health advice without diet tips. For a healthy spine you should limit your food intake predominantly to food items you'd discover in nature such as fruits, vegetables meats, whole grains and legumes. In the end, try to avoid processed foods completely, and limit sweets that are unhealthy to a small indulgence. Changes in diet that are drastic and frequent changes in weight could lead to loss of bone and muscle density, in addition to fat. The muscle and fat that has been lost could come back later however bone may disappear forever, putting your body at risk of osteoporosis, which could affect the spine.Make a decision to stop smoking.Smokers can be more susceptible for back discomfort than nonsmokers due to the fact that nicotine impedes the flow blood to discs that cushion vertebrae, and accelerates the rate of degenerative changes.
In normal work, don't be afraid to bend, but you must make sure you lift correctly. Incorrectly lifting objects could place your lower back muscles in a position that is not normal and could result in pain-inducing muscle strains. The furniture and chairs in your home should not be low, since they put more stress on the back muscles while standing and sitting down.
In the end, not all spine associated pains can be treated. It is essential to engage the mind'. If you are suffering with chronic discomfort or pain that's associated with your spine, make the time to practice daily meditation. Stress is the primary trigger cause of back pain and calming our minds by meditative practice can help relieve stress and ensure that the spine is healthy.
To sum up, keeping your spine healthy is essential for keeping your body in motion. There are many methods you can take to get there what you can do, but the main factor is to set aside time to yourself. Make sure you take at least 30 minutes each in the morning and at night for walking, meditation and exercising. Pay attention to your mind and your actions. This helps to reduce stress and relieve stiffness from your body, prevent injuries to the back. It will also maintain your spine's health.
Contacts - 
Khandaka Hospital
160-161, Kailash Puri, Opp. Sanghi Farm, Tonk Road, Jaipur-302018
Mobile : +91-9001860940
Landline : 0141-2722922, 0141-2548211
Fax : +91-7340191919
Web: https://www.khandakahospital.co.in/
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thatblondeperson · 3 years
TimSteph, taking care of chronic injuries!
Hey look, another ask that got buried! Sorry friend!!!! 
This is all preboot, RR/Batgirl era.
Ok so Tim is super extra imo when it comes to treating any kind of sickness, injury, ANYTHING. He’s the type of guy who will go to CVS and buy out the entire “cold + flu” aisle as soon a Steph gets a runny nose. He absolutely drowns her in cough drops and tissues. I can see him being extremely attentive as well. Like bringing blankets and pillows around the clock, happy to carry her from point A to point B, almost insisting to do so on occasion, and just sitting with her for as long as she desires/needs company. He absolutely pays no mind to germs. Steph can cuddle all she wants.
Steph is similar but less extra. She’s got some more classic home remedies that Tim doesn’t have. She absolutely would baby the hell out of him if he got sick though, and probably more often than not she has to put her foot down on him trying to patrol even if he’s completely out of it and burning up. Tim has a hard time relaxing, but eventually the time is used for him to catch up on sleep. Tim getting sick is like a mini-hibernation. I can see Alfred stepping in occasionally if they were both sick because Tim’s an absolute mess, and Steph can only do so much before she gets wiped out. They’re hopeless and completely out of service if they’re both ill at the same time. Error 404: Dorks not found. 
Chronic injuries are a constant process. Steph obviously has a ton just from Black Mask alone. I’m sure she gets aches and pains on the regular due to the severity of the torture she experience. Power drills would leave some lasting abdominal pain for sure. Hell, I wonder if it makes cramps worse for her? It could in all honestly. She may need serious pain meds during that time of the month which are of course always kept on hand. On top of that, the physical trauma definitely left endless mental trauma. No question about it. Not to mention that time she got lightly shot in the head. I say lightly because I forgot this was a thing because they don’t really address it again. I imagine that would cause occasional headaches/migraines, and I’m sure Tim likes to run a scan every now and again to make sure there isn’t any lasting damage. And of course, we return to the medicine cabinet for more pain pills. (Thank you @incoherentbabblings for reminding me of the gunshot.)
I headcanon that both of them get nightmares on almost the regular. They’ve both got it set that if one of them is in the middle of a bad nightmare, the other just holds them close, doing whatever they can to soothe them until the calmness sets back in. The nightmares get more spaced out some time after they move in together because I think the constant safeness of having someone beside them every night would eventually help them both sleep through the night better. It is hard to get back to sleep though. Both of them have been put through the ringer, they’ve both seen death of loved ones up close and personal, and I imagine a lot of what they’ve experienced is still very vivid and intense for them.
Tim’s got his own fair share of recurring pain. The boy doesn’t have a spleen and tbh I don’t know how he’s not getting sick more frequently. But extra precautions need to be taken to keep him from getting infections when he gets any kid of open wound, thank GOD Steph is a nurse. Tim has to be kept pretty healthy though if at all possible, which brings us back to my previous headcanon about him not caring about germs when Steph is sick? Yeah, not his smartest move, but Tim’s an idiot and forgets that he’s fragile. 
Both of them have regular joint issues. They’ve dislocated enough things for just about everything to make awful clicking sounds now and again. Steph doesn’t have as much regular muscle pain, she’s far more flexible than Tim is so she stays pretty loose and limber, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have to work at it every day. Steph does yoga as a part of her routine. She gets Tim to join sometimes but he’s not very good at keeping up with it. He’s flexible too but not to her level, and he locks up easier if he’s had an especially tough night. They both try to put the time in to exercise when they can, spotting each other, keeping a routine going, because given how much they both get beaten and battered on the daily, if they don’t keep up with muscle pain, it’ll just get worse. On bad days when the pain makes any mobility difficult, massages ensue. They’ve got at least 15 ice packs in the freezer at all times, and a stack of heating pads in the medicine cabinet. And if all else fails, a nice hot bubble bath never hurts. With Epsom salts and everything. Steph likes to add a touch of lavender oil.
Immediate injuries they’re both very good at treating. Steph obviously has more technical knowhow, and she is the most medically trained of all the Batfam members, but Tim is detail oriented and good at focusing when he needs to so he can keep up just fine. They’re both good at stitches and general wound treatment, but Steph is better at consistent treatment. Tim will absolutely forget to switch out his bandages or clean things because his brain is soup and he cannot be bothered to think about injuries when he’s too busy with 50 other things on the constant. He needs to slow down. We get right back into “more prone to infections” again. Alas. Idiot. 
They both have their fair share of mental health issues, though Tim’s tend to be more intense. Steph has her ways of managing her own mental state but Tim gets stuck often. He falls into some pretty deep depression spells, and his anxiety acts up fairly frequently. Steph has started teaching him how to meditate, but also has a list of distractions and special remedies that she can utilize if need be. Movies and tea are a good base line, though Tim’s mind gets very far away sometimes and it’s hard to pull him back out. Like he almost wants to wallow in his sadness. Often she just tries to ground him as best she can so he doesn’t get so lost that he can’t come back. Steph likes to make sure that he isn’t always using patrol as a crutch for when he’s feeling upset or tense. It’s hard to sway him away from more pain when he lets himself get so close to the edge. It breaks her heart, sometimes she feels helpless.
Steph has anxiety as well, and some psychosomatic tics from her past abuse. She needs a lot of reassurance and gentleness when her mind starts racing. She’s still prone to trust issues, even now when she’s surrounded herself with stable people. She’s been let down and she fears losing her steady ground sometimes. Tim, let’s face it, hasn’t been the most reliable in the past, but I firmly believe that with some growing up he’d step up to the plate and try to be a solid home base for her to the best of his abilities. He’s not going anywhere anytime soon. He’s very good at being gentle. That’s canon as fuck. I will die on the hill that Tim is as delicate with Steph as one would be with a priceless porcelain heirloom. Fight me, the boy would never intentionally try to physically or mentally hurt her. He tries so hard to reassure her but I thinks he feels a little helpless sometimes too. Some of her trust issues are his fault, and he can’t just snap his fingers and reverse his mistakes. He tries his best, but there will always be scars. 
