#the kinkverse: the tag
swashbucklery · 9 months
fic: the pieces: the tits
Jade rubs her nose against the back of Kit's neck. Nuzzles her way down past the tangle of blankets Kit's got wrapped around her shoulders and finds skin. Presses the softest, kindest lips to Kit's jaw. The angle is a little awkward but the contact more than makes up for it. Kit blinks again, feels fat tears spill down her cheeks and can't quite suppress the telltale hitch in the back of her throat.
"Oh, Kit," Jade says. She sounds so kind, so loving that Kit can hardly bear it. Can't get enough of it. Wants to wrap herself in it like yet more blankets. "Talk to me? Please?"
(Or: Kinkverse Kit is having a bad day. Jade helps her work it out.)
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks @cha-melodius and @stereopticons for the tags! I know I’ve done this in the past, but it’s been a hot minute…
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
822,937—but that’s a collaboration-boosted lie. Per my writing tracker, words that I have personally written and published on AO3 is 693,613
What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly RWRB these days, but the majority of my back catalogue is Schitt’s Creek, with a few others sprinkled in for fun. The Pairing definitely made my brain whirr… we’ll see.
Top five fics by kudos:
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest), RWRB, 65.5k, the Much Ado About Nothing stage actor AU
Kinda think that I might be his type, RWRB, 12.8k, Alex and Bea fake date and Alex gets a little distracted by Bea’s brother
We were supposed to find this, RWRB, 3.3k, soulmate AU
We always walked a very thin line, Happiest Season, 2.7k, Riley character study/alternate ending
All the Lonely Starbucks Lovers, RWRB, 5.8k, barista Henry repeatedly putting his foot in his mouth in front of his coworker crush
(This is how I learned Puck It has been knocked out of my top five 😭)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! And absent a Schitt’s Creek resurgence of some kind that sees me absolutely inundated I don’t see that changing.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Five ways it could have ended (and one way it still could), Schitt’s Creek, 1.2k, for the love of god read the tags
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Like… most of them? I love to end on a good HEA haha. For sheer joy, though, it’s probably With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest)
Do you get hate on fics?
From time to time. I’m very free with the delete button. Weirdly, it occasionally pops up in the AO3 comments but mostly seems to come to me via anons on tumblr??? I have no idea why.
Do you write smut?
It’s been known to happen, I guess 👀
Craziest crossover:
I haven’t written any AO3-era crossovers! A few fusions/media AUs, but no crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. I’ve only been asked once, and they wanted to post off AO3 which is a big heck nope for me (and my permissions statement has now been updated to reflect that)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Heck yeah I have. I’ve done several anthology-type collaborations where we each wrote a chapter in a fic, and I’ve fully cowritten fics with @ships-to-sail several times. We have another collab coming up for @aroyallybigbangrwrb and I’m also cowriting The Big Secret AU with @indestructibleheart which is essentially us one-upping each other on emotionally devastating ideas until someone writes them down. Good system 😂
All time favorite ship?
Stop making pansexuals choose things.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Look, the chances of kinktober 2021 being finished at this point are slim 😂
Schitt’s Creek kinkverse… I don’t know. I have little snippets written of future fics and they’re great but… idk. Maybe I’ll write one vignette-y wrap up fic one day.
What are your writing strengths?
Narrative POV, dialogue that feels like the characters, epistolary bullshit, smut apparently.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Coming up with actual plot lmao. Visual descriptors — I’m not even remotely a visual person so I really really struggle with writing the sorts of things people can visualise. Also like… the passage of time? A scam.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it. I’ll shoulder tap a fluent speaker if I need an actual sentence/anything Google isn’t super reliable for. Forever heartbroken that there are no fics in my second language in AO3 and no reason for me to be able to sprinkle it into my own writing (though one of the subscriber shindig prompts might be about to change that 👀)
First fandom you wrote in?
Favorite fic you've written?
Stop! Asking! Pansexuals! To! Choose! Things!
I don’t know there are 239 of the bloody things 😂 I’m far more interested in what other people’s favourites are than what my own is!
I have no sense of who’s done this already so apologies if this is a double up but tagging @agame-writes @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @cricketnationrise @getmehighonmagic
@happiness-of-the-pursuit @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @nontoxic-writes
@read-and-write- @rmd-writes @sparklepocalypse @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play!
