#thats what he has to do. they all play roles to function well as a team
Nightwing #100 was fun and a good celebration of Nightwing's history and progress. The Titans set up was really cool to see and I hope DC follows through with putting the Titans into the spotlight.
It can't be in the Nightwing series. I can't think of anything more damaging to The Titans as a team and to Nightwing himself than to have the entirety of the Titans crammed into a solo series.
This is why we have team series and solo series. People don't read Titan series for stories 98% focused on Grayson with every other Titans character relegated to a cameo support role. People don't read Nightwing for stories revolving around his Titans' leadership duties.
The best part about the Titans is that it's a diverse group of personalities and skillsets. Every character gets a chance to shine, every character has a distinct personality and goals. They aren't Dick Grayson's backup dancers or personal cheerleading squad. And Dick's book should be where he gets to just be himself doing stealth missions and clandestinely fighting assassins, without trying to be the perfect leader that's always got a plan.
I liked Nightwing #100 and I've liked the other times Titans characters have crossed over into the series. But this can't just be it. They have to have a Titans series. They have to.
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zeravmeta · 29 days
Thoughts on RvB Restoration Finale
not really that long just my 2 cents
I wanna say I liked the movie because I did enjoy myself watching it, but honestly I'm very much gonna stick to the RvB17 open ended finale
Overall the movie was... ok? It wasn't unwatchably bad the way RvB Zero was but it also just made a lot of choices that I disagree with fundamentally both with the writing and the core themes of the series as a whole. I've had this take ever since RvB14 on the fanbase and the writers but this movie flat out says it:
The writers are fucking unable to let go of PFL and Chorus in a meaningful way.
For a series thats core message is about saying goodbye, they literally dont let that part of the show die. They are functionally unable to let go of the past peaks of the franchise and write something new. And I get it: RvB fundamentally cycles with its storytelling, but what was so refreshing to me about RvB14-17 was that it actually progressed itself Past those peaks of RvB10 and 11-13 (and honestly people REALLY dont appreciate the good in those later seasons). It felt like a natural (if wacky) progression, and it definitely wasnt perfect but it gave the extended cast more opportunities to shine in ways we didnt appreciate before
This movie just doesnt do that? Honestly the fact that they KILLED Sarge and Doc was so... disrespectful to me? Like not in the sense that it was as bad as how RvB Zero (fake) killed Tucker, but more like it felt like the writers killed them off because they were following a book titled "How To Write Story" and saw 'killing off characters is good writing'. Sarge got a dramatic send off that also didnt feel that impactful? And I did see it coming from the start but having Doc be Washs' guilt haunting him just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Its a really self contained story, a whole bunch of characters outside the main 3 reds and Caboose felt ooc, a good chunk of characters dont even show up (dude where was DONUT??? youre telling me he only has 5 seconds in Simmons' mind in a cheerleading costume?), it was composed of like 3-4 sets total, Carolina, Tex and 479er all just kind of Show Up to be badasses in the way The New Person would show up in an MCU movie...
Honestly watching this movie I kind of felt like it would have a twist ending. Like the credits would play and then itd zoom out to show the Reds and Blues post S17 in a movie theater watching this dramatic finale, because thats honestly what it felt like: The whole movie was a cheap facsimile of RvB as a whole. The fact that Trocadero wasn't allowed/signed on to make the music for this finale really does influence this movie, since they used a whole bunch of songs and osts that felt out of place (though I will admit Vale Deah softly playing as Grimmons said goodbye to each other did make me choke up a little)
Despite my negative review, I do still recommend watching it, since there was stuff I did like: Simmons in a leader role, Tex and the fun reveal during her fight with Tucker-Meta, Grif FINALLY getting to retire, Caboose as a whole was really well written, there IS good in this movie! And again it's not unwatchable bad, it just... kind of leaves a somber, sour taste in my mouth. This movie threw a whole bunch of stuff to the wall not to see what would stick but to break it all and leave for the insurance money. Just a "hey since we're sinking might as well make all these callbacks and break a bunch of stuff along the way."
Welp. Goodbye, RvB. At least this way I know that RT dies without riding your coattails any longer. And hey given that RvB technically has 3 endings (RvB17, Zero and RvB19) you can just take your pick on what you like best anyways. Quick edit no jutsu I forgor to mention there is the sequence at the beginning of the movie where it is implied RvB19 COULD also be one of the simulations in and of itself so. yeah you can in fact just take it as you will
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uninformedartist · 11 months
Ok so Viv just released this on her Twitter
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Ok to start off this post will not go about Erica and what she is going through now, I wish her well and all the best going forward. I'm strictly going to talk about how Viv handled her business decisions concerning the VAs, Loona as a character and her budgeting.
Viv states: 1) they didn't have much of a budget starting off with season 2 as they do now, 2) if a character didn't play a significant role (like Loona) they didn't record her due to budget reasons, 3) season 2 was recorded 2-3 years ago, 4) Loona will be seen more in season 2 than season 1 so would more voice lines I asume and lastly guest VAs didn't get paid more than the main cast.
Now taking all this some things don't add up. If season two was recorded 2-3 years ago and Loona would've played a definite more involved role why didn't they record her voice regardless of budget, she has a prominent role in so2 so they should've recorded her voice not so. And yes Viv states Loona will seen (maybe heard more in so2) but so2 is by episode 5 now, Loona only spoke once so far and I'm comparing how long so1 was to so2. If they not even halfway how long will so2 be to see more of Loona speaking, again so2 was recorded 2-3 years ago.
My other thing is if so2 recordings was done 2-3 years ago, then so1 voice recordings should've by my assumption been done way before, before the pilot even. When recording season 2, 2-3 years ago and they didn't have much of a budget as they do now, so1 should've been voice recorded on blessing money yet so1 has 2 celebrity guest voices, Norman and Kesha. Now I heard Norman did the voice out of his own accord, is a fan of the show maybe they stuck a nice deal with him. But Kesha, that is a celebrity singer that did a voice for a character. And the 8th episode of helluva was stuck in limbo for years as Viv stated before releasing now recently.
So my thoughts, so2 little budget voices done 2-3 years ago, this should've included Norman but he was replaced by Ed. But So1 was done I assume way before the pilot they should be on little to no budget but they got Norman and Kesha to voice. Its just not adding up to me personally.
I do agree with Viv on not harassing the VAs, crew and Erica especially. The speculation, rumors and fights going on is unneeded so glad Viv addressed that. The other things she says though, doesn't add up to me at all.
Very last, that puppy aspect of Loona Viv is talking about, um why show the puppy side of a twenty something year old woman thats been nothing but awful in season two. The episode didn't need Loona to be there, cutting Loona would've saved budget actually (no need to animate her/cut episode run time) the Vet plot didn't add anything to the story really but just a nitpick from me.
But would like input on this, my brain isn't a but functional today just got home from a stock take shift. Would love to hear other's thoughts on this.
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sugarepoxy · 10 months
hey sorry if this is weird but this is @chip-and-the-bastards (it's a sideblog so I can't ask with it) and since we're up against each other for the jrwi au showdown I wanted to ask about Blood in the Deadwood‼️ it seems like a cool au but tumblr search function isn't showing me if you have anything for it on this blog! So here take this as an opportunity to ramble about it and also maybe give some propaganda!
anyway feel free to ignore if you don't wanna aha :]
well first of all @tobeywobey was also very involved in making it so make sure you also give them creds ! ! He worked on a LOT of the lore so i really wanna give them proper creds lol. Also the search didnt work because both toby and I haven't post much of anything publicly about it LMAO
BASICALLY its the prime defenders characters but in a kind of Galloway/Deadwood hybrid place if that makes sense. Each character fills the role of another character(s) in blood in the bayou (for example cantrip basically plays the role of Becky in this au.) its pretty cannon compliant to the events of blood in the bayou, except for a few changes, like things happening for different reasons and events being changed. Also there is no superpowers in this au :)
the thing Toby and I changed most was probably the events leading up to the main three going back to deadwood. In this AU Dakota is the one that knows Ashe the best, Will and Vynce are less acquainted with her. This is because she fills the role of Rachel so we wanted it to closer match the relationship that Kian and Rolan had with her when they were younger. so basically Dakota introduces Ashe to the other two a couple years before the events of this AU take place in deadwood, and they all eventually leave for w own reasons. Will dies like in PD canon, is resurrected as a bug sorta like how Rolan is, except he knows that he's a bug and keeps it secret. Ashe goes missing suddenly and Mark immediately starts investigating. The boys talk to mark about any leads or information, and it all leads to Deadwood. Also somewhere along there Williams "parents" die. Some more noatable things that happen in these few years is that vynce and cantrip have a relationship thats more like a situationship, and the three of them start a dnd campaign but never finish it.
They all go to Deadwood Because of Ashe's disappearance but vynce and will also have other reasons. Vynce really wants to finish this fuckin dnd campaign, and will felt the most obligated to go because he's part of the hive (and also his parents funeral was happening there anyways.) Will is also the one that is the most hesitant to go in the first place.
Then the BITB cannon stuff happens! They greet Doug (who plays the role of rat in this AU,) go to quickstop, see The Horrors, all that stuff. They obviously react in different ways and do different things than the BITB pcs, but it all still leads to them going to points of interest and having the big events happen to them the same. One notable change is that Will sees doug in the alley, pasteified, but is really curious about what actually happened to him instead of being horrified of the human sludge (Will is so fucking insane in this au.) Another is that will convinces Dakota that they need to leave (like how kian does) but while they are driving away will and dakota get into an argument wich leads to dakota grabbing the wheel from him and they end up swerving into the membrane wall.
