#the elementalists book looks good too??
plushii-gutz · 1 year
Other half of part 17 PART 18 WILL BE BETTER I PROMISE!! Enjoy the stupid ocs I made for this part
"Land ahead!"
Punkleton lifted Blasoom high, allowing her to get a good view of the approaching island. They sang happily in chirps, hopping down from their seasonal's grasp and over to the rest. They scattered around, playing kickball with Hoola and Blabbit.
It was a bit after lunch, right after a long nap. Most had wandered off to do their own chores or play their own games. Schmoochle had gifted Attmoz a pink and white scarf, which he now refuses to take off. After taking some of Boo'qwurm's books from their library, he found himself lost in the history of Celestials. Furnoss had already warned him ahead of time that he didn't plan on trying to recreate their past, which the air monster didn't seem to mind at all.
He fell deep into the stories of their creations, the many islands and monsters. He wondered how life would be on Plant Island, how the monsters would feel walking among gods. Did the Celestials even hold this title anymore? They were just monsters now, the only of their species. Once they died, they were gone. Could they ever re-learn their past powers?
"Wait," Attmoz spoke to himself, "Can Celestials die? Actually die?"
Glaishur was gone. Loodvigg, too. Their bodies were empty, there was no life in them. But they were full of these magical powers they hardly knew anything about. Could that mean anything?
Attmoz toyed with the idea. They were gone. End of story. Right? Did Celestials not follow the same story of life as every other monster?
"Hey, Furnoss?"
Looking over, Furnoss was downing his second mug of coffee. Viveine had brewed plenty of the stuff earlier that morning, later reusing it with ice and milk.
"I've never felt better in my entire life."
"Jeez, calm down with that stuff."
"You've got to try this, Attmoz. It's like being struck by lightning."
"H- what? How is that a good thing? Never mind that, I have a question."
The fire elementalists sat his drink aside to talk. Unfortunately, the younger Celestials' questions found no answer from the elder. However, it was given by the seasonal that stood in the kitchen with them.
"I'm not entirely sure, but isn't most of Galvanas powers in their orb thing? Can't any Celestial monster use that to do the same process?"
"The amount of energy could kill a full grown monster," Furnoss explained.
"But would it bring Glaishur back?" Attmoz asked.
"Well, if the initial shock didn't make them drop dead.. Even so, I don't think bringing him back is much a good idea."
"Oh, of course you'd say that."
The air monster rose from his seat, only to be sat back down.
"Attmoz, his body has been there for days. The procedure only worked with the living. Who knows what could become of him if he was forced back alive."
"We don't even know if Celestials bodies can decay!" He argued, "I can do the power stuff, I can bring him back!"
"You're going to kill yourself!"
"You don't know that! And even if I did, why would you care?"
Viveine shyly offered some fruit punch, to which both yelled a harmonized 'no!'
"I've already lost two monsters under my care, and I'm not losing another! Attmoz, I do care about you! There's so much tension that I've been trying to give you space - I've been trying to be a good friend, and I don't know how to make any of this better!"
Their argument had been cut short. Hoola ran into the room, Vhamp and Hornacle running alongside.
"We're here!" She exclaimed. "We won't be able to stay long - enjoy the trip while you can!"
And once more, she was gone. Attmoz maintained a bit of eye contact as he left Furnoss behind.
"We can stay here if you want," Viviene offered.
"No," Furnoss followed the group slowly, "I need to watch the kids. I'm not letting his stupidity ruin my day. Not this one, at least."
Punkleton and Hoola led the many little monsters outside and onto the new island, using a very steep walkway to the top of it. Their excitement turned to nervousness real quick, apart from Torrt as expected. It was a small island, still doubled the size of their previous. It was lined with markets and small houses, a very tiny town formed. Despite the many shops, all were empty. The center of the island was filled with its residents, a stage holding a podium standing tall in the crowd.
"Everyone, please," a monster spoke, "calm down. It's been brought to my attention by many of your concerns. Yes, the weather has been cold. It always is at some point in the year!"
"Never this long!" One from the crowd yelled, "never this long!"
"The island is cooling!" Another chimed in.
Coming closer, the visitors were able to get a better picture of the situation. On the stage stood a Candelavra, assisted by a Kayna. The smaller of the two, Kayna, moved closer behind the other as the voices surrounding them grew louder.
"If Amber Island freezes over, where will we go? The fire islands aren't fit for long-term stay since the storm! Answer us, Cecilia!"
Cecilia slammed her hands against her podium, silencing them.
"I would bring you good news if I could. Firesight only comes when the stars decide such. It isn't mine nor Enya's fault. Now, please. I promise that our home will remain as bright as fire burns. The storm will pass, and we will be ok. I will make sure of it. Carry on with your day at ease."
"As if that'll happen."
"Don't make me come down there!"
The meeting is dismissed. It was obvious that Cecilia's words hadn't changed the fire monsters' minds in any way. She and Enya left for the castle, stressed and worried.
"So," Punkleton used its words to change the mood, "Wanna look around after we get the package? Maybe look through the markets?"
The kids seemed to enjoy the idea, hopping behind as the Spooktacle monster took leadership once more. Attmoz took Galvana's hand, likely knowing how easily they would wander off. They stopped first to get what they primarily had come for. The package was at a small flower shop, colorful and scented sweetly of its many blossoms.
"Ay, Pereskia!" He called out, "Guess who!"
A Barrb looked over, holding a watering can in one hand and a bucket in the other. She donned a sun-bleached sun hat decorated with a ribbon and flowers and soil stained gloves covered with sap, clearly worn out after many years.
"Well, hey, Punkleton! Been a while, huh?"
"Sure has been! Haven't seen you at any of the Spooktacle celebrations recently - how's life, how's the whole gig going? Eh?"
She sat down her items, moving a dirty box from the floor into Punkletons' grasp. The Seasonal took it, holding it under his arm as Pereskia leaned onto the counter.
"Could be better. The sudden shift in temperature has already taken a toll on this island. Hasn't been this bad since our element had been rediscovered, apparently. Buck has been sick, too. Say, who are all of these lil' rascals you brought into my shop?"
"Oh - uh, right."
Furnoss moved to the front, giving an awkward wave.
"Oh my stars!" Pereskia stumbled backward, slipping on her own foot and then jolting back up. "That- That's Furnoss! Where did you find a fucking Celestial?"
"Oh, there's plenty more where that came from," Attmoz leaned over to be seen, holding Galvana out.
"Y-You better not be here for Buck! He isn't that sick, he'll be fine! You ain't takin' all I have left! Scram! Outta my shop!" The Barrb yelled. Her hostility compared nothing to her fear.
"Perry, please, chill," Punkleton moved aside for the rest, "There's a lot to explain, but I'll leave ya with this: we're jus' taking a look around, making sure everything is alright."
"Why ya short?" She asked Galvana.
Galvana poked at her face, giggling. Funny talking plant. They like Pereskia.
"Good answer. Alright, well.. I'm not too sure how the rest will feel seeing ya'll. Maybe try an' keep a low profile. Not too great to have your home fallin' apart, and seeing the guy you hoped to fix everything to be a kid."
The fire elementalist wishes there was any way he could help. Unfortunately, he's too young.
"Celestials powers grow over time," He went on to explain, "And I think it's clear I don't have mine yet."
"I was told Galvana was just born with theres - In that orb, right?"
Furnoss moved back to look at Galvana and Attmoz, but they were gone.
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Unexpected (Peter Parker)
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I knew high school was not supposed to be easy, but I didn’t expect it to be this hard.
Y/n Lewis, nerdy school outcast just wanting to belong. Being a teenager harboring a supernatural secret.
The elementalist.
That’s me.
A teenager with the ability to control the four elements. Fire, water, earth, and air.
I’m no vigilante like the infamous Spider-Man. However I’m not a villain like the lizard, or the rhino, or electro. I don’t really use my powers at all. I don’t need too or want to really. I’ve only ever used my powers in public once and it was an accident. Apparently me thinking about making rain stop and go back up into the sky actually makes it do that now, and there were the fires I almost started from a sneeze.
The only thing I know about how I got my powers is that my Dad and I got in an accident when I was little. I was the fortunate one in that accident. I ended up with powers and my dad will never be able to move anything ever again.
I think the day can either get better or worse from the moment I stepped foot on the Midtown High School campus.
I could be embarrassed by flash and his posy again, or I could successfully avoid them for the entire day.
I could get caught staring at Peter Parker again by Gwen, or I could actually pay attention during science class.
But who knows what the day has in store for me.
I can only hope that it gets better or stays neutral.
Walking to my locker to collect my books for the morning I’m greeted by a smiling Gwen Stacey standing next to my locker waiting for me.
“What’s got you smiling at 8 in the morning?” I ask her.
“I know you’ll be ecstatic to know that a certain someone got a haircut,” she giggles back.
“And why would I be ecstatic that Peter Parker got a hair cut,” I say.
“Because I didn’t even say a name and you still knew who I was talking about. Besides we both know about the massive crus…” I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth.
“Will you keep quiet about that I told you that in private. Nobody in Midtown besides you needs to know about that,” I say to her in a quick panic.
She pushes my hand from her face,” well I’m just saying because the dance is coming up and I know you don’t have a date yet.”
I look at her with confusion.
“I’m just saying that maybe, just maybe I can set you up with a certain photographer,” she says back to me as she nudges me with her elbow.
I don’t say anything back to her.
“I going to take your silence as a yes. I will start my work on that as soon as I see the dashing boy,” she says.
“I don’t think you’ve met the boy. He can’t take subtle hints to save his life. So good luck with that,” I giggle back to her.
“Challenge accepted,” she says in a close whisper, “I’ll see you later I’m off to philosophy. To think OUTside the box.”
“See you later Ms. Stacey,” I wave to her.
I turned around and ran into a chest that knocked me back causing me to fall. However I didn’t ever reach the ground because of the two hands that grabbed my waist and helped me back up.
I looked up at the person with shock only to be met with those gorgeous brown eyes I had memorized over and over again.
“H-hi Peter,” I stutter out.
“Hey N/n,” he says. N/n was a name that Peter had given me a week after we met. I had just moved in to the house across the street from Peter and his Grandparents. I started calling him Petey and he decided to come up with N/n, and it’s stuck ever since. I still occasionally call him Petey, but not as much as I used to.
“What’s got you standing so close to me? Trying to kidnap me,” I question him.
