#thanks for giving me the opportunity to spend FAR too long writing this and looking up quotes and shit
veliseraptor · 1 year
I'm interested in your thoughts about the different way the show vs the novel cuts the timeline, and specifically in terms of how Jin Guangyao is framed. With the show, we're first introduced to Meng Yao as a young man making heart eyes at Zewu-jun and there's a very slow build up of suspicion over time, which allows viewers to get to know and like him more at first before...*ahem*... putting the villain hat on him. In the novel on the other hand (assuming I'm remembering this correctly), we're basically presented with Jin Guangyao as the antagonist almost from the beginning, setting him up for the reader's suspicion and dislike. On the other hand, there's a much more nuanced portrayal of his crimes (e.g. he's not responsible for Every Bad Thing Ever like in Untamed) and the reasons behind them, and an even more clear parallel with WWX as the protagonist. What are your thoughts?
Ohhh this is a super interesting ask and I actually found it an interesting counter to the prevailing Jin Guangyao narrative about his framing in the drama, which holds that he is straightforwardly being painted as The Villain, and while I don't think that's incorrect I do think in some ways it overstates its point. however, I actually think that something specifically about narrative framing (as in, not taking any content changes in mind) here might, perhaps unintuitively, contribute to why the Jin Guangyao of the novel is a more sympathetic figure than The Untamed (tries to) make him.
(once again I came out of CQL like Jin Guangyao Made Many Valid Points, Was If Not Right At Least 75% Justified so like. I actually don't think The Untamed was as good at making Jin Guangyao a Straight Up Villain as it was trying to be. I have thoughts about Zhu Zanjin actively acting against script and how you can feel him pulling against the prevailing narrative and I have thoughts about how that actually interacts very nicely with the way Jin Guangyao in every version of the story is pulling against a prevailing narrative that wants to relegate him to the margins in one way or another. but that's a major sidebar.)
holy hell I wrote an essay so putting the rest of this under a read more.
The point is that I think there's a few things happening here - I will note, first of all, that I don't think we actually are introduced to Jin Guangyao as a villain in MDZS. I believe the first mentions we get of him are actually fairly positive. I went back and checked, and he's mentioned a couple times early on just to note his position as Chief Cultivator (in pretty neutral to positive terms), then identified as the person who gave Jin Ling Fairy, and a few other times including the explanation that he executed Xue Yang to "show that things were going to be different." Pretty shortly after that is the scene where Wei Wuxian finds the kids playing Sunshot Campaign to see how Jin Guangyao is portrayed there (because that's a solid proxy for perception more broadly) and it's pretty complimentary!
"In these types of games, the role of the now-grand-beyond-measure Chief Cultivator, Lianfang-zun, was naturally very popular. Though he had come from a background that most people found too embarrassing to even mention, it was for this very reason that they sighed in admiration over how he'd succeeded in climbing to the top of the cultivation world. [...] He fully deserved the title, and could even be considered a legend of his time. If Wei Wuxian had been playing this game, he also would have wanted to try being Jin Guangyao." (Dew, Part 5)
I do think that's worth remembering, that it's not an immediate jump into "Jin Guangyao bad"; it happens pretty fast but not immediately.
However, it is true that by the time we actually meet Jin Guangyao on page he is under pretty heavy suspicion, and pretty shortly after that is the Empathy sequence, which involves a lot of heavy judgment on Wei Wuxian's part (a very unbiased narrator! of course!) of Jin Guangyao's badness. though that's also the sequence that reveals Jin Guangyao's involvement in saving Lan Xichen, his maltreatment by cultivators in general and Nie Mingjue in particular. So it's...complicated.
But in general, this kind of arc (starting with a character who seems fishy/suspicious or even evil, gradually revealing later on the more sympathetic aspects and drawing a fuller, more nuanced picture of them that's very far from a blanket condemnation and also gets a lot of sympathy from the narrative) is very characteristic of MXTX. She does it all the time, in all three of her books, with pretty much all her antagonists.
(SPOILERS FOLLOW: Shen Qingqiu in SVSSS starts out as a lecherous scum villain who deserves his horrible death and ends as a decidedly tragic and fairly miserable figure that even his #1 hater feels pity for, Tianlang-jun in same is an all-powerful demon lord, terror of the cultivation world -- and he was wrongly accused because the Old Palace Master coveted Su Xiyan. Xue Yang is introduced as a mass murderer and closes as a hand clutching a treasured candy. Jun Wu in TGCF receives the bamboo hat after Xie Lian's beaten him in a truly remarkable gesture of compassion.
Wei Wuxian himself, who is introduced in the first lines of the novel as a terrible evil that has been defeated - this one gets quickly overturned but the fact that it begins there is still significant. I could keep going.)
and while I feel like that's led to some problems in the discourse (namely, people make up their mind about who Jin Guangyao is right off the bat and then dismiss anything that doesn't suit that initial assumption as either false or irrelevant), I also think it's a pretty compelling way to lay out her characters, and does some very interesting things in terms of...challenging the reader to be willing to overwrite some of those early assumptions, being willing to make that change in how they assess a character (or person). I mean, that's a big part of the plot of SVSSS, actually: many of the problems are caused by Shen Qingqiu's unwillingness or inability to see that Luo Binghe is not the character he knew him as from PIDW - that Luo Binghe has changed because of Shen Yuan's decisions. The misunderstandings after Luo Binghe's plunge into the Abyss stem, in a lot of ways, from Shen Qingqiu continuing to assume that Luo Binghe is thinking and acting exactly as his counterpart would, instead of looking at the person who is actually in front of him.
So too, I think the reader is meant to do those same kinds of reassessments in MDZS as character details are parceled out. Notably, the information about Sisi and the Guanyin Temple statue is only revealed after Jin Guangyao is already dead. Everything has already happened, so why put that information in the text? It's one more signpost that says you thought you knew everything but there's still more to complicate the picture and make this even more of a tragedy. You see the same thing with Jiang Cheng and the golden core reveal at the very end - everything has already happened, the great confrontation has already gone down, but here's one more thing. Maybe it doesn't change anything in terms of the narrative, but it's there, it's important.
Now, the problem comes, I think, when people are unwilling to flex on that initial unfavorable impression, and I feel like particularly right now in general a lot of people are unwilling to...change their minds? on things? or to admit they were wrong or maybe making a judgment prematurely? And most obviously this is an issue irl all over the place but I think it happens in fiction, too. The irony here is, of course, that it's replicating exactly how cultivation society in-text responds to Jin Guangyao, namely by taking one thing about him and deciding that says everything about him, regardless of what he does.
To turn to CQL, now...I'm going to be talking about narrative structure from an Anglophone perspective because that's what I know, and that's the part of fandom I primarily engage with, recognizing that what I'm going to say about story patterns may not hold true in Chinese literature; I've read too little of it to say.
I actually think it's interesting that I actually think, while CQL is on the face of it presenting a more sympathetic look at Jin Guangyao to begin with, by putting it in a linear order where the viewer more or less knows what's going on with him through the course of the whole story in chronological order is actually in some ways a villain edit in and of itself without the extra dumping of all the bad things ever being his fault. I say that because that's actually, as a narrative arc, a very familiar one in terms of the path it follows. "Innocent young man falls into villainy" is a classic villain creation trope - and while often it can make for a sympathetic villain it is very much a story that arcs from good > bad > dead.
When it's set up in that linear sort of way, aligned with that sort of familiar path, the reader (viewer) is almost set up to expect what comes; as soon as episode 10 rolls around and Jin Guangyao does something questionable, there's an easy and immediate jump to "oh, so he's going to be one of those" and from there everything he does must be, by the logic of that familiar story, part of that path. He can't get better from there; that's not how it works. He can have a redemptive moment before death, perhaps, but overall once that downward arc begins, the expectation isn't that it'll reverse, and it's a challenge to convince people not to view the rest of the character's story - and potentially back-read into their previous actions - in a suspicious light at best or an actively hostile one at worst.
(Interestingly, I have thoughts/feelings on the way that Wei Wuxian's arc interacts with that sort of story path, which is to say as I've talked about before Wei Wuxian's first life is classic villain origin story. "A smart, clever young man with a healthy dose of hubris acquires sinister powers, gradually gets more unstable and separated from society, and ultimately goes full villain" is the basic outline of Wei Wuxian's story before his resurrection, and that is, I want to emphasize, a villain story. Obviously it doesn't end up framed that way, but viewed from outside that's what it is. The fact that he's extricated from it and gets another chance doesn't actually unwrite that - it gives him another chance.)
So CQL!Jin Guangyao might start out as a more sympathetic-seeming figure than MDZS!Jin Guangyao does, but by virtue of the linearity of his arc on screen (following a familiar narrative path to an inevitable end), I think he's pre-set up to be intractably cast in the villain role, where MDZS!Jin Guangyao, because the reveals of information about him are non-linear, wobbles more. Because the reader doesn't have all the information it (potentially) forestalls making final judgment, or at least calls for a reexamination of judgment. That interrupted arc, with its side trips and detours and glimpses of another story in which Jin Guangyao could've been the protagonist (the brothel flashback occurs to me), makes it potentially a little less easy to mark Jin Guangyao in the villain box and keep him there for forty episodes.
I would say, in general, that the novel encourages a more sympathetic read of Jin Guangyao. But I do think what you've noted here is worth remembering: CQL doesn't present him as a villain or even as sketchy from the start, and the difference is clear in the form of two characters who project "I'm a bad person!" in every scene they're in from the beginning: Wen Ruohan, and to a lesser extent Jin Guangshan.
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Ready, Aim, Shot
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Hi! ♥ I hope you are all ok!
I have trouble finishing all the stories I started, but I’m working on it!
This one took me a little longer to write, I hope you like it. It is a little different from what I have written so far, but it is following a request from an anonymous:)
Summary: You’re a journalist and you were sent to a complicated place in the world. Will the attack you suffered prevent you from finding your girlfriend’s arms permanently?
TW: Angst, mention of war and bomb, accident, hospitalization.
Alexia is the only woman you fell in love with, and everyday you find yourself falling even harder for her. She was perfect for you. Caring, loving, loyal, attentive and sweat. Your bond is even more special than you ever dreamed before you became a couple.
However, things could have started more easily. You are a journalist/reporter and you know perfectly well that celebrities are not fond of this kind of profession, for good reason. When you found yourself following her for days for the report "Alexia: Labor Omnia Vincit", she was very professional at first. Like, really very very professional. But you lived with her for weeks, met her relatives and finally you found yourself covering her with heart eyes.
What you never imagined was that things could be reciprocal.
Shortly after announcing your relationship, at your friends and family only, you quickly settled together. Your cat met officially Nala at that time and you were spending happy days all four in Alexia’s apartment. I mean, your apartment now.
There are sometimes a few days during which you can't see each other, when Alexia leave for football or when you go in another country for a report. You go watch Alexia at every opportunity you have, enjoying to see her evolve in her element. And you know that Alexia reads or looks the articles or reports you participate in.
Alexia has already had a lot of trouble accepting that you go to eastern Europe last month for a report, so it's with a ball in the belly that you come home tonight. You have to tell her you’re leaving for another complicated place in the world and you know it’s going to be hard for her to accept.
You nervously bite the inside of your lip when you open the door of your apartment, immediately greeted by Nala who comes to rub in your legs, almost making you fall. You laugh gently and lift her off the floor to put a kiss on her skull before resting her gently. Your cat, for its part, opens an eye from its cat tree, long before turning and falling asleep again.
"Thanks for the welcome, Diabolo" you grumble.
You roll your eyes and hang your coat in the cupboard of the entrance before going in search of Alexia. Her sneakers at the entrance and a pleasant smell of food floats in the air, informing you that she’s home. Nala is ahead of you, running towards the kitchen, where you find your girlfriend.
The smile she gives you when you arrive takes your breath away and you accelerate the step to have her faster against you. Your face in her neck, you breathe her smell before putting a kiss, then several along his jaw to finish on her lips.
"Holà mi Amor"
She says to you smiling, passing both hands in your hair.
You let her kiss you again before taking a look at the stove to see what is in the pots.
"Did you finish training early?" You ask when you realize she’s had time to prepare all this and shower before you come home.
"No" she laughs softly "My mom came by to bring us what she cooked for her dinner with her friends tonight. Apparently she planned too big"
"Like she didn’t mean to"
You laugh too and Alexia throws you a smile and a amused look. You both know that she cooked huge quantities on purpose to be able to bring you some, Alba surely received her part too and you wouldn't be surprised to learn that your sister also received Eli’s visit with a tupperware filled with paella.
"Do I have time to shower?"