Unfortunately thats where we stopped writing stuff down lmao so for the propaganda section of this ramble i will be taking from the character info toby wrote
Vyncent is a huge fantasy nerd and he has those hot topic elf ear cuffs. Half of his character motivation is wanting to finish that godamn dnd game!!!
William wisp is 10x more insane
wiwi carries a shotgun around locked and loaded from the very beginning
vynce gets some cool buggy limbs :)
Ashe is trans mtf and in the notes we referred to getting bugged as "contracting malaria" so we called her "our malaria girlfriend" and now in my head ashe will always be my favorite malaria girlfriend ❤️
Mark kind of plays the role of John Rand and he is also in love with that stupid caveman show
Mark and tide have a perry and doofenshmirtz dynamic. They both have radically different theories on what is happening to the town and argue constantly, but when they aren't being crazy people they get along
Tide fills the role of Mr. Dickman and he has a secret bunker chalk full of beef stroganoff. He also has a huge fucking blackboard where he writes all his theories (he just has "MALARIA" written down in all caps)
Tide has a little bit of a crazy old guy reputation in town
Cantrip gets fucking shot by William because of a one sided rivalry wiwi has had since middle school
This concludes the ramblings, i wish everyone happy voting and good luck in the au torment!!! :D
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4ng3l-0n-34rth · 2 years
Intimidated: Part 3 // a Steve Harrington x Dustin's sibling reader
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a/n: OMG S4 PT.2 HAS LEFT ME SO ANGRY AND DISSAPPOINTED, but furthermore i need to feed my readers and i'm rly sick and have nothing better to do, so heres part 3 finally!
warnings: mild swearing, minors using substances, CONTAINS SEASON 4 CHARACTERS BUT NO SPOILERS
summary: after a weird cycle of events, you both can relax a bit at a party, but what happens when you go home may be even stranger.
and as always,
2,036 words
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"Fun huh?" Steve asked. "I guess I could have a little fun."
"That's the spirit Stevie boy!" you cheer and wrap an arm around his neck, leaning into him due to the fact you're a little off balance. You bring the joint in your hand up to his lips, and he takes a hit. Surprisingly he didn't cough, so that raises a question. "You smoke pot before Mr. Perfect?" one of the new friends you had made asked before you could. "Well I definitely used too, but now that I've realized how many responsibilities I have I've kinda stopped all together." He stated a little more honestly than you thought he would, but of course he had who knows what in his system right now.
After a few more trips back and forth from the bar, you and Steve had both come to the conclusion you were ready to begin your walk home. Your head was rested on his shoulder and you sleepily mumbled to him, "Steve, remember how I said we could walk home?" you asked looking up to him, your face almost pressed against his. He nodded and looked to you confused. "Well I don't wanna walk anymore," you pouted up to him. Although Steve came around to having fun, he did however limit everything he took about half the amount that you did, so no he definitely wasn't sober, but he could function fairly well. "Well I don't trust myself to drive still, so I guess I'm just going to have to carry you home." He shrugged you off of his shoulder and got up, holding his hand out to you, and you happily took it.
Next thing you knew, you were on his back, arms wrapped around his neck loosely enough for him to not be choked out right now. You waved goodbye to your new friends and you were off! Walking down the road at night was surprisingly calming. Well, Steve walking you down the road that is. Your head was rested on your arm that was laid on his shoulder. "Hey Steve? How come you were so persistent with being with me today?" you ask. Although you were happy to go along with whatever antics he had followed you through tonight, Steve wasn't really someone you considered to be a friend. More of an acquaintance really. "I dunno, I guess I just felt like I had to shoot my shot with the mysterious pretty girl," He spoke blatantly, which caught you off guard. "Oh so thats what you think about me, is it?" He just laughed at your response, and shook his head. "Well I wouldn't say that, at least not anymore."
"Then what do you think of me, Harrington?" You're now looking up to the stars, taking in the cool early spring breeze. "Well, you're very headstrong, but still caring. You're passionate, and can definitely get quite rowdy, and you hate my music taste." He finished and you playfully slapped his chest. "This again? I already told you I don't hate your music, It's just something I wouldn't pick." As he continued to walk the both of you home, he found a pebble on the ground that he would kick as he stepped forward, and the both of you watched as it rolled across the gravel ground, then slowed to a stop just to be kicked again. "What do you think that mysterious pretty girl thinks of me?" He asked you, now curious if what he was playing at was a lost cause.
"For starters, they definitely didn't think they were going to like you. You came off as a little full of yourself, but with looks like that in the kind of circle you were in it didn't seem too far fetched, buttttt they also think you're charming, and kind, and a good role model for their brother that always drags you into whatever shit he dug his nose into." He smiled, but from the position you were in, you couldn't actually see it, you just felt the tensing of his cheeks from where yours rested against his. "Do you think they'd want to go out with him again?" he asked, "Like actually go out though, a one on one thing not just my guest to a party?" You stayed silent for a second, pretending to think on it. Obviously you knew your answer, and it was a definite yes, but you had to keep him on his toes. "Hmm, I think they would like that, were you thinking of asking them?" He nodded and laughed, "Yeah I was actually.. Can I take you out sometime? Maybe we could actually go catch a movie or something," he spoke a little softer now, you could tell by his tone he was a little nervous, even though you practically already said yes. "I hear the breakfast club's good," you laugh. "So is that a yes?" "Yes, Steve. It's a yes."
Now that you've reached your house, you realized that you have no idea what you're going to tell your mom when Steve comes in to spend the night, unless you don't have too. "Steve, what time is it?" you asked, and he checked his watch. "11:25, why?" You immediately jumped off his back and crept under a bush, stumbling a bit and dragging him down with you. "Dustin gets picked up from Mike's at 11:30, so mom's probably going to leave the house right about-" You were paused by your front door closing, your mom was walking out the door to her car. "Right now." As she started the engine and drove off you jumped up and grabbed his hand, running messily toward the door. You quickly unlocked it and pulled Steve inside. "If you're gonna stay over, she can't know you're here." You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a pen and paper, writing a note saying that you had gotten home, but you were tired and decided to go straight to bed. After setting the note down on the counter you had Steve follow you to your room.
"Hey I'm gonna change into some pajamas, do you want me to try and find something for you?" he was a little baffled by how quickly everything just happened, and he just nodded and sat on your bed. You sifted through your drawers looking for whatever sweats and t-shirt you could find that would fit him, and tossed them in his direction, then picked out stuff for yourself. "Ok you can try that and let me know how it works." He gave you a thank you and headed toward your bathroom, which he already knew the location of since he came over often for Dustin. You changed quickly then jumped onto your bed, still dazed from everything you had taken that night. As the thoughts rolled through your head, you were thankful that Steve had invited you to the party, and you probably wouldn't have been so open to the idea of going out with him without the added 'liquid courage'.
Steve knocked on your bedroom door, and you signaled he could come in. "So, do you think Iron Maiden suits me?" he asked, referencing to the band shirt you had put him in. "Oh definitely, with a face like that a good music taste would make you even more popular with the ladies." You giggled and patted a spot on the bed next to you, and he sat down. "More popular with the ladies, or with you?" he asked inching in closer to you, which made you heat up a bit, pushing him back. "I said what I said, don't read too close into it Harrington." He held his hands up in surrender and smiled brightly. God that smile had your heart doing backflips, and it felt even better knowing he was smiling because of something you had done.
"Well you wanna put on a movie?" he asked pointing to the tv you had set up across from your bed. "Oh sure! You wanna pick one?" You stood up walking to the stack of vhs tapes you had next to it. "I have The Shining, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Thing, Cujo, Creepshow, Re-animator-" you read off the boxes you had stacked nicely on your tv stand, "Anything that wont give me nightmares?" Steve got up to look at them as well, standing closely behind you. All you could hear was your heart racing, and you didn't realize your mom and Dustin had gotten home. He reached and arm around you to look through your tapes, and suddenly someone had barged into your room. None other than your shit head of a brother. He stood in your doorway staring blankly.
"Dustin! How many times have I told you to knock before you barge in my fucking room!" you shout, that being the only thing you could've possibly said in this moment. You ran over to the door ushering him inside before shutting the door behind him. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to you. "A single word from you to mom and I'm telling her you've been snagging from the rainy day fund for comic books." He grabbed your wrist, removing it from his shirt, and took a moment to take in what the fuck he just walked in on. "Steve?" was all he could mutter. "Hey buddy," he smiled and waved. "Don't hey buddy me, this isn't what I thought you meant by getting to know my sister!" he shouted, and you placed your hand over his mouth. "Dustin please be quiet, I'll take you and your friends to the arcade, a-and pay for your games! Just please don't get me caught."
His confused expression was now replaced by a smug one. "Is that alcohol I smell? A hint of weed too? Wow Y/N I could really get you busted for that huh. Two arcade trips, plus lunch and ice cream after, and you have to drive me wherever I wan't for a week." You look at him angrily. "Well don't be unreasonable, Dustin." He smirked and looked back and forth between you and Steve. "Oh I don't think I'm being unreasonable, and if you can't drive me around I bet Steve can, can't you buddy." You rolled your eyes and looked to Steve who gave you somewhat of a sorry smile. "Okay fine. BUT you better make sure mom doesn't come in here like your life depends on it, you hear me?" He held his hand out to shake yours, "Pleasure doing business with you." You shook his hand and before he could go you stopped him, "Oh and while you're at it bring me your ghostbusters tape, thanks bye!" You shoved him out of your room and closed the door.