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spybrarian · 6 months
10 First Lines:
Rules: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics and then tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy—share anyway!
tagged by @lowkeyed1 (thanks buddy!)
Jade stepped back to assess their snow creation; the wonderful round, fat bottom, two expertly crafted breasts (Kit’s handiwork) and a smile that captured the new happiness growing in Jade’s heart. (from So you wanna sculpt some snow tits? G rated, drabble)
It's an accidental discovery. (from Candle candle, burning bright, E rated, canon setting)
“Do you trust me?” Kit asks, her eyes on Jade, her face so close to Jade’s that it’s agony to stay still and not do anything about it. (from Promises, sharp as blades, M rated, canon setting)
The knots are tight and gnarled, painfully so, but it’s with gentle patience that Jade untangles them, one after the other. (from Firelight, warm as a kiss, E rated, post-canon setting)
The knots are tight, and Jade has taken the most solemn care in her choice of rope but the hard truth is that care is a luxury she should have abandoned a very long time ago. (from Let's take a knife and cut the world in two, M rated, exorcist au)
Kit closes her eyes as the cold clean line of steel presses against her cheekbone, and she hears Jade’s breathing change to see the blades so close to Kit’s face. (from The Maintenance, part of the Pieces which is E rated overall, but this snippet/chapter is not explicit. Kinkverse au with @acre-of-wheat and @swashbucklery)
Eager to see the ground dropping out from beneath them like the maniac she is, Kit leans across from her middle seat to peer out Jade's window. (from The Mile High Club, kinkverse au again, this one is E rated)
Kit ain’t never put much stock in churches. (from singing down the stars, M rated, cowboy au with @swashbucklery)
The others can call Kit stupid and girly and smitten at their peril, but whatever, she knows there’s few things she likes better than walking hand in hand with Jade. (from I'll be the sweetest thing to ever scare you, rated M, Wyrm!Jade au)
Before I cut, aside from the two I've already tagged, I'm going to go with @jayenator565, @onlyshestandsthere, @commanderbuffy, @myrebelliousphase, @theanarik, @geek-and-nina, @barmaid-anon @jalehh (and if anyone else wants to do it, go for it, pretend I tagged you too, I want words!)
AND the tenth line under the cut, cut for violence for the sake of my more tender-hearted friends 💖 (don't look J)
The back of his enormous hand hits Kit with enough force it blinds her – for a moment she thinks it’s going to be permanent; for a worse moment she thinks he’s broken her neck. (from the cellar door is an open throat, M rated, canon divergent dungeon fic)
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darkfeanix · 4 months
Tagged by @kevin-sedai. Much appreciated, I am always happy to talk about my WIPs.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Absolution (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Disciplined (Baldur’s Gate 3)
From the Life of Erino Brightmantle; multiple one-shot WIPs (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Tales of the Asha'man (Wheel of Time)
Tangled Threads (One Piece Live Action/Wheel of Time)
Paperthin Hymn (Cyberpunk 2077)
Jack Be Nimble (Multifandom, purely self-indulgent kinkverse)
Alternamorphs (Animorphs)
Things to Do in Middle-Earth (Primary: Lord of the Rings; Secondary: The Chronicles of Narnia/Sherlock Holmes)
Pokémon Moonstone (Pokémon)
No pressure, but tagging @rederiswrites, @defira85 and anyone else who sees this and feels like sharing.
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whimsicalmeerkat · 2 years
Five of my fics I love (as opposed to those other bastards)
Originally saw this from @fairytales-and-folklore via @greyhavenisback: "Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖"
These aren't in any sort of order. I don't know if they're even my five favorite fics I've written. This is going in public so none of my hockey RPF fics were even taken into consideration. I'm not about to try to rank things or whatever. They're just five out of the crowd that I love and want to share today.