You want to get comfortable quickly, knowing the discussion you have to bring later. You think you’ll wait until the end of the meal though, not wishing to spoil your girlfriend’s appetite.
"If I had known, I would have waited for you" Alexia whispers, sliding her hands dangerously close to your butt.
"Alexia Putellas Segura, you are worse than a male teenager" you smile against her lips before kissing her tenderly. "I make it quickly."
After a quick shower, you go straight into Alexia’s clothes section of the wardrobe, choosing an old FC Barcelona jogging you love and one of her t-shirts with a Nike logo.
"It seems that you are wrong again on the side of the cupboard mi Amor" Alexia tells you with a knowing smile when you return to her.
After the meal, you sat on the sofa in the living room to watch the series that you started to follow recently. You still haven’t managed to talk about it, Alexia seems so relaxed and happy tonight that it breaks your heart to have to make this announcement.
However, your worry must be easily noticeable, since you feel Alexia’s hand on your fingers as you mechanically wiggle between them.
"Okay, what is it?" she asks you, slightly getting up to see you better.
"You haven’t paid a single second of attention to the episode since we started it, you play nervously with your fingers and you keep biting your lip. What the hell is going on?"
You sigh softly and sit cross-legged on the couch, not finding the courage to look into her eyes. Beside you, you feel Alexia put herself in the same position. You feel her gaze on you as you speak again.
"I have to leave in three days for a new report" you finally confess.
"In the Middle East"
Alexia’s firm voice makes you look up and you can’t tell if her "No" is a ban she puts on you or if it's a form of denial to this information. Her eyebrows frown, her eyes are hard and you have to take it on yourself not to lower your eyes again.
"There’s no way you’re going. It’s too dangerous."
"This is my job, Ale" you point out lightly.
"I don’t care. You stay here, there is no fucking way that I let my girlfriend going right to death, your boss is completely crazy and irresponsible."
You watch her get up and go around in circles in the living room, talking while gesticulating her arms in all directions, scaring Nala in the same time.
"I’m not going alone, there will be my team with me."
"I. Don’t. Care."
Three days later, you find yourself at the airport with your team. By working together, they became your friends and Alexia knows them very well. And they know Alexia very well too. That’s probably why Lola asks you with surprise about the absence of your girlfriend to say goodbye.
"She didn’t want me to go"
You hardly swallow your saliva and thank Lola mentally for not insisting. Her compassionate smile is enough to bring some tears to your eyes, which you fortunately manage to stop.
Alexia is very mad at you. She tried emotional blackmail, anger, tears and pretty much everything in her possession to keep you close to her. The worst part is you would have preferred to stay with her, but you couldn’t refuse that warrant. You had already refused a report to manage Alexia’s anxiety a few days before and your boss warned you that it was the last refusal on your part that he accepted.
You don’t know if Lola passed on the information to the rest of the team, but they all show themselves to be particularly caring with you. Ben offers to check in your luggage and you gladly accept. You take a quick look at your phone and see that you have messages from your parents, your sister, Eli and Alba, but none from Alexia.
She left for her training saying goodbye of course, it was still out of the question to leave you angry. You can’t blame her, you know perfectly well that if things were reversed, you would react the same way. She too had tears in her eyes closing the door behind her and that didn’t help you leave your apartment earlier
"Well, look who’s here" Marta laughs.
Like the rest of your team, you turn to the point she’s staring off behind you. And you feel an electric current running through you when you recognize Alexia’s silhouette. She hasn’t seen you yet and you can see her look through the crowd with a desperate air, as if she were afraid of having arrived too late. Fortunately not, with the amount of material you have, boarding always takes forever.
Without hesitation, you split the crowd and she finally sees you. A few seconds later, you are in her arms and it's only now that you see Mapi over her shoulder. The tattooed one winks at you before getting away to give you some privacy.
"I thought I was too late"
Alexia’s voice came to you in a muffled way, her face being buried in your hair while she hugs you against her with all the strength of her arms. You give her back her embrace, certainly with much less force, but this embrace brings you the comfort you needed.
"Thanks for coming" you mumble back.
One hand in her hair and the other in the hollow of her back, you breathe deeply for the first time in three days. You stay like this for a few moments, before Alexia lets go of you with one hand to search in the pocket of her coat.
"I have something for you."
You watch her do and after a few seconds she show you a necklace with a pendant hanging. You would swear that something is hidden in it, but before you can question her on the subject, Alexia resumes speaking.
"You’ll open it on the plane, okay?"
You nod and let her hang the necklace around your neck. Her fingers make you shudder and you hurry to get back against her when she’s done. You don’t care if you’re being watched or even if someone recognized you. In any case, it’s been several weeks since edits of you two started appearing on the Internet. Alexia doesn’t seem to care much either since she’s the one who initiates your kiss.
"Promise me you’ll come back"
"I promise"
Her forehead leaning against yours and her look in yours makes you forget the rest of the world around you. The place where you fly is dangerous, you are perfectly aware of it. And Alexia too. She doesn’t make you make those promises every time, but only when she knows there’s a risk.
"I hate your job."
Her remark makes you smile softly and you replace a lock of her hair behind her ear before resuming speech.
"I think this is the last time I leave"
"What do you mean?"
The surprise forces Alexia to take off her face from yours to be able to better observe you. Her hazel look plunges into yours when you shrug your shoulders.
"It gets too complicated for both of us and I don’t have the same pleasure doing what I do anymore. I’ll talk to my boss when I get back, but I’m thinking of resigning"
Alexia’s face becomes perfectly smooth under the shock of the information and she blinks several times before responding.
"I- I never asked you to quit" she stutters, making you smile.
"I know"
You smile in front of her amazed air and kiss her tenderly on the cheek. You have been working for the same people for many years and have made a name for yourself in the profession. And even if a job change is turned down, you know you’ll find something else elsewhere.
You hear Lola calling you gently behind you, meaning it’s time for you to go. Alexia looks at you and your smiles are more like grimaces. It’s time to say goodbye.
"Take care of yourself and don’t let Diabolo eat too much."
"I will"
A new kiss is exchanged before you have to release her. You take a quick look in the direction of your team, most go up to the departures floor thanks to the escalator, only Lola is waiting patiently for you downstairs.
"Be careful, mi Amor. Think of me?"
"Every second of the day Cariño."
A few hours later, you are installed on your plane seat, window side. As if to better stick to your mood, the rain began to fall on Barcelona, drawing shapes on the porthole through which you look. Remembering the pendant that Alexia gave you, you gently take it in your hand to better observe it. You have no trouble finding the security to open it and inside you discover a rolled paper that you unfold. You smile and realize it’s a picture of you and Alexia. Behind it, she wrote a note.
"Forever with you. Te amo tanto. Alexia ♥"
Since your arrival, you have been able to exchange several messages and phone calls with Alexia. Things are going better than you both imagined, to your relief. You are not exactly in the middle of the conflict, the work you were asked to do being more focused on the population who decides to enlist in the army to defend their country. You are protected by soldiers who follow you like your shadow and you even feel safe.
It's the mind entirely turned towards the report that you climb in the jeep that brings you and your team where you have to meet several people to interview them. You have to go back to Barcelona in two days and your idea to resign is still on your mind. The more you think about it, the more you know it’s the right thing to do.
You are listening with amusement to Ben talking about his son’s latest mischief when something happens. A click, followed by the panic cries of the men around you. They express themselves in their native language that you don't master, or very briefly. A few seconds later, a heat wave lifts you off the ground and you are thrown out of the vehicle, unconscious, the mine you drove over blowing up everything around.
When Eli and Alba appear on the edge of the training field, Alexia knows something bad happened. The joke she was exchanging with Ona gets stuck in her throat and her face visibly pale. Jonathan accompanies them and beckons her to come to them. It's with tingling throughout the body that Alexia stands up and makes her way towards them.
"What happened?" she immediately asks, looking her mother in the eye.
"Y/N's team ran over amine. Half of them are still missing"
It's Alba who speaks, making Alexia look in her direction. Unable to open her mouth, she waits for further information.
"Y/N has been found, but it's not good Ale"
"What do you mean "it's not good?" "
Alexia gets upset, bringing their mother in the conversation for the first time. Obviously she fears the reaction of her eldest, knowing how attached you are to each other.
"Alexia…" she makes a soothing tone by grabbing her daughter’s arm.
"But just tell me! She’s dead, isn’t she?"
Alexia’s tone rises and she must take it upon herself not to push the physical contact initiated by her mother. Eli and Alba exchange a look before the first one resumes speaking.
"No, but she’s in a bad state. She was found unconscious and is on an official ventilator. They don’t yet know how badly she’s hurt. As we speak, she’s still in a coma and they don't know if she will make it."
The days that followed were a summary of hell for Alexia, your parents and your relatives in general. Due to the geographical distance, the news has reached them in dribs and drabs only by the interval of your team. Your boss got yelled at by Alexia, your father and Alexia’s mother. If you weren’t about to resign, there’s no doubt he’d demand you do.
After a few days of staying together at your parents', your loved ones have finally started their lives again. Your sister went back to work, but Alexia literally had to be taken out by force to agree to return to the training grounds. To make sure her daughter would go, Eli even asked Irene to come pick her up.
The information about you is vague but they know the main thing, you’re still alive. "She promised to come back to me" Alexia repeated several times, both to convince herself and to reassure others.
Even if she will never admit it, seeing her friends makes Alexia feel better. She strongly suspects them of doing everything to change her mind, but she is sincerely grateful. It changes her from the four walls of your parents' living room or yours, even if your animals also bring her comfort and affection.
Alexia is in the middle of a discussion with Mapi and Aitana when her phone rings from her bag. As always, she feels a mixture of feelings at the idea of dropping out, fearing bad news. But it’s usually your mother who gets calls from your bosses to give them news. It’s been three days now since they learned anything new.
Seeing that the call number is unknown, Alexia hesitates a few seconds before answering but ends up doing so. Normally, people with access to her phone number are allowed to have it. She has never had any problems with that.
The silence settles on the other side of the phone and the Latin checks that she has picked up before putting the phone back against her ear.
"Is there anyone here?"
A new silence sets in. Just as she was about to hung up, Alexia finally hears a voice at the other end. The voice is barely higher than a whisper, as if the person were particularly exhausted.
"Ale? It’s me…"
The ground slips under the captain’s feet so abruptly that neither Mapi nor Aitana has time to catch her. Sitting on the floor, the one who had managed not to shed a single tear since the announcement of your accident melts into tears, alerting her two friends who are now convinced that something dramatic is happening.
Alexia let a flood of curses that you’ve never heard come out of your girlfriend’s lips when she realizes it’s you on the phone.
"I’m alive" you end up adding, not really knowing what to add.
"You had better" sobs Alexia before finally raising her eyes on Mapi.
Lost in her emotions, she didn’t realize that her reaction alerted almost the entire team. Ona, who had gone to take her shower, kneels beside Mapi, both leaning in the direction of their friend and captain while others stand in an arc around her.
"It’s Y/N. She did it."
Your parents had already had to detain Alexia so that she wouldn’t jump on the first plane upon learning of your accident, but this time it was even worse. With the injuries you’ve got, you couldn’t go home right away. The translation was sometimes complicated at first, until the Spanish embassy sent someone to do the translation. From there, you were able to recover your phone and thus be in contact with Alexia and your loved ones more easily. The connection is not always optimal, but having your girlfriend only a call from you does you a lot of good.
It's not in very good condition that you get on the plane to repatriate you to Barcelona, but you specifically asked to return as soon as possible, even if you were then hospitalized in Spain. During the explosion, it was mostly the left side of your body that was injured. In addition to a crumbling shoulder, broken ribs and a damaged knee, you find yourself with a head injury and a broken nose that fortunately had time to deflate. Thanks to that you no longer look like a boxer at the end of his career but it looks like you have two big cockroaches.
You learned yesterday that three of your six team members didn't survive the attack. Ben and Lola have already returned to Spain and it's with a hint of guilt that you leave Marta alone on the spot. But her family is coming in two days and she swore to you that everything was fine for her.
Exhausted by the journey to the airport, you slept all the way back and it is only when the wheels of the plane touch the ground that you open your eyes with a start. The person assigned by the embassy to follow you smiles kindly and you answer vaguely, before looking out the window. When you see the airport building, you feel your heart speed up. Alexia is waiting for you, a few hundred meters from you.
You tried to refuse to be moved around in a wheelchair, in vain. So it is with a sulky pout that you find yourself traveling through the airport, to the place to collect your belongings. The good news is that you had left almost all to your camp and so you were able to recover everything. Even the necklace offered by your girlfriend survived and did not leave your neck a single squad then you left Barcelona.
