#that stare has dora the explorer energy
cursed-spop · 3 years
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Tonight we dine on human.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Panther Princess; T’Challa x child reader
*Author’s note*
Well this was a LONG time in the making, not only cause of motivation and time schedule wise but I wanted to make sure I GOT THIS FIC RIGHT since this is my first time writing for T'Challa since Chadwick's death last year (MAY HE RIP OUR KING!!!). Hope you guys enjoy this, and I’ve decided that after a few Wattpad requests I’ll open requests up here on Tumblr but there will be some MAJOR adjustments to what fandoms I’ll do. For now just be patient with me and eventually I will open requests here on Tumblr, I just don’t want to be overwhelmed.
Warnings: Malnourishment. abuse, terrorists involved (no action but just the word), some fluff.
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It was in the dead of night when T’Challa received word about some smugglers were traveling with some stolen Vibranium, and word has it that they were working for Klaue.  Even though he had been dead, Klaue’s business was still running and forging deals with terrorists groups and anti-government parties.
Him and Okoye were flying over towards the drop-off point where the dealers were gonna be exchanging their latest steal of Vibranium.
“The dealers that Klaus’ second Lt. Rosko Lannister is selling the Vibranium to come from an Iranian terrorist group.”
“As usual we will let them make their business transaction before taking any further action. After dealing with the terrorist group and Lannister is ours, he will be put under the same crimes as we would’ve given Klaue.” T’Challa told Okoye.  She nodded as the jet continued to fly towards their destination.
It was just before sunset when at an old, abandoned warehouse Rosko Lannister and some of Klaue’s old men waited for their clients to arrive.  Soon enough driving in the black SUV’s and Honda trucks, the Iranian terrorist group came out of their cars.  Most of them were soldiers holding their AK-47’s close to their chest while out of the head van, 3 men dressed in full 3 piece suits exited the car.
They looked exactly alike for these three men were actually brothers.  Two of them were twins and the other was a year younger than his older twin brothers. Hasim, Sami, and Achmed Israeli were the three leaders of the biggest terrorist group in the world.  There was even record shown that they made deals with HYDRA back in the day.  Mostly smuggled weapons and potential serums for super soldiers.
After the fall back in 2014 when both SHIELD and HYDRA were exposed, the brothers decided to go underground and disappear under the radar.  The US and European governments have been trying to find them ever since but they are too clever and can easily cover their tracks both physically and wirelessly.
“The Israeli brothers. I can’t tell you how honored I am to be doing business with you.” Rosko praised.
“We didn’t come for praises. We came for the Vibranium. Do you have it?” the oldest twin brother Sami demanded.
“Getting down to business. That was one thing my former associate Klaue always appreciated. God rest his soul.” Rosko kissed his finger before raising them upward. “Nah I’m just kidding he was an arsehole, I’m actually glad he’s dead.” He changed his tune.
“The Vibranium. Do you have it or not!?” demanded the younger twin Hasim.
“Patience Hasim. Let the white man talk.” Sami eased his brother.  Rosko turned to one of his guys and nodded.  His left hand man let out a whistle and soon two men come carrying in a large box that was filled with the stolen Vibranium that Klaue had stowed away for himself.
The men set it down before the brothers and Achmed opened the case up to reveal the Vibranium they were looking for.  A small smirk came across Sami’s face and he said.
“Excellent. The most powerful material in the universe.”
“It did come at personal cost from Klaue, better him than me. It’s worth billions. Hope you also kept your end of the deal. This transaction is only fair if both parties agree.” Hasim smirked cunningly and turned to his general.
He nodded and exclaimed in Muslim and before Rosko even knew it. Every single one of his men was shot dead by the Israeli brother’s soldiers, leaving only him alive.
Every gun was now turned on him and Rosko had no choice but to raise his hands slowly.
“True. But when dealing with terrorists you should’ve also realized that there is a price to pay. Especially if you’ve been followed.” Sami said. At this point Rosko was confused.
“What-what-what are you talking about?”
“I’ve been in this game for a long time Mr. Lannister, I’ve seen everything and heard it all. Superheroes, aliens, psychotic androids, even real life wizards. So don’t think for a second that your actions hasn’t risen suspicion to the one who rules the very place where you got this Vibranium from.” Sami closed the case and patted it before his brother Achmed took it and had it put in the truck.
“King T’Challa has no idea of this Vibranium that was stashed away. He’s recovered the traces of Vibranium that Klaue kept public. There’s no way he could know about this.”
“Clearly Klaue had a better game face than you Mr. Lannister. For he wouldn’t have revealed such an important fact to me.” At that moment Rosko knew he had been played by the brothers.  Before he knew it, a bullet went straight into his head and he died right there.
“Surround the area. We don’t leave till the King is dead.” Ordered Achmed to his security team.  The soldiers exclaimed Arabic commands as they surrounded the warehouse with their guns outward and ready to fire.
One guard in particular heard something move behind him and he quickly turned and fired three shots but didn’t hit anything but some old crates.  His paranoia was getting the best of him and that’s what gave him away.  He was suddenly grabbed by the back of his robes and lifted up and beaten till he collapsed to the floor unconscious.
2 more guards heard what was going on and went to check on their fallen soldier when a flash of a figure ran behind them. They quickly turned and fired their guns when suddenly T’Challa came down behind them, quickly disarmed them and knocked them unconscious.
As more of the brother’s security came in and they open fired on T’Challa, he merely walked towards the security before sprinting forward and disarming the rest of them.  His claws tearing their guns apart, and using his quick ‘cat-like’ agility, he managed to take down the entire fleet.
“Israeli brothers!” he cried out.  It was then Sami came out and T’Challa revealed his face to the eldest brother.
“King T’Challa. I must say it is an honor to be in your presence.” Sami mocked.
“Did you really believe we would be unaware of this trade?”
“On the contrary, I expected this all along. It was that witless white monkey Rosko who didn’t expect to see you. But never fear, he’s out of both of our hands.” Sami said nonchalantly as he looked down at his nails.  
“If you surrender the stolen Vibranium to me, we can resolve this peacefully. But refuse, and you’ll face justice of Wakanda in Rosko Lannister’s stand. You and your brothers.”
“See my brothers and I made a pact. If we can’t escape the system, we’d be—how you say, judge jury and executioner to ourselves. And rather than rot in a cell separated, we shall join together in a blaze of glory. And we’re not afraid to take you with us, suffering the same fate as your own father did.” Sami raised his arms out like he was flying and waiting for a fiery explosion to happen.
But nothing came.
He opened his eyes to reveal that nothing had happened.  It was then coming into the open space were Ayo and Okoye who had Sami’s younger brothers. Both men were bruised and battered up pretty badly.  The two Dora Milaje members dropped his brothers down at his feet like trash and T’Challa said.
“I told you. This could’ve been resolved peacefully. But you forced our hand, especially when you had planned to blow up the place with all of us inside.” Sami growled but nonetheless raised his hands in surrender.
As the Dora Milaje were detaining the three brothers, T’Challa retrieved the stolen Vibranium when he heard something nearby.  It sounded like chains, they had defeated all of the security, Rosko and his men were all shot by the Israeli brother’s defense, and the brothers were all detained so who else was here?
“My King?” Okoye asked.
“Stay here Okoye, I want to check something out.” He told his general of the Dora Milaje.
“My king, it could be another threat we do not yet know about. Let me come with you.”
“I’m not defenseless Okoye. Now you and Ayo just put the men on the ship and let me handle this. It could be some animal or the chains fell down off of something.” Okoye nodded to her king and soon T’Challa headed deeper into the warehouse.
As he explored every bit of it, he soon noticed that there appeared to be a hidden door within the walls that was very faintly cracked open.  He opened the door and could hear the sound of the chains getting louder and louder.
It was almost like they were—pacing? They kept a constant rhythm as they would move about, in a circle pattern or something close to it.  T’Challa slowly walked towards the direction of the chains and soon found what appeared to be a cage.  A glass cage but it was inside that surprised the Wakandan King.
Inside the glass was a child.  She appeared to be around the ages of 8-11 years old. Her hair was extremely long and madded like a lion’s mane.  She looked malnourished so much so that you could almost see her bones.  But for being malnourished, how could she have the energy to pace so frantically like she was now?  He also noticed that there around her neck, wrists and ankles were chains keeping her inside.
T’Challa slowly walked out of the shadows and into the light where the child would be able to see him.  She stopped her pacing and just stared at him curiously. T’Challa disengaged his full Black Panther suit so that he was in his normal clothes.
“I am not here to hurt you.” He gently told the child.  The child slightly tilted their head like a lost puppy.  “My name is T’Challa, what’s yours?” T’Challa slowly and slowly got closer and closer to her cage as he spoke in that soft voice of his.  When she didn’t answer him he assured you, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I just want to be sure you’re okay.”
Suddenly in the blink of an eye, her (e/c) soon turned to a deep cat eye yellow.  Her body shifted into a fairly young but still decent size panther and she lashed out at the cage, knocking T’Challa off his feet in slight fear.  The child now standing before him as a full panther clawed and roared at the cage furiously.
“My King!” Ayo’s voice spoke in Xhosa and soon her and Okoye came in and when they saw the panther, they lifted up their spears in defense.
“Stand down!” T’Challa commanded them.
“But my king—this animal is feral. It was going to kill you.” Okoye reasoned with him but T’Challa told her.
“She is a human child. She shifted into this panther before my eyes. Look.” Soon enough the panther shrunk down and soon turned back into the young girl who was still pacing back and forth in her cage.
“What sorcery is this?” asked Ayo.
“Not magic. Science. Look closer at her arms.” T’Challa said.  At the section of the arm on the other side of the elbow, they noticed dozens of needle injection scars.
“This child was experimented on.” Okoye said grimly with a horrified expression.
“What do we do my King?” asked Ayo.  T’Challa looked at the child who was growling and trying to act scary even though she was no longer a panther anymore.
“We take her to Shuri. Maybe she can shed more light on the matter. Get her to the ship. But approach her cautiously. Don’t make any sudden movements.” Ayo and Okoye bowed their heads to their king and walked towards the cage.
The girl would hit her skeletal body up against the cage trying to rattle it and actually roared out a panther’s real roar, her teeth slowly growing into the large infamous canines of a real big cat. Okoye and Ayo then placed a hover bead on each end of the cage and soon the cage levitated just a few feet off the ground.
The little girl roared and began clawing at the glass but it hardly did anything as she was now being guided towards the ship.
When they reached Wakanda after dealing with the brothers, Shuri in her lab was going over the girl’s intel scan that she made of the girl from her cage with her kimoyo beads.
“So what is it you can find Shuri?” T’Challa said as he entered his sister’s lab.
“This may come as a surprise to you brother. But—she has no birth record at all. I’ve contacted some of my people in various places around the world to see if there has been any missing child and all of them have said no. My theory is that she may have been created from a test tube to look like this.”
“Any idea who could’ve made her?”
“The same organization that made the White Wolf into the Winter Soldier.”
“Hydra.” T’Challa said gravely.  Shuri nodded.
“I hacked into their old files and it only confirms my theory. Seems like they wanted to create their own Cat-god or something.”
“Any records on what her powers are? She can shift into a panther but can she also shift into anything else?”
“I’m still digging through the files, there’s a lot of files that came to creating her. It’ll take time brother.” T’Challa nodded in understandment.
“Keep me updated.”
“Yes brother.” T’Challa walked away but he turned back towards the young girl and saw that she had briefly stopped her pacing to look at him once again.
A week later after finding the child, Shuri managed to dig up that HYDRA’s plan for the Child was for her to become their Agent Battle Cat.  The ability to shift into a panther.  She also has enhanced agility, speed, and strength.
However when HYDRA fell back in 2014, they were forced to abandon the project and she had been left alone in that warehouse ever since.  Thinking about the enhancing experiments she must’ve been forced to endure or whatever genes they gave her, it allowed her to survive even being chained up in a cage for years on end until she felt like she needed to give up.
While being kept under his sister’s supervision, T’Challa also made it apparent to try and communicate with the Child, just to see if she could either understand or (in a rare case) speak in any language.  The first time he had tried to talk to her well—let’s just say she ended up with broken nails and chipped teeth after trying to take a bite of T’Challa’s forearm when he activated his suit to protect his arm from her attack.
He had finally finished his royal civic duties for the day when he decided to try and talk to the Child again.
“You sure it’s a good idea brother? You did cause her to lose her nails and chipped some of her teeth.”
“I learned my lesson last time. But you weren’t there before that happened. She had actually dropped her guard and almost looked like she wanted to communicate with me. I think I’m getting through to her.”
“Okay brother. But if she attacks you again, I doubt that’ll sit well with Mother as well as Okoye and Ayo.”
“I will handle mama and the Dora Milaje. For now see to it that no one disturbs us.” Shuri nodded and told her workers to go home for now, leaving T’Challa and the Child alone.
T’Challa slowly approached her cage to see her lying down on her side licking her broken nails.  Some of them had broken off by the top, while the rest had the entire nail broken leaving a bloody mess in it’s wake.  She was currently licking her blood stained fingertips when she caught T’Challa’s scent.
She growled and hissed angrily at him, her canine fangs extended out and her eyes shifted into the cold, yellow panther eyes.
“Steady, steady. I’m not here to hurt you.” T’Challa sat down a few feet away from the cage and continued, “I am sorry for what happened to you. I was only protecting myself from getting hurt. It was my fault for overstepping my boundaries.” Her hissing ceased and she closed her mouth hiding her fangs but she would occasionally growl lowly, her tail coming out and twitching anxiously.
They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes when T’Challa said to her.
“You know, I’ve been thinking of a name for you. You know something to call you. I’m betting the men who created you never really gave you a real human name. What do you think about—Ariana?” the Child hissed. T’Challa chuckled, “Didn’t think so. Shuri said you might like it but now I can prove to her that I was right. Now for the real options, what about…….Nala?” the child tilted her head confused.  “No? What about…..Diana?” she looked down and went back to licking her fingertips. “That won’t really help them heal. Sure it’ll clot the blood but it’s not that good for saliva to heal a wound like that.”
She looked up at T’Challa and growled lowly.
“I’m just trying to help. We have the medicine that’ll help you. I won’t lie it might sting for a brief second but it’ll help. Will you trust me with healing you, please?” the child looked between him and her fingers before slowly extending her arms out and she briefly nodded.
T’Challa then got some antiseptic and band-aids. He opened up a small section of the cage, just enough for her arms to come out.
“Thank you for your trust.” He then began to doctor her fingertips.  She let out some painful roars on the stubbed fingertips that no longer had a nail anymore but at least this time she didn’t try to attack him like last time.  He soothed her with calming phrases like ‘it’s okay. It’s won’t last long.’ And ‘Just relax, it’s almost over.’ After bandaging up her left pinkie finger he told her, “There, I’m done (Y/n).”
At hearing that name, she looked up at T’Challa curiously.  Her tail perked up and the tip curled inward.  T’Challa looked at her to see her tail fall limp to the cage floor. “(Y/n)?” her tail lifted up again and her head tilted curiously.  “So you like that name eh?” She looked at T’Challa and her nose twitched as she was trying to sniff him through the glass.
Taking a risk, he slowly reached his hand into the cage once more like before.  However this time he kept his hand in a downward position, so that his hand formed the shape of another cat’s nose.  The Child slowly crept towards his hand and gave it a sniff, when she saw that he wasn’t moving his hand, she rubbed her head against his hand for a brief second before nuzzling underneath his palm so that it sat on top of her head.
He gently began scratching her scalp which caused her to let out soft comforting purrs.  T’Challa smiled warmly and continued to gently give the child—well (Y/n) some more scritches and pets.
“Don’t you worry (Y/n). I promise I won’t allow anyone else to harm you in any shape or form.”
The next couple of months after getting her body weight back to normal and healing any other wounds she had maintained, T’Challa allowed (Y/n) to venture outside the palace with him.  Thinking the city itself was too much for her right now, he decided to take her out to the Border tribe so that she could see the outside world for the first time in her life.
Needless to say she was overwhelmed but she was happy to feel the grass beneath her feet, see the beautiful landscape, and hear all the sounds of the outside world from the animal calls to some of the Border tribe members talking with each other.
“Seems she’s getting along well.” Okoye observed (Y/n) who was cautiously watching the rhinos from their pins.
“Slowly but surely she is. Walking on two feet is still a bit of a challenge but she’ll get there eventually.” T’Challa told her.
“At least she’s learned to not attack you.”
“It was one time Okoye, be nice.”
“As your General it is my duty—”
“I understand your duty General. But you must also know that there will be times you can’t protect me. And this attack was very minor compared to the fights I’ve been in before.” It was then T’Challa saw (Y/n) now focusing her attention on some birds that had just landed a few feet away from the rhino pins.  Her panther instincts kicked in as she got into pouncing position, her pupils were fully blown and her shoulder blades flexed over one another as her butt raised higher and higher in the air.
Finally she raced forward and the birds immediately took off flying.  She leaped well over 7ft in the air and managed to capture a bird in her claws and delivered a fatal bite.  She then raced over to T’Challa and presented him the dead bird.
She placed it on the ground before his feet and backed away before tilting her head with a happy smile on her face.
“Seems she has a gift for you my King.” Okoye said. T’Challa grimaced at the gift but he quickly smiled down at her and knelt down in front of her.
“I appreciate the gift (Y/n). But—we cannot keep this bird kept within a cage. Like how I freed you, we must also allow this bird to move onto the next life.” He dug into the earth for a small shallow grave, just big enough for the bird and he placed the bird into the makeshift grave.  He buried it under the earth and he sent a brief prayer to Bast in Wakandan. “Right, now let’s head back to the palace. I have a meeting with M’Baku about reforging our alliance and allowing the Jabari tribe into the council.”
