#the mfs owning the ip
amagicdoctor · 7 months
Ngl this sounds perfectly on brand for the Krakoa era to have brain fart moments like these even this late in the game
Reminds me of the "Healing Gardens" the writers introduced at the start (2019) that are supposed to provide healthcare for everyone as the only infirmary on the whole island thanks to the 6 beds, the 1 certified surgeon/md in emergency medicine and 1 mutant with healing abilities they have.
You know, 6 miserable beds, 1 experienced practitioner and 1 active staff member for the 250.000 mutants and some more that could potentially require special medical devices or contraceptives (they still have those saucy-funtime spots around the island), need a specific kind of diagnosis (psychiatry, pediatrics, ophthalmology, ...), get pregnant and require a midwife (following the 1st law), start a medical record or be hit by a big scale epidemic (*cough* Margali's magic illness *cough*) at any time
Btw, the Healing Gardens are also used to perform the autopsies of strangely deceased mutants
... I'm no germophobe but if I get sick on Krakoa, I'd rather wait it out than go to the Healing Gardens and catch something worse
Super weird I haven't read anything about the healing gardens yet.. do you know which comics they might have discussed this in?
But yeah I would have to agree with you, I can't help but try to place myself and my own personal situation into Krakoa (pre or post fall) and you just can't ever win🤪
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DKLSJDFJKFKSFJ That doesn't even sound like a retcon or miscommunication it really just sounds like the writers saying "reality can be whatever I want" 😭😭😭😭
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desertdragon · 3 months
So srs I think one of the only modern game Eng (and I specify english because other languages tend to not be as bad) localizations that's WORSE than this one is T/e/k/k/e/n and 8 is by far the worst bandai have ever done it for that game, but playing devil's advocate you can argue it's not as important there bc of the tone meanwhile XIV takes its tone very seriously so it's worse thematically and from a quality perspective to drop the ball in a serious story
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plum-pitt · 3 months
Holy shit. I just realized i’ve never even yapped about my headcanons for the rise guys. This is a criminal offense on my part! Must be rectified immediately!!
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Disclaimer: Don’t think there’s a lot of hot takes here, but feel free to disagree and talk about your own interpretations if you’d like!! Headcanon is fun and i love discussing it. it’s all fictional and since the text doesn’t give us much concrete shit on these topics we’re all free to make our own, equally valid readings of it. :3
Leo- Transmasc He/Him, gay as fuck who here could’ve guessed, ADHD haver, definitely smokes weed. Fluent in spanish from watching telenovellas as a child. Wants to be a flirty whore/aff so fucking bad but whenever he sees someone he’s legitimately attracted to any charisma he might’ve had gets thrown out the window and into a woodchipper in favor of helpless stuttering. His portalling mishaps early in the series have led him to silly sidequests all over the world that he just,,,, doesn’t really talk about. This won’t come up until they’ll end up in some random ass place and find out just how well travelled and connected he actually is. He’s also got a job at Hueso’s for fun and extra cash to fund his addiction to pot and ordering stupid shit he doesn’t need online. He’s a server, wears rollerskates to “move faster” on the job, just ends up running into shit more often than not. Great with the kids tho, performs little sleight of hand magic tricks and tells jokes to make them happy, never had a fussy kid he couldn’t calm down in a snap. Calls himself Hueso’s nephew and nepotism hire, ignoring the fact that he’s actually a decently competent and well liked employee outside of the several skating related accidents. Shell was cracked badly in the invasion, when they sealed it up, he asked Mikey to paint the healed cracks gold, mimicking the japanese practice of Kintsugi.
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Mikey- Definitely queer but not into labels ;3 He/Him is what he defaults to, but any pronouns work for them. Semi fluent in italian, don’t ask me why, just feels right, let chef boy speak italian dammit. One of those mfs on instagram who insists on posting pictures of the food he makes, except his actually looks good and not painfully mediocre so they get a pass. Has been tagging walls in hard to reach spots all over the city for years at this point, after Raph confronted her abt it, fearing that he’d get caught someday, he told him that he’d stop. Yeah, that was a lie he kept doing it, just sneakier now. Makes money off of art commissions, still broke as hell tho cuz he spends it all on bougie ass ingredients and art supplies. Post canon definitely delved more into mystics and spirituality, trains with draxum but also took up meditation in his free time. Fucks with weed and the occasional psychedelic when working on art, says it helps get the creative juices flowing. Considering asking donnie to forge some documents for him so he can attend college online and earn a psych degree. His speech patterns flip on a dime between vague, wise fortune cookie therapist man and typical gen-z slang so abruptly it gives anyone not already familiar with him total whiplash.