Your suitcase is much too long for your taste to arrive and you refrain from jumping on your chair of impatience when it is time to pass the security control of customs. Everything is going too slowly and you are convinced that you would go faster by limping with your crutch. But you finally arrive in the main arrival hall and it only takes you two seconds to spot Alexia, your eyes are attracted to her like a magnet. By the time she comes to you, you get up from the chair and two seconds later you’re finally where you want to be forever. In her arms.
The embrace is not very practical, your arm in sling prevents you from holding her as you would like and you clench your teeth not to flinch despite your painful ribs. You still feel that Alexia is doing everything she can to be delicate. She has not yet been able to truly realize all of your injuries.
But in the end you don’t care, because it’s all about her. Alexia feels like she can breathe completely for the first time in about ten days. You feel her coming off of you after a few minutes and you have trouble supporting her gaze. You know that you look terrible, even if you are not the type to wear kilos of makeup every day, there you are really far from being to your advantage.
"Mi Amor" she whispers tenderly, holding your face in her hands before as much delicacy as if it had been porcelain. Her thumbs caress your cheeks and you feel tears in your eyes. "It’s over. You’re home."
You nod and close your eyes, letting her kiss you tenderly before she takes you back against her.
Needless to say, the next day your boss received a letter of resignation from you. Thanks to what happened to you, you received a starting bonus, allowing you to have money set aside before embarking on your new project, writer and WAG. Because from now on, it’s out of the question to part with Alexia for more than half a day.
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silaswritesthings · 6 months
scara x yandere housewife reader?? please
Summary: Scaramouche has been spending less time at home with you because of his partnership with ‘the doctor’. Why does he want to spend more time with someone who hurts him rather than someone he loves? To solve this, you stole his keys so he Couldn’t leave your home <3
Starring: Scaramouche (fatui harbinger)
Genre: toxic relationship
Warnings: cursing, reader is a Yandere, slight implications of unethical experimentation, suggestive themes
Author’s note: I hope I did justice to your ask and I hope you enjoy reading this, Thank you! I enjoyed writing this more than I’d like to admit.
Word count: 894
“Stay here with me.” You said to Scaramouche. He had you cornered in your room and the fragile peace that persisted between the both of you for the past few days shattered.
He stared at you with disbelief before snapping, “Have you lost your mind?”
A sound of amusement left your lips without your intention. You hated when your body reacted to him without you thinking, you wanted to avoid pushing him further than you already had. But if he loved you… he would love you even when you snuffed his patience like a candlelight, yes? “Love tends to do that to people.”
“Give me my keys.” His stance was domineering but it was difficult to be dominated by somebody at your eye level.
“Give me my damn-”
“I will not-” You began, raising your voice-“let you leave this house until I have removed the one you keep allowing to hurt you!”
Scaramouche stared at you in stunned silence before laughing so hard he had to wrap his arms around his abdomen. “Dottore is helping me work my way to godhood.” His voice turned condescending, “It is my calling, you couldn’t dream of understanding it.”
“Then make me understand.” You spat with sarcasm.
“You’re insufferable.”
“And you’re not leaving until I’ve understood why you keep going back to him and giving him the leeway to hurt you.”
He remained quiet and you took this as an opportunity to continue. “If you want to be hurt that badly, then ask me to do it.” You took one of his hands and held it to your chest despite his resistance. “I’m your wife, I'm here to make you happy.”
He struggled against your hold but you didn’t budge. His jaw tightened. “Kill yourself.”
“If you want me to die, do it yourself”
“You have gone too far with your actions and I’m getting irritated, do you forget who I am?” He stepped closer, pushing you into the wall and then grabbing your chin with his free hand. “You speak as if you believe I won't be able to hurt a single hair on your body.”
You smiled, ecstatic at the contact, because he hadn’t laid a single finger on you in almost four days. “Dying by your hands sounds like a dream.”
He tensed and stepped back but you grabbed the wrist of his other hand and trapped it in your hold too. Your eyes narrowed. “I’ve waited four days to be in close proximity with you, yet you only let me experience it for a few seconds. You’re a cruel man.”
“Let me go.”
“I don’t want to.”
He burst out in laughter but your hold on his hands didn’t falter. When his laughter died down, he was in your personal space once again. Pushing against your hold, he gripped your chin and forced your eyes to remain in contact. “So you can do whatever you want and I can’t?” He tilted his head as he asked, his breath kissing the skin of your face.
You nodded in a daze but the action was interrupted by Scara holding your face tighter. By now, you had released your death grip on him, and he rested his free hand on the wall beside your head.
You were hyper-aware of your surroundings now; the dim light, the hard wall pressed against your back, the cold touch of Scara’s skin and most importantly, his breath mixing with yours. His eyes were usually a bright amethyst under the sunlight but in the dull light of your room, they looked near-obsidian. Like two bottomless pits that promised you terrible things. However, you would take whatever he would give as long as it is Scaramouche who is giving it to you. Would he do the same for you? The thought made your chest tighten.
“You’ve made me upset.” You admitted.
His grip on your face loosened just enough to make your heart flutter. “Have I?” He whispered as he observed your face. When you nodded, he had begun to run his thumb over your cheek in a gentle repetitive motion. “You made me upset first,” his voice was quiet, “is it not fair for me to make you upset too?” His touch melted your resolve and soon the reason behind your anger was buried at the back of your mind.
“Nevermind that. Allow me to apologise, my dearest wife.” His thumb had ventured to your bottom lip, and he tugged it gently. “Even though I don’t deserve your forgiveness.” With that, he replaced his thumb with his lips. It was an action filled with deceit but you allowed yourself to be fooled by it.
The kiss was slow but passionate and all your coherent thoughts were lost when he moved his hand from the wall to lift the hem of your shirt and trailed his fingers over your waist. You nearly dissolved into the air when he sighed your name against your lips-
“Where are my keys?”
“Kitchen, under the third tile on the left from the oven.” Damn it- The way he smirked against your lips drowned any forthcoming anger you had, and he pulled you toward your bed before making you sit on the edge.
“You do a very good job at keeping me happy.” He began as he knelt down before you. “Allow me to return the favour.”
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Study hall
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Pairing: Viktor Krum x reader
Warnings: None
Request: @fantasyinna
Hii! Okay so I haven't done this before but may I request a shot with prompt list 1) and 47) with Viktor Krum x reader? Love your writing! Thank youuu!
Ever since the Yule Ball, you and Viktor Krum have been spending any free time you had together.
Feelings were strong between you both and the both of you could feel it. Neither of you said anything to each other in fear of rejection, rejection was what stood in the way of confessing. But that was all about to change when one evening, you were in the library before curfew and waited on Viktor to come and join you.
Your studies were going well until they were interrupted not by Viktor Krum, but by the Slytherin prince as what everyone seemed to refer Draco Malfoy as. Despite the fact that you were a Gryffindor, that didn’t stop him from developing a crush on you and was upset that you turned down his invitation to the Yule Ball, telling him that Viktor Krum had asked you and you accepted. At first, Draco Malfoy didn’t believe you, until he saw you that night locked onto Viktor’s arm and that fueled Draco Malfoy with jealousy and even hate. From then on, Draco would not let up on teasing and picking on you, and there were times he was even downright cruel to you. As these things were going on, you didn’t say anything about it to Viktor, you didn’t want any sparks to give reason for more trouble to be caused.
Hearing unrecognizable footsteps getting closer to the table you were at, you peeled over your book held up close to your face, just long enough to get a glimpse of the bleach blonde hair boy walking by. Your tormentor wasn’t alone, he had his little gang walk beside him while doing everything he tells them to do. For a brief moment, you thought about getting up to leave the library, but what had you stuck on the chair was the thought that Viktor could possibly be not far from there by this time and would walk through the doors any time now. Overall your wishful thinking, you would hope that Draco would walk away peacefully weather it was just you there or the pair of you and Viktor Krum together at the same table.
However, that’s not what happened. You were too preoccupied on that thought that it made you forget that you had on Viktor’s oversized sweater on. Because of your small figure, the length of the sweater almost made it look as if you were wearing a thin almost sweater through dress that reached down to your ankles. This sweater was not only cozy, but it was comforting, especially in the times when you and Viktor couldn’t be together, but those were rare occasions. By the time you hear Draco’s footsteps once more, there was still no sign of Viktor. Seeing that you were alone, Draco takes this opportunity to start teasing and picking on you again, and this time, you were going to fight back.. aggressively if it comes to that. There had to be some way to get that message to leave alone in his empty head and mind.
Before Draco could say anything smart, you held your hand up still not looking away from your book, giving him the one and only warning you were willing to give.
“Don’t mess with me right now, Malfoy.” You warn.
“I can’t help it, you’re too much fun not to mess with, (Y/n).” Draco mocks.
You scoffed.
“It would be in your best interest to leave me alone if you know what’s good for you.”
“Naw, I think I’ll stick around. I like that hammy down sweater, but it would look better on you if you were made part of the patch of gits Weasley family.”
You try to ignore him, although your blood was boiling to the maximum level.
But Draco continues.
“Where can I get one?” He mocks again.
Again, you continue to ignore Draco.
Things would have gone down if it weren’t for Viktor’s appearance at last. The funny thing was that Draco was much too preoccupied in mocking you that he didn’t take notice of Viktor’s presence, that it was no longer just the two of you. A third party was now in the room, standing behind Draco as a smile formed on your lips the second you have locked eyes with Viktor. That seemed to make Draco even more agitated then before, thinking that you weren’t listening to him.
“What are you smiling at?” He barks harshly.
The sound of Viktor’s booming voice caused Draco to jump in fight, which was amusing to see.
When it comes to protecting you, Viktor could appear as more intimidating then he had meant to be, but you know he really wouldn’t hurt a fly. All it took was for that side of Viktor to show if he was wanting to scare someone off and that was clearly his intention with Draco. Just like before, Viktor was successful in looking more intimating then what everyone was used to seeing as the two of you watch Draco immediately taking off without another word said. After you could no longer have to worry about having to deal with Draco anymore, Viktor turns back to you with a victorious grin you knew all too well.
“Don’t listen to that prick, (Y/n)…” Viktor starts, taking the seat beside you.
“I think you look really cute in my sweater.”
“Thanks, hon.”
Although you’re always flattered by his compliments, you can’t help but feel as your cheeks flush a shade of light pink.
Viktor chuckles whilst getting back to your studies together. No words could be described on just how much he loved you, and as for you to love him.
You both make a great team.
Requests: Open
Character list:
• Harry Potter
• Ron Weasley
• Fred Weasley
• George Weasley
• Neville Longbottom
• Oliver Wood
• Cedric Diggory
• Draco Malfoy
• Tom Riddle
• Snape
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jettithink · 11 months
txt - a night out at the club
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where the introverts somehow find themselves in the middle of a dance floor + cw: drinking/alcohol, a sprinkle of angst in taehyun's, dissociation/derealization in hyuka's, a little suggestive if you use your imagination, idk we're just having a good ol' time + this is my first writing i'm sharing on tumblr, so be nice and i'll write more + mood: Love On The Floor - NCT 127, Upper Side Dreamin' - Enhypen, bOss - OnlyOneOf
Choi Soobin: It definitely wasn't Soobin's idea to go out, but a few of your friends invited you to a new club that opened up not far from your apartment, and he just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time to get dragged along with. Aside from being shy, the loud music and mass of people was intimidating, and it took more than his courage alone to bring him out onto the floor where you were already dancing. He wasn't entirely uncomfortable though. A lot of his enjoyment came from standing on the sidelines, watching you. Soobin had a few girls approach him with drinks, but he respectfully declined. As you two made eye contact and smiled at each other, he knew in his heart who he really only had eyes for. "Soob, come on!" Though the place was loud already, your voice carried above everyone else's, and your hand was leading him to the friend group before he could even decline. But for you, he wouldn't put up much of a fight anyways. Thanks to the alcohol in his system, Soobin was swaying to the music without much thought, and the two of you soon found yourselves paying much more attention to each other rather than the people in your surroundings. You both swore up and down that you're just friends, yet you knew the heat on your face wasn't just from dancing. Things carried on this way for a while, and the second that Soobin broke away from the group, your friends hounded you to make a move. "Dude, are you even seeing how he's looking at you?" "He definitely likes you, just go for it!" "If you don't tell him how you feel, I will." A chorus of slurred words of encouragement pushed you to act only slightly out of character, and when Soobin returned to your posse, you once again grabbed his arm and led him to the dead center of the dance floor, catching a glimpse of your girls giving you thumbs ups and winks on you way there. Soobin's eyes lit up with surprise at your sudden decision to abandon the group. "Will your friends be okay by themselves?" he questioned, leaning in close to your ear, but it would be a lie to say he wasn't just looking for an opportunity to get close to you. You two had been friends for a long time, and with the way his eyes grazed over every inch of your face, you could read his intentions easily. To know Soobin was to know his intent through what was unspoken, and those silent inclinations were what led you to wrap an arm around his neck and speak back to him, "I think we're the ones to be worried about," before mutually meeting each other's lips amidst the heat of the moment and the bodies moving around you to the intoxicating beats.
