#the fandom might decide they hate you along the way (pretty sure 50% of this fan base got my ass blocked on twitter) but just do ur thing
tarratastic · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Here be some word vomit, cause tumblr is the space I use for the stuff that I don’t really put on/elaborate fully on twitter. So really you can just keep scrolling, I’m being indulgent.
I always enjoy hearing about someone’s intent/creative process when it comes down to any type of media they made. Wether it be a design, a written piece, a photograph, a layout, most choices serve purpose and I love to hear about them. So, I’m gonna share some choices here, putting them down in writing for my own sake I suppose.
Like everything, there were a lot of versions of this one, different fonts, different layouts, color choices, but my most deliberate choice was the knife count. I originally had six (also tried four and seven, they weren’t good) but my brain kept going back to “five belts five knives” and I thought it was silly of me because the match was still weeks away at the time. But the feeling stuck and I figured it’s a design choice I keep to myself if I’m wrong and just will never speak about. But I wasn’t wrong and that feels great.
Once I dropped down from six to five and finally settled on my fonts it just looked right. (And I went through a whole lotta fonts trying to catch the vibe.) I wasn’t even considering using a sans serif font at all at first, I was dead set on a serif font but this one just looked so much better. The font swap and centering that having five knives allowed was what made me go “yeah this is exactly what I was going for.”
And I know it is a simple design, I’m aware, but that still doesn’t mean I’m not tossing thought into every choice I make. But at the end it always comes down to, “would I wear this?” And if the answer is yes, we keep chugging along.
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cryinginthebackseat · 4 years
initials t.c.
Fandom: Open Heart
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x MC
Words: 7.299 (I’M SO SORRY)
Summary: Tobias Carrick makes Claire an offer she can’t refuse.
Warnings: 50% plot, 50% smut, swear-a-thon, blasphemy
Author’s Note: when the book first introduced us to tobias carrick, the first thing that hit my mind was “okay, but that dude is like the carbon copy of jesse williams and that’s hot” but then, once it reveals who he is and what’s his role in the book i went “interestinggggggg” cause you know, i’m a sucker for morally grey characters and all, and i’m not even ashamed to admit it. also, carrick is shaping up to be such an interesting character with each chapter and maybe one day- okay, maybe this sounds like a pipe dream- but one day, i hope he can be a li (let a girl dream plz) lmao
also if anyone’s interested, i made a PLAYLIST to accompany reading the fic.
the title is inspired by serge gainsbourg’s initials bb
Cast down off heaven Cast down on my knees I’ve lain with the devil Cursed god above Forsaken heaven
To Bring You My Love - PJ Harvey
Whenever Claire thinks about Tobias Carrick, admittedly, unfortunately, tragically, she always thinks about his eyes first before remembering what a colossal pain in the ass he is.
It always comes in that order. Like the number 3 always comes before 4, like the seawater dragging back from the shoreline before a tsunami occurs, like pouring milk before the cereal (she honestly didn’t get what the fuss is about until one day Elijah cried ‘oh, hell no you don’t, satan!‘ one morning and proceeded to give her bullet points why pouring the milk before the cereal is considered a sin and more of an abomination than Nephilims’ existence and that there’s a higher probability that she’s a psycho for being a ‘milk first’ kind of person). So apparently, Claire’s a psycho now which explains so many aspects- but she digresses and the point is, the reaction is uncontrollable and she high-key hates how she can’t control her goddamn mind most of the time.
The point is, she needs to stop thinking about him to begin with. 
Claire Castelnuovo was born in the summer, under the sign of Gemini. Marilyn Monroe once said that stands for intellect, being a Gemini, but she was too blissfully unaware of this guerdon that she devoted her adolescent years to being outdoors instead. Too many days she spent trampling along the cornfields with her cousins until the skies faded out with brilliant purple-tinged amber and she was carrying a piece of the sun in her skin and smelled like one, stuffing wildflowers inside her boots as she walked around the neighborhood with her dad’s old stethoscope, napping in a hammock with Oasis’ All Around the World on repeat. By the time she hit 15, her black strands had turned brown from repeated sun exposure. She loved it.
But it was a different time, a different place. Somewhere that only exists on the margins of her memories, lost and hidden.
Now, Claire prefers the night.
It’s 9:30 pm when she arrives at a hotel bar in downtown Boston. A newly christened establishment which has somehow become a regular spot for Hemingway’s enthusiasts once the Boston Globe wrote an article about their Hemingway Daiquiri and how, as they wrote it, ‘probably the only place that’s brave and crazy enough to adhere to the 1930s original recipe’ and bourgeois party birds at wee hours during the weekend.
Her eyes are gritty, dry and strange. Her mind’s much worse for the wear- she feels like shit, like in the middle of watching that scene from The Green Mile shit when all is hopeless and you feel like walking out of the theater, but you’ve spent your last savings just to buy the ticket, so you decide to stick through it.
Claire makes a beeline for the bar, tries to flag down the bartender. She orders an Old Fashioned, making sure to specify to double it because she’s not a regular here and he’s not Reggie and that’s how she’s been taking her drink for years.
She knows well deep in her bones that she should be somewhere else. Somewhere more familiar, somewhere where Tim Mcgraw often plays from the subpar speakers, and the rustic wooden bar countertop is gouging and discoloring from the cheap household cleaners and alcohol stains, and her friends are cramming together in the same booth in the back, reveling and laughing until they close the bar down and make a mess all over. Perhaps it’s a mistake coming here, where no one’s a familiar face and the drinks are a tad overpriced for her budget.
But then, perhaps this is exactly what she needs; the unfamiliarity, the visceral feeling knowing that she doesn’t belong here, where no one knows her name and the huge deal of weight she’s currently carrying on her shoulders. Perhaps, she can’t face her friends after what happened, after what Esme has done. Shit, how could any of this happen? Claire knows this all on Esme’s, but her guilt has grown hopelessly tangled with her anxiety. She’s her intern, for fuck’s sake, Claire’s supposed to prevent this from happening in the first place.
Man, where’s Declan Nash when she feels like punching someone in the face?
Claire makes the mistake of drinking her drink too quickly, because it hasn’t been ten minutes and she’s drained half of the content. Then she reaches for her phone in her bag, fiddles with it, absent-minded, equal parts bored before then settles on watching the band performing Art Pepper’s You Go To My Head and immediately thinks of that time she accidentally dropped her brother’s saxophone in a moment of her rather graceless, wine-soaked self with the whole family present.
Someone plops down on the empty stool next to her. Claire’s now scrolling through her phone- again, bored. Sienna commented on the post Elijah shared to the group chat with a few unnecessary-yet-totally-necessary emojis to the already convoluted series of texts and Claire only reads them in silence, not only because her friends’ texting behaviors are too chaotic for her to follow sometimes but she’s not really feeling like talking to anyone right now.
“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.”
Famous last words.
Claire freezes in her seat. Her phone’s still glowing in her hand, alighting her features. She recognizes that voice- too well, that is and it’s enough to set off her flight-or-fight response.
She glances up from her phone, preparing for the worst.
Well, what’s presented before her is literally the worst.
“Of all the gin joints…” she says once her eyes find Tobias Carrick sitting next to her, still in his work shirt, sleeves rolled-up, a few buttons undone, reeking of smoke, soap and antiseptic with a shit-eating grin plastered over his face.
She should have gone to Donahue’s instead.
“Evening to you too, Castelnuovo. Drinking your dinner tonight, I see?”
“What, this? No, this is breakfast. 100% daily value of alcohol and pretty much nothing else. I mean, it’s not the weekend without a bad case of hangover and an aspirin snowglobe in the morning, am I right? You know, like a glass of aspirin? Not a literal snowglobe?” she blabbers, realizing just so by the time she hears him snort. Claire chokes down another sip to shut her mouth up. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I’m about to commit first-degree murder and burn this whole place to the ground,” he drawls, the ever goddamn sarcastic. “What do you think? I’m trying to get dru-”
“No, I mean what are you doing here, of all places? Can’t you get drunk somewhere else?” she interrupts, her midwest accent does funny things to the vowels and consonants- something that only happens whenever she’s in distress, or at least according to Jackie.
“Last time I heard, this joint’s still owned by the Hilton, not a certain junior member of the Diagnostics Team at Edenbrook hospital.”
“Dude, what do you think of the H in Claire H. Castelnuovo stands for?” Deadpan, trying to keep up with the rolling sarcasm, she retorts. He smirks.
“Get the fuck out of here,” she mutters, mid-eye-roll, mid-snickering.
He chuckles, his voice rich and smoky amidst the late-night swing and distant chatters. Carrick doesn’t leave, of course, typically him- if those anecdotes Ethan told her has taught her anything about his character, that is- defying everything, scheming his way to the top, the embodiment of ‘those devilish boys with their heavenly eyes’ type your mother warns you about.
Not that the latter is relevant.
“Or what?” His mouth twitches but there’s a hard, challenging light in his eyes that she knows too well by now.
“Or I’m leaving.“ She shoots him a glare. He’s testing her patience- again, like it’s his finesse. Some things never change, it seems.
“Come on, Castelnuovo, don’t be a sourpuss. The night is young and I can promise you, the last thing I am is a horrible drinking buddy.”
With a touch of irony, she replies: “I’m sure. I bet you asked your friends to fill out a questionnaire every time you went out with them, did you?”
Carrick hums.
“You’re funny.” But he says it in the same tone that someone might say Jesus fuck, you’re probably one of the most frustrating creatures I’ve ever laid eyes on. Also, because the next thing he says is: “A little rough around the edges, but funny nonetheless.”
“That makes one of us then.”
Carrick frowns, which is kind of a surprise because she’s half expected him to flash her that signature cheeky grin of his.
“Listen, I’m just trying to make a friendly conversation here. I know we haven’t really seen eye-to-eye with each othe-”
Claire snorts and crosses her arms over her chest. “That, doctor, is an understatement of the fucking century.”
“Okay so, we’re like Tom and Jerry but sans the background music and a naive little duckling running around calling one of us his momma, but I feel like now’s the time to call out a temporary truce between us.” A beat, then: “I heard about what happened with the intern.”
Something flashes across her face- and Carrick must have noticed it, because his face does this odd thing- it softens, even for a moment. She hates it. He’s not supposed to be looking at her like that, not supposed to see her at her weakest state or saved her ass- And Jesus, why does she have to be indebted to Tobias Carrick, of all people- But god forbid, the last thing she’ll ever do is crying in front of him.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she mutters, barely audible, trying to temper her fluctuated emotions.
“Then don’t. We can talk about anything else or fall into some sort of endless, meaningless platitudes. Whichever will work.” As if sensing Claire’s lingering hesitation, he adds. “Tell you what, to sweeten the offer, your next drinks are on me.”
She assesses him for a long minute, eyes narrowing. She’s shaking her head, but her mouth, as if against her will, instead says: “Careful, Carrick, there’s a chance I’ll be abusing that offer and run you dry.”
"Hey, if you want to butcher your liver so bad, don’t stop on my account,” he says. “Don’t worry, though, I’ll make sure to save your ass again this time around. Pro bono.”
Claire looks as if she’s just swallowed a dead rat. “Thanks, but no thanks. Death seems more like an appealing choice.”
“Well, I stopped death from interfering then, I’ll stop it again.” Carrick winks, she pretends to gag again yet remains still in her seat, so Carrick waves at the bartender for their order- she orders for a refill and he, a martini and Claire is this close from asking 'shaken or stirred?’ but then remembers who he is and immediately washes the question down with her drink.
“You know, if anyone told me weeks ago that I’d be having a drink with you tonight, I probably would have socked them.“
Carrick is in the middle of lighting his cigarette, but laughs instead. “The Times They Are a-Changin’, as Bob Dylan said.” A puff of smoke escapes his mouth, curling around his fingers. Claire instinctively looks away. “Which reminds me of that one time your mentor sang Ballad of A Thin Man on the fucking subway when we were 20.”
She swivels her head to his direction, on the verge of choking on her drink. “Hold on, hold on, Ethan Jonah Ramsey sings?”
“Give him a dare he couldn’t refuse and a few shots of whiskey, and I promise you he’ll sing like Sinatra on crack.” He grins, his eyes are all crinkled and bright; she thinks that means he’s genuinely amused. “Ah, good times. We were like- wait, who was it he’d like to say we’re like again?”
A small smile pulls at her lips. “Bert and Ernie.”
“Jesus, he really fucking compares us to some Sesame Street characters, huh?” She laughs at that, loud and bright. He does the same. “Personally, I’d always say we were like Butch and Sundance back then- rebels with a cause, a band of misfits, trying to leave our marks on the world. You know those types. We were young, we wanted so much- I still do. I mean, let’s be real, whoever’s wanted to be defeated at their own game?”
A crease forms between her eyebrows, not quite a frown.
“Nobody,” Claire concurs, hating herself for it. “But was it worth it? Betraying the closest thing you had to a brother or a lover…” Carrick coughs on his smoke from the latter. “or whatever in the process just to get what you wanted?” Claire was obviously aiming for that brash, hard-hitting jab, but it lands gloriously too soft.
The bartender finally places their ordered drinks down on the bar. Carrick reaches for it, taking a careful swig, then sets his glass down. He takes a deep breath.
"It’s nothing personal. It never was. I never considered him as my rival.”
“Yeah, but by doing whatever you did, you’ve made an enemy out of him,” she counters. “Look, Carrick, I know we live in a dog-eat-dog world and I know being good sometimes doesn’t get the job done. Perhaps Machiavelli was right. Perhaps, when necessary, you have to be ruthless, dissembling and manoeuvring- what did he say again? ‘The end justifies the means’? But if any worthwhile end can justify the means to attain it, if everyone outright surrenders to their darker side, then what’s left of our humanity?”
For an interminable moment, there is only silence. He simply stares at her, as if she’s a walking, talking Rubik’s cube he can’t solve or a book that he has opened and now he’s got to know so much more and she feels pinned under those warm irises, uneasy.
Suddenly, his mouth begins to take shape; the corners hike up, stretch and then he does the unexpected.
The bastard fucking laughs.
“Excuse me?!” she spits, white-hot anger lacing each word. Carrick laughs harder- the audacity- despite Claire’s growing razor’s edge stare. “Did you just laugh at me? I was being fucking seriou-”
“Sorry, sorry.” Wiping an imaginary tear from his left eye. “I was just remembering Harper’s words. She’s right, you really are on the side of the angels, aren’t you?”
She points at him with her glass, snarling. “And you, mister, are the devil himself with a medical degree and an egg head- and I don’t mean the slang for a highly academic person.”
“Ouch,” Carrick says out loud, still kind of laughing, borderline frowning. “Okay, I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”
“Damn straight. Though you have a lot to apologize for.”
He groans. “Don’t tell me you’re still pissed about that one patient I stole under your nose?”
“The North remembers, ser,” she says, mean-spirited.
“Then does the North remembers that I saved her life?”
“Oh, so you’re discrediting the efforts of the other doctors that helped you make the cure?”
“Alright, alright. You win.” Carrick holds up his hands, the universal gesture of defeat and takes one final drag of his cigarette. He stubs it out, all the while keeping his gaze on her.
“So, how exactly can I make it up to you?“
Claire blinks- once, twice, thrice, realizing his intent. His voice drops an octave and he’s leaning in, close enough for her to notice the constellations of freckles splaying across his face and the way his brown eyes glinted like two shots of whiskey under a stream of light, intense and all-consuming. She feels her mind races, her brains feel as if they underwent a short-circuit and get caught on fire, and the fact that her mind’s on the precipice of exploring the idea is not helping.
A burst of laughter erupts from her throat, not that it’s funny- there’s nothing funny about the situation, but someone ought to diffuse this shift of tension between them, or that was her aim, at least.
“What, you wanna pay me back?” she asks, trying to keep her voice from cracking but failing miserably. Fingers trembling against her glass as she chugs nearly a quarter of her drink in one go.
He notices that.
"A Lannister always pays his debts, does he? If you think that I owe you one, then I’ll gladly pay.” His eyes flick back to her face, searing into her. The air crackles between them. The band is playing a different song now, a sound that only exists on the margin of her attention. If they’re in, say a mid 2000s rom-com movie, someone would probably interrupt this moment and save her from this. But this isn’t a movie.
Claire licks her lips, a candid reaction which encourages him to inch closer- or is it her? She can’t tell anymore. Tracing odd patterns on the palm of her hand with his finger and oh god, this is Carrick, the bane of her fucking existence, she’d shoot him first before she kisses him. But something about the prospect of fucking this bastard twists her insides deliciously into a confused mess.
“How? By fucking me?” she inquires, feigning scandalized- all that Catholic guilt bullshit.
He grins, all-teeth and wolfish and shrugs as if they’re talking about his life insurance policy or shit. “Well, that’s the idea.”
“But you don’t even like me.” It should come out as I don’t even like you, but even she knows that’ll be just another lie she tells.
“On the contrary, I enjoy our rivalry far more than I should, Castelnuovo,” he purrs and places a hand on her knee. Her throat bobs. She’s wearing a skirt, it didn’t seem important then, but now his hand feels warm against her skin, dangling on the edge of impropriety. Like gravity, all it takes is a little push for him to cross that line.
“I should be disliking the way you talk to me, challenging me and putting me on the back foot every goddamn time. I should be focusing on taking you down a peg, but the more I see you, the more I realize you have an attractive kind of power. And I’m just one man. And if there’s anything I learned, the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.”
But then his movement suddenly ceases. Claire almost asks why.
“What?” she stares up at him, eyes wide, breath hitching.
“However if you only accept alcohol as the currency for transactions, then I’ll tell the bartender to get us another round instead,“ he tells her, offering her one last chance to back out from this, from making this mistake with him.
Claire stares into her drink, actually mulling this over. Her mind tells her no, but the other part- the alcohol-infused part of her mind- whispers otherwise. She imagines if Ethan or any of her friends are here, they would probably grab her shoulder and shake the living hell out of her for even reconsidering his offer.
But then again, intelligence, alcohol and desperation have always had a bad history of getting along together.
“What about June?” Claire asks against her better judgement, after a long, considerable pause. Carrick raises a confused brow.
“What about her?”
“I thought you guys…” she trails off, makes a face, feeling all-kind of flustered and aroused and wow, she’s really doing this, huh? “I mean, I don’t know- I don’t wanna get in between you guys.”
“Nah. It was only a three time thing, but there’s never been anything between us.” He chuckles at Claire’s askance look. “If you don’t believe me, you can fact-check it with the woman herself,” Carrick adds, looking at her dead-on with his eyes like he wants to get the message across.
She regards him silently for a long second, and maybe she’s a touch drunk now, maybe the bartender put something in her drink, or maybe she just needs to blow off some steam after what’s been happening in these past few weeks and Carrick happens to be a decent warm body for the occasion, but Claire finds herself shifting closer.
"Then I want you to pay me back.”
“You sure about that?”
“Yeah,” she answers, more sure this time, more determined.
Her nose bumps his, his breath fanning across her face all the while Carrick’s slightly pushing her skirt up, letting his fingertips travel higher. His eyes keep darting back and forth from her eyes and lips, checking for her reaction. There is no inhibition here, not anymore. People might be watching- heck, they could be already watching and it terrifies her that she doesn’t give a damn about it.
“But if you tell anyone about this, I swear to god… ” she warns and a shadow of mirth passes across his eyes, making her almost regretting this. Almost.
“Claire, darling.” It’s the first time he’s ever said her name and her stomach does a tango. “Your secret is safe with me.“ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 
He gets them a room in the hotel, it’s on the twentieth floor. Carrick handles the accommodation- he can afford it, apparently, which is not really surprising and the nuisating check-in procedure while Claire only waits in the lobby like a beautiful, agitated china doll amidst the turbulent sea the whole time until he comes back, flashes the room key at her and beckons her to follow.
She goes ahead of him, but he catches up. His body heat sends her anxiety rocketing sky-high through the roof as they walk next to each other, hands briefly brushing against one another but she ignores that (or at least she tries).
They are silent in the elevator, they are silent even once they reach the designated floor and walk down the hall to their room where the dim and shadowed lights follow their steps like vultures.
Carrick holds open the door for her and she enters, taking in the windows and the striking view of Boston skyline peeking behind the curtains, the TV and the queen-sized bed. The latter does nothing to assuage the anticipation that’s bubbling in the pit of her stomach, by the way.
Claire hears him shut the door, locking both bolts. She peers at him over her shoulder, half-turned, one eye on him. Their eyes meet, neither speaks. He’s taking off his black peacoat, back against the door, he’s looking at her as if wanting her is his full-time occupation and the realizations comes in like a mule kick, how that tiny voice inside her head, the one that tells her that this is a bad idea and she’s better off leaving never comes.
The room is not considerably huge (with $110 per night, you would have expected you’d get a bigger room), he could easily have her in six large steps, yet he stands there. Sizing her up, smirking rather devilishly, handsomely as if challenging her to make the first move. It’s another fucking game with him. A display of power, waiting who would fall first.
Claire finally turns around to face him. With a renowned determination, she removes her coat, letting it fall unceremoniously onto the carpeted floor. Her blouse follows next and her skirt, which she tugs it oh so slowly down her legs.
Carrick’s eyes widen, if she doesn’t know better, she thinks he’s speechless. He takes a deep breath, his gaze religiously following every movement as she twirls around once more to unhook her bra. His jaw clenches and unclenches. He’s having a hard time keeping himself in check which she takes an immense pleasure in. Claire just wants to see the man squirm for a change, even if she has to shed every article of clothing she wears.
By the time she slips off of her underwear, she is breathing raggedly. He hasn’t yet approached her so she crawls onto the bed, lying on her back with one elbow props her up, legs crossed. She kicks off her heels, rolls down her stockings with a bit of that noir come-hither, Lauren Bacall-esque heavy bedroom eyes.
Finally, Carrick steps closer until he’s only a hair’s breadth away, like a target, filling her line of sight. The tension in the room is hot enough to send the thermometer reaching its maximum limit and she’s burning, burning, burning right through the core.
Claire cranes her head up to meet his gaze, noticing the way he’s drinking in her body like a pirate ogling a bottle of rum. High-strung, tense, Carrick lowers his head to her, his fingers carding through her long hair. Dimness consumes him raw, his silhouette is starting to find its place amongst the shadows except for his eyes. Never does the fire in his eyes falter, merely alight.
They are already nose-to-nose when Claire suddenly raises her hand over his lips. He withdraws from her, looking confused and hot and bothered.
“Take a seat over there, will you?” She motions to the settee near the bed, her tone leaving no room for argument.
He smirks, but she can see his bravado if faltering. “Ordering me around in the bed now, are we?”
“Didn’t you say tonight is about you making it up to me?”
“Touche, touche.” Carrick straightens his posture and makes his way to the settee across from her, shifting uncomfortably in his seat given the growing issue in his pants.
With eyes still trained to his, Claire cups her own breast, fingers pinching her pebbled nipple before the same hand travels lower down her stomach, her thighs. Carrick leans forward in his seat, obviously liking where this is going before Claire slowly and teasingly part her legs for him to see.
A surprised groan escapes him.
“Jesus, Claire,” Carrick hisses. “Fuck, I didn’t know you’re a goddamn tease.”
