#that feels wierd to me specifically
mj1343 · 1 year
As the Dracula posting begins again I will remind the internet that Dracula is not written in chronological order and by doing this daily Dracula stuff you are, for better or worse or both at times, getting a different experience than the original novel with the suspense and buildup completely different than the book
Also I just. Recommend reading the book. It’s still a rlly good novel and you can see how the authors intended order of events. And. You don’t have to wait for months to read a new page. Nodnod
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
there are a lot of goyim esp from other Marginalised backgrounds that are taking the wrong lessons away from the fact that it turns out that a group of primarily socialist/communist people from an extremely oppressed cultural group with deep ties to an area are in fact more than capable of founding a regional settler colonial ethnostate in that area, a state that was capable of the mass dislocation and then intergenerational imprisonment of hundreds of thousands and then millions of people, and that while many non Jews feel morally pure and free of this ideology, the reality of the situation should terrify everyone
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ltsaladmander · 2 years
The inevitable Revan movie but instead of the cursed male Revan storyline alone there are 2 separate, equal full-length movies with two different actors playing Revan. All of the advertisements strategically never show Revan’s face. You just go to the showing of the one you’re emotionally attached to and desperately try and pretend the other doesn’t exist. Because that’s what heroes do.
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thesaintelectric · 1 year
*going out on a wierd one* do you think site 1 has like. being in a church as an atheist vibes.
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zipzaptoastainthebath · 4 months
Coraline doodle dump coming soon
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zimmbzon · 8 months
Starting a podcast with:
“This is my impression of Joe Rogan if his mic didn’t work: _____________________”
is so fucking funny to me.
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cum-allergy · 1 year
morning newspaper
#anyway since you read the tags alex and it may seem others its now funny to me#and i will blast random thoughts into the ether#i feel like the theme here is the WHEN WILL YOU LEARN. YOUR ACTIONS HAVE /CONSEQUENCES/ vine#although i do immediately miss having someone to harrass (complimentary) at a moment's notice#not that i don't harass my other partner far from it actually#but the specific dynamic we did have was immaculate and it's unfortunate that the choice he made had consequences#missing someone is wierd in this case where it's like. there was no other option.#i'd already made it clear that his actions made me deeply uncomfy#and if i make an ultimatum there's no way to confirm that 1. he will improve for himself instead of improving just for me#and 2. ultimatums are very harsh and create an unnecessary tension#it holds the status of the relationship over someone's head#when he asked if there was any going back#i just wished i could've elaborated that better. i might say something later if he asks again#also deeply unrelated but i've been having dreams again about my Haunted One inciting incident#(its what im calling the recovered memories of childhood trauma. its funny)#and like OK I GUESS#it just blows#why . why why why why why am i having these dreams that are graphically replaying traumas and expanding upon them to make them Worse#it's probably because the breakup really triggered those memories to come back but still#boy howdy#i was having a great time not thinking about it but then he struggled to give clear consent and boy howdy did that dig it all the way up#its just . like damn . ok i guess
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drasticdoodling · 1 year
see, the one thing abt da2 meta talking about how we don’t know much of it is true bc it’s a story told by varric and whatnot is fun except bioware does kind of frequently retcon lore/ events in previous games anyways so theoretically finding out some stuff in da2 was actually this or that just doesn’t really have the same punch to me.
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lokideservesahug · 2 months
Always that good?
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-°•°•°•°•--•°•°•°•°--°•°•°•°•--•°•°•°•°-Pairings: Charles Leclerc x gn! (I think) reader, Arthur Leclerc x reader (platonic)
Warnings: Swearing some French but I didn't use translate so it's probably all wrong. One mention of 'the deed' but it's brief. Brief mentions of drinking/being tipsy. I'm sorry if you have a pizza/garlic bread allergy😔
Notes: Its white fast paced and I'm not as happy with this peice as I have been wit others but here we go... 1/4 SMAU 3/4 writing so sorry if that's not your thing. Also I don't think I wrote this with anything gender specific but pls tell me if it isn't gender neutral!
Summary: You've been best friends with Arthur for over a year now... so why does his brother look so good?
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For a man who supposedly strictly sticks to his diet, Charles was all to eager to get his hands on the greasy concoctions you brought with you. He also didn't seem to dislike spending the evening as just the two of you. Neither did you but part of that was because the garlic bread was to die for.
As the night progressed, the Monagasque brought some beers from the Arthur's fridge. Despite you chastising him for stealing from his brother, Charles said that his brother wouldn't care and the beers could always be replaced. So, the two of you began to drink some beer along with your dinner. At some point along the way, the television was turned on but you weren't paying attention to it at all. All you could focus on was Charles. The way his eyelashes fluttered to a close as he took another sip; the way his addams apple bobbed slightly at the same time.
If you could get away with it, you would would stare into his eyes forever. They were captivating. The same man you were admiring then begins to break the silence by starting up conversation.
