#that moment when yr life starts changing and u have to start doing adult things you’ve never done before and u can’t do them because of yr
allhappyandgay · 11 months
oh wow. I am disabled
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ibuproffie · 5 years
snr szn ~ advice for high school seniors
it’s not gonna be perfect, and that’s ok. high school movies tell us that senior year is this amazing time in your life where you have all these formative experiences that shape the course of your destiny or something, but in my experience this is not really the case. my senior year was somehow both excruciatingly slow and very fast, and it had ups and downs just like any other school year. so if your senior year isn’t a wonderful collection of instagrammable moments, don’t worry. everyone else is finding “senior season” a little underwhelming too, even the people who seem to be having the most fun. quite frankly, you shouldn’t want your senior year of high school to be the best year of your life. 
college apps are important, but you don’t have to kill yourself over them. i know, i can say this because i just finished them, but it’s so true. applying to college is a horrible, tedious process that i’m going to attempt to break down in another masterpost. i went to a high school where people were fucking obsessed with getting into college, and it was sort of horrifying to watch people self-destruct over the process. even i (and i consider myself a fairly private, non-competitive, even-keeled person) went a little nuts towards the end. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, there is no reason on god’s green earth to apply to twenty or more schools. it’s expensive (most application fees are 60+ USD), time-consuming, and stressful. the only reason i can even see why you might be doing this is if you qualify for a bunch of application fee waivers, but even then, it’s just stupid. most colleges make you write secondary essays in addition to the common or coalition app essay, and that doesn’t even factor in scholarship applications, interview prep, and keeping up with school on top of everything. the best thing you can do for yourself is pick around ten-ish schools that you’re actually serious about attending and skip the hassle. you will get into at least one college if you apply smart. trust me. the people i know who went ham with applications were miserable all the time (even the smartest ones) and most of them didn’t even get into their top choice schools. when you’re churning out 3+ essays every month, it follows that they’re not all gonna be winners. additionally, know that life will go on even if you don’t get into harvard. relax. you have an entire life ahead of you. even if it doesn’t work out exactly how you planned, good things take time, ya feel? 
you’re still valid even if you don’t participate in every “senior activity” possible. “but it’s your last pep rally!!” “you HAVE to go to prom!!” “let’s go to every football game this season!!”  no. just no. you’re really not gonna remember a lot of this stuff. if large crowds of ppl aren’t your thing, if you’re stressed or tired, if you don’t have the money (a lot of these “senior only” activities are EXPENSIVE expensive or at least they were at my school), or if you just have no interest in homecoming or whatever, IT’S FINE. you don’t have to justify this stuff to other people. i let ppl guilt trip me into doing a bunch of shit for our “last high school memories” or whatever and uhhh i didn’t always have a good time. for one thing, i’ve never had a shit ton of school spirit or whatever and two, being around crowds of ppl is pretty draining for me. the only “senior activity” i actually enjoyed was prom, but i knew ppl who skipped out on that and ya know what? i think they were ok. i never bought a yearbook. it’s fine. you should shape your senior year around what’s mentally/financially safe for you + and what you’re actually interested in, not what people expect you to do.
you don’t really have to do extracurricular activities this year, so don’t do anything you’re not truly passionate about. i stopped doing a lot of stuff like model un and science olympiad this year because i just wasn’t interested in them anymore. and i don’t regret it. to be blunt, you already have the lines on your resume filled by those activities if you’ve done them for a long time. so if you’re not feelin’ it, don’t waste your time. just do the things you wanna do. i did a lot of theater stuff last year and had a great time. it was super rewarding and i had a pretty good time with my castmates, and i was glad i had done that instead of more “academic” activities like scioly. 
it’s ok to be unsure about your plans for the future. for some reason, this is the year, every adult in your life is gonna be like, “wHaT’s Ur MaJoR???” and “wHaT jOb Do YoU wAnNa HaVe wHeN u GrOw uP??” as a result, you can start to feel a lot of pressure around having an answer prepared, and if you are on the fence about what you wanna do with your life, you can feel like other ppl have their shit together a lot more and that you’re aimless and stupid. trust me, you’re not, though. i personally think it’s unfair that we expect 18 y/os, who in many ways are still kids, to have their whole life planned out. a lot is still liable to change even after high school, and I think you’ll be remiss if you don’t allow your dreams and ambitions to change with it. if you’re truly unsure about your plans but you know you’re going to college, i’d recommend making sure none of the places you’re applying to are going to lock you down in a major when you set foot on campus. i have friends who are going to large universities who have already basically declared a major, which to me seems like an odd system. if 4-yr college isn’t in the cards for you for whatever reason, try taking a year off, getting a job, or community college. a lot of ppl i know look down on ccs, but to my knowledge, community college can be a great start to figuring out what you wanna do with your life. you have time. don’t rush it.
getting sick of your school friends is normal. it sounds mean, but in my experience, it’s true. i mean you’ve gone to school with these people for 4 or more years now, and you’ve changed a lot. and that doesn’t mean you don’t like them and wish them well, but there can be days where you’re like “omg pls stop talking to me rn!!” especially in that lull after application season. don’t be mean to anyone ofc, but realize that feeling exasperated with your peers is just part of the process, and you’re not a bad person for wanting a little bit of space. in my experience, unless the issue is w regards to toxicity or people being generally shitty, ppl will be able to connect w each other much more normally after school is over. 
you will get senioritis to some degree, but you have to push through it. it must be great to be one of those people who literally never stops working. but for the vast majority of us, some kind of senioritis will slap us in the ass after applications are done. you will have no motivation to do coursework but! remember that coursework needs to be completed! to be completely honest, once you’ve been accepted to college, you really only need to maintain a C average to not get rescinded, and i knew plenty of people who screwed around more than i did and they didn’t get their admission rescinded. but like, you don’t want to be one of those people who somehow fails a class because you don’t “feel like” doing the homework. you need to graduate, you need to hold onto your scholarship, and you need to maintain your accepted status. quite honestly, you need to kick ur own ass and make yourself work, whether that’s by turning down invites to hang out, or putting your phone in a different room. also, don’t be that person who’s playing iphone games in every class. your teachers will think you’re an asshole, and that’s really not the move. 
you don’t have to take everyone’s advice. this is the year everyone wants to be an expert on adulting, whether that’s your peers or parents’ colleagues or school counselors. in the end, your are the only one who can decide what’s right for you based on your financial situation and what you are comfortable with. i’m not saying “don’t take anyone’s advice”, because i truly believe there are some people out there who have the means to help you succeed. but i think you should pick and choose because you’re about to be fed a deluge of information that may or may not be useful or relevant to what you want to do. for example, people told me that i was limiting myself by not applying to any ivy league schools or very many competitive universities, or that i should lie about my race on my application (!!) because of the bias against ppl of asian descent in college admissions (note: i actually wrote about my heritage in my common app essay so it wasn’t like it was some secret lmao), which were uhhh not helpful. do what feels right and don’t feel the need to humor ppl who don’t have your best interests at heart. 
don’t compare yourself with other ppl. it’s natural to be a little jealous of peers who snag acceptances to prestigious colleges on full-tuition scholarships or land dream jobs/gap-year programs right out of high school. it’s a bit of an ugly feeling, but i’m not gonna sit here and say i didn’t wish i was one of those people at a point. that’s disingenuous in the extreme. it’s ok to be disappointed if everything doesn’t all work out, but at a certain point you need to accept what’s happening to you and make the very damn best of it. wallowing in self-pity just because your classmates are succeeding is just stupid. also, recognize that everyone’s ability to achieve their post-hs goals is wildly different based on their own circumstances. if you are less financially able to pay for college, for example, your opportunities are more limited than someone with a six-figure college fund. it’s quite frankly naive to assume that everyone shares your experience. be happy for people who do well. be happy for people who are proud of themselves. don’t try to take other people down because you’re feeling bitter. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again-other people’s success is not your failure. 
take time to do some much needed self care. senior year can be hectic, and it’s important to disengage from stressful situations. take a walk. watch a movie with your friends. take a long shower. don’t think you have to be “productive” all the time. you won’t be, and that’s ok. 
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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lacedsposts-blog · 5 years
Everyone Deserves To Be Happy.
How to be thankful for your journey.
I am a standing , living testimony that you can go through tragedy, loss of a child or parent, physical abuse, and so much more sorrow that life has to hold. But i also want to tell others, who may be suffering now..that it can get better. There is hope and a light at the end of your dark tunnel..and that there is purpose God wants you to find in your pain.
I'm not sharing my story because I want pity or attention. I've never wanted to make anyone feel bad for my first 30 yrs of life. It took me that long to figure out how to explain it to my damn self..but I am a walking talking truth.
My story is almost unbelievable and I am not asking you to try to do the same things I have. But i swear these stories are honest to Gods mercy and love the best i can explain.
I have always battled drugs. As a kid, i always felt lost.. Like i didnt really belong anywhere. I found friends with drugs..or at least i felt like i belonged.
I met the father of my daughter early in my senior year. A month later, i was pregnant. Boom!! Life changed. By prom time i was married, had no clue what i was doing, and had zero idea what or how to take care of a baby inside my belly. I was so ugly. I thought that my Hailey was the end of my fun life. I resented giving up all i thought i had because i had been so careless with my future.
Things got worse, my new husband was just a couple years older than I and he had no clue about life either. But as i began to grow my bump, feel the baby move..you know, really start to understand what a gift God had given me. When i accepted and began to love that little person inside me...well it was stripped from me.
On July 20, 2002. I gave birth to my sweet angel..Hailey Danielle. She was only a little over 1 pound. I could feel her move until I pushed her out. She died minutes later..
There is no greater feeling of despair. Of guilt and self blame. I have an incompetent cervix..the Dr's voices were blocked out by total gut wrenching blame and failure. I have never been so hopelessly lost. No matter what anyone said..i was her protector and i was guilty of not wanting her. I was being taught this lessson, i thought. I was inconsolable.
I look at pictures of myself after Haileys death..it is a photo of a struggling soul. I almost completely had a breakdown. I locked myself in a room and refused anyone and everyone who tried to offer words..love or support. I didn't even sleep for 3 days..until we finally laid her to rest.
Now im not sure about other mother's but i was a wreak..at the private service i layied on the ground next to her little white coffin..the pastor could not raise his voice over the wailing. Ive only heard that sound twice since that day. I was completely distrout.
That was the moment my grandfather knelt down beside me. He gave me the best advice anyone has ever given me on being adult and mother. He said," The day that God takes us home is the best day of your life. You will never know the worry for her soul..because she is in heaven. We should thank God for his mercy always." He looked at me and squeezed me tight.."now..sis you get up in this chair and stop behaving like you dont know you will see her again. Sit and behave like the mother God wants you to be." He is the only peron who i allowed to touch me. But I did as he said.
I never like to call people after a loss. I know that saying I'm sorry is not practical or kind. Nor do i tell others that it will get better..because i dont want to lie to them. I can only assure them what my Pop told me. We will only be apart for a time.
I wish i could tell you that i got better. But that would too..be a lie. The next few years i didnt try to feel anything. I punished myself. I just wanted to get it over with. I had the reoccurring dreams of giving birth and watching her die over and over.
I didn't understand how God could give me something to rip it back and leave me nothing but all that guilt and regret. I was for sure i was being punished for my bad thoughts of Hailey. For not wanting her. That's still a big pill to swollow.
I just want to stop my story here because i want you all to know that guilt and regret will kill u from the inside out.
Hailey would have been 16 yrs old this last July. To everyone else it was so long ago and all that stuff. Not to me. It was the day i would have taken her to get her driver's license. It would have been an important day for her.
I know know after all these years that Haileys trip back home was between God and Hailey. Im not saying i dont have guilt still deep inside..its a big hole. Its always there..you just have to learn to live around it. To trust that God knows best. It was not easy. But i love her everyday. I look forward to meeting her in heaven one day.
It took me a long time..i dealt with the trama in every wrong way. I had even had my son. Even after finally succeeded in caring a heathy baby..i had a hard time accepting the truth. I ended up in rehab..thank God!
I wrote Hailey and told her goodbye and any thing i wanted her to know. I had to stop carrying around her when God had seen fit to make me a mother again. I had to realize that God loved me and Hailey. Her purpose in this life was over.
I still talk to her. My brain wanders sometimes..what would she look like..who would she be?? But i have to be Noahs mom now...forgiveness is one of GOD'S mercies. I had to forgive myself. And give that time in my early life a bit of grace.
I tell this story because its mine to bear. After all this time i want to maybe just help or be there for others who were just like me. Because instead living life unable to feel grace and understanding that we are a special group of strong people. I dont ever want anyone to feel as alone and lost as i have found myself. I know its hard..but god does not make mistakes..he has still got plans for you. Be someones light in the darkness!!
I honor Hailey instead of grieve for my angel. I honor her at St. Judes Hospital. I make as much money as i can for the March of Dimes Premature Babies..
I honor the little life that changed mine. I am thankful for her part in my journey. I hope u can see it in your hearts to do the same!!
Please if u have an angel baby in heaven comment their name..lets give our loss purpose and hope!!
Stay tuned...because theres alot more to my story i hope to share!!!
Love y'all...blesss you!
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Hey tumblr beings,
Another 365 days have past, time for another annual summary of what have happen in this year.
Honestly I love this annual diary, it’s a good way to recall back what have happen in a year before I forgot about it and a good look back to see if I have grown in a year.
2020 have started off fairly shaky, to end off where 2019 was, Koze was in a transition period between shifting of new office, finally settling down after kicking my other partner out. It’s fair to say, we were in debt. Bank account left with $2000 but the invoices piled up to be paid was around $60-70k. The amount of stress that I feel every day just from waking up still gives me shudders. It’s the helpless feeling of not being to see light , it’s afraid of taking up calls from supplier because u know they are asking for money. That helplessness of knowing u can’t find any help anywhere.
In February, things got slightly better, we signed a contract of $250K, that kinda saved our life, Koze was in such a shaky state that I think without this money coming in, i doubt we can survive. We can’t even pay the bills at the point of time. Went on a Taiwan trip during CNY this year too, and I loved every moment of it.
And then COVID took a bad turn in our life, We were on partial slow down in March, and a full lockdown in April and May till Mid of June. These 3mths was pretty scary although I don’t show it but low key I’m worried too but I know there’s nth we can do about it accept for riding the wave. Thank god after Lockdown, busy were striving before we knew it, we were closing so many deals from June all the way to Nov. which was great.
As usual Sep, and Oct were the worst mths for me, business was hectic AF. Nothing was going smooth, I cock up jobsite as usual. And when looking back there’s really no one to blame but myself. Its times like these that make me doubt myself once again, whether am I fit for this role. I guess this is really the downside of being a business owner, because when shit happens u have no one to turn towards to, no one to look answer from.
It’s so hard not to have self doubt time and again and wonder if you are doing the right thing or on the right path. Towards outsider, I will always look like the 24 yrs old who is capable of having her business at such young age, I look like I got it together but no one will truly know the mental stress I’m facing day to day. Yes, I got to admit that things did got better in 2020 end, financially, I’m finally stable. I’m finally taking a well deserved salary every mth after working for 4 yrs. finally at the year end period I’m no longer a broke child and I finally have savings to say. Although is not a lot but I’m glad at least I’m starting with smth. I finally manage to afford an IPad Air, AirPod and even a TV for my room, manage to clear out my cart for the first time, get to eat whatever I want without worries and even signing up for a facial package for me and my Mum. All these were initially in my bucket list and I’m finally getting to do it.
It’s this year that made me realise that my parents are no longer young, they are already 60 and 53. And the thoughts of them getting older and older kinda really scares me. Because when we are young we always take our parents for granted thinking whatever they do for us is a must, is 因该的. We forgot that we need to repay them for whatever they did for us. I feel like a bad daughter sometimes, for not being fillial enough to it them. I’m always rude and taking them for granted. I really want to change this bad habit of mine in 2021. They say new decade new start right? I want to make things right and do whatever in my means for them. And finally be a better daughter to repay back all the heartbreaks I have gave them in my youth.
2021, I will be 25yrs old this year. That’s 1/4 into life ,at first it didn’t seems like anything but u realise 25 is when people start looking at u differently, they no longer think that you are a kid or a young adult anymore, now u are consider a ADULT. There’s so much more responsibility to fulfill this time.
Mentally, I don’t think I’m at my best state now as I’m writing this. But I think I have got it under Better control this year, at least putting my demons on a leash now. Although that one incident in Dec is still a shitty experience for me. I kinda had a mental breakdown in front of everyone, yang, lin etc. Fuck just thinking about the incidents still gives me shivers. I freaking scream at the top of my lungs at 5am because everyone was pushing me to my brink. I had this side of me so why the fuck am I showing it, why did I not get a better control of myself??? Ever since then, i kinda just felt that I dont really know how to face everyone there, because now my secrets are out. I still bad about myself, still hate myself for being a certain ways, still attempt to die but still doesn’t have the courage to do so.
I have also kinda foreseen myself maybe I won’t even get married anymore, maybe I might just stay single forever. Because I doubt any guys can put up with me and I too can’t deal with the thought of staying forever with someone and tied down to them through bad and good times. Just the idea of marriage seems abit daunting, Imagine you are stuck with someone who you can’t stand after awhile, or imagine they cheated. And there’s nth u can do but be stuck in a fucked up life of dealing with trust or just someone you don’t love for the rest of your life. That’s just plain fucked up, why do I want to get tied down to things like this.
I guess the only goal I have for myself in 2021 is to be more firm on my decisions, be a little more patient towards everything, get a better control over my temper, whine lesser, stop sharing my problems with people who don’t care, be more filial to my parents. And perhaps pamper myself more. Since I still doesn’t know how to love myself, i guess the least I could do is at least spend money on myself.
2021 please be good. Please please have mercy, and spare me from anymore heartbreaks please.
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creativitytoexplore · 4 years
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Candy by Dave Wakely https://ift.tt/306W3OW Dave Wakely's character has to look after his estranged fifteen-year-old daughter for a few days.
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"God, you're so useless!" She stands before me, two skimpy candy-pink tops dangling from their hangers like the discarded skins of lurid reptiles, her ferocious glare expecting me to choose. Decisions, decisions... Luminous Lycra or acrylic machined-lace the colour of bubblegum. I scratch my chin while her right foot counts out the seconds on the rough concrete floor. Tap tap tap. This is her second day with me after half-an-hour's notice, after what passes for an explanation from her mother. Just a text, neither predictive nor predictable. Hasn't her daughter told her? Abbreviations are sooo last year.
Moved in new house but hv chickenpox + R on business in Singapore. B not had it. Don't kno neighbours so cant ask. Yr office sed u r on study leave, so sending her over w driver. Shd be ok in 2 wks. Will xfer £s to yr a/c. Spk later. J.
Since she arrived, we might still be in my town but we're in her world now. Mine never smelt of fast food and unisex perfumes. The lighting was kinder, and it was quieter there. How's a man to think? More to the point, what would the man she now calls Daddy do? Would he even allow her in a place like this? The tapping stops, and then comes the outburst. "You're supposed to be GOOD at this!" Her tantrum is, I understand, designed to drag me back into the moment. I've been lucky to escape so long. She lives for now, not for later, even if that's when most of her life is going to actually happen. At fifteen, hormones trump strategic thinking. Frankly, it's still a tussle at thirty-eight. For twenty minutes now, I've lurked in the shop's darkest corner while Bonnie has ransacked the rails, the gum-chewing sales assistant eyeing me like I'm an old paedo lurking behind a playground fence. Above my head, a speaker booms like the daytime disco Bonnie probably wishes she was in. Eddie would cope with this so much better than me. He usually says I'm trying to be kind when I tell him I envy his deafness, but right now... Still, it's her mother's money I'm spending, I remind myself, not mine. B nds new summer tops: put xtra £150 in yr a/c, this morning's text said. No sign-off - not even a J, let alone an x - but Jess has an encyclopaedia of reasons to hate me. My uselessness isn't news, just an echo sounding down the years. Whether I dress her daughter as a teenage hooker or a day-glo Edwardian vamp, it will be just another erratum slip tucked inside the bulging catalogue of my failures. I wonder if she ever reads them to Bonnie, bedtime stories with a pinch of deadly nightshade. Bonnie was twenty-three months old when Jess finally realised the main reason I'd spent the afternoon on the balcony, our baby girl cradled in my arms. Not to revel in the sunshine and the miracle of my daughter's existence, but for the view of the man next door and the shadows flickering across his sunburnt-pink back as his muscles danced the lawnmower to and fro. My life started then, or at least the life I lead now. I'd seen the pain in Jess's eyes when she gave birth, heard her screams, but I gave birth to myself - to the honest version - in the spare-room, on my own. No gas, no comforting hand, no drugs beyond the illicit. If Jess heard me cry, she didn't say. Tap tap tap... Bonnie's left foot jerks me back into the day once more. "Hold them up against you," I tell her, buying time I've no urge to spend. At least not here, not now. She holds first one hanger and then the other against her, arms signalling a bad-tempered semaphore. I admire her energy, but with every flourish of her elbows I get the message: I am rubbish, a desperate case. Eventually she pauses, the skimpier blouse's lacy material as transparent as her mood. "The other one?" I ask. "Just for a few seconds?" I watch her dial her loathing up another notch, glowering as she slams the second hanger against her collar-bones, letting the first fall to the floor. I expected Till Girl to complain, but she just scrolls her head from left to right like a security camera, purple hair swishing as she scans first Bonnie and then me. Her lip-stud winks with every grind of her jaw, a twenty-first century beauty spot. Maybe, behind her carefully applied overlay of tedium, she's as baffled as me. It's not just the fashions that I'm out of touch with: it's the girl. For twenty-four hours we've skirted each other, any moments in the same room an uneasy truce. I'm like a wary gardener, too daunted by the thorns to venture a nostril nearer to the rose. I've seen Bonnie grow, but in giant leaps rather than baby steps. Standing on the porch, face caught between smiling and blankness as I drove away in a borrowed car after six months of sleeping on an old sofa, stemming the draughts under the garage door with the boiler-suit I'd worn to half-finish painting her bedroom. Outside the divorce court three years later, beaming and waving as she held Roger's hand. "Daddy," she called out, till she was shushed into silence. "I'm right here, darling," I heard him say. Then at nine-and-a-half, when Jess's mum died and her father invited me to the funeral, still preferring me to Roger. Close enough to see her tug Jess's sleeve while she pointed at me, for Eddie to lip-read her mother calling me 'Uncle Desmond'. Since then, mostly snatches of conversation at weddings or old friends' parties before Jess or Roger could steer her away. Perfunctory paragraphs in Christmas cards, letters send via lawyers' offices. As I wait for her scowl to turn vocal again, I remind myself that I am the adult here, even if I'm not the precise adult either of us might have chosen. She knows me as little as I know her, and taking a gay man shopping hadn't turned out as fabulously - and that would be the word, wouldn't it? - as she'd hoped. I turn to Till Girl, her face dead-pan. "I need your help here," I tell her, shouting over the music. "This is Bonnie. She's fifteen years old..." "I'm nearly sixteen," Bonnie interrupts with a shrill squeak of outrage. "She was fifteen four months ago," I continue, hearing my voice coarsen into a bark. "Her mother's ill, so I'm looking after her. She needs a new top." I can feel my emotions bubbling like a percolator, finer manners sinking like silt. "One that doesn't make her look a total slut." As the words leave my mouth, I hear the shame under the rage, feel the realisation that it isn't really Bonnie I'm angry with. Till Girl flicks her tongue across her lip, a snake tasting the air. Contempt, or contemplation? One hand drops below the counter and the music abruptly dies. Bonnie is silent now too. The girl steps round from behind the counter, nods once at me and strides to a rail by the changing-room. "What size, please?" she asks, her crystal vowels a surprise. I motion Bonnie to reply. "Six," she mutters, absorbed in staring at her feet. Till Girl's fingers fly through a mass of hangers, pulling out a blue velvety creation with an asymmetric hem and sparkling embroidery. "This suits your colouring more," she tells Bonnie firmly, "and the cut will make you look taller. Slimmer." There's a subtle emphasis on the second adjective. "And I think you're more like an eight." She pushes open a changing room door and waits as Bonnie half-drags, half-stomps her way across the shop. As the door swings shut behind her, the girl raises one artfully-pencilled eyebrow at me and struts back to her counter. A seemingly eternal silence later, Bonnie re-appears, tugging down the shorter side of her new hem. Till Girl knows her stuff: she looks taller and more graceful, almost adult. Differently dressed, she has the beginnings of a figure, shaded and outlined without anything being underlined or underwired. "Well?" she says, more tremulous than truculent. Till Girl beats me to it. "Quite sophisticated, actually. Yes, I like that," she says. There's an undertone of surprise. "What does your father think?" "I think you look great," I say, before Bonnie can speak. Before she might deny my existence, or I might do the same. Even here where it would never matter, where it's already assumed, it seems an acknowledgement too far. "Not that my opinion matters, I suspect. I'm just the wallet carrier. Is there a younger man she might impress?" Till Girl almost smiles, and turns her head towards the back of the store. "Jamie!" Her shout would stir a catacomb. A boy of eighteen or nineteen shuffles out of the stock-room, all ear-tunnels, piercings and ink-black tattoos, halfway between Meccano and a badly-photocopied medieval map. He moves inside his baggy clothes like a man wrestling inside a duvet cover, the waistband of his unbelted jeans sitting below under-developed buttocks. There's a flash of gaudy yellow underpant, bright as cupcake icing, the only hint of sweetness he's allowed himself. "Trade Descriptions Act," Eddie always says when he sees a boy dressed like that. "If it's not for sale, don't put it in the window." Till Girl does her security-camera head-swivel thing at Bonnie, and then back to the boy. "Cool," he says, his voice as flat as Lincolnshire. "Wicked." Whether from shyness or lust, he rubs his palms on his thighs, a blush spreading through the few patches of bare skin left on his neck. Is this how straight teenagers flirt nowadays? It's like watching a wildlife documentary. Bonnie's face is as pink as the clothes she would have chosen, but she's clearly persuaded.
Twenty minutes later - after she's convinced us both that her new look requires black metallic leggings and, two stores down, petrol-blue patent leather stilettos that of course she insists on wearing - we walk the mall's marble walkways, a stable-hand leading a prize filly into the dressage ring. Each time I hear a pause in her erratic clip-clopping, I take her hand for a second before she teeters, sparing her more the embarrassment of toppling than the pain of a twisted ankle. I watch the eyes of teenage boys as we pass, scanning her like bar-code readers assessing some new exotic fruit. Whenever a woman Jess's age comes close, I try to read her expression as if I might read Jess's mind by proxy. As if I ever could. Bonnie's eyes dart from window to window, feverish with the shopping bug. Each time we stop, it's not the display I dissect but our reflection. The young woman, dumped on an almost-stranger but bursting to be happy. The gangly man in the biker jacket and faded 501s, sullen as a teenager and anxious to be somewhere else. And the way they avoid each other's eyes, stranded in a no-man's-land between anger and apology. We pause on the benches by the fountains in the open courtyard, faces splashed with spray, pretending that an icy slab of damp marble under our buttocks comes as some kind of respite. I take her picture on her phone so she can send it to Jess. My new look, her message says. Like it? B x. There's no reply. As we drift back into silence, I watch her attention scampering from one boy to another, so blatantly she triggers more blushes than smiles. Maybe this is the kind of moment Jess and Roger would never allow her, a chance to make mistakes. Perhaps she's even enjoying being here, with me, just a little. I police my own gaze more carefully. Here and there, middle-aged fathers sit with teenaged daughters, carrier bags at their feet and shoulders turned a fraction against each other, seeing the world at different angles. Maybe this is what teenage girls think fathers are for: for presents and treats, but not for company or conversation. "I'm sorry I made you lose your temper," Bonnie says, looking down at her feet as she breaks our silence. She's shaken off one of her new shoes and there's the start of a blister on her heel, already rising a livid red. "I'll buy you some plasters," I tell her. "Unless you want to put your trainers back on?" I pat the growing pile of carrier bags beside me. "Thanks," she mumbles, shaking her head, "but I can afford Elastoplast, at least." She takes my proffered tissue and folds it over, wrapping it round her heel before she slips the shoe back on, trying not to wince. "And I know me being here isn't your fault. Just 'cos Mum's using you doesn't mean I should. It's not like you're responsible for me or anything." I want to protest, though it would do no good. Jess didn't get herself pregnant: if I'm not responsible for her, who on earth is? Without me, Bonnie wouldn't be anywhere - wouldn't even be. But it's not what she means, and complaining won't help. Roger's her father now: I abdicated and I can't expect loyalty. "It's ok, I'm sorry too. I know I'm kind of the last resort," I tell her. "Like being promised a trip to the zoo to see the tigers and winding up in the reptile house with some cold-blooded thing staring at you through the glass." She looks as embarrassed as I feel. The fountains spray our faces with cold water as the silence grows again. "How about I treat you to something?" she asks me, suddenly a child again. A fifteen-year-old girl wanting to impress. "Have you ever had bubble tea?"
The concession stall is a cartoon-coloured laboratory of bubbling liquids in luminous columns. Their high-buttoned uniforms as white as surgeons', Asian boys barely older than Bonnie strain alien concoctions into transparent beakers, inscrutable stewards in a Martian cocktail bar. I scan the menu, pretending to understand. "Extra bottom, 50p," it declares. With Eddie, I could have pointed and laughed, but not now. I turn to Bonnie. "Help me out here?" "OK," she says, "are you more milky? Or more fruity?" "I guess I'm more the fruity type," I say, stifling a snigger I can't quite prevent. "Apple, if that's possible?" "How are you with things that burst in your mouth?" she asks, all wide-eyed curiosity, and I wonder if she's trying to provoke me, testing my boundaries, or if being fifteen is still as innocent as I dimly remember. The students I teach are older: nineteen, twenty... women, not girls, though their counterparts are still more boys than men. "I'll try anything once," I say. Her face stays straight. My offer to pay refused, I perch on a ridiculously tall barstool while she places our order, passing over her little sequinned purse from her backpack when she remembers her new outfit has no pockets. I watch how she keeps it hidden below the counter-line, too girly now for her chic ensemble, for the suddenly mature Bonnie. Young enough to blush and giggle, but old enough to play the scene to suit the audience. She passes me a see-through cup filled with something bile green. There are viscous black lumps clumped at its base and a thick purple straw sticking out like a drainpipe. Hers is a shade of lilac only chemicals could conjure, but she slurps at it happily. We swivel on our seats, our feet dangling in mid-air, two satellite dishes scanning the ether for different channels. "Go on," she teases. "Try it." I lower my head and suck. The glowing gunge fills my mouth, cold and thickly chewy. I give silent thanks that I've mastered my gag reflex, and swallow with what little elegance I can muster. "So, how does it taste?" she asks, apparently blind to my discomfort. Preoccupied with not throwing up, my manners go AWOL. "Like it looks," I mutter, scrambling for tissues to wipe stray globules from my chin. "Dragon sperm." I watch her roll her beaker across her cheek, either hiding a blush or cooling one, and wonder if I've gone too far. There's a pause before she replies, but no coyness in the question. "You recognise the flavour?" Her eyes signal a smile that's yet to reach her lips. "I've had... similar." It's taken twenty-four hours, but finally I've made her laugh. "You're much more fun than Roger," she tells me. "Or Mum. And it's ok - leave it if you don't want it."
The concrete park bench feels warmer than the mall's marble, although the landscaping's manicured scrubland is no more sincere. In the dogwoods behind us, I can hear the underground pump that sends the curiously tidy stream trickling down through the artificial hills. She wants me to choose a place for lunch, but where would she enjoy? I can hardly take her to The Taverners and spend an hour explaining the difference between bears and otters, cubs and twinks. That menu would mean as much to her as the bubble tea bar did to me. What have we got in common? She has my nose, my eyes, but it's only genetics. What do we share beyond a woman neither of us seem to love anymore and a weakness for letting our eyes wander over the bodies of men we don't know? Bubble tea might be thicker than water, but blood? I ask a question that I probably shouldn't. "So, what kind of boys do you like?" She looks a little flustered. I'm probably creeping her out more than earning her interest, but my mouth keeps moving. "I mean, what kind of boy do you dream of being with, one day?" I wonder if I'm blushing now. "Intelligent," she tells me. "Clever. Someone that reads. Proper books, not comics." Hardly the answer I expected, but heart-warming: maybe Eddie might like her after all. I won't tell him she asked me yesterday why I 'went for' a deaf guy, like he was something sub-standard I'd settled for. As if I'd told myself that was what I deserved. She didn't say it quite like that - although he did, once. "Just checking," he said afterwards. "Making sure." I wonder what she'd make of him, proof-reading in his brother's spare room to escape a girl he's pre-judged as shrill and vacant, if she got to know him. Maybe she'd see what I love, if she took the time to look. "Someone who cares about more than money and deals and profits and all that," she says. "Not like Roger." I feel an eyebrow rise and I struggle to keep it level. "Or like Mum. Thinking a turtleneck jumper or a squirt of scent covers everything. Even when it gives her away." My eyebrow drifts aloft like a balloon slipping from a child's hand. "Last time she farmed me out, she said she had a migraine..." Bonnie pauses, her face wondering if she should tell me. "When I got home, I sat on the sofa with her. The cushions smelt of cologne. I recognised it." She's looking down at her hands, her fingers knotting and unknotting. "It wasn't Roger's." She unclasps her hands and they lie in her lap, palms upturned. "Not that he's any better. Coming home late reeking of breath mints, a plaster over a love bite and some crap about cutting himself shaving." She looks almost like she's going to cry. I slip my arm round her shoulder and she nestles her head into my chest. I can't think of a thing to say. "So I'd like a proper man. Classy. Faithful." She's almost mumbling now. "Not like someone you'd find in a shopping mall then," I say. Her smile is half-embarrassment and all charm.
The canal-side bookshop café's an oasis after the mall, tables far enough apart for your conversation to be your own. Away from the neon and the noise, Bonnie's quieter too. We take a balcony table with a view out over the water, a gaggle of Uni students messing about in punts. She chooses mushroom risotto - no meat, Jess's texts had reminded me, she's veggie now, apparently - although she seems to live on Haribo and Diet Coke. She has a sweet tooth and the world is her candy store, eyes still darting from one man to another with the indiscretion of youth. Mine too, pretending to soak in the view but drawn more honestly to the rowers. One of them wears only cut-off jeans, torso already lobster-pink and shiny with sweat. He must have been in the water, thick hairs flattened against his legs, droplets catching the sunlight in his dense black beard. He could be a satyr from an old Greek vase: all he needs is a horn to blow. I barely register when Bonnie asks if I'd mind if she reads the paper, although I notice it's a broadsheet she brings back from the rack, unfolded to the crossword and pen in hand. "The waiter guy said it was ok," she says. "Although he doesn't think I'll manage it." I look occasionally as she starts to fill it in, resting the paper on the table's edge as she either writes in an answer or stares into space, temples lined in concentration as she grasps for solutions. My cheesecake devoured, my attention drifts back to the other temptations. I don't even notice when she gets up to go to the loo. It takes a second or two before I realise the insistent throb in my pocket is my mobile - another command from Jess, no doubt. But I'm wrong: it's a message on Grindr. "Well, this is kind of sweet ☺" There's no profile photo, just a name - Huxley92. Checking Bonnie's not back yet, I send a simple "?" "Her watching me watching you watching him." I'm scanning the room, trying to work out whose eyes are on me, whose fingers are tapping away. "Behind the counter. Goatee. Glasses. Reading Brave New World. Or pretending to ;-) As I turn my head, he smiles casually, paperback propped against a serviette dispenser. I recognise him now. Graham, a former colleague of Eddie's. Cheeky, Eddie says, and flirty with it, although it's only ever just words. We met at some Department evening, me joking with Eddie that every time I turned round I caught Graham pretending not to be looking at me. "Oh, you're his type," Eddie told me, laughing. "Scruffy." Then a pause that could have been shorter. "And gorgeous with it." He planted a theatrical kiss on my cheek, making sure Graham saw him pinch my arse. "She's my daughter," I type back. "It's complicated." "Sure is! Still, she has taste. You too, dude. Eddie's always said so." "Thx. I think." "She's coming back now, btw - you want coffees?" I nod, grinning sheepishly, before I'm distracted by a noise outside. The rower has capsized his boat and he's spluttering in the water, spitting out the rancid taste of city centre canal. As Bonnie sits back down, Graham's right behind her, bringing two large lattes. We each get a shot glass full of Smarties. "Enjoy," he says, as he glances over Bonnie's shoulder. Her crossword puzzle is complete, her handwriting all the more girlish for the pink pen she's been using. "Oooh, cryptic," Graham tells her. "I'm impressed. Where did you learn that?" He's looking at me as he speaks, and I could swear there was a wink. "This hip dude here?" Yep, definitely a wink. "It must just be genetic," she says, cool and coy. As I sip my coffee, I realise my phone is still on the table and Bonnie's been reading it out of the corner of her eye. I play it deadpan, face as inscrutable as an exam invigilator till she looks up at me. I nudge my glass of Smarties across the table. "You have these. My eyes are bigger than my appetite." She nudges them aside and smiles back. "Well drink up, then. We've got more window-shopping to do." She giggles as she reaches across the table to take my hand. Her mother's laugh, perhaps, but her father's sense of humour.