She doesn’t bother replying to him, but a winning grin finds its way across her face as she lays on her back, her shame and modesty are distant, knees pulled up so he can have a clear view of her. With two fingers, she runs them along her folds, dragging them slowly up to her clit. Claire imagines they are his fingers- which once upon a time would have horrified her, but tonight, as she repeats the motion over and over, knowing that he’s sitting there, watching her without being able to get his hands on her, she decides to submit to this newfound fantasy.
A rustle pulls her back to reality. He’s undoing his own pants, palming his cock, runs his fingers over the leaking head.
A low moan catches in her throat at that, her gaze snapping up from his erection to his face where his irises have darkened and pupils dilated. He wants to show her, that’s he’s as depraved as her when it comes to wanting, that he fucking wants her and in spades and she fails to think like a normal human being anymore.
Claire uses that image to work on herself harder, faster, feeling the intense pressure beginning to build beneath her fingers. She’s so wet now, despite him being able to see that, she wants him to hear it as well as she uses her idle hand to tap against herself. Carrick growls, his pace matching the rhythm she’s setting.
She slips her fingers inside her, drops her head back against the mattress and bites a loud moan that threatens to escape her lips. Flushing scarlet all over her abdomen, her breasts and up to her neck. Her blood thumping louder than bombs in her ears, her breaths begin to come in gasps.
Another fast and hard thrust from fingers, and Claire finds herself sighing his name.
And every last bit of his self-restraint snaps.
In just a blink of an eye, Carrick is already on his feet, grabs her waist, harshly, and tugs her down onto the edge of the bed where he’s now kneeling before her. He doesn’t bother with the teasings or soft kisses or caresses, and even before Claire has the time to register what’s happening, he crushes his face between her parted legs and eats her out.
She gasps, high and fleeting, twisting the bed sheet between her fists while his tongue flicks over her, moving back up, back down, lapping along her folds in the same motions she showed him with her hand, how she likes it. Claire forgets how to breathe. It just occurs to her just how arousing the sight of him on his knees like this, sending her mind hitchhiking into outer space.
“Oh, fuck.” She breathes, back arching on the bed with a drawn-out moan. “Fuck, Tobias!” Her hips gyrate over his mouth and she presses her heels against his shoulder blades. She’s so close. All she needs is a little push to send her careening into oblivion and it seems that Carrick can sense it because he brings two digits to her entrance and slides easily inside her, setting a ruthless pace.
With her hands reaching out to the back of his head, Claire cries out his name and trembles violently. Encouraged, Carrick curves his fingers inside her, hitting that exact spot that finally undoes her as she comes, long and hard, around his mouth and fingers- the kind of orgasm that you can feel deep in your bones- and watches as fireworks dance behind her lids.
When she finally comes down from her high, everything is hazy. It’s like waking up from a deep slumber after a decadent soak in a scented bath and she loses all orientation, until she feels him nipping the inside of her thighs. She hisses, glances down, heavy-lidded eyes finding Carrick is leaving bruises after bruises all over her skin like some kind of a lewd memento of his work, like he wants her to remember this the next time she wakes up in her own bed and he’s not there.
"Are you trying to turn me into a Na'vi, doctor?” She asks, still kinda breathless, feeling surprisingly conversational despite having just experienced, if not, one of the best orgasms in her life. He smiles against her thigh and withdraws from her, only after her thighs are sufficiently bruised enough, licks his fingers clean and stands up at the end of the bed.
“Maybe. You’d make a cute blue extraterrestrial creature, though,” he replies cheekily, then undoes the button of his shirt, showcasing his naked torso.
Claire feels her cheeks heating up again, but forces herself to stare; eyes following his pectoral muscles, down to the toned lines of his abdomen while he slides off of his pants. The man is one fine specimen, alright, and he knows- smug bastard- and she thinks it’s such a shame that Carrick is… well, Carrick. If the man learns how to shut up for one minute or avoid trying to sabotage everyone’s career at Edenbrook altogether, maybe, just maybe, she’d consider him.
“But honestly, I just wanted to hear you say my name again,” Carrick continues, crawling his way up to her, pulling her out of her musings. He settles between her thighs. His lips finding her ear and nibbling at the lobe while his fingers pinching and pulling at her nipple. Claire shivers. Nails scraping along his skin, raising angry marks that would certainly be there tomorrow.
When they kiss, it’s so good that she can’t help but curl her toes. He kisses her like he’s trying to steal her breath or her name. She can taste herself in his mouth, which sparks so many feelings inside her. Her mind’s foggy, sweat pooling on her forehead. Carrick is but shoves his tongue into her mouth, lapping at her, biting, sucking and she leans hard into the kiss, retaliates by scraping her teeth against his bottom lip. It spurs him on. Making his cock twitch against her thigh and Claire decides she can’t wait anymore.
Claire rolls her hips at him. He takes the hint and rolls over to grab a condom from his pants. Then he’s back on top of her, his weight and heat crushing her most deliciously and brings her body further up the bed with him; she drapes her legs around his hips, hands gripping his arms. Her lust and anticipation collaborate to the point of near madness.
Carrick nips the taut line of her jaw and drives himself into her.
They both groan in unison.
“Oh, fuck.” Carrick mumbles between shaky breaths, his face pressed against her throat. “Fucking hell, Claire, you feel so warm.”
Claire, on the other hand, goes rigid under him. Her mouth hangs open and her world narrows down to the feeling of his cock inside her and the pleasure that builds up again in her abdomen.
This is happening, she thinks, he’s inside her and it feels so amazing. She might as well be crazy for agreeing to do this with him in the first place, but the promise of the thrill beats the doubts.
He starts slow, just the smallest fraction of hips, gently thrusting back and forth in shallow motions. She whines, frustrated and impatient, raising her own hips to meet his, but Carrick’s weight pins her onto the mattress and she can’t fucking move.
“F-faster,” Claire stammers, her molars grinding like toothache.
The bastard smirks, like he’s been anticipating the word coming out of her mouth.
“Beg for it.” His words are punctuated with every unhurried stroke he’s giving her, teasing her and if she’s not in the middle of being fucked right now, she would have kicked him in the balls.
Growling, she swallows her plea by pulling Carrick down for another kiss. This time, she’s the one who does the biting and the sucking, making sure he’s distracted enough and then just like with all the things she does in her life, she takes the matter into her own hands.
With all her strength, she scrambles up, pushes him off of her and knocks him onto his back flat on the bed. When she swings her legs to straddle him, his eyes pop.
“Holy shit, you are feisty.”
“Only cause I’m angry and horny,” she bites off. Angling herself above him and with one hand, guides his shaft back to her opening. “And you- you weren’t doing a proper job fucking me.”
He smirks. “I was trying to wind you up.”
“Fuck you.”
She lowers herself and sinks back onto his cock, relishing in his moans and growls.
“Baby, you’re doing it.” His hands curling around her waist, his head falls back onto the bed, exposing his throat and Claire is so hard-pressed not to bite him there.
Claire ignores his smartassness, naturally, and lifts herself, drops back down. Slamming her hips into his until she’s bouncing on him. Nails clawing at his chest. Finally be able to set a pace she desperately craves for, finally wiping that smirk off of his face.
Under her, Carrick is biting his lip in an effort to not to lose control. His hands are everywhere now; her stomach, her breasts, her neck, her cheeks. Leaving fire on its wake. She might still hate him after this is strange, little arrangement is over but at this juncture, he’s exactly the remedy she needs after everything.
Then Carrick wraps his arms around her and picks up the pace, thrusting into her hard and fast. Claire shakes. She can’t catch her breath, her forehead pressed on his shoulder, her teeth latching onto his skin. Breathing a string of 'fuckfuckfuck’ while he squeezes her ass and continues to fuck her with careless abandon.
"Tobias.” Her moans amplify. She’s close to climaxing again, her legs quivering. Eyes wide shut. “Please, please.” So much for not begging.
He pulls her to him so their foreheads meet. Their lips brush against each other, but they aren’t kissing, merely trading breaths. A hand touches her cheek and her lids flutter open, finding his eyes- those depthless, amber eyes that pretty much lead her to this point, are watching her, pulling her in.
“Say it again,” he encourages darkly, face twists in pleasure. “My name. Say it again.”
She does it again, it comes out as a groaned whisper, repeating it over and over again like a sacred mantra.
Her second orgasm sweeps through her, making her spine arches, it tears a winded moan from her throat and it’s more than enough to trigger Carrick’s own release; fingers digging into the soft flesh of her hips, groaning gutturally.
Panting, sore but sated, Claire collapses on top of his chest, his arm still drapes around her. The rise and fall of his breath lull her to sleep. Before she knows it, he gently rolls her to his side, pulling the covers for them and kisses her on the shoulder, which comes out as… odd for her.
The bed moves and she feels him leaving.
He’s leaving.
He’s leaving.
She doesn’t know why it stings, but it does. But also Claire opts not to pay no mind to it and forces her mind to surrender to sleep that once again tries to take hold.
Claire wishes she doesn’t dream of him that night, but she does.
It’s way past midnight when she wakes up. The room is dark. The curtains are closed. She’s still naked and sore under the covers, mind reeling in from what has just transpired.
One might ask in which universe does Claire Castelnuovo agree to sleep with Tobias Carrick? Well, apparently they did it in this one and oddly still, she doesn’t regret it. Though she’s still low-key sad that he left her straight after sex, but hey, what can she do about it? This arrangement itself is nothing but a means to an end, anyway, a perverse alternative for him to pay back what he allegedly owes her, she shouldn’t be surprised if he left after the ‘debt’ is paid.
Feeling her mood somehow takes an unexpected dip, she gets us from the bed and gathers her clothes on the floor.
She’s in the middle of zipping up her skirt when the bedside lamp flickers and comes on.
Claire turns around. Carrick, rousing from sleep, looks at her, rubbing his eyes and stifles a yawn. His lips still tinged from her kisses and bites.
“Leaving so soon?” he asks, voice still raspy from sleep and Claire thinks her mouth is hanging open, standing rooted to the spot like a spider on an icicle; frozen in time.
For a moment, she does nothing but stares at him, being rendered speechless. For many times, Tobias Carrick never fails to surprise her. Just when she thinks she has him all figured out, he comes sneaking in through her windows like a thief in the night and it just strikes her, how he really is an uncharted territory for her. Despite her having him pinned under her, exploring the hard planes of his body under the touches just a few hours ago.
The man is like a fucking myth, at this point. She knows him only from stories and her limited time around him, but who is exactly Tobias Carrick? Is he the competitive doctor at Mass Kenmore, the Machiavellian asshole that severed his friendship/relationship with Ethan for the sake of his greed and ambition? Or is he, Tobias Carrick, the man who saves her life, makes her laugh and kisses her shoulder in the afterglow?
She’ll probably never know.
“Yeah, my roommates will probably deploy a search party if I don’t come home tonight,” she replies, distracted, finally finding her own voice back. He nods, feigning disappointment- or is he not? She clears her throat and continues putting on her clothes. “I thought you left.”
He chuckles at the absurdity of her deduction. “And without saying goodbye?” Carrick rolls off of the bed and rises to his feet. He’s already wearing his pants- thank fuck for that- and approaches her. “I may be an asshole, Castelnuovo, but just so you know, my mother raised me better than that.”
So they’re back to their usual last name basis perimeter. That’s good, right? After all of this, she thinks a little familiarity would be nice for her sanity.
“Good to know, then.”
Silence encompasses the room. It’s awkward and overwhelming and it throws her a little off-balance. At the bar, they seemed to know exactly what to say to each other- especially him; but now, even she can sense the hesitation in his gait, at the way he’s looking at her and a faint alarm is trilling her head. Because if he’s making this awkward, she can do a whole lot of worse.
"Oh, before you ask, that makes up for pretty much everything, yeah. I mean, it’s alright.” You fucking dumbass, she thinks to herself, averting his gaze while a smile blooms on his face.
“Good to know, then.” He parrots her words and she huffs a laugh, freely and sweetly, like she’s currently not knee-deep in her problems or she’s just fucked the most incorrigible man that ever exists. He does too, but his gaze lands on her mouth before going back to her eyes.
Another silence passes. It’s time to go.
“I have to go now.”
He nods mutely and moves away so Claire can step past him.
She wears her coat. In the mirror, she still looks thoroughly fucked; her hair’s dishevelled, she smells like him now, but she really needs to go. She promises herself that this will be a one time thing because, Jesus fuck, she’s supposed to be smarter than this. She’s not fifteen anymore, and this is not the summer where she can watch the sunset from the cornfields with her cousins even though his eyes possess the same color.
Yet she walks toward the door in a daze, like she’s forgetting something but can’t pinpoint what it is.
“Can I-”
“Hey, do you-”
She stops, mid-turning, and closes her mouth. She doesn’t realize she’s interrupting him.
“Oh, sorry,” Claire says, embarrassed. “You go first, it’s alright.”
“Can I have your number?” he asks, uncharacteristically hesitant.
She thinks he’s joking or maybe he’s just feigning interest, but one look at his eyes and she can tell that this isn’t smoke and mirrors.
The eyes, chico. They never lie. It’s dumb, but that line from Scarface is the first thing that comes to her mind. That’s why when she hands him her phone, her hand is shaking slightly. She has to bite her lip to stop herself from grinning like a maniac.  
Claire takes a cursory glance at her phone once he returns it. He saved his number solely as t.c. with the water drop, the syringe, the ghost, the eggplant, the firework emoji and she chuckles endearingly, questioning the universe how he can easily get both a rise and a laugh out of her.
“I’ll text you?” Carrick asks again and she nods a little too enthusiastically at it, but what the hell?
“Alright.” He takes one look at her, steps closer and for a moment, she thinks he might be going to kiss her.
“Goodnight, Claire,” Carrick says instead and she nods, admitting the fact that he’s not going to do it.
“Goodnight to you too, Tobias.” Then pauses at the doorway, feeling surprisingly bold. “I gotta give it to you, though, for someone who’s become the bane of my existence for months, you’re a damn good lay.”
He barks out a laugh, obviously, that Claire can hear all the way down the hall. And she thinks she can get used to the sound.
Tag list: @villain-fuckarooni @beckaroo @arfeiniel​ @this-person-is-busy @colossalpainintheass​ @drethanramslay @hatescapsicum @theeccentricbibliophile
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missorgana · 3 years
lucky accidents
pairing: geralt/jaskier
fandom: the witcher (tv)
rating: teen and up
word count: 2408
warning: swearing, alcohol
summary: Jaskier's dog runs away. He might have to sneak into a random house to get her. Needless to say, it's going to be an interesting night. (modern au, teacher jaskier, single dad geralt)
(a ridiculous meet-cute(slash ugly??) and geraskier being chaotic as a very late birthday present for the queen Sabrina / @poirot my love!!! really really hope you like this fic babeee 💖 and thank you my ride or die Cat / @inafaithforgotten for beta reading for me, saved my ass once more MWAH 💕✨ enjoy!!)
read on ao3
Out of all the ridiculously stupid and awfully humiliating things Jaskier’s done in his life, this has got to take the cake.
Granted it isn’t completely his fault. Promise.
It’s rather Buttercup’s fault, his darling beloved cocker spaniel, who’s decided to pay a visit to a random house’s garden, and house, right in the middle of their perfectly fine 2am walk, thank you very much.
Curse her loveable face. He supposes she gets her curiosity and recklessness from himself, really.
And in the end, what can Jaskier do other than try to find a way in?
It’s taken him three months to get her rid of that habit of eating just about everything dropped on the floor (his local vet probably hates him), so he’d be damned if he’s gonna lose his baby to a stranger.
Maybe he’s way past sleep deprived right now. Maybe he’s had a couple of rums in his coffee. Maybe he has no fucking idea what he’s doing.
But, oh, what a perfect time for an adventure!
Okay, if he was in his right state of mind at this point, he’d probably stopped in his tracks and realised there’s a perfectly sensible way of solving this problem, involving a fucking door bell.
Alas, as mentioned earlier,  embarrassing.
Whether it’s the daunting scenario of disturbing someone’s beauty sleep or the judgement a stranger might lay upon him from having a dog who doesn’t listen to him that scares him the most, Jaskier isn’t really sure.
So, here he is.
It took a little less than an hour for him to decide his plan of action, after about ten minutes of frantic searching, ten minutes of dawning realisation, and the rest a frantic panic staring at the god forsaken house.
Ultimately, Jaskier climbs over what he assumes is the gate to the backyard. Remember, definitely not sober right now.
It’s moments like these that leave him wondering how he ever landed his teaching job, but he  prays  to whatever gods might be up there that this doesn’t end up with him losing it. He’s too fucking passionate about that school and those kids to let it go.
But fuck! He wants his dog back!
Jaskier lands in the backyard, right to his assumption, and well, now that he’s officially trespassing on private property, he can’t really chicken out. 
Luckily, a window is propped open for his convenience. It’s an extremely hot summer night, as the last two weeks proved, so he’s in no way surprised.
And a plastic chair and table-set to jump from, wonderful!
Don’t think about the illegality of all this too much. Jaskier’s trying his best.
At least, he proves that to himself climbing in, surprising himself in how quiet he can be. Even dodging a potted plant on the window sill, he sets his foot on wooden floor, huh, those years of ballet did pay off after all.
And, yes, he took his shoes off beforehand, duh, he’s not an idiot.
But soon enough, well… uh, let’s say that’s as far as Jaskier’s plan went. Now he’s officially  breaking into a home , and he’s standing as if glued in place, staring at the living room that looks stuck in a forgotten century.
He ponders on calling her name, or rather, whispering, but Buttercup’s familiar, frantic running footsteps get ahead of him.
“Buttercup!” he whispers, willing his voice as stern as possible for the troublemaker, “Come on, girl!”
Shakes are heard, more padding of feet, and his baby comes running along from what looks like the kitchen. He’s, like, 50% sure, it’s dark and the rum is making the world a little crooked.
Thank heavens she hasn’t broken anything.
And thank heavens he’s in time to shush her before the inevitable bark comes. She looks so clueless, but so happy with her big twinkling eyes, it’s a bit annoying.
She’s in deep,  deep  trouble for this. Can’t get out of this that easy. Nope.
Jaskier’s gonna scold her anyway, but right now, relief washes over him more than anything else. Entry succeeded, goal obtained, now it’s time for his exit.
To be honest, not really something he planned, either. But surely the way in works the other way around too, right?
See, that’s the funny thing, because it’s not his happy pup smashing anything in her spontaneous adventure, no, it’s when he heads back for the window the crash happens. Or, well, he thinks it’s the way for the window, the general direction at least, but Jaskier’s hip meets with a table, and he’s pretty sure a lamp’s involved in the fall.
That really hurt, thanks for asking.
But instead of fleeing the scene even faster, like any sensible person would do, he’s frozen half-standing, half-leaning against the windowsill, as light switches on in a room down the hall, and a voice calls, “Dad?”
Shit . Why is Jaskier drunk doing this? Why is he doing this at all?
Buttercup tilts her head at him and he’s none the wiser. He really does try to move, but then she’s running off  again  and he can’t even get to chase after her before a high pitched scream meets his eardrums.
He’s caught. 
Yep, he’s so caught, because he’s an idiot who didn’t jump out the window when he should, and soon enough he’s being hit over the head with a slipper. Best night ever.
Jaskier becomes a bit of a flailing mess of limbs, attempting to dodge without much success while Buttercup starts barking excitedly somewhere in the other room. He even throws out a couple of “Ow!”s, because, seriously, that slipper hurts, what the fuck?
He can’t exactly blame his attacker, of course. In fact, very much the reaction he’d have himself. Still, he’s rather glad the hits come to a halt when the room is suddenly illuminated, the lamp he pushed over staring at him in offense.
The gruff voice from the hallway surprises him, when it says, “Princess?”
However, he’s a little more than shocked right now, because once Jaskier blinks himself to clear vision, he sees a young girl in front of him he in no way expected to meet today. Tonight. Whatever.
Ciri, one of his students, is clutching a blue slipper, used as a weapon only seconds ago, to her chest while staring at him with teacup wide eyes.
Well, this just got a hell of a lot more embarrassing.
And when Jaskier averts his eyes from the blonde girl, a giant blonde man who he can only assume is Ciri’s father, with arms that he’s pretty sure could snap him in half like a twig, is staring with a similar shocked expression, face twisted to a frown.
Why, oh, why in the name of all that is sacred and good, is the first thought jumping into Jaskier’s mind how he’d let those arms do  all sorts of things  to him.
You absolute goddamn clown. His brain’s too busy scolding him to say anything, but turns out he doesn’t need to since his pup jumps his student happily, because she doesn’t understand the situation at all and just found new friends in her post-midnight scavenger hunt.
He thinks he might’ve hit a new low at this point.
However, Ciri frees him of her father’s scrutinizing eyes for a minute, as she giggles in excitement, and now looks up at Jaskier with such a huge grin her cheeks are bound to hurt, “Mr. Jaskier!”
Okay. Okay, out of all the homes he could’ve possibly intruded in, this definitely isn’t a worse case scenario. Luck, maybe?
Not that he feels particularly lucky looking back at the man watching the scene, looking rather, uh, furious, which is understandable.
“You know this man?” he questions his daughter before Jaskier even gets time to consider his options, and the young girl looks back with an eager nod.
He himself is pretty much frozen in place.
Kind of fearing the brick wall of a man will murder him on the spot if he even moves an inch. Practically already killing him with his eyes only. Embarrassingly enough, he finds that even more attractive. Think with your  head , idiot.
Meanwhile, Ciri’s face is painted with brief confusion, “My music teacher, dad! Didn’t you listen when I told you? Mr. Jaskier’s classes are my favorite.”
The girl seats herself on the floor and scratches Buttercup behind the ears, who seems to finally have used up all her energy for the day.
Ciri maintains her excitement, though, while looking painfully disappointed at her father. The man instantly reacts, it seems, because the glare vanishes into thin air, his stance less volatile, his expression almost… soft? 
That word doesn’t exactly fit the blonde man, but it makes Jaskier feel a lot of ways. Man, is he drunk or just horny at this point?
“Of course I did.” his student’s father tells her, still eyeing him warily while apologising, “That doesn’t explain what your teacher is doing in our house, princess. At night.”
Jaskier wants to fucking die.
He tries to stammer something out, it takes, uh, a while, only landing on, “My dog.”
The blonde man frowns again.
Ciri still has zero judgement in her eyes, God bless her, and he laughs nervously in the attempt to elaborate, “Buttercup here, she, uh, ran away from me. In here. Didn’t wanna wake ya. Sorry.”
And Jaskier shakes his head at himself like it’s second nature. Well, sort of is. If you knew all the stupid shit he accidently gets himself into, you wouldn’t be surprised.
Luckily, his (favorite) student just giggles when Buttercup licks her hand, and her father seems degrees less inclined to call the cops, so that’s good. Ciri even asks him if she can give the pup a treat, and Jaskier can’t exactly say no to that, can he?
Buttercup’s clearly in love with her now, it’s adorable.
Which is why it makes him feel like a bit of an asshole when he clears his throat and tells the duo it’s probably time for him to make his exit. Ciri’s heart might as well have just shattered in pieces in front of him.