Okoye and T’Challa walked ahead when they heard something behind them.  At first they thought it was one of the goats but it sounded to hoarse to be one of them. They slowly turned around and saw (Y/n) with a hand over the grave of the bird and she was saying.
“Is she……?” Okoye started.
“Ba.” (Y/n) was trying to talk!  She was trying to say the Cat goddess Bast’s name.  She managed to get out the first constant and vowel but she couldn’t figure out how to do her S and T.
“Her first time talking. She’s trying to say Bast’s name.” T’Challa knelt down and he asked her, “(Y/n), are you trying to give a prayer to Bast?”
“Ba!” she exclaimed again.  T’Challa was overjoyed on the inside that the girl he had decided to take under his wing and raise was finally trying to talk.  Many of the tutors he and Shuri had growing up had given up saying that she was incapable of speaking because all she did was just hiss and growl as well as throw things at them before laughing like a deranged hyena.
“Here I’ll help you say her name.” he adjusted himself so that he sat down and he placed his hand right next to hers and he said slowly so that she could see how his lips did it. “Say Bast.”
“Ba.” T’Challa shook his head.
“Watch me carefully. Bast.” He enunciated the t at the end.  (Y/n) growled lowly before taking a deep inhale and finally exclaiming.
“Yes. Yes that’s it! You did it (Y/n) great job!” at seeing T’Challa’s excitement, (Y/n) began to repeat Bast’s name gleefully as she pranced around.
“A little cocky there isn’t she?” Okoye muttered.
“Let her have this moment Okoye. Besides probably hunting and killing, this is her first real big achievement. A normal milestone.”
“I suppose so.” She agreed.  Even though she might not have wanted to admit it, she thought it was adorable how little (Y/n) was finally able to speak a human language and become so happy with herself that she would prance around like a yearling antelope.
Over the next couple of years, (Y/n) continued to not only advance in her human speaking skills, but she now began to show signs of aging.  She went from that small child to now almost a young adult woman in just 2 years since finding her.  Seemed with the animal enhancement, it also increased her human aging with each time she grew stronger and tougher.
T’Challa continued to raise her as his own and pretty soon all of Wakanda looked at her as their young Princess.  Shuri loved hanging out with (Y/n) and teaching her everything there was to know about science and technology.  She even took her as an apprentice in her lab.  Okoye eventually came around and soon saw (Y/n) as a member of the royal family and took it upon herself to train her like a Dora Milaje so that she could defend herself without the need of her animal powers.
For she was the Panther Princess.
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remmushound · 3 years
Radio Hearts, chapter 4!! @scentedcandlecryptid @digitl-art-monstr
Shelldon woke up.
The sleep passed by as quickly as it always did and the first thing the drone did was go quickly over to the mirror to see if anything about him had changed. He didn't feel any different, but it could never hurt to check, right?
Shelldon gasped when he saw himself. Then he gasped again when he realized he was able to gasp. That wasn’t a recording— that was a new voice. His voice? The reflection staring back at him was a new one; colored a bright purple with streaks of pink going along his sides and on the ridges of his shell. At first he thought his propellers gone, until he located them again. They had been moved; where there had once been only one on his shell, there were now four in the places of his flippers. He moved one, and then the other. And then he moved all four, all independent of each other. He had never been able to do that before!
Then he noticed his sensors; no, not sensors. Eyes. Expression-filled, bright yellow eyes that stood out against his color scheme. Pupils that dilated and constricted and spiraled on his command. And his mouth was almost like a screen! Just like with his eyes, he could flip between various expressions of joy and sadness and anger. Genuine expressions of his own!
“Woahhh…” Shelldon’s voice sounded strange to him, new and almost vibrating within him, but he didn't mind. He had a voice! A voice all his own!
Donatello walked up beside Shelldon with a soft smile; not one of the fake ones he’d often force upon himself, but a real smile. He reached over and touched Shelldon on the head, giving him a gentle scratch just like Splinter always did.
Shelldon almost collapsed with the vibrating euphoria of the touch. He had felt touch before, but never in such an intense sensation that made his motor rumble, and his eyes take on a mind of their own. Though he could still see out of them, the sensors showed his eyes shut and a smile on his face that almost resembled a W. The touch felt nice!
“You like that, Shelldon?”
Shelldon found himself rubbing against Donatello’s hand with much the same affection that a cat would.
“I’m going to take that as a yes.”
“Hey Mikey!” Donatello called as he and Shelldon approached the mutant. “Mind if Shelldon plays a few rounds with you?”
Michelangelo caught his ball and gave an uncertain whine, hugging the toy tightly to his chest. “I don’t know, Dee. I just got this ball…”
“I’ll get you a brand new one if anything happens, which it won’t!” Donatello declared, adding the second part quickly when Michelangelo seemed uncertain.
“Please?” Shelldon asked, and his eyes went circular and watery in a begging expression..
“Awww….” Michelangelo cooed, and then seemed to brighten. “Okay. Go over there.”
Shelldon looked to Donatello for permission before drifting over to the place that Michelangelo had indicated.
“Okay…” Michelangelo gave his new ball one last hug before he threw it to Shelldon.
Shelldon was ready. He did the same move he had done before, realizing a little too late that the move had been one of his many faults before. The ball struck home and Shelldon awaited the violent pop, but it never came. Instead, the ball bounced effortlessly off of Shelldon’s carapace and flew right back to Michelangelo. Michelangelo gave an excited squeal as he caught the ball and held it tightly to his chest a moment before tossing it right back to Shelldon.
Donatello let Michelangelo and Shelldon play their catch game for almost twenty minutes before he and Shelldon moved on. Shelldon felt… happy. He had never felt emotions as genuine and strong as he had since he woke up the previous time. He couldn’t help but wonder if Donatello had been the source of that. Either way, he stayed close to his maker even as his eyes tried to linger on almost everything they passed.
“Hey Raph!” Donatello called as they entered the weight room. “Leon!”
Raphael gave a curious hum as he looked over at Donatello and Shelldon. “Oh. Hey…”
Leonardo was spotting the snapper and he seemed far more excited to see his twin and the drone. “Hey! There’s my main man! And Donnie.”
“Brothers, you remember dear Shelldon.” Donatello smiled and motioned to the drone, pointedly ignoring Leonardo
“Yeah…” Raphael’s head started to sink into his shell until he got a better look at Shelldon. “Hey. He looks different.”
“Yep. Gave ‘em a few new upgrades. You like?”
Raphael pursed his lips as he leaned in closer to look at Shelldon. Then he smiled. “He’s got eye’s now!”
“He’s always had eyes.” Leonardo pointed out.
“Yeah but they’re like… like real eyes! Not weird eh… blank ones.”
“And he can talk.” Donatello gave Shelldon a pat on the side. “Go on Shelldon. Say something.”
Shelldon hesitated. “Something.”
Raphael gasped. “Aw! Your voice is so cute!”
Leonardo butted in, leaning his head into Raphael’s shoulder. “Does it like, change or something?”
“Shelldon has exactly 16 different emoticons to express different emotions he may be feeling at any given moment.” Donatello explained. “He can also switch between them at will if he ever needs to manipulate, but you didn't hear that from me.”
To show off Donatello’s work, Shelldon rapidly flicked between all the expressions at his disposal. Both Raphael and Leonardo seemed to share a similar awe, leaning in closer to get a better look at Shelldon.
“Snazzy~!” Leonardo exclaimed.
“He’s like the roomba but cuter!”
Donatello gasped and grabbed Shelldon, hugging him close. “Don’t you dare compare him to the roomba!”
“He’s got hands now too?” Leonardo got closer so he could touch Shelldon’s front hovers.
“Technically, they’re flippers.” Donatello corrected, sticking his nose in the air.
“Eh, hands, flippers, whatever.” Leonardo moved and shifted the hover around to look at it closely.
“It’s never bad to be accurate.” Donatello scowled.
“What kinda turtle is he based off of anyway?” Leonardo slid to behind Shelldon to play with his back flippers.
Shelldon whined and tried to pull his feet away. Donatello noticed immediately and yanked Shelldon away from Leonardo’s curious touch.
“He’s based off a mix of softshell and leatherback.” Donatello explained proudly.
“Really?” Leonardo returned to stand once more beside Raphael. “But his nose is small, and so’s his forehead.”
“Nardo leave my forehead out of this.”
“I mean, that thing’s so big even Dora can’t explore it. Mountain climbers are too scared to try and surmount it cause they could never bring enough food for that journey!”
“That’s tough talk for the eighth forgotten dwarf.”
Leonardo gasped loudly. “Don’t you dare talk about my height!”
“Well don’t bring my forehead into this!”
“Guys.” Raphael got between the two of them before it could go any further. “Don, your toy’s cool. Please go somewhere else before Leo brings out the mad scientist jokes.”
“Speaking of mad scientists” Leonardo started.
“No, no no no no.” Raphael corrected, pushing back against Leonardo when the slider tried to resist him. “None of that. Don, go now.”
Donatello took his brother’s advice and left with Shelldon. Shelldon looked back at Raphael and Leonardo, his screen showing a frown and sensors showing sad eyes.
As usual, when the time came where the brothers had to leave, Shelldon was left in the loving care of Splinter. Splinter was thrilled when he realized Shelldon could talk back now, and their discussions after each movie increased tenfold now that Splinter was actually getting responses. Shelldon couldn’t remember ever seeing the old man smile so much; it made him smile in turn. Seeing Splinter happy made him happy. Somehow the movies seemed even clearer than they had in Shelldon’s previous upgrade. He had a better understanding of the words and their meanings, and when emotion spilled into the characters voices, Shelldon could feel it too.
When Splinter pet Shelldon like he did every day as they spent time together, it felt even more euphoric. Each gentle stroke and rub sent shockwaves through Shelldon’s wires and that gentle rumbling returned like it had when Donatello had pet him.
“Are you purring?” Splinter commented, looking over Shelldon with a wider smile creasing across his face. “That’s adorable.”
The compliment only made Shelldon purr even more. Yes, he was purring! He wondered for a moment why Donatello would bother with what must have been a useless upgrade, but then Splinter started to pet him again and all his thoughts were lost with the love he felt both from Splinter and in his own chest.
Shelldon’s sensors came to life from his charging at Donatello’s gentle urging. He was confused. Checking his charge, it was just barely halfway. It was hours before he was set to wake up, and Donatello had never woken him up so soon before. He barely had enough energy to hover, but he tried. Donatello picked him up immediately so he wouldn’t have to expend the power.
“Easy, Shell.” Donatello smiled, giving the drone a gentle stroke on his head, “I have a surprise.”
“A surprise?” Shelldon whirled. “But Dee. It’s early.”
“I know— I know I just couldn’t wait.” Donatello was practically melting with glee, his smile wide. “Here— I gotta turn you off real quick but it won’t be for long.”
“Turn me off? Why?”
“For the surprise!” Was all Donatello elaborated. “You trust me, don’t you? I— I’ve been working on it for a while! I know you’ll like it! But I gotta turn you off, just— just for a little bit!”
Shelldon tried to read Donatello’s expression, but all he could find was an overwhelming sense of pure excitement. Shelldon flashed a sleepy smile.
“Okay, Dee…”
At Donatello’s touch, Shelldon went to sleep.
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donttellanyoneyall · 4 years
Makes sense why JJ likes her (Kiara x reader)
Summary: You left the Pogues because you thought you were in love with a particular person but maybe you were too dumb to realise that it was someone else (Kind of a jj x reader too)
gif from jjmaybnk
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You left the Pogues, straight up. It used to be John B, JJ, Pope and you. But then Kiara had to show up.
At first it was fine, she was really nice and you agreed with her ranting about how we should save the environment. Then something changed. You saw the way JJ treated her, it was different from how he treated you. He would joke around with her more, spend more time with her and you become invisible, literally. 
So you dipped. You didn’t tell any of the pogues. At first they tried to fix things, visited you often at work and literally begged you to come back but your stubbornness was pretty irritating, so they stopped.
That was 3 months ago. Now your sitting in their stupid, rotting away pogue van with the world’s most awkward silence. The only thing you knew was that they needed your help with something. JJ was sitting in front of you, rolling a joint. To be honest, it felt like he cared the least when you left, he never stopped by once. No calls, no texts, nothing. It hurts even more when he is technically the reason why your jealous ass left. 
Let’s be honest, you had a crush on him, he looked like a god, and seeing him with Kiara was not helping, especially when she is literally the most beautiful sight in the Outer Banks. And she also has a personality. 
You shouldn’t have followed them but the only reason why you did was because you felt hella bad for John B, and you missed Pope ( he helped you with trigonometry and stuff and now you’re failing everything), so you went.
By the time y’all reached John B’s house, the atmosphere was humid. You didn’t even know if you were sweating because of the weather or because the pogues were staring at you and it was making you uncomfortable af.
‘Ok is someone gonna tell me why I’m here or… ‘you began, surprised that you didn’t even stutter.
JJ rolled his eyes and mumbled something along the lines of ‘we don’t need her’ which earned him a slap on the back from Pope.
Kiara was staring at you, pretty intensely. You began to fidget and avoided eye contact but when you looked back up she was smiling. It was really pretty. Makes sense why JJ liked her.
‘We need your help with something’, John B interrupted.
‘With what’, you questioned.
You shouldn’t have asked. Pope began ranting about a treasure hunt and at that moment you were confused and mad. Confused because how tf did a bunch of ‘almost-high-everyday’ kids manage to be obsessed with finding gold. Mad because you knew them all your life and they never did anything cool like this but that one time you were mad and left, they be out here living the Dora the explorer life??
It was silent for a while, even JJ didn’t say any sarcastic remarks. You were staring at the ground, (Man, John B gotta clean his house) and when you looked up the first person that came to focus was John B. You’ve never seen him like this, he was desperate and he looked like he was about to cry. You looked at Pope and his eyes looked hopeful, he gave the sweet ‘no matter what, we understand’ type of smile. You looked at JJ and he wasn’t looking at you. In fact this mf had been avoiding your eyes since the beginning, he was looking everywhere but you. I don’t think he wanted you here, maybe he never liked you from the start.
Then you looked up at Kiara who was leaning against the wall, staring outside. She was deep in thought, probably about turtles. Maybe it was because you were under pressure or something but as you kept looking at her, your heart was speeding up. 
When she realised you were looking at her, she looked back at you. It made you nauseous for some reason, you thought it was because it was too hot, but no it wasn’t that. You broke eye contact, you were definitely feeling those things cause you were put on the spot, it 100% didn’t have anything to do with Kiara Carrera. 
‘No, I’m not doing this’. 
Everyone was staring at you. They looked disappointed.You were done hurting yourself, it wasn’t their fault you were stubborn and jealous 24/7. JJ was just smoking his weed and showed no emotion but John B and Pope did, they looked as if you just tore their hearts straight out of the chest and to your surprise so did Kiara.
You frowned in confusion.
’Why did she care’, you thought. ’Maybe because she was worried about the boys. No better explanation’
You got up from your spot, stumbling down the stairs, creaking like some shit from a horror movie. You kept walking and walking.
And you did. You thought it was JJ but it was a girl’s voice. It was Kiara’s voice. 
She ran up to you, too close, she was standing way too close. And you could see every single flaw, only she didn’t have any.
She was out of breath and you gave her time to breathe and during this time you observed her. You’re not really the type that stares at a person and observes every single thing about them, you avoid eye contact at all cost but something about this just felt right. You looked at her, no you were definitely staring. You began to fidget because you wanted to run your hand through her hair that definitely would’ve smelled like the ocean. You wanted to stare into her eyes for your whole damn life if you could. Makes sense why JJ likes her.
You blinked. She caught her breath and was frowning at you.
‘You ok? You fazed out.’
‘Uh yeah I’m good’ No you weren’t. Your heart was going crazy today, maybe you should go to the doctors just in case it was a symptom of your death closing by.
Her hand was on your shoulder and that’s when you knew how it felt like to be struck by lighting. You were sweating, your eyes were darting away, you were a stuttering mess too. But why? Why was this shit happening?
Maybe it’s cause you never talked to her. Even when you were with the pogues you were never alone with her (She spent the majority of her time with JJ and technically you were avoiding her). Maybe you were mad at her cause she took JJ away from you. Yup that’s it. That has to be it. 
You took a step back avoiding her eyes and her hands, and you wouldn’t have realised how much you hurt her because you weren’t looking up.
‘Why are you here? I don’t want to do the treasure hunt? Y’all don’t need me’ You said, frustrated. At the pogues and at yourself.
‘I know’, she gulped, looking straight at you.’I came cause I wanted to give you a ride’.
Confused. You were confused. Why did she care, none of the boys did? Maybe she’s just a nice person in general, she would do this no matter who the person was. 
She was smiling when you looked at her. No way in hell are you getting in a car with her. You don’t like awkward energy, and this day is just getting weirder and weirder.
‘Uh’, you started but you didn’t know what to say. You lowkey wanted the ride cause it was way too hot for a walk, but why her? To be honest, you would prefer a ride with JJ cause you had a crush on him right? 
‘Please, Y/n?’
God, you didn’t know what to do. Shit, your heart was doing that thing again.
‘Ok, fine’.
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authorpocketcow · 6 years
This is the fic I wrote for @rileylastname for the fic exchange arranged by @the-prince-and-the-emo  I’m finally confident in it enough to post it!  I hope you enjoy it. De-Aged Virgil/Platonic LAMP!