"This is very nice pizza. Where is it from?" "The pizza parlour just down the road, they've only just stared allowing people to take meals to go though." You see him nod in understanding at your words.
Before you can find yourself staring at him any longer and risking making it wierd, you turn your attention towards the television. As the programme changes, you find yourself gasping. You can almost feel the man next to you giving you a curious look but as the title to your favourite television show comes on screen, he laughs in understanding.
This pulls your attention back to him and you ask "What?" He doesn't even miss a beat before he replies "Nothing. You're just endearing" he finishes the remark with a smile. You can feel your cheeks heat as you respond "Sorry. It's my favourite show" this pulls a laugh out of him. "No need to apologise chérie and like I said, it's sweet."
This causes you to look down. You turn and face the television but continue to speak to the man next to you. You occasionally turn to him whilst speaking. "It's been a very long time since I've seen this. Arthur pays for different channels to me and with everything these days, the rights shows are always swapping between people and channels."
You didn't catch Charles' smile drop but you did notice his slightly deflated sounding tone "I'm surprised you dont live with him then." This causes you to pause. I mean yeah Arthur's your best friend but that doesn't mean you should live together- especially not with your difference in music tastes. You'd probably strangle him for listening to the same, boring, simple songs for hours on end before you could even finish the first week of living together.
"Hm? Why would I do that" Your enquiry causes his brows to furrow and he asks "Oh. Are you not at that stage in your relationship yet." Relationship? What does he-? Oh no...Oh no... Oh no.
You simultaneously visibly deflate and start laughing after his words sink in. Charles, who clearly finds it nowhere near as funny asks "What. Why are you laughing?"
"You- you" Unable to finish your sentence without it ending in a fit of cackles, you laughing some more, take some deep breaths and clarify the source of your amusement. "Charles, Arthur and I aren't dating. You know that right?" His lips form an 'O' and he looks down almost embarrassed as he shakes his head.
"But I've heard you saying that you ahd a thing for a Lecle-" He stops and grins as you both come to the realisation of what he's saying. Now it's your turn to look down in embarrassment and his to start laughing.
"Shut up." Your words clearly hold no weight and when you find him looking at you, eyes gleaming. You find yourself falling for him even more.
"So Chérie...you have a thing for Leclercs?" His eyebrows wiggle and when you both split into bursts of laughter, you could tell have dreamed of a better way to spend your evening.
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Thank you for reading! As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Also my inbox is open if you ever have a request!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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hchano · 11 months
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my second contribution to the binary stars zine.
sadly the fic, WHICH IS RLY GOOD, never got posted [long story, not mine to tell ;u;] but this was a telepath!keith/blind!shiro AU. basically keith is a captured BoM, and is sent to the arena in chains to be executed by a beast, but then a blind galra is thrown in to the arena was well, with a weapon. keith is able to convince him they can work together and using his telepathic link, shiro is able to defeat the beast.
afterward, they are thrown together more often in the arena and over time keith learns shiro is actually a human who has been experimented on and altered heavily. he also ends up teaching him about galra culture and how to navigate some of the wierd shit galra go thru [since shiro is experiencing a lot of galra instincts lol].
meanwhile the BoM are working on freeing keith, but keith will not leave without shiro :')
so in this scene, we have keith tracing coordinates on shiro's back, in hopes that he will be able to use them to escape. i do hope viper posts this fic one day but if not, just know it was rly good and liek the perfect slowburn.
extras under the cut!
so as i keep saying this was a rly good fic. i had like 5 diff scenes i rly wanted to draw but i realized i was NOT going to be able to fit any of them into only 3 pages lol… that didn't stop me from TRYING more than once tho…
attempt #1, 3 pics:
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this scene is them bathing [PLATONICALLY] after a round in the arena. keith is lamenting about shiro geting hurt due to keith's reckless fighitng style leaking into shiro thru the mind meld, and thinks about how shiro still moves like he has his human body too, which shiro picks up on thanks to the mind link [which is something of a habit at this point lol]. shiro is angsting about the fact he actually dosen't know the extent of what has been done to him thanks to the injury that blinded him, and after asking to see how he looked as a human, keith ends up reassuring him that he's still a cutie lol.
the page with the dialogue only is when i realized there was no way i was fitting that scene into 3 pages lol.
attempt #2:
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this scene is basically near the start to the fic. keith is brought in to the arena and chained to a pylon. he hears a bunch of rly loud monster noises and pounding at the door across the arena and is like, wow i am actually fucked 8D then shiro is brought in and thrown to the ground, along with a weapon. keith watches him try to feel around for the weapon and realizes he's blind, then calls out to him. shiro immediately goes into attack mode but keith is able to convince him that they can be allies, and briefly explains he's a telepath before melding their minds so that shiro can see through his eyes, and after a bit of clumsiness they are able to beat the beast this way :D
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my designs for the boys. i have unclothed versions too that show off all their markings and scars but i feel like that would get the post flagged so these will have to do lol. i did post them on twitter tho, if you wanna bother looking there. also yes, this design is rly similar to the other contribution i did for this zine, which is because i rly like the idea of keith having these specific markings LOL. this is p much my official go to glara!keith design.
