stattieboi · 2 years
Adventurer's Log - 4
:( March 21st 2022 1:31am
It's been a long time since I've adventured. I didn't want to be alone, so I decided to do nothing instead, but in the end I ventured out on my own.
I was very unsatisfied with how the grass was growing in the sheep farm. Because of the rainbow order or the pens, I have plenty of red wool at my disposal, but I'm going to have to wait a long while more before I can say the same for my white sheep. I thought to track down more Enderman and kill them for their grass blocks, but it rained a lot, and even when it wasn't raining, I couldn't find hide nor hair of them. So I just contented myself to make several trips to the lighthouse with the red and white I had. Whenever I saw wild sheep, I sheared them too, so I got a lot of my white wool that way. I made about three trips back and forth to the lighthouse I believe. On the side I tried to fix my Nether Portals, but Whatever I did, it didn't work. They're still broken. It could be worse though. Anyway, I made a fair amount of progress on the lighthouses stripes. I also filled in the second levels floors. I'm not sure how to decorate it all though.
On about my fourth trip to the lighthouse, I was confident I knew the way without my map. Apparently I was wrong, because I found myself distracted by a shipwreck! I got some cool loot from it, some sorely needed iron, some Lapis Lazuli and some enchanted armor. I did die like three times in my pursuit of the loot, which sucked, but I pulled through. And it lead to even more cool loot when I kept exploring the area.
A little beyond the shipwreck, ended up at the spruce island I've found before (also on accident lol). I was still planning on ending up at the lighthouse at some point, so I turned right and traveled up the coast for a bit. I wasn't planning to get out of the boat, but I was passing a lot of coal, so I decided to just yolo it and mine some. I must have the worst best brain, cause after mining the coal, I discovered a secret chest hidden under the ore! Inside was a potion of water breathing, three iron ingots, some chainmail armor, a heart of the sea and a diamond!!! Not only was this SUPER surprising, but I'm so happy I found a diamond, because now I have all the ingredients to finish my enchanting table!!!
I explored a bit more on the way home, and found some new berries on the way too. I was chalk full of resources, so I wanted to make sure I got home safe. In the end I managed it, although I had a few close calls with some Drowned. At this point in my adventure, I've forgotten all about the lighthouse for now. I was just discovering that there was a lot more to this world than I let myself believe. And on top of that, these new islands are super close to my home island! I want to rally my friends and go adventuring with them soon. I spent the rest of my evening trying to map out some of the new nearby areas, as well as my own island. I love that all the hard work I've put into my home shows up on the map. It fills me with pride.
In the future, I hope to explore more of the surrounding islands with my buddies, and map them and gather resources in the process. I also hope I can track down some Endermen so I can steal their grass blocks and therefore help my sheep farm be productive. Finally, I hope to add more to the lighthouse Dovah started. Working on it always reminds me of him, so I love working on it.
I am sleepy now. Dogs are cute. Goodnight!
- *Stat*
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stattieboi · 2 years
Adventurer's Log - 3
:) February 9th 2022 10:58pm
Nothing to report today, except that the grass in the rainbow sheep barn is growing well.
I hope to get some help in the future with gathering materials in the Nether. I really hate going there alone. Last time I went, I died twice and lost all the things I had just gathered. I just wanna work on my farms bro. I was very upsetti spaghetti about the whole thing. I know I'll manage though. I have my friends to back me up.
That's all for today. Signing off for now. Night!
- *Stat*
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stattieboi · 2 years
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Adventurer's Log - 2
>:) February 8th 2022 11:39pm
I didn't do much of anything on the house or land today. I spent the day doing art instead. I drew a self portrait filled with some information about me. I think it's good to leave things like this behind, so that when we're gone, we can be remembered and known. (Please excuse my existentialism.) I also spent time working on the watercolor portrait I'm doing of the house and it's surrounding environment. I'm quite happy with how it's coming along. I'll make sure to share is when it's done.
Since that's all I did for today, I'll sign of. Audios!
- *Stat*
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stattieboi · 2 years
Adventurer's Log - 1
:( February 7th 2022 12:16am
I don't know why it's taken me so long to start this log, but I've finally gotten around to it. I'll get you up to speed on my adventures so far.
I started on this journey with my good friend Dovah. We spawned on a small, beautiful Birch forest island. He got right to work farming, and I started building out house.
At this point, we have a beautiful birch, three story house. The top floor has a magical balcony, with a trampoline at the bottom so we can jump off safely for convenience. The basement is the real star of the show however. Our basement has two levels. Level one is our bedroom, as well as our storage room. I also have a temporary Cocoa farm set up there. The second and lower level is where most of the work these days goes. When you go down the ladder, there is a small work station in front of a 3x3 Nether portal that is built into the hallway. When you step through the portal, you find a crossroads to three different chambers. On the left, the livestock pens (that still need to be built). On the right is the project I'm currently working on; The automated farms! I'm starting small with a sugarcane farm, then I plan to expand. And finally, if you go dead ahead, I spent countless hours working on a rainbow sheep/wool farm! I have every color of sheep, and I'm just starting to get the grass to grow. I like looking at all the colors they have. It makes me happy. Plus, on another island Dovah and I are working on a lighthouse, and we're using lots of red and white wool for the colorful stripes. The siding (pillar quartz and quartz stairs) still needs work, but that will most likely be a long term project due to the massive scale.
In other news, Dovah has been MIA for a while now. I really miss him and I hope he's been doing ok. I've been carrying on his work while he's away, maintaining the manual farms and building the lighthouse on our tree farming island. I hope he'll be back soon. Work can easily sour without company.
I should also mention, a beautiful castle of polished andesite and chiseled Blackstone is slowly being built by my husband. I've been bringing him materials when I can, which isn't too much of a hassle due to his castle being so close, and because I've been doing a lot of mining as I hollow out the land under my house to make way for farms and such. Until yesterday, he had only laid the foundation, but he started on the walls. I can't wait to see how he builds it, and how he decorates it.
Now that you're up to date I'll be signing off for now. I could go into more detail, but that would mean a lot of reading. (And a lot of writing.) So I'll just sprinkle things in when I find them relevant, or when I remember them. Thank you for reading. This has been my first log. Hasta luego
- *Stat*
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