“Virgil?  Virge, where are you?”  Patton calls, wandering through the house.  “Virgil!”
“Hey, Patton, what’s wrong?”  Roman pokes his head out of a doorway; Patton couldn’t bring himself to try and remember which room that was.
“I can’t find Virgil, and Thomas has been really upset lately.  I need to know what’s going on.”
“I’m sure Mister Panic At The Everywhere is perfectly fine.”  
“Roman!  This is serious!  Thomas hasn’t been himself in days, and he’s starting to act… oddly.”
“Oddly like what?”  Logan, suddenly appearing behind Patton, chimes in.
“Almost like he’s a child.”
“You mean reverting to childhood interests and behaviours?”
“Yes.  What does that mean for Thomas?”  Patton asks.
“It’s an unhealthy coping mechanism called regression.  Thomas must be dealing with more difficulties than we three can see.  We must find Virgil, now.”
“Come on, folks, it’ll be alright.  Thomas can get through this!  We don’t need Virgil’s help.”  Roman exclaims, louder than he needs to be as usual.
“Even if we don’t need his help, he may need ours.”  Logan states.
“Fine.”  Roman grumbles.
The three of them wander the house separately (“It’ll be better if we split up!”), searching everywhere they can think of for Virgil.  It was almost fruitless until…
“Virgil!?”  Patton screeches.
The other two sides dash to see the issue, and Roman gasps.  Sitting in the corner, nibbling on the sleeve of his oversized sweater, was a very tiny toddler with dark eye makeup covering half his face.
“This makes no sense!”  Roman blinks.  “He was not like this when I last saw him last night.”
“This makes perfect sense, Roman.  If Thomas, through his anxiety, is regressing to a childlike manner, Virgil must be as well.  Except with Virgil, he is physically representing Thomas’ anxiety and how he is coping.  Therefore, as long as Thomas is dealing with whatever he is dealing with, Virgil will remain like this until Thomas finds a new coping mechanism.”
“Princey, you’ve got to do something!”  Patton pleads.
“Why me?”
“Because you represent Thomas’ creativity.  You are the most likely of all of us to come up with a new coping strategy to help him focus his energy elsewhere.”
“Fine.”  Roman grumbles again as he stalks off to find Thomas; why did he have to do everything?!
“What do we do in the meantime?”  Patton asks, crouching in front of tiny Virgil, who was babbling away in gibberish.
“I suppose we take care of Virgil.”
Patton reaches forward and scoops up the toddler.  Virgil giggles, grabbing for Patton’s glasses.
“On the positive side of things, since we are part of Thomas’ personality, we do not necessarily need food.  Like the Crystal Gems of Steven Universe, we can eat if we choose to but it is not required.”  Logan murmurs.  “Therefore we do not need to worry about feeding Virgil, and by extension we do not need to worry about changing any diapers.  We just need to keep him entertained or if may affect Thomas badly.  His anxiety needs to be comfortable or he is not comfortable.”
Patton had stopped listening; he was sitting on the couch, playing Peek-A-Boo with Virgil.  
Logan sighed.  “It may not be as difficult as I imagined it would be.”
“Patton!  Hey, Pat!  I need you.”  Roman bursts through the door.
“Hey, shh, Virgil is taking a nap.”  Patton whispers, running his fingers through the hair of the toddler whose head is on his lap.
“Sorry.  But Thomas is having difficulty with the coping mechanisms I have recommended, and he needs reminding of why he needs to take care of himself.”
“But shouldn’t I be the one helping with that?  I don’t want to be alone with a child.”  Logan protests.
“Not right now.  He may need you later, but he needs a morale boost, and who better to do that than Morality himself?”  Roman winks at Patton, who flushes.  
“Alright, Logan.  Make sure he doesn’t get into anything dangerous.”  Patton says as he carefully lifts Virgil’s head and replaces his lap with a couch pillow.
“But I don’t know how to take care of a child!”
“You’ll figure it out.”  Patton smiles as he leaves with Roman.
Logan gulps as he looks at the sleeping toddler next to him.
Suddenly, Virgil begins to stir.  He opens his eyes and looks around and, not seeing Patton, begins to sniffle.  
“Oh no.  Oh no he’s going to cry.  I don’t know how to deal with a crying child.”
Virgil’s sniffles get louder, and his face scrunches up as he begins to whimper.
“No, no!  Virgil, it’s okay!  Patton isn’t gone forever, he’ll be back!”
It doesn’t help; Virgil starts crying.  Loudly.
Logan feels like crying too, honestly.  He slowly picks up Virgil, bringing him onto his lap.  “It’s okay, Virge.”
After a few moments and a few pats on the back, Virgil is reduced to sniffles and whimpers for now.  He stares at Logan’s face intently, blinking back tears.  Logan gets an idea.
He takes off his glasses, setting them aside, and covers his face with his hands.  “Where’s Virgil?”  He removes his hands quickly.  “Peek-A-Boo!”
Virgil squeals, clapping his little hands together, and Logan smiles brightly.  He’s figured out how to entertain the child!  
He covers his face once again.  “Where’s Virgil?”
The toddler on his lap babbles incoherently, but Logan can tell he is excited.
Virgil laughs; Logan thinks it may be the cutest sound in the world.
He continues playing peek-a-boo for about half an hour.  Then, much to his dismay, Virgil begins to get bored and starts tugging at his tie.
“No, no, that’s my tie.  No touchy.”
Virgil starts to sniffle again, indicating an incoming sob fest.
“Okay, okay!  Touchy is okay!”
As Virgil tugs at the tie, occasionally needing an intervention from Logan as he tries to stick it into his mouth, the logical man sighs.  He couldn’t think of anything else to entertain the toddler with… oh, wait!  Aren’t there television channels for children?
Logan reaches for the remote and turns on the television, turning to a channel currently playing Dora The Explorer.  “I remember this show…” He mutters as Virgil claps his hands again and begins to pay attention to the show instead of Logan’s tie.
After Dora was over, some show Logan didn’t recognize came on.  He tried to find another channel playing children’s shows but was unsuccessful until he found Cartoon Network.  
Adventure Time, come on, grab your friends!  We’ll go to very distant lands!
Virgil claps again, babbling along to the tune of the song.  
“Incredible.  You must retain some of your memories as a toddler.  I only hope Steven Universe comes on at some point, you love that show.”
Several hours later, when Patton and Roman return, they find Virgil, no longer a toddler but now a young child of about 6 years of age, with his head in Logan’s lap, and Logan’s head leaning back into the back of the couch.  They had fallen asleep after reruns of Teen Titans Go had started to play.  While Patton dashes forward to sit next to Logan on the couch, snuggling into his side, Roman reaches for the remote, shaking his head affectionately.
As he is about to shut off the television, he hears a familiar tune and sees a familiar sight.
We… Are the Crystal Gems!
Logan and Virgil both sit up straight instantly, turning their gazes to the television.
“We’ll always save the day!”  Patton sings, pumping his fist into the air.  
“And if you think we can’t, we’ll always find a way!”  Virgil waves his hands enthusiastically.  
“That’s why the people of this world believe in…”  Roman chuckles.
“Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl!”  Virgil and Patton sing together.
“And Steven!”  Logan exclaims excitedly.
Roman begins to speak.  “Logan, we’ve figured out the issues, and Thomas is working on some new coping methods.  He may need your help to stay on task, but Virgil seems to be recovering.”
“Shhhh…”  Logan says, pointing to the screen.  “It’s The Question.  This is my favourite episode.”
The Prince shakes his head.  It can wait eleven minutes…
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johnny-and-dora · 6 years
there’s no horizon to this open sea (now that i’m giving it another chance)
(There’s those butterflies again she’s been trying so hard to push away since yesterday, that light dizzying feeling in her head whenever she thinks about last night and how their lives are so intricately, messily intertwined and how he knows exactly how to cancel out all rational thought in her brain.)
(The waves shift closer.)
or, the one where the last thing jake & amy want is for everything to change.
(during 2x23)
read on ao3
Amy doesn’t know what she’s doing here.
Maybe she’s taken to taking comfort in the order of the evidence lock-up – weirdly, it’s always been a strange little safe haven for her, not just for when she needs a shame cigarette or just a breather from the overwhelming chaos the bullpen and the detectives of the 99th precinct are often a catalyst for.
She supposes it’s a makeshift fort of sorts, just like her and her brothers used to spend meticulously planning and artfully constructing (Santiago style) when they were kids - of course, this one is comprised of boxes of confiscated drugs and murder weapons and case files, and maybe that shouldn’t make it even more of a second home, but it does.
Maybe it’s a last remaining corner of regulation and stability she can retreat into, counting each breath in and out until she stops feeling like she’s been plunged headfirst into ice cold water.
(There’s something, some quip or smart-ass line in that train of thought about the captain going down with the ship – but that’s all wrong, she thinks. The captain has left for all of ten minutes and the ship is very much going down anyway. This is Amy, hiding from the rest of the world in a makeshift evidence lock-up box fort, with nothing but the slow rise and fall of her chest, feeling like a giant crashing wave of the kind of change she’s been trying to avoid has swept her up off the ship and casually tossed her overboard.)
(Captain Holt is leaving – has left, past tense - and there’s nothing she can do about it.)
Maybe she likes the satisfaction of everything being in control. Everything has a place in here - every case, every gruesome cop story, every win they’ve celebrated with one too many drinks at Shaw’s (Five-Drink-Amy does love to brag about her felony arrest rates) neatly compartmentalised into walls upon walls of binders and folders and boxes - and maybe it makes it feel like she has a place too.
Maybe there’s comfort to be found  in the dust patterns and the familiar, looping pattern of the blinking lights of the IT server, that tells her that not everything is about to change. Amy sighs a little, rubbing the bridge of her nose, eyes squeezed shut like everything will be back to normal again when she opens them.
Maybe the oppressive cloud hanging over the bullpen for the last hour or so is too much for her, watching her friends reel at the loss of their mentor, watching Rosa look like she wants to punch something even more than usual, watching Jake absent-mindedly play with his rubber band ball as he stares at the empty office and empty desk behind her, paperwork lying half-abandoned in front of him, a weird look on his face she can’t quite decode.
She doesn’t dare make eye-contact with him.
Maybe she’s hiding from Jake.
Maybe she’s waiting for him to come find her.
Amy Santiago, is, for all her scrutinising explorations of her countless possible motives, for all her training as one of New York’s finest detectives, never quite able to solve the mystery of why she finds herself standing in the evidence lockup on the fifth floor of Brooklyn’s 99th precinct that afternoon - but later, she decides that the only conclusions she can make from the way her heart leaps when the door opens, the way achingly familiar footsteps find their way into her makeshift fort, the way he knows exactly where to find her - all seem to point to the idea of fate.
She of course, knows it’s him. She knows before he even cautiously pokes his head around the corner, a small smile on his face that tells her she’s most likely proven his hunch right.
(There’s those butterflies again she’s been trying so hard to push away since yesterday, that light dizzying feeling in her head whenever she thinks about last night and how their lives are so intricately, messily intertwined and how he knows exactly how to cancel out all rational thought in her brain.)
(The waves shift closer.)
“Hey.” He says, infinitely quieter and softer than the Jake Peralta she knows, and this is somewhat new. She knows the partner she’s shared a desk with for the best part of five years, the same jackass who constantly teases her and leaves crumbs in case files, the same idiot who’s been spilling his dumb orange soda all over her life ever since the day they met.
She knows a sometimes irritating, sometimes charming, sometimes stupidly brilliant detective who never seems to stop moving - and yet this man standing in front of her is strangely still, strangely different, looking straight at her with a kind of soft intensity that nearly sets her alight.
Not that she hasn’t seen this Jake before - he’s the one that smiled at her like that at Charles and Gina’s parents wedding, the one that played the part of a smitten newly engaged fiancé slightly too convincingly last night, the one who kissed her to keep their cover and she kissed back.
The one that looked at her that way when he found out she yes, maybe, a little, used to like him back a lifetime ago that doesn’t really feel like that long ago at all. The one who trusts her every instinct and always has her back and makes her laugh.
Now that she comes to think of it, maybe he isn’t – maybe all of this isn’t - really that new at all.
“Hey.” She doesn’t let him know that he’s the sole, shining subject of the internal monologue racing through her head at a hundred miles a minute. Play it cool, Amy.
“Thought I might find you in here.”
There’s that soft, dopey small smile on his face. Her heart throws up a little.
He knows her. He knows where she hides when things get too out of her control; he knows her favourite Polish place she frequents after every long stakeout, and exactly what she orders. He knows what she does on Thursday nights (those weekly budgets won’t plan themselves) and that she plays French horn, and he knows exactly how to piss her off but also when to leave her alone.  
They’re friends – good, close, maybe even best friends, definitely more than the awkward, constantly bickering, teasing colleagues they were even just a couple years ago. He’s someone she would trust with her life, even if (even now) she’d be reluctant to tell him that. He’s so good at complicating things, at being so frustratingly more than just a “cop” she’s sworn off dating.
First and foremost, they’re partners. People connected (albeit somewhat begrudgingly) pretty much since the day they met, whether by the desk they share or the ampersand that connects their names on the arrest report or...something else, something new but somehow nearly always underlying, an electric current coursing through them both which she can’t quite put a name to yet but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to find out.
(Not that she’s going to tell him any of this. Right?)
“I just needed to process the captain’s news. I feel so bad for him.” She folds her arms, leaning against the shelf as if it’s some kind of moral support, feeling more honest and open about what she’s feeling than she has been in days, to him, to herself.
The waves shift closer.
“So how’re you holding up?”
“I don’t know.” Amy shrugs slightly, nose scrunched up.
“I’m still in shock. You?”
“Um, basically handling it the way I dealt with my dad leaving – just repressing the hell out of it.”
They both smile – it’s different, again, from the jokes he so often makes in desperate attempts to diffuse tension – it’s raw, and honest, and somehow feels a thousand times more intimate. A stark reminder that he’s just as overboard, just as helplessly plunged into ice water as she is with the loss of the captain, another reminder of the seemingly endless connections that tangle them together despite the whole idea of them being intertwined in police-line-do-not-cross tape.
It’s a reminder that they’re more alike than anyone, themselves included, would first believe. The inches between them suddenly feel like less of the ravine they opened up last night and more like...inches, so tiny and insignificant, so easy for her to grab hold of him and probably never let go.
(She did like – She does like Jake, present tense – and the worst part is, there’s definitely something she can do about it, if she’s only brave enough to take another plunge.)
He fidgets with his hands nervously as she folds her arms again, taking a deep and steady and shuddering breath. The air is charged, crackling with potential energy like the skies turning dark at the first signs of a thunderstorm. She nervously casts her eyes anywhere but him, arms folded again, but the irregular rhythms her heart is tapping out instantly gives her away. It may as well be Morse code telling him everything she’s really wanted to say in the whirlwind of the past day.
There’s that magnetism again, drawing them ever closer to each other, like there wasn’t ever going to be any other way, like it was fate that she was hiding here, if she ever found herself believing in that kind of crap.
The waves shift closer.
Amy still doesn’t really know what she’s doing here, but she’s not going to wait around to find out.
“So, a lot of change around here, huh?”
The tide, looming and large and somewhat inevitable, finally arrives – or, he kisses her, finally, without the guise of “newly engaged kids” to hide behind, without being Johnny and Dora to hide behind, without their extensive list of excuses and disclaimers and afterthoughts. Without inhibition, without second thought, without fear – something terrifyingly new to her, yet so familiar.
They are so seemingly right where they belong that, when they break apart, she feels breathless and dizzy and pumped so full of adrenaline she could probably take on every perp in the holding cell at once.
A giant crashing wave of change is sweeping them up, and she should be terrified – but her hands fit so perfectly around him and everything falls so perfectly into place that maybe she’s found what she’s doing here after all.
Of course, because it’s them, she doesn’t get the chance to tell him that, tell him anything, before-
“Hey Jake, the new captain’s here!”
Charles’s voice rings out eagerly from outside the door and she almost laughs at the fifty odd expressions she sees flash on his face in that split second, knowing that an equal amount is mirrored on her own.  For once, they’re both speechless, Amy suddenly hyperaware of her hands on his chest, still breathless and dizzy, slightly thrown off guard (as usual) by the new yet so achingly familiar guy standing in front of her, who she thinks she would like to get to know a whole lot better.
They don’t need to say anything, of course – every inch of them screams later, we’ll talk later, we’ll...do this again later, and they quickly walk out as inconspicuously as humanly possible.
Amy blinks a little in the clinical, harsh light, butterflies fluttering in her stomach, electricity gathering in her fingertips, a huge weight lifted off her chest.
They all gather at the elevator - the absence of two ruthlessly, harshly, so very noticeable - and Amy takes a deep breath, still reeling from the tide, risking a half-glance when she’s sure he’s not looking, trying her hardest to keep a smile off her face.
The waves shift closer in all their terrifying and exciting and inevitable glory – but she takes another breath as the elevator slides open, and she knows that she’s ready.