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just two lil chibi guys
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i actually finished this with shading, but for the life of me cannot find it, so old phone pic it is. this is post-fic, after shiro joins the bom. [so uh not so shocking spoiler, they both survive and escape lol]
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geodraws04 · 2 months
PKMN ScarVio DLC AU ~ Possessed!Kieran
Just finished the page for my contribution to the good ol’ Toxic Chain theory :OOO
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I recently finished the Teal Mask and finishing up the Indigo Disk DLC and while i really did like the fact that Kieran’s actions were all his own and makes him a much more realistic/relatable character, I am feeling a little robbed we didn't get a possessed!kieran + i really did not like the direction they took w/ Mochi Mayhem. I felt like it was WAAAY too silly/comedic for my tastes (if you liked it more power to you tho!), and wish we had more lore/backstory and involvement of Pecharunt and the Loyal 3 respectivally.
so i wanted to try killing two birds with one stone and try to mash ID and MM together somewhat! So heres some sketches and concept stuff ft. My PKMN!Violet sona. And also make this AU ANGSTY AS FUCK-
im not a comedy/crack/silly person when it comes to stories involving manipulation/mind control type of stuff because i just get second hand embarressment for those under doing wierd stuff while not aware so if your looking for a “silly haha!” AU with this type of concept ive got bad news for ya… this AU aint gonna be for you-
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Starting off… my design for when Kieran is fully possessed by Pecharunt!
I still really liked the fact that Kieran was like. FULLY aware and in his own mind/body during ID; so i want to keep that in this AU too - for the most part.
id like to think that once making a deal with Pecharunt and offering himself to it in order to become stronger, the little peach would slowly feed him mochi that would “numb the pain and guilt if he ever feels doubtful.” At the time of Pecharunt’s debut to the start of ID, pecharunt is extremely weak and thus, its influence isnt as effective or strong. However, when we meet Kieran again, he’s definately beginning to change. throughout the story, we see Kieran’s spiraling descent into madness as he becomes more intimidating and cynical.
i dont have a specific spot where hed have this outfit change, but ill figure it out lol.
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However, i def think it would be a bit after his panic attack/mental break down when we defeat him. Since at this point he couldnt uphold his end of the deal with Pecharunt, it has no choice: he offered his body and mind to it to get stronger, but he couldnt keep it up. So now, he has to pay the price.
(This would be right after the Ex-Champ bit - fuck you Draydon)
however, instead of telling himself to get stronger like in canon… he mumbles something indescernable and unintelligable… and then he starts… laughing?
“Uh… yo, earth to ex-champion… you doin’ alright-?”
Suddenly… he glares at us… no. He glares at you, tears streaming down his face but an animalistic and crazily wide smile is plastered on his face as he stumbles back up, hugging himself while letting out what one would think is the most maniacal, despairing, crazy cackling laughter one could hear.
That's when you see it - his eyes, formally a light yellow, now a bright yet darkly sinister shade of violet-magenta. The scrunchie he was wearing began growing two strings of toxic chains that waved around like tentacles, and lifted him up in the air like stilts, purple smoke filling the area.
what was happening… whats happened to Kieran.
no, whatever that was…
Thats not Kieran.
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The bottom sketch is a small scenario i had in mind!
i want pecharunt to have a larger role so here they are! After returning the teal mask to me and carmine and running off, he stumbles upon an injured and weak Pecharunt, and secretly nurses it back to health. Behind everyone’s backs the two spark a friendship/partnership!
i like to think pecharunt has good intentions and did genuinely want to help kieran get stronger, but i like to think that the toxins it gave to Kieran not only began to mess with Kieran’s mind, but with Pecharunt’s too.
how exactly? No idea just yet lol- ill figure that out later on down the line lol. Along with the loyal 3’s roles in the story as well.
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Heres a few for fun and more funny sketches i made to fill up the empty space lol-
also feat. Moi, yuma and shinigami jykghhfjhfdjhygjuy-
QUICK DISCLAIMER! IM NOT SHIPPING MYSELF W/ KIERAN SINCE HES IMPLIED TO BE A TEEN AND IM A LEGAL ADULT!! the DLC came out when i was 17; almost 18 (released a few days before my bday actually!)
i like to think that when this story and AU respectively take place, Kieran is 14 while im 16 turning 17 that fall in Teal Mask (Carmine being 18 or 19?), then in Indigo Disc Kieran is 16, im 18, and Carmine is 19/20. So me and kieran are 2 years apart, while me and Carmine are 1-2 years apart.
Its mostly because id like to think me and kieran’s dynamic is similar to a close friend i have irl and wanted to write it as such while retaining the canon story too. If that makes sense lol.
