#thanks for letting me ramble about my ocs :)
toten-kunst · 2 days
behold, my tf2 oc
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more info about him below the cut!!
meet the artist! his real name is oliver pick and he is a sarky little bloke from the city of britsol in england. after a run in with merasmus left his art supplies cursed/enchanted he can now use them either as projectile or melee weapons. mann co. soon gained knowledge of his abilities and hired him to fight in the gravel war alongside the rest of the cast. my bf helped me a lot with his lore ^w^
he is an attack based class, mainly dealing up close hits with a giant paintbrush/pencil or widespread attacks (eg. splattering acidic paint everywhere). i don’t have any illustrated depictions of how his attacks work so sorry. his art supplies have an “attack mode” and a “resting mode”. what this means is when they are in “rest mode” they appear as normal art supplies and when in “attack mode” they enlarge or become more hostile looking. all of his art supplies typically have bright green paint on them to signify their connection to merasmus and glow bright green when they’re preparing to engage in “attack mode”.
in terms of his personality, he is quite introverted and awkward. his only real friend in the base is scout, because he’s one of the younger mercs and artist finds it difficult to converse with the older mercs. he’s 19 years old, so, pretty young compared to the rest of them. here is a more in depth list of what his relationships with the others are like:
scout - pretty close with him in a brotherly way. they tend to shit talk the others most of the time and scout likes to ask him to draw stuff.
soldier - artist is actually kind of afraid of soldier, mainly because he dreads to imagine what would happen if solly found out he was british.
pyro - artist and pyro share a common interest, being art, so they get along fine. pyro likes to put stickers on artist’s art supplies and artist likes to paint on pyro’s mask.
engie - he really really really likes to help engie draft his schematics. engie typically lets him do a few lines at a time before taking over again, because artist is a dumb kid who shouldn’t be trusted with drafting schematics in his eyes.
heavy - heavy tries to take on a more father-like role with artist because he worries for the little baby man. being faced with so much atrocities at such a young age cannot be good for him. artist likes spending time with heavy, playing catch and other such games. he doesn’t really understand why heavy’s so worried about him though.
demoman - demo and artist get along fairly well. artist doesn’t really interact with him often but every time he does it’s always a positive experience. demo typically offers him a drink like that cool uncle at family reunions and he gifts him some shrapnel from the battle field sometimes.
spy - artist hates spy. point blank. even thinking about him makes him wanna throw up. do not ever mention the frenchman to him. ever.
sniper - artist doesn’t really like sniper either. he finds the whole concept of jarate weird and gross. his first death was due to the enemy team’s sniper so there’s also just some mild resentment there.
medic - artist is unbelievably terrified of medic. he’s afraid of the things he’s capable of doing but chooses not to. he’s always avoiding him, even on the battle field. this leads to artist having a very high death streak compared to the others.
so yeah that’s a somewhat-not-really brief overview of my silly little guy!! if you have any questions about him i’m more than willing to answer! thanks for listening to my mad ramblings!!!
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disposal-blueeee · 5 months
stuff i never finished and why
hello and good night . i'm just gonna ramble about stuff so yeah
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oh man i really loved this drawing . but it was a PAIN IN THE ASS .
i had a bunch of problems with this one . i spent an embarrassing amount of time doing the line . then after i started painting it on Ibis paint i realized that i should've done the line with a textured brush .
then the background . i really couldn't make it look nice even if i tried . i spent so long just trying stuff and searching for references but i just couldn't get it right . the colors and the lightning kept looking weird .
and just when it was looking decent , oh no the file is corrupted !!! and if i wanted it back i would have to go through a speedpaint of a drawing that took me 28 hours ( i actually tried it 😭😭 but it was taking so long and after some time the app crashed )
so , i decided to just give up . i was already fed up with it . maybe some day i'll try to redraw it or something
edit : oh wait a second . this drawing makes no sense without the background . edgar looks like that because there's supposed to be a puddle under scriabin's swing and he's trying to get edgar wet with it
otgw x chapter 20 / 21
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i just said i loved the other one but THIS ONE . this one is SO PRETTY and i was so excited to try some new brushes and overall just finish this . excited enough to start painting edgar without even finishing scriabin's line .
i was using a small tablet my friend let me borrow . it was actually so helpful because i could draw on my phone with it !! i used to work on this when i was at school .
then i started having problems with the background . again
then my friend told me that his mom didn't agree with him giving me the tablet and that he should give it to his sister instead so i had to give it back . great . at that point i didn't feel like finishing it so
random reference i found in pinterest
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this is like a month old maybe ???? i just thought " oh this would be such a fire pfp " and after finishing the sketch i was like " alright i'll finish this tomorrow " ( i never finished it )
mostly didn't finish it because i didn't have any idea to make it look lifeless and tragic . oh well . maybe i'll try it someday i still think it's cool
papa's cheeseria
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this one isn't really unfinished . i just wanted to make a doodle sheet but never drew anything else so now he's just there . alone in a blank space . poor guy .
so yeah . everytime i play papa louie's games i always make the workers look like edgar and scriabin . i thought this default outfit looked pretty cool so so i had to draw it
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crystallizsch · 20 days
hi ian i come bearing angst fuel for the yuusha as twsted elsa (maybe an idea for her possible overblot idk she kinda reads to me as someone whod preemptively isolate in the case she feels...blotty)
(also seeing that art of her playing violin totally didnt fuck me up im still nursing my bruised heart 🥴🥴💕💕)
^^this is from the frozen musical where they gave a song to elsa to explore her emotional turmoil and it just fleshed out her character so much more than the orig movie (ok i havent seen frozen 2 oops) but just this section here:
Is everyone in danger as long as I'm alive?
Was I a monster from the start?
How did I end up with this frozen heart?
