#the golden mole
itslookingback · 9 months
relevant to your Mole Interests:
there is a lovely book exploring different incredible animals around the world called "the golden mole" written by katherine rundell. each chapter focuses on one animal and all the special things about it and also human history around it. it's just a very nice book and i think mole interested people would love it :)
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nyx-b-log · 1 year
somehow i read loads this week
a book came in from the library for me, the golden mole by katherine rundell, which is a non-fiction nature book, and though it wasn't particularly groundbreaking it was fun enough to read. the writing style was nice (you can tell she writes fiction), and the information was interesting if a bit superficial. the best part about it imo was how clear her love for the natural world is, it's a very impassioned book for how short it is. i'll be checking out the further reading in the back.
after that i thought i'd read vol 4 of heartstopper (which has been sitting on my shelf for a few months) so reread vol 3 and then immediately read vol 4. was exactly what i wanted and needed from it, if i'd read this as a teenager i think it would have hit me even harder. can't believe there's only gonna be one more volume :(((
then, still working down my physical tbr, i picked up artificial condition by martha wells aka murderbot book 2. enjoyed this more than the first one, looking forward to continuing the series, ART is a delight
for manga, i finally went back to mushishi and what a volume! multiple great stories in this one, possibly the most consistent in quality so far. ginko was more absent than he has been previously, but we got to see different parts of his character that we've not seen before, so it wasn't much of a loss! also included this panel which is so funny to me:
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(rough translation:
"but isana,
you just blindly jumped right in! you really took me by surprise you know!"
"haha sorry")
idk, he specifically asked her to not do this earlier in the chapter and he's just like come on asdfghjkl it's the thwip of his head that gets me i think
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Oh to be in Paris in 1827, off to see a giraffe while wearing my giraffe-print dress, with my coiffure à la girafe and a bag laden with giraffe memorabilia
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scuffedgrannysblog · 8 months
The Golden Mole by Katherine Rundell
A wake-up call, raising awareness of the truly wonderful creatures which inhabit our wonderful world and how unlikely they are to thrive
Chris Packham, British naturalist and TV personality, is the reason that I read this book and I am so glad that I saw a clip of him on TV discussing how all of us MUST read The Golden Mole. He spouted some examples of facts that he had encountered on his reading of it and my interest was immediately piqued. Rundell’s book is an absolute gem in so many ways. Firstly, the way it is organised. Each…
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teaboot · 1 year
I love all animals so much but I can't lie there's a special place in my heart for the Golden Mole
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Look at him.
He has no eyes. His face is an ear. He's iridescent. What can't he do
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dandelionmoss · 9 months
golden mole
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golden mole facts:
21 species in the family
taxonomically distinct from the true moles, but functionally similar, having very dense fur and inconspicuous eyes and ears
can switch off thermoregulation when inactive (torpor)
desert-dwelling species such as grant's golden mole dip their heads in the sand to listen for termites living under grass clumps
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chameleocoonj · 8 months
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life-on-our-planet · 6 months
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"The golden mole is completely blind, but there's nothing to see underground anyway. Instead it has superb hearing. Its entire head acts as an amplifier that picks up vibrations through the sand. So to locate prey on the surface of the dunes it has, paradoxically, to thrust its face into the dune." David Attenborough for BBC
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typhlonectes · 6 months
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Back from the brink: sand-swimming golden mole, feared extinct, rediscovered after 86 years
Border collie Jessie sniffs out elusive species last seen in 1937 among dunes of South Africa
An elusive, iridescent golden mole not recorded since before the second world war has been rediscovered “swimming” in the sand near the coastal town of Port Nolloth in north-west South Africa. The De Winton’s golden mole (Cryptochloris wintoni), previously feared extinct, lives in underground burrows and had not been seen since 1937. It gets its “golden” name from oily secretions that lubricate its fur so it can “swim” through sand dunes. This means it does not create conventional tunnels, making it all the harder to detect...
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/30/back-from-the-brink-de-wintons-golden-mole-feared-extinct-rediscovered-after-86-years-aoe
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flnno · 2 months
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happy comfort day.