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fmdxkit-blog · 7 years
setting: august 2006 to present day. warnings: death. word count: 3321 (// icb).
white with hints of grey and purple was all kit saw in his reflection. not too long ago—124 days, to be exact (but who was really counting?), he saw peaches, browns, flecks of pink, amber, blue, yellow. so many colors; he took them for granted, believing they were eternal. now, flooded in the lifeless hue of white (which wasn’t even a bonafide color, as his friend told him), kit felt dead. there was no life around him. the plants sat on the window sill were fake, devoid of mother nature’s gift (or curse).
he pulled a maroon beanie over his head, adding a splash of color to the canvas shade of his skin. the striking contrast brought the magentas out on his cheeks, but kit still looked as sickly as ever. bracing a knit cardigan around his slim, fragile body—his teacher gifted him (out of pity, no less), kit waddled towards the open door of his private hospital room. he asked a nurse to keep it open because he was so tired of hearing nothing but the voices tick away in his head, gnawing, scratching. kit would go mad if the silence persisted.
he stalked the corridor, rolling the IV pole next to him. it was the wilson to his—whatever tom hanks’ name was in that movie he was stranded on an island and his only friend for seven years was a bloodied volleyball. the IV pole was his only friend at the hospital.
kit strolled to where the other children with cancer usually gathered as the nurses tried to serenade them by singing kumbaya, as if that made the cancer nonexistent. he scoffed upon entering the room, immediately regretting the idea of having some sort of human interaction that day. before he could vanish back into the white surroundings, he caught a nurse’s periphery, and she waved him to join. he scanned the room. it was less dead than the rest of the ward. colourful, connected mats shielded the floor as toys laid scattered about: blocks, rag dolls, toy trucks, action figures. the whole shebang. the children were in a circle, surrounding a nurse with a ukulele.
begrudgingly, kit entered the playroom but lingered behind everyone else. he didn’t like drawing too much attention, nor was he in the mood to be singing songs, pretending he wasn’t confined out of his will because of an ailment 21st doctors still couldn’t solve. at eleven, he was already so much of a cynic. most eleven year olds were waiting for hogwarts letters (as if). he was losing his childhood day by day at an alarming rate.
“hey, i’ve never seen you around here.” soft but distinct. the voice crawled into kit’s personal bubble but he turned his head but saw no one. he then glanced down, blinking at a girl in a wheelchair.
“me too,” kit contested, eyeing the stranger. she wore the drab hospital gown and cliched beanie over her head too. it wouldn’t take a brain genius to realize she was a cancer patient just like him. “leukemia?”
“leukemia.” the girl nodded, lips twisted to a subtle pucker. “i’m elena, by the way. nice seeing someone else my age here.”
“kit? like kit-kat but without the kat? is your sister named kat?” elena giggled, tossing jokes as if they were funny. well, they were but kit wasn’t easily humored when his mood was at an all-time low.
“i don’t have a sister. i have a brother and his name is henry,” he answered diplomatically.
“you do know your parents named you after chocolate bars, right?”
kit scowled, annoyed by the wisecracks. “who asked you? why are you even talking to me? we’re not friends.”
elena fiddled with the hem of her blue hospital the gown. “how else do we make friends if we don’t talk, kit-kat?”
“first of all, i don’t want any friends.” kit resented anything or anyone who even vaguely reminded him he had cancer and was practically perched on death’s doormat. befriending a fellow patient was a definite no. “second of all, don’t call me that.” irritated, kit clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and vacated the room. he was done with the crappy music and interrogation—none of which he signed up for, nor appreciated.
“hey, wait!” elena called behind him.
kit tossed her a glare over his shoulders, grimacing as her frail arms spun the large wheels of the wheelchair. “why are you following me? don’t follow me.” when he reached his room, he planned to slam the door in her face but a tire prevented him from doing so.
“i’m sorry i called you kit-kat. i won’t call you that again. i’ve been here for months and i haven’t spoken to anyone my age. i’m tired of listening to toddlers rave about dora the explorer. and frankly, i can’t look at them because i feel so bad. babies shouldn’t have to go through this,” elena emphasized gravelly, voice on the verge of breaking after an emotional and sincere speech.
kit was taken back by the burst of honesty and also by how much he related to her words. they struck a chord, so he opened the door.
“no one deserves to go through this,” he corrected passionately yet grimly, his jaw clenched so tight as his adam’s apple bobbed.
elena mustered a small, relieved smile. “let’s start again.” courteously, she extended a hand. “i’m elena. nice meeting you!”
kit stared at the pink palm, contemplating on accepting the offer of friendship. he had plenty of friends outside of the hospital but no one on the inside. he was so exhausted of pitied looks, maybe having someone on the same boat wouldn’t be a constant remainder of his situation but a person to relate to. to talk to. to understand him and his fears.
he shook elena’s hand, watching her smile overwhelm her freckled face. kit was stunned by the radiance; he was almost persuaded to mirror the expression but slickly caught himself and dropped the handshake a fraction later.
“and i’m kit. nice meeting you too.”
propped up by a number of heavy duty pillows, kit stared lifelessly at the television screen. old reruns of sitcoms from before he was born played: a group of elderly women spewing comedic jokes, a nanny with a nasally accent provided laughter, and a prince from bel-air but kit doesn’t bat an eyelash. his expression is forlorn, eyes an empty abyss of dull, mousy brown.
there was a knock on his door but he forewent a reply, wanting to have some alone time. then there was another until the knocking was constant, ringing in his ears. he snapped his head at the door as soon as it opened without a verbal permission of sorts.
“get out,” he hissed, voice eerily too deep for a boy of eleven.
elena stepped in, no longer bound to a clunky wheelchair. she padded to his bed, ignoring his wishes. “i heard you screaming earlier-“
the pink, swollen skin around kit’s eyes tightened, his jaw clenching as venom laced his words. “i was not screaming.”
“crying, then.” elena sat herself on the edge of the bed, hands folded on her thighs as she studied his appearance. there was no pity. just curiosity. “you’re not going home anytime soon, huh?”
kit glanced away, hard expression set on the cracks through the blinds. he saw nothing but pretend to be invested in anything else but the truth. the silence answered her questions and elena nodded knowingly.
“i’m glad you’re here.”
“excuse me?” kit grimaced, half disgusted by her confession and half confused. he returned his glare onto her and she refused to meet it, sight set on the floor.
“i’m glad you’re here. we can keep each other company. if you stay at home, who will be there for you? your parents have work and henry has sch-“<\small>
“your logic makes no sense,” he scowled. how could anyone wish for him to stay in some place he detested with every cell of his existence.
“you’ll get better, kit,” elena said wisely, as if she was certain his fate was guaranteed or written in the morning paper she fancied reading. “i know it. i can feel it. just hold on a little longer. the hospital isn’t so bad. the food, though.” in synchronization, they glanced at the tray of food settled on a bedside table. “that can be better.”
it didn’t know whether to groan or laugh but the most natural of chuckles spilled from his lips when he allowed himself the pleasure of loosening up. he was never so high-strung but the ambience of the hospital changed him. chemotherapy and radiation left him wilted, draining his last bits of energy until he was a blackhole, destructive to only himself. a rose, who was once brilliant red, now decaying with no color to its merit.
“finally,” elena grinned, her freckled cheeks pushing her eyes into merry crescents. “a smile. you look better when you smile.”
“you’ve been reading too many romance novels. you need to lay off.” flushed cheeks and heat prickling the tips of his ears, kit cleared his throat to act unaffected. aloof, even.
“what can i say, they take me away.” shutting her eyes, the sunlight peering through the gaps in the blinds settled on her face. the brown, orange, tan specks on her complexion luminescent, matching the radiance of her fiery, orange hair.
kit felt a strange, foreign beat in his chest. he clasped a hand over his heart, worried of yet another side affect of his treatment: he was exhausted of the migraines, the nausea, the vomiting. all he wanted was peace. but the sensation was different. it didn’t feel bad. in fact, it felt oddly calming while encouraging all at once.
he gulped, flickering his gaze anywhere but not on the trigger of the new anomaly.
“woah!” elena gaped in awe at the music video kit showed her on the computer once it came to an inevitable and bitter finish. her eyes were glazed, starry and astonished.
“what did i tell you?” kit stood proudly, hands perched on his hips. “cool, right?”
“very cool,” chuckled elena, scenes of the video zipping through her head in rewind. “i can see you doing that.”
bashfully, kit ran his hands over his beanie, adjusting the elastic hem around his pinkish ears. “you think? i don’t know. i can’t really sing, dance or rap.”
“but you can learn!” elena positively quipped, nothing short of belief etched on her façade. “some people are born great and some are taught greatness.”
“did you get that from a book…” kit laughed, resting his weight on the foot of elena’s bed as he pulled the laptop closer, typing in something else into the search engine.
“nope! i thought of it all on my own.”
“três cheesy,” kit pursed his lips, tossing her a teasing glance, eyebrow arched and disappearing under his favorite maroon beanie.
“oh, you like my cheesy butt!” elena giggled, unknowingly hitting the nail squarely on the head.
if kit wasn’t used to the cheeky lingo, the smile on his face would have faltered and the truth would have been revealed. he couldn’t have that. he watched many shows and learned feelings between good friends ultimately ruined the friendship. no, he would do no such thing.
“elena!” kit shouted as soon as he raced into elena’s hospital room. she laid in her bed, head in the clouds per usual. knowing her like the back of his hand (better, even), kit could tell she was restlessly daydreaming by the foggy disposition in her hazel eyes.
“hey, kit,” she greeted less enthusiastically, tired from treatment. warmth still graced her features, pursing her lips to a sincere smile. “you came just in time.”
no longer bound to the four walls of the hospital, kit would drop by weekly to pay elena a visit. he never missed a date; he was always on time. never tardy.
“i have great news to tell you!” the grin on kit’s face was so broad, so spectacular that it threatened the sun’s intensity and power. happiness was alive and well, setting fireworks in every nook and cranny of his body. “i’m cancer free!”
elena couldn’t hide the joy on her face. the tears welled up in her eyes, clouding her vision. her sobs were incoherent but kit understood every word.
“i’m so happy for you! i knew you could do it! didn’t i tell you you’ll get better?”
kit found a box of tissues stowed away in elena’s hospital bag. he ripped open the seal and plucked a few sheets for her to dry her damp face. the sincerity of her reaction touched kit immensely. he felt like bursting into tears too but refrained from doing so.
“yeah, you did.” he grabbed her hand, squeezing her fingers. “and you’ll get better too. and when you do, we’ll go to korea and you can cheer me on at my audition!”
elena grinned flawlessly, flooding kit with an emotion he didn’t know existed prior. “i’ll be your first and biggest fan!”
“are you sure we won’t get in trouble for this?” the squeaky wheel of the wheelchair and the pads of kit’s steps are the only sounds they hear in the midst of their privy conversation.
“certain,” kit fibbed. a little while lie never hurt anyone. partially, it was honest. she wouldn’t get in trouble; but he would. 
he pushed the rooftop door open with his back, wheeling elena out delicately. the wind blew through them. that winter night was courteous. not too cold. kit’s winter coat around elena kept her cozy.
“wow,” elena marvelled, eyes everywhere on the starry sky. the white, silver specks glistened. “the view is better up here.”
“beats that crappy room you’re in,” kit retorted, rolling her close enough to the edge to see the roads and the few cars driving down them, speeding wistfully into the darkness.
“it’s not crappy,” defended elena. she loved that room of hers. practically, it was home. she spent more time there than anywhere else. kit hated that.
“nothing beats the outside.” he extended his arms, gesturing at what the world outside a pokey hospital had to offer. “the fresh air. the stars.” kit inhaled deeply, soaking in the chilly breeze before coughing, throat and mouth torrid.
elena shifted her gaze from the twinkling canvas to him, lips forming the fondest of smiles. “you never liked the hospital.”
“why would i?” kit let his arms fall, swinging them by his side. “it’s shit.”
“saved your life, though.”
“and took away many others.”
shaking her head in defeat, elena knew there was no reasoning with kit. he was too stubborn. an argument wasn’t worth it.
“thank you bringing me here. it’s beautiful.” elena craned her neck, admiring the natural wonders of the universe before being enclosed away again.
kit nodded, admiration clear in his crystal eyes. “anything for you.”
kit tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder, mindlessly waiting for the rings to cease and a familiar voice to pick up. the only voice kit wanted to hear after a gruelling day of exam reviews. he spun a basketball in his hand, pacing the empty space in front of his bed to pass the time. he was growing progressively restless, hating to stand idle with nothing to do but breathe and exist. he was tired of that mundane lifestyle.
“hey, kit-kat,” echoed elena’s groggy voice.
“hey, were you sleeping? i’m sorry i woke you.” looking at the time on his digital alarm clock, kit mentally shot himself for calling right after her chemotherapy treatment. he should have been more aware of how fatigued elena would be. “i can call back if-“
elena’s heartwarming giggles stopped him, as well as paused his pulse for the most fleeting of moments. time stood still and kit could almost see her, despite the roads between them. he envisioned her lying in her bed, facing the sun that poured through her window (she never liked having her curtains shut). the golden yellow rays dancing across her peaceful face; freckles intricate and hazel eyes shining.
“no, i’m good,” she said but yawned at the end. “so, how was your official last day of school before exams?”
“hated it,” kit sang, tossing the basketball up into the air, then caught it for a repeat. “but once i finish my exam tomorrow, i’ll come visit!”
the first year of high school took a toll on kit’s routine vsitations. club activities prevented him from seeing elena on the usual day—friday, so he went whenever available. the dates were scattered and dwindled into monthly subscriptions. kit hated it. he was going to korea soon and despite planning for elena to come along, the universe had other things in mind for her. ill-fated things.
“i’ll ask for extra jello for you,” elena added, knowing how much kit loved the snack since their lunch-dates in the past.
kit snorted, dropping his weight and bouncing on his mattress, discarding the basketball to properly hold his phone with a secure grip. “i have something in mind for my audition. i want you to hear it before anyone else.”
“ooo!” elena squealed, energy returning to her voice. she’s grown to sound so calm but it was obvious it wasn’t intentional. she was tired. “i can’t wait for this VIP showing of your audition. i feel so lucky!”
“you are lucky,” kit confirmed, foolishly smiling from ear to ear as he thought, i’m luckier. he never told elena how he felt but he had an inkling she knew and returned them. for now, that was enough for him. he could wait for her. she had more important matters to prioritize: getting better, beating cancer. not a walk in the park but kit was there and would always be there for her, supporting her, cheering her on. the day she would be cancer free would be the happiest day of his life, greatly surpassing the day he found out he was miraculously healed.
the time caught his peripheral and kit knew his mum would be calling him down to dinner soon—too soon. “hey, elena, i gotta go-“
“tell your mum, dad and henry i said hi, okay?” 
there was never dread in elena’s voice. only kindness and understanding. she matured wonderfully. well beyond her years.
“i will. i’ll see you tomorrow. goodnight,” kit said quietly, hope wedged between each word, glueing the sentence together.
when all were fast asleep, dreaming lucidly of endless possibilities, kit received a text. the notification fell on deaf ears for kit was lost in the slumber. he saw elena and approached her but she only receded, waving sorrowfully.
kit woke up. tears stained his face. then he checked his phone. 
thank you, kit.
he learned later that morning elena passed away. she went in her sleep. peacefully. without turbulence. no pain. no struggle. she went easily. almost willingly too.
years later, kit continued to ache. some days were agonizing; he heard her laughter in the backstage dressing rooms of music programs, in the audience at a variety appearance, during daytime strolls, in conversations he heard when passed, in his mind when he laid awake in the middle of the night; everywhere except… the club, the bar, anywhere extreme: the top of a building, the edge of a bridge, in conversations with strangers. in those instances, those mere lapses in time, kit forgot, burying the pain under disguises of temporary adrenaline and joy.
but when he did reminisce, the pain and loss was fresh, as if elena left him yesterday and not seven years ago. whoever said time heals all wounds was a liar. a fraud. time had done nothing to his wounds. they festered. they still bled. 
kit bled. 
every day. 
for the love who left him.
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anarchetypalarchive · 7 years
we must be miles up
aka that ninja ship party (brian/danny) post-concert whippets fic for the wonderful @egocentrifuge‘s birthday rating: m for non-specific dick grabbing  content warning for recreational drug use (nitrous), unironic use of the word ‘tubular,’ and excessive pining on ao3 excerpt:
“Hi,” Danny says, like he doesn’t have his arms full of bright, neon-colored balloons. “How was your shower?”
“Did you rob a clown,” Brian says flatly.
“I have drugs!” Danny singsongs in reply, stepping into the room and letting the balloons tumble out of his arms and go rolling in random directions.
“Are those drugs LSD, and did you take them ten minutes ago?”
Danny laughs at him and scoops up one of the balloons, pops it into the air in Brian’s direction. “No— The concert, remember? You were asking about whippets. And here they are. I made whippets appear. I’m the goddamn whippet king.”
“Ah,” Brian says, letting the door swing shut and catching the balloon before it hits the floor. “I remember. And then I said, ‘after the concert, why don’t you go out in your boxers and buy drugs?’ That was my favorite part of the conversation.”
“These are indeed my drug-buying boxers,” Danny says, agreeably and without hesitation.
Look, Brian is—Brian is hip with the kids, okay?
Really. He spends most of his days playing video games and writing songs about dicks. He regularly performs for crowds of twenty-somethings. He has an instagram.
But sometimes—very occasionally, once in a blue moon—he has to outsource information about hip things to somebody more knowledgeable.
Unfortunately, that somebody is usually Danny.
Danny is, somehow, the youngest old person Brian knows—which is some hell of a feat, honestly, because he includes himself in that list of young-old people.
Meaning Danny regularly squeals with unbridled joy over Skittles, and Danny is incapable of encountering a chair or couch without sitting on it sideways or backwards or upside down, and one time Danny pushed aside a room of eight year olds to get a turn at hitting a Dora the Explorer piñata, and then again to grab several handfuls of cheap dollar store candy.