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Donnie- NonBinary They/He Bisexual but i can’t decide if they’re the kind that can’t stop pulling or can’t pull to save his life. Fluent in several languages, ASL, French, Russian, Japanese. Actually one of their few acedemic endeavors that he doesn’t typically show off and gloat about, makes it all the scarier when his siblings hear him muttering vaguely threatening sounding shit in russian when shit doesn’t go their way. Has tried most substances for “research purposes”, ultimately decided he doesn’t like the feeling of their big ol brain being hindered under the influence, this has a few exceptions tho, mainly when it’s with Leo. Has John Bishops IP address and threatens to drop it on 4chan to “see what happens” every time he tries messing with their family or stopping him from “borrowing” material resources from the US government. Almost considered bs-ing his way into college before they used a cloaking broach to shadow april at school for like 2 days. It was there they learned that the education system fucking sucks and he probably knows more than most professors about his topics of interest anyway. Does freelance work for cash, as far as their brothers know they’re not building and selling anything dangerous (which is code for probably arming both sides in a far away military conflict with deathrays). Spends his free time cyber bullying children on roblox and twitter, and caring for their greenhouse of plants that all have names. (yes he grows weed. his GeniusGrown™️ zaza is known far and wide for its consistently excellent quality. and no, Leo does not get a family discount. Mikey does tho.)
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Raph- Someone please send the big man some help😭 he/him(?) Definitely queer in some way shape or form but refuses to confront any identity crisis because he’s just so busy keeping his dumb ass siblings outta shit. Tried weed once and will never touch a substance again, makes his anxiety spike real bad when he doesn’t feel in full control of himself. Runs around with Cassandra and sometimes Jr to do vigilante justice on the side of he and his siblings’ usual patrols. Living garbage disposal and i mean that quite literally. He has and will eat anything, rocks, toys, silverware, sometimes on accident, sometimes on a dare, and sometimes just because he wants to. He grew up gnawing on the legs of furniture, rusty sewer pipes, really any nonliving thing that he could fit his choppers around (unlike donnie who just bit any living creature within a 5 mile radius of his location). Since the invasion made Leo step up as leader Raph has been able to step back a little bit and not have everything in a chokehold, he has a mini crisis about his place in the family and his sense of identity without being a leader. Tries to hide how much it’s affecting him but ofc, living with mikey, this does not last and his ass FINALLY gets chucked (very lovingly) into therapy. Loves to knit, definitely in some kind of old lady facebook group centered around it (he has so much nursing home gossip floating around in his brain hehe)
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Alright that’s all for the teetlez. lmk if yall wanna hear about my thoughts on the rest of the main cast, or some of the side cast! Can’t promise i’ll have this much to say on all of em but i’ve definitely got thoughts lol. I might even make a post diving into different character dynamics. idk tho, my fingies are tired typing all that shit😭
Anyway i hope u enjoyed my ramblings, have a lovely day :3
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uaremyjae · 5 months
My thoughts on my One Piece journey and How it’s affected me 🩷
This is going to be long ass post lol
I think this is the platform that I never knew that I will ever comeback to but you know because of one piece and deprived of Sanji, Nami & Law content, ✨ here I am 😁✨ *shamelessly comeback after abandoned tumblr for good 11 years lmao*.
Anyway, I just want to let out my thoughts on my one piece journey and how it affected me. So bear with me. This is only place I can talk about One Piece because other platforms I had is related to kpop * Yes I’m a kpop fan. HEAVY ON NCT. Neo Got My Back.*
I know about one piece way back when I’m teenager. It’s just I don’t start to watch it/ read it somehow?? Idk why 🤷‍♀️ I’m also confused to as why because I did grew up watch anime like FMAB, Naruto, Bleach, Black Butler, K-On, Fairy Tail on tv. HECK I EVEN WATCH THE LONG ASS DETECTIVE CONAN TOO 😭
I think it’s because back in the day ( 2010 - 2017 ), I had lack of access to internet and not exposed to the series at all. Besides the local TV station here, only aired Naruto ,Bleach and those anime I mentioned . *I’m just 24 years old btw*
So around September 2023, I came across to One Piece content on TikTok and funny enough it’s Brook edit! I was so intrigued with this character and little did I know I watch a bunch of One Piece clip here and there on TikTok. To be fair, I am basically spoiled myself that time 😬 but I’m the type dgaf if I got spoiled because I won’t remember at all later on. 🤷‍♀️
So I decide to start watch it. First few episodes, my reaction was like “ Okay Luffy is an interesting guy🧐his body stretches and always smiled! He got damn hands tho ngl”. Zoro, my reaction was like “ahaaa SO THIS IS ZORO THAT EVERYONE KEEP TALKING ABOUT. Quite a Stud.”
Nami, interesting female character that I can relate because I like money 🤑 and her backstory is so sad. Ussop is also another character I gradually love over the time!
Then COMES MY HUSBANDO, SANJI. Man I have a thing for a man who can cook and looks good in suits. Sanji really makes me having my first anime crush ever! I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON ANYONE IN NARUTO & Detective Conan but One Piece made me have one 🤧 *The upgrade from loving a guy that exist but doesn’t know you exist ( haechan,jaehyun & jaemin bb i luv you guys but Sanji 😮‍💨) to loving a guy who are not exist on this plane of earth 👀*
Little did I know I start to binge watch it. First day of watching, 30 episodes in 6 hours. 10 days later I already watch 325 episodes . but the show is so good! The story telling that oda created really hit home to me and the foreshadowing & lore he created makes me hooked unlike other story that I have read & watched.