But he’s just still pretty terrified of her father’s rather menacing figure. Note to self to not be present at that parent-teacher conference.
The eye candy, though.
Focus  on not getting arrested, Jaskier!
Ultimately, she looks to her dad and stands up hesitantly, her and the pup looking at each other like they’re being torn apart for eternity, and then directs her pleading eyes back to him, “Could I walk her sometime, Mr. Jaskier?  Please ?”
His student drags out the word almost to the point where she loses her breath, and Jaskier can’t help his chuckle. Thankfully, her dad gives him a look of approval.
“Sure thing, kid.”
In return, he gets his second scare of the day when Ciri screeches again, only for a few seconds when she probably remembers it’s the dead of the night, and jumps for a hug. Bless her heart, but he can’t help still feeling utterly embarrassed. 
Jaskier pats her back before she lets go and her father ushers her to her room, and the yell “Goodnight!” is way too endearing, although it was most likely more directed to his pup than himself, fair enough.
Well, then. He finds himself standing around awkwardly, nervously still not moving until said giant of a man crosses his arms and gets Jaskier out of his own head.
“Ah, well, that’ll be my leave then.” he says, looking everywhere else than the person in front of him, scratching his neck.
It’s almost obvious he’s getting a cold shoulder until the deep voice speaks again, “Make sure to use the door this time.”
Yup, he deserves that.
To be honest, Jaskier can’t quite believe he’s… uh, survived this. Better not jinx it, though.
“I, sir, uh,” he starts, holding out a hand for Buttercup to follow along, “I cannot stress how sorry I am for this. Seriously. If you tell my superiors about this, I’ll understand, uhm, I guess I just want to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed teaching your daughter.”
And the blonde is frighteningly silent once more, though he lifts one eyebrow, whatever the hell that means.
At last, a sigh.
“Well, I hope you’ll continue.” are the words coming next, shocking enough, Jaskier almost thinks he’s sound-hallucinating, or something, “Apology accepted. Nobody’s hurt, and Cirilla seems to like you quite a lot.”
He honestly can’t help but smile, in relief more than anything else. Buttercup barks once, and the man glances down. “And your dog, too.”
Is- is that a smile? Jaskier can’t really tell, because it looks oddly out of place with, well, everything else about him. Not that he doesn’t like what he’s seeing.
The not-so-scary-anymore man even opens the door for him, gosh, he does like his men with good manners!
Maybe, possibly, he really needs to sober up. Or eat something, now that he thinks about it.
“Then, adieu!” he offers with a little flourish of his hand, but while the pup’s already running eagerly out into the rose bushes, the blonde man stops him in his tracks with, “I suppose you’d like my number.”
There’s that familiar awkwardness again! Jaskier realises this when all he can do is gape like a moron, but honestly, those might be the most surprising out of this whole evening. That says a lot.
He finds himself stammering, “Uhm, uh, pardon?”
The giant’s already writing it down on a fucking post-it note. “So you don’t have to use the window when Ciri’s going to walk her new friend over there.”
Jaskier blinks, “Ah!” Of course, what else? He’s bordering on a thin line to delusion, truly, “Obviously.”
“Obviously.” he repeats back, and Jaskier pockets the note hilariously quickly himself.
Good, good, don’t humiliate yourself even more now. He guesses he can be thankful he’s just sober enough to not try one of those… horrendous pick-up lines of his. 
Guess the eye candy will be enough.
He gives the blonde a nod at last, taking his final leave after a way too strange night, but not before the man forms that almost-smile,  pretty sure it’s a smile, again (good God, did he just check out his ass, or has Jaskier officially lost it?) and says, “Name’s Geralt, by the way.”
Jaskier nearly chokes on his own breath.
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent (the mere existence of a post-canon verse is diverging from canon)/ fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. It depends on what you mean as popular. Whoever has ever played DA2 knows Orsino because he’s important to the plot (especially in act 3) but the opinions on him are conflicted. like they are on any morally gray character. Still, he is a side character who has like 5 scenes in the entire game, so I believe he’s not getting the attention he deserves.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Orsino certainly is not everyone’s cup of tea, I can say that much. Physical appearance-wise he is very attractive for what he is: a stressed/depressed middle-aged DA2 elf who has seen SomeShit™ in his life. He has aged way more graceful than what he could have, but still, he is in his late 40s/early 50s, which can be a deterrent factor to some; also, the elves in this game have distinctive inhuman-like features that people either love or hate. Personally, I think that there is harmony and beauty in his features, which makes him weirdly pretty to look at and i love the fact that they gave him an hourglass body shape. However, Orsino’s true beauty lies in his personality and his calm, collected, polite demeanor. His voice is another huge bonus.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. I mean... he’s a First Enchanter who keeps his knowledge on blood magic and necromancy a secret, there are hints that he’s a somniari mage throughout the game, he has some very badass scenes where he kicks the asses of bigger/stronger opponents than himself when he’s outnumbered AND he has one of the 2 boss battles in the finale of the game. There is no doubt that he is a force to be reckoned with in battle.
Are they underrated? YES / NO / IDK. I think he’s criminally underrated not just by the fandom, but even  the creators of the game, who gave him no backstory, only a handful of scenes and butchered his character just to add another boss battle.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. Meeting him along with Knight Commander Meredith and Viscount Dumar earns you an achievement (the “friends in high places” one). He is one of the main antagonists in the third and most crucial part of the game and you can either choose to side with him or oppose him.
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. Lots of elements in the storyline depend on the protagonist’s political views on what’s going on in Kirkwall, and since Orsino is a prominent political figure, he is relevant to the protagonist’s views. He can be either an ally or an opponent, depending to what the protagonist’s views are. Also, he had been involved to the protagonist’s tragic loss of their mother -albeit indirectly-, since he was an informant of the murderer.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. He’s a controversial but VERY well-known public figure, to the point where he can be recognized in the streets -even if people have never seen him before, they can recognize the staff he carries, his distinctive robes and the fact that he’s an elf (an elven first enchanter is news in itself, so he doesn’t go by unnoticed). The protagonist has heard of him -along with rumors and gossip surrounding him- before he had the chance to meet him in person. He has such influence and people skills that he even carried out a rally to overturn the Knight Commander’s rule of the city and almost succeeded.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. Depends on who you ask. Mage sympathizers see him as a brave advocate of his people’s rights who wouldn’t hesitate to put his life on the stake for them. The common folk and the city authorities see him as a potentially dangerous troublemaker and rebel.
How strictly do you follow canon? — I try to follow canon mostly in my canon verse, while taking some artistic liberties due to the lack of a concise backstory. In post-canon verses and au’s, I have taken all the insights on Orsino’s personality, views and way of thinking and I have adapted them to fit each verse’s context.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  For him ‘mage’ is not just a term describing his abilities, it is also a term describing his personality as a whole. He has that elegance, cultivation and mystical charm about him; he is morally grey yet charismatic; witty yet cunning and certainly not one to be toyed with. Despite the exterior of a powerful yet restrained scholar he maintains , however, there are many layers to him and each is darker than the last. He can be both the erudite conversation partner you’d like to have an existential conversation with over a glass of good wine, a trusted advisor you’d confide your problems to and a force to be reckoned with who would obliterate you or your enemies in battle, depending on the situation. Still, the First Enchanter has some very vulnerable sides too, but he tries to keep them to himself.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — In the main verse he’s a minor character; with not as much involvement in the protagonist’s life as other characters (such as the companions). He’s also kind of secluded and not in touch with whatever happens in real life -not just because he lives in the Circle, but because he has been institutionalized, like any other person who has been brought there from a very young age. Also, there is the age gap which can make him a bit harder to reach than someone younger.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  When I played DA2 for the first time, Orsino piqued my interest because he was the very definition of a tragic figure.  He was the only voice of reason in the madhouse that is Kirkwall; yet he was fighting alone for a just cause that was doomed. He had the whole city and the authorities against him; still, he did not give up trying to protect his people; and he did his best to refrain from violence until the bitter end. His death -a suicide, no matter how you cut it- was equally tragic as the life he led; it was seeing the bringer of hope for mages losing all hope himself and deciding to go fighting and not on his knees. That, combined with his sarcasm and sophistication convinced me that I had to do justice to this poor underappreciated soul and dig deeper into his character -even try to write an alternative ending for him. Hence, this blog was created.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  My amazing roleplay partners with all the good work they put into their characters and the love they have shown me and my character so far. I love you guys <3
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? i have my doubts sometimes, but i think i do ok. Still, I would love to have more feedback to see how i can improve even more.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF Headcanons, metas, the works.
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO. I am not sure what is meant by ‘drabbles’ but sure, I’d love to write more of those.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. All the time, especially before going to bed. That is where all those rp ideas come from.
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? Again, i don’t really get much feedback, so i am not that sure if I am doing any good and if my Orsino sounds genuine
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. I like how i have written some threads more than others, I’m not gonna lie.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA. I am a sensitive person in general, but not someone whose feelings are easily hurt/triggered or someone who takes things that are not my business to heart.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Criticism is welcome only when it is constructive; in the sense that there are clearly stated arguments as to what I do not do right and suggestions on how to improve. If someone sends me an ask like “i don’t like x just because” or anon hate, I am just going to ignore it.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — YES!!! YESS!!! YESS!!!!!!! I cannot stress enough how helpful it is for me to receive suggestions and questions that help me explore sides of my character i have not thought about so far! Even if your questions are the randomest things ever, i’d still LOVE to answer them. I have received some asks like “what would Orsino do in x situation” in the past and they were SO fun to write!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Of course! As I said, so far the opinion is supported beyond the ‘just because’, I will be happy to consider it. Anything that helps me broaden my perspective is welcome.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — I do not really mind; i am the first person to recognize that Orsino is a controversial figure and people may hate him for whatever reason. I might not agree with the hate, but each to their own I suppose.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — If they do not do it in the typical ‘grammar nazi’ style i’m chill with it. Grammatical errors tend to happen more often than not, just because i almost never proofread. *shrug*
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think so, yes. As I said, I am not easily annoyed, triggered or have my feelings hurt, and i am very excited to interact with new people. Still, i do recommend reading my verses/about/rules pages, if anything, to know what to expect from my portrayal and activity patterns.
tagged by: stolen from @theharellan tagging: @of-enormous-girth @oftevinter @the-old-and-the-hapless @soldier-of-visus @lathsuledin @redtemplarcommander​ @hisfavoritewolf​ @the-champions-of-the-just​ @lowtownbutcher​ @elderone​ @sworntoprotect​ @altuspavus​ @starkhavenprince​ @aqun--athlok​ @hornedchief​ @iamcole​
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Fanfic Author Meme.  Keep Reading after question 2 for 3-50.
1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
Jesus Lord, no.  I’d die of secondhand embarrassment before I got halfway through it.  It was never published online, thank Christ.  It was called … ugh, I don’t remember what I called it, but it was a line from Edmund Spenser.  (Don’t judge.)  It was an OC female character and Autolycus, from Hercules and Xena, played by Bruce Campbell.  It was… a SHAMBLES.  Self-insert, wish-fulfillment of the worst kind.  But, my friend Alicia read it at the time and she told me how great she thought it was, and I should keep at it.  So, thank you, Edmund-Spenser-titled-fic.
2. What’s your most recent fic and how far do you think you’ve come?
It’s called “i commit sins every day but i never give my soul away”, and it’s on my AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/22951009.  And I actually don’t have a unit of measurement for how much I’ve improved.  But it’s also been… God, I’m 43 today,  so it’s been 27 years I’ve been writing.  Almost thirty years.  Shit, I’m old.
3. In your opinion, what’s your best fic?
Oh, man.  Tricky question.  If by best you mean technically written, most enjoyable?  I’d say maybe wasting the dawn.  Definitely By Inches We Fall.  But to be totally honest with you?  I think my best fic, the one that got me, personally by the throat, shook me, and hasn’t let me go?  Shoah.  It’s one of my earlier fics, from the Sentinel fandom, but man.  Writing this was rough.  I did my research on concentration camps, and I couldn’t sleep right for weeks.  Lisa and Patt were holding my hands over AIM practically every night when I was sobbing that I couldn’t finish it, that I couldn’t do it, that it was too much.  (I’d have been about fucking seventeen, maybe nineteen, when I was writing it.)  I bit off way more than I was prepared for, but I didn’t quit.  And I’m proud, quite frankly, that I even finished the damn thing, but even this far removed from it, I still feel that gut-punch when I go back re-read it, which is why I don’t.  And haven’t for a couple of years.  
4. In your opinion and without looking at any numbers, what’s your most popular fic?
It’d probably be Consortio.
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
I actually feel that way about 99% of my stuff.  Even some of the older stuff, I re-read it and I get really happy because not only do I see myself changing and maturing, I realize I was harder on myself than I should have been.  I didn’t suck like I thought, and I get the warm fuzzies.
6. Is there any fic that makes you super embarrassed to reread and remember you wrote that?
Er, not really?  I mean, there’s some cringey shit I wrote when I was like, twelve, but not even I know where those notebooks got off to.
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
By Inches We Fall.  It’s my only Game of Thrones fic, and I feel like I really want to continue the story of Jamie and Brienne and their kids, and of Jaime being Hand to King Jon and Queen Sansa.
8. What’s the oldest (longest since last update) fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
How Firm A Foundation.  It’s a Deadwood fic, and I (many years ago, when Deadwood was actually on the air) actually sketched out how every chapter would go.  There’s a few things I’d change today, if I started it again, just because I can plot better than I could ten years ago, but I think the thread of the story is gone forever.
9. Have you ever written for a fandom without watching/reading/playing the source material?
Yami No Matsuei.  A friend of mine was actually heavily into YnM, and I wrote several stories for her.  Later I’ve watched some of it, and I realize I did okay on my characterizations, but there’s always things I could have done better.
10. Have you ever written for a fandom without reading other fanfic for it?
Pretty much every fandom I have ever been in.  I don’t read a lot of fanfic, because I’m afraid (almost paranoid, in fact) that I’ll internalize something I’ve read and later spout it out in my fic, and I don’t ever want to copy anyone, deliberately or otherwise.
11. Have you ever written a fic for a concept you know someone else has done before? How did it impact your writing process or feelings after posting?
I have, and I didn’t publish it for the reason above; I didn’t feel like my take on it was original enough to bother.
12. Have you ever written a fic and decided never to publish it? Why?
Lots of reasons, actually.  Sometimes I write with the intention of not publishing, it’s something just for me.  I’ve also written a few fics that I ended up absolutely hating, and they’ve never seen the light of day.  I’ve also done some that I felt wasn’t original enough, or they were written about the trope du jour, and I had nothing else to offer that ten other people hadn’t already done.
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
Sentence style and structure.  I used to do the whole, “He said.”  “In reply, she said.”  “The sky was blue when he rode in.”  And then a few of my better friends (and betas) took me in hand and showed me how to mix it up, chop my comma addiction in half (seriously, I once had a single sentence run on for twelve lines.) and I feel like I get a better grip on characterization.
14. What’s the biggest change in your taste between when you started in fandom and today?
Sex.  I used to write it in everything.  And then the more I wrote, and the older I got, the less I wanted to write it (or read it, or talk about it.)  So I’m a lot more comfortable writing non-sex stories than I used to be.
15. Have you ever purposefully written one fandom/fic idea over another because you knew it’d be more popular?
Of course.  I think everyone has, at one point or another.
16. Have you ever stopped writing a fic/for a fandom because it wasn’t receiving enough attention?
Anything I’ve ever abandoned was lack of my own attention, not anything else.  I’m kinda used to not getting a lot of attention.
17. In your opinion, what’s your most overrated fic?
What He Wants.  It’s pretentious wankfic, for a pairing I don’t actually like all that much (Lucius/Harry), and I just feel like everyone loves it way more than it deserves.
18. What’s your most underrated fic?
I’m gonna pick on Shoah again, because I feel like it just doesn’t get enough love.  I’m biased, because of how emotionally attached I am to the fic, but I feel like it’s ignored.
19. If you had to pick one fic/scene/chapter of your work to describe your entire portfolio to a stranger, which would you pick?
Wasting The Dawn.  It’s a Magicians fic, and it showcases every character from the show, and I think I did a passable job of hitting every voice.  So I’d be proud to show that one around.
20. Have/Would you ever rewrite a fic? If yes, would you take the original down?
Would I rewrite it?  Sure.  Would I take down the original?  Um, that’s a little more difficult.  On the one hand, I’m not really ashamed, as such, of anything that I did.  But having two copies of things would get really complicated and onerous.  I might actually start a second pseud, like maybe kelex-originals or something like that, and move the originals over to that, and leave the rewrites on my main, with a link to the original in the notes.  Yeah, that’s probably what I’d do.
21. If someone starts kudosing and commenting your fics in a spree and has a few works of their own, would you go look through theirs?
HELL YES.  Mostly because I’m always looking for shinies to read in fandoms I don’t write for.  I also kind of like to read their stuff and get a feel for who they are and why they like what I’ve got.  But mostly, I just love it and it makes me giggle watching someone go through my fics and like EEEE THERE YOU ARE AGAIN.
22. Has there ever been anyone who’s made you freak out because they read your work and followed/favorited/reviewed?
Fucking scads of people, actually.
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten?
Oh man, I’ve got a fuckton of good ones.  But the one that I always get a kick out of is on one of my Gotham fics, and the comment was along the lines of, the tag mentioned bed-sharing and they thought that was all it was going to be, but it was so much more and they got caught up in it and it was wonderful.  And that’s my favorite (if not the nicest) because I love the fact that I was able to give someone something they enjoyed, even more because it was unexpected!
24. What’s the meanest review you’ve ever gotten? Do you think the reviewer intended it?
It was a review back in the days of OneList, and I was told that my pencils should be broken and my keyboard taken away because I was a terrible writer.  And yes, I know they meant it.
25. What constructive criticism, however well-meaning, always makes you feel bad when you see it in a review?
It’s less a concrit and more a crit.  But it’s always, “why did you do X?  It was out of character!” and that makes me grit my teeth.  Mostly because I feel like I’ve always explained, thoroughly, why I’ve done something (whether in dialog, in the writing itself, or heavily implied in monologues), and that question always makes me want to throttle someone because either they didn’t get it, or I didn’t.  
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised?
Humor.  I’m a sarcastic bitch, and when it’s appropriate (and sometimes when it isn’t), I have funny characters or have characters deadpan things.  And it delights the fuck out of me when someone highlights that as one of their favorite parts.
27. If you could only ever write crossovers or single-fandom fics ever again, which would you pick?
Single fandom fics.  I’m not a fan of crossovers, though I’ve written them from time to time, and probably will again if I think it’s appropriate.  I just prefer not to cross the streams, as it were.
28. if you could only ever write for a single crossover or a single fandom again, which would you pick?
Good Omens.  Hands down.  So. Many. AUs.  So many ideas.  So many delightful characters.
29. Does the division of your writing across fandoms line up with your reading? What’s the biggest discrepancy?
It does not.  I read far, far less than I actually write.
30. Do you continue to write for a fandom after you’ve moved on or do you focus solely on the new one?
I usually focus on the new one, however, I’ve occasionally re-visited a fandom after I’ve left it, because inspiration hits me, or I’ve gotten back into it.
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
Margo Hanson, from the Magicians.
32. Who’s the one character who shines without you even trying?
There’s a few.  Eliot Waugh, Lex Luthor, Jack O’Neill, the Doctor (9 & 10 mostly)
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up?
Not really?  Characters and scenes are as long as they need to be.  I do think the quality holds up, though, because honestly, by the time they’re done, I’m done.
34. Was there any fic that you wrote that really surprised you in the fandom reaction? Was it just by the numbers or did they take it an entirely different way?
Not really, or if there was, I don’t remember it.
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
Yup.  It snuck in there, especially in the background early on, and by the end I was like, what the fuck, I don’t even ship you, YOU DON’T EVEN GO HERE.
36. Have you ever sincerely written a ship you do not support into a fic?
Nope.  If I don’t like a ship, I don’t write it.
37. Have you ever purposefully bashed a character/ship in a fic?
No.  Not as a writer.  But like, I have written a character saying “I don’t think X belongs with Y, they belong with me!” because that’s pretty much how the actual relationship went down.  (Spike, Buffy, Riley most specifically.)
38. Have you ever purposefully written something you know your readers would find uncomfortable/would not enjoy? If yes, why?
Very, very, very many years ago.  I wrote it just to see if I could.  I could, I did, and I haven’t written it again.
39. Do you consider yourself to have a readership?
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content?
I feel like I put out what I need to.  Is it enough?  idk.
41. If you cross-post your fics on multiple sites, do you have a favorite? Are there certain fics you would only post on certain site?
AO3 is, hands down, my favorite.  For awhile, I was posting to WWOMB (Wonderful World of Make-Believe) but I’ve stopped there, sadly.
42. How many views has your most popular fic gotten?
Consortio is my most popular fic, and it’s gotten 21,658 hits.  Although the fic is multi-chapter, so I don’t know how to break that down into individual hits. In fact, four of my five most popular are multi-chapters.  The only single-chapter fic is What He Wants, clocking in at 6,743. 
43. Your least popular?
The Rose and the Yew Tree, with 0 hits.
44. Do you follow/favorite/kudos/comment/review more stories than you have received?
Unfortunately, no.
45. If you had to call yourself an author of a single genre (besides fanfic) what label would you give yourself?
46. Do you consider yourself a diverse author?
Diverse as in fandoms?  Yes.  Diverse as in style?  Not so much.
47. If someone you know in real life who isn’t involved in fandoms asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
I’ve done that before, and I’ve tailored it to the person and what I know they like.  For example, my old boss got me hooked on La Femme Nikita (the Peta Wilson one), and so when she wanted to read my writing, I gave her my LFN fics to read.
48. Does anyone you know from outside of fandom know you write fanfic? Are they involved in the same fandom too?
Yes, and some of them.
49. Has anyone in your life ever read your fanfic just because you wrote it?
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive?
It has had a very significant impact, and no, it hasn’t been at all positive.  Some of my best moments, as well as my worst, are because of fanfic and fandom, but fanfic in particular.  Fic’s brought me close to people, fic’s pushed me away from people, and it’s made people change the way they look at me.
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anneapocalypse · 5 years
[RvB 17.09] Succession
FIRST Spoilers
BOY HOWDY we've got a lot to unpack here!
This was a very dense episode.
I kinda wish more of an effort had been made to show Tucker having to hide what he's doing to keep the timeline straight, instead of doing very obviously strange and out of character things right out in the open—as though Wash and everyone else are going to see Tucker deliberately sabotaging his own team in a serious battle where they very nearly all die and just be like "Huh, weird" and never bring it up again. I know I'm asking too much of this fix-it plot, but for me it really detracts from what is otherwise a serious plot point where a lot is at stake, both narratively and emotionally for Tucker.
Tucker talking to himself right out loud in front of Felix is written off as a concussion, sure, but it still gave me unbearable secondhand embarrassment.
But here's what I loved: Tucker's moment of self-reflection. It was pretty much perfect. I won't say it erases the mess that was season 16—I don't think that's possible—but it's about as good a reframing of it as we could possibly get, and I think I love it.