But Danny is...worldly, or whatever, and perhaps more intune with all things “cool,” not that Brian would admit it. Brian is cool. Brian is hip! He has a phD, okay, he knows things.
What he doesn’t know is why the hell a few handfuls of people in the crowd at their concert are holding inflated balloons.
They stand out like a sea of multicolored jellyfish, or like Bozo the Clown got drunk and wandered into a concert and forgot how to make balloon animals. Brian stares at them from backstage where he and Danny are waiting for the opening band to finish their set, and he wonders if this is the new version of holding up lighters or the lit screens of cell phones.
He says as much, wondering aloud, and glances over in time to see Danny blink at him in surprise before he breaks out into giggling, snorting laughter.
Brian tries to be insulted. Which is—not easy, to be honest, because mostly he’s just appreciating Danny’s face and the way he squeaks when he laughs too hard.
As it is, Danny doubles over and ends up with his ass on the stage floor, legs bent, head between his knees as he, in Brian’s frank opinion, overreacts completely to a totally reasonable question.
“You know, you’re really harshing my quest-for-knowledge mellow right now,” Brian says dryly.
Danny visibly struggles to quelch his giggles. “Sorry,” he says, not looking particularly sorry at all. “They’re, uh, balloons filled with noz, dude.”
Brian gives him a look he’s hoping isn’t as blank at it feels. “Okay.”
“Nitrous,” Danny clarifies, and then, “They’re whippets, man.”
Ah. That one hits. He wasn’t aware that shit was still popular since, hell, the early nineties. “They look like they got lost on the way to a bar mitzvah.”
“My bar mitzvah would’ve been a hell of a lot cooler if these guys showed up.” Danny pauses. “And creepier, seeing as though it was filled with a bunch of dorky twelve year-old Jews.”
“You do it before?” Brian asks, curious despite himself.
“It’s been a while. Used to at concerts and shit. It was…really fucking good, actually.” Danny’s eyes drift like he’s remembering something sublime. “Why,” he asks, reaching up and making grabby hands at the air until Brian rolls his eyes and takes his hands to haul him to his feet, “you interested?”
And that—that’s actually an interesting question. Brian’s instinct is to say no, just on the basis that huffing gas out of a gross balloon in a city he’s never been to before just feels like a less than exciting endeavor.
But the way Danny had looked in his reminiscence—that’s something to consider. And, anyway, Brian is hip, remember, he’s cool, he’s willing to entertain the idea of huffing gas out of a gross balloon in a city he’s never been to before.
“Sure,” he says, shrugging. It’s not like it’s going to happen any time soon; they’ve got a full schedule for a majority of the night. It’s not like they have time to go looking for a balloon dealer in the middle of a crowded concert.
Danny opens his mouth to respond, and then Brian registers the fading applause and the squeak of microphone feedback as their band is introduced. Danny lights up, bouncing on his feet a little. Brian smiles at the fact that Danny’s excitement over an imminent performance hasn’t lessened since their early days. If anything, it’s gotten even greater.
Then Danny’s throwing an arm around Brian’s shoulders, and they’re walking out on stage as they jostle each other in little hyping-up actions, and Brian’s half-blinded by the lights as applause fires up again, and he forgets about much of anything other than the crowd and the stage and Danny.
There’s an energy that remains long after the end of a successful show; it usually means Brian and Danny spend far too long meeting with fans, signing scraps of paper and fanart and random objects (a dildo, once, that was memorable) until their well-meaning manager ushers them back to their hotel. By then, they’re near-dead on their feet.
Danny’s got his arm around Brian’s shoulders again as they walk unsteadily down the hallway towards their hotel room. This time, he holds up his phone. Brian smiles tiredly until Danny explodes into an improvised thank you commentary to their fans with enough glee that he’s clearly amused at Brian’s confusion.
Brian gives Danny a small shove and steals his phone from him to add to the video, grinning as Danny swears and stumbles against the wall. They scuffle a little for the phone good-naturedly, shouting over each other at the camera (“Thank you all—” “Well, I thank you all more—” “I thank you all the most—” “Times infinity—”) until a disgruntled hotel guest throws open his door and snaps at them to shut the hell up, people are sleeping here.
The video ends with Danny giggling out an apology over his shoulder as they finally reach their room at the end of the hall.
Brian fumbles with the room key, having to slide it a few times with increasing impatience until the light turns green and he can push the door open.
And then Danny’s crashing into him from behind, shouldering past him into the room. “I call first shower!” he sings out, voice hoarse from the toils of the concert but no less delighted for it as he tosses his bag down haphazardly in the entryway, charges into the bathroom like a conquering general, and pulls the door shut behind him.
“If you think that’s going to stop me from coming in there with you,” Brian starts, struggling to keep the laughter from his voice in favor of a faux-menacing tone, and then he gives up and grins when he hears the unmistakable click of the lock of the bathroom door sliding into place. “A celebratory bro shower,” he calls out over the sound of the water turning on. “Like football players do after the big game? Probably? Dan?”
He’s mostly talking to himself at this point, moving further into the room to claim a bed. The only benefit to Dan commandeering the bathroom is that Brian can now be a supreme asshole and take the bed Dan’s going to want—the one closest to the door, farthest from the AC, because Danny always ends up freezing his skinny ass off in hotels.
That might have something to do with the fact that Brian turns the air down to ‘Hypothermia for Dan’ levels on the totally legitimate pretense of it being scientifically better for the health of specifically and only your balls if you sleep in the cold.
(“You can’t use your PhD in fucking theoretical physics as an excuse to pretend to be an expert in everything,” Danny complained once.
Brian had taken that as a personal challenge and then, well, here they were.)
So Brian takes the bed closest to the door, farthest from the AC, and tosses his duffel bag down before he collapses onto the plush sheets. He’s still buzzing with post-concert adrenaline, with the two encore performances that had left Danny with a hoarse voice but grinning wide, the both of them squinting against the stage lights out into the crowd as the final strains of “Wish You Were Here” drifted out and bled into applause that rumbles and hums in the center of his chest even now.
This is Brian’s life.
Yellow light from the parking lot filters in through the thin curtains, and maybe it’d feel tepid, lonely, if not for the muted white noise of the shower running and steam rolling under the crack of the bathroom door and Danny’s gentle humming, changing keys on a whim with little hoarse post-show voice cracks that shouldn’t be so endearing.
This is Brian’s life and it’s surreal, sometimes more so in the gentle aftermath of a concert than in the heat of one.
Not that the shows don’t have their moments. Danny gets so caught up in the energy sometimes that it’s like his emotions can’t stay within him. More often than not, that manifests as Danny sprinting across stage to wrap Brian in a bear hug after their final song and kissing him so hard on the cheek Brian thinks—hopes, sometimes—it’ll bruise.
But Brian remembers the first time, early this year, that Danny’s traditional end-of-show kiss landed directly on his mouth.
There’s a photo some fan took that’s made its rounds on social media—it’s the split second after Danny kisses him and pulls away: there’s the blur of Danny bouncing back to center stage, and there’s Brian, wide-eyed, hair mussed, mouth open slightly. During the show, he’d managed to compose himself pretty quickly, but Danny discovered the picture within a few days and was so delighted by it he still sends it to Brian sometimes.
And so now sometimes Danny half-tackles him at the end of shows and ambushes him with a kiss—a real one.
And it’s—it has to be an adrenaline thing, a celebratory thing, a raw energy reactionary thing, because Danny never makes a big deal out of it and it never lasts more than a fraction of a second and he never mentions it after.
And Brian doesn’t ask about it.
And it’s fine.
It’s just a thing they do.
Brian kicks off his shoes and lets them drop from the bed to the floor as he tugs his phone from his pocket, pulls up the Instagram app to watch the comments start pouring in on the video they just uploaded.
One day, maybe he’ll get used to their popularity and the virtually instant feedback it provides, the outpouring of support and love; for now he smiles at the generic i wish i could’ve been there! comments, the i was there and it was fucking incredible, the come to my city next!
He huffs out a laugh at someone’s i’m calling the police. danny’s making me confused about my sexuality and can’t really stop himself from typing out a quick Get in line in response.
A few minutes later, he rolls his eyes at someone’s reply of Danny and Brian sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I -N-G. Rolls his eyes harder when he sees the comment came from Ross.
He’s about to reply to that, really gearing up for a stupid, satisfying back-and-forth, when a rush of steam billows out from the bathroom as Danny pushes the door open. He emerges from the cloud of steam, skin wet and flushed from the heat of his shower.
Brian is, somewhere in the back of his mind, aware that he’s staring—and, fuck, he’s never going to learn any better than this, is he; he’s never going to end up anywhere but here, watching Danny like he’s on the outside looking in, like Danny’s not tangible for him, like the way he looks at theorems he can’t touch.
Danny catches Brian staring and grins, striking a dramatic pose that nearly dislodges his towel and almost gives Brian a fucking heart attack. “How do I look, stud?”
“Like a demented Towel Wizard,” Brian deadpans.
“You’re goddamn right I do,” Danny says proudly, pulling a shirt on over his head. He drops his towel to pull on a pair of boxers, and Brian—doesn’t pretend to leer, doesn’t make a joke, just glances away and doesn’t look back until Danny’s towel hits him in the back of the head.
Brian snorts and finally hauls himself out of bed, gently shouldering Dan out of the way and tossing the towel on top of Danny’s damp poof of hair as he goes to take his own shower. “If you used up all the hot water, the police will never find your body.”
“Uh. I gotta— I gotta go, you know what, we need ice, I’m gonna go get ice.” Danny’s laughing as he ducks out of reach of Brian’s annoyed, swatting hands and grabs the ice bucket before darting out of the room barefooted.
The only consolation for the lukewarm shower is that he’s almost positive Danny left without grabbing his copy of the room key, and Brian’s not going to be in a hurry to finish showering to let him back in when he has to do the Knock of Shame.
Surprisingly, Brian gets in and out of the shower with no sign of Danny returning, and it’s only when he emerges from the bathroom with his hair wet and plastered down to his head that he hears—well, not a knock. It sounds more like Dan is kicking the door.
“Property damage,” Brian calls out, and takes his sweet time letting him in, throwing on an undershirt and a pair of sweatpants and fuck you, Ninja Brian likes to go commando sometimes.
He’s not expecting to open the door and see Danny with his arms full of bright, neon-colored balloons.
“Hi,” Danny says, like he doesn’t have his arms full of bright, neon-colored balloons. “How was your shower?”
“Did you rob a clown,” Brian says flatly.
“I have drugs!” Danny singsongs in reply, stepping into the room and letting the balloons tumble out of his arms and go rolling in random directions.
“Are those drugs LSD, and did you take them ten minutes ago?”
Danny laughs at him and scoops up one of the balloons, pops it into the air in Brian’s direction. “No— The concert, remember? You were asking about whippets. And here they are. I made whippets appear. I’m the goddamn whippet king.”
“Ah,” Brian says, letting the door swing shut and catching the balloon before it hits the floor. “I remember. And then I said, ‘after the concert, why don’t you go out in your boxers and buy drugs?’ That was my favorite part of the conversation.”
“These are indeed my drug-buying boxers,” Danny says, agreeably and without hesitation.
And, alright, sure, Brian had asked about the balloons, had expressed interest in trying inhalants—he’d try anything with Dan, the definition of succumbing to peer pressure, the archetype of the teenager doing anything to get a smile from his crush, and it’s not like he’s a goddamn straightedge, hello.
He just imagined getting high with Dan for the first time to look like—fuck if he knows, just something different than a dark, strange hotel room in a dark, strange city, balloons floating in air-conditioning flurries over the carpet.
Danny ducks down and scoops up a bright green balloon, reaches out and bobs Brian gently on the head with it. “So. You ready for this, Daddy-Mack?” he asks, which—that’s not really fair, actually, because aside from the fact that daddy just came out of Danny's mouth, whatever the form, Brian’s still trying to psyche himself up.
You have to give a man the proper psyching up timeslot before encouraging him to inhale copious amounts of nitrous. That’s just polite.
What Brian intends to do is give a deadpanned intonation of “You better believe it, baby.”
He’s pretty sure what he actually ends up doing is giving Danny a deer-in-the-headlights look and blurting, “What.”
This is because Danny blinks at him in surprise, and his tone is concerned when he asks, “You’re not, like, nervous, are you?” which basically makes Brian want to go outside onto the balcony and find out if it’s possible to die from a fall from the fourth floor.
He struggles to save face, to smooth things over with sarcasm. “Nervous? Who’s nervous? Frankly, it sounds like you’re just accusing me of being nervous because you’re nervous. Nice try, Avidan. Of course I’m ready. I’m cool, okay, I’m hip, I do this shit all the time. Let’s go rail a couple lines of coke after this.”
“But not off of my body.”
“Brian, hey—”
“I know you want to, but this chest is just too hairy and manly, okay, it’s for your own good. We’re just going to have to kick it old school and do it off a questionably-clean bathroom counter.”
“No, hey, c’mon,” Danny says soothingly. “It’s okay that you’re nervous. It’s like you’re actually being honest for once.”
And Danny says it to make him feel better, Brian knows, and he wants to feel better, but for some reason it’s frustrating.
He wants to say, That’s not me—the fear, I’m not that, I’m just standing here behind it wishing I could kiss you.
Instead, he says, “I resent the implication that I’m not always one hundred percent genuine with you at all times.”
Danny snorts. “Yeah, okay, Captain Deflection.”
“Hey, don’t get all psychoanalytical on me. Which one of us has the PhD here?”
“You can’t use that as an excuse to pretend to be an expert on—oh my god, never mind, forget it, can we just do drugs now.”
“Just a minute; I have to update our Twitter. ‘About to suck down mass quantities of nitrous and also dick.’”
“No— No, give me your phone, dude!”
The scuffle for Brian’s phone ends with a balloon clinging to Danny’s hair via static electricity, Brian half buried under pillows and bedding, and the Twitter update reading About to suck mass quantities of dick, so Brian counts it as a win overall.
“You suck,” Danny informs him, reaching up to grab the balloon and pull it from his hair.
“Mass quantities of dick,” Brian reads from his phone agreeably, nodding. “The internet doesn’t lie, Danny.”
“I hate you.”
“Duly noted. Are we going to do drugs now, or do you want to keep putting them in your hair?”
“Don’t say drugs in that stupid voice, holy shit, you make it sound like we’re doing high-quality crystal meth.”
“And yet we’re doing cheap-ass inhalants, which, frankly, I find insulting. I’m not a cheap date, Daniel.”
Danny looks at him fondly. And that—that’s been happening a lot, the ‘Danny responding to flirting with anything other than exasperation or awkwardness’ thing. Brian’s not sure how to handle it. It’s easy to flirt with Danny until Danny stops taking it as a joke.
“Aw,” Danny coos, jumping into bed with Brian and bopping him with the balloon. “I’m sorry. You’re right, baby. Lemme buy you something nice.”
“I want a statue of a dick in my own likeness created with pure crystal meth,” Brian says dully, batting at Danny’s hands before he can get hit on the nose with the balloon again. Jesus, maybe he is Captain Deflection.
“We could probably make a song based on that,” Danny says thoughtfully, his eyes doing that middle-distance thing they do when he’s thinking of possible song titles.
His fingers are working at the knot of the balloon in his hands, and Brian’s gaze is drawn to them the way it always is when Danny’s fiddling with something, unable to keep from watching the pads of his lithe fingers brush against the rubber, his blunt nails tugging at the knot.
God, he wants those fingers in his mouth.
“Ninja Brian’s Crystal Dick!” Danny bursts out suddenly, triumphantly, and Brian startles, torn from his reverie.
He manages to laugh, shaking his head. “I’ll add it to the list.” Along with ‘Ninja Brian Regularly Thinks About Sucking on Danny Sexbang’s Fingers and That’s Not Something He Should Be Thinking About A Coworker, Probably.’
Danny finally manages to work the knot free, and his thumb and forefinger pinch the opening of the balloon closed. “Alright, you watch me first.”
Brian looks at him dubiously. “Right,” he says, “otherwise I might get confused and try to stick the balloon up my ass.”
Danny laughs and bops him with the balloon again. “So stupid,” he mutters. “Just watch, okay?”
Brian puts his hands up in surrender and slides back on the bed until he’s sitting with his back against the headboard. “Teach me, oh great Whippets Guru. Should I take notes? Do you have a PowerPoint?”
Danny’s already bringing the balloon to his mouth, fitting his lips tight over the opening. He flips Brian off with his free hand and then appears to let out the air in his lungs through his nose before he inhales deeply from the balloon. He pauses, then breathes back out into the balloon before inhaling again. He does this a couple more times, each breath getting more shallow, and then he pulls away, pinching the opening closed with shaky fingers as he holds his breath.
His face is flushed, and his eyes flutter closed.
Brian realizes he’s sitting silently, still, attention rapt. He swallows. “Danny?”
A few long seconds pass before Dan lets out the breath in a shuddery exhale. His first breaths of real air come in short, shaky gasps, and when he opens his eyes, they’re glazed over slightly, almost unseeing.
He looks—he looks like he’s waking up from a wet dream, or being tenderly asphyxiated, or coming, and either way Brian’s holding his breath and aware that he’s half-hard in his sweatpants.
Going commando feels, abruptly, like it had been a bad idea.
“Fuck,” Danny says, voice thin and breathy. His gaze lands on Brian as it clears, and he smiles dreamily, contently, the way you’d smile at a lover.
Brian is going to die.
“You okay?” he croaks out.