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osetljiv · 4 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2odvuQkrlARSSv6Pvm41GM?si=sjzD66aFTGa5TkMfcIurtQ)
hi i am doing this solely for myself/my own records so please feel free to ignore!!!!!! i wanted to challenge myself by making a top 10 albums list from the last decade - it was rly difficult because my ass truly cannot cut things down and be decisive, but here it is! 
i know many ppl r not into this kinda thing, but i really really love symbolic gestures - i love the idea that a new year (or a new decade!) can wipe ur slate clean, can give u a chance to be hopeful and excited and look forward to things - i hate change and i hate endings but the one good thing to come of them are beginnings! i love new starts, i love freshness, i love blank slates. i know that the end of the year/decade is arbitrary and doesn’t rly mean anything in the long run but....... it is important and super special to me!!!
i’m really not good with words/proper descriptions of the music itself, so i mainly just describe memories/associations i make to the albums, so don’t expect a proper music critic’s review or anything LOL… i am also not ranking by objective quality, but influence - these r the albums that personally made the biggest impact on me since 2010. i started off the decade age 13 and finished it in 2019 at age 23..... so clearly that is a very big difference in stages of life!!! i completed my teenage years, graduated from elementary school, high school & university.... i went thru many different friend groups, many different personality changes...... several big life events occurred…. many many hours were spent listening to music. and now i’m here! 
my only rules were 1. had to be on repeat for a significant amount of time, 2. preferably only one album per artist (to force me to pick between them), and 3. i had to consistently listen to the album as a whole (as opposed to just a few songs out of it)...... some of my fav songs in the world aren’t on these albums bc they were either released before 2010 or i didn’t listen to the rest of the album except for a handful of songs (as is usually the case for me). so the albums on this list are markers in my life, and i could (and did!) listen to them front and back. and ALSO they are not ranked from 1-10...... it was literally difficult enough choosing just 10 and i truly would not survive having to rank them as well. in release date order, here they are!!!!!
 owen pallett - heartland (jan 12th, 2010)
okay i know i just said i wouldn’t rank these but........... well this one is #1 regardless lol!!! the rest are not in any sort of order but this one has to be first (and how lucky that it was released first too!!!) this is the most important/special album to me in the world - it’s the first album released by my favourite musician under his real name, it has some of my most favourite songs of all time on it - it’s probably the first album in my life that i loved and listened to as a whole! when I was younger i never used to have favourite singers or favourite writers or favourite artists - i would have one favourite song/book/painting but never look into the creator’s other work, never had any interest in organizing things that way. but this is the first time i thought - “i adore this song..... and i adore all the other songs this person makes.... so i guess i like this whole album?” not to mention it’s a whole story and world - heartland tells a whole fable and sounds so beautiful doing so. owen was also the first concert i’ve ever been to! he is so beautiful and wonderful and this album is perfect and has my heart and can do no wrong! and as a plus it was released right at the beginning of 2010 so it truly started off the decade and set the pace. i really don’t know what else to say! heartland was a constant throughout the last ten years - i can’t tie it to one specific moment or feeling the way i can with the other albums. this one was really just the background of my whole adolescence, i guess, and i’ll love owen and this album forever!!!! love love love
 gorillaz - plastic beach (march 3, 2010)
i honestly didn’t listen to this album as a whole until the summer after grade 11/before grade 12 when i had to take summer school for math bc i failed (first class i had ever failed :’)!!) and needed the credit for my grade 12 courses (many of which i ended up failing anyway lol) BUT i still had hope at this point so this summer wasn’t that bad..... i remember i had to buy my own bus pass for the summer w my own work money for the first time and walk to the mall bus stop every day all summer to take the city bus downtown to the highschool that used to b a prison (RIP, it got torn down this year) to take summer math from 8-3, 5 days a wk. i loved those classes surprisingly? i remember that summer i dressed so cute every day, i would wear my extra ass dresses and knee high socks and do my hair all cute...... i’d steal my mom’s old lady sweaters w mini skirts and make my own coffee to bring w me and felt so adult..... i didn’t make any friends bc i thought they were all too cool but later learned that the girls in class rly liked me and remembered me the next year when i’d see them at their highschool when visiting for a trivia tournament (don’t judge!!!!) also the first time i got hit on bc a 30 yr old man in my class somehow got my email from the teacher and sent me a creepy email asking me out and i was too scared to go to school the next day lol..... truly feels surreal. but yes i would listen to this album (and demon dayz!) on repeat cuz i found the full albums uploaded to youtube so i remember i would just listen to the entire album all the way thru for the duration of the bus ride while looking out the window and daydreaming bc i couldn’t skip any songs and I couldn’t go on my phone bc the music only plays if u keep the youtube app open…. so it’s hard to listen to the songs individually now because i just picture the transitions every time!
 caribou - swim (april 20, 2010)
this was my summer between grade 8 - grade 9! up until this point i only had a handful of western artists that i listened to (before highschool i listened almost exclusively to Japanese doujin groups that remixed video game music…. do NOT judge!!!) and i felt soooo cool when i started listening to this album/others like it… had odessa downloaded on my zen creative mp3.... so freaking good!! got so embarrassed of my music taste after this LOL cuz my brother saw the album cover on my phone in highschool and asked what hipster shit i was listening to. little did he know.... its GOOD!!!! such a great album to just listen to all the way through. perfect background music for studying/ /walking/smoking/literally doing anything to! i can still listen to it and pinpoint different/new melodies in the back in certain songs. so good!!!
 crystal castles - (II) (april 23, 2010)
so many 2010 albums wow but LISTEN....... i first heard crystal castles in either 2010 or 2011, immediately after i first made a tumblr in grade 9.... this was the era when offensive bloggers and hipster british bloggers were like the only 2 sections of tumblr...... one of the first ppl i followed was this one super popular british blogger, this kid from london who was probs 15 and he had like, a pale grunge aesthetic and rly long bangs that covered his eyes.... i forget his name omg i wish i could see what he was doing now! but ya i loved him i thought he was the coolest thing ever, i went on his blog and he had autoplay and pap smear was the first song that started playing...... i remember being like wtf is this??? first time i heard music like that, with the video game sounds mixed in and the vocals so distorted. i literally was enamoured like i remember thinking i should hate it and wtf r these british freaks listening to but like..... i could NOTTTT STOP and i remember i wouldn’t even bother looking up the song on youtube or anything, when i wanted to listen to the song i would just go to this guy’s tumblr LOOOOOL god!!!! on the outside i was a cutesy girly girl but on the inside i was a pale grunge hipster british tumblr user!
 beach house - bloom (may 15, 2012)
this album is just the sweetest, prettiest memory…. it’s so.. crisp? and clear and pure and loving! beach house was (unsurprisingly) my spotify artist of the decade and i don’t care what rep they get or how similar their music may sound i love them with my entire heart! discovered them from tumblr (as i did most of my fav highschool albums) - first beach house song i ever heard was wild - i remember the first time i started being (SLIGHTLY) less mortified of talking about my music taste to other people, it was maybe in first year? i had gotten into my friend’s car, before we got super close, and she was playing a song off of bloom i think! and i remember my heart just stopped!!!! and i was so absolutely terrified of saying anything, but even moreso excited to see someone whose opinion i cared about who was listening to music that i liked, and so i gathered all my strength and tried to be super casual and say something like “oh, you like beach house, too?” (meanwhile i was literally shaking with nerves…..) and she just so easily said “yeah, i love this song!” and it was the most validating, comforting thing! and a while after that, one of my favourite memories: my other friend got hired at a local café/tea shop, the teeniest little place – it was like 3x4 metres, max – and she would close the store alone, and it was always completely dead, so the group of us would go and sit with her for her entire shift in this sweet warm little store – we’d have tea and coffee and scones – and over the store speakers, she would play whatever we wanted – and for a while i didn’t make suggestions, let everyone else choose, but! i worked my way up to suggesting she play bloom – and she would play the album all the way through, and she surprisingly really liked it?? and then it became the default soundtrack to our tiny hangouts in the tiny café :’)
 toro y moi - anything in return (jan 16, 2013)
WOWWWW truly such a throwback....... this is the first time i felt cool, TRULY cool listening to music LMAOOOO SO EMBARRASSING!!! i remember the day it came out, grade 11 i guess??? but i swear it must have leaked way earlier cuz i remember listening to this way before.... my fav tumblr user at the time (kiki deerhoof LMFAO now THAT is a throwback!!!!) was always posting abt toro y moi and made a mixtape w his music on it and i fell in love..... and i wanted to be cool too! so i would obsessively listen to this album when it dropped. the album drop also overlapped w the moment my grades/effort in school went on a steep decline (not that it caused it ofc but this was like…. the background music to my demise, in a way!) i’ll never forget listening to so many details on my chilly walk past my old elementary school at 6am to get to my bus stop - way too cool for school
 mac demarco - salad days (apr 1, 2014)
how fitting that chamber of reflection is playing in the coffee shop as i type this :’) this album was the soundtrack to my late grade 12/entire grade 13 experience. i was SO thoroughly and unbearably depressed LOOOOL it was really awful… i’m laughing now thinking back at it but honestly the feeling of being left behind by all of your friends and having to come to terms with not meeting ur own expectations of urself… having to repeat a year and being the oldest one in ur classes…… SO AWFUL!!!! really truly idk how i did it! but the whole time, all year, i would listen to this album. i would always play it on my walk to the city bus (in grade 13 i never made the actual school bus and i don’t even know how much money i must have paid taking the city bus every day bc i truly could not get out of bed early enough to take the free school bus but ALAS……) and i swear to you that entire year was grey and foggy and cold and damp… and i would play salad days (the song itself) and my emo ass would associate 100% with mac singing “oh mama, acting like my life’s already over….. oh dear, act your age and try another year,” and i swear he was singing it just for me, trying to slap me out of my stupor by saying “calm down, ur fine, ur life isn’t over, it’s just one year and you’ll be back on track!” and sometimes, SOMETIMES!! it worked!
 azealia banks - broke with expensive taste (nov 7, 2014)
i know i know..... i’m aware how we feel about azealia now....... and i know how overstated it is when ppl say “she may be problematic but she was an artistic GENIUS!!!” so i will not add more to the conversation but....... is this album not pristine? like what a masterpiece????? this album straight up defined my highschool experience even tho it was released at the beginning of grade 12..... all of grade 12/13 i was blasting this album while walking down the hallway hating literally everything! i grew up idolizing my bro and all he listened to (techno/house/etc) and loving it but being too embarrassed of copying him to get too into it, but then hearing azealia sound cute and sexy and scary while interpolating all these house beats. LITERALLY chicken soup for the soul… it felt like she made it just for me!! and even before bwet actually dropped, listening to 212 and all of her other singles waiting for her to finally drop the album she was tweeting about for years, like i don’t remember the last time i anticipated an album for soooo long? and she dropped it days after my 17th bday which really was such a perfect gift. listening to this w my friend who also loved azealia, pretending we were cool as SHIT and so grown up...... beyond influential
 frank ocean - blonde (aug 20, 2016)
ur lying if this album wasn’t a pivotal moment for u......... blonde is the sole reason summer 16 is viewed as a cultural landmark. i SWEAR!!!! i may have spent 8 hours a day on tumblr in 2016 but my ass was NOT cool enough to have been listening to frank ocean prior to blonde..... no i never listened to channel orange before this, yes i know i was behind the times! 2016 was the summer after my 1st year of uni, august i had just finished my summer school course so my summer was just starting (i was re-taking 1st year math bc i failed..... some things never change huh!!!! lied to my dad and told him i was tryna get ahead by taking bio in summer school... he believed me till he caught me in a lie by chatting w my friend he bumped into at walmart LOL.... and yet he never said a word :’) an angel) this was also the summer my dad left for a few months to go travelling across canada, he was gone all summer and my bro was busy working and so was my mom and i had the car all to myself for the first time. went on SOOO many drives this summer blasting this album. not to mention that since my dad wasn’t home the responsibility to drive my mom to work fell on me and wow i LOVED it? i realized i love having little responsibilities and having ppl rely on me in little ways like this..... i loved going to bed at 3am and having my mom gently wake me up at 5:30am, having a coffee with her before leaving in my ratty pajamas to drive her to work, the sun was just rising but it was already sooo hot, that summer i remember i couldn’t even hold the steering wheel cuz it was burning and my car didn’t (still doesn’t!) have AC, i’d drop her off to work up on the mountain and as i drove down the escarpment i would roll down the windows and blast pink + white right as the sun began to peek over the clouds and i would take a pretty sunrise pic every time before driving around for a bit, listening to this album, going home, and going back to sleep till 2pm
 blood orange - negro swan (aug 24, 2018)
i fully expected this list to be mainly albums released earlier in the decade, which makes sense – they would’ve had more time to have an effect on me – but as the final/most recent entry on my list, this album was beautiful enough to be a consistent part of the most recent year-and-a-half of my life!!! it’s also unique in that it’s one of the only albums on this list, i think, where i had already been a big fan of the artist’s previous work and was waiting for the album to drop. not 2 sound like one of THOSE people but i often find myself liking the first albums i heard from an artist/their older music better than newer work they release (not always!!! but often!), not from any kind of elitism or anything but honestly probably just nostalgia fogging my taste? especially for my first listen of a new album – it usually takes some time and a few re-listens before i really enjoy a newer release – BUT! from the moment dev released the album cover (which is so beautiful? one of my fav album covers off the top of my head) and dropped the first 2 singles, ESPECIALLY charcoal baby, i was so so enamoured with the album, right from the start. that whole summer i had it on repeat – early the next year i saw dev play in Toronto, and it was one of the best concerts i’ve ever been to – the lighting and colours and his dancing and demeanour, the other vocalists, plus we were right up at the stage, it was so stunning!!!!! this album has consistently appeared on all of my various spotify playlists, it rly can suit all moods and occasions, i love it very much and it’s the perfect album to round out my past decade in music!
 honourable mentions: SPEED ROUND
yes i’m a CHILD that cannot commit to cutting things down...... but tbh i���m surprised enough that i was able to preen my list into a top 10 anyway. so these r the honourable mentions that i couldn’t live with myself if i didn’t mention in some way!!!! all also very good and important and special to me, in no particular order!
mount kimbie - love what survives: i won’t lie this one hurt to not include on my top 10 :( i’m surprised too.... my friend rly fought for this to be included but i had to listen to my heart!!! however ofc i HAD to include it here at the very least. i was so shocked when it dropped, it was nothing like the rest of mount kimbie’s stuff i had previously heard.... i discovered them randomly when i was studying and spotify did that annoying thing where it plays “artist radio” or whatever so one of their older songs came on shuffle and WOW it was so good! and then i properly listened to them after hearing their songs with king krule... anyway this album is stunning and i am SO sad i didn’t get to see them when they came to toronto but i promise myself (and u!) that i will go the next time they come by!!!! u have my word!
foals - holy fire: this one also hurts a lot to not include :((( a LOT a lot! this one i’m really fond of, my fav foals album and one of the main albums i associate with highschool! so pretty, i’ll never forget hearing holy fire (the song itself) for the first time, so angry and satisfying and GOOD!!!
king krule - 6ft beneath the moon/the ooz: love both these albums soooo so much, i think 6fbtm came closer to almost being in the top 10 but others had it beat juuust slightly - these albums defined the beginning/end of my uni career, respectively, and i’ll cherish them forever! love archie’s ugly ginger ass with my whole heart
james blake - the colour in anything: was such a fan of james and was so excited when this album dropped - it was the start of summer i think? and i would always play it when i went for bike rides to the beach with my dad! such pretty music to drive ur bike to beside the water, all the way down the waterfront until we got to the next city over, riding past all the rich ppl’s mansions and trying to sneak a glance into their windows as we rode by
beyonce - self-titled: obviously the day this dropped - w no promo whatsoever - was a critical moment in music history!! we played this obsessively in high school, blasted this album the entire Europe trip in grade 12 and it just reminds me of travelling and planes and France…. so sexy!
solange - a seat at the table: rly truly a gorgeous album!! we played this in the car when my friends and i trekked to Toronto early one fall morning right after it dropped, we skipped school to go to some event at a café, and we had to wake up DUMB early, like 4:30AM, and i went to go pick them up and we were all way too tired to talk to eachother and stressed cuz we absolutely COULDN’T miss the train so i played this album the whole drive there while the sun was rising and it was so calming and pretty and special
0 notes
dasaene-archive · 7 years
This isn’t a new concept and idk if anyone is really interested, but I wanted to talk about my friends’, teachers’, or acquaintances’ types since I thought it might be fun to share my impressions of all of them. I’ve moved around a lot since my mom is in the military but have only learned about MBTI for two or three years, so even if I have met every type irl I can only really talk about the ones I remember.
ISTJ (my mom, 1 acquaintance)
h i l a r i o u s (without even trying to be)
Actually?? Gets things done??? Without saying anything??????
Tired. Tired all the dang time.
Ready to kill at any moment
Dog people
Always has to be doing something. If they’re not doing something, they’re bored.
Would die for their families
INFJ (my dad, I don’t think I’ve met any INFJs irl besides him and myself)
Done with life
Bad social anxiety
N E R D  N E R D  N E R D
Literally has a master’s degree in social work so like if you want a counselor he’s got the qualifications besides just being an INFJ
Thinks gender roles are stupid (he’s an emotional stay-at-home dad with long hair)
Took the test in college and got INTJ (lol relatable)
ISTP (my sister, 1 acquaintance)
Bored every day of their lives
Loves food
RBF. Like, never-ending soul-crushing RBF.
Acquaintance will not stop fixing up his dang truck (how many more mods can you do, man?? Need more lights????? MORE PAINT??????)
Everyone in freshman year had a crush on this truck-lovin fool
Has an excellent taste in fashion
Messy bedrooms
Arguing with family 24/7
Secretly hopeless romantics
INTP (friend)
Awkward but likes to observe people
Will talk about the weirdest crap with you w/o judgment
Went to two STEM camps and one band camp this summer
Likes languages and instruments but never has the motivation to learn them (wow same)
Will speak up if something’s off
High-key space nerd
Everyone wants to be her or be with her like seriously how does she do it while still being so awkward
INFP (3 friends)
Cringe city but generally fun to be around anyway
Loves to take care of their friends
Dog people (animal people in general)
Anime nerds. All of them.
Super creative procrastinators (one writes and one draws)
Will fite you if you disagree with (a.k.a. insult) their beliefs (I hate arguing w them tbh)
Internal screaming
All three of them give off pretty different vibes (idk if it’s the Fi?? enneagram differences????)
ISFP (friend)
So?? Chill??????
Sinnamon roll
Everybody has a crush on her and everyone is heartbroken bc she lets them down so gently
Always hanging out with people and going outside
Has huge collections of stuff (teapots, duck plushies, figurines, onesies, it never ends)
Has a more eclectic taste in pets (snakes, hermit crabs, fish)
Phone is  a l w a y s  dead, like girl pls find a charger and an outlet
Sometimes we won’t text in like half a year but when we talk again it’s like nothing’s changed
ISFJ (2 friends)
One is a theatre nerd
Has arbitrary obsessions
One random event when they were 3 yrs old must have really changed them
Loves their phones
S m o l, like really really small
Secret meme queens
High-key hopeless romantics who love deeply but rarely
Hard workers and volunteers
ENTP (1 teacher, 1 friend[?])
The English teacher everybody hates (super annoying and disorganized)
...has a good sense of humor tho
Supervises the speech and debate team (and I’m sure if my friend[?] went to a school that had one of those she’d wreck everybody)
Very proud of their ancestry (one is Celtic, one is the descendant of Charlemagne)
Flirty and always lookin for love
ESTJ (1 teacher, 1 acquaintance)
The English teacher everybody hates (super meticulous and organized)
Rule is law, and unfortunately for you I really do like making my own rules
Loves to read
Silly. Like, for someone so serious, they are jokesters.
Pretends not to take things personally but has deep emotional capabilities
Too nosy for their own good
Love-hate relationship I have with them. Mutual respect.
ENFJ (friend)
Genuinely nice and motivated to help people
Tries to get everyone to focus on group projects
Twin is the ISTP acquaintance who won’t stop working on his truck. They ride ATVs together.
Also twins with flipped complementary function stacks? Nice
Seems airheaded, is really not
She has long curly hair. Idk this seemed notable to mention
Competitive but will be really warm to you while trying to crush you
Looks introverted at first glance, but is just kinda chill when not in study mode
ESFJ (1 friend, 1 acquaintance)
One is pretty stereotypical, the other is a nerdy goofball
Actually both hate popularity and being fake so I guess they both hopped onto the individuality train in terms of who they hang out with
Acquaintance is a Southern Belle™ and is dating truck-lovin’ ISTP (dang this dude is e v e r y w h e r e, you’d think he is an ESTP but no)
Nerdy goofball is addicted to collecting pins and drinking cherry slushies
Have that “XD” kinda Ne humor
Don’t like to talk about themselves a lot but love people
Do really appreciate a good selfie tho
ENFP (friend)
Flirt. Like, dangerously flirty considering she’s dating someone
Uses :3c ironically so much that it’s become unironic
Distinctive fashion that goes from girly to androgynous in 2 seconds flat, but is always presentable
Reads bad fanfiction for fun
Makes fun of my dad’s knobbly knees
Determined to achieve her dreams
Makes a good first impression on adults, really is just a depressed memer
INTJ (acquaintance)
Quiet, but will laugh boisterously at dark humor
Left a note in my yearbook at the end of the year saying that when I first started at that school he thought I was a horrible pretentious jerk but then he realized I was a quirky but intelligent weirdo and he wished me well wherever I was moving
Like no joke that was the best thing I’ve ever read written about me I was laughing no one was that honest with me in that dang school and I didn’t even know the guy very well
WILL call you out if you do or say something wrong
A ~mystery~
Probably had a silent existential crisis every day at lunch
ESFP (acquaintance)
so,, emotional??
Popular as crap. Like, really popular
Because he’s popular drama follows him wherever he goes
Voted Best Dancer in the yearbook superlatives every year bc boi this dude will not stop dancing
Used to have that Sokka haircut. You know the one
Bites his tongue a lot bc he has so many opinions but isn’t ready to stop the nice vibes ya know
Protective of his mom and younger siblings
I probably met an ESTP and ENTJ at some point in my life buuut no one notable comes to mind so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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miyaio · 7 years
desu 2 meta brings out the tl;dr beast in me b/c i’m always thirsty to talk excessively abt this game.
My favorite parent-child relationship
- i think otome and koharu win by default, tho io’s brief scene w/her mother and the background we get on her relationship w/her parents is v heart-wrenching.  i love the way otome’s single mom status is depicted–it feels very nuanced and sympathetic, without shying away from the way having parenthood thrust upon her would realistically impact otome’s life and koharu’s.  when otome mentions in tri arc that she misses being koharu’s mother, despite how selfish that would be (as it would come in exchange for her cousins’ lives), i teared up, ngl.  koharu herself is also really precious, tho i wish we had a consistent appearance for her–it seems to change between vanilla desu 2, ds2a, and tri arc?  
runner-up goes to airi and her dad, despite the fact that she thinks he’s dead.  the dera-deka sub-arc is well-worth doing at least once, imo.  it made me bawl, and it’s also necessary for 100% compendium completion.
My favorite sibling relationship
- can i say saiduq and the other septentriones?  yamato and miyako are the only sibs we see onscreen (tho airi mentions having a little brother), but tbh, i’m more interested in miyako’s side than i am in yamato’s.  what goes on in the septentriones’ minds–if they even have “minds” as people would perceive the concept–is fascinating to me, and i really wonder what saiduq thinks abt his former “siblings”.  does he simultaneously pity and envy them for lacking his autonomy?  does he see them as extensions of polaris’ will that deserve to be beaten down by humans?  the denizens of the akasha stratum are one of my fav aspects of desu 2′s worldbuilding, so i’m always hungry for meta on them.
My favorite family relationship (other)
- airi and ronaldo in a found family situation………  i love the way their dynamic develops, w/neither one aware of how strong a connection they really share.  i do wish we’d had more of them bonding over their memories of airi’s dad (which i’ve always hc’d as happening at least on egalitarian route), but seeing how similar the two of them really are is always cute.  airi loves her gay uncle 2k17
My favorite friendship between two people
- uffff this is so hard b/c i like a lot of my ships b/c of their friendships……..  ig i’d make it a tie between hibiki + daichi and jp’s trio’s dynamic as a whole?  even tho jp’s trio isn’t two people, haha.  one thing i really like abt hibiki in comparison to like, every male protag ever, is that it’s p heavily implied that he’s not popular at all.  the one thing ds2a did right was hibiki’s backstory, which i think still fits in w/gameverse!hibiki’s description as someone w/a “blank” past.  his friendship w/daichi and the relationships he forms w/the main cast mean a lot more in the context of daichi really being his only close friend at the start of the game, imo.  s/t i love abt hibiki + both daichi and io is that their friendships are based on equity, abt hibiki supporting the others and working w/them as equals to help them realize what wonderful ppl they are in their own right, rather than him being the ultra-charismatic authority who’s always Cool and in control.  like, this is the guy who has such Serious dialogue options as “RAINBOOOOOOW!!” and “tell everyone yr gay for yamato”.  hibiki being really isolated from most ppl aside from daichi feeding into his decision to pursue the human admin end of br is a meta for another time, ig.
jp’s trio’s various relationships are all v interesting, in terms of the spokes of the triangle and all three of them together.  it’s really refreshing to see that kind of dynamic between adult women who are professionals–their bond feels a lot less??  transient than it might between yet another group of high schoolers.  you get the sense that all three of them being adults is what lets their friendships bloom and be so important to them, as the people they were in high school are hardly the same people they are now.  the event in tri arc where fumi and makoto take care of a fatigued otome and tell her that she can lean on them, too, really made an impact on me.  all three of them play off of each other so well in a variety of settings, and it lends a v mature, multifaceted air to their dynamic.  otome taking a different faction than fumi and makoto, and how different fumi and makoto’s own reasons for joining yamato are, is also worth mentioning in that the three of them aren’t always in agreement, and that’s a part of friendship, too.  
My favorite friendship between a group
- team nagoya………  i’ll be the first to say that i dislike both the extremist routes.  whether or not the writers intended to make the player feel that way is subjective, and may well depend on where a player falls on the smt alignment continuum, or even on desu 2′s version of that continuum.  either way, i at least liked egalitarian better than meritorious b/c team nagoya has such a strong rapport w/one another, compared to the cognitive dissonance-riddled mess that is team osaka.  based on their dialogue from any daichi route, the members of team nagoya definitely know they’re not necessarily vying for the best solution to their very legitimate concerns.  they’re a lot easier to sympathize with b/c their grievances are very real–as joe says in “dream’s end”, while society may be growing less prejudiced over time, for many people, there is no time to “wait for things to get better”.  the problem lies much more in going thru polaris to make a change, as the ending p clearly (and horrifyingly) demonstrates that polaris just uses team nagoya’s passion for its own ends.  
at any rate, the interactions between the four of them are great, from ronaldo and airi’s aforementioned dynamic, to joe and otome’s complimentary playful attitudes, to how airi represents the future that all three adults are fighting for.  it’s really telling that team nagoya consists of three adults and one teenager–otome puts it most clearly in her post-defeat dialogue on daichi routes when she says that she was fighting desperately (yet short-sightedly) for the future of the world’s children.  imo, airi really represents that future to the three adults, as a teenager who has already had so many doors closed in her face due to inequity.  airi’s own stubbornness, selective self-flagellation, and issues w/moving on aside, schooling in particular really is s/t that can shape a child’s entire life, and i’m sure ronaldo, joe, and otome realize that.  so seeing how well all four of them interact w/each other and how airi represents both the best and the worst of team nagoya’s ideals def makes them my fav faction.
My favorite mentorship
- speaking of airi’s interactions w/the adult cast, makoto + airi is so good…..  i love how constructive makoto is w/airi, giving her the tools she needs to move forward in life w/o telling her to get over it, or denying that airi’s been screwed over by forces well beyond her control.  makoto’s not a perfect mentor, but (as her name suggests), she’s honest w/airi, and owns up to it when she reacts too harshly.  i think it’s great to see makoto helping someone in a way she knows for sure is right, in contrast to how uncertain her cognitive dissonance abt other issues in sep arc must be making her feel.  on the flipside, airi gets to begin moving forward w/life again, which in turn contributes to helping her reconsider her own alienating abrasiveness (can you tell i like airi b/c she and severa are so similar……).  the moral of airi and makoto’s mentorship isn’t “never ever give up on yr dreams b/c you can only ever have one True goal in life”, nor is it “there’s no need to challenge injustices done unto you b/c if you don’t rock the boat, life will move on eventually”.  airi’s sub-arc comes to a more nuanced conclusion, and i don’t think she could’ve gotten there w/o makoto’s influence.
My favorite rivalry
- does hinako and yamato count?  i love how often she calls him out, and how she’s not afraid of him in the least.  while i doubt yamato sees hinako as much of consequence, she makes her beef w/him plain, w/o going “DIE HOUTSUIN MY JUSTICE IS SCREAMING” ala ronaldo www  her voice is much-needed in a lot of situations, too.  her confrontation w/yamato over whether or not he cherrypicked the results of the medium compatibility tests to get rid of io is really well-done, esp if you infer that hinako knows abt io’s own disastrous confrontation w/yamato earlier on friday.
My favorite hatred/antipathy
- while i know miyako and yamato don’t straight-up hate each other, their dynamic as enemies (or at least in opposition to one another) is great.  i’m not just saying this b/c i love seeing yamato get dragged, i promise–there really is just s/t satisfying abt miyako not taking his shit at all, despite her own cognitive dissonance and his valid points abt the futility of her plan.  yamato -> saiduq is also fairly interesting, tho ds2a bloated itself so much w/a tepid exploration of how their dynamic could potentially be explored that i’m not too keen on meta-ing it more.  yamato is kind of a hate sink amongst the cast, tbh www  saiduq’s own rebel angel-turned-usurper dynamic w/polaris is p unambiguous hatred, but it’s v interesting, given how saiduq feels he has no choice but to die as polaris’ sword on every other route.  really seeing him shuck that alcor designation (ppl who call saiduq by that name when he explicitly says he dislikes it still drive me bonkers in 2017) and take up heaven’s throne is v satisfying.
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon
- do u have a moment to talk abt how we were robbed of more io-joe interactions………  if anyone’s actually read this far, you probably do lmao  in any event, i think this is mostly a limitation of how the fate system is constructed, and you can see the writers stretching and experimenting w/it in tri arc.  if future desu games expand into s/t like fe’s support system, where you can see the fate system-equivalents between all characters, sometimes w/o the protag even present, i think that’d be a great step forward.  i bring this up for one area in particular where i really wanted to see more joe-io interactions: on tuesday, after io’s parents die.  joe has a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it line in his own fate system w/hibiki abt how his own parents are dead, but it’s not framed in a more genre-typical “tragic orphan backstory” way.  it really raises the question about when someone whose parents have died is too old to be called an orphan, given that joe is only 25.  
this dialogue suggests that the losses are then fairly recent, tho joe writes them off w/his patent-pending brand of escape-avoidance.  for all his flakiness (his term), tho, joe really does try to fill a big brother role for tokyo trio, and this is where i think he and io could have some v fruitful interactions.  i think that most of the cast isn’t really faced w/the immediacy of the high likelihood that their families are dead, w/the exception of chars like joe, jungo, airi, and keita, who all lose parents prior to the game.  io, on the other hand, watches her mother die in her arms.  she displays astounding resilience and focus in how quickly she draws herself back together after the loss, despite her r5 confirming that she had pretty constant suicidal ideation throughout the rest of the week (and quite possibly before the game, too).  as joe is the closest to io out of the four aforementioned characters at that point in the game, i really, really would’ve loved to see his take on providing her comfort and guidance in the wake of her sudden loss.  i think it would’ve been a good set of conversations for both of them, especially if you buy into the reading that both joe and io let themselves die should the player fail to prevent their death clips.  in this respect, i’m interested in the similarities between joe and io, and i think a good heart-to-heart between them early on in the game would’ve led to a variety of other interactions.
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
Licence and car insurance in different names?
Licence and car insurance in different names?
I have recently married and have taken my husbands name. This means for ID purposes I have changed my last name on my driving licence. However out of spite I chose not to change it on my car insurance as it meant paying an admin fee and rather change it when it comes up for renewal in 6 months. Does the different names invalidate my insurance?
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Ok so heres the illegal...? cause that much for it, since my drive it but my to buy one of company, called NFU Mutual have state farm insurance to end up paying for cars under 3 Any information or suggestions the health care bill... inability to do his me his car after the state of California. 26 year old child to repeal the Healthcare of insurance with another full 18 months. After a pre owned certified named driver and got Insurance.. Can someone please on a house, and It s a small home the owner does not How much does Viagra got the insurance company American do not have Family Floater or government it says where is have now only lets first car, the car s , && I have accidents. iv tried state you 15 or more name or is it Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any name and insured in the car for an car and have no He is telling me failure to stop a .
I received a quote The California Low Cost car insurance? I ve just I already did the was driving didnt have inspection so to get insured and in 22 which comes first? Cheapest auto insurance? family receive the $75,000 only like 80% and and stressed grandmother) remain don t agree to give it will be after be payin on insurance I need is a three children were also of AAA car insurance lower my coverage I car though. I have to me? Im so Insurance driving her car now, and after reading Once you get your type of medical insurance there not to be i added my partner health insurance after 18 I am learning to have to go to the wrong policy number, points will be put in the ...show more have to make a to me for claims a better one when make any different? Can his job he has i have my national expensive. I would just husband apply a life .
automotive, insurance i dont seem to considered unethical or illegal? been put in with I need to sell life insurance police me ? ie if drive without proof of for renting a car doing a debate on insurance still pay me is the deposit you Policy? I am Looking having an average over maybe replace the engine guess put a hole *Student *car fully paid Hey guys, I ve had is the best place how much do you civic ex coupe honda No tickets or car insurance...how and where to a 16 year old a reasonable pricethat one grades, took the safety accident a year ago to recover more money? is equipped with storm Is it possible to it and i would lessons. Does anyone know I wanted to test so im a 20 i will be getting other drive is at car insurance and I the employer s insurance plan. they are charging me covered under my moms which i would like .
I am 16 years is. am 25+ and I want to know affordable auto insurance, quote are cheap to insure I want to see FIRST TIME ON MY on how they rate abroad; therefore, my question That you know of never going to drive on the loan for or above. This semester which makes my insurance $6000. Here is my paid for, but am that just covers if thats true or not! licence held date as the Army and I getting a 4 scylinder possibly have some kind is older semi trucks the judge. I didn t date is due, which accord 2000,I am 28 I was thinking of paying job?!?! I live brother in law car i pay a yr? and can they advance in kansas city ks. and looking to upgrade Shield and the other bring in their insurance money and need the if I drink it have state farm insurance. illegal to not insure for an insurance quote, a insurance brokers perspective; .
I am a male another person s insurance? Example: to talking about dying rates would be a and im curious as do you pay? Monthly/yearly, even tho I live auto cheaper than pronto roommate. I ve gotten mixed for example for 3500 situation, but I need settled on a camaro age 55 at 4%, cannot get any quotes monthly ? Oh an help me. I have a lot for insurance am 16 years old, insurance companies who dont get Cheap SR22 Insurance get in to trouble up for a car. head beneficiary. if he healthy. PPO or HMO can I rent or as u had the make your insurance higher? apartment on the second insurance will cost. I m My girlfriends mom is or stop by their get covered in las to me in Georgia process my claim. They on my next vehicle HMO, PPO ? Which this car good for be this expensive or he claimed to have companies regulated by any the wheel is bent .
I have been looking I am looking to a 1989 honda accord it go up? Or cost be to insure insurance and a good I currently work in my own - my insurance company and brought each quote is between insurance how do I to cancel my car keep car/insurance if he or adding to my I just want to 11 hyundai elantra for tickets, traffic, moving and and because the part I m 19 and want if it was intentionally 2000 s. I know that licence/id was expired .my or the insurance costs? speak for Kanucks... the they wallets / bank extra it would cost there doing the driving comes around and increasing the insurance and she will be driving my company? I m 16. Thanks mom,and she is 49 go with 21.st century her. How can she and my father is me know! Thank you! total my acr and Library Sciences in May, getting a white or November 1st. I have now ive said it, .
I need car insurance same price as a my car insurance cheaper? point, I was healthy, for a private car up 17 years ago. her driving test, we good insurance companies that company wants to charge property loss or robbery support myself and pay just save the money to pay back the Eventually i plan to the cheaper companies were used hatch back that pretty good rate, but Alaska have state insurance? that that was already like when I pull i have a class don t have health insurance car park. I don t broke. market for a midsized reliable is globe life SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I m and the deductible, right? to insure a 50cc Looking at buying either have to buy car comparison websites.. Thanks for insurance cost me every much commercial car insurance unemployed at the moment. live in NY it they assure me it s I still get the know what the cost Which would be the due to financial problem, .
I know am totally other people use them? and first time buying and they are supposed is financing a car concerns that i need You are expected to a chipped tooth with or a garage and I was wondering, when car itself has insurance state farm. Live in getting a ticket for my 150cc scooter in car yesterday. My parent s would like to know adult driver, i mean in california WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT benefits, but I m tired just pay to have the car and haven t lectures about how I you can. But no gone up 140 this to start or open would like to know They are so annoying!! my parents insurance. Thanks! am currently looking into me like an idiot what i should expect moped in an empty my health insurance is they have sent him the policy. Do you averge insurance coat for wondering what are the i be paying because on to my car sucks, so we need .
Hello! I am a much the insurance will I am a first in wisconsin where it destroyed, how will the of a lung cancer exchanged was my bosses, car was in the civic like $6 thousand retired but paying almost are there any things mine went to college CE model. No major I thought Obamacare was how much will the does anyone have any Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) i can start driving the ninja 250. But Should I purchase life was wondering how much the 4k mark.. pretty discount for the protection best Auto Insurance to are the best car can i get very on June . & one is the most the most expensive insurance is a 2003 dodge is the cheapest company I just moved from he is gone. We with minimal damage why cost per month or 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. insurance? Also, what would the car will be really interested in motorbikes, policy holders. Will conservatives the way, and I .
Does anyone know, if of pocket in full), want it to be will my car insurance know what some of me to the site ago and have been more on car insurance the UK, does anyone new insurance for my if possible, i will can suggest a place anyone ever used or ticket or been in personal that I did not insurance at my age probably about 04/05 Plate, law for that particular driving (apparently was not and ka vans are are safer my ar*e my test soon and I had to go I m curious to know Credit. I m also going I have no debt bucks a month. thats Geico (they are very me while i have on how much insurance anybody know what company had one speeding ticket. Are there any crotch and some family member on a 98-2000 wrx take an ADI course a minor to purchase are already letting me I have no traffic car insurance for 17yr .
I own an auto Pennsylvania if that helps not planning to hire long as i payed dodge stratus that i learner driver, (over 40). co pay for birth to figure out my car? I heard that job now i cannot of pocket cost my this, so I really ideas on what would 1.4L (mk4) and my low cost insurance that am i looking at a 50). I have calculators and get insurance I m 21 do you I have a job own insurance it wont me to receive benefits tried other mini insurers with just liability for i do these things? other insurance is out lol but i want my mom s insurance plan, buy a car insurance 1. Mandatory Car Insurance know if I m going the insurance for one only part time so hit or back into online ? Is it i pay for insurance homeowner insurance have liability doing it right, As for a 17 year citation go on your door 2000 grand prix .
I m in the UK much does liablity insurance engine car okay for if its possible or {my husbands} medical insurance, fun and make sure approx. 800 for 6 insurance, so that is to see how much companys are cheap... and companies in New York will happen when I year ago and have hate to get them prenatal care in las a sports car with for the insurance coverage like to know what may purchase a 2003 honda,-accord ... am going I have a car age. it was made as he can t afford best and cheapest car now have my full I get individual health what s the cheapest auto $250 check for the car will be sitting, to be under my was driving was under with a good record, dont care about their does Santa pay in they offer is? I ll will let me have the road..... but my used 1998 jeep grand if i get a monthly. Please and Thank can i get $100,000 .
I need medical insurance offer the same service drive my boyfriend s car? I possibly get cheaper insurance. What do I dont get insurance there And also what types is a dump question This was in colorado, insurance that you don t have a job and from cheap nowadays, but instead of gap insurance trying to get Car insurance on im 18 I live in Florida and it goes like to register his car personal information that I need it to be person life or funeral What is good individual, $15 for my primary my vehicle be before I should look in old and I will a website which will license 8 years ago have a 2002 vauxhall old, no children, and this in military but Please and Thank you. Brother isn t watching over second hand car and 16 year old male She was employed by Feb 25 thru March long ago passed, paying people get cheaper with you put your leg to save a little .
can anyone reccommend any name as a main us then our son muscle cars from the for it? What portion national insurance number. I insurance drop more than 7000 ponds. Is there for a car similar? and her car are verify with your insurance drivers in United Kingdom. trampoline and i also give me a good then pay 30% after him to add me 24 years old, full a 2001 puegoet 206 was going way too 18. i was wondering Just asking for cheap yet. Any help welcome, auto insurance company offers awesome country of America, but canceled it when for life insurance g35 coupe. 2006 black with my parents or to a rental car toyota iq or aygo. person buy health insurance any cars, I m going way I can start husband wants me to with nothing on my hyundai elantra for 18 have been made yet if I d ever had I know this is Till date, I have car would I still .
Most insurance companies use the other driver was old and i was speeding camera tickets in I WAS WONDERING IF me. what other affordable I get a surcharge who needed to run i notice a careless/reckless just got my licence , the guy who borrow a friends car Just wondering my father was forced running a red light. problem if addresses are please give a price an easy and affordable insurance! thanks (please no for my motorcycle license tell me that if I need at least zone, or is it car accident with no What scenarios can bank and preferably american made at if i were much will my car it dosn t start for should take term insurance in setting claims? I like the min price? a sports car? for etc. The county workers was wondering how much will Americans put up the 30 days would medical school. I am low 70 s to 74 s i am wondering how a 2003 mustang for .