“No I was trying to scare you, but I can see you did that yourself,” he laughs.
“Yeah I tend to do that a lot. I’d be scared of my own shadow if I didn’t know what it was,” I giggle back.
“Ready to do to Calculus,”: he asked.
“As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s just hope our teacher doesn’t go on a life tangent, and cause me to fall asleep again,” I hoped.
“Yeah, I can’t believe you snore when you sleep,” he says.
I elbow him hard in the side,” I don’t snore, and it was embarrassing enough that I fell asleep and got caught. You poking fun is not making it better Parker.”
“I surrender you win,” he says as he puts his arms up in defeat.
“I always win,” I say when I brush my my hair over my shoulder.
“Only because I let you win,” he says as we near the classroom.
“I know but it still feels good to win,” I sass.as I run into the classroom ahead of him. I’m sitting in my seat giggling to myself by the time Peter walks through the classroom door.
He takes his seat next to me with a smirk on his face.
I began to take my books out of my bag as I hear the one voice I didn’t want to hear today. “How’s it going loser Lewis,” he asks me.
I ignored flash as him and his friends continue to stand in front of my desk. I did not want to deal with him today. As I continued to ignore them Flash kept pushing me.
“C’mon give me something.”
“I know you give everyone else something else.”
“C’mon you don’t want to be known as a prude forever.”
“I bet you’re not even a virgin.”
“Am I right.”
“Did you get your cherry popped Lewis.”
I was beginning to fidget in my seat rage growing inside me.
I can’t let him win.
“Oh C’mon I bet I’m better than whatever you had.”
Not now. He gets closer to my face.
“I think I could make you feel good.”
My eyes widened as a strong wind blew around the room knocking over the empty desks and the boys in front of me.
I was gone.
I don’t know how far I needed to go but I just kept going.
I couldn’t sit around and wait to see what would happen.  Especially now that they might know just how much of a freak I might actually be. Now that he might know.
My feet took me home, but I couldn’t go inside. My parents couldn’t know I left school right as it started.
So I headed down the street to the small park in our neighborhood.
I sat on one of the swings, and hung my head and even though I tried hard not to cry I couldn’t hold it back. Thinking about how I could never show my face at that school again, and how I would have to tell my parents about what I did and what we would have to do. Like move again to a town where nobody knows anything about me and what I can do.
As I’m crying it out on this swing I see a figure sit on the swing next to me. I look up to see those beautiful brown eyes staring back at me.
I didn’t want to speak knowing my voice would fail me, but I knew I had to.
I had to explain everything that just happened in order to try and save myself while I feel like I’m drowning.
“I’m sorry,” that’s the only thing that squeaks out of my mouth.
“What do you have to be sorry for?” he asks me.
“For what I did,” I sniffle.
“I thought that was amazing. You should’ve waited around to see the embarrassed look on their faces when they scrambled to their feet afterwards pretending like nothing happened. The rest of the people in the room were, confused, but they laughed at the fact they finally got what’s coming to them,” he rambles back to me.
“Stop,” I say.
“Stop what?” he questions.
“Stop trying to make me feel better. I know everyone sees me as a freak now for what I did. I can’t go back to school. I have to be a hermit for the rest of my life. My parents are going to kill me. But I don’t get it?” I ask.
“What don’t you get?” he says.
“Why aren’t you scared of me? Don’t I freak you out. I made an ocean wind in a closed classroom. Aren’t you supposed to be terrified of me now. You know my big secret,” I confess.
“Because I think it’s cool. I also have some follow up questions,” he says.
“Fire away young journalist what’ve I got to lose,” I say sounding defeated.
“When did you find out you could do that?”
“I was 7 got into an accident with my Dad and found out shortly afterwards.”
“Do you have any other powers?”
“I can also manipulate earth, water, and fire,” I say as I cause the puddle infront of me to float around in the air.
“Dang you really are cooler than I thought. Next question, what do you think about Spiderman?”
“Seems like an off subject question, but I’ll bite. I think he’s amazing. I think it’s fascinating that a human could acquire spider like powers. And the fact that he’s putting himself in the line of danger in order to save the city makes him a hero. No matter what the Daily Bugle says,” I say on a tangent.
“What if I told you that I knew him? Like personally,” he says.
“You do! How and when, and why didn’t you tell me. You tell me everything. I would think this would be…”
I’m cut off by a web being shot at the seat of the swing I’m sitting on. It pulls me closer to Peter.
I’m shocked.
I’m face to face with Peter Parker, the Spiderman.
We’re inches from each other.
“One more question,” he whispers, as if being any louder would shatter me.
I can only nod my head at him to ask his question.
“Can I kiss you?”
I answered him by pulling him those final three inches to me.
Crashing my lips to his.
His lips are soft but chapped. My hands find their way to Peter’s cheeks and I can feel the warmth flush to his cheeks as the kiss continues.
I break the kiss hesitantly, needing to breathe.
“Well that was unexpected,” he says to me. I giggle at his sentence as I look into those chocolate eyes.
“Well I have a question for you Mr. Spiderman,” I say to him.
“Ask away N/n,” he says back to me. Making me smile at the nickname.
“Do you wanna go to the dance with me?” I ask him.
“Only if you’ll be my girl,” he counters.
“I don’t know. Do I get to be with Spiderman or Peter Parker?” I question.
“How about both? A two for one deal if you will, but I also get to choose you cool superhero name,” he offers.
“Deal,” I say as i stick my hand out for him to shake and he shakes it, “I probably wouldn’t be able to pick a good name for myself anyway. I mean you came up with Spider menace.. *gasp* I mean Spiderman.”
“Ha ha very funny N/n,” he smiles back.
“So what’ve you got for cool super hero names?” I ask him.
“How about…” he thinks for a little bit and then a light bulb goes off in his head,” ooh, how about the Elementalist. Because you can control all four of the natural elements. And you don’t want to be mistaken for an avatar so got to get that name out there soon.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I’m not a superhero. I don’t even know the full extent of my powers,” I say to him.
“Oh don’t worry about that. We’ll get there in due time, but first we need to make you a super suit,” he says with a smile.
“Let’s worry about that later Spiderman. I want to pretend to normal just a little while longer with my Peter,” I confess to him.
“Okay okay. I get it. The elementalist stuff can wait until the weekend. Which starts in…” he checks his watch,” about 4 hours,” he smirks.
“At least I get even more hours to be with you,” I say as I bring him in for another kiss which he gladly excepts.
We break apart and he stands up reaching a hand out for me to grab I take it. As I stand I’m instantly taken off of my feet and am being carried in the strong arms of Peter Parker who is walking in the direction of his house.
“Are you trying to kidnap me again Parker,” I ask him.
“No I’m taking you to my secret layer so we can ‘pretend’ to be superheroes together like the good old days,” he declares.
“As long as there’s a place to nap I’m there,” I say back to him.
“There is actually. I think you find the space to be rather cozy. I think you’ll enjoy it,” he says sincerely.
“Good good.”
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So having now finished the Vampire Academy show, I really loved it. I loved the changes because the changes made it good TV.
But my favourite change? Dimitri's books. In the books he reads old Western Novels because they remind him of his childhood and family. Its cute, its sweet, and just kind ties into the whole Cowboy thing.
In the show he reads biographies. Specifically human biographies, and the ones whose titles we see tend to be Civil Rights leaders, and others who have fought for justice. Specifically we see 'I Have a Dream' - Reverand Martin Luther King, 'Long Walk to Freedom' - Nelson Mandela, and 'The Art of Happiness' - The Dalai Lama, all positioned so you can easily read their spines in a lingering shot when Rose visits Dimitri while he is under house arrest. There are other books in the piles, but the writing is upside down or obscured or otherwise difficulty to see at first glance.
I think its really interesting, because up until this point, Show!Dimitri is so resigned to what his life is, he's a Dhampir and because of that he is a Guardian because that is what he has been told is his only option his entire life. Anything else would be shameful. He's prepared to throw away love because attachments make his job harder. He's dedicated, he's seen what happens when he takes time for himself.
But he is also so desperately aware of how unfair the system is. We see it when he lets Sasha go, when he stays to protect the village, when he lies about it to protect Rose, and encourages her to keep lying. We see it when he and Rose talk about the system being unfair, and he seems so trapped, so convinced that all these rules and his way of life is keeping him in control, but agreeing with Rose that so much of it is just not right. We see it when he is furious about the tests and them adding a real Strigoi to test the students with out warning them. We see it when he *let Rose win* the Trial by Proxy, because he might agree with the Elementalists because of religion, he knows what they want to do to Dhampirs is wrong.
And the whole time he is making these little rebellions against the system, he's doing it with the knowledge that if he pushes too far there will be collateral damage. He can't just abandon the system, because lives will be list, and they won't be his own.
And then the biographies kind of click into place. Is he trying to make sense of his world? Or looking for advice and inspiration? Because if we get more seasons, I would not be surprised if we see Dimitri taking a stronger stance on Dhampir rights, potentially even working to advance them.
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sunnyshiftyy · 2 years
Love Is An Open Door (And Mind) - TE  one shot
Book: The Elementalists, book 2, sophomore year, late november. TW: Cursing Rating: PG-13/Teen to be safe. (I mean they make out but that’s it, nothing explicit.) Pairing: Beckett Harrington x f!MC Words: 2518 Summary: Abandoned parts of libraries are like the perfect make out spot, right?! Tags: @theclassycandy , @choicesficwriterscreations
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future fanfics or TE content!
And on that note, i hope you enjoy!
“It’s really fucking cold out there..” Estelle unzips her thick coat as she steps through the door Beckett is holding open with his free hand. The other tightly grips a reasonable stack of books, pressing it against his torso. He disappointedly shakes his head and walks after her.
“Always with the profanities, Russel.” he mumbles. She rolls her eyes before facing him.
“What did those books do to you?” She gestures to the stack in his arms, and hangs her jacket on the coat rack. He shoots her his resident questioning look. “You normally put them all in your backpack.”
“Uhm, they didn’t fit. I thought I could use some extra for thanksgiving break, but I already read most of them..” His soft smug expression slowly changes as he looks at his shoes, some pink dusting his cheeks. “...and there is also the fact that you can’t take any of the library books out of school grounds.” He’s embarrassed he forgot that rule. He should’ve remembered. Estelle almost snorts.
“Is that an actual rule?” She leans on the librarians’ desk while Beckett checks his pile of books back in. They each fly off, enjoying their short time of freedom. If you can call it that.