"You like ghostbusters right, or is that one too scary too?" You asked Steve, brushing off what just happened. "You told him you want to get to know me huh?" He sat back down on the bed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well I couldn't just tell him I wanted to take you out, but I guess we're a little passed that now, aren't we?" You laugh and sit next to him, once again. "Oh, me sneaking you into my bedroom and my brother finding you? Sounds like a casual Saturday night for me." Before you could continue Dustin banged on the door. "I knocked this time i better not see any funny business!" He shouted before walking inside. "Oh my god Dustin what did I say about the yelling!" He tossed the ghost busters tape to you. "Oh, relax. Moms out cold and we both know she could sleep through the apocalypse." You sigh and shoo him out of your room now that you have what you asked him for. "Alright, alright I'm going, but I swear to god if I hear anything gross going on I'm kicking both of you out of the house." He then pointed to Steve, "And you. Don't be weird its my sister you're dealing with." and without another word he left.
"So, ready to watch a movie?"
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TAGLIST: @lily-sinclair-2006 @crazynocturnalkiki @alisslahey
comment if you wanna be added!!
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gayspock · 1 year
im ACTUALLY extremely conflicted on some of the present day stuff and i think its mostly down to the characters
like im very happy with jeff, and i think he's fine as is - brilliant, even, bc hes a genuinely refreshing take imo as opposed to what they could have easily done (i.e unlikable, distant from it all husband). not that he would be CRAZY or unreasonable to resent shauna, but like... its just fucking so much funnier + more interesting to me to see a character kind of just go with it, rather than to have them stew in angst. like i think its more interesting and allows for them to explore different beats than what you'd assume they would if you'd just known the basics of what shauna was up to. imo
similarly i was happy with adam as a character, too, and i think they developed him well enough for who he was and how he functions in this story. im glad he didnt turn out to be javi (if he was, i guess, bc he still could be technically that kinda suck wway more now tbh booo) and whilst there was nooo way he was gonna survive if he was just some guy which he was
theres also guys like kevyn. my jokes aside abt how scary he is im kinda fine with him, and i do actually makes some kinda sense that hes a cop + that he's now so straight-laced. some loser divorced dad. and it'd be a good comparison to natalie, and the lifestyle she lives now and how their paths diverged. however i kind of wish they'd... just let him go? like i wish he'd been at the reunion, and they'dhad that exchanged and then he'd just walked away to his wife and kids and her back to the yellowjackets no return no return no return huh what was that YEHA. my point is. i feel like there's no true resolution between them two thats organic and it just kinda feels weird to keep him around past that. i know they need a cop character for whats happening with shauna now but it just feels kinda ... bizarre to have him playing that role with that creep dude. bc whilst i do prefer limited characters in a show like this and to keep it tight and clean it just feels weird for it to be him and for it to be THAT insular AND, again, for him to keep sticking around when i dont feel like theres anywhere for him to go.... like its kinda DIFFERENT with the other cop dude, bc he isnt pre-established and he does kinda just function moreso as just. a fucking yuckhead fuckhead but instead its just this weird uhhhh. and kevyn is back! um. he will continue serving this purpose and we will never touch on him and natalie again. bc we shouldnt ofc but it also feels weird to have him there without ever mentioning it LOL
who else. fuck. like i am also very conflicted abt tai's wife and son like.... they do just feel a bit like- theyre just there? and i think that DEFINITELY makes some sort of narrative sense with tai, and with her whole deal- she has it all, she has everything but she has nothinnggg but... IDK KINDA SAD MAN. bc its weird i'll go back to this with jeff and callie, but it does make SENSE that the non-yellowjackets characters are always gonna be secondary with the story theyre telling in more ways than them just being secondary characters but with how fucking impossible it is to reconnect with fucking ANYONE after everything they did/went through BUT ITS LIKE... like i said i kinda like jeff and ironically his absolute lack of personality became a personality, whereas with simone&sammy i feel like theyre just kinda... SUPER functioning and that does kinda make me worry because whilst i know a lot of ppl are yelling for tai/van endgame... i dont know it feels weird to write them off fuckin completely which is what i feel like the show might kinda lean into at some point...😭like i want more for them, and from them. and i also sorry i also hate fucking "scary child who sees the supernatural" trope SORRYYYY its so tired to me and so lazy . give this kid some proper fucking development
and i think its also another issue im having with the present day stuff. theres too many characters rn and its being misspent. like do not get me wrong im not against quirky elijah wood BUT i feel like misty's ENTIRE. FUCKING. ARC. RIGHT. NOW. would be so much more fucking effective if she was alone and tracking down natalie by herself and kinda struggling with that. OR if they kept up her rapport with jessica- like have her tag along, whether it'd be under the guise of a fixer or not, and maybe have her cause some tension bc again if eel like.. ITS SO MUCH WEIRDER just having jessica's entire stint just come to an end in the way it did and it would have been a much more solid throughline into s2 than to bring in elijah wood whos just genderbent misty and its like . ok its just nott.... INTERESTING TO ME... SO WHAT. SHES FOUND A GUY LIKE HER? WHO CARES MAN. IM SAYING THIS AS A LITTLE FREAK WHO CANT CONNECT WITH OTHERS & YEARNS FOR KINSHIP, LIKE... I JUST FEEL LIKE ITS KINDA BACKWARDS AND REGRESSIVE AND NOTHINGGGG. jessica was a much weirder fucking dynamic and i think could have been interesting and i do think theres ways they could have had them both pursue natalie but now its just... ehhhhhh like
and i also feel like elijah wood is kinda bringing up the comedic parts of misty's story and dont get me wrong i LOVED a lot of the dark humour bits from her in s1 but i feel likw now its kinda getting too close to just. that. kinda like just oh funny joke funny dark humour. and losing a lot of the substance it should have, which is kinda necessary to the humour itself....AND he's sort of stealing her limelight like WHO CARES. GO AWAY DUUDE. have confidence in misty to be able to CARRY this shit, cmon, bc no offence elijah but SHE WAS WAY BETTER AT IT! bc thats whats so GOOD ABOUT THE SHOW OTHERWISE- you have the confidence to let all these girlies to carry their plotlines by themselves, so dont slip!!! GET BACK UP. and again im saying with the too many characters thing- its just... ehrhh. who cares to spend so much time on him??? whos just out of nowhere when its like.. again i'd prefer it if you spent that time with taissa or with .....
CALLIE. SHHES PROBABLY THE PERSON IM THE MOST CONFLICTED ON IN THE WORLD. bc in so many ways again i feel like we cant focus on her too much in shauna's little life that shes made for herself but I JUST... I CANT HELP BUT FEEL LIKE WE'RE IN THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE SPOT IMAGINABLE WITH CALLIE, wherein we dont get enough of her and her side to really empathise with her but we get too much of her to find her on the wrong side of irritating-AND THAT. SUCKS. THATS THE WORST. EVER. BECAUSE SHES LITERALLY A TEENAGE GIRL. I FEEL LIKE THERES SO MUCH MORE THEY COULD DO WITH THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SHAUNA/CALLIE IF THEY PUSHED FOR IT MORE, BUT ITS JUST... again its in this such an awkwwaarddd position where they only bring her in to be difficult it feels like. and the thing is? shes being reasonable. MORE than. shes totally justified in all the shit shes doing. but bc of the unfortunate way its framed she comes off as...... sadly.... unlikable which . again AGAIN IT SUCKS. BECAUSE SHES A TEENAGE GIRL AND THIS FEELS LIKE THE FIRST SHOW IN A LONG TIME TO HAVE A CAST FULL OF UNLIKABLE FUCKING TEENAGE GIRLS BE THE BEST EVERRRRRR AND SHE COULD BE SO GOOD MAN SHE COULD BE SUCH A GOOD WAY FOR SHAUNA TO LOOK INTO THE PAST BUTEE..... they kinda just write her off too and bring her up to cause complications obly. thats all it is. and i dont know i do get it i dooo get it bc again it makes SENSE with shauna and who she is and where her life is that the presentation would thereforebe kinda more her perspective but also... i do just feel... ITCHES. LIKE IM CLAWING AT THE WALL
ok last thing maybe idk. idk how i feel about lottie at all. its strange. i felt like she..... was kinda not present enough in s1. does that make sense ever at all. i wish we had more from her and her whole visions thing, and she had as much focus in the past as the others did from the very beginning. bc i feel like in s1... we didnt see enough of her in that regard? like we got her- we got bits of her. but not enough of her-her. bc im fine with her kinda story on paper (ish) and how its playing out but i t does feel weirdly unba;anced across s1 / s2. and its throwing me a bit there
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ghostreviewsstuff · 1 year
Dr Stone (manga)
dr stone is.... a mixed bag. but the parts of it that are good are FAR more interesting that the parts that are bad. dr stone is "bad" in the more boring, predictable, and expected ways typical adventure shonens tends to be bad. you can probably guess what most of those issues are just from the genre.
but dr stone is good in ways ill probs be searching for a way to articulate for years to come.
i do consider it to be the greatest deconstruction of both the lone super genius archetype, and the nihilistic asshole super genius archetype. and i think it succeeds where others fail in part bc Senku is presented in a way easily mistaken for that Type Of guy, but he isnt. it doesnt matter how smart he is, he needs the power of friendship if he wants to get literally anything done. he isnt a nilihistic asshole, he's just immature and rude, and he's actually very optimistic and has an upbeat attitude. he's a great protag i have a lot of love for.
but while i can wax poetic circles about my fascination with how intellect is handled in dr stone, thats an essay for another day. lets talk about the story as a whole.
dr stone's setting is set by a mysterious light turning all of humanity to stone for 3700 years, sending everyone back to the stone age. however its less a time travel isekai so much as it is a lord of the flies caveman arms race. it primarily functions under the typical shonen formula with the notable factor that it's magic system is... real life science. altho a bit elevated for dramatic effect.
