#the first officers an illegal alien
justreckin · 4 months
Pretty sure half the reason I love Erica as much as I do is that she's actually okay. She's gone through shit, but she came out the other side and went "y'know, I'm not down with all this unresolved angst and poor coping mechanisms." Girl went to therapy and worked her shit out.
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I've been wondering if I should make this post for a while, but I'm just gonna come out and say it: the Sonic movies are not pro-military just because Tom is a police officer. I'd argue that the movies are pretty anti-military, actually.
So, let's talk about Tom first, since he's kind of the elephant in the room with this discussion. Tom is the sheriff to a small town where he rarely has to deal with any real crimes; he usually deals with more trivial problems like people's cars breaking down, and we see him help a family of ducks cross the street.
He's an officer partly out of a sense of obligation (reportedly his family has held this position in some way for over 50 years), and partly because he wants to be in a position where he can protect people in serious situations. His goal at the start of the first movie is to start working in a bigger city where he can be more helpful.
I won't say that Tom isn't something of an idealized vision of a cop, and that in the wrong hands, he could easily be used as a form of military promotion. But I think Tom is like this for a different, more specific reason: to be used as a sharp contrast to literally every other government official we see.
Question: who exactly is the villain in the first Sonic movie? Robotnik, yes, but who is he? What does he represent?
Well, he's pretty much the face of the military.
Robotnik is under direct orders from the government to look into the power outage incident, and that turns into a mission to capture (and experiment on) Sonic - and regardless if Robotnik was authorized to use lethal force, he does so anyway.
And the thing is, all of the higher-ups know he's unhinged and dangerous, but he keeps his job because he gets results regardless of his methods. Heck, the first thing we see him do is lie to Tom about who he is and what he's there for so he can get inside his house to search it. Not exactly the most flattering portrayal of military investigations.
(He even gets punched by Tom after forcing his way into the house anyway)
Tom then proceeds to spend the rest of the movie on the run from the government, going out of his way to protect Sonic (who is quite literally an illegal alien) at the risk of his own livelihood. Clearly, adhering to his job description is not something the movie views as morally correct here.
Second question: who's the villain of the second movie? Still Robotnik, but he's not employed by the government anymore, so he can't really represent them anymore, right?
No, but considering Sonic's adopted family was actively manipulated by a government spy, who was meant to marry his new aunt in order to target him, and Sonic proceeds to get tased and thrown into a cage along with Tails by the other military personnel present at the fake wedding... I think it's safe to say that they are, once again, a central antagonistic force in this series.
(Yeah they do a funny where the spy turns out to have fallen in love for real, but I think we can all agree that was done for the sake of keeping a whimsical tone and not to endorse what was actually happening with the government there)
Which brings us to the third movie, which is still unreleased at the time of writing this. And one final question: how exactly do you think they're planning to write an adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2?
They've already set GUN up as the villains. That alone is central to Shadow's backstory, and the writers have clearly done their homework on Sonic lore. And even if they've somehow wildly missed the messaging of the franchise they've made two successful movies off of, the fact of the matter is that there is no adapting SA2 without anti-military sentiments. Like, they would have to work pretty hard and completely butcher both the game and their own movies up to this point for that to come out being pro-military.
This part's more in speculation territory, but here's a thought: what do you think Tom is going to do when he finds out what happened to Shadow?
Remember, Tom is an idealized small town sheriff who has this job out of obligation. He hasn't had to deal with the darker side of all this stuff until he started protecting Sonic, which - just as a reminder - has led to his house being searched, his car being cut in half, Sonic almost getting killed at least twice, his sister-in-law being manipulated, Sonic and Tails getting locked in cages... I'm probably even missing a few things.
Once everything that happened 50 years ago comes to light (especially if the theorists are right about Tom's family having been involved in it), I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he just. quit being a police officer. or got into activism. or both.
But even if we limit the analysis to just the two movies that are out right now, I struggle to see how "Tom shirks his duties to protect an alien child from being experimented on by the government" is in any way a pro-military sentiment.
In conclusion: basically every problem in the Sonic movies is the fault of the government in some way, so can we please stop talking about the series as if Tom is singlehandedly making them pro-military, now. Thanks
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
You're a dimensional traveler. You're mostly a researcher, for an organization that knows about other dimensions. It's not something the average person in almost any dimension actually knows about, but there are a few pocket realms, where dimensional travelers can meet.
Its strange going on research trips. They always put you in the body that you would have had if you had grown up in that world. You've felt what it would be like to exist in a body that's been a medieval peasant its entire life, and likewise you've known what it's like to be in a body that's never left a spaceship.
The strangest time was when you were in a body from an entirely mechanical world, where no biological life existed. It was horrifying ar first, being a machine that didn't breath or eat, you felt like you were being drowned, and felt like your skin was missing. And the worst was so desolate, knowing there was nothing but wasteland outside the cities. But the more you stayed there the more normal it felt, as empty as it was, the beings there only knew humans, only knew life, as a bad memory, and era long forgotten.
You've been to a world with superheros, it was right after you left the machine dimension. It wasn't like your childhood fantasies, wasn't like what the people of your world dreamed of. A superhuman is a horrifying thing to witness as a moral, and the fact that an alien thinks of itself as a farm boy from Kansas, can be more horrifying then it think of itself as an alien, horrifying to the shoplifter and the media pirate, horrifying to the protester, horrifying to the radical. It's scary for such creatures to uphold mortal law. You couldn't give those people any weapons to fight back with, but you could tell them that you were from a world without superheros, and tell them that is was possible, and it wasn't more dangerous like they thought it would be, it was safer.
You've met people you've wanted to take back with you. People who you could have. There was a time when you were in a world with limited technology, and powerful magic. You befriended a eunuch priestess there, a priestess of a god whose temples were being burned, where her faith was being replaced with a monotheistic one, one that would have her killed for more reasons then one. She fled from city to city, as more cities were being taken by the new faith, where she became illegal in more and more places. You offered to take her to your world but she said no, she needed to be with her people in the end, and even if she went, you realized she'd be no more accepted there then she is where she lived.
And you've seen better worlds. You've seen a post revolution America, seen how much more advanced it is. And seen the old churches of that world converted back into pagan temples, and seen cities where office buildings were all apartments, and city halls had become meusums, explaining to people what governments were when humanity had governments. You've seen things be possible you didn't think were. Yet you had to leave. You always had to leave.
You've been to a world where humans didn't experience romantic or sexual attraction, and didn't have libidos or erotic sensation. It was strange, you felt empty at first, you missed those feelings so much. You went with your partner, and you couldn't feel anything about them, there was no feeling of lust when looking at their naked body, and worse off there was no feeling of romance when you looked into their eyes. But you still liked eachother as humans, you were good freinds even when you weren't able to love eachother, you still talked for hours, still cared about eachother. And you cuddled, because without romance freinds would just cuddle in that world. When you came back to your own world, and the attraction came back, it felt weird and wrong at first.
You've been to so many places you've had to leave behind. You've been to a world of endless forest night, where monsters preyed on humans, and you've sat with humans who've learned how to survive despite everything. You've seen a world of endless city, stretching across a planet, and you had to leave it, you always have to leave it behind, even though you could explore it forever. You've been to a world where the internet was all that existed, where there was no physical realm, just websites and chatrooms, the image of a screen being all you could see, and being there for awhile without a body, just getting to talk to people, and see how they spent their days, it made you love the body you had, but still care for those without them.
One of your most deadly missions was to go to a world of demons. To live in that empty world, that world with no light, no hope, where every soul knew it was forever damned. But the demons still had to live, still had to spend their days doing their best, still had freinds, despite the fact that they knew redemption was beyond them. And you were one too, and despite how you expected there to be nothing when you were thrown into that void, you were still you.
You're more appreciative of your own world now. Seeing people on the street and the subway, they're still human, anywhere you go. You've asked the organization for an interdimensional internet device, you really want to be able to still talk to some people you've, you think people deserve that, to be talked to. Mabye people actually are good?
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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At the beginning of WWII, Naval Intelligence officers concluded that there were around 10,000 Japanese Americans who could pose a threat to the U.S.
Army General DeWitt used his authority to incarcerate 120,000. 
U.S. v Korematsu, Exhibit Q, April 30, 1943. 
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United States
Series: Criminal Case Files
File Unit: United States v. Korematsu
Edward J. Ennis
Exhibit Q
Department of Justice
Alien Enemy Control Unit
April 30, 1943
[stamp] DEPARTMENT OF [illegible]
SEP 1[illegible] 1951
DIVISION OF [illegible]
RE: Japanese Brief
Last week with our draft of the [underlined] Hirabayeshi [end underlined] brief I transmitted to Mr. Raum somematerial which I thought he would find helpful in obtaining a background view of the context of this case. In particular, I sent him a copy of Harpers Magazine for October 1942, which contains an article entitled [underlined] The Japanese in America, The Problem and the Solution, [end underline] which is said to be by "An Intelligence Officer". without attempting to summarize this article, it stated among other things that:
1. The number of Japanese aliens and citizens who would act as saboteurs and enemy agents was less than 3,500 throughout the entire United States.
2. Of the Japanese aliens, "the large majority are at least passively loyal to the United States".
3. "The Americanization of Nisei (American-born Japanese) is far advanced."
4. With the exception of a few identified persons who were prominent in pro-Japanese organization the only important group of dangerous Japanese were the Kibei (American-born Japanese predominantly educated in Japan).
5. "The identity of Kibei can be readily ascertained from United States Government records."
6. "Had this war not come along at this time, in another ten or fifteen years there would have been no Japanese problem, for the Issei would have passed on, and the Nisei taken their place naturally in American communities and national life."
This article concludes: "To sum up: The  'Japanese Problem' has been magnified out of its true proportion largely because of the physical characteristics of the Japanese people. It should not be handled on the basis of the [underlined: individual], regardless of citizenship and [underlined: not] on a racial basis." (Emphasis in original.)