So much happens in that moment!
This was one of the worst moments of my life. But it reminded me of something. I became a leader on Chorus. And since we left it, I've been trying to act how I thought a leader should: cool, macho, totally self-confident. But somehow I forgot that I wasn't any of those things while I was actually leading. I was scared all the time, constantly second-guessing myself. But when shit got bad, I was the one to step up and make a decision. That's all it is! And right now, Donut's doing a better job of that than anyone. So yeah, I've got faith. What have you got?
Tucker remembers what made him a leader on Chorus: not boundless self-confidence or self-inflated posturing, but simply the will to act when necessary, even when he was scared and filled with self-doubt. And not only does this bring back our more thoughtful and less impulsive Tucker (thank the gods), it also drives him to a deeper respect for Donut.
It's really good, and a relief on multiple levels.
I also love that Sarge fucked up his timeline fix the first time, and had to go back and fix it. And Donut having to get up close and personal with the Meta in Valhalla was pretty funny too.
Then we come to Wash and Carolina. I have mostly positive feelings about this bit, again with one big complaint, so I'll get that out of the way first.
The "I see you more as a brother" line felt kind of... look, I get why it's in there. It's in there so that the fans who hate Washlina as a romantic ship don't lose their minds when they say they love each other a few lines later. It's so they can show Carolina and Wash as unambiguously close without getting the kind of backlash season 15 got. And while I don't want the ship to be canon (I like it in fanworks; I don't trust the show itself with portrayals of m/f ships that aren't meant to be total dumpster fires), there is... sort of a history of a certain subset of non-shippers in the fandom using "they're SIBLINGS" very aggressively as a bludgeon against shippers, and canon fueling that, especially if it's a response to the season 15 backlash, feels Not Great, and I'll leave it at that. I also have complicated feelings about the fact that a relationship between a male and female character has to be stated to be sibling-like just to pre-empt it being read as romantic? Wash has already used the word "friend" at least twice this season, once in this very episode, and friendships actually aren't necessarily analogous to sibling relationships, so having Carolina interject with "more like a brother" after Wash specifically calls her a friend is kind of a weird note in-universe and out of universe it feels like it's trying to telegraph something else to the audience and I'm not wild about all the subtext going on there.
But to get out from under that subtext, the rest of their conversation is pretty great. I knew this was coming—in the euphoria of good character writing over the last few episodes, it was easy to forget that to fix the timeline completely, Wash had to go and get re-shot. But Wash has known that all along. And he took a moment specifically to talk to Carolina about it, to make sure she was prepared for what had to happen.
This is the most emotional we've ever seen Carolina get in canon. Carolina has never cried, not once, and for some of us, I think it's actually pretty hard to hear. I think I understand now why Jen Brown said she had to dig deep for this season. Historically, this is not how Carolina's tended to express strong emotions. I've written before about how Carolina has tended to express negative emotions as anger, because it's a way to mask her vulnerability. That she is able to be so vulnerable with Wash here speaks to her individual character growth as well as the growth of their relationship.
In short: Carolina crying here is good actually.
I think she's pretty clearly still struggling to come to terms with the idea that Wash's brain damage doesn't mean he's gone. Wash is more at peace with it; he knows he'll still be himself, that the condition will change things but can be managed. For Carolina... I think she's still remembering how alone and scared she felt during the months she spent with Wash on Chorus, watching him struggle with his recovery, seeing his memory lapses and hoping they would eventually get better. She hasn't yet realized, maybe, that's it's because she never talked to Wash about it that she felt so disconnected from him. When they both know what's going on and can be open about it, I think she's going to feel a lot less alone and scared, and will realize that the Wash she always knew is still there.
That's if Wash does get re-shot.
I have a theory I think it is about 50% likely to happen that he's not going to.
First, I get the feeling somebody doesn't want to deal with having to write Wash that way in the future, whether it's Jason or Miles or both of them thinking about whoever comes after. They did have him revert very early in the season, and with so much happening and so many characters to juggle, it's kind of understandable. I will not be at all surprised if they decide to keep him un-injured going forward for that reason.
And from an in-universe perspective, I can see exactly how it could happen. We've already established that the danger of paradoxes is specifically freeing Chrovos from the cage, not, you know, collapsing spacetime as we might have thought. And we've just learned through this episode's mandatory exposition dump scene that Genkins, unsurprisingly, really just wants power for himself and is perfectly willing to double-cross Chrovos to get it.
So the answer's simple: Genkins kills Chrovos. With her dead, the cracks in the timeline no longer matter, and the Reds and Blues' objective becomes killing Genkins. They then have the option of resetting the timeline where they choose.
I mean, sure, there are holes in it, but this season's plot is already swiss cheese, so... I just think they might do it. But we'll see what happens next time.
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✩ Roleplaying History ✩
(Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Please repost instead of reblog!)
(Tagged by: @ducktales-wco-oo and @phooeyonyou​)
(Tagging: Seems like you’re up next!)
Currently playing:
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Duckworth - DuckTales 1987/2017/Other AU Versions
Dewey Duck - DuckTales 2017/Other AU Versions
Fenton Crackshell/-Cabrera/Gizmoduck - 2017/1987/ Other AU Versions
Negaduck/Drake Mallard - Darkwing Duck - Show/Comics/Dangerous Currency/Other AU Versions
Skunky Skunk - Bonkers Show/Other AU Versions
Huckleberry Hound - Classic Hanna-Barbera/Trio of Triumph/Other AU Versions
Ludwig Von Drake - House of Mouse/DuckTales 1987/2017/Other AU Versions (@thegenludwigvondrake)
Claire Redfield - Resident Evil
Trish - Devil May Cry
Quick Draw McGraw - Classic Hanna-Barbera/Trio of Triumph/Other AU Versions (I seriously need to update his icons and stuff. The ones I have I feel would not do him justice as of currently.) @quick-draw-mcgraw-rp
Want to play: (I’d share some of the new ones coming with updates, but surprises are surprises! They will be test muses of course, and I may alter or even archive some muses.)
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Dynomutt - Hanna-Barbera (With a clumsy but chill and courageous cybernetic pooch like this guy, I just haven’t done much to promote him. He’s a good pal to have and is pretty friendly!)
Hawkgirl/Shayera Hol - DC Comics (Tougher than nails, but good company to keep once you get past her initial meeting phase! DCAU can be pretty weird to mesh in with other folks, but I should still try a little more?)
Howard the Duck - Marvel Comics (Yeah, yeah, he’s still on here, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been trying to push him out there like some of the ones I currently play. He’s a guy with issues that many people can probably relate to, and is fun to irritate.)
Hokey Wolf - Hanna-Barbera (As my favorite HB character of all time, well, it’s not that out of the ball park that I’d like to rp as him on here. There aren’t that many that I think would know of Hokey though. Suave, calm, and sassy is his thing, and he’ll con you a new one better than Yogi Bear ever will!)
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts (”But he’s on here and I have done a thread or two with him!” Yeah, that’s true, but just recently have I kinda noticed some things about how I’d play Roxas might not mix well with other muns, mainly because of the constant preaching of “friends over family” that KH has, it kinda leads me away from thinking Roxas would consider anyone older than him like a parent and just friend zone them instantly. I might be overthinking it, but it’s just something I don’t see happening, and until I can find my confidence and hopefully a better method of playing Roxas, he’ll be in semi-hiatus for the time being.)
Sylvester Pussycat/Daffy Duck - Looney Tunes (I have done very little with either, though I can do something with Sylvester as of now, just Daffy needs some tweaking and icons for other verses. But when I have a good grip on both situations, they’ll be put out into the open for all to interact with for the other verses!)
Dracula Duck - DuckTales (As I have not been working on his icons like I should have, with very good reason for so too, I still have so many great ideas and AUs for him that I’ll share when I can get him completed.)
Gideon McDuck - Duckverse/Disney Comics (”But you play him too!” Ohhhhkay, Gid is a tough topic to deal with as even the mere mention of his name can serve up controversy in times when it is not need, like any time, but he is still a favorite of mine and technically still a good or possible character in DuckTales 2017. He can or doesn’t have to be related, I mean, look at Huge McDuck and what he did and he’s not even a real relative. What I want to do is continue giving the chief editor a chance to shine and be noticed for all of his straight-forward but considerate mannerisms, search for truth and justice, and all of that from the news side of the world.) @gideon-mcduck
John D. Rockerduck/Roller Dollar - Duckverse/Disney Comics (”Also him as well!” Look, John is more known and very well received to be the third richest duck in the world, and as he aims for first place in besting Scrooge, he’s also not that bad of a guy. Sure, he may have a devious, mischievous, and even cheating side to him, but get to know the guy well and he’ll treat you like family. Not his of course as there’s a lot of turmoil in his but better than any average person for sure. Not only that, but he has gone through some radical adventures, giving him versatility, and even has a supervillian persona, one akin to Magneto. Polaris [Marvel], Doctor Polaris [DC], and Cosmic Boy in some terms of powers. When he hits the stage, he makes sure his appearance is known! Until he’s forced to munch on another one of his bowler hats.) @john-d-rockerduck
Underdog/Shoeshine Boy - Terry Toons? (Being a big fan of some superheroes, and knowing that Underdog has become a rarity in that of the super hero fandom, I decided it might be nice to try and help bring him back! As overpowered as he is, of course he can get the good old nerfing rod, or not, however you want it! Mainly what seems to be cool would be the situations in which he saves the day that don’t always involve Polly Purebred, or just his daily life as a shoeshine boy?) @underhcro
Have played:
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Ralph Runner - Loonatics Unleashed (Boy, is this 50′s-60′s esque father of a roadrunner something! He’ll probably have you smacking your head in frustration from the very fast speak he talks. Ralph can slow down though, so that’s not much of a problem! Keeping up with him physically though is another thing, like for some reason, he still has a potbelly but can move at super sonic speeds? I guess not every speedster has a hyper fast metabolism? Either way, if you’re in the future sometime, you might find him at his business or somewhere in Acmetropolis, if it’s in the same time and universe!)
Snagglepuss - Hanna-Barbera (Ooooh, this guy. I have SO many ideas with him that they pale in comparison to Huck and Hokey, when just using my ideas and not the combined efforts of mine with others. A moment that explains how he went from being an antagonist and rival to being a good friend along with his fur change? Got it! An explanation for how he loses some of his daring and adventurous backbone? Already thought of! And the list goes on for this mountain lion! I may not have played him on Tumblr, but I have played him before, and I have hear I am really good from others.)
Bathound/Ace Wayne - DC Comics (A detective that likes to do his work more than anything, and does it best when alone? Oh yeah, that is a vigilante I can get behind! I still have yet to promote him more and such, but he is a good guy to antagonize since he does hate silliness and such when it comes to the mission. Though not as devoted to the mission as Bruce/Batman is, he can be at times and that is one of his best traits/worst flaws.)
José Carioca - Disney (As he is literally my most favorite Caballero, sorry Don and Pan, he does get a lot of love from me. With his questionable past of having what can be debated to be regular magic or black magic, coy and sly demeanor when on his con work, or just being the cool and levelheaded member until a party arises. Maybe it is because he reminds me too much of myself in some cases, but I do not know. He is still available for whoever wants for me to make a starter with him! I also have to continue the thread that has him in it.)
Morrigan Aensland - DarkStalkers (I question on how I should approach making her icons as she is well, look at her. Though she is a succubus and gets away with that because it goes back into the lore of succubi, I feel like some people would be uncomfortable with her around, which is normal. She is kinda one of those..... characters that I don’t want to type the acronym of. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to play her. She’s a good character that has an intriguing personality!)
Igor - Count Duckula (Ah yes, my first rp blog that I had when I decided to rp on Tumblr. It’s still up, and I’m still working on it! But for all that do not know, here’s a little thing about my writing; If it wasn’t for me rping as Igor, and also having knowledge of Alfred Pennyworth, I might not have been thinking about playing Duckworth as early as I did. I do love Duckworth still to about the same amount as Igor, which is a LOT, but they kinda are two sides of the same coin. Heck, they even wear almost similar attire except for their appearance and tastes in some things.) @butlerofthecount
Dante - Devil May Cry (I definitely need to work on this blog again, as DMC5 sparked my thrist for some good demon slaying threads. Hopefully the pizza hasn’t gotten cold or moldy by now, but if it has, one can always order a new one!) @merciless-style
Goofy Goof - Disney (It’s no joke! I may not have him on here, but then again, not all of my muses are on here. Some are exclusive to here, and others are exclusive to other places. While I’d love to present my take on the cherry and clumsy goof, I prefer to see everyone else’s interpretation on here! Goof Paradise is Nice, but I’m too impure for that life. XD)
Tidus - Final Fantasy X (I swear, I’m still making icons for him in the PS2 original Final Fantasy X because I’m sorry, that’s the only way I like Tidus’ face in the first and second games, Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia series are okay, but not the HD Remasters [in my opinion].) @caladbolgdreamknight
Gemerl/Emerl - Sonic The Hedgehog (I definitely wouldn’t mind giving this copy bot a chance to get some light again!)
8 notes · View notes
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Magnus/Alec fandom favorites - The full list of nominated fics!
Thank you to everyone who submitted the fics for our poll! We’re excited to present the full list of nominated works.
The list is in order of author pseud from A - Z. Have fun reading! 
Breakfast by Accal1a (Explicit | 1/1 | 2,765)
Alec thought it was very sweet that Magnus made them both breakfast and loved the new dining room table, only to find out that his boyfriend had an ulterior motive all along… 
The Club by Accal1a (Explicit | 1/1 | 5,985)
Magnus has a membership to a very special club, which Alec can't stop thinking about. So, one evening, he gets up the courage to mention it...
A Spanish Revolution by Accal1a (Explicit | 50/50 | 130,740)
Lorenzo Rey breezes back into town wanting to help Magnus Bane with a new revolution, after Magnus' failed attempt with the Seelies. What he wasn't prepared for was a contrite Magnus who wanted nothing to do with him. He decides to convince him, using Magnus' love against him. Can Magnus keep everyone he loves safe while still trying to convince Lorenzo this is a bad idea? Can love win out when the chips all fall after the battle is over?
Far From Gone by Agnes Joseph (Explicit | 7/7 | 124.596)
When the Soul Sword is threatening all of the Downworld again, Magnus’ solution comes with a price. A price Alec finds too high to pay.
Call You Home by Airuna (PG13 | 7/7 |  62,247)
Alec Lightwood was pretty content with his life, he had a successful job leading a law firm with one of his best friends, a great relationship with his siblings and a perfectly acceptable apartment. He really wasn’t looking for anything more but when he finds a little girl waiting all alone in a coffee shop his life will change irremediably and maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all. Or,The one in which Alec makes up with his mother, gets a boyfriend and adopts a little girl. Just not necessarily in that order.
i get to love you by alineppenhallow (PG13 | 1/1 | 1,378)
I get to love you, it’s the best thing that I’ll ever do.
Magnus thinks back on past holidays now that Ragnor is gone, luckily Alec makes an unexpected visit to draw him out of his sadness…
nocturne by alineppenhallow (PG13 | 1/1 | 2,310)
“Stay for just one more drink…and then decide.”
Music to my Ears by Alistoney (PG13 | 1/1 | 10,913)
“Emma,” Alec says startled, but he’s smiling, “do you need something?”
Emma grins as she looks between Magnus and Alec and her eyes turn mischievous.
“I did come to ask whether you’d found out about the all-state audition music, but I can see that you’re quite busy so I’ll come back another time.” She winks and turns to Ty and indicates that they’re leaving.
Or the one where band teacher Alec and drama teacher Magnus have a special connection and their students make it their goal to get them together.
Don’t You Wanna Stay by AlxSteele (Mature | 2/2 | 38,014)
Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane have hated each other since the moment they met, both working at a small coffee shop. Five years later, the hate is still going strong as they blame each other for the fact that they were fired from the coffee shop five years before. But, will all that change when they end up hooking up after a bad day? And…keep doing that. They do still hate each other… Don’t they?
Hate and love. Sex and feelings. Things are getting a little… Complicated.
Paparazzi by AlxSteele (Not Rated | 31/31 | 219,060)
Magnus Bane is a pop star best known for his break up songs and wicked dance sequences. Alec Lightwood is an actor best known for being the object of Magnus’ songs.
When Alec’s new tv show gets picked up, a series of events throws Magnus back into his life, bringing up a mess of memories and confusion. Forced to spend more and more time together, will they ever figure their feelings out?
Plus One by AlxSteele (PG13 | 3/3 | 75,206)
When Alec’s invite arrives for his brother’s wedding, he allows his best friend Magnus Bane to convince him to check “plus one”, insisting he’ll find a date by then. Only, he doesn’t. Clearly, the only thing to do is bring Magnus to the wedding as his fake boyfriend. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
Strange Love by Arandomfan91 (Mature | 17/17 | 46,632)
Alec is in love with Magnus. Magnus needs Alec to be his fake boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
The Language of Flowers by Astudyinfic (PG13 | 8/8 | 19,099)
Following the loss of his brother, florist Alec Lightwood wants to do something to remember him by. Enter tattoo artist Magnus Bane who brings beauty and love into his life. What starts as a one-time thing blooms into an expression of love for all the important people in Alec’s life.
To Fly is to Risk Falling by Astudyinfic (Explicit | 8/8 | 25,923)
Thrown out by his parents and forbidden from seeing his siblings, when Alec's grandfather Andrew passes, he loses the only family he has left. One night Alec receives a mysterious package in the mail, his birthright from Andrew whose death left Alec alone in the world. Inside, he discovers his family secret: the firstborn Lightwood of every other generation has wings.
With the knowledge of how to unlock his wings, Alec takes to the skies over New York every night, as a way to escape the sadness of his life. One night, he sees a man far too drunk to be standing that close to a railing and catches him just in time.
So starts a tentative relationship between the 'broken' Magnus Bane and his guardian angel who appears on his penthouse balcony every night. Together the two start to heal on their own and as a pair.
Universally Acknowledged by Astudyinfic (Explicit | 26/26 | 70,168)
Alec Lightwood knows what he wants. He also knows he can't have it. So he focuses on making his sure his siblings are happy, despite all the challenges thrown at him by family, society, and his own mind. But when his sister falls for the new owner of DuMort Park and Alec is required to be her chaperone, he wonders if he might be able to have what he wants after all with Mr. Lewis' flamboyant and beautiful brother. A self-made man named Magnus Bane.
I Think I'm Falling For You by Baneofbrooklyn (PG13 | 1/1 | 4,333)
" 'Do you think you could ever fall in love with me?' Alec asked, his hands stilled on Magnus’ side, and he dropped their hands, laced together still, against his own chest on top of his heart.
Magnus didn't reply. He wanted to tell Alec he already had fallen for him.
Instead he tried to convey those feelings through a tone, and he uttered softly, 'It would be an honor to fall in love with you, Alexander Lightwood.' "
Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood discuss what it's like to be in love, and Alec confesses that he never loved Jace.
Good Our Whole Lives by Beatperfume (Explicit | 9/9 | 34,833)
They say that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, and it’s just as true for the Downworld as the mundane one.
But this is the first time Magnus has ever heard of a nephilim hustling his crowd.
Per Aspera by Beatperfume (Mature | 1/1 | 16,366)
Captain Alec Lightwood goes to Atlantis, fights Wraith, gets soul bonded, gets kidnapped, gets sex pollened, blows stuff up, and falls in love. Mostly in that order.
A Stargate Atlantis AU.
Owe you a mistake by BookAdictArchiver (PG | 16/16 | 44,114)
Magnus Bane is a TV heart-throb who doesn't want a bodyguard, this wasn't what Alec was thinking when he signed up to be one either. But Alec needs the job, so he's gotta suck it up and work for a man who may look like an angel, but if more than difficult to please. And Magnus needs his producer off his back. After all, its not like they are gonna be spending most their time together. 
Inimitable by Bumblebeesknees (Explicit | 1/1 | 13,515)
Stuck in London in 1882 without Magnus’ magic, the way back to New York in the 21st century requires securing a charmed amulet from the Magnus who lives in that time. Thankfully, Alec has a proven track record of being the kind of man Magnus wants. This is both good and bad news. -
“It’s the only way,” says Magnus, grim. “And it’ll work. We already know that just one look is all it’ll take for him to go for you."
lionheart by Bumblebeesknees (Explicit | 1/1 | 8,350)
Magnus’ bed hasn’t felt like his own without Alec in it. His body hasn’t felt the same without Alec’s warmth pressed up against it. From the second Alec takes his hand, Magnus doesn’t waste any time fixing either of those things. [Coda to 2x20] -
When Magnus asks, “Do you want to get out of here?” it really, truly isn’t his intention to imply anything. He doesn’t even know what he expects. To finally pull Alec back into the loft, maybe. Sit on the sofa, conjure up another drink. Maybe rest his hand on the steady, reassuring beat of Alec’s heart and lean in to kiss his waiting lips.
Midas by Bumblebeesknees (PG | 1/1 | 4,930)
Magnus gets tangled up in a spell that has everything he touches, living or not, turn to gold. Thankfully, the key to breaking any fairy curse is true love’s kiss. Alec would be the simple solution to this dilemma – except that despite his best efforts he and Magnus are still not together, an uncrossable line drawn on the sand between them. -
“Is anything different for you now?” Alec asks quietly. “If I tell you again that I’m sorry, if I ask you again to give us a shot, that I really think we can make it work – will that make a difference?”
Permanent Resident by Bumblebeesnees (Explicit | 1/1 | 15,015)
Alec is Persephone and just wants to spend a weekend with his boyfriend in peace. Only issue: Magnus is Hades, and visiting him means taking a trip to the land of the dead. Magnus is understandably wary, but Alec’s not deterred – all they have to do is make sure Alec doesn’t eat anything from down there and everything will be fine.
Also starring Jace as a traumatized Hermes, Maryse as a furious Demeter, and Izzy, Clary, and Maia as the Fate Sisters reeled in to help with an unprecedented dilemma. -
“I think I would remember if I had–” And then the words catch in Alec’s throat as a single, terrible thought occurs to him. He slowly turns to look at Magnus, whose face has gone deathly pale from the same realization. Against his will, his gaze drops to Magnus’ crotch. Alec – Alec definitely had something in his mouth while he’s been down here.
Reconstruction by Bumblebeesknees (Explicit | 3/3 | 80,115)
It takes months for Valentine to find the Mirror, and longer still to defeat him. Afterward, Alec has another first that he shares with Magnus: the strange and tentative transition from being not together to back together.
He’s not handling it as well as he’d like.
State of Grace by Bumblebeesknees (Mature | 1/1 | 21,620)
It’s Rafael’s wedding day, which makes for a somewhat hectic morning for the Lightwood-Banes. Things are pretty close to perfect though – if only Magnus could stop teasing Alec about the most embarrassing incident of his life that took place in this very same hall at the Institute over twenty-five years ago. -
Alec says, "Raf called in a panic this morning and there's a slight situation with the wedding.”
Magnus is instantly on alert.
“Of course there is,” says Max, eyes moving heavenward. “Typical.”