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the true zeitgeist of dr stone is the back and forth problem solving to build various contraptions to achieve various goals. every character has their own skill sets and personalities that allows them to bounce off of each other and play a role in reaching goals. the cast also has pretty great chemistry making exchanges and banter very entertaining 99% of the time.
while i think the characters are very well written, i have that opinion within the context of dr stone being a plot driven story, not character driven. character arcs are subtle and take a backseat to the wider plot goal posts. i dont consider the low level of character development to be a bad thing, the story just isnt about that and the cast is charismatic and enjoyable for the roles they play.
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the setting of dr stone is very well realized in its simplicity. the artist, boichi is capable of drawing some beautiful scenery. the art overall i think is much more good then bad, and the character designs are fun and distinct if you can tolerate the girls looking kinda busted (boichi.... can not draw women i fear) ironically i found the moe eyes growing on me. but ill be real, the fan service isnt that bad. annoying, yes, but not nearly as bad as it could be. you wont ever see a guy fall on top of a girl and accidentally grope her boobs, so much as the occasional jarring ass shot and weird angles around badly drawn women. that said the young girl and mascot character, Suika, is never sexualized in this way, even though she is grown up by the end of the story
i wont claim the girls in the cast dont suffer from some of the typical shonen misogyny, but Kohaku and Suika at least are very well realized characters and solid female leads i like a lot.
i always feel like i should be harsher in my criticism towards this series, i do genuinely consider it enough of a mixed bag of quality ill hesitate to recommend it to people (tho lets be real, the fan service is always the biggest barrier recommending any animanga regardless of quality despite that) but i really do struggle to make a nuanced critique. even things that are more controversial among its fans, like the way the story progresses in its final arcs, i struggle to complain about. structurally the story delivers on its foreshadowing and progresses in ways that make sense and i do think was planned out by at least the half way point of the story.
the biggest most glaring issues are... extremely basic. very typical levels of shonen misogyny and weird politics. it gets kinda weird in the middle in a way i dont really feel equipped address in detail but am grateful a lot of that.. mess doesn't carry over into the rest of story. it gets tied up in bad, but also very common and unquestioned, colonialist mindsets and tropes just as much as it SUBVERTS and DECONSTRUCTS those same bad ideas. which honestly drives a lil nuts if i think about for to long. the narrative loves to kneecap its own themes and progressive philosophies to a frustrating degree, but i do genuinely think the end product is far more good then bad.
i have a lot to say about this manga, but know are to actually articulate maybe a fraction of it. after watching enough youtubers attempt to review it, im clearly not alone in that. lots of people seem to share my struggles in expressing why they also think dr stone is so good. and i think that complexity of how it grabs people in ways that arent easy to understand, are in itself is an aspect of what makes it what it is.
its a very good adventure shonen series that i think deserves a bit of staying power
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thrawnezra · 1 year
Imperial General Ezra AU!!!
This will probably end up being a long post so I'm putting it under a read-more.
Post-Rebels Season 4, we know Ezra and Thrawn are left to their own devices together. If we take the timeline Disney is using for the Ahsoka series (where the two should reappear), then thats over a decade of Ezra and Thrawn in wild space together. More than double the time Ezra ever spent with the Ghost crew.
What exactly happened during that time? Well that is what my AU touches on, as well as what happens after Ezra reunites with the Ghost crew.
But first, a bit of analysis. In the Rebels Season 4 finale, Thrawn takes Ezra to the Emperor, where Palpatine then works to manipulate Ezra to the dark side, to their own side. What strikes me as interesting is that this was most definitely something Thrawn asked Palpatine to do, not the other way around. What would Palpatine want with some force sensitive kid? Wouldn't he just wish for Ezra's death?
Thrawn, on the other hand, has this odd sense of respect for those he goes up against. He is excited to talk with Hera, he collects Sabines art, I have no doubt he saw Ezra as the perfect Jedi to toy with. Young, inexperienced, and thus extremely open to manipulation. And it almost works, Ezra is tempted and it takes a lot for him to refuse Palpatine's offer. That would be all of it, except... Ezra then gets stuck with Thrawn in wild space. Stuck with the man who can and will manipulate him for whatever purpose he wants. Ezra was already vulnerable, but now he is essentially doomed to play right into Thrawn's hands.
Of course, he fights it at first. He isn't just going to forget everything Kanan and the rest of the Ghost crew taught him in an instant. But over a decade of being with Thrawn has consequences. Thrawn finds Ezra's insecurities, preys on his fear of losing those he loves, and slowly plants the idea that he could have saved those he already lost... If only he had joined the Empire. That Ezra can ensure the safety of those around him now with the order the Empire promises, no, BRINGS to the galaxy. At some point, the boy just breaks, and Thrawn happily takes advantage of it all.
The two make contact with what is left of the Empire sometime post-RotJ, and Thrawn quickly puts Ezra in the role of a general, citing their 'bond' and 'closeness' as the reason behind it. In reality, it is a way to keep his grasp on Ezra. The general title was chosen to mimic the military rank Jedi had during the Clone Wars, and Thrawn makes Ezra very aware of this. And, deep within the theatrics of it all, Ezra loves it. It reinforces his desire to be a full Jedi, a good Jedi. And the Jedi always do the right thing... right?
Thrawn spoils Ezra with a unique uniform, a new lightsaber, and more. His uniform has more visual similarities to an imperial officer then say, an inquisitor, and this is on purpose. Thrawn doesn't want Ezra to think for a moment that he is a sith, that he is an inquisitor. He knows the negative connotation Ezra has with those titles, as well as Maul's miserable failures at converting the boy. That, and the more Ezra thinks he is doing the right thing, the better. Likewise, Ezra's new lightsaber is made to be similar to his Season 1 lightsaber, with the only changes made going towards improving the functionality. The saber is still blue and it still can be converted to a gun when needed. The reason behind bringing his old saber back is to plant the feeling of nostalgia in Ezra. It goes hand-in-hand with the idea he could have saved his parents, Kanan, and anyone else if he was in this position earlier. To further push this idea of nostalgia, Thrawn encourages Ezra to grow his hair out, saying he looks better with it long. In short, Ezra's appearance is carefully crafted by Thrawn to keep him compliant and not questioning anything. I'm still working on a visual reference for it at the moment C:
At some point, Sabine and Ahsoka do find Ezra, but under not-so-great circumstances. I'm still running through the specifics of everything, but I've considered Sabine and Ahsoka's ship being brought into a Star Destroyer, which ends up being the same one Thrawn and Ezra are currently operating. Sabine and Ahsoka are, of course, horrified to see how Ezra has changed, meanwhile Ezra is overjoyed. He acts as if nothing has changed, and even comments on how well hes been treated by Thrawn the whole time. This is false, but Ezra is blind to the manipulation he's been a victim to, a fact that stands out to Sabine and Ahsoka instantly.
Sooo... Yeah. I've put a lot of thought into this. And I'm going to continue to put thought into it because dangit, I've never felt this passionate about an AU I've created before!
Now I just have to find a way to get this all in a nice and pretty fashion for the AU page on my blog ;_;
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reading yaoi for the plot
recently i seemingly entirely stopped my life for a week to read the visual novel Slow Damage.
i dont really play vn’s (reading in front of my pc is HARD) nor do i read that much boys love (i am a bit of a gayboy by nature, so im not opposed to it) so what drove me to absolutely devour this one.....i honestly dont know. i would never have bought it for myself but my bestie gave it to me. so here we are.
slow damage is a game that you Could play. maybe should and maybe shouldnt. its sad and since it deals with self harm, suicidal thoughts, violence, sexual violence and rape, child abuse and just about every other bad thing you can imagine.......... man that shit can be depressing as hell. and since its a eroge, they are out there sexualizing shit they really SHOULDNT.