I thought this article interesting even though it was substantially anonymous. I now attach much more significance to it because a memorandum prepared by Lt. Con. X. D. Ringle, who has until very recently been Assis-
[handwritten in bottom right corner] #8 [end handwritten]
[page 2]
tant District Intelligence Officer, 1th Naval District, in charge of naval intelligence in that district (which includes Los Angeles), and who was formerly Assistant District Intelligence Officer in Hawaii, has come to my attention. A comparison of this memorandum with the article leaves no doubt that the author of the Harpers article is Lt. Com. K. D. Ringle. There are many long passages in the first person relating to personal experiences which are identical in the two writings.
  In addition I am informed entirely unofficially by the persons in the Office of Naval Intelligence that Lt. Com. Ringle in fact was lent to War Relocation Authority to prepare a manual on the background of the Japanese who were being evacuated from an Intelligence or security viewpoint, for the use of the WRA personnel. After this memorandum was prepared permission was obtained to abstract it and publish it anonymously in Harpers. Thus the Harpers article, which clearly indicates that the method of evacuation was wrong and that it would have been sufficient to evacuate not more than 10,000 know Japanese and that it would now be sage to release all but not more than 10,000 presently identified Japanese, was written by a Naval Intelligence officer who was on duty from 1940 until very recently in the Los Angeles area, from which approximately one-third of the evacuation came.
  I have furthermore been most informally, but altogether reliably, advised that both the article and the WRA memorandum prepared by Lt. Com. Ringle represent the views, if not of the Navy, at least of those Naval Intelligence officers in charge of Japanese counter-intelligence work. It has been suggested to me quite clearly that it is the view of these officers that the whole evacuation scheme was carried out badly and that it would have been sufficient to evacuate the following three groups:
1. The Kibei.
2. The parents of Kibei.
3. A known group of aliens and citizens who were active members of pro-Japanese societies such as the Japanese Navy League, the Military Virtue Society, etc.
Since the naval officers believe that it was necessary to evacuate only about 10,000 people they could have identified by name, they did not feel that it was necessary to evacuate all of the Japanese. Presumably, they did not make this view known fourteen months ago for the reasons that Secretary Knox was at that time greatly exercised about the Japanese Fifth Column and that, since it was the Army's problem, it was safer to keep quiet than to brave the political storm then raging.
In retrospect it appears that this Department made a mistake fourteen months ago in not bringing the Office of Naval Intelligence into the
[page 3]
controversy. I suppose that the reason that it did not occur to any of us to do this was the extreme position then taken by the Secretary of the Navy.
   To have done so would have been wholly reasonable, since by the terms of the so-called delimitation agreement it was agreed that Naval Intelligence should specialize on the Japanese, while Army Intelligence occupied other fields. I have not seen the document, but I have repeatedly been told that Army, before the war, agreed in writing to permit the Navy to conduct its Japanese intelligence work for it. I think it follows, therefore, that to a very considerable extent the Army, in acting upon the opinion of Intelligence officers, is bound by the opinion of the Naval officers in Japanese matters. Thus, had we known that the Navy thought that 90% of the evacuation was unnecessary, we could strongly have urged upon Gen. DeWitt that he could not base a military judgment to the contrary upon Intelligence reports, as he now claims to do.
Lt. Com. Ringle's full memorandum is somewhat more complete than the version published in Harpers and I think you will be interested in reading it. In the past year I have looked at  great numbers of reports, memoranda, and articles on the Japanese, and it is my opinion that this is the most reasonable and objective discussion of the security problem presented by the presence of the Japanese minority. In view of the inherent reasonableness of this memorandum and in view of the fact that we now know that it represents the view of the Intelligence agency having the most direct responsibility for investigating the Japanese from the security viewpoint, I feel that we should be extremely careful in taking any position on the facts more hostile to the Japanese than the position of Lt. Com. Ringle. I attach the Department's only copy of this memorandum.
  Furthermore, in view of the fact that the Department of Justice is now representing the Army in the Supreme Court of the United States and is arguing that a partial, selective evacuation was impracticable, we must consider most carefully what our obligation to the Court is in view of the fact that the responsible Intelligence agency regarded a selective evacuation as not only sufficient but preferable. It is my opinion that certainly one of the most difficult questions in the whole case is raised by the fact that the Army did not evacuate people after any hearing or on any individual determination of dangerousness, but evacuated the entire racial group. The briefs filed by appellants in the Ninth Circuit particularly pressed the point that no individual consideration was given, and I regard it as certain that this point will be stressed even more, assuming that competent counsel represent appellants, in the Supreme Court. Thus, in one of the crucial points of the case the Government is forced to argue that individual, selective evacuation would have been impractical and insufficient when we have positive knowledge that the only Intelligence agency responsible for advising Gen. DeWitt gave him advice directly to the contrary.
[page 4[
In view of this fact, I think we should consider very carefully whether we do not have a duty to advise the Court of the existence of the Ringle memorandum and of the fact that this represents the view of the Office of Naval Intelligence. It occurs to me that any other course of conduct might approximate the suppression of evidence.
  As I have said, my information that the Ringle memorandum represents the view of the Office of Naval Intelligence has come to me informally. I feel, therefore, that we have an obligation to verify my informal information. I believer that we should address an inquiry to the Secretary of the Navy, making reference to the Ringle memorandum, and stating that we have been advised that this represents the Navy's view and asking the Secretary if in fact the views of ONI, at the time of the evacuation, coincided with Com. Ringle's.
 The Ringle memorandum originally came into my possession from WRA and we noticed the parallel between the memorandum and the article in this office. Attorneys for WRA furthermore are among the persons who have advised us that the Ringle memorandum represents the official Navy view. In view of the fact that any other information which I have obtained is highly confidential, I would prefer to refer in a letter to Secretary Knox only to WRA.
  I have prepared for your consideration a draft of a letter which you might wish to send to Mr. Knox.
Edward J. Ennis
Director, Alien Enemy Control Unit
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spnbangbang · 9 months
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Title: Invasive Species
Author: Tossukka
Artist: hexentaenzerin
Primary Ship: Dean/Castiel
Other Ships: N/A
Length: 5000
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, sex with a sentient extra-terrestrial lifeform, interspecies mating
Tags: government official Dean, alien Cas, strangers to lovers, bottom Dean, slight crack, monsterfucking, tentacle sex, size kink, alien conspiracies are true
Posting Date: September 14, 2023
When the Department of Agriculture catches a series of suspicious internet searches about tentacle care coming from an address near their office, senior officer Dean Winchester decides to investigate the issue. He expects a routine call where the most interesting part is catching someone keeping an illegal pet.
To his surprise, instead of finding a secret squid smuggling operation, Dean may have just uncovered a government conspiracy when he discovers an alien species right out of his wildest, kinkiest daydreams.
That moment Dean began to suspect he was being watched. He couldn’t see any security cameras, but they could very well be some hidden ones around the house. At first glance Dean couldn’t see anything that could be connected to any crimes, but he needed to get back to searching. The back door of the house was also locked but there was some strange kind of sticky substance on the stairs leading to the door, as if something had been oozing there just a minute ago.
Dean scratched his head. There was something going on that he couldn’t understand.
Then a sound of door slamming sounded from the other side of the house, and Dean began to run. He saw a dark haired man slam the lower half of the front door closed.
“Stop!” Dean yelled. “Stop hiding from me.”
The man looked at him quickly and began to push the upper half closed too, before Dean continued.
“Hey, I’m from the government. If you keep hiding from me, I can call everyone from local police force to FBI to give me cover while I investigate your house. We can deal with the issue easily on our own, but you can also have some mean police dudes pointing their guns at you while I do my business,” Dean said. “Your choice.”
The man stopped and opened the upper half of the door again.
“What are you searching? I haven’t done anything illegal to my knowledge,” he said in a low, raspy voice that made pleasant shivers go through Dean’s spine. The man had clear, almost unnaturally blue eyes that were focused on Dean.
“Hey, man, can I come in? We can probably figure this out soon enough, and I will let you go back to your recluse lifestyle,” Dean said.
“Alright,” the man said, tilting his head. “Are you alone?”
Unfortunately, yes.
“Yeah, but my colleagues knew I was coming here, just in case you're planning of doing something stupid,” Dean said strictly.
The man nodded, looking thoughtful.
“I won’t try to do anything stupid,” he sighed. “If you can only, uh, keep an open mind.”
“Open mind is my middle name, buddy,” Dean said and waited for the man to open the door fully. When the door opened, he stepped in the dark hallway, and it took his eyes a bit to get used to the darkness after the bright sunlight outside.
“The living room is in the back,” the raspy voice said. Dean walked in and sat in the only armchair he saw and waited for the other man to follow him.
What he saw was straight from a nightmare, and Dean had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
The man didn’t walk into the room, he slid into the room, and instead of legs, the man seemed to have a dozen or so moving and twitching deep-blue tentacles as his lower half. Dean’s mouth dropped open.
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meetinginsamarra · 2 years
My Fave Sherlock BBC AUs: Time and Space fics
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Around mid-month I´ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP´s on AO3.
Buckle up: this long list features time travel, space, sci-fi, aliens, dystopia and robots
“The Kepler Problem” by kinklock
Working in uncharted space exploration was not as exciting as John had hoped, especially when it turned out to be mostly bot maintenance on uninhabited planets. However, the mystery of the repeated, unexplained malfunctions on planet BAK 2212 might turn out to be exactly the kind of adventure he'd been craving.
“The Ichor of Talos” by Nikoshinigami
After being convicted of the murder of Sherlock Holmes, Dr. John Watson is sentenced to confinement, therapy, and to the constant companionship of a hologram of his victim to aid in his rehabilitation. While John remains uncertain of his guilt, Sherlock is only too happy to engage in the mystery of his own murder to try and discover why he died and how events set his path to cross with the war-ravaged stranger he's now posthumously bound to.