“God, yeah, I’m... I forgot how good that is.” He twists around a little where he’s sat and then reaches down to snag another balloon off the floor. “Your turn,” he says cheerfully, holding the balloon out to Brian.
“I mean, I—could just watch you again. That was—informative,” Brian says, stilted.
Danny laughs. “C’mon, dude. Time for baby bird to take flight.”
“Why are your metaphors so weird.”
“Just take the stupid balloon,” Danny commands, brandishing it half an inch from Brian’s nose until Brian snorts and takes it.
“Peer pressure turned me into a drug addict,” he intones, grinning when Dan swats at him. He fumbles with the knot of the balloon for a minute until he finally manages to free it up, and some of the gas escapes for a fraction of a second before he manages to pinch the opening shut.
“Don’t overdo it,” Danny says seriously. “You’re gonna get lightheaded, but stop when you feel like you need to. There’s nobody to impress here.” He pauses, smiles impishly. “‘Specially since I’m never impressed by you.”
Brian cheerfully gives him the bird and only hesitates for a second before he bows his head to take the opening into his mouth. He keeps his lips tight, not letting any of the gas escape until he’s ready, and then he follows Danny’s example as well as he can remember.
He lets his breath out through his nose slowly, like he’s doing the opposite of pre-show breathing exercises, and then he inhales.
The gas comes in quicker than he expects, and it takes a moment to figure out the right amount of tension to keep so he’s not overwhelmed.
It’s a bit anti-climactic, not that he really knows exactly what to expect—just like taking in air that doesn’t manage to satisfy the beginnings of a burn in his lungs, the ache for oxygen.
He looks at Danny, who gestures encouragingly.
The burn increases when he breathes in again, and then it happens abruptly, where he suddenly wants to gasp for breath, his brain sending signals that something’s not right, that he’s breathing but it’s not giving him any air.
A fuzzy sort of hum seems to shoot up from his chest into his head, the breathlessness blossoming into an intense head rush, all the small sounds of the hotel room going loud and reverberating, like he’s standing too close to a concert speaker taller than he is.
It turns into something all-encompassing, something more like a rushing tremble that goes straight back into his chest, into his heart.
Brian pulls away from the balloon to gasp desperately and shuts his eyes. Warmth buzzes into his fingertips, and he’s vaguely aware of his hands twitching minutely, and fractal patterns spread outward in a variety of mixing, spilling colors behind his eyes.
It’s almost overwhelming.
He realizes, belatedly, that he’s shaking, that it’s hard to catch his breath, that he’s opening his eyes and seeing without seeing, that when he finally focuses in on Danny that Danny is watching him with faint concern and fondness and—
“Brian,” Danny says. “Hey, Bri, look at me, you’re fine.”
And Brian does look at him, and it’s practically second nature to match the rhythm of Danny’s carefully controlled breathing.
And then—then Brian’s not entirely sure he’s not dreaming, because Danny leans in and cups a hand around the back of Brian’s neck and draws him in to kiss him slowly and deeply.
(Later, Brian will realize that Danny is probably working to coax Brian to match his breathing, to get him to stop hyperventilating and to enjoy the high, but for now—)
As Brian gasps for breath against Danny’s mouth, he’s relieved, somehow, that Danny has kissed him for the first time (truly kissed him, teeth and tongue and no applauding crowd to distract him from it) just after they’ve both inhaled nitrous—it gives him the excuse to be breathless, to be wide-eyed and slack-mouthed and staring at Danny like he's born technicolor in a grayscale universe.
Brian doesn’t want it to end, but eventually Danny breaks away, leaving Brian’s lips buzzing, the rush gradually cooling down. “So?” he asks, smiling at him fondly from where they’re touching foreheads and breathing hard. “What’s your consensus, cool guy?”
“Tubular,” Brian breathes out, dazed and grasping for Danny with weak hands.
Danny blinks once and then bursts into soft laughter, nose scrunching, eyes creasing up. Brian can’t really force himself to be insulted, not when Danny looks as incredible and addicting as he does. “Yeah,” Danny giggles, taking Brian’s hands in his own, pads of his thumbs rubbing at the backs of Brian’s hands like a worry stone, like a security blanket. “Yeah, it is.”
Brian’s pretty sure he’s in love.
“You kissed me,” he says stupidly.
Danny blinks at him. “Yeah,” he says, a small smile tugging at his mouth, like he’s amused. “Further bulletins as events warrant, Reporter Brian?”
Brian gestures vaguely in a way he hopes conveys what the fuck but probably just comes across like I have no fine motor control! “You kissed me,” is what his brain offers up, like a broken record.
Danny’s starting to look somewhat concerned. “Yeah,” he says again, slower. “I kissed you earlier tonight. And, like, last month.”
“Those don’t count,” Brian tells him, and he’s starting to get frustrated, because Danny knows this, of course he knows this, he has to know this.
Dan smiles again, but this time it’s confused. “What do you mean, those don’t count?”
“I mean—” Brian breaks off with an annoyed sound. “I mean they don’t count, Danny, what the hell— Those are just, they’re, you’re just...celebrating,” he says.
Danny’s frowning now. “Says who?”
“Says—” Brian breaks off again, brow knitting. He stares at Danny, trying to understand.It’s like a physics problem he’s stuck on—all the evidence is there, but he just can’t see the answer. “Says… I don’t know. You never make a big deal out of it. I just figured...”
“What was there to make a big deal out of?” Danny asks, looking bewildered. “I like you. I wanted to kiss you. You never make a big deal out of it, either. Figured you were cool with it.”
“I am cool with it,” Brian says hastily, mind working feverishly to catch up. “I am— I’m the coolest with it, I am ice cold with it, trust me, I have no complaints.” He pauses when he realizes Dan’s starting to laugh. “Alright, well, that’s not necessary, it was an easy mistake to make—”
Brian blinks. “Did you just shush me?” he demands, incredulous. “Did you just—”
“Shhh,” Danny hushes again, eyes still creased with amusement as he leans in.
He’s not expecting the warm press of Danny’s mouth against his own again.
A faint noise rises unbidden in him, and he hesitates, caught up in the fact that Danny is kissing him for the second time, hesitates because he’s not supposed to be so lucky, hesitates because he’s expecting to wake up.
He feels the wet heat of Danny’s tongue tease at his lower lip, and instinct kicks in: his mouth opens, and he tips his head to make the angle better, allow them both to press in closer. He’s breathless again soon in the best way, like he’s high again but better, because Danny’s nudging his legs apart and shifting into his lap and letting his hand slide from his jaw down to his neck, his collarbone, his chest.
He hears an embarrassing, protesting sound and staunchly refuses to believe it comes from his own mouth, except he’s definitely trying to pull Danny in again as he breaks away, and Danny’s definitely laughing at him again.
“I don’t want to take advantage of you,” Danny says solemnly.
Brian stares. “What.”
“You know,” Danny stage-whispers, wide-eyed. “In your state. You’ve been doing drugs, Brian.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up,” Brian says, and their next kiss is punctuated with Dan’s laughter.
He’s content to do this for hours, making out with (mostly) innocent roaming hands like necking teenagers; he’s so overwhelmed by just this, by his luck, that he’s not expecting more.
He nearly chokes when Danny slides a hand under the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Why am I surprised you’re not wearing any underwear,” Danny hums in between open-mouthed kisses along Brian’s jawline.
“That’s purely coincidence. Also, not that I’m complaining, but why is your hand—on my dick,” he strangles out suddenly when Danny’s hand shifts.
Danny pulls away to look at him. “Well, Brian,” he says, “sometimes, when two assholes love each other very much—”
“Shut up.”
“I mean, do you want me to draw you a diagram, or.”
“Shut up, I meant— I didn’t know you wanted more than…” He gestures.
Danny looks fondly amused. “Can we just set a blanket statement that I want to do conceivably everything with you?”
Brian has to admit that feels fucking incredible to hear.
Still: “Conceivably anything?”
Danny’s expression is wary. “Yes?”
“Raising alpacas in South America?”
“Melting down twenty-thousand dollars worth of quarters to make life-sized metal busts of ourselves?”
“What is happening here.”
“Stealing those gay penguins from that zoo and smuggling them back to Antarctica.”
Danny kisses him again, presumably to shut him up, but it’s a kiss with fondness and intent and wandering hands with a destination—
And Brian can’t really find it in himself to complain.
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jeremystrele · 5 years
The Meaning Of Motherhood, With Actress Madeleine Madden + Curator Hetti Perkins
The Meaning Of Motherhood, With Actress Madeleine Madden + Curator Hetti Perkins
Hetti Perkins and her daughter Madeleine Madden. Photo – Alisha Gore.
Actress Maddy is on the cusp of her Hollywood breakthrough, staring in the forthcoming film, Dora and the Lost City of Gold. Photo – Alisha Gore.
Hetti Perkins is an Eastern Arrernte and Kalkadoon woman. Photo – Alisha Gore.
Maddy is Hetti’s youngest daughter. She has two older sisters Lillie and Thea as well as a brother Tyson. Photo – Alisha Gore.
I know you as Mum, a big group of people know you as Aunty. But who do other people know you as?
Hetti Perkins: I’m also kind of known as Mum to people I actually didn’t give birth to, which is lovely. That for me is something very special because it’s not so much a biological relationship but more of an emotional relationship. And aside from my very close extended family, I think I am best known for working in Aboriginal art and in an activist role. I feel that I’ve always tried to represent the voice of artists on a national stage if the opportunity was presented.
I remember when I was nervous about getting up to do a talk one time and my Dad, Charlie Perkins, said to me, ‘It’s not about you. If you get the chance to speak for your people… get up  and you do it, and you do a good job!’ In some ways that is quite intimidating, but it’s also liberating because it isn’t about you, it’s about the work you can do for your people. That is the way I was raised.
The Art And Soul documentary series on ABC TV , the show I co-curated for the Venice Biennale in 1997 and Papunya Tula: Genesis and Genius, which was also exhibited at the Art Gallery of NSW in 2000… I’d like for people to see that those projects are part of a bigger strategy for the promotion of our peoples’ interest, collectively.
Madeleine Madden: I love that advice that Pop gave you and that you have passed on to us.
It kind of takes the fear out of it, it empowers you. And, you know, it’s what makes it all worth it – not some personal ambition or dream, it’s like the dream of the community.
In the public eye, Pop is seen as a fighter and really passionate and outspoken. But some people might know him best for his for his soccer career as well as his civil rights activism [achieving justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including leading the Freedom Rides through NSW and becoming the first Aboriginal person to lead a federal department].
What was it like being in the spotlight when you were young, and how did that influence you?
Hetti: Myself and my younger brother and sister were very fortunate in some ways. We had a very strong mother, Eileen, who is still with us and will probably outlive us all! She supported Dad 100%, enabling him to do what he had to do and what he wanted to do.
When we were in Alice Springs  and I was in primary school, the kids knew who my dad was and what he did, and they weren’t very complimentary about it – they would call him a shit-stirrer and things like that. That’s pretty confronting when you’re in the third grade. When we went to Canberra to live for a long time, the racism took a different form: it wasn’t sort of as personal and about Dad, but it was more schoolyard taunts about being a blackfella.
It’s interesting because if, say, I wore glasses I’d have been called ‘four-eyes’ or if I was a bit chubby it’d have been ‘fatty’ or whatever. But racism is different, it’s such an insidious thing. They try to make you feel that you are genetically a lower form of life.
Being black is something intrinsic to you and certainly, it was to me. Even though my mother is not Aboriginal, we grew up and still do feel 100% blackfella. I loved being a part of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, and being with Dad, going to all the demonstrations, having people over and hearing them talk. What I remember most about it, is that some of the toughest activists were so gentle and kind to me, and extremely funny.
Growing up, there was a sense of unity, of collective action, and if there was in-fighting, people sorted their stuff out behind the scenes. I guess that has sort of changed, now, there are a lot more platforms for people to have their opinions, informed or otherwise, and share them widely. Back in the day, if you pardon my cliche, people earned the right to have an opinion and make a statement, because they had done the hard yards. They got off their arses, they were going to the demonstrations and meetings, doing things rather than sitting at home in front of a keyboard, spraying out about whatever was going on.
Maddy: Nowadays you feel like you are standing on the shoulders of giants, because back then people literally put their lives on the line, and risked their personal safety so that others could have opportunities.
A lot of people have wanted to know about the man Pop was, but I also think of Nanny Perks standing with him. It would have been very difficult for her marrying an Aboriginal man in the 1960s, as a white woman in this country.
Hetti: I remember talking to Mum about that. I said, you know, ‘A black, poor, young fella with uncertain prospects.. and you married him anyway’. She was, still is, deeply in love with Dad, and I think theirs is a great love story! They are two very well oiled parts of a synchronised unit.
Often Dad was under pressure, I see that now he could be volatile and angry, but he was always loving. We felt that we were the things that mattered most in his life. He simultaneously had a fire in his belly, a burning sense of injustice, and he just couldn’t swallow it. I think almost dying at quite a young age, with his kidneys and the transplant and especially the experiences he had as a child, he felt that he was given this chance and he wasn’t going to waste it, he was going to devote every energy to it. But as I said, he had Mum. And it wasn’t like ‘There’s Dad and he goes to work and we don’t really know what he does, just that he’s never here’. We actually knew that he was sacrificing time to do the work that he needed to do for our mob. We were ok with that because we also felt that we were part of that fight.
When you were young we all lived together with your Pop and Nanny, and you were exposed to a life where the politics and the personal were the same thing. At 13, you were the first teenager in Australia to deliver an address to the nation, which really sort of set you on a trajectory. From playing a cat in the preschool play or Dora the Explorer’s bestie in the forthcoming Paramount blockbuster, for me observing, your acting and activism has always seemed like a natural path.
Photo – Alisha Gore.
Photo – Alisha Gore.
Photo – Alisha Gore.
Do you feel like acting and activism was a natural path for you?
Maddy: I think so, I mean it would be weird if I wasn’t political in the house that I grew up in. We were always encouraged to have an opinion and stand up for what we believed in, we always had a seat at the table and were involved in the dialogue the adults were having. I think it was a blessing to have experienced that and the voice that this instilled in us, from such a young age.
I have heard actors of colour that have said, ‘I’m not really a political person’. And I’m generally shocked about that because I am like, ‘How can you not be?’ I get that some people are all don’t-talk-about-religion-and-politics-at-the-table, but we can’t just keep our heads buried in the sand. If you have a platform you need to use it. Obviously many people face difficulties in their lives, and we should normalise talking about that. And that also means talking about politics. It shouldn’t just be left up to the 1% to make decisions for us. I am going to keep speaking up for as long as I can.
Hetti: You’ve had a very strong sense of injustice from a very young age and that need to correct any injustice you may see around you.
It’s interesting in my work too, with artists, a few have said, ‘I’m not an Aboriginal artist, I’m an artist’. And I’ve always found that quite confusing. Over the years I have unpacked the idea, and I think to say something like that infers that there is something lesser in being an Aboriginal artist. But to be connected to your own identity and express it doesn’t reduce your opportunities. For example, It doesn’t mean you can’t play the role of a non-Aboriginal person.
Maddy: I think there is still this fear, from the past when people got typecast or stereotyped, of being called a ‘black artist’. People are worried they are getting boxed in… but, well, break the box. I can understand how you just want to be treated like an equal like anyone else, but unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. I think you need to just be a front runner and do the damn thing you want to!
Hetti: As you were growing up, I was working at the Art Gallery Of NSW (my children literally had free rein on the gallery, thanks to some very friendly childcare policies during my 13 years!).
Do you think being brought up in a home where work and life merged together has influenced the choices you’ve made?
Maddy: I think the way you intertwined the two has definitely trickled down into our lives. Yet you have always prioritised family first over work and I know that my siblings and I definitely do the same. The Gallery really was a second home. It was such an incredible place for children to exist in – among people that were just so passionate about art, life, love and natural beauty!
I tap into all of that with my acting a lot – all that we were immersed in.
Hetti: Artists would come into our home and stay with us – people like Mike Rakowitz,  Christian Thompson, and Tony Albert. There have been a lot of amazing creatives in your lives and it’s always been remarkable to me how you have all just gone with the flow. You know, ‘Move over, make some space on the lounge’… Or ‘Now they want a turn at Guitar Hero!’
Maddy: Yeah! And I think artists take a real leap of faith, really go out on a limb and risk it all. A lot of those people overcame really hard challenges and made art out of them. We have always just been surrounded by brave, wonderful, kind people and that is the best childhood that anyone could ask for. I think that’s why you are such a great mother because you mother people of all walks of life… and now we have ‘siblings’ from everywhere!
Hetti: Yes we are very fortunate. You had a wonderful childhood, and I’m glad you did because I think that it is such a formative time and it is often too short. These days, I don’t think kids get enough time to go outside and climb a tree, walk the dog, or just sit down and do nothing. There is a lot of focus on homework and goals and tasks. But having the time to hang around and be in each other’s company in an unstructured way is something that’s really important.
Photo – Alisha Gore.
What’s the best piece of parenting advice you’ve been given?
Hetti: Even when I was a child myself, I was one of those kids that loved looking after the littlies! I feel like I did get some good advice – everything from always keep the baby’s feet warm to don’t use nappy wipes… practical things – but I guess, in some ways, I always felt innately maternal.
When I was growing up I felt very strongly about what kind of life I wanted for my children. I really wanted my kids to grow up in Sydney (where I moved to for university), to experience the multiculturalism, the plurality – the best of Australian society… The excitement and creativity of a city like that with all its beautiful natural attributes, a very strong Aboriginal community, and a fabulous LGBTQI community.