AND I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!! all those “fiction doesnt affect reality” talk some people do is bs in my opinion. yes, you probably wouldnt hurt people irl bc youre reading this rape scene. but YES, bad porn will still condition your brain negatively in the long run.
anyhow. slow damage is pretty damn self-aware. dont get me wrong man, i love the game so much. and yet, and yet.
its so deeply important to me how the game really pictures.... unconditional love between friends and multiple different endgames that finish the story Well for the protag. he can attain salvation and peace. whether it means never touching the wounds of his past or confronting it headfirst. either way he can go through the worst of the worst and end up better. or worse. its all so fickle but thats the good part right. mental health is very sensitive and as a chronically sick person, he is so so vulnerable. (not madarame. fuck everything to do with him. i think theres a storytelling and character study merit to his ends as well but this paragraph wasnt about them)
ive been thinking about talking about it but theres probably people who have. better more informed takes than i do. here are my 2 cents anyway
id love to talk about the ludonarrative dissonance that is a yaoi game with rape scenes taking a stance against rape
im also really intrigued by the setting; a very desensitized city with desensitized people, which we are supposed to see as sad, yet a lot of scenes are there for shock value
the fact that the game has an Entire big arc about gaslighting and an abusive relationship, that makes the protag really really internalize selfhate and doubt and makes that mindset smth that he wears like a protective “its just us two against the world” shield. its so sad yet so close to life
the protag, though horribly abused and traumatized, has the advantage of having a very functional very very loving support system in the form of his two best friends, one of which happens to be a doctor. can you imagine how much worse this could be. im constantly aware of it
thinking a lot about how much class plays a role in the last route and towa and fujieda only start to get along once their perceived differences are lifted, in fact them being “the same” is of fundamental importance - but also undermines how unbridgable their differences would have been otherwise
deeply in love with the fact fujieda, as someone who studied law and has been dealing with courts professionally, is this huge vigilante. bc he doesnt trust justice to happen unless he does it himself. and towa is important to him, but ultimately his own goals are just a bit more important than towas comfort. i love when characters have spines <3
on a related note, i also love when characters dont have spines. taku is literally my fav. the fact hes a human sanctuary contrasts so beautifully with him withholding vital info, constantly telling white lies, being conflicted about Everything, but eventually going to jail bc he thinks he Deserves it
how and why is eiji a metal gear solid character stuck in a pokemon characters body
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nineliabilityrisk · 9 months
fully incapable of not thinking about ciarán for even a moment so here have a ramble abt him.
so. i was thinking abt how henry and will both have their ,, yknow, their mascots, their assigned animals, their most definitely not fursonas. will has spring bonnie, so he gets the rabbit symbolism, and henry has fredbear so he gets bear symbolism, obviously.
and i was just. wondering which animal / animatronic ciarán would be most heavily associated with. because if there is one thing about me i am a SUCKER for animal symbolism in characters. like the inherent symbolism of how spring bonnie is a prey animal, so they inherently seem more trustworthy and "safe" and will, by association, was less likely to be suspected for anything he did? because what would a harmless little bunny do? because the kids subconsciously trusted him? yeah i eat that shit up.
anyway like. if we go off of ciaráns personality, hes almost certainly something canine. smth abt his unwavering loyalty + how readily he resorts to violence to protect those he cares about + how easily manipulated (trained?) he is + how well he reacts to positive reinforcement is very very doglike. so that points towards either roxy or foxy and i KNOW that wolves are closer to domestic dogs but like. just hear me out on the fox symbolism here. like particularly how it pertains to william + his rabbit symbolism.
foxes are a rabbits natural predator. like the Big One you think of when you think "what eats rabbits?" rabbits are seen as smaller, weaker, practically defenseless against foxes - as foxes can even chase them down into their burrows. they have nowhere to hide, no way to defend themselves. and ciar,,, he very much Presents like a fox, just as will presents himself as a rabbit. hes tall, hes loud, hes bold, and hes intimidating, and he isnt afraid to use those traits to his advantage. he likes to play with people. he doesnt much care what they might think of him on their own time, as its not like they actively have anything to hold against him. hes very clever. very much a trickster. very foxlike in that aspect.
william, on the other hand, is a man who is all about reputation. keeping up the act, keeping others happy — demure and sweet and oh so nice to the customers and their kids. a family man. its incredibly rare for a stranger to see him without a smile plastered onto his face. he has an act to keep up. as far as the outside world is concerned, hes the perfect man to play spring bonnie. he is the sweet, friendly little bunny. great with kids, sociable towards adults. he could never be a threat — i mean look at him! hes too sweet! that man could never hurt a fly! and seeing him around ciarán all the time — they cant imagine thats a very functional friendship. theres no way william manages to get even a word in edgewise, right? ciarán is far too overbearing.
... and yet, with each other, the dynamic completely flips. william takes the mask off, and ciarán stows away his little bag of tricks. why would he ever need it, when hes with the man hes so wholly devoted to? theres no need to fool, to intimidate him. not when hes too busy hanging off of every single word william says. ciaráns not here to gain any kind of control over the situation. hes the sidekick, the assistant, the extra pair of hands — hes just happy to be there.
the rabbit isnt being pursued, after all, no — its simply leading the fox, and the fox is more than eager to follow right behind.
just. something about the role reversal, the switch in dynamics / expectations really Gets Me. idk im just rambling here this may not even make sense to anyone but me
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ghoulodont · 7 months
ive been thinking more about your ghouls and the difference of water vs fire dew and i think it would be kinda fun if the ghouls' magic just comes from their instruments
like of course dew's hands are warmer now, he was just playing the fire guitar
perhaps on tour, they have more magic than usual, but once tour ends, it starts to ebb as they dont play as long or as often
dew definitely plays more in the winter so he's got plenty of fire magic to warm up the pack
your concept of the ghouls is just so intriguing and i like to rotate it in my brain
which ghouls do you think are sticklers for oral hygiene and which don't get the point until they learn the hard way through a cavity or four?
this is so interesting because what i had been thinking about (not sure if i ever shared it) is pretty similar. i was going to say their elemental traits (im not ready for them to have actual magic that they can control, just subtle things) are due to their ability/knowledge of each of the roles. one of the core concepts of how i think of summoning (i.e. creation from nothing, not being taken from some other place) is that they are sort of preloaded with knowledge about necessary things, which would be 1. their role in the band and 2. some of the basic understanding of the world that an adult is expected to have (but not all, just enough to function basically). so my summoning ritual does involve elements as a way to choose what your new ghoul knows how to do, and then i was thinking maybe it also creates some minor element related traits (cold hands). but i wanted dew to have fire traits so maybe it works dynamically as well.
something thats important to me about my lore is that the ghouls arent restricted in a major way. i guess im not even sure how this works for other people, can a fire ghoul play the bass? what would happen? and despite how much i love other peoples work about dews transition i didnt want it to be something 100% innate to his being. honestly im not sure anymore why i was so adamant about some of these things. i guess it just wasnt the kind of experience i felt like exploring, and im sensitive about concepts like free will and autonomy and such. anyway blur turns to haze is my elemental transition story, or a response to the concept.
so what im saying is i really like your idea. i think it evokes the same freedom to change oneself as desired that i was talking about. also i love that it ties into the idea of concerts as rituals, like the performance itself empowers them.
about teeth: i think dew is the kind of guy who (in addition to a strict routine) will brush his teeth at random times because he just feels like he needs to. and i think he would floss rains teeth for him if he was feeling too lazy to do it (sorry is that insane idk whats gotten into me lately). i think tooth decay has a genetic component to it so im not sure there would be a strong correlation hygiene and cavities as long as everyone does at least ok at brushing, especially since theyre chronologically so "young" despite being developed adults. honestly this is very interesting and not something ive thought a lot about because its not my area of teeth expertise. i might get back to you on this one.
also you might be interested in this post from @midnight-moth about phantom eating cereal
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silly-ez · 1 year
we know that vil started young and that he was really good but fame for a child is pretty much godhood and that could inflate his ego so high that when hes older and wants to do other projects its a constant “but did i do better then when i acted in____?”
he also had to deal with both movies and school which both are super long leading him to defiantly not getting enough sleep to function but he has to keep going.
“if he was REALLY young (5-7) he could have just done school plays right?” trust me when i say kids are really mean so he had to develop tough skin really fast.
lets say hes entering his pre-teen years and has acted in almost if not all the school plays and want to get a role in a movie
theres going to be well over 100 kids there also trying to get that role but he gets it! now hes going to be criticized by producers, they might try to point him in the right direction but he doesnt get it quite right..Thats okay! its his first role in a movie!
the movie came out!! lets see what people are saying! ...... Nevermind.
hes going to be better, he know it.
bit shorter but i ran out of brain power go read Im glad my mom died its really good talks about child actors from a child actor and being jealous of another child actor, loving your parent and doing anything for them its by Jennette Mccurdy again its really good 
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nagitolovebug · 3 years
How did komahina co-parent at first? How was hajimes reaction to the twins? Did bebi like getting siblings
komahina's co-parenting at first was...definitely an Ordeal. not even because of bebi, but bc komahina is a mess. originally hajime was very insecure about his role in bebi's life, as he had very clearly asserted himself as a separate person from izuru and that he was going to live as hajime and not someone else- so wouldn't that make bebi Not his kid? sure, they're his genetically, but in theory.... that was the dilemma he dealt with. he'd already grown attached to them when he was caring for them while nagito was still in a coma and worries now that nagito has woken up, his job is done, and that nagito won't want him around bebi anymore. in turn, nagito is worried that bc hajime is asserting himself as separate from izuru that he doesn't see bebi as his kid and will not be interested in raising them, that bebi will lose their father and nagito will lose his once-husband (lurking somewhere in hajime's subconscious...) turned best friend. they live together right off the bat, sleeping in the same bed (bebi likes to be held by the 2 of them to fall asleep...but even when bebi sleeps in their own bed they didn't think to get separate bedrooms or anything...) and end up becoming very.....affectionate with one another despite their claims that they're purely platonic. they "platonically" hold hands, cuddle, kiss, kiss, and more...intimate things in the cover of night ;) nagito's convinced hajime is just "using him for stress relief" and he's only truly staying bc he'd feel guilty leaving bebi. hajime thinks they're together. this miscommunication is not truly cleared up until hajime proposes. other than that, they both love bebi very very much and spend all their time with bebi, doting on them, playing with them, caring for them.