“The Orpheus Crucible” by Nikoshinigami
(sequel to Ichor of Talos)
No one knows where Simulants come from and those who have asked have had better things to do than pursue the answer when faced with extermination. With war still a present concern and Jim Moriarty's involvement left uncertain outside of its threat, the crew of the Black Manta may have taken on much more than they presumed to.
And among the many mysteries left to face them in their voyage lies the answer to the question that has been posed since the very beginning: who killed Sherlock Holmes?
“The Third Kind” by Goldenusagi @fancybedelia
The one where Sherlock does know the solar system. Because he’s an alien.
“One of those galactic law things” by Goldenusagi @fancybedelia​
Ficlet following The Third Kind. In which Mycroft discovers Sherlock has abducted John.
“Space Travel” by candle_beck
I would literally cross light-years for you, if someone would only give me a spaceship.
“Identification-series” by tartanfics (8 fics)
In the London of 2081, aerotaxis are commonplace, personal identification is tied to computers, and robots are tightly regulated. John Watson, former army roboticist, has an expired license and an illegal tri-wing screwdriver in his desk. Sherlock Holmes has fingerprints and a name, and in an office somewhere in Whitehall there are blueprints for the metal underneath his perfect, artificial skin.
“A Hundred Crimson Sols” by elldotsee @elldotsee​
Will Holmes is a chemical researcher recognized widely for his contributions to the new Mars exploration program. Thanks to his ground-breaking developments, the IMMC (International Mars Mission Corporation) is one step closer to Martian colonization. Will and his team of scientists are headed out on the first of three manned missions before the first group of settlers arrive. Three days before launch, one of the crew has to be replaced. Will panics because...new people. The replacement is of course one John Watson, biomedical engineer and space hottie who was pretty sure he had retired from actual space exploration and was now content to work in the nice, quiet research lab.
"Perdition´s Flames” by i_ship_an_armada @i-ship-an-armada​
(Star Trek crossover)
Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects.The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not.
“The Grating Roar” by Engazed @engazed
In a London we almost recognise, Sherlock Holmes is a stroppy, solitary genius shirking his civic and moral duty to care for the unfortunate and dispossessed of New Britain. So what is it that possesses him to bring such a wretched, nameless creature with a dark, unspeakable past to Baker Street? Sherlock's life is about to be turned on its head, and all the world with it.
“Beyond Recall” by elwinglyre/MrBotanyB @elwinglyre​
Dropped into Cardiff on a mission he doesn’t remember, everyday he wakes to a past he doesn’t recall in a world torn apart by pandemic. William (Sherlock Holmes) finds purpose when John Watson finds him. For Watson, this man is a mysterious thief with the uncanny ability to see into people. But there’s something more to this man, and Doctor Watson helps William find the answers to his “magical” deductions. Is he a mad man? A serial killer? Or just damn clever? And what’s his connection to the epidemic that wiped out most of the world?
“The Prize” by Trillsabells
On 29 January 2010 an unknown Event wiped out 98% of the population. This is the story of the survivors, four months on.
“Drift Compatible” by J_Baillier @jbaillier​
(Pacific Rim crossover)
A washed out war hero struggling with his past. A prodigy who wants nothing to do with his family legacy. Both are looking for something—and someone—worth fighting for in a world where human civilisation is constantly under threat.
“A Fold in the Universe” by Engazed @engazed
Alpha Sherlock and Omega John are in a relationship. Prime Sherlock and Prime John are not. So what happens when a freak fold in the universe switches one John for the other?
“Nothing Happened in Belarus" by DiscordantWords @discordantwords
Six years, give or take. And one night where nothing happened.
“A River Without Banks” by Chryse
"You love this, being Sherlock Holmes." He had once. When had it all gone so wrong?
(The time travel fic of all time travel fics, read the additional tags! Angsty af, one of the few fics that truly upset me in parts.)
“Concurrence” by Calais-reno @calaisreno​
“How did you come to be in this place?”
I have no idea what possessed me. Perhaps the sheer exhaustion of transport had weakened my filter. Or maybe it was simply that as I looked at the young doctor sitting opposite me, his face calm and professional, but bored (Shares a flat with a mate, who is seducing his girlfriend. Down on his luck. Evidence: clothing and shoes are good quality, but worn. Had to pawn his bag, but could have gotten more for the watch. Sentimental…) I had a sudden whim to give him an interesting story.
I decided that Dr John Watson would at least have something to tell his flatmate tonight when he arrived back at his shabby little flat. Or maybe his girlfriend, if she hadn’t left him yet. And the truth was even more interesting than anything I could make up.
“While you were dead” by Calais-reno @calaisreno​
On a stormy night at the hospital, John gets a second chance to say something he regrets not saying.
“Unattainable Touch” by EiswolfZero
When John got drunk one night a guy appears in his kitchen. John thinks he's a dream but this guy reappears again, high as a kite.
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he1msman · 6 days
SULU SPENT ONE YEAR IN COLLEGE, focusing on biology with the aim to attend medical school and become a doctor. While he enjoyed the natural world, he enjoyed botany more.
During his childhood he study plants, mostly as a hobby. But he liked the idea of exotic plants more. One of the few ways to sate his curiosity was to join Starfleet and become and officer. The last thing Hikaru wanted was to be stuck in a lab for his entire life. While he enjoyed the research aspect of it, he was a fan of action and adventure, more.
Hikaru didn't want botany to be his main focus. Yes, enjoyed the study of plants and discovering new species and ways to use alien plants but his primary focus Command with an emphasis on piloting.
Only a handful of people know one of his best kept secrets and that was, during his youth, as a way to rebel against his father, he engaged in illegal street/shuttle racing. He was quite good, too. And earned a name for himself. The credits he won were saved for his admittance fees into Starfleet. Pavel was the first person Sulu told of his exploits. Not even his siblings knew of his illegal activates. Even when Hikaru had suffered major injuries after a crash and visited an unground clinic, he still never told anyone. He chalked it up to a fencing accident: A sport he'd been preforming since childhood. He knew Asuka and Riku were suspicious of his injuries but never question him on it.
While in the academy, Hikaru attended a majority of his classes in San Francisco. He took your general ed classes like:
Into to Starfleet
Starfleet History
Advanced Starfleet History
General Communications
Intro to Diplomacy
Some of his advance classes were:
Advanced Navigation (Mainly for shits and giggles)
Advanced Subspace Geometry
Basic Warp Design
Command and Control
Flight Control
Leadership Basic and Advance
Strategy and Tactics
Survival Training
When he had time for extracurricular activities, Hikaru joined the Fencing Club and tried the Chess Club but often didn't have time to compete. He enjoyed it more as a pastime competitive activity.
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More than 10 million illegals have been let into our country, transported, clothed, and housed at the expense of American citizens on Joe Biden’s watch.
This is Biden and the Democrats’ plan to destroy America. As TGP’s Jim Hoft reports, In 2017, under President Donald Trump, the US recorded its lowest number of illegal aliens entering the country in 47 years. Only 310,000 made it across the border in 2017.
In contrast, over 300,000 illegals crossed our border in December 2023 alone — nearly as many as in Trump’s first year in office!
As The Gateway Pundit reported, Pima County Sheriff’s Deputies recently accosted and harassed James O’Keefe for reporting on the human smuggling operation in Tucson, Arizona.
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dragonflight203 · 25 days
Mass Effect 2 replay, recruiting Samara
-Samara is up first for that sweet, sweet biotic damage. And even more pertinently, the improved biotic cooldown it will unlock.
-I’ve always liked Detective Anaya. She seems like a good cop, and has a very dry sense of humor.
Anaya: Nice guns – try not to use them in my district.
-Asari seem to know more about humanity than Shepard does about Asari. Officer Dara knows humans religions are fractured, Anaya compares justicars to warrior monks, etc.
While this could be creditted to the asari lifespan, this is true for Shepard and aliens in general. They always know more about humanity than they do about their species.
While this is so the player can learn about the other species, it makes Shepard come off as ignorant and disinterested in anything that doesn’t impact them.
-There are multiple references to Illium not being in asari space. First Detective Anaya, then Samara. Guess the game wanted to hammer home how unusual it is for a justicar to travel outside of it.
Personally, I would have loved a mission to an asari world. What are they like?
-The stolen goods sidequest is so very ME2. All you have to do is examine the blatantly placed console and upload the data.
ME1 would have given you options. What if you used it to take the goods yourself and sell them? Or blackmail the asari on Illium who stole them?
Just… It’s very clear that ME2 leaned heavily into the corridor shooter aspect. I miss the RPG elements. I’m not here for the shooting.
-Samara’s outfit is not as bad as Miranda’s or Jack’s, but it’s bad. ME2, why?
She constantly on the verge of getting into a fight, but she doesn’t cover her chest completely? She wears heels​? There’s no excuse for this. They could easily have closed her shirt and given her fancy flat boots to make her look badass and pretty.
-Speaking of heels, she’s about the same height as Anaya. This is probably for the convenience of using the same base asari model, but it means Samara’s short.
-The Eclipse mercenary group is repeatedly referred to as “Eclipse Sisters”. I think this mission is the only time that term is used.
I’d consider it local slang, but Samara also uses it and surely she’s run into the Eclipse before.
-Back to Pitne For. Where are his guards? He’s terrified a hit’s been taken out on him, so he wondered away from the turians that tower over him and can easily shield him from snipers with their bodies?
-Speaking of, guns most be particularly terrifying for volus. If their suit tears, they’re dead. They can’t make a possible recovery like a quarian can.
-How the hell is minagen x3 illegal on Illium?
There’s a drug that causes permanent neural scarring that’s legal if you sign off on a contract, but minagen x3 is illegal?
Yes, it will kill you if you overdose on it. So will most drugs. What’s so special about it that makes it illegal? Did someone fail to bribe the right person?