But I’ve also very strongly felt that parents actually need to earn the love and respect of their children. It’s not something you should take for granted. I don’t believe in any sort of physical punishment or anything like that; I think it’s much better to try to get kids on the same page and to achieve a balance. You know, happiness is really the most important thing.
Maddy: Yeah exactly, I think you lead by example and that’s the best way: showing by doing and putting in the hard work… like the extremely hard work of raising four kids by yourself! Kids make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, but I think the important thing is to hold yourself accountable. Do you take responsibility for that behaviour? Do you grow from it and learn from it, and go ‘Ok I’m not doing that again’? I think that’s a really nice aspect of how you have raised us to behave.
Hetti: I think some kids, when they really muck up or go off-the-rails, are hurting themselves but also punishing people as a way of hitting back. It’s an interesting one.
Your father, Lee, passed away when you were six, which seems at odds with saying you had a great childhood. But you’ve always had loving family around you.
What do you think you’ve learned from your childhood?
Maddy: I think it was definitely a very tough year for us because Pop passed away and then Dad soon after. But I think from those moments, that were obviously very hard, we now know how to deal with grief well. When you have Earth-shattering, soul-destroying, ‘How do I get back from this?‘ moments, you remember you’ve always got each other. I am so blessed to have that reassurance that our family can all band together and keep going.
It’s also a reminder of how you stepped up, which was huge: you were the mum, the dad, the best friend and everything. I think it’s a massive testament to you as a person, and to our Grandparents on both sides.
I remember how Nanny Lil (Dad’s mum) said, ‘You just have to keep going, lots of upsetting things have happened in our lives and in our collective past’, (referring to growing up as a black woman, and the really tough things she faced). She added, ‘Grow from it, get strong from it. Life goes on and so should we’. Now I feel that anything life kind of throws at us, we will be able to get through it.
Hetti : I think it’s important to have that security because it gives you confidence. I also think of your grandmother Lily and how she relates to her grandchildren. She has taught me a lot. She’s one of those people that really laughs with you, and that’s a beautiful thing too. You say I stepped up, but I did so because I was supported to step up, and we all knew we had to keep going.
In many ways, the world is quite different from the one that I grew up in. To me, you are someone who is very social-media savvy, articulate, and seem to enjoy the opportunities that being online gives you, especially to engage with others.
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of the social media world?
Maddy: I love that quote by RuPaul, who has been a massive idol and inspiration for us. She says ‘Unless them bitches payin’ your bills, pay them bitches no mind.’ and I think that is the best approach to have with the haters. The negativity is always going to be there and sometimes social media makes people think it’s ok to behave in certain ways when it’s not. Online bullying is awful, a kind of a silent killer.
But I love the opportunities social media gives me, and by that I mean the art, the cute videos and funny memes – that’s what I get out of it! I took a break from social media (Instagram and Facebook) for three months and it was really good for my mental health. I felt less anxious, I was on my phone less, I was only caring about people who I actually care about. Then I got back on it and I just did a big cull on what I was seeing. Social media can be fantastic for raising awareness for good causes, getting people power going, and building momentum for movements. I’m really grateful for that too.
Hetti : Yes, when it’s used for good, not evil, it’s brilliant. There is a risk, but you know what, in every generation, there is always something that people are rolling their eyes about or freaking about. It used to be about watching too much TV!
Maddy: We have all grown up to be very connected to the outdoors and involved in the community.  I volunteer with Seed Mob, an indigenous climate action group, and we’re all genuinely concerned because we can see the impacts now. A lot of women around the world are going on birth strikes because they don’t want to raise children in a world that’s essentially dying, as world ‘leaders’ stand idle.
Hetti : I can understand that. I think it is responsible parenting to think about what our children will inherit, whether in their local community, or the wider world. Do I want to bring a child up in an apocalyptic world? This threat to our beautiful creatures, plants, rivers.. the list goes on. And it’s because of one thing and that’s us: humans. The decisions that are being made from the Adani Coal Mine to the fracking in the Northern Territory to Oil prospecting in the Great Australian Bight make me feel extremely anxious and also furious. It’s all about the short-term and votes – no taking responsibility, making quick decisions to get the quick bucks and support, pulling the wool over the eyes of the community, and branding anyone who is a dissenting voice as Lefty-latte sippers!
Maddy: or calling them green-collared criminals! Even saying that to kids, who go on the school strikes, when their parents have said, ‘No you go out there, we support you to fight for your future’. And that’s a privilege you have given to us; always supporting us to go out there stand up for what is right, for our future, and people who can’t stand up for themselves.
What does Mother’s Day mean to you?
Hetti: There is a very conventional sense of what ‘Mother’s Day’ is. Obviously, we celebrate it – because we’ll take any kind of excuse to give presents and get together. Doesn’t matter what the cause is, we’re there!
Maddy: [laughs] Yeah, I love Mother’s Day, it should be Mother’s Day all day, every day, 365! It’s a moment where we can all just really celebrate the people in our lives, whether they are our biological mothers or people who have inspired us or anyone who has given us love or guided us. It’s a wonderful day to say thank you and make those people feel lovely and special… and have cake! We all love having a celebration at our house.
It’s nice how you always raised us to be affectionate and loving in that way, because it feels like that door is never closed, you know. I think It’s really important to show children that you love them, have an active interest in what they are doing, and that they have done a good job. This comes back to that leading by example; I think that is the best thing a parent can do!
Hetti: Beautiful… Well, that seems like a good spot to conclude this wonderful discussion – maybe one day we’ll look back on this one as another of our highlights!
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catalinanp-blog1 · 7 years
Motivational Tunes For Young children of All Ages
pesničky pre deti Motivational Tracks are excellent for the head, human body and spirit in little ones of all ages. If you are like me, a kid staring at forty, listening to motivational songs offers me that significantly essential pick-me-up in the center of the working day reworking my whole mood, bringing me to my feet, and inviting me to dance. And additional importantly, for my very own little ones, motivational music train worthwhile life classes that will conjure up powerful recollections for several several years to occur. A music is motivational if it has a constructive and encouraging message. For illustration, lyrics like "You can get it if you actually want, but you must test," counsel tips of resolve and hard operate. Even so, some songs may possibly have an upbeat rhythm that frees the mind and moves the human body...like in the concept music from the Rocky series "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so powerful it presents you that tiny press, the added power to get up and go. Even college lecturers come across that the correct new music will help aid mastering by making a appealing ambiance and energizes routines for kids. It can also assist them to increase their focus, increase their memory, launch tension, and so a lot more. How amazing is that? As a mom of two little children, I also locate that motivational tracks give them positive sayings that you will not be ashamed to hear them repeat or sing alongside to. Subsequently, for mother and father, motivational lyrics become phrases of knowledge to use when instructing kids about the "trials and tribulations" of life that Princess Tiana sings about in "Almost There" (SEE Beneath). Fundamentally, they perform just like inspirational rates do. But, given that they have the ability to get trapped in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational tunes are that substantially more potent! The good news is, motivational songs can be located in all genres and from an array of artists aged and new, popular and not so well known. Though there are so several to pick from, right here are just a several I have released my kids to. These are in no particular order. 1. "Accentuate the Optimistic" sung by Dr. John, is a highly stylized variation of the outdated normal that was showcased in the motion picture The Mighty Ducks. This just one leaves them singing along to some quite excellent words of knowledge that ended up initially prepared by Harold Arlen who was described to have been motivated by a church sermon he experienced listened to with the exact same title. 2. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney classic tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "previous faculty" appeal is however refreshing soon after all of these a long time. three. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer series is merely a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious beat and always provides you to your ft to dance. 4. "Walking Tall" by Ziggy Marley and showcasing Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune created in the tradition of his father's optimistic lyricism. There is an essential lesson being taught listed here, and is completed in this sort of a adorable way that it is destined to develop into a hit! five. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the First Broadway Solid Recording of Annie. I can remember these lyrics getting there for me increasing up, and hope other little ones uncover them as equally encouraging. six. Even though "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett isn't really a favorite nevertheless among my kiddies, Grandma loves it and just about every time we are in the vehicle, that is her 1st ask for. Maybe I must have picked the Miley Cyrus edition...which qualified prospects me to... seven. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the one the three-calendar year-previous enjoys best. There is a fantastic information in this one particular, far too. But, I don't even believe she cares! It is Hannah Montana! 8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties common with a great information so healthful it has already been highlighted in plenty of videos, commercials, and "ideal of" compilations and never ever will get outdated. Not only does it deliver you to your feet, but it fills your kids' mouths with some good words and phrases that can improve self-esteem and inner self confidence. 9. "Three Very little Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae traditional that also hits household for so quite a few individuals..."Don't stress 'bout a matter...each very little thing's gonna be alright." Who isn't going to will need to listed here that from time to time? It's a good song for youngsters and undoubtedly has lyrics to live by. ten. "My Favourite Things" by Julie Andrews is initially and foremost generally a good vocal work out! She hits people notes and holds them as prolonged as only she can. But in her rendition of this popular normal, she obviously delivers a excellent answer to any person feeling down in the dumps...Make a list of your favored things. Pull them out when you want them, and permit it function miracles on your mood. Wonderful concept! eleven. "Just about There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog movie is so excellent it was nominated for an Academy Award this calendar year. It's so simple to sing along to, all the whilst relaying an critical concept about willpower. How quite a few moments have you wanted a tune like this to help you stay determined when nearing the end line? The critical thing to keep in mind is that by getting the time to do a little finding and selecting of what they pay attention to, just like they watch what they view, mothers and fathers can regain some energy to regulate the ideas and pictures that penetrate their children's minds. Moreover, by feeding them with optimistic concepts and photographs through tunes, mother and father can method their children to turn into more powerful, more unbiased, and profitable folks. Pretty great, huh?
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distastefultbh-blog · 7 years
Motivational Tracks For Children of All Ages
smejko a tanculienka Motivational Songs are excellent for the thoughts, human body and spirit in little ones of all ages. If you are like me, a kid staring at forty, listening to motivational music gives me that substantially essential select-me-up in the middle of the working day transforming my whole mood, bringing me to my toes, and inviting me to dance. And a lot more importantly, for my very own little ones, motivational songs teach worthwhile lifetime classes that will conjure up powerful reminiscences for many a long time to arrive. A tune is motivational if it has a good and encouraging information. For instance, lyrics like "You can get it if you actually want, but you need to consider," recommend suggestions of dedication and challenging work. Nonetheless, some songs might have an upbeat rhythm that frees the mind and moves the human body...like in the topic music from the Rocky collection "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string motion are so strong it offers you that very little push, the added energy to get up and go. Even college academics locate that the suitable new music assists facilitate understanding by producing a appealing atmosphere and energizes actions for children. It can also help them to raise their focus, boost their memory, launch tension, and so much far more. How amazing is that? As a mom of 2 little children, I also locate that motivational music give them constructive sayings that you is not going to be humiliated to hear them repeat or sing along to. Subsequently, for dad and mom, motivational lyrics turn into text of knowledge to use when educating kids about the "trials and tribulations" of lifetime that Princess Tiana sings about in "Nearly There" (SEE Down below). Fundamentally, they work just like inspirational estimates do. But, due to the fact they have the capacity to get caught in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational music are that a lot much more potent! Thankfully, motivational tracks can be located in all genres and from an array of artists aged and new, popular and not so popular. Despite the fact that there are so many to decide on from, below are just a few I have launched my young children to. These are in no particular buy. 1. "Intensify the Constructive" sung by Dr. John, is a hugely stylized model of the outdated regular that was showcased in the film The Mighty Ducks. This one particular leaves them singing together to some very excellent terms of wisdom that were being at first prepared by Harold Arlen who was noted to have been inspired by a church sermon he had read with the similar title. two. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney traditional tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "aged university" appeal is nonetheless refreshing following all of these several years. 3. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer collection is basically a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious beat and usually delivers you to your feet to dance. four. "Walking Tall" by Ziggy Marley and featuring Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune prepared in the tradition of his father's constructive lyricism. There is an essential lesson being taught below, and is completed in these a adorable way that it is destined to turn into a strike! 5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Initial Broadway Forged Recording of Annie. I can remember individuals lyrics becoming there for me increasing up, and hope other youngsters come across them as equally encouraging. 6. Although "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett isn't a favored still among my kiddies, Grandma enjoys it and every time we are in the car, that is her first request. Probably I should have picked the Miley Cyrus version...which qualified prospects me to... seven. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the a single the three-12 months-old loves ideal. There is a great message in this one particular, far too. But, I really don't even assume she cares! It really is Hannah Montana! 8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties classic with a excellent message so healthful it has currently been highlighted in many videos, commercials, and "best of" compilations and never gets aged. Not only does it carry you to your ft, but it fills your kids' mouths with some wonderful text that can improve self-esteem and interior confidence. nine. "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae basic that also hits property for so several individuals..."Never be concerned 'bout a thing...every small thing's gonna be alright." Who isn't going to want to in this article that from time to time? It can be a good track for youngsters and surely has lyrics to are living by. ten. "My Preferred Items" by Julie Andrews is initial and foremost always a excellent vocal exercise routine! She hits individuals notes and holds them as lengthy as only she can. But in her rendition of this well-liked normal, she clearly delivers a wonderful option to anybody experience down in the dumps...Make a checklist of your beloved things. Pull them out when you need them, and let it function miracles on your mood. Excellent plan! 11. "Nearly There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog movie is so very good it was nominated for an Academy Award this year. It truly is so easy to sing alongside to, all the although relaying an critical message about resolve. How a lot of periods have you necessary a tune like this to help you continue to be motivated when nearing the complete line? The essential point to recall is that by having the time to do a very little choosing and deciding upon of what they hear to, just like they monitor what they look at, mother and father can regain some power to handle the ideas and photos that penetrate their kid's minds. In addition, by feeding them with good suggestions and pictures through audio, mothers and fathers can system their little ones to become more powerful, additional independent, and profitable persons. Rather awesome, huh?
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mysticwxllow-blog · 7 years
Motivational Tracks For Kids of All Ages
Miro Jaroš Motivational Tunes are good for the head, overall body and spirit in children of all ages. If you are like me, a child staring at 40, listening to motivational tunes provides me that considerably necessary decide on-me-up in the center of the working day reworking my entire temper, bringing me to my toes, and inviting me to dance. And additional importantly, for my individual kids, motivational tunes teach valuable existence lessons that will conjure up strong recollections for a lot of several years to come. A track is motivational if it has a beneficial and encouraging message. For instance, lyrics like "You can get it if you actually want, but you must try out," suggest strategies of determination and hard function. Nonetheless, some songs might have an upbeat rhythm that frees the brain and moves the physique...like in the theme music from the Rocky sequence "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so powerful it provides you that small force, the added power to get up and go. Even university instructors locate that the proper songs assists facilitate finding out by generating a appealing ambiance and energizes routines for children. It can also help them to boost their consideration, improve their memory, release tension, and so much far more. How awesome is that? As a mom of 2 tiny children, I also come across that motivational tunes give them good sayings that you will not be ashamed to hear them repeat or sing along to. Subsequently, for parents, motivational lyrics become text of knowledge to use when educating young children about the "trials and tribulations" of existence that Princess Tiana sings about in "Just about There" (SEE Beneath). Basically, they get the job done just like inspirational prices do. But, since they have the skill to get trapped in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational tunes are that a lot more strong! The good news is, motivational tunes can be observed in all genres and from an array of artists previous and new, common and not so well-liked. Though there are so a lot of to select from, right here are just a handful of I have released my young children to. These are in no distinct purchase. 1. "Accentuate the Optimistic" sung by Dr. John, is a hugely stylized variation of the outdated common that was showcased in the movie The Mighty Ducks. This one particular leaves them singing together to some quite excellent words of wisdom that have been at first written by Harold Arlen who was claimed to have been inspired by a church sermon he experienced read with the exact same title. two. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney classic tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "old faculty" appeal is even now refreshing immediately after all of these yrs. three. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer series is only a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious defeat and often brings you to your ft to dance. four. "Strolling Tall" by Ziggy Marley and featuring Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune published in the custom of his father's good lyricism. There is an essential lesson currently being taught right here, and is carried out in these a sweet way that it is destined to become a hit! 5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Initial Broadway Solid Recording of Annie. I can remember all those lyrics becoming there for me expanding up, and hope other youngsters come across them as equally encouraging. 6. Even though "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett is just not a preferred but among my kiddies, Grandma loves it and each and every time we are in the vehicle, that is her initial request. It's possible I ought to have picked the Miley Cyrus edition...which sales opportunities me to... seven. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the a single the three-12 months-previous enjoys best. There is a wonderful concept in this one particular, way too. But, I will not even consider she cares! It is Hannah Montana! 8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties traditional with a good message so healthful it has already been highlighted in many motion pictures, commercials, and "best of" compilations and under no circumstances will get previous. Not only does it carry you to your ft, but it fills your kids' mouths with some wonderful words that can increase self-esteem and internal self confidence. 9. "3 Very little Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae common that also hits house for so quite a few men and women..."Will not fret 'bout a matter...every very little thing's gonna be alright." Who won't will need to listed here that from time to time? It really is a excellent song for little ones and surely has lyrics to dwell by. ten. "My Favourite Things" by Julie Andrews is initial and foremost usually a excellent vocal work out! She hits all those notes and retains them as extended as only she can. But in her rendition of this well known normal, she plainly provides a wonderful remedy to everyone emotion down in the dumps...Make a listing of your preferred factors. Pull them out when you want them, and allow it work miracles on your temper. Fantastic idea! eleven. "Practically There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog film is so great it was nominated for an Academy Award this yr. It can be so straightforward to sing alongside to, all the although relaying an crucial information about resolve. How numerous moments have you needed a tune like this to aid you stay determined when nearing the end line? The critical point to keep in mind is that by taking the time to do a tiny choosing and choosing of what they hear to, just like they monitor what they view, mothers and fathers can regain some energy to handle the strategies and pictures that penetrate their kid's minds. In addition, by feeding them with good suggestions and pictures through audio, mother and father can program their youngsters to develop into more robust, additional independent, and profitable people. Pretty awesome, huh?