as for hajime's reaction to the twins- that in itself was also an Ordeal! when nagito found out he was pregnant again, bebi was very sick and in the hospital, which was very hard on nagito as he blamed himself. and he had resigned himself to leaving bebi and hajime, thinking they'd be safer without him in their lives. hajime was an adult who was fully informed of the danger of nagito's luck and had izuru's luck to protect him ! but bebi couldn't consent to that. he did not want to risk hurting his child in any capacity. so he resigned himself to leaving...but the news of pregnancy only devastated him further. to think he'd ruin not only bebi and hajime's lives but the life of another baby (not knowing it was twins lol)....it was too much for him. the plan was to leave the island, suffer through the pregnancy by himself, and come back after the birth to drop their new baby off before disappearing forever.
trans male pregnancy under the cut
bc nagito's carrying twins, the toll on his body during this pregnancy is far worse than it was during despair. he becomes very weak and sickly, especially with the added stress and despair of trying to leave his 'best friend' and kid, his kid being in the hospital,,, he hasn't been taking care of himself. the night bebi returns from the hospital (fully recovered! ...but having finally fully lost their vision in their right eye), hajime catches nagito trying to leave. he'd collapsed on his way out, having gotten incredibly dizzy. he'd left nothing but a note on the nightstand reading, "Be back soon." hajime wakes up to an empty bed and almost (almost) panics, steadies his breaths to the small snores of a sleeping baby in a nearby crib. he finds nagito half unconscious on the beach slumped on a duffel bag. "nagito??? nagito???? nagito!!! oh, thank god" "h...inata-kun?" "yea, it's me, come on, let's get you-" and nagitos eyes clear up and he shoves hajime away. "nagito-?" "stay away from me!" "nagito, you're not in your right mind, let's go back to the cabin-" "...how did you find me." "well, I found your note, which scared me shitless- I had no idea where you were or what had happened to you and frankly, I'm pretty pissed about that, but that can wait until I know you're safe-" "I'm so sorry, hinata-kun, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, hinata-kun, hinata-kun, hinata-kun-" "jeez, I said you can call me hajime... it's alright, relax, i'm not really mad. I was just worried." "you don't understand, you have to get away from me now-" "what are you even doing out here. what's with the bag" "hinata-kun." "....where were you going" "I hadn't decided yet" "why" "I-" "just bc you're in remission, you think you can just do whatever you want? what if something happened to you? goddamn it, you're not bullet proof, nagito! I know you're working on it, I know you're trying, but fuck you're so goddamn selfish! people care about you! I care about you! why can't you just understand that!" "i won't let myself hurt you!" "you're hurting me now!" "this will ruin your life, i will ruin your life-" "im your fucking....best friend, just tell me what's wrong, i can help you-" "nobody can help me, it's too late for me..." "goddamn it, nagito, please-!" and nagitos voice breaks when he whispers. "...i'm pregnant" ".......what" and nagito breaks into a quiet sob "I'm pregnant, hajime, and no one else on this island would dare defile themselves with me the way you have..." "are you serious?" "please don't make me say it again" and maybe if nagito weren't lost in a spiral of self deprecation and if his eyes weren't swimming with tears, he would've seen the nervous smile that broke out on hajime's face, the joy in his voice. "nagito, that's-!" "horrible? disgusting? i know I'm an abomination, hajime, maybe if my pathetic body functioned the way it was meant to-" "don't say that. don't you ever say that" "please just leave..." "you...you were pregnant with our kid and you were gonna leave??? what if you relapsed? what if you needed me?" hajime grabbed his face and forced nagito to look at him. "why are you doing this?" nagito laughed breathlessly, hysterically. "don't worry, hinata-kun, i would have brought them back! i simply didnt want to force you through the despair of having someone as putrid as me being pregnant, knowing that you've procreated with the lowest scum of the earth....surely it would ruin you. besides, i could never take your child from their father. nor would i subject them to my luck...will you let me go now, knowing your child will be alright" "they're your kid too" "for the sake of their sanity I'd rather keep that to myself" hajime steeled his expression, then grabbed Nagito's wrist. "we're going back to the cabin. we'll talk more in the morning." "Hinata-kun, let go of me." "nagito, let's go." "hinata, let go" "I'm not leaving you out here" nagito starts tearing up again and scratching frantically at his own skin. "please" "we're leaving." and hajime picks nagito up (he was
probably still too dizzy to walk anyway). but nagito starts screaming and thrashing and crying and weakly hitting hajime. "LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LET ME GO, IM GONNA HURT YOU, IM GONNA KILL YOU, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE-" and hajime starts silently crying too but he just holds on tighter and keeps walking. i think they get to the cabin and hajime sets him down on the bed and nagito starts punching hajimes chest (not hard) but hajime just grabs his wrists and holds them tight as nagito struggles and cries softly. "i ruined your life..me and this broken body of mine." "i...love you. you're not broken. I'm not leaving and neither are you." "i hate you..." "you're the best thing that ever happened to me." "I'll kill you..." "you won't." "why won't you just leave.." "why won't you stay." "..." "lets go to bed. we'll see mikan in the morning. get some rest." nagito is still scratching at his skin when hajime pulls him against his chest and forces nagito to lay down with him. "i love you" "im scared..." "i know" "im so sorry.." "i know. it's ok" "it's not" "as long as you're still with me, it is." "you're too kind to me.." "i love you." "how many times are you going to say that." "as many times as it takes for you to believe it." and the conversation pitters off as nagito silently sobs into hajime's chest until he passes out while Hajime rubs small circles into his back and presses kisses to his head. nagito wakes up with his eyes swollen face still tucked into Hajime's chest and he knows hajime's awake bc he can feel his chest vibrating with light hums and soft strokes to his hair. nagito looks up and licks his lips, eyes watering again when he sees hajime's patient gaze, his eyes crinkling in a worried smile, extenuating the eyebags and evident exhaustion. "hinata-kun, i'm so s-" "shhh. none of that. we're seeing mikan in a bit, i already called her. i'm sorry for not noticing what was going on. it must have been so hard dealing with this alone.." "you shouldn't have to deal with it.." "i want to. i love you. we're in this together. for as long as you'll have me. it's hard, it's really hard sometimes, because i hate seeing you like this..it makes me feel so helpless it reminds me of-- the. program. but it's worth it. for you, it's always worth it." "hinata..." "keep resting. don't strain yourself too much." "i love you...i love you..i love you ..." "i know." going to see mikan and mikan warns them that Yes nagito is in fact pregnant and the fact that he's just come off of chemo and is still in remission is gonna make the pregnancy tough on him physically and that he's gonna get about as sick as he was before but promises it's temporary and that she guarantees he'll see the baby to full term ("link that's medically incorrect" idc link does what he wants Hajime has a dude put in his head via lobotomy science is a liar sometimes) and hajime holds nagito's hand the entire time and presses a kiss to his cheek when he cries a little when mikan says the baby will be healthy and ok and survive and nagito turns to him and gives him a watery smile before laughing and crying joyously a little more and thats when hajime knows they'll be ok. they do talk more abt this whole thing, nagito's motives, bebi,,,,but that's like a 1k fic and this post is alr long enough 😅maybe i'll polish it and make it a fic. long story short, hajime's personally extremely happy that nagito's pregnant, but his worry over nagito's health as a whole, physical and mental kinda trumped that but past that- it's nothing but excitement! (they did not know they were having twins...so excitement and a surprise!) as for bebi, they were very happy to be getting a sibling! they love mimicking everyone they see by talking to their papa's tummy, touching it, generally babbling to komahina how they're gonna share their toys with the baby, will the baby play with them, can they share a room? they always want more love in their life !
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gayspock · 1 year
okdok (how my mam spells okie dokie; need to give her credit) some more bsg thoughts
okie btw i never properly said. i DO rlly love the themes of religion in the show. i have seen glimpses (i go through threads, bc im nosy, despite trying not 2 spoil myself) of ppl rlly rejecting it but sorryyyyy its just... yknow like- i loathe how patronising scifi can be of it sometimes, AND how bad fanbases can get. coming off of trek, well, youknow....
also completely . disavowing it .. is always soo silly 2 me bc... like im not religious myself, even, but i always find it one of the most interesting things to explore within fiction ^_^ esp esp with more scifi stuff, like... thats one of the best places to challenge and to play with it. smile. both with its relationdship between science but also how with its relationship between Humanity and how that might differ for different cultues.... and again its so disappointing the way its hanled so much of the time in many works, and by many Scifi enthusiasts. -_- bc its sooo reductive.
anyways i still sometimes feel like theres something missing from the show and i think thats just me im not sure why. like in terms of like... a certain incompleteness thats not JUST them pacing it out, or leaving things up for interpretation... but i cant uqite put my finger on it. its like i feel like maybe its just bc s1 was SO short for what it was and s2 has been very plot heavy. i think the show would have benefitted a bit more from some more establishing "filler" eps in terms of, like, worldbuilding, yknow? again- i really want to see more of the civillian side of things. i hope we get more of that ^_^ its deffo not like THE WORSTTT problem the show oculd have
BC LIKE OTHERWISE im rllyyyy loving the direction they took EVERYTHING in in season 2. omg. they set it all up so well and OUGHGHGHGG. i love how its testing everything theyve built from s1, wrt the command. absolutely crazy moves...
i was absolutely ITCHING for a presence like admiral cain and she delivered. part of me wishes it went a bit longer? just a bit. i dont think it was like... RUSHED... partially bc i do agree her takeover would have just been immediate, like it was, and i dont know what her role really could have been after they called off the assassinations. but idk- i wish we got to see a bit more of her, i guess! maybe even just an ep or so.
nonetheless she was still a really good contrast. her and the pegasus and how its run, versus galactica. and i do think.... i think i tlked before abt how sometimes i was unsatisfied with how, like, bsg kind of handled its own politics sometimes? like- specifically the roslin and zarek. i think thats moreso an issue with the latter, and again how... kind of lacking i find him, for what could be a really good and interesting opportunity to challenge roslin, who does have issues, unchecked, rather than just be kind of a minor antagonist ... & THATS EVEN MOREE the case with his presence back on kobol. like he was literally there just to cause conflict and idk like its FUNCTIONAL but its also like comeee on you can be more interesting with him! come on!
