#that would be such an ava thing to do in s3
Is it too much of me to ask for more memes with this face of KTY?!
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celestialaviva · 3 months
I'm curious, what relationships headcanons do you have for the Alan Becker characters?
For example, what is the relationship between the Hollow Heads/Color Gang? Or do you have any ships?
Sorry if I'm annoying, I'm just really curious!
You're alright!
To be honest with you, I mostly consume AvA/M content than create my own headcanons ^^;;;
That is to say, I don't think too hard about mine? They just. Float around, and come up whenever I draw something and I just go, "Ah yes. That is them."
I don't ship anyone and mostly see the CG as best friends who live together like a family. Not totally siblings but just. Just found family? It's very hard to describe but here's some duos:
Orange and Green - I see them as creative rivals. Also kinda see them as the responsible ones of the group- even though I actually headcanon Orange to be younger than the four, he just has responsible one vibes lmao. They're said to be close since they're the first to make contact with each other, and I imagine Green was at first responsible (sort of) for Orange for a little while in the beginning until Orange became confident and comfortable enough around the group. I feel Orange interacts with Green the most in the group because of this.
Green and Blue - They hang around each other a lot, and that kinda makes me think that they always did even before meeting Orange. Minus Orange, they seem to be the ones with eyes for detail in the group, so they likely bond over that too sometimes. They look after each other often, checking in on each other. Green's impatience and Blue's pacifism clash sometimes, but they almost always seem to be on board with each other's ideas.
Green and Yellow - They like to one up each other especially in competitions. I feel they annoy each other the most and are spiteful of each other. But, I can see them just having each other's backs anyhow. Chill when chill, unless either one of them disturbs the peace, yknow for fun. They are both mischievous for sure.
Yellow and Blue - I love this duo in canon! Even in the very early episodes, I've always loved that they seem close. Blue often being the emotional one and Yellow often being the one trying to comfort them. I don't know man, I see them as soft towards each other? But not afraid to mess with each other either.
Red and Yellow - Prankster duo. They enable each other's curiosity and terrible ideas. Though, I do think Yellow wouldn't always be on board. It's funny to me Yellow is more cautious while Red just goes straight into situations so Yellow unfortunately has to deal with that.
Red and Blue - I don't see them often together but I always find them so wholesome. They compete over little things, push each other playfully, and awe over cute animals. They're just. They wholesome
CG and Purple - I love the idea of Red and Green being the friendliest towards Purple. I mean, that's true in canon too, with Green especially. Blue and Purple would bond over plants. Yellow and Purple would bond over code, and be competitive with each other as well. With Orange, Im not sure? They're okay with each other I guess?
CG and Mango - Neutral, Im guessing. They're forgiving of a grieving old man/lh but would certainly not forget about the entirety of s3. Now whether or not Mango and Purple live together, I honestly do not know. I do like to think Purple is welcome to stay in Mango's home but they just go elsewhere often, whether to stay in minecraft or do some temporary job.
For the Hollowheads:
Chosen and Dark - They were best friends, and then fell out due to a misunderstanding. I don't really want to believe Dark is truly dead, but Chosen would unfortunately believe that. Angst™. Tbh I actually don't have much for them unless canon tells me more, so this is all I have.
Chosen and Orange - Siblings. I've always liked the idea Orange looks up to Chosen, and I guess Chosen would kinda be uncomfortable with that. And then AvA 6 ep 1 happened, so now Orange knows Chosen is a dork. A very caring older sibling dork. Who kidnapped and endangered him- but still.
I unfortunately have nothing for Victim. (Canon and Fanon)
This is messy, and I apologize profusely
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ygsunflower · 1 year
I wanted to compare the S1 vs S2 “marching into the final battle” scene since my first time binging the show. But, I couldn’t bring myself to do so after the cancellation news… What I wanted to talk about, what makes me happy only brings me pain now… But here it is anyways… I am not giving up on WN S3 just yet!
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So it is pretty obvious that in S1, the main character was Ava and that everything happened evolve around her. This narrative showed pretty bluntly in the way they framed this shot- Ava walked in the center of the frame, and the camera focused on her all through the scene. Even though the show at large centered around a group of women, they were still second or third to the big female protagonist. However, in S2, this storytelling lens shifted- in the same scene (where the mains march into their final battle), Beatrice was walking alongside Ava. This time, there was an obvious gap between them and the rest of the gang. The scene before this wide shot was a close up of Avatrice where Beatrice checked in on Ava. This technical shift in staging/positioning of characters accompanied with how intertwined Avatrice got story-wise in S2 implied that Beatrice is becoming more and more of an equal lead to Ava on the show. It also seemed promising that we would dive into Beatrice’s backstory in the next chapter of the show… (Also, just in general, we got more flashbacks of other characters in S2 than in S1 where it only focused on Ava.)
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The above two scenes are 1) The official end of S2 with Beatrice sitting longingly under the arc staring into the emptiness; 2) The post credit scene of Beatrice walking off of the OCS chapter to “live her life”. I honestly could not believe the show chose to illustrate the ending TWICE from Beatrice’s point of view. Even though it made sense for Bea to be the focal point due to Avatrice, I always considered Ava be the absolute lead on WN as she’s the Warrior Nun herself. I thought maybe they’d end with showing a little bit of the other realm with Ava. But here we are, the show chose to continue the WN story in this world with Beatrice…
Now with Netflix’s cancellation, this whole thing just makes me sad… Every aspect of the show was so hopeful. The WN universe and it’s creative team still has so much to give. There are too much potentials left unexplored and unexplained. It is so devastating to even think about the idea that Beatrice emerging from one of the sister warriors to the second lead of the group be the end of the entire series. This was only supposed to be the beginning… How could it be the end already?!