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And one more sady drawing when kieran is freed from Pecharunt’s control!
i think i speak for everyone that we needed a scene where we hugged kieran after all the shit he’s been through-
justice for my baby boy kieran. :,,,))
what do yall think :000
any suggestions/ideas, critiques, whatever is on your mind about this AU is appreciated!! Im gonna get back to my remnant designs lol-
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mypoisonedvine · 9 months
Kitten with a reader who loves body worshiping her but genuinley feels wierd being Touched intimately (but is severely touch starved), so kitten restraines reader to finally be able to touch and kiss them
warnings: kinda dubious consent?, oral f receiving, bondage, established relationship, extreme fluff
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"I'm almost scared to ask what you're up to," you mumbled as Kitten showed you the silky ropes, her grin growing even wider.
"Haven't you ever tried it?" she asked.
"E-erm, no, not really," you shrugged. "But we can, if you want."
"I do," she assured. "Right now."
"Oh," you laughed, "eager, hm? Alright-- I can't deny, I think you'll look pretty all tied up in these."
"Oh, I would, sweetie-- but these are for you," she giggled, making your eyes go wide.
"Me?!" you choked. "What am I supposed to do, all tied up?!"
"You're supposed to lay back and let me use you," she winked, pushing you back onto the bed as you blinked up at her in shock.
Even though you still hadn't quite wrapped your head around the whole idea, you ended up with your wrists tied to the bed, Kitten hovering over you with a wide smile-- because she was just persuasive like that. Still, you felt oddly exposed, as if she hadn't seen you naked hundreds of times... but she didn't usually see you like this, basically spread eagle and trapped here for her to do whatever she pleased.
Too curious not to ask, you swallowed the lump in your throat and spit it out: "What is it you plan on doing to me, exactly?" you asked.
"Something you wouldn't let me do if you weren't tied up," she laughed, leaning down to kiss you-- and then the kiss started to move, lower and lower, as she slowly and gently spoiled you with sweet kisses down your stomach.
"Fuck," you breathed softly, trying to fight off the discomfort and insecurity that clawed at the back of your mind as she gave you all this attention. "Don't feel like being more specific?" you pressed.
"I just wanna... worship you," she whispered, making your heart skip.
"You know I'm always down for a little sacrilege," you sighed, "but me? Am I really worth--?"
"Shh," she stopped you with a finger over your lips. "Enough of that. You're worth the world. You're my world. And you won't even let me say it, let alone show it, without getting all snippy with me!"
She spread your legs open and hummed as she looked between them, making you shudder with nervousness.
"I mean, you shower me in affection every night-- at least-- and you won't even let me tell you how beautiful--" she kissed your thigh-- "and sexy--" she kissed a little higher-- "and lovely you are? It's just not fair, love."
"W-well, it isn't," you admitted, "but I just prefer--"
"Maybe tonight isn't about what you prefer," she pouted. "Maybe I'm in charge and you're tied up with no way to stop me. Now zip it and let me lick you all over, you little devil."
You couldn't fight the shudder that ran over you, nodding hazily. "O-okay, Kit-- if you say so..."
But still, you weren't quite expecting her to start where she did, running her tongue over your raised nipple slowly-- you couldn't help but whine through your teeth, shutting your eyes for a second.
"K-Kitten," you panted, whimpering when she suckled on the bud for a moment. "Oh, Christ--"
"Now now, it's only Saint Kitten," she corrected with a wink, "and it's you we're supposed to be worshipping."
She started to kiss you all over once again, humming praises along her way: so pretty or look how sweet you are or even sometimes I can't believe I get you all to myself, darling. It was more affection than you were ever prepared to handle, and you sometimes had to shut your eyes tight just to try to tolerate it.
"I love this part of you, right here," she cooed as she softly tickled the curve of your waist. "It's hard to pick a favourite, though... maybe your shoulders? So fun to hold onto while you're fucking me with that pretty strap of yours-- or maybe your lips, you know I could kiss you for hours, and that's not to even mention all those lovely, filthy things you say with those pretty lips..."
"Kitten," you pleaded nervously, your face so hot you worried she could feel it somehow, "I-I don't know what to do with all this attention."
"Say 'thank you'," she instructed simply. "That's the polite thing to do when you get a compliment. Let's practice: I'll say, 'I could taste your sweet little cunt all day,' and you'll say..."
"Th-thank you," you choked out, hearing her purr as she leaned down and licked a little stripe up the seam of your pussy for emphasis. "Fuck!"
"I can't believe you hardly ever let me eat you out," she groaned, "you're so delicious, darling. And look how wet you get! Oh, to think you let all that lovely juice go to waste-- mm. Shameful, s'what it is, just shameful."
"Kitten, please," you choked, moaning louder as she latched onto you again. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at you in the sweetest way, almost a pleading look like she needed to know that she was doing well for you. "F-feels good," you admitted softly, and you could feel her smile as she slid her tongue inside you-- that was when your head fell back, you couldn't resist it anymore. "God, yes-- fuck!"