Here’s the thing, to me every anime that I watch, I never like finish it . Sometimes I would just watch last ep and called it the day. This is not only apply on anime, it’s apply to western shows, my own local shows & k-dramas. So One Piece truly like solidified their place on my heart. I finally can understand why one piece are so loved for decades!
Also during those times, I hit rock bottom too. I quit my job because I was falsely accused for stealing shit at my work place and being discriminated by my ex-boss due to being the youngest one for my entire work.( everyone else was in their 40’s ). That time I was desperate as I need some money to achieve my bucket-list and want to lessen the burden of my family. Lord heavens knows what I’m going through, got death threats by that mf. Twisted the truth that causing my whole family cut ties with her severely. From there, I felt so stress and worried.
So One Piece is my way of escapism and it’s been a beautiful and exciting journey. Compared to last time, I took a 7 months breaks from works due to burn out & anxiety, this time it doesnt took long for me to overcome those situations and my “year-end blues” that I called is not as bad as before. I also has been actively try to get a job asap so I can buy an Ipad as I want to start learning digital drawing again after watching one piece.
One piece teach me it’s never late to start a new journey towards your dream! I used to dream to be a graphic designer or animators but my family don’t want me to be that. They want me to have that conservative jobs like working in government, an accountant etc. so essentially I gave up those dreams so I can make them proud of me. It’s been bothering me for so long as I felt like I should have go for what I want not what people want. At the end, I abandoned my accountancy knowledge and worked as an admin & a baker which I found a lot more less stressful that being an accountant. I guess what people describe after knows me personally being a confident, free-spirited & rebellious is just the way I am. AND oddly enough One Piece is just perfect manga & anime for me!
At this point, I already caught up with anime. I’m a weekly basis anime watchers now. I also has caught up with manga too. It’s been a huge revealing & fresh experience of One Piece for me. I felt like I being myself again! It’s weird but it’s the truth! I never felt so at ease and being seen. I just want to do what I want. It’s just fitting fate for me to be a One Piece fan!
That’s all what I want to say… if you really read this till the end. Thank you!
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passionesolja · 4 months
So at risk of not sounding like an oldhead, I’ve been a fan of Baldur’s Gate since I was 13-14. Baldur’s Gate is one of those games that I buy on any system I can. I have BG1 and BG2 for iPhone, Computer, switch. Everything I can get it on, I can. Ima be 100 wit y’all, I was in the “DnD game made by Larian” mental frenzy like most mfs was, because end of the day, I think Larian made a great DnD cRPG in THEIR style, but they didn’t make a Baldur’s Gate game.
“Why do you say that?” Because mechanically, gameplay wise, if you’ve never played any other game in the series but BG3, you’re not going to have the proper skills to go back. Game from the 90s or not, I think it’s an issue that Larian made a game so close to Divinity: Original Sin that it makes it difficult for Baldur’s Gate 3 players to go back to play Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. Because Larian didn’t create the series, BioWare did, they were just given the rights to make the third installments.
I’ve never really tripped over it up until this point because imo, Pathfinder is keeping the Baldur’s Gate/Infinity Engine cRPG torch going. Plus, Larian made a great DnD cRPG but as I’m seeing more and more “Baldur’s Gate 3 is my first cRPG game” types be recommended D:OS 1 and 2, instead of the previous games in a series that introduced them to the genre, I just gotta raise the red flag here.
Fuck the “my fave romance doesn’t have as much focus as Astarion” discourse. This is the real shit that Larian should be dragged for. cRPGs are not sports games or FPS games. The individuality of a cRPG is super important to its existence, whether that be gameplay, setting, story, etc. Game titles and IPs aren’t just flashy names to catch your eye, the names “Pathfinder:”, “Divinity:”, etc. have a lot of baggage and expectations attached to them. When the next Pathfinder or Divinity game comes out, I know what to expect from it because I know the legacy of their respective previous games. cRPGs have their roots in table top games, and if you buy the new DnD 6e rulebook, and it’s Rogue Trader then you’d be like “wait”.
That’s what makes cRPGs so special, is because a new IP in the genre is a new IP in the genre. The most pivotal thing a cRPG has to do is forge its own style. This—imo, in the modern age—is because of all the Infinity Engine games that came out. BG, IWD, PST, are all on the same engine but they’re totally different games.
With the popularity of Baldur’s Gate 3, that ethos is lost on a lot of new players. The game will always be a fantastic DnD cRPG, but it won’t ever be a good Baldur’s Gate game.