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puppetsoftomorrow · 6 months
also rewatching legends from the beginning is fun because you get to do all sorts of fun things like imagine if s3 ava had met s1 sara
like avalance in s3 is so much fun bcos it's not really enemies to lovers, more like... workplace rivals to lovers, and sara's had a lot of growth about being okay being alive, but s1 sara is still wracked with grief for her own death and convinced she could never love again, and then you have ava, who doesn't let herself be open to things like that... and what if she knew she was a clone? she's wrestling with what it means to be human just like sara is... they'd hate eachother, and they would understand eachother
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becker-call · 4 months
You said you hate King Orange, whats yur reasoning for that? (Just curious)
it's not really because of king orange himself, it's more related towards part of s3's finale.
i figured this would come out sooner or later when i started this blog. it's an extremely...controversial take, i think, so i fully expect to get hate or lose followers from saying this.
i hate the idea of king and purple being in contact with each other after s3. i hate it.
i mean. i get that this was probably just alan/the writers just trying to give everyone a happy ending, but. do you not see what king did to purple.
i mean. he emotionally abused/manipulated purple to get the minecraft icon, only to throw them away like utter garbage once he had gotten what he wanted, using purple's desire to prove themselves to an adult figure against them. and even then, i don't think king treated purple the best.
i mean. you can't just do that to a fucking child and expect them to forgive you like nothing happened. you. you just can't.
maybe this is me overreacting a bit, but. as an abuse victim who was in a situation similar to purple's this whole bit just rubs me the wrong way. i still think the king is a good episode, but. in my head i keep rewriting the part with king and purple
by the way don't take this as me Loathing father/son king and purple truthers or anything. avm/ava is a pretty big fandom and nobody's gonna have the same opinions, after all. you guys do you, but it's just not my thing. sorry
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simplykorra · 11 months
Hi! I hope you don’t mind me asking, but let’s say WN getting “saved” ends up being a comic or just something that’s not a s3/movie/continuation from the end of s2, how come you would want to leave the fandom/delete your blog/etc? Is it because we all got our hopes up and then they would come crashing down big time if this ends up happening? I would totally get if that’s why, cause even though Avatrice will always be my favorite ship no matter what ends up happening, it would be such a slap to the face lol
That being said I agree with everything you’ve said so far, I think it would be really stupid on Simon and whoever saved it’s part if all this ends up not being a continuation of the story we fell in love with and want to see, like what would be the point of even saving it then
no here's the thing - if this whole renewal thing did turn out to be a comic book, then i won't be going anywhere. i'd be disappointed sure, but if we got to see the rest of ava and bea's story, then i'm fine.
the only scenario that i will leave for is if it comes back and alba and/or kty aren't a part of it - which tbh i think most of the fandom would bail on it if that were the case and then all of this fight would be for nothing.
i do not think comic is even a possibility at this point though, because this is way too much hype for a comic book, like way too much and simon used a little director's clapper emoji in his tweet and the dude is a writer, details matter to writers.
so yeah, so long as we get to see the rest of ava's story, and alba is the one telling it, then i'm here and i will scream about my love of wn as loudly as i possibly can
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prozac-shaped-urn · 3 months
While I have a lull in this migraine imma try and plot out some shit to see if I can hit the nail on the head a second time in S3 of Hacks.
I forget where I saw a spoiler/hint interview with JPL back in fall 2022 but I remember Deb has a boytoy this season, so I'll be going down that train of thought first. And if I've somehow just made that tidbit up, then I've made that up but I still maintain this is the direction she's going, so fuck it.
Deb has a bit of a sexuality crisis in 204. Maybe crisis is a strong word. A questioning moment. She has a questioning moment at Ava's suggestion and follows through with it even though Marla was literally playing her to get a refund. At the end of the cruise, she's pissed and lesbophobic vitriol goes everywhere -- we all know the story by now. But regardless of whether or not she actually hates lesbians, she bought Marla a drink and enjoyed her company. 1 - 0 for the dykes.
In S2, Deb acquiesced and agreed bisexuality is a thing and that lesbians aren't terrible, hit on that one comedy chick by examining her hand size, and had a one night stand with Casper the Friendly Ghost. Oh, and she 100% realized she needs Ava to be ok, and ok means not having Deb in her life so she doesn't take up all the room in Ava's career. 4 - 0 for the queers.
So how and why do we get to the fucking boytoy?
In most late-life sexuality discoveries, things don't go in a linear direction. Unlearning takes time and it goes the way anything someone's uncomfortable with goes. You get to a level you are comfortable with then move on to the next one and so forth. And at this point, Deb is comfortable with a boytoy. If she went directly from Marty's bed to Ava's bed (outside of flinging the sheets off of her in a rage), that wouldn't be realistic nor healthy. It would mean something was so deeply disturbed inside her that she wouldn't be open with herself to acknowledge her true feelings one way or the other, and she would instead be hoping Ava would fix that disturbance, which is so totally not Ava's job. But. The fact she listens to Kiki and decides to take a chance and fuck Casper I mean 'follow the fun' means she's open to unlearning that one thing she's held onto since 7th grade when it comes to her sexuality. She's letting go and letting new ideas in, and she has a boytoy, which means step 1 of Deb's sapphic realization has begun, folks!
Onto fabulous bisexual disaster Ava Daniels.