BUT here i do think with both cain and tigh's brief stint in command they did well to rlly explore it a bit more so im forgiving it. its not like that fixes that mess but this stuff was good enough for me to be like 👍uh huh, yaknow? b c it was soo good and argh im- SPEAKING OF, i am glad they did "remember" incidents like the gideon massacre, even after adama came back. again i do wanna see MORE of the civillians- but i think we're going to getthat soon, i hope? i feel it more in the air, with the introduction of that new number 6 and the cylon apologists which im rlly excited for... both bc theyre things i rlly wanted to see more from the show ^_^
anyway i feel like noneof this is that mad i just wanted to ramble in bc i haventttt properly eek and squeak i feel like i acc dont have much to say ^_6 despite rlly enjoying myself and the show LOL
sharon is still my favourite btw teehee smile
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
anyway, speaking about johnny boy i was thinking about him + nibbles and our like collective desicion that he is essiently a cat and it is really weirdly fitting that it just makes me like ???? so like cats themselves are a reoccuring motif within the game from the start, when u go to viks, when ur chatting up takemura and at the end with the rooftop that also doubles as like the millionith matrix reference. they follow v and they take up the role of the bakeneko, which i think in the game is defined by them appearing near death ? or just disaster. the obvious thing is that it is to do with v's inpending death and their whole sitation but like the general point is like the cat symbolises the death that follows v as the cat follows them. this puts johnny in an interesting sitation from his catlike nature to how he seems to like and get along with nibbles, he is linked with cats. he is also the parasite that is killing v. he is V's bakeneko. their signal of death. the events start because of his relic, jackie dies for him, and soon does most of the cast from act 1, and a large part of the death from then on is a direct result of them trying to solve the relic and johnny's whole presence is a signal for hey v ur fucking dying. he is death for them. the bakeneko.
makes me wonder if his catlike attributes were intentionally done cause that boy aint right or we just accidently walked on a really thematic fitting landmind
Spoilers within, again, also leave my sleeping schedule alone, I do not function. Additionally, I have a lot to say about Nibbles, omens, cats, and pets then how they all relate back to Johnny so congrats on opening a flood gate my friend!
 think the thematic thing with Johnny and cats and the bakeneko has to 1000000 percent be intentional, because he even sees a cat when Alt is kidnapped. And that goes back to Cyberpunk Red. Like that was used and utilized and then became such a large part of the story. 
Johnny is clearly meant to be a bakeneko; he’s actively next to the cat in that conversation, leaves when it does, see the same cat before Alt’s death, and is again the visual representation of what is happening to V. He is the symbol of their death, whether he wants to be or not. 
I think it’s also interesting to note, the Bakeneko, which is described as an omen of death and misfortune isn’t the only way we see cats used thematically within the game. Albeit, this way is more subtle and perhaps intentionally so. We also see the maneki-neko; the lucky cat statues are everywhere in game. In V’s apartment, Misty’s shop, Vik’s clinic. Everyyyyyywhereeeeee. 
So, we see two mythological cats from Japanese culture. One brings misfortune and one brings good luck. And Johnny exemplifies both. 
Johnny is a visual representation of all that is destroying V. His mere existence and presence a constant reminder that their death is around the corner. An ever present omen that V’s clock is ticking. He also often pops up to have a comment just before massive relic malfunctions and disasters. The end of every main game quest is punctuated with a relic malfunction and a lecture from Johnny. 
But without the chip and by extension Johnny, V would already be dead. If the chip hadn’t been the exact right place to be damaged and activated by the gunshot; it would have killed V right then and there. And while this wasn’t an active choice on Johnny’s part, he is the visual representation of the chip. Even then, he later does make an active choice to save V’s life. When V is hit with the worst malfunction yet; Johnny grabs them, “you aren’t dying yet, I got you” and he takes them to safety. He refuses to watch V seize and die in a puddle of their own sick in the middle of nowhere (for me it’s always at the sunset hotel, idk if this changes based on the order you do the events tho) So, he takes control, he eases their pain and takes them somewhere safe, somewhere that means something to him, and swears to die for them. 
Luck both good and bad. Fortune and misfortune. A sign of better days and an omen of death. A maneki-neko and a bakeneko. The time bomb in V’s head and the guy who saved their life. He is both. 
Now, stepping away from the mythological aspects. Lets talk about Nibbles the cat, Johnny, and pets within Cyberpunk 2077. Animals and by extension pets are considered a luxury in Night City. They’re taxed to fuck and back, generally only the wealthy can have them. Its also often brought up that real friends and family who stick by you are very difficult to come by. V becomes through Nibbles one of the rare people to have a pet. One of the other people who had a pet is, Barry their neighbor. 
Barry and his mission is one of the first you can unlock and see in the game. He’s V’s downstairs neighbor and his story is played out so fucking similarly to V’s. Barry lost his best friend, he’s quit his job because he can’t handle the weight of the NCPD’s corruption, and he’s thinking of taking his own life.  V has lost Jackie, its stated in game they get less work than usual because of Konpeki (cant be put on a crew), and very early on can say to Misty “be better off putting in my head”. 
But for Barry that friend ends up being a pet tortoise. And its clear what that tortoise represents; a constant companion, a safe place, and a comfort. Something Barry couldn’t find among his peers until later on when they learn just how much he’s been hurting. And this is treated as such a tragedy, that he only has a pet to turn to. 
And so V gets a cat, because they too are fucking hurting and having a little meowing bundle of skin running around their apartment helps. Something to come home to, something to make that apartment a little less empty, a little more alive. 
So, how does this particular aspect of Nibbles/cats/pets relate to Johnny, I hear you wondering (as well as wondering when Im going to shut up). Well, we know Johnny is linked symbolically with cats and thats the choice of pet for V. And we knows pets have been likened to support without judgement; a companion who you can tell everything too and they won’t abandon you. 
And while Johnny has heaps of judgment and is a dick. He is V’s only constant companion. I know a good junk of people don’t like him or his commentary; but imagine V’s life without Johnny in it through the game events. Imagine how lonely they’d be. 
Johnny is the only one who knows everything and is there with V from the start to the final moments in Mikoshi. 
Vik and Misty know, but they’re no edgerunners, they have no idea everything V is doing out there. Part of why as much as I do love Vik, his frustration with V hurts so much in the end because he talks like V hasn’t done anything to save themselves. Because, Vik doesn’t know what V’s been doing this whole time. 
Each part of the main quests in Act 2 are linked to an NPC; Judy, Panam, and Takemura. And not one of them know or are there throughout the entirety of V’s journey. Judy doesn’t get told the full details of what’s happening until later in and stops helping V one Evelyn is saved. Panam doesn’t learn the full details or anything really about the chip until much later. And her quests become her own personal journey once V finds Hellman. And then depending on V’s choices, Panam can come in to help at the end. Takemura knows V is dying and is there to help with the parade and then he’s gone; either dead or in hiding. He refers to anything that doesn’t involve him as V’s shady dealings and leaves it at that. He’s there to interrogate Hellman but he doesn’t know all V did to find him. None of them know everything, none of them have been there the whole time. And that’s not a condemnation of them, I do not expect them to drop everything to be glued to V’s side 24/7 but, I can’t fucking imagine how alone V feels. 
River has no involvement in any main quests and only finds out anything if V chooses to romance him. Kerry knows what Johnny told him and depending on the ending may even leave V. Again, wanna be clear, that isn’t a condemnation on his character. I understand why he does this and i understand his hurt and how it led him to that. 
But this is about how truly fucking alone V is in all of this. Not a single person there start to finish, not a single person knowing all that they have suffered, all that they have been through and are going through. 
Except Johnny. He tells V in the oil fields, closest to him by far, there 24/7, yet they don’t seem to hate him. And he’s that for V too; there the entire way, their demon never leaving.  Johnny knows everything happening; because he’s part of what’s happening. He’s been there through every struggle, every step, every slap in the face as V’s tried to save themselves. Has felt their pain as they lose themselves, has known the people who’ve had to die for them to get this far, as felt their heart break when all they found was betrayal by the Voodoo Boys, Ai Alt asking how V’s life is her problem, getting recommended a hospice by Hellman. 
And as dickish as he is, his comments help. V always has someone there, as much as he sucks. He always has something stupid or naggy to say to help keep some of that weight off their shoulders. Imagine if they didn’t even have that. If Johnny never talked to them, never showed his face. 
A constant companion, like a supportive pet cat except he can talk and did a lot of meth. 
And this is a sidenote that has nothing to do with cats specifically, but that through Samurai music this isn’t the first time Johnny could be compared to an omen. Its no secret that the music was largely created around the game and as such, many of his songs have direct parallels and messages related to the game. Never Fade Away while in universe written in regards to Alt’s death also has so much in common with his journey with V. This brings me to the song Black Dog.
“Black Dog inside my head, guiding me until the end.”
Black Dogs are figures in Irish Mythology  who much like bakeneko’s are talked about in game; are omens of death and misfortune. I just find it interesting I suppose, like Johnny is either a dirty alley cat or a big mangy dog, but either way he’s here cause someones about to die.