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ashsostrange · 8 months
ian reading allat 🧘‍♀️ craziest most immature shit i’ve been involved in.
lemme clear the air one last time though, cuz this is getting annoying as hell.
lash and marie are the ones who provided us with all the other info regarding what maye’s done/said. the only thing i initially knew about was the way maye was talking to dalia bc i was there for it. maye’s friend, marie, was the one who said maye claimed to be part japanese... and told us that her grandma is thai or whatever. then she heavily implied that maye was lying. anyway, if your friend of like three yrs is telling me you’re a liar (n ur already in hot water) then why wouldn’t i believe it? marie told us about the malala stuff and the curry rice joke. she told us that maye is avoidant when it comes to discussing what she did wrong. lash told us about the 9/11 jokes, she even sent screenshots. that’s where talia got them from. i literally said it was weird that maye said she’s “racist on occasion” and they were shitting on her like everyone else was, bc the way she was acting was mad weird.
how are you gna tell us your friend is problematic then turn around and tell her we were talking about her and the things she’s done..? the things… you told us???! they coulda kept quiet but they didn’t for some reason, so receipts are due:
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either your “friends” were playing in your mf face or y’all are on some next level fake shit 😭
mind you, if you scroll down on my page, you’ll see that one of these weird ass hoes sent me a link thru anon so they could grab my ip.. like oh, okay! so you’re racist and insane!!!! and i know it was them bc they’ve talked about doing stuff like this to people they’ve had issues with. ion got issues with nobody else on this app except rashad, nd he hasn’t even been bothering me sooo. like i said, i was gna keep this offline but the ip shit really got me.. that’s real fkn weird 😭
i’m sorry it’s so difficult for y’all to accept, but you created this mess on your own, the five of you. i’m not messy for nothing… like ever. and neither are my friends. i alr said i wasn’t gna make them choose between me and maye, cuz i’m not even that close w any of them for it to ever get to that point. i’ve made it perfectly clear that i don’t associate with people who act a certain way, and people that associate with such. not to mention, i blocked all these hoes, but i keep receiving screenshots of these mfs yappin in their ig notes ab me and the situation like we’re in middle school 😭 you say you hate drama but you are the drama baby. plsss grow up! this is mad childish.
never expected marie or anyone else to drop maye for me, i literally don’t care 🤷‍♀️ not my problem, like i said, would’ve j dropped her too. but again, i realllyyyyy don’t understand how you rat out your friend and act like you didn’t… be safe out here y’all LMFAO
i stand on everything i’ve said 🤷‍♀️ like i stated last night before maye even said anything, yes, i was talking shit! and i don’t care! i have no reason to be nice to these people. not one.
i’m not writing another long ass post about this, i’ve explained everything that needed to be explained. i don’t want my blog crowded w drama. if i need to add anything i’ll tell talia to do so on my behalf.
tumblr drama is so silly n i didn’t do nun wrong lol. y’all are your own worst enemies. moral of the story, don’t be racist! 💋
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luvlaw · 2 years
ok more rottmnt headcannons, next up is my forever fave:
sends deaths threats online when hes pissed, from kys to sending ip addresses (leo encourages this bc it’s funny)
has followed many a eyebrow trend over the years, only recently sticking with his thicker brows
(leo n mikey sometimes wipe them off or smudge them off when he’s asleep LMAO)
he’s an aquarius sun, don’t play wit me rn‼️
has no actual fucking clue how to drive, he just programmed the tank with all the know-how and he just be pushing random buttons
his early lab was just a black n purple edgy gamer set up
he’s the only one who regularly washes his durag bandana (ralph n mikey just forget, leo washes it once a blue moon)
can roller skate better than he can skateboard
his friendship bracelet to april is a thick, metal band with hella high tech hoopla that april has no idea what to do with
hates decision based video games (like until dawn) bc he always somehow makes all the wrong choices
somehow owns like every game console don’t ask how
used to regularly sit in on aprils classes in high school till he realized that it was mad boring n he already knew most the stuff in her math n science classes
however, now that april’s in college, he has higher hopes for it and sits in on her lectures
despite his large vocabulary, he’s so ass at scrabble n is even worse at spelling out loud
back to school related stuff, when they were kids, his brothers would play “school” whenever donnie got super bummed about not going to school (leo would play teacher but then donnie would take over bc leo’s a dumbass)
a HUGE pinterest guy, has a board for every idea ever
can memorize lyrics like nobody’s business, karaoke is HIS time
human headcannon:
yes he’s black like duh
wears matching glasses with april
high top fade
his skincare routine is actually an hour no joke, mf HAS to thoroughly exfoliate ok?
he just loves routine :-)
wouldn’t be the most fashionable but certainly thinks he is
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selkymaiden · 11 months
so sorry again for the double ask but i feel inclined to ask for my other wife, mina.
how would mina’s relationship with each of the 🧩❓s that exist be like? who do you think she’d get on with like a house on fire 😏
Don't ever be sorry!!! Tbh they're good exercises to really think about these little idiots. Naomi you really be hittin' the good good 👌👨‍🍳 *chef's kiss*
Alright but let me say this is very hard because 🧩❓ is so... Ofc very vastly intelligent and I am not. LMAO. So it's like the author (me) is creating a character (Mina) who is very smart, or brilliant in her own way so I have to do my best in not making her look bad. Like fuck. All because I'm committed to the bit. Aka romancing fucking uhhhh puzzle face.