Bringing destruction to the stage
Caught in a war that I was never meant to wage
anyways lmao i jus think the song is neat i think yuushas neat (i wanna see more of her ahehehe i love seeing infodumps abt ur yuus)
(throwback to this “what if yuu had magic” ask where i had a ✨realization✨ and this more recent yuusha lore drop that i gave zero elaboration on 🙃)
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very rough ob yuu design??? idk i came up with it on the spot ;;; and it’s kinda based on disney’s concept art of elsa when she was supposed to be the villain.
evil ice queen vibes :3
also i know the ob monster is supposed to be based on the villain— which is elsa in this case— but lowkey. an ice monster is way cooler.
also also i just realized after i drew this i couldve done a grim/yuu tandem overblot ough 🤧🤧 (next time I'll do that instead if i ever go back to this concept)
(read more below because it got SO long)
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AAH anyways hi hi dio!!! when i saw your ask i went —
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— with this entire post
i guess watching the movie everyday when it came out when you’re like 9 does something to your brain chemistry (and still haunts you at least a decade later) 💀
but anyways the angst ;;; overblot yuu ;;;;; my brain is rotting and the worms have taken over
also i didn’t even know that there was a frozen broadway musical so im gonna have to check it out later 🏃💨💨💨
(also dont worry frozen 2 is a nice watch for the most part but the way they concluded the characters did not feel 100% satisfying to me 😭 BUT i love some of the songs tho ;;; kristoff’s goofy 80s ballad song is one of them specifically, i need everyone to listen to it)
hfgnnfhfgv anyways thank you so much i’m chugging that angst fuel as i expand more on a possible ob yuusha with another infodump 💪💪💪
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⚠️⚠️⚠️ ALSO IM SORRY BUT mentions of taking one’s own life so please proceed with caution ⚠️⚠️⚠️
i had to reread what my initial thoughts about it bc it was months ago??? and after rereading im just like, huh what was i on— (just that feeling when you just cringe at your old posts ;; but idk i think the insanity/cringe sometimes can loop back into being a genius and the cycle just continues)
anyways i’ve been on and off writing yuusha’s bio and overblot yuu was just at the back of my mind chilling but i didn’t really do anything with it.
but now that i have the opportunity,,,, im gonna go on the magicless route this time bc i feel like I've said all what i thought if it was an overblot due to her own magic.
so uh from what i gather overblots are a mix of overuse of magic + intense negative emotion.
since it’s magicless yuu, i guess the one of the general headcanons around the fandom is that they’ve been too exposed to overblots and then intense negative emotions suddenly just triggered their overblot.
uh anyways onto the elsa parts
Is everyone in danger as long as I'm alive? Was I a monster from the start? How did I end up with this frozen heart? Bringing destruction to the stage Caught in a war that I was never meant to wage
THE LYRICS ARE SO GOOD ;;; i really love how some broadway interpretations expand on the source material
and yeah you're right 🤧🤧🤧— yuusha would try to hide and escape, especially as she overblots bc she would try to avoid hurting people (and like elsa, it'd only hurt others more trying to escape bc of probably how she leaves destruction in her wake trying to make others stay away from her 😔)
(this is a small tangent but i remember thinking about an overblot kalim and i imagine him to be similar, like he would not hurt anyone intentionally in his overblot.)
anyways so the way it would go is that i imagine her friends got fatally injured either because a) she feels that she’s too “useless” without magic to help and wasn’t able to do anything OR b) her attempts at helping to try and prove that she can help without magic made everything worse.
and then she just goes into a guilty spiral then boom — overblot.
ALSO in the song, the way elsa briefly contemplated taking her own life but then realizing there’s no guarantee that would solve anything hnghgh (<- another unintentional parallel to my yuusha lore because that’s actually how she ended up in twst except she did NOT have the latter realization)
there’s this “yuu is dead” theory i’m just using and that the black carriage actually just caught yuusha’s soul after she took her own life from all the burden.
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also some bonus angst context for that violin post :3
yuusha back in her homeworld is raised and known to be a gifted musician. people can feel the life and soul in her music but when people interact with her, they are usually met with an ice-cold (heh) personality.
the dead family member was the one who taught her music and the only one who was kind to her.
there’s always an expectation from her family to perform well and to keep up appearances as to not be a humiliation since anything she does can reflect on her entire family. (also hi, slight yuusha/jamil parallels maybe???)
the way she presents herself also stemmed from an incident as a child when she went apeshit on another kid bc she was defending a friend.
so from then on she was taught taught to conceal don’t feel those emotions — which just unfortunately extended to any positive ones, not just negative ones like rage.
so when she is brought to twst, there’s no memory of her being forced to hold back her emotions so she’s just unapologetically affectionate and open with everyone bc that’s how she really is.
but every now and then, memories of her breaking down haunt her in her dreams or as subtle reminders in the waking world.
then yuusha just goes on her day like she just wasn't reminded of her past.
(unnecessarily tragic lore my beloved, but anyway—)
another extremely brief tangent and bonus -> the two songs i had on loop while drawing pre-twst yuusha
lindsey stirling my beloved i love her music
the songs are such a vibe
her instrumentals in “lose you now” especially makes me feel some sort of way 😖
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pantherloid · 4 months
Please yap, I want to hear about the non-bio thing about Len
Okay!!! Im not gonna articulate it well so it's gonna be all over the place.
Ive said (too many times) that my hcs of len (and any other vocasynth) is theyre either physical robots or they exist in your 'puter.
At first I almost said "non-human" to mean like its a character thats not born and so doesnt live a human life like go through developmental stages, have parents that theyre born from, have a childhood especially, ET CETERA right, but non-human makes it sound like its furries or monsters so that doesnt make any sense.
Non-biological feels accurate bc there is no BIRTH and no developmental stages, no lived experiences/past experiences, and basically, i want the character to exist in a void!! No ties, no meaningful connections.
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A little bit off tangent... I've had my old fursona (oldest oc) in my head for the longest time and theyre supposed to be one of these characters that Do Not Exist like theyre not a "person" who goes through life and experiences, theyre an entity that... exists in...SOME way, and I was never able to convey that idea UNTIL like last year, after experimenting for a long time with len hcs where hes a digital being, it kinda clicked. This non-existing character type that I've been wanting to convey can be well translated as a digital being or like a computer program. I think i want to say this character type is entirely intangible, like computer programs, so they "dont exist"...but you wouldn't say a computer program is "not real" right, like um WHERE AM I GOING.
Anyways HAVE YOU EVER seen that tumblr post (i think) about hatsune miku, gorillaz, and the muppets being not real but also... real... bc they exist in the real world and we talk about them *Vsauce music* or SOMETHING like that...