“Excuse me, no, not typical,” says Magnus. “I planned this wedding, and things don't go wrong when I plan weddings.”
The Chariot by Bumblebeesknees (PG13 | 1/1 | 15,025)
Every so often, Magnus breaks out his tarot cards and does a reading for Alec. A series of codas set after 1x06, 2x07, 2x15, and 2x20 (and one more in an undetermined future). - “Tarot cards,” says Alec, unimpressed. He frowns at the worn, faded deck that Magnus places on the table. “Do you really believe this stuff? That it can tell your future?” “This craft is less about divining the future and more about... getting perspective on the present,” corrects Magnus. “Would it really be too much trouble to indulge your newest – and by my guess, only – warlock friend in a harmless hobby?”
Traveler by Bumblebeesknees (PG13 | 1/1 | 15,880)
Alec’s not sure how to process that Max, his five-month old baby, is apparently a dimension hopping private investigator 140 years in the future. Magnus has a much easier time dealing with it. -
“Sorry,” says Max, blinking rapidly. He doesn’t look away from Alec. He looks – Alec doesn’t know how to describe the expression on Max’s face. “It’s just... it’s been a long time since I saw you, Dad.”
Waiting Game by Bumblebeesknees (PG | 1/1 | 7,485)
Magnus has never hid the fact that he’s endlessly curious and an unabashed snoop, but the ring he discovers in Alec’s dresser is genuinely by accident. He thinks he can wait for Alec to reveal this secret in his own time. -
The box is made out of a dark mahogany. When Magnus picks it up with shaking fingers and without conscious thought, he sees that it has the marriage rune seared on the side in deft, elegant strokes.
But that’s just absurd, Magnus thinks as his mind comes to the only logical conclusion. It can’t possibly, possibly–
How Alec became Magnus's favourite pizza topping by Candidshot (PG13 | 14/14 | 31,080)
When Magnus had ordered his favourite BBQ beef pizza with extra meat and cheese, he didn't expect to have gotten a special delivery on that order.
This is a story on how Alec became Magnus's favourite pizza topping. Sorta.
Appassionato by Chonideno (PG | 2/2 | 35,866)
Alec plays the piano every day, with great talent. One night, a note slips under his door: it’s a request from an anonymous neighbor. Before he knows it, Alec picks up the habit of leaving his window open so his neighbor can listen to him. Requests keep coming. Slowly, two strangers start a conversation without words and let the music do the work for them.
Destiny Calls by Clockworkswan (Mature | 23/23 | 300,283)
A Knights of the Round Table/quest inspired AU. When Prince Alec and his knights venture into the mysterious Shadowlands - home to downworlders, and fearsome creatures - to retrieve the Mortal Cup, they soon learn about an upcoming war. Dark magic has begun to call to creatures and mortals alike. A race to prevent the Cup from falling into the evil, exiled Lord Valentine's hands adds even more danger to the prince's quest. On the way, he finds himself falling for the warlock, Magnus Bane. There, they must battle demons, test their courage and maybe take on the most dangerous task of all; falling in love. Loyalties are tested and hearts are swayed, but who will destiny call to?
Eyes On Me by Clockworkswan (Mature | 5/5 | 102,076)
When a new same-sex dancing rule gets people talking, Magnus Bane decides to take the jump from Latin to Ballroom in order to prove that change is a good thing. Looking for a new challenge, he’s determined to win the Ballroom Championships and be crowned victorious in the first same-sex partnership.
Now all he needs are the right shoes, the right music, and the right partner.
Alec is well on his way to securing another victory for his parents’ prestigious dance school, yet a new face, and surprising feelings, might change that. When Magnus turns up, he sweeps more than dancing traditions off their feet.
As the competition rounds heat up, and dreams hang in the balance, can the pair prove themselves to a worldwide audience of fellow dreamers, critics and cynics?
Kiss With A Fist by Clockworkswan (Mature | 26/26 | 240,899)
When agent Alec Lightwood is given his first kill hit, he doesn’t expect much trouble. Of course, he also doesn’t expect it to be a cheerful assassin who lands him in a whole load of trouble. Enter Magnus Bane: an assassin turned thief who reluctantly teams up with Alec - and The Clave - after he pisses off a very important and powerful crime boss, Valentine Morgenstern. In a world of violence and unjust laws, can the two put aside their differences and work together? Aka: in which Alec is sent to kill Magnus, doesn’t, and then really wishes he had. (but not really). Enemies to friends to lovers. 
Wild Life by Crazyellephant (Not Rated | 4/4 | 69,044)
Alec Lightwood likes to go on road trips. He doesn't pick up hitchhikers. But the one time he does, it's Magnus. He's in for an adventure or maybe even fall in love.
"Can Alec help this Magnus out? like this is not safe to search for a car this way." - @Malecwings Malec AU.
Nothing Impossible to Him Who Will Try by Cytheriafalas (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,109)
So, here's the soulmate!Highlander!AU nobody asked for. I honestly have no idea what compelled me to write this. (And if anyone is worried about Losing Sleep, I promise, it's still coming.)
The character death isn't permanent, so don't worry. It is a soulmate!AU after all.
Dear Diary by deathdario (Mature | 1/1 | 3,417)
It took them a few minutes to realise they were sleeping on each other's side of the bed, and when Magnus rolled onto his side and slid a hand beneath the pillow that was meant for Alec's head, he felt a solid object. “What's this?”
think of me when you shoot your arrows by deepbutdazzlingdarkness (Explicit | 6/6 | 11,904)
Five times Alec gets off thinking about Magnus and one time he doesn’t have to.
AKA a character study of Alec and his thirst throughout season 1.
Don't Mourn Me If I Go by deNOrthernLIGHTs (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,376)
Alec shakes his head. “Tell me you didn’t just spend the entire day thinking you were going to die.” The smile falls. “It was a fair assumption, considering.” “But-“ Alec swallows a lump in his throat. “But it wasn’t just an assumption. You sounded certain.” “I just didn’t want to make you watch me die.” Magnus’s voice is so quiet Alec barely hears it. “That wouldn’t have been fair to you.”
What if Magnus realized he didn't need to choose between Alec and the downworld before the alley conversation? What if the way he acted in 2x20 was just that, an act?
please stay with me by doggo_fiends_on_a_spaceship (Mature | 1/1 | 3,026)
Magnus could still feel Alec’s warm breath on his neck. In other circumstances, he would’ve enjoyed this. He would’ve loved Alec’s hands gently exploring his body, his lips claiming Magnus’. But he wasn’t ready. Not for this much.
Darkest Before the Dawn by Donttalktomeimfangirling (Jillian_k) (Mature | 1/1 | 27,345)
Alexander Lightwood has been forced to be a servant in his own home after his parents die and his beloved siblings are taken from him. It isn't until he meets a handsome stranger in town that he begins to have hope for the future. However, the universe, and his horrible step family, have always seemed to have it out for him, and Alec must do what he can to escape his past and take a leap of faith with Magnus, the man with a mysterious backstory that he has quickly fallen in love with. You know what they say though- it's always darkest before the dawn.
Through the Frozen Heart by Donttalktomeimfangirling (Jillian_k) (Mature | 9/9 | 47,883)
From the very first moment Alexander Lightwood laid eyes on Magnus Bane, his whole world changed. Years later, now a decorated junior figure skater himself, an injury prevents him from participating in his senior debut. Considering giving up the sport for good, one video posted by his brother will send Alec down a new path, one that becomes intertwined with that of his long time idol, Olympic Gold Medalist and three time world figure skating champion Magnus Bane.
Bitter Sweet Symphony by DownworldShadow (Mature | 22/22 | 159,540)
When young, up-and-coming cellist Alexander Lightwood heads to Aspen, Colorado to attend the prestigious Aspen Music Festival he has no idea what destiny awaits him there. This is an alternate universe Malec love story full of twists and turns, triumphs and tragedies. Asking one of life's most difficult questions... does true love really conquer all?
Anything Beautiful by em_the_gem (PG13 | 8/8 | 40,278)
Alec Lightwood is a small town florist with big dreams of opening his own shop. Magnus Bane is a big city photographer a desire to reinvent his craft. Alec gets by with his simple life full of routine and a boss to please, but when a storm brings Magnus into his life, everything he has ever dreamt of seems to crumble.
And while both men have lead completely different lives, they have more in common than they initially thought: everything nature and anything beautiful.
everything he could never be by em_the_gem (PG13 | 1/1 | 21,659)
In between jobs, Alec and his son, Max, move to Alec's mother's country home where they meet Magnus and his son, Rafael - the small family Maryse rented the 1st floor out to. As a big city MD and single dad, Alec finds himself fascinated by Magnus' eccentric healing practice, parenting methods and deep brown eyes.
And while preparing for the move to London, finally spending time with his son, and juggling his growing affection towards Magnus, the ghosts of Alec's childhood threaten to disturb the peace he'd found surrounded by his family.
Unlocked by Evil_Keshi (Mature | 22/22 | 93,101)
"So, Alexander," Magnus said, fully enjoying the lack of etiquette in the way he addressed the Crown Prince, "What can I do for you tonight?"
"Well... I want... Can you..."
The prince stuttered and trailed off, staring at Magnus with wide,frightened eyes that, to the warlock's utmost horror, filled with tears in a second. He didn't have the time to ask what was wrong though, because the boy took a breath and then blurted out:
"Please, can you make me normal?"
5 Times Magnus Thinks Alec Would Make A Great Dad + 1 Time He Does by fancyachatup (Not Rated | 1/1 | 4,661)
Magnus admires Alec's parenting abilities on other people's children
natura nihil frustra facit by fancyachatup (Not Rated | 2/2 | 4,426)
Max & Rafe accidentally travel back in time and meet their dads.
Not On Drugs, Just In Love by fancyachatup (PG13 | 3/3 | 10,735)
Alec Lightwood is drugged by a Seelie, resulting in some interesting non-pg truth bombs
lost in hell by fictionalrobin (PG13 | 4/4 | 4,909)
asmodeus brainwashed magnus
oh lover, hold on by fireblazie (PG13 | 4/4 | 33,168)
The mask and goggles clatter to the ground. Isabelle makes a choked noise, and Jace whispers, paper-thin, “Alec?”
Magnus stops breathing as Alec’s gaze—cold, dead, and empty—comes to rest impassively on them.
“Who the hell is Alec?”
don't break my faded heart by firstaudrina (Explicit | 1/1 | 5,721)
It's not entirely unheard of for a Shadowhunter to be in Pandemonium, but it is unusual for one to be here alone. Magnus will have to deal with that, but not yet. He's having too good a time.
Make You Feel Beautiful by FlightlessAngelWings (Explicit | 1/1 | 2,431)
“Magnus, you’re beautiful.”
Magnus smiled softly as he wrapped his hand around Alec’s wrist. Never in his long life had someone made him feel the way this man made him feel; nor could he remember the last time someone called him “beautiful” in such a loving tone. He felt his heart skip a beat as he studied every inch of Alec’s face, memorizing every single detail. All of his previous insecurities left him as he gazed into the shadowhunter’s eyes, and he gently pulled his face closer to his.
I'll Miss You When You're Gone by GideonGraystairs (PG13 | 1/1 | 6,151)
And then, because his mind has always been a traitor, he thinks about Camille, and how Magnus has known her forever, and then he thinks about how long forever is for him and how long it is for Magnus. In a moment of cold realization that should have been creeping up on him for weeks now, Alec realizes that their definitions are different.
Or five times Alec and Magnus don't talk about Magnus's immortality, and the one time they do.
just hold on (it won't be long) by gingergenower (Explicit | 1/1 | 1,054)
The night after Magnus returns from Edom.
The Queen Who Reigns by GoldenDaydreams (Mature | 40/40 | 10,109)
Old magic resurrects an ally. An important artifact is lost after an intense battle. A Clave official takes over the Institute. If all that isn't enough, the Seelie Court falls into Civil War, it causes hostility felt through the entire Shadow World. One Queen offers freedom from the rules of the Clave; another promises an alliance with the Shadowhunters. One wrong move, and the Seelie Court might end up Valentine's puppets.
Three's A Crowd by GoldenDaydreams (Explicit | 9/9 | 40,205)
“Two can play at this game.” Alec had the pleasure of watching Magnus go from confused, to a slow smirk, and understanding coming to his eyes. “I might not be able to kick him out, but I can make him want to leave.”
A.K.A The story where Jace keeps interrupting Alec and Magnus's 'alone time,' and they're both super fed up.
Knives at the Ready by harrysglasses (PG13 | 9/9 | 38,012)
The Institute is New York City's finest dining establishment, winner of two Michelin Stars and currently chasing after its third. Head Chef Alec Lightwood is notorious for running a tight ship in his kitchen, but everything is about to change with the arrival of their newest recruit, renowned pastry chef Magnus Bane.
In the competitive, cut-throat world of the restaurant industry where pressure runs high and tempers run hotter, can Alec keep his team under control, win a third Michelin star, and ignore his ever-growing attraction to a certain charming pâtissier, whose smile is even sweeter than his desserts?
A Different Kind of Hero by heartsdesire456 (Mature | 1/1 | 6,704)
When Alec receives a letter from an anonymous source, he realizes that his bravery in choosing to kiss Magnus at his wedding had far more of an impact than he could have ever imagined.
The Arrangement by heartsdesire456 (Explicit | 12/12 | 42,411)
When a meeting with a debt collector at a randomly chosen night club starts to go wrong, Alec meets a man who might just change his life with one unique offer.
The Time Alec Suddenly Became a Dad by heartsdesire456 (PG | 1/1 | 7,770)
When Alec finds an abandoned warlock baby on the steps of the institute and they can't find anywhere he may have come from, Alec decides to keep him and raise him as his son. When his son's magical powers begin to manifest early in life, the accidents that happen around him quickly become dangerous
be my light in the dark by hufflebee (PG13 | 1/1 | 21,238)
Going to Camp Half-Blood is something Alec, a son of Apollo, looks forward to every summer, but when he arrives, he finds one of his best friends is missing. Suddenly nothing is as important as saving Magnus, even if it means going against Magnus’s father, Hades himself. With the help of Maia, Simon and Izzy, Alec goes on a journey to find his best friend, one he may be in love with, as well as the truth about why he was taken to begin with.
(demigod AU)
We Break that Way by ifallonblackdays_fics & valfromrome (Not Rated | 22/22 | 72,956)
It's no secret that Alec's revolutionary politics where the Downworld is concerned are not entirely popular. But what lengths will some of the dissidents go to, to stop him? What lengths will Alec go to, to protect what he believes in? And what lengths will Magnus, Jace, and the others go to, to protect him? And when they all break in their own unique way, what will it take to piece each other back together?
Body And Soul, Free To Withhold by Inrainbowz (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,427)
Alec was almost never the one to initiate sex.
It’s not that he didn’t think about it or didn’t want to. Or well, maybe it was a little bit of that.
Alec starts to think that maybe there's more to it, and tries to make sense of what he is feeling, with some help along the way.
Deeper Than the Truth by insieme (Mature | 15/15 | 149,820)
Alec Lightwood is a world-famous author, though the world knows him only under his pseud: Gideon Archer. Magnus Bane is a fashion designer who just happens to be a big fan of Gideon's work.
a love that won't sit still by Insomiak (Explicit | 1/1 | 6,643)
“You’re starting to,” Clary says, “And I get it—I’m sure Magnus gets it too. Jace is gone. But the whole time my mother was missing…” She shakes her head. “You don’t just forget everyone else, Alec.” Clary puts a hand on his arm. Alec looks at it like it’s something he’s never seen before. “Okay?”
Firsts by Insomiak (Explicit | 1/1 | 4,939)
Everything with Magnus is so new, there’s just first after first, so many things Alec never thought he would think or feel.
(Or: Alec really wants to give his first blowjob).
a billingual beginning by iwillstayalive (Not Rated | 1/1 | 836)
“Yo te estoy diciendo, Sherwin, él es el amor de mi vida, aunque no lo sepa todavía. ¡Deja de voltearte como que estás en el exorcista! Dios, disimula” I’m telling you, Sherwin, he is the love of my life, even tho he doesn’t know it yet. Stop turning around like you’re on the exorcist! God, be smooth.
Alec perked up at that. He looked up, and a few tables down, there were two guys talking in hushed tones. Or well, trying. One had brown hair, with a slightly crooked pair of glasses, smiling wide into the conversation he was having, gesturing with his hands, looking at him not so subtle.
Worshipped Skin by Jinko (Explicit | 1/1 | 3,318)
“Of course I’m comfortable with phone sex. It’s far better than using telegrams, I can tell you that. No, the question is if you’re comfortable with it.”
Rather, the one where Magnus uses his magic to facilitate phone sex.
A Dream of Peace by Ketz (Explicit | 13/13 | 87,642)
A long time ago, King Valentine, of the rich kingdom of Alicante, attacked the southerner kingdoms. He searched for triumph and annihilation, for uniting the realm under his rule and his alone.
Instead of the easy victory, though, the greedy king found defeat and death, for the four kingdoms united for the first time in history, forging the Downworlder Alliance. As a result, the great families of the north were forced to deliver their firstborns to the Kings and Queens of the Downworlder Alliance, and so ensure their fielty and crush any further rebellions before they even sparkled.
Only, boring history lessons had always annoyed the Prince of Darkness and heir to the Kingdom of Edom, Magnus Bane. As the anniversary of his Mark Day arrives and with it the Victory Tournament, he figures the only good thing the Mortal War really brought was his father’s hostage, the quiet Alec Lightwood, eldest son to the once great Lightwoods of Alicante.
Good could become great, though. Magnus needs only figure out a way to get that boy away from the practicing arena and into his bed.
After all, he couldn’t possibly celebrate his day of honor without a suitable gift, could he?
One Show Only by KouriArashi (Explicit | 7/7 | 29,410)
It's hard to stay in the closet when the guy you had a one-night stand with two nights ago turns out to be your new partner ... but Alec will be damned if he isn't going to give it a try.
The Last Thing I Expected by KouriArashi (Mature | 12/12 | 47,848)
On every warlock's 25th birthday, there's a ritual to choose their perfect match. Normally it isn't a big deal, but for Magnus Bane - the son of Asmodeus, an Underworld crime lord - it's the party of the century. Everyone is more than a little surprised when Magnus' match turns out to be the bartender, Alec ... who's actually an undercover police officer. Alec's bosses want him to play along to get close to the organization, but Alec isn't sure he can mislead the man who's apparently his soulmate...
Love is a Gamble by la_muerta (Explicit | 20/20 | 44,768)
Upholding law and order in gold-mining town Nephilim Falls, population 1,700 souls, is the responsibility of Sheriff Alec Lightwood. As it is, Alec already has his hands full with the saloons and whorehouses making tempers rise and the men rowdy when the day's mining goes badly, and the constant threat of bandits in the hills. The last thing he needs is some no-count gambler setting up a gambling hall in his town. And what kind of name is 'Magnus Bane', anyway?
The Lavender Code by la_muerta (PG13 | 9/9 | 18,896)
Alec Lightwood is a young, honest private detective hired by Camille Belcourt to investigate her fiancé, who she suspects is hiding something scandalous from her. What starts out as a simple case turns out to be a lot more complicated than Alec bargained for, and when the death toll starts to rise, Alec finds his own life in increasing jeopardy.
pillow talk by lacheses (Mature | 5/5 | 26,592)
Alec Lightwood falls in love, one nap at a time.
Made All The Difference by LadyMatt (PG | 1/1 | 8,340)
Since finishing work, Alec had been reflecting on how Magnus, and their beautiful relationship, had changed his life for the better in just a few short weeks, so when he arrives back at the loft to enjoy yet another evening full of love, laughter and liquor, he takes a few private moments to appreciate just how great it is to be in love - especially with Magnus Bane!
An Apple A Day by Lecrit (Explicit | 1/1 | 15,804)
Alec only likes getting up at four in the morning to get to the hospital because he has always dreamed of becoming a doctor and because he finds a childish excitement in besting Dr. Glitter and winning a battle in their little war for his favorite parking spot.
It has nothing to do with Magnus’ incorrigible, shameless, incessant flirting. Nothing.
And the Oscar goes to... by Lecrit (Explicit | 1/1 | 21,494)
Working for Magnus isn’t easy. Magnus is out of control and Alec has to yell more often than not to get him to listen to him. He hates everything formal because it means he has to watch his mouth. Most importantly, Magnus is an incorrigible flirt.
Which would be alright if Alec wasn’t utterly, irremediably, unfathomably in love with him.
Bright Lights, Small Town by Lecrit (Explicit | 4/4 | 104,298)
When Magnus gets to Nashville, Indiana to handle his late mother's will, he doesn't expect to be forced to stay there for six months. Six months away from New York and lost in the wildness of the countryside.
It quickly appears that he is going to go through six months of living hell.
The fact that he hates the local veterinarian on sight isn't helping.
Dead men tell no tales by Lecrit (Mature | 1/1 | 17,486)
Magnus looked up when Alec stopped in front of the rusty gate and quirked an eyebrow upon seeing him.
“Your Highness,” he muttered, deadpan.
“Don’t,” Alec sighed.
“Aren’t you afraid to tarnish your royal blood by coming to visit a pirate?” Magnus continued, his lips twitching with the beginning of a smirk, lacking the humor Alec had witnessed so many times before.
His mesmerizing eyes told a different story, though. They were defeated, tired and it only made Alec feel worse.
“I tried to explain it to them but they wouldn’t listen,” he murmured in a desperate attempt at defending himself.
In which the prince of Idris and an infamous pirate find themselves stuck together on a deserted island and have to face the consequences when they get back on land.
Invictus by Lecrit (Mature | 1/1 | 30,222)
“You should get a tattoo.”
Alec firmly believed in coincidences, in the serendipity that could bring the hazards of life, but even he could admit that sometimes, things seemed to happen for a reason. He was too much of a pragmatic person to truly believe in fate and destiny.
So even when Jace blurted those words at him as he stumbled into his shop, they remained abstract concepts to him, no matter how it nudged at the back of his mind.
It's Always Your Move by Lecrit (Explicit | 1/1 | 15,453)
Maryse Lightwood is fierce, determinate and she is standing right in front of Magnus, on the threshold of his house, the scowl on her face announcing nothing good.
Magnus hasn’t seen her since the Oscars ceremony three days ago. To be fair, he hasn’t really seen anyone, too busy that he had been catching up on lost time with Alec.
Magnus thought he could be tranquil forever after winning an Oscar and finally confessing his feelings to Alec. Magnus was wrong.
The Avengers Initiative (Or Something Like That) by Lecrit (Mature | 21/21 | 117,213)
“Do you really think it’s going to work? I know they are good,” Hodge sighed, “but that’s a lot of egos we need to get to work together.” “It will work,” Luke said with assurance, nodding. “They can do it.”
In which Luke Garroway and Hodge Starkweather put together a team of world-class thieves to steal from Valentine Morgenstern and everything goes according to plan. Or not.
Vodka Cannot Kill a Dragon by Lecrit (Mature | 1/1 | 2,894)
“It’s my bachelor party and you’re my best man,” Jace had said. “You owe me to get drunk.”