Choi Yeonjun: Celebrating your two year anniversary was a highly anticipated event. Knowing your it boy boyfriend, Yeonjun would be dressed no less than to the nines, and because you loved to match his competitive spirit, it was only courtesy to try and outdo him. At the end of the day, however, you both spared no efforts in hyping each other up and letting you confidences shine. "Damn, baby, you want me to spend all night keeping everyone off of you?" Staring would be too light of a word to describe the way you looked at him. He opted for a black ensemble to let his freshly dyed hair and accessories shine, and despite seeing him nearly every day, he always found new ways to leave you speechless. He chuckled at your rhetorical question. "You're one to talk, look at you! Absolutely stunning," Yeonjun took every inch of you in as he bit his lip to hold back a subconscious smirk. He grabbed your hand and led you to the car, holding it open for you just to have the opportunity to leave a little tap on your butt. The ride to the private club wasn't long, but gave the two of you plenty of time to share the aux, sing together and steal quick kisses at red lights. To celebrate your anniversary, Yeonjun opted to take you to an exclusive speakeasy-inspired club for a quiet dinner and a live jazz ensemble, which could be heard even from the outside as you pulled up to the valet. Lights were warm and low voices were buzzing around you as you were ushered to a table to dine on the most delectable cuisine. Being the two lovebirds that you are, you fed each other bites and took pictures, enjoying a tame evening. That is, until the wine started to kick in. Yeonjun, of course, wanted to dance. The trumpet player by the bar was someone you both knew well, and your boyfriend was pursing his lips and swaying his hips to the music, grooving along with the melody coming from the horn. You were content standing off to the side cheering him on, but Yeonjun approached you before long with his hand reaching out to you. "May I have this dance, beautiful?" He asked humbly, raising an eyebrow and giving his best smolder look, a look you could never in a million years say no to. With a buzzed smile, you accepted his hand in yours and let him lead you to the open dance floor, giving the trumpet player a look. With that, the tune changed. A gorgeous jazzy melody played, one you recognized as a rendition of one of your favorites. Yeonjun held you close, rocking you back and forth in a slow dance. His hands rested gently on your waist, letting the feel of the song and the wine in his system guide you around the dance floor. As he spun you around, your eyes caught glimpses of older couples dancing with you, and you couldn't help but think of how beautiful a long life together with your boyfriend would be. Two years down, with forever to go.
Choi Beomgyu: "I have a funny idea... let's leave." This was your first time meeting Beomgyu. You had heard plenty about him from mutual friends, who you suspected were trying to set you up, and now he was walking into the bar with two friends you both knew. The introductions were pleasant, and after a few drinks, you two hit it off extremely well. He had you laughing the entire time, and seemed to never run out of energy no matter how much your group was dancing. "What? But it's my own birthday party," you questioned in between giggles. "Don't you think people will notice if I'm gone?" And though you were playing hesitant, in all honesty you were no where near opposed to getting out with him. Beomgyu leaned closer, taking his plan far too seriously. "That's why we have to sneak out." He peeked his head up, eyeballing your friends who were still hanging by the bar while the two of you had naturally made your way close to the exit. "Look, we have a chance. Let's go!" Before you had even fully agreed, his large hand was grasping yours, leading you into the night. ***
Driving with Beomgyu was different from drinking with him. He was still himself, but he was more relaxed. Content. You were taking turns picking songs, and though his music taste wasn't what you would normally listen to, you found plenty more songs to add to your playlists. He was singing under his breath while you drove to a fast food place just outside of the city. You could faintly smell his cologne, and periodically peeked over at him while he scrolled through his phone and gently bopped his head along to the music and chatting with you. Despite his dark clothes he chose to wear to the bar for your birthday, he looked... soft. Unbeknownst to you, he was catching glances at you, too. "We're going through the drive thru, by the way. I don't feel like going inside," you stated, pulling to the side of the restaurant. "But how am I gonna see the menu?" Beomgyu asked with a pout. You shrugged. "Figure it out. This was your idea." "Alright," was the only warning you got before you felt a sudden pain in your leg. His genius solution was to climb over you in the driver's seat to get a better view of his options, and to speak into the microphone to the worker. You wanted to push him off to alleviate the pressure from his elbow in your thigh, but decided not to cause a ruckus. At least, not while he was in the middle of ordering. After he was done, Beomgyu offered an apology in the form of paying for both of your meals, and you sat in the parking lot talking and losing track of time. Eventually, your friends called, too drunk to be mad that you left your own birthday get together, and you drove your new friend home, making sure to tell that next time, he was driving.
Kang Taehyun: You didn't know it at the time, but he had his eyes on you from the moment you set foot in the door. It wasn't typical for you to go out by yourself, but getting over a nasty situationship led you to act in plenty of ways you normally wouldn't. You weren't out looking for love, or even much excitement, but striking up conversation with the bartender was far better than continuing your recent trend of rotting away on your couch. Her brown eyes adorned a kind smile as she explained her favorite drink, her voice carrying over the music on the far end of the bar. You agreed to try the concoction she prepared, instructing her to put the bill on your tab. With that, she left you with your drink, freeing up your attention to direct it towards someone across the room. Despite his relatively small frame and dark clothes, you could see the silhouette of arms and shoulders one could only attribute to working out, and a cutting-edge jawline to match. As you sipped your drink, you swear you catch him looking your way, but you knew better than to let yourself be hopeful. He leans over to a friend, spoke in his ear, and then walked out of sight. You sat for a while longer, feeling the energy in the room and people watching. As you turned to set your now empty glass on the counter, you feel a presence next to you. It was an admittedly handsome man, but not the one you had your eye on from before. "You out by yourself, gorgeous? Let me buy you something." You could smell the alcohol laced in his breath, and whatever it was was strong. "Ah, no thanks, I was just about to head out," you explained, already hearing a voice in the back of your head warning you he wasn't going to let you get away so easily, and you were proven right as he slipped an arm around your waist. "Don't be like that. One more drink won't kill you," he cooed at you with a patronizing tone, triggering a shiver from your brain, down your back, and to your hand that was instinctively grabbing for your keys for protection. This wasn't your first time with an unpleasant man, but never had you felt someone grab at you. It was sickening. As you attempted to talk your way out of the situation, you hear a voice coming from behind the handsy guy. "Where are you going with my girlfriend?" And there he was. The beautiful stranger from across the room. His arms were much larger up close, but his blank stare was more intimidating than any menacing look he could have mustered up. You were so focused on his sudden appearance, it took more than a second to even recognize the words he just said, but it seemed the persistent asshole realized his mistake right away. Practically throwing you at your "boyfriend," he slurred out a cocky apology with his hands up in defense. "Sorry man, she didn't mention any boyfriend to me." "Didn't really give me a chance to, man," you shot back, confidence suddenly surging now that you were in good hands. Your retort earned a small chuckle from your savior as the snake slithered back into the darkness of the dancefloor. Only then did you let a sigh of relief out. "Thank you so much, um..." "Taehyun." Finally being able to put a name to his gorgeous face brought a smile to yours. "Nice to meet you Taehyun, or should I call you my boyfriend?" And both of you laughed, ending the night on a more positive note than what could have been. He ended up walking you to your car, and leaving you his number in case you needed any more pretend boyfriend services.
Huening Kai: There wasn't a chance in hell you could convince Huening Kai to go out with you. He adored you more than anything, but he much preferred his Saturday nights spent lounging on the couch with pizza less than an arm's length away. Being the cuddly homebodies you are, this was what most of your days off consisted of, a date of sorts you typically were happy to entertain, but your childhood friend invited a group to go out to celebrate getting a long-awaited promotion at work. If it was anyone else asking you may have turned it down, especially since your boyfriend was uncomfortable with being out so late, but they meant the world to you and practically begged. "Keys...phone...wallet..." you filtered through your mental checklist as you heard your friend's car pull up outside. "Okay, Kai, I gotta go!" You called out. When you walked past the TV in the living room, he stopped you to say goodbye, wrapping you in a warm hug with a content yet hesitant smile. "If anything happens, call me, okay? But have fun, too," he reassured you before letting you go. Kai was far from being the protective type, but because you hardly went out, and much less so for drinking and partying, his worries were prevalent in his words and facial expression. It was your turn to reassure him with a big smile that matched his. "I promise I'll be safe." A short honk from outside told you it was time to go, and Kai snuck a in a bashful compliment and one last squeeze of a hug before watching you walk to your friend, driving off into the night.
*** Your friends were having a blast. They were dancing and drunkenly carrying on, and took your word that you were doing okay too. Truth be told, however, the lights were getting to be too bright, the volume of the room was growing far past a roar, and your body was crawling with the tingly feeling. You were no stranger to having drinks, but the congested environment triggered the shut off switch in your brain. Dialing your boyfriend's number and uttering just his name alone felt as strenuous as moving a mountain would be, but it was all he needed to hear before bolting out the door to get you home. Huening Kai didn't need any words from you. He stayed on the phone and comforted you the entire drive over, and wasted no time in finding you by the bar, throwing an arm around you, and leading you towards the door. The crisp fresh air of the night immediately helped to bring you back to reality as Kai helped you into the car and did grounding and breathing exercises with you. Once you became more present back at home in the comfort of your own bed with Kai next to you, you reached out for his hand and gave it a thankful squeeze. Words still failed you, but the gentle kiss on your forehead in response told you he understood completely.
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Taking Comfort (In Your Arms) - Chapter 7
August 17, 1943, 0515 hours 
Scanning the words she had written on the paper, she thought for a minute, making sure there was nothing else she wanted to include, before signing her name with a flourish. She sealed the envelope before writing a name on the outside. 
She sighed, hating knowing what she knew. There were obvious downsides to her job, including knowing ahead of time when the boys were going up. She had gotten a sneak peak of the mission that laid ahead for the boys. Currently, the debriefing was going on and she was hoping to catch Bucky before he headed out. 
Quietly, putting on her shoes and her leather jacket, she slipped out of her barrack, trying not to wake the other girls. Shutting the door softly behind her, a noise caught her attention. Addie whirled around, finding a smirking Tatty, leaning against the building smoking. “And where are you heading out so early?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Addie shot back, causing Tatty to giggle. “And I could ask you the same thing.”
“Who said I have even been to bed?” Zippering her lips shut, Tatty winked at her before shooing her away. “I won’t tell a soul.” 
“Uh huh, just don’t spread the gossip too fast.” Addie asked, praying she would keep her word. “What do you want for your silence?” 
Tatty’s eyes lit up as the prospect. “Rain check on what I want?” 
“As long as you actually keep your mouth shut. If you don’t then no deal.” Addie held out a pinky as Tatty linked hers with Addie’s, tightening it in a promise. 
Nodding, Tatty finished her cigarette. “Go, don’t keep the Major waiting.” 
Addie made quick work crossing the base, stopping in front of the debriefing hut, just as the boys started to stumble out. She knew the Majors had a secondary briefing and it could be a bit before she saw them. 
She smiled at those that she knew, until Meatball came and knocked into her. “Good morning Meatball.” She crooned, leaning down to give him some good morning pats. “Who’s a good boy? I missed you too.”
“Morning Addie!” DeMarco’s cheery voice called out to her as he stepped up to her. “You sure you don’t mind watching Meatball? Sounds like we’ll be gone for a few days.” 
Addie stood to her full height, smiling at DeMarco. “Morning Benny. The girls are excited to spend some uninterrupted Meatball time. It will be no problem at all - he’ll probably be counting down the hours until you come home.” 
“Thanks Addie. Appreciate it.” Benny crouched down in front of Meatball, scratching his neck. “Don’t miss me too much boy.” 
Hooking his lead to his collar, Benny looped it in his hand before standing. “Want to come by the hard stand to grab him?” 
“I will be there around 0600 to grab him, give you and the boys some time with him.” She promised, giving Benny a look. “You be careful up there, Captain.” 
Benny smiled, giving her a nod, tilting his hat playfully at her. “Yes ma’am. We’ll be back in a few days.” 