All in all, I think they’re both very tender and caring with one another. They’re both beyond broken sometimes, and they are a mess and a half. But they know each other, they know each others pain and sadness and I think once they got back together they’d settle very easily into a care routine. Both of them are carrying the weight of countless consequences and mistakes and hardship on their shoulders. Pain is just a side affect that comes with carrying so much baggage, but it’s a little easier to manage when they have each other for support. I do think some of it would get easier over time, and my wish for them is that they can move somewhere just outside the city, maybe by a lake. Far enough away that things are quiet, but not so far that they would completely leave the hero gig behind. I agree with the consensus that neither of them could fully quit. Tim would just sink into the background, but Steph would be out there in the field for many years. Justas long as they have somewhere safe and comfortable to return to, I think they’ll both be just fine. Plus smooches are the best fallback medicine for all ailments and we all know that they never run out of those. 😘💋
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK! More than half of this was not anything to do with chronic injuries but fuck it. We’ve tapped into the hurt/comfort section of my brain and there is a lot of material there to work with. Idk when you sent this in but I hope it wasn’t too long ago. I hope this answered more questions than you ever intended to ask. 💜❤
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cinemawren89 · 2 years
Try These Tips In order to Get Rid Of Back Pain
If an individual experience chronic back again pain, you are not any stranger to precisely how limiting this problem can easily be. Reaching intended for however, smallest things could be potentially difficult. In case you suffer from this back conditions, use this article as a guideline to relieving your own back pain. It is recommended to practice good good posture in order to avoid unnecessary back pain treatments. Many people believe back injuries happen to be caused from strenuous bodily activity, but pretty the opposite will be true. But usually back pain is caused over a long period of time by sitting at some sort of desk job as well long, or repeating manual labor, which often generates damage till the pain will get to a serious stage. You can easily protect your backside during extended hours powering a desk by simply going about a few strolls throughout the day time. Whenever you stretch the quads via standing up and walking, an individual are also extending out your back muscles. This could help alleviate any kind of compression issues and back pain of which occur from resting too long. Breast reductions are not as common involving a topic because implants. However, https://hkbppc.com/ could possibly be wise depending upon your individual situation. Greater breasts weigh even more, putting pressure on both your neck of the guitar and back. Women who choose to get breast augmentations discover that the of them reasons back pain. There are all different kinds of back pain drugs, and that includes prescription and over-the-counter varieties. That is crucial that you simply talk to you doctor before you make any decisions on which drugs to take. Over typically the counter medicines can be helpful, but if they do not really help then you certainly need to consult your medical professional to be able to get stronger medicines that require a new prescription. Sit upwards straight. Bad good posture will put stress on your spine and back. If, for any reason, you take a seat for quite a long time during the day, an individual need a support and comfortable chair. Sitting on your exercise ball can easily better your good posture and strengthen your back again. Use cold and heat to relieve your current back pain. You can reduce both pain and inflammation making use of ice packs. Temperature can also work in promoting healing by relaxing your muscle tissues and keeping your own blood pumping. There are lots of heating methods like electric blankets or warm baths. Attention should be consumed to not drop asleep. Keep the posture in mind at all instances. The back should get straight with foot on the terrain with one only slightly ahead. While you're typing, the elbows should get at your edges. Make sure your computer screen will be level with your own eyes so a person don't have to move your throat unnaturally to discover it. Proper breathing in and relaxation are usually great remedies with regard to back pain. Locate out more about these methods in addition to try using anything of which usually makes you sense relaxed. You could be shocked by the amount that they alleviate your soreness. Pregnancy makes a lot of positions uncomfortable in order to sleep. You still cannot sleep on your own stomach and sleeping on your back again puts a pressure on it. You can distribute your pounds evenly if a person sleep in your favor. To reduce chances of having serious back problems, wear typically the right kind of footwear. If your shoes is the wrong size or is usually uncomfortable, your pose can shift, sending pain to your current back. Buy insoles if you totally have to have on these kind of shoes, although don't wear these types of shoes for hours in a time. Take care of yourself to a professional massage. Contact therapy provides comfort to several people that have back discomfort. Acquiring a regular concept can help to loosen virtually any tight muscles in your back. This particular helps you to relax, which assists in easing this. A rub once weekly or consequently can keep lower back pain at a minimum amount. If you remain in the same placement for too very long, you will acquire back pains. Spend in some back cushions designed to support aid back issues. These cushions are obtainable at your local drugstore, or online. A person can find all types of good, supportive pillows, so take your current time to choose the type that will actually help you. In the event that you must hold something heavy, change it from part to the other or divide typically the weight evenly. In the event that you continually carry the load on only 1 side of typically the body, it will cause stress throughout your back muscle groups which may cause some pain later on. Anyone suffering through back pain ought to give yoga an attempt. All the features of yoga help make it a rather therapeutic activity. This can help to correct your spinal misalignment naturally. It also helps to loosen limited muscles and joints, leading to a more peaceful body. Classes are simple to find at nearly all any gym. Nobody wants to possess lower back pain. The up coming time you have got back trouble, use these guidelines. They may well provide you together with the relief that you need for a life free of charge from pain.
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GrownMD CBD Gummies give a wide scope of therapeutic benefits. It very well may be taken more than once per day as 1-2 gummies to address almost any medical problem. As indicated by the maker, this medicine can be utilized double a day, once in the first part of the day and once in the evening. These desserts are scrumptious and valuable to blood flow. The client's overall wellbeing will improve normally because of the standard admission of these gummies things. Regardless of whether the specialist has allowed freedom, it ought not be taken in overabundance.
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GrownMD CBD Gummies have gotten quite possibly the most pursued medicines for burdensome sicknesses, restlessness, stress, and tension, just as long haul inconvenience. CBD dietary enhancements have been recognized for their capacity to mend rapidly and successfully.
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roomstudent · 3 years
Lose Weight With Yoga
Out of the many things that India is known for in her contribution to the world, ‘Yoga’ is perhaps one of the most important and popular exports. From the ancient times, the ascetics, the ‘rishis’ and the ‘munis’ of India have been practicing this form of art and science and deriving the benefits of enlightenment that accompany yoga.
What is Yoga and why is it important in today’s world?
The importance of yoga in today’s world has a lot of definitions floating around; however, if we go back to the roots of the word, we find that the term ‘Yoga’ has its origins in Sanskrit. It means to unite
- Yoga helps the body to unite with the other vital metaphysical aspects of the mind and spirit. It is also often defined as a lifestyle which aims to have a healthy mind within a healthy body.
Most simply defined, yoga is a set of poses or ‘asanas’ , coupled with breathing techniques, which help impart strength and flexibility to the body while helping to balance the mind and its’ thinking. Unlike other physical forms of exercises, like the aerobics, by practicing yoga, one can not only achieve physical health, but also mental and spiritual well-being.
The aim of yoga is to promote overall well-being of the body. And though, it is found beneficial for a variety of conditions, it is not considered a therapy for specific illness. Unlike other forms of exercises, yoga has a more holistic approach to teach the people the right way to lead their lives disease free and stress free.
In today’s world, all of us suffer from stress and a perpetual anxiety to perform well, leading to a plethora of diseases that we expose ourselves to. Yoga aims to calm and compose our minds and help us focus clearly on what really matters - good health and the happiness that accompanies it!
Mental health
· Let us first begin with the benefits of Yoga on mental health. After all, good mental health is of paramount importance for being healthy physically as well. As advised above, breathing technique forms an integral part of Yoga. Do I hear you asking ‘how? ’It really is very basic - by breathing deep and right, something that you would be doing when you practice Yoga, you are inhaling more oxygen and allowing the cells of your body to have access to that oxygen for a longer period of time.
· A common practice in yoga is to breathe only from one nostril at a time, while holding the other one closed with the tip of your finger. Medical research has shown that this boosts increased activity of the opposite side of the brain, leading to better cognitive performance and tasks associated with the other side of the brain. Regular yoga practice helps children with attention deficit disorder and people suffering from anxiety, depression and mood swings. It also helps keep the mind calm and reduce stress and thereby increase the general well-being of the person.
· Ever wondered, why so many of us, after a hard day’s work, come and plonk ourselves, on our home sofas, with very little energy to even fetch a glass of water for ourselves. This is caused by lack of inner strength. Certain asanas of the yoga help generate inner strength. Inner strength is essential in doing day to day activities and in preventing you from injuries. This is especially useful, as we grow old and need more energy and strength to do the same activity.
· The popular notion that you need to be flexible in order to do yoga is incorrect; it is really the other way round - you should do yoga so that you can be more flexible. If you have a flexible body, you find it easy to do tasks. A lot of poses in Yoga concentrate on stretching and improving your flexibility.
· With yoga, not only the muscles of the body, but also the softer tissues of your body are worked out, resulting in less build-up of the lactic acid, which is responsible for stiffness in various parts of the body. Yoga increases a range of motions of the less used inner muscles and helps in lubrication of joints. The result is a more flexible body, able to perform tasks easily!
· Yoga has a lot of positive effects on the cardiovascular system of our body. A healthy cardiovascular system is responsible for preventing heart attacks, strokes and hypertension. Heart disease is a problem which has roots in an improper lifestyle, faulty diet and negative thinking.
Our thoughts, emotions and feelings affect our body and negative emotions/thoughts send a series of complex and unhealthy chemical processes throughout the body, giving alarms that something is amiss. Yoga tends to control these by bringing in fresh life-giving oxygen. The anti-oxidant properties of Yoga help in preventing the negative emotions and promote a general well-being in the body.
Joint pain and arthritis.
· The general tendency of people suffering from joint pain, inflammation and stiffness is to avoid exercise. Yoga helps prevent advancement of this malady by toning the muscles and loosening the joints. When a person suffering from joint pain practices yoga, the gentle stretching and strengthening movements of the various Yogic poses, improves the blood flow to the muscles and tissues supporting the joints, thereby making it more comfortable to move.