-Eldora does seem genuinely frightened when you hear her through the door. Quite the contrast to the Eclipse mercenary that defied Samara to the end earlier in the mission.
Does she genuinely regret signing up with the Eclipse?
Going by the recording found later, she sure seemed to enjoy killing Dakni Kur. She doesn’t have as much fun fighting people that can fight back.
She’s definitely a bad person, but I give it 50/50 that the leaves Eclipse if Anaya doesn’t catch her.
-Eldora claims she didn’t think the arda-yakshi was real. Yet both the cafe owner in the Zakera Ward and the Patriarch on Omga reference them.
Hmm. I suppose they could be considered an urban legend. So even if people hear about them, they think they’re just a story.
-Eldora is extremely fake when she claims to not know the ship that smuggled the ardat-yakshi offworld. Wish there was an option to push her on it.
-If minagen x3 is so dangerous and the Eclipse are so pissed at Pitne For for selling it to them, then why is it everywhere? Why the hell didn’t they toss it in a store room until it could be properly disposed of?
-That gunship just randomly comes out of nowhere. Some dialogue to contextualize it would have been nice.
-Also, that’s easiest fight I’ve had with it. I’m wondering if my game bugged; no minions attacked me while I fought it.
-Why did the asari drug Niftu Cal? For shits and giggles? If so, why then leave him to wander around the base unsupervised?
-Also, how did they drug him? You can’t stick a needle through his suit or he’ll explode. I suppose he has intake valves somewhere that they stuck the drug in.
-Of course Miranda’s only concern about him fighting the mercenaries is that he would get underfoot.
-Even if you go neutral when speaking to him, you need to use a paragon interrupt to save him. Bioware really wanted you to see the scene where he attacks Wasea.
-Wasea is one of the best asari so far. She has very little screentime but is convincingly tough without coming off as a try hard. Wish we saw more of her.
-Shepard, when speaking to Samara after fighting Wasea: I’m running a military operation.
I wish. No, you’re running a terrorist operation. There aren’t any standards beyond get the mission done.
-Samara: I admit, I am looking forward to serving with a company of honorable heroes.
She must be so disappointed when she realizes Cerberus is backing this mission.
Yes, I'm aware Samara forms her own opinions and does not rely on the word of others. I'm sure her heart still sunk a bit.
-If you’re an ass to Anaya about presenting the evidence against Eldora, her dialogue notably changes for the rest of the conversation.
I wish that happened more often depending on paragon/neutral/renegade dialogue choices.
-Toombs is coping with his trauma by leading a mercenary band and killing all Cerberus teams he runs into.
Good for him. Wish I could join.
-Ah, Kaidan. Your feelings are understandable.
I can see why this is taken as a break up letter by some, but based on the ending it reads to me like Kaidan wants to stay together but feels he can’t come with Shepard while they’re with Cerberus.
If it helps, Kaidan, I agree that it’s shitty writing that I’m here.
-Why does Jack’s loyalty mission trigger before Mordin?
It’s odd since Miranda’s and Jacob’s trigger first. Since they’re your first teammates, it’s logical to assume loyalty missions would trigger in recruitment order.
And even if they’re preset, nearly everyone will recruit Mordin first since he’s required to research upgrades.
So why does Jack’s loyalty mission trigger third?
-It’s a little sad how hungry Samara is for companionship. This comes up during her recruitment, but it’s even more clear in this first conversation with Shepard. She wants someone to talk too.
-Samara says Jacob will either become a great man or be destroyed.
Gonna disagree there. I’d put him as mediocre. I don’t dislike Jacob, but nothing he does stands out either.
If he doesn’t cheat on Shepard, I’d call him reliable by the time he’s defending the scientists that abandoned Cerberus in ME3. But not great.
-Not surprising Samara respects Miranda for keeping her burdens to herself. Samara’s doing the same with her hunt of Morinth.
And ironically they both turn to Shepard for help. Are you sure burdens should be carried alone, Samara?
-I respect Samara’s dedication to the code, but I can’t agree with it. There’s too much grey in the world.
And this is why Samara doesn’t get close to kill people; at any time she may need to kill them.
I suppose that’s why she’s so happy to travel with Shepard – since she’s worn to Shepard, she doesn’t have to worry about killing them or their companions. Her code won’t permit her. For now, at least.
-Gotta disagree with you about the ardat-yakshi you’re chasing not impacting the mission, Samara. If you don’t catch her you’ll be distracted and not as capable when we finally go after the Collectors.
-It’s not surprising that Jack remembers her escape as everyone attacking her. That’s probably how it felt. She was so desperate to get out she wasn’t registering events properly, and nothing that happened later would reframe her mentality as her life being her vs. everyone else.
-Jack’s life is just one giant tragedy. Of course her shuttle would be picked up by a frigate full of people that took advantage of her. Good things aren’t allowed to happen to Jack.
-It sure is convenient the base that experimented on Jack was shut down after she escaped. If it was still active and she wanted to blow it up, we might actually have to have a talk with TIM about how his organization is run and what he’s culpable for.
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redshift-13 · 11 months
A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.
The information, he says, has been illegally withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffered illegalretaliation for his confidential disclosures, reported here for the first time.
Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record.
In his statements cleared for publication by the Pentagon in April, Grusch asserted that UFO “legacy programs” have long been concealed within “multiple agencies nesting UAP activities in conventional secret access programs without appropriate reporting to various oversight authorities.”
He said he reported to Congress on the existence of a decades-long “publicly unknown Cold War for recovered and exploited physical material – a competition with near-peer adversaries over the years to identify UAP crashes/landings and retrieve the material for exploitation/reverse engineering to garner asymmetric national defense advantages.”
“Individuals on these UAP programs approached me in my official capacity and disclosed their concerns regarding a multitude of wrongdoings, such as illegal contracting against the Federal Acquisition Regulations and other criminality and the suppression of information across a qualified industrial base and academia,” he stated.
Associates who vouched for Grusch said his information was highly sensitive, providing evidence that materials from objects of non-human origin are in the possession of highly secret black programs. Although locations, program names, and other specific data remain classified, the Inspector General and intelligence committee staff were provided with these details. Several current members of the recovery program spoke to the Inspector General’s office and corroborated the information Grusch had provided for the classified complaint.
More at the link.
If the extraordinary claims of this story are true, then it looks like 2023 might be the year when we'll get an official announcement of some type that alien technology has been and presumably still is flying around in our skies.
I'm about to make a smoothie and do dishes.
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faffodil · 2 years
everyone in empires au season 2!
Here we go again! For people who haven't seen this before, I've basically sorted a whole bunch of mcyt/adjacents into all the empires in s2, and provided headcanons and reasoning as to why theyre in that empire :D
As always i am open to suggestions/ideas for reasons/changes - just send me an ask!
Similarly, if you want me to add someone who's not there, you can also send me an ask!
Currently includes: Hermitcraft (specifically Season 9), Dream SMP, Bear SMP, Origins SMP, a few of the afterlife guys who arent already in empires, Traffic SMP(s), and a few other misc. mcyts
This will be edited as new information about empires names comes out/i add more people ^^
Local = person who lives nearby/in what could be considered part of an empire
Citizen = someone who is legally registered as part of an empire
Visitor = somone who is staying there temporarily/does not live in the empire
Inhabitant = lives in an empire but is not yet registered as a citizen
First person in every section is the ruler, but will have their specific title rather than one shared title (updated as the ccs tell us)
Archaeologists arent categorised in the same way as they are nomadic
---Stuff in [square brackets] is referring to an as-of-yet unnamed empire ---
Shelby - (ruler) - Witch
Boomer - local - frog man :]
Tina - local
George - local
Charlie Slimecicle - local - slimey boi. Literally just a sentient slime. No-one's really sure why he and jevin are sentient but shelby thinks it was probably because the last witch to be sent out here was doing illegal magic (she thinks they were bored to death by the surroundings)
Jevin - local - swamp lad, sentient, see above
Petezahhutt - inhabitant - curious about the sentient slime rumours, wanted to know if they were like him (slime hybrid) they weren't but he stuck around to help them find their feet (literally because they were having trouble keeping a humanoid shape for long periods of time)
Dream - inhabitant - heard about the magic qualities of evermoore and moved there. Shelby thinks hes very brave to be studying the fog, and dream often gets stranded far from home bc the mist is feeling unhelpful
Sausage - (ruler)
Ivory - inhabitant - bc shes running away from something
Sniff - citizen - builder
Martyn - inhabitant - sought sanctuary and then proceeded to move in and annoy cleo to no end
Cleo - citizen - has lived here her whole life but is seriously considering moving. Joe is the only thing stopping her. And the fact that snake hair isnt exactly normal y'know
Joe Hills - inhabitant - moved from Stratos but only cleo knows this. Everyone else thinks hes normal :)
Tumble Town:
Jimmy - Sheriff - do i need to say more?
Tango - citizen - owns a ranch outside town :]
Billzo - inhabitant - took refuge from one very angry joey (who thought he was part of skeletrons army) and met eryn. Decided to hang around and cause mischief
Eryn - citizen - family has a farmstead near Tumble Town. Troublemaker
Schlatt - citizen - works in the saloon
Quackity - inhabitant - works with Schlatt
Sapnap - citizen - Eryns brother. I don't quite know why my brain decided that but it has.
Etho - citizen - works on tangos ranch. Used to be an outlaw but tango offered him a job when they met in the sherriffs office. Likes the peace outside of the town.