0 notes
Motivational Songs For Children of All Ages
víla ella Motivational Tunes are fantastic for the mind, physique and spirit in children of all ages. If you are like me, a child staring at 40, listening to motivational tracks provides me that significantly essential decide-me-up in the middle of the working day transforming my overall temper, bringing me to my toes, and inviting me to dance. And more importantly, for my individual little ones, motivational music train precious existence classes that will conjure up effective recollections for quite a few several years to arrive. A music is motivational if it has a positive and encouraging information. For example, lyrics like "You can get it if you seriously want, but you must try," advise ideas of resolve and tough perform. However, some songs could have an upbeat rhythm that frees the intellect and moves the body...like in the concept tune from the Rocky series "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so potent it presents you that very little thrust, the additional energy to get up and go. Even university academics find that the suitable tunes assists aid finding out by generating a appealing atmosphere and energizes functions for little ones. It can also assist them to increase their attention, strengthen their memory, release stress, and so much far more. How great is that? As a mom of two smaller youngsters, I also uncover that motivational tunes give them beneficial sayings that you would not be embarrassed to hear them repeat or sing alongside to. Subsequently, for dad and mom, motivational lyrics turn into words and phrases of knowledge to use when training young children about the "trials and tribulations" of life that Princess Tiana sings about in "Just about There" (SEE Down below). Basically, they get the job done just like inspirational quotations do. But, considering that they have the skill to get caught in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational tunes are that much additional strong! Thankfully, motivational music can be located in all genres and from an array of artists previous and new, popular and not so common. Although there are so numerous to select from, here are just a several I have launched my youngsters to. These are in no unique get. 1. "Accentuate the Constructive" sung by Dr. John, is a remarkably stylized version of the outdated regular that was highlighted in the movie The Mighty Ducks. This a single leaves them singing along to some incredibly very good words and phrases of knowledge that had been initially published by Harold Arlen who was reported to have been encouraged by a church sermon he experienced read with the similar title. 2. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney classic tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "aged school" attraction is still refreshing after all of these a long time. three. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer sequence is merely a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious conquer and often provides you to your feet to dance. four. "Walking Tall" by Ziggy Marley and featuring Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune created in the custom of his father's constructive lyricism. There is an crucial lesson staying taught in this article, and is carried out in such a lovable way that it is destined to become a hit! five. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Authentic Broadway Solid Recording of Annie. I can remember all those lyrics staying there for me growing up, and hope other young children locate them as equally encouraging. 6. Though "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett is just not a favourite but among my kiddies, Grandma enjoys it and each time we are in the vehicle, that is her very first ask for. Maybe I really should have picked the Miley Cyrus model...which potential customers me to... 7. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the one particular the 3-year-old enjoys best. There is a wonderful message in this one particular, too. But, I don't even believe she cares! It is Hannah Montana! eight. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties basic with a great information so healthful it has previously been showcased in countless movies, commercials, and "greatest of" compilations and never receives outdated. Not only does it bring you to your toes, but it fills your kids' mouths with some great terms that can raise self-esteem and inner self-assurance. nine. "Three Small Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae vintage that also hits house for so many individuals..."Will not be concerned 'bout a factor...just about every little thing's gonna be alright." Who isn't going to will need to here that from time to time? It's a wonderful tune for kids and undoubtedly has lyrics to reside by. 10. "My Favored Points" by Julie Andrews is initially and foremost usually a fantastic vocal training! She hits all those notes and holds them as extended as only she can. But in her rendition of this well known regular, she plainly provides a fantastic remedy to anybody emotion down in the dumps...Make a record of your favored things. Pull them out when you will need them, and enable it operate miracles on your mood. Good notion! eleven. "Almost There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog film is so good it was nominated for an Academy Award this yr. It truly is so effortless to sing alongside to, all the although relaying an significant information about willpower. How numerous instances have you needed a tune like this to assist you stay inspired when nearing the complete line? The important issue to remember is that by having the time to do a tiny choosing and choosing of what they hear to, just like they keep track of what they observe, parents can regain some electric power to management the tips and images that penetrate their kid's minds. Additionally, by feeding them with good ideas and photos by means of tunes, parents can method their little ones to turn into more robust, far more independent, and profitable folks. Pretty awesome, huh?
0 notes
Motivational Songs For Young children of All Ages
rozprávky pre deti Motivational Songs are very good for the head, overall body and spirit in kids of all ages. If you are like me, a kid staring at 40, listening to motivational tunes presents me that a lot essential decide-me-up in the center of the working day transforming my entire temper, bringing me to my feet, and inviting me to dance. And additional importantly, for my very own kids, motivational tracks train useful existence classes that will conjure up effective reminiscences for several many years to come. A music is motivational if it has a beneficial and encouraging message. For case in point, lyrics like "You can get it if you actually want, but you should try out," suggest tips of dedication and challenging get the job done. However, some songs may well have an upbeat rhythm that frees the head and moves the physique...like in the concept tune from the Rocky sequence "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so potent it provides you that tiny drive, the more electricity to get up and go. Even university instructors discover that the appropriate music aids facilitate finding out by generating a attractive environment and energizes pursuits for little ones. It can also enable them to raise their interest, improve their memory, release rigidity, and so substantially far more. How awesome is that? As a mom of two little young children, I also uncover that motivational music give them positive sayings that you will not likely be embarrassed to hear them repeat or sing alongside to. Subsequently, for parents, motivational lyrics become words and phrases of knowledge to use when educating little ones about the "trials and tribulations" of lifetime that Princess Tiana sings about in "Practically There" (SEE Below). In essence, they work just like inspirational quotes do. But, because they have the capability to get stuck in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational music are that significantly far more powerful! Luckily, motivational tracks can be located in all genres and from an array of artists aged and new, common and not so well-known. Even though there are so several to select from, listed here are just a several I have launched my kids to. These are in no particular purchase. one. "Intensify the Optimistic" sung by Dr. John, is a very stylized version of the outdated typical that was featured in the motion picture The Mighty Ducks. This 1 leaves them singing together to some very very good phrases of knowledge that have been at first composed by Harold Arlen who was noted to have been influenced by a church sermon he experienced read with the very same title. 2. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney vintage tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "outdated college" attraction is even now refreshing soon after all of these years. 3. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer series is basically a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious conquer and always delivers you to your feet to dance. 4. "Strolling Tall" by Ziggy Marley and showcasing Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune prepared in the tradition of his father's beneficial lyricism. There is an important lesson getting taught below, and is performed in these a adorable way that it is destined to become a hit! 5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Original Broadway Forged Recording of Annie. I can recall all those lyrics getting there for me expanding up, and hope other little ones uncover them as equally encouraging. six. Even though "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett isn't really a beloved still amongst my kiddies, Grandma enjoys it and each time we are in the auto, that is her 1st request. Probably I really should have picked the Miley Cyrus edition...which leads me to... 7. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the just one the three-yr-old enjoys greatest. There is a good concept in this a single, as well. But, I really don't even consider she cares! It truly is Hannah Montana! eight. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties basic with a excellent information so wholesome it has previously been featured in many flicks, commercials, and "very best of" compilations and never will get aged. Not only does it carry you to your ft, but it fills your kids' mouths with some good words that can enhance self-esteem and interior self esteem. 9. "Three Small Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae vintage that also hits residence for so quite a few men and women..."Will not fear 'bout a thing...every small thing's gonna be alright." Who isn't going to need to have to below that from time to time? It can be a great track for kids and definitely has lyrics to live by. ten. "My Favourite Factors" by Julie Andrews is 1st and foremost often a good vocal workout! She hits those notes and retains them as prolonged as only she can. But in her rendition of this well-liked normal, she plainly delivers a fantastic answer to anybody sensation down in the dumps...Make a checklist of your preferred factors. Pull them out when you require them, and permit it operate miracles on your mood. Good thought! eleven. "Almost There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog movie is so very good it was nominated for an Academy Award this calendar year. It's so straightforward to sing together to, all the even though relaying an essential information about determination. How several periods have you wanted a tune like this to aid you stay enthusiastic when nearing the complete line? The crucial factor to bear in mind is that by having the time to do a very little selecting and deciding on of what they pay attention to, just like they keep an eye on what they watch, mothers and fathers can get back some energy to control the ideas and photographs that penetrate their kid's minds. Furthermore, by feeding them with optimistic ideas and photographs via songs, parents can program their young children to grow to be much better, much more independent, and profitable men and women. Quite interesting, huh?
0 notes
Motivational Tunes For Children of All Ages
koncerty pre deti Motivational Music are great for the mind, physique and spirit in children of all ages. If you are like me, a child staring at 40, listening to motivational tracks gives me that substantially wanted decide on-me-up in the center of the working day transforming my total temper, bringing me to my feet, and inviting me to dance. And additional importantly, for my own little ones, motivational music teach beneficial lifestyle classes that will conjure up strong reminiscences for many years to come. A song is motivational if it has a positive and encouraging concept. For case in point, lyrics like "You can get it if you genuinely want, but you have to consider," recommend suggestions of determination and difficult perform. Even so, some songs might have an upbeat rhythm that frees the mind and moves the body...like in the concept music from the Rocky collection "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, along with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so powerful it offers you that tiny force, the further power to get up and go. Even faculty instructors discover that the suitable new music will help facilitate studying by developing a attractive environment and energizes routines for young children. It can also aid them to raise their awareness, enhance their memory, release stress, and so substantially far more. How amazing is that? As a mom of 2 modest kids, I also uncover that motivational music give them optimistic sayings that you will not likely be ashamed to hear them repeat or sing along to. Subsequently, for mother and father, motivational lyrics become text of knowledge to use when educating little ones about the "trials and tribulations" of lifestyle that Princess Tiana sings about in "Just about There" (SEE Underneath). In essence, they function just like inspirational quotes do. But, given that they have the capacity to get trapped in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational songs are that substantially much more effective! Thankfully, motivational music can be observed in all genres and from an array of artists old and new, well known and not so common. Even though there are so a lot of to pick from, below are just a several I have released my young children to. These are in no specific get. 1. "Accentuate the Constructive" sung by Dr. John, is a very stylized version of the old typical that was showcased in the film The Mighty Ducks. This 1 leaves them singing together to some extremely great phrases of wisdom that were being initially composed by Harold Arlen who was claimed to have been motivated by a church sermon he experienced listened to with the same title. two. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney vintage tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "outdated college" attraction is even now refreshing following all of these several years. 3. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer sequence is basically a celebration of achievement. It has an undeniably infectious defeat and generally brings you to your toes to dance. 4. "Strolling Tall" by Ziggy Marley and showcasing Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune written in the tradition of his father's constructive lyricism. There is an essential lesson currently being taught in this article, and is carried out in such a adorable way that it is destined to turn out to be a strike! 5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Initial Broadway Solid Recording of Annie. I can recall all those lyrics becoming there for me rising up, and hope other kids find them as equally encouraging. 6. Despite the fact that "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett isn't really a favorite but amongst my kiddies, Grandma enjoys it and each time we are in the car or truck, that is her initial request. Possibly I ought to have picked the Miley Cyrus variation...which prospects me to... seven. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the one particular the 3-calendar year-outdated enjoys very best. There is a excellent message in this 1, far too. But, I do not even consider she cares! It's Hannah Montana! 8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties traditional with a fantastic concept so wholesome it has presently been showcased in plenty of movies, commercials, and "ideal of" compilations and never gets previous. Not only does it bring you to your ft, but it fills your kids' mouths with some wonderful phrases that can boost self-esteem and interior self-confidence. 9. "3 Little Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae vintage that also hits household for so a lot of persons..."Really don't fear 'bout a factor...every single small thing's gonna be alright." Who isn't going to want to below that from time to time? It's a good song for children and absolutely has lyrics to are living by. ten. "My Favorite Things" by Julie Andrews is initial and foremost usually a wonderful vocal exercise routine! She hits people notes and holds them as prolonged as only she can. But in her rendition of this popular standard, she obviously delivers a good answer to any person experience down in the dumps...Make a checklist of your beloved points. Pull them out when you will need them, and enable it work miracles on your mood. Wonderful concept! eleven. "Practically There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog film is so great it was nominated for an Academy Award this yr. It truly is so easy to sing together to, all the while relaying an essential message about determination. How several moments have you required a tune like this to assist you keep enthusiastic when nearing the complete line? The important issue to bear in mind is that by getting the time to do a small buying and choosing of what they listen to, just like they check what they enjoy, mother and father can regain some energy to control the ideas and photos that penetrate their kid's minds. In addition, by feeding them with positive suggestions and pictures by tunes, dad and mom can method their kids to develop into stronger, much more unbiased, and successful individuals. Very interesting, huh?
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lunamysteria-blog · 7 years
Motivational Songs For Little ones of All Ages
smejko a tanculienka Motivational Music are great for the mind, entire body and spirit in kids of all ages. If you are like me, a child staring at 40, listening to motivational music offers me that significantly needed decide on-me-up in the middle of the day transforming my whole temper, bringing me to my toes, and inviting me to dance. And much more importantly, for my possess little ones, motivational songs teach useful daily life classes that will conjure up strong recollections for quite a few yrs to appear. A track is motivational if it has a beneficial and encouraging information. For illustration, lyrics like "You can get it if you truly want, but you have to consider," counsel concepts of resolve and challenging get the job done. However, some tracks may have an upbeat rhythm that frees the head and moves the body...like in the concept music from the Rocky series "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, alongside with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so powerful it presents you that tiny force, the extra energy to get up and go. Even school lecturers locate that the proper new music aids aid understanding by developing a fascinating ambiance and energizes actions for youngsters. It can also help them to raise their consideration, strengthen their memory, launch tension, and so substantially far more. How great is that? As a mother of two smaller little ones, I also uncover that motivational tracks give them positive sayings that you would not be embarrassed to hear them repeat or sing together to. Subsequently, for parents, motivational lyrics turn into phrases of knowledge to use when instructing kids about the "trials and tribulations" of daily life that Princess Tiana sings about in "Nearly There" (SEE Down below). Essentially, they operate just like inspirational quotations do. But, due to the fact they have the capacity to get stuck in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational songs are that substantially much more powerful! Fortunately, motivational tracks can be discovered in all genres and from an array of artists old and new, popular and not so well-liked. Although there are so many to decide on from, listed here are just a handful of I have launched my youngsters to. These are in no certain order. one. "Accentuate the Positive" sung by Dr. John, is a highly stylized version of the old regular that was highlighted in the movie The Mighty Ducks. This one particular leaves them singing along to some quite fantastic text of wisdom that had been initially composed by Harold Arlen who was documented to have been encouraged by a church sermon he experienced read with the similar title. two. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney vintage tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "previous university" appeal is nevertheless refreshing following all of these many years. three. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer collection is only a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious defeat and generally delivers you to your ft to dance. four. "Strolling Tall" by Ziggy Marley and that includes Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune created in the tradition of his father's positive lyricism. There is an critical lesson being taught listed here, and is accomplished in these kinds of a cute way that it is destined to turn out to be a hit! 5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the First Broadway Cast Recording of Annie. I can recall all those lyrics getting there for me rising up, and hope other kids discover them as equally encouraging. six. Although "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett isn't a beloved however amongst my kiddies, Grandma loves it and every single time we are in the vehicle, that is her first request. It's possible I must have picked the Miley Cyrus edition...which potential customers me to... 7. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the 1 the 3-calendar year-aged enjoys greatest. There is a wonderful information in this a single, as well. But, I really don't even believe she cares! It's Hannah Montana! 8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties classic with a wonderful concept so healthful it has presently been featured in many videos, commercials, and "greatest of" compilations and never ever gets previous. Not only does it convey you to your feet, but it fills your kids' mouths with some wonderful terms that can raise self-esteem and interior self-assurance. 9. "3 Minor Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae common that also hits house for so numerous folks..."Really don't worry 'bout a factor...each small thing's gonna be alright." Who does not want to below that from time to time? It truly is a good tune for youngsters and surely has lyrics to reside by. ten. "My Favorite Points" by Julie Andrews is first and foremost constantly a excellent vocal training! She hits these notes and holds them as very long as only she can. But in her rendition of this well known standard, she plainly delivers a fantastic resolution to everyone sensation down in the dumps...Make a checklist of your favourite items. Pull them out when you will need them, and permit it operate miracles on your mood. Good plan! eleven. "Virtually There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog film is so excellent it was nominated for an Academy Award this year. It is so easy to sing alongside to, all the although relaying an essential message about willpower. How numerous moments have you wanted a tune like this to help you continue to be motivated when nearing the complete line? The important matter to remember is that by using the time to do a tiny finding and choosing of what they hear to, just like they check what they look at, mother and father can regain some energy to management the strategies and images that penetrate their children's minds. In addition, by feeding them with optimistic concepts and illustrations or photos through songs, parents can software their little ones to develop into more powerful, a lot more unbiased, and effective folks. Pretty great, huh?
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