Where am i going now ah. The kagami-ne mirror images thing is so good because to me there is no way this makes sense if i think of them as flesh and blood people like DA HELL you mean theyre mirror images, the concept simply does not work. Like look i assume people who hc rin and len as twins hc them as 'people' because---
((context i made a tweet a while ago, i said : "I lean more on the mirror images interpretation than twins like siblings." "In my hc theyre not people so theyre not ""siblings"" bc you'd have to be born for that?? Theyre probably more like clones but also not BIOLOGICALLY bc theyre either robots/digital beings like i always say." ---
because twins suggest biology. Like they were fetuses in a womb together, man where am i going again.
The mirror images thing is really cool when theyre thought of as just ENTITIES. Just person-like beings that are just copy pasted like no further or deeper explanations. Theyre simply not real!!!!
- - -
After yapping I realized it all comes down full circle to my escapist ass not wanting anything connected to the real world. Like the way i draw len or my human ocs, theyre only supposed to resemble humans, they should not look "real" as in look like they could be someone who you could spot when you leave your house or something.
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lazywriter-artist · 2 months
do you have any lore for your guardsmen plsplspls whats their dynamics like
Glad you asked Anon! I do :)
So my silly boys (their full size/non chibi designs can be found here) are still kind of in a developmental stage really but I do have some set in stone stuff
For the most part all three are pretty young recruits and really haven’t seen enough action to be jaded and chiseled as some so they’ve still got some whimsy left in them— this aided by the fact that they typically spend more time cooped up with the machine cult worshippers due to the magos Domnius deciding these silly humans need to be with him and his skits (ya won’t catch them complaining—) means they’re pretty comfy for being guardsman
My current idea with them really is that they have come from various regiments, at least Starr did, and were brought together by their kidnapping surprise adoption by the Magos. Enos is probably the freshest to the ranks of the imperium with a bit more hope in his eyes and a zest for life, while Starr I’d say has probably been a guardsman for the longest. I wouldn’t say Starr is all jaded and sad like say Galileo or storvis, but they’ve definitely been exposed more to the ‘guardsman the lowest rank in the hierarchy’ ideals and kind of knows their place is already set when higher ranking officials arrive.
Upon finding themselves “reassigned” to the magos they quickly grew close to one another and formed a bery quick brotherly bond :)
On the more tactical side, I’d say (which might eventually reflect in their designs who knows-) Starr is/was(?) a weapons specialist for his company, while Luther served as a vox-Operator and Enos served as a just really average run of the mill trooper
I will say not too much has been set in stone for them as with a lot of my ocs they’re kind of constantly shaping in my head especially as I take more lore in from warhammer itself :)!
More of their dynamic side is definitely aforementioned a very brotherly one
They have sort of roles they fall into but tend to hop between them a lot
Like Starr tends to be the collected level headed older brother but this role can also be filled by Lute (they’re all about the same age with maybe a year difference between Starr and Enos so ‘older brother’ ‘younger brother’ ect. Tends to just be a personality reference more then an age thing)
Lute often fills ‘mischievous but well meaning middle brother’ but again sometimes you’ll see Enos in this behavior pattern
Enos typically being the skittish youngest sibling who is trying to figure out the world
But yeah, it mostly cuts down to their deeper personalities
Lute resents his place as ‘lowest member of the food chain’ as many dismiss him as a meat shield before a word in edge wise can even be gained. And it’s frustrating for him especially as he does a very important job as a Vox operator, certain commands wouldn’t be able to go through without him!
Starr similarly resents these ideals, they’re a well oiled machine not some barbaric system of dog eat dog! Even if they might be just that— but he’d never do anything about it. He finds it’s just better for everyone if he puts his head down and avoids conflict over something as trivial as that. He knows he’s important and that’s all that matters to him
While Enos is mostly oblivious to such ideas, he can kind of sense and I mean obviously see he’s different in rank to say a general or a commissar, but he doesn’t see why they’d get preferential treatment over that rank! Save for probably some things but hey! The imperium cares for its most important, the glue that keeps the imperium going!!
So over all they help even one another out, Starr can take over in terms when it comes with dealing with the tar pit of a bureaucracy the imperium can be, Lute is there to act as some healthy (and very VERY light) rebellion, while Enos can keep some youthful wonder about the trio
And again, they’re all very diluted versions of these ideals due to just how the imperium works (as I understand it—) in general.
You can’t really be a full blown rebel bc that means your a heretic and you get kablowied all over the wall, so the most rebellious tendencies you’ll get from Luther is him whining about it later and what have you.
Ya can’t really hold your eyes too wide with whimsy and joy lest the dust of the town you just watched get obliterated get in your eyes
And just gotta accept your blissful ignorance sometimes and fall into line with the rest
But all and all that’s pretty much it for what I have on them and tbh some of it is very likely to change but we shall see lol
Thank you for the ask!!
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kris-mage-fics · 8 months
16, 30, 31! for your Booksmart MC,
14, 40, and 23 for your SoH MC!
For the Character Development Hard Mode asks. First up, Amira, my Booksmart/Hot MC from Scarlet Hollow: 16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success? In the past, Amira put more value in success. That's part of why she became a lawyer, and she wanted to make Vivian proud. Over time she's come to idealize happiness more. After working her ass off in law school and now working 80 hours a week with a quarter of a million in student loan debt, and her mother's death, yeah success isn't looking so great. Sadly, she feels like happiness might be a pipe dream for her. 30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? Ditchlings! Amira is both skeptical and fastidious, and she isn't handling the horrors well, she finds a lot of what's been going on this week repulsive. Also cockroaches, and people who are very messy eaters. Well a lot of insects really, while she can manage around them and understands their necessary ecological role, she can never get rid of that ick factor. 31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. Sitting outside on a nice sunny day reading a good book! It's when she's at the most peace and feels the most comfortable. For how easily she can come across as a pretentious snob, she's actually quite happy and comfortable with the simple pleasures in life. For Kyrahlise, my Shepherds of Haven MC: 14. Does your character remember names or faces easier? Kyrah's quite good with both, though she's a little better with faces. Probably because of her artistic side, she's a very visual thinker. 23. What does your character dislike in other people? Whether she likes someone or not mostly comes down to how they treat other people, and animals. So anyone who's a bully, purposely rude, cruel, very discriminatory, is mean to kids or animals, abuses their power over others, or is just generally a jerk, she really dislikes. Not that most people would realize this, she's too polite to let it really show the majority of the time. Otherwise she's pretty easy going and gets along with most people just fine. 40. How does your character treat people in service jobs? Very well. Kyrahlise is naturally a friendly and understanding person, and a lot of her jobs over the years have essentially been service jobs. So she especially has a lot of empathy for service workers. She's been a maid, bodyguard, clerk at an art supply shop, and a waitress, so she's gets how much it can suck. (Some may argue that being a bodyguard isn't a service job, but you are providing a service and I'm sure have to use a lot of customer service skills in doing it.)