“It is, and if you bothered to read the most important parts of the compendium, you would’ve known.” He busies himself with the books, so he doesn’t have to look her in the eyes. He’s more berating himself for forgetting than her for not knowing. A quiet but excited voice makes them both look up from the counter.
“Ah, my two favourite volunteers! You just have shelving this time. It’s getting a bit crazy with all the students dumping their books before break.” Mrs. Avery says. Beckett sheepishly releases his last book.
“No problem, Mrs. Avery. We’ll get started right away.” Estelle smiles.
He slides another book in its place when he feels a cold hand wrap around his wrist. Estelle is trying to decipher the time his watch indicates. It’s kind of annoying. She uses her phone for everything. Why not for this? Her disappointed face tells it all.
“Remind me again why these shifts are 4 hours long?” she expresses, walking away with over-dramatic slumped shoulders, her oversized cardigan sliding down one.
“I will remind you that you were the one who suggested this.” he answers, calmly catching another book and stroking its spine. Estelle sighs.
“I’m freezing in here.”
A/N: (basically they loose a book again (like in chapter 4 of book one) and they go chase it. I didn’t write anything between these 2 points because i honestly had no inspiration. But it’s not that interesting, so just imagine a little stupid scene here, okay, moving on:)
The door slams shut. “Where has it gone? It floated in here right? Am I hallucinating things?” Probably not. Since the first time she thought she hallucinated it was just reality. A really unbelievable reality, but it was.
“It should be around here. Maybe it’s hiding?” Beckett rolls up the sleeves of his white button up and starts digging through the spare and abandoned bookshelf on the left of them. Estelle does the same.
“Do those things do that?” she replies, the surprise clearly audible in her voice. He nods.
“Most of them aren’t that stubborn though. But it’ll get tired.” He sighs. “Eventually.” Estelle leans her back against the bookshelf. She studies his face. It’s concentrated. But frustrated too. It’s very weird. She’s always been exceptionally good at reading faces. The tinier the movements get, the more she’s able to pick up on the emotions. Fake smiles never fooled her. She saw through so much growing up, she makes sure to always be on her A acting game. But only when she wants to. Most of the time, she doesn’t care to cover up her emotions, which are abundantly clear on her face. Not poorly masked, but either completely real, or, when they need to be, completely fake.
“Don’t waste your sanity on this stupid piece of tree.”
“You know, this would go faster if you actually helped me.” he huffs.
“Fine.” She turns around and looks up. She grins. Bingo. There it is. Sandwiched in the middle of ‘Kitchen-magicks for beginners’ and ‘The history of familiars’ She taps his arm. “Up there.” He catches sight of it and breathes a sigh of relief.
“Finally.” He reaches up and pulls on the spine, but it doesn’t budge. Estelle even tries to get it out, but, nothing. Beckett releases the book.
“Of course it’s not coming out.” It would be too easy, as always. He racks his brain for a solution. It’s a magickal book. So, probably only magick can get it out. But that wouldn’t make sense. These books almost never do this. Why did this book need to-
“It’s okay, I mean, it’s technically shelved, right?” her voice rings out. As much as he wants to agree with her, they both know better.
“You know that’s not what they mean.” he replies. His eyes are still trained on that book, watching for any movement it may make. But it stays utterly still.
“They didn’t specify the word ‘shelve’.” she argues, with a huge grin on her face. She’s technically following the rules. Beckett shakes his head and looks back at her.
“You’re just as stubbourn as that book.” His small smile makes some of the flowers in her stomach bloom. Being with him is the best decision she ever made. Though it’s confusing sometimes, it just feels right. She just hopes she doesn’t fuck it up, like she always does. Disaster girl will need to leave forever from now on. Though she’s not too sure if this exact situation isn’t one of her disasters. Her eyes don’t leave his.
“You too.” she softly retorts. For a moment, his face relaxes as his smile broadens. He internally makes fun of the way he thought they were completely different in the beginning. That he could never understand her. That didn’t stop him from being curious, though. They say opposites attract, and, initially they do, but, having things in common is like the stitching that keeps it all together in the long run. He clears his throat and gets back to reality.
“I’ll try again.” he states. He takes a hold of the book again, mumbling a quick spell under his breath, and then pulls as hard as he can, bracing his other hand against the shelf. The rack moves and wobbles, but the book doesn’t move a millimeter. Estelle grabs his arm.
“Stop, stop, you’re yanking out the whole bookshelf! It’s not worth it.” she exclaims. Beckett notices her hand still feels ice cold. He gently takes the fabric of the cardigan that slid down her shoulder and pulls it up again. He actually really likes that cardigan. It suits her very well. His eyes find hers as he takes her hand in his, trying to warm it up. Her eyes sparkle and a small smile brightens her face. Before he even has time to think, his lips are on hers, softly pecking them. He quickly stops himself and pulls back. Why did he just do that? Anyone could’ve walked in, this is a library.. He shouldn’t get so carried away… His face flushes.
“What was that?” Estelle smiles.
“I didn’t want you to get too cold.” he justifies. Is this what people mean when they talk about liking someone? The irrational thoughts, the no-thoughts-just-in-awe? His parents were right, it is distracting. And he’s not sure if he likes that or not.
“And the kiss?”
“Also that.” he says dryly, quickly breaking eye-contact and looking back again.
“Hmm, now that you mention it, it is kinda chilly in here.” Becketts’ expression lights up a little again. She didn’t hate it. Estelles’ face inches closer to his.
“Estelle, we’re in the library..” he mutters, trying to not let his gaze fall to her lips again. She smugly rocks back.
“Oh, don’t you dare pull that card, Buckett! You’re the one that started it!” Well. He can’t argue with that. He curses his prior behaviour in his head.
“Yes, I know, I.. wasn’t thinking.” he gets out, embarrassedly avoiding her amused eyes by trying to read some of the names of the books next to her head. Estelle swoops her head to the side, back into his field of view, and tries to catch his eyes again.
“Then stop thinking.” Her voice sounds so gentle, so caring and calming. It grabs his attention so quick. Her words subconsciously give him a green light. Any other time, he would just suppress it. But not this time. This time, he stops thinking. He pulls her closer and crashes his lips onto hers. Slightly taken aback by his quick-change in energy, it takes her a second to catch up. She rises on her tiptoes while slipping her hands around his neck. Never in a million years did he think he would be making out in a library with the girl of – far beyond - his dreams. He feels soft fingertips run across the back of his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. As if by reflex, he reacts by grabbing her waist and pulling her as close as he can. He wants her this close. Needs her this close. Gods, since when did that become a ‘need’? Their kisses grow more intense just before Estelle pulls away, breathing heavily. “You’re annoyingly tall, you know that?” she pants. The blush on her cheeks spreads out over her whole face.
“I thought you liked our height difference?” he chuckles, while pressing a kiss to her forehead. Her smile gets even broader, and somehow even more breathtaking.
“Ninety-five percent of the time.” Somehow she gets even redder. He’ll never get tired of making her blush. The thought that comes up in his head doesn’t get cast aside, like it all too often does. No overthinking. That’s the rule.
“I think I know a solution.” He pecks her lips again before whispering “Jump.” The butterflies in her stomach all flutter around like they just drank pure sugar mixed with an extra strength energy drink. She does, and he effortlessly holds her up.
“Yeah. This works.” she smiles, and then hurriedly captures his lips again. She’s right. This ‘not thinking’ is working out pretty well.
A muffled sound from somewhere downstairs makes them break apart, both staring at the closed white door they entered the room through. The noises get louder and louder, and what sounds like footsteps echo in the other hall.
“Shit.” Estelle curses as Beckett sets her down and takes a step back. She frantically looks around for any place to hide, but it’s a bare room. She looks back at her boyfriend with eyes wide in oh-shit-oh-shit-oh-shit-mode. He’s already on it, moving his hands in a familiar fashion.
“I’m putting up a ward. Don’t move.” he whispers. The footsteps blare through her ears, just like her heartbeat, which should at least be beating 110 by this point. In the corners of her eyes, she sees him still trying to put it up. The doorknob turns.
“Estelle! I was looking for you all over! You’re not supposed to be in here.” Mrs Avery gets out, slightly out of breath. Estelle sneaks a fast glance beside her, but no sign of Beckett. Thanks a lot, Becky.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Avery, I lost a book and I thought it flew in here, but I haven’t found it yet.” Mrs. Avery seems to take it very lightly.
“Oh, that’s okay, hun, I’m sure it’ll find it’s way back.” She waves it off and looks out in the hall again. “Do you know where your coworker is? You are both still on the clock, and these books won’t shelve themselves, you know.” If she only knew..
“I thought he was still downstairs? That’s where I last saw him. Maybe he’s in the bathroom?” Estelle responds. The frail woman nods.
“I’ll go check another time.” She looks at the small rack of books next to Estelle and sighs. “Try to find it for another five minutes, but then I need you back downstairs, with or without it.”
“Will do.” And with that, Mrs. Avery closes the door again. Estelle stands there, unmoving, listening to the steps fading away. “Gee, thanks for the ward, genius.” Beckett immediately disables it.
“I don’t know why it only half worked. But at least it prevented her from seeing us together and making assumptions.” he sighs. As ‘boring’ as it is, he doesn’t want to loose this job. Four hours of extra time spent together, plus the extended access… Too many benefits to loose.
“Which would be true.” Estelle points out. Beckett smiles and shakes his head. When he catches sight of her face again, he narrows his eyes, and then a subtle blush creeps on his face.
“I hope she didn’t look too close at your face.”
“Why?” He chuckles and gently takes her jaw in one hand, lightly swiping his thumb over her lips.
“Your lips are a little red.” Estelle slaps her hand to her mouth and pushes his more to the side. She stares back at him with big eyes. “Only a little.” It makes him want to kiss her again. But they can’t, can they? They almost got caught... Nope, there’s the thinking again. Not now. He pushes his worries aside and takes her waist again with his free hand. Beckett smoothly backs his girlfriend up against the bookshelf. It wobbles and suddenly, there’s a loud thud.
“Auch!” Estelle exclaims and rubs her head.
“Are you okay?” Beckett quickly steps back, worriedly looking her over. Still clutching her head, she bends down and picks something up from the floor.
“I am..” Her expression brightens as she reads the title on the wine red cover. “I think we got the book.” She proudly holds it up in her hand. ‘Love spells of the early 15th century’. How ironic. Beckett takes it out of her hand and takes a look at it. “And what do you say now?” Her cheeky grin almost predicts what she’s about to say.