She watched him and Meatball walk away, willing herself not to cry. The mornings of missions never got easier, especially as she got to know the boys on more than last name terms. Looking at her watch, she knew she had to get a move on before she lost the opportunity to catch Bucky. 
“Captain?” Looking over her shoulder, she smiled seeing Buck coming out of the debriefing hut. “You’re up and at ‘em early, Addie.” 
Shaking her head, she nodded at him. “Heard there’s a rumor you boys are heading to Africa.” 
“Hopefully the entire base doesn’t know that yet as we just heard about it.” Buck raised an eyebrow, curiosity laced in the look he gave her. “But yes, heading to Africa though going through this muck isn’t going to be fun, that’s for sure.”
“Nah, you boys, the brass and me are the only ones who know. This muck worries me.” She showed him the envelope in her hand. “Besides, I couldn’t let you boys go that far and not seize the opportunity to send a letter with you.” 
Buck’s eyes widened, seeing the name written on the front. “Your brother, he’s in Africa isn’t he?” 
“Yeah Charlie is there and I haven’t gotten a reply to my last letter, hence why I’m sending it with you all. It’s a slim chance but it’s better than nothing.” She snickered, shrugging. “Though if you do run into him, promise me you’ll give me all the details Bucky will hide from me.” 
Buck chuckled, hearing footsteps behind them. “I promise, Addie. Don’t miss us too much. We’ll see you in a few days. Don’t be long, Bucky.” 
“Will do Buck. There’s my girl. Early start to the day for you, Bluebird.” Bucky pulled her into his arms, giving her a quick kiss and a hug. “What brings you out here before we leave?” 
She handed him the letter, watching him tuck it in his back pocket, giving him another kiss, this one a bit longer than the one he gave her. She laced her hand with his. “Hoping you’d be able to deliver this to Charlie, if you happen to see him. I know it’s a long shot but I figure you’re close enough to him that you might run into him. Just look for a fella who looks identical to my dad and it’ll be Charlie.” 
“You sure you want us to meet without you?” Bucky raised an eyebrow, concerned for Addie, squeezing their linked hands. 
She sighed, a sad smile on her lips, looking up at him, pushing away a stray curl that had fallen onto his forehead. “Do I wish I was there when you two meet? Sure, but that won’t happen until after the war. So if you meet him, great. I think you two will get along well. Though Buck has promised to tell me every single thing about this meeting.” 
“Damn you and your friendship with my best friend.” He pulled her closer to him, giving her a kiss. “I’ll miss you these next few days, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled for Charlie. I’ll be home soon, promise.” 
“I love you Bucky.” She murmured, leaning her head against his chest and he pressed another kiss to her head. 
“Love you too Bluebird.” He said, squeezing her hand gently. “Walk me to the hard stand?”  
She smiled, nodding as he led her onto the tarmac. “I’d be honored to. I have to go get Meatball anyways.” 
The two made their way towards the hard stands, hand in hand as the sky started to lighten up. Addie glazed up at the pink sky, sighing happily in the moments she had with Bucky. No words were needed as they were both lost in their own thoughts.
“What are you going to do while we’re gone?” Bucky broke the silence, looking over at her as they passed the first hard stand. 
She sighed, biting her lip. “It sounds like a trip into town to do some shopping might be on the agenda with the quiet base. Some of the girls are looking forward to the quiet.” 
“You’re not?” Bucky squeezed her hand, concern seeping into his voice, at the sadness in her voice. 
“Don’t like the quiet. A lively base means all of you are safe. The quiet is unknowing what’s happening.” She said quietly, a smirk playing on her lips. “I’m going to attempt to be in the huddle room today, if Harding doesn’t catch me.” 
Bucky chortled. “Don’t get caught, Bluebird. We don’t need you being shipped to a new base while I’m gone.” 
“Yes, Major.” She quipped, Bucky groaning knowing their time together was coming to an end. She sighed, knowing what his groan was regarding. She could feel the happiness being swept away and their time dwindling quicker than either had anticipated
Bucky paused, tugging at her hand, causing her to stop too. He tilted her head up, his eyes meeting hers. “I love you, Adelaide. I will come back to you.” 
“I love you too John. Stay safe.” Pulling a folded up piece of paper out of her jacket, she held it up to him. “You didn’t think I had written my brother a letter and not you, huh?” 
“I mean, you’ve done it the last few missions so I was hoping I’d get one today too.” He smirked, leaning down, his thumb rubbing softly along her jaw, placing a heated kiss on her lips before pulling back. Catcalls echoing in the morning light causing them both to chuckle.  “I’ll miss you every second.”
“Come back to me.” She stood on her tiptoes, placing another kiss on his lips, pulling back, forcing herself to walk away before any tears were to fall. 
She walked away, knowing that if she looked back and saw him watching her, she wouldn’t be able to pull away from him again. Luckily the next hard stand was where DeMarco’s fort was. She was thankful, for a moment, for the fog so he couldn’t see her, wiping the tears away. 
Wiping her eyes as she walked up the hardstand, seeing Buck, DeMarco and Biddick all standing there shooting the shit, as the call came from the jeep that the mission was on hold for another 30 minutes. “You doing alright Addie?” 
Shooting Buck a soft smile, she shrugged. “It never gets easier.” 
Curt pulled her into a hug, jostling her side to side playfully. “Enjoy the peace and quiet Addie and none of us here to request ridiculous stuff from you.” 
“I’m glad my presentation knocked some sense into you, dodos.” She smirked as the three of them chuckled. “Any idea when you’ll be back?” 
DeMarco shrugged. “Heard the 20th but you know how things go.” 
Nodding, she eyes the three of them. “Stay safe and come home. And if you see my brother Charlie, please talk Bucky up to him.” 
“You mean we have to present Bucky in a positive light?” Biddick gave her a wicked grin, dodging her swat to his arm. 
Giving him the puppy dog eyes, Addie smiled hearing his sigh. “Dammit Addie you’re too good at that. Sure we’ll talk the Major up in front of your brother.” 
“Thank you kind sirs.” She took the lead from DeMarco’s hands, giving them all a smile. “Safe journey today and I’ll see you in a few days.” 
“See you in a few days, Addie.” Buck called as the other two called back see you laters. 
Tugging on Meatball’s lead, she headed through the soup back to the tower. She always hated the fog, no more on flight days as too many things could go wrong. Attempting to push the worry out of her mind, she headed up the stairs to the tower. Unclipping Meatball’s lead, she opened the door, allowing the dog to go in first before following suit. Hanging up the lead, she sighed loudly, looking at Josie who was already at her desk. “I should learn by now that this never gets any easier.”
“Wishing the boys a safe flight?” Josie questioned, pausing in her typing to look up at her best friend. 
Nodding, Addie poured herself a cup of coffee before sitting at her desk, rubbing her eyes, hoping her mascara wasn’t messed up. “Yeah. I gave Bucky a letter to read. I just hate always saying see you later to them. I much prefer hellos rather than goodbyes.” 
“We all feel that way, Addie.” Josie sympathized. Addie looked at her best friend, knowing something was off with her but couldn’t put her finger on it. “What’s wrong, Josie? Something’s up.” 
Josie bit her lip. “Your father requested a meeting with you at 1100 hours. Something’s up Addie but I couldn’t get a read on what that is.” 
Biting her lip, Addie looked over her shoulder at her father’s office, seeing the light was off. “Did he say anything else?” 
“Nope, just asked what your calendar looked like today and if he could meet with you at 1100 hours. I asked him if you needed to prepare anything and he said nothing else but left for the command center.” Josie explained, a troubled look on her face. 
Sighing, Addie took another sip of coffee, putting it on the desk. “Well no use worrying about it when it could be any of a thousand things.” 
Josie nodded, giving Addie a look before busying herself with the tasks on her desk. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten your date with DeMarco - spill Josie.” 
A grin tugged on Josie’s lips, looking up at her best friend. “It was good and he was a perfect gentleman. Took me to the little bistro in town and they ended up kicking us out. Time went by too quickly with him. He made me laugh and told me stories of back home. I might have let a few slip from our childhood.” 
Groaning, Addie mumbled a cussed under her breath, knowing full well which ones she might have slipped. “I’m so glad it went well, Jo. But you do realize he’s going to Africa with Bucky and DeMarco doesn’t have a tight lip, right? Not to mention they could run into Charlie.” 
“Your brother, your boyfriend and DeMarco along with Buck, Crosby, Biddick, and Blakely?” Josie’s eyes went wide, a cuss escaping her mouth. Addie grinned, nodding at the lightbulb that clicked in Josie’s mind.  “Your brother isn’t going to know what hit him. Hopefully the boys are on their best behavior?” 
Addie snorted, sighing, leaning back in her chair. “They’re Charlie’s responsibility for a few days.” 
Grabbing a stack of papers, Addie attempted to put the boys, Africa and the upcoming meeting with her father out of her mind. She buried her in the work sitting on her desk, letting all of the worries go. 
1100 Hours 
“Addie.” Her father called from his office as she signed her name to a form. Looking up, she saw that it was already 11 o’clock and time had gotten away from her. 
Pushing away from her desk, she headed to her dad’s office, giving him a look. “Come in and shut the door.” 
Her heart dropped as that was never a good way to start a meeting, especially with her father. She did as he asked before taking a seat. “Did I do something wrong?”
He laughed quietly, shaking his head. “Not today Addie. Is there something I should know?” 
She thought back on the last few days, nothing out of the ordinary, unless you could count the boys getting restless and drawing with chalk on the handstands.  “Don’t believe so - you know more about the comings and goings on base than I do.” 
“That Major is keeping you awfully busy.” He raises an eyebrow, causing Addie to giggle. 
“You like Bucky, remember dad?” She gave him a look, raising her own eyebrow. “You said so after we had dinner last week.” 
Bucky, though he had interacted with her father a thousand times, was nervous to meet with him one on one. After he discovered her father’s love of baseball, Bucky had calmed down and the two chatted like old friends. 
“Yes, I know what I said. I just meant you have a full schedule now.” Her father smiled. “It’s good to see you have friends and go out.” 
Addie nodded, knowing things were about to take a turn. “You didn’t call me into your office to chitchat. What’s going on?” 
“I could never pull anything over on you, could I Addie?” He attempted to stall, leaning forward in his chair to look at her. “I’m being transferred to Ratcliff.” 
The words hit her hard. She should have known it was coming but it took her by surprise all the same. “When?” 
“Next week.” He was quiet watching her. “I know this is unexpected.” 
Shaking her head, she bit her lip, trying to keep the tears at bay. “Ratcliff puts you one step closer to going to France. Everyone knows that’s the last step.” 
“Addie, I’m not going to France. Their Colonel is heading there, which is why I’m stepping in. But France isn’t my plan.” Her father stepped out from behind his desk, coming to lean against his desk. 
Giving him a look, she sighed. “That might not be your plan but the Air Force does what it wants. How long have you known?”
He hesitated and that’s when Addie knew that her father had known for a bit of time. “You’ve known for a while but you had to tell me because it’s next week. Does Elizabeth or Charlie know?” 
His silence was all she needed to know. “I see. Well, we’ll miss you around here but I need to go.” 
Without another word, she left his office, slapped her thigh for Meatball and walked out of the tower without another word with the faithful dog by her side. Only once the door slammed shut, did the tears start to fall down her face. 
Reaching down, she grabbed a stray tennis ball, throwing it down the tarmac for Meatball. Faithfully, he brought it back every time, just for her to throw it again. She threw it a few more times before she realized she wasn’t alone. 
“Want to talk?” The voice asked, looking over her shoulder she saw Bowman standing there. 
“You should be in the command center, not worrying about me, Red.” She threw the ball again, sighing. 
He chuckled. “I can’t do a damn thing in the command center but wait. Thought I would check on you to see how you’re doing. Your dad was worried sick having to tell you.” 
“Doesn’t stop the fact that he waited so long to tell me. And the fact that Charlie and Elizabeth know even though they’re out in the field.” She muttered back, watching Meatball run happily back with the ball. Wiping away the tears, she sighed. “My entire family is in this damn war and we’re all separated. This sucks.” 
“I don’t disagree Addie, but this is what happens when you are part of a service driven family.” Bowman commented, picking up the ball Meatball had dropped. 
“I’m alone - everyone left me, and I’m stuck here waiting. Waiting for news and people to come back.” More tears welled up in her eyes, streaming lines down her face. “I hate all the waiting. Any news on the boys making it to Africa?” 
Red sighed, looking at the girl he considered another daughter, pulling her in for a side hug. “You’re not alone Addie. You’ve got Josie, Bucky and the rest of the boys along with me. You’ve created your own makeshift family. As for the boys and Africa, they won’t make it until closer to sunset. But as soon as I know something I will let you know.” 