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doodle-pops · 2 months
Lords of Gondolin | With A Musician Reader
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Request: hi mina how have you been? i hope you’re doing ok c: i was wondering if you’d write a scenario about human!reader showing off her greatest musical creation to the elves? it’s a piano they’ve spent a decade workshopping & building to perfection. readers also made middle earth versions of the upright bass, acoustic guitar, & cello. they plan on making more instruments cause it’s their passion and how they want to be remembered by. for the lords of gondolin - @dicksoutformtl
A/N: I’m doing just fine! It was fun writing this request know that all of them would be impressed at reader’s craftsmanship. Enjoy!
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.𑁍༊˚ Galdor
Galdor is thoroughly impressed by your craftsmanship in creating new and improved versions of some of the instruments they already have while crafting newly discovered pieces as well.
He would have known you were into the musical arts, hence why you were always playing or composing a new piece every few weeks. However, what he had never suspected was a entire batch of new instruments being presented to him.
He is enthralled and eager. While some instruments may not be a favourite to his ear due to the sounds they emit, you can bet he’s informing you of some upcoming festival where you can show off your creative talents.
Galdor is a proud elf Lord who would happily talk about what you’ve created to the others and recommend you to the King to play your pieces at balls. He wants everyone to be aware that you’ve made inventions and they’re groundbreaking.
There are moments when he’d sit around and listen as you explain to him how you created each piece and the inspiration behind them or watch as you play songs on them.
It touches him when he becomes aware of the purpose of your collection of paper in the corner of your room. They were all songs written to be played on these instruments about how much you like or care about him. He’s touched and appreciative.
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.𑁍༊˚ Ecthelion
The musical master is too stunned to speak as he enters your humble abode and notices all the new “classical” instruments lying about. Ecthelion’s curiosity gets the better of him and he can’t help but strum the strings of the bass and cello, or press the keys on the piano and gasp at the new pitch echoing.
He becomes aware that these are not instruments that exist in Middle Earth and bombard you with a million questions. “How did you make this?” “Where did your idea come from?” “What inspired you?” “Who are you really?”
Ecthelion probably assumes that you’re not normal to come up with all these instruments since the Valar would have created their instruments for them…so are you a Maiar or Valar in disguise?
You will be followed around until you answer all of his questions with responses that tickle his brain the right way. And be prepared for him to request if you two can now play duets at festivals and balls. He wants you to be the musician couple.
Ecthelion will show you off, more than Galdor and some of the others because he’s proud and wants everyone to know how talented you are. He doesn’t care if the other Lords comments that you’re more talented than him, he would simply acknowledge and say, “Yes!”
And not to forget, he’s making sure that your name gets recorded in the history books as an important figure in music. He’s even more proud when he realises that you’ve outdone musical protégé like Maglor and Daeron.
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.𑁍༊˚ Glorfindel
There is not a person without a ten-mile radius who hasn’t been alerted by him of your musical genius abilities. Even Lord Elrond would be shaken aggressively as he is being told about your creation. “Y/N has reinvented the world of music! There is no one as great as them!”
Goodbye Lindir or Ecthelion, hello to Y/N, the new musical protégé of Gondolin or Imladris. Get used to being announced at dinners or balls to play your newest pieces and having Glorfindel looking like a proud dad (if he had a camera, his look would be completed).
Anytime you’re making a trip to your music room, don’t go without Glorfindel or else he’ll barge in all grumpy, complaining that you forgot him. He wants to be present at each new masterpiece you’re making, whether it be a new instrument or song. He likes watching the look of concentration as you play each piece to conclude which suits the song best.
Be noted that he’s curious, so he is bound to touch the piano or cello and gasp as the notes ring out. I can see him being drawn towards the guitar and requesting that you teach him. I don’t know, but Glorfindel playing the guitar suits him (idk if it’s just me).
Cue Glorfindel wanting to join you whenever you’re playing and the guitar can be included. He’ll happily sit beside you and strum away lightly while you play the piano or violin.
Like Ecthelion, be prepared to be announced/talked about by Glorfindel any chance he gets. He’s not rubbing it in anyone’s face, simply expressing how proud he is of his little human creating instruments that “change everything”.
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.𑁍༊˚ Egalmoth
Most proud of them all, however, he’s torn between wanting the world to learn about your skills and also keeping them hidden so he alone can know this secret and cherish it.