The thing is, Alec doesn’t really drink. He never does. He doesn’t like the way it makes his head foggy and his long limbs out of control. Even with Magnus, who quite surely can hold his liquor, he never goes past one or two cocktails. So, after Jace has managed to shove drinks in his hand time and time again, Alec is not drunk. He’s hammered.
Set Me In Motion by lemonoclefox (Mature | 20/20 | 132,055)
One night, Magnus spots a handsome stranger in the elevator of his apartment building – which wouldn’t be a big deal if said stranger didn’t turn out to be dating Magnus’s neighbor. The stranger soon becomes Alec, and their paths end up crossing more than once. A tentative friendship develops as they slowly get to know each other, and they both find that it’s effortless in a way neither of them has ever known. It's only when other kinds of feelings start getting involved that things become a bit more complicated.
What’s It Gonna Be by lemonoclefox (Mature | 4/4 | 49,338)
Fairchild’s bakery is a second home to not just Magnus, but also to most of his found-family. As a pastry chef, he works long hours and takes great pride in his craft – so much so that he has little time or attention for much else. Least of all romance. After plenty of experience with heartbreak and disappointment, he has come to expect the worst from anything in that department, and the arrival of the wealthy Lightwoods in the neighborhood isn’t about to change that. Especially not when their eldest son might just be the most insufferable prick Magnus has ever met, no matter what anyone else has to say about the guy.
(aka the Pride & Prejudice/bakery AU no one asked for)
A Horse That Loves You by Lemur710 (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,563)
Magnus rushes into battle to rescue Jace—and comes to terms with what it means to love a shadowhunter with a parabatai.
Binding Spell by Lemur710 (PG | 1/1 | 7,880)
“He watched with a sadness he couldn’t define as Alec drained the last drop of his drink. A toast to the dying, he thought, and took another sip of his own. Magnus supposed Alec had stuck to their agreement: One more drink and then decide. He’d decided.”
Force of Nature by Lemur710 (Mature | 1/1 | 5,844)
A note from the past causes Magnus to contemplate the loves of his long life, and leads to an unexpected turning point in his relationship with Alec.
Or, Why Magnus Never Married
Statements by Lemur710 (Mature | 6/6 | 11,907)
Five times Magnus was told “I love you,” and the one time he believed it.
Picking up the Pieces by lilyhearted (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,884)
They've made a life for themselves, after the world fell apart.
Contains: Malec being an awesome battle couple but also managing to be domestic as hell.
a kind of magic by magicmagnus (PG | 1/1 | 8,151)
After teaching at Hogwarts for years, Magnus thought he had seen it all. Dragons smuggled onto campus, students returning at all times of the night with mysterious bruises, a summoning or two -- Magnus was no stranger to the kind of mischief young wizards were capable of. When a powerful love potion begins taking students under its sway, Magnus must get to the bottom of it -- even if it means missing lunch with a certain Defense Against the Dark Arts professor...
above and below by magicmagnus (PG13 | 1/1 | 37,437)
It’s the end of the world as we know it. The Four Horsemen are riding, reality is shifting, and someone has lost the Antichrist. After thousands of years living on earth and swaying human souls to their sides, Magnus (a flirtatious demon with a heart of gold) and Alec (a somewhat rude and antisocial angel) have become quite accustomed to life on earth, and neither one of them are too happy about the impending Apocalypse. The two hatch a plan to avert the End of All Things, only to have it rapidly spiral out of control -- something they might be able to handle, if they could just put their personal feelings aside…
A Good Omens AU
Purer Than Any by MagnusCaresaLot (PG13 | 1/1 | 2,128)
Alec gets curious, of course. Everyone get curious. But this curiosity was eating at Alec. Ever since the first time, he wanted Magnus to show them again. He wanted to touch and feel them. God, he wanted to wrap his wings around Magnus'.
The Shadowhunter Wing!AU that no one asked for.
Days of Dark by magnusragnor & ohprongs (Mature | 9/9 | 97,115)
Alec clutches the worn out comic book in his hands, his eyes sweeping over Captain America’s stance on the cover. He still remembers how excited Max had been when he’d gotten it, going on and on about how Captain America helped people, how he just wanted to stop the bullies - how he was a hero.
Staring down at the star on Cap’s shield, Alec pushes away all his anger and grief, focussing on the single most ridiculous idea he’s ever had. He can hear Hodge's voice, clear as day:
“With great power, comes great responsibility.”
(or, the the amazing spider-man ish au)
melt me down by maialec (PG | 6/6 | 23,073)
When Luke and Alaric invite their daughter, Maia, and her friends on a week long family vacation at their log cabin, Izzy, Maia’s girlfriend, takes it upon herself to send the invitations. However, when she realizes that everyone except for her brother would be coupled up, she gets a fantastic idea. One that includes Alec having to bring a date so that he wouldn’t feel alone.
In response, Alec gets a less fantastic idea. One that includes bringing his best friend, Magnus, as a date.
can you keep me close? (can you love me most?) by maiaslightwood (PG13 | 1/1 | 4,752)
Alec has made his choice a long time ago, though he has trouble putting his finger on the when. Maybe when he had rushed out that first, desperate 'I love you' or when he had realized after those painful days apart that he couldn't live without Magnus; when he had let Magnus take his hand and drag him back to the only place he ever called home. Or maybe it had been some other moment, some everyday feeling in the morning light or kitchen or settled on the balcony. However, it takes a demon wound and a day of sleep for him to finally say it.
Contact by MalecCrazedAuthor (PG | 1/1 | 5,518)
It’s a game, you see.
Not that it was intended to be. The evolution of Alec’s contact in Magnus’s phone started out innocently enough. Almost by accident, even.
But now it’s taken on a life of its own.
One Easy Answer by MalecCrazedAuthor (Mature | 11/11 | 36,963)
Magnus warned Alec he wouldn’t ask again.
And he didn’t.
Alec called off his wedding, but the next day walked in on Magnus with Camille and hasn’t spoken to Magnus since.
Now, months later, relations between the Shadowhunters and the Downworld are growing increasingly turbulent as the Downworld blames Jace for Valentine’s massacre of dozens of Downworlders.
It’s up to Alec, as Head of the New York Institute, to forge a peace that could save thousands of Downworlder and Shadowhunter lives—even if it means re-evaluating everything he once thought mattered.
Fools Rush In by Maleciseverything (PG | 4/4 | 85,198)
Alec, Jace, and Simon go to Vegas for Jace's bachelor party and things get a little bit ridiculous.
Alec wakes up the next morning and...wait a minute, who's that in his bed?
If You Love Me by Malteser24 (PG | 1/1 | 11,029)
Alec isn’t like anybody that Magnus has dated before, unlike anyone he’s ever met, and it’s terrifying and exhilarating and more than Magnus knows what to do with
Of Immeasurable Talent And Beauty by Malteser24 (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,268)
Alec's a notable and credible photographer, his hobby turned career meaning he faces many kinds of people, often in the tight space of a few hours.
But then he meets Magnus Bane, a popular model, with an eccentric flair for the dramatics and an insatiable need for flirting.
Especially with Alec
A Day In The Life by mansikka (Mature | 6/6 | 21,078)
Alec doesn't want to work today. There are too many things that would make him angry, too many terse words on his tongue that he knows better than to say out loud. With Magnus' schedule full, the thought of spending the full day watching him work gives Alec something else to focus on. Though will a busy day provide an adequate distraction from the things that are on Alec's mind, that he knows he has to deal with, but wants a day off from thinking about?
Stripped Bare by mansikka (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,573)
Magnus is having a day where he doesn't like himself.
oh, i've waited for you by manticoremoons (Explicit | 1/1 | 12,359)
He’d been willing to maybe try messing around with a shadowhunter—his first—but a married one? Hell no. (And he’d been to hell before, so he knew exactly how serious it was).
I love you wholly & I love you forever. by melbopo (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,797)
Alec's not sure if something is in the water again or if there is a betting pool in his family that caps at 6 years, for suddenly everyone he knows is emotionally invested in when and how he is going to propose to Magnus. At this point, Alec's not even sure if he unknowingly agreed to be secretly filmed for the next season of Real Housewives of Idris.
------ (alt summary: Alec receives 5 different suggestions for how to propose to Magnus and the one time he actually succeeds.)
Quite Magical by MenckensChrestomethy (PG13 | 2/2 | 9,917)
Magnus is a potions prodigy, and a rebellious loner, his only friends at Hogwarts are professors and the nurse.
Alec is the Quidditch Captain, Prefect and...Terrible at potions.
Obviously, Magnus has to tutor him.
Who Ya Gonna Call? by MenckensChrestomethy (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,463)
“You have to—“
“Help you?” Magnus filled in dryly.
Or: The Six Times Magnus helped someone, and the one time they try to help him
Between the Lines by msalexiscriss (Explicit | 33/33 | 240,680)
AU. Special Agent Alec Lightwood’s been chasing the renowned thief and conman extraordinaire Magnus Bane for five years now. When a criminal from the past, Valentine Morgenstern, threatens their city and both their reputations, the duo will have to do the unimaginable and team up to restore the peace in the big old city. Between secrets, betrayals, heartbreaking truths, and sick games, Alec and Magnus will have to learn to play between the lines of good and evil in order to carry out their mission and make it out alive. Will they succeed?
Sanctuary by MuscleMemory (Mature | 6/6 | 92,735)
Sometimes you have to find a sanctuary. Sometimes you don’t have to travel very far to find it. And sometimes you find it in a person.
Magnus arrives in a small town. There are pumpkins, a dog, and a very intriguing stranger.
No Stopping the Zombie Apocalypse by Nerdy_fangirl_57 (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,731)
It's been 20 years since the rise of the zombies. It's been 20 years since everyone was evacuated into safe zones for the unforeseeable future. Alec never minded staying in the parameters of Idris, it was peaceful here, boring as hell sure, but, peaceful. Idris was safe.
So of course Isabelle and Jace force him to leave the sanctuary with them one night to go 'explore' the outside world. Even though he's explained to them several times that the outside world is crawling with zombies. Brain eating zombies. That eat people.
Sometimes Alec wonders if Izzy and Jace even have brains. They never seem to use them.
Back to the Future by notcrypticbutcoy (PG13 | 1/1 | 6,443)
Magnus Bane has spent his life being watched over by a strange man, who claims he's a Shadowhunter, acts like an angel, and, logically, can only possibly be a demon. The voice in his head whispers that he can trust him. Magnus isn't so sure.
Or: In which Alec is Magnus' (sort-of) guardian angel, Ragnor Fell is a good friend even in death, and Ragnor and Alec prove to Magnus that he is loved.
Five Times Magnus Isn’t a Good Boyfriend and One Time He Is by notcrypticbutcoy (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,112)
Being a high profile celebrity makes it difficult for Magnus to find enough time for his personal life. Alec's feeling lonely after spending yet another night alone.
Or, in which Magnus is spending too much time at work, Alec confides in Chairman Meow, and Magnus tries to make everything better.
I'll Be Home (For Christmas) by notcrypticbutcoy (PG13 | 1/1 | 12,875)
The universe had really come through with this fine specimen of a man. It would be a horrible, cruel cosmic joke from the universe if she revealed that he was straight. Or taken. Or both. Magnus would probably sell his soul to get a kiss from him.
In which Alec is a soldier struggling with himself, Magnus is a student who adores Isabelle Lightwood's Christmas parties, and Christmas kisses don't always have to be under the mistletoe.
I'll Love You in a Thousand Lifetimes by notcrypticbutcoy (Mature | 2/2 | 18,625)
The first words their soulmates will ever speak to them are marked on the wrists of every person on the planet, and Magnus and Alec are no exception. And across countries and centuries and lifetimes, they will find each other.
(i.e. The soulmate AU with reincarnation that nobody asked for)
Or: in which Magnus and Alec are soulmates, memory is a fickle thing, and love will always prevail.
takes on any shape by oh_la_fraise (PG13 | 9/9 | 26,351)
Alec hesitated. He’d never lied to Magnus since his aborted wedding, and he wasn’t about to start now. “You’re probably wondering how you got here, right?”
Magnus shrugged. “Magic?”
Alec grinned. Now that Magnus seemed a little more settled, his cheekiness—apparently a biological trait—was rising up. “Yeah. We’re still figuring out exactly what it was, but. Something brought you to the future. You know how warlocks live forever?” Magnus nodded. “Well, as an adult you live here in the city. And you and I are best friends.”
Magnus wrinkled his nose. “I’m best friends with a white Shadowhunter?”
with bones unbuttoned by ohfreckle (Explicit | 1/1 | 4,473)
Alec may still be figuring out the day-to-day aspects of their relationship, they both are, but this, here—Alec Lightwood was born to fuck.
and my heart is set on you by ohprongs (PG13 | 2/2 | 18,710)
or the, 'we're putting on a fund-raising play to save our old drama department' au (ft. bonus: 'we had a thing in high school but i haven't seen you in years and oh god you're even more attractive than i remember')
i just want your kiss, boy by ohprongs (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,130)
“Alexander!” Magnus says, trying not to smile too hard. It’s a while since they’ve seen each other, and though they message regularly, it’s not quite the same. It’s nice to finally get a chance to see his friend.
Plus Alec’s shoulders look lovely in his denim shirt. Yeah, there’s that too.
“Come on,” he says, holding out his hand and trying not to think about it too much, “let’s get you a drink.”
The Lies Mirrors Tell You by Once_Upon_A_Ghost_Story (PG13 | 1/1 | 1,029)
Magnus is having a bad day, that's it. It's nothing more.
No matter how much he tells himself that however, he can't believe it.
The Scars You Can't Forget by Once_Upon_A_Ghost_Story (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,106)
Magnus wasn’t sure which part hurt the most, the fact that he had trusted Alec so much...
Or that he couldn’t bring himself to open the door.
Never Stand Between Two Mirrors by oncethrown (Mature | 15/15 | 51,758)
Alec has enough on his plate right now. His parents are furious at him, Magnus Bane is making him feel things he's trying so hard not to feel, his wedding is coming up, and his world is breaking apart.
What he doesn't need is a fussy mundane version on himself showing up in the Institute basement. What he doesn't need is Magnus telling him that they'll just have to wait for Seelie Magic to suck that version of himself back to his own dimension.
But since when does Alec get what he needs?
Alternate Dimension Alec gets trapped in the Shadowhunter reality at some point after the "I know you feel what I feel" scene. The gang desperately tries to stop chaos from ensuing.
The Right Kind of Love by onyxmoon (Explicit | 1/1 | 30,242)
It starts during their first fuck after “The Incident” as Magnus was calling it now. Alec had been hovering over him, effectively turning Magnus’ brain into mush when it happened. It wasn’t the sentence that Alec uttered out in the midst of the heat, but the way he looked at Magnus.
Like he was something invaluable.
Something worth saving.
It scares Magnus because Alec looked like he sincerely meant that. And even more he fears that he might actually believe it himself.
terra incognita by orphan_account (Mature | 1/1 | 21,1176)
There’s a growl, there’s a bang, there’s the gentle splashing of water, there’s the sound of his own breath, there’s something just out of range that’s whispering something. But he’s not thinking about that.
Basically the events from Jocelyn's death to the aftermath of Alec's suicide attempt, but Alec has a psychotic episode throughout.
Home by otppurefuckingmagic (PG13 | 16/16 | 6,967)
magnus disappears on a thursday. there’s too much alec remembers about that day.
ever the years you wept by Pameluke (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,250)
Magnus has lost faith, Alec has lost hope.
The Hunter's Moon Hustle by Pameluke (PG13 | 1/1 | 1,546)
The minute he walked into the bar, Magnus Bane knew he was in trouble. He was a Nephilim Shadowhunter, a real hard-ass. But he handled a pool stick like a pro, and he had a wicked smile–Magnus could testify to that. Yes, sir, Alexander Lightwood had all the right moves. And he had something else, a hint of innocence that lured Magnus right in.
Walk A Little Closer by Pameluke (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,357)
Nothing beats a late-night stroll through the city.
Adventure XXL by RedOrchid (Explicit | 9/9 | 26,858)
Tune in for a breathtaking adventure—Reality TV like you’ve never seen it before. Join us on an exhilarating ride where contestants are both pitted against each other to complete challenges and forced to find ways to cooperate—as we determine who has the intelligence, strength, creativity and charm to make it to the top.
Six teams. One game.
This is Adventure XXL.
(Aka Jace signs himself and Alec up for a stupid reality show. Once Alec’s there, he meets fellow contestant Magnus, and suddenly the stupid show doesn’t feel quite so stupid anymore)
Home by redskyatmorning (Mature | 1/1 | 30,775)
A few weeks after the wedding incident, the Clave has Alec arrested and put on trial to have his runes stripped for what seems like no reason. Faced with exile, Alec must come to terms with himself, his feelings for a certain warlock, and the world that he was raised in.
Don't take it easy by sarcasticfluentry (Explicit | 1/1 | 1,537)
"Magnus loves seeing him like this, muscles straining, mind completely blank except for the need to come, because normally Alec keeps himself under ironfast control.
Magnus is so, so lucky to be the one that gets to take him apart."
...or, Magnus and Alec spend a lazy afternoon in front of the television.
night highs by sarcasticfluentry (Explicit | 1/1 | 10,021)
The Book of the White turns out to be encrypted, so they're unable to immediately wake Jocelyn up. Magnus returns home to his loft feeling defeated and wonders where he stands with Alec.
pro bono by sarcasticfluentry (Explicit | 1/1 | 7,195)
After the Clave drops the charges against Isabelle and declares her free, Magnus decides he doesn't want Alec's bow and quiver after all. He gets something even better.
All Love's Loving Parts by satonawall (PG13 | 1/1 | 16,082)
Five gifts Alec gave Magnus, five gifts Magnus gave Alec + one time they both gave each other something.
Change The World, Get The Guy by satonawall (PG13 | 1/1 | 27,851)
Isabelle leaned against the doorframe. “Any progress?”
Magnus looked around at the notes spread around him. “As dear old Thomas used to say, I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work, so we’ll call it a productive day.”
Magnus Bane has dedicated his immortal life to science, new inventions and discovering everything magic can do. After years of hard work, he is so, so close to revolutionising transportation by creating a magical portal that actually works, but he has let his work take over his whole life. However, when Isabelle, his mundane assistant researcher, brings around her brother Alec, Magnus’s obsessive focus wavers for the first time in a decade. Maybe giving himself a few breaks will actually help him figure out the magical theory behind portals.
night vision by serendipitiness (Not Rated | 2/2 | 15,637)
“N-no. No. No.” There were a thousand directions this could have taken, and this isn’t one. Shouldn’t be one. Alec is tripping over the words, his thoughts a mess because it’s true, his timer had been down to the last minutes when he’d closed his eyes and then now…
His soulmate is a stranger in the dark, someone without a face. A man.
(or how Alec finds his soulmate, inspired by the myth of Cupid and Psyche)
Blue Bolt and the Birth of the Warlock by ShadowMystic (Explicit | 16/16 | 47,588)
The city of Idris is corrupted by gangs and power hungry tyrants. After ten years of absence Alec Lightwood has returned to fulfil his destiny. By day he's stinking rich and running the family business. Trying to juggle competitors and a meddling Journalist. By night he's The Blue Bolt. A crime fighter armed with ancient gifts and the heart of a warrior.
And We Did Not Walk Away Unscathed by SilverMirror12 (PG13 | 4/4 | 10,245)
Magnus advanced steadily. There was no compassion, sympathy or mercy in his blank eyes. His outfit and makeup gleamed under the summer sun, reminding Alec of creatures who wrapped their poison in the brightest colors possible.
(Alec and Magnus try to kill each other, then try to live with themselves.)
He is Love by simonsprettyface (PG13 | 6/6 | 8,808)
Alec hates Valentine's Day.
Why wouldn't he? He's chronically single and doesn't exactly see that changing anytime soon. He's happy with his life and is only sometimes lonely, he just hates seeing all the pressure to show someone you love just how much you love them one day of the year with flowers or candy or whatever cheesy, cliche gift you can come up with.
That is until his sister talks him into attending a Valentine's Day speed dating event.
We can solve this together by softshumjr (Explicit | 15/15 | 90,189)
Alec and Magnus have been friends since high school. They both love each other but are afraid to say anything because they believe the other one doesn't feel the same way and it'll ruin their friendship. Alec and Jace are working on an overdose case and are stuck. Can Magnus be the one to help them solve the case?
The Red String of Fate by Someone_aka_Me (PG13 | 1/1 | 5,294)
In a world where everyone is born with a red thread on his hand, tying him to his soulmate, Magnus Bane is born with a closed loop. He waits a long time to find the other end.
Holding the Stick by StarWitness42 (Mature | 12/12 | 80,323)
Alec Lightwood has dreamed of hoisting Lord Stanley since he was eight. It's in his blood. He's spent the last five years trying to make that dream a reality, only managing to fall short each time.
Until a scandal leads to a multi-team trade that sends Magnus Bane his way. One of the top performing wingers in the league. An up and coming star.
And the most handsome man Alec has ever met.
He's doomed.
It's a kind of magic by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion (PG | 5/5 | 10,910)
Alec frowns at a point just over Magnus’ shoulder, and then his eyes widen. “Magnus… did your house plant just wave at me?”
Magnus freezes. He whirls around and glares, hissing, “Figmund, youpromised.”
Figmund wiggles its leaves unrepentantly.
first of so many things by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion (PG13 | 1/1 | 6,140)
"You're being dramatic," Alec said fondly, unsurprised. "Again."
“I think a little drama can be forgiven,” Magnus said, mock-indignantly, conjuring a cocktail glass out of mid-air with an elegant flick of his fingers. There was a little paper umbrella floating inside it, an alarming shade of yellow, and Magnus fished it out and pointed it threateningly in Alec's face. “Considering I almost choked to death during what should have been an intimate, sensual experience.”
(Five times that Magnus wins an argument and one time that they both sort of win.)
unmentionable by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion (PG | 2/2 | 5,601)
Magnus takes pity on him. “I didn’t catch your name, which puts me at a bit of a disadvantage here. Of course, I can just call you darling, if you prefer.”
The woman on the phone beside him throws them a dirty look and wanders off to the other side of the laundromat.
“Darling’s fine,” Alec mumbles, and then makes a wounded noise. “Alec. My name’s Alec.”
Journey To The Past by theloverneverleaves (PG13 | 10/10 | 61,015)
Magnus has spent his whole life in an orphanage. He has no memories of his childhood, and no clues to what happened to his family other than a single necklace wrapped around his neck, and three little words - 'Together In Paris'. On leaving the orphanage, it will take a leap of courage to go and chase down his dreams - and a little help from a kitchen boy turned forger called Alec.
aka anastasia au
all the things I'd say but couldn't by thenorthface (PG13 | 1/1 | 10,525)
“Last time we called the memory demon--” Alec starts.
Magnus theatrically rolls his eyes. “When we called Valak you were a miserable teenager, in love with your brother. You had something to hide. It isn’t going to be like that this time.”
When Magnus had changed, he’d pulled on tight pants and an ornate emerald green jacket, open to his sternum to show off the necklaces he has layered on. His makeup is perfect now, smudges of kohl transformed into dark black lines. He looks every bit the High Warlock again, no longer like some late night fantasy created solely to torment Alec.