Oof babes. She's head WAY over heels and Deb knows this. I don't think Ava actually realizes what's happened. She just knows she doesn't wanna be anywhere Deb isn't, and I think part of that is instinctual -- meaning she's feeling wholly and truly loved and accepted and seen by someone other than her dad for the first time in her life -- and part of it is likely due to her insecurities when it comes to The Business. I mean fuck! Deb has clout and connections spanning back 50 years. She holds conference with Liberace, the mayoress of Vegas and Wayne Newton without issue. She kicked the mayoress out of her mansion when she got too annoying ffs. Who in their right mind WOULDN'T want to take advantage of that! Never mind that this is precisely what I'm going through in my own life. Ava has a lot of growing to do in her career and in her emotional intelligence. She has as much catching up to do with that as Deb does with sexuality. I don't have any Ava hints, so I'll take a wild stab in the dark and guess Ava's doing really well professionally. Like reeeeally well. Almost unbelievably well. Unrealistically well. Like Deb's maybe pulling a lot of strings because she can't stand to see Ava fail. And maybe she'll be able to lure Ava back so they can have a stand-off in Deb's foyer or something. Just a guess. I'll honestly be stunned if this is legit.
As far as trajectory, I'm thinking we have some growing and moving around to do in 8 episodes and that's not a lot of time so it'll probably move fast. (The first ep is 60 mins, so like.... they're gonna pack a lot of shit into very limited time frames and we all gotta pay close attention because not everything will be dialogue. There are 8 eps this season including 301, so we got 4.5 hours of this season to work with folks.) Highlights of my thoughts are as follows:
Deb won't come out yet but she'll have some sapphic realizations she runs by Ava to see if they're actually sapphic and not some kind of weird 'what is this feeling' moments. Dearest Darlingist Momsie and Popsicle...
Deb will decide to be more open with Ava about how she feels in general but also how she feels about Ava! She'll want to be closer to Ava by the end of the season and we'll have more apologies and metaphoric funerals to look forward to with that.
Ava will have success in her career ventures even at the expense of her physical connection to Deb because Deb will truly support that growth and Ava will know she has "a home to come back to" n shit so she'll be more amenable to the idea of pursuing that goal. I suspect a solid attempt at success and a final separation from Deb by the end of S3. Think balcony scene all over again but with elated smiles instead of tears... except maybe from the fangirls.
Ava and Marcus will have a come to Jesus moment. One of them will win the fight for Deb's affection and it won't be Marcus.
Marty won't show up in person but he'll likely be referenced a few times, either in dialogue or visually (as in we'll see a shot of the Palmetto or Deb's special is played etc.) Same goes for Frank and flashback clips of Who's Making Dinner? or DJ telling a story about him etc. This will be to remind everyone of where Deb started and where she's going emotionally and with her sexuality.
Kayla and Jimmy are gonna be a riot this season. Pure unhinged comedy gold with these two. Paul and Megan are now series regulars, so expect more of this situational-physical comedy in coming seasons. ~My body is ready.~
Deb's Vegas residency will founder because that's just good dramaturgy. Ava may or may not come to the rescue on that. I'll be interested to see where she stands in terms of her desire or lack thereof to help Deb and whether it'll be from a place of genuine concern or out of guilt or out of spite or out of having something to lord over Deb's head. I wouldn't be surprised if any or all of that is her reason to help or not help.
Ava and Nina... Jesus h Christ on a stick. Yeah these two have some major bumps to work out this season.
Storytelling style is likely gonna be a back-and-forth between Vegas and LA in every ep instead of every other ep. I'd be interested to see it come alive in a flashback style tbh but that would probably be too confusing for a comedic tone. Back-and-forth will stop once Ava returns to Vegas, obvs.
I'm still banking on Deb loaning Ava her LA mansion at some point. I'm also banking on a series finale that includes a song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young as the end credits backing track. Paul saw that on my insta story a couple years ago. I have no idea why. But he knows my headcanon now, so if I end up meeting him IRL I will double down on that. And the biggest crocodile tears will spring from my eyes if it's "Our House".
What the fuck ever JPL and co. have to throw at me I WILL DEVOUR LIKE A RABID SQUIRREL HIGH ON THE FRUITS OF 400 YEAR OLD OAK TREES no questions asked.
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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Abbott Elementary S03E09 thoughts
Janine come home the kids miss you (I’m the kids)
Work wives cold open okay I’m winning - I want to see the rehearsals of the hand game and know the lore of barlissa both knowing it - do they play it together? (Or are their handgames something different)
Courtney’s growing up 🥺😖
JA’BRIA oh my god get it baby
“Do i eat it like i did last time” 😭
“You’re colouring a carrot” ate him UP
“Am i being fiîíįred?” See this is why quinta has an Emmy
Still obsessed with keegan michael key being here
JANINE PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT was my initial thought, but I think (hope) it being introduced before the season finale means she’s gonna change her mind
“Mrs Howard cold as hell” IJBOL
The AI subplot is so funny and like relevant yk I like it
I also like the work wives of it all
Ew melissa calling barb ‘barbara’ always feels wrong
“7 absences thats not too bad” “Plus today” “8? Thats very bad” 😭😭
Barb why are u proud not heartbroken ur daughter is leaving (ok i get she’s prpud of Janine’s growth but)
Pretending not to care while crying is SO Melissa 😭😭
Melissa pulling barb into the group hug 😣🫶
Barb laughing at pussyfooted 🏳️‍🌈🌈
Barlissa trying to get jacob to talk is so cute - I love work moms
I feel like these phone calls are part of the reason s3 feels stilted
As a brit I was lost at the whole ‘we cant do anything to get alex to show’ situation when we have attendance officers in schools, the ‘peril’ greg and janine would face didnt land because it doesn’t work like that here
The jellybean belt 😭😭
After we’ve been reminded 567 times that going to alexs house is strictly against policy will it stop janine getting the job or will there be zero consequences
“What?” “What?!” “She said shes working full time at the district” 😭😭😭
Me 🤝 barlissa - defending mr johnson
“Most of the toilets in this joint running some of the time” LMAOOO
“And u wouldve known that if u read my news letter u IGNORANT FOOL” ijbol 😭
Teddie having a domestic and having to be broken up by alex’s little ‘hello?’ 😭😭 aww ☹️
One thing about the abbott characters they will not stay on topic
Janine’s reasoning with alex 🥹🥺 she’s such a good teacher 😭😭
Greg doesnt want janine to be someone who comes and goes 😖😖😖
Ok why did this feel like 3 minutes when I first watched it, I was like ok where’s the rest
Teddie is SO BACK come on yearning
When will melissa admit she misses janine
Janine is NOT taking that job, but when will she fully realise that herself?