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I yearn for the WFM AU Lore, it’s wormed it’s way into my brain meats.
I'm gonna assume you mean my AU (it's got a name, finally!) so that's what I'm gonna talk about!
For those of you who haven't seen the other posts and are curious, I'll tag this post w the AU tag so that y'all can go explore it. With that out of the way, here's what I got (it's mostly about Ellyus bc I'm obsessed with my own OC, of course):
Ellyus has a non-linear time perception, if this were a proper fic (man I wish I had enough energy for a proper fic) the story would open with his death, it's the first thing he'll ever be aware of. And then things are out of order for him, between one breath and the next he might see Vanadis, between sleep and wakefulness he might see the future. It's all scattered, and oftentimes repeats over and over, if this were a proper fic he'd experience what has been written/uploaded thus far every time there's a new reader. The pressure in his skull and eyeballs build up and up until it causes pain as sort of a side-effect or aftermath of these visions, and he dissociates a lot. Suletta is one of the few people that can ground him. He has to take pain medication to dull the symptoms, and he also has cybernetic implants like Cardo Nabo:
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Watsonian reason: it helps manage the pain and augments his nervous system so that he can live just a little longer.
Doylist reason: this is so that he reminds Prospera of Dr. Nabo, a haunting of her ghost. Doesn't help that he becomes pretty much the leading engineer/researcher of GUND-ARM Inc. like she was the head researcher of Vanadis Institute.
He'll die and then become the twelfth GUND-bit. (Haven't yet pinned down an exact point in the timeline yet but probably juuuust around Plant Quetta-ish. The attack never happens, or more like a similar incident happens later down the line on Earth and that accelerated his death.) And then he leaves everybody else to pick up the pieces of his impact.
And it is Ellyus who breaks the news to Suletta, about Vanadis, about their origins, about Ericht. But he couldn't bring himself to do it while he was alive, there's certain things he as a character is Not Allowed to say directly to people, so he takes a loophole and pre-records video/audio messages to be automatically released to certain ppl upon death like a dead man switch. It... well, people take it just about as well as you'd expect.
“It's up to you, now. Whatever you choose, I want you to live. I want you to be happy. Do you understand, Suletta? It's your right to be happy. To choose. You understand. I'm sorry I couldn't say this to you when I was still alive.”
Man if I had enough energy I'd write Suletta piloting Aerial for the first time after Ellyus dies, only to notice that there's a twelfth bit now, and the bit's voice... she can't put her finger on it but it's familiar.
Too familiar.
Suletta's always been smarter than people give her credit for.
She'd recognize her brother anywhere.
And she finally asks, after the duel or something, not expecting an answer, hoping she's wrong: “...onii-san?” in a quiet, hesitant voice.
She doesn't want to be right.
She wants to be right.
To which the bit replies, in a garbled voice, “Yes.”
But how did he die? What was he feeling in the moments leading up to it?
His narrative time as an insert character was about to be up, he knows he's gonna die, and like with a heart attack he feels the Dread settle in— not the jittery kind of “something's coming” that he often feels as an instinct, no. The kind that says, “that something is here.”
He is taken from the hospital by Prospera and her accomplices, all parties involved knowing what she has in store for him. She takes him to Aerial and just as she's about to upload him into the Data Storm—
He takes her hand.
“I'm not Ericht. Neither me nor Suletta. But it can still matter, right? Our— Our efforts. Our dreams. GUND-ARM. It matters, right, mom? M—Mom. You won't ruin it, right? You'll let it— let it live— right, right? Mom? Please, mom. I— I don't wanna— don't, don't do— don't. —ant to... to l— Sulet—ta— (El4n's new name)— J—Jeru— some—someone— no, no, I don't—”
Aka, he dies terrified for everyone and everything, scared that despite his efforts in disrupting the plot it might all be for naught and things will course-correct and Prospera will... Yeah. You know.
At some point during his frantic speech Prospera takes the hand he's been holding and covers his eyes.
The pain ends abruptly, and he's... well, inside. With the other Children of the Coven.
The twelfth GUND-bit.
And lately I've been getting more and more fond about the idea of Prospera nudging Shaddiq and El4n into cooperating with Quiet Zero— she wants Shaddiq to kill Delling and take the presidency. Miorine is... complicated. She's the one keeping the GUND ideals of medical application, saving lives, despite being the daughter of the man that ordered their slaughter. It's complicated, and El's desperate pleas shifted... something, in her. So she spares Miorine for now, until she can figure out what she'll do next. In the meantime, Shaddiq is the unfortunate target.
Wouldn't it be fun if Prospera and Shaddiq actually team up? Against Benerit and Spacians as a whole? Quiet Zero will surely give Earthians enough power to strong-arm some negotiations, and well...
Shaddiq now also has someone stuck beyond the Data Storm that he'll want to give a second chance at life to.
Thankfully due to Ellyus' influence Shaddiq is... less destructive than in canon, more on the lines of collaborating w GUND-ARM for disaster relief and stuff, uniting the various factions on Earth into a single unified front, he finally fucking learned that destructive means alone won't help people so yeah. He still has a lot of cunning fire in him though, and plots for Delling's death and snatch the presidency.
El4n isn't so stoked about Prospera— He unfortunately sees parallels between Bel/Peil and Prospera (what he knows now from El's post-mortem messages plus all the little hints while he was still alive certainly doesn't help), he only has to hear “We're not the ones that matter, Suletta and I. We'll never be Samayas. You understand.” once and alarm bells are going off in his head.
At some point he angrily demands Prospera: “Did El ever matter to you? Does Suletta?”
But he does go along, because he feels it's unfair that he was saved by Ellyus (he who wasn't even sure if he wanted to live or not, a puppet without a purpose) and yet he couldn't do the same for El.
Suletta is unsure about all this. She's doubting and second-guessing Prospera's goals— she isn't sure if this Quiet Zero thing won't end horribly like Ellyus was worried it would (post-mortem messages hello). She doesn't know if this is what Ellyus would've wanted and... I don't know. I don't know how things will proceed from her end just yet.