Her hands pet your thighs softly, pulling your hips a little closer so she could bury her face harder into you. Your whole body quivered, the sensations nearly overwhelming after all that teasing she'd done...
"I'm gonna come," you blurted out, and she moaned against you-- into you, really. "Fuck, Kitten... you'll make me come."
Maybe you'd expected, or even hoped, that saying that would make her stop for a moment to taunt you for your weak stamina, but instead she just doubled down on her efforts, holding your hips still with a tight grip when you tried to buck them away.
'Fuck, fuck!" you yelped, feeling it start to take over you-- tears were stinging your eyes, and not just from the way her nose bumped perfectly against your clit when her tongue was thrusting inside you; you'd been struggling to hold them back all this time, overwhelmed by her kindness.
It hit you rather suddenly, and Kitten only stopped what she was doing when you kicked your legs hard enough to nearly hit her-- though thank god you didn't, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you hurt her somehow. "Oh, beautiful," she praised the second she broke away, giving a little peck of a kiss to your aching clit before kissing all over your thighs, stomach, breasts-- and your face again, guiding you into a sloppy and needy open-mouthed kiss that tasted strongly of your own arousal. "So beautiful when you come," she went on in a whisper, her hands delicately holding your face.
She untied your wrists quickly, letting you wrap her up in your arms as you kissed her harder, pulling her into you. "I love you so much," you breathed against her lips. "God, Kitten, I'm nothing without you--"
"Oh, don't get on that again," she rolled her eyes, "we'll be here all night. Just let me tell you how much I love you and let's leave it at that, alright?"
"Shh, darling, you've said enough," she insisted, "or should I get you a gag to match those ropes."
You swallowed thickly, and she laughed with sick delight.
"You're too fun to tease, darling," she explained with a wink.
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latay7 · 2 months
hi do you have any headcanons for abel and abyss?
Why hello helllooooo ><
Thay you so much for your request and i hope i fullflled your wish how you wanted
General headcannons for Abyss and Abel ☆
ੈ✩‧₊˚genre : i think fluff with a few mentions of their background stories
ੈ✩‧₊˚Note : idk why is it taking me so long to do the requests 🥲
(Btw Devider by the amazing : @saradika )
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Abyss razor
For starters , we know how is our poor boy when comes to girls💀💔like , i love this man but....he is ...miserable.
So you can defently imagine the one sided tension between you too , but you were patient and gentle with him , it wasn't easier for him eaither.
At first , it took a while , but then he slowly warmed up to you because he saw how much of you were wiling to accept him for who he was. Which was something he questioned for a while.(my man will throw himself out the window if a female touched him )
I mean , not many people saw him as something other than a curse because of his eye , and being a part of the Magia Lupus , people feared him , stayed away from him.
But he was met with your kindness that no one has ever given him. He found himself thinking , Overthinking , why , why were you like this , to him ?? He was a monster , a curse...
But you saw beyond that , you saw the poor soul inside him that had to endure all that suffering , the little child that never got to feel love before , locked up in a dark room to cry himself to sleep , regretting being born , everyday.
If he was to describe it , it was how your hand slowly inches towards his so you don't jumpscare him , how you go easy with his overwhelmed self , your sickening sweet words thay he heard not with his ears , but his heart , the heart that was in you hands , and to sum it up. (i talk a lot...i know)
He loves words of affirmation and quality time , because it makes him feel the dedication and love you have for him , it makes him feel alive. And i think that he slowly leans towards physical touch since it was smth that we can say he NEVER had any of it in his life.
In return , he gives you acts of service and quality time as well (idk why but i think he's not that great with forming sentences , especially when girls) , he tries his best so you stay with him so he can live in your eternal love and warmth.
Abel and the Magia lupus know about you , athough he tries to keep you away from the latter , he sometimes tend to tell him about you when Abel notices his mood or behaviour being better than the previous days , and tbh , i feel like Abel would be a but delighted to see that change in Abyss (this is a wild take that i have no idea what basis is it taking.....headcanon w/o the head)
"Be careful of my heart won't you , see , you're taking it home with uou tonight , please , don't break it"
Abel Walker
You can fix him (wtf am i smoking)
Jokes aside , Abel , before his encounter with with Mash and you , had a very....specific....percpective of the world , but after you heard his story , you too were willing go change his looks towards the world and the people.
Approaching him was VERY difficult , let alone having a conversation with him , but you were consistant until Mash did what he did and Abel...opened up.
When you two got to talk , you tried to tell him more about what you think and see in this life but he seemed to dissmiss you , he didn't deny your ideas but he ignored you the first times.
He did that because you were kind and lovely , just like his mother , so he was intrigued , which led to unexpected outcome.
He starts showing up to you , out of te blue, for no reason 💀just to do whatever , you're studying at the library? He's there studying too, which is wierd because he as well denies the idea you're getting about him wanting go be friends.