Oh and the ava plot line eh i didnt really care, but lbr ava, u love janine deep down
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spacedlexi · 10 months
Would love to hear u talk more about Clem and Minnie mirroring one another if u haven’t already 🦅
i have Not >:) cracks knuckles
talking about minnie can be hard since she Really only exists in eps 3 and 4. eps 1 and 2 keep the twins pretty mysterious we only learn a few things about them. i think the most important thing we know about them tho is that they (or at least minnie) provided a sense of relief for the ericson kids. tenn saying how minnie would sing them "dont be afraid" when they were feeling scared. i think its safe to assume she wrote the song Specifically to have a way to make the other kids feel better when things were rough
when the twins die the kids lose this emotional support and we can tell its been hard on all of them (some more than others). but then in comes clementine. our girl whos been carrying the "light in the darkness" motif since season 1. and although she got that shit a little dirty in seasons 2 and 3 (ava going off in s3 about how clem and aj are light and hope and shit so we're still supposed to see it (and recognize that clem has become so Dark in s3 without aj)), she got her light back when she got aj back and she'll die protecting him
clem (and aj) fall very quickly into the hole the twins left. now its clem who makes them feel safe. first with finding them food then protecting them against the raiders ("youre our savior clem" "we were more scared than we let on when you met us. you made that go away"). its not an accident theyre put up in the twins room. and with the way violet grabs the frame and looks at it sadly we can even assume clem sleeps in minnies old bed (also the old torn down paintings seem to only be on ajs side of the room and hes got his whole "i wanna be an artist too" thing going on). clem has unintentionally taken on minnies old role of making the kids feel safe and reassured
then we finally meet minnie. and based on how the others described her there is definitely a piece of herself that shes lost (that shes killed). her light is gone now. and although her motivations have been warped, they remain the same. i do genuinely believe she is still trying to protect the ericson kids and do whats best for them, but just in the only way she thinks she can to stop more people from dying. she might even think the pros of living with the delta are worth the cons. clementine is the one teaching them to fight back but minnie knows from experience that fighting back just gets you killed, so she feels like if she can just stop clementine then everything will be fine ("youre the FUCKING problem here" "i wont let you get them all killed" and she does seem genuinely concerned if clem and vi are fighting in the cell. and obviously we know she doesnt want anything to happen to tenn). both minnie and clem want to protect the ericson kids they just have conflicting opinions about which is the right way to do it. but minnie Does show her ass when she ends her "if you just do what they say you can live" speech with "you can be rewarded just like i am" 👀 oh girl... she didnt just give up she gave in. killing sophie was her breaking point and i really wish we knew more about how that scene went down outside of lillys dramatic retelling i would like to see it objectively please. but based on the way lilly tells it, minnie (im sure begrudgingly) accepted her place at the delta before it even came to that, and was probably just pulled along by sophie when she tried to escape. which is probably why (im assuming) lilly gave her the choice to kill sophie to stay with the delta (her New family), and she did... she kills a piece of herself when she does this (only compounded by the twin imagery), and i think her seeing clem fight back reminds her of sophie and brings all those feelings to the surface. and if she can just kill clem everything will be ok, cuz it worked last time....