Some miscellaneous stuff:
Ellyus and El4n are the only ones allowed to call Shaddiq by his birth name Jeru Ogul, and in private. It's a sign of trust— Shaddiq keeps it under twenty layers of masks, a reminder for the Earthian boy he once was, fuel for what he must do. He's literally never trusted anyone with this tender heart of hearts before this. Before them.
Ellyus' nickname is El, as you might've noticed. Suletta wanted to call him Elly/Ellie when she was young, but he suggested El instead— because “it's cute, but that's not my name”. It's because Elly/Ellie would be written the same as Eri in katakana: エリ, and he... he doesn't want to bear Eri's name for all that he's fond of her (he got to hear Eri's little speech from Lfrith's pov after all). El would be written as エル, sharing the beginning of Elnora (エルノラ). Though... his full name エリユス does have “Eri” hidden inside it.
Since from what we've seen of the girls' bedroom of Earth House, I guess it's safe to say that boys also share a room w bunk beds, though El4n might receive a bed he still worms his way onto El's. They cuddle.
The Earth House kids have a groupchat. Chaos ensue.
El5n is most definitely involved in the project to burn Peil Technologies even if I don't have a solid plan on when and how.
There's... a lot more of this AU I haven't included in this post but I'll cut things off here, for fear of the post getting too long. I don't think that many people will be interested in my stuff anyways, but it sure felt nice to get this off my chest. So thank you so much for the ask!
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ejsuperstar · 2 months
Psssssssst. Hi. I wish to know about ur au with the Injured Messenger I am extremely intrigued. Dead people hell yea
YAY! INTEREST ABOUT MY CHILDREN! This is a very long post cos I ramble a lot lmao
So my au starts with a bunch of sky kids falling down from the stars (presumably after eden) and a new moth joining them, one of the sky kids crashes into the moth, and knocks them wildly off course, causing them to crash into wasteland.
After crashing into wasteland with no idea what they're meant to be doing, the moth, who I like to refer to as "Local Baby", ends up wandering the outskirts of wasteland til they come across darkness. Before realising what it is, they're initially fascinated, finding it beautiful, until their sky kid instincts kick in and they realise "oh this stuff is probably bad". (This is another theme I want to explore in this au too, about how darkness can be beautiful, and how not everything to do with darkness is inherently evil, but that's just a want rn)
Thats when they realise something is under the darkness, they pull at the darkness with their hands (too baby to know how to use a candle yet) until the something is revealed, a dormant spirit (Messenger). Since they dont know how to use a candle (and quite frankly have no idea whats causing their new friend to be made of stone, only that "yay new friend :D") they attempt to wake them up, fail, and just kinda, lie down next to them and fall asleep.
Sky kids, unlike spirits, are a powerful source of light. Even without candle use, kinda sitting next to one for 8 hours is good enough to wake up a spirit. So Messenger wakes up. Initally confused about why they were face down in the dirt, they turn to see the Local Baby staring at them. At first they're like "A child??" before realising "A SKY KID????"
They question why (and how) the sky kid got there, until they realise what happened. This sky kid has just been born, has no clue what anything is, and most importantly, has no wing level.
This is where lore gets interesting for spirits and wing levels. Spirits can fly, but their method of getting wing levels is different than sky kids. A sky kid gains winged light by recollecting their memories, either of past lives they no longer identify with (like our moth here) or simply re-remembering memories they already know (like how our sky kids work). These memories show up in physical form to them as Winged Light, but spirits cant see them.
Spirits gain wing levels differently. Spirits gain wing levels via sky kids, specifically, sky kids who fall down from the stars not fully formed, or perish on the fall. Kind of like being stillborn, or not simply dying shortly after birth. Spirits can absorb the high concentrates of light these sky kids to gain a wing level (this act being referred to as catching stars), but this is very rare, especially in places that don't see as much light (ie wasteland and forest).
Messenger ends up freaking out and realising they still have stuff to deliver, and they cant dilly dally, until a sharp pain strikes them in their stomach and they fall to their knees, remembering "OH YEAH I GOT STABBED BY A SPEAR". Local Baby notices and goes up to them, touching them, and the pain seems to fade. They assume that, the sky kid healed them using the power of light (they didnt) and thank them. In reality this was just Local Baby viewing Messenger's memory, like in the actual game.
Since Messenger needs to deliver things to Vault anyway (a neutral zone from the war) they decide to take the baby along, so they can get somewhere safe where they wont have to worry that someone will take this baby and harvest them for their light.
After this my ideas for this au are a lot less set in stone. I have some general plot beats set out, Messenger and Local Baby walk for a few days until hitting an abandoned outpost, taking an old boat they find, and flying it over to the temple where they arrive from the left (a usually cloud blocked area in game). Messenger sees the aftermath, wound hurts again, Baby helps. They get into vault, some other sky kid accidentally reveals to Messenger that they're dead, they try not to cry. Baby gets their first WL maybe, stuff happens from there idk. They also probably got krilled at some point, well, almost krilled (Yay Messenger for saving their child!!)
As well as some other general lore, like Sky kids eating light as food (and also just fucking biting down into candles sometimes cos i think thats funny), Local Baby only remembering how to get their candle out after getting a WL (because WL are memories and they have no memories nor braincells). Messenger not eating at all because they're dead and not realising cos they're too distracted with the child and/or assuming the sky kid did this to them (things aren't really known about sky kids, so they just kinda go along with it). Sky kids needing to light each other to understand each other, but spirits being able to understand just fine. A lot of minor stuff really I guess.
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I'm also currently in the middle of doing some art of them in wasteland because I love them!
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Can I request Lee domestic headcannons? I think out of the 3 she seems the one that longs for that kind of life, also your writing is amazing!
She is! Things like that seem like only a daydream to her. (headcannons and doodle under cut)
It’s her first relationship, so please go easy on her.
She’s not big on pda, but sneaks kisses to your cheeks and enjoys holding your hand in crowds. At home, she's more open and enjoys cuddling up with you long as you're comfortable 
Food is one of her love languages. 
Her idea of a second date after letting you decide on the first is bringing you to a farmer market and having a picnic with the things you buy.
If you agree to do a cooking class with her, she’ll be over the moon. 
An early riser, but lets you sleep in as long as you want. Will nearly have a heart attack if you hold onto her in your sleep. Nothing makes her happier than the ones she loves feeling safe in her presence. 