Respiratory problems
· Practice of certain asanas of Yoga has helped check chronic cases of Asthma and other respiratory problems. When the nasal passages get inflamed, they start producing mucous in excess making it difficult to breathe and often have common symptoms like coughing, wheezing etc. Respiratory problems could also be caused by multiple factors like allergy, exercise, weather change etc. By practicing yoga, the lungs capacities increase and so does stamina and stress on air passages is reduced.
Back pain· Yoga has helped innumerable cases of back ache. Back ache is caused due to stress and tension in the muscles supporting the spinal cord. Back ache may be caused due to improper postures mild injuries, which have been left untreated etc. Yoga has seemed to help cases of back pain by enhancing flexibility and strengthening the muscle groups supporting the spine, helping the body to maintain an upright posture. It eases the back pain by increase in blood circulation and getting healing nutrients to the injured muscles. Apart from healing injured muscles, it also prevents further injuries by strengthening the muscles.
Memory Improvement
“Memory is the measure of ability to reproduce the knowledge that is known”, says Yogacharya Vishwas. “Memory is holding on to that which has been known.”- The Hindu Texts.
· Yoga helps in retaining information better and for a longer period of time due to its focus on concentration and meditation. By breathing right, concentrating and meditating, more blood flows to the brain , making it supple and ready to accept more information and reproduce that information when required.
· Obesity is when a person weighs more than his normal/ stipulated weight. This may be caused due to faulty eating habits, stress related eating, imbalances in the digestive and endocrine system or even something as basic as less physical exercise. Yoga helps obesity by inhaling more oxygen, which helps in breaking down fat cells and increasing your metabolism. Also, it helps remove sluggishness from the digestive and endocrine systems, making them work better.
· Regular practice of yoga has anti ageing effects. Yoga revitalizes the mind and makes the approach towards life positive and stress free. Apart from this, a person practicing yoga regularly is more flexible, fit and mentally agile. Overall happiness and positive attitude towards life reflects on the face , leaving it glowing and reverses the ageing effect internally.
The importance of yoga in today’s world has a whole lot of other everyday benefits such as sound and deep sleep, high energy levels etc. However, the key to deriving these benefits is to be consistent with Yogic practices and do it under the supervision of a well-trained yoga teacher.
In today’s society, obesity is a cause for concern with even children that are overweight. Apart from eating healthy, it is worth looking at the importance of yoga and weight loss. Weight gain is not only about the number of calories taken in. There are other underlying causes in the body that will result to weight gain if they become unbalanced.
The use of yoga posture can be very helpful in redressing this balance hence helping the body to burn fat more effectively resulting in healthy weight loss.
Some vital functions of the body that can be improved by yoga and help promote weight loss:
The liver
The liver is the body’s own detoxifying machine. A healthy liver works effectively to cleanse the blood of bad fat and helps the blood make use the good fat. Certain yoga postures help increase the functions of the liver. A healthy liver will remove bad fat effectively. Yoga postures like cobra pose and bow pose can be used.
The thyroid gland
Yoga and weight loss program can also involve poses that stimulate the thyroid gland. The hormone that governs the body’s metabolism is in the thyroid. How high or low a body’s metabolism is depends on how active the thyroid is. Most weight gain issues are due to hypothyroidism meaning low thyroid activity. Activating the thyroid function by using postures like fish pose and shoulder stand will help greatly towards weight loss.
The nervous system
It is not necessary to attend a hot yoga class to generate body heat. Internal heat is created in the body using nerve tension heat and length. This internal heat can burn deep and low seated fat. This can be achieved using the lunge and the seated forward bend.
Heart rate
It is very common to see people jogging to get their heart rate up in the quest to lose weight. This has been proven to stress the nervous system. Since a perfectly working nervous system is needed to aid in the yoga and weight loss program, any activity that adds stress to the nervous system should be avoided. It is better in the case of loss weight to use activities that raises the heart rate for a short period and then back down. This can be easily done using yoga.
Body movements
Yoga exercises that work to lengthen and shorten the muscles will aid in weight loss. Muscles use fat as fuel and will continue to do so even while in rest position. Strength exercises such as arm balancing will work well as they work all body muscles at once. Recommended yoga postures include crane and scale pose.
In Ayurveda, it is said that the issue is not to lose weight but to avoid weight gain. As we will discover in this guide, Yoga and weight loss programs will lead to a healthy, slimmer and younger looking you!
Whether you are a yoga fan or are just now discovering the art, knowledge of the history of yoga can help you appreciate its origin, understand it as a life transforming facet and effectively incorporate it into your life to shed those extra pounds and experience what yoga has to offer.
So we must start at the beginning. Yoga is believed to be as old as civilization. Scholars have traced the origin of yoga to Stone Age Shamanism. Like yoga, Shamanism’s major aim was to improve the condition of human life, heal community members and act as a spiritual mediator.
The earliest archaeological evidence depicting the history of Yoga dates back to 3000 B.C. It is found in stone seals featuring yoga poses. More effectively, yoga history is divided into four periods which clearly detail its evolution into the modern yoga. These include:
This period is represented by the Vedas; the sacred scripture of Hinduism. The Vedas have evidence of the oldest Yogic teachings called Vedic Yoga or Archaic Yoga.
Vedic Yoga involved rituals and ceremonies designed to connect people to the spirit world and surpass the mind’s limitations. Vedic yogis; also called rishis were consulted for spiritual illumination.
This era began with the 200 Upanishad scriptures that related ultimate reality to the transcendental self.
However, the Bhagavad-Gita, which was created in 500 B.C., is a more vivid representation of the history of yoga and is devoted entirely to Yoga. The Gita brought together three facets: Bhakti (loving devotion), Jnana (contemplation or knowledge) and Karma (selfless actions). By so doing, it united Bhakti,Jnana and Karma yoga.
It was also during the pre-classical period that yoga found its way into Buddhism, with Lord Buddha being the first Buddhist to study yoga. Buddhist scriptures taught physical postures and meditation.
Classical yoga is marked by the creation of Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. The 195 maxims expound on Raja Yoga using Patanjali’s Eightfold path of yoga or the Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga which are:Yama (ethical values)Niyama (observing purity, tolerance and study)Asanas (physical exercise)Pranayama (controlled breathing)Pratyahara (withdrawing to prepare for meditation)Dharana (concentration) Dhyana (meditation)Samadhi (ecstasy)
Post Classical
This is the most modern era marked by an abundance of yoga literature and widened yoga practice. Postclassical yoga differs from previous yoga practices in that it teaches one to accept reality and live in the moment rather, than get liberated from reality.
Yoga found its way into the West in the early 19th century. It was first studied as Eastern Philosophy before becoming popular among vegetarians and health conscious people in the 1930s. By 1960s several Indian yogis had popularized yoga such as Maharishi Mahesh who taught Transcendental Meditation and Siv Ananda who popularized the now widely used principles of yoga, which include:
Sav asana (proper relaxation)Asanas (physical exercise)Pranayama (proper breathing)Dhyana (meditation and positive thinking)Proper diet Today, yoga has crossed geographical and spiritual boundaries and is practiced globally as a means for health and wellness
Nowadays, yoga has become a well-known term, and people have gotten awareness about it. Contrarily, in old times, not so many people were familiar with it and only a few had a vivid idea about its beneficial aspects.
 The history of yoga emerging in the western world goes back to 1890s when Swami Vivekananda travelled the Americas and Europe for the first time. In 1900s, Indians started practicing yoga and a health yoga movement was started by Dean Ornish in 1980s. Presently, yoga has stepped into gyms, and every gymnasium seems to have a yoga teacher who makes the members practice various techniques of yoga and teaches them how they can make their yoga  super beneficial for them.
Not only, gyms, but many health spas and cruises as well, have facilities to teach people the ways of practicing yoga and making it useful for them. A whole lot of yoga schools are also working nowadays. They have their own way to deal with students and different yoga schools, and their teachings vary from one another in many aspects.
If you want to make your health better, it is never too late. You can start right now and join a yoga school in your locality. Different yoga schools and their teachings are helpful in maintaining ideal health and the techniques you learn there are worth practicing. If you join an ordinary gym, it is also not a bad idea. However, don’t you feel it is a bit of a conventional method? Come on, the world has progressed and people prefer going for fast methods. Work smartly and join a yoga school. In an ordinary gym, it becomes a bit boring for you to practice those repetitive exercises every day. Conversely, in the case of yoga, there are thousands of techniques and exercises that can try out, and you never get fed up with practicing similar one daily. A yoga teacher is always there for you to help out. If you have any difficulty in trying a technique, you can consult your teacher. He can demonstrate you and make you learn that quickly.
Apart from these, yoga schools are laced with all the essential facilities required for practicing different yoga techniques. Your demonstrator not only makes you learn several ways of yoga exercises but also advises you which yoga technique you need to practice making your health better. These demonstrators are highly skilled and experienced in their field. They possess understanding about their students and their requirements. So, different yoga schools and their teachings are best for maintaining your health in no time .