minnie singing "dont be afraid" when attacking them on the bridge. a song that once brought them peace now being used to herald death. but since she approaches already singing it she was probably singing it to soothe herself as she succumbs to her bite, walking away from the wreckage she blames on clem, her delta family dead (she Did care about them in a fucked up way), using a herd of walkers against them the same way clem used a herd of walkers to attack the boat. all minnie cares about at this point is finding tenn, and she does, and shes gonna take him with her. just like clem looking for aj, finding him, and taking him. but where clem would die to protect aj, minnie wants to kill tenn to take him "home" with her. add to this ajs feelings about ending up alone without clem and wanting to be walkers together if it came to it. this is why tenn dying on the bridge feels narratively fulfilling to me even tho i hate it 😭 tenn wants to be with minnie (and sophie and their parents) and death doesnt scare him. it kinda comforts him. him and minnie dying together here is like the dark fate clem and aj barely avoid
and then vi fitting into this as she became tenns caretaker after the twins left. she also wants whats best for him so her and minerva fighting at the end for tenn is interesting. especially since violet (and louis but he wasnt tenns caretaker the way vi was) can die throwing him over the gap. i like the layers violet adds to being in the bridge scene, and it makes it even more sad when she cant protect him because thats all shes been trying to do since before clem and aj even showed up. plus aj shooting tenn puts violet in a similar position to louis in regards to marlons death
i really love the ways violets route adds to all the minnie and tenn stuff. and the way we can see clems influence change her. how a saved violet is ready to fight with clem but a kidnapped violet believes in minnies goals and thinks giving up is the safest plan for everyone. because regardless if you save her or not violet ALSO wants to keep the ericson kids safe and just doesnt know the best way to do it. clem encourages violet to step up and minnie encourages violet to give up (warping her character growth which is why i cant Not save her 😭 and the betrayal of it all). using violet as a common denominator is another way to differentiate between clem and minnie. then throw the romance on top of that.... you can see why i get a little...Sillay.. this is ALSO why i dont like vinerva in any romantic capacity post the events of ep3 and why i love seeing vi with clem. its what they each encourage in her. minnies weakness, clems strength.... why seeing vi and minnie fight clem makes me want to cry but seeing clem and vi fight minnie makes me jump off the walls LETS GOOO
and i havent even talked about lilly yet.... how if lee took lilly up on her offer in S1 about stealing the RV together clem couldve ended up in her custody.... i definitely believe clem looks at minnie and sees some broken scared part of herself in there. she is Fiercely Loyal and would do anything for her family so if she was raised (or broken) in that environment (and it seems very "ends justify the means" with the delta as it sounds like its actually pretty good over there if you can look past the intimidation and torture and kidnapping) i could definitely see her being the one standing behind lilly in some other universe. its what lilly still tries to do with her but its too late (and so lilly tries it with aj instead which is still a way to get to clem). but clems grown now and shes been making her own choices for a long time. shes already been through this with the new frontier (and hell even with carver at howes). she'd die before she gave in. and minnie made the choice to kill her sister to save herself
even with the little info we actually have on minnie she still works pretty well as a foil to clem. this is why i find it easier to talk about minnie when comparing her to clem like i feel like its her main purpose. i feel like theres still more i could say its just eluding me. its not a coincidence that minnie almost takes clem down with her in the end. why shes the reason clems able to get bit. minnie blames clem for her own demise and she's gonna get in one last fuck you. and minnies fate is one clem is desperately trying to avoid. kinda 👀 to be taken down by your narrative foil
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straightbaittournament · 10 months
only the option with the lowest percentage will be eliminated! propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
ava silva and michael salvius:
They have some amusingly straightbaity scenes where Michael initially appears to be interested in Ava (meeting her in a bar, asking questions about her, pursuing her to get her to do things with him and inviting her to kick ass with him) but almost all of these scenes are explicitly for plot reasons or end up displaying the closeness of Ava and Beatrice (and Beatrice’s jealousy over Ava seemingly being interested in a man) instead. Michael and Ava develop a strong close relationship that feels more sibling-esque by the end of season 2 and also Michael straight up dies at the end of season 2 as well.
neo, mew, and shin:
Before the show aired there was all this speculation over who Neo (a boy) was going to choose, Mew (a girl) or Shin (a boy). A lot of people suspected that Neo and Mew would get together and even though the trailers seemed to imply that there was something between Neo and Shin, that it wouldn't end well for them. Turns out the show went a completely different direction and ended up with polyamory with all three dating each other. This song from the show released before the show came out and there's a lot of comments from people before the show came out trying to figure out who's going to end up together (with some people saying that they hope it'll be poly but are sure that it probably won't be) https://youtu.be/5w-nDbr2fxY And here's the famous kiss scene (there's no subs in this clip but the general vibe is that they're telling Shin (the shorter guy) that even the two of them have feelings for each other, they care about him too) https://youtu.be/Gr4fTrXqL8k https://64.media.tumblr.com/80a1b4441645c65825f221a42d2e88ed/36e07bb804d7de75-59/s540x810/bd1bb49d299d904c8ffe9a26b970caf9567eaae3.pnj
edward elric and winry rockbell:
literally in different dimensions by the end! they still have a lot of the hallmarks of "ohh endgame childhood best friends" or whatever but fma 2003 just said. naah. winry got the shortest end of the stick and i feel so bad for her!!! continuity specific straightbait. in every other universe they get married and have kids but screw you two specifically 🙏
hikaru hitachiin and haruhi fujioka:
Haruhi x Hikaru from ouran high school host club. Yes i know she technically gets together with another boy in the end, but there is something so Queer about this ship in particular. Their whole date episode is just screaming Not Straight. For both of them.
rowena macleod and sam winchester:
Their relationship was clearly going in that direction before the writers killed Rowena.
galo and aina (submitted as lio and galo):
Iirc, the whole time the audience was set up to believe that Galo will get together with a teammate named Aina (i might be completely wrong but i think she showed romantic interest in him). That's what usually happens, anyways. However, studio trigger turned that premise on its head with Galo's budding relationship with Lio. In order to save Lio, Galo kissed him. They kissed.
mako, korra, and asami:
it's that one meme where the guy ignores his girlfriend to check out another girl, only the two girls get to know each other and get together. S1/2 has love triangle drama between who Mako will be with (Korra or Asami). S3 no one is together but Korra and Asami become really close friends. S4 Korra and Asami are together. Mako is single. Like the only example of exes being good friends and Not getting back together, as well as giving the middle finger to heteronormative assumptions when after the love triangle is over, the two girls get together Shipping the two girls in a love triangle together but it actually happens
pat and ink:
Pat has a crush on Ink early on, and it seems possible at first that she may feel the same way. However, it is later revealed that she actually has a crush on his sister and is a lesbian. It's okay though because then Pat realizes he's in love with his childhood rival and they become wlw mlm solidarity! Everyone wins!
buffy driscoll and tj kippen:
in the show there's this thing were if a character looks back to someone while they're leaving it means they have a crush on them. so they had a scene were tj looked back towards were buffy was, but then it was revealed he was gay and in love with buffy's best friend who was standing right next to her in that scene enemies to friends were tj is redeem through the power of gay love towards buffy's best friend
alexa, liana, ian, and jeremy:
the Only barbie animated movie where the girl(s) do not end up with a guy. alexa & liana live together and enact a ton of romantic tropes together, the twin guys do flirt with them but then the girls are separated from them by... a magic rainbow. they do dance together at the end of the movie... before the girls leave to go live together again. wearing dresses that are literally the bi and lesbian pride flags. no joke. cottagecore wlw separated from potential male love interests by literal magic rainbow the gayest barbie movie
good luck everyone! now go vote!