Nothing relaxes her more than the sound of your heartbeat and the warmth of your skin. Knowing you’re alive and well calms almost every worry. Having a healthy partner is enough for her, but someone as wonderful as you is a godsend. Wants to kiss your vein lines but thinks it would be too weird.
Took up wood burning/carving as a hobby when younger and will carve your favorite animal/other trinkets 
Pays attention to every little detail/reads people very well. Reminiscing about a lost teddy bear? Eyeing something while at a store? She’ll keep them as notes for birthdays or just because. 
Can and will carry you (if you consent)
Loves your voice. Asks you to read aloud even if it’s just a newspaper 
Loves the wilderness and knows the forest behind her house like the back of her hand. Takes you on walks and teaches you how to navigate by the stars so you never get lost. If you do, she'll definitely find you before long. She knows your scent. 
Little doodle I did at 4am:
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lucadrawss · 2 months
Do you mind Info dumping about Ai? I need to know everything about him.
Thank you for giving me permission to ramble about my beloved Zexal OC! :D
(I apologise this is so long)
Ai's 15 though people always tell me he looks older. He's about 6ft and stubborn as fuck. I'm aware that's tall for his age but he's a dragon so he's allowed to be tall >:(
His personality was originally a combination of Shark's, Astral's and Yuma's in his first design which I kept when I gave him his current design (I just like the thought of him being an ass but also being kinda nice).
I put alot of thought into his design and what parts of it could represent as I do with all my OCs, every single tiny detail has a reason.
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(I draw horns differently now)
I unintentionally gave him similar eyes to Astral but I kept it because it suits him in my opinion.
If you can't tell he's gay, super gay (asexual as well). I tried to make him look as fruity as possible.
Ai normally wears a jacket to cover his scars since he's ashamed of how he got them (bad home life) but at times will feel comfortable with them on show. The gloves cover some scars too, but he hardly takes those off.
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I attempt to draw him in platform boots but fail every time. Despite being tall af, he likes the boots so tends to wear them.
The earrings were actually passed down in his family, he got them from his father (who faked his own death basically) when he was 5 and almost always wears them as a comfort item.
Ai doesn't chose for his nails to be that long, they're claws. They grow back pretty quickly so he just gave up cutting them since they stop at a certain length, he just paints them now.
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Yes his hair colour is natural, his older sister has it too. He has a good relationship with his sister. (Her names Gi, she's 28 and a paramedic)
Obviously Ai is a duelist. I'm uncreative so he tends to use dragon cards mainly (I know I know boring).
With relationship stuff, currently nothing yet. @renaakabane ships him with Astral though. Idk I think its kinda cute but I'm not entirely sure yet. Though she has me considering it.
He has one friend, Shark. Eventually he ends up becoming friends with Yuma, Astral, the whiny bitch that is Tori, ect, but Shark was one of the only people he really trusted.
The guys a fucking dragon so obviously I'm gonna give him dragon features. He does have the ability for wings but I never draw them. I drew them once, in a sketch, it looks bad, I was exhausted. I have drawn them though for a thing showing the detail of his dragon type. These are his:
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The purple fade is because of healing, Ai tore both his wings at some point and thats basically them scarring. He doesn't know how to fly though so its fine. :)
This. I don't necessarily think these need much of an explanation.
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I'll explain the fire thing though. Ai's type of dragon obviously has the ability to create fire. Its difficult to do but they can light their sweat, plus they have a gland in their throat that releases an odorless and colourless gas which they can light by creating a spark with their teeth. They're fire resist to a degree so they can still burn and can stand more heat than the average person but again they can't entirely stand it.
His type of dragon can hide their features to appear more human, hence this image where he looks relatively human:
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He's a fucking dumbass though he is rather smart and strategic, he's a good student grades wise and is a good duelist too. Anything else? He makes dumb decisions and gets into trouble often. Dumb decisions include doing reckless stuff or eating flowers. Theres more dumb shit he does though.
I like drawing him like this:
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He curses so often, isn't afraid to insult people and will physically fight them.
I also tend to go into mental detail with my OCs. Ai has ADHD and anxiety issues (such as PTSD and often has panic attacks, because I base my OCs off of myself a little. All of them have at least some element that reflects myself.)
His hobbies include: drawing, music (guitar, he cuts his nails every time before hand), dancing and dueling.
Ai likes dresses :) (Oh god old art. I really need to redraw this its terrible.)
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My friends tend to go on about how its stereotyping because he's a gay guy and feminine but let a guy enjoy a dress come on, his sexuality is not the reason I designed him to enjoy that type of thing. I just wanna be able to draw him in a dress :(
Pretty sure I've gone through almost everything, I'll stop before it gets any longer haha. Thank you for letting me talk about him!
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kittttycakes · 9 months
Because I am a hopeless addict for your writing and the wonderful world and relationship you have created between Morpheus and Grace and Hob, can I beg any scraps of thoughts or head canons for these three?
Don’t need specific answers to the following questions required, but these are some things I’m just (selfishly) craving to know more about them…
- Who likes to be the the biggest/littlest spoon?
- What sort of music/food/books do they prefer?
- What sections of Lucienne’s library would Grace and Hob visit first or spend the most time browsing?
- Hob and Grace’s parts of the Dreaming?
- Favourite places to travel in the waking world?
- What sort of relationships do Hob and Grace have with their coworkers?
- Do any of their coworkers or friends get a sense that there’s something a little different about Morpheus (other than his propensity to wear a wooden coat in the middle of summer)?
And of course, this wouldn’t be an ask from the cave of shame without some kind of brain filth…
- Is there room for an extra one or two people on that marble throne? Is that something one of them has ever considered before (imagining some naughty and very distracting daydreams coming from Grace or Hob for Morpheus to ‘overhear’)
- Could or would Grace ever pinch any of Morpheus’ clothing to wear (picturing her recreating that photo she took for the ex, but in one of Morpheus’ coats…)
- What is something that will immediately get each of them going?
- Have any of the Dreaming’s main residents been an accidental witness to something they’d rather not picture their boss and his partners doing?
Feel free to share your thoughts or none at all, I just needed to get these down and hopefully out of my head for a while!