Okay this is well over a thousand words, Imma shut up now. This is probably a mess, but anyone here for coherency is in the wrong place. 
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002 for gercanmano please?
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it.
Maybe a year to two years ago? It’s hard to say I can’t really remember. I don’t know what sparked it, but either way I know it started with my friend Lemon. Either we were doing things with the BFT and I had made a joke about baby BFT with Romano, Germany and Canada and it just developed discussions from there. Or it was me struggling between the three proponent ships and Lemon being like ‘why don’t you just make them a poly’ and like sun coming out from behind the clouds it finally dawned on me by the power of citrus. Either way it was something I kept messing with, and the more I talked about it the more people hopped on board with me. We’re still just a raft in a sea of ships but I made this baby and I’m proud of it.
I will say I have had a lot of people talk to me like I made it, and while I do want to take some credit cause I put a lot of time into them, I have heard it used to be a ship back in the old hetalia days. But I haven’t found any old fanworks of it. And trust me I scoured every fic and art site I could think of. Maybe it was something only seen in RP groups so it never got published fic or art but I crave content for it so if it was originally a thing and there’s content around let me know please I don’t wanna take credit for it fully but I have not found another person who shipped it before they talked to me.
my thoughts:
Literally some of the only serotonin I get in these trying times. I love them so much they make me so happy. An unbelievably strong power house trio who could do damn near about anything together. They have it all.
I could go on for hours about small scenarios or aus with them. Like I’m a multi-shipper but fuck man they’re my OTP. I can and do ship other things with them, but man they make me melt with joy.
I made a playlist for it, I’m still building it but I like ti so far. I wish I could find more three person love songs but for now I have songs for each of the three lads, and the three ships that make up it, so it works! Might change some of them but I like what I have so far!
Germany and Romano: A Lovely Night and If I Could Tell Her
Romano and Canada: Best Worst Mistake
Canada and Germany: Guy That I’d Kind of Be Into
Germany General: When He Sees Me and Little Miss Perfect (President Perfect)
Romano General: I Won’t Say I’m in Love (so original I know)
Canada General: Would You Be So Kind? and Piece of Art
What makes me happy about them:
Literally everything. Their characters, the dynamics, the growth they create together. They may not work in every story of mine but when they work they really work. They push each member of the ship to grow as a person. Germany finding support he may not have originally had, Canada finding the confidence and support in a group that won’t forget him, Romano finally feeling safe enough to open up to others in a way he didn’t feel safe doing before. It’s just the good fucking food. You can put it in different settings and it just works, they’re able to play off one another in a really great way and pull them out of their comfort zones in ways that other ships don’t hit me as hard with.
What makes me sad about them:
That I am literally one of the only people who makes content for it. I have scoured the internet I can’t find anything, ANYTHING. And often I cannot get people to follow me on it, I’ve been getting more people on board slowly but surely but STILL-- That or they really try to push the whole ‘i ship it with (ship thats similar but with one of the brothers swapped out for the other)’ on me when I’m talking about it and I’m just like. I asked for GerCanMano I didn’t ask for your opinion. I’ve thought about the other ship conbo’s with their other brothers, I just like this one the best.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
When this ship is treated as a lesser to other ships around the three characters. People going like well I think it would be better if it was ‘swaps one of the brothers out for the other’ but that’s not the point. Also this is a general problem I have with Germano/GerCan as well but people making it all about their family’s or brothers reactions and how it effects their brothers instead of their relationship. ESPECIALLY between Romano and Italy.
It’s almost always a cheating on their ‘true love’ or some sort of affair fic and it doesn’t focus on their love and living together and more about them bouncing around to avoid getting caught and I just don’t care enough. I just want to see them in a loving happy relationship, and interacting with one another. Prussia, America’s and ESPECIALLY Italy’s reactions don’t matter to me. When it comes to say GerIta fics, there are a few that address Romano’s feelings toward Italy’s relationship, but not all of them. Hell some of them don’t have a mention or hair of Romano, but when the position is reversed with Germano suddenly even if he’s not in the fic it’s all about how Italy feels about it or how it effects him or hiding it from him.
I dont want to watch Germany go back and forth about which Italy brother he likes while dating both. It’s one just not in character and two its uncomfortable. I read this fic for the gercanmano Im not here to hear that Germany’s cheating on and warring with his feelings toward Italy or Canada sleeping around behind Prussia’s back. It’s boring and I’m tired of reading it. I’m digging into specifics of the three component ships cause there are no fanfics of GerCanMano so I can’t talk about what annoys in their base fics.
I had like one person write GerCanMano into their RusPrus fic, which was cool. but then they were a nazi apologist. So I can’t exactly read it anymore. I have nothing else to compare to but the base three ships of Germano, GerCan and Canmano
Things I look for in fanfic I don’t ask much I just want them to exist without me having to write all of them. I wanna find content other people have made, not that I’m lazy and think peopel should make content for me, just that I get bored of reading my own writing. If I wanna be really picky, letting it be a quickly established relationship and getting to see them in the relationship, learning about each other living together dealing with problems together that doesn’t just have them break up after one fight.
Having them in a functioning relationship before the story is over. Letting that relationship blossom past the start or the first date before the fic is finished. It’s sad when a romance story ends with them getting together cause there’s so much more relationship to have-- ;^; what about cooking together and cuddles on the couch and date nights and small fights and family gatherings--
My happily ever after for them:
It’s hard to write a happily ever after for nations or for anything to be honest cause life keeps going, growing, changing etc. But I’d love them to have a wedding and just a calm, slice of life kind of life together. A nice house, a big garden, a pond in the back where in the winter Germany and Canada can ice skate. A nice big garage where Germany and Romano can work on cars, Maybe near the woods so they can all go hiking,
Nothing fancy. A nice place that smells like warm coffee in the morning, that’s lively with sound of loved ones and shenanigans during the day and quiet whispers of affection at night. They get together but meetings are less boring, they have plans with their family and friends. Spain, France and Prussia loving to tease their little siblings/kids about things and make sure they’re doing okay. Veneziano always trying to help Romano come up with romantic shenanigans to use against his husbands. America just being happy his bro is happy.
Just soft wholesome life stuff. ;;
My kinks:
These are going below for discussions of not safe for work topics. I’m not going light so dive below at your own risk. (sex discussion, kink discussion, general ns//fw content)
I exclusively write top Canada. Like, I just do. I don’t really draw or write him taking it, I don’t know why I just don’t. Doesn’t mean he isn’t put under someone’s thumb in bed, but they’re still riding. There are very very few instances where I have written him taking. Again I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just the concept of soft pastel uwu boy slamming Germany into a wall, maybe it’s the thought of Canada in heels and leather just with the vibe of ‘go ahead tell them. no one will believe you’.
Canada isn’t any kinkier than Germany, but he’s more confident than Germany about it.  He’s got a little bit of jealous neediness in the back of his brain so when it comes to sex he loves when his partner’s attention is on him. He loves to spoil and get spoiled and is the roughest of the three. Just a tiny, tiny bit of masochism/sadism. Very small. It’s very much he’ll do it (with safe words set in place and everything) but he will feel eh about it afterward and make sure that they don’t take away that he hates them or anything. In the inverse hes very very good at fluffing people up and body worship, as well as demeaning talk. Loves role-playing, hence slipping into the mind where he’s got the confidence to throw Germany around the bedroom. He loves especially tying them up and just watching them writhe-
Germany is a switch, fight me on it. If you think that man who has very little canon confidence with romance and no experience is a 100% big daddy top you’re just wrong I’m not sorry. Mind you, he can top and he often does, but being rough and demanding and forceful is not something he’s good at he’s so nervous about injuring his partner, even if they tell him it’s fine.
Germany is into all the rough play, like it’s canon. He loves to tie and be tied up and he likes when power is taken away from him. He likes when people push him under their thumb it’s why Canada gets to be rough with him. But at the same time, Germany is the most wholesome lover out of the three. Because it can be so hard to coax him out of his shell with his kinks, he can often be the inverse. Very gentle, very praising. Absolutely loves to body worship his partners. He’s not really all that good or comfortable with giving people blow jobs, however he loves kisses and touches all over. Mind you getting a blowjob is something he really enjoys, hes just not good at giving. Good thing that both his boyfriends are amazing at it. Favorite thing the two do is Canada having Germany Ride him and then Matteo either riding him on top or giving him head during.
Romano oh, Romano. He’s a bottom. The most bottom-y bottom. An absolute pillow princess and a brat wanting to be tamed. He tops very very rarely, and out of the three has the most experience both giving and receiving and with all different partners. Even if he’s bottoming doesn’t mean he’s always at the whim of his partners though, he loves riding.
Romano is the least kinky out of the three, while the other two enjoy being tied up, Romano isn’t really a fan, he doesn’t mind collars or handcuffs but full shibari like what Canada or Germany would be fine with doesn't really fly for him. As I said before, he’s also the loudest, and gets very whiny when left to hang (not like either of them mind the noise). Romano loves giving and receiving blow jobs/hand jobs. Especially giving. It’s how he gets the good vibes of watching his partner squirm in the good way. He also loves to leave nibbles scratches bites and hickies if he’s allowed to. Catch him giving Germany a bite right above his collar before a meeting. Despite what might be expected, he can roll with degradation in bed really well but he falls apart quick with praise. He likes both but he will tear up when Germany gets overly gushy and feelsy.  Loves double penetration and being spit-roasted.
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