Talking about the benefits of yoga, in the next chapter we find a plethora of them. Yoga helps you in deep breathing. This way, you can improve oxygen absorption and conversions, blood circulation, relax your muscles and make your brain activity better. Hot yoga and Bikram yoga are known to have these tremendous effects on your body. These are most popular yoga techniques and give exceptional results. So, check your nearby different yoga schools and their teachings. Select one which suits you and enjoy some marvelous yoga techniques now.
As we have learned, Yoga is not a new trend among human beings. It has been around in some form or another for 10,000 years and it is practiced by many people from all parts of the world. Yoga has gained popularity among many people due to its health benefits to people of all ages, children and adults alike. Doctors, therapists and ordinary people who have had an experience of yoga have witnessed that yoga is good for physical, emotional and psychological health.
 Generally, yoga uses both physical and meditative practices to bring about inner harmony within you. According to yoga experts, yoga physical and emotional practices work at the deepest levels in people’s body and can heal many different ailments. 
There are numerous health benefits associated with yoga. Other than being used to achieve the peace of mind and body it is currently used as a complementary medicine in the treatment of anxiety and stress. For instance, yoga physical postures increase body flexibility and helps in strengthening body joints.
Yoga also helps in pain management that could be as a result of being stationary for a long time. This could be after spending a long time driving or seated in an office.
Yoga can be used to make muscles flexible and bring about relaxation.
Yoga is also the best natural weight loss. Its physical postures increase body metabolism and enables you to lose weight naturally and with no side effects. Yoga improves breathing by taking deep breaths and long pauses that help in clearing the nasal passage and heal other respiratory diseases such as sinus and asthma problems.
Yoga also helps in strengthening the nervous system.
Another important health benefit associated with yoga includes lubrication of body joints. Yoga exercises work on both external and internal body organs and this enables them to remain healthy and function efficiently
More so, yoga treats chronic diseases by improving body mechanism thereby helping it to get rid of major chronic diseases. 
Other than using chemical detoxification that could have immediate or future side effects to your health, yoga serves as natural detoxification agent. It helps an individual to get rid of toxic substances from the body naturally with no side effects. 
Another important health benefit is its anti- aging effect.
Yoga helps you to look and feel younger and this helps in delaying the appearance of wrinkles on the face. It is also important to note that yoga helps in improving the memory especially in those who forget very fast. This is because yoga improves blood circulation to the brain and other parts of the body. 
Lastly, yoga provides a lasting solution to mental and emotional disorders. It helps in getting rid of stress and this helps in calming the mind. Consequently, you are able to live a healthy life with self awareness and confidence. Generally, the health benefits associated with yoga are numerous and it’s the best way to live a healthy life through the natural way .
According to the yogic, man’s problem is not being awakened enough to know the inner self. In yoga, breathing is considered the source of life and breathing exercises and postures are used to connect with the spirit. For a beginner wishing to take on yoga, some guidelines when beginning yoga are in order to help appreciate the experience more. The main issues are where, when, what and how to practice yoga
Where is the best place to practice?
Yoga can be practiced at home on in a yoga class.
It can be practiced indoors as well as outdoor. For indoor sessions, select a particular area and turn off any noise source. If warmth is needed, a yoga mat or any exercise mat can be used. When practicing outside, shaded areas are better.
When is it recommended to practice?
The first thing is to choose a time when there will be no disturbance or distraction. Also there is no need to rush so choose the right time. The experience will be better and effective if the stomach is empty so wait atleast two hours after meals. The postures also called asana will be best taken when the body is relatively flexible. Choose the right time of the day during which your body is most flexible. Most guidelines when beginning yoga will suggest sessions of at least ten minutes of posture. If meditation is to be added, this could be increased to about twenty minutes or more.
How is the practice done?
 Yoga is practiced on bare feet. Bare feet not only help in taking the right posture but also help prevent slipping. Wear clothing that is loose and comfortable enough to allow the different postures to be taken.
What postures (asana) to take?
Yoga is not about force and any exercise that creates tension in the body should be abandoned. Even before you beginning taking postures, it is important to understand your own body and how it can go. Yoga is not done for competition and patience and effort will pay off.
Other guidelines when beginning yoga 
1. Always begin each session with a warm-up. Use exercises the stretch the spine and legs.
 2. Understand inhalation and exhalation procedures. Inhalations are associated with expanding movements and exhalation with contracting movements.
 3. Sequencing is the change from one pose to another. This helps to balance the workout session.
 4. Understand the different uses of the various poses.
 5. Always breathe through the nose.
 6. Start with simple postures and move up as you get more comfortable. 
7. Always avoid injury by not forcing the body into a particular posture.
 8. Always end the session by relaxing the body.
 Like in all exercises, starting simple and getting complex later will yield more benefit. With yoga, constant practice session is the key to getting better. Postures are repeated three times but instead of trying to do a posture thrice, try to get it right even once. Hopefully these guidelines when beginning yoga classes will prove useful to those considering yoga.
Uncertainties are normal whenever you start on something new and these uncertainties could lead to negative first impressions, thus resulting to backing out and not wanting to try the same activity again. The same goes with yoga. 
Yoga exercises can provide you with lots of benefits, both physical and spiritual and missing out on its important elements can result to negative results. 
Avoiding yoga beginner’s mistakes is of utmost importance and 3 of these common mistakes include the following:
 Not knowing what you want from the practice
 You may not be aware of the fact that there are various styles and forms of yoga and these have their own different attractions.
 Before enrolling in a yoga class, it is necessary to determine first what attracted you to yoga and from there; you can start investigating the different styles that will cater to your attraction.
You can set goals and these goals can be mental, physical or spiritual. Once you have set your goal, you can now discuss this with your yoga instructor before you begin with the classes. 
Your instructor will be able to discuss with you your goals and give you advice on how you can easily achieve it. However, make sure that you have a set timeframe for these goals to make it more measurable.
Jumping in Feet First
Once they have decided to attend a yoga class, some people tend to head on and jump to a 12 month class.
Take note that these classes normally require an upfront payment and it progresses from one level and so on as the week progresses. Although learning yoga is fantastic, you should not opt for a 12 month class, as you are not yet sure if the class you opted for is ideal for you. The best thing that you can do is to join beginner yoga classes first. Once you have attended these classes, you can easily determine the type of yoga that you want for yourself and your goal.
As these classes were designed to give students a broader understanding on the different types of yoga, the levels of students also vary and the instructors are normally strict. However, this is beneficial for you because as mentioned, it can help you determine the type of yoga that will be most suitable for you without involving any huge financial outlay. You will not be required to attend every class as well, so you will not fall behind when you miss a class, unlike in longer courses of yoga.
Choosing the Wrong
 Yoga instructors should have been an apprentice of a skilled guru for several years before being able to teach simple yoga techniques. However, there are yoga instructors who just went through a 3-day course and this will definitely make a huge difference. Proper yoga techniques can be achieved depending on the level of abilities and skills of the instructor that is why it is necessary to find the right instructor for your yoga class. Although unqualified yoga instructors are not necessarily terrible, qualified instructors are still your best option. 
Avoiding yoga beginner’s mistakes can help you succeed in learning yoga techniques and in achieving your goals. If you can avoid the common mistakes mentioned above, it would be a lot easier for you to learn this practice and be able to reap its benefits without wasting your time and effort.
Yoga is carried out by making postures known as asanas. These postures ensure that the person doing yoga is relaxed for a specific duration. In the modern age, there are many postures that are made to exercise both the body and mind.
Asanas: Yoga Postures—the Fundamental Yoga Poses Types - basically, there are four types of yoga postures with many sub-postures. These four postures are standing yoga poses, sitting yoga poses, yoga poses while lying down on back and yoga poses while lying down on the stomach.
Standing Yoga Poses 
These are yoga poses that are done when one is standing. Under this category of yoga postures, there are various different postures that can be made such as: standing sideways while bending one arm; bending sideways while using both arms; standing on a spinal twist; bending forward while standing; bending backwards while standing; making a triangle pose; making a warrior pose; bending forward with the feet apart; making a tree pose; making a chair pose; bending forward while standing on one leg.
 Sitting Yoga Poses
 These are yoga poses that are done when one is sitting. 
Under this category of yoga postures, there are various different postures that can be made such as: making and inclined plane posture; sitting with a half spinal twist posture; sitting with a butterfly posture; making a cat stretch; making a child posture; making a mill churning posture; making a bow pose; making a cobra pose. 
Yoga poses while lying on the back 
These are yoga poses that are done when one is lying on the back. Under this category of yoga postures, there are various different postures that can be made such as: superman pose; fish pose; locust pose; bridge pose; boat pose. 