You can always ask for headcanons!! I love talking about these three, just fully will not shut up about them. I’m putting this under the cut because otherwise this is going to be obnoxious on the dash:
Grace is often the littlest spoon, with Morpheus in the middle (both spooning and being spooned), and Hob on the outer edge as the biggest of spoons. All three are switches at heart, though, and this is no different, so Grace is sometimes the biggest spoon with Hob or Dream in the middle. Hob or Morpheus is, however, always closest to the door, in the waking world, putting Grace either closest to the interior of the room or safely between them.
I’ve talked a little bit before about romance novel enjoyer Grace, and that is a good chunk of what she reads in her free time for fun. Think historical romance, a bit of romantasy, and some light monster romance that she definitely hides from Hob. She’s a big fan of fiction, broadly, and she always digs a fairytale retelling or fairytale adjacent fantasy novel. Definitely likes Angela Carter.
I’m pondering what I think Hob would like reading in particular. My gut is saying classic mysteries (Agatha Christie, anyone?) and maybe some P.G. Wodehouse for fun. I wonder if Morpheus has much of a concept of reading for pleasure? That said, I like to think he might enjoy The Picture of Dorian Gray, for obvious reasons, and I would love to see how he’d feel about E.M. Forster’s Maurice.
Grace’s Spotify would be an absolute horror show. She’s a mood listener, so you’ve got 80s pop side by side with folksy alternative rubbing elbows with top 40s hits right next to classic oldies. She’s a menace to society and must be stopped. Probably quite likes Hozier.
Both Hob and Grace love the library (and Lucienne!) and spend a good portion of their time in the Dreaming there. Grace is all over the place: she’s checking out lost works that are referenced in other works that we do have, but that have no surviving copies; she’s reading (with permission) some of Hob’s love letters from the 18th century; she’s finding the never written but dreamt about sequel to her favorite novel growing up. Hob is finding that book he read once a hundred years ago that he could never remember the name of and reading work that Marlowe never had the chance to write and, very occasionally, reading a dream from the book of someone he knew and loved but lost.
Grace and Hob’s most favorite part of the Dreaming is debuting next chapter, but besides that, Grace really, truly, genuinely loves the Nightmare Sea. She likes to visit Leviathan and she likes to walk along the beach and wade out into the water a bit. She also really loves Fiddler’s Green and spends a lot of time visiting with him. Hob also is a big fan of Fiddler’s Green, and he likes the gardens. There’s also an armory that he’s surprisingly fond of.
Hob wants to take Grace everywhere that he possibly can, now that they have all the time in the world, everywhere that he’s been and quite a few places that he hasn’t besides. Hob likes to travel to certain parts of America, and Grace’s favorite is actually probably Scotland.
Both of them get on quite well with their co-workers! Hob has quite a few friends in his own department and others, as does Grace, minus her professional nemesis. They’ve been to a few co-workers weddings and other events, along with the occasional after work drink and, of course, the staff holiday parties. We haven’t had much of a chance to see them in the WIP, but Grace has a solid handful of friends, a few of whom are old school friends, a few more from her doctoral program, and then another handful from her job at the university. They’ll go out for a bit of a girls’ night occasionally or just have lunch, and overall, Grace really likes where she’s at.
The friendly and well meaning rumor mill surrounding who, exactly, Morpheus is to the two of them is absolutely thriving. Their friends and the staff at the New Inn are mostly just…bemused. Here’s this man who carries himself like a model, who dresses in unseasonable black, who pops up at the oddest hours, who isn’t exactly rude but who exudes that sort of distant politeness that makes you think he’s either very snobby or very shy, who both Hob and Grace just cannot seem to get enough of. He’s been introduced when needed as Hob’s friend and a sort of vague colleague if pressed, but there’s just something about the way he looks at the two of them…Their mutual friends who have met him have independently decided that he must be some sort of generationally wealthy artist who has some kind of psychosexual muse/artist relationship with them both because it’s easier than trying to explain why they all feel that there’s just something that isn’t quite right about him. He’s human enough, it’s just sort of at the edges…
I got your other ask too but I am always down to talk about the throne again because that absolutely is not the only time the throne has been used as a prop. It’s just something about the power, the location…Hob wants to kneel in front of it, Grace wants to sit on it, and honestly I think that says a lot about both of them, in a way! Morpheus just wants to cover them both in gold and ruby jewelry and systematically take them both to pieces on it. Hob and Grace are both incredibly distracting daydreamers and neither of them will apologize for it. I also think Grace would quite like to have Morpheus on his knees in front of it, too, but that’s something they can work up to.
Grace sees her partner’s wardrobe and immediately goes, “No, our wardrobe.” She steals Hob’s clothes frequently. T-shirts, sweaters, cardigans, any and all are fair game. She likes feeling close to him when he’s not around, she likes the ghost of his cologne on the collars, and most importantly, she likes driving Hob just a little bit insane. The same is naturally extended to Morpheus once they get to that level and she can convince him to stop just…disappearing…his clothes in the waking world. It’s the t-shirts, mostly, but she’s absolutely taken the coat again, once she saw the reaction she got from him the first time.
Hob and Morpheus both have a thing for Grace with her glasses on. She has them for reading and for screens, and she only occasionally remembers them, but when she does…both of them get a little hot under the collar for a look over the rim of her glasses at them. Hob also very much has a thing for stockings with the seam up the back. Grace really, really likes it when Hob rolls the sleeves of his button downs up his forearms, and he knows this, and shamelessly uses it to his advantage. She also goes a bit feral when Morpheus finally lets his guard down and starts wearing lower necked shirts. It’s the neck and the collarbones and the hollow of his throat, it’s intimate and vulnerable and she’s into it. All of them have a hand thing: anything to do with using the hands conspicuously, the movement of them, it’s just a bit of a turn on.
Matthew has absolutely flown in on them kissing, but that was enough for him, he’d rather not picture his boss that way, thank you very much! The residents of the Dreaming take closed doors very seriously, especially to the throne room…or Morpheus’s private rooms…or any of the towers…and also maybe avoid the gardens…
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tvrningout · 6 months
also!! while i'm thinking about it and feeling all happy and mushy, thank you for being interested in and writing with chiyo <3 i know i talk about her a ton and love her to bits, but i still get surprised when someone wants to interact with her without me suggesting it first. i worry sometimes that y'all will get sick of her :' ) i worry that it might be frustrating that my focus is on her so much when i have so many other muses who might be more interesting to some of y'all. but no one has ever proved those worries true, and i'm just!! very grateful and very happy that my silly lil dork has a place here where people enjoy learning about her (μ‿μ) ❤
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galaxyofender · 11 months
Thank you so much for sharing about DATH :D So how did the group of five (the one Selene was with) end up meeting/getting together, and how'd they come to be living in the manor outside of town?