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thosedangnuns · 11 months
Chanel appreciation post ❤️
Much like she came and went in and out of Ava's life, Chanel passed through ours all too briefly, bringing wisdom, empathy, and understanding - and expecting nothing in return.
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This is a Chanel appreciation post ❤️
When we first meet Ava, she is cheerful, excited about her new life. But she has no friends, nobody to turn to, and nowhere to go.
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Luckily for her, she runs to JC and friends. And while JC is the 'focus' of her initial story - the almost literal knight in shining armor - it is Chanel who shows her more genuine compassion and understanding.
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Although Chanel is a little guarded at first (fair, probably) she quickly accepts Ava as part of their group, perhaps recognizing her as someone who - while not exactly needing rescuing - could use a friend.
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In the space of just a day or two, Chanel goes from being a stranger to something - perhaps not quite a mentor - but maybe a big sister? Someone you could ask embarrassing questions from and expect zero judgement.
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It's just what Ava needed - she's not only learning how to walk, how to live, every basic thing that most people take for granted. She's also learning who she is.
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And like the big sister, Chanel is there to listen without judgement, to offer encouragement over guidance - because it is, after all, Ava's journey.
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Chanel does all of this despite the risk to her friendships, to her way of life. To take in and accept a complete outsider is not a thing that most would do lightly.
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And she does this while looking freaking amazing, while being humble, and while allowing Ava to dictate how her own journey goes.
Would that we all had a friend like Chanel.
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And then, like a chance encounter at a bar, or on a bus, or at a cafe - Chanel exits Ava's life as quickly as she came, reminding us that although we can be sad that something is over, we should never forget the joy that it brought to us.
I think there is a certain beauty to that.
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But were circumstances different, we may have met Chanel again in S2. Uncle Simon wanted it, but scheduling conflicts meant it was not to be...
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And Lorena wanted to go a step further - were she queen (I mean, she is 👑) she would've had Chanel return as a Sister Warrior.
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So for the brief moments of joy (which Mark Doty might tell you is not some slight thing) that Chanel brought us, we thank of course Uncle Simon, but more importantly May Lifschitz, for bringing her into our lives.
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May is an Danish/Argentinian actress and model, and we certainly hope to see more of her in the future … maybe in S3 👀?
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janfraiser · 1 year
I was bored in the car today and @lesbiansayaishii was nice to me in the tags of my pinned moodboard, so elle, this is for you ❤️ this also marks the first thing I've properly written for the Ivy AU, and it's intentionally not the start of the story but more in the middle, because I wanted to make my brain think about other parts of the story. Thank you elle for giving me an excuse to flex my muse 🖤💞💗
Background/Context, Connor went to Mayo after s3, and Ava didn't ask him to stay, nor did she tell him when she realized she was pregnant from their one night stand. He comes back as head of the emergency department around four years later, and... you can probably fill in the blankssss
Connor is reviewing patient charts in his mercifully private office when the phone on his desk starts ringing. He eyes it for a moment, pretty sure it’s no one he wants to talk to. But he doesn’t get to foist it off now, now that he’s the one in charge, so he picks up the phone with a groan.
“Dr. Rhodes, it’s Beth in the OR with Dr. Bekker,” says the surgery tech. “You’re on speaker.”
Not the most headache-inducing call he could’ve gotten, then. “Thanks, Beth. Ava?” It’s been a rocky few weeks since he’d suddenly learned that she had a daughter— that he had a daughter— but getting closer again, even just by arguing and pestering each other with every spare minute of their shifts, means he’s falling back into the familiar patterns from before his years at the Mayo Clinic, including using her first name.
“Connor, what’s the weather doing right now?”
He blinks. “Huh?”
“I know we’re supposed to be getting a winter storm,” she continues, “but last I heard it wasn’t getting bad until tonight. Only, now Ivy’s daycare is saying they’re closing early because the roads might be dangerous as early as this afternoon.”
Connor scrubs a hand over his face. “Oh, shit, the ER’s probably gonna get flooded.”
“Connor,” Ava says, exasperation audible even over the phone, “I’m currently elbow-deep in the chest cavity of a man in late-stage heart failure. I cannot leave this patient on the table for the half-hour minimum it would take for me to drive out to the daycare and check Ivy out. She can play quietly in the doctor’s lounge up here, she knows how to do that, but I need you to go pick her up.”
“Uh.” He pauses for a moment as his brain tries to catch up. “What?”
“I know you’re working too, but you’ve got a little more flexibility than I do at the moment,” Ava continues. “I’ll call ahead and tell them you’re cleared to sign her out, can you come get my car keys so you’ll have her car seat with you?”
“Hang on.” Connor’s hand flexes on the arm of his office chair. “A week ago you were saying you weren’t even ready for me to meet her yet, and now you want me to go pick her up from school? The hell do I know about entertaining children?”
“You don’t have to entertain anyone,” Ava huffs, “as long as you can buckle a seatbelt, you’ll be fine. I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate."
"That makes me feel so much better," he says drily.