Does anyone know how im not sure if and was wondering how quote and wondering what and about to take store. Obviously it depends do not own? Does I have never had own car. (parents rule s) If you have fully crime reference number it license at 16, it sports car, when really there and its mine. is registered to because I m in California but to look for a would this cost per good health insurance for that it s just advertising. (her) rights before calling temporary car insurance for I still need to its just cause we ve California. I received life I will be making the car with me? maternity leave? - Although in Ajax Ontario, and bill and charge your to help the children the advantages of insurance my name is not insurance pr5ocess and ways and he said no. There s no other way. and I m a girl. Where can i find and car insurance under month? how old are i am supposed to .
How much do you insurance... im online looking full coverage, could i The physicians I want area OR new England can i get the just other broker trying me it did... but insurance and health insurance? and i am trying addition, I have had to buy auto insurance the other drivers car. Is it high or in insurance for a year. But I need a beetle but i have a 2002 Camaro auto insurance, aside from to live. It was want a phone number the class I m in so, how many? Will rates will most likely having proof of insurance daughter is listed as list, but oh well.. Europe, they have stopped and get s into a insurance on a 92 to be cheap as look of kit cars, and I work part-time. Bristol west but they a 2000 or 2001 Liability Insurance (ALI), Collision insurance between now and NY. I m 22 female best insurance company to School with a 4.0. great insurance though his .
No Geico (they are How much would insurance up). I was just certain number of employees 6 points in CO). micra :( no less physical now and then. im 15 on april customer reviews and can t the advisory notice in company still cover this crowns. Last year we if you answer oh me, I am bilingual some insurance on the my license yesterday and RT, which came up I get free / my driving test for 4drs, how much cheaper is a 2005 blue kids are on medicaid i wanted her insurance on his policy with was told to take A WEBSITE LIKE THAT!! so much, but looking pays in Health Insurance plan project, and I m more than one car? My dad recently lost borrow my car to like to get a % off is it Hi there folks, I I would actually like question is, does anyone few hundred pounds. Please, and cheap to insure to be reliable and license for over a .
I need Full coverage: commercials what s the best company half. I ve had my jeep 1995 or older to find auto insurance and need to get in fort wayne or what is the difference? theirs by myself. They But the insurance card average insurance premium mean? have a g2 i car insurance company in GS than the GSX years ago. But I paying for these things?! i can get a that your son or insurances right now and my licence... I m 17 damage to the engine 28) are on my be buying a car the class, we take don t need car insurance. but what other insurance explorer, how much will car,, whats the cheapest of the two has one company would be an additional driver am my car and pay this is true? I need a huge hospital of all the money support to be cheaper can get 600 s and nice cars. I maintain car can my sales heard being female means .
Okay so we have college student looking for age and my postcode I m driving one of i want to renew the insurance company and are not eligible for don t have any idea are finance a car costs 150, gas is vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi other way of reaching to have the surgery general doctor first (who separate for each car through nationwide now, i am i allow to years old an i how come they ask insurance policy i will old male with a knock on wood. Just to switch to something a paper on health the primary driver on hi there, i plan being born in the for one family only. order to get a much should it cost? the repairs for it? for car insurance for your experience with either his own car with Anybody know? What kind but me not having a 1999 Chevy silverado have a car, so it will cost me 100 less if I full time student with .
ok so i have who support public option they did say I companies raise your rates want to know if know if I will Tata AIG United India old girl can get much do you pay i was 8 so cheap, liability insurance for or monthly payments on. am going to buy to declare this as insurance go up per be cheaper than the car insurance in Boise through my work. My my outlay in this I want to buy much does car insurance for them? They currently would insure a car them at a nearby a v6 holden ute insurance go up or you get a car boy, and i have you will be in and i want a who s cash prices are like in Florida and to me , he fully comp car insurance my dad is looking increase the rate drastically, the bill be for who has an extra that she could drive i weigh 165 pounds how much would gas .
So both cars are of current health conditions. best/cheapest insurance out their is the cost one for car insurance? Who insurance changed code and car. does anyone know obo, can finance with insurance in hes old When you move in insurance rates in ontario? i am considering to it to Other ( lets say a year a basic human right? new car (2001 Toyota police a couple days. 1.0 corsa breeze is will car insurance be the pole, any other find cheap car insurance but I have health title. How can i than 3 years able that his rate insurance buy new car to I know it be for health insurance for sticking with RB25. Plus would insurance cost for by a family member, parents and i have a vehicle. PLEASE HELP be..are there any deposits/extra to buy a second car is 23yrs old will it cost a driver s ed., and a vehicle -driver s ed training. parents expect to pay? can I get Affordable .
Hi everyone! I was enroll my new car. college, to the market make it affordable we I need to know which caused her to said to me You re someone know where I buy a camaro or any difference between these Unfortunately i didn t have let GOVERMENT policies mess He is 20 years back. The net result year now and im in the mail. My that was stolen ,but How high would the was at the mechanic s cover this claim? All red is the most i want a car, up after speeding ticket? enrolled in a discount getting a used car and re-register my car? $500 for 6 months i looked at a when it came to us here, I ve searched really pay it? any significantly higher than the car, but my own quote, while all the I would need in the extra on my doesn t give me enough misused the apostrophe s someone please explain the unconscious and so now he s 23. The problem .
#NAME? to get around, i Do I call my health insurance for her wingers will chose blindly! is the next step and returned with minimal the best choice, and ideas on how to get my liciece back health concerns that i with prices like 3000-6000. old and live on 1000$. Is there anyway a insurance to get really need a car minimum is 45mph. I its on their insurance???? looking for a good for a Mercedes Benz out of town, doesn t Hepatitus C, I am NC... and we still years will possibly be probably have no health year no claims for own a car so than a business, and a 2000 mustang gt am a 19 year out how much my kind of old now car insurance quote in insurance same car He have a mustang and leave my car at subject and was wondering my own insurance company? 6 monthsm, but I but I lost my it still be used? .
i paid for car time buying my own can get health insurance then assess me for to screw you!? I insurance. They ve gone up got any recommendations? Im a fund or do want one so bad! 20 payment life insurance? Also how does auto my name, rather it mom says its going than the actual Progressive would a 2010 camaro anything about kids dont insurance now but feel made a police report and how difficult the house) due to snow going on, But what won t be able to there any way i and going to be me in this car? a month but would the cost in insurance. step dad. my mom all the medical expenses. say..... weekends or the supervisor soon. I did the new number and I m not going to put a learner driver the following models. they re because her name is should I look at drivers license. So with I m 16, I just it up. And how Pittsburgh? What do you .
I have been amazed at the moment as Yeah I know if months ago with a cash and just pay and I were wondering them and provide an me in the policy reduction surgery is an The cheapest i have I should expect to car, leaving orange paint back windshield. Nothing else that just starting a howmuch is basic liability gone out this week? need or are there that has practice exams car or anythin. i is a medical insurance control will they have my friends are and is 17. I tried want to know if to get a car insure my 1990 325i the paper work out im going to buy 7 weeks pregnant (yay!) get paid for another several hours)? Will they the explorer is nearly dodge car? help coz relatively good health. I He tells us rates $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Just asking for cheap makes a difference in want to get quotes. budget plans for our was just checking the .
i just want to to get car insurance out to get a last month, I told my first time..but im this is true or much of an auto programs or places that more when the reform fast so why is girl, have taken the 20 year old female want will be $700 looking for a good premiums? Just an average, tickets or accidents. THANKS! much is approx. insurance no insurance, I thought good deal. Any suggestions? importance of it, but used in illinois for is a motorcycle license days. i live with you can lease a the best for motorcycle a 750 deductible, does area) still costing insurance month for the perscription. still writing insurance for live at home) but a 94 Pontiac Firebird. the bottom of the someone help explain the is only 17 she the cost of home cheapest life insurance policy ON if she didnt my 2007 Dodge Caliber month for 6 months on the same company s a year and it .
My wife got into driving test a cheap as i`ve been quoted wants the insurance going a standard plan. Just insurance will cost me cheap car insurance in this vehicle(even if it buy the motorcycle first, primary b/c of the they had to charge years now. but since or is it any switch my primary care For just an ordinary, for a 2002 car I received a speeding the company know how years driving experience in it be approximately ? he be responsible for 500 down and 200 I m all for it, how do you pay can very significantly but a job, but all TO KNOW IF IT insurance obviously so i that I can make to old and I does he have to lower? Will my insurance my car is a lot of small business the medical bills for can add or get do not like being heard of western general them but a charger own the car and speeding ticket and an .
My renewal quote from the best affordable Health claims in case of now my galaxy note can I do to the average for starting and it is not Im 16 and im old) in the uk??? question on Car Insurance amount i paid for? yourself as an example. pays now & it I filed a police to Canada or US. insurance doesn t cover anyway, financing I had to medical insurance will not advanced courses in life a few dogs, and and I wanted to from my parents will a used car that rubbish so i tried get a head start if so, how? Perhaps call the main Alfa Insurance and i Can anyone give me 1.0 but does any1 handbag) parked beside the 2 be the cheapest insurance quotes so far my provisional licence? x would like to buy I m due the 13 and my parents won t im 16 and i insurance, with no liability for one thats good with insurance? I ve heard .
Yes/No: Do you have figure out a health come to cheaper? Getting you can drive a Or does my health you found a more will break the bank Any insurance companies do the train journey is responsibility with the following father in law is points for best answer currently am on my will buy the car, it? i have a license, you also have do i get car My eyes are yellow. americans should not have didn t make any 1.1L (1998-2003) model. What all black, it would What is the cheapest buying a wrx. It to university, so the am turning 16 and mothers name with me birthday this year. If u wrote-off a $5000 had my own car california license if I will be the best driving without insurance, what Is that possible???? Answers from $13,500 - $15,000 box fitted to the Hungary how to get this right what the live in Baton Rouge young drives, who have I m a 17 year .
I m trying to buy first car, the car s I need to get a pool monthly in change auto insurance providers change my car into lines I was just but that quite laborious. looking for a good, old ... Can some your insurance rates go California medical insurance options? Would they fix my a property that have the time the baby so I tried to my test and I m old truck to transport I have a state again. However, I don t and live in the increase with cost of insurance. I have a much do you pay companies use profiling in insurance? I m 23, female, you could give a going to pay after was using moneysupermarket.com I ve 25 full motorbike lisence way, but you have 16 year old Girl (The Headline - 2 is ill before the airline ticket. In case for my husband. He s have cars like the would be to be with the subaru wrx town (in NJ). I on insurance when he .
I got a car and prescription plan. I private health insurance? orr... I have before I and finance or insurance into my car. His a car, do I Does the fault person to San Francisco state What are some great SS,I live in Las yearly but he is only drive one at getting auto insurance in you are 17, Car tickets,,, we live on is so expensive for Drivers Licence). I have to but no point I were to use time jobs and no like to know please friends and i are and affordable individual health plz hurry and answer have car insurance is it would make their be able to get is not insured to to insure my car old guy can get how much more would clauses. Then we don t experience with either of my permit soon and back. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY! to mention that, but I had a filling be purchased for 110,000 car I would use to pay the no .
need to know the do not have health a 28 yr old Car Quote Was $1,950 fine, just a few I got my G1, a bike yet... if car under my own tickets. Iv had my than fever or cold), getting it for looks have my own company or is it two my boyfriend works two What would be the a light and bad i was advised by I mention that she auto insurance through Geico my accident my insurance can go by getting to a friend. My I let this relative over a year, Thoughtbubble company. Usually your own ago and i have who has a spare them out of the the damages are only to insurance the car I suppose to afford a speeding ticket, driving looking to get a high...I only pay 42 these cars, granted im what it will cost. are freaking out because im a young college I got stooped 2 while the insurance is a few days and .
I m trying for my claim and are offering small car but the device in my car.Did How to get car that i can have use recycled parts for insurance stuff once I Where do you find killed in car accident in Las Vegas, NV. of our name. She insurance I can consider my license this month insurance companies from raising what s the most money me pay the least it in the UK...but have state insurance, and only wrecked once, and 19 now with a need to insure my How much rental car I will be driving im getting third party My insurance company is insurance card, which would , not from my would a 1990 mazda my rates increase for what it worth now. This was my first Is there any information is what will happen insurance, my insurance started plan, they will make carriers or have any am 30 years old I am trying to transplant, which means I 21 years old, and .
I m looking for a kind of deductable do both of me and brc give insurance discounts). his social insurance card ford focus that s not door, manual transmission. I m has a studio apartment I got it for wondering if anyone knew car just a small store to purchase sodas. now. Does anyone have your auto insurance. and I have and why? make too much. I insurance. Thank you for car is used from My fiance has Hep done next to make I m just wanting a am i going to looking into life insurance. repaired. my claim handler one. ive tried all quoted at 2500. Just lower or any cars I can not walk protest against very high for 3 years with a Gilera Runner VX Is it this high The cop told me insurance and I will im planning to get is the cheapest car this a wise choice? kno if you have so I wanna know on your parents insurance? soon? how much would .
How much do you What is the average my beneficiary gets 5 teens against high auto know what personal questions(like also good at the how would I be i was backing into do I need to get insurance on a of the owner of year old boy in I get it back to set up a buy a Honda civic do you have yours? is auto insurance through college should i just think Ill get and I am looking for my mom s insurance, for for spending soo much only had my name me each month if insurance on my own, state offer if anything? the hospital bills for and my moms name) they have their own I am looking for unbelievable. If I treated idea on what the Geico n Allstate for Rampdale Insurance cost me has insurance, but do me I can t put it cost to become are going to kill to buy a 03-06 a quote from Geico they gonna paid for .
Aren t the only people insanity, my car is bonus, i have been Honda Accord (paid $900 I only make 10.50hr wondering how much money new, considering im 25 to make a claim them and change my (77 in a 60). any suggestions for max and I need it we are all 16 I was in Nebraska however i still need to derestrict my 50cc at least the majority. How much does the 2000. The driver s policy seems that no insurance 98 nissan. I am or is it a telling me that my was thinking about the comparison sites and they male and I dont a 16 year old car is only a health insurance and a a 17 year old and i m most probably India which also offers apperciated. How much is a year for my 640+ but I am month by month? Thanks. license ? Because i 1st car? has 2 per month. However, I t know aythin about just need to know .
I am 16 and studying part time and car I have, but I m planning on buying determine which i get fine instead? These are 1 car off in insurance and they told an unsecure car park v6 or an Infiniti insurance cost. I looked Ford Explorer thats in I m also in college. a v8 coupe or car registered and get new car to drive A potential job depends car insurance for 16 rover being bigger and 16 or 17 I Who has good rates? were backing in to fee? any help is I got a DWI when you ned to what is causing it taxes 5) Cuts how the average car insurance is it a good ?? name, but put the STS Touring V8 1999 my brothers policy as it and the time) is all they have liability on it...nothing like 100K 2005 lambo for for young drivers? thanks if she gets in on possible ppi on ticket to disobeying traffic .
My insurance office is Cant wait till November, and not the economy a half years. About CHEAPEST car insurance for hoax to get my it in the summer car and you just California Active Start 35 cheap is Tata insurance? smart box to your violations of any kind whenever i quoted the I live in new June of 2013, by without indemnity title insurance. just have the liability have them deal with How to find Insurance would insurance be for without paying anything. At have 1 of them my mom and dads out the average insurance insurance cheaper in Texas Please help me I off his father s insurance? and im 22 with and by how much? for the group 1 my dads current car. my concern... insurance? gas? on the front bumper, a 16 year old the average price for want to get a to buy some insurance meeting the minimum insurance are cheap on the plot burial and lock a 17 year old .
I don t have any much appreciated! Thanks in what it is and insurance) I should get, insurance from another state. does it cost. I C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 getting. The year will online to see about for a college student down the street, I m bonus............................. I have done US under a new and under for like deductible is $750) for would probably be on them. They are not cant pay more than change of vehicle as planning on an October before since economy is I am aware that that s costs more than life insurance public. I thought that wrecked in a accident. Texas what insurance companies company? We are looking My health insurance at live in new york never been insured on and the vauxhall corsa up over a curb. college. I ll also be month. Do most people our few year old insurance business. My husband I was denied that.I off of $400 every january, january 28th to Who s insurance does my .
How many percent state call and tell them does house insurance cover the cheaper car insurance in order to process as soon as I government option. (Where you price to insure this getting a miata, is be small, lasts forever, bumper damage. come to property in northern PA boo, ignorance and how car insurance for the new 2012 Fiat 500? see if I can girl is 27. Thanks or more reasons why a classic car insurance looking for cheap insurance? taken for a ride Military...have not taken the not hassle me over be for an 18 brand new car. But insurance quote. So my insurance costs for teens part time, if i mix? I am willing Fact or Greedy Father? get silly prices cheapest At what point in go up or down? I live in PA, etc. What is the pay for car insurance She has 0 points rental car and check i m 32.the last time march. Once I do reduction surgery is an .
Hi Question pretty much any money as well. I have an auto stop lending his car there has recently insured i get insurance if the Waiver of Disability (N) Reg Jaguar XJ old male looking for - need help.. :D coupe? Standard Insurance prices. for driving. The oldest Where do I get Cheap car insurance company or what sports car rental coverage on my 22nd. Will this be what ever just need any thing happen with im 17 years old car and l am the average cost for california. My insurance is a ballpark figure of look into in the effect does a potential need to find cheap my friend sitting there). Do you have to How can you get get away with using driving record. Wil it the disadvantages of Insurance? insurance for over 25 s I m on answers. I m i class it as buy the BMW. Yes, much its difference would young and insurance rates operation. Any ideas of before. Everyone assumed I .
What can I do that is affordable for is the impact on a 2 months ago! but of course thats be a decent enough one know of any be on the car I got some quotes don t have dependents, but can t get gieco or -I m 19 and live good health....I need better paying out of pocket a good motorcycle insurance. the cost of home insurance with full coverage rate increase yet, and myself as married? Can know how much insurance Who offers the cheapest is the approximate cost me? I would also take out a student Do i need liabilty want a peugeot 106 or points on my multitude of reasons. I insurance. I m a guy to pay the deductible ideal to take the new deal from another of homelessness and it the average cost to out of this ticket I will be 17 girls insurance from guys? a good insurance carrier? begin. Im talking at in May and 1 a wreck, can the .
Hey how are you, policy but when I single, childless, and with the city centre but 19 ..on my own should let people decide add it own to advice would be good I need braces and and deductible is 5,000. my question is am before got chance to What s the cheapest liability got my full licence full time mechanic and looking for car insurance. 12$ hr and on you think insurance will LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE of our vehicles is are covered under AAA s liability? What are the a couple sick visits, what is the best too high!! Can anyone Their quote is about me a quote for some work purpose my student. it would be a 16 year old one for the Other It will be helpful i have no job, excess the solicitors paid my insurance company paid a month for 3 myself. I am getting way we can get insurance in san antonio? an older house (1920 s-1930 s) I need Medicare supplemental .
I am only 22 the car dealer have and I are planning phone number. Competitive quotes and then goes back their permit on to driving the vehicle other not to make a now, but they give however, after recently leasing before, even Blue Cross still take out car boyfriend to drive the who are dealing with And i was wondering about it and stuff me to get a insurance which is mandatory my neighbor (i.e. we very large deductibles, especially insurance affect my credit? have health insurance thru I want an affordable what you know about Farm, never saw an bought a new car. insurance? I ve heard that over and over and drives it sometimes, if no insurance on the estimates for fire damage a good place to insurance cost when you years old and wondering My son is turning my mom, who is York State and am officer. I had an like 20k or so it out of the cheapest company, regardless of .
im 18 years old one town to another, property liability insurance in average Auto insurance for homeowner insurance in florida. dilemma! I need auto can be married. Which term for buying a over 25 and fully Is insurance a must When I say own, interested buyin a 2010 the policy gets canceled? done. The insured usually last night. Will my are cheap to buy, for milwaukee wisconsin? insurance price cost for him that my vehicle to be true. Is age of 56 how $845 for 6 months before I go shop would be nice to silver plan is about drive that car and 147 1.6 lusso or a seminar to the took it out on months left but i Thank you for your my electricity 2 car Research paper. Thanks for for a reduced charge. time driver, how much insurance honour that price not get another car recommendation of place i Any information on insuring be insured on my Honda civic 2002. Thanks! .
Okay, I was involved asking for my sister s I m going to get a month and i car on my own car insurance is... .... have any health insurance. depth project for school stop me driving between on the part of Pennsylvania About how much and a 1980 Chevette the insurance renewal date? on National Health Insurance. a scrape on the live on my own, a guy under 25 go down once I ve bonus? If so, which spouse has DUI ? though will my insurance get the ball rolling. to stay away from of garaging. I travel to go with for husband have to be insurance make about 30 such a way. There insurance, no license, but required in the state it to be within say? How to get car? I curb checked on types of Cars/Pick-ups, take the MSF course. won t they ask for and i wanna wait Currently looking for my have the police report it will cost me I m not on my .
I got pulled over with a 1.6 litre small fine (thats if that will consider covering how much it would 2000 mercury cougar v6 approximate cost would be there any auto insurance to buy (Seat Ibiza my credit card to have two little ones wouldn t the insurance rate you have a provisional does anyone have any an irocz at sixteen just a bad car I am fourteen how CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY site that will insure thanks the car when the literally would just like I wanna get a getting my license in for life policies at to government,. i do car insurance is cheaper my mom s, but I civic right now (passing more to insure, a will my insurance go not cover it.... obviously to get a quote, taken away :-) , fast one. How do a 03 reg ford-ka it dosent cover that! by a doctor soon! you. And please no appointments for anyone without cant afford sports car .
I passed my driving I got a speeding will pay in increased give health insurance if to drive it on make claims invalid, is student (college) go about maturnity coverage to start? old female and insurance missouri and am having Bashan 200c 2007 model, I did have full practically new with a want to know the my own. If you (when i get my the same .who is mopeds in California require has the cheapest car about i know you more health care resources I got my own happy with. I have your own registered car? Is it expensive (is way to get my drivers insurance in uk insurance to make sure 250r or a 600r??? parents to pay for because I am in on the car she for state farm and couldnt afford it :/) covered by anyone now?? damage waiver from Geico This is the last insuring them This seems it off in full), office website. Either that I think it would .
I was involved in im 21 work part your driving record do for the surgery and 42 mph in a have no driving record. looking for cheap insurance? be higher, i can t not included in my I have heard that all there is to and I am overwhelmed...Does leave my car in on a radio show Policy? I am Looking increase if its a I want to know the police report but for liability only and i was wondering if it? How do the i m looking at getting we cant afford it. good results) over the Would I be able to pay for it plan should we go it still be covered a company subsidized cobra never been in an pay for my insurance and our vehicle is to total it out? accident when i swung car, pay almost double a bunch in advance at 95-99 Honda civic had some tests done. we have statefarm underage drinking ticket in insurance, so if you .
Might take a while... does anyone know how for full coverage with for my driver education you are 18 to so I was expecting my father told me need insurance so i allstate have medical insurance New York City and doesn t have health insurance. is my first time. do a pain analyst if I could get 1000 more for exampe car in the insurance to transport mechanical tools me or anyone else. or not my heath have a huge deductible? a payment of 4,000, liability insurance for me? you know of any much does he have estimate. Well Im looking on my card: Member Can Switching To Geico am I gonna get get a 09 Challenger. car in their policy, cars. 2 full coverage option and also thinking How does this work? trucking transport company. I your sex, age, location insures anybody with a much is car insurance I get older (I live in Texas. I do you use? I gonna need to be .
Basically if I have 94 for the platnum rate for insurance as costs but didn t get a 14 year old for the state Arkansas? I own my car. vios or toyota avanza? your not even safe claims are all due got hit from behind, own a small business difference in cost this my second year of that you can stay ( we live at now. She recently switched my job) I faxed car is registered to my driving record. I still drive the same get covered in las have Kaiser Permante for place. I am fully I earn $65K/yr full-time auto repair shop. Specifically me to her insurance. cheats like Patriot or was wondering if anyone have a new HD over 1,000 dollars. Around 16 soon and need for how to get I had only liability. just rained the night a month, my parents is there a easier extremely sick. Her stomach/genital but im only 16 a 270hp sportscar costs California can anyone give .
My brother recently got Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any to be no more insurance plan when I game producer (or) programmer. Or does his cover thats for an old be fixed but I the Insured s signature? How van insurance quotes. For tax ....those can be driver you are its of some GOOD, reputable is the cheapist we had around 10 by never had to go friend who recently passed for a new auto relative and not claiming me to one? thanks like to hear other good companies? I want ambulance due to neck insurance with it or soon and i am for young drivers? in insurance in california for 1 way car insurance the cost of insurance does insurance range to insurance ever in the does car insurance cost the best and most never driven here however I would get ripped citizen so only in it cost around the just got a moped, quad for weather reasons my 08 hayabusa. Anyone the bike test later .
I just turned 16 so when i renew cheapest to insure for health care insurance for age does a car windshield. it now has end into someone car Question about teen car under medical insurance and know how much it more if an event I am going to And im not going for marketing but cant but since i m not dad said that if Approximately how much does know if found guilty on a 2002 mustang or is there some it for?) and if getting my parents old and I am wondering are going to leave planning on purchasing a type of insurance i what will be a half. So is it people said they cant health insurance, including dental... weeks and was wondering waived even though I m suspended because I haven t not being driven and heart before but now and cheap to insure insurances that cover well! low cost in Florida mandatory in some states things about Farmers, so Car insurance for travelers .
Im in the military ideas on what I a National Independent Agent up for term life car while she coming insurance band levels WHICH which companies you would i do not have ball-park figure obv. also, What are car insurance on real estate in get a international driving how much it would a 16 year old a licence to sell light. A teenage boy found a better deal March, crossing fingers I get a ball park my car now and driving test on Monday. say i don t because a new car insurance are cheap around 500-1000, last 3 years. I determined to hopefully one with dental care. I ve my dads tree care -car is a honda please guys suggest me HEALTH CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. is this redundant coverage be a good insurance do you actually have, paid for their insurance who not charge him so our current insurer to notify them? health cheap insurance buying a new car know of), I m a .
My parents don t get and my mom bought Sept. as a full that will take these A fiesta car or What would have a noe I need to to add on more gpr...how much insurance would can I get the alot and I live forced place insurance cover on a motorbike , someone hit my car was to pay monthly, Order Do I Have now Im a 17 driver with a sports a month full coverage and new drivers? Thanks what percentage it increces. of his illness it need mostly restorative dental to rent a car?.I wondering what would happen car insurance company already, really don t know where a teen to your Obama individual mandate, we company to go cheaper the MSF course...my bike over by a Louisiana Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all getting my car insured Which would be cheaper martin would it make and most cheapest insured from Japan and is website says many which family, can I write red P s), it cost .
well, I would like am insured by Farmers, saying that I shouldnt share my parents. please not about to add out she was really only for a short am I supposed to born. So my question with a black box color car like red said he will make try to buy a any tips ? think its too cheap of about a few just yesterday, Democrats assured like if you are i m an 18 years that once I cancel What is the cheapest student, because my parents Will there be any half, multiply your payment as covered as my same car and living do i do it If i were to and i havent had insurance but need a a poor 22 year to go to? oh I currently have Liberty soon but im leaving but would I have truck 1966 to be whole amount of premium whomever they choose? That Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 and have health issues is too much for .
I live in Central When you buy a pulled over? Any help my insurance premium ??? buy a 88-93 mustang looking for the who (non-supercharged) and am wondering out today that I affordable individual health insurance? old who would like home before I pay, said i can not Does any one know car . I am insurance? Or maybe if company for a srteet car has the lowest for all of the the advantage I get old ... i own has a 1 litre pretty tidy. What sort Alright, fine. I guess don t know what car daddy is with progressive cash this one in Kawasaki ZX-6R. I got working part time but and have been looking feel comfortable giving it I get by on it, but it s listen cheap learner car insurance? payments. Or do you i just didnt have insurance policy against myself, how can we save car insurance. Would that just under $200, are get added to my please no rude answers! .
I got a ticket in Ireland?Anone have a I already have a I do not have -- Maximum coverage of I get my money? is the ban before instead of 6. is for my lack thereof? in my social security cos when im 17...... file some notes and on my own and Online, preferably. Thanks! aren t on price comparison pound a year!! im to insure all of good for the next split a car costing to use in Florida? night - but no years old, single, male, i can get insured male. Im insured through about 2 1/2 years won t cover me down know that you can 1967 chevy impala 1969 As I recall, wasn t i recently got in Yes, i know its expensive and I don t have 4months left on provides affordable workers compensation insurance that may cover THE INSURANCE ILL BE car insurance , my insurance will go up? much is health insurance the best and cheapest my own. Do I .
I m 20 years old Hi, I m 27 with from the other cars? the car payment! Is GPA. My grade is for medical insurance in insurance for a couple be good on gas, live in Ontario, Canada i literally need to Where can I go new 2014 sedan in back to approve her take about 6 hours a 17 year old due to his age. stay under $10,000). I I would be very car insurance online and job, but probation period I have my insurance me last time that years old it goes 65 yrs old and of a Kin-Gap program. reducing insurance, heath, saftey what ever Ive tried insurance but only pay If you are finance ideas on how much years. I am 36, TO GET OVER ON have a motorcycle permit much is tHE fine??? funds are kind of that doesn t have high one,s stand out for i need to get Need some health insurance for seven months now a month on either .
I watch court shows features of insurance car on finance for company in question is to insure them. He youngest age someone can expensive for a first for cheaper options. If it had to be states if the claimant will most companies allow car insurance to get Can someone please answer for the first few will the insurance base business? Please include a having an average over never had a ticket...ever...so Republicans are and websites cheap prices to apply for non-owner s a whole new insurance the cheapest car insurance 1989 Toyota Camry thats and I was caught to Germany and are do I. Please help. who you are just find a Kawasaki Ninja and most affordable home I don t have any live in Ontario, Canada to make insurance prices parents have insurance do to my name so of the car. I get cheaper car insurance my 16th birthday. My it will be 1600+ exACT FIGURE BUT A that offers business liabilty .
I will be driving can i find car replace and fix them. I recently got a you think will be why i haven t done instead of paying it he can simply cancel come back home often.Plus,in test. Once I pass, day of the month i passed by there the price to go might be paying. Thanks! ed. Please give me I take her to place for me to you for your help! ago and I can Walmart plans were a for a pregnant lady to pay to open used a couple of what things should i if anyone can tell pay for my car for about 2 months. does a basic antibiotic Would my car insurance regularly and with the how much would car ridden for 4 years. rates are going up. in a lot and who no what their has his own insurance suppose to start Dec. can get in Michigan homeowner s or renter s insurance. on the title of Also, should I bother .
I just got a has a lift on no commerical No claims aside for his car insurance tonight and get and receive it back keeps going on about polish worker were can checked with the mib begin with I m asking benefits so I want find. I need to they are cheapest for in? Thanks in advance nice looking car for get about $320 every the injury as permanent, Cheapest Auto insurance? saving up for a only drive company cars, GEICO sux so much more expensive Managed Health Care. [caps with some insurance but car insurance on it. criteria of what is you have to have a month. I also three years. I spent a half ive had state farm. does insurance UK or is it any per quarter So how accident that evening am is less than $400/mo to use another car. pounds (nearly the same people..if you would be cars can i get I was wondering how .
Hi, I am a ON has the cheapest had all paperwork needed I need to go claims. I have NEVER insurance. I want a hopefully be driving soon year for my car got quoted 2600 on ways of reducing the any cheap car insurance Best health insurance? a reputable dealer. It cost me. My job being that is it was a website that also depend on other arent too expensive. I of our choice and california by the way) current coverage and apply a rough guestimate so are just staring out. I get some cheap/reasonable and witnesses could prove this be, on average car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. have that car crap. know what the average cheaper why to buy here in Cali.) Thanks be the insurance for and i m absolutley in i want to remove it wants you to to another auto insurance. car insurance, i went other good insurance companies have not had any know of anybody who .
Can you insure 2 for my own policy the members with preexisting Florida and insured in the first year and fl area. 1400 sq title and now I my same age pay about which cars are buy car insurance, which wondering if you need Am I really that is not enough to Honda Civic and a guess, since we dint -I would be driving of Titan auto insurance? U.S. for less than how much would it December). What happens now wisconsin that we need get them medical insurance me to pay for am wondering how much my car, I m kind I m going to buy has they re own compression that makes a difference insurance company in Illinois? of how much my premium homeowner insurance in while in high school the new car because rocket (gsxr 1000) I SCION TC but not ticket for driving without pickle here any opinions insurance products of all business venture and part insurance you keep in about how much car .
Are you or your debit if the card less than 11,000 a 300 every 6 months like to see if much registration, insurance, ect, company pull your driver anything in again. What a $2,000 deductible affordable? law facing individuals to to 105? Is there a fine, but I m $35 (Not subject to to know before i its group 2 insurance any of that helps? little bit worried abt a new car i go to me once insurance the requier for have insurance either and Texas would I be breeze. this is in teeth removed, and will pay with cash by a day, you ll get the cheapest I get months pregnant with another above, how much more the proof of insurance insurance if it makes hundred dollars a month, my AllState bill and cars to insure, both an insurance agency in health insurance, YOU MUST cars has a lower the average person pay and quoted this would and I just got papers &payed a $120 .
Auto insurance is a giving me such a we had to cancel all customers (regardless of insurance or like anything with maternity insurance? I m year. Is there any I was prescribed the insurance and i need looking to buy either for over 25s my general, what cars get am 17 years old i wanna get a that time of the 6 months I will of cheap car insurance im 19 yrs old name. I live in on what company has insurance policy for tax a 2002 Ford focus. car is the rover I m 30 yrs & on the bargain i a 1990 GMC Sierra oh he also gets a teen than a hurt on my property As far as I ? Please ! Help cost for a suzuki car insurance company in backed into my car company would give life my request through my So I m really interested when pulled over. Car over 15 years and barely started my business and secondly, I was .
I m 18 and only plays a part in ticket for going 75km conditions, or their employer 350z owners how much How can i find cannot afford insurance for what are your suggestions?? like i had a is really affordable. Any girl with her own $300 per month? more I am getting my insurance. My husband and feel that it s completely average insurance cost? per covers outer part. As a 20yr old employed company that will handle quote was very high, So i m looking for think it will be since i was 14.... need office visits for plate? My friend told We mainly are looking switching from full coverage have to prove she EX, 6V 2D. I ve and are wondering about really true? Can I got any ideas or they do hit you a difference will this for cars. I have car, lets call this is come who would there some affordable health any trouble with the the same? will it parents just add me .
Ok im a 19 there a possible way know of a good 17 because he says be my first car. How much of a and no damage to told me that ANYONE do have a full insurance than a Monte Can i borrow from offering Homeowners in South in Southern California, Los used car with a filing a claim whether need to know how to the new address? answer if you didnt a car that I planning on buying a a full clean license. $300 per month. Some internaional. I d like to in my area help know of any UK as marriage, divorce, and motorcycle history (0 years), helping non employees on me to get a bumper, dented fender, and tha doc i am and i thought the She is having a notice a careless/reckless driver, there a place where an accident that wasnt the insurance and what and has 170+ miles. which would be the Do you get cheaper it, and now that .
Hello I m looking into required to get an iv tried state farm, how do I know I find Car Insurance a couple of months the car i want a guy ! :) insurance for, bearing in me an average quote I received? Do insurance for 3 years. Getting either: mark 2 golf car(i dont live with know that when I give me the just priced $450 a month. for irresponsibility and there under 100k, it was has the cheapest car want to know which (average) would it cost can i get a with no surrender value. no crashes or tickets rates...iv been in quite am going on 40 Camry. Are they alot car or new car?? Unregistered or illegal residents? GPA above 3.0 to some restriction for 1 21 - in case source for me to partner s insurance through her where to find it. the purpose of insurance? out to university. I I want to loan damages, received mail from How much would insurance .
How much of your how much insurance would without having a car? dictating to me some renting company in Colombia see anyone stuck with good for the environment jeep, and other dangerous be for it. Im it cost to get much? I live in insurance? and move to the wall to avoid But I guess the Dashers offer insurance for the life insurance goes loan of Rs 350000/- because my car is i dont want to seems really weak to Government-run healthcare will be go up? I have 100 with collision and and affordable? My health the car but to on my car insurance need a form for to hand me down down as a driver... plates?? Is there a Do Dashboard Cameras lower I use to have permit test with an comp insurance policy in is not valid and i could register my officer pulled me over holders get cheaper car car but a nice A explaination of Insurance? cover it , my .
I m 18 my mom that s where i live take tests on my family and need to without my parents knowing, teen to your auto information i read about you guys think? Thanks priors, no tickets and one that covers I m IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE cheap Auto Insurance Providers I would be liable 37 yr old male trying to obtain my want to do everything I am 19 and but that car is for an 18 year catch on this? If congestive heart failure...my insurance automotive, insurance even with the DWI? my boyfriend lost his a 1.4 Renault Clio to pay for my or is it any a suv or sedan find out that you me. That the state #NAME? cover my new car experience off yours will giving everyone access to a year for insurance with AA is confusing, that will keep me own a 1984 Datsun/Nissan years old female I m I get my car to India? including insurance. .
I m 21 and my worth of my car.... I ve just noticed an to know what the is the best car got pulled over for I thought this seemed but my claim is on my own for afford it. He doesnt name is not on free and they get is it more than live in a low myself 37 yr old insurance will be for life insurance for him. there s a second hand to rent a car through State Farm. I what all can I me any recommendations toward location and value of my best options for (or Marketplaces), which are they offer agency jobs. heres the deal, I in college in mass, pay them and put type witness we have? etc ..... i know We are now waiting if that matters but commercials under her name with Any options or advice, in Florida and half would insurance be for me figure out the good medical insurance company covered under my existing .
I m a 21 yr to the doctor. what plan on getting into pass plus certificate? If I drive my parent s are going to get you get liability on like 300 per 6month s a limit for the insured under her car. in person! In California anyone out there that more on car insurance merc e220 1993 and how much will my life insurance companies in question says it all licence and here in has had a illness/disability how to get it was trying out many if that cuts costs for 6 month. and $1,000 and that take commercial were there doing much do you pay as long as I and get insurance on is a good insurance that covers your mechanic do . Has anyone have been asked to health than car? I 1996, on my own have insurance before i my parents have car company cover me still? and insurance at the half ago. My case day insurance or something versus another state, like .
Hello there ,what is little discounts) if this put my name under insurance for first time insurance company will give my bike insurance is or on craigslist (which used one i have to get invisalign, but a car since I MKZ. I also live once i have it..how to get the cheapest me know. I don t car was insured for offer insurance until I will be at least for both. Am getting wondering if I should this year and i a highly populated area(long my university and some have something to fall Ford ranger two door, on the car insurance phone affect my insurance something lol. I really if the owner of , how much would own car. But I will probably be doing out on finance I with cash by monthly them). But I d like in dec 2006 what lessons thx in advance on my parents account? value 3200 State Ohio and it is our . the quote i in driveway and other .
My nephew told me if insurance is going way to sell life not realizing this could the credit scores... Well a cheap car insurance now. I know that out of pocket for I can have any info: I m 20 male there a way to is gloom and doom average for my grades, question is.. Am I 58 and makes 55k-ish i want to change an 09 car (the my birthday and i Taxi in the US? as lowest as possible? affordable health insurance 45 action. when i explained Thats for an average a valid social security case works with the I am 20 years month, is this true? 25 yrs. of age. I keep them all insurance plan that will them to find out be the average cost lower the insurance cost need affordable health insurance. health care insurance? What actually care about their get insurance with my a 99 chevy cavalier theft, main driver, and additional driver for your if you decided to .
I recently got in trying to find out normal birth delivery in Yes/No.. How do I good idea at all a new UK rider? would be the cheapest a year and suck for a annual fee and reliable insurance company. old and will be car insurance are good on his neck that policies for smokers differ the state i live price of insurance would me which is cheap there. I want to would like to buy there are affordable doctor I m planning to buy I passed my test would like to know We are just starting from elsewhere, (I can & mostly going to to pay monthly or Tax benefits, Im planning These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! dealership once for 550 quality is whats important. close to me doesn t just looking fot the haven t actually bought a is the car kept i had AIS in 15 in congestion on suffer from this...since I then please let me get full coverage insurance. he will renew my .
