#the 52 list
yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (107)
Buddhist cosmology
Mental Factors in Buddhism - The list of 52 important factors, Part1 [So far]
In Theravada Buddhism of the Southern Tradition, in accordance with the Abhidhamma Sangha, there are a total of 52 kinds of mental factors, as follows:
7 universal mental factors (sabbacittasadharana cetasikas) that are common (sadharana) to all consciousness (sabbacitta). These factors perform the most rudimentary and essential cognitive functions, without which consciousness of an object would be utterly impossible. They are:
Phassa - contact
Vedana - feeling
Sanna - perception
Cetana - volition
Ekaggata - one-pointedness
Jivitindriya - life faculty
Manasikara - attention
6 occasional mental or particular mental factors (pakinnaka cetasikas) are ethically variable mental factors found only in certain consciousnesses. They are:
Vitakka - Application of thought
Vicara - Examining
Adhimokkha - Decision
Viriya - Energy
Piti - Rapture
Chanda - Desire (to act)
14 unwholesome mental factors (akusala cetasikas) accompany the unwholesome consciousnesses (akusala citta). They are:
【Universal unwholesome mental factors (akusalasadharana】
Moha - delusion
Ahirika - lack of shame
Anottappa - disregard for consequence
Uddhacca - restlessness
【Mental factors of the greed-group (lobha) 】
Lobha - greed
Diṭṭhi - wrong view
Māna - conceit
【Mental factors of the hatred-group (dosa) 】
Dosa - hatred
Issa - envy
Macchariya - miserliness
Kukkucca - regret
【Other unwholesome mental factors】
Thina - sloth
Middha - torpor
Vicikiccha – doubt
[To be Continued]
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仏教の探求 (107)
心所(しんじょ)〜 心の働きを理解するために重要な52要素・その①(これまで)
南伝の上座部仏教では、摂阿毘達磨義論 (しょうあびだつまぎろん、巴: アビダンマッタ・サンガハ) に則り、心所を以下の全52種とする:
7つの共一切心心所 (くいっさいしんしんじょ、梵: サッバチッタサーダーラナ・チェータシカ、すべての意識  (梵:サッバチッタ)に共通して梵:サーダーラナ)いる普遍的な心的要因の意)。これらの要素は、最も初歩的で本質的な認識機能を実行し、それなしには、対象の意識はまったく不可能である。それらは:
触 (そく、梵: パッサ) - 接触
受 (じゅ、梵: ヴェーダナー) - 感覚
想 (そう、梵: サンニャー) - 知覚
思 (し、梵: チェータナー) - 意思
一境性 (いっきょうしょう、梵: エーカッガター) - 集中力
命根 (みょうこん、梵: ジーヴィティンドリヤ) - 生命能力
作意 (さい、梵: マナシカーラ) - 注意力
6つの雑心所 (ぞうしんじょ、梵: パキンナカ・チェータシカ、偶発的な心的要因または特定の心的要因の意)は、特定の意識にのみ見られる倫理的に可変な心的要因である。それらは:
尋 (じん、梵: ヴィッタッカ) - 思考の応用
伺 (し、梵: ヴィチャーラ) - 検査すること
勝解 (しょうげ、梵: アディモッカ) - 決定
精進 (しょうじん、梵: ヴィリヤ) - 努力
喜 (き、梵: ピーティ) - 喜び
意欲 (いよく、梵: チャンダ) - 欲望(行動すること)
14の不善心所 (ふぜんしんじょ、梵: アクサラ・チェータシカ、不健全な精神的要因の意)。それらは:
痴(ち、梵: モーハ) - 無知
無慚 (むざん、梵: アヒリカ) - 羞恥心の欠如
無愧 (むき、梵: アノッタッパ) - 結果を無視すること
掉挙 (じょうこ、梵: ウッダッチャ) - 落ち着かないこと
貪 (とん、梵: ローバ) - むさぼり
見 (けん、梵: ディッティ) - 邪見
慢 (まん、梵: マーナ) - うぬぼれ
瞋 (しん、梵: ドーサ) - 怒り
嫉 (しつ、梵: イッサー) - ねたみ、嫉妬
慳 (けん、梵: マッチャリヤ) - 物惜しみ
悪作 (おさ/あくさ、梵: クックッチャ) - 後悔
昏沈 (こんじん、梵: ティーナ) - 落ち込み
睡眠 (すいめん、梵: ミッダ) - 眠気
疑 (ぎ、梵: ヴィチキッチャー) - 疑い
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humbuns · 1 year
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pretty in yellow
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ferrouswheel11 · 5 months
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52, #30 (2006). Dick and Tim search for Bruce after his departure in Infinite Crisis.
"Everything started out so well... But Alfred always used to say Bruce would have self-destructed if he hadn't met me and learned some responsibility. I guess we both would have. I made him laugh, and he was like the greatest big brother you could ever imagine. But when you think about these last few years since Jason became the second Robin -- When you think about everything that happened -- It's too much for any man. Even the strongest. He lost it. In the end he just lost it."