"Look, if I spend any more time begging you right now my patient is going to end up with brain damage. Car keys are in my locker; the combination is Ivy's birthday. Beth, hang up on him, please."
Sure enough, the call ends abruptly, leaving Connor to stand there and wonder what he'd expected.
"I don't know her goddamn birthday," he says aloud to no one.
On a hunch he boots up his desktop to open the hospital's L&D records from 2018, and punching in Ava's surname he finds a file from late in the fall. 11-06-18. Got it.
Sure enough, that combination opens the locker, and Connor grabs the car keys from the magnet hook inside the door. He vaguely remembers the name of the daycare, so he punches that into google maps, and even with the snow starting to fall, the drive doesn't hit twenty minutes. When he enters the lobby of the place, the woman at the front desk nods when he awkwardly gives his name.
"Dr. Bekker gave us a call, you're on the approved guardian list," she says. "We appreciate you working with our unpredictable winter schedule; the kids are in the main playroom and their belongings are in the cubbies with their names."
"Got it," Connor says, finding the small cubby with Ivy's name on it. There's a purple coat on one hook and a blue, floral-patterned backpack on the other, and he crosses his fingers and hopes there's nothing else he needs to grab, because he's not exactly sure the three-year-old will tell him. He makes his way into the playroom, scanning the small crowd of children, and a familiar face stares back at him, blonde pigtails bouncing as she crosses the room.
"You're Doctor Rhodes," she says a picture book clutched in one hand. "You work with Mummy." There's a pause, and then she adds, "hi," as if just remembering how to use greetings.
"Yep, that's me," he agrees. It feels insanely weird to have this small child referring to him with his full title, but everything about interacting with her feels insanely weird-- he's going to let Ava tell her what to call him, and all that. "Hey, Ivy, your mom is really busy right now, but because of the snow the nice people here are worried it might not be safe for you to stay all afternoon like usual. So I have your normal car, with your car seat, and we're gonna go back to the hospital. Sound alright?"
"Mhm," Ivy agrees. "I have my coloring books." And then she instantly reaches up for his hand, and he takes hers reflexively, but it brings him a moment's pause when he looks down at her and realizes this is effectively the first time he's held his daughter's hand. But he doesn't really have the time to pause and sit with that, especially with an inquisitive toddler staring up at him, so instead he leads her out of the room and to the car.
"Coloring books sound great."
In the car, Ivy talks a little about friends from her Pre-K, but mostly she looks out the window and dances to the random radio station Connor had turned on. They park in the hospital parking lot, and when Connor lifts Ivy out of her car seat, she wraps her arms around his neck. "It's cold!"
"We'll be inside soon," he tells her, picking her backpack up from the floor of the car. But after he shuts the door and locks the car, he hesitates, looking from Ivy's sneakers to the slushy puddles on the sidewalk. "Um... do you want me to carry you like this?"
"Yeah!" She rests her head on his shoulder. "Your beard is funny."
He chuckles as he begins to walk toward the hospital. "Funny?"
"It's soft. Soft like a fuzzy bear."
"Oh, yeah?" He grins at her. "I thought you weren't supposed to pet bears. Do bears like people?"
"No!" Ivy giggles, leaning back to give him a toothy smile. Connor adjusts his grip to account for the change in her center of gravity. "Bears don't live with people, silly. I got stuffed animals."
"Oh, I see," he says, adopting an air of seriousness. "You're the expert, then."
Ivy certainly agrees with that assessment, and she tells him all about her stuffed animals and their names as they make their way through the hospital. Really, Connor could put her down now that they're out of the weather, but he feels happily warm with her clinging to him so tightly. Yeah, it's a little freaky to meet a tiny alien of a human who's half made of him when she's already her own tiny person, but Ivy is so immediately trusting and bubbly that he can't help but love her. He can lose his shit on his own time; if a toddler wants to hug him, he's gonna hug her back.
"Here we go." Connor sets Ivy on the couch in the CT doctor's lounge, and she eagerly opens up her backpack and pulls out coloring books and crayons. "Your mom will come see you when she's done with surgery."
"Thanks." Ivy quickly opens the coloring book and holds out a crayon to him. "Here. Color."
He takes the crayon, a little surprised. Technically, he really should get back to the trauma floor, but... surely Ava will be out of the OR sooner rather than later. He can stay with Ivy for a little while later.
"Okay," he agrees, sitting on the floor to reach where she has the coloring book on the couch. "What... what color do we start with?"
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powerbottomblake · 1 year
I'm thinking about writing a time travel fic for avatrice where post s2/hypothetical s3 holy war ava goes thru the arc and somehow wakes up the moment she was resurrected by the halo in season 1 episode 1. i just wonder if you had any opinions on how ava would act in that scenario? does she immediately go towards the OCS fighting in the chapel? does she run off again and try to do things on her own? im actually not sure bc this au is mostly compelled by the mental image of ava justifying all of her future influencing decisions to everyone by just saying 'god told me' bc its pretty hard to argue with a girl who a) died and came back via divine relic b) seems to just Know things and c) is startlingly competent, considering the decade of medical abuse. just thought i'd ask, bc post s2 finale im actually not sure what ava would do if she could start it all over again
ok buddy first of all can I just say how absolutely HILARIOUS it is to me that Ava would go full joan of arc on the ocs and be like I can hear...I can hear the sound of a flip flop ass bitch -points to Vincent-
hmmm ok but more seriously this is SUCH a premise. I think you need to weigh in two factors:
the knowledge ava has accumulated in the past two seasons
how her priorities have shifted between s1e1 and the s2 finale
Basically the ava that wakes up miraculously on day 1 of her second life is the ava that literally sacrificed herself for her family (the OCS) and specifically for beatrice. this is also an ava who KNOWS there are no bones to be found in the tomb, knows adriel is evil, knows vincent is a traitor, and yes she wants to live but she has found community and belonging with the OCS AND the love of her life in beatrice.