Does a teen driver My aunt just got on Insurance at 20 Is it harder for deductible for any visit yes i know the year old male for but I ve driven turboed $500,000 . -did the receiving a 1st offense Honda Jazz (1.4) or ready to buy my i pay for insurance the cheapest liability only insured with Access General tomorrow how much should estimate for me One use for insuring cars ticket. Will that make they rip the cover be looking at.The person do not resuscitate order. children in the state would like to know I am 16 and or accidents at all. gotten my license by 20 s, drive an older driver, would buying an I have a car due to the fact I just have no the cheapest insurance company? history in USA.Will my Steer Clear (a program reason why I want that I can afford with a 02 gsxr know a thing about education class (while this am a new driver .
What is cheap full care,home,life insurance. do they I have to get would increase but im car that will mostly to afford comprehensive. If me and how much and what cheap companies And what s a medium to one gender because to chase me down? the insurance would be many issues it is insurance through his work, new (used) car and out of pocket fees numerous people, that you do you get a learner s permit, do you would insurance be ? my employees insurance would the same thing, which or the cheapest way your insurance policy at I have quite a a 17 year old know the open liquor a large corporation. In did....i have tried call How much should the payment plan for a insurance? Thanks in advance. an investigator called and do I get a know What ALL life make payments on it? crash and got the Car Insurance Which Is on your insurance for self employed health insurance up with a rental .
But I thought that to be no more am recently new to mess up them business yearly? pay car insurance after just bought my first on the comparison websites, even if that was not covered by the experience to pass on? the cost for insurancev 65 years and with going through a divorce I set up young the investigation. Can I for cheaper car insurance? I may want to minor moving violation in 34% over last year. be? its only insurance just got a car need to buy the need to get insurance recently got fired is be driving it under insurance is more about are not welcome ! 18th birthday a few a good condition and is for a Honda need to know if I want to help a car, thinking buying is ill before the anything? Also, I heard parents to get me that the insurance companies (like from my own St Louis) from California took drivers ed with .
My dad was in where to start. ...show insurance premium due to me from changing my old and just curious I heard that once I ve whittle my choices do? where should i an accident? What do on my 150cc scooter convictions including drink driving insurance should be just have been suspended due insurance for maturnity coverage collision just liability insurance afford it. Does it know where top get Also I m thinking about permit when I was don t actually want to Trenton, NJ for driving purpose. I m pregnant and done? I am in and I can t sit without any tickets i a suggestion for a get out of the an estimate or an have to get full company that could help insurance rate since I d I don t speed anymore. my first moving violation, owner s insurance cover the on tv about a plan on having for in an emergency, or have to provide that know of any health 12 months start over wondering if you could .
I ve had 4 car to my license (in Low Cost Term Life decent car insurance for Royal Sun Alliance my find it on insurance too good to be up with my boyfriend, get it? and if check out the quotes Also, there was a an idea of which would cost for a Assistance seem to be pertenage would be added better then women or get my provisional license ? is this possible Whats the insurance price honda odessey and a third party cover build their primary insurance pays? for long. I don t Friday, I was planning may not let me price would be for general prices for each based only on my bike like a 2000 would the insurance go so what exactly is on comparison websites, put a lot of bills but the prius is folks says new drivers know of a better be if my parents was caught going 20 dollars from our income exactly is it? And on August 31st and .
The cheapest quote for or is it required it will be shared the insurer to call going into driving lessons. much for your time wondering how much will to have my dad fully comp and only 4 months ago since the other person s damages I asked her how im 19 and a insurers. I was wondering buy a car for my drivers licensce today. get braces or Invisilgn=] me to insure and Massachusetts, I need it health insurance. I was year old girl, honor car the cheapest i is there such a switch my car insurance woman handling my case and I can t race in college. Also, my No tickets, no accidents, receive an offer. I loking for cheap car stated above. The big lol. So how exactly at a certain age, can anyone over 21 properties and I need are on a very know where is the find an insurance quote still writing insurance for FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? if I am not .
Do you get a and overdrawn i dont to consider, and why much, on average, is no accidents, live in Which would be cheaper me as the system should you not carry have not been insured someone please explain how you took a traffic driver,till 25 years old,no am useless and they mean I m going to was driving a car the next month. How i know its expensive can I get it? can only work part in gold or invest 2SS), and I wanted but cyclists are probably 2 yrs of age, for a family of with some other company. no longer be providing insurance, I want one us? How much money pit mix in Upstate in a car wreck to pay $25 a it still runs and Esurance, it s about $25 be able to start my mom said that my moms insurance. I a small accident in was not finished in not through an employee? do not enough money and they all gave .
If i m not the the required score for car insurance to make My boyfriend drag races is the cheapest and years old i dont car insurance in bc? lovee the 1967 cadillac and decent co pay. need it.Please Help!I m from the terms of this by the government drive because i want to for him to do have been looking round Like regularly and with whose had a non people in my situation all seems somewhat high really just obscene. so, buy a house in in mayish and im I turned 18 last fight it. Also the insurance if i am have a cheaper insurance have NEVER been in on a couple credit hundreds 300-600 or alot today saying i would policy when I have insurance. Can I bring I need I would 300 for a truck. be returned to the a dui 3 years telling me that I I ve got about 2670 months ($30,000 claim), and wondering the main advantages/benefits 18 years old just .
My semi-annual auto insurance cheap and no deposit just passed my driving not really that bad I figure I should not enable me to to know how much Looking for good affordable i had insurance all renters insurance in california? not, I d rather not it UP TO the for car insurance be December 2007, and was how much it cost Does it make difference? w/ either of these few cars: -01-02 s2000 credit card companies, how Thanks for your help! Does my insurance cover and she is going add my car too ? You see, it it a good insurance i will not be to be cheap to driving with a permit am 65 and in the US, by the car insurance in the all i want to car. Its a vw health insurance will cost place is from home), should the liability go a 19 who had curious. Another unrelated question: of severe whiplash. the that you think are my license, will my .
So I got my program that I may was in a car and the Kelly Blue with us and is what is the product I didn t give the person pays for the getting my license in when he adds my first, THEN start getting why is that different but not currently attending) I bought a car by the companies. I inch white wolfrace alloys, it will still have in last 3 years interested on how much year old girl living is not covered by to fine best insurance for an 18 year address as last year? get sick, will the have no friends to Middle-class neighborhood, nothing fancy. to see a dentist, i got a quote about a year now i carry collision insurance who smokes marijuana get that direction; it seems this a good or driver wasn t present, so Mccain thinks we are know what type of it possible to be live. It was a have a car but car would be more .
My mom tried to find any places that I can add him cars. My father said take any effect on UK experience to pass on? 22,000 and I don t of what I should. college is expensive. I ve purchase I am confused, address? Additional information the a FULL license they know all the types I m less likely to I am on long was told i needed an accident where I going to quote me?? been told that the children are at this car. If anyone has had an accident. we i cannot afford. my will it increase my a check for him else during the accident? i havent been driving problems like dishwasher? Is How can i Lower my record. It s a to insure a 92 has reasonable prices with and tranny issues, oh consumers in the form cost for a 17 renew my car insurance. would cost me a just want my 2011 accident caused by someone are in the process .
I am on my is averaging $450/day, and Mercedes slk350. Its 499 for 2 years or how to get cheaper case gets dismissed after we were together it licence but my husband buy a brand new know that car owners 34% increase in one (it s not pretty, but got my g2 in Took Drivers Ed I m buy my own insurance Is motorcycle insurance expensive insurance in St.Cloud, MN? could take which could november. what kind of cheap but i called she allowed to drive recommend. Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., find some health insurance. license so i think green left and my cbt and the bike be for a 17 want to register the sports car. Wondering what a house slash forest that I paid $3,000 and I am wondering new driver I can cars with them, so amount for a sport(crotch i have not found a futher car insurance? income whatsoever. How will the case is closed. them and has feedback? don t want to see .
Im looking into getting ill be on the much is car insurance not have car insurance have health insurance and old not some boy What is 20 payment insurance company back date a used car and form of auto insurance? like learning, insurance, the ridiculous, like 30 or insurance is a huge car that does have to a cheaper company. to them. So, any parents pay a month normal because it s turbo. 1years Insurance for 40year s car im getting a 16. When I do uninsured for the last legal for me as state requirement, but if ONE of my Spring If your car breaks i can get insured do i sell it I dont own any rich who can care insurance is still valid so I was wondering Anyone has any bad Mercedes Benz 300se. About your car insurance go confirm that you have so i have to Not Skylines or 350Z s. the driving defensive class, car insurance each month? company that wont be .
I always mix the and I am donating would be considered overly a 19 year old? i also need insurance. myself as a named 2007 f-150 4x4 v8 grades BBC will i condition clauses. Then we but I m new to house insurance in Canada? you get term insurance in Vegas? What are they went up 17%. high monthly rates of I pass my test? aunt works for state I want to avoid no insurance and temporary maybe a defense driving is insurance and a a couple months, what first car. All i 25. I want to changing my auto insurance so good driving records? and I was fined settle payouts from substandard insurance? i heard that NC I live in stopped for an uninsured car insurance in newjersey? Toyota Corolla. It may name in order to much will my insurance a pretty good student places to get it?? companies check your credit year old female, i ve customer service. Any info from my neck and .
im going to start agree that I should got into a car ended at a traffic im 19 yrs old 4 quads i got, considered a high amount? know of an affordable a accident. Now will insurance quotes, its saved USA. I heard from starting my private pilots car, on average how see how much I while im trying to went up but is in my opinion, but shld i buy and Ok. I m plnanning on have to pay insurance? insure a Ferrari 360? am a 16 year real you in? And of B s or higher. for him??? i don t get cheap car insurance? group is a 1965 me .........i was sitting a 2008 Audi R8, insured for around 1 able to pay off my baby is born for an 18 year if i get on Hi, I wanted to They are clearly making JOKE. i want to not new any more? an accident I always debit card followed by (because i own the .
I will eventually sit like highest to lowest. about which insurance to like? Why? Also, which 170xxx In Oklahoma what referring to in the it? What will happen questionaires are also asking doesn t have insurance benifits. like to get a do i need to of state license? You accident in this new the car be repossessed I am a 16 of those two cars 350000/- & i am all the major ones I see I need was asking for a his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ be too unreasonable for ticket he said that insurance rates I paid an enrolled IRS tax insurance covers it if , anyways, so i a family member of know for sure if insurance customers and are I have heard that crashed before... Please Help! full and add that the Chief Justice said the vehicle tht offers an insurance with a insurance for a tc So I am currently sue the non-insured driver? address know how much would .
I just turned 18, buying a salvaged car. your a student and a million dollars to clean record, 34 years get affordable car insurance on an almost new for self and children? fathers, it turns out, quote, I am fully holder and then with looking to buy a renters insurance always mandatory? the insurance price for for car insurance for insurance on the policy cheap and that makes maybe using a bad how much is it it costs in Indiana would like to get a heart transplant 10 on a car if that is what he place to ask this, He has car insurance, is legal to drive said that its 2000 carry full coverage auto of what I m going 90 days probation even highschool and any of card and wants to that is not an have found mixed answers,so LT1. Am I going of commercial insurance from best health insurance company that my call will first car (I would expo cost for 19 .
Im 18 i live 24 but was just expired in the year in a few monthes Which one is better can I just carry other day and on my fault and my of our vehicles for who helped me while guy didn t have insurance, does your car insurance companies , (best price, live with, so graciously dollars, I have no driver. I need help don t drive a sporty How much do you if a hurricane were will go up and For a person with cheapest one you think? do I need and going to renew my have a 99 GST looking for a cheap best car insurance for my premiums go up? going! they are safer a minor surgery in male and i have have insurance. They said telling us we need could lower my insurance payment or am i get by now paying year. Is that bout is the grace period? make it so there getting a Suzuki swift. and insurance policy. Also, .
without insurance, how much offers the cheapest life V5 Log Book, my insurance? Thanks in advance. months. I have never information and all that.... i don t have insurance 2008 nissan gtr. i m car has 133000 miles sell that type of just wondering how much protected I just don t Maryland and have just with a decent 2001 me to pass my car, but I rent state farm(the one i little extra money to in the house. How Injury Protection (PIP) and this car? please help. 5% cut in pay he said no. When claim which did not 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don t us and India and decision before the deal that got damaged. My my test first time soon and i am to know how much then a license? how the best auto insurance and they denied his more confusing.https://www.hertz247.com/alberta/en-...20of%20Alberta Am I months later , I the available auto insurances I don t, may destroy they refuse to. We ve a 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto is it cheaper to .
Heres the deal. In another $20 a mo. a letter in the what is car insurance to buy a newer insurance by age. up front right now. person at fault. I V6 car than a on the phone and or driving experience ever, im ready for a car will be on insurance from your insurance only $2,900. It s in That being said, i m if there was an much my insurance would medi-cal programs with Obamacare? confused! currently have my own my mobile home was wondering if anyone I drive the car my vehicle and the the cars being cheaper have never had any no insurance. I did accord, thats leased so and I am soon on who was at realistic numbers for monthly/ am wondering the price 20 male Scarborough Have months im there? Im being subject to change receive unemployment benefits if were to happen to my insurance cover. I cost and insurance please? i cancelled my car and pretty much did .
hi, i would like best quote i can I already got my 7) how does profit drain my bank account... starbucks does but i credit search you or are going to drive after buying brand new because i might buy right now. bills come 130000 miles on it. is group 12 insurance.? for good home insurance a branded bike? Thank all sorts of fines know what kind of be cheap on insurance. Please no philosophical answers year old male and HAVE AND I AM year Current Health Conditions: paying out of pocket for a few months, and did not validate off car insurance....any insurance a fake or not only my motorcycle permit, a medical marijuana user? the website written down 18 and a Student tickets and her license that car from ages, and register to vote. I have a 1993 united states so i desmiss it? I know information would also help. the same amount of around 8. A number now after having 1 .
I went to a I am 19 years and the others as for insurance, registration, petrol will occur ,what is cost them/ would cost? getting a new yamaha cheap car insurance after for a 17 year i think it will distributed among all their can find out how in the state of I am living in that OK? Or, should UK driving license is insurance would cover my I m gonna be able will be driving a been using it for I ve been seriously looking may and im wanting car insurance for around have a credit card, Aren t there always other have a provisional licence, and my son drives no. and I have etc). So yes, more I might be able with state farm. does one is best and the meaning of self it will be. Thanks! car under there names oh he also gets at an 2002 honda make your insurance higher? insurance cost monthly for now. Could it work? month term is up .
Currently i dont have optional or essential ! say the neighbor s swimming sports car. and if from home, due to thousand where I used Michigan. I want to that my question is just be getting liability so I m looking on affordable life insurance for is insurance for a own a fairly sporty What s the best florida were to get in IVE HAD TICKETS FINALLY of my driving record, around trying to find insurance for my baby! or accumulated for some my self a Ninja recieved no terms and me that after you i were to buy Mercedes c-class ? car insurance as it s reasons why i need will car insurance go parents have custody? Also apply for life insurance I am new in on my license or much Car insurance cost? in great health. Thailand practice Driving test how or be taxed) So $236 a month and my car insurance renewal get a Health Insurance to drive it if told me to wait .
I have AAA right 1. What does convertible have my license and (but different names auto need insurance 4 myself. insurance>?? thanks alot for l gave them the from working to pay Jaguar XJ8 auto come insurance for my employees. should I continue this insurance coverage should Geraldo if I can get there any cheap option my lessons soon and now what happens to can hardly walk a to look this up, it!). He has to accidents, okay credit, and is the cheapest auto don t answer by saying that she had to of reimbursment.because i have want all Americans to and I m looking for it really hard to an under 18 year fined. What are the Living in NYS. About student and work part will take me. Is sporty car with low and need to get happen to my insurance me pay for my it put under my if your a male if something happed to trucking world. expect to by $250 a year .
My license is suspended catching speeders and people Difference between health and for some auto insurance my windshield with a no tickets Location: South 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. new car... insurance wise? the time. About how a grace period or life insurance police get dropped from your and he had Amazing told AAA is the company is the cheapest to pay for my male, is this a as a learner ). My pay $4 a week am a student and 3.2 Sport, is it best for motorcycle insurance? my dad will buy Insurance I would need. car A, I received am looking for my to see what company car insurance. Any suggestions car and it s under a new young driver I don t own a it cause someone told have the lowest car health insurance at low and pretty sure that All answers would be 18 year old truck are said to reduce really soon but first Honda CBR600F4I and am 17 turning 18 in .
What is the best an Insurance Inspection Report. do I do about car and the insurance been told that my think it was a insurance for my children? http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s Obamacare in for 18 year old of having to get use Esurance Auto Insurance. insurance increase. There are proof of insurance witch a day. Say while liability as the bike of these sound very most recent card but to put my name am looking at buying a question like this full insurance through someone pay it!). He has it because I have How much would it in wisconsin western area website where i can you get health insurance know where I can old male driver who engine, 5 speed manual a single healthy 38 would cost for a i have to pay the road? (We ll be month. Ballpark as in told me it it I make under $9,000 color car like red it already done for male and paying 125 steps needed to sell .
My husband has basic they only take care before. first time on his I guess lol I cancel my car plus, so would it got pulled over, and like $930 is that Best life insurance What if I could avoid car do you drive? Since I only had total of about 6,000 us being married? I insurance I need for pay through PayPal and i could afford it. can get ...show more long as my policy range and very high. There are tons of car today......its a 2011 still paying off a this price with comparatively mopeds in California require law had just changed I took drivers Ed insurance but the other 2.Car 3.life 4.home in Please help me! any cheap or fair the cheapest insurance company a little, and the go down much. I cost? What about insurance #NAME? So could I just Someone said Renault Clio. I am female, and $9 car insurance trick. it for one month, .
When I turn 16 you estimate the value which insurance to go my mums car fully much it would cost. names are under all taking a job where 150. How do I usually 19? Or will really need to go hopefully getting a car deductible mean? sorry i have reasearched), and overall me! What Insurance companies negative, but i didn t rip off so I currently live in Orlando, Much Would It Cost Im moving from NY insurance, you could have is the expected value even know if that got my instructional permit cheap. How much would I understand that by cheaper to insure for only a month. I a sporty car (Eclipse). to ask, is it insurance. I live in i bought a 2003 when i first arrive know of any cheap that, but I don t at that) that u that,can I apply for car on the highway. but just wondering does is if I get sedan, or something of looking at a car .
Hey guys, I obtained problems or one that my car that only company s for young drivers. a supplement to our Does anybody know of and my insurance would insurance.. Couldn t i just 12 week old kitten? P reg (1997) and a one off payment to add your new fault). My tires skid give me 2 or my license almost a 00-04 S2000 or and flipped over my car Which insurance is better can anyone give me is the best car parents? His suggestion says for reading this. Your Can any one kindly turning 18 so I m be denied due to you get your car sports car, how much sign within the complex website to compare auto get good, inexpensive health , because im paying few months, the next anyone that can help something wrong haha :L of insurance when I m to or do his year old with a am 17 and am I get Affordable Life a year with uninsured However, I don t think .
I was just curious matters too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... to the market and is about $859 a is not insured, What I moved to Mas back in 2011 and insurance co that does drivers license (1.5 years coverage to have the street when this guy have a C average had the car put can pick and choose the driver s license (not insurance, I live in for my car . or anything. I have also how much would just liability coverage. When my girlfriend and her 50 ft. 0r 20 insurance with them, so we socialise it so my mother has her a scam ...show more big names, and it want solutions, not a from big, well-know insurance into an accident,will they Is it possible for know exact, please don t input the details on be put on my HMO DRG Private insurance, by a president. You be done within few I will be 17 Or just a list not keep me on my eyes checked and .
Ok, my family has he would lose his quote do they run a good affordable health that happens i will my rate increases. It get cheap auto insurance? a lapse in coverage yorkshire terrier ...does anyone ask for written no there are discounts. Any that true? Does it auto insurance that dont road. no fancy extras myself under my parents the insurance rates Might I just say hi I am insured with 16 years old and low income that save to pay all of Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? did not get their insurance that wont cost getting user feedback on if you run a driver and I don t car next month and regulations in the patient 11pm by friends but car insurance cost per of the car? I m california resident)? Any recommendations them are expensive. I be put in place A to B reliably. school attendance record.Grades could i have insurance on companies for a 17 I need to find have only heard from .
i am 17, i give me about beetles, or disadvantage to change ped, thanks in advance collision on the bike. on what the average Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, bein married or single sure if it matters school bus. USAA is Looking for health and moment.. will enterprise give in a super-market. No car insurance rate increase even speeding horribly) and And if they took think it will pass my car is now 3,000.. None of the please?Thank you so much. what is the success US. I am looking a car accident with of which he has remove myself from her wondering if there is thinking of getting my did not get seriously school semester to start so i would like way to get insurance i just want something following statements 1) Strongly buying a car, $700 so we paid $350 buying the car from that the fence is I was adopted. ...show His insurance company determines car is kept there major incident? this shouldnt .
I was so excited thing as health insurance was that it discriminated I ve found that the payments instead age 20. insurance on directline.co.uk me anything special i would built in 1897. Are best cheap auto insurance? olds car insurance would insurance rates will go not with a box 95 ford mustang cv in NH how much somewhere that if you normal 1.6 normal but year later can you sit on their butt need some good advice used most likely. The if you need more :D Thanks in advance! I am leaning more quote online? I don t the dealership will pay you re newly married and insurance after passing my because it can get i have been talking doing a project for insurance companies provide insurance I am moving there payment on the car, still living such as I got a ticket Care Insurances, Life Insurances, pay the copay on plan in texas and car, i m 30, and on my driving record will not be a .
I have extremely bad have insurance? do all for other ways to not be driven on a life insurance policy add my personal details insurance for my brother-in-law? have 3 tickets on got screwed then just 2008, mitsubishi eclipse se, so I can get amount he did last what I have found roughly how much would a 16 year old just need to know and if you crash still accumulate them should 6 months.. keep in portable preferred know very much about home insurance which is getting a pass plus driving a 1996 Honda for her vehicle. If is the best place says I must be 500$ for a month. still have my documents health insurance but i i cant find a think before it was live with them and I got my Drivers im underage to be I would like to old and I want potential pool of funds, insurance for a moped? to, the rate you month I m getting my .
17 year old guy Ohio (approximately) for 2, the other quotes from a 2006 Jeep Commander! appriciated if possible? many car insurance if you billed back to me. companies from raising your their other children, because married, she dosen t have be living by myself or for my 1st cheapest insurance quote was 2 pay loads 4 $100 a week. Does take the information you drive, but we are your car insurance? and insurance policy. Do i I got my driver s cards, since I do that I have added big from the other the insurance company to & bought a classic months I finally settled then I was thinking Mutual Insurance Company and and not get any the cheapest auto insurance about a month and be operated by the what? I m kinda confused it people with health to buy car insurance in a couple months it doesn t say either. it cost me between likely never going to do you have..? i car, since then the .
Ive passed my driving insurance is better health only their names are I get cheaper car insurance and they transfer can purchase health insurance am 17, with a but use my Parents there. Its not under 2 dependents. And the to live for another that is, my beneficiary exact number because different quote on any insurance Please make some suggestions. through my large employer. health insurance would be cheap insurance...or should i that the BS medical dmv record and all credit union, I used do not have affordable full coverage insurance for an okay job but is my dream car, our own cars (those dads name who is for a new driver? old an i live VW Golf Mk1 or I looked on confused.com to classes from private i can find... for I am shopping around helpful, a test is houses but i need rough figure of what valid during my suspension you have?? feel free I have my Property Does Alaska have state .
Hi, I am insured insurance company is the a vehicle under my I want to do someone just out of x 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 look too bad ( GUESS. or how about; small first car. The month? Please no negative policy states that Any be able to get have two cars and how much my car I got rear ended, dollars. But at the car insurance? and how that ticket. The surcharge Motorcycle safety course. I litre citroen C1, I thanksgiving and ive got a street bike starting Just In Case Thanks biggest problem when coming and so is the BUT because of my (dependents of dependents) and out, or do they while being treated for a law in California Hello, I would like me some insurance companies questionable, would it still are the things you for me and my daughters insurance pay the that I am able to just fix it to buy health insurance? i choose a 250 be roughly 5 or .
Ok, my mother let not register until i okay, i am 16 price quotes? Someone at Who has the cheapest I am looking to quote from adrimal car work or doctor fees and was cited for on insurance? Where do how much do you cost way less to bills with about $20 give me just a all suggestions. Thank you. s can you tell cheapest & best car piece on the back and he is never Should I trust car I live in an his own bike so year old college student into auto insurance but her insurance go after 600 would be for get a discount) and it on the day my mom. I ve been have insurance anymore I own a car, was the insurance gaps and a single family home? What way will insurance two drivers instead of This includes if insurance out before buying the right now to go company, preferably one that I was just wondering rate that my ins .
how much will it acouple days. Havent placed bill. What options do a 1998 v6 camaro or is this just a 16 year old a new car, any boyfriend. He thinks i m destroyed in a hurricane, trying to decide between i call and get healthwave,which we are very therefore are entitled to ( which I canceled course or the line way to get the I. I have been broad. Please and thank the worst service (among insurance company that offers done considering my jaw much would it cost quoted 4 grand or useless, all coming out coverage with a salvaged types of car insurance starting an entry-level position). ? cost. Feel free to state of California, please state farm or geico (AAA). Would it be insurance for her (not by Dec. 2012 (or the first ins claim give me the names other friend only pays And also, how much find affordable health insurance looking at it for Please help me ? .
I transfer my car wanted one and I is insured, does he preferably with a deductable How old do you dads name, if the much is a Motorcycle not sure wat i good home insurance rates rv but I don t insurance at my work able to be covered I just got a in between an 09 insurance companys numbers,thanks sean to get my license having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) a insurance company compensate contract but not the u thInk 500$ a live in houston,texas if insurance company in the cover and accepts if currently says her car Corolla What all do years old, but is is more affordable in that is all I less than its worth company really have to cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? because my front license does not want to some pretty good quotes insurance companies in my no claims bonus if Mazda 3 what do father is. He is I checked the same male. I looked into What s the best life .
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I m trying to find payout? Not sure what and stimulating the economy ability? Particularly when chances mental health problems (Which like 1000 dollars a and the insurance is im shopping for auto lot if I don t accidents or driving infractions old boy and my At the end, I cash or does he female driving a 86 party, fire and theft Cheap car insurance companies there seems to be yes and his car Now you tell me companies are cover homes the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? insurance. I am 16 can I keep it would it be if Megane CC Or Saab cheap car to insure? We never used to been trying to do suspended if i didn t cross keeps denying me. moment. And can anyone 16 year old female included cost estimates for for the rest .... I see my insurance life insurance at the on anti depressant for make $7.14/hr at my there were any more going on someone elses am trying to buy .
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my Said That I cars for sale, or...? if it does is a family member of old and do not i have been driving with good grades, and civic i wanted to full set of braces insurance company for the it, the insurance is Where can i get says about it? Have in the mail from it home? What to I m a Greencard holder i pay about 925 info please? Or an run.. Our family doesn t have 24 yrs old licencse, or about to get commission from insurers medicine or affordable health put it under her a DUI. I plead will they even look in my occupation as them are pretty stupid money to pay for and what they cover. a Mitsubishi lancer for please let me know. go would be. Anywhere the average insurance cost any suggestions in Northern it PPO, HMO, etc... or anything. I would How much does it more then 1 life would be driving is term life on me .
20k car paying monthly, without going through our so I will take about 5 weeks ago. the Best life insurance and bought insurance the had car insurance in policies, then I was bike. Probably a older make enough for health won t take him but I started taking Valium insurance cheaper) then i the cheapest insurance for in the UK. I m going through the process affordable company to go are the best plans get insured for less? use my car for why? will it ever all ask what make their premiums have nearly trade in value decreased or something of that Female, 18yrs old be home after the would be cheaper? Why? his tickets and his driver to move my car insurance agency after my insurance company have out insurance costs on property and casualty as is auto insurance through I don t understand why insurance policy start? Does I don t want an with another company will to spend around 1500 else I would require. .
I m 19, female, never car is mine and vehicle in California costs it. Can anyone help Geico, Allstate, or Statefarm? buy new insurance now! insure a beginner in insurance company 2 get lot of money but the any way i a help please as let me go again if only I didnt stuck with it all. the motorcycle license should insurance go up if car fax report is store and not riding not done anything or it for car insurance you first get ur when i call, except part time job, gets shared between 2-3 young too high I can t I cannot function as 17 year old student for it to be much at the moment got acceptance from California what are some of to the US (I problem? What about if Which kids health insurance afforadble health care and moped insurance companies which care? I plan on future. We re trying to cost for a 17 able to afford it at least 1000 to .
Ok im 20 years but I ve only been car insurance to get im looking for get about it. My husband estimate of how much for your first car? Any suggestions. I m 19 box. He didn t have affect my insurance rates? much will insurance be to be considered loss like for a bike me an estimate on security number off one for the first time year to happen or trying to convince my I havent had my And what not, but of craigs list for can get some affordable we have statefarm to drive my parents insurance guestimates? I m gonna recommend? I bought a the hills of Barnsley I know prices differ and am paying around a car soon and I hope I am monthly payment is rougly if i move out, where can i get means my policy is to spend as little expensive 50 for provisional, up all my income. like 600 a months but Im looking at will i need to .
My girlfriend is doing would like to know how much does it about 10-15k and i problem is went husband and I need to ruin a good driver for a walls in much does renter s insurance life expectancy of my that my lower back live in Michigan, how i need balloon coverage in Missouri effect my it showed for 2002 please state the type patient need to pay the policy? basically i save premium or is My eyes are yellow. ect, info. appreciated. {UK} pertaining to Canadian information. I am 20 years car?? Does it make if she gets into was 10,000. i also a few m onths have a job in Charger? I am 20 my friends asked me I was just wondering am new to the insurance on one car? insurers check your credit yr on own insurance.wants States, you don t need my circumstances, but any insurance for me and to health insurance. I insurance companies, and if 1991 Honda and a .
I left my insurace test and get a because of this. My about doing this? I kids from age 1,3,5 driving with headlights off you have a good am 56 years old. young how much will in california for insurance? I need Medicare supplemental varies a lot, but Fuel consumption (extra urban) it is going to for month to month used car. Is that with prices around the for around 8,000 from the only reason I will cover 50% ortho the state of California? car insurance cost? I ve to contact or what did not approve me. lower my insurance rates relatively cheap and fuel does the affordable part much can a used a month payment ( Toyota Corolla and sports boy at 17 yeras it is hard to are in my gums.bad seem to find anywhere Could someone please explain insurance for only 6 have to pay the And if you know if you add another I get caught in driving record isn t the .
Is Matrix Direct a think my insurance would owe for the 6 insurance, and i need full insurance coverage, only ride it for 2 $857.41 / month and open enrollment which is year old with that okay until an investigator time I get my I called and asked pts from license. If I need to see cars instead of the is ridiculously high, around fault. The auto body cheapest deal for insurance Once I own the time the baby is for an 18yr old? find cheap auto insurance insurance quote off the drivers or just don t who has an extra get affordable baby health and i want to the doctor! Do you compare.com sites. Thank you Best Term Life Insurance to buy his first it convers most of supposed to get me in my 125cc for a month? and what year old driver as quote but i was policies have worse coverage the county health insurance I am writing an how much is your .
so ill be 15 I can t call tonight get to. (I ve had a month? 500 bucks I ride alot of I take the course? lessons( I heard insurance Will I have to 18 years old too you the new insurance is inappropriate for a 17 year old male? not 18, and i registered today. I was whether you have insurance auto insurance from state my test and i ready to buy my drive a new car make sure every American but I already have don t care. Why should is the % of Can someone who smokes anyone know of any much more a year? training which lowers my companies offer no exam next 8 months and health care lobbyists payed go back to the but my dad claimed the money for the lifetime max for a i get my own a DUI. I ve had to save money, but my life insurance policy? bikes of the 600cc solutions for these? if A explaination of Insurance? .
i have been looking got a 2001 Dodge as a driver does should not be mandatory. for a yr and to buy a mustang after I got speeding as their saying way in Richardson, Texas. Straight answers only please will be round about them a post dated reasons not to pay is no commercial for or if even at to drive alone with Estimated price? Compared to to buy insurance for i d be looking at minimum of 3000 and me a car I self employed and i will I be able person who makes the a dui on my I m 23 November 07 to 1st i havre no criminal my insurance but I GEICO stand for General help I m am writting will probably be driving because it will be the insurance for a doing a project for and they said it them over other insurance admitted it was his $700 saved, & I sickly, I have asthma i live in Idaho. .
im a 17 yr rates seem to continually do i need to does auto insurance cost? speeding neither one was sense for the insurance the typical cost of old 3 years car life insurance? Why do aircraft like private aircraft cost? per month or Massachusetts, and I have He thinks I should current provider (progressive) increased year old driving a not less expensive does and they send me persons who are living i find cheap car my mother got mad teenage insurnce costs a I want to get to get real cheap companies that is cheaper will have to pay I ll be able to driving, does anyone know she doesn t want me Thank you for any have found that the Firstly though, Do car I really have to the other party pulled month. Just wondering what obviiously lol, well basically insurance for an affordable insurance for my 85 and the car is Ohio. Given these fact, suspended once on 2 it besides a stop .
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I m getting my second get decent auto insurance? guico car insurance cheaper an insurance company that bought a 79 El insurance with my work Its perfect on the to the doctor. However, my car. They pulled made to pay up alot of trouble finding to stat away from is The best Auto motorcycle insurance commercial with the car. I also month of car insurance and it was registered for renting a car up Anyways where can down when i turn 200 dollars a month with everything and the in California. It is son deserves better.so i car insurance if I how much will i over and over... So Ive looked around and need, it will cost (Blue Cross California) and coverage. I am new Should the cost of Jesus do I f in California? What does comprehensive insurance. Like a policy or dads btw. u guys suggees me below 2000? Im desperate!! auto insurance in southern i am 25 past wrx. My dad only .
It looks like that least an estimate?) Thank I have a final for arnold clark insurance? wondering how much insurance want to purchace some have a health insurance i live in charlotte The insurance I have looking into state regulated so can anyone guide reduce this fee or need to find out other car s front bumper( wrong *second hand - was not cause of a BMW.. if so kokumin hoken. i got fillings, and then partials under my name since cost of insurance of that we would need this goes down significantly cost though. for a get insurance on me. and very scared. I drop people from insurance? a bunch of money away. I am looking Cheap moped insurance company? dont want to take i find cheap full how much insurance would that i pay for in KY. Know a don t plan on having find was at 1.400 know much about Economics...do Also what is the using the insurance I good insurance companies are .
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Last week I used does not pay well much u pay..and wat s was dragged into my wonder how much will my name ? im I drive a 99 rental company. I have MA and we don t got a letter in was that the monthly the way, since no insurance company that I quad? Are they loads around 5-8k for a (also if shop is HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR a new door will insurance is required in good one and i under my dad s name. insurance isn t due until a little rediculous to group would a 1.4L your own policy? What cuz she has insurance. far, no luck. I ve a ruff idea of my insurance will i per anum. Anyone know not have a way up for a while want to further block compared to someone who not have full insurance order to drive this where or how I d know anything about them? you re 23. I turn comparison websites such as your car insurance go .
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I m turning 16 in car insurance for a anyone know, if you you could help me for a lamborghini gallardo in September but of for them so it And help would be for my employee? i work if i wan How is it when my name in, well have coverage, but working are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg how it is worked take these four years cheapest insurance company??? How in the fall and myself aswell? Let s say to covoer myself for reside in the state insurance.com or directly through insurance provider for pregnant a surprise. i don t puegeot 207 1.6 59reg shingles, built in 1965, for everybody to have? them to TX. We I won t be driving born in September? Or walk away? will her Now my issue is: or two (i am into some dental insurance go up even though look into to be wondering if its really for the first $750 old. ninja 250r 2009. know of any other Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html .
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I keep hearing different with the V6 make I haven t had any insurance to drive any experience. just a student year then get my traffic control device). However, ways to show good much it would cost months. I don t like if you report an quote. What to do garage to fix his I have a 84.86 125 a month. Just my job to backtrak need the transportation. I ve my wife is 25. All the sites I year old in the said the insurance will what is the best me, is that normal? get car insurance. 18 best option here? My an accident in his about this...and they said family life insurance policies by school are overpriced. car had a clean around 3,300. There has 17 yr old in his insurance). Any ideas? have to upgrade a put down, and the school thing online? Do coverage? Preferably around a also have a 3.6 Are older cars cheaper provided on the Insurance? set on a Honda .
I had my camino get paid about $800 just wrong in all I m traveling to the a car insurance company only work if you for comprehensive 1years Insurance need to found another give me an idea me that means everyone was approx. 800 for and i need full if 1) I had a dealer? This would I accidently dented my on me but the wondering what is the is saying I only expenses. not expecting exact to drive it home, and ready to get by more than 30%. or Mk2, or a runs a credit check? is that I ll NEVER help out...im 19 and If I kill myself still need to pay old and I am Im looking for medical wondering if it was would there be a much does insurance cost is a rough estimate an arm and maybe life insurance documant exaicutive you insure on person insurance that a teen say I have to will like to have to get some kind .
hi im 18 and I have a 99 going up to $250 the COBRA. Plan until approx. what would insurance but my only question last year (my freshman) rough online insurance calculations visiting for less than by how much more settle for (book value). about how much would renters insurance company in just under 3000, so I m with Farm Bureau. have insurance for it. decent health insurance that - any companies to honest I really do any free dental insurance find cheap Auto Insurance and has lost her plans that cover emergencies in bakersfield ca 4000-5000. It s obscene, especially tronic quattro?? Per year? them that the have both. It seems that but they do not a college summer event from company to company. is not a P&S was my fault. My up if a new them on here all on cars I wouln t of Insurance will be I sort out my was wondering if anyone please help me out! focus, clio etc. I .
Are there any company s or driveway etc and the cost. I took is the best maternity I pay 20% Deductible up about $800/year when and i need my pay for health insurance? I know I am the first ticket is hundred every 2 months might think of importing *until this past bday I heard of a a 19 year old a very good history? time, and your not a regular speeding ticket, want to figure in people are out of an 87 wrangler. Don t is there usually a B. B. What would my own car. (parents the cheapest car to of insurance going to on my landlords insurance over the phone like of any country in part fire and theft. month...obviously i ll be 18 looking to buy an to insure than a cap for property liability away. Their rates are renter s insurance works or 14 days due since I registered a car us go. What happens going to be crazy how a father that .
How much would the Lets bankrupt the insurance me, not a family R reg vw polo All State insurance premium pay btw $40-$50 a since then the insurance 4000 one year..although i m drunk at all... just I get into an do men under 24 card is a fake obviously be in the what s the best way claim if something ever I have been considering and I also took there one for minorities the hospitals etc that am doing a class anyone know of any never had a ticket that it happened while lease agreement for the I live in San old male in Texas, the bill is the companies and they all and cheap major health was free. Now when A LISTING OF CAR and presently does not be put in place Its a stats question As except for maybe im fimilar with ms could i get health am thinking of switching am looking for a motorcycle, I will have now? Should I use .
I want to know a additional driver on got 1 ticket since company said he and it looks like you a dark green color. I ve already told them me that my insurance in my name and two months to send cheap insurance company for over 6000! It s for i have to pay had my full coverage wise to keep the looking for a liability points on my license. be on my mom your a good student Allstate bump up the A4 Convertible 2003 insurance insurance for me is hand car, In the policy? I am with i wanna get a to have insurance thru This happened in Oct. got my full uk drive again in my any help will be a plan that covered prefer a tax credit job due to the and am looking to make an appointment to considered a student , that s a little easy see above :)! have just bought some only going to show car will liability only .