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My Top 10 of 2022
Fire of Love dir. Sara Dosa
Aftersun dir. Charlotte Wells
Happening dir. Audrey Diwan 
The Woman King dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood
Neptune Frost dir. Anisia Uzeyman & Saul Williams
Emily dir. Frances O’Connor 
Corsage dir. Marie Kreutzer
Bodies Bodies Bodies dir. Halina Reijn
Hawa dir. Maïmouna Doucouré
Mr. Malcolm's List dir. Emma Holly Jones
Honourable mention:
Catherine Called Birdy dir. Lena Dunham, Causeway dir. Lila Neugebauer, Don't Worry Darling dir. Olivia Wilde, The Eternal Daughter dir. Joanna Hogg, Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul dir. Adamma Ebo
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somewherefornow · 1 month
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toastingpencils37 · 17 days
I love how at the beginning of "They Call it Doom", Arin's listing 52 pie crusts just to prove whatever statement Lloyd made wrong.
Not a clean simple number like 50.
A random specific number like 52.
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gerryrigged · 10 months
people who claim to be Dick stans but who hate Tim and people who claim to be Tim stans but who hate Dick make NO SENSE TO ME
like do they realize how little sense they make??
how much these two adore each other??
'Red R0bin and/or fanon mischaracterization soured me on that character/relationship!' WEAK. INVALID. PLS EXIT, PURSUED BY BEAR.
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new les mis adaptation rankings (in order of when i watched/read them):
the musical: 8/10 they did the best with what they had and it is amazing at having banger songs. i do think that certain decisions aren't my favorite and they did cut out a lot but i can understand that. it got me into les mis so for that i gotta appreciate it. petit gervais should have been there
1978: .......... i still actually cannot quantify my opinions on this movie. it is a whole fucking experience. it's both bad and really good. perkinsvert is my heart and soul. i can't give it a number. maybe 1000000/10.
1998: 4/10 it's baddd okay. i think they had a good start and i did like jean valjean's relationship with fantine in this one. also i think that the part with the bishop was interesting because it showed that jean valjean's redemption didn't actually entirely come from that moment soooo. awesome. buttttt there's still the fact it gets worse and worse as the movie goes on. and the acab is just not there. ...
takahiro arai's manga: 10/10 i have not finished it but i am fucking obsessed. it's actually gorgeous. it's got some crazy ass symbolism that slaps hard. i need to buy it now.
shoujo cosette: 9/10 i think it was a VERY faithful adaptation of the book and i like that even though they do change a few things that make the story lighter they still have those things carry weight to them. like chou chou! you hear they have a dog and you're like "wow would the thénardiers even let her have a dog? unrealistic!" and the answer is no they would not considering they beat her over it . like yeah they changed things for keeping the mood up but it was really faithful for the most part and i liked it.
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52drabbles · 6 months
Welcome to the 52drabbles prompt list for 2024 —which, amusingly, has 53 prompts! (Thank you Leap Year!)
The goal behind this year-long opt-in challenge is to post a drabble every week. To be actively writing, and actively posting, all year.
To that end we've built a list of prompts for each week in 2024 —plus a handful of alternative prompts that can be subbed in for any week (or used as prompts for bonus drabbles, because MOAR drabbles is always good!) The prompts include images, songs, random words or phrases, tropes, and in April, for poetry month - poems.
If the prompt is in double quotes, the prompt must appear in the drabble, otherwise it's meant as inspiration. During April you can choose to write a poem of the type specified as your prompt, or write *about* that type of poem. For song prompts, pick out a lyric if you like, or be inspired by the vibe of the song. Whatever works!
Also included is a list of lengths - you may choose any length from the list to pair with any of the weekly prompts.
Although the challenge is to write a drabble a week, it's a completely voluntary, opt-in sort of challenge. No hard and fast deadlines, no turning them in - just write and post. If you're posting on tumblr, please tag them with @52drabbles so we can find them for monthly roundup posts!