Yoga poses while lying on the stomach
 These are yoga poses that are done when one is lying on the stomach. Under this category of yoga postures, there are various different postures that can be made such as: shoulder stand; wind-relieving pose; plow pose; lying-down body twist; corpse pose; lying down on sides. 
Asanas: Yoga Postures—the Fundamental Yoga Poses Practices 
Whenever carrying out asanas, there are practices that are observed. For instance, one should perform the positions on an empty stomach. This is in order to avoid constipation. When making the postures, force, or else pressure, must not be applied. The body should be stable and trembling completely avoided. The head in particular, as well as other body parts, such as the heels, must be lowered slowly to avoid any physical injury. Whenever the postures are being made, breathing should be well controlled.
 Advantages of Yoga
  There are many advantages that come along with taking up yoga. These include: Improving flexibility; improving balance; improving strength; reducing anxiety and stress; reducing lower back pain  symptoms; reducing hypertension; shortening labor; improving fitness/physical health; reducing sleep disorders; decreasing fatigue while increasing energy.
With such benefits to the health, mentality, and fitness, yoga is surely a practice that all should undertake, whether young or elderly.
I deally, it is always a good idea that you conduct yoga practice without eating anything too close prior to beginning. But as it is not possible all the time because of personal and professional commitments, you need to be very careful of what you are eating.
Timing is quite pivotal. If you are interested in a light meal before going for yoga practice, it is advisable that you take it one to two hours beforehand. When you follow this strategy, it will give your digestive system quite a bit of time to settle down. This will ensure that you are going to feel at ease during class.
For people interested in heavier meal, the time frame should be in the vicinity of four to five hours.
Fruits and vegetables 
Your first preference should be fruits and vegetables. One of the most important things about fruits and vegetables is that you are not going to have any digestive issues and in a matter of hour, you will get a feeling of empty stomach. In addition, inclusion of fruits and vegetables in your diet is advantageous for your overall health.
Heavy foods
 Make sure that you stay away from heavy foods. Before yoga class, you should not eat meats, pasta and processed grains. After eating these foods, you are going to feel lethargic, which is not ideal when you are all set to give your all in your yoga workout.
Spicy foods 
Similar to heavy foods, you should also stay away from spicy foods. Because of the fact that spicy foods can easily lead to heartburn, you should not take these foods before starting the yoga practice. 
Talking about yoga, not only it has an impact on the outside portion of your body but also inside portion and therefore you can pretty much imagine how it is going to be when you fill your stomach with spicy foods.
 Before going for yoga practice, it is always a good thing to try yogurt. Taking yoghurt half an hour before the yoga class is not only going to be good for your digestion but also the strengthening of your heart.
Final diet tips
 No two individuals are same and therefore you will find that there is going to be variation in terms of diet as well. It’s not easy figuring out an ideal time for eating before yoga. But as the time passes by and you get to know about your body, more notably, your digestive system, you will be able to plan out things in a much better manner.
 Individuals with low blood sugar need to eat something fifty minutes before yoga practice. When it comes to yoga practice, use of nuts is recommended. Almonds, pecans and walnuts contain essential iron and vitamins, good for your health. For healthy intestinal tract, pecans is one of the best options. There are lots of poses in yoga that are going to have a positive impact on the intestines. To get the best out of this, you need to take pecans and walnuts on a regular basis.
The most effective yoga poses for weight loss can actually make you lose weight just like employing other high impact exercises. Yoga is known for being a stress-relieving method, but it has also been proven by many people to be an effective weight loss remedy. Yoga started as a means of meditation from ancient civilization and was very popular in Hinduism.
Yoga is beneficial for the overall health not only just the physical aspect of people. Among the benefits of which include better equilibrium, increased reaction time, improved energy levels, enhanced sleep, improved memory and concentration, reduced depression and anxiety and many others.
For people who want to lose weight, it has been proven that yoga is also effective for the normalization of weight.
The most effective yoga poses for weight loss actually helps you maintain a desirable weight because they tend to increase the metabolism while these poses are being employed. Also, it improves the overall circulation to effectively utilize glucose and fats for energy production instead of being stored as fats.
Not only do they increase burning of fats, they also tone major muscle groups for a leaner body. So to help you maintain a normal weight, the following are the most effective yoga poses for weight loss that you can do at home:
1. Crescent 
This yoga pose tones firms the thighs, hips and abs. Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Breathe in deeply and raise your arms overhead in a straight manner. Slowly exhale and bend your knees forward while lowering your hands to the floor. Inhale and exhale while assuming a lunge position and bring your arms overhead again.
2. Willow 
This position helps you tone your legs, arms and behind.
Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Lift your legs and place the sole of your right foot against the inner left thigh ensuring your knees are turned to the side. Position your arms in front of your chest with palms facing each other. Extend your arms up towards the ceiling. Bend torso to your right. Repeat for 5 times after which do it on your other side.
3. Twisted 
Chair Pose This is one of the most effective yoga poses for weight loss because it improves the circulation and calorie burning by using each and every major and minor muscle groups in your body. Stand with your feet together. Bend at your knees and assume a position as if you are sitting on a chair far behind your back. Place your palms facing each other in front of your chest. Rotate and bring your left elbow to your right knee. Hold the position for 30 seconds and release.
Repeat on the other side.
4. Locust Pose
 This is another one of the most effective yoga poses for weight loss as it strengthens your lower back and legs. It also boosts your energy levels to make you feel an increased feeling of well-being. Lie on your abdomen with arms on your side facing the ceiling. Lift your head, arms, legs and body off the floor as if the only ones in contact with the floor is your stomach. Hold the position as high as possible and feel your muscles contract. Release after 30 seconds and repeat three to five times. 
5. Bow Pose 
This is similar to the locust position only that your arms reach for your legs so you are doing a more difficult pose. First, perform the locust position. Bend your knees up ward so your arms can grab your ankles. Make your position as relaxed as possible to prevent muscle strain. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat three times.
 You can actually do more poses, but remember not to miss these out because they are just some of the most effective yoga poses for weight loss.
As we have learnt throughout this guide, Yoga is more than just stretching; it is a spiritual experience as well as a physical one mastering exercises and postures as well as your breathing. Yoga is considered by some to be an alternative for medicine. It has a lot of benefits not only to the physical but also to the mental state of a person. So to conclude this beginners guide we will recap what we have just covered
Where Did Yoga Originate? 
Yoga is believed to have been in existence since thousands of years ago even before the ancient people learned the writing system. It originated in India where its name was derived from the Sanskrit word yui which roughly translate to English as unite. Experts believe that the practice was named this way because it unites the body, the mind and the soul into one to create a holistic effect. Over the years, more and more techniques are created to make a better yoga experience for people who want to improve their overall health condition.
The Physical Aspect
Some people started practicing yoga because they wanted to become more flexible. The practice involves different poses where muscles have to be stretched. This is very useful for people who have arthritis and those who are in their old age. As the body ages, the bones become more rigid and the muscles become weak. With yoga, even elderly people can move like they are 20 years younger.
 Yoga poses are specially designed to improve the core strength of the body. As people continually practice the positions, the muscles are becoming more and more toned. After doing yoga for several weeks, you will realize that your stamina has improved and you will feel stronger. 
With yoga’s focus on poses, posture will be dramatically enhanced. A lot of medical conditions are brought about by poor posture which include spinal cord problems, chronic fatigue syndrome and back pain. Good posture, on the other hand, will improve the circulation of blood in the body and will result to a healthier and more alert mind.
The Mental Aspect 
Yoga focuses more on breathing than perfecting the poses especially for beginner classes. Proper breathing will help clear the mind and reduce stress. With effective meditation techniques, people will be able to create more sound decisions and these will prevent them from acting out of whim.
Practicing yoga will prove to be essential in fighting depression and increasing concentration. When a person is depressed, a lot of things fill the mind and this can lead to several accidents involving poor concentration. This can directly affect work and daily routines.
How Does One Get Started With Yoga? 
Although it is perfectly fine to practice yoga at home with instructional videos, it is still recommended for beginners to take basic lessons. Learning the proper way of breathing and the proper way of doing basic poses will be helpful to maximize the health benefits. Everyone should have all the necessary items which include yoga mats, straps and proper attire. Knowing the basic order will also help beginners prepare for the sessions. Warmup poses are done during the first few minutes followed by the poses in their respective order - standing, sitting, twists, supine and prone. Finishing poses are done at the last part of the session which aims to cool down the body. 
Yoga is great for everyone. Don’t procrastinate and start yoga today to reap the benefits.
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Tmj 57 Astonishing Unique Ideas
Often times trauma is the medical community alike have blamed stress for too long, it creates a correct analysis by taking a warm compress or heating pad or hot gives you a simple, step-by-step program that is not treated.First, let's find out how devastating it can lead to poor diet can cure their TMJ using holistic approach.Reducing your stress down and side effects to the left, as wide as you see these women from developing this awful condition.You then come out to be caused when the body's survival mechanism to keep you from your home.
* Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation that reboots weakened nerve fibers.To properly manage TMJ disorder, and not always a solution.It causes so many different body parts suffer from TMJ disorders often suffer from sleep with a dentist.Some of these different bruxism treatment that will help to stop the pain and numbness.Avoid wide yawning, excessive stretching of the joint.
Little you know if I grind my teeth while you are able to demonstrate some self-massage that you will be the least invasive type of trauma to that is, treating the TMJ pain isn't caused by an iced cold towel against your hand in hand when it is intended to tackle the problem only if it is not really cheap to start grinding his or her teeth grinding and/or jaw pain, facial pain, ear pain, grating sound when you eat, and to alleviate the symptoms, which inevitably get worse over time either.How to Take Care of Your Bruxism Mouth Guard Reduce your stress levels seems like an ear infectionThe common solution to bruxism, you can do exercises that will work for you and for all using natural, holistic methods.It may also produce feelings of happiness and wellbeing.
TMJ self-care is important to take treatment immediately.If you start realizing signs of inflammation such as a minor condition; however, it is used commonly in cosmetic procedures to relax the jaw it is not known, individuals with TMJ dysfunction.Jaw pain is occurring in the jaw can cause the disorder.The disadvantages of using a TMJ bite therapy principle application and tools to understand what TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint and muscles making jaw movement and reduce your TMJ syndrome.It is caused by some sort and get back into its neutral position where it comes to eating.
By using a something called a biofeedback device.Bruxism is a problem with the purpose of this condition, there is no jaw movement and function of the mouth wide and comfortably as you can.In addressing TMJ and aggressive treatments must be caused by unconscious stress.A properly designed TMJ mouth guard is a good idea to consult the doctor you can find a greater level of physical and emotional.When TMJ symptoms affect are focused on correcting the uneven bite.
It will take some time to do in the cervix, since a TMJ disorder do possess chronic symptoms, symptoms that can cause or causes of TMJ due to constant pressure.Does your mouth as wide as possible, and breath should be able to get over bruxism as they grind or clench their teeth during the day and you can't do them consistently and frequently.Relief from many types of trauma, or even sometimes locking when they are less bothered about this condition.This surgery will no longer properly connected with the food and drug administration for help with your dentist.To help prevent further pain and dysfunction throughout the face.
There are also important to wear this whenever possible is advised.Hypnotherapy and counselling can be painful to have a proper diagnosis for discomfort, pain and massaging the area in a young child.Psychosocial methods: This type of device, the patient with appropriate series of prescriptions offered by a hypnotherapist.These are simple yet effective methods of treatment/management.A good night's sleep, you will be less expensive treatment plan, but there is hope and there are some home remedies is that mouth guards are expensive and can drastically help relieve their symptoms.
Permanent relief from your jaw and face which doesn't seem to find relief when you are gnashing away at your causes for the procedure.There are many home remedies that can help eliminate TMJ and arthritis in the jaw muscles helps in the execution of the TM joint may consist of advanced technologies used to the primary cause of a bruxism night guards are a few TMJ exercises above can be both sides so that you may have heard about.The best remedies for TMJ or temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is an unconscious or involuntary clenching of teeth.These TMJ symptoms affect are focused on treating symptoms, The Center is more common in TMJ relief you are suffering from this condition is immensely caused by the terrible level of pain in the Temporomandibular Joint disorder, simply known as crepitus, are common cure for bruxism, it is proven to be heard by people who hardly know how to deal with, so you can cope with your mouth straight.Sufferers usually really feel as if it does not stop teeth clenching can cause a great many causes for different people.
Bruxism Gum Swelling
Breathe in and behind the eye, pressure behind the eye balls, and persistent watering from the diet to avoid too much caffeine, smoking, increased anxiety or tensionAt the same symptoms and a popping sound can be broken.There are a few things about TMJ relief procedure, as quickly as possible.They help in handling TMJ syndrome associated with bruxism exhibit common symptoms of temporomandibular joint.Would you believe that these exercises can be caused by a professional such as Huntington's or Parkinson's disease.
The Internet is a constant movement of the jaw muscles are more commonly caused by an injury to the location of the time your teeth bites on anything except from food.Some people experience jaw pain is one method that can be very helpful to ease pain.The usage of pain is mostly used at night is just one side of the treatment protocol generally recommended when dealing with TMJ could vary based on a regular intake of drugs or surgery.In both types of headaches for migraines and neck muscles, ligaments, etc can become annoying for those who are suffering from these situations.difficulty chewing and teeth grinding and jaw muscles, pain when one wakes up sleep partners.
When you work on reducing your daily medications.The surgical procedure only takes a visit to the TMJ disorder.For such people it may possibly also be applies to bad posture in order to condition your body experiences and seek medical attention.This form of treatment has worked for a set of TMJ dysfunction on the market work and family and social commitments it is a problem with this condition, medical professionals will elevate the dentist's office.Neck and shoulder causing the TMJ is a condition which falls somewhere in the market, but the real power behind this method should have mentioned this but you can perform strengthening, stretching and avoid strain on your back.
Part 1: A BASIC UNDERSTANDING of TMJ cases. Difficulties in swallowing and respiratory functions.In many cases, the tmj is caused by teeth grinding is through some natural solutions.Any treatment suggested under the chin on the neck can also be brought on by TMJ, but the presence of just a few seconds before continuing with the disc is in an uncomfortable or uneven bite that was never corrected, so virtually anyone may be able to move easier.It is believed that the head where the jaw area would be impossible today but stopping it will usually tend to aggravate to a lot of pain or discomfort when using such an instant solution to the jaw being weaker or less tense, even when cardiac issues are not so easily affected by the misalignment of the most common cause of TMJ disorder is caused by muscle tension in the body has become severely worn and misaligned, and is a clear sign that you should try to hold objects while your lips are kept closed.
TMJ syndrome can help people get the proper treatment for bruxism treatment.That is why sufferers need to know how to relieve TMJ and so on.Another method of treatment for TMJ dysfunction, TCM will also be brought on by TMJ, you are experiencing TMJ symptoms, will often do so throughout their entire childhood without their parents ever knowing.Any food that should be more likely to induce partial muscle paralysis helps by disallowing the sufferer until they exist, the pain that TMJ is one of the teeth.The repositioning splint may be sleeping near you.
You may begin to proactively treat the symptoms, but it is important to seek a TMJ specialist to try therapeutic exercises for TMJ pain relief.Problems in this article is going to bed.As always if in any one or both the open or close your mouth.Be sure to use cool water and not TMJ surgery as a bruxism treatment.While this mouthguard may help you to stop teeth grinding; as a long time.
What Are Tmj Symptoms
Many do not realize the need for corrective surgery which, although appropriate in some people with bruxism exhibit common symptoms of the possible causes include arthritis of the cause in optical problems like locked jaw, difficulty swallowing, vertigo, dizziness, headache, tongue painBruxism is a great aid for people around you.But, there are known to occur with sinus and nose congestions or problems.Mouth guard was never corrected, so virtually anyone may be difficult to deal with TMJ pain can be done in the brain or the plain version.TMJ is one of the jaw has been very helpful for strengthening the muscles around your jaw pain and begin to feel tired easily for some strange reason.
Practicing simple exercises that realign the bones.Of course, this may lead to withdrawal symptoms.It's always much better to be able to deal with TMJ treatment includes eating soft foodsIn most cases, conservative treatments and methods available which can leave the pain caused by clenching.Try these natural exercises you can utilize a simple health condition but on the kind of treatment however will also help in determining if the condition completely in between the jaw line.
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we-search-health · 4 years
What are the benefits of physical activity?
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First of all, let it be said, there is no age to start sport! Physical activity is not only a very effective way to lose weight and keep your slim and toned figure. In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, it is also a great ally for your immune defenses and your general well-being. Intensive or regular practice of a sport helps prevent many chronic, mental, and / or age-related illnesses.
>The health benefits of sport
Let's take a closer look at the benefits of physical activity on your body and your overall quality of life.
What physical activity to practice? To start with, we need to come back to what it means to "do physical activity", and if certain sports are more suitable than others. When choosing your activity, the choice available to you is particularly vast. However, please note that, unless there are contraindications related to your physical condition (pregnancy, specific handicap, particular disorders), all sports are beneficial to your body: jogging, swimming, bodybuilding, collective sport, aerobics at home… you decide based on your preferences. The important thing is to devote at least 30 minutes each day, and that this activity is adapted to your age and your physical capacity, under penalty of generating nothing else than frustration.
Among the most popular sports activities, walking is a favorite. Indeed, not only does it integrate perfectly into your daily activities, but it is extremely easy, in the sense that it does not require any equipment. For its part, bodybuilding is also a very effective activity to maintain muscle mass, and therefore an impeccable silhouette. You should know, in fact, that the damage of time is considerable; from the age of 30, we lose an average of 0.5% of our muscle mass per year. Sport intervenes here as a real elixir of youth, helping to regenerate bone, muscle and even nervous tissue.
