#the golden teacher
thatheathen · 8 months
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the golden teacher
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Silvio Vieira, Guided Expansion
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buddydawndevoted · 3 days
so I'm not very eloquent when it comes to characters I like, much more of a "rotating them in my mind" kind of guy, but i'm going to try because oh my GOD this thought about buddy plagues my waking days.
i recall that in the finale somewhere of in an adventuring party one of the intrepid heros said "point him in a direction and he'll go" in reference to buddy and that really stuck with me because it's yet ANOTHER MIRRORING OF HIM AND KRISTEN.
when Kristen left Helio she felt unendingly lost and unguided. She searched and searched and searched for a god that she could feel a connection to and even in creating her own God (twice!) she couldn't find that. obviously this lack of connection with other deities was due to her immense doubt that eventually lead her to Cassandra, what she primarily wanted from her God was answers and in cassandra's case, the acceptance that there aren't always going to be answers.
buddy's problem is that he has been OVER guided. when with the church of Helio he was guided by his grandmother, his grandfather, other members of the church. he always had someone who could tell him what to do and what to think. even when leaving Helio he was still being told what to do and what to think! he was always under someone's thumb whether that be bobby dawn or Jace and porter. with the former he was given a new god after having something so familiar violently (literally violently) ripped away from him. so unlike Kristen, he hasn't yet been given the freedom to actually explore anything new. he's just been manipulated up to this point! he probably held onto baccarath so hard because its the closest to exploration of faith he got, he probably knew the name was bs after the ritual failed but he kept with it just because it was something new and different.
but that's also something buddy has always shown, he's always shown insane amounts of loyalty and devotion. I think that's what buddy is actually looking for in a god. loyalty. I mean think about it, his own grandfather literally left elmvile without him, nobody on the ratgrinders was ever an actual friend to him, he likely resents the neglect that Helio shows his followers whether its a conscious resentment or not, and not to mention we don't even know where the fuck his parents are or if they're at all present in his life! at basically every turn buddy has been well and truly alone. I think what he truly wants is a god that will be and will encourage truly loyalty and devotion and belief.
i hope that's what baccarath can become. not a good of rage but of devotion.
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theroadtofairyland · 8 months
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Watercolor On Black Cotton Paper
2023, 44"x 30"
Golden Teacher Mushroom, Psilocybe cubensis
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inkyarcturus · 3 months
Fun idea I’ve had bouncing around about Remus:
You know how queer/neurodivergent kids have that one teacher that they bond to? You know what I’m talking about- you’ve seen the memes about the gay kid and the English/art teacher bond.
I like to imagine that Remus just has a tiny group of kids who hung out in his classroom to feel safe.
He would leave his door open constantly and during lunch, he would offer to call a house elf for hot chocolate, tea, biscuits or other sweets for the kids. If he noticed one of his kids doesn’t eat lunch, he would quietly pull them to the side and ask what was up.
The kids would talk to him abt literally anything under the sun. Some would even go and ask for help for other classes (quite a few for potions, none of which were slytherins)
He’d have a small bowl of pride pins and flags up for grabs on his desk which his kids occasionally take, always causing him to give a little smile to the kid.
I don’t know. I just image Remus as the designated safe teacher. He’d be the one to notice a kid struggling and offer help or ask what’s wrong. He’d be the one that students go to when they have problems at home, were being bullied or just needed someone to talk to.
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chaldeanu · 11 days
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revisiting the best screenshots in the history of honkai star rail ₊ ˙ ⊹ .
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sillylittleraccoon · 21 days
my teacher: Goodmorning people !
*me, not a people* well not Goodmorning to you too >:(
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archi-pelago · 2 months
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Now it thickens on my tongue Now it quickens in my lung Now I'm stricken, Now I'm stung-
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theangrycomet-art · 4 months
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Doodles of @lune-redd's other adorable Fankiddos, from left to right, Britt, Beauty, and Berry.
Check out their work, seriously. They have such nice designs and they capture the Powerpuff girl art style past the "Puff".
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"The third level of prayer, which is much more serious, is knocking." - Sunday Adelaja
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mazojo · 2 years
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I could talk for hours about the importance of education and it’s deep rooted message and themes in m!ik
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theroadtofairyland · 1 year
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Watercolor On Black Cotton Paper
2023, 41"x 30"
Golden Teacher Mushroom, Psilocybe cubensis
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larabar · 1 year
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doodles (dogs)
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mycolancer · 4 months
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A visual scale of what 1g mushrooms might look like. Spoiler Alert: use a scale always. Potency can vary even between 1g of the same variety, or between 1g dosages of different varieties. This is why I recommend folks to grind up their mushrooms and take in a capsule, tea, or edible form. This will help make dosing more accurate. Trying a new variety? Start lower. Mush love, Be Safe At The Parties!
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itspileofgoodthings · 15 days
also it’s interesting because. my family is deeply unsentimental (in a very powerful way) and society is divided into the pretty heartless or the pretty sentimental (generally speaking) and I’m sort of this walking heart wound of emotion trying to straddle these lines (and having a hard time of it!) but one of the things that does guard me from being more sentimental than I am is the secret cruelty and unfairness that lurks at the bottom of all sentimentality.
#like. schools are just such an interesting example#because they HAVE to combat the cruelty of the world#and there has to be love and warmth and support#especially if the school is a good one or trying to be and especially if the staff cares (which good teachers do)#but all the awards and the celebrations and trying to make things feel special can breed bitterness and resentment and a certain#stale weariness almost?#and yes some of that is just the human condition#it doesn’t mean you should do away with all of them just because you can’t please everyone#some of it is just the nature of the game of it all#but there is something where it becomes cloying very quickly#when wanting to celebrate students becomes detached from quality or high expectations#and even when it is united there is something I don’t like about the continual celebration of one student over another#of the kind of instinctive favorite picking schools do in terms of like ‘these are the golden kids’#and I get it I get it we need things to keep us going too. something to celebrate someone who appreciates us#but it’s just. on some level no! no kid above reproach no kid beyond redemption#because that’s life but it’s also just kids!!!#the only real safe space for me to interact with them is teacher / student and they are allllll my students#and I have a job to do by all of them not just the ones who love me#and many of them do and i love them in return!!#but just sort of letting the love hang in the air without immediately sinking it back into the work#or using it to redirect them#and at some point just stepping all the way back#to see and remind them that my job is to be a door and a guide into something bigger than me#isn’t good. it makes it sour more. and also in some way is me hurting people more#like this senior class is special to me. they just are. and yet to dwell too much on that in my speech (a temptation) actually has all sorts#of pitfalls attendant on it.#including exposing myself to the scorn of the kids who are like ‘who’s that lol’#which is funny and balancing in itSELF#but even if the whole class is on board the wave of sentimentality it actually shuts me off more from the students I currently teach#making that somehow seem less because they are not my ‘favorite’
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redeyye · 5 months
i could be the guy who makes up seinfeld episodes but for the golden girls
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