A bit stingy sharing your talents with the rest of the world because they should be for him to enjoy and praise. He does complain when people don’t praise you enough and encourages them to be louder.
I don’t see anyone surpassing him in terms of being the biggest cheerleader. This elf considers himself blessed to be around such a gifted person (you’re more gifted than his friends in his eyes). You’re a miracle worker creating new instruments unheard of or reinventing old ones.
He wants to learn about your pieces even though he doesn’t know about music deeply, he would to be told everything. Don’t worry if it sounds all foreign to him, he’s understanding.
Egalmoth would inquire if you would like more materials to make more instruments because he understands that it’s your passion. He would even ask if you would like to open up a school to teach others.
Like the others, he would request that you play at dinners when the Lords come over or if the King is hosting a dinner party. Might get annoyed if someone wants to collaborate with you because you sound great on your own.
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.𑁍༊˚ Rog
This craftsman is enthralled, amazed, excited, and proud of your creation. You made these instruments all on your own! Rog cannot cease talking about how you designed and crafted all the instruments by yourself. This is one of the rare moments when he's talkative nonstop.
You’ve got one of the great blacksmiths hooked on your inventions and wants to know the process you took to create each piece. He’ll be teary if you mention that you used some of his instructions during his days of teaching you basic material crafting.
Learning more and more that everything was done on your own and you spent years making each puts a type of ride in his heart that’s unshakable. If you show him how each piece is played, Rog finds himself whipped and ready to boast.
It’s strange seeing the quiet blacksmith boasting and talkative, and it’s for good reasons, you. All the Lords know, the citizens know and the King as well. Very soon, you’ll be having a hearing with the King who was intrigued by your new inventions courtesy of Rog cheerful chattering.
Rog doesn’t mind whether you choose to play privately or publicly, the choice is yours and he’s pleased with either decision. He wants you to be comfortable, but he would ask if you could play him a piece so he could experience the beauty of your creations.
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.𑁍༊˚ Maeglin
Curiosity caught his attention for a great purpose and it led him to discover new things worthwhile. Maeglin is enamoured and his curiosity is piqued tenfold. Questions rattle off the top of his head about all that he’s seeing and how did you manage to think about creating these pieces.
You’ll be seen as someone highly skilled and great in his eyes because you’re out here reinventing the world of music, something the elves are passionately known for.
“Can I come to watch?” “Can I sit and listen?” “Will you play for others to see what you’ve made?” He will stand in the doorway as you play your pieces and write songs suited best for each with a sense of pride in his chest. You’re a part of his House and creating all these great inventions to make a name for yourself. How could he not be pleased?
Definitely another one who would recommend you to the King to present your showstopping performances during balls. Whether you play with the orchestra or sole, Maeglin is supportive.
You’re Maeglin little songbird who he wakes up to playing your piano or guitar on the balcony or in the drawing room. You provide him with melodies that allow him to melt in and drive his tension away.
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @mcwentfandomtraveling @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @hermaeuswhora @lamemaster @zheiya @addaigio @involuntaryspasms
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mindblowingscience · 6 months
A golden mole that "swims" in sand has resurfaced in South Africa after 87 years in the wilderness when many specialists feared it had become extinct, researchers have said. Traces of two De Winton's golden moles have been found under the sands of a beach after a "detective novel search", said Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) senior field officer Esther Matthew on Tuesday. EWT and University of Pretoria researchers covered up to 18 kilometers (11.2 miles) of dune habitat a day as they spent months hunting for signs, said Matthew. The blind moles are cute but excessively timid. They pick inaccessible areas to burrow homes and have extremely sensitive hearing to detect ground vibrations made by anyone who could be looking for them. The last scientific trace dates back to 1936. The team used a scent-detecting Border Collie dog, Jessie, to find traces of the moles' tunnels.
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themesopelagiczone · 6 months
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these little legends are blind, but they use super hearing powers and vibrations to swim through sand and eat little bugs n shit. they're so cool. i'm going insane.
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frippp · 9 months
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Can i interest you in a golden mole?
They live in sub-saharan Africa and have enlarged ear bones to help them sense worm vibrations
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