Sneeg - inhabitant (because no-one knows hes there) - builds little tunnels throughout the terracotta hills
Fwhip - (ruler) - goblin time (is short)
Skeppy - citizen - ore golem, can camouflage himself well in the cave. Fwhip found him in the deep dark and made him a citizen
Bad - inhabitant - from Eversea originally
Impulse - citizen - bc dwarf
Iskall - citizen - bc he's got a cave base this season
Pearl - citizen - she do be skrunkly
Guqqie - citizen - an alien who is desperately trying to blend in with the humans. On one hand no one's gonna notice in the Goblands, but on the other, they're gonna pick up some weird habits from the gremlins
Cub - citizen - chaos Chaos CHAOS
Mumbo - inhabitant - railway expert and infrastructure guy :] which is desperately needed bc Fwhip keeps making dangerous minecart tracks to everywhere
Joey - Captain
xB - citizen - bc guardian hybrid (lives in the lake w the mermaids
Niki - citizen - mermaid, sometimes follows puffy around to the other empire's ports
Puffy - visitor - another captain who frequents the bay. Trader?
Neptune - visitor - on puffy's ship (yes this is the same as last time. If it's not broken don't fix it)
Scar - inhabitant - sells magic crystals at the market. Certified scammer but is allowed to get away with it because he helps design new buildings for joey sometimes.
Micheal(mcchill) - citizen - runs a radio station from the top of one of the mountains overlooking the lagoon. Very rickety and unstable path to get up there but the broadcast can be recieved from any empire
Hypno - citizen
Lizzie - Mayor - Definitely a person. Elected apparently?
Antfrost - citizen - cat.
Ren - citizen - dog. Advisor to lizzie. Also bc last life the beloved
Hbomb - inhabitant - cat. Runs a cafe to draw tourists in! Theres nothing weird about this empire! :3{  <rubbing his hands together maliciously. Favourite pastime is bullying fundy whenever he walks past the cafe
James Marriot - citizen - employee of the cat cafe
Fundy - citizen - fox (and yoghurt :D)
Zedaph - inhabitant - resident scientist. Originally from off the continent but was welcomed into Animalia by lizzie because 'having a scientist proves we're as advanced as the other empires!' Hasn't caught on to the fact that the majority of the kingdom's citizens are straight-up animals and thinks theyre all hybrids like him
CPK - citizen - fox. no relation to fundy but does bond over thier shared dislike for the term fox-load because they can carry more than one block thankyouverymuch lizzie
Aimsey - inhabitant - showed up and was promptly adopted as Animalia's pet human
Pixlriffs - in charge of the team, was sent bc none of the other archaeologists wanted anything to do with the rulers over there
Xisuma - a spirit that collects cool bones to live in. Pix discovered him while unearthing an old temple and he's just kind of following the troupe around and being amazed at the world (was sealed in said temple)
EX is also trapped in a similar temple but X is doing everything he can to steer pix away from finding it/unleashing his hurricane of a brother. spoiler - it doesnt work >:D
Ori - a mildly unnerving citizen of Stratos who decided to tag along
Karl - original member of the team - keeps correcting Pix's pronunciation of the long-dead languages, and knows where finds are (or should be) long before a dig starts 👀
Skizz - original member of the team, very enthusiastic
Jack Manifold - intern who's following them around for work experience. Originally from Chromia
Scott - (ruler) - strange strange man
Ranboo - citizen - ive tried to put him elsewhere like four times but brain keeps saying chromia. Will update once i figure out a reason (also now i want ranboo and xornoth to talk) update: have not figured the reason but. hes staying so
Xornoth - backup leader - they found scotts empire and moved in, to his initial chagrin. Still backup ruler despite this because scott didnt trust the llamas to rule in his absence. They like looking after the llamas but kinda just hang around mostly
Wilbur - citizen - colourful language, creative
Stress - citizen - head of the flower industry (that then gets turned into dye for exports)
Beef - inhabitant - in charge of designing colourful fabrics and tapestries, originally from Sanctuary where he learnt banner-making
Hannah - citizen - works in flowers industry
Lauren - citizen - one of Scotts chief advisors, have known each other since they were little kids
False :) - (ruler) - Her empire is pretty small considering its the newest but its one of the most closely knit communities as they all have to work together to improve the kingdom
Phil - citizen - hardcore survival things seem to fit here. First person to move here. Originally settled a little further downriver but ended up flying to False's area for materials and conversations anyway, and so, later moved into the centre hub of her empire to help her out and save time. DadTM
Tommy - citizen - turned up one day and false was just like well if you want you can build over there, strange bedraggled kid. Tommy did and false immediately regretted it because *cobblestone tower* Phil and False eventually managed to convince tommy to let them make his house look nice but it took a good couple of months.
Bearbubb - inhabitant - False isnt quite sure if hes a person or a literal bear as hes never spoken to anyone, but he seems polite, and built his own house so she let him stay. Although she has firmly decided he doesn't get citizen status until he asks for it. (Bear is just awkward, he'll talk to people eventually)
Sam - citizen - used to wander the server with doc because not many empires were open to hostile mob hybrids living there, then offered to help with a redstone project (an improved iron farm that was being finnicky) as he was passing and decided to stay. Tommy also took a liking to him and he built a base at the bottom of the cliff
Doc - citizen - was traveling with sam, same situation, neither of them wanted to stay in Sanctuary, where they started off, because they were tired of the new inhabitants walking on eggshells around them for months before they got used to them. His base is a pit all the way down to bedrock, affectionately known as The Well (due to its tendency to flood). There are levels all the way up with different redstone machines and storage cupboard on.
Glimmer Grove:
Katherine - princess
Beau - citizen - figured out where princess katherine was sneaking off to at night and made her agree to let beau help fight or she'd tell
Punz - inhabitant - moved from Sanctuary because he heard rumours that mercenaries might be needed. (Was only staying for the pay originally but got a little too invested and asked katherine if he and purpled could stay and help rebuild the empire too. (Will end up as head of defence for princess Katherine in the future but shhh)
Purpled - inhabitant - moved from Sanctuary.  Mildly annoyed that he had to leave his home in sanctuary, but at least the empire matches his colour pallette
Moonzy - citizen
Jonah - citizen - served Glimmer Grove before it fell, is at the forefront of the campaign to get it back to its former glory under princess Katherine
Megan - inhabitant
Gem - princess - fae of some sort
Fruitlegs - citizen - bard
Ponk - citizen - lighthouse keeper
Tubbo - citizen - bee boi
Techno - citizen - oversees the food production and makes sure everyone has enough and works out how much they can sell/export that week.
Welsknight - on Gems Council, in charge of defence against the deep dark
TFC - inhabitant - by proxy, lives in the ancient city and fixes the messes left when players visit. Sculk-grandad. Actually hes literally the opposite of Dawn, lives underground constantly. Warren of tunnels extends underneath all empires but people who try to explore them get lost. Nobody's died there yet bc TFC put a ward on the exits to draw people toward them and not the ancient city
BigB - citizen - baker, he makes bread and cookies from the farm produce
(Extra note here: citizen is someone who has been in the empire since it was founded about a hundred years ago when joel was exiled and/or has grown up there since. Inhabitant is someone who's come more recently from another empire)
Joel - an exiled god - adamant he is still his tall powerful self. Regarded as the leader of the empire nonetheless. People moved under his islands originally to be a part of the 'great god's empire' but a lot of them stayed even when they realised he was a wet rag/affectionate
Foolish and Jr and Finley - citizens - Foosh is an architect who helps Joel. He chose to live in the mortal realm but moved to Stratos when he heard about Joel's exile because he can sympathise with not living in the god's realm and wanted to help out. Hermes ends up playing with Jr and Finley when Joel's busy building
Eret - citizen - was one of the original settlers but somehow is still alive a hundred years later.... oh well, they knew living near a god would have its benefits
Grian - inhabitant - creator of the entity? check. vaguely eldrich horror? check. Was exiled? (very heavily encouraged to leave his hometown) after the entity ate someone by accident, and then he ended up here? Check.
Bdubs - citizen - look into those eyes and tell me he wouldnt fit right in with joels build style. He made a monolith, hed be a great addition
Callahan - citizen - maintains the temples to joel
Thanks to @scribbling-dragon for some of the suggestions!
Keralis - citizen - have you seen him?
Edit: OLI DO BE A BARD :D uhh if he makes an empire ill do a bit of rejigging and move ppl around but until then the skrunkly is just a wanderer
Phew done! :D
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dadbodsandbots · 3 months
Blursing you with all the ship questions but half for Sam and half for Logan.
reese this is going to take FOREVER thank you!!! Sam first then Logan :3
How did they first meet? I think I answered a similar ask a few months ago, but we met in the UNSC! I served the Office of Naval Intelligence as a civilian xenoarchaeologist and was assigned to a project development committee to coordinate a mobile museum that would later form the institutional basis of Outpost Discovery and the Museum of Humanity in the years following the Human-Covenant War. Part of my assignment is to interview new UNSC recruits as part of a sustained program designed to preserve soldiers' oral narratives for future generations (ofc with the UNSC, there's always a shadier aspect like weeding dissent and such). I'd like to think this is where I first interact with you, Isaac, and Sam! I talk to each of you about your impressions of the various objects on exhibit, what motivated you to enlist, your perspectives on human-alien interactions, etc, etc. It's supposed to be a very cut-and-dry process with an approved list of questions by the UNSC, but those go out the door the second I actually sit down to interview Sam. As time passed, Sam and I met outside of the scope of the project where he very gradually opened up about his past, his doubts and frustrations, and what he hoped to accomplish so long as I promised to keep it off the record. At that point, I dropped that I stopped bothering to record our conversations a few weeks back which stunned Sam so much that I heard him laugh for the first time and cursed myself for not having my recorder for that specific moment so I could listen to him forever.