“Thanks Red.” She attempted a smile, but her heart wasn’t in it. He squeezed her shoulder giving her the space she wanted. 
Throwing the ball once more, heart ached for Bucky. He had the ability to make her feel safe and, in that moment, all she wanted was his arms around her, telling it would be okay. 
2100 Hours - Telergma, Algeria 
Sighing, Bucky dropped down from the fort, kissing his hand and slapping it against his fort, immensely grateful for her getting them to Africa. Squinting in the distance, he watched the planes descend onto the sand, sighing in relief as each one touched down. 
Kidd came to stand behind him as he watched Buck’s plane miss the runway. “Better late than never.” 
With a laugh, he hit Kidd, happy in the fact that his best friend made it. Turning, he followed Kidd to the Kübelwagen, hopping in, starting the engine. 
He pushed all his thoughts out as they drove towards Buck’s fort - he would deal with the emotions but for now, he had a wheels down landing and a few days to relax before heading home. 
Pulling to a stop in front of the B-17, Bucky threw the jeep in park, jumping out to go check on everyone. “You boys okay?” He saw the dazed look on Buck’s face and knew his flight had been much different than his. “You alright?” 
Buck ran a hand over his face, loudly sighing. “Don’t ask me that right now. I don’t know.” 
Bucky nodded, knowing how he felt. “Don’t know how you flew that thing all the way to Africa but you missed the runway.” He smirked, pointing behind Buck. “It’s right there.” 
Giving him a look, Buck shook his head, looking over his shoulder, not in the mood for Bucky’s teasing.  Movement caught Bucky’s eyes as he sucked in a deep breath. “Oh boy. Who is it?”  
“Norman Smith, radio operator.” Buck’s grovel voice answered, turning away and looking out onto the sand and sunset. “I lost four forts. How many of us made it?” 
“11 out of 21.” Bucky ran a hand through his hair, sighing. “What about Claytor? Any shoots?” 
“I didn’t see any.” Buck stuttered, attempting to keep his emotions at bay, knowing what Bucky was going to ask next. 
“And Curt?” 
The air hung heavy with those words. Buck staring into the distance as if the answers were written there, his voice shaky. “I-I don’t know.”
“Well knowing Biddick he’s sipping on a bottle of schnapps right about now.” Bucky attempted humor, but it fell flat as the gravity of what they lost caught up to them both. “We’re going to get through this, Buck. Don’t you stop believing that.” 
“Sure Bucky.” He sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair, before rubbing his eyes, looking out at the fading sunlight. “Your boys okay?” 
“Everyone’s fine.” Bucky nodded, seeing others start to congregate around the group of forts. “Looks like the locals are starting their greetings.”
A group of men in fatigues were making their way towards the group of forts, welcoming the Hundredth to Africa. Buck pushed a small smile to his face, pushing away the sadness for the moment. Bucky knocked his shoulder. “Should we go see if Addie’s brother is in the mix?” 
“So you can go make a fool of yourself?” Buck shot back, a small grin on his face. 
“You’ve got jokes today!” Bucky howled, taking a moment from the hurt and pain of the day. “That’s why you’re my wingman to stop me from doing that.” 
“No one can stop you once you start.” Buck gave him a look. “But let’s go see if Charlie is in there so you can deliver a letter then he can kick your ass for dating his sister.” 
Bucky’s eyes went wide at the thought. “Do you think she’s told him we’re dating?” 
“If not, it’s a little late to be worrying about that.” Buck snorted loudly. “You didn’t think to confirm that with her before leaving?” 
Slapping Buck’s shoulder, Bucky looked put out. “Excuse you, I had other things to worry about, meeting my girlfriend's brother was towards the bottom of that list.” 
“Well no time like the present, if he’s in that group.” Buck quipped, starting the walk back to the group, Bucky lost in his thoughts. 
Fifteen minutes later, walking up to the group, it was clear to see Charlie Baker was indeed a part of the group. Buck placed a hand on Bucky’s arm, stopping him. “Damn the resemblance is uncanny. Definitely like father, like son.” 
“And he and Addie share the same eyes and smile.” Bucky murmured, causing Buck to chuckle. 
“You would notice those two features huh?” Buck shot back, walking closer to the group, leaving Bucky to follow him. 
Introductions soon followed, as Charlie narrowed his eyes on Bucky. “So you’re the guy that my sister’s smitten with huh?” 
“John Egan, sir. Everyone calls me Bucky.” He held a hand out for Charlie to shake, as the man eyed him up and down. Charlie shook his hand, giving him what he hoped was an intimidating look. “I also brought you this, from your sister of course.” 
Offering the letter, Charlie reluctantly took it, sighing with a cuss under his breath. “I’m sure this letter is to rip my ass for not writing her enough.” 
“She did mention that.” Bucky scratched the side of his jaw. “Not sure what else she mentioned about me, but I hope we could be friends.” 
Charlie tilted his head back, cackling loudly. Little did Bucky know.  “Oh Egan we’re going to be friends if it’s the last thing Addie does. Has she shown you her stubborn side yet? If not, you’re in for a treat.” 
“Haven’t had the pleasure of seeing her stubborn side yet but I’ve seen her cocky side when we watched her land a B-17.” Bucky smirked. 
Charlie’s eyes went wide. “She went back up?” 
“She delivered a Spit to a base south of us and brought back a B-17. Boys didn’t believe she could fly the big birds.” Bucky explained. “She didn’t hesitate to call my men out for not believing her.”
Charlie cracked up, shaking his head. “That’s my sister - doesn’t hesitate to call you out when you’re wrong. Or show you that girls can do it just as well if not better than boys. She’s been that her whole life.” 
“I’d like any stories you’re willing to share about Addie.” DeMarco piped up as Buck, Blakely, and Crosby all agreed. 
Charlie nodded. “Come find me tomorrow and I’ll share some stories of my baby sister. Did she ever tell you that she’s klutzy?” 
“No but that sounds like it has plenty of stories to go along with that.” Bucky grinned, watching Charlie laugh. “You don’t know half of it, Bucky.” 
Charlie’s POV
Watching the boys from the Hundredth walk back over to their forts, Charlie sat outside his tent and sighed. Ripping open the envelope, he let his eyes skim the familiar scrawl of his sister’s hand. 
If you think I’m going to yell at you for not writing, you’re right. I miss hearing from you and wait eagerly for letters from you and Elizabeth. Luckily I knew some people going to Africa who could deliver this for me. I miss you and hope you’re doing well. 
I’m assuming you have met the elusive Bucky or John Egan now since you’re reading this. Don’t tell the man all the embarrassing stuff that I did as a child, please Charles. Gotta keep some secrets from him for a bit.
I’m sure Bucky told you about me flying a B-17 but if he hasn’t make sure he tells you the story.  I’m still on the ATA shit list but at least I got to see Anna and Lydia. By the way, what’s up with you and Anna? She clammed right up when I mentioned you. 
Charlie grinned, shaking his head. There literally was no way he could get anything past his sister. He would avoid that subject as long as he could. He just hoped Anna wouldn’t be so quick to spill the beans.
Things are good here at the base. I’m enjoying the work and between Harding, Bowman, and dad, they’re all keeping me busy and somewhat out of trouble. Men go up and some come back and the world keeps spinning. It’s hard to get close to the guys but we do what we must - just buckle up and hold on. 
I miss you Charlie and hope I get to see you soon. Write back, please? 
Love, Addie. 
Sighing, he tilted his head back. He knew she was probably in distress due to their father’s transfer and Bucky continuously going up on missions. He had tried several times to get back to England, each request being denied instantly. 
He just hoped Bucky and his boys were keeping an eye on Addie and being there for her, when he couldn’t be. Tomorrow, he promised himself that he would get to know the boys that were on base with his sister. If nothing else, to make sure they were keeping an eye on her.
Thorpe Abbotts 2200 Hours
Meatball was curled around her as she laid in bed, staring off in the distance as the girls settled around her. The entire day she had been just moving from one thing to the next, out of it as she awaited news on the boys landing in Africa. 
She slowly ran her hand through Meatball’s fur, the only thing keeping her distracted for the moment. Sighing, she barely smiled when Meatball leaned over to give her hand a lick. 
Hearing the door being thrown open, she didn’t move, knowing the girls would call her if they needed her. Josie scanned the room, seeing her best friend and Meatball curled up as one on her bed. Hastily walking over, she crouched in front of Addie, giving her a bright smile. “We just got word that the boys made it to Africa.  Bucky, Buck, DeMarco, Kidd and Blakely are all safe and sound.” 
The dam bursts open, tears streaming down her face as the words hit her. The first time all day she let them fall, sobbing at the news mixed with the high emotions she felt. Meatball nuzzled her cheek as she let the emotions of the day fall with the tears. Josie ran her hand through her hair, making comforting noises as she went. 
After what seemed like forever, Addie reached up and wiped her eyes, looking Josie directly in the eyes. “They’re really okay?” 
“Charlie was the one to send the message. Said to tell you hello and thank you for the letter.” Josie promised, watching Addie wipe her eyes and sigh.
Tears welled up in her eyes at the news, a mix of relief and heartache at them being so far away. “Thank you Josie. Todays been a shit day but that was the news I needed to hear.” 
August 18, 1000 Hours - Africa
“I let Addie know that your butts had arrived here safely.” Charlie yelled, the office door slamming behind him, as he looked around at the men gathering. “Sent it last night and I just got a reply back, asking if you lot had driven me up a wall yet.” 
With nothing to do but wait, the men gathered in groups around Charlie’s crew, listening to stories of their time in Africa. Bucky found himself sitting by with Buck, DeMarco, Blakely, Kidd, and Crosby around him, waiting for Charlie to make his appearance. 
“And your response to that?” Bucky yelled back, grinning happily at his girl’s brother. 
“Told her not yet but time was ticking on that happening.” Charlie took a seat in the semi-circle. “Her and Josie both send their regards; I don’t understand how they can miss you all. If it was me, I’d enjoy the peace and quiet.” 
“Addie doesn’t like a quiet base - too much unknown in the waiting or something like that.” Buck piped up, shaking his head at Charlie. 
Shrugging, Charlie smirked. “My sister’s always been an odd bird, as I’m sure you all have figured out.” 
The boys mumbled their agreements, still trying to figure out when Charlie was serious and when he was joking around. 
Slapping his thighs, DeMarco raised his eyebrow, calling out.  “Alright Baker, you gotta tell us stories of your sister.” 
Charlie laughed, loving his enthusiasm. “What did she do to get on your bad side, DeMarco?” 
“Not mine but she gave a lecture to the whole flight crew because someone had requested rubbers and Twinkies and she wasn’t a fan.” DeMarco spilled, causing all the boys to laugh and Charlie to throw his head back with laughter. “She denied that she knew anything about the meeting, all while she planned the whole damn thing.” 
Charlie nodded. “That sounds like Ade. She can play dirty, just be aware of that. When we were kids, I found a snake in the garden and kept threatening to put it in her bed. Well that night as I was getting ready for bed, I threw back the covers only to see a garter snake slithering all over my bed. Little shit had grabbed it and stowed it in my bed. Let’s just say I tried not to get on her bad side.”
Bucky grinned, loving hearing stories of his girl from her older brother. Charlie smirked. “I caught her and Josie sneaking out of the house one summer. Our parents were at the neighbors and told us to stay home yet those two wanted to go out dancing. They tried the old pillows under the cover and called it an early night. They almost got away with it had it not been for the family dog, Willow, who jumped up on Addie’s bed. Dad waited up for them to get home and let’s just say Addie was grounded for a few weeks after that. She had to do numerous of mine and Elizabeth’s chores around the house.” 
The boys cackled at that, imaging Addie sneaking out of the house. “Your sister is so prim and proper but she’s definitely got a wicked streak.” 
“She’s definitely the daredevil of the family. Nothing ever scared her. Her ex was a bastard and attempted to tame her, which you can imagine made her rebel even more. We were all glad she got away from him.” Charlie swore, shaking his head. 
“Addie mentioned that she started a rumor about him after that.” Bucky spoked up, giving Charlie a look. “She also started a bonfire just to burn everything of his after she was kicked out of the ATA.” 
Charlie nodded, as the rest of the men looked between the two, various reactions at that bit of news. “My friends back home tracked him down and gave him a beating for what he did to Ade. Bastard cost her her dreams and everything she had worked so hard for. He took away her fighting, stubborn spirit and punched her down too many times. Wish I could’ve buried him six feet deep but Addie told me I was too good for jail.” 