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Can't Start a Fire Without a Spark
Daemon Sadi/Lucivar Yaslana
Black Jewels by Anne Bishop | 1188 words | Explicit
Lucivar didn’t always want Daemon when he saw him, but sometimes he did, and after nearly two thousand years, he knew he could usually have what he wanted. Not always. Both of them valued the ability to choose - that freedom they were denied for centuries. There were times when Daemon wanted him when he would say no, for no reason other than that he could. They had never talked about it, but he knew there were times when Daemon did the same. or The one where they fornicate against a tree
Daemon & Lucivar is one of my favorite ships to write, and I have so many, many feelings about them. I saw someone describe the series in an exchange request as the author creating a kinkverse and making it a story about family, and that's absolutely true. These two went through so very, very much trauma, and in this story I give them a chance to act on the mind-boggling amounts of sexual tension they have going on while still acknowledging what they've gone through. They are half-brothers, so mind the tags.
incest, sibling incest, anal sex, outdoor sex, smut, plot what plot/porn without plot, top lucivar yaslana, bottom daemon sadi, trauma bois, acting on impulse, fornicating against a tree, excuse me sir there are feelings in my porn
lie beside me baby, that's an order
Emhyr var Emreis/Geralt of Rivia
The Witcher | 13.693 words | Explicit
Geralt was relaxing after dinner when his life went to hell. The sound of a carriage pulling up wasn’t surprising. He had friends who came by occasionally. The sound of two more was unexpected though. He got up to see what was happening at the same moment a rather pale, unusually flustered Barnabas-Basil came out onto the patio, and proclaimed, “His Imperial Majesty has arrived.” His tone was distinctly accusatory. Geralt really couldn’t blame him.
Emhyr shows up at Corvo Bianco because of a threat which can only be solved by Geralt, specifically by sleeping in Geralt's bed. What's a poor Witcher to do?
Grumpy old men all the way on this one. One of the tags is 'Emhyr Has Schemes(TM)' and it is well-earned. There's bed sharing and misunderstandings, but it isn't all light-hearted shenanigans. They talk about things like Blaviken and the wars Emhyr has waged. There's a happy ending, but it takes a fair amount of feeling each other out before they get to feeling each other up. Well, back to. Guess you'll just have to read for that to make sense!
canon what canon, boys being dumb, Emhyr has Schemes(TM), sharing a bed, mild potential somnophilia, the lesser evil
make a moan upon the midnight hours
Mesopotamian Mythology | 3879 words | Explicit
“Teach me,” Enkidu said simply, smiling slightly when Gilgamesh turned his head to look at him. “I would learn you.”
“You mean you would learn from me,” Gilgamesh corrected with a smile.
"That too,” Enkidu said, rising up and turning onto his side.
Enkidu can’t fall asleep indoors. Gilgamesh has a solution for that.
I knew nothing about the Epic of Gilgamesh beyond the name and relative age of the text when I signed up for the Chocolate Box exchange, but my personal place in rarepair hell made me decide I wanted to give my recipient something they probably didn't expect. I ended up having a hell of a good time writing this original enemies to lovers pair. I got good feedback from both the person the gift was for and others who've read the epic. Not into it from that perspective? Maybe you'll be drawn in by the fact that they get together on the palace roof under the stars. Features both humor and tenderness along with the smut.
blow jobs, hand jobs, first time, smut, outdoor sex, sex under the stars
every breath you take
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Stargate Atlantis | 1356 words | Teen+
John couldn’t help but count the beats, trying to time them in his head. If he could focus on that—somehow find a way to mentally track breaths per minute without looking at his watch—maybe, just maybe, for a little bit, maybe for longer than a handful of seconds he could forget the awful sound of Rodney not breathing.
I set out to write Rodney getting physically hurt and John comforting him. That lasted maybe a sentence. This one is all about the feels with no smut. I'm quite happy with it. Zero stalking in spite of the title, which probably shouldn't be allowed, but I promise it makes sense.
hurt/comfort, fluff and nonsense, this fic contains zero incidences of stalking, the botanists were fine
just give me one thing that I can hold onto
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Teen Wolf | 9392 words | Explicit
Derek woke up feeling relaxed and content, which was how he knew something was wrong.
Derek & Stiles keep waking up naked in the woods. It’s obviously a curse. I mean, what else could it possibly be?