What was their first impression of each other? me: LARGE GORGEOUS MAN oh god his hands are nice wow he's listening to me? no I talk too much even though that's what I'm paid to do. please don't fuck this up- Sam: wow she is really qualified to lead this exhibit and makes the Sangheili language sound nice
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? mf I don't tell my irl family about people I talk to 🧍they don't find out about him until I show up on earth fresh off the MIA list with a toddler and husband in tow you and Isaac are genuinely surprised that Sam seemed to open up to someone outside of your Small Group Dynamic, but y'all also rib him about why he didn't give the nice stripper at the run-down titty bar next to the base a taste of that sweet, sweet 28% APR because OF COURSE the Slow Burn Vegas Wedding choir has to preach to him
Who felt romantic feelings first? my romantic ass staring into the dirty bathroom mirror at 4 AM: DO NOT get attached I'm professionally looking him in his beautiful grey eyes for professional reasons he's probably going to get KIA'd and you'll be another dumb idiot who didn't know when to stop Sam:
Tumblr media
6. Did either of them try to resist their feelings? BOY HOWDY DID WE LMAO See the "first kiss" question below :^)
7. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? us: 🧍🧍 ( we don't believe in god but please please please)
8. What would their lives be like if they had never met? I'd settle on Chorus after barely surviving the genocide and would help Kimball's administration manage the archeological recovery of Forerunner artifacts/weaponry that Charon Industries illegally trafficked to fund the attempted takeover. I also testify in court against Hargrove, Charon stakeholders, and certain UNSC officers since I blew a whistle years prior on Charon's' shady dealings with ONI and got a one-way trip to Chorus on a fake "expedition" trip as a form of corporate retaliation. Chorus is socially and technologically isolated from UNSC-controlled space and will be genocided anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Sam's story would be mostly the same: betray Felix, be a vigilante, contact Grif, etc. He'd see me on the news during an interview with Dylan Andrews for the Interstellar Daily and never contacted me out of sheer visceral shame that he came that fucking close to murdering me alongside thousands of other Chorusians without a second thought. Beneath all that, he's proud of me for bucking against the corruption he refused to acknowledge for so long.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? I probably took the plunge because if Sam said no, I'd have an excuse to cut bait and disappear back into the UNSC archives lmao Imagine my surprise when Sam reciprocated and I promptly threw up due to nerves. Sam once again proved his resolve by immediately holding my hair and not bouncing due to secondhand embarrassment. Marriage material from day one tbh
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? It was definitely something boring and low risk like dinner and a movie lmao sorry we're vanilla as shit We'd become as comfortable in each other's presence as we could in public without breaching UNSC anti-fraternization protocol (lol lmao) and were probably walking in the evening from another date interview when he commented about the movie with his rare dry sarcasm that made me burst into a fit of snort-laughs. I recovered enough to catch him smiling and we both knew all professionalism was over from that point forward.
What was their first kiss like? After a few months of dates interviews, Sam received his first active duty deployment to somewhere off-world (but before Reach) with you and Isaac. We were sipping on beer on my apartment balcony, trying to keep it together by talking about anything else but the classified and the inevitable. Sam wouldn't look at me and kept nursing his empty beer before saying that he appreciated getting multiple opportunities to tell his story and that any future interviewees would be lucky to have me. He'd barely finished the sentence when I choked out that I didn't want anyone else. I'm near tears and thought I fumbled the entire thing so I about ran before Sam grabbed my wrist. We were paralyzed by the desperate silence that dominated the moment before we kissed for the first time on that shitty, cramped balcony. The beer was your typical bottom-shelf American piss lager, but it's something of a nostalgia item for us, especially years later when we're separated on occasion due to Sam's private security jobs. Isaac never stocks that brand for bar customers, but keeps a six-pack in the breakroom fridge because he bitches that he's sick of "that mopey look."
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? We probably both dated later in life than average so we were written off as either "probably gay" or "That Guy" by peers or had one-and-done "dates" that fizzled out due to lack of chemistry. Sam was the first person that I felt like I didn't have to chase after for approval or security, and he appreciated that I was infinitely curious about the world and cared about what he had to say even if it wasn't what others wanted to hear.
What’s their height difference? Age difference? I hc Sam as being 6'2" or 6'3", while I'm just under 5'3" so :3 size kink go brrrrr We're probably close enough in age tbh? Maybe with Sam being two or three years older.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Sam: lol lmao (no contact and [REDACTED]) me: lol lmao (they're nice esp when Mason's born, but are probably weird about Sam because he's brown cagey about his military service history and not used to boisterous/healthy family dynamics)
Who takes the lead in social situations? me!! I'm Sam's new government-assigned People Person™  :3
Who gets jealous easier? me, but through no fault of Sam's because other people perceive his gorgeous self :/ Sam lowkey thinks it's amusing because I absolutely do not clock when someone flirts with me, but hyper-analyze if the cashier was trying to smash by handing him the receipt .02 seconds too long.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear? meee :3c Sam's ears are really sensitive so he loves/hates it when I lean over to whisper something lewd, especially if he can't pull away because I've trapped him in a hug The few times Sam does retaliate in private I turn BEET RED and just fumble the entire sexy plan I had cooking for like a month /)///(\ it's okay though, he thinks I'm extra cute when flustered because it reminds him of when we first started dating. The consistency of my reactions is a major source of comfort and intimacy for him.
LOVE (Logan)
Who said “I love you” first? I did and I'm 99% sure we've been drinking when it slips out because he made me feel safe "just like my (Catverse) Logan used to," and hearing those first three words curdles Logan's buzz enough to make him walk out of the bar out of a pure flight response because people who love him don't tend to end up anywhere but an early grave. He's halfway down the street when he stops in his tracks, curses, and backtracks to peel me off the bar and bring me back to wherever he's crashing to sober up. He makes it clear that he is not "my Logan," whatever that used to entail, and that he's too damn old and too damn sore to be anyone's rebound.
What are their primary love languages? Logan's love language includes basic resources like food, clothing, and personal space. Tending to each other's most basic needs is understood as a sustained act of preservation and self-sacrifice, which helps him ease into emotional intimacy. Physical intimacy certainly includes sex, but also vulnerable acts like allowing himself to nap on my lap, brushing each other's hair, and parallel play. My love language includes words of affirmation, physical touch, and gift-giving. Logan is prone to giving simple, handmade gifts to test a partner's interest, which I also reciprocate as I'm similarly craft-oriented.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines? meee :3 but all Logan has to do is hit me with a "darlin'" and I fold like a lawn chair
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? Logan and I are most physically intimate at "home" or anywhere relatively private where we can actually unwind. When we're bar hopping, he gets an ego boost when I cling to his arm or when I slip my hand into the back pocket of his jeans.
Who initiates kisses? At first, it's Logan. He's used to taking the lead and doesn't mind it, but there's something about his partners kissing him when he least expects it that just hits different. Definitely gets off on teasing kisses and "the chase."
Who’s the big and little spoon? Logan is used to being the big spoon, especially early in the relationship. The longer we know each other, the more he craves being the little spoon since that's a place of vulnerability he very rarely gets to indulge.
What are their favorite things to do together? Watch samurai/wuxia movies, read books, drink beer, go camping, ride motorcycles, fight, and fuck!!!!!!!
Who’s better at comforting the other? Logan would say I'm better at soothing, but I'd counter that my comforting style is rooted in placating before navigating deeper, messier emotions together. I might not know how he feels and might not even understand, but I'd want to try if he'd let me. His "comforting" style can be a lot like ripping off a bandaid. Still, he can demonstrate an incredible amount of emotional intelligence when talking to someone he cares about one-on-one. He catches a lot of flak for his "cowboy speeches," but he'll tell me what I need to hear because odds are he's learned the exact same lesson the hard way so he wants to give me the chance to listen now or learn later.
Who’s more protective? Logan. There is no argument here. (Source: his entire publication history.) He appreciates that I don't fuss over him, but wishes I wouldn't tank hits that would make Hulk think twice. All that does is piss him off even more. Beserker power couple? Beserker power couple.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? Physical affection, but he has to feel ready to initiate it because getting clingy too soon makes him feel itchy. He loves physical affection from loved ones, platonic or otherwise. Logan values action over words, but even he needs affirmation that he isn't an animal, a product, or a blight. He's a man before anything and anyone else and that's what he'll be until he stops breathing, so he better believe that I'll fight anyone who says otherwise until I do the same.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? "It Ain't Me, Babe" by Johnny Cash is the ship name for a reason. "Black Widow" by The Ugly Kings "I Don't Know Why" by Kate Wolf
What kind of nicknames do they call each other? "Darlin'" and that's about it. "Honey, Love, Sweetheart, Hot Claws"
Who remembers the little things? Logan, ironically lmfao. He's better at remembering events or preferences, while I'm better at remembering things he said years ago. He swears I bring up old shit to be contrarian, but only because he's sexy when riled up :3c
If they get married, who proposes? fyi this discord message has lived rent-free in my head for four entire years
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After this conversation with Daken and another with Laura and Gabby (they're both enthusiastic and delighted for their Dad, but Logan knows he has to act soon because Gabby can only be sworn to secrecy for so long lmao), Logan invites me on an extended camping trip up the Appalachian Trail and into Canada where we walk, hitchhike, and scrap our way back to his favorite place in the woods near some lake that shines clear in the day and is full of stars at night. We stay there for a few nights before I notice he's already on the last can of the six-pack he bought at the last gas station and ask if he's okay, which prompts him to nut up and pop the question. 2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends? hooo boy lmao who doesn't attend? Naturally, his family (EVERY SINGLE X-MAN EVER), the Avengers (East and West Coast), Alpha Flight, the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, and every other group he's a part of gets an invite. Kurt officiates and Ororo is his Best Lady :) you and Norman are invited (mostly you, we know who your plus one will be but Logan's not gonna pal around lmao), but only if Norman promises to behave :))) Logan's bachelor party involves him and a few friends (and some on-off enemies) preemptively jumping Sabretooth because you know he's scheming to ruin our big day. They beat his rancid ass so fucking bad he doesn't bother showing up for the wedding OR honeymoon because he got crumpled like aluminum foil and dumped somewhere in New Jersey. Then they go hit as many NYC bars as they can before morning and see who can get banned from the most establishments.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? 🗣️ LOGAN GOT TOO MANY KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do healing factors affect birth control?? lmfao there's probably a scare or two but I don't see us having kids. This is a comic book relationship there will be au kids at some point lol lmao. Unstoppable Force (mutual breeding kink) vs Immovable Object (everything else)
4. Do they have any pets? Jonathan the Wolverine by way of Gabby. Reese and I have joint custody of Gob and Dog-Sized Man-Thing, but Logan makes them stay at Oscorp because they're "too damn weird, even for me."