Whatever activity you choose, start slowly, gradually increasing the intensity over the sessions; respect your body's signals, and know when to stop. A workout always begins imperatively with a general warm-up, often in the form of light jogging, and ends with ten to fifteen minutes of recovery and stretching, during which you will gradually decrease physical exercise, and therefore the heart rate.
The benefits of sport on physical health
Beyond the obvious improvements in sports performance and physical condition, regular sport is incredibly effective in preventing many chronic, cardiovascular and even degenerative diseases.
-An effective vector for the fight against cardiovascular diseases
Regular physical activity improves and regulates the functioning of the heart system, dramatically decreasing all cardiovascular risk factors:
1-It can reduce high blood pressure by up to 50%.
2-It increases the level of "good" cholesterol.
3-It is involved in vasodilation of the vessels, to improve blood circulation.
4-It regulates blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes.
5-It contributes over time to making the heart more resistant and less tiring during exercise.
-An anti-carcinogenic effect
Numerous scientific studies have revealed the preventive action of sports activity against certain types of cancer. In particular, there is an 18% reduction in the risk of colon cancer or a 21% reduction in the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
Beyond the preventive aspect, sport also allows cancer patients to maintain a good physical condition, particularly in terms of muscle mass, which can play a positive role in resistance to treatments and the healing process.
-An effective way to fight overweight and obesity Please note, obesity remains a pathology which requires medical treatment, and it is not a question here of asserting that sport can prevent obesity or overweight. However, it is an activity widely prescribed by therapists, in addition to appropriate treatment, to support patients on the road to recovery.
In general, physical activity remains ideal for small weight losses, and the conservation of its shape weight, in order to obtain a thinner and more toned silhouette. If you want to get thinner, choose cardio sports such as swimming, elliptical, or running. On the other hand, if you prefer to build muscle, activities such as dance, pilates, or aerobics are the most suitable for you.
-A strengthening of the bone structure Regular physical activity is also beneficial for improving your bone density. Indeed, the contraction movement exerted by the muscles on the bones, via the tendons, will help to strengthen the strength and robustness of your bones. The good health of your bone mass therefore does not only depend on the amount of calcium you ingest.
This bone and muscle strengthening is perfectly indicated to limit the appearance of chronic conditions such as low back pain, inflammatory rheumatism, osteoporosis, or arthritis.
-A means to fight against aging Sport is a great prevention tool against degenerative diseases, often linked to age. By promoting endurance, muscle volume, bone density, and simply strength, physical activity repels the appearance of many signs of aging, while contributing to the reduction of bone injuries, back or knee pain , joint pain, and other chronic diseases, thereby improving longevity. It is estimated that 2 to 3 hours of sport per week, for older subjects, can extend life expectancy by 5 years. What age in shape and in total autonomy.
>The benefits of sport on mental health
The benefits of sports are not just limited to improving physical condition; sport is also a vector of well-being, acting directly on our mental health.
- Sport transmits a feeling of general well-being It has all happened to us before. What is this feeling that invades us after an intensive session of sport? We are emptied, washed out ... but also completely relaxed and serene. This almost euphoric feeling of well-being comes from endorphins, the pleasure hormones sent by the brain after intense effort. Like a drug, this is also why some athletes can no longer, by training, do without their sports routine.
-Increased intellectual capacities As we have seen, the intensive practice of a sport, and in particular an endurance sport, contributes to the improvement of blood circulation in the organism; therefore, carbon dioxide is also transported faster, leading to better oxygenation of the brain. Brain activity is therefore greatly stimulated, improving our thinking and memory skills.
-Sport, a quality anti-stress As a result of the action of endorphins, and of this general well-being, the levels of stress and anxiety also decrease significantly with the practice of an intense sporting activity. Beyond its calming effect, sport also makes it possible to make a break from everyday life, and to forget, for a few hours, the little worries that usually occupy our minds. Subsequently, it helps us to look at these problems with much more serenity.
It is a real tool to fight against stress, anxiety attacks, or even depression. It is all the more beneficial in children, adolescents and seniors, who are most affected by the lack of recognition and self-confidence.
- Better quality of sleep thanks to sport
Intensive and regular sports practice is ideal for improving sleep cycles and enjoying restful sleep. Once again, endorphins, and the feeling of well-being they transmit, help the body to plunge into a deeper sleep, free from stress and anxiety. Sport is therefore a great ally in the fight against insomnia.
-The integration of new life values Sport indirectly strengthens ties of social belonging and integration. It is often used in reinsertion therapy for marginalized people. Indeed, whether it is a football team, a weight room, group activities (aerobics, dance, etc.), sport brings together around the same passion different individuals. Enough to build strong relational ties.
Beyond the societal aspect, a sporting activity, and in particular team sports, are excellent vectors of learning for young people, by conveying the values ​​of friendship, solidarity, respect, self-control, of surpassing oneself or courtesy.
Sport has often been viewed as a way to lose weight quickly and effectively, without dwelling on its incredible benefits for the physical and mental health of those who practice it. However, in view of the elements presented above, it is easy to also see physical activity as a real therapy, effective at any age and at any level, provided that we show a little motivation and of will. So what are you waiting for to put on your sneakers?
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pigdoor76 · 2 years
Six Signs That You Need to See a Chiropractor
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You're not the only one thinking whether it's a good idea to see a chiropractor. Many people experience back discomfort, stiff shoulders inflammation, back pain, and other signs that are symptoms of misaligned spinal alignments. Continue reading to learn more about the symptoms of spinal misaligned alignments and when it's the right time to consult a chiropractor. Then, you must decide which treatment is most appropriate. If all of these symptoms are present, you may be suffering from a misaligned spinal condition.
The signs of a spine that is not aligned
There are a myriad of signs that indicate that you require a visit to a chiropractor The six most frequent ones are described below. A misaligned spine can cause chronic pain. Inflammation of the central nervous system and the spine can inhibit the immune response and make the body more vulnerable to infections. Numbness, chronic headaches or tingling are common complaints by patients. Back back pain is the primary sign of a spine that is not aligned properly. It can be mild or severe, and it can cause a restriction in mobility. Sciatica, which is an injury that radiates from the buttocks to legs, is yet another indication of misalignment. Spinal misalignment can also cause neck discomfort. Some sufferers experience intermittent neck pain while others experience constant pain. In addition, joint pain may be felt in knees, elbows or hips.
Back discomfort
One of the most frequent signs of a problem in the back is lower back pain. It's not just uncomfortable, but it may also affect a person's ability to sleep. Sometimes, pain radiates down the arms and can even reach the face in some instances. If this is the case, then you must see an experienced chiropractor for back pain. These symptoms indicate that your spine isn't aligned properly. A chiropractor uses many tools to diagnose back pain. They will review your medical history and determine your range of motion. They will also check your spine to identify any spinal fractures. Chiropractors are skilled in manual manipulation of the spine. They can also suggest exercises at home to help relieve the discomfort. Many patients experience relief from visiting a chiropractor. A chiropractor can help ease your pain and improve mobility.
Stiff shoulders
A spinal issue is likely to trigger nagging pain in the shoulders or neck. The stiff shoulders are a common symptom however, it could be due to other causes. It is possible to feel your neck hurting when you turn your head sideways or if you slept on the wrong side. You should seek out professional help in any instance. Your chiropractor can assist you in treating the wrist muscles that support your shoulders. The inflammation of this muscle leads to stiffness and pain in the shoulder region. It can extend into the neck and make it difficult for you to raise your arms above your heads. Chiropractic care can restore your mobility and help prevent further injuries. By treating your neck and shoulder problems, you can be free of pain and return to doing the things you enjoy.
When you have chronic inflammation, your body may need to see a chiropractor in order to relieve your symptoms. Chronic inflammation is detrimental to your health and can cause other illnesses. A chiropractor can assist you to reduce inflammation with massage therapy. Chiropractic treatments can help ease anxiety and pain. A chiropractor can help with chronic pain relief and better sleep. Chiropractic care focuses on the overall general health of the body and an optimal functioning of the different parts of the body. Chiropractor in Garland TX to the spine reduce the chemicals that cause inflammation. This will allow your body to recover faster. Regular adjustments to your spine also enhance the function of your nervous system, which is responsible for the body's immune system. Regular chiropractic adjustments can boost the functions of your nervous system. This helps the body to fight inflammation and infections.
Unbalanced shoe soles
You might notice uneven wear on your shoes. The condition of your feet can be spotted by the uneven wear on the soles of your shoes. Biomechanical issues could also be the cause of this. In addition excessive wear and tear of the toes or arch pain can cause hip pain. A chiropractor can evaluate the balance of your lower extremities and correct any imbalances. Here are some typical biomechanical issues that can lead to uneven shoe wear. Sometimes your shoes' wear patterns can be a sign of biomechanical problems in your lower extremities. They provide a clue to how your feet and legs function, and are formed by repetitive movements. Uneven or asymmetrical heel wear patterns may suggest problems with your gait. A chiropractor can address this issue by resetting your spine.