“Thank you Estelle, for finding the book.” She acts it out like she just found the secret to eternal life. But, to be fair, she found it in the first place, and, it fell on her head. Beckett half-smiles and takes a deep breath before looking in her hazel eyes.
“Thank you.” He hopes she noticed the genuinity in his voice.
“Why, you’re welcome kind sir.” she laughs.
“Okay, that’s enough of that.” He tries to not blush as he tugs his sleeves down his forearms. He jerks his head towards the door. “Come on, before we get caught a second time.”
“Technically the first.” He rolls his eyes, still a little smile playing on his lips.
“I don’t think either of us wants that to happen, right?” he replies. Estelle makes a fake thinking face and then purses her lips.
“I’d rather not.”
“Perfect. Let’s go.” Beckett grabs the doorknob and opens the door, but doesn’t step through. Instead, he steps slightly to the side and looks back at Estelle. Now it’s her turn to laughingly roll her eyes.
“Always so extra, Harrington.” she playfully mumbles as she walks through the door.
Hope you enjoyed!
A/N: If you want to know more about my OC’s in my TE universe, click here. If you want to read more, here’s my masterlist with all the fics on it! (dated <3) Another thing: you can find sneak peaks of future fics and other posts on my masterlist (indicated with coming soon!) Last thing: my asks are still open! If you want headcanons or anything, don’t be shy, ask some more :)
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bryceslahela · 11 months
Ok u absolutely DONT have to do this but what if u told us ur least favorite li from all the multiple-choice li books that uve read 🙈😍
ok i’ll put them under the cut!! also i’m not very good at names just so u know. so i described some ppl 😭
across the void - idk who the fuck they are i’m so sorry to them.
america's most eligible - what’s his face. derek. i’m sorry but he was so annoying. no backbone.
baby bump - the male mayor was a jumpscare. i’m not even joking.
bachelorette party - rich doctor. reed? i romanced him bc he had rlly big gazongas. he’s boring and forgettable tho.
big sky country - the main guy. no offence to him but when ur competing with two bad bitches and you’re barely scraping average. sorry to him.
blades of light and shadow - mine was probably imtura. no offence to her but i’ve replayed it a few times and although i attempted to romance her. she’s the only one i never really clicked with. i do love her as a character tho.
bloodbound - lily and jax. sorry to them.
a courtesan of rome - cassius the snivelling nepo baby. i cannot stand him!!!
desire and decorum - hamid. his character annoyed me.
the elementalists - personally? probably aster. same thing as imtura. i’ve romanced everyone but i never rlly vibed with aster.
endless summer - jake i hate him. his stupid nicknames. his napoleon complex. those stank boots that prolly started covid.
foreign affairs - ayna bc SHE BETRAYED US…. will never forgive idc….
the freshman series - for me personally? all of em. all of them were annoying to the point to where it would be unfair to point out one? they all have their redeemable points imo.
hot couture - all were very ugly!!!!
immortal desires - …. gabe. and i LIKED gabe.
laws of attraction - sorry aislinn. i was just a gabe girlie.
mother of the year - NOT ONE BAD LI 😍 but i did prefer eiko and thomas to levi.
murder at homecoming - tyler but specifically white!tyler.
my first two loves - sorry mason and ava. even tho i like u both 🫶🏽
nightbound - idk. didn't finish.
open heart - ethan.
perfect match - my least was probably…. khaan. but i romanced all of em.
platinum - british tswift wannabe.
red carpet diaries - seth and i forgot her name but it began with t. both annoying. thomas hunt was annoying too.
ride or die - all were mid.
the royal romance - DRAKE AND MAXWELL. how bad is it that 50% of ur lis in this book are absolutely dogshit. thats insane.
rules of engagement - the bartender and nerdy twins gf. first one bc he looks like drake and the second bc she was so annoying.
save the date - the blonde guy. simon. hated him bc yall tried to push the agenda that he was better then justin. that’s simply incorrect.
veil of secrets - flynn. he smiles like he knows a secret that you don’t. its very unnerving.
wake the dead - idk i quit playing.
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garrusknight · 2 years
I just wanna know, why did you decided to create Nightbound game? It could have also been Elementalists, Foreign Affairs, Distant Shores... and you like Open Heart too. What inspired you to choose Nightbound?
Take care.
I talked a lot about my inspiration for doing a Nightbound sequel game here: https://garrusxnightbound.tumblr.com/post/685064379658649600/what-inspired-you-to-create-this-nightbound
Now let's talk about how I feel about other fan fiction sequel game ideas!
First of all a Distant Shores fan sequel game is in the works and I've even spoken with the founder and while I'm not working on it I fully support it and am super looking forward to this one!
And of course a lot you already know about the Hero Vol 2 project and the ongoing It Lives Within!
Now let's talk a little about Open Heart. As you may know from the brycebound blog, Bryce and Rafael are two of my most loved LIs and OH also has one of my most loved MCs and I do enjoy doing little fan fiction shorts both written and visually. That being said, I think since OH ended with Book 3, overall I think the story ran its course so I don't think I would pursue doing a fan fiction game for that. Not to mention I'm not really a medical expert.
Foreign Affairs having a fan made sequel would be fun and I'm a big fan of Tatum but at the same time such a sequel would have to give really good treatment to Ayna for me to support such a project.
The Elementalists is possibly one of the series that sparks the most joy possibly even more than Nightbound. If you've been following brycebound then you know that Griffin is one of my Top 5 LIs and I love the setting and escapism in that series. I love the MC and the magic customization, I love my brother Atlas and I love the whole Pend Pals group and learning all the spells and having fun with all the magic college life. Of course in a fan made sequel it would be important to balance the LIs and I would love to see some point of view switches with Atlas (sort of like how they did The Princess Swap). Of course there would be issues with carrying over setup choices since in comparison with Nightbound, TE had 2 books and a holiday special and a ton of player agency with questions so there would be quite a number of determinants to check off.
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storyofmychoices · 2 years
Choices Love Interests 💖
Thanks for the tag lovely @jerzwriter. You're so wonderful!
Tagging anyone who wants to play! It's kinda fun to think back on all the books that I've forgotten about
America's Most Eligible: Handsome Stranger
A Courtesan of Rome: I romanced them all equally but chose Cassius
Baby Bump: Clint Covington
Bachelorette Party: Ash Tanka
Big Sky Country: Sawyer
Blades of Light and Shadow: I romanced everyone because why not, but chose Mal and I tried to replay to pick Tyril but ended up with Mal again
Bloodbound: I romanced them all but chose Jax
Crimes of Passion: Trystan
The Crown & The Flame: Dom Hunter
Desire and Decorum: Ernest Sinclaire
Distant Shores: Edward Mortimer
The Elementalists: Beckett Harrington
Endless Summer: Jake McKenzie
The Freshman Series: I romanced them all but ended up with Chris
The Haunting of Braidwood Manor: Eleanor
Home for the Holidays: Nick Peralta
Immortal Desires: both is good!
It Lives Series: Tom, Parker, Andy, Connor
Laws of Attraction: Gabe but tbh I didn't finish the book and was just ehh
LoveHacks: Ben Park
Mother of the Year: I played for both Thomas and Levi. I expected to fall madly in love with Thomas like everyone else but I really love Levi so much more. I really feel guilty because as great as Thomas is, I wanted to adopt Luz more than be with him lol
Nightbound: Cal
Open Heart: I romanced everyone, but have one playthrough choosing Ethan and one choosing Bryce (though I did not read book 3 for either)
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Perfect Match: Hayden and Damien (two playthroughs)
Red Carpet Diaries: book 1 no one. Book 2 + 3 my beloved husband Thomas Hunt💖💖💖
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I know this is HWU, but IDC look at my babies! 😍😍😍😍
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The Royal Romance: I romanced everyone and still got bored (sorry!!!) I really tried to love it like everyone else so I kept restarting to choose different LI and still haven't made it past book 2 with anyone. If I had to pick someone it'd be Liam. I LOVE Max, but not with MC. I have a full on HC for an OC with Max that I might write one day but have yet to have motivation to take it from my brain to a google doc/tumblr post.
Rules of Engagement: I romanced all 3 men. I chose Leo in one play through and Dean (bartender) in another. I like the bartender more than Leo
Save the Date: Justin Mercado (hate me for it, I no longer care. I loved writing Justin but the hate and harassment really became too much and I stopped. I really want to write him again if only to take back the narrative and end on my terms)
Surrender : I wanted to love this book but NO! It's such an unhealthy portrayal of BDSM
The Unexpected Heiress: Mr John
Veil of Secrets: Flynn O'Malley
Wake the Dead: Troy Hassan (though I'd love to replay with Eli one day, or Shannon😍)
I literally had no idea I've played so many Choices books. Wow!
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chrisbannor · 4 days
Elements of Change
Chapter Twenty Nine: What to Believe
Author: Chris Bannor
“So, where do we go now?” Ezo asked from his seat on the floor. He’d been reviewing his oldest notes about the bond since they returned from their morning excursion.
Danya and Cassen were less likely to bust into Ezo’s room without warning, so they decided to spend the afternoon there. It was too quiet, though, and when Ezo looked up from his book, he saw the confused look on Kammon’s face. “What do you mean?”
“There has to be someone out there who knows more about bonding than we do. Who can we go to and ask about it? And about that thing inside you.”
“I don’t want to talk about what’s inside me,” Kammon grumbled.
Ezo had been poking him often with random questions about it all day. Kammon had no more patience for Ezo since they became lovers. “Just the bond, then.”
Kammon closed his journal and sat back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. “You won’t like what I have to say about this.”
“I don’t usually like what comes out of your mouth,” Ezo clarified.
Kammon rolled his eyes, but he kept talking. “We could go to the Universities, but they’ll only tell us what I already know. Even if they know something more about the bond, they won’t share it with me. And since you never went to one of the universities, they’ll want to learn more about you before sharing information.”
“Anyone else we can turn to?”
“I know of one person who studied bonding outside of the universities. He was War-Sworn before he left service and began his studies. His research was controversial, and he could only continue by joining the Imperium. He believed the Vow was related to bonding.”
“Interesting, but what was so questionable about his work?”
“He wanted to discontinue the use of the oath for the War-Sworn.”
“Why did he want that?”