All versions of Bond and all ships are welcome. And if you're not in the Bond fandom? Yeah, you can play, too :)
Pick one of the following lengths each week for your drabbles:
100 words exactly 150 words exactly 200 words exactly up to 300 words 300 words exactly 400 words exactly
For the month of January, the week starting Monday,
Jan 1 - Word: "bare" Jan 8 - Image:
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Jan 15 - Phrase: Cut to the chase Jan 22 - Song: Snake Eyes by Mumford & Sons Jan 29 - Trope: Shifter AU
Putting the rest of the year under a cut because the pics make it LONG -
Feb 5 - Word: "fence" Feb 12 - Image:
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Feb 19 - Phrase: Meanwhile, back at the ranch Feb 26 - Song: Behind Blue Eyes by The Who
Mar 4 - Trope: Dialogue only Mar 11 - Word: "lemon" Mar 18 - Image:
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Mar 25 - Word: "shoots"
Apr 1 - Poem type: haiku! Apr 8 - Poem type: limerick! Apr 15 - Poem type: bredlik! Apr 22 - Poem type: acrostic - "relish" Apr 29 - Poem type: remix! - turn any fic whose author agrees into a poem
May 6 - Phrase: Back to square one May 13 - Song: Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog May 20 - Trope: Historical figure May 27 - Word: "gimlet"
Jun 3 - Image:
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Jun 10 - Phrase: Take this job and … Jun 17 - Song: Fifth Symphony by Beethoven Jun 24 - Word: "heat"
Jul 1 - Trope: Wingfic Jul 8 - Word: "sculpture" Jul 15 - Image:
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Jul 22 - Phrase: Long in the tooth Jul 29 - Song: Something to Talk About by Bonnie Raitt
Aug 5 - Trope: Magical AU Aug 12 - Word: "flustered" Aug 19 - Image:
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Aug 26 - Phrase: On cloud nine
Sep 2 - Song: I Will Always Love You by Dolly Parton (or the Whitney Houston version, if you prefer) Sep 9 - Trope: Fix-it Sep 16 - Word: "kindling" Sep 23 - Image:
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Sep 30 - Phrase: Wild goose chase
Oct 7 - Song: Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet Oct 14 - Trope: Forced proximity Oct 21 - Word: "leaves" Oct 28 - Image:
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Nov 4 - Phrase: Under your nose Nov 11 - Song: Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye Nov 18 - Trope: Outsider Perspective Nov 25 - Word: "thread"
Dec 2 - Image:
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Dec 9 - Phrase: Gone but not forgotten Dec 16 - Song: School Days by Chuck Berry Dec 23 - Trope: Desert island Dec 30 - Word: "jet lag"
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esteemed-excellency · 5 months
💜- What’s their favorite memory of the other?
hi I forgot this ask in my drafts for an entire week so I hope the answer is cute enough to make up for it
💜- What’s their favorite memory of the other?
Hiram's favourite memory of the Deviless is when she tried to show him how she experiences time. He was still unsure of his final choice after the Marvellous, but she was very interested, and she insisted on talking about it. They spent a wonderful and enlightening afternoon, albeit a bit confusing, dancing through a lot of sigils. They had to stop after a while because the human brain is not built to perceive all the depths of anachronistical timelines, and the Deviless kept on explaining as best she could, even if mere words couldn't hold the same nuances of meaning as the correspondence. Hiram concluded that her anachronistical experience of the future was similar to his constant reminiscence of the past, just in the opposite direction, and he couldn't help but feel extremely fond of her in that moment. He decided that if experiencing time meant being able to keep feeling like that for a little longer, he had made the right choice.
The Deviless' favourite memory of Hiram is when he gave her a particular gift after he began experimenting with the Red Science. He was always at the laboratory and they weren't seeing each other very often, until one day he said he was almost done with the experiments, and he gave her a rose, as usual. She didn't notice any difference at first, but after two and a half weeks the rose was still as fresh as the day it was picked. After three weeks the stem began to wither. After a month, the rose rotted away in a single morning. It took another two other weeks for the Deviless to stop thinking about the fact that Hiram manipulated reality specifically for her.
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ashleybenlove · 5 months
I've already read 13 books this year.
4 of them are rereads of The Baby Sitters Club books so like... easy quick reads lol.
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alternis · 5 months
somebody rbed my Complaining About Tiktok post trying to say that new 52 canon replaced pre-crisis and tim took a bus in a recent story with bernard, so the batkids not being able to drive is actually supported by canon, so i tracked down multiple post-n52 panels of steph and tim driving. and then i realised i don't need to justify my very good posts to people looking for a fight so i just saved that rebuttal as a draft
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thequiver · 1 year
Thirsting over Ralph Dibny hours again
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undefeatablesin · 10 months
I have finished all my Ruza brainrot art (for now, at least) and I dont have the file for the next page of Altar on my travel tablet, so now the question is what shall I draw? 🧐 What sights should I create...suggestions welcome... ✨️
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I don't remember Jason trying to shoot Tim in the back?
This is probably because of my tags on that one post well I technically phrased it wrong he doesn't try to shoot him in the back he actually does.
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And then he was most likely about to shoot him in the head until Ulysses dressed as Red Robin stopped it.
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He was definitely going to kill him here he's some prior dialogue in the scene too that shows it.
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I know Jason's other two murder attempts on Tim are much more famous than this one though so I definitely understand not remembering it. This is from Robin 1993 #177 which is part of the FabNic run and he's by far my least favorite writer this comic had so blocking it out of your memory even if you've read it I get.
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florallychaotic · 6 months
Apparently there is a "loneliest whale in the world", an unidentified whale in the pacific whose species is unknown that sings at the frequency of 52 hertz, much higher than other baleen whales.
We don't know their species but they were noticed in 1991 and have heard their call every year since 2014. Some deaf people suppose the whale may also be deaf and have asked marine biologists to consider that, but since the whale has never been seen they can't. They suppose it may be a blue whale hybrid or that it may have a birth malformation.
Yall I'm gonna cry
If Laika is the Patron Saint of One Way Trips, then 52 Hertz Whale is the Patron Saint of Speaking into the Night
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