5. Who’s the stricter parent? Logan acts like he is (and he is when it's a Serious Life Lesson). I don't even bother acting like a parent to Laura, Gabby, or Daken because it would feel patronizing and they can handle themselves just fine. Gabby and I get along like a house on fire, though.
6. Who worries the most? I worry about mundane things like dinner plans, packing spare uniforms, etc. while Logan worries about team obligations, his past, etc. we both got emotional baggage and existential dread in spades lmao
7. Who kills the bugs in the house? Logan can but usually just carries them out. He never lets me live down the fact that I'm the ONLY spider-person who has arachnophobia.
8. How do they celebrate holidays? This but unironically Logan and I getting into actual shouting matches over which is a real holiday: Boxing Day or Groundhog Day but fr, we celebrate Christmas with the X-Men because that's basically one big family get-together. He and Kitty usually spend some of Hannukah together since that's always been their thing, but she invites me along once she gets used to having me around since I make Logan happy, too. :')
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Meee. I'm so sleeby tired and need my short king back to keep me warm! 😭
10. Who’s the better cook? We're both decent at homestyle or campfire cooking since quick, cheap food is what we're used to. Logan is a GOD on the grill tho. Grilling in denim cutoffs at the X-Men swim party 😩💦 I usually let Logan cook because he picked up some recipes from Madripoor, Japan, etc. that are to die for.
11. Who likes to dance? We both do, but it depends on the setting! I do casual, silly dances around the house because I cannot stand still for anything and usually have to cajole Logan into joining me. We both love slow dancing together when it's just us, though. Candles, vinyl, the whole shebang before we fuck nasty on the floor as God intended.
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miami-lolz · 10 months
The many canonical crimes of Morty Smith (Prime/C-137)
please enjoy written proof that Morty Prime is absolutely unhinged and a total menace.
This isn’t any character slander I just feel like he’s often underestimated, especially considering everything he has done up to this point.
note: these are all listed as “federal crimes” and crimes committed on earth however I still consider them even if it was committed on another planet or against The Citadel/ Council of Ricks as that is a form of government and murder is still murder even if it’s an alien. The Villain wiki has a crime list for him however it’s extremely small and feels old/ inaccurate with the new season coming out.
————— ————— —————-
Advocating Overthrow of Government (Citadel and White House)
Aggravated Assault/Battery (nearly in every episode)
Airplane Hijacking (technically a space craft, also a real plane during a dream)
Racketeering (Citadel and White House)
Armed Robbery (nearly in every episode)
Arson (Has burned/destroyed Citadel multiple times)
Assassination (Assisted murdering the Council of Ricks)
Assault with a Deadly Weapon (nearly in every episode)
Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer ( if you consider the Rick Soldiers/Officers)
Assisting or Instigating Escape (Rescuing Rick from Prison)
Attempt to commit Murder/Manslaughter (nearly in every episode)
Bombing Matters (Blew up alien planet in “Promortyus”)
Breaking and/or Entering Carrier Facilities (stole ships and Citadels vessels)
Concealing Escaped Prisoner (Rescuing Rick from Prison, Saving the gas cloud in Mortynight Run)
Concealing Person from Arrest (Rescuing Rick from Prison, Saving the gas cloud in Mortynight Run)
Conspiracy (Involving The Citadel)
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer ( Soldiers in Thanksploitation Spectacular, and if you consider the Rick Soldiers/Officers)
Contempt of Court (during Ricks trail and when the Council of Ricks were searching for C-137)
Counterintelligence Crimes (during Ricks trail and when the Council of Ricks were searching for C-137)
Crime Aboard Aircraft (again in dream)
Crimes on Government Reservations (Citadel and American Government)
Demands Against the U.S. (The multiple fights against the president)
Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce (Citadel and American Government)
Domestic Terrorism (Citadel and American Government)
Drug Smuggling (During Pilot, The Jerrick Trap and Vat of Acid Episode)
Drug Trafficking (During Pilot, The Jerrick Trap and Vat of Acid Episode)
Economic Espionage (again only if considering the citadel as government)
Exportation of Drugs (During Pilot, The Jerrick Trap and Vat of Acid Episode)
Extortion (Citadel and American Government)
Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct, both Citadel and American Government)
First Degree Murder (Citadel, and in “Mort Dinner Rick Andre" and throughout show)
Fraud Against the Government (Citadel)
Genocide (Citadel, and in Mort Dinner Rick Andre, Promortyus and his original universe in “Rick Potion #9”
Harboring Terrorists ( Mortynight Run, just living with Rick at this point)
Homicide (Nearly every episode)
Hostage Taking (At least once, definitely during Mr. Goldenfolds dream)
Illegal Possession of Firearms (Weponds both Morty and Rick “own”)
Importation of Drugs (During Pilot and Vat of Acid Episode)
International Terrorism (Citadel and White House)
Major Fraud Against the U.S. (this is more of a technicality then anything and may not count)
Motor Vehicle Theft (Stolen/Hijacked other Ships. Stole Ricks ship in “Amortycan Grickfitti”)
Murder Committed in Federal Government Facility (Citadel and White House)
Obstruction of Justice (Rick Vs Council of Rick trial)
Obstruction of Criminal Investigations (Rick Vs Council of Rick trial)
Possession by Restricted Persons (Literally just living with Rick at this point)
Racketeering (Citadel and White House)
Robbery (Stealing Planes, money and vaguely through out show)
Sabotage (Citadel and White House)
Serial Murders (Citadel, and in “Mort Dinner Rick Andre" and through out show)
Smuggling (Drugs, and foreign objects)
Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence (Vaguely through out show)
Suits Against Government Officials (Citadel and White House)
Torture (Tortured Alien in “Morty Mind Blowers” and few other times throughout show)
Transportation of Terrorists (“The Rickshank Rickdemption”)
Treason (Citadel and White House)
Trespassing (Citadel and White House)
Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property ( Gearworld in “Mortynight Run” the Village in “Look Who's Purging Now” and the whole generation of Hoovys in “Mort Dinner Rick”)
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction ( Gearworld in “Mortynight Run” the Village in “Look Who's Purging Now” and the whole generation of Hoovys in “Mort Dinner Rick”)
Violation of Prohibitions Governing Atomic Weapons
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transformarium · 2 years
Ancestor’s gift
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Sofronio was on the beach waiting for customers, and he was bored out of his mind. While having a smoke, he tried to pass the time and was looking for anything. His eyes caught on a wetsuit lying on a nearby bench. It had been left there by a German tourist who simply had forgotten it. Sofronio was curious how it feel wear one of those. He looked around and put the suit on without anyone else being anywhere nearby. He started muttering a half-remembered poem that his great aunt had often said when he was little. These words began to react with the wetsuit, and Sofronio was in the middle when a change started.
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When Sofronio came out of the trance caused by the transformation, he wasn’t anymore a frail Filipino young man but the mature German tourist from yesterday. As he saw himself in the mirror, he immediately became stiff and blew a massive load into the wetsuit without hands. There was a quiet sound of the gong which went unnoticed as Sofronio’s new body locked the shift, and thanks to the poem, a suitcase appeared next to Sofronio. The suitcase contained a copy of everything the tourist had, including a passport, but with a different name.
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Sofronio got out of the Philippines, which had been his long time dream. He settled quite nicely into his new life in Germany. He enjoyed his 50s body as he was now 6’3” compared to his old height of 5’1”. Over a month, he noticed that he had the knowledge and experience of an accountant. As his identity had been on an extended sabbatical between jobs, he decided to apply for a new position to experience something different to his old life.
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Soon he got a job as a chief accountant in a big office. For the position, he needed to wear suits, and he was excited to find the dressing room full of them. He chose a very fancy one and put on a gold watch.
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As time went on, Sofronio or as his German name, Joachim, found that the life of an office drone was as boring as waiting for customers on the beach. Even a high salary and other benefits did not make it up. He started to look for different options to escape. He found a ranch on sale in Texas. He contacted the realtor and bought it.
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After a month of the move, Joachim felt that he had found his place in the world. On his ranch, he had the freedom to do the daily tasks as he pleased. To celebrate, he got nipple piercings. As time went on, he noticed that he was missing a partner in his otherwise perfect world. He remembered his transformation and started to plan how to get his better half. The first was getting the clothes for the catalysis of the transformation. He found the pieces from different places, e.g. a jockstrap in a gym from a very hung man and boots from a second-hand shop. Next was the transformee. He thought long and hard about what he was looking for in an ideal partner as he had covered the physical side. Finally, he ended up to a conclusion that it would not matter as he was looking at the whole, not pieces.
In the beginning, he could run the ranch alone, but as he got more things done, he noticed that he needed help. He hired Juan, an illegal alien from Guatemala. Joachim noticed that Juan was very capable of his hands and got things done. Slowly he felt the draw to Juan and found out that Juan had come to the States for being gay. Over a couple of weeks, Joachim taught Juan the poem, and once he was certain that Juan had it, he made a game that Juan should dress in selected clothes and recite the poem. The price was fancy dinner in town if he could say the poem without error while dressed into clothes chosen by Joachim and walking around the house. Juan dressed in the clothes, said the poem, and the transformation began. Joachim followed the change, interested as he now was on the other side. Once the change finished, Joachim saw his dream man.