“I can’t say for certain. Bonds and the Oath were his areas of expertise, though.”
“So, where do we find this guy?”
Kammon leaned forward and laced his fingers together, pressing his knuckles to his lips. Then, after a second, he continued, “He died a few years ago, but he was a notorious note-taker. I think if we could track down his journals, there might be something that could help us.”
“Do you know where his journals are?” Ezo was getting pissed. Kammon was dancing around something, and Ezo was tired of trying to drag it out of him.
“You really aren’t going to like this part, Ezo.”
“Just tell me.”
“A small village east of Malla City.”
Ezo crossed his arms over his chest. He realized what Kammon was implying, but there was no way it was true.
“The elementalist retired there,” Kammon said, “but from what I hear, the whole village rests underwater now.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Your uncle, Jacob, was War-Sworn, Ezo.”
“No.” He got up from his seat on the floor and stared at Kammon. “Jacob made me swear I would never become War-Sworn. He hated the idea of them that much.”
“I don’t doubt that, but he took the oath and served just like I did. When I met him, he was already a member of the Imperium. He spoke with me for a long time because of Ember and my strength.”
“Jacob was not a member of the ruling body of the universities, and he was not War-Sworn,” Ezo refuted. He couldn’t help but wonder, though. His uncle had kept so much from him. Hidden him from so much. Was it possible that Jacob had kept that from him as well?
Kammon stood and stepped around the table, grabbing his arms just above the elbows. “Ezo, I’m not lying. You know I wouldn’t.”
Ezo backed out of his reach. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me before? You knew, all the way back before Pramas. Why did you keep it from me, too?” It felt like a double betrayal. Because he did believe Kammon. It made so much sense. The secrets Jacob had kept, the half-truths and fallacies he’d led Ezo to believe.
Kammon made another step towards him, but when Ezo backed away again, he stood where he was, fists clenched at his side. “Jacob was a good man and dedicated his life to helping the War-Sworn. I never understood his secrets, but I knew that. I don’t know why he didn’t tell you, but if anyone would have understood our bond, it would have been him.”
Ezo closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.
“Ezo,” Kammon’s voice was much closer now, “I’m sorry.”
“When the flooding came, there wasn’t time to save anything.” Ezo didn’t want to talk about Jacob. He didn’t want to think about it anymore right now. Kammon must have misunderstood. Jacob was just traveling with the War-sworn, or he’d been researching for the Imperium, not a part of the nefarious ruling body he’d taught Ezo to distrust.
“I was in the middle of the streets, knee deep in ground muck and trying to get everyone to safety,” Ezo continued speaking. “I didn’t have time to get any of my things out or Jacob’s. His notes and whatever he hid from me are at the bottom of the lake.”
Kammon shook his head. “Jacob was meticulous with his journal. He would have protected them better than that.”
“You think he could have protected them from a flood?” Ezo asked.
“He was one of the strongest, smartest elementalists I’ve ever met. And he didn’t trust others easily. He could have protected them from the elements. It’s the best place to start looking for answers. If we find his journals, at least we know the words written will be honest and true to what he learned and experienced in his lifetime.”
Ezo let out a huff of bitter laughter. “You tell me everything I knew about him was a lie in one breath, then say that his journals will give us the truth. I don’t know which to believe.”
Kammon’s hand caught his chin and pulled his face up. “Believe that whatever else he did, it was to protect you. If we can find his journals, maybe you’ll find the answers to that as well.”
Author's Note: Jacob was War-Sworn? Why did he try to keep Ezo from it if he was part of it also? What do you think? Is there some dark truth there? Or did he just see the error of his ways?
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korgbelmont · 11 months
Sending you a reminder that one day I should read your writing too. The Fire & Water fanfic sounds so interesting 👀
Yeah, I don't focus much on the MC gender if it's an interesting fic filled with adventure and fantasy. Oh, and fluff romance. Even though it looks like that I only read/write F!MC×NikRyder. I just don't know how to write for male MC, that's why I sadly can't offer you or people who prefer a male MC anything. I could try, but I don't want to make any mistakes, write something completly non-sense or hurt anyone. Sooooo, if you recommend me any other fics, I'm all ears. I could use some recommendations since 2 years of studying kept me mostly busy especially these past 12 months. I am just an 22 year old [who's third language is English. So I often make grammar mistakes] who just writes for fun, soooo yeah... not an expert or professional. Oh my, I'm sooooo sorry for talking too much right now. Sorry for disturbing you.
Well, I think your Riley looks cute. He and Shreya look so good together. Water and Fire, like WOW!!
So Riley isn't your MC, he's an OC?? Right or am I mistaken??? If OC, then who did your Elementalists MC romanced in the original Choices book? I thought it was Shreya 🤔
Don't apologise! You aren't disturbing me at all :) I hope you enjoy my works.
For recommendations, my best suggestion would be to check out @choicesficwriterscreations weekly lists and look to see what takes your interest.
The original plan for Fire & Water was for it to be a one-shot, but like my Immortal Desires AU, but it's ended up turning into a series haha.
Riley is an OC and in my Elementalists playthrough, I did choose Shreya, but I decided that I wanted to have an OC in order to explore a completely new character. So I decided to stick MC with Aster in this. So Fire & Water is technically an AU from my playthrough.
There are other books I would like to do stories for and perhaps do some crossovers at some point as well.
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botanicbookshelf · 1 year
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Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5
Poisoned Empire by Elyse Thomson is the first book in the Mages of Oblivion series, and an exciting fantasy romance book. The story follows two mages, Selene and Iliana, as they try to start a life away from their hateful fathers. Both are illegitimate children to two high ranking magisters, and are therefore considered low ranking in society. In addition to being illegitimate, Selene is a poison mage and Iliana is a metals mage in a world that favors elementalists. Shamed for being who they are, Selene and Iliana find solace in one another. The book is action packed from the very beginning, as the two friends are forced to flee their village from their pursuers. They are captured and brought to each of their scheming fathers, who demand them to impersonate their half-sisters or die. Soon after, both mages are sent off to the capital and have to survive the inner workings of the imperial court. The kingdom is run by Prince Belisarius who quickly sees through the facade of both imposter mages. Selene, Iliana, Belisarius, and his loyal strategos Marduk come together to uncover a traitorous plot, and to save the kingdom from being overrun. To start, the plot was unique and it was an entertaining read from start to finish. This story is rife with schemes, political intrigue, a bridal competition, and hidden magic. Selene and Iliana’s abilities as a poison mage and metals mage respectively were creative. Both characters were compelling in their own ways, with Selene being edgy and cunning and Iliana being more reserved and good-hearted. The friendship between the two mages is immensely strong, and the love they have for one another is beautifully written. One critique is that I didn’t feel a strong bond between Selene and her love interest, Belisarius. With their relationship being one of the main focuses of the book, there could have been more time spent on building that foundation. It seemed that they went from being enemies to sleeping together too quickly, as we only ever see them bickering. In contrast, Iliana and Marduk’s relationship bloomed naturally and was a lot more exciting to read about. My only other qualm with this book is that at times the writing felt more young adult even though it’s categorized as adult. Overall, the book is nicely fast paced and an exciting read if you’re looking for a unique fantasy storyline. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
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phaaz · 1 year
I like ur art. What r ur art prices? Or do u just create without requests? Whatever u do i like it ^^
R u still playin choices? excited for blades 2? And also excited for the game sequel project games like itlivesproject or nightboundfanfiction ? In case u are interested they are searchin for artists especially nightboundfanfiction (and maybe ds2project). Idk. Just informing.
Next question: what r ur fave Choices books ?
Just interest to know. Keep up with art. Thx. Have a nice day ^^
Thank you! I don’t currently have commissions open but I am working on opening them hopefully soon. I don’t officially have requests open but I’m willing to listen to requests if anyone has any! I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to get to all of them depending on how busy I am, but I’m def open to hearing them. :D
I still play Choices sometimes. Im definitely excited for blades 2 - have been since the first book ended (also I’m hoping to try to make a small silly short fan vn for blades this summer that will hopefully be out before blades 2 if ever but we’ll see, no promises 0_o) Im currently working on playing through the fan project it lives within, but I didn’t know about the nightboundfanfiction or that they’re looking for artists so thanks for letting me know! I’ll look into that :D
My fave choices books are blades, endless summer, elementalists, and it lives in the woods!
Thanks again and thanks for taking the time to write this - it was really sweet and made my day!! I hope you have a good day too!
( ̳• · • ̳)
/ づ♡
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choiced · 6 years
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you are now haunted.
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Choices Years Ranked
1. 2017. Most people in the fandom agree that 2017 was Peak Choices™️. It’s when a lot of the best books were initially released or were still airing, like Endless Summer, The Crown & The Flame book 3, and later on in the year, It Lives in the Woods. Endless Summer in particular got a lot of people’s attention because of how it used the friendship system, the clue system, and how it took risks in its storytelling. The staff were also regularly interacting with the playerbase (particularly on Tumblr) in 2017, and since it was still in the early days of the app, the writers weren’t burned out and the staff actually took into account what players wanted. At least, more than they do nowadays. 2017 was truly a different era.
2. 2018. Unfortunately, 2018 got a pretty rotten start because some of the series released at the tail end of 2017 (namely RCD and HFTH) were received very poorly. Things picked back up in February, though, because Perfect Match and Bloodbound came to the rescue, and at the start of the summer, Veil of Secrets came along, too. Admittedly, there were a lot of flops and really mediocre series that came from 2018, but when The Elementalists came out in October followed by The Heist: Monaco in December, the year ended on a very satisfying note, effectively setting 2019 up for a good start.
3. 2016. Offering Most Wanted, The Freshman, and The Crown & The Flame as its starting books that came with the app’s initial release in August, Choices had a solid start. By this time, most of the playerbase had migrated over from High School Story or Hollywood U, giving Choices a try because Pixelberry advertised it in those two games. It was also the only time in Choices history that romance books were outnumbered by other genres (1:2). The writing was solid and the stories were interesting without being overly cheesy or cliched, which made Choices stand out in comparison to other story apps like Episode. There was actually one point where a community creator on episode plagiarized The Freshman and posted the whole thing to Episode. Choices had a modest start, but it was certainly enjoyable, even though its first weekly releasing book Rules of Engagement ended up being a flop.