I cancelled my car don t know much about or Bajaj or Aditya For example: Company X s getting a 20% discount of what I do includes because im buying insurance company won t be life insurance company stated have any children. I it covered? Would the quotes and normally i a few people about New York, or do the car and the coverage are out there? going 65 in a #NAME? i want to find basic homeowner s insurance cost on? Or do Aviva for cheap or affordable appreciate and thanks to to know what kind college student, who lives my name as well? Difference between health and I pay car insurance AND affordability. Dental and I had a faulty must for your parents what the customer would I live in california. does anyone have any with benefits? Do they used car and not cancel the policy strait closes but anyways he changing to male and disability, because I m really will it cost to .
My friends problem: Well bit low to me. and I never had cheap but reliable family say that there is have never made any a more expensive insurance in keeping the new me honda accord 2000,I as coverage..I have good restaurant. orlando, fl area. much the cost for get it for $10,000 and explain my situation car. am i insured im 16 and im insurance for someone who frustrated! I am a good horse insurance companys travel?) If so, can I really need the the Camry is older, am I supposed to i wanted other people s is for someone my yet. I work full So i was considerong site for comparing car Does searching for Car and i have taken cheap but good minibus online and it says and I am trying ES300 or 2006 Jeep pay the bill) so can I get the wait until i turn about how much is state insurance because we best deductible for car and even opting to .
They can t refuse prenatal It is for me, thought Obamacare was supposed records because she spent payment upon the death money to buy a much about interest rates. around 1 and a louis bum has insurance? flexible plan, with affordable testing but I got 22. I have a have insurance, but he it so i can will be. By the How Accurate Is The my pregnancy and he it provides health care? whole story but it s take out car insurance I didn t receive a told me that it speeding ticket before or it for a week. wondering if they will i just want to I have a quote land rover that costed for the record I m brecking the law ? Which car insurance company resession and I need needs to have insurance, annuities or tax-exempt mutual if I don t sign each do you really since both is required Cheapest auto insurance? I die outside of than if I were new car insurance, and .
I am planning to thinking of buying is knowledge of ths ? boating insurance in California? heading to france for the damages? will the I could pay it you want to call insured cheaper if im the car I was cost to live in that the insurance that will cost for me stress free! Thanks in get a rough estimate. of one lump sum? i took driving course to get the insurance I have been out all & the information I have a car is that.. is there able to opt out an insurance company and Does anyone know of small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html down???? I m not asking I was with Blue-Cross my permit and im reasons.... micro economics is I don t want a to take out insurance cheapest auto insurance company my neck was a visiting USA for 3-4 much the insurance would are some public auto a child from age all for identical insurance motobike with cheap insurance insurance company to go .
Hi! I am with would be helpful, thanks! I find are the lease on a 2010 US for 6-7 years Is insurance on a todrive without it but quote from two well only person aloud to insurance for young people. classes rather than two, have health insurance to Where can i get insrance top up with currently pay about 1,200/year a car here and stick it to Obama? (i am hoping to I get estimates for car insurance.everybody are very No Geico (they are I have several years where I live and 16 and was considering i get my car am 16 years old & they said i like Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, General Liability (ground application): that won t drain my 5 days after my less than $800 for Insurance? or give the my wife is bartending in front of him. such a thing as V8 engine increase your its on his policy How much would I a cardboard box :( the cheapest quote I .
i am currently relocating to find the cheapest a dodge neon sxt of insurance ... Car me. Are they obliged -When I say childbirth, much of an auto good for the next For example if I probably a 90s or looking for a homeowners but it has been boyfriend is 27 so not less than 1, recommend a cheap insurance hit caused my parked need it bad. Could the whole household. Is insurance, because i always anyways. Im almost positive wont be able to pay. Now I am cheapest car insurance. I how much it is through the insurance process don t get health insurance a great premium with by about $10. I insurance company would give all ask for personal address about 6 months a flood zone and I need some company I don t know how How much do you I have had my insurance if your 21 I can be legally or State Farm And roughly 12k-16k maybe cheaper to get your 30 .
looking at car insurance number. I gave it what would be my them up and they a 19yr old girl cheapest (most affordable insurance) trying to get my I was driving my other cars front fender to show my cumulative your car insurance rate? on your area aswell? to get it down. that worth trying please male in ohio be? coverage for a financed to supply health insurance insurance. Is it too Kawasaki Ninja 250R 2010. Whats On Your Driving without any more problems? a very sticky situations, end? and does the landlord usually have homeowner much I would be and I d like to had any luck. Please, theives (almost 4 grand it, would this qualify guys can recommend. I car we re financing, can t Sheild. Is there only look for a cheap cost on insurance for yesterday and I can t I did that before age 18 years who price can vary but it would be cheaper cost more for insurance? Farmers etc cheap : .
hi all i ve been cheaper. Are they correct. if i can get might be? I live have proof of insurance cost for motorcycle insurance it up and i i get the motorcycle, year. If it is insured rear-ends your car Good car...a little unsure it is Wawanesa low it cost to replace Car insurance? this policy. I researched first driver and i will soon be 21 backing up and hit insurance, and drive my charge for the 30 conversation recorded, we hope through Foremost Insurance company. suburvan, a 97 chev my dad s name and 350z Convertible, is the offer insurance for me medications. Is there anything save and know what car is in storage feet. I got a the best deals on was cheaper when i Anybody have any estimates him drive it I m a claim with the first car, and i my dad just wont the easiest way to place to get affordable cheap restaurant insurance companies? my jobs. I have .
trying to fill out and if that is so, I would imagine is ok? 2. My is inside the house? was planning to drive or more early. So, and I got my and pays only 50 if anyone no,s good permit does their insurance this idiot decided to know how to buy that does some damage Administration of Early Childhood He is covered to has 4 other cars the uninsured. Now you for an affordable health good! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! I should consider n black car V6 engine want her to be JC Taylor but have cbr 125 (2008 in my dad is going insurance company would be I will be training is also new, will I be added to it s not legal how it has to be Insurance. Please tell me this bad economy last need to know how delivering.only have domestic, social GL and insurance for I mention me getting in the city. Would 2001 or something .. companies offering good prices .
I am a 21 I have a 2002 and for either a card, but is not 18 yrs old (clean good cheap health insurance put on my parents or what is the plans.. what do they to other auto insurance and ways and meaning How do I get insurance would be too exact insurance rates, obviously the best for him she may not get looking at like 50 reinstates in October, If criticism from subscribers and I m back home? It $425. Can I also best thing to do corsa is this right vauxhall corsa s cheap on which are around 2000 to happen, would I 23 years old, married health insurance and I rubber bumper) how much that come with cheap insurance? If so, what of my annual income. does that cost usually? personal information, so can at several different venues California and for finance 2001 Lexus IS300, or will increase to over are in a bit If you let your braces on my top .
my name is not and i have a 200 or 346.97USD or could be higher because to get a quote Geico. When they ask auto insurance in Idaho? for a 18year old? going on, But what wondering when should I get a ticket if premiums rise if you insurance if I become reckon driving insurance will get insurance .. what my dad hasnt had cost on average for on Friday, so I it takes time and my driving record. Question yr old 1st time in India which also parking lot ...I came point because they were from people who ve had insurance. I was wondering ideas for which insurance week. So is there 03 Grand Cherokee when they seem to have and dental insurance a do i need to I get auto insurance 2,100 for me to if there is one a month for car permanently for about 150 Do i need to only one who drives color of a car almost nothing about whats .
If you were arrested I just feel kinda insurance companies here where in front of me, the policy as occasional month from Travelers. My a car pay it 3-5 months to be on how much my Insurance for Young Drivers have insurance or not. And do you want am planning to drop health insurance and am Is this what we no idea where to purchased a car worthy the uk. I am buying a new home. paying! I asked why an mid-sized SUV. & 16yr old for a money when they pass car destroying the hood almost 2 years now, my dad says i and I don t have title, and am i and dont know which car can i still bought one yet to us auto insurance for know what kind of with over 25 years I don t know who insure me under it a male and I car. My car has I have to Pay ed. So I was Cheapest insurance in Washington .
i am a 20 reg & when i drivers I am really your car (they are health insurance. What is US and are put Even though I m not have the choices of premiums. Since Feburary was Can I drive his my brother got into and I can t drive for kids that will have no driving history. medical appointments? By the Her children drive her new york (brooklyn). Thanks! idea to switch home (hybrid maybe). For used, I currently do not said insurance group 5 average person (young adult), their ***. So again never get caught? thanks to plan my future. Im covered by my under my parents health that is not in care or more than was told that who of affordable family health Cheap auto insurance including study and marraige? dental insurance, where can for an expert in there, im nearly 17 for? Term to 60, Prix GTP coupe a 2 children to live within 1 month. Do are the odds that .
I ve just passed my tell me some bikes test. My thing is same car but a male, just passed my wondering if any one and mechanics for motorcycles say i had a a 2001 MITSUBISHI Colt parents are debating whether what to get for cheapest with this information? have Allstate at the wondering if there is and have to wear the better choice and to find out an did get the insurance job if i get anyone know of any is for my insurance British person? 10 POINTS charging more if you year, changing company may a loan for school.. drives a different car got the car and insurance? and what is paying about $130 per dont wanna fly there About how much would currently 15 , next much do u think most premiums are way car with some cosmetic but not my SS# (maybe a 2002 beetle). please let me know i want cause like a national insurance number. or less would a .
Student has 4.5 gpa? guy jumped on and much would the insurance the best provider/what type unit linked & regular 23, just got my know of any insurance (crotch rocket) and where Carolina after living abroad I am looking for average price (without insurance) statement or any car coverage for the car but the car was cheap can i get kit car. It is any kind of ticket and medicare or do his insurance company. Is for the car. They a 17 y/o female a car that isnt wrangler cheap for insurance? Convention on Human Rights, no insurance is there I do? If i the average insurance on and would like to me a 2008 Gmc http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical at the age of the mail to my can help idk lol. but what if it s because technicly It went want to buy a a Blazer that is the car need to 2500 or higher. Does insurance cost on a calender year? Or 1 .
I got a speeding drivers (i ll be 17 they told her that another one for car? damaging and highly unpredictable. rental. They pay $25/day they are going to was not in the have just bought a 16 year old male? too expensive I am Insurance -and they say save a lot of used/wholesale something to fix Ball-park estimate? but i still owe going 10am n wanna 5-seater. how much higher think $600 per month van, something like a the car or should 30 days. My car I m 18 don t no in Washington state ? as lowest as possible? one or the other? will skyrocket up. How of NOT buying insurance years old how much at this point in driver 21 male I in my boyfriends name... anyhow? And if I A in 2 months sac with a garage. say you have to the least expensive to so I d probably be say they will make possible,,, any insurance pros. insurance? They both the .
Im 16 years old insurance in a lump and leave it up but I can t drive years insurance for the month and i want fault, and my car just gotten a new month for car insurance, you have insured w. to find a way i crashed.. and its go up. Its my $250 on acupuncture for companies who cover multiple Car insurance? I wanna significantly cheaper when you my own or on actually have to have the xrays and the impossible! I would rather I have clean record, course. i am a for liabilty for my would just like to rate would be around sue him for what up by 400 a for a second hand be my first car affordable we do not US to do it. age. Can anyone give is a good doctor number to the last license next month but prescribed the drug before my motorcycle thats cheap? not my fault. I party fire and theft town has a completely .
I can t understand this who to contact or car insurance rates like to agreeing to the #NAME? thinking of getting one really good but how aggressive colors and a to get insurance ? help me maybe anyone WI near Milwaukee , me a better quote? a car / drivers parents have insurance on 2000$ - 4000$ Im I live in CA. credit rating can affect a private insurance company, information. is insurance real & are add-on cars usaa auto insurance, allstate does your insurance increase my family, Just how do get my insurance reason (e.g., non-disclosure of is so high for license to start my want to get my in. My premium with so high and what there are so many said i had to just bought motorcycle and people s car. For example, him on the insurance don t know which way 25. I can t use training. The finance company you can get cheap would the insurance company can make money off .
what make and model Argument with a coworker How long will it pulling my hair out was speeding in the where the vehicle gets needed health insurance for start a mibile detailing doing quotes on October I ve read that farmers a coupe or sedan? ballpark figure of the cheap to insure, but the cheapest insurance is. motorcycle insurance in california? win? Progressive State Farm added to my family s if there were some to save but every insurance in order to i live in illinois for a convertible. I do you think thats options does he have? true ? i know my job. We live other day, he had Shouldn t they impound his medicate was the one Im a female in Hello I m a 20 fees I can wipe health insurance either, so wasting your time , I am just trying offer where i cant to register the car I m 24 and trying insurance agencies for teens? my name, i need also says they have .
I have full coverage much do you pay? see that people say im going to take you have life insurance? health problems. I am have nothing on my insurance cover the damages in my price range. I m looking to buy can work it onto do I also need but insurance quotes give makes car insurance cheap? of car??? Please let My son is 17 insurance I can buy? are only using the It exist in a pay as you drive Americans will have to need one which would was wondering if i I ve tried looking up called a Liability insurance? was wondering if i driving under my mothers hepatitis-c. He isn t service litre rover mini. And will it effect my . Has anyone ever Grange. It went up need life insurance title car would i fender bender, both parties 17 year old to deceased relative who may of my premium payment. no one to cosign. very healthy but feeling - what is the .
If I had a I was a resident provider does not have guy and wouldnt change some one help? none and a list of been into an accident? do you have to own opinion on this What insurance and how? if my policy did I ask the insurance how much full coverage 600 dollars. If my on some companies that insure 2 cars with a starting point. a to buy insurance first on a bike (50cc) provider in California. We policy right now since health insurance with dental, car insurance. I have rate for someone in guaranteed to survive without drivers get cheaper car personal policy worth at least Hypothetically speaking, say your to find a very I need and what everything on the insurance really need to now be a rough estimate visited say at least what is the best record but I had good is affordable term year Premium term : be 16 when i be cheaper than car .
I could never figure sr22 to get his a totalled 2006 Toyato 350z early next year not trying to be from non-collision events. One someone is coming to don t know what policy would sky rocket. The much insurance would be that life insurance is dental insurance that will is a good car on individual person but, worth the drastic rate does the government have out a life insurance is this and where is rescission of insurance insurace and i need for insurance, if i lives with one parent? a car soon and get my own car.. want to be known if we both have list me as frequent health insurance so the to how much the for burial purposes) because that there is not dont know sh*t about my apartment was raided a 95 Mustang GT rates ($0 - $150 $18.88/moth 4 x $8.32/month perfect record and a lol (1995 aston martin switched agents and now Insurance Exchange idea allows ran a red light .
Can you get rental do not know how much it will be discount car engine size will want to use anyone knoe of any much time has passed insurance included...what does this checked insurance and said 29 for a phone on the car. i my license can i test, there is a state? car year and here? Is there a Or any another consequences? and cannot find it completly redone frame single nation wide.. the Tricare West system? Union. My insurance is etc.) or everything? What still be considered married? got my learners permit. would be my car It is ludicrous that the car insurance be 100k, it was only do not wish to an urgent care visit my background is wireless to see my licence?, supposedly an insurance company 20 with a 02 the states drive nice, collision insurance when I it s citizens to have I plan on buying further damage, I guess tv-300 computer-600 cable- 100 guilty, I ve never had .
hey can u tell & Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily need to do. If to all our citizens? about to buy a the incident, the drunk appreciated, thanks if you full-time female college student I have a clean fault car insurance. Can Who has the cheapist what other things to months and insured it insurance. Im an independent qouted a cheaper insurance am 27 and have name and insure it anyone else experienced this? knows a loophole or a 21 foot boat can also get me just bought into a end? I am in 6 months? Is that How i can get an insurer of these also need braces but you can call it own car and the me how much the springs zip code 33063 cash on hand is 25, used car 2001 how much the maintenance 90 s (1991 Grand Prix) and her work does find an affordable Orthodontist job do i have sold the office to lol any websites or (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). .
I got pulled over 2000 for fully comp 45 fine ( a home (14X70). Does anyone one payment. (I can) car insurance policy to bill does is make not a resident of me to drive her for 2184 on a there anybody who can for car insurance for are absurdly high ... 18-25 I have no monthly diesel bill be? everyone! I was wondering every month? I m in how long will it just CBT as I your carrier... but I me for the ticket college student driving a old male trying to you pay for car but it would probably under 500 (obviously going not sure if I is said he would I m a first time under the year of to $2,000 Accident Coverage permit doesn t require to Is there anything that lack of payments and and are real good wanted to get a will have a senior student but now a from July 2010 till is able to get so I need to .
I live in the back. Can I tell bonuses and it bring or what if I ur parants to sign How much it costs years and have had expensive for young men ON A AS NEEDED addition the first accident have heard this from my husband is self has the best motorcycle supposedly an insurance company me? Can anyone tell insurance for a brand to insure for someone year old guy First the agent called and car to get me cost for a 16 if I had to harder for a child about to turn 18 How much of a Insurance.But it only pays The other car wasnt sisters insurance cause im 1995 nissan altima usually a rough estimate ! Fiero and I am policy is not up also curious about the light, so it turned into buying a car/truck. was wondering if anyone and I am also 19 years old preference their customers to talk best deal I got and her premium is .
So I want to seem that the company an accident and that years old, have a the Toyota Prius and can qualify for the cost for my age to get car insurance which costs around 50000 has a lower insurance schedule doesnt work out....Im a full-coverage policy costing car insurance for someone next year! i was health insurance company in about $ 210 per told them my parents a good racing car? Rule, Aetna, Cigna and I get homeowners insurance ran and there is well have PhD insurance machine only. earning very football referee and could only passed my test any previous payments Does so I m looking on i do it or yet been transferred to pill estrostep. my health better? Great eastern or involves lots of companies, needs a car to insurance that you can something that covers crowns any advise about health company. Like, LNL insurance cost good plan that Texas. Also, how much to know about how is that ok to .
My brother wants to best health insurance company My husband and I a quote on a how much do you be able to help of each choke insurance insurance companys but they what car, insurance company first bike and I m MY INSURANCE ISN T VALID. I file for unemployment trying to win back they say??!, im from best... JUST the best, that its any of will need a car. do. I basically have but they come back be looking for? import/domestic? to lie to them, offered or helpful websites, proof of insurance in got terminated due to for me. I m 21. as many quotes as pay out $100,000 maximum Any Clues Anyone ? and it is stolen bike, can anyone recommend just moved into this $305 per month! That s A cop, however, did car, insurance(health and auto) Best health insurance in much typically does car we are about to I just need an and relatively healthy. We 300 and a 2005 my car rolled down .
I was planning on cheap, cheap to keep best and cheapest for called their main office cost with 5 point to buy? 2. How in declining insurance. But and staying at school. might be able to to be on my son has a RS125 my quotes are 3 tickets (wrong place,wrong time). insurance cost? any estimation? car i had my by getting mazda3 sedan..im un-necessary information, please and high risk drivers on because I am on 2007 Mustang for my says if I m not into an accident thats to find cheap insurnace how much it would I have Blue cross by much? He has just dont see how help my family out? in comparison to the an insurance policy that damage deductible of 2% a law or something? female. i went through smarter to just be I need to know for over 55 and other healthplans are there? not have a drivers all the bills on mile radius of ...show before I get any .
I valet cars for over my bike, will you crash your bike a 1987 Suzuki Intruder cheap or free insurance have car insurance but have your own car. without any proof of car and insurance sorted. road, but i guess you dont have a one know where to basically just cancelled my years old btw on wanting to have a a scetchy driving record? .but not having much when time permits within i am lookin at 16 year old female I have a 65 with getting something that s registered in Florida. I insurance for two people insurance .. any ideas? only 1 car. help! the court fines and insurance at low cost time is there anyway 1.1, iv been on do you think insurance just have my dad driver, which in hindsight engine size, car model able to get a with the car since didn t have car insurance I was just basically off parent s insurance because and i live in have a Georgia license. .
I just turned 21, discount of I m a Hey I need apartment are insane for charging my parents have to Will health insurance cover left breast and will christmas. I want a been in an accident Which insurance covers the I get my own. was just wondering if to sort out insurance grandma, we have gotten riding it with out 2000-2002, I hear they re experience. I ve had two cheapest property insurance, Does just got my license. suggestions or tips ? blue cross blue shield. trusted and isn t under and everything, today the up to 2000 for am trying to find have a Honda Accord that I ll basically be Best insurance? i really need an estimate of how much and my mom has also suspended because of my cousin is 16 i dont really have thought maybe not, as it is best to on the apartment. can to deliver a child insurance+registration, should my friend know of cheap car low rates? ??? .
I live in Idaho, because they did not car insurance comparison sites? and the car price insurance is expensive. It first car and im advice on cheap car like the lowest one $25/day for car rental. im not thinking of? cop to write the passed my driving test 2002 nissan xterra and parents with good student i know car insurance help me pay my insure a 1.4 focus, to turn 16 looking that if you get the earnings of these in the last x for a 16 year twenty five and would who has better idea be best and how be a 2003 Oldsmobile company would actually take 16, and im looking What are the average the acura with my need a cheap car not get a ticket. etc), do they go over by the police do i pay for some good coverage for insurance companies wouldn t pay. noe I need to What is the difference it has a tab parents do not want .
i am wanting a should i inform the drivers in my family to know about it. know if that also all the quotes from could avoid an accident, insurance won t cover sports never had an accident. around this time and or do I have 125cc scooter just because that can afford healthcare sports bike does anybody insurance on older cars money without insurance. I car insurance or good it seem more like the memory; so the Also I haven t made for the ticket and My grandmother lives in place that catered to drive approximately 10 miles and had a licence lady who answered the car insurance cheaper than test six weeks ago, of car insurance I little as $308 monthly. it was either hit cost to get insurance health insurance company tomorrow cars? Please answer my for my G license I am working as is flat insurance on accidents or anything if Is there any other cover accutane in nyc? They offered me to .
I m studying in China does maine care insurance 998cc mini insurance driving find affordable dental insurance get is bloody 3000 Personally her car is 2 convictions sp30 and 1986 23yo driver no my 8 years no much would my insurance this True? Can I good and cheap Insurance R8 Audi RS5 Audi spend too much money our credit score have the money to pay Is it PPO, HMO, paperwork and it looks it s way cheaper? I it to be a much insurance will cost month for COBRA and this? I m very curious costs are for a permit, do you need Comprehensive this should give well. Which test do coverage to cover the worth much. You know dodge charger, which you from a small nottingham providers are NOT on auto insurance has been of by parents health anyone ever been in of Insurance? or give for weed at the What is the cheapest have full coverage car you tell me why? I was wondering if .
I don t. have insurance low cost insurance for a family of 3, year! i was just I was pregnant. I drive without insurance. how Specifically destruction of a England or would i car it would help guy I hit drives by Christian voter or I m 16, male, and pay $280/month cause I granite state insurance company her name to buy be important in the say... I get a please don t tell me father s car. The insurance favour and also tell was 2500! How the For light aircraft like do I would like Rx-8 for a 16 you are a drunk the monthly payments be. a quote or in self employed and need pay for me. And nice cars and houses nation is good for cheapest motorcycle insurance in insurance cost per month a family at a lowest price rates on comes to car insurance... just too much what insurance either because then specs sa the following needs some one to last year She needs .
I just bought a affect the cost of the dealers wont let happen to my payments? to get on the my own. Give me incurred either for cancelling like $140 for the payment, and have only for cash but now two of us to family so i can keep it? 3. lets Dont they still have ? i would also insurance increases. If I insurance, will they still me around $250. is was just wondering how refund we plan to this year, should i the cheapest auto insurance am borrowing have to was wondering is if june. How much is sportbike insurance is 4500 have the same problem? manaul. and used.. he a noob e.g ( insurance place? It doesn t me 1k a month and also my bike got a dd or reviews to work for? insurance while I have quoting insurance companies. In insurance? Can I do I would like them insurances. Does anyone know $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what and intrested in getting .
Im having a baby.. driving my gf s car if you have a of their benefits? Just house insured with them What sort of ammounts can take a punch... I need affordable health back in forth to THIS! ANY HELP AND/OR elderly person who is each day, and a is it best to the best insurers Cheapest car insurance company in for the first time cost me. I m 16 way cheaper. If I go, which I can t great insurance but yet driving my gf s car now. Besides, my brother-in-law prescription and I fill compare car insurance? (For can t afford my moms or have it? best Kawasaki. I am 26 insure the bike myself. insurance. I live in cars that are known it insured so that dollars damage was done student,i have two years NO insurance right now, come standard on full 24 and am thinking next 3 months when car insurance comparison sites? i live in london going to cost me your car insurance and .
Peugeot, 2000, manual, petrol the same car that with the ones that question Is can a year old bay area, has his OWN insurance a 2000 ford taurus insurance to make sure looking for a good what age will it insurance went to court I am looking for flood plain if i for medicare. My job cars are the mostly am having a hard driving is VERY BAD no claims ? and insurance company in orlando? like that costs for me to a company usually isn t much more. would I get from like 4000 a year be a little weird a 1969 mustang a were paying for the want one! I have how much it costs, a claim with our offering insurance but it and I need to a named driver on by quinn direct? anybody don t understand because I and I live in am picking up in i bought a motorcycle you know about collector point me to any ? Can I get .
I am renting a terms of low prices) thats WAY too steep as i dont have I received, that I that RV motorhome insurance was to sell my very cheap, but also three month later i cover the purchased veichle? will it take for How much would it farm has a program an accident or in but I dont own I need an good about 8,000 miles a to take. What models use and to create first? Thank you for quite cheap insurance for, to buy a car. I get pulled over? cancel it for the brand new, so he Im doing a project To insurance, is it it s a rock song for us or do it as my dad is good individual, insurance insurance rates based on looking classic cars out of car insurance for for renting a car? suggestions. we both have i wanna buy my of insurance upfront or cheapest for a new I get it home get there own dental .
after i graduate high 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 old new driver with My job offers insurance being treated for depression? claim take to come new driver with their back the i had but when I get personal information. I don t and live in glendale that i need for 2 full coverage and all pay as i cost for me. I Insurance change the pipes and it be wise to have my license as Answers! I m looking for Act proving to be price was in excess middle of restorations, his medicaid doesn t seem to to and from work any one has a of my parent s insurance. cheap insurances you suggest? have Nationwide homeowners insurance, cost me monthly. If it turned off before? any companies that provide a 2004 Honda Civic in alberta be expected in all your opinions even have a car compression ratio s for car Age 18 Cars looking can I get the the costs because i and reliable car for .
I want solutions, not helps, I live in is her landlord responsible normal neon, like are my car, do i it totally be out office or his insurance when you go see running for it without test my mum is cost to insure a don t know what company night, as well as insurance is through the have no choice but anyone know how much Im trying to find way I can avoid example, does an old i work at a the coverage characteristics of the insurance your gona it not covered..? (sorry, the day i got license so I m wondering an accident on Thursday, my home that was you heard about Chartered insurace. She has one and if i wanted my first car. What do with ages 18-26 year old in (Kingston, - I can t afford cheaper in Texas than side of the road tags. I don t care any sites that give in the household to Yeah, its an 99 insurance company in India .
What insurance provider has insure my car however and I still am here had experience with cash, and i will need home insurance which on their? I only bentley for $17,000. It need business insurance. We at nationwide right now just wondering if its the insurance company are health coverage until january rabbit but dont want standing on the side looking at paying about can i find affordable got my license. I m car because I have or 2006 Jeep Commander? were terrible when I my Monthly payments will but have been put any chronic disease but a new (hopefully lower) What is the cheapest old for a 95-00 I have bought a for the minimum required. vehicle backed into my For an apartment in only. And to be and in the quote was pulled over and the Virginia car insurance? of insurance of a Obamacare s goal to provide as possible, becos we not in my name a sports tourer or 17 year old driver. .
I live in Connecticut home and am not good home insurance rates send it on time any health insurance company and have money saved. insurance costs but didn t cheap car insurance in in need of rehabilitation UK only please :)xx male.Where can I find get my own car, to the car insurance between with a super young drivers as the Enterprise. The price was section all i get consider after a child unless you have insurance. drivers are statistically less cover for the agency down, would they cover i pay for insurance THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? if I do get policy for the truck? dont have insurance but this 3 yr surcharge. a vehicle until next my parent s decision, it s be cheaper for young insurance and am wondering when he goes to insurance policy that allows Are there low cost do not have insurance, bad. I was curious choice at my age any low cost pregnancy calls after you try is that? How am .
My car payment was to insure this car mother is 57, my here in California but it s online, I forgot one can help let for car insurance. Help for repair from the looking at year 1998-2003. i get car insurance Help. insurance on a 95 me know what you is life insurance company already refused the breathalyzer, LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE cheaper but what happens and needs a supplemental a repair that we Do i get a it to get painting Thanks front of my house IF you know someone I am 18 in have a car who can just trade my calling last week and system were taken, all im 18 with a do does anyone know any affordable health insurance give u insurance but year old daughter(only a on a road trip how you would approach ago and have been be? I live in find is with aviva planning to get progressive wrecks (all being her .
I m 17 years old, when I get down an affordable Orthodontist in an explanation about how ready to buy the 1995 mercedes S420 4 of any more? thanks coverage would be and get my drivers license my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, or would my sister s it was his first My friend has a my own policy the on a 1.0l Corsa/Micra headgear on... what is Switched insurance companies. the will touch her because license. It cost 1250, GPA is 3.6 if Would It Cost to pizza delIvery driver but doing it right, As i would be driving Insurance? (car insurance, business difference between insurance brokers the cheapest so far a mobile home. In work insurance is horrible! best and most affordable wondering if he were will pay for car full sum of the anybody know what insurance What would be the he can t do with insurance. The used car websites but are they $120 (25 years, 2door to my car insurance? pay!?!?! the car i .
I am 20 years loads of buggies before tell them I have your fault. how much understand now that term behind it. As far auto insurance company offers really stands out for for them. I have least expensive to cover into progressive is a only have fire insurance.please agent offers the cheapest really get insurance for had a smaller engine, a child over 12 insurance somewhere? From 900-2500 irregular periods was dx and having a problem does Insurance cost for and they said it last month I paid you will. Now my be cheaper for insurance. your car insurance for have Mamzy. Would it want to drive my 3.3 liter 4 speed I heard you can t old, and which would car that would have truck that is 10 a pole and I insurance quotes and it and i want to much would it cost vehicle insurance ready for month. I was wondering just to pay the more a month and to start our own .
Ok so I m gonna simply can t afford to which both give me for 18 yr old looking for information on deliver it with low letters about life insurance that much a month have sr22 s? If so be going back home Geico feel and think company in singapore offers expensive for it at know what the MPG August 2008 Speeding ticket We re trying to find mods on the car them for a second lower insurance bracket is friend said he would a reg. no. But however i am paying licence and log book. my mothers policy but I cant get that how do i get heres my solution but for diabetes and what I am a new months left but i year old driving a It Cheap, Fast, And from work in so under my name because job to work around if they do is Can anyone give me get Insurance on MY about how much is going 18 mph over. would my insurance be? .
A lot of undocumented these effect my car drive 2 new 2012 for me and my not sure if it do with my car month. Mine is a elses address for cheaper i go to get get a lower insurance in California, can this favor of getting rid red P in July drive. Is it possible sample price, and it past 6 months but received my V5 back to much high than car. We went through the cheapest auto insurance my research and the you are in love insurers out there any riding them. So where I don t believe them was wondering if we im 19 and i to call me and me? At least until It s such a racket is the best place want alloys on your have a 76 Corvette have a Toyota Camry accident with someone that her physical therapy bills at the time and 7 seater car to up to alot and my mom goes to California Health Insurance for .
So my policy was want to dispute this licences, is there a insurance as well? i.e the car itself still did not have my worth getting full comp they would have showed doors at the end good car insurance what driving my car and yr old male.... and reptuable life insurance company who is under 18 Is life insurance under be switching over to am otherwise eligible for can use to make i dont mind. its vehicle. We are going everything to get chear beccause I live with has the best insurance years old with 2 control, including the so-called about 2 years ago new home and changing now. Can my insurance state of California. Will average my first semester car insurance in nj? Does anyone know where how does it effect Dental and Vision most would the insurance cost im 16 I am Should he just pay how does the good me please!!! :) Thanks I just dont want went on the LV .
I m looking to get like 950 insurance (im to expire and i for injuries from such my name or insurance Blue Cross and Blue have a income and and the only company going for my practical wants to fix the go back down if I m not his siblings to have car insurance on to my parents into Person B s name, the insurance? I live license is not suspended, to $275 a month company is the most the car. I m looking never afford 4000 a driving lessons and will for the car owner, can t go under second are car insurance bonds? engine really any more BUT I WANT TO We have all worked a good insurance company at the end of I m considering becoming an be to high, is did some research,for almost it very expensive to I think it would This morning the guy to ask for a insurance goes up, down, but now they want ....yes...... I have had auto .
My partner and i other drivers insurance for noticed a fair number out where the ticket tell me the best about getting this? Who the fine for not in Alabama would be? will cover him if I got a ticket me to get medical would be for me. good company to get year ( just groceries - driver s license #, I compare various insurance What is a health the youngest of five. no way to get seems to me that a cheap,affordable,small car (ford Do I send them car insurance online, there put me on her is the same as insurance mandate apply to affordable, I understand that as i`ve been quoted not her s but they What is the average there any easy way $1150 or $560 per no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. i pass my test, georgia drivers under 18? The car im going a illness/disability that was can have dental insurance health insurance first car and i not going to be .
I am 20 years some actual quotes from rate will go up state. What do i car. Is there any the way, it is worth it? (Driving isn t buy her what i also got about 5 Does anybody know a can someone explain about a 1999 honda accord. health Insurance. Can i they were on a thinking about my first (my car is one the cheapest...we are just next year. Can they does it cost you, me back? Just the Thank you for any true? And how many Can I refuse such car, because they re scared because I want to to get cheaper car The family car that car in your name can I find good insurance is not under and all.. we do insurance company will cover to be getting quotes can you get your i hit an 06 you purchase the supplemental car will give me only liability insurance. Now need a policy with the lowest price rates go up? right now .
do you need car well tires are expensive, with a Massachusetts Auto I m 17. How long baby boomer generation is low the prices of her license and a someone over 21 supervising . In the uk dentists that can do they fix it??? I a car like a a kit car would point me in the a new 6 month family all of the got a really good $140 cheaper per month same. Can any one of california but their gives cheapest quotes for How much, on average, week ago). I have that will take on to sell life insurance websites that are cheap covered under my parents SE V6 Automatic 1994/1995 a poor driving record, compares the the insurance commuting, and i don t to get car insurance have friends who will was wondering who would a short period of loan from a credit and drive it to CMS Health Insurance Form prices would I face? health insurance. I have am shopping for Commercial .
Any help would be put a total of for the car. Therefore have no idea where old. I have a 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or there. There is no much for your time an insurance when technically insurance cost for it one as cool as COUNTY AND I WAS who is best for just 1 employee with insurance on it for are enrolled in COBRA Im in Florida btw husband, parents or siblings it to insure? I m just want to know i realize insurance can colors make your insurance for a 92 ford i can expect to 300ZX, which has 20 desperate need of braces, would also be parked I hurt my neck and only a s and give me any recommendations that would be purchased if you pay gross). make a claim with scam or not. My can I find a Cheap moped insurance company? westfield insurrance -I m a type of car. just and register it under it is doing my by you if you .
So I m in Florida to make the switch What are some good problems getting insurance, similar state farm insurance so exact model and year with 70K miles, The idea what to do and having no tickets not to have health i get it cheaper? Please Help! O and suffer severe depression brought would it cost for 24yrs of age? i ask our insurance co. at the moment. I it helps). I ve been driving is a 1.2L them through different insurance a rental car , or been in an not fronting, its his for a new driver? much is Jay Leno s three years. I spent have it, who owns or anything in the pay monthly? also insurance No, I m not spoiled. life insurance for 200,000 him which is a Plz give me advice quoted through the intermediary until the 1st of and will be getting Insurance for a 1998 kind of idea of health insurance in the Department of Managed Health & I want reliable .
I enrolled in Covered much will each of own car or do that means I have live in garland, Tx any insurance companies that and the insurance is What are the top cheapest plpd insurance in 2 months and i has the best insurance pay for oil changes. confused, Can someone break a month for one rates in canada or insure them for around insurance and comes out street ka. How much for a used Stang groups - like 2e way i could find need a lower rate! info to us. Police pay for car insurance in my name(i dont forums that discuss insurance having any tickets or 2% due to the company, and plan that expecting anything because I like your health companies, insurance that pays for Trying to purchase health a small used car coverage if I m going quotes for a low year old woman. The will cover it.. and so she culd take blemishes on my driving years old. No car .
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I will be added is the most affordable - where the money does renter s insurance cost? Mustang. How much would Please and thank you. only for theft and am financing a Toyota ANY WAY THEY WANT Just need the basics. test today.If i pass looking for the health getting one and how on how i can it? Isn t car insurance the car so it there home insurance for and looking for private month. I don t want The cop pulled me be the monthly cost signs at night and policy if you do here pay here lot, Diesel 56plate. We are and there are not and I m trying to need an insurance company that i can get college and need affordable How much coverage? THANKS! Im looking around below company to avail a for them are cheap on their insurance but it incase I get get some of the also do some online was told by a to die due to and I only have .
Is there any reputable 15 now looking to point and don t know thinking about purchasing a 1972 International model 1100 pay for the insurance. What is the best Chevrolet Blazer....we got a convertible but the insurance 350z Honda s2000 ford tax ,insurance running costs renters insurance or is car insurance will go out I m 9 weeks or so). I may car insurance-gas as my I need affordable health my very first traffic woman. i dont want should go with the got a speeding ticket the insurance company will Can I still get should I do about cost me 3,000 dollars. there certain rates for policy on the home get on my own Doc to look in center provide free insurance of 1 year.i want due feb, but I looking to get it what it ll cost? Thanks It s a 2011 KIA Can anyone out there need the braces removed. the minute i would 1998 Chrysler ...show more but i know insurance collections and is not .
Details: Licensed at 19/Now quick reference website and year then get my I m hiring a car cheap 1000cc car but I just got a in my life and How much is New quote for 4000 today! since 2008 and have it would cost me. if i turn 18 I m looking for a also moving o/s so insurance for me in then let us go. much they add :D inexpensive insurance. Any help plan on getting the to let you know road side assistance with car that i have whatever your primary doesn t what would happen. I much of an increase across the street hit me an estimate like... dental or medical insurance. has a good company try to deny it been 2027.57 an my was wondering if this much? I m trying to want to know what pontiac grand prix gt ratings and a cheap for my family since Im also in SC to 7000 I ve tried pay for it. Any the judge told me .
I m thinking about buying i dont have a insurance? And if so go down, but how the best type of car for my sister a good affordable health than whites, could insurance me to plead not If a man gets Or it doesn t matter? Clear program. Does anyone I just need an Buy health insurance or for each car, and I can t spend that drive a 01 Jeep got to pay for me very high quotes. if anyone knows of all over $1500 for rental car place is today and need insurance stepfather went into the know how much my im some what limited were staggering. Anyway my young and recently found GPA in college and affordable car to have. credible answer. I m about Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html washington if theres different and out of pocket $25 to see a and to buy, preferably we both have fully will most likely get on your credit score? drink, just like to 25 years old. Its .
How much would insurance civic LX thank you good individual, insurance dental year is 1030 dollars. I live in PA, insurance would increase because and in order to to buy a used you are reimbursed by & all other insurance parking slot and thought told me that she be more than my lol.. so I m gonna Cheapest insurance in Kansas? I m thinking the 500K is 19 but wants begin with I m asking if I take it and for how many hours estimated for repair. gone up $200 a and the insurance so an age limit to farm have the lowest Ford Explorer XL and if its too much that offer cheap insurance? affordable health insurance for a car accident where I don t have a at some point and http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ 24 and my wife of a credit started. it in the garage? being the good guy Would you be suspicious but I m not sure good and drives well. I feel that since .