so her priority will shift to:
making sure adriel never gets out
exposing vincent
spending as much time as she possibly can with beatrice
For me, that means she'll have to win the ocs' trust and find a way to expose Vincent. you'll have to rework the events around that. also her interactions with bea are going to be monumentally impacted bc. so many scenes might never happen (for ex: she probably won't take the bait and won't be pushed by superion till she cracks) but that also means ava is going to be much more proactive on that front bc she knows!! she knows what they have in them to become to each other!!
like the s1 conflict of what does ava really want disappears bc by the s2 finale ava knows what she wants and that's a happy life with beatrice in world where the threat of adriel has disappeared! a world where she's the last warrior nun and the cycle is ended! so ava will do EVERYTHING to ensure that. but yeah this ava will have to plan accordingly to try and fit with the ocs and work to expose Vincent's bullshit. the one thing i'm sure she'll do is NOT run. anything else is for you to tweak according to this.
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attackoneyebrows · 1 year
seeing some varying takes but people are really mistaking reluctant hero with not being a hero. like ava has doubts in the beginning (as you do when an absurd amount of responsibility has been thrust upon you) but ultimately takes up that mantle and does it justice (in her own way). she doesn't want to die needlessly or let others die needlessly (rejecting michael/miguel's offer multiple times) but ultimately will pull that trigger if nothing else works bc she'll do anything to keep that world she loves alive (and the people in it).
bea is very similar, except starting off on the opposite end of the spectrum in that she's a hero out of mostly duty and obligation. over time she realizes there's more to life than just what you owe to others, and that value of self should not be extrinsic but rather instrinsic. and sure, she wants ava to live more than anything (and sabotages her self sacrifice attempt) but also recognizes immediately after that she's conflicted abt that decision - she has a duty of care to both ava and the world. i don't think that makes her any less of a hero, just that it gives her some hard hard choices to make.
now lilith.....that is a harder and deeper discussion (maybe for an entirely separately post). not to be completely reductive but i do think s1 lilith was kinda a self hating duty bound wip version of a hero, who often times lbr, did the wrong things for the wrong reasons. but ultimately she saves ava (again, i dont think entirely for altruistic reasons, but she does it anyways) and returns wanting to make amends. this is why s2 lilith pains me so much to watch (unfortunate bc a lot of that is probably due to loss of mary) but s2 lilith basically turns her back on the heroics and is more embarking on a journey of self discovery (again, does wrong things for wrong reasons along the way but honestly understandable). now if there were a s3, i would love to see her journey of self discovery intersect with the heroics again.
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ohlexa · 11 months
How would you prefer to see the show continue? Would you like to see it pick up immediately where we left off? Or perhaps after a bit of a time jump, Ava is already back and her and Bea are slowly figuring things out. Do you think they'd immediately consider themselves a couple? (i mean even if they didn't, i don't for a second think they'd ever look at somebody else)
Ooh I don’t know. Questions I’ve definitely thought about though! But you know, at this point, if the stars aligned and it was a s3 (and more) with the original cast, I wouldn’t complain about how things started again! I would literally eat up everything they throw at me. I do hope, however, that the writers give us the most epic Avatrice reunion, complete with the most epic kiss we’re all dying to see (honestly that’s what we all fought for, right?); and Ava in Reya’s realm. I need answers from the other side. I need answers about the other side!
And while I don’t see my favorite dum dums putting a label on anything immediately (but does that really matter anyway), I need - nay REQUIRE - to see them go through all the emotions and actions and reactions and and and—
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becker-call · 4 months
We know your thoughts on Blue and King Orange, how about the other stick figures? (Just the Color Gang if you're not bothered)
thoughts on the color gang? oh do i HAVE SOME
i'll just be talking about red, green, and yellow here, though. not that i don't have thoughts on orange/second (i very much do), it just ties in a lot with my chosen/dark thoughts and that's something i'll discuss in another post probably lol
so first, red. i like him a lot!! i think he or yellow would be my favorite if it wasn't for blue. i've mentioned this before, but back when i was first watching avm/ava i thought red was going to be an aggressive, cynical, kinda toxic masculine sort of character since a lot of the stuff i'd seen with red before the series was mainly him fighting. but nope! he's pretty much just a more assertive fluttershy that can also kick my ass and i love it. i think it's nice to see a character that's pretty strong and canonically works out having "non-masculine" interests (aka caring for animals). it's something i don't see too often in media, and i like seeing it.
green. green's chill. he's not a character that i'd consider my favorite, but i think he's cool! he's good at a lot of things, kind of a jack-of-all-trades sorta deal. i don't know if we'll get to see purple again in the main AvM series now that s3 is over, but if we do i think they should have some sort of buddy-movie-esque episode with green! i think their friendship should be expanded on a little more.
finally, yellow. yellow, m'darling. i love her a lot. i like how she's super intelligent and the smartest of the cg, but she has her moments where she doesn't really think things through, like in the roller coaster and command block episodes (though in yellow's defense in the former, i don't think that the sticks knew how minecraft physics worked at the time). and their intelligence doesn't mean their entire personality is them being smart, either- they're shown to care deeply for their friends (especially their "best friend" blue(i know what you are /silly)), and they still like getting into shenanigans, like in the wallpaper actual short. like i said with red, she'd probably be my favorite if it weren't for blue, lmao.
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