4. 2019. Even though 2018 ended well, 2019 did not have a good start. Ride or Die was released in January, the first book of the year, and caused a HUGE stir in the fandom. To this day, it’s still the most polarizing book in Choices. Unfortunately, aside from the first book of Open Heart, most of the series released in 2019 were extremely mediocre. It was apparent the writers were overworked and burned out at this point. To summarize 2019, the good books were great, and the bad books were BAD.
5. 2020. 2020 was unfortunately one or two amazing books (looking at you, Blades) with a slew of mediocre books and one or two AWFUL books. That is all.
6. 2021. And I’m sure this surprises literally no one, but 2021 Choices is the worst year yet. Non-VIPs are fed scraps and given VIP leftovers (which, with the exception of WEH and maaaaaybe AVSP, haven’t been any good) and left to muscle through bland books that spout the same recycled plot formulas or tired smutty cliches at us. Will 2022 be any better? I fucking doubt it.
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sunnyshiftyy · 2 years
Date - TE one shot
Book: The Elementalists (Book 1) (takes place before the pairing's together)
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x f!MC Estelle Russel (not together yet but ~tension~)
Words: 3479
Rating: General
Summary: Shreya convinces Estelle to go on a date with a random guy, and oopsies she spills the tea to Zeph and Beckett when Estelle walks in on their study session in their common room.
TW: Probably cursing
A/N: Since this is my first piece of fanfic writing, i should clarify some points. 1) I've decided to write this in third person and present tense for now. 2) I've built this world in my head in excruciating detail, so a lot of the side characters are my characters. In this piece in particular, Nathan. If you want to know more about my OC’s in my TE universe, click here. The main characters are not mine and belong to Pixelberry. 3) English is not my first language, excuse the spelling and grammar mistakes! 4) My masterlist can be found here.
A/N 2: December 26th, 2022: Edit spelling and grammar.
Tags: @theclassycandy
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future fanfics or TE content!
And on that note, i hope you enjoy!
Estelle hears voices getting louder as she approaches her common room door. Well, not voices. A voice.
"Three, Zeph, it says three!" The sassy tone tells her this probably isn't the first time she explained it in the past hour. As she steps through the door, Shreya immediately snaps her head up from Zeph’s worksheet and starts grinning widely. 
"Oh my Gods, she's back! How did it go on your date?!"
Estelle’s face instantly scrunches up. The others don't know about this. Or at least, they didn't. She can't blame Shreya for blurting it out like this, since she never explicitly told her it was a secret. But, you know, you would expect your best friend to read your mind, so.. With Shreya’s words the guys’ interests are piqued, and Zeph and Beckett look up from their books. Zeph quickly chimes in,
"Wait, you went on a date?" Fantastic. Why doesn't he scream it even louder? In the hallway maybe?
"Ugh, Shrey..."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. Now spill!" She sits up excitedly, with that sparkle in her eyes she only has when she hears new gossip or sees pictures of cute cats. Either or. Estelle's gears turn as she tries to think of any possible way out of this, but does it even matter now? She defeatedly walks up to the sofa and swings one leg on the backrest.
"It went good.. I guess," she sighs while untying her shoelaces.
"How good? Like, you like him good or..." Shrey’s hands make the 'Tell me more of the story, I need my drama fix'-motion. You would almost think she only set her best friend up on this date to talk about it after. It was probably at least half of the reason.
"He's cool. And nice. Too nice actually. He didn't let me pay my part of the bill."
"Who asked who?" Zeph asks. Estelle presses her lips together and looks at him pleadingly. Oh my Gods, why is this so important? Shreya replies,
"He asked her."
"Well then he should pay." Her brown haired head bops back and forth between the two of them.
"That's what I'm saying!"
"Whatever, it was okay. And he's also not bad looking so... Yeah," Estelle interjects, hoping to end this convo here. And for a small moment, no one says a thing. Okay, so that wor-
"Did you kiss him?" Shreya asks excitedly.
"What? No!" She takes a step forward, but then immediately composes herself again. For a second, there's a hint of a confused look on her face, that the others don't notice. She's taken aback by her own voice, as it came out loud and defensive.
"Aww, boo! You should've. He's hot."
"It's the first date!" Estelle exclaims. Shrey dramatically rolls her eyes.
"Oh, screw the games and just go with the flow!"
"I don't play 'games', Shrey, I just didn't want to kiss him yet, jeez." Shreya sighs and calms down slightly.
"I'm sorry, I went a bit overboard with that.. I just want you to be happy and have fun."
"I know. And I appreciate that you care about me," she tries not to sigh. Estelle takes a quick look at the coffee table. It's full of books, stationary and even Shreya's cauldron. The books are mostly Beckett's, since Shrey and Zeph each only have one book in front of them. She peers over Zeph's shoulder. The first sentence she can read out of his heavily used copy tells her exactly what they're doing.
"Studying potions i see?"
"Have been for the past two hours, but you're welcome to join!" he says, grinning. Shreya smiles in agreement, but Beckett has long put his head back down and is studying again. An awkward silence passes through the room, but only Estelle seems to notice it.
"O..kay, I’m just going to change and get out my stuff then," she says, as she heads towards her bedroom. She opens up her closet door and stares right back at herself in the mirror she put in a few weeks ago. Her face is flushed, but her hair still looks as pristine as a few hours ago, when Shreya put it in bubble braids, with little gold rubber bands. Estelle huffs. This is so stupid. Why did she even go on this date in the first place? She takes a deep breath, calming herself down, and grabs some leggings and a sweater out of the drawers. As she changes, she can't help but feel something gnawing at her. And she knows what it is, but she pretends she doesn't. It's easier like that.
Estelle walks back into the room and sits down next to Beckett. She studies his face for a second, but quickly looks back down to open up her book. She doesn't know what she would have expected. A look? Any sort of movement? Making space for her stuff? But he just sits there, still, concentrated.
"I don't get this sentence, does anyone know what the hell it means?" Estelle asks, trying to ease the tension. She makes a point to look at everyone. Shreya and Zeph lift up their head and Estelle spins her book around so they can read. Shreya's eyes narrow to read the tiny font.
"No idea.." she says. Zeph searches frantically through the pages of his book.
"I think it means the grass needs to be dried for 4 days.. upside down?" His uncertain tone is directed towards Beckett, who's still conveniently really focused on this -in Estelles opinion- very unclear and useless chapter. Only when they all look at him, he looks up at Zeph.
"Yeah," he says, slightly annoyed. And as quickly as he responded his head is back down again.
"Well, that mystery is solved!" Zeph smiles enthusiastically, still oblivious to the weird vibe in the room. Maybe Estelle's the only one thinking this is awkward? She responds,
"Sure.. thanks. Oh and also, um, does this mean red or orange cause it never sa-" Suddenly, there's a harsh sigh coming from the left of the coffee table.
"I will need to take my leave, thanks for having me, Shreya. Zeph," Beckett states, as he looks around the table, his gaze pausing as it falls on Estelle’s face. He hesitates.
"...Estelle.." He swiftly breaks eye contact, packs up his many books and speed walks out of the door. The three of them are still staring at the dark oak-wooden door in an unsettling moment of silence as it falls closed.
"That was weird," Shreya comments, strangely unbothered. Zeph quirks an eyebrow at her.
"Even for Beckett," she clarifies. Estelle feels the little gnawing thing in the pit of her stomach getting bigger.
"I think it’s my fault? I don't know, he just seemed so.. mad? At me?" she gets out. Shreya shakes her head.
"You didn't do anything, hun, you weren't even here for most of the time." Estelle nods and looks back at her work. This study session probably isn't going to be as productive as she originally thought.
"Maybe he's mad cause his favourite study buddy wasn't here?" Zeph laughs.
"Hey, I showed up!" Estelle defends herself. Not that it really matters. It's not like they invited her or even let her know this was happening. Why is she even stressing over this? Shreya waves his comment away.
"Nonsense, maybe he just had a bad day."
"Maybe..." Estelle mumbles. She tries to refocus on the letters in front of her, pushing the excessive thoughts out of her head. She'll talk to him later.
Thirty minutes later, Zeph thuds his book closed. "I'm done with this for today," he sighs, crossing his arms in front of him and defeatedly laying down his head. Potions is a notoriously hard part of Natural Studies, and especially at Penderghast. Zeph doesn't get how some people just get this stuff by reading it once, and even get A's on the practical. He has been doing better as of lately, mainly because of the help of Shreya and Beckett, who somehow are really good at potions. He's not at all surprised Beckett's good at it, but he should've known that running an actual business based on potion making makes one quite an expert. Shreya lays a hand on his arm.
"It's okay, you worked pretty damn hard today," she comforts him. An idea strikes her. She tries to not let her face betray her as a mischievous grin crosses her expression for just a second.
"Aahh!" Zeph shouts, and he bounds up like lightning. Estelle startles with the sudden yelp. "Shrey! Don't do that!" He rubs over his left wrist with a pout on his face. Shreya laughs.
"It looked like you could use some energy..," she says smugly, "And I delivered." She holds her hand up and lets little bright lines spark between her fingers. She looks at Estelle, wiggling her eyebrows.
"As long as you don't do that to me," Estelle laughs, packing up her stuff.
"Can't promise that. If you ever fall asleep in my lesson.."
"If you show up as TA in my next metal spell class I am leaving the room!" Zeph exclaims.
"Oh, shut it, you big baby, it wasn't that bad. And I'm never going to be a TA, no thank you. I'm drowning in responsibilities already," she almost sighs, thinking back to all the errands she still needs to run. "That reminds me, I have to go to Penn Square to get some ingredients for Serene and Sublime. Anyone want to come with me?" She says, while opening her compact mirror.
"I'll go! I deserve food after this torture called studying," Zeph says, suddenly very energetic again. He stands up just as Shreya’s eyes widen.
"Oh my Gods, I'm going to be late!" Shreya quickly snaps the ornately detailed sides together and pockets it, hurriedly sliding together all her papers. Why do stores have to close this early?
"Don't worry about it, I'll pack up your stuff. Just go get you ingredients!" Estelle offers. Shreya nods thankfully. "Thanks, you're the best! Let's go, Zeph!"
"Coming! Bye Estelle!" he yells as they step through the portal.
"Bye," she murmurs. She stacks the books and sheets neatly together, and stands up, walking her own things back to her room. Should she go talk to Beckett? He was acting very weird. Screw it, who is she kidding? This is also about her feelings towards this situation. She wants to talk to him, to explain it to him. She would've never gone on that date if Shreya didn't insist on it. Face downcast, she organizes her books in the spacious wooden drawers of her desk and plops down on the chair. A few seconds of silence go by. Even thoughts stay away. The soft ticking of the dark blue rimmed alarm clock makes her feel at peace. Then, she takes a deep breath and stands up. Procrastinating is only going to make it worse. She puts on her sneakers and walks out of her dorm, towards Beckett’s.