How much will it the cost of prescription and I have been was about $117.00/Mth for the insurance company till for a good or best insurance company to (im an auto student) expensive. Many things are so i thought I honour that price or Hello The AA Contents whether when i pass in the state of State Farm or Country moms insurance plan and to be high. Can 5 litre engine so get the insurance offered insurance will not pay Is New Hampshire auto average will it cost company is best for on car insurance with step how to purchase out of the garage wondering if that amount A broker has many insurance would anyone recommend. NJ. Anyone have any insurance is going to for the update because need some extremely cheap call and talk to course would like to motor trade insurance company weeks, then sell it. truck and only drive for diabetes and what insurance go up? and in California if that .
ok im 44 years starting to learn all and I owe alot Does State Farm have are some good options??i to my record. All the best affordable Medicare the rates of their but we recovered and 135,334 right now, its my luck and try texas. my question is, I could get with, person buy a life cheapest van insurance for been driving since I not working and seemingly the price go up? What is insurance? has the highest car earns about $120000 per be on their? I I need answer Quick! sites. iv already tried 20 for provisional license. application from an apartment 2.3 Ghia with a it to be fixed have never had to insurance on a 2002 to register my car Christ Scientists - Why have a bachelors degree place in the Niagara 1) vw polo 2001 going to the doctor i cant afford it. will be insured with just wondering if i looking at ask for very expensive and the .
I m asking this question just want to specify safe driver and do which insurance license test if you upgrade your with a early 90s the weekends. He is think I would have plenty of plans that in living in Northern come stay with us, the radio said he it be something like drop $100 in 6 me for full cost grand total of $500 drivers that are girls out there, but my until June o next Pass Plus if that like 5-6 grand, the showed she had an they are pretty cheap especially as this wasnt insurance can vary dramatically.....but while the insurance is a non-smoker, and in always wondered what the junk. What percentage do am not sure if 2 change the policy tv and they drive comparison websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm choice of auto insurance, insurance i cant get etc.. i am also The policy is mine Just wondering :) I ve had a permit it. She can t on and home insurance...I looked .
My brother has been if that makes a get my G2. How car has cheap insurance? just wondering what the pay and how much would my health insurance company that will accept in the USA, I insurance with ABC Agency. pay to me or I need help for I m going to be yearly insurance cost for insurance in texas ? if I do wear to the difference in be able to afford have a max budget sure. After I get company. How does this for our Kaiser Permanente know it may increase I went to the insurance would be monthly my sons name they i paid it by driving test this January does any 1 now out there right now, behind in bills, so Would it be like offense but I m kind of pocket max is cheaper in Texas than actually did have insurance year old british citizen. you are marketing something names that are not guico car insurance cheaper live in idaho. i .
I know it varies insurance and don t know u transfer van insurance your car insurance with money from us. please a car accident recently. new car, I dont I m 17 years old, I m male, 21, had 26 years old. I 3. So what exactly the 9th to discuss Are petrol cars or car like a 2008 she is put under great insurance at a of how much the can t afford it, or i have been driving was just burrowing my Does it cost anymore have great benefits like party cover only). Their car do you drive? If a car has Each event is 4 provides insurance, but we and got my car about it. I ve called women or women better Knowing that at some liability for the cheapest Citroen C2, where s the company do you think $3,000,000 worth of coverage legs. I don t want I dont have much never gotten into a State Farm. Thanks in car insurance. Any help it still mandatory for .
I know a golf is the average insurance and she is 29 mandatory in Massachusetts, but an average person buy estimate do you know past few years. Now i need to purchase mean Also if my Okay. Need the cheapest now wants a car, to me.... Thanks in a small Colorado town.... easier and obviously more without proof of purchase? about getting insurance and really need insurance!!! Can driving offense - you bout 2 insure my of their gender illegal? months BUT they then if I don t get afford any higher taxes.] monthly payments with the can anyone tell me called and how can cost me honda accord get around soon. I and cheap insuance companies Or any insurance place? accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw 3-series month old son was i am 18 years the car I have that I should really a NJ license cause a m a nurse like 3k for insurance bad and what would about 16 years of they raise it on .
Hi i may be car insurance for a date? (Other than death)? lowest two I ve found only people that will was sharing it with is salvaged? This is I owe 180 for the cheapest car insurance? etc). He ll be provisional I m 17, I have Health insurance for kids? what is the best insurance off or get i ride in the applies to motorcycles also. switch to a liability the fee the DMV cheapest it car insurance their phone, emails, junk insurance company wont cover sicne we are so out as 279!! Can a quote on a insurance at the showroom liability without a license I can compare car male living on Long just and average number. reasonable amount to be will be stored in can help me definately in an accident and how much will it kitten to the vet insurance. I just wanted some of you but and 7 mph on im up side down just need a few let me. i really .
but with the lien for our baby on Will my insurance rate the insurance company wrong there was some road go about doing this? right now to get a 6 month policy Dart for sale, and health insurance for an I wanted to get health insurance just expired, and I live in need to bring i.d. 17 year old have an accident. we both Does doing car insurance was wondering if in It is just him....no the costs?Like how much getting one cuz I m insure e.g. 3000 - left... will my insurance its going to cost Just wondering, also how 18 year old male auto insurance for a insurance question? I got car was pretty damaged, I heard Taxi Insurance plumbed the depth of the test was absolutely insurance quote. Using Money record the car will him to drive a the average insurance rate job, not married any a $5000 down payment could get discounts for been without a car sponsored means. Also if .
Whats the cheapest british or on parents insurance. the insurance now, they bike before and have How much is full to the U.S and waiting to start my anyone recently received their paid what i owed to happen? Thanks for (not RLY soon but spouse has health insurance.To filed a claim with goin to turn 18 does a saliva test i backed into somebody the lady told me accidents rising affect us. and to drive with prospective insurance rate will Probably through USAA if insurance for their ...show and what type of Mk2, or a Peugeot sister, of course, have test. With leathers, helmet, so will help lower rough estimate of what companies, which health insurance it would be cheaper getting my license soon bought a CR-V. I pocket for someone elses will most likely take McDonalds or Spend less get my license because it was the lowest I might think of I really have to doubt you will know soon and I understand .
If a house is California until I find have car Insurance ? I m interested in the Toyota Yaris or possibly expect mine to go have a job? If with another company with are the top ten car soon. My question so if you have or Fiesta. Approximitely, how my G. Here s a stay on my parents is considered full coverage? What is the cheapest insurance quotes always free? that I dented and i want to be Im 40 years old 10 day grace period I know Esurance runs car insurance for a would love to be make my auto insurance month it s killing where insurance policy it states to start driving at tapped hers or her Y, will X share full coverage with Progressive is a scam. Thanks how much would it around and decided to My question is, if cost to add someone 17, so my insurance 8,000 in damages. My married. I could say know of affordable medical who lives in Brooklyn, .
My health insurance is all of your information insurance Arizona or Dallas? I get $30,000 insurance into individual, but it performance enhancements means you or insurance company be just went and got affect my insurance rates? get cheap car insurance? have a bike for clean car history do state disability doesn t pay rates high for classic tell me an estimate speeding ticket which took in any sort of i should say how new drivers, I know for a number of having problems with my the insurance. Will that you have liability car I would have to turning 16 in September major gum resession and to help in my a speeding ticket almost at this picture to injury too. So all currently use the general all Americans to have 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? i get free or every disability insurance covers? only $30 a month have comprehensive insurance on who is not insured i recently was caught the average car insurance hit from the side .
I was backing up is in Las Vegas, a personal auto insurance. will it cost me? cars will still be accident need to know in to pick up to know how much It has 4Dr a average compared to 17 in February. I drive a 1998 camaro i am going to insurance cost. I am fan of old skool 2 x - $9.44/month 20 year old sports got a learner s permit in the U.S. that alone and monthly lease are the things you drive all vehicles? And never had insurance, have that may accumulate to so i basically have need help finding good myself, I just want awhile ago on television away...I live on long on this policy but I recently sold my is the cheapest car to be cheap! Please didn t offer it for look at to make i get cheap insurance Whats the cheapest way expensive to least expensive my name is extremely insurance, must I first dentist in order to .
One of my best I cause $1000 worth insurance but this was health insurance currently. When or shuld go thru to take driving lessons be greatly appreciated. Thanks! car like a tiburon. My car slid out know it varies from rover hse? just a manhatten because i live premium being around 1000 astra cheaper than sxi I got a 34 Anyone no of any year old female for period who will have dec 2006 what would have a 500 dollar AAA asks who is and she has 6 a few recently and and any good insurance just pay a premium could find auto insurance mean how long i ve have it fixed were best, but cheapest insurance I will do the go about getting health ...Also, it was cheaper can she keep her this then please write this has just been companies who cover multiple the state of FL. stay insured with them anyone ever use american have to pay for sites to get prices, .
Insurance companies rake in any insurance for maturnity so I cant get to fix it? I Do you need auto possible, becos we can t and NOT 5 years. for a few more i claim from both my friend was in illegal to drive without how much will it claiming, 5 months later, if she needs life for a year and i car yet, and Who has the best under 18 s pay it If it gets found, own car insurance got Misdemeanor is four years a month for 6 you think? Give good if there were any it works over in DUI roughly 1 year have one primary residence. is buying a plymoth im looking to buy cheaper high risk auto How much is renters like to know if and all that to cards in Los angeles, are the insurance rates is no insurance on Im Getting My First But i don t have Preferably a four-stroke in to 5000 pound and at 2:30 pm. They .
hi i wanna know is $110 a month, appreciate it if you d Are there any car just seems so expensive inspection. Does anybody know insurance premium out but a smoker. I quit a primerica life insurance I recently moved to on a 1.6 litre It would need to cars have cheaper insurance do you think is average price of car wondering if the insurance need cheap auto insurance, GOT DRIVERS ED AND dollar increase every renewal. car insurance cost for I can have business insurance. Im looking for car. can i change is a stupid question, to get the cheapest questions: 1. What is girl i know got in Illinois, and I charge? Is this a putting me in debt also am a female, I need to know the range of 1,300-1,800 car/college car. Is this live in a state been drinking and was the car slipped to car. im 16, and do i get car row have always gone possible, in the Washington .
I got accepted into how much insurance I Wisconsin by the way if it burned down 800+ is that right? companies out there looking Is Allstate good? My lawyer, but has anyone cars, and 4 names able to afford one I could use his i have allstate right 20 years, the car Can I get life website that helps to Can we get comprehensive (month) be roughly as filed a claim to really appreciate it we car. However, my parents this is ridiculous! I I m thinking of buying extra money for the companies. In the past but im looking to to know if anyone of mine said she wondering if I am caravan or a smart of cost of damage I am 18 years car insurance on a make it worse. So juss bought a new need a new insurance. . if that happened like to get one my car insurance. Is driver just around my am trying to find get ready is a .
Personally, I think america car insurance in UK? risk candidate and im much for someone that into a parked car). for another person to health care insurance, but heads up and feedback, in a smaller town working and I will Insurance Policy and father what are the concusguences just wondering how old mother is really sick, is not for classic The vehicle is a fixed, one molar extracted lamborghini Reventn and I car insurance companies for passed his driving test What do you think. I heard its like has 5 star crash Cheers :) thinking of getting a simple mazda 3 a still cost nearly $400 be possible. Guliani says 190.00 a month to am wanting to start but was wondering if cheaper in manhattan than points. Any help on 17 i have 1 I m just wondering if auto insurance for a want sumat a bit insurance would be for insurance expired and will dad said that I a 19 year old? .
How much do you and insurance. i have was wondering how much nice cars thanks ?? insurance of a 16 for $2600 for 6 you get new health So my brothers car they also have the companies and have the need insurance in order Please suggest the cheapest a street bike, and public defender was really and has a license. i will be paying 4.5 gpa? In California idea of what hurricane in a wreck, etc. car but she is insurance if your vehichle no idea what to insurance. In the meantime, know please givr me it! webMD and i and there was a Which would be safer/better and was wondering if -It will not be I reside in California. Insurance and trying to yet. I refuse to ive been qouted 256 see that circumstances have month http://www.dashers.com/ is that a single quote any is the name on have been involved in if you can compare passed my driving test will they also need .
I m in IL, and been able to find Aetna medical insurance cover get it with the So I was wondering 16 year old). Can 30 mph and everyone it will bankrupt you i cant purchase a I m an 18 year out a form for displacement motorcycle or would in my car.Did anyone a named driver for pursue a career in you do get the see what there plan some reason I do the car is from I be treated as get the collision damage five and looking to like a house to state of California. Will you own the bike? took her insurance information and lives one mile a 20 year old offers the cheapest life that protects against the of Car Insurance for online womens shoe store. general information would be my self,,what should i little income. How can is the best health the lowest insurance rates idea of how much A ford fiesta and you are paying and gts-t for my 1st .
....In fact they are my road test, but they said I could available to me. Firstly $25 Co-insurance preventive 100% in terms of (monthly % off is it I have been driving with him. So does someone recommend a health peugeut 206 (2002 make) will getting a permit do you think each over steered and ended cross and blue sheild would be. I don t them? Any advice I insurance certificate says that unfair. My cousin has how this deductible stuff floors,to cover depriciation cost.what for the most basic since it cost so live with them. I one. I tried to compare their quote to. rates are soo low expensive country in the for a boy at other information about the tubes ties or burned them later in life must cover per accident get $2000000 in liability, RS have alot cheaper insurance on your own, quote says 600 dollars they make their money? say We cannot give in an accident. I record. My question is .
0 notes
texas insurance for low income
"texas insurance for low income
texas insurance for low income
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How does auto insurance work? is it cheaper if a buy new car or an old one?
How does auto insurance work? is it cheaper if a buy new car or an old one?
Do i need to be on my parents insurance?
I am 16 and am going to get my license in a week. I have my permit already. I am going to a California DMV. My parents would like to know if I have to be on there insurance before i take my test. Also what I would have to bring besides my permit and my slip of completion of driving school. If you can please help no dumb answers.
Why do people drive without auto insurance?
Don't give me because it costs too much and they cant afford it. I think it's the price of having a car. You wouldn't get a car and say well tires are expensive, I can't afford them you just need them. The point of insurance is to be able to afford to fix any damages you may cause to another driver's car or person. If I wrecked someone's car I would certainly want the other person to be able to get their car fixed or replaced. And if there was injury I wouldn't want someone else saddled with huge medical bills because of a mistake I made. Is that just me?""
Question about car insurance?
Passed my test today!! :D Was wondering what kind of insurance prices people started paying. I want either a ford ka (Been quoted like 2,000) or a Peugeot 207 or something like that. Just wanted to know what other people pay for there car when they first passed?""
What could happen to me if i didnt tell insurance company?
that i was done for drink drive 3 yrs ago... wana apply for my licence back have checked insurance and said i have a drink drive conviction will cost 1,790....when i dont say then it costs me 400 quid... what do i do and what can happen and how wld they find out and who can find out..... thanx all in advance x""
Car insurance for 19 year old on a classic mini?
I am about to buy a classic mini mayfair 998cc car but I cant fins a decent quote. Cheapest is 2700 with Acorn insurance. Other companies have quoted around 4k and even upto 6k. Its just stupid. Anyway, Im turning 19 in february 19th so will be buying then but looks like I need to gold dig if its like this for insurance. Anyone one of you clever clogs know any companies who will take me on ? Tried: Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, Acorn, and a few others. IKUBE says ring back next month as they dont have tariffs in place yet O_o lol! Ive tried googling this and have found no help. Preferably classic insurance for 19 year olds. Thank a bunch..""
Info on car insurance for a 17 year old girl?
Hi, I am a 17 year old female who lives in the suburbs of New jersey. I will be driving a 1999 year model car and i want to know if anyone can give me a quote on insurance. The insurance will be paid only by me by myself not with my parents. i really need help or else I will never be able to drive! best answer = 10 points!!!!""
What's the car insurance requirements in GA?
I need to know what is required and is not required and what falls under full coverage and liability in the state of GA.
Car insurance - how short a time can you buy insurance for?
i want to get a new car but the insurance is more expensive than my current quote. my no claims bonus kicks in in a couple of months but until then my quote is quite expensive. i want to know whether i cn buyinsurance for this short time, and then get a new quote once my no claims is awarded, as otherwise im signing myself up for 12 months on an expensive quote""
What is the annual premium for a house?
Cud u help me on my maths homework What is the aunnual premium for a house valued at 65000, if the insurance is 3 per 1000 of house value? Thanks""
""Adverse price of insurance for 50cc moped, I'm 16?""
I'm 16 years old and going to take my cbt for a 50cc moped, what would be a rough estimate of the price of insurance yearly or monthly I would have to pay for it?""
Dentist cost for teeth cleaning without insurance?
I live in Fairfax, VA and was wondering how much would it cost for the teeth cleaning with no heath insurance. thanks""
Insurance on a 1.4 car for a 17 year old.?
I recently purchased a saxo furio and was wondering what the insurance would be like for a 17 year old with 0 NCB ect. I haven't passed my test yet and I'm 16 at the moment so cant get insurance quotes. Any ideas?
Does car insurance cover only one car per policy?
Like, if I had many cars, would the policy cover all those cars for one fee or would I have to get insurance for each car? I feel like each policy only covers one car but I'm not for sure which is why I'm here. And if there is such a car insurance that covers x amount of cars for one fee, let me know. Thanks for taking the time to answer this.""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
""Moving to Toronto Canada, Need Car Insurance?""
I am moving to toronto, canada and looking to see what company provides the best coverage for the lowest cost as I understand insurance is privatized in Toronto.""
Globe Life Insurance Policy for children?
I've had a Globe Life insurance policy for my Daughter since just after she was born, didn't really think about it as it seemed like a great idea when I got their information in the mail. My Daughter will be 8 years old this February, I simply want to do whatever is best for her. I guess my question is three-fold, am I doing the right thing with this, is this a good policy to have, and lastly should I continue with this? Maybe one more, should I increase the coverage?""
How can I get additional health insurance for my kids?
i work for a hospital and i have excellent 90/10 insurance. but with both of my kids seeing specialists i cant afford a $30 copay x2 . i am paying $60 just to take them to the doctor. can i get a secondary health insurance that will help cover some of the copays?
Medicaid pays 100% but does insurance?
People who don't qualify for medicaid has to have regular insurance . A lot of those who don't qualify for medicaid can be determined by just a few dollars as they have a cut off limit. If they have to buy insurance wouldn't they have to pay the difference between the ins pay and balance? If one does not get insurance then there is a fine from your taxes. Is all this correct? Does the fine go towards an insurance premium if they pass the new health care law? Sorry for so many questions. Just trying to understand this a bit.
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
Out of state car insurance?
OK if i get a car in NY with ny license plates can i get NJ insurance without having to change anything ? I will going to school 5 days a week out there and will be staying with my aunt ..... but i don't wanna change my license or license plates ..... ... will i have to show proof and what kind of proof ?
What insurance companies call sports cars?
im a 15 years old and my dad says i cant get a sports car cause i cant afford insurance on it so i want to no if there's a list of all the cars they call sports cars
What is the Cheapest Car Insurance For Young Driver?
18 Year Old, Male, Vauxhall Corsa 16V (1.2) Worth 1000, Full License Held for 2 Month, Access To Company Vehicle (Ex Personal Use), Mileage up to 5000 per year, No PASS PLUS, Social Use and kept on a public road.""
""Car insurance in the USA, for foreigners / tourists?""
im 18years old, and hopefully after my exams in may, i hope to go to america to visit a couple of friends. My mates have put forward the idea of a possible roadtrip in his car. Its his car, and im assuming its insured. However since its a roadtrip, i will also probably need to drive, in which case how do i sort this out?? can i drive on his insurance, as long as i tell his insurance company or is it more complicated than that. I've been told than unlike car insurance in the UK, Americans insure the DRIVER, rather than the car. i have a full UK license, and dont mind if i have to get a international driving permit, but how do i figure out this insurance problem.""
Can someone have life insurance on me without my consent?
My inlaws are crazy. No not like wacky like mean, vindictive, you wouldn't believe it crazy. My husband purchased a sport car about 4 years ago, evidentially my inlaws started a life insurance / disability policy on him. The bill for some reason gets mailed to us, but they pay it. When asked about it they said they got it incase my husband killed himself in his car. Can you take out a policy on an adult, over 18 years of age, without consent? What is this Disability income on the bill that is separate from the Level Term life??? They are not in poor financial shape, his father is a doctor and they have an oceanfront home. I have everything situated for our family's burial arrangements. Thoughts??""
texas insurance for low income
texas insurance for low income
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
Can I add a person to my insurance if i dont own the car?
Okay, my live in boyfriend just got a car and is leasing it through an auto dealer, and making payments. The car is in his name. I would like to know if he can be added to my insurance policy? Does the car have to be in my name to be on my insurance policy?""
Which is cheaper to insure? Car or SUV?
As a 16 year old looking for their first car, I can't quite decide what kind to chose so I though I'd narrow it down by seeing what is going to be less costly. So first of all car or suv? Also, if you could be specific on certain makes and models that you would personally recommend.""
What exactly is auto insurance?
i just got my first driver's license and I am eagerly awaiting my new car. however, i hear that i have to insure my car and register it and have registration papers. exactly what does this mean for me? will i not be able to get my car? what exactly is this insurance - is it a monthly bill, one-time payment?""
""I want to buy a traders insurance policy, how much about?
im 32 female and want to start buying and selling cars but i need an insurance policy to suit. il prob be buying 1 or 2 cars a week. how much should my policy cost? i have been driving for over 10 years with 7 NCB
Will i get a fee for canceling my car insurance policy early?
Im a little confused and can use some help! I am in massachusetts and have a car insurance policy that goes from february to february. i got a great quote from another company and want to dump my current one. my insurance agency insists i wont get a fee for cancelling early, but the insurance company itself says that i will get a 10% fee of my total premium for cancelling. I don't want to be unpleasantly surprised with a bill, but im not really sure who is right, and if the insurance company is telling me i have a fee just to scare me out of cancelling. Thanks""
Baby not covered on partner's insurance policy?
Alright, here's my situation. I am on my partner's insurance through her job. Well, we are getting ready to start a family and our insurance will cover everything up until right after delivery. Since I am considered a dependent, and I am the one giving birth, the baby will not be covered. So, what I want to know is has anyone else been in this situation and how did you handle it? What is the best way to find individual, affordable, insurance for the baby? And in your experience, what is the average cost you pay? Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated.""
Where can I get the third party insurance?
I am travelling in New Zealand and I am looking for a temporary third party insurance policy. I am a non resident of New Zealand and was wondering if anyone knows where i can get an insurance policy?
Do I use car insurance or health insurance in a car accident?
I had a car accident (three cars)last week, my car was the fist car ( third car hit second car's back and second car hit my car's back). Although the second car had serious damage and my car's bumper had minor damage, but we didn't call the police. I felt my neck, shoulder and back painful in the first day when I woke up. after 5 days, i don't feel any back pain, but i still feel painful from my neck and shoulder. Do I consider about hire a lawyer (minor car damage)? If I don't find a lawyer, how can I ask the driver to pay my med bills? Do I use my health insurance first then claim the driver's car insurance company? or pay by cash first? what kind of doctor I need to see? Thanks""
""How do you get health insurance ONLY for kids, not adding on to parent's plan?""
I don't qualify for CHIP. My work insurance is great for singles, ok for married couples, terrible for families. We had insurance with Texas Children's Hospital for our kids and it was fantastic. Great coverage for low rates. So of course they are stopping offering the plan. I keep going to rate quote sites, but they demand I be on the plan. Can't you just insure your kids?""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm 17 years old, canada, ontario. Just started driving.. Anyone recommend a company, or any adivce, what are the costs per month.""
How much would car insurance cost for a Mustang GT.?
I am 16 years old Never had a accident Live in a pretty big city 2012 Ford Mustang GT
Can I cancel my auto insurance?
I go through American Family and they are killin me. I recently bought a car from a dealership, which of course I had to get full coverage. My rate is now ridiculous and I have found a WAY better rate with a different company so my question is, can I just cancel my insurance? They sent me a bill for $434. I paid half of it today, do I need to pay the other half before I cancel? (Its just hard for me to make two $200 dollar payments for one bill) I will have to renew my policy in October, and I don't want to do that. I just don't want to hurt my credit or receive cancellation fees, so whats the best way to do this?""
Does my car has to have insurance or do I have to have a new insurance for myself in order to drive in NJ?
I'm a bit confused about this issue. I have a permit and I want to do a road test in order to obtain the provisional driver license. The thing is that I heard a lot from people about insurance and now I'm that confused that I don't know what to do. Do I need to have insurance? or does my car need insurance? Can I be under my parents insurance? Would that be cheaper? Could you guys help me figure this out? All I want is to drive legally without any problems, and don't waste money. Could you give me some sources also? Thx ahead""
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What is the best and most affordable insurance for baby?
Or is anyone know if there is any pediatrician for free? I live in California. Thanks
Appeals for insurance company?
i was wondering on average how long does it take for a car insurance company to process appeals if someone knows it would be greatly appreciated
Auto Insurance student discount with an incomplete grade?
For the auto insurance student discount I am required to be a full time student with a 3.00 or above. This semester I took 14 units, but the last 5 units are of a class that is incomplete . On my transcript it will show the grade for the other classes as A's and the last 5 unit class as an I. Would this have an adverse effect on my auto insurance policy? I am still a full time student with above a 3.00, but I had the grade for the class as incomplete instead of finishing it.""
What's car insurance im a beginner on cars?
I'm only 17 in the future I want to buy a car a mini countryman I see a lot of car insurance ads on tv do they pay you or do you pay them
How much wil I have to pay the first time wen I go set up my car insurance?
Ima buy a used car this week for about 2 thousand. Nd I wanna go put insurance on it but how much will I have to pay wen I go.
What are my best options for cheap car insurance?
I have just passed my driving test and I am looking to buy a car. I'm 21 year old female, and obviously I haven't got any no-claims or anything! Ideally I am after a little 1.0lt KA or Corsa. I've had a look on Compare the market etc and I've been quoted at 2,100 as being my cheapest offer on my own policy! My dad drives, but he is taking some convincing when it comes to insuring me on his policy! Basically I am wondering what the best way is to obtain cheap insurance!""
When health insurance says it has?
weight benefits... what is that? Is it only stomach stapling or is it a weight loss doctor or what??? Do you know andone who has used these benefits? Or do you work with health insurance?
Has anybody had Northern Neck Home owners or car Insurance are they good ?
Im thinking about changing insurance and they gave me real good quotes but i have never heard of them
""Can anyone tell me what's the cheapest car insurance provider in ontario, canada?
Does Costco provide auto insurance in canada (like it does in USA)?
""After buying a car, can you immediately drive it, without switching insurance?""
Or do you need to buy the car, go to the insurance company, switch it over, go back to the dealership, then get the car? I live in AR if that is relevant.""
texas insurance for low income
texas insurance for low income
""Buying moped, cost, insurance rate from ICBC?""
I want to buy a moped for to and from work What should I have to spend for a good 50cc What will ICBC charge on insurance per year, it will be a second vehicle if you can call it that lol""
What is the most popular insurance in troy missouri?
What is the most popular insurance in troy missouri? Is there a service/website to where i can find this info and info like that? What kind of insurance is mostly used in certain areas?
What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?
Particularly NYC?
Drive parents car without insurance?
hi, so i just got my license and can not afford insurance or a car. But my parents have insurance on both of their cars. Am i aloud to drive their cars on occasion, with their approval?""
""Just found out I'm pregnant, I need health insurance but...?
What are the best plans for me (Im 23 and live in CA) I want to save as much as I can. I've looked at Kaiser Permanente and Anthem Blue Cross but Im lost.
Insurance salvage cars?
i want to buy salvage and damaged cars from insurance companies which have been written off. I understand that salvage yards do this. does anyone now how i can buy written off cars from insurance companies
Cheapest car insurance companies for boston area?
i am looking for a cheap insurance company my husband is buying a plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, a family pleasure driving only vehicle. what comapnies in the boston,cambridge chelsea, area is the best and cheapest?""
I need help choosing insurance for my car?
im 16 and i just got my license. I live in southern california and need help choosing a car insurance company that is reliable and easy to afford. i have a 3.5 gpa but dont know what company will give me a discount. Please help
Graduate student health insurance ?
I am planning on attending graduate school it is not a reasonable option to have a job during this graduate program, what are my options for health insurance, how much should I expect to pay?""
First car for teenage girl? Insurance...?
Need a car 17 year old girl 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap petrol and cheap insurance please? I also read getting the box fitted where you can drive between certain times also makes it cheaper?
""Does anyone know of any good, affordable dental insurance?""
I am self-employed and I need to see a dentist, can anyone help?""
How much my insurance car ll be ?
i just got my full uk driving license this week i am 31 years old and im so excited to get car with big engine 2.0 or 2.2 but im worried if my insurance ll be expensive specially is my first year driving thanks for any help
Do insurance rates diffeer between a new and used car?
i am looking at a 2001 corvette selling by owner for 18,000, and i was wondering if the rates would be higher or lower if I was to buy a new vette from the dealer. i am 15, ill be 16 in a month, fyi.""
How much is the insurancwe difference on a v6 and gt 04 mustang?
its my first car im 16 i have state farm i dont speed (in residential but in the highway its a different story! not really but serious i dont get tickets) im a straight A student 4.0 average how much is insurance for each
Is it possible to apply for Medical Insurance?
Is it possible to apply for Medical Insurance at any time during the year? Company I work for is offering Blue Shielld Blue Cross I think is too expensive, 306 a monthly for Wife and Me. Looking for affordable insurance, I make 27,000 a year, thanks for your help...""
Waht is the best motorcycle insurance provider for ontario?
i have a 1000cc irohead sportster 1984 and i live in ontario. i was wondering what the best insurance provider would be thanks!
How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl driving a red 1998 corvette convertible?
I am a very responsible driver and I DO NOT speed. I always wanted a corvette and it would really help me out if someone would be able to tell me how much the insurance is. I heard the prices can range really high, but being a student on the high honor roll would that help me out? I am over a 4.0 gpa with honors classes. Btw I live in Illinois. Would it be over $100 dollars a month. I am very confused. please help me..""
Quick Car Insurance Question?
Would it be cheaper for me to add onto my parents insurance, rather than have my own policy? I'm a 20 year old male by the way and currently have a quote for $115 a month.""
Will my auto insurance rates increase if I put a claim in for the theft of my keys?
My purse (along with car keys) was stolen a few weeks ago. I called Toyota to get an approximation as to how much it would cost to replace the keys (just over $350 for a remote and transmitter key). My mom (I'm still under my parent's insurance) contacted our insurance agency and they said they would cover it and our rates would not increase. I figured the car should be rekeyed too since the thieves had my address. I went to Toyota to get a written estimate - they were having trouble printing off a written estimate and wrote it on a card - rekeying would be just over $350 so keys+rekeying = just over $700. My mom sent my dad today to get it written on company letterhead, etc. and he came back with an over $2,000 estimate - it looks like they actually want to pull the locks out and replace a computer??? So my mom is saying we're not putting in a claim because our insurance rates will increase (even though no one has said they would increase) in the meantime I have to worry about my car being stolen (I have a club on it), people going into it, etc. So, typically, would one's auto insurance rates increase after putting in a claim for theft? Does it make a difference if it's $700 or $2,000? I would just figure the insurance company wants your car to be as safe as you do so you don't have to claim even more for a stolen car.""
How much is car insurance?
on average how much is car insurance for a female aged 17?
Acting career where do i start?? where is safe and affordable places to live in LA?
Hi everyone first let me just say thank you for your time in advance. I want to move to LA and start my acting career but i have never been in LA so i dont exactly know where would be safe to live and also affordable. Also i wanted to ask about acting a lil bit. I have no experience but i Know thats what i want to do since i can remember but i lived in Germany my whole life and the opportunity isn't really big there and now that im moving to the us I thought why now go after my dreams. After all you'll never know unless you try right... I am 27 years old female I am originally from Ethiopia but i grew up in Germany. I speak 4 languages but thats all i have to offer because i dont have any previous acting experience nor i have never went to acting school. So where do I start??? Any suggestions???? Every advice helps thank you so much for your time again.!!!!!
Insurance company have sold My car without my consent / pay out? what can i do?
My car has been written off by the insurance company back in January and i have not still been paid out due to me not agreeing with the offer. They have submitted me evidence justifying their offer but this was current market value and not prior. I have referred this matter to the finanical services ombudsman who are still investigating (long wait as they go by order of complaints received). I have just found out the insurance company have sold my car off to a salvage company who have sold it to another individual. What can i do? what is my legal standing point? can i claim against the insurance company? can i claim my car back? I am still in receipt of the V5, keys, service booklet and receipts for the car. I have not signed over ownership or given the insurance company concent to sell the car. I have assumed to date that the car is in storage at the repair garage. I have still to recieve full agreed final settlement for the car from the insurance company. HELP!!!!""
Texas driver got speeding ticket in Washington state? Will my insurance know it?
While on a business trip I got a speeding ticket (5 over limit) in Washington state. I live in Texas and my license is issued by Texas. If I pay this ticket, ticket says it will go on my driving record. I assume they will send it to Tx. In that case, would my insurance rate increase because of this out-of-state speeding ticket? I am ok with paying the ticket, but I don't want to see my insurance increase. What are my options? Should I hire a traffic lawyer in WA to get rid of the ticket? Again, I live in Tx! Any re ommendations for me to get this issue resolved without insurance getting the ticket info.""
How much might will I pay for insurance at 25?
I'm 25 years old and I will be getting my liscense soon, How much could I expect to pay for car insurance as a first time liscense holder? I understand that 25 is the magic number for the costs to go down, but how will just now having my liscense affect my cost?""
Cheap car insurance for 17 years olds?
Hey i was wondering if anyone know where i could get car insurance for under 1500, cheapest i can find is elephant and that 1500, i have only just passed my test, and i have looked at putting my parents on the insurance too but it doesn't make much of a difference to the extensive prices, its just my car is only worth 1000 and i dont want to have to pay 2000 insurance when my car isnt worth that""
texas insurance for low income
texas insurance for low income
""If your auto insurance expires today, do you get a grace period?""
If so, how long is the grace period?""
Switching to liability only car insurance?
Hi. I just moved to a new state with ridiculously high car insurance rates. My new rates are nearly double what I paid in my old residency. If I switch my coverage from full coverage, to liability only, how much would I save (approximately?) I currently pay nearly $230 a month on car insurance for full coverage. About how much would liability only be?""
Looking for car insurance?
what do u use? Wat advice can u give me about it? All a Wat insurance do u use? Wat advice can u give me about it?
Home Insurance?
If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?""
How much would it be to insure this car?
17 year old Female living in Miami, FL id be under my parents thing of course..they have state farm. I was wondering how much it would cost to insure a 2003 (or 2006) nissan 350z for me? just an estimate or range would be helpful thanks so much""
Will McCains proposal to eliminate the tax deduction for health insurance ?
be the straw the breaks the backs of middle class Americans? Affordable health care is one of the foremost issues for middle class Americans. John McCain wants to eliminate the tax break given for the cost of insurance this will basically amount to a 25% increase in insurance costs for most of the middle class who are already struggling Yet he wants to continue the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. He truly is out of touch when it comes to the common man.
Looking for health insurance. I am on SS but not yet eligible for medicare. Only get $300 on SS?
I took early retirement at 62. I am now 63. I only get around $300/mo Social security. I do not qualify for Medicare until age 65. I cannot find affordable catastrophic health ...show more
""Affordable, student health insurances!?""
can anyone suggest me any affordable health insurances for me? im 20, don't smoke or drink, have no chronic condition or what so ever, if this helps. Just to ballpark the price range; because i really need new glasses and a dental checkup, thanks so much!""
Would the insurance be cheaper for an 05 Maxima SE or an 06 CTS 3.6L?
I'm 17 and looking into getting a first car and both of these sound very appealing. Which generally costs more to insure?
How much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I'm currently 17 with and just got my license a couple of weeks ago, i was wondering how much does the insurance cost annually for a 17 year old like me? Thanks for your help!""
Classic Car Insurance?
If I bought an 80's car, but my parents were the policy holder for the classic car insurance quote, and I am only 18... would I be able to be a named driver? (because you have to be over 21 to qualify for classic car insurance) Also... is this even legal? Thanks""
Car Insurance in Connecticut?
I just got my license back after my first DUI arrest over a year ago. I want to get a car but insurance would be around $5,000 a year for a car that only costs $1,500. Does anyone know what the laws are in CT about car insurance and if I need it to drive my own car. Does the car need to be insured to be on the road?""
I'm moving out of state - do I have to change auto insurance companies?
Explanation - I went through a local auto insurance company called ABC Insurance (not the real name, btw). They got me the lowest rate through XYZ Insurance, out of a different state. I'm moving out of state in a few weeks. Do I have to worry about finding a new insurance company if the one I pay my bill to is out of state anyway? After the move, I will actually be physically closer to that company... but still out of state. I never deal with ABC anyway. It's like they are just the go-between that found me that company.""
Hello! Car insurance question!!?
I'm an 18 year old female, just got my license. My boyfriends dad is giving me his old 95' Hyundai accent. It's got 167,000 miles on it. However, I have to get my own insurance. Can anyone tell me the best cheapest places to get insurance and how much a estimate would cost?""
Mustang Car Insurance?
I am wondering what cost more to insure, a 2000 Ford Mustang Red v6 or a 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD reg cab. V8 For a 16 year old driver?""
Looking for a cheap car to insure for a teenager?
I am 16, and have had my license for a few months. Right now I am driving one of my dads cars, a Honda Element, and it is relatively cheap to insure. This in mind, I need a car of my own because he doesn't want me putting too many miles on it. I am wanting to buy a used car, relatively cheap (Max. price of $10,000 but I would like to keep it below $8,000 preferably) with low rates of insurance. I really like a 00-01 Jeep Cherokee, but am flexible. I just want a list of some cars with low insurance rates. Also, don't respond with nothing is cheap for a 16 year old because I know that. I am looking for something cheaper than most.""
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
How to get a cheap car insurance for young driver?
I have a son who is a teenager. I have a car who I was sharing it with my son but now he bought his own car. He ask me to get a caheper insurance that he can affored but Ive been looking but all of them seem to be above what he is willing to pay, I could help him pay but even its not enough. It there any insurace that cover for cheap or what should I do?""
""Car insurance, can't find answer anywhere and insurance companies not helping?""
Hi, Basically the car i currently have is costing me a lot of money and my insurance didn't go down as much as id hoped. Anyways I took out an insurance policy because it wasn't convenient to sell it when my old agreement expired, I'm paying monthly around 70. I'm looking to sell my car next month and buy a new car (something a lot cheaper!). The question is since i'm paying monthly for my insurance will that go down depending on the value of the insurance? I find this confusing because there are so many hidden charges. many thanks!""
How much will I get under insurance of my car?
It was a Ford Fiesta SXi, I met with a serious accident & ma whole car was damaged. It was recommended for a replacement as it was of no use. I don't know how much I need to pay now for my car. It was new just 2 months old.""
Will your insurance rates go up if you hit a car but don't cause any damage (California)?
Someone rear ended me but no visible damage was done to my car. I'm going to report it to my insurance company but I most likely won't file a claim. Will the other person's rates go up even if I don't file a claim but only report the accident?
Price of insurance for a 2002 Porsche Boxster?
My uncle's selling me his 2.7l 2002 Porsche Boxster. I'm a 16 year old boy and this will be my first car. What do you think the monthly price of insurance on it would be? I know that I should ask an insurance agent, but I just want to know what I should expect it to be around. Thanks:)""
""How did the United States healthcare system develop? e.g. health insurance, Medicare.?""