Alec forces a brittle smile. “Sure,” he says.
Yellow-Eyed Demon by thenorthface (Mature | 1/1 | 9,286)
Alec is absolutely certain he hasn’t moved. He’s still seated at his desk, catching his breath; still has the heels of his palms pressed to his eyes. Despite knowing that, being fully aware of his body’s position the way he’s been trained to do his entire life, somehow he opens his eyes to find himself lying down in a dark room.
There’s a man in his arms. With every exhale, Alec’s breath ruffles someone else’s hair.
The first time by theonetruenorth (Explicit | 1/1 | 6,529)
“Alexander, my darling,” Magnus whispered, leaning over Alec once more to tenderly stroke his thumb over Alec’s lips, red and sensitive from kissing. “You take my breath away.”
as your sun sets (i know you in bleary-eyed 3AM) by theprophetlemonade (PG13 | 1/1 | 50,121)
[“Alexander, does it not scare you,” Magnus says at last. “Knowing that you can feel so strongly about someone that some part of you still believes you can hardly know? Because it terrifies me. Someone flitting into your life one day, out of the blue, and leaving you with no choice in the matter.”]
Alec meets a man in his bathroom mirror who says he's from the other side of the world. Things spiral from there.
(Malec + Sense8 clustermates AU.)
the world's a little brighter by thessalami (PG | 2/2 | 25,667)
"Alec." "I'm Magnus. I'd offer you my hand but you've been holding it for the past minute."
Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, the two that act like a couple. But definitely aren't. They're just friends. Totally not in love with each other. Nope.
your hands (guided me home) by thesorrowoflizards (PG13 | 1/1 | 2,292)
If someone who truly loves and trusts a werewolf, they can call them by name, and bring them home.
this type of mine by thisissirius (PG13 | 1/1 | 27,816)
alec and magnus have a bond. it's probably going to be telepathic.
or the one where the lightwoods are put on trial in more ways than one and alec slowly falls in love with magnus one day at a time.
to endure by thisissirius (PG13 | 1/1 | 7,372)
“I can’t watch you die again,” Alec blurts out. He rubs his hands against his knees, looks up at Magnus through his lashes. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
a time loop threatens to confine alec to a lifetime of losing magnus.
A Tangled Web We Weave... by Tiger_Tiger_Burning_Bright (Not Rated | 12/12 | 57,452)
Home. It was an odd word really for someone who'd never really felt like he belonged anywhere but it was only stepping through the door and being greeted by the lines of yellow cabs waiting for fares that it struck Magnus that yes, New York, was exactly that, his home. Even though it was well into the night the bustle around him felt comforting and relaxing, the sounds and smells that were essentially New York, that were familiar and strangely safe. Here was a city where you could lose yourself, where the crowds would engulf you no matter how flamboyant you were and that kind of anonymity was exactly what Magnus craved right now.
It's been five years since Magnus Bane, infamous conman, left New York but when an old friend calls for help he can't resist coming home again.
News of the return of Magnus, the so called high warlock of grifting, isn't something that can really be kept quiet and for Jace, Isabelle and Alec Lightwood this may be the break they need.
Can Magnus reunite the old team and succeed with his task or has he bitten off more than he can chew this time.
The Gift of Choice by tinylilremus (PG13 | 5/5 | 44,594)
Neither Alec nor Magnus is particularly thrilled at the discovery of their soul marks. Alec because he knows that the design of it means that his soulmate is a Downworlder, something practically unheard of in Shadowhunter society. For Magnus, the idea of being permanently attached to a joyless demon-killer is hardly a thrill. Given that they can choose if they accept their soulmate or not, the decision seems like a no-brainer.
But when Alec finally meets the beautiful, other-worldly Magnus and Magnus meets the gorgeous, self-sacrificing Alec, it becomes clear that the decision might not be as easy as they thought it would.
The Burden of Atlas by tomfoolery14 (Mature | 9/9 | 38,261)
Alec Lightwood is a low profile, high success assassin. He’s the son of two lawyers notorious for flying in the face of justice for the love of money, who he retaliates against by taking on cases that require working outside the law to ensure justice is served. Magnus Bane is underworld royalty as the divergent son of a highly respected crime lord. He dissolves drug cartels, prostitution rings, and any other monopoly that threatens to poison his beloved Brooklyn. The two of them together are the perfect storm. When a new threat arises that combines the case of Alec’s new prospective client and a drug cartel Magnus has been keeping tabs on for years, the pair is out for blood.
don't judge a book by its cover by WendigoBaby (PG | 1/1 | 1,517)
Maybe it’s just a coincidence or a sign from the universe. Either way, it’s Magnus’ chance to introduce himself, find out the name of the person he’s been subtly fawning over.
But is he more than just a pretty face?
(or the biker!alec au fic nobody asked for)
everything is fine when your hand is resting next to mine by WendigoBaby (PG13 | 1/1 | 3,610)
They’re teetering.
Always walking a thin line of something more, of a touch a second too long, of a heartbeat just on the side of too quick. Magnus loves it, hates it, a little bit of both. It makes him lie awake at night, imagining the moment when the tide breaks.
so i bow my head and pray by WendigoBaby (Mature | 1/1 | 2,515)
Cheers get even louder, threatening to burst everyone’s eardrums when Magnus’ fighter walks into the arena. He’s already shirtless, hands wrapped in boxing tape, skin covered with tattoos, dark hair sprawling the expanse of a muscular chest and stomach. Jaw tight, brows pulled together and calculating, he pays no attention to the public; focused on the goal, his hazel eyes trace the nervous movements of his opponent.
Magnus feels a tug of nostalgia in his heart, where there was a boy laughing once, there is now a man with only one wish. With nostalgia come questions and with questions comes guilt, but it’s foreign, trapped behind thick walls, as this is not the time nor the place for deeper thoughts.
veni vidi amavi by WendigoBaby (PG | 1/1 | 5,663)
Alec still looks so young, bright-eyed and with morning scruff covering his face; there are no grey hairs on his head, no wrinkles embedded in his skin, except for little crow’s feet around his eyes that came from smiling. The golden band around Alec’s right ring finger catches the light as he cuts the tomatoes, quick and efficient.
It’s an unspoken rule that warlocks rarely marry. Usually, it’s the fear of commitment with mortals - the promise of heartbreak after they pass lingering like a ghost over your shoulder or people not wanting to spend the entirety of their lives devoted to one soul. But Alec has always had a tendency to surprise Magnus.
349 notes · View notes
team-free-squiggle · 6 years
The Fairest of Them All
How about a one shot where Roman is genderfluid?
May or may not have elements slightly based off of personal experience, who knows? I mention this because in case my mind does decide to subtly do that, I want everyone to know that everyone else’s experiences are different. The way I might describe being genderfluid may not be the way someone else would describe it. 
Just wanted to put that out there.
Also I was writing this before the new video, don’t worry I have ideas for fics to come from that.
Enjoy, everyone!
~~ Fandom: Oh, who are we kidding, we all know its Sanders Sides
Type: One-shot, AU
Summary: Roman is dating Logan, Patton, and Virgil before they find out that Roman is genderfluid. But they are, and they are really scared that their boyfriends will break up with them if they ever came out.
Characters: Roman Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Remy Sanders, slight mention of Deceit
Pairings: LAMP/CALM/Polysanders
Warnings: some negative thoughts, Deceit, slight homophobia
Roman had a problem that he had hidden from his boyfriends for the entirety of their lives. Well, most of their lives. 
He had realized that he was genderfluid when he was 16, figuring out that only sometimes he was a boy. Other times, he was actually a she, and other times he felt more like he was nonbinary. 
The problem with realizing that when he was 16 was that people weren’t so nice to gays. And he was not only gay, but genderfluid?
It felt like the Universe itself hated him, and it made his life that much harder. He lied to himself, getting to know a certain fellow Side of Thomas much more than he would have liked. 
He wasn’t good enough, not masculine enough, not feminine enough. He was never enough, and these thoughts took their toll on him. 
Even after being more accepted as gay, even after getting to know so many amazing people who were genderqueer like him, it hurt. He still felt like he could never tell anybody.
The good news was that as soon as he felt that he was more accepted, especially about liking boys, he was able to stop lying to himself. He was able to get rid of Deceit. Well, it was him and Remy, but... Roman didn’t like to think about that particular incident too much. The point was that it was okay to be who he is, at least mostly. 
He still hadn’t told the other main Sides. He wasn’t even sure why. Mostly, he figured, it was a reaction to having been told that it was wrong to be himself for most of his life. But that doesn’t matter. It was the fact that he, Logan, Patton, and VIrgil had all started dating. Roman couldn’t help but wonder just how much longer he could keep his secret. 
That’s why he was more scared when he woke up this morning. He was tucked in between a warm Virgil and a cold Logan, with a really hot Patton right below him. He smiled at his three loves, but grimaced when he realized that he felt more like a she today.
She quickly climbed away from her boyfriends (an impressive feat with the way Logan cuddles her), giggling softly. 
She tripped over some of her clothes, blushing as she yelped out an “oh shit!” 
She turned to get dressed, at least in a robe, but thought she saw some movement out of the corner of her eye. She got scared, looked over at the three of them, but saw no movement from any of them. Satisfied, she smiled at them softly, glad they were still asleep as she slipped into the wardrobe that led to her realm. 
When she got inside, leaving a crack in the wardrobe door (she had read about Narnia, obviously), she smiled. Her figure was no longer that of her more Princely self - tall and buff and masculine. No, now she was smaller and feminine, and she fucking loved it. 
No one could mistake her for a Prince now, because she’s currently a Princess. 
As she was choosing her gown for the day (because a Princess has got to slay), a letter came under her door. She opened it, and let out a squeal of delight. There was to be ball tonight, and apparently a few handsome Princes wanted to dance with her! 
She knew she had her boyfriends, of course, but she also knew that this was a kingdom she had made up so everyone automatically knew that she was taken. 
She looked outside, noting that it was actually afternoon, and slipped into a gown for that evening and did up her makeup. She looked gorgeous, and honestly couldn’t wait for the ball!
Logan was woken up by his creative boyfriend slipping out of the bed that everyone is. He would have ignored it, honestly, if it weren’t for a sudden “oh shit!” coming from Roman. 
Logan felt the other two wake up - their Prince had been rather loud with his swearing - but the three of them pretended to still be asleep. 
They could all feel Roman’s eyes looking at them, and Virgil could tell that his royal boyfriend was anxious as he looked over them. Eventually, he left to his realm, and the three still in the bed sat up.
“Virgil, something was off with Ro.” Virgil nodded, noting that Patton had simply said, not asked. 
“Yeah,” the anxious side cleared his throat. “He was anxious about something, and it’s to do with us. Or, more likely, with something we don’t know.”
Logan nodded. “That is the most logical conclusion based on the evidence thus far. Now here’s the question: are we following him?”
The other two nodded, each of them getting dressed before following their beloved. 
They walked into a lush red and gold room, not unlike the one they had just left. In the center, they saw Roman. 
Patton was about to walk forwards when Logan stopped him, pointing out that something was happening. 
They watched as their Roman transformed into a girl, mouths hung open. She giggled happily, twirling around. They all ducked behind pillars, watching their boy- no, girlfriend- be happier than they had ever seen. She quickly went into her closet on the other side of the room, and they saw that there were a bunch of Roman’s traditional outfit on one side of it. 
On the other side, where Ro was currently looking for an outfit, was a splendid, rainbow array of fancy and casual Princess gowns.
The other three left the room slowly, running into someone they recognized. 
“Hey, Remy!” The other Side, Sleep, turned around. 
The Starbucks loving Side smiled. “Hey, guys, whatcha here for?”
They quickly explained everything that had been happening in the last half-hour, Remy’s look quickly changing from carefree to serious as he pulled them from the corridor to the otherwise empty library. 
“What is going on, Remy?” Virgil asked, worried for the people he loves. 
“I knew Ro hadn’t told you yet, and I’m sworn to secrecy as his Royal Advisor, but you’ve seen it for yourselves now.” Remy muttered, more to himself than anything. 
“What the hell is going on? And who made you a Royal Advisor?” Logan asked sharply, more than slightly worried about his boyfriend.
Remy stuck his tongue out. “Roman made me his Royal Advisor, dummy!”
Patton had to hold Logan back from punching Remy. Virgil sighed anxiously, making everyone in the room sigh softly and calm down a bit so as not to worry the purple-clad Side.
“Remy, what is up with Roman? He - he changed into a girl.” Patton’s tone wasn’t judgmental or anything, just curious and worried. 
“So, Roman, as you think you know him, is a boy. This is true... about 50% of the time.” Remy began to explain, sighing at the other three’s confused looks.
“He’s actually genderfluid. He’s been hiding it since we were 16. Sometimes, he’s nonbinary - uses they/them. But most of the time when he’s not a he, he’s a she. That’s who she is right now - she’s not a Prince. She is a Princess.” 
The others nodded, glad that their love was alright. They had been worried, when she seemed anxious around them, that something in her kingdom was hurting her. This wasn’t that, thank goodness. 
“But wait, why wouldn’t he - sorry, she - tell us? And how do you know?” Patton’s eyes were filled with tears. Remy sighed.
“I honestly don’t know the answer to the first question, you’ll have to ask her that. My guess is worry that you wouldn’t accept her. As for the second question, it’s because I busted in on Deceit hurting her. She had been lying to herself about this, letting Deceit hurt her. I stopped that as soon as I found out, and have been her Royal Advisor ever since.”
They all nodded silently, each thinking different things. Logan figured that Remy’s position in the kingdom made a lot more sense now. But, there were more pressing matters than that train of thought. Virgil made plans to kick Deceit’s ass silently. Patton, however, had another idea. 
“We need to show her that we love her no matter her gender. How about - oh, a Royal Ball!” Patton exclaimed excitedly.
Remy raised an eyebrow. “That would certainly be doable, and when she’s female she does love to dance and wear pretty dresses.”
“That settles it!” Patton shouted. Virgil flinched, before a sudden thought occurred to him. 
“Pat, love, wait. Ro was pretty anxious this morning, and I don’t want to scare her. Is there a way to let her know we’re coming without her actually being told it’s us?” He whispered, still very concerned that Ro hadn’t trusted them with something as important as this. Not because he knew what that felt like, per se, but because he did know what it was to not want to feel like an outcast, especially because of a certain snake-faced Side. 
His thoughts were interrupted when his Logical boyfriend spoke. 
“Well, what if we had Remy give her an invitation? Say there would be a ball, with a few Princes interested in dancing with the Princess? I mean, we always knew Ro loved balls, and that when we thought she was a he we said we didn’t mind him dancing with other Princes. She would likely think of this as the same type of thing, only we would be the ones to dance with her.” 
Remy smirked. “Ro always said that if you ever visited, you were each to be ‘treated like the Princes they are.’ Her words, not mine.”
Patton and Virgil nodded along, smiling at the memory of Roman asking if (then a) he could dance with Princes, if they would mind too much. She always was worried about what they thought of her. 
They and Logan laughed slightly at Remy’s words before they all went their separate ways.
This would be a true chance to show her that they love her, no matter what. 
And so the invitation was delivered, the royals got ready, and the stage (or in this case, ballroom) was set.
How will Ro react to her boyfriends being the Princes she would dance with soon? 
Ro was ready to go down to the Ball, she thought. But just to check, she twirled in front of her mirror one more time. She couldn’t help the giggle. She looked gorgeous, and couldn’t wait to dance!
She headed downstairs, and walked into the Ballroom. People parted for her, smiling, and she nodded at them. She was happy, beautiful, and ready to dance with a few handsome Princes. 
Then she saw the three Princes there to dance with her. She felt her throat get tight, breathing slightly shallower. She forced herself to go along with the breathing excersise she had memorized for Virgil. 
The same Virgil who was currently standing in front of her, with Logan and Patton beside him. 
They were all in formal suits, and god Ro wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about how good they looked if it wasn’t for the fact that they had discovered her secret somehow.
“Ro, love, it’s okay.” Virgil spoke only when she was breathing normally, not wanting for her to hurt any more than she was already. 
“S-so you d-don’t hate me? You d-don’t wanna b-break u-up with m-me?” Ro stuttered, and Logan and Patton and Virgil all felt their hearts melt when she looked up at them with gorgeous doe eyes. 
Patton couldn’t help but hug her when her voice broke on the last word. “Of course not, Ro, we love you no matter what.”
Ro accepted Patton’s hug, smiling happily. Logan and Virgil hugged her too, all of them happy together. 
Logan spoke softly. “Ro, may I have the honor of the first dance with the fairest Princess in all the land?” Ro giggled and curtsied, nodding. 
Logan smiled, took her arm, and led her out to the dance floor. A rather fun and complex dance was going on, and everyone was impressed that Logan knew all the steps as though he had been dancing it for all his life. 
Patton squealed as he and Virgil watched their boyfriend and girlfriend as they softly swayed from side to side together, barely enough to call it dancing. 
Ro giggled and twirled, her red, white, and gold gown twirling around her. Logan smiled happily as he dipped her, kissing her softly before they resumed the dance. 
“So, Princess, is there a different name you want to go by?” Logan murmured when the dance slowed a bit and he and his love were pressed close together. 
“Yeah, actually. I tend to go by Rosana - I got a bit inspired by the Youtuber who also called herself Ro, and it’s different than my male self but it makes sense to me as still being who I am, you know?” She blushed as she couldn’t help but feel that she had rambled on for too long. Logan smiled softly.
“Alright, my lovely Princess Rosana.” He kissed her once more as the dance ended, leaving her a blushing and giggling mess.
They walked over to Patton and Virgil, who stopped swaying so that Patton could drag Ro out to the dance floor. Some uptempo swing was playing, making Pat lead Ro around the dance floor in a fast, old-fashioned dance. 
The beat was one that people watching from the sidelines could clap along with, and that’s exactly what Logan and Virgil were doing. They clapped in time, smiling and laughing together and waving at Pat and Ro when the dancing couple passed them by. 
Soon enough, the song was over, and a somewhat tired Patton led over a still energetic Princess that was ready to dance with her anxious boyfriend.
Virgil took Ro’s hand, leading her to the center of the room. All other people cleared the dance floor, and a familiar theme played that made Ro’s heart sing  and blush.
A Tale as Old as Time, was what they danced to. Ro and Virgil danced together, slowly, peacefully, but still magically. The turns were soft, and Ro knew that Virgil was always there for her. 
Eventually, this song too ended. But more songs played. 
The Princes danced the night away with their Princess, Ro never straying too far from the arms of someone she loves. She was happy to be able to be herself, and to dance with her boyfriends. 
And if the Royal Advisor to Princess Rosana was currently squashing a little yellow-and-black snake under his boot for trying to crash the party, well, no one had to be the wiser. 
As long as the Sides were happy together, everything was okay. And they truly were happy, together as they danced the night away.
Here’s my drawing of what Princess! Roman looks like:
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(Sanders Sides)
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ninawritesastory · 6 years
You seem to have your heart set on creek and as a fellow fan I totally understand but let's not forget that matt and trey have no problems with putting characters or ships on the bus or worse if they're not interested in them anymore. I don't know if my heart could take a break up which is stupid because they're ten but so much was invested in this relationship it'd be hard not to feel a little disappointed.
Look, my dude, I shipped Creek way back when their primary interaction was them beating the fucking shit out of each other and I’ll still ship them even if Matt and Trey decide to break them up. Will I be sad? Of course I will be. Sure, things are slowly starting to change, but it will still be fairly painful to lose one of the healthiest gay couples in media, and one of the few in general. (But if Stan and Wendy can still be a popular couple despite their increasingly bad chemistry on-again-off-again relationship, then goddamnit I can still have my Creek over here in my little corner.)
HOWEVER. Considering Matt and Trey’s history? They’re either going to let Creek continue on, but a bit more in the background since their function as a foil to Heiman has pretty much run it’s course (kind of like Big Gay Al and Mr. Slave: still very much together, but they aren’t in the spotlight); or, they’re gonna find a Good Way to end the relationship. How, I don’t know. They might do an episode or a B plot of one where the break up is addressed. But it’s going to be done well. Matt and Trey don’t fuck with that shit, if their track record is anything to go by.
And yeah, they’re ten. A lot of relationships from that don’t last to begin with. Hell, even a good share of friendships from that age don’t make it through middle school. But sometimes? Sometimes they do. They may go through a few bumps along the way, but sometimes they end up working out and being healthy and happy relationships even decades later. Heck, even if Matt and Trey decide to break Creek up, it’s possible Tweek and Craig could run into each other later on in their lives, maybe during or after college, and end reconnecting and getting back together. Who knows? That’s why we’ve got fanfics and our imaginations.
And don’t doubt my power, my friend. I’ve spent my entire life living with queerbaiting and the occasional scrap tossed vaguely in my direction. I lived through the years where Joss Whedon was a god and now he’s aged as well as Bill Cosby. I suffered through the majority of Ryan Reynolds’ acting career and now we’ve been blessed with a gorgeously accurate Deadpool. I’ve lived to see Amazon warriors fighting in accurate, functional armor and I’ve lived to see the glory that is the Dora Milaje. I’ve gotten to see more and more characters written as bi, lesbian, transgender, asexual, gay, and so on as the years go on. And when canon fails me? I can very easily ignore it and rewrite it if I please. And if I can’t, I know there’s someone out there who can and who will. Because this is something fans have been doing since stories first began.
Even if Matt and Trey decide to break up Creek, that’s not gonna change a single goddamned thing for me. Canon can make all the stupid-ass decisions it wants, it’s still our choice to elect to ignore it and go about our fanficing business. Until they pry Ao3 and Microsoft Word from my cold, dead hands, I’m gonna do whatever the hell I want with canon.
My best advice? Don’t worry so much about canon. (Kind of weird coming from me, since I like using canon to build up my headcanons, but still!) If Craig and Tweek break up, who really gives a shit? You can still go on the tag and read those 50+K fics with intricate plots, or the shorter fics where they’re just screwing each other’s brains out, or both. You can still write your stories, draw your art, and all of the stuff we’re doing now, and have always been doing. The Creek fandom was irrationally strong prior to Tweek x Craig, and we’ll still be strong if they break up.
I mean, Kyman is still fucking huge and those two have literally tried to murder each other at multiple points in the show. Kenny’s still a much beloved character even though we’re lucky to even see him once a season anymore. Most of the fandom seems to hate Randy with some degree of passion, yet we keep getting more and more of him. If canon makes a decision you don’t like, feel free to ignore it. It’s a story. They’re meant to be messed with.
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raywritesthings · 6 years
A Slight Detour
My Writing Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Donna Noble, Tenth Doctor Pairing: Doctor/Donna Summary: The Doctor and Donna take a drive. Written for @basmathgirl based off this photo. Slightly NSFW AO3 link   
“You rented a car?”
“I did, yes.” The Doctor nodded to the vehicle in question, a big vintage one in a blue that hurt the eyes to look at for too long.
Donna continued to stare anyway. “What for?”
“I thought we could take it out for a spin. You always say we never get to see the sights.”