Bucky’s men traded glances with one another, taking in his words. Buck shook his head cussing, glad Addie’s ex wasn’t anywhere in England.  He felt a bit more protective of Addie now that he knew the backstory. DeMarco cracked his knuckles wanting to hit something for someone hurting his friend.
“You mean her ex is the reason she’s not flying anymore?” Blakely spoke up, picking up on the heavy tone. 
Charlie nodded. “He had done a “welfare” check on the house she was staying in and found out that her roommates hadn’t seen Addie in a few weeks. He was pissed they didn’t report her missing. He was on good terms with the local police and requested a welfare warrant be sent out for Addie in the States. The authorities were looking in the US so it took them a bit to track her down. Ade’s promotion from Lieutenant to Captain made the papers back home and the big guns came calling in February. They met her at her base and stripped her of her flying privileges and gave  her two options - go back home or transfer to Thorpe as a secretary.  Obviously you all know which one she chose but she was a mixed bag of emotions for a long while.” 
“She had a bitter night the first night I met her.” Bucky spoke up quietly, cracking his knuckles, a sad tone to his words. “She was in ‘Our Baby’ the last fort she had ferried and reminisced on her prior life. I think she’s gotten better over the last few months but I saw the true spark come back to her when she flew in the B-17. I don’t think the grin left her face for at least 5 days straight.”
Charlie whistled. “I will never forget seeing her fly a B-17 for the first time. I was on leave and she was ferrying one to Ratcliff where I was going to meet her and she sailed that fort in so smoothly. When she jumped out, she had the biggest smile on her face - it was the second time she had flown one. Don’t ever tell her this because I’ll deny it but she’s my hero. She’s such a badass and she doesn’t even know it.”
“So she never backs down from a challenge?” DeMarco cocked an eyebrow, smirking. 
Charlie snickered. “Be careful what you wish for DeMarco. She can drink with the best of them and will kick your ass at darts. The last I knew she wasn’t great at cards but knowing her, she’s gotten better at them. Watch it when she and Josie team up for something - those two are hellions together.” 
“Tell me more about Josie.” DeMarco looked at Charlie with a smirk. 
Charlie looked at him, shaking his head. “She’s too good for you, DeMarco.  She’s like another little sister to me and she won’t hesitate to kick your ass if you piss her off. Addie too, Bucky, for the record. Don’t try to pull anything smart over them - they will see right through it. They’ve been forced to be tough because that’s just how the Air Force is and they may be brash and hardened but if you crack through that exterior, they’re girly girls at the heart of it. Now word of advice if Anna and Lydia come to base, run - don’t attempt to engage with the four of them, just run.”
“Any more stories you can share?” Buck smirked, wanting to have some in his back pocket just in case.
Charlie took a drink, mulling over all the stories he could tell. “She ever tell you about the belly landing she had to do?” 
Eyes widened, the boys exchanged looks with one another, each shaking their heads. Charlie sighed, leaning forward. “It was towards the end and she was ferrying B-17s around. The way she tells it, it was a normal day, no issues, until she went to put the landing gear down and something was stuck. Obviously, it’s just her so she couldn’t go look. Radioed the tower and the tower told her she was going to have to do a belly landing - her first one ever. She landed at Nuthampstead, perfect belly landing. The crew at Bassingbourn forgot to mention to her that they had issues with the back landing gear the previous day. Ade was livid when she finally got out of the plane, due to the crew's oversight. She wrote a strongly worded letter that our father delivered when he went to Bassingbourn for a meeting.” He rubbed his forehead, grinning. “But I think she was more pissed that she had to stay two days in the infirmary with a concussion - she needed six stitches in her forehead.” 
“You calling her a daredevil was accurate.” Kidd snorted, shaking his head. “Couldn’t imagine belly landing a plane alone.” 
Charlie shrugged. “She had to do what she had to do. She’s just lucky that she was able to walk away without being more injured.  Is she still flying?” 
The boys all smirked thinking back to her birthday. “She flies an old Tiger Moth that a farmer has up the road from base. She took Bucky and Buck up on her birthday and managed to scare them both.” 
Charlie laughed. “Did she do the stall trick?” 
“She did and I thought we were going to crash into the ground.” Buck whistled, thinking back on that day and the wickedly loud laugh Addie gave him when he questioned her. “She did some other tricks, laughing wickedly the entire time.” 
Bucky snorted, looking over at his best friend, leaning forward to look at Charlie, a smirk on his face. “Buck has sworn off ever flying with her again but as Addie says, never say never.” 
“It will be a cold day in hell before I fly with her in the pilot’s seat again.” Buck cackled. “I told her next time I fly with her, I’ll be the pilot and she can be the co-pilot.” 
“I’m sure that went over as well as a lead balloon.” Charlie guffawed, looking over the group. This was probably the most relaxed he had been in all of his time in Africa. 
“Addie started smarting off and telling me she would dance circles around me if we both had to fly a plane somewhere in a competition and that she would land 20 minutes ahead of me.” Buck raised an eyebrow at Charlie. “I guess we can thank you for the competitive nature she has?” 
“Between me and Elizabeth.” Charlie lips upturned with mischief. “She always wanted to follow us around, being the youngest and all. So she soon discovered she had to be ruthless and one step ahead of us, which is where the competition comes in. Elizabeth and I both agree that it just set her up for her future endeavors and made her into the badass pilot she is. If there's anyone that I want flying me anywhere, it’s Ade.” Charlie smirked. “The calmest and coolest pilot I’ve ever seen under pressure, even when the plane was on fire at 10,000 feet.” 
Bucky’s eyes went wide, hand gripping his chair a bit harder. “Are you trying to scare me with all her horror stories, Charlie?” 
“Nah just reminding you that she’s tougher than she looks.” Charlie quipped back. “I have to remind myself of that every now and then.” 
Bucky nodded, looking at the ground. Sighing, he got lost in his thoughts, thinking about Addie. He couldn’t wait to be back at base, tugging her into his arms and kissing her senselessly. Though she could wind him up, she also had the ability to calm him down and make him plan for the future. He at least hoped he had a future with her.
“Bucky . . . Bucky.” Crosby whistled, pulling him out of his thoughts as his men all cracked up laughing at the dazed look on his face. “Charlie asked you a question.” 
Arching an eyebrow, Bucky shook his head attempting to push Addie from his thoughts. “Sorry Charlie.” 
“No doubt daydreaming about my baby sister, huh?” Charlie teased, happy that his sister had found a good man, finally. 
Shrugging, Bucky leaned back in his chair. “You caught me. Now what was so important that I was pulled out of my thoughts?” 
“We’re going to get grub - wanted to see if you wanted any.” Charlie chuckled, avoiding the punch coming his way.  “We’re just looking out for you, making sure you eat.”
“Idiots all of you.” Bucky smirked. “You just don’t want it getting back to Addie that you didn’t take care of me while we were here.” 
The boys guffawed, all yelling different disagreements while Buck wholeheartedly shook his head in agreement, swinging his arm around Bucky’s shoulder. “Damn right, you heard Charlie, don’t want to get on Addie’s bad side. So c’mon, let’s go get some grub.” 
Letting Buck lead him, Bucky shook his head. Soon, he would be reunited with Addie but for now, he would enjoy the time with his men and getting to know Charlie. 
Chapter 8
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The noccoro angst with this reversal is beautiful! GIVE ME PISSED OFF NETEYAM WHO RESENTS JAKE FOR ABANDONING SPIDER
Give me neteyam who is racked with massive amounts of guilt and torment over not rescuing Spider and having to live with the fact that he's dead and only neteyam knows and can only see him....
I think the only person who would believe him would be Kiri, considering how in tune she is with eywa and her surroundings.
Give me Neteyam trying to help put Spider's spirit to rest, but Spider is so far gone that it's impossible to even try, because Spider's spirit is just so broken from everyone turning their backs on him and abandoning him to the sky people and him feeling like he's not good enough to pass on into Eywa's embrace.
"You left me to die!" Spider screamed.
"I-I never wanted to leave you behind! None of us wanted too leave you behind!" Neteyam cries out as tears roll down his cheek.
"LIAR!" Spider screams as the marui shakes violently from Spider's furious rage.
(If you guys don't know what we are talking about, it's the ghost of Guilt by @undercoverpan which is like a Spider ghost version of our Neteyam ghost au and we are all literally insane for not thinking of that first).
I know we've all been on our Neteyam hiding his relationship with Spider shit, but I feel like this is the perfect opportunity for him to just say fuck it and just start saying everything and going off on everyone. I KNOW Kiri would believe him, and I think Lo'ak would too, he looks up to Neteyam too much not too. The tragedy that even if he can get through to Spider ghost and they can reconcile and he can prove to Spider that he loves him and that the kids all care and never wanted to leave him, it ultimately doesn't matter. Spider is still dead and Neteyam is still just seeing a ghost.
(If any of you are into The Black Phone and also are into very sad and tragic ghost love stories, feel free to check out Holding On and Letting Go by Nizhoni93, which this fic reminded me of in the hopelessness it made me feel in the ghost of a loved one being right in front of you, but not really there at all. It's so incredibly well written. Little tw for implied rape/non con, but if you know The Black Phone you know).
Fun edit to my draft of this: got distracted rereading that fic, please have a long list of quotes from it that really haunt me and that I feel really fit our ghost love au:
"He curls in on himself, crying quietly. I lay beside him on my side, head lying on my arm, watching him. A heavy blanket of grief covers us both. There’s a block of moonlight coming through the window. It splits us down the middle, me in shadow and Fin bathed in the silvery blue streak peaking through the jarred curtain. It’s almost ironic. That we’re laying on opposing sides now, like it was always inevitable. This frail seam divides us more than I feel. Light and dark. Life and death. Maybe we were just never meant to be in each other’s worlds."
"When he falls asleep again, I want to reach across that fragile line of midnight, that mystical brink between us, and urge the sweaty strands off hair out of his face. I imagine imprinting myself under Fin’s skin, leaving new and warm dreams of us to replace the cold bruising ones the Grabber left behind.
There’s an anchor in my chest that stops me. I’m never gonna’ touch Finney Blake again. Am I?
All we have is whatever this is.
And whatever this is, it’s harder than anyone can ever imagine."
"Sort of struts down the hall sometimes — which admittedly, is kind of cute. Now that I'm dead, I can own that. Finney Blake is cute. It's not like I have anything more to lose in saying so."
"Instead I could have stuck around and spent a lifetime making sure I was protecting Finney Blake from myself and from anyone who could dare to get in his way. Now I'm the reason he's getting in his own way.
He spends hours in day, refusing to forget me. He's sad when he wakes up and he's sad when he goes to bed. When he's not sad, he's angry."
"I like you Finney Blake...only you'll never know it. You'll think I liked older girls with angry philosophies. But I like you, for your sweetness and how clever you are. I like you for being funny and gentle and brave and impossible to give up."
"'I can’t shake him.' Finney mumbles, his words sounding exhausted and hazey, 'He’s still everywhere. He won’t go away.’
'I know kid. He’s still got me too.'
Fin hitches on another cry.
My heart perks. I need him to never quit saying my name. Even when he’s sad, I want it to be his. Only his.
'…I know you said I could do this, but I can’t. Why’d you have to go?'
I shake my head at him, 'I haven’t left Fin. I'm with you till the world stops spinning if you want me. I ain’t going anywhere.'"
"He squeezes Donna's hand, but I feel the pressure constricting my heart instead. There's no more blood left in me to spare, but if there were it'd be at Fin's discretion to start pumping the life back into my veins where it belongs."
"That hasn't changed Fin. I'll always be around to have yours, I want you to have me right back. I wish I could be the one to help you break down the walls you've built since I died, instead of being the reason those bricks were laid. Donna Thompson is around to help you miss me, but what if I don't want to be missed? I just want to be in your face and hold your face and kiss your face and make you never forget me."
"'I have faith, just not in who you'd expect.'
'Then who?'
He looks up, steadfast, 'The only person that matters,' he answers. 'Robin.'
I smile at him with a misty gaze. You're the only thing I still believe in too Finney Blake. Fuck it, we can worship each other and every inch of the world around us that isn't covered by shadow. I never want to be in the dark again. I don't have to be when I'm around you. We can make our own light and we never have to crossover. We can just stay together, you knowing me and me knowing you...and that's all that has to make any sense.
I'll stick with you Finney Blake. Pray to me. I'll be your best religion."
"I reach up and thumb Finney's face where his jaw his tensing. I'm braver being invisible. Writing my fingertips over his skin. There's no electricity between us. No magic spark under my fingertips. If I give into the temptation and add even a little more pressure, he'll slip through my fingers. I can't tell if he's cold or warm. I can't feel the smooth hollow of his cheek, or have him lean into my touch.