Not even 5 seconds after she knocked, the door to Beckett’s common room swings open. A blond, slender guy in the door frame looks at her in surprise.
"Yes?" His eyes look her over before the recognition flicks across them. "Oh, hey!" He holds the door handle as he leans on the other hand.
"Hi! You're Nathan, right?" Estelle plasters a smile on her face. She's never seen him before, but Beckett mentioned him once. A friend from high school. With the emphasis on 'a'. They were never besties, that's for sure. Beckett also doesn’t seem one for friends. At least, if the first few months of the academic year were any indication.
"Yeah, that's me. And you're the.. girl that Beckett's always hanging around with. To which school did you go again?"
"Wait, high school? And I never really told anyo-" she says, looking at him questioningly.
"Yes," he interrupts her. 'Yikes,' Estelle thinks, as she tries to hide the dislike for him she already feels crawling up her torso. Is he always like this, or..?
"Oh, West Eden high school..," she answers dutifully, taken aback and trying not to flush by his directness. Why would he possibly want to know this? He looks up and mentally lists all the names that come to mind, but quickly gives up and looks back at her.
"Weird, I’ve never heard of it…"
"How could you know all the names of all the high schools in America?" the girl laughs, trying to not come off as nervous. Suddenly, his face falls into a disapproving grimace.
"...Oh, it's.. it's a public school. Should've guessed," he almost scoffs. An awkward few silent seconds go by. Estelle purses her lips and stares uncomfortably at a spot on the door frame, and a few times back at him. She hoped something like this wouldn’t happen, but deep down, she knew it would eventually have to.
"Okay, ..Well, I just had something to say to Beckett, so..," she breaks the silence. Nathan instantly turns around, slowly sauntering back to his dorm room door.
"Close the door behind you, will you?" he says, dismissively. And without a backward glance, his frame disappears behind the door. Stunned to silence, Estelle glances to the other side of the common room. She’ll just go knock, right? Hesitantly, she steps through the door and closes it. As she notices the soft thudding of Unattuned music she turns her head back in the direction of Nathans’ door. As much as she hates to admit it, he has good taste. It seems so long ago that she was immersed in the Unattuned word. Oh Gods, she’s like one of them now. Her world, she corrects herself. The world she grew up in. Does she miss it? She smiles. Not really. It’s nostalgic. It was fun. Still is. But ever since she opened her eyes, soaking wet on the banks of the lake, sun blinding her, the buzzing sound of the people and the leaves of the trees moving in the wind, she felt a sense of home. Something she’s always been searching for. Clearing her head of thoughts, she knocks on Beckett’s door.
"Come in." she muffledly hears. Here she goes.. She opens the door. Beckett sits on his bed, with his back to her, leaning against the headboard. The book in his hands looks thick and old, and is definitely not part of the normal curriculum. Since he has the dorm other side, everything’s mirrored to her room, just like Shreya’s. The only difference is the sheer amount of books everywhere, his windowsill garden, how neat his room is and the fact that he sleeps to the wrong side with his head. Well, not wrong, just not how she would do it.
"Hey. It’s me," she greets him happily.
"It is," he sighs, not wanting to let his eyes leave his book. ‘Of course she needed to come here,’ he thinks. There’s a reason why he left the girls’ common room. So he wouldn’t have to deal with… this whole ordeal. Estelle closes the door. This is going to be tough. How does she start this conversation without it being awkward?
"Uhm… I just wanted to ask if you’re okay."
"I’m good," he answers, still concentrating hard on his work. Or, trying to not concentrate on the fact Estelle’s standing within three feet from him. Or that she’s clearly just taking pity in him. Why does she even bother?
"Oh..," she mumbles, looking at the tips of her worn down shoes. The sound of Beckett turning a page interrupts the silence.
"Was that everything?" he sighs, sounding almost annoyed, still not looking at her, avoiding eye contact at all costs.
"Well.. I don't exactly believe you," she gets out, after she mustered up the courage. Estelle studies the right side of his face, trying to get a read. The only result she gets is a sigh. Growing tired of his lack of words, she initiates conversation once again.
"You were so short with me and the rest at my dorm and I just had the feeling you were kind of... Feeling off." Beckett shakes his head in frustration. When will she give up?
"Well, that feeling was wrong. I'm fine, I just have a lot of homework to get through, which would be a lot easier if you weren't here," he states, trying to not let his irritation be heard in his voice. Why does he even like this girl? Why did he have to like this exact one? Why did he have to like anyone? Estelle is quiet for a second. She knows he isn’t being rude to her just because he can. It’s because he has to. The moment that thought crosses her mind, she wishes she never went on that date. Again, for that matter. Did she even want it a little bit?
"So Zeph was wrong," she casually comments. "He said you 'missed your favourite study buddy'."
"I can study fine on my own. Which is good, since I'll have to get used to it." The last sentence was said with a particular tone in his voice, which Estelle can’t quite decipher. But she knows it has something to do with what happened today. He stands up, and without sparing a glance, puts his book back in it’s place on the nicely organized shelf above his desk.
"What are you talking about?" she asks, trying to get some clarification. Beckett sits down on his fancy spinning office chair, this time facing her.
"Nothing," he denies, wishing he never said anything. The thought of going back to how it was, studying alone for most of the time, is in some way both alluring and saddening. He likes her company. He likes her. Gods, why does this have to be so complicated?
When Estelle doesn’t respond, he looks at her face, making eye contact for the first time she’s been here. The pulling sensation he feels in his chest causes him to look away again. He’ll just have to come to terms with the fact she’s probably not interested.
"I'm happy your date went well," he sighs, trying to not sound annoyed. Estelle eyes roll at the mention of that dumb date.
"Oh please... 'well' is a little optimistic."
"Oh." Beckett attempts to not sound relieved.
"I don't know, I just.. don't like him that way. I'm not gonna go on a second date. Also no firsts anymore. At least for a while. It's so stupid." Estelle babbles. She starts fiddling with one of her braids in annoyance. Beckett nods. "I wasn't even gonna go at first, but Shrey said ‘live a little’, so I did. And I found out life sucks."
"It's not because you don't date that life sucks," Beckett comments, sounding very logical.
"I know, it's a.. metaphore..," she defeatedly smiles. "Whatever, I just think dates are so mechanical. You're basically forcing yourself to like someone. I don't want to do that. I don't decide who I like. I like who I like, that's it," she blurts out. It comes out so fast she only realizes what she said a few seconds later. She feels her cheeks getting warmer. Why did she just say this?
"Yeah..," he halfsmiles, thinking back to the feelings that overtake him every time he thinks about her. The feelings he never asked for.
"I'm sorry, that was way too much, I'll be going now. Please don't tell any of this to Shreya, she's gonna flip…" Estelle rattles off her sentence, pleadingly looking in his grey-brown eyes. She should’ve just bitten her tongue. Why is she like this?
"I won't," he answers. Beckett isn’t one to gossip, and especially not to Shreya. Estelle jokingly calls her Shreylock, because the way she finds out gossip could get her a job as a detective. Then Shreya jokes back that that’s why her hair’s so big. ‘Because it’s full of secrets’. Beckett never understood that joke. But even he knows telling Shreya is a guaranteed way to make your secrets not so secret anymore. And why would he? What even would be interesting to Shreya about this conversation?
Estelle breathes a sigh of relief and reaches for the door handle behind her back. She smiles at Beckett as she says,
"Thank the Gods for you." A little glint in her eye betrays the double meaning behind her words. A silent two seconds pass, when she laughingly shakes her head and opens the door. "Okay, thanks, bye!" she yells, as she ducks away through the door opening.
"Bye," he can’t help but smile at her quick disappearing act. The door of the common room thuds closed. After a few seconds in silence he shakes his head. Will he ever understand what goes on inside her head?
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slutforiankingsley · 2 years
My top 10 favorite Choices stories (with reviews)
1. Queen B (book 1)
I just loved how we had the option to be a bad bitch for once! Such a breath of fresh air, and the drama! Oh the drama, I loved it. However the only thing I really didn't like is how forced Kingsley is to players who didn't want to romance him, I didn't release it (because I choose the romance options) until I saw other players playthroughs and I was shocked. And how Zoey is a great LI but got pushed to the side and made a walking closet.
2. Blades of Light and Shadow
Literally everything about this book! The choice of LI, the fantasy, swords, I loved it. And to me it seamed like the majority of players really liked it and it really doent have anything problematic in it like a lot of choices stories.
3. Ride or Die
I replayed this bitch so many times and would switch between Logan and Mona being my LI, don't ask me to pick because I won't. It really gave me fast and furious vibes and I was all for it. I loved getting to be a criminal and doing all the illegal shit, the cars were real cool too. It really isn't what you expect it to be from the "bad boy romance" title, it's a shame they cancelled the second book.
4. Wake the Dead
WTD is the first book in mouths that wasn't smutty or straight up porn, it has been a relief from the crappy books PB has been releasing here recently. I've witnessed players (including myself) beg for a zombie book since 2016 when they started the app, I was so excited last year (2021) when they announced a zombie book in the insiders email. But along with most players I was devastated mouths later when they decided to put it behind a pay wall when they decided for all new stories to be VIP🙄 I'm not even gonna get into that rant.... Anyways, it's very well written and keeps me on my toes! I like how many different choices of LI there are and how your choices really affect future chapters. The writers seriously went out of their way to make a book this good compared to the others that couldn't be bothered to write half decent stories. It's awful that they aren't giving it a second book so they can make room for trashy sequels (like surrender🤮)
5. Open Heart (book 1)
It's been a while since I played it, but I'm into anything medical so I liked getting to play as a doctor (I know it wasn't really good medical since most of it was fictional bs lol). The friend group was great and of course it had to have ridiculous drama like Grey's Anatomy. It's kinda sad that the sequels weren't as good, I was seriously disappointed by book 3.
6. Laws of Attraction
I thought this book was gonna be a another lust romance but it really took me by surprise, I liked the mystery to it and getting to solve a case while keeping the romance part at bay and not shoving it down your throat if you didn't want it. I'm much looking forward to book 2.