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Initially, Juan was confused about his shift. When Joachim told him, Juan was mad, but after an hour, he calmed down and could think rationally. He realised that he could not be deported as he no longer was Juan, but according to his new ID, he was John Schumacher, husband of Joachim. That night they tentatively had sex which locked John as, without it, he would have reverted back to Juan the next morning. They settled into married life on the ranch, finding happiness together.
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brianedner · 1 year
Luz’s Crime List (Forging)
Forging (Inspired by MorningMark, The Owl House belongs to Dana Taris while the comic belongs to him)
 Camilla was just finishing up doing the dishes from lunch when Luz rushed into the room holding a piece of paper in her outstretched hand.
 “Mom! Willow got her first paycheck! She’s going to cash it tomorrow before forwarding you some of it as rent.”
 Camilla just smiled at that. “That is great news Mija, but Willow doesn’t have to do that. I am taking care of them because they are your friends and they are trapped with no way home, not because I want to take there- “She then stops mid-sentence when a thought struck her.
 “Wait a minute, how did she get a job in the first place without any documentation?”
 Luz just smiled before going to a nearby closet and pulling out a shoe box labeled ‘Willow.’ “We forged all the proper documentation with magic! It really wasn’t that hard with a illusionist and a library assistant working together.”
 Inside the shoe box were a birth certificate, a social security card, a passport, and a few other important papers.
 “We have them set up for all of them. Even Vee.”
 Luz then snaped her fingers as she remembered something. “Oh, by the way. Vee’s current backstory is that she is my half-sister from that crazy honeymoon night you had with dad that had the two of you waking up in a hotel room with 3 other people and a lama wearing clown make-up and wig.”
 Camilla then dropped the shoe box in shock at that. “¡QUÉ! ¿CÓMO SUPISTE ESO?” She then shook her head before continuing. “What, no. I’ll deal with that later. The more important thing is that this is illegal and going to fall apart very soon.”
 “No, it won’t mama.”
 “Yes, it will Luz. You can’t just forge documents like this. They have records in government offices. Soon people will notice that these documents don’t line up with what is in the system and then we will have the police and FBI after us and your friends!”
 Luz just smiled at that. “Don’t worry, we just broke into a the relevant government offices and changed the records.”
 Camilla just froze in place for a few seconds before chuckling. “Hahaha, that’s a good one Mija. For a second there it sounded like you broke into a government facility to change their records. But that would be even more illegal than what you did here, so I know that you didn’t do that.”
 Luz then began to look a little nervous at that. “Actually, we did, Gus’s illusions and Hunter’s teleporting made it really easy, and adding Amity’s abominations and Willow plants was just overkill.”
 Camilla just sat down at the counter and started to stare into the distance like her life was flashing before her eyes. “A few months ago, the worst you did was cause trouble unintendedly at school. Now you are committing Breaking and Entering, Identity fraud, Forgery, and altering government records.”
 Luz just patted her on the back. “Don’t worry mom, I did much worst in the Boiling Isles.”
 Camilla just turned to her. “DON’T WORRY! You doing worse things in the Isles is the perfect thing to worry about!”
 She then grabbed both of Luz’s hands and held them between her own. “Just please promise me that you and your friends won’t be committing any more felonies.”
 Luz then started to glance back and forth rapidly. “Um, about that?”
 Camilla just gave her a look.
 “If we ignore the felony of harboring 5 illegal aliens we are already doing, I might have already committed and am currently committing multiple others right now.”
 Camilla let go of Luz’s hands. “Mija?”
 “Yes Mama?”
 “What crimes have you been committing wince you got home that I haven’t noticed?”
 Hello Owl House Fandom! I was re-reading MorningMarks comics and had the idea of expanding on this one. The idea is to have a collection of chaters where Luz and the Hex-squad commit multiple crimes without Camila finding out about them.
 If you have any ideas of crimes they can do, please commit or PM me with them. I will keep doing this until I run out of ideas or motivation, whichever comes first.
 I am also doing “Fanfic info dumps” on multiple series to help other fanfic writers with their works. They are on DevientArt here because Fanfiction and AO3 both said I couldn’t post them there.
 Fanfiction: Here
Tumbler: Here
AO3: Here
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
For the character ask game: Hoshi Sato, Seven of Nine, and Wesley Crusher!
Hahaha thanks for being my no.1 enabler as usual and sending me such a great triple ask! Prepare for Essay <3
one aspect about them i love
Her whole multilingual thing and having to figure it all out without the Universal Translator was so, so cool to me. Honestly, when I think back to what worked from Enterprise's whole "early days" pitch, it's the first thing that comes to mind. And gosh her backstory with the isolation she felt as a gifted child who spent most of her time in classes... all those languages, and no one to speak to. Really makes her presence on Earth's first deep space mission Hit Different!
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
Well, that she's actually quite a three-dimensional character! Yes, they often didn't know what to do with her and her screentime got reduced later on, but she's more than just the "naive young ensign" archetype- in fact, one of my favourite things about her is how uniquely real she feels (that scene where she had to settle a dispute with some aliens they'd accidentally pissed off and she didn't even speak their language and was straight up on the verge of tears while talking to them, but then gradually gained confidence? That sort of stuff with her was so good!)
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Personally I will never be over the fact that in like season FOUR or something they just randomly dropped that she was originally discharged from Starfleet (!!) for getting into a fight (!!!?) over an illegal poker game she was running (iirc??) and breaking her commanding officer's arm (??!?) because apparently she has a black belt in Aikido (!!??!) Good lord, how many other secret skills does she have then? She's literally a prodigy who grew up with no friends I bet there's dozens lmaooo I bet she can pick locks and yodel and swing from a trapeze
one character i love seeing them interact with
She and Phlox have a sweet dynamic- you get the sense that her curiosity and open-mindedness and friendliness really make him feel more at home, as one of the only aliens on the ship
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
T'Pol!! T'Pol, T'Pol- the show gave them little to no scenes together, but it really could've been something so interesting, especially in the context of cultural exchange and nonwestern frameworks. And yes, they make for a wonderful ship too- but judging by the state of our dms lately I certainly don't need to tell you that😂
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
She and Phlox have a whole mini zoo of secret and illegal pets.
one aspect about them i love
The entire premise of her character is fantastic imo, and Jeri Ryan is terrific in the role. Her quest to discover personhood as an adult while also reckoning with all the violence she inflicted on such a mass scale (which itself was a result of horrifying violations of her own body and mind that she can barely remember) while also trying to reconcile the grief of all those lost years... wow
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
... I mean, I wish the showrunners had understood that Seven works best as part of an ensemble, and "ensemble" means occasionally giving the others something to do?😂😂 And that the whole deal with her biosuit and conventionally feminine hotness just didn't match the character; she should've been allowed to look and act WAY more weird and off-putting I think
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Ignoring ST: Picard canon (which I always do), I think after Voyager returns to the AQ, Seven would dig deeper into the concept and pursuit of "perfection"- the show painted it as a quasi-religious thing for her, and then never brought it up again! I think now, abruptly ripped from her home and family and confronted with a big scary quadrant to explore, she'd try on spirituality, at least for a little bit- try to reconcile it with her very scientific algorithms of thought, if only so for a brief while she can make the universe make sense
one character i love seeing them interact with
Many answers (Janeway, Tuvok, etc) but I'm going to highlight one I actually didn't notice much on first watch- she and Neelix have kind of an interesting dynamic! They have more scenes together than I remembered, and they give each other some really good advice
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
B'Elanna. Their supposed "rivalry" never really made sense to me lol, they could've come up with a legitimately interesting conflict between them, or just made them friends- as is, it just sort of comes off like they're fighting because... women be like that, I suppose? Lol, don't get me wrong- some of their scenes together are great ("We difficult patients need to stick together") but I wish we'd gotten more
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
She and Tuvok sometimes hang out in the mess hall at night, when the whole ship is dark, and quiet, and they can just stare at the stars, help alleviate each others' loneliness, while also giving each other a break from the exhausting ordeal of conventional socialising. Four hours in and not a single word spoken😌
one aspect about them i love
Apart from being generally very sweet and helpful, Wes (and Alexander too) is what makes the crew feel like a family to me- like, this kid just has so many sets of parents! (Bev & Picard are his Parents parents, Data & Geordi are his work parents, Riker & Guinan are his weird parents, Deanna & Tasha are his fun parents, and Worf is... ok Worf can just be Worf lol the poor man has more than enough on his plate already)
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
That he's literally just a child, I suppose. Like- he's fourteen, of course he does and says stupid things on occasion! It generally doesn't bother me when people dislike characters I like but a lot of the Wesley hate I've seen across platforms feels distinctly anti-children in a weirdly malicious way
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Starfleet Academy must've been a WILD transition for him, I mean sure it's a high-pressure environment and very competitive and everything- but he was on the literal bridge of the flagship of the Federation! All his bffs were highly intelligent and competent (sometimes superhumanly so) adults at the tops of their fields. How much experience does he even have socialising with kids his age? Does he ever feel like he just can't relate to any of them? Probably??
one character i love seeing them interact with
Ooh lots of answers here; I do think he brings out the best in Picard, and I love his dynamic with several others too- but I'm gonna go with Geordi. I know I called him one of Wesley's parents earlier but that was just a joke lol, truthfully Geordi has this extremely chill and almost like brotherly friendship with him, and he always respects Wesley's opinions and hears him out and never really condescends to him and I just think it's neat!
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Lmao, Beverly. It's really weird how little the show seems to care about their relationship! I mean they obviously do have a positive one, and Bev is very loving and protective of him, but they don't actually share all that much screentime per se. So that means I have to headcanon slightly less positive things, like-
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
what if Beverly's absence during such a crucial year in his life (S2) sort of left a gap in their relationship they never quite managed to patch up? No resentment exactly, just... less connection than before. She's still very important to him of course, but not the first person he'd go to with good news. (I don't mean this in a negative way towards Beverly btw! I actually do like that the show wanted to give her more storylines beyond just being Wesley's Mum)
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