Because I have actually thought about the different iterations of him!
But oh my god It's so hard with comic book characters though, since theirs so many different ones. And in no way am I a 🧩❓ expert flakjwer same with 🐧 so I'm always worried what if someone see's this and they're all 🤬 but then I tell myself I'm old and I simply should not care and do what I want. Because all the rest of the old people do 😂😂😂😂
I'll start with BTAS though, as always, since I grew up with it! Oh! And I will say each Mina in each universe is for that universe, or she'd be changed a little to fit that 'Earth' as DC likes to call it. But BTAS 🧩❓ is a lot more tame, at least I think he is, compared to some of the others out there. I mean did he try to murder his old boss? Yes. But his old boss did fire him and not give him credit for everything he created so... You know... And if I pull in some of the uhhh New Animated Series and comics that go with this version of him. I think it could work. There's actually a great piece in the comics where 🧩❓ he admits he has a problem and states he needs to go back to Arkham himself. Here is an audio someone made of it, the post also has a link to the comic if you wanna read it! But it's just the self awareness and you know stop setting deathtraps Mina is obv going to be all 👀😊 Like you did it, baby! You're breaking the cycle! Because she wants to root for him and care for him and be partners! I'm so sorry I will just also say she is so cheesy! She'd love to be partners or rivals with another detective- As much as she sees the good she's doing in finding you know a missing person or helping someone out with a cheating scandal (for money) she wants to be better than anyone else that might be doing the case. So she kind of sees her job as a game and would love to have someone else to play the game with, and that to her is 🧩❓
Okay, let me just get Batman: Zero Year or Capullo 🧩❓ out of the way. It would never work. LMAO. Not in probably a million years. I myself like this version of him! But what he did is the most whack-ass shit and Mina would NOT be okay with it like ever. If he ever got out of Arkham Asylum she'd probably narc on him point blank, like lock that MF back up. I don't know if you've read Zero Year (is it part of N52? I don't know the new stuff sorry flkajwer) but he basically turned all of Gotham into an entire fucking jungle, like he destroyed everything and fucking ruined millions of lives. All for what? For what? Because only the smart should survive and shit like that??? Now if they met before he did all that when he was just a 'consultant' or strategist at Wayne Enterprises, she'd probably bang him! But it would not be a relationship and after he does what he does she'd just be... Kill this mf even if he's sexy in some insane manner. She'd probably be an antagonist to him on this Earth.
Batman 2022 ehhhhhhhhhh Imma be real, I almost barely remember him when I watched that movie. It's like my brain blocked him cuz I thought he was... I don't know. It was too realistic and I see 🧩❓more camp. But Mina in that universe again would just be 'Let's swat this man.' She'd probably be the person on his forums just heckling him and when he tries to find her IP or ANYTHING on this user (her) he can't. So it pisses him off. Basically, it would not work because she does not care for incel men. That's probably what she'd see him as. Or those people that worship or are fascinated and collect serial killer items. The only saving grace is if he had, again, self-awareness of what he was doing or acting. Because Mina in that universe would understand to change things... A lot of people in power would need to be taken out. Whether by assassination or some other means like spilling the truth. But the way he goes about it, it's just not it for her. Again she'd probably be an antagonist to him actually in that Earth.
Young Justice - I think it would work because he's so... That version of him is so soft and goofy! Mina would probably, not be okay, but would defiantly harp on him to change professions but she wouldn't impede in what he does. Even if it's bad. Like super bad where the young justice league has taken him in before. She'd be a bystander and just the one that says: "I told you so." She's waiting for him to learn his lesson cuz how he's written is much lighter and she'd be smitten by his gappy teeth and lisp.
OH and Gotham!🧩❓ That would be interesting bc she'd probably have to watch out since 🐧 literally killed one of Ed's girlfriends. But if birb is occupied with snake then... Maybe? Again she'd be like 'lol you gotta stop killing people dude uhhhh' and would more likely want to be a rival or just outsmart him than be romantic. At first. I'm sure she'd get a crush but how Ed has been written after (accidentally) killing his first GF he's uhhhh a lil unhinged. As that whole show is but lakfjwerkl
There's like telltale!🧩❓, unburied, and uhhh omg just a lot of others and I'll be honest in most of those Earths she'd be an antagonist. She's not GCPD or a cop, but she is someone who's defiantly done cases and probably found out they were victims of his death traps. And she's just like 'wtf no!' and not be okay with it. Even if she's a bit of a hypocrite and is okay with other... murders... (her friend Sophie turning people to stone lfkajwer) But there's a line!