But you're like "yeah sure buddy , whatever helps you sleep at night". He's curious , why do you think the way you think , he of course remembers his mother like that too , but he wanted to know more.
You show him , bit by bit , everything beautiful in life , and how forgivness is more powerful than revenge , and how helping others will benefit you more than focuisng on only yourself.
He didn't realise it and fell in love with you , and here , a new story began.
He's not that great with physical touch but he will always be there when you need him , freeing his schedule to be with you.
You're well acquainted with the Magia Lupus as well , (which he threatened : if anything happens to her on your watch , you're paying the price) so they to be as welcoming as ever with you.
He tells you about his mother and watchsd how you smile when he describes her and her kindness to you , and how you sympathise with him about her death.
You do everything you can to find the kind hearted soul in him , and despite him denying it , you're not gonna give up.
"It's you , despite everything , it's still you"
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That was crazy , ahhhhhhhh it took me soo long im sorrryyy
And i hope i did well because this was quite the risk that i took
Anyway , i noticed that i curse a lot so im sorry if that bothers anyone-
And hope u like my next works! I'll try to be quick
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xxacidnekoxx · 5 months
coming out as trans was so hard for me that I didnt even begin to draw my fursona as a boy until like 5 years later because I was just so fucking terrified especially with the amount of people that kinned my fursona specifically for being a "doggirl" and would get weirdly obsessed with the cartoon dog... I just really really wasnt ready... a lot of people accused me of being trans for attention and some people thought I had a friend who was "making me do it" and they got mad at my friend its so wierd it is really not worth the time it has been 5 years and I'm still a boy I'm not doing it for attention no one is brainwashing me... damn it... I really deserve to live as who I am and feel normal I had dreams of angels telling me that I need to become a comfortable boy so I keep working toward becoming a comfortable boy and just trying stuff.. I wish there was an easy guidance for me but there is no book to how to be trans
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riniworld · 4 months
Hmm.. How about a Yan! Prince x older! Royal sorcerer reader?
Or maybe Yan prince x siren/mermaid reader? Maybe when he gets lost at sea and when reader saves him and brings him back to shore he basically places a bounty on siren readers head and whoever brings reader to him they'll be awarded with money?
You can choose either one, doesn't really matter to me lol
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I'll do the second one 'cause there's a scenario lol
no pronouns for the reader mentioned
warnings// obsession,i don't think there's anything else.
refrence// you,mermaid.
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humid air is blowing,the weather is sunny and the sea is calm.
what's the best day to sail than this day?
but the prince doesn't like the sea,he just want to go back to his room and read some books or maybe even paint if he's in the mood.
but his father has insist for him to go with them.
he's seating on the edge of the ship,watching everyone working and his father telling the captain how long they will sail and when they will return,expect him,he don't have anything to do.
his father took him in a hurry and he didn't bring with him anything to wast time on.
it was a normal sailing everything went fine and boring.
it's dinner time,the prince and his father is eating in a room alone,They're on their way back to the shore.
suddenly they feel the ship moving in a wierd way,right and left.
it was a fainting movement so no one cared about it,but soon it started swaying violently,the planets fell on the ground and the two royals doing they're best to not roll with the movement of the ship.
"I'm going to see what's happening,you stay here son." the king said and start walking to the door carefully.
it's been some minutes since the king left.
the prince started feeling dizzy,he's gonna throw up in any minute
the last thing he remember is the window breaks and the water start to fill the room.
you were having your fun with the animals in the sea.
you've always loved playing with these creature and staying alone rather than being with the rest of the family.
you swam randomly, not having a specific place in mind,when you saw something or someone felling down, it looked like a human.
you're family has warned you from humans alot saying they're a dangerous creatures,and if they knew about you no one will stay well.
but you were curious plus he was nearly dead.
you swam to him getting closer carefully.
you decided to get him out of the sea,you don't want to be a reason for someone to die right?
you put him on your shoulder and swim to the shore.
you put him on the sand after checking that no one is there.
after some seconds he start coughing and groan.
you startled at his sudden movement and back away a bit.
he opened his eyes but closed them right after because of the sun.
"heck,where am i" he murmured.
you were about to leave but when he heard noises from the sea he looked at you.
you froze,you were scared that something might happen, but he kept looking at you with wide eyes.
"who-? who are you?"
you stayed silent,don't know what to say or if you should say anything at all.
but he,he was stunned. you were too beautiful to be true.
like a fairytale,something he didn't think he'll find in reality just in books,he even forget his pain.
You dived into the water the prince shouted "wait" but it was too late.
it's been two weeks,two weeks and you stayed in his mind.
he couldn't think of anything but you,he even painted you a few times now.
how could he find you again? where are you now? will he see you again?
he looked at one of his painting of you,it was right in front of his bed.
then this idea crossed his mind.
he ordered the Guards, reporters, and preachers to hang posters of you, and whoever can bring you to him will get several million.
the civilians was confused,mermaid? is there anything like that? is the prince okay?
knock knock
"come in" the prince said as someone knocked on his door
the king entered with a frown "what's the meaning of this?"
he was holding one of the posters.