“So you went and rented a car. And — is that a basket? What, are we doing a picnic now?”
“Maybe?” He was rubbing at the back of his neck. “We don’t have to. I just thought it’d be nice.”
That wasn’t the first time he’d said that in recent memory. It seemed like a lot of their trips were being geared towards nice places, lovely sights, and pleasant company. At least until they inevitably found trouble.
But it was like he’d been going out of his way lately to find these places. Ever since that trip to the 1920s...which was probably best not to dwell on, considering what had happened between them there. She was sure he’d put it out of his mind already, even if things had seemed different since then. And now this!
She’d been suspicious, of course, when he’d practically been bouncing in his seat at breakfast that morning. That had only grown when he’d suggested she might want to stop by the wardrobe room before they disembarked for the day.
The TARDIS had helpfully laid something out for her that wouldn’t have looked out of place on her Gran in some of the very old photo albums of her and Gramps in their youth. Donna had turned this way and that in front of the mirror, watching the pale blue skirt fan out. Things were not as billowy up top.
“The 50s really were the heyday of curvy girls,” she’d noted to herself while eying the scoop neckline. “Look, have you got something a little less showy up here?”
The TARDIS hadn’t even given so much as a hum in reply.
“Oh, thanks.”
She’d decided to just head out to the console room. If Spaceman hadn’t wanted to get an eyeful of her cleavage today he shouldn’t have recommended his finicky ship.
But he hadn’t been in the console room. “Doctor!” Donna had called.
A horn had honked outside in reply, and she’d stepped out of the doors to find him and their borrowed transport for the day.
“What do you think?” He’d asked. Which had led them to here.
What did she think? Aside from being totally surprised. He’d gone to all this effort to give her a quiet little trip just the two of them. As much as she enjoyed meeting people from other places and times, she had to admit the idea had some merits.
And a picnic lunch. She’d always wanted to do one of those. Admittedly, whenever she’d pictured it, it had always been as a date. Which this certainly wasn’t. Best friends went and rented cars to just take their best friend out for a picnic all the time. Right?
The trouble was, she wasn’t entirely sure what they were anymore. That’s what happened when you snogged your mate.
Oh, what the hell. It wasn’t as if she was about to go hiking in these heels.
“Go on, then,” Donna said at last.
He beamed at her, taking her arm to lead her around to the passenger door which he opened for her. When he didn’t immediately shut it behind her, she turned in her seat to look at him just as his eyes jumped up to her face.
“You, um, you look lovely,” he said.
“You’ve said that before,” she reminded him, then winced. 1920s. So much for not thinking about it.
“Well, you were lovely then, too.”
She shook her head and reached for the door, but he placed his hand on hers. Her usual rebuke got stuck somewhere in her throat when she made the mistake of looking into his eyes.
“Really, Donna, you’re beautiful.”
Donna felt her cheeks warm under that sincere brown-eyed gaze. “Shall we get a move on?” She managed eventually.
“We shall,” he agreed, finally going back round the car to his side.
He really had picked a nice spot for a drive. The sun was out but warm rather than blazing, there was a light breeze, and the countryside was uninterrupted apart from the odd house here and there. She ought to have brought a camera to show Gramps. As long as no aliens cropped up, it would’ve even been safe to let her mum see.
They drove along winding roads with the windows down, chatting about practically anything the way they usually did. He’d been right, of course, this was nice. Like something out of a daydream, the ones she’d been having lately despite her best efforts.
Donna tried refocusing on something, anything else. She looked down as he shifted gears again, and then it hit her: Spaceman could drive.
“You’re not half bad at this,” she remarked out loud.
“Well, thank you.”
“But they can’t have had cars like this where you came from. When did you learn to drive?”
“Oh, it was ages ago. I don’t usually have a reason to put it to use. I did own a car back when I was with UNIT,” he told her. “She was a real vintage, though. Bright yellow.”
“What, like Noddy?” She couldn’t help asking.
“What is it about you and Noddy? Do you want to go visit Enid?” He glanced to her and grinned back when he noticed her teasing smile. “Hadn’t thought about Bessie in a while—”
“Bessie? Oh my God, did you name your car?”
“Well, why not?”
Donna was too busy laughing to answer.
“Donna,” said Spaceman.
“No, go on, I’m sorry,” she replied, not very sorry at all.
He shook his head but continued, “Hadn’t thought about her — I can hear you giggling, you know.”
Donna took her hand away from her mouth where she’d been trying to muffle the sound. “Sorry, I just had the thought, the Old Girl ought to count herself lucky!” She fell about laughing again, unable to help herself. Donna had used to hate how obnoxious her laugh sounded, but it didn’t seem to matter as much around the Doctor. He never thought her odd or unappealing for it.
Even now, he was smiling as he attempted to cajole her. “Donna.” He passed her a handkerchief to dab at her eyes where tears had started to leak out of the corners.
Donna took a deep, calming breath. “Okay, you hadn’t thought about Bessie in a while, till we were chasing down Agatha, I suppose?”
“That’s right,” he confirmed, looking glad to be back on track. “That was good fun, wasn’t it? Apart from the murders, I mean.”
“Yeah, it’d be good to avoid those today.”
“Exactly, that was the plan. Just sort of pick up where we left off.”
He was staring straight ahead out the windshield, but there was something almost carefully casual about how he’d said it. Where exactly did he feel they’d left off? Not the actual drive to rescue Agatha, surely. Perhaps them simply arriving at the party out on the lawn, before things had gone sideways.
Unbidden, the memory of his heated gaze on her after the kiss rose to the forefront of her mind. But he couldn’t mean that. He’d even said he meant the detox about ever doing that again. Not her.
It didn’t matter that there was a picnic basket for two sitting in the footwell of the backseat, or that it was his handkerchief she was currently twisting around her fingers, or that just the recollection of that searing look sent a shiver of something down her spine. Excitement or fear, she didn’t know, but it had kept her up nights on the TARDIS ever since.
Donna cast about for the first thing she could say in diversion. “Why didn’t you just travel in the TARDIS when you were with UNIT?”
“I couldn’t exactly use her at the time,” he replied, which had Donna raising her eyebrows. “And anyway, it was easier not to for short trips like that. Some farmer would report seeing strange lights in the woods and we’d drive out from HQ, that sort of thing.”
Donna felt a bit relieved at that. So cars to him were just transport, a work thing. He probably didn’t even see the romantic implications of a ride out alone in the middle of nowhere.
“So you’ve never taken a pretty girl out for a drive just because?” She checked, if only for her own curiosity.
“Well, I believe that’s what I’m doing right now,” he replied far too smoothly for a man who was supposed to have just meant the detox.
Donna scoffed. Alright, now he had to be pulling her leg. Probably all smug she was getting worked up over nothing. “Yeah, well we’re not about to get up to any mischief in the backseat.”
Immediately she winced. Why had she even brought it up? There wasn’t any reason to bring it up. Now he might think she’d been thinking about it or something, and then what would he think?
All he did, however, was turn to her with his face all scrunched up in that manner that meant he wasn’t following. “Mischief?”
Oh, he was kidding. “You know,” she said with a pointed look.
“No, I don’t. What sort of mischief can you get up to sitting in the back?” He glanced behind them as if to check for such mischief. “There’s not even a gear shift.”
“Yeah, it’s less to do with sitting and more with lying down, Time Boy.”
“What, across the seats? I’m not sure we’d even fit,” he mused.
“Oi.” Donna’s eyes narrowed. “And just how do you know that?”
“Just an estimate. We could always test it, though,” the Doctor added, already turning them off of the road. He pulled them up alongside a fence made out of wooden posts and had barely shut off the car before he was hopping out.
Donna sat there a moment or two, needing the time to accept the fact that he actually wanted to do this. This was mental.
It took one of his customary calls of “Donna!” to get her moving.
When she finally got out of the car and went around, she was met with his trainers sticking out of the open door.
“See, I thought so. I’m too tall.” He shook his feet for extra emphasis, and Donna felt fairly certain he was probably wiggling his toes as well.
“Right, well, now we know.”
“So how exactly does this constitute mischief? You said we’re both supposed to be back here?”
“You really want to know?” She asked, despite already knowing the answer. He couldn’t stand not knowing things.
Sure enough, he gave a cheery, “Yep!”
Donna wasn’t about to actually go through with it. That wouldn’t be stretching the bounds of their friendship; that would be shattering it. Just a hint ought to be enough for a genius like him.
She placed a knee on the seat between his legs and leaned in, then gripped the headrest to keep herself balanced.
“So you’ve got two people and a horizontal surface. You do the maths.”
Donna meant to get right out and leave him to it, only when she shifted backwards her head knocked against the very low, very hard ceiling.
The following events all happened very fast.
“Ow!” Donna took her hand off the headrest, causing her to pitch forward, landing with a yelp from Spaceman underneath her. His legs jerked, one foot connecting with the door which swung out and then back in with the momentum before closing on them with a slam.
She buried her face in the nearest hiding place with a groan. “Seriously?”
Of course, that hiding place was the Doctor’s chest. Which was ridiculously comfy now that she had the chance to reflect on it. His hands went up to cradle her head, fingers threading through her hair with light touches. “Are you alright?”
It took her a long moment to realize that he was checking for a bump and not giving her an impromptu massage. Donna felt her cheeks heat up all over again.
“Uh, yeah, fine.”
Her mortification only grew as she took further stock of their situation.
She was straddling his thigh. Spaceman’s thigh. How had she let it get there? His legs were bent at awkward angles, which was causing the skirt of her dress to ride up past her knees. Donna didn’t think he could see that from his prone position.
But as she lifted her head from his chest and glanced down, she realized she was giving him a different view entirely.
“Donna,” the Doctor said as she shifted to bring her arms up. She paused, but he didn’t appear to have thought far enough ahead to the end of that sentence. His eyes were very wide and panicky. “Um.”
“Just keep those eyes on the ceiling, Time Boy,” she advised, far less stern than she might have ordinarily managed due to her embarrassment.
“Oh,” he realized, voice very quiet. She could feel his swallow as he did as ordered and Donna began to work tugging at the neckline of her dress.
She had to shuffle about a bit, doing a sort of wriggling maneuver to free up enough of the fabric on either side to make incremental gains. It’d be easier going if this didn’t involve her becoming well-acquainted with the very solid, very lean leg pressed between her own. Somehow the fact that it, well, felt rather good was not helping at all either. Was it her imagination or were the muscles in his leg tensing? Her breath was coming out in short puffs and gasps, and it was growing uncomfortably hot in the cramped space.
“Donna,” said the Doctor again, more urgently this time.
“What?” She snapped.
“It would be incredibly helpful if you could move around a bit less.”
“Oh, would it?” She gave a particularly exaggerated rock to one side just to spite him — then froze.
A choked sort of noise escaped him before he could slap a hand over his mouth, but it hardly mattered when she could feel the unmistakable stiffness poking into her thigh.
She couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe. It was a precarious moment, frozen between discovery and realization.
Was he really…?
The doubt rolled in, though Donna thought it more likely to be cold rationality. She was a warm body getting up close and personal with sensitive bits. Any bloke would have reacted, even an alien one. It was the situation, not her.
If anything, he was likely to be cross with her once he got over his embarrassment. “Doctor, I’m sorry,” said Donna, wanting to make amends as quickly as possible.
His eyes squeezed shut and his hand moved away from his mouth allowing him to speak. “Of course you are. Oh, this was not the plan at all.”
Donna paused, this time in the middle of trying to untangle their feet. “What plan?”
There was a red flush creeping up his neck and into his cheeks. “The drive, the picnic. Trying to- to pick up where we left off.”
“Hold on.” It felt as though the entire universe had undergone a seismic shift, and Donna had to know, “Is this a date?”
“If you want it to be,” he said on a miserable sounding sigh. The Doctor cracked an eye open to meet her gobsmacked expression. “Look, Donna, just sit up, and I’ll drive us back, and we can pretend the whole thing never happened. Alright?”
But she couldn’t reply. She hadn’t sat up. The one sure way of avoiding this entire mess, and what had she done? Pretty much the exact opposite. God, she really had lost her head over him.
She dropped it back down to rest on his chest again as a snort escaped her, then a giggle.
“We are so daft,” she managed breathlessly.
“We are?” He asked, sounding absolutely confused and a tiny bit scared.
Donna felt herself smile. She lifted her hands to his shoulders and used that hold to drag herself up the length of his body, which undid about all the work she’d put in to preserve her modesty. A fissure of excitement went through her upon noting that his interest down there didn’t seem to have flagged in the slightest.
“You do the maths yet?”
Bless, she might have broken him.
“Yeah. You, me, a horizontal surface.” She thought she saw the answer spark in his eyes the second before she kissed him.
God, it felt like ages since the last one. Or the first one, really, but Donna wasn’t too bothered with the particulars while her lips moved against his. She should have realized he’d be better without a million other things stuffed in his mouth, but she hadn’t realized how much better. And that tongue…
One or both of them let out a moan. His arms had wrapped around her and there was no space between them at all. She felt at once a desperate hunger for more and yet totally at peace, knowing this was exactly where she wanted to be.
His legs had relaxed out of their bent posture, but to properly stretch them out the Doctor stuck them out the open side window. Her own feet went with them due to the tangle of their legs. She was tempted to kick her heels off to enjoy the warm afternoon sunshine.
“Donna,” the Doctor murmured in the scant space between kisses. “My Donna.”
Her hands cradled his face then dove into his hair, anywhere she could reach. She was dizzy with the knowledge that this was her Spaceman, and he wanted her the same way she’d grown to want him. It was an absolute perfect moment.
A loud honk startled them both, and Donna darted up just in time to catch the driver of a passing lorry throw them a jaunty wave. She immediately dropped back down.
“Oh, my God.” How had she forgotten they were just off the side of a public road?
“Ah, well, suppose that looked…” Spaceman trailed off, one of his hands rising to tug at his ear. Today was just full of humiliation, wasn’t it? “Perhaps finding somewhere more private would be a good idea?”
“Yes, please, that’d be lovely.”
She turned her face to see his grin, which she swore was infectious. A chuckle left him, and her smile only grew as he bent his head at an angle to kiss her cheek. Donna couldn’t help chasing his lips with her own, feet kicking up into the air.
It took them far longer than necessary to get back on the road.
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: Prom-a-Saurus
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3x19: Prom-a-Saurus
Hey, it’s the prom episode we always wanted -- dinosaur themed!  Oh wait, no we really didn’t.  This episode is frustrating on a lot of levels.  The fact that Brittany as a senior is basically ignored all season, only for this kind of thing to take place -- and dinosaur themed? Really?  Meanwhile, Rachel gets to be a special snowflake **rolls eyes**.  And we have about 50 couples in the background making out while our two queer couples still have to keep a good foot between them.  I don’t think this is a bad episode on its own, but man, especially at the time, I think as a fandom, we were about to lose our collective shit and it’s easy to see why. 
Prom Round 2
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Will’s all excited that he’s having the glee club sing at prom again.  I know it’s been a while, but how about another round of Will ideas Kurt is less than impressed with.  Because this is literally his reaction to the news.  
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Kurt: What that makes no sense. 
Kurt to Brittany after every thing she says regarding prom.  I’m with ya Kurt.  Nothing about this episode makes any sense.  
Oh, and Brittany bans hair gel.  Because she doesn’t like how Blaine looks.  How about stupidest plot line ever.  I’m sure, writers, you could think of a better way to free Darren’s hair.  But I digress.  At least Kurt’s a little WTF on Blaine’s behalf. 
Big Girls Don’t Cry
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Rachel’s singing her woes on stage, and the Klaine boys come to join her.  It’s one of those rare times when the studio version is vastly different than the on screen version.  Kurt sing more on screen, but I hate to admit it, I think the studio version is better (the balance is better, and the sound is, overall, cleaner).  Anyway, the song is mostly about Rachel dealing with her shit, but Klaine get a nice moment to themselves in the full version of the song. 
Like the little school mate in the school yard We'll play jacks and uno cards I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine Yes, you can hold my hand if you want to 'Cause I want to hold yours too We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
I mean -- how adorable is this.  We barely get anything post-Dance With Somebody, but I enjoy that while we don’t always get to see their connection, the production was always all over the Klaine-ness, whether was giving them lines in the songs, or props, or costumes.  It’s kind of textured into the show.  
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Kurt, Blaine, and Rachel all have their reasons for lamenting about prom.  Rachel doesn’t want to see her boyfriend go with his ex-girlfriend.  Which -- ya know what Rachel, I feel ya on this one.  
Kurt doesn’t want to go because of the high chance he could be crowned Prom Queen again.  And I mean, it’s a nice moment of reflection here.  Yeah, he held his head high, and was amazing at dealing with it -- but as he says here, it was humiliating.  And he has no desire to relive that traumatic experience again. 
And Blaine doesn’t want to go because of the ban on hair gel.  And there are two points I’d like to pull out of this little moment.  
First, yes, while Blaine is validly insecure about his hair, Kurt’s giggling a little bit about it.  Because to him, it really doesn’t matter what Blaine looks like -- it’s Blaine, and he loves Blaine.  And it kind of reminds me of a moment we’re going to get later on -- when Blaine has his bubble machine and Kurt says to Artie that ‘Blaine just has to have his bubbles’.  Idk how to describe it, but it’s one of those old married moments.  
The other is the commentary I’ve seen on Blaine’s line about them never seeing him without hair gel.  And while I do think this line is more so directed at Rachel, I do think it’s possible that Kurt’s never really seen Blaine without hair gel at this point.  Sex will make them sweaty, but the hair gel most definitely won’t be gone (and I actually don’t think they’re having as much sex as fanfic leads us to believe).  And I’m guessing that since it is such a sensitive matter to Blaine, he makes it a point to not show Kurt what he looks like with out the gel.  So yeah, Kurt’s definitely see Blaine naked -- but Blaine’s still controlling what that image is presented to be.  Interesting, huh.  
Anyway -- more on the point to this scene -- I’d like to point out that it’s Kurt’s idea not to go to prom.  I like that’s thrown out there as an option -- cause really, prom is not a thing everyone needs to experience -- and usually, it is overrated. 
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Kurt’s face as Rachel explains the whole anti-prom idea.  Lol. 
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And when Santana shuts them down. 
So -- there’s a whole lot of complicated stuff going on in this scene, because there should be an opportunity for people to not go to some over-hyped party, but Santana has a point when she shuts down Rachel saying it’s a pity play, at the same time, Rachel is going through a hard time, at the same time Santana’s later going to eat her words when she crowns Rachel prom queen, and it’s such a mess that I’m glad I don’t really need to spend time untangling it. 
Mostly, Kurt and Blaine have legitimate reasons not to go -- and I don’t think they should be forced to do anything they aren’t comfortable with.  But it is one of those awkward things -- do you go be with your friends because friends, or do you skip and just hang out with each other.  Kurt and Blaine don’t really explore the issue at hand, but I just wanted to point out that it was there.  
The Anti-Prom
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I think there’s a better BTS still of this floating around somewhere.  
I have so many questions.  What exactly was their grand plan with this whole anti-prom? I mean, it’s obvious by their cluelessness that there wasn’t a plan.  But a hotel room? What did they think was going to happen, lol. 
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Can we talk about Kurt’s outfit for a second?  It’s a stark difference from the previous year, which makes sense that Kurt would go the other way.  It’s also a much more relaxed and open look -- which is a little different for Kurt.  I mean, he’s in a safe place, so to speak, but I also think it’s part of Kurt being more relaxed with himself, too.  Also, I kind of love it.  
So -- the anti-prom starts off on a shaky foot.  Becky’s all about strip poker and giant orgies apparently, but Kurt’s quick to shut that down.  I find it funny how he reminds her that he and Blaine are gay -- as if this conversation had happened before.  Meanwhile, Rachel wants to do a fashion show, and Puck wants to watch porn.  Blaine looks like he’s bored already.  Kurt entertaining himself at first -- and man does he love that bed, cause all he does is bounce on it the whole time.  
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So -- the anti-prom gets pretty boring really quickly.  And Kurt seems to be regretting, a little, that they didn’t go to prom.  I kind of love that he leaves to Blaine’s decision.  He might be feeling okay to go, but like last year, he’s not going to go without Blaine feeling comfortable to go. 
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Oh right -- Blaine does specifically say to Kurt that he’s never shown Kurt what he looks like without a ton of hair gel.  Well -- I stand by all my original points above.  And I love Kurt’s little smirk.  He doesn’t really care.  He’ll take Blaine however he is.  And this is just one of those smaller moments that I just love between the two of them.  Cause they like each other and love each other. 
So Finn comes along and says they should all come to prom -- which they decided is more fun than doing nothing in a hotel room.  I have to wonder -- I’m assuming the hotel room is paid for that night.  Who gets it after prom is over? ;) 
I’m guessing based on the comments in season 4′s I Do -- that Kurt and Blaine definitely did not return home that night, lol. 
Real Prom
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I’m kind of rolling my eyes at their entrance, standing literally in the shadow of Finchel.  So yeah, because Wemma kinda goes on the backburner, Finchel became the A-couple of season 3, and Klaine the B-couple.  Unfortunately, that meant that Klaine was tied in it’s parallels -- which will continue through season 4, but also not get as much as meat as Finchel does.  On the plus side, I think Klaine still works better for not being the focus, too. 
Anyway -- Blaine’s gotta wash out the hair gel, and Kurt’s being a supportive boyfriend.  
And then Kurt goes to dance with Mercedes during What Makes You Beautiful -- a song I really adore, even if it’s a One Direction song. 
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It’s not that bad, Kurt, lol.  I don’t even think it’s that shocking -- but it is kinda funny.   
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Kurt: I love finally getting to see the real you.  The man without the product.  And I want everyone here to know how proud I am of my brave, handsome, bushy-haired boyfriend.  
I think this quote speaks for itself, and is an understated, small yet romantic moment between the two of them.  And, I think someone’s getting most definitely laid after prom. 
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God, sometimes Glee, I’d really like to bop you on the head with that scepter.  Obviously, what was done to Kurt last year was a mean prank.  Why relive that with making him crown next year’s winner?  Oh because the writers seem to get off on the idea of Kurt crowning Rachel prom queen.  **grumbles**  At least Kurt is not at all enthused during this.  
I like that there’s a moment where Kurt thinks he might actually have had another write in.  Poor bb. 
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We’re not going to talk about Rachel being prom queen.  I have so many issues, it’ll fill up a whole other post.  
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We do get a couple of shots with the two of them dancing -- and being flirty and having fun.  It’s kinda there.  And I do like Klaine in this episode, and there’s actually a lot of it! But yeah -- there is an imbalance that is very obvious when you watch the episode as a whole.  Finchel get to slobber all over each other during the whole episode.  Wemma and Tike get to kiss.  There are, literally, fifty or so hetero couples draped all over each other, and many of them are full on making out.  I didn’t need a Klaine kiss in this episode, but I didn’t need to see a bunch of close ups of people making out that I didn’t care about either.  And yeah -- Brittana is treated the same as Klaine -- lots of distance.  I understand the frustrating at the end of this season guys, I do.  
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At least these two goobers are adorable. And at least we can deduce that these two probably did have a ton of sex afterwards ;) 
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