I saved the best for last because I love Akrham! 🧩❓ I have the most ideas for them. Well, several. Like there's a good ending and a bad ending just like a game, cuz it's fun! I will just say bad ending is probably the most likely that would happen, but bad ending is just them killing each other. And in the most mundane way, or annoying way he'd see it as. Because it would not be some elaborate death trap or puzzle that does him in, or just something complex. She shoots him. They might even shoot each other. And bleed out next to each other, very possession 1981 is how I picture it. tw blood and gore if you click links alfkjwelrk (I'm sorry I'm unwell 😔) It would be in a cool setting though! Probably in one of his lairs, or he's constructing a new death trap for Batman or even Wonder City! But good ending is always him eventually becoming a Detective, like other versions of him, so in a way, he does become redeemable. I mean originally this version of him started off working at the GCPD and wanting to expose the corruption in Gotham, he just went about it all... Bad. LMAO. Also, I love how the progression through the games you see how he goes from clean-cut to just total ratification. When Mina begins talking to him she's only seen photos of him, so when he worked GCPD and when he's in his nice green suits! but when they do get to meet in person PHEW she takes one look at his pathetic, skin and bones, wet little dumbass and is just 'I need to care for him' but also be mad bc you know he's annoying AF.
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opossumprince · 1 year
It's in french because the original is behind a fucking paywall but here's an example of what jumping on a moraI panic fabricated to "protect" disney IP does to a mf :
In this article (the original is in the NYT) a popular internet cartoonist starts talking about neon^z!s making edits of her comics, then... the horror ! Something "EVEN MORE VIOLENT" happened to her comics, and even got her saying she "felt r^p€d". What could possibly be worse than racism and antisemitism to her ? Seeing a picture someone generated imitating her style, apparently. No arguments about theft here, instead what's supposed to be worse than actual n^z!sm* is the fact that "a machine made this and it has no humanity".
*Btw if I hear anyone try this comparison irl I might lose my own humanity and turn their face into shawarma
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rstarsims3 · 2 years
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SANTALBA - Sims 3 custom world - DOWNLOAD
REVISION I - December, 2021
- fixed the resort glitching and other improvements on existing lots;
- added some world decor and more vegetation;
- additional sailboats effects + recolor of said effect (included in the world file)
- additional lots / now the count is as follows:
27 residential lots = 16 regular lots, 3 houseboats & 8 empty lots;
28 community lots (11 rabbitholes-all base game careers;1 base camp; 3 diving spots;1 resort;1 public pool;1 fishing spot;1 gym; 1 nectary & orchard; 2 beaches; 5 ports) + 2 new lots (see bellow)
-  the world still requires only WA & IP, yet:
There’s now a festival grounds lot available for download. The base game version of the park is already placed in the world (Panigyri Park-tagged as small park). You’ll need to bulldoze it and place the Seasons version - Panigyri Park (Festival Grounds) in its place.
Agapi Park - a wedding venue that requires Generations and needs to be placed after you’ve changed the tag of the lot from Residential to Community-Small Park.
- cleaned up the global layer;
- the other details (listed in the original post) remain unchanged. Check it out for more info and pictures.
- everything has already been tested, but let me know if you find any issues;
- the world is available now as both sims3pack and world files. I recommend installing the world file.
- the 2 lots come as packages and must be placed in the Library folder. The archives contain pictures with their placement in the world. Also, you’ll find pics of the new lots at the end of this post.
- please, don’t play an old save even though the game will allow it. Start a new game instead.
That’s about it.
* Thanks to Mcbling Core on YouTube for letting me know about the resort glitching, which gave me the opportunity to revisit this world.
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Enjoy & Happy Simming!  🤗
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callmeethaniguess · 2 years
William Afton irls if y’all see this I am so incredibly sorry
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mfs be like “be gay do crimes” and “piracy is not only ok but morally righteous” and etc and then have a moral issue with people monetizing fanart of extremely profitable corporate owned-IPs
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canape-official · 2 years
ultimately my feelings towards amazon’s lord of the rings are thus: it won’t undo the LOTR I love, and it’s a blatant cash grab made of clearly rejected scripts slapped together with spit and duct tape
I wish these talented actors weren’t wasted on such an outright product but it is what it is, go get that mf bread I suppose
I hope it’s successful, if purely out of good will for the cast, but more than that they should just do their own IP, blatantly ripping off LOTR if need be, but taking a pre-existing IP, especially one so beloved, and changing it into unercognizability while taunting its preset fanbase does nothing but fight against you and to this day I still dont get why they do it
surely the hatewatches and “I watched it so you don’t have to” ass youtubers aren’t even comparable to the income you’d make out of having a show be successful and gain its own audience, right?
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doctortwhohiddles · 7 years
Honestly thank you for speaking up a bit about crazies in the BC and MF fandoms, because I've watched them all convince themselves of their weird theories and esp right now they're really going nuts. It's so weird that so many of them claim to be feminists while they shit on particular actresses without mercy. In the MF fandom they're even acting like if she had some abusive interaction with Weinstein it would be her own fault? and the BC ones are no better
Thank you nonny, that’s very kind of you. Fortunately, I’m not the only one who does this. I don’t care much for bullies and I think it’s important to call them out.