"it's like what is written in it"
"...you're books started playing with your mind,what's nonsense is that? mermaid? really?"
"yes really."
"Do you know what the people are saying about you right now?"
"i don't care" he didn't even look at his father,turns the pages of the book.
"I will order to take down all of this posters"
the prince slams the book shot "no you won't"
"i will,and that's that,i just wanted to tell you to stop all that" with that the king left.
well if his father going to stand in his face,then he'll do it himself.
the night was cold,but he didn't care.
he'll stay here at the ship untill he sees a glimp of you.
he already put a pool full of sea water.
he's so sure he'll catch you,after all he spends most of his time searching on how to attract a mermaid.
Pearls were easy to obtain, as he was a prince and owned many of these shining jewels.
he put Many of them on the ship, until it becomes shone at night.
sure you'll love it right?
Many of the seaving crew were there, ready to catch something they did not know what is it or if it was real,but they couldn't disobey the prince after all
you were returning to your family when something shining caught your eye,oh it was so beautiful,like the moon has come to the earth,it won't be a problem to just see what's that right?
you swim to the top.
as soon as the prince saw a Shadow coming his way, his eyes lit up.
he orders the crew to get ready as they bring the net closer to the edge.
as soon as you put your head up a net was thrown at you.
you struggles to get out but it was too late,they already lifting you up.
you felt yourself getting in a water again and when you opened your eyes you saw the same human you saved looking at you with a wierd look.
would it be better if you let him die that day?
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that was fun to write!
also if you're confused at what happened when the window breaks on the prince.
it was just his part who broke the rest of the ship was a little better but it was sinking from behind (the place where the prince was), but they were able to reach the shore before it sank completely.
have a nice day/night
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orion4ever · 5 months
HIIII! It's the paranormal enthusiast mc anon again, I loved that SMSM THANK YOUUU! I'm back with another request :)
(Sorry if this is worded wierd, I couldn't figure out how to word it lmao)
Could I request a Baxter x past dance partner MC? MC used to do competitive dancing, and during contests and competitions in their past the two were often paired together. They immediately clicked the first time they danced together, and paired with eachother every chance they could get. After step 2, maybe mc stopped dancing or something happened that caused them to stop being paired together/not see eachother as often, and they didn't meet again until the summer :)
gsjskw aaaaaah I don't know how to word this correctly and I apologize if it's too specific, feel free to change this around or edit it if you want to!
Thank you again, and have a wonderful day/night! :>
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Author’s Note: ….Okay this is freaky af because I WAS LITERALLY RETHINKING THIS SCENARIO IN MY HEAD. Are you a mind reader? 😦 if you couldn’t tell, I went HARD with this request! I wrote this with the MC and Baxter not meeting at the Soiree moment but at this competition instead.
Pairing: Baxter Ward x MC
Let me set the stage-
You and Baxter are both very talented dancers , maybe the best in the pacific region’s teen category.
You have been fostering this skill since you were a little kid and have proven to your dancing instructor at the Cypress of your affinity with ballroom dancing.
All the cypresses in America held a ballroom dance competition with each Cypress nominating one person per age group to represent their location at the contest.
At age 13, you were selected to represent the teen and pre-teen category!
You were a bit nervous about it, especially it being your first competition.
You also didn’t expect to be making a charming new friend, or a future summer boyfriend.
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
You stood in the huge dancing hall, the tall shiny roof and shiny marble floors showing a reflection of yourself. The trip hadn’t been too long, this year’s annual competition took place at a Cypress in Nevada.
You looked around the room and noticed people of varying ages, you zeroed in on any kids around your age to ‘scope out the competition’ as your instructor would call it.
In the distance, an older gentleman pulled a mic from under a cabinet in a far-off corner of the room and tapped it a few times.
“Testing….testing…Welcome! To the annual ballroom competition. We would like to thank all our out-of-staters for making the trip to the Cypress’s Nevada location.”
The big room echoed with a loud applause from the crowd. The older man allowed them to finish before continuing.
“For any new competitors, I will quickly go over any etiquette and rules. Two competitors, each representing a different state but sharing an age category will pair up. They will be competing together and will both receive a trophy for their Cypress.”
Some of the pre-teens groaned at having to socialize with strangers, earning a few giggles from the older dancers.
“We do this to save on time and…to make it more interesting. As dancers, you should experiment with other dancing partners to see who matches your style and rhythm; like a therapist.”
The older gentleman added that last part to joke but it only earned a cough and an awkward laugh from the other side of the room.
“…AHEM. Uh yeah! We will start with the younger category, Categories teens and up should begin pairing with their dancing partners. Remember, it’s all friendly competition here!”
The older gentleman put the mic down and scratched his head, clearly embarrassed that his one joke landed flat.