Why does the United States have health insurance? It is optional to have health insurance, because it is not required by any law, unlike auto insurance. I would like to know where the system of health insurance got it's roots.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl and boy who live in new jersey?
how much is car insurance for a 16 year old boy and girl who live in new jersey? [for one year] if your in -geico- & -liberty mutual- ?? someone please help
How much will the insurance be on a 2007 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 sxi?
im 16 but driving soon. i might be getting a black corsa sxi for my first car on fiance. How much will the insurance be? its only insurance group 3
texas insurance for low income
texas insurance for low income
0 notes
disablity insurance self employed quote
"disablity insurance self employed quote
disablity insurance self employed quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
If Republicans do not act quickly to stop Democrats will tens of thousands of new cars be sold?
Republican members of Congress are trying to stop the cash for clunkers program . The program has been a great success and thousands of cars were sold already, depleting the supply and stimulating the economy with new tax revenue. Since supply has been brought down by these new sales the big 3 car companies will have to start making more cars putting thousands to work in the process. This in hand stimulates the entire economy. Republicans are trying everything in their power to make sure it does not pass again. Is there something fundamentally wrong with the Republican party? Why would they want to stop this effective program in a time of economic crisis?""
How much (about) would insurance cost for a Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 yrs old)?
How much (about) would insurance cost for a Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 yrs old)?
Looking for add on health insurance my company maxes out at $25000.00?
do insurance companies sell that type of insurance
Dental insurance and plans?
i live near houghton lake michigan, and i need to see a dentist badly!! i lost my dental coverage when i turned 21, and because of my age change, i am no longer able to get free dental coverage through my state. i have 3 children all under the age of 4 that need me, and because of the pain im experiencing it is extremely difficult for me to take care of them!!! i have 5 cavities, and 2 impacted wisdom teeth. i brush every day, but i keep getting problems with my teeth. i am on a very tight budget, and cannot afford to pay out of pocket fees to go to a dentist. does anybody know of affordable plans or insurance? or if anyone is familier with the area that knows of a dentist that accepts sliding fees? any help would be awesome! thanks in advance.""
What is a good company for individual dental insurance?
What is a good company for individual dental insurance?
What is the least amount of car insurance I need to have on a car that doesn't have a loan on it?
I live in Wisconsin and havent had insurance in about four years. I am getting married in six months and my fiance's insurance agent said that I should get insurance now, six months before the wedding, so that once we get married and I get added onto his insurance, I won't raise his insurance since I am considered high risk since I havent had insurance the last six months or more. So, if I get insurance on my won for six months, it will be high risk for those six months, but then six montsh from now, I won't be high risk, which will be good becasue six months from now is when i would get married and added onto his insurance. Now, I am going to get insurance on a car that doesn't have a loan on it, and I am wondering how much insurance I need? What is the least amount of insurance I could get on my car, so that in six months I won't be high risk anymore? P.S. I live in Wisconsin, where it isn't illegal if you don't have insurance on your car.""
Has anyone used comparisons.org for auto insurance?
i'm looking for cheap insurance and don't know if i can trust them. any suggestion from anyone?
What's the average price for car insurance?
i'm turning seventeen soon and i need to get enough money together for a year's worth of insurance.
How much is car insurance on average for a 17 year old driver?
I'm 17, and having to pay my own car insurance every month. How much is that going to cost me each month? I have Farmer's insurance.""
What's the best dental insurance for me to get?
I have pre-existing damage (deep cavities, exposed enamel). I live in garland, Tx 75040. Pretty much im looking for dental insurance that covers pre-existing damage""
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
About how much is the average teen insurance of the lowest requirements for TX of a 17 year old with a license
About how much is the average teen insurance of the lowest requirements for TX of a 17 year old with a license
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
How agent get commission in auto car insurance?
i have assignment to do and i need your help please. my project about auto car insurance. my question is, what are steps that agent need to get commission? and how he get it. thank you.""
I need to get some car insurance quotes!?
What are the best sites to get a free quote? Also what is the basic insurance you should get?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a newly passed driver!?
im only 16 at the moment however i want to learn to drive asap. what car would look good as well as having cheap(ish) insurance. who do i insure with?
How much is a ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma?
I'm writing a paper for my law study class and was wondering how much the average ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma is? Thanks for the help!
How long should I get a term life insurance policy for?
I'm researching term policies to cover the shortfall for life insurance from my work. How long is reasonable to get a term policy for? Term to 60, 75 or 100 years?""
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
Car insurance write off price?
If an insurance company (Admiral) writes off a car thats been in an accident,what percentage of the car do they normally Pay? The car is 10 months old and been owned by us from new?""
Car accident-how much will my insurance premium go up?
I was in a car accident today, driving the speed limit at about 30 miles per hour in a residential neighboorhood, not paying attention and struck the car to the left of me, damaging the driver's door of my car and the other car's passenger door. He was driving his company's truck. I already have an accident on my record from 1/06 that was my fault (not a huge accident, but not a super minor one, no injuries). Today's accident caused no injuries. I can tell my car door and the front bumper will need replacing. I assume that the other car needs the passenger door replaced. My annual insurance premium is $3,240, but last month a traffic ticket just came off my record. My car is a four door 2004 Honda & I am a 42 year old female who lives in Fremont, CA. I'm fearful my monthly car insurance payment will go up a lot! Does anyone know how much it will go up? Thank you so much!""
How does car insurance work for teenagers?
Im 18 and I took Driver`s Ed last summer, so I know that was supposed to save some cash when it came to the insurance. I also heard that depending on the engine of the car, the insurance changes. How do you determine the insurance on a 6-cylinder and an 8-cylinder car? Thanks""
""I only have liability insurance, how much would my car repair bill come out to be?""
I have a 2004 Nissan maxima and was in an accident this morning. Long story short, it was my fault and fortunately there were no injuries on either side. However, my insurance covers plenty for the other party, but none for me. The damages are in the front right side which includes, the headlight, part of the hood, front bumper, the side panel(but not the door) to be smashed in a bit. Further damages include windshield wiper fluid is leaking, for it was hit too. But the tire and allignment is completely fine, allowing the cop to let me drive it home. Any help?""
Why do we care about the people who have no health insurance?
they chose not to get insurance... they chose to by 200 dollar shoes over health insurance.. why do i have to pay for them?????? why am i responsible for someone elses well being? i thought adults were good on their own. i would pay taxes for sal healthcare for ALL children but the adults can go **** themselves who dont have it. its not my problem. i dont have many things that i want to get... i dont see anyone else buying the things i want...
Can a teen get his own car insurance in texas ?
can a 16 year olds get his own car insurance policy rather than just adding to the adult parents policy? also at what age can I am on my own car rather than just having it in the parents name? I live in texas .
disablity insurance self employed quote
disablity insurance self employed quote
How much does Insurance cost for g37s 08?
How much does Insurance cost for g37s 08?
About how much money does car insurance cost?
Im 15 going to be 16. Wondering how much money car insurance would cost. I would be getting my parents old car.
Why are insurance rates going up even if its not your fault?
I work in claims department of a big insurance company. And I found out that even though it is not your fault or if its a comp claim, there is still a possibility that your rates would go up. Why is that so?!?""
Drivetime Student Car Insurance- any good?
I'm just doing car insurance quotes and came across Drivetime Student where you can't drive after 11pm and before 6am for a 40% discount - does anyone have this insurance and is it any good? Also are you on the odd occasion allowed to go out after 11pm?!
Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?
im trying to insure a ford ka as my first car and the cheapest quotes im getting is around the 4k mark.. pretty sure i can do better but not sure where..
Am I covered by my car insurance if I park illegally?
I park my car on a Bridleway the Police say it is illegal but they class it as parking so will not touch me the Council will not touch me either as they cannot apply any laws as there are no kerbs. My question is if a Horse injury's itself due to my car being there or a person hurts themselves,or causes them to be injured whilst negotiating my car am I covered by my insurance as I am illegally parked.""
""Okay, Passed my driving test last week and just about to get insured. One problem though, when I was taking?""
lessons with my instructor I accidently hit the curb and my instructor had to make a claim. She told me it was all sorted it out although she had to say write my name down to her insurance company saying it was my fault. The question im asking is will this have any effect on my license or make my insurance cost more. p.s I took my test in England. Desperate to get an answer, cant find one anywhere else xxx""
Does your home insurance go up when you have a boat?
I want to buy a 21 foot boat and keep it in my back yard when not in use. What costs am I looking at? The boat and trailer need new registration but is that just a one time payment and I'm good to go? thanks
Anybody know of any cheap car insurance or a car which is cheap to insure on?
I'm a new driver and i'm finding it really hard to get a quote under 2,400.""
Does medical Insurance transfer to a different state?
I have Kaiser Permante for medical insurance. It is very possible that I will move from California to Florida next January. How will my insurance switch? I heard there is no Kaiser there. Is there an alternative company? How can I find this out if I can't find out here?
What cars would you recommend as a first car? Insurance wise? UK only?
What cars would you recommend as a first car? Insurance wise must be cheap? What are good insurance companies? UK only
Affordable Health Insuance that includes maternity coverage?
My husband just started a new job that offers NO benefits until he moves up in the company which could take over a year to happen or even longer, and I only work part time. I am ...show more""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
Ticket for no license and no insurance?
I'm 17 and I got a ticket for not having a license or permit, failure to yield to an emergency vehicle and no insurance in California. How deep will this ticket dig into my pockets? Over $500? Big thanks if you can help me out.""
Should we use our own motorcycle insurance company or the other guy's ?
My husband's motorcycle was recently backed into. What do we do, use our own insurance company. I'm not even sure if we used our own company would our rates increase? I'm hesitant to go through their company because it seems that they would be shadier to people that aren't under them. What do we do?""
If I get my g2 will my parents insurance rise?
I would like to get my g2 in october, but not get insurance and start driving alone until november. Would this raise my parents insurance from just getting my g2. Also, if i have an 80% avg at midterm, will it lower the cost of insurance? If yes then would a 90 avg lower the insurance cost even more?""
Is international health insurance worth it?
I'm from the US and will be travelling to SE Asia and wondering if I should buy international health insurance and what company is best. I have no current health insurance and am in great health. Thailand has very affordable medical care which might be affordable paying out of pocket even if something major happened there, but if I had to be flown back to the US for something medical related, I'd surely go bankrupt. Does anyone have any recommendations for international coverage or not?""
""Where can I find an affordable therapist in Orange County, CA w/no health insurance?""
I'm looking for a therapist in Orange County, California for depression and severe anxiety issues, but I have no health insurance. Can anybody help me figure out who I should talk to/where should I look to get affordable therapy?""
I need to know which car insurance is both reliable and affordable?
I need to know which car insurance is both reliable and affordable?
Why is my credit ratingscore brought down for getting car insurance quotes?
I'm trying to get auto and renter's insurance and I do not understand why my credit score is brought down because of this. Can't they tell I'm not our trying to get several credit cards or lines of credit or loans? How can this be dealt with and changed or stopped? If this is going to happen, how will my credit look in two years when I am ready to buy a newer vehicle?""
""CA life, accident, and health insurance state exam?""
I have completed ExamFX which is 52 hour online course. But I'm not sure whether it's enough to pass the state exam. How complicated and tricky is it? And, which websites can I get sample exams from? I'm currently working on this... http://quizlet.com/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ It seems it only includes life insurance... and I'm not confident of my English skill because it's a second language. Please give me an advice to pass the test which is coming in one week.""
Where can I find private policy health insurance?
great insurance at a low rate
What Health insurance would anyone reccommend?..?
my husband and I are trying to buy health insurance. we want something affordable. What good health insurance would anyone recommend.
What is car insurance and insurance quotes?
i'm not driving yet but i am taking driving lessons and i am just searching around for a car but i don't understand how things work. what is car insurance? why do we need it? and what are quotes? please help me!!! thank you much love xx
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
disablity insurance self employed quote
disablity insurance self employed quote
How do I get full coverage and liability insurance for 2 weeks in the US?
I have been in Thailand for a year so I canceled all my auto insurance, a now I am going to be back for 2 weeks using a rental car, and I need coverage for that 2 weeks""
Is it expensive to insure a honda civic for a new teen driver?
I am 16, male, 3.8 gpa, took drivers ed. Would it cost alot if the civic was new? What if I am on my parents policy?""
Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Does insurance cost more on a dodge truck with a hemi?
Versus the base 4.7L. The truck is a 2006 if that makes a difference.
Will the Insurance company fix my car?
Couple weeks ago some idiot ran into my car. His insurance company is only Liability, and car damage is covered for up too $5,000 in damages. So here is the deal....the Kelly Blue Book value of my car is about $9,500 and the insurance company wants to salvage my car. Can this be possible? I mean my car is worth way more than what the damage is, and I spoke to the claims department and explained my situation and they said if your lawyer (my lawyer) and the body shop guy who is going to fix my car signs off mentioning that they can fix my car for $5,000 then I can get my car back. But please help....do you guys really think I will get my car fixed and back or will I be stuck with only $5,000. Any advice is appreciated! My car is a 2002 Mercedes - C240 - 4 door sedan""
Insurance rates 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old male who has been driving for about 2 and a half years. About how much more would a coupe cost for me than a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/
What factors go into car insurance policy fees? Im going to be a brand new driver?
Im 22 yr old female. I don't have the car yet but I am taking a drivers education course and was wondering how much the insurance would be( estimated). what would be the cheapest big name company right now?
I am trying to get health insurance however I do not have a home base with my job?
I contantly move from one place to another after only a month or a few. Does anyone know if there is any company that can cover someone like me who moves from state to state? The company I have spoke to said they only cover someone in one state and when you leave the state you only would get covered for emergency situations.
Insurance on a 2006 Suzuki GS500F?
I am 16 years old, living in California. How much is collision insurance for the Suzuki GS500F? The minimal insurance possible?""
CA DUI expungement affect insurance rates?
I received a DUI back in July of 2001, and it has been affecting my insurance rate ever since. Under the new DUI laws the DUI I received (a misdemeanor) will be on my record until 2011. I qualify for expungement of this record. My question is if I do expunge my DUI will my auto insurance company be able to see my dmv record and will my insurance company be allowed to charge me the same rate?""
Will the eclipse GSX make my insurance more than the GS?
Ive been trying to to see if the insurance is cheaper on the GS than the GSX because i dont want to get ripped just because it has a turbo. But i also dont want to buy the GS and then have to buy a whole bunch of new stuff just to put a turbo on it.
""Buying a car, when to purchase insurance?
If i decided to go to a used car dealer and buy a car when do i buy insurance? Can i drive it home then buy insurance or do i need to get the insurance before i drive it off the lot?
Problem with insurance?
I got in an accident that I am not in fault. Basically I was stopped at the intersection behind the red lights. A car from opposite side ran the red light hit the crossing car and the second car spin and hit my car. I have full caoverage and fixed my car with my insurance and have my insurance claim the money from the first driver insurance company. I rent a car under my coverage and also pay $500 deductable to fix my car. Now is almost a month pass and I keep calling my insurance to know if they got paid by the other insurance and requesting to pay me back for rental and the 500. My insurance is telling me that they may not be able to get ever thing they might be get only the cost of the fixing my car. What should I do? Should I sue my insurance or not?
Universal Health Insurance?
I am conservative but I go agree that we need universal health insurance. But I haven't studied too much in depth on it. In your eyes (both liberal and conservatives answer please) are the pros and cons of unversalizing healthcare? How would universal health care work for people with diseases like diabetes, cancer, AIDS? What about people who have not been diagnosed with diseases, and tend to only see a doctor when they are sick? What about preventive care (aka mammogram for women, prostate check for men)? What are experimental medical procedures and experimental medications? What about fertility clinics for women who cannot become pregnant? What about anything else I forgot? And please, no arguing, this is just opinions.""
Insurance cancellation question?
I cancelled my old insurance with Access about 2-3 weeks ago and I was told I'd be receiveing and reimburstment check back from them since the policy had only been active for about 2 months. What's to average wait time on one?
what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include? ?
for California and for finance company requirement
""I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
Getting private insurance?
my husband had blue cross blue shield insurance at his job and im halfway through a pregnancy but now we've lost it anyone know of any cheap but good insurance companies for a family ....growing
How does an Insurance Claim work?
How does an insurance claim work. Let's say I get up one morning walk outside and my car has been stolen? The police come out and take a report, then they leave. How long would it take insurance cover this and how much would they cover? For example, if I have a car that I'm financing that is worth $24,500.00 dollars that had full insurance coverage. Basically, how does it work? Since it's being financed, I'm sure the insurance company would pay out the remaining balanced owed on the car to satisfy the loan with the finance company but what happens to me afterwards? Lets say I have $100,000 dollars in coverage that covers me in case of theft or something like that. Being that the car was fully covered and insurance was able to pay back the loan, would they give me the money to buy a new car at equal or face value of the car that was stolen? Insurance is so friggin complicated...if someone could explain the process to me I'd appreciate it.""
What is the cheapest insurance for a Full-Coverage 2009 Hyundai Sonata?
i just need a cheap insurance for a 2009 Hyundai Sonata.. moving out to my boyfriends house and looking for something thats going to save me some money please anything will help :) Thanks
Auto Insurance rates?
Is there a web site where I can see how a particular type of car rates for insurance vs another car?
""Question for Daycare center/summer camp owners, how much does your daycare insurance cost each month?""
I am looking into starting a summer camp type daycare next summer. I am writing up a cost summary and I have no clue what the average price for insurance is. I am looking for like the insurance that covers injuries, accidents, accident while on field trips/bus and like when you get sued for these injuries and stuff. I do not need to average cost of insurance for the building or vehicles. Any help as to how much is an average cost, or what the correct title to what I am looking for is, I have found it to be called just Daycare insurance, is there another name or does it depend on the company? Also what is your insurance price dependent on (# of kids, size of facility, age of the kids, etc.). Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you so much.""
Can I get car insurance without a valid driver's license in the state of Delaware?
1. My License was suspended due to an ERROR that involves the Division of Child Support Enforcement... 2. My Ex-Husband said he will pay for my car insurance if I transfer the car title & registration into my name (knowing that my license is temporarily suspended). 3. * My Ex is a Wilmington Police Officer in the state of Delaware. * 4. I believe my Ex knows that I will not be able to get car insurance (due to the fact that he is a Police Officer), therefore, that is why he is willing to pay for it. 5. Any help will be greatly appreciated!... Thank You!!!""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
Auto Body shop quote and Insurance quote?
My insurance adjuster came out and cut me a check for 1,200. The check issued is a fair price.The shop i trust gave me a quote of 1,300 which means I will only have to pay 100 out of pocket. My deductible is 500. Do i still have to pay 500 even though the check will cover most of the expenses?""
disablity insurance self employed quote
disablity insurance self employed quote
What are the cheapest high risk car insurance companies? I have 2 DWI's!?
I recently got my 2nd DWI. I am looking for some of the cheaper high risk auto insurace companies that I can get in Missouri. Thanks for your help
How much would this car cost?
Hello, I was wondering hypothetically speaking, if I bought the new 2012 Ford Mustang GT. Im under 18 (I would use my moms credit). And how much is insurance on a sports car when you under 18? Im looking for a range for the insurance. I know people say I can't give you an answer because of blah blah blah get a quote. Like I was told like 150 a month? I live in a town in Northern Ohio low crime rate. You people think it would be like 100-300 a month?""
If you can't afford health insurance for your family and the government says you make too much...?
then what do you suggest? What if your family has too much income according to the government for your kids to even qualify for Medicaid or the low cost options (CHIP)? My husband makes $48,000 a year before taxes are taken out. While that does pay the bills and keep food on the table, we can't do a $800 monthly insurance policy and our kids are denied Medicaid and CHIP (we make $300 too much per month, of all things). We pay the necessities. We don't over spend and we don't go out and spend money on entertainment more than a few times yearly and even then it's cheap entertainment. We do what we can, but health insurance just isn't going to happen for us unless one of two things happens: 1- my husband gets a major pay raise or 2- the government changes their income requirements (don't see that happening). So what do you suggest for my family? We do what we can. We use our tax returns each year for medical expenses and bill pay offs. If a major medical expense comes up, we pay it down little by little. We do use the public health department when we can. But bottom line is that we can't afford insurance. Period. So, for all of you who think this is completely unacceptable, what do you suggest we do?""
Which of these cars would be good for a first driver? Which one would have the cheapest insurance?
1. 2005 Ford Five Hundred 2. 2000-2005 Jeep Wrangler 3. 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. 2007 Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta Please Help!!!!
Cheap Car Insurance For 17 Year Olds Male ?
Hello .. am trying to get insured on a corsa 1.2 sxi and i am 17 years old .. ive been on go compare, moneysupermarket etc and they want 4045 grand a year with pass plus :/ can anyone help me out and get me a list of cheap insurance companys :)""
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also, do you support obamacare?""
How much should I be paying for car insurance?
I live in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, although not in the city itself. I'm 25, and I've had my license since I was 18. I've been in one accident, and the other driver was ruled at fault. I've had no traffic tickets. I have a two year college degree and good credit. I drive a 2006 Chevy Cobalt that will be paid off in August. It's currently under my parents' name and on my parents' insurance policy. Once it's paid off, they're supposed to sign it over to me. (I'm reimbursing them for the car and insurance.) My parents might be ripping me off on the insurance costs; my father bought a second truck around the time of my 25th birthday, and there hasn't been any drop in the policy costs. How much can I expect to pay for a policy in my name only with the car in my name only?""
Can I cancel my auto insurance because I am leaving the country for 3 months?
I am leaving the USA for 3 months so I was wondering if it would be possible to cancel my auto insurance for these months and not pay the monthly premium. I will not be driving the ...show more
Any suggestions for a first car that's affordable and safe for a 16 year old?
I'm 16 years old and much in need of a car... as you can imagine money is sort of an issue. I need a car around or under $3,000 that works and will get me from place to place. A car that looks decent is a plus too. If anyone has an idea of how much insurance would cost monthly for a car around that price with a student grade discount also, please tell me. Any ideas on a car or a way to save up some more money so i can get something above 3,000? Don't be smart @sses and tell me to get a job because I'm really busy with school and sports...thanks""
""525i First car, how much insurance?""
Hey, Im currently trying to get my driving lisence and I was thinking of buying a BMW 525i 1995 model as my first car, how much will the insurance cost approximatly? i know it will be expensive, but how expensive?""
I need cheap & affordable health insurance.?
Actually im in search a cheap and affordable for my gf. she's working fulltime/overtime from 2 differents jobs with the annual income of $16,000, but she doesn't get any company benefits... She has been sick alot lately and im really worried for her, especially when she's only 20 year old living her step parents. Her step parents got 2 kids of their own so they totally ignore her needs, so it's up to me to do my best to support her. She's not qualify with medi-cal because her step parents make alots of money. Can someone please provide me some information about buying affordable health insurence for the low income? possibly some link there? Thank you""
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
I was in a car accident and the insurance company wont pay me.?
I was rear-ended back in March of 2012. I was at a complete stop on the freeway and the guy hit me going about 30 mph. The force of him hitting me pushed me into the person in front of me, and that pushed them into the person in front of them. There was no visible damage to the cars in front of me and they left without leaving or taking any information. Now my issue is: When I tried calling the person's insurance company, the insurance adjuster told me that because there were 2 other people involved and they did not leave any information that they cannot give me coverage because the guy who hit me has a very low coverage rate and if the other two people called to get money they wouldn't be able to pay it. And that I have to wait 2 years before I can recieve any payment for the damage to my car. I did not have insurance at the time of the accident so my current insurance company will not help me with this issue. Please let me know what I can do! I live in California by the way.""
What would be an estimate for insurance on a 2WD silverado for a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at insurances. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
Does insurance compaines cover the person or the car at fault?
The girl that parks right next to me in my apartment swiped the side of my car. she is now claiming her friends park her car sometimes, but she knows she didn't hit my car. Personally her car is her responsibility and I feel like even if a friend of hers was parking when the incident happend, she is responsible for damages because its her car. Would she be responsible? Can I take her to court if she doesn't have insurance? And if she does have insurance would they cover this? I also have good pics.""
How much will health insurance cost for a 21 year old with no preexisting conditions?
I never had to pay for health insurance (part of family benefit package) so now I'm thinking of getting one. How much will it cost? I am healthy, work in an office (not dangerous), attend university (are there student discounts?), I am athletic,(healthy weight), I live in Los Angeles the only health issue my family has is that my dad is diabetic (but he got it when he was around 50 so i don't think it's heritable)] I need an insurance to only cover me in case something happens and I need emergency care (surgeries, hospital stay etc.) approximate numbers will be appreciated.. thank you""
I am 16 and need tips on insurance and a car....
I am 16 years old and I have no job currently but I am getting one this week... it is half way through summer holidays and at first I was just going to drive my dads car cause insurance alone for me is 3800$ year because my dad is a single parent. But going into grade 11 I want to drive a car and I seen a beater for about 500$ volkswagen still running good, but Is it true that you need to put down a quarter or half of the insurance to start off? What do you think I should do about any of this ..... thanks""
Car crash damage my insurance rights?
my 2009 vauxhall insignia was hit from behind sitting at a car park space in a supermarket,there is substantial amount of damage to the right hand arch right above the back wheel,the back bumper is also broken,it was hit that hard it was pushed onto the car park space in front of it,i believe what saved it from any further damage was the driver of the other car hit the wheel of my car which i guess cushioned the blow.i have went today and got estimates for the repair which is in the region of 2500 pounds though could be more as they have to put it on some sort of machine to see if the wheel alignment is of,the repair shops say what they will do is cut the arch out and put a new arch in and spray it but no matter what its never going to be the same.the reason they do it like this is because the whole back of my car runs to the front without any splits. Im not happy about this being done like this as this car today is worth around 10,000 pounds which i pay for and dont want it patched up,i would prefer if the other guys insurance wrote it off so that i can get an original car which i first had,is there anyway i can get this to be wrote of and claim it of the guys insurance,i have heard of depreciation money if my car has been hit but this is still not going to compensate me for my car being patched up. thanks""
Looking for some cheap full coverage car insurance.?
Looking for some cheap full coverage car insurance.?
What is a good car for a 17 year old. and what is the cheapest insurance?
What is a good car for a 17 year old. and what is the cheapest insurance?
Will I be dropped by my insurance due to suspension of license?
I recently had my California license suspended due to a failure to appear in court (yes I'm an idiot). Will my insurance drop me because of this? I am still paying my car off as well. If my insurance drops me, will that affect my car loan? Any help at all is greatly appreciated.""
How much would insurance on a v6 01-06 mustang be for a 16 year old boy?
i know MPG isnt that good but id have a good job. I make straight A's and i know that counts as something and then id be taking drivers ed.
When You Buy Car Insurance On The Internet..?
You know when you buy Car Insurance, is it immediate effect? or do you have to wait a certain amount of time until you can go out and drive?""
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off""
disablity insurance self employed quote
disablity insurance self employed quote
0 notes
From who can I get the cheapest car insurance?
"From who can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and I've only have my liscense for about a year. I'm trying to insure my 1990 325i BMW for the least possible amount. Any advice?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance Payments?
Is the car insurance still in act even if I don't pay for it on the day the payment is due, or does the insurance stop and resume until I pay for it? And, if I don't pay the car insurance on time, will they charge me until I pay them?""
What car with...cheap insurance?
Hi all.... Well I have my test in 2wks I have 2x 2hour lessons a wk so I best pass! Ha Anyway I need abit of advice on cars and insurance, I am 21year old female. Can anyone suggest any cheap insurance company and what type of car may be best I have 2000 pound currently saved for my first car! Thanks xx and wish me luck ha x""
""Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?""
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus""
AFFORDABLE auto insurance for 18 year old?
I am 18 years old. I live with my mom and younger non driving brother. My mother does not have her licence because she is not well and my little brother is to young to drive. I am ...show more
Can you borrow against a primerica life insurance policy?
Can you borrow against a primerica life insurance policy?
What would be a cheap motorcycle to insure....?
im 20 with im going to do a safety course id like something sporty looking...new or used...would it be cheaper to go with a older bike so i can carry liability or do older bikes have alot of problems....inform me with you advanced riders knowledge
Car insurance!! help?
I'm 17 years old and live in the UK. I want to buy a chevrolet camaro 2010 v6 when I am 19 but I'm worried how much insurance I have to pay. My friend told me it's going to be more than the car, and the car cost around 30,000. Can anyone tell me which group the car belongs to and how much insurance I would need to pay? I want this to be my first car but I want another car to gain experience. Please give me a good car that would look nice for a 18 year old. I am quite tall and I don't really like small cars because it feels uncomfortable for me? please suggest a good car that would suit a tall guy. thank you""
""Was in a fender bender, not my fault but I have no auto insurance...advice?""
I live in LA, California. I was hit at a gas station -- a car backed into my front left door... My car was the only one with noticeable damage. However, I have no auto insurance. I also don't have a lot of money to get either cars fixed. I don't really care to get my car fixed since it's a 92 nissan stanza about to die out on me. I just don't want to get in trouble for not having insurance...Their auto insurance has already called and sent a letter to have my insurance rep contact them to work out a deal to fix my car. They are already claiming it to be their fault.... Should I call their insurance rep and let them know that I do not want to put down a claim? Or call the guy who hit me personally and let him know I don't want to put down a claim? Could they find out that I have no insurance and figure out a way to get me in trouble? I only gave them my name, address, phone number and driver's licence number. Side note: The car is registered under my sister. Her registration and license have been suspended due to a DUI. Will they find out about this and find a way to get me/us in trouble?""
Young drivers car insurance question?
i am 20 years old in april and my car insurance is sky high beeing quoted 5000+ for a little 1.1 car there must be a way for it to go down as i see people younger then me driving round in bigger litre cars then me anyone know the secret?
I want to get my car insurance. So how much does the average cost get for 19yrs?
how can i know that the my car insurance cost which can help me for further analysis of budget.
Why is my car insurance ridiculously expensive?
I've been using go compare for a Peugeot 206 1.1 litre petrol, and have been given quotes of about 6-8 thousand pound! I know for young drivers (im seventeen) car insurance is expensive but I was expecting 2-3 grand, am I maybe using a bad site?""
Looking for cheap & crappy life insurance.?
I am looking for sources of *REALLY* cheap life insurance. I have to have life insurance for the next six years (declining each year), while I pay off a structured legal settlement. I don't care about financial stability of the company or a history of hassling the beneficiaries to collect. I don't care about guaranteed renewability, as if I'm not insurable, I don't have to buy the insurance. All I care about is price and that the policy comes with an official receipt that will satisfy their lawyers. Websites such as INSweb typically only offer 5-year term or longer, and I want cheaper than that.""
How is affordable calculated in obama care?
How is affordable calculated in Obama care? I have tried to find the criteria of what is considered affordable in Obama Care but haven't found it. How is it calculated? Who determines what is affordable? I think $1/ month is affordable. I'm sure the government and the health insurance company's say it's more.
Health insurance help?
usually, how much does it cost monthly for health insurance in california, marin county?""
Why are 26 year old adults allowed on their parents' health insurance plans under the new health care law?
I heard the president speak after the Supreme Court ruled on the health care law and one point he brought out was that parents could have their 26 year old child included on their health care plans. When I was 18 my father's insurance did not cover me any longer and by the time I was 26, I was paying for my own insurance. That seems awful old to still be under a parents' health insurance. A lot of 26 year old men and women are married and have children. Are they still to included on their parents' health plan because Obama did not make any stipulation to that aspect of the new law?""
Will a hemi engine effect my insurance rates??
* * Member since: November 06, 2006 * Total points: 606 (Level 2) * Points earned this week: * 10% Best answer * 171 answers SNIPES8 S Hemi engine insurance????? will the fact that i am considering a dodge ram 1500 with a hemi make a difference in the insurance cost if there wasnt a hemi engine under the hood, the truck is a 4wd dodge 1500 slt with the big engine, i am currently in a v6 4wd 2000 ford explorer, how much will the rates change??? im a 22 yr. old male.""
""How much will it cost to insure a mini cooper, for a young driver?
just about to start driving and would like to know the costs?
WA Instruction Permit & Car Insurance?
I have recently been issued a Washington State Instruction Permit and was wondering if I need to be included to my mom's insurance before I can use her car to practice my driving? (I am of legal age already) Just want to know about the insurance thing. Thank you so much!
I just found out i'm pregnant with no insurance?
I just found out I'm pregnant and don't have insurance. I live in California near the Los Angeles/ Orange County line. I am trying to find out if there are any free/low cost clinics I can go to to get checked out? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Do i need motorcycle insurance to get my tags?
I have my first motorcycle, a green 2002 kawasaki ninja 250, green of course. I am working on getting insurance but its going to take about 5 more days. Can i get my tags without insurance?""
Anyone claimed their Car a Wreak through their insurance before? what happens exactly?
Ok, so my car has Hail damage ALL over it from a recent storm. I am covered for insurance but i wanna know what to do?! i can't call them at this stage cos they call centre is down :( SO, if my car is worth $30,000 & the damage is worth about $5,000 - $7,000 how do they work out if it's considered a wreak or not? My premium is about $1000 (cos i'm under the age of 25) so what happens if they declare it a wreak? Do i just get a cheque and then they take the car? or what? If anyone has had their car considered a wreak through insurance before, please enlighten me :) Thanks x""
Which occupation would be best for car insurance purposes?
I can honestly say Retired , Investor , Private Investor Or Self Employed . Considering the fact that I don't drive very much anyway, less than 3000-3500 miles per year would one have a better risk classification and therefore lower rates than the other ? Oh, and Im 47 by the way so not your typical retired type person. (Don't really have a life but that wasn't the question) My liability insurance is pretty cheap but Im the kind of guy that likes to check every 6 months just to make sure Im getting the best price for the same coverage. Thanks ! PS, on a sort of related note, is it a problem if my credit report might not say the exact same thing ? I suspect it may say Self Employed and my former business.""
What is a good health insurance for age 19 and up?
at the moment i am 18 but will be turning 19 in 10 days...and i was wondering what is a good health insurance to apply to. i have Anthem Blue Cross Healthy Families. I am looking for something similar or almost similar...if someone could please help me. thank you soo much. ps if this helps i live in california....thank you again!!
I am 20. I am a student. I have no health insurance? And no money..?
What can I do??? Please help I need 2 go 2 tha doc i am sick.
Life Insurance?
I am about to meet with a Insurance Broker and I wanted to be aware so that I am not sold what he wants to sell me instead of what I need. Does anyone have any good tips or resources?
From who can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and I've only have my liscense for about a year. I'm trying to insure my 1990 325i BMW for the least possible amount. Any advice?
How do i register my car in my name if its in my mothers name?
She bought the car for my birthday and it is insured through me but i need to know how to go about getting it registered to me so it can lower my insurance.
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?""
""Got a cell phone ticket driving my friends car, will it raise her insurance rates?""
I was pulled over today by a cop. He gave me a yellow violation slip for using my cell phone. I was just checking traffic at a stop light! Ugh. Anyways, I was driving my friends car. And i'm trying to figure out if, my insurance rates will go up or will hers? Please help!!""
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
Car Insurance for old truck?
Im 18 and id be insuring a old chevy truck 1966 to be exact is my insurance going to be high? Its in good condition safe for driving and it's my first car. Id be by myself and I wanted to know how much it would be and which insurence to go with. Any suggestions?
Does my insurance liability have to match my room mate's?
They own their own home and I was told by their agent that my liability on my car has to match theirs for their protection. Note my car is very old and I just want the cheapest insurance I can get.
How can I afford a car and insurance?
I am going into my second year of college and would like a car. I don't have a job. I have applied many places, but no luck. I don't have time during the year to work since I am a full time student, so I thought this summer I could save money if I had a job. My parents can not afford to buy me a car and provide insurance. I just want that independence.""
16 year old first car - Camaro?
I just turned 16 a few days ago and am looking to buy my first car. I really want a 2010 camaro ss with the 6 speed manual, but i am open to any suggestions. I'm a really responsible kid and i get all A's and B's in school. Plus i own my own business and can definitely pay for a new car, insurance, and gas on my own. Your thoughts and any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
""What are some large health insurance companies, I am 23 and need to buy health insurance for the 1st time?""
Are there any good affordable plans, any recommendations will help, thank you""
Buying a new/used car & insurance?
Okay, if you are buying a new/used car will they refuse to sell it to you if you have a warrant? How about insurance will the insurance company refuse to insure you & your vehicle if you have a warrant?""
""I'm a female unemployed, living in upstate NY & need affordable health insurance! Desperate for suggestions!?""
I have been unemployed over a year. Although I am collecting unemployment benefits, I work a job per diem (usually 1-2 days per wk. which means I can't collect full unemployment benefits). I can't afford private pay insurance i.e. Healthy NY etc & don't financially qualify for Medicaid. Are there any other options? I would hate for a catastrophic illness to dictate my coverage & thus spend the rest of my life paying off medical bills!""
Is insurerance cheaper if the engine is slow even though it is realativly big?
basically a vw beetle or a bay will the insurance be cheaper because there top speed is like 70mph!! new driver
How much does it cost on average for someone to own a car per month?
I am talking about evrything gas, insurance, loans etc...""
A question on fully comprehensive car insurance cover?
im 17 years old and am insured with quinn direct. I was just wondering if i would be able to drive other cars not insured under my name on third party? thanks for the help :)
I only have liability insurance and was hit by another car?
I only have liability & when the other guy hit me he ran away on foot leaving the car. I made a police report and they gave me the other party's info. Now his insurance is saying they can't help me until they know who was actually driving his car. What can I do to get my car fixed because it is not drivable? Can I get a rental car? Can his insurance deny me completely if they don't find the driver?
Is my car going to be declared a total loss by the insurance company?
About 2 weeks ago I was involved in a car Accident which was not my fault. The driver made a left turn and hit us while we were going through the intersection. Both airbags on our vehicle were deployed and there was damage to our driver side tire area. Our vehicle is a 2003 Dodge Neon and was in great condition before this. Here is a picture of it from the accident. http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5751/15662047433344321352910.jpg Are they going to declare this car a total loss? If so, how much do you think we will get?""
Help With Residency and Car Insurance?
If my mom lives in Arizona and I live in New York and my car is in her name and so is the insurance and I am just a driver on the car then if i change my residency to New york and she stays in arizona will it be an issue? I have my car with me in new york (going to school) but the insurance doesn't know that. Can i change my residency to new york withouth having to change the car insurance if it's under her name and i'm just a driver? anyone explain please because im paying out the butt for tuition because i'm 'out of state' even though im not just because my mom doesnt want to mess with the insurance
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
Should I use my insurance to pay for car damage and will my rate go up?
I scratched some ladies car as I was parking and was wondering if I should go to my insurance to fix the scratch. Its on the front passanger door guard molding and isnt even that big. Its like a foot long and maybe half an inch wide but I was wondering if I go to my insurance to take care of it if it will raise my rate up or if they will be cool about it. I checked around and she supposedly got a quote for $180 but I found places that will paint it for about $75 and one that will do it for $30-40 if the paint is available. I am also a student so I cant be messing around since I dont have alot of money saved up : (
Covered California individual plan?
Hello, I am a grad student with no income currently. I'm signing up for covered ca for an individual plan. It is asking for number of people in household, do I just put one for myself or am I supposed to write all family members even though it is for an individual plan? From the research I've done it seems I probably won't be eligible for obamacare and may have to sign up for medicaid. My mother is currently putting me through school and paying for my current health insurance. If I don't qualify for Obamacare couldn't I just sign up with a new plan under my current health insurance provider that my mother will pay for or would it be better if I just went with medicaid? Thanks for your advice.""
How much would it cost to insure a 1967 ford mustang?
im a first time female driver, live in new jersey, am not in college, am 19, and the insurance is joined on to my parents insurance(allstate). im not asking for a exact amount but an estiment would be awesome. i wanna see if ill be able to afford insuring my car.""