And you are absolutely right about the haters being hypocrites. They keep calling themselves feminist, but make up horrible lies about other women simply because they married their faves. The septics are all bad, but Gator and Aeltri are the worst. They keep reblogging links to far-right, antisemitic website. And Gator is the one who came up with the stupid ass “Sophie is a human trafficker” theory. All of this based on her complete lack of knowledge about IP addresses.
As for MF, I’m not that big a fan of him. I think he’s a fabulous actor, but he’s not really my type. I was just curious about the reaction to this wedding. I find it fascinating that the haters, whatever the fandom, use the same arguments, the same narrative. It’s all a PR stunt, or a red carpet girlfriend who went rogue, etc., etc. The Gator of the MF fandom says that Alicia Vikander willingly slept with HW to get roles. Which doesn’t make any sense since the only Weinstein movie she’s been in is Tulip Fever and it came out this fall. But then again, none of the haters have ever made sense with their shitty narratives.
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playlegit · 4 years
Real Talk By:  CMack The Don
Tekken 7’s Leroy Smith might be the new hot-in-the streets character who busts heads using the Wing Chun-style of Kung Fu, but last month saw the debut of the 4 th installment of the true Wing Chun O.G. Donnie Yen has returned yet again for Ip Man 4: The Finale, the wrap up to one of the most well-known Chinese Martial Arts movies in the last decade.
As a martial arts lover and a Tekken fan, I feel that Leroy’s given style can’t be a coincidence. I know Katsushiro Harada (Tekken series lead developer and creator) must kick back after a long day at work and jam on some martial arts movies, and there’s no way that Ip Man escaped his notice, as we’ve seen that the Tekken series has paid tribute to other well-known screen martial arts stars.
Director Wilson Yip has teamed with worldwide martial arts movie legend Donnie Yen yet again to finish up the series about the first teacher of none other than Bruce Lee in a conclusion choreographed by Yuen Woo-Ping, who’s also given us some of the greatest fight scenes ever put to film. Ip Man 4 is about acclaimed Wing Chun Kung-Fu master Ip Man traveling to the United States after being invited to visit by his number one student who has opened up schools on the West Coast and is thriving as an up-and-coming martial arts phenomenon. While abroad, Ip Man gets the idea to enroll his troubled son in a high-level American private school, but faces challenges adjusting from skeptical local martial arts masters in San Francisco’s Chinatown, bigots, and even the military. The Wing Chun style is all about cutting down on excess movement and getting straight to the point, so let me do the same: the fight scenes in Ip Man 4 are fantastic, some of the series’ finest, with many intricate applications of Wing Chun on display. Donnie Yen’s Ip Man uses the style in fresh and complex ways to counter techniques he hasn’t encountered before in other matches in the franchise. The film also scales back the content of the fight scenes a little bit from 3, where Ip Man was shown to take on entire gangs and crowded markets full of bad guys, as well as fighting Mike “Punch-Out” Tyson, and brings the fight scenes back to the quick, decisive duels that made the first film stand out.
None of Donnie Yen’s 57 years of age are present during any of the fight scenes. He looks faster, smoother, and more in-control than many untrained actors more than half his age.  It’s not just martial arts mastery that Donnie Yen excels at in Ip Man 4.  With much of the screentime of the supporting cast from the other films cut down, or not available due to their characters passing away out of the story, Donnie Yen gives the best performance of the movie, with strong commendations also going to Danny Kwok-Kwan Chan who plays does a sharp, energetic job playing Bruce Lee (attention Mike Moh from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and Tarantino too: this is how you pay tribute to an Asian-American icon and a martial arts legend).
The only thing is that Ip Man 4 misses the opportunity to put Bruce and Ip Man together in more of the movie, which feels like a let-down, because on some level, the entire series has been building up to this point to a degree.
The first thing that stood out to me about the trailer for Ip Man was how glaringly over-the-top and historically inaccurate the content of the movie seemed. Every single Ip Man installment.
has stretched the truth and bent the record on what’s historically accurate, but one of the largest flaws of Ip Man 4 is how far they take this content in the series conclusion. If you know anything about the real Ip Man, or even just peruse his Wikipedia page before seeing the movie, the amount that they romanticize the truth starts to get distracting. Ip Man never set foot in the USA, and yet this film features him facing off against an extremely racist Gunnery Sergeant played by another martial arts screen legend: Scott Adkins.Much of the plot points from Ip Man 2 are repeated: Ip Man moves to a new community where he was to prove himself to a council of Chinese Kung Fu elders that are skeptical of him, the leader of which becomes his close friend after a challenge match, and the villain of the film is a larger, racist, loudmouthed fighter from a foreign country that thinks that Asians, particularly Chinese people, are weak, and uses a strength-based fighting style in contrast to Ip Man’s precise, speed-based that makes use of superior angles and leverage.