The little kids all ran towards the middle of the dance floor and started pairing up quickly with each other, laughing and already giving each other hugs.
You envied how quickly they could make friends and pair up, maybe it’s them not having any awkwardness to them yet. You couldn’t say the same for the other categories all either awkwardly shuffling towards new people or instantly jogging towards acquaintances and friends.
You stood to the side and looked around, you were a bit anxious about the possibility that you would be left without a partner. You weren’t mentally prepared to meet any new dance partner.
You twiddled your thumbs and watched on. You were just about to test your luck with a teen who looked just as awkward when you felt a noticeable tap on your shoulder.
You turned around and spotted a very handsome boy, maybe a year older than you. His casual smile widened when he got a look at your face. His hair was a dark black. His skin, was pale and pink at the cheeks. A mole placed on his neck and finally the most intense
Deep brown eyes.
He looked as if he should be modeling for DIOR or if he should be a star in some movie. His neatly pressed suit made him look like a prince.
“Hello there. I am Baxter, Baxter Ward.” He introduced himself, extending a hand for you to shake.
“I noticed that you don’t have a partner and I was hoping to fix that.” He said. The young man had a distinctive voice.
You gave him a neutral smile and shook his hand back.
“I am Y/N L/N. It’s nice to meet you.” You greeted him in return and then answered his question.
“That would be great actually, This is my first competition so I am a little all over the place.” You chuckled nervously, rubbing your arm. The brown-eyed boy nodded.
“It gets easier, I promise.” He reassured before asking a different question.
“Which state are you representing?”
“Oh, uh I am representing California!” You replied, crossing your arms proudly. Baxter’s face somehow brightened even more.
“Oh, wow! How wonderful, I am representing Oregon.” He chuckled. You made a small exaggerated gasp before lightly clapping your hands together.
“We’re like..like neighbors! That's so cool!” You grinned.
Baxter paused at the thought, putting a hand to his chin in an equally exaggerated way.
“I never thought of it that way..” he said thoughtfully before giving you a polite but genuine smile.
“Let’s do good for Oregon and California then.” He said confidently, you nodded at the sentiment.
You and your new dance partner now stood next to each other, watching the little babies dance with each other. While they’re dancing was silly, they all looked to be having fun and some even paused their swinging to ask the other what their favorite colors were or if they wanted to get ice cream after the competition.
Baxter made an amused sound before turning back to you, wanting to make conversation and also…wanting to hear your insight.
“If only we could all make friends that quickly.” He sighed softly, stuffing a hand in his pocket.
“Tell me about it.” You chuckled. “What makes it easier for them anyway? Are they just more social?” You questioned more to fill the air than actually wanting hearing an answer so you weren’t expecting Baxter to reply with his own opinion.
“I personally think it’s because they aren’t as burdened with fears of rejection yet, it makes them more confident.” He commented. You blinked before agreeing.
“That makes sense. I wonder where all that confidence goes when we age.”
It was silent again, the younger categories finished up their round with everybody including the both of you, giving a round of applause for them.
“We will now have the preteen and teen division go up next.”
Baxter turned to you and offered a hand. “Shall we?”
You in return, took his hand “We shall.”
The two of you walked to the middle of the room and got into position. Baxter took the initiative and offered to lead. The older gentleman behind the counter hit a few buttons to activate the music in the speakers. The other contestants began to dance and spin around, unlike how silly and unserious the way the babies danced; everybody currently on the floor struggled to get acquainted with their dance partner’s style. Lots of accidental stepping-on and half spins that didn’t go through.
You and Baxter were extremely different though. While you guys did start a little rocky, with never dancing with each other before. The two of you warmed up quickly and danced very well together.
You two swung and spun around as if you guys had danced with each other billions of times.
But more importantly, it looked as if Baxter was having fun dancing with you.
And you enjoyed how familiar and fun it was to dance with him.
Baxter whispered something to you, “You are very talented,….and you have nice legs.”
“Wait what?”
It was now an unofficial tradition to pair up together, and you guys did for the next two years. While you and Baxter weren’t that close back then, you still had fun conversing with one another and being able to dance so freely with each other; you enjoyed how straightforward he was and lightly teased him for how formal he sounded and he played around and equally enjoyed your company, you didn’t know it then but you two felt a click.
So it was extremely unfortunate when you injured your ankle permanently and would have to stop dancing for a while, it had happened during the winter so you weren’t able to tell that charming boy goodbye or to explain to him why his dance partner had suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth. It broke your heart, that those sparks you had when you danced with him would never be replicated.
You never thought you would see him again, Until that fateful summer of 2016. You sat in both awe and shock as Baxter stepped out from the passenger side of his taxi, he turned towards you and Cove; his neutral eyes narrowing when he took a look at you before a look of recollection replaced it.
“…Y/N? Is that you over there?” He questioned loud enough for you to hear.
Cove looked between the both of you. “Huh?”
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