A plot bunny run rabid, but one I'm pretty damn proud to have tamed. Full of tropes, but with a few of my own ideas on things like mating bites and claiming. At least 60% porn, but with lots of feelings (thanks, Derek), hence the 'excuse me sir there are feelings in my porn' tag. Includes Stiles saying he wants a werewolf divorce.
alternate universe - canon divergence, blow jobs, anal sex, knotting, mates, porn with feelings, mild angst, fluff and smut, smut, marking, scenting, banter, top derek hale, bottom stiles stilinski, alpha derek hale, derek hale is a failwolf, derek hale deserves nice things, even though he doesn't think he does, fluff and nonsense, excuse me sir there are feelings in my porn
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Well, there you have it. Five of my fics I especially love. I'd love to know what you think of them, either here or in comments. I'd also love to answer any questions you might have. I adore talking about my stuff.
Tagging a random assortment of people, but feel free to grab it and run with it if I missed tagging you. I'd love it if you'd tag me when you do. I'm always on the lookout for new stuff to read. @torrefaction-of-silver, @ooksaidthelibrarian, @krabraccoon, @dreaminghour, @calenlily, @pterawaters, @mswhich, @bad-at-names-and-faces, @alondradina, @dr-fumbles-mcstupid, @elder-flower, @milficwriter, @shadow-wasser
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oneblueumbrella · 3 years
What am I doing, you ask?
Writing wise, I have two WIPs being published and two more being written.
Schitts Creek (David and Patrick) - Just The Business Guy
Mystrade - Independent (New tags on this one, please read!)
Otherwise, I’m finished work until the end of Jan when school goes back. I’m hoping to do some camping with my kids, and ease them into the idea of trail/bush walking for fun. It’s gonna be a hard sell, but I’m getting into it myself and I hope we can do it together.
In terms of reading I am simply devouring anything David and Patrick right now.
My author recc’s for the fandom:
@cheesecurdsgravyandfries. If you like getting a tasty bite of an update every day, this is for you! Current WIP: Poutini’s Advent Calendar 2020
@januarium, especially Molten Glass Hearts
@lisamc-21, especially Wild and Wooded
@yourbuttervoicedbeau, especially Kinkverse series.
Stay safe, fandom fam. Love to you all.
<3 Blue
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ao3feed-shatt · 6 years
Voltron Does a Sexy Charity Calendar
read it on ao3 at https://ift.tt/2D1sqGF by phoenixyfriend
by phoenixyfriend
Ryou and Lotor take part in a sexy charity calendar.
Words: 4137, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Voltron: Kinkverse
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kuron (Voltron), Ryou (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Matt Holt, Original Unilu Character(s)
Relationships: Kuron/Lotor (Voltron), Lotor/Ryou (Voltron), Background Matt Holt/Shiro
Additional Tags: Sexy Charity Calendar, Bondage, Light Dom/sub, Photography
read it on ao3 at https://ift.tt/2D1sqGF
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sarahlevys · 3 years
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Excluding stuff from @sctropefest...
S/R on their 'honeymoon'
A/T demon sparky sex
A/T top 5+1
A&P&D four seasons total landscaping
S/R race stuff
A/T cabaret sexy feelings
S/R food tours
S/R/A/T twythlexie
H/R sexin
A/T kinkverse
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theao3feed-bughead · 6 years
try try again
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QXWmq7
by loonyBibliophile
“Are you sure about this?” Jughead asked, looking over at Betty and fiddling with his tie.
“Yes, Juggie. Are you? We both have to be sure.” Betty walked over from where she’d been perched on the edge of the dining room table and put a hand on Jughead’s shoulder.
“I just don’t want to hurt you, Betts.” he said earnestly “Or, I guess hurt you more than I’m supposed to?” he chuckled quietly.
“I trust you, Jughead.” she whispered, moving in close and wrapping him in a hug. “With this, and with everything.”
OR kinkverse betts and juggie try something kinky for the first time and it doesn't go as planned. no actual smut.
Words: 1035, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of i may be bad (but i'm perfectly good at it)
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: Roleplay, Safewording, BDSM lite dynamics, No Actual Sexy Times, Just a drabble
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QXWmq7
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swashbucklery · 6 months
fic: the discovery (willow, kit/jade, E)
The first time it happens, it takes her by surprise. (Or: Kit and Jade in the Kinkverse, exploring something new about Kit.)