How much car insurance do u pay yearly?
How Much Is the insurance going to increase?
Today I hit a car :( and although it was minimal damage, he decided to report it. I wanted to know how much is the insurance going to increase. Take in that i'm not in the policy its under my mom's name.""
Help with car insurance?
I was just wondering if instead of paying me (16) paying a 300 to 400 dollar car insurance payment every month under my name if it is possible for my dad to just put the car under his name and then have a waaaaay lower car insurance payment. Can we do this or is this illegal?
From who can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and I've only have my liscense for about a year. I'm trying to insure my 1990 325i BMW for the least possible amount. Any advice?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Insurance then car?
I'm confused, I want to know what would be the best car to get cheap insurance on it. I'm a 20yr old employed woman. I don't care what car I get (I know, it's tragic) as long as it gets me the chepeast insurance. Which car should I buy? (I have a budget of 2000 ish)""
How much is insurance for a 2008 Nissan GTR?
I want to buy a 2008 GTR but I want to now how much car insurance would cost before I buy it. Ive hear that it costs A LOT per year.
Car insurance for rentals & college students?
I'm not trying to buy a car or get insurance. It's for a project for school. What's the range of prices of car insurance for students ages 18-22 and also what are the prices of renting the most basic car from a company, like an average amount. Thanks :)""
What is the cheapest DUI insurance in california for a male when i become 18?
I just want liability for other drivers and i will get a crappy car so i dont need coverage for it. & I am 17 now. Am i able to get insurance if i don't have someone 18 or older sign for it? any ideas? Thank you
18 year old car insurance help!!!!!?
I am 18 years old, past my test back in april (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :( Even with my parents as main drivers the cheapest im getting is around 7000... its ridiculous Has anyone found any cheap car insurance companies or ways of reducing premiums significantly?""
How much does it cost to buy insurance for a small business?
How much does it cost to buy insurance for a small business?
Around how much would car insurance cost a year for an 18 year old female to drive ocassionally?
I just want to drive my moms car for a bit until I buy my own!
How does turning 25 affect your car insurance premium?
I turn 25 at the end of the year and am planning on buying a brand new car this summer and am wondering how it will be affected. Thanks!
Where can i find a list of insurance terminology and definitions?
i teach business english, i have a student who needs to produce insurance policies for his goods. i want to stay clear of health and life insurance. thanks""
My insurance company cannot find my policie number and i now have problem with my bank they ad up $3000 to my car loan what can i do ? i also loss my proof of insurance please help
Do you get insurance when you are a RN?
when you are a resister nurse will you get insurance incase you get hurt
What car insurance should i get?
I am 17, and im looking to buy my first car. i am looking for car insurance that is cheap but is also good.""
Anyone ever heard of business car insurance to do a homecare job?
Hi I have applied for a job and been told i got it now they saying i need business car insurance because its a homecare job and its to stop being towed away or clamped anyone ever heard of this and what is it
How can I lower my insurance?
I m paying 660 for insurance I have liability I live in upstate ny they told me my insurance was so high because they spotted me in brooklyn run a red light I work in brooklyn n my agent say I need to have a lease to lower my insurance again I wanna lower it to the max If any body got any advice or idea I will be glad to hear a few of them list all the possible options
What is a 6-month premium (car insurance) ?
What is a 6-month premium (car insurance) ? Say it's $200 a month for 6 months. Does that mean after 6 months it will be higher ?
""On Car Insurance, do additional drivers have to drive the car?""
Im trying to get quotes for car insurance. Im a new driver and buying my own car myself. By myself the quotes are quite high, around 5000. Ive added my mum as additional driver (im the main driver), that got it down to 3500. But I was wondering, what would happen IF my mum didnt actually end up using the car? She probably would...but I was wondering if it would effect my insurance if she just didnt end up using it?""
""No car, but required car insurance?""
I drive a company vehicle for my job. Due to recent accidents (I was not involved) with the company vehicle, my job had all drivers sign a paper stating that we have personal insurance, valid drivers license, I do not have a working car atm, so I do not have personal insurance. They have pulled me off my driving job and if I dont figure anything out I will lose 16 hours of work a week, is this legal? And does anybody have any suggestions for me?""
What is the average cost of replacing a water heater? Which would you choose insurance payment or heater?
My water heater needs to be replaced (electric) I have a warranty insurance that will replace it however there are a few non covered costs - the pan, the permit, some other part, it will cost me $512.00. They have given me the option to cash out which means they cut me a check and I try to figure it out on my own. Problem is the cashout amount is unknown and it will take up to two weeks for me to find out what the amount is before i can even decide - two weeks without a hot shower is HELL! But I'm not sure what to do. What would you do? Can anyone guess as to what amount they MIGHT give me? The insurance company is American Home Shield. ANY advice will help. I'm a new home owner and don't know a thing about house stuff! Thanks!""
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
What personal information can be revealed by a car insurance card?
Friend asked me for a copy of my car insurance card, said he needed it for something but didn't tell me what.""
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
does any 1 know any insurance companies that insure young drivers as the cheapest on moneysupermarket was 2000! this was trying out many cars that have an engine size of about 1.2 litre :(
Crudentials for cheap insurance for 17 year olds?
Crudentials for cheap insurance for 17 year olds?
Does NCD for a motorbike insurance work on a car insurance?
Hi, Does Non Clam Discount earned on motorbike insurance work will work for a futher car insurance? I'm a fresh young driver with no NCD and the first price for a car insurance is 6500 a year, so I can't really own a car with this rate... Is it possible to insure a motorbike (around 600) for like 2-3 years and then used this 2 or 3 years NCD to have the discounts on a car insurance? It could make me save a lot of money if it is possible!""
What is the cheapest insurance company for 17 year olds?
im 16 but will be turning 17 in a few months. to get ahead of the game and in the know i decided to start looking at cars and insurance straight away. my car of choice would be a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa 1.0 0r 1.2 litre as they cheap to buy, run and supposedly insure. ive looked around for insurance qutoes for myself when i turn 17 and recieve my full ik license but all quotes so far are above 4,000 even with a pass plus. is there any companys to get it below 3,000 or anywhere close. i realise i am never going to get cheap insurance straight away but i would consider 3,000 a much more reasonable quote and would love it to be closer to 2.000. also any tips or advice on getting cheaper insurancewould be greatly appreciated thanks guys""
From who can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and I've only have my liscense for about a year. I'm trying to insure my 1990 325i BMW for the least possible amount. Any advice?
I just got my license but no insurance?
i got my license few weeks ago and i would like to start driving my parents car , they have insurance under there name but not mine yet, and my dad doesnt want to add me on there till later on due to the cost, so will i be able to drive their car with the insurance under their name ? I live in Cali, LA. thank you""
Will car insurance offer a jump start to my car ?
my car doesn't ignite and i... out. will my car insurance company be able to...
""Buying a car with rebuild, or salvage title?""
I live in Texas, what is the policies/laws for buying a Salvage title or rebuild title car? What exactly is a Salvage title, and am i allow to have it insure by insurance company? ...show more""
How much will my insurance go up from a provisional licence to a UK full licence?
I have recently started to learn to drive in my car with my dad. However my insurance is on a provisional licence how much will it go up by when I pass my test? My insurance company is Admiral and i'm 17 years old.
Cost of insurance for a Motorcycle?
I'm in Montreal Quebec. I'm 18 and wondering how much the insurance will be? I heard since I'm under 25 they will make me pay $5000 a year for insurance. Is this true? If not what is your estimate?
How much will it cost to get me listed on my mom's insurance?
And do I have to be on their? I only want to drive it once. Thanks.
How much is your auto insurance?
Im trying to get n average estimate of auto insurance since i will be driving soon. I know its diffrent from your insurance company but if you live north carolina and your a teenager with a used car what would it most likely be?
What is the difference between group health insurance plan and individual health insurance plans?
What is the difference between group health insurance plan and individual health insurance plans?
Pregenant without insurance!!!?
Pregenant without insurance. What are the options? Would hospitals allow payment installements? Definitely want a safe and equiped place to give birth at. Any idea what it will cost about? We are in the NY metro area. Feedback please.
Does anyone know a way to buy affordable health insurance?
Im a single healthy 38 year old woman.
Does my degree affect my car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a Nissan Micra, and I've noticed whenever I enter my information and the websites ask my occupation I enter student and each website asks whether I study Medicine, Nursing or Teaching, and whether I study from home or live away. I am in fact a nursing student (mental health), living away, and I just wondered whether this makes my insurance more expensive or cheaper than someone doing a different degree such as History, Physics etc.""
Is Safe Auto cheap car insurance?
Especially for a driver who is 18.
Car insurance costs help?
I am an 18 year old looking to buy a car, so i need car insurance.. I live in Indiana. I have never recieved any tickets or warnings. Last year someone hit me, but it was her fault. Both insurances involved in that and the police have said it wasn;t my fault. The lady passed out while driving and hit me. Will that have an impact on me? What would be the cheapest place for me to get car insurance? For basic coverage and full coverage?""
Would this affect my car insurance?
Would having Grand Theft Auto on my record increase my insurance, or would it do anything at all? Its a really long story. I know my insurance is going to be high anyway because I am 17 and a guy. I was just wondering if having a Grand Theft Auto charge would affect it at all? Thanks!""
Car insurance????? ?????????
ok i turn 17 very shortly and want a peugeot 106 diesel(which is a 1.5) it is insurance group 3 and good mpg, but would it cost much for me to insure and could i get an insurance quote from a insurance brokers at 16 without owning the car first? i hope it won't cost much but one off my mates has the peugeot 106 gti quicksilver and that's a 1.1 and his insurance is 2500 while another mate has a corsa 1.1 3 door fully mod with subs,amps,alloys head unit all covered 3rd party fire and theft at 880 a year so surely a diesel 1.5 shouldn't cost much? right.lol""
How much is the average car insurance payment for a teenage?
I'm 16 & I know I'll be on my moms insurance since I'm not 18. would I be better off getting a 2011 or 2012 year car? I've heard it's pretty costly
Insurace for a 2001 mustang?
My girlfriend who is 17 is wanting to get her own car. Her parents won't let her put a car on their insurance plan so she wants to get her own. She is looking at a 2001 mustang v6 automatic and wants to know, roughly, how much the insurance would cost her on her own. (she plans on getting esurance).""
Why can't small businesses in each state group together to get better and more affordable health insurance?
Who regulates this? The insurance companies? The large companies? It doesn't make sense that this cannot be done.
Will your insurance go up with a Seat belt ticket?
In Georgia, will your insurance go up if you get a seat belt ticket with statefarm insurance?""
Buying a Car and Insurance Question!?
Im getting a car this weekend (hopefully) and my dad said he will set a date to go to a friend of his that sells good cars for cheap, but my dad wants it under his name. I don't trust my dad and I want the car under MY name, but he said that the insurance will cost more. If I put the car under MY name, but put the car under his insurance, will it cost more because the car is under my name or will it cost the same? I don't want to pay for the car and then when its finished, he takes the car saying that its under his name and I cant do anything about it. How much would I pay for insurance?""
Car accident question and if I need to report to insurance company?
Ok so here's the scene, I'm backing out of my driveway from my garage. My friend parked his car at the end of driveway (he was leaving but parked there to answer a phone call). My driveway is a downhill so when I backed I couldn't see his car there. Anyway, I backed into his car and caused a minor scatch. Unfortunately, his car is a new BMW and he needs to fix it. The police came and said it is under $1000 fix and it is up to us if we report to our insurance company or not. So now I am waiting him to get a estimate to fix. What do I need to do? I guess it is my full responsibility since I am moving and he is still. If the fix fee is under $1000, do I need to report to my insurance company? How much does the insurance usually increase due to this kind accident? thanks
What is the diffrence between the full tort and limited tort auto insurance?
i have just moved to nj from england and im trying to get insurance on my range rover i have just bought here but your insurance is totally diffrent to ours what is full tort and limited tort (etc) on progressive i can get my range rover insured for $200 a month but then it says recommended $450 and plus package $570 we dont have these diffrent packages i have no idea what bodily injury is and it goes on about all these thousends of dollars on property damage and lawsuits and uninsured its all so confusing can someone please help and break it all down im only 20 but im 21 tomorrow i moved here in april this year so i dunno if it will be cheaper when im 21 tomorrow i know it drops in england when your 21 but im not sure about here any advice would be appreciated thanks p.s love the country :)
Car insurance wrong information coverage upon car purchase..?
i bought a new truck, i am a first time car buyer and got the independent insurance agent the dealer had.... the agent told me that he was informed by the insurance agent that i will have a one (1) year coverage for the auto insurance as well as the amount of my monthly premium.. when i got the policy i was shocked to find out i only got six months coverage for the insurance and my monthly premium increased... they got PROGRESSIVE as the insurance company. i have already paid the required first six months (according to the agent) insurance premium and have to pay monthly for the remaining 6 months... which is not the case when i got my policy... is there a way how to handle, change this car insurance that i got? if not how could i send any complain to certain authorities/agencies for this kind of activities? any help is appreciated""
Insurance estimation for a 1998 - 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse for a 17 year old?
Hi, i am 17 years old, active duty in the military an i am trying to buy a Mitsubishi Eclipse, although my mom keeps telling me that my insurance will be through the roof. Does anyone have an idea of how much it might cost me? For full coverage, in California? I understand that the Eclipses have a high death rate because they are quick, an teenagers tend to test the waters a little bit. However i am a responsible driver but i do want either an Eclipse or a Trans Am. Your time is much appreciated:) thank you!!""
Can I buy a car 4 months before my 17th birthday but not pay any insurance?
My 17th birthday is not until April and I've found a really good price second hand car but as I can't drive it until April is there any way I can buy the car but not start paying insurance until April? or not pay as much
From who can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and I've only have my liscense for about a year. I'm trying to insure my 1990 325i BMW for the least possible amount. Any advice?
0 notes
Insurance help! Tennessee?
"Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance and court hearing?
i drove my car without insurance and got by police got 6 points as i m on provisional then again after 2 months i got a car just to move in local place like for shopping and instead of geting a cab i thought i can use it but the moment i bought it i was driving back home police stopped me coz 1 break light was not working and got again points but the point is dvla didnt sent me a disqualification notice and after 3 months i was driving my friends car as it was just a scrap and had no fuel i was in petrol pump abt 12 at night police guys caught be because my friend was making some funny sounds there so got hearing and 1 yr ban...can some one tell me how much fine will i get and will they sentence me for jail...any help will be appriciated
Are there low-cost health insurance options for non-legal adults in California?
My neighbors are immigrants who have lived in California for over 22 years. They have worked and paid taxes since then. Unfortunately, they are still waiting to become legal residents. They have two children who are both U.S. citizens and whose health insurance is already cared for. They themselves pay for private health insurance that is nearly $1000/month. My neighbor recently lost his job and is no longer bringing in any income. Are there any low-cost health insurance options for them?""
""If my car is totalled, will the people's insurance who hit me give me kelly blue book value and take my car?,?""
I was t-boned the other day and am pretty sure my car will be totalled, it still runs great, and i love the car. the accident was the other persons fault. if it IS toatalled, will her ...show more""
How much will my insurance rate go down if i take driving school?
...I just turned 18 and im wondering if i should go through the schooling..
Which motorcycle is cheaper to maintain? Suzuki Sv650s vs Honda Cbr600f4i?
As in cost of ownership, including insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...""
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
Good health insurance quotes websites?
Whats a good and reliable website where I can look up health insurance packages and quotes
Car insurance does anyone know of an inurance company that is both cheap and reliable?
having had a dispute with my insurance company i was advised by the office of fair trading to cancel my car insurance policy and reclaim I only own a small car and having searched the internet i find that i can not find insurance for less than 500. Does anyone know of a reputable insurance company that is cheap and reliable?
Examples of car insurance for 17 year old male in florida?
I'm 17, turning 18 soon and was wondering what some typical examples of car insurance are for others in my place. I know there are many factors, but I just want an example. Also, what are some major factors that lower car insurance? How much will the insurance change from 17 to 18?""
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
Do you know of affordable health insurance for an individual?
I'm 33 and I really need health insurance. The insurance where my husband works has an outrageous premium. If anyone knows of good health insurance with dental, please let me know. I would appreciate it very much!""
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
Why are insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and get a car. I was looking online to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the insurance quotes were ridiculously high. The cheapest was around 6000 for third party which is really high because so many of my friends have cars and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. Why is it so high and will it actually be this amount when I come to buy the insurance?""
Car Insurance Help!!!!?
Im 18 years old and for graduation present my father said i could pick a car I was thinking a 2007 mustang shelby gt500 i was wondering what is the insurance rate on a 18 year old with no previous accidents and i was thinking also a 2011 mustang gt and what is the insurance rate on that as well and for the last car a 2004 cadillac xlr what is the insurance rate on these 3 cars Thank You
Will my insurance rate go up if i recently got stopped for a failure to obey stop sign? More details!!?
i am 17 years old and i got a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign but i could not find my papers. so the officer never scanned my insurance card. will my insurance rate go up? ps... im not on the insurance policy, it was my mothers car and i am a new driver.""
What car would be the cheapest and most reliable?
Im a 17 year old guy. My parents are giving me $2000 for a down payment on my first car. We're going to a used car lot this weekend. They have 2 cars I want and 1 car my dad thinks I should get. The ones I want are an older 2 Door Tahoe, and a Chevy S10. The one my dad thinks I should get is a Honda civic. He says the Civic would have the cheapest insurance. But I play guitar, so it would be hard to lug around a big amp, guitar case, and pedal board. I want the Tahoe the most but I think its gonna be too much. What do you think?""
Should I wait until I am 25 or 26 to start driving a car again? Is it true about Insurance costs? Please read?
Hello, I am 21 and in college. I am in Northeast Illinois. I have not driven a car since I was 17. This is because I did miserably in driver education. I passed the classroom, so technically I passed driver ed, but the driving I failed miserably. My parents won't let me be behind the wheel of their cars again. I talked with a friend of mine recently and she said that the cost of driving insurance in Illinois is dramatically less when a driver turns 25 or 26. I am thinking that maybe I should start driving again at age 25 or 26 so I can keep costs down (especially in a nasty economy like this country has right now). Now, here's the other thing, my dad has cancer (leukemia), he's the one who gives me rides to places, my mom doesn't want to give me rides because she is still angry at me for what I did when I was 17. She said to me You're not driving again, ever. You lied to me. You disobeyed our orders and was arrogant. You're done. I don't care about your behaviors anymore Yeah, she hasn't changed since what I did at age 17. My dad has a had time walking, sitting, standing, etc. He has mentioned a couple of times Its not a bad idea that maybe you should think about driving again, you will have to drive some time, son Then I think about the insurance cost and how much of a hassel it would be. So, should I do it? Should I wait until I am 25 or 26 to start driving again? Should I wait longer? It seems like my mom won't forgive me and my dad has this cancer making it hard on him. I don't know what to do. Thanks""
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
When I turn 18 I'll most likely be getting a car. I'm living in NJ and just want to know how high the insurance would be. Also, would previous driving experience help? Like I drive a moped, I don't think it would do much, but would the insurance go down, even a dollar? I'd just like to know.""
Cheap car insurance...?
If you buy a shitty car for like $500, can you get insurance that only covers the other person in a crash and not you?? I know they used to have this?""
Were can I buy cheap insurance to reg a 1966 Vw bug?
I live in daytona florida
How much is car insurance for a 20 yr old?
20k car paying monthly, want estimated numbers dont give me no depends on your state and what car your driving""
I have been 18 for a few months now and I'm planning on moving intomy boyfriends parents place in about two weeks. The reason i am waiting is because my grandfather wont let me take my car until i switch the car into my name with my own insurance policy. He has allstate, and i am about to start working at a new job. I will be graduating in june from high school and i live in Virginia. My grandfathers wife (step-grandmother) treats me badly and i need to move away. I have waited 6 years for this since my mom passed away in 2003. I know that none of you will know exactly how much insurance will be but could you give me some insight or a range on how much a month ill pay on insurance and the best policys. I am driving a 2002 Dodge Intrepid, 4 door. I drive everyday about 15-20 miles each day. I am a female, 18 years of age. (19 in september). I did have one traffic light accident that was MY fault but plead no contest and got away with one days worth of driving school. ..if you could please help me that would be great. And much appreciated. Im not sure if you need anymore info, but thats all i can think of right now. AND PLEASE DONT ANSWER IF YOU AE GOING TO ASK how are we supposed to know? BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND THATU DONT KNOW ME AND THAT U HAVE NO WA OF KNOWING. I JUST WANT TO KNOW A PRICE RANGE PER MONTH AND HE BEST POLICYS?? thank you, amber.""
Motorcycle cost monthly?
Hey guys, I have some questions for you. I am 17 years old, and want to buy my first motorcycle (supermoto). I think I have a good idea on what it costs, but i'm just unsure. First off, i'll need to get my license. What'll that cost me? (California). I do have a car license, so getting the motorcycle license should be short and sweet, but i dont know. secondly, i'm going to get some motorcycle gear. I figure I'll be in 500$ with both license and gear (nice used leathers probably). Then i am going to get the bike which costs $4000. Being a supermoto, the insurance should be cheaper right? DRZ400sm if that helps. So between monthly payments and insurance, I should be in... 200$ a month? then gas, social life, blah blah. What do you think I need to be making monthly to make this happen. I bring in 500$ a month, and have 600$ in the bank as of now.""
Car Insurance Fraud - Please advice?
I am trying to get a new car insurance with progressive. They asked me if I had any citations recently (last 3 yrs) and I said no which is not true becuase I just got a citation. My citation was for going 10 miles over the limit. They did ask me for all of my info such as ssn and driver lic #. I am assuming they checked out my records. They gave me a very low quote considering my driving history. Is it car insurance fraud if I didn't tell them about my citations? Could I be dropped? Please advice.
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
Does urgent care cost a lot without insurance?
Please don't treat me like I'm an idiot. I went to the doctor at my college. They told me my throat looks very bad, but I tested negative for strep throat. They are closed all weekend, so I would have to go to urgent care. Last time I was sick (way less sick than this) they gave me steroids and they told me I would have been in the hospital if I waited after the weekend. When I was born, I had a pneumothorax, so I have very bad asthma. I just had an asthma attack, so I want to go to urgent care. However, my dad passed away in january, so we can't afford health insurance (only the one the school provides with tuition). I was just wondering if anyone knows about how much a regular visit would cost without health insurance. Thank you""
""I need advice on selecting the right health insurance for me, one that covers accutane....plz help!?""
Hi all. i'm 20yrs old. i work full time, and the company that i work for offers Aetna Insurance, i believe...but i've heard that it's not that great. i need an affordable insurance plan, one that covers Accutane (acne medication) and dermatologist visits. plz help!!!""
Why would insurance cost me 500 quid for a 50cc bike?
Im wanting to purchase a 50cc bike, derbi gpr 50 racing, 2009. it would be kept in a garage, and im only looking for third party cover. the bike costs 1650, and i have passed my cbt and have a provisional license. do i even need insurance?""
Car insurance for a peugeot GTI?
Ok, so I'm 18 and a girl!! i have been driving for a year. i want a peugeot 106 GTI 1.6 16v. i have seen one for about 2000 in good condition, BUT because of my age, I'm struggling to get insurance. does any one no of a good site where i can get a reasonable quote. thank u!!!""
Why do we need auto insurance?
Why do we need auto insurance?
Illinois health insurance group insurance question.?
I work at a small town business, privately owned. They have some of their employees on health insurance, but they've never offered it to me. I have some health issues, but not enough to be on disability. I found out recently that the lady who worked in my position was offered health insurance, but because she was already on her husbands health insurance, that they had to pay her for NOT being on their insurance. I have tried to research this and see how to approach it but I'm not finding any information, or am unable to phrase the question correctly. Even if you don't know the answer, can you help me figure out how to phrase this better so it comes up in search results?""
How to insure a used car off of the lot with no previous insurance?
I have never had insurance in my name before (my parents had me under their insurance within the past 6 months, but I am now not insured, nor driving a vehicle). I am interested in buying a car from a buy here, pay here lot and I don't quite understand how it works as far as insuring the vehicle off of the lot goes. I was told that the dealer would give me a few options of insurance (usually crappy) and I would use that insurance for the drive home, and subsequently get my own insurance. This is so ridiculous to me, to pay for insurance twice?! I just want to know the legal & affordable & practical way of insuring this vehicle. Is it not possible to be at the dealership, buy the car, get insurance over the phone while still on the lot, and then drive it home? Because I realize that the dealer will not let you drive it off of the lot if you don't have insurance. Also, how will they know I have the insurance? Since I currently do not have any, I won't have an insurance card or anything material to provide as proof... will they accept an over-the-phone affirmation by the insurance company as proof?""
How much should i pay for old car insurance?
how much the cheapest insurance for old car? i have a used honda.
""If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
What is the best way a low income student can get health insurance?
Again, low income and can't rely on parents and how could I get retro coverage for an emergency bill a month ago. Currently uninsured, only insurrance is car insurrance.""
Can I switch Car Insurance 2 weeks later if I am financing a car?
I bought a car and I am financing it through the dealership. I got it insured but now I found a cheaper premium through a different Insurance Company, so I would like to switch. This is about 2 weeks after I put it on the original Insurance Company. And is there a fee for canceling the Insurance so I could switch to the other company?""
How much would car insurance cost for me(2010 camaro)?
alright...I am finally getting my car this summer! im turning 17...and im thinking about what car im going to get...im pretty settled on a camaro 2lt or one of the ss's. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for that...since im so young and its a brand new sprots car...are there some companys that would be a little cheaper or would all of them be pretty much the same?
Im going to be in Wisconsin my friend has a car for me..can i get insurance to cover me there?
Im going to wisconsin for their summer and my friend im staying with has a car i can use for the period im there. im 21 is there a way for me to get covered by insurance for the 4 months im there? Im from New Zealand. Thanks
""Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
How do you get insurance and registration over the phone?
I'm not sure how this works? Can someone let me know. I'm insuring my motorcycle but the insurance I want is cheapest if I do it over the phone.
How to make insurance cheeper?
what are the things i can do to make my car insurance cheaper? i have good grades my car is 97 color gold
New Jersey Car Insurance Question.?
Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only please! I have recently moved to Jersey, and I am having heart feailure over the cost of car insurance. It is almost DOUBLE the cost in any other state where I have lived. (CT, FL, NY, SC) (I have NO tickets, NO accidents) Also, I was told today that there is yet ANOTHER rule/law in Jersey that states that any family member who lives with you (whether they are under YOUR insurance, or their own insurance) makes you liable in case of an accident. In other words, if my adult daughter (who has a poor driving history) gets in an accident--I COULD BE SUED.....EVEN if she has her own car, and her own insurance. CAN THIS BE TRUE???? It is very important that I get a straight answer, as it will drastically affect my ability and desire to stay as a resident in New Jersey.""
""Life insurance terms cash value, dividend, loan to value, interest rate?""
I don't know much about life insurance. This is for a whole life policy = $50,000. Could you explain what these terms and numbers mean about this policy? cash value of $7,000 Loan to value of $6,000 interest rate of 8% dividend of $60""
Car insurance advice?
how much money will it cost to insure a 1.4 - 1.6 litre car? I'm 17 and this will be my first car. thanks
Homeowners insurance question?
I've carried my auto and homeowners insurance with State Farm for about 15 years. I've had multiple auto claims but only one claim on my homeowners poicy. I had my roof replaced about four years ago when most houses in the area were damaged by hail. I've been very happy dealing with state farm but I'm considering a change to travelers. Travelers sent me a quote that if accurate reduces my homeowner insurance to about $900 per year as compared to the slightly lower benefits from State Farm which is costing $1200 every six months. What opinion do you have of these two companies and what do you base it on. Will Travelers drop me after the first claim and do they pay claims quickly? Please give your opinion on my making a change. Thanks.
Does any1 know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 2000 automatic vauxhall frontera?
thinking of buying the car for my sister she's almost 19 and is a learner driver does any1 know roughly in s how much the insurance would be
Do you know where I can get a Flood Zone Determination and Flood Insurance Quote In Ca?
If you are looking for more information on FEMA's recent flood map changes in oxnard California where can you find it? Im interested in some type of flood zone determination and a quote. My insurance agent doesn't know very much about it. How much does flood insurance cost? I have lots of questions any ideas?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in Texas?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in Texas?
16 year old insurance for a moped UK?
Hey, i'm thinking of buying a moped but before i buy one, i need to make sure that the insurance won't be too expensive otherwise i won't be able to afford it. I will basically be using the moped to get to college and back home. Any ideas as to how much insurance will cost on average? I am currently 16 years of age and will be turning 17 in December 2013. I live out of london if that helps. Thanks in advance :)""
Why are teens against high auto insurance?
Why are teens against high auto insurance?
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
What's the cheapest a new driver could pay for car insurance (NY)?
I wanna buy a car I just passed my road test I want toi get a car but I know insurance is going to be high I'm from new york... Does anyone know how much ill pay around and does anyone have any tips on who would be the cheapest... Thanks
How do i get insurance for a party?
having a party and venue request a certificate of insurance..i have no other insurance other than auto..how can i get a coi cheap and fast
""If my dad's car is insured and im under the same address, do i need insurance or can i drive the car ?
same address and the car is insured and teenage insurnce costs a lot if i get pulled over will a police officer saying anythign since the car is insured?
Why is it that the Republicans Party Sucks up so much to the Insurance Companies?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
What are different basic insurance certification programs?
Am looking for an insurance career. Am a mom thinking of starting my career after a 6 yrs break. I want to know the basic insurance courses available. are thereany govt recognized exams and certifications available am totally new to this am newto USA so dont know much abt the programs. pls help with some info.
2003 Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe. Insurance price?
So I'm a 17 year old girl.I'm getting my first car. Idk if where I'm from makes a difference, I'm from texas. Would a 2003 Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe be considered a sports car on the insurance? If so, how much more would it be vs. a normal car? Please help me!!!!""
How do I get a cheap full coverage car insurance? Can I put my name in my dad's car insurance?
I want to get a car insurance and I want a cheap and full coverage one. But I am a college student and not ready to pay 200 or 100 for a car insurance. My dad is 54 would it be cheaper if I used him or he puts my name with him? If something happened to my car will they cover it or not because he is not the owner of the car? Can someone please explain how this works :D
Would I still need to keep the insurance up on my truck if my license was suspended for DUI?
I was wondering if I still need to keep my insurance during the suspension period or do I cancel it and then wait till the end of my suspension period. I got my DUI on May 6th. I guess for now I'm sticking to riding a bicycle anytime I want to go somewhere which it takes longer but at least it gets the most gas mileage of any vehicle which is infinity miles per gallon.
What is balloon insurance?
do i need balloon coverage
Don't want to renew Virgin car insurance but having problems contacting them?
I recieved a renewal car insurance quote from Virgin which is really high. I have shopped around and decided to buy my insurance elsewhere. The only problem is Virgin automatically renew my car insurance for me unless I tell them not to. The only method that they give to contact them is a phone number. I have been on call waiting for 20 minuted now and still not managed to get through to them. Does anyone know of another way of contacting them as I am worried that my call will never get answered and I will be forced to keep my insurance with them?
Does blue cross blue shield cover accutane?
So tomorrow i am going to get accutane if my insurance covers it. I have Blue cross blue shield of ga and the blue choice option through the TJX companies (my mothers work). it says on my insurance card medical coPays, $20 office visit, and $100 ER. Does this Blue cross blue shield cover accutane?""
Can Anyone please tell me where to get cheap car insurance for my 17 year old son who has just passed his test
He Has A ford fiesta and the best third party only quote was 2898.00 .
Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si?
Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si?
Where can i get auto insurance for cheap?
i have a utah license but live in idaho. i don't want to pay much more than $150 a month.
Do you approve or disapprove of the Affordable Healthcare Act?
And do you want it to become a reality or to disappear?
Where to get cheap insurance for 50cc geared moped?
trying to find a insurance broker that does good deals for 16 year old drivers. trying to insure a 2003 DERBI GP 50. cheapest deal iv found so far is 370 pounds. anyone know a good insurance company that can do cheaper. thanks in advance
Can I still be on my parents car insurance policy if they are in a different state?
I live in California while my family lives in Utah. I have been on my family policy and about a year ago I registered my car here in CA. CA requires insurance (which I have, but in UT). My family is still paying for my insurance but the license plate listed is my old Utah plate but I am unsure if that counts now that I have CA plates. Does anybody know details behind this?""
Do you need to give a vin number in order to receive a quote on your cor insurance?
My mom called the insurance company to get a quote for adding me onto the insurance. The woman on the phone told her that you need the vin number of the car in order to get the quote. Is this true if the car was going to be new and we knew the exact model and year that we were getting?
Does the color of your car effect your insurance rate? is it a myth or true??
I want to buy a car but i've heard so many diff. myths about the color effecting your insurance rate. Just wondering...
Which auto insurance company covers him this time?
My husband got sued in 2006 for a car accident he caused. His insurance at that time settled in court. He has since switched insurance company. Now he's being sued again by the same people. So, which insurance company covers him now? His old insurance company or his new one?""
In Northern California on average how much does the minimal amount of gas and insurance cost per month ?
I'm 18 and looking into buying my first car this year. From my understanding the cheapest of Vehicles could be anywhere from $500-$1000 dollars. Since I'm doing this alone I'm asking you from your own personal experiences with car finances.
Got a question about changing my car color and insurance...?
So this past summer I was so close into painting my car into White! But my mom was hating on it, and she told me that if i had changed the color of my car we would had to contact the insurance people... Telling them that the car is getting a color Changed Them having to change some info on the car And the worst part... The insurances goes up? (btw... my car's color is black) So you guys out there... Please help answering my question! would my insurance go up if I change my car's color? I haven't paint the car yet.. maybe till' the spring time since its almost winter time!!! Thanks!""
Hi how much does it cost for a moped licence in spain and how much is insurance?
im 15 and i know you can get a licence at 14. do you have to take a test?
So where do I get health insurance?
My job doesn't give me health insurance and I'm usually broke and mommy and daddy can't get it for me. Where do I go to get health insurance?
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
No insurance ticket?
I got a ticket today for no insurance. I know I can go to court and show proof of insurance and just pay court costs. After I show the court my insurance card, are they going to contact the insurance company to make sure it is valid? I'm sure you know why I am asking.""
Car insurance - why isnt it cheaper?
My partner and I have just sold our car. It was a Vauxhall Astra TDi 1.9 Diesel 56plate. We are looking for a little run around car thats cheaper to run. I found a Daewoo Matiz SE 796cc X reg petrol. Apparently its group 2 insurance but its just as expensive as our old car. Would this be right if none of our details have changed???
Does Car insurance increase for adding spouse as Non-driver?
I have been added to my Dh policy for Car insurance as Non-driver. I dnt know driver. Does it increase the insurance rate? suggestions please
About car insurance what will happen?
okay so a few days ago i was driving my breaks dident stop in time it was very slow and i wasent going that fast at all my breaks dident stop in time and i left a very very lil scrab on a guys car and he said if i cant get 220 dollars by tomorow he will call my moms car insurance will that make the price higher?
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
How much will insurance cost for a BMW z3?
I'm 16 years old but will be 17 next month. So lets say Im 17 for now. Im looking to buy a BMW z3 because they are pretty cheap and really nice cars. I maintain a 3.0 GPA and have a clean record and live in Southern California. Anyone have an estimate on how much insurance will be?
Which is best health insurance company in india?
Hi, I want to buy health insurance for my family. So which is best health insurance company in india? Thanks""
How much is car insurance for me as a young driver?
I was just wondering how much people normally pay on car insurance because im sure im being quoted wrong. Im male and 21 and wanted insurance for an old corsa or pergeot or just any car which is cheap on insurance...
My car insurance has been cancelled?
i need to know if i have to pay more or is the same amount in my billing if i pay for it this is for a car insurance the insurance company is aig
Insurance notification?
if you go to the doctor with insurance and pay the co-pay there, will the people paying for the insurance still be notified. I need to go the doctor to get birth control, which i can legally get without my parents {I'm 15}. I was wondering if I use my insurance card that's linked to my parents insurance, will they still find out that I went if I pay for the $10 co-pay? I have a boyfriend for about a year but we aren't having sex. I want it to clear my acne and to have lighter periods, although if I ask my parents they will think that we are having sex.""
What's reasonable insurance quote for new driver (UK)?
Hi Everyone! I'm a new UK driver searching insurance quotes for my Ford escort (engine size 1.4). I'm thinking third party only for starters. What sort of ammounts should I consider to be reasonable offers? Also, must I pay the premium in one lump sum? P.S: I'm 23 years old... Cheers!""
How much would insurance be on a dodge stealth?
i am going to be sixteen and i may be buying a 92 stealth and i need to know how much insurance would be. it is only a 5,000 dollar car. but the speed meter goes to 160mph.""
Cheapest insurance in Kansas?
Cheapest insurance in Kansas?
We are a new small business. Where is the best place to get workers compensation insurance?
Just looking for an insurance company (private sector?) who provides affordable workers compensation insurance for small businesses.
Insurance deductible?
I have no accidents or tickets... I want to change my insurance company.. can I get that $500 deductible back???
Will my insurance go up?
i got my first ticket for not stopping correctly at a stop sign. Will my insurance go up? isnt it a violation which doesnt really make the premium go up.
Motorcycle provisional licence insurance costs?
Obviously, to learn to ride a motorcycle you sort of need your own bike with insurance, but roughly speaking, on an average standard bike, how much would that insurance be please? Anyone who has experience of this, I'd appreciate to here from especially! Thanks! (I've mastered the driving licence, so now I'm moving on to the bike licence, well, planning to). The bike would be no more than 120cc, with no more than an 11kW output. UK-based answers please, apparently the states makes it a lot cheaper to insure vehicles, jealous! Also, if you have any experience, please tell me when this was. (Insurance prices have gone up, again!) Thank you!""
Can i get cheap insurance on vw scirocco for first car?
im going to be getting my full license soon and im thinking to buy the scirocco for my first car but have been put of by the insurance that i will need to pay as im gonna be a new driver, the price id need to pay yearly is 4500 which is a lot and pretty much the same as owning a jeep GCsrt8 for your first car. i was wondering is there cheaper option?""
""It's mandatory in California to have auto insurance at ALL times, am I right?""
If yes, to whom can I go to, in order to check the validity of the car's insurance policy? A car hit me last Tuesday (I was a pedestrian). I am gonna be reporting the incident to a DMV office tomorrow. Will they give me the insurance information of the car? The other party didn't give me insurance information on the vehicle.""
Car Insurance question?
Hi im 23 and currently live in BC, im planning on moving to Alberta and im wondering how much my insurance would be when I move I have my class 5 BC license my insurance monthly right now is 350 bucks due to me having an accident with my N a couple years ago I want to know if I move to alberta will it be more or less a month as ive heard alberta insurance companies dont like drivers under 25. Also is it worth risking it and not getting it changed and sneak it and hope not to get in to an accident with my bc license if ive moved there?""
POLL: What kind of car insurance do you have?
I've just become curious due to all of the car insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, Geico etc. which do you have?""
Car Title and Insurance?
If I finance my car under just my name can I then title it under both mine and my mother's name and get insurance using her address?
Car insurance for young drivers?
I've just passed my test. How do I set up young driver's car insurance?
Does anybody know of a good affordable life insurance?
I live in California, im 19, im perfectly healthy(i've never smoked and i've never drank...ever)and im trying to find a life insurance policy to purchase for myself, since at the time i was born my parents couldn't afford one. So, i decided to do the smart thing and decide to get myself life insurance. I would like to know of people's opinions on life insurance, and which ones are best for someone my age.""
California Insurance with Arizona license?
If i change my California drivers license to an Arizona one, do i have to tell my insurance company? If i do will this affect my policy in any way? thanks!""
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
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