In both films, the bully character either kills or severely hurts Ip Man’s rival-turned-friend in a challenge match, and in both films Ip Man avenges his friend’s loss by winning a hard-fought battle in front of a crowd of onlookers.
It’s satisfying to watch a humble, kind, intelligent guy like Ip Man who just wants to mind his own business beat a loudmouthed, offensive bully to a pulp on one hand, but on the other, we’ve seen the series do this exact same story and structure before. After a certain point, you had to wonder why Wilson Yip and Donnie Yen didn’t just choose to create an original character inspired by Ip Man, but change the name and some of the events so that it doesn’t ignore real history so much.  I wonder about people watching this very popular film series and getting the completely wrong impression about who Ip Man really was and what happened in his life.
If you’re going to go the historical-fantasy route, then really embrace it, and have a huge fight scene where Ip Man and Bruce Lee take on a huge gang of Triad thugs in Chinatown, because why not at that point? Either choose to be more realistic or completely embrace fiction, because when you stay in the middle, you get the feeling that the finale could’ve been more, which is exactly how Ip Man 4 will leave you feeling. For solid fight scenes and a great portrayal by Donnie Yen, but an over-the-top and recycled story, Ip Man 4 gets a 2.5 MFs out 5.
  IP-Man 4 Movie Review Real Talk By:  CMack The Don Tekken 7’s Leroy Smith might be the new hot-in-the streets character who busts heads…
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MF][OT] A Vacant Existentialist
I’d always wanted for my life to be like a film
For someone, anyone, to pick up on it. Or at least for a few, big, eventful things to happen to me so I could try and write my own story. I‘ve never asked for much my whole life. Just a little bit of excitement. Like maybe to have been a witness in a violent crime, or perhaps even to have stumbled upon a brown envelope containing a wad of cash. To have been kidnapped, or even find myself in the middle of a Stephen King-like novel situation. Stalked by a killer clown, or concerned to what it is ’The Mist’ contains. Anything that could have had a credible basis for a film, TV mini-series or even a fucking play for Christ’ sake.
It’s never been fame, or to be a household name, I wanted. Not even to be recognizable to the general public. Just something, anything, people would know my name for so that I could’ve said “I’ve contributed to this wasteful, ego-drenched spunk-bubble we live in.”
Alas, nothing. No dark and mysterious, 0r light and comedic, moments in my life that could’ve been brought to life with any fancy misé en scene. No situations that could’ve been enhanced through fancy camera work. Not even any experiences that could’ve displayed sharp wit through clever editing. The nearest to the Hollywood life I ever got was important costume changes for family functions or engagements where I may have been required to wear a shirt and tie.
Life has just always been mundane, boring and, for lack of a better word, flaccid.
An impotent life.
I refuse to believe that life passed me by in such a short instance. Whoever you are, whatever you do you must remember that you will always die. Nothing is final but the everlasting consistency of death. Death is the one constant we have in life, the one thing we know to be true and the only thing that we know to be our saviour and salvation. Saviour: noun: a person who saves someone from difficulty or danger.
This is the part where you realise that people want to live forever. The selfishness of immortality is not for a race such as homo sapiens. We take advantage of most terrible things that plague us as a society; be it religion, war and even riots. And for what? Controlling the population through fear? Political gain? 3 kilos of rice and a new TV? Imagine the utter carnage we could do with immortality.
A reason I think most religions’ has the numbers they do. By offering the slightest sniff of immortality, and living forever in paradise, they surpassed truth and logic and boosted their numbers tenfold. Muslims’ were by far the most innovative: 72 virgins and eternal life. Fuck if I could surpass the whole religion thing and living by their rules I’d be signed up by now. I’d always wondered why a Muslim wife never got offended if her husband was devoutly religious. It’s more than likely not about Allah. It ties with the whole bullshit predicament about wanting to see unwanted children, or even people you’ve wronged in the past, on your deathbed. Regret is what keeps the human race living, running, breathing. No-one wants to leave behind hate in their name. People want kind words said about them in a eulogy, about how much they’ll be missed and how ‘Heaven has another angel’. Just as long as he said sorry just before that sweet cyanide relief Hitler could be one of ‘em.
When did everyone accept to enrol in this kindergarten planet of ours? I found my voice at a young age but soon after I was told I could only say and do certain things. And I did. I played every game I was supposed to play, behaved when I was told to & even got dressed according to such event. And even playing by every rule, I still did atrociously. Listening to every piece of advice I’d ever received and living by it: always family first, work for appreciation & “Watch the ‘Indiana Jones-The Crystal Skull’”.
So for all that, I’m left with this. And it’s not even an account of my own life, but merely an upsetting technique. A technique for deciding something that’s pretty irrelevant. Something that wouldn’t change your life directly. Plainly a technique for deciding how to perform such a depressing and formidable task.
My own little “Ip-dip-do”.
Why was it never fade to black, fade to white?
Scene 1, Take 1.
Fade to black.
Fade to white.
submitted by /u/FelixAstbury [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2EkBTGK
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