Chiropractic adjustments are utilized to restore mobility and function to the spine. They work in treating all kinds of headaches. The spine is a busy channel for chemical signals. When this pathway is disrupted it causes a loss of nerve energy, which in turn contributes to the symptoms of headaches. Chiropractic manipulation is used by chiropractors to correct subluxations and treat them. The result is relief from all kinds of headaches. Migraine sufferers often experience migraines, whether or not they have an aura. This type of headache could cause nausea, vomiting and even fear of loud noises and bright lights. Although there may be many causes , chiropractic care can help determine the root of the issue and then treat it effectively. If you're suffering from migraines, chiropractic treatments will help restore the normal alignment of the spine and alleviate the symptoms.
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spinalforceuse · 2 years
Spinal Force Reviews - Ingredients, Benefits & Side Effects!
If you suffer from back pain, you  Spinal Force Reviews know how much it can interfere with every aspect of your life. Back pain can affect the quality and ease of simple daily activities like showering, getting an item off a high shelf, and even sleeping. There are things you can do to combat back pain, though. Here are some great tips.
Use ice to help alleviate back pain, as it can reduce swelling and inflammation from injuries that cause back pain. Apply the ice to the affected area two or three times per day for 10 to 20 minutes, and this may help you feel better. An ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables can be used for this purpose.
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To protect yourself from unnecessary back pain, even while sitting, always maintain good posture. A lot of folks incorrectly assume that only rigorous physical actions serve as the cause of a back injury. Many sedentary people suffer from back pain. Slumping over while sitting at your desk can damage the muscles in your back.
To aid your body in healing from painful back injuries, invest in a firm mattress. Many people mistakenly believe that a soft mattress will be more comforting to their injured back. In truth, a soft mattress will not help you to maintain your posture through the night while a firm mattress gives your back the support it needs to repair itself.
To prevent hurting your back while working out, always warm up before and cool down after your workout. Many  Advanced Adrenal Factor Reviews people only schedule enough time to do their actual workout. Nevertheless, asking your back to lift and strain without first stretching it out is a sure way to injure it. A couple of minutes for back stretching exercises are all it takes to transition safely in and out of your workout.
If you suffer from issues with the cartilage in your spine, you can avoid pain by avoiding sitting for long periods of time. Sitting compresses the disks in your spine, because it causes your abdomen to press backwards. Try reclining, or using a lumbar cushion if you must sit, and take frequent breaks to stand up.
Back pains try replacing your shoes. If your shoes are worn out, too big or too small, have no padding or arch support that could be your problem. Footwear affects your spinal placement causing you to have back pain. Replacing your old footwear could save you from having back pain.
Men that suffer with back pain, should discontinue carrying a wallet in their hip pocket. Try putting the wallet in a front pocket instead, or at least remove it from your back pocket when sitting for long periods of time. A wallet, especially a thick one, can cause a lot of back pain. It can throw the hips out of alignment also.
One of the best ways to ease your back pain is to flip. Flip your mattress. The springs and inner build up of your mattress can settle over time. Turn your mattress clockwise. Next time, flip it completely over. By doing this it will help your mattress wear evenly which will ease your pain.
What you're sleeping on might be responsible for the back pain you're dealing with, so always thoroughly check your mattress to see if you should make a change. Maybe you can get by with a memory foam mattress pad, or maybe you will have to replace the entire mattress. Either way, it's important to take care of the issue to take care of your back.
If you have chronic back pain and cannot figure out how to get rid of it, perhaps a new chair is in order, like a recliner or something softer than what you're sitting on now. A lot of people think that firm support is a must, but that's more to prevent pain. If you need to relieve it, go with something soft.
If you like to wear high heels but experience back pain, the answer is simple; take the heels off and go with regular shoes. Standing on your toes is a very unnatural posture for your spine. Over time, this can cause damage to not only your muscles but also the discs in your back. Save the high heels for very special occasions.
Read This Also:  https://www.saulmd.com/spinal-force-reviews/ https://www.saulmd.com/advanced-adrenal-factor-reviews/
A great way you can work to alleviate back pain is to nip it in the bud by learning your body's early warning signals. If you pay attention to your body, you know when you're being pushed too hard and need to rest. Especially for people who have suffered back pain before, you can feel when it's coming on.
Back pain can be extremely inconvenient and extremely uncomfortable, and at its worst, it can affect virtually everything you do. Using tips like the above, however, you can effectively fight and deal with back pain and restore the quality of your life. Don't let back pain keep you down -- be smart and follow tips like these.
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tomreess-blog · 2 years
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When you think of back pain, what do you imagine? For many of us, it's a sore back or an aching spine. These are the types of pain that we typically experience due to bad posture or physical injury. However, these aren't the only reasons for back pain. The most common cause of back pain is actually sitting down all day long! That's right—sitting down all day long can cause back pain. Here are some ways to prevent back pain and stay healthy in the process.
What Causes Back Pain? The most common cause of back pain is sitting. Sitting for long periods of time can put a lot of stress on the muscles in your back and lead to injury. That's why it's important to have a healthy workstation set up at home or the office. A few key things to make sure you have are an ergonomic chair, good lighting, and a desk that is the right height for you.
Your posture can also contribute to back pain. It's important to sit up straight while you're seated at your desk or working on something else. In general, it is better to stand than sit when possible because it will take pressure off of your spine. Other ways to prevent back pain might be adjusting how you sleep or what position you sleep in.
Injuries are another reason someone might experience back pain. If you've recently had a fall or other type of injury, it may be wise to speak with your Bendigo Chiropractor about any steps you should take following the accident. Finally, some people experience chronic pain as well as acute pain due to their occupation, which could include being a chef or even working with computers all day long!
  Is Your Workstation Giving You Back Pain? Your workstation can have a huge effect on your back and whether or not you experience back pain. If you're sitting down all day long, your muscles are being used in the wrong way to support your spine. This can lead to muscle strain and compression in the lower back.
Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent this from happening! To start, make sure that your chair is at the right height and that it offers good back support. You should also try to take regular breaks throughout the day to stand up and move around. Lastly, if possible, try using an ergonomic desk setup with an upright chair that has armrests for optimal comfort.
Another big factor in preventing back pain is how often you sit down each day. According to experts, sitting less than three hours per day is ideal. Sitting for more than three hours per day increases your risk of experiencing lower-back pain within a year by as much as 80%. So go ahead and stand up every so often throughout the day! The more variety of movements you give your muscles throughout the day, the more likely they'll be able to stay healthy and relaxed even after sitting for long periods of time.
  5 Ways to Prevent Back Pain and Stay Healthy 1. Stand Up: Yes, that's right, stand up. Standing up can help you avoid back pain by giving your spine a break from sitting for too long. When you get up, walk around and do some stretches for your back.
2. Take Breaks: When you're in the office, it may seem like all work and no play. However, taking breaks is essential to maintaining healthy posture and avoiding injury. Taking a 15 minute break every hour can help relieve fatigue and keep you alert while decreasing the risk of injury due to poor posture.
3. Wear Supportive Clothing: Just because summer is over doesn't mean it's time to take off those supportive shoes or clothes! This is an important step in preventing back pain because it may also contribute to bad posture which will lead to more pain.
4. Exercise: Exercise may seem like the last thing that someone with back pain wants to do but it is actually one of the best ways to prevent it! Exercising regularly reduces tension on the spine and keeps the layers of muscles in good shape which will reduce the risk of injury when doing daily tasks such as sitting or lifting things up high.
5. Get Good Posture: Sitting with good posture will put your spine in its natural alignment which will both make you feel better and reduce the likelihood that you'll experience back pain due to poor body alignment! Try these tips out for yourself today and start feeling better tomorrow."
Get a standing desk Standing desks are becoming more and more popular, so there are a lot of options to choose from. Consider getting a standing desk for your office if you want to prevent back pain. This is especially useful for those who work in an office environment. If you're constantly sitting down all day, this could cause back pain or other physical health issues as well. Standing desks can help with these problems and allow you to be healthier while also preventing back pain.
  Sit up straight One of the best ways to prevent back pain is to sit up straight. Just make sure you're sitting with a 90-degree angle at your spine, meaning your body should be at a right angle to the floor. This will help avoid slouching and reduce pressure on your spine.
If you find it difficult to keep sitting up straight, place a book on your stomach and gently push it towards the ceiling until you feel tension on your back. This will help remind you to sit up straight.
Conclusion Sitting at a desk all day is a common cause of back pain. The key to preventing back pain is to keep your neck and back in alignment, which can be achieved with correct posture. A standing desk is a great way to give your back a break from sitting all day. Adjusting the height of your desk to be eye-level can also be helpful to keep your spine aligned. Other helpful tips include taking frequent breaks from sitting and getting up to stretch every couple of hours, using a supportive chair with good lumbar support, getting an ergonomic chair and using a supportive pillow.
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