!!! thank you for sending the asks!
okay so. selene and wren (jimmy in the original au) are childhood friends! wren was the son of a seamstress that worked for selene's family, who were decently wealthy, so it wasn't unusual for selene and wren to go off to play while wren's mom did things for the hazelwoods
now. how exactly wren gets turned into a vampire, that requires me to elaborate on another character: selene's ex and the person who turned her into a vampire, mion
when mion started to take interest on selene, she ended up making sure that selene was isolated from her loved ones so she couldn't run away from her manipulation. selene did however realize how awful this relationship was and ran away, but by that point in time she had already been turned into a vampire by mion
when she finds wren again, she just. is as emotionally unstable as you'd expect someone to be just after getting out of a toxic relationship. she blurts out in a panic about how she's terrified of outliving him, because she feels he's the person she can trust the most, to which wren suggests the idea of "why don't you turn me into a vampire too?"
selene thinks that is a Terrible Idea, because she fears becoming to wren what mion was to her and that wren will end up despising her if she does, but in the end, she ends up accepting and turning him too
they both wander around for a bit without staying in any place for long, eventually ending up in the town where they meet nigel, pearl and beau (which doesn't have a name yet, the only name coming to my head is "bay hollow" but that is a place in high hopes low rolls so i dont wanna use it)
im unsure how nigel and pearl (who are siblings and children of a fairly powerful vampire family) came to meet beau and how the siblings got the manor to begin with, but those three were living together (and beau might end up being nigel's boyfriend? but who knows!) in the manor by the time selene and wren meet them
pearl sees this pair of vampires with seemingly nowhere to stay and offers them to stay with her, nigel and beau, since they still got quite a bit of room to spare, which they end up taking the offer and they've been with them ever since
from eldest to youngest, the group of vampires is: nigel+pearl (twins, vampires from birth), beau (... not gonna lie, beau is a bit of a mystery to me as of right now, i need to work on him more), selene (turned into a vampire by mion), and wren (turned into a vampire by selene)
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highlifeboat · 1 year
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No thoughts only under appreciated OC Elizabeta
#actually i do have one thoght but it's not about them but i'mma ramble in the tags anyway#so i was thinking about max and his love of arachnids/spiders#and like#he probably wouldn't be able to make daniela un-afraid of them#BUT i think he could convince her that they really aren't a huge threat and that they don't have to be killed and she could probably#even hold one and it wouldn't do anything since 90% of the time she's in human form anyway#but also him being like ''I really like arachnids I think they're cute and amazing and they're so interesting let me go on a big info#info dump and tell you all about them" and just seeing him really passionate about something makes dani's heart melt#because max never does this stuff#he never rambles or goes off on huge passiionate tangents like that#it's usually HER rabling to HIM#and he's so genuinely happy while he talks about them and it's like#She's just never really seem him like that and even if spiders are a big part of it that doesn't matter#because ''holy shit he's smiling and he's talking so much and by miranda he's fucking cute''#anyway i forget what my point was but yeah i think max should ramble to daniela about arachnids cause no one else'll listen to him anyway#this tag rant would have been way more suited under a daximus post but i didn't have any art and if i didn't write it now i was gonna#gonna forget *wheeze*#if anyone takes the time to read my sleep deprived rambles about maximus n spooders thanks lmao i'm going to be now#my art#oc elizabeta#oc max#daximus#tag ramble#re 8 oc
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thesilverlock · 2 years
Here comes a tumblr ask for Jey! XD
Some good random wholesomes if y please (you know about with who lmao)
( An ancient message, but yes I do still know lolol AND NOW FEEL OKAY TO ACTUALLY POST ABOUT IT ! DFGHJS thank you 🥺♡ wishing you well )
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( hhhhrghhrg god i haven't drawn yumes in ages kill me )
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Ooof Lu Da 💔 he's such a fun and loveable guy you would never know he had such a rough upbringing. Either he's resilient af or really good at closing it off and idk why that feels even more sad
brb gathering the posse to ambush him with a group hug
Heh, Lu Da may well be the living embodiment of "You have to laugh or else you'll cry." But yeah, it's a little of both, actually.
Lu Da is especially resilient and not one to go down with a fight. For however many times he falls, he picks himself back up. Sometimes in defiance, sometimes in desperation, but when the only other foreseeable option is to lie down and admit defeat (even if at times he's tempted by that relief), he makes the choice to keep going. The man is nothing if not a quitter.
This goes hand in glove with another trait that informs a lot about his character: his ability to compartmentalize things. Which probably also involves quite a bit of blocking out what he needs to (hello, unprocessed trauma). Many times, he simply can't afford to let the past bog him down, also bleeding into his inability to stay still for too long. Lu Da is very good at letting things that don't immediately serve him roll off his back, at narrowing in on the moment and what's important HERE and NOW. A trait that not only helps him live in the present, but also serves him greatly in his line of work and the life he leads.
Absolutely, Lu Da is a fun-loving guy who definitely brings a certain energy. 90% of the time he's drinking to have a good time... but that other 10%? One thing about him having a sort of performative nature (as you do when you're a pirate captain) is that he's very good at regulating what and how much a person sees, depending on the situation and the company he's with. It's not deception (unless he's out to do so deliberately, like on a job); his idiosyncrasies are truths unto themselves, but they're not mutually exclusive. The cheeky and flirtatious rogue is genuine as much as the ruminative captain in his private quarters and the infamous pirate who knows how to wield his tools of intimidation. But like a painting veiled by a curtain, he may only lift it to reveal certain parts of the narrative— which some may not even realize is incomplete. Those closest to him are the ones who get the whole picture, the parts that don't always meet the light.
Speaking of which, Crooked hit it on the nose in this ask: "To be loved is to be changed." Against the odds, Lu Da has managed to retain a disarming warmth and has a good heart somewhere in there. And knowing where he came from, it's easy to see how without the unique impact the special few have had in his life— his mentor, crew, closest friends, the ones who've loved him— Pirate King would have turned out to be a very different man, and arguably not for the better.
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