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swashbucklery · 7 months
Please imagine me as the vagabond teen that arrives *way* too late at your door with like a garbage bag for candy.
Trick or Treat?
of course, of course. More treats for you, scruffy teen. (SMUT 🙀 below the readmore)
Jade is still, and when Kit finally works up the nerve to stop covering her eyes she catches Jade watching with an expression that makes Kit's belly tense. Kit knows that way of looking that Jade has. Knows that she's getting an idea of something that she'd like to try, later. "Do you need me to stop?" she asks. She's flushed and wild-eyed, like she doesn't want to stop any more than Kit does.
Kit squirms. "I don't know," she says. It comes out in a whine so needy that it makes Kit blush just to hear herself.
Jade nods. "Can I -" Jade shifts, and for a moment it makes that pressure even more intense. Then she lowers Kit's hips just a little, changes the angle of herself inside. Kit whines again, her whole self humming raw with tension. "Better?"
Kit's heart is still racing, but she tries her hardest to notice her body and not her fear. The feeling has dissipated. Now it's just the pleasant fullness of Jade inside her, the static-feeling of her fluttering heart. Jade runs a hand up her sternum, drags gentle nails along her chest. "Color, baby?"
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swashbucklery · 8 months
Trick or treat!
Hmmm, as a special treat enjoy a snippet from that-unnamed-kinkverse-fic I'm working on (smut below the readmore)
Jade runs thoughtful fingers through the wettest part of Kit, the part that was split open for her earlier, the part that opened eagerly for Jade's tongue. She presses against Kit's entrance. "Are you ready for me in you?" she croons. "A reward for a job well done?"
Kit feels it. Feels good, that she worked hard and submitted and now she gets to be the softest possible version of herself. Gets to be spread like butter, warm and slick, at Jade's will. "Yes," Kit breathes.
Jade slips into her, one smooth motion that makes Kit cry out with relief. She still tenses, needs a few moments to adjust and breathe at the start, but it's overlaid by the giddiness of finally being full again. "So good," Jade whispers.
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swashbucklery · 1 year
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You are, quite frankly, my hero. (credit for the original to @spybrarian)
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swashbucklery · 7 months
Ficlet Roundup (Willow, Kit/Jade, E)
I added a couple of Kinkverse ficlets to The Pieces this week trying to clear out my fic drafts. All ficlets take place in the same established BDSM relationship modern auniverse; read if it's your thing and don't if it's not.
The Game: (strap-on) cockwarming, orgasm control/denial, and elements of a sticker reward chart from a yet-to-be-published fic by @acre-of-wheat, 500 words
The Spanking: painplay, punishment, spanking, daddy kink; implied orgasm control/denial, 2000 words
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swashbucklery · 11 months
Kit/Jade, butt stuff please
Congratulations, anon! I had a little bit of Kinkverse butt stuff already started, and now it's here for your reading enjoyment!
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spybrarian · 7 months
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Never Not Commenting November Novice: I left AO3 comments on 5 fics!
(these badges are part of the @tanthamoretober Never Not Commenting November challenge! Want to take part? You can find details here.)
Here's tonight's reading! Check the tags and ratings yourself, of course, but I had a lot of fun with these guys:
Make Me A Saddle, by Silver85 Werewolf Kit and Lumberjack Jade! I love the way @wigster07 told this story through installments, non-chronologically. It was a really cool way to dip in and out of their lives, putting it all together bit by bit. This one hit a combo of the prompts lingerie + leather so... you know it's gonna be good.
The Laughing Whale p1 by Geek_and_Nina A wee drabble (double length) of pirate Kit and siren Jade! Made me laugh, and contained a very neat description involving butter.
under the sea and also darling it's better by Geek_and_Nina Part two and three! A cute world Nina's building here, and super short so it's a really quick dip. Cool curse ideas, hints at tension, loads of fun! Also fangs.
The Sadist/The Masochist by Acre_of_wheat Not technically part of @tanthamoretober's collection, but Never Not Commenting November is more about comments than rules ;) This fic is part of the Kinkverse that has my heart and the depths of Kit and Jade's love for each other is just, so deep, and I love the way @acre-of-wheat can describe the most intense emotions or on point character observations in just a sentence or two and send me reeling.
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