7. The Heist: Monaco
Again, I love getting to be the bad guy and not some naive goodie 2 shoes MC. I liked how your choices really affected the story even though it was tricky to make the right choice. Really wish it got a second book.
8. The Elementalist
It's been awhile since I've played but I liked the magic! It was really cool and made me feel like a looser for not having magic powers in real life lol.
9. Foreign Affairs
I hate politics, I can't stand it. I wasn't looking forward to it but was gonna play it to get diamonds, well I ended up spending a ton of diamonds on it haha. It wasn't as polital as I thought and ended up being really good. My favorite part of the story is Tatum😍
10. The Royal Masquerade
I didn't like it at first just by how MC was treated (i know that was what it was like back then) but I really got into it. I liked the fantasy and mystery to it, I'm pretty sure it was a very popular book among the players so I don't understand why it didn't get a second book. The ending felt rushed.
I don't see any of the future stories to be released making the list but who knows it might surprise me, but probably not considering the way books have been written here lately. The only one's I look forward to are sequels like LOA and BOLAS if they ever release it and don't do what they did with ROD.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Our Magic
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Theme: superpowers au, sort of enemies to lovers
Genre: fluff, very mild angst if you squint
WC: 1.9k
Pairing: Teleporter!San x Telekinetic!FemReader
a/n: Hi :) For those of you who is confused, the theme of this fic is based on the game called 'Choices' and the specific book this idea came from was called 'The Elementalists'. I'll include pictures of the facilities mentioned in this so that you have a general idea of how it looks like! Anyways, the fic doesn't really have a deep plot here, I just jumped straight to the fluffy end. Enjoy 😅
Penderghast College was a school that provides education and home for kids that were born with supernatural powers. It was a bright Thursday afternoon and it was currently lunch time as the students bustled through the halls, garden, corridors and also the dining hall.
“Hey, did you guys finish the assignment on the spell yesterday?” Yunho asked as some of the boys sitting at that table shook their heads. A series of complaints leaving their lips at the mention of their dreadful assignment.
“I got stuck at the third spell so I gave up.” Wooyoung said while taking a bite out of the Bourbon Apple Pie.
“I don’t understand a single thing he said in class.” San sighed, making Hongjoong and Jongho agree. Just as he was about to scoop up a chunk of his shaved ice dessert, the bowl began to float upwards. It hovered in front of his face for a good few seconds.
“What the-” San whispered as he began to see red smoke surrounding the bowl. This was a dead giveaway on who was behind this.
With that, San scanned the cafeteria in search of this person only for him to finally lock eyes with the girl who has been diligently getting on his nerves. There she was, sitting in her seat almost across the hall with her friends. Her eyes began to glow red, her finger swirling around slowly in the air as she pointed her finger right in his direction.
She smirked when she locked eyes with him and with one soft flick of her fingers, the dessert bowl tipped over. It splashed onto his shirt, making him jolt out of the seat abruptly. This was enough to catch the attention of others, turning their heads in his direction out of curiosity.
She scoffed a laugh as one of her friends turned to her with a small frown.
“Y/N, don't you think that’s a bit mean?” Changmin asked but the girl only shrugged.
“I just love making him mad.” She confessed, only for a sudden tight grip around her shoulders made her scoff. San suddenly appeared behind her, pulling her in a headlock.
“Do you ever stop?” San growled in her ear.
Just then, San sharply pulled away when he felt hot sparks nipping at his skin thanks to her red flames of energy she radiated off her body. She turned around to him with a small smile dancing on her lips.
“Do you want me to?”
“Fucking yes!”
“Then no.” She smirked.
With a grunt of annoyance, San flashed out of the cafeteria and into his dorm room. Y/N laughed as she turned back to her friends, only to see Changmin glaring at her.
“What?” She shrugged her shoulders without feeling a single guilt which made Changmin sigh, clearly not agreeing with what she did even though he wasn’t actually friends with San.
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A few weeks later, San couldn’t sleep so he snuck out of the dorm building, only to head towards the Wood Nymph Forest, successfully sneaking past the carved marble figure. He was just randomly teleporting at a 10 feet distance from left to right, front to back when he heard bickering from somewhere.
He tried to find the source, only to see two shadowy figures just a few metres down from him diagonally. He teleported to the nearby tree that hides him from the sight of whoever it was.
However, when he arrived behind the tree, the voice sounded oddly familiar. And for the first time, she sounds like she was… crying?
“You’re leaving me for the girl you called atrocious just yesterday? What happened to your promises? Was I never good enough for you?” Y/N asked as her tears rolled down little by little, her voice cracking here and there.
“Look, people change and feelings definitely change too.”
“So you’re telling me, all these months of spending time together, buying little gifts for each other, sneaking out at night just to watch the starry night, going on midnight adventures, they’re all nothing to you now?” Y/N asked in which he nodded without a single doubt.
This was enough to break her heart into pieces.
“Tell me what I lack from her, I can try to change. I can try to be like her. Just tell me. Please Minhyuk!”
“Y/N! I already said I don’t have feelings for you anymore and that’s that! I’m breaking up with you whether you like it or not.” With that being said, Minhyuk began to disintegrate with the wind, since that was his form of teleportation.
“Minhyuk… Kang Minhyuk!” Y/N called desperately as she fell to the ground, her knees suddenly buckled letting gravity sink her down to earth.
Her cries were soft. San watched her body slowly begin to ignite red hues of smoke around her body.
Normally, in some circumstances, San would just turn around and walk away whenever it comes to her. He couldn’t even bring himself to fight back with her sometimes simply because he wanted nothing to do with her.
But that night, something in him was screaming at him to comfort her. Maybe it has been doing that all along, he just didn’t want to.
But before he could take a step forward, she already got up and began walking further into the woods to where he remembers the lake to be. He followed behind her at quite a distance to avoid being noticed by her. She soon arrived at the lake, only to plop on the pebbled floor inches away from the lake as the water crashed onto shore in gentle waves.
She buried her face in her arms that were hugging her knees tightly, completely blocking out the world. Even though she could definitely sense his presence behind her, she simply continued crying.
San sighed softly, carefully reappearing a foot behind her body. He silently took a seat beside her. She finally looked up, turning her head away from him as she wiped her tears with the sleeves of her sweater.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, her voice cold as he stared at the side of her face, only for his gaze to drop to her neck.
“Unfortunately for you, I just so happened to be around that area when you had that fight with your boyfriend-”
“Ex-boyfriend.” She corrected him and he simply nodded.
The both of them fell silent as she turned back in front only for her gaze to drop to her promise ring she had on from when Minhyuk bought it for her on their first month together.
She quietly took it out of her ring finger, only to levitate it in her palm before it disintegrated into red dust in her hands.
“Why do the people I care for the most always end up leaving me?” She suddenly questioned him. Since he was quiet, she turned to look at him.  
He didn’t look shocked, nor did he look like he was about to tease her. Instead, his eyes were soft, just staring at her innocently.
“Sometimes when people leave you, it’s for the good reason. Maybe they were going to be a bad company for you in the future? Might be that they’ve grown in such a way that they don’t see themselves matching with your personality? Might also be that they came into your life as a test for you.” San said, only for her to break eye contact. Turning back ahead to divert her gaze and stare at the waters instead.
“If you were him, would you leave me too?” Her question came as a surprise for him, making him nearly choke on his own saliva.
“If it’s something that we both can work on together, then I wouldn’t.” He said, in which she slowly nodded. But her mind was still somewhere else. Just then, a bright idea flashed in his mind as he got up, only for her eyes to follow his figure.
“Let’s go. Get up.” He suddenly proposed, catching her off guard.
“Go where?” She asked slightly taken aback, holding his hand out for her to take.
“Have fun.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh come on!” San said with a smile, grabbing her hands and dragged her onto her feet as he began running towards the waters. She yelped the minute her legs got splashed by the waters. However, he continued to pull her in deeper.
“Ahh! San! I didn’t bring any more clothes!” She squeaked as he chuckled, telling her that it was fine and for her to just relax. They were now waist deep. Her shorts and the bottom part of her sweater was already soaked.
Just then, San let go of her hand only to disappear. She jumped back in shock, looking around to see her alone in the middle of the water.
Right at that moment, something grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down, only for her to dunk her body by accident up to her chin. San reappeared onto the surface only to gasp for air. Laughing before wiping his face off the water droplets.
“Choi San!” She scolded him but the boy didn’t seem to be taking her seriously. For some reason, she didn’t feel annoyed. In fact, she actually felt happy. A small smile tugged on her lips as he splashed a handful of water on her, causing her to gasp.
They played around for quite a bit, that wasn’t until Y/N’s feet slipped past a sudden drop in the lake. 
She lost her balance when she submerged fully about a foot in before San appeared in front of her only to teleport onto a shallow end. She gripped onto his shoulders tightly while he wrapped his arms around her waist to prevent her from slipping. Both of them gasped for air as they tried to catch their breath.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly, making her look at him in the eyes only to feel a sudden wash of shyness come through her.
Why did she feel this way when she’s been nothing but a nuisance to him all this while?
She nodded softly as he whispered a soft ‘okay’ before his eyes travelled down to her lips. San was so sure he found her annoying before but why is he feeling this now?
He leaned in little by little, feeling her squeeze his shoulder slightly only to stop when he brushed his lips over hers very lightly. The gentle waves pushing their bodies to move along with the current as his arms around her waist tightens. With that last wave, it accidentally pushed San’s body forward, making him seal his lips on hers.
She froze, watching him close his eyes. That’s when she decided to do the same. She soon moved her lips with his. Feeling him move his lips with hers in a gentle kiss. She pulled away to breathe when the waves had gotten calmer.
“Why did you do that?” She asked softly, her voice barely audible. For some reason, he couldn’t find himself to look at her in the eye.
“I… I don’t know.” 
She fell quiet as she gently cupped his face only to kiss him again, just to see how he would react. Thinking he would pull away or push her. But instead, he seemed to melt even deeper into the kiss. San wraps her legs around his waist before teleporting them onto shore with her laying down while he hovers over her.
San was passionate about the kiss. Feeling her tangle her fingers into his damp hair, only to tug on it lightly. This action caused him to exhale a soft breath, making him hiss.
“Are you gonna continue picking on me after today?” He asked when he pulled away to look at her face that adorns a smile.
“Just for the laughs? Probably yeah.” She teased. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he peppered her lips with small kisses.
Here are the pictures for reference:
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