But I can look into those black eyes and know exactly where I belong. There's a little window of light slipping onto the crest of his irises now, unveiling flecks of gold. They look like stars. If Fin is lost, I'll stay lost with him. I'll float my soul forever in the deepest, darkest shade of his universe.
'I couldn't live without you Fin. Dang dude, I had to go and die just so I could follow you forever.'"
"'This isn't normal grieving Robin. Everyone keeps telling me it'll get easier but every minute you're not around, I'm losing my mind! I'm seeing flickers of you in the corner of my eye. I'm hearing echoes of things that aren't there. It's your stupid sarcasm and your sass and your obnoxious fucking laugh—'
'Hey...hey watch it—'
'I miss your laugh,' Finney chuckles sadly, 'you never cared that people looked at you weird for it.'
'Maybe cause I only had eyes for you dork.'
'And then I think I feel things too. Just now, I swear...' He shakes his head at himself, tracing his cheek softly. I watch his brain working, my heart thudding with desperation. You swear what? What Finney!?
'There's no way.'
There is a way Fin. There has to be! We just have to find it."
"Can dead hearts break? If so, I hope this time I'm done for good."
"I try to shake him awake, but my hands go through him. I hover my palms over him, quivering uncontrollably. I yell out to him, 'Fin! Wake up! Wake up! C'mon man!'"
"Sometimes I catch glimmers of hope in his eyes. Hope for me. For us. Those star flecks burst like supernovas only I can see. But I worry; will Fin accept any future without me in it, especially knowing now that I’m back on the table? I don’t want to get his hopes up. Seeing as how, fate’s got an annoying track record for overlooking the sheer epicness of us. What if once all our light explodes; we're just left staring into the dark mouth of a black hole?
I'm not sure I'm good for Fin anymore. Or is it the other way around? This boy is a torture to me. I'm alive when I'm around Fin. He makes me alive. My heart stopped beating a long time ago. My heart is decaying five feet deep in the earth. But Finney wakes my soul. We're so extended; it feels like he's beating one heart for the both of us.
I know I’ll have to let him go one day. I know I’ll have to make him let me go.
Till then, we can keep being hopeless idiots.
I still really wish I could give Fin what he wants though. Get him to see me for as little or as long as we have left."
"'Are you here Robin?' He barely whispers. Anyone else would've missed it. But by now I'm an expert in all sounds Finney Blake, and I can make language out of even his tiniest, most indistinguishable peeps. 'Or did I chase you away?'
I smile softly at him.
'Nothing you say is making me go away Fin.'"
"We can pretend we're in our own little world here. You don't know this, but I'm laying against the door hovering my legs in your lap because the leg room back here really does suck but also because it's an excuse to get closer to you. I'm not complaining.
Finney...I've missed half the movie because I'm watching you instead and I never want to quit being the only one who gets to see you from this angle. The way your smile shines from your soul and the casual grace of your dimples as you reach across the console and keep stealing Gwen's fries. You have mischievous grin and a fry dangling from your lips and I'm realizing you're my latest and greatest revelation.
Jesus. I think I might love you Finney Blake. I think I might maybe...actually...definitely love you."
"I'm losing my marbles trying to hold onto this illusion I've built around Fin and me. Maybe I died too young for this. I'm too small for a feeling so big, but I can't help it. I know how I feel and I feel like I can't live without him. I guess I don't have to though, do I? I've fooled myself into believing that being dead meant nothing had to change. I could sit on the sidelines like I used to for Finney's games, only this time I'd be watching him live for the both of us. It's sad to realize that everything about me since I've died and everything that’s happened since, is really, pathetically, entirely about him. I can't live my own future so I have to steal his."
"I touch him. Not really though.
Fin blinks into a soft, nonplussed expression. My heart leaps in my chest.
He looks at the space beside him, at me?
Not really though.
His eyes scan the empty seat where I should be sitting and a part of me believes he feels something. That he's searching down a path that I've dragged him down again. I feel guilty for taking him away from this moment of reprieve. Why is it so hard not to be selfish with him?"
"I touch him everywhere where he can see me in the window. I run my fingers over his forearm and love the way his veins pucker when he tenses his arm. I crawl my fingers up the sides of his neck to see if it tickles him and I get sad when it doesn't."
"'Why'd you do that? Why'd you go away?'
'What?' I ask wincing, taken aback by that. 'It's not like I meant to Kid.'
'I don't understand what's happening here!' Finny says, spinning on his heals and pacing in the other direction now. He gestures vaguely and frustratingly at thin air.
'I can't go through this again! It's just like what happened before, except now I'm losing you in pieces rather than all at once and...and...do you even know how hard that is? You were there and now you're not and why? Why are you doing this to me?'
My eyes burn with angry and uncomfortable tears. He's getting under my skin, or maybe he always was and I'm just being reminded of that.
'Hey stop it will you! You think this is easy for me either? You think I wouldn't POOF! myself into your fucking lap again if I could?'
'I'm waiting here ghost boy!' Finney shouts at me, or I guess in the general direction of where he thinks I'm standing. He's about three feet off."
"'Robin,' He utters again, 'if you heard any of that, I didn't mean it, okay? This is all so hard. All I want is for this to be real. I want to keep you so badly.'
I step closer to him, suffocating the space between us. Leaving absolutely no room for Jesus.
'Don't I know it,' I whisper back.
I like the way his bangs get tangled, and I lean in and nuzzle my temple against them. It might be coincidence, the way he closes his eyes for me. We're breathing together. It makes sense to take and give life together. I dust my nose against his cheek and then move my lips over his lips. He pacifies against me. He’s more delicate up close. I'm stroking all his sweet, soft curves and fuzzy outlines.
'This is progress though, right?' I tease him, whispering against his mouth. My voice is raspy, losing itself to the lump in my throat. I swallow it down and close my eyes too.
'Tell me you can feel this Fin.'
'Robin...' I hear Finney whisper, softer and more fragile this time, 'Is that you?'"
"'Dare me to spend the night with a ghost, Robin?'
I grin at him, my mind and heart on fire. I quirk a challenging brow at him, 'What else is new, right?'"
"'Jesus Christ,' she scorns, touching a hand to her head and clutching her hair stressfully. 'You've really gone and fallen in love with a ghost haven't you?'
I stiffen. Fin chokes on his spit. He flushes so red, he looks like a dorky beetroot. We both start rambling like idiots.
'What? Robin and I aren't...no, it's not like that—!'
Without thinking, I look sideways at him. My heart snapping in my chest as I do. 'It's not?'
Lelaine bears down on me suspiciously.
Oops. Did I just say that out loud?
I backtrack, matching Fin's panic and blurting out my own pathetic explanation, 'I mean of course it's not!'
She's not buying it, cocking her chin in my direction and telling Fin, 'He doesn't seem to know that.'
I drop my face in my hands, groaning, '¡Querido Dios! You did not just tell him that.'"
"I sigh as I spider crawl my fingers toward his hand laying on the table. I tease my index finger over his. He doesn't move. Doesn't even flinch. I look at his hand, and at him and feel unbearably empty.
'He doesn't feel it.' I whisper. 'How can this be real if he doesn't even feel it?' I sit up and look at Lelaine through misty eyes. 'Can you help us or not?'
She frowns between us, looking sceptical. 'What do you expect me to do?' She asks.
'I want to be like you.' Finney eagerly explains, 'To be able to able to see and hear ghosts and control whatever the hell is happening to me. I want Robin back. Please.'"
"'I'm not getting rid of Robin.' Finney tells her, thankfully on the same page. Not that I ever thought he wouldn't be. The sting feels a little more bearable. 'There's got to be another way.'
She looks at both of us, scowling.
'Can you honestly say you are happy living like this? Because you certainly don't look happy Finney. The harder a medium latches onto a spirit, the thinner their tether to the real world gets stretched. It's a delicate line. You need to find a way to cut that tether loose, before you end up on the wrong side of it.'
She looks at me insolently, but is speaking to Fin as she says, 'Cut him loose before it's too late.'"
"She can't force Fin to get rid of me. That's not how it's supposed to go. We're supposed to be together!
'I'm not going anywhere. You can't make me!'
'You aren't doing him any favours by sticking around here,' Lelaine shoots back. 'He can never move on if you're always around to remind him why he shouldn't.'
There's a shard pushing into my brain now. Breaking the nerve endings holding my composure at bay. Tears mist my eyes and I choke out weak and pathetic words, 'I'm not trying to hurt him. I...I love him.'
That has to be enough. That mean something! It makes this okay. Us okay. Right?
'You are hurting him Robin, even if you can't see it that way.'
'STOP IT!' Finney screams at her, drawing our attention. He gets up and slams his palms on the table fiercely. 'Stop talking to him like that! You have no clue what you're even talking about. Robin is helping me, not hurting me. I need him!'
'Trust me honey, a ghost is the last thing you'll ever need in your life.'
'But it's my life to live, isn't it? I make my own choices. Just like you. Just like my mom did! And I choose Robin, understand? So you can just leave us alone.'"
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shysneeze · 2 years
Congratulations for 3k!! That’s amazing!!
I was wondering if I could do a 🐌 with
“You’re my only friend” and
“Can you stay a little longer?”
With Nancy x fem! Reader?
Love your works! And again, congratulations on 3k lovely! ❤️❤️
thank you :) and ty dearly for giving me the opportunity to write for nancy <3
warnings: drinking, implied reference to nancy losing barb etc, drunk confessions - im not really fully awake rn pls excuse if this is complete nonses - also its too long for a blurb but shhhh
Nancy's search for you ends in the upstairs bathroom of your classmates house, just as the panic of losing you has begun to make her breath feel hallow - she really has grown to hate high school parties.
"(Y/n), there you are," She exhales shakily in relief. "I was scared there, when I couldn't find you."
You're sitting in the bathtub, red cup hanging from one hand, knees pulled up to your chest. She can see the tear stains on your cheeks as you blink up at her, lips slack with surprise. Slowly, she steps into the bathroom, setting her own drink on the edge of the sink and locking the door behind her.
"Are you okay?"
"Sorry, Nance," You manage, recovered from your surprise, "I didn't mean to worry you, I just needed a minute."
Nancy frowns, concern flickering back to life in her chest as you sniffle softly. Self consciously, she freezes on the spot, debating her options.
"Okay…" She nods slowly, "Can I help? I can leave if you like-"
"No, no, don't do that," You plead, voice slurred just a little from whatever is sloshing at the bottom of your cup, "Can you- Can you stay for a little longer?"
Nancy smiles in relief at not being sent out into the party again, nodding as she carefully climbs into the bath with you, settling in the same position, mirroring you. You let out a sheepish laugh.
"Happy graduation day, Miss Valedictorian," You joke, holding your cup up to her in mimic of a toast, "I can only imagine this is exactly how you planned to celebrate your academic accomplishments,"
"Well, I always meant to spend it with friends," Nancy smiles, nudging your foot with her own, "So, it's not too far off,"
Nancy watches your smile fade, eyes flickering from her own. You twirl the contents of your cup for a moment before lifting the cup to your lips. You wince as the drink slides down your throat and toss the cup across the bathroom.
"(Y/n)," Nancy starts again in concern, "Are you okay?"
As you meet her eyes again, its with a new, indecipherable look in your eyes that almost startles Nancy.
"You're my only friend," You confess in a whisper barely audible over the muffled thumping of the music below you. "Do you know that?"
Nancy has no response. You twiddle with the thread on your sleeve, brows pulling into a pained expression that makes Nancy lean forward to place a comforting hand on your knee, squeezing in reassurance.
"You know you can tell me anything, (y/n)."
And, infuriatingly, you do know it, and a drunken confidence mixed with the giddiness of watching as her thumb traces comforting circles against your knee, takes over you.
"You're my only friend," You repeat, gulping, "but I'm terrified that I like you as something more… I like you, Nancy."
Nancy's hand goes slack on your knee, and a laugh escapes you, far more bitter than the lukewarm remains of your cup. Her lips part with no words to leave them.
"I know," You agree with her dumfounded expression, "but it's been cruel, all these years of watching you and Steve, then Jonathan… and now high school is over and I- I'm going to lose my only friend, but I needed you to know."
It's such a big confession, and it sits there in the space between you as the music continues downstair, though you worry your heartbeat is even louder.
Then, just as your ready to clamber from the bathtub in embarrassment, Nancy shuffles closer, tugging herself towards you with her hand on your knee and settling on her knees, between your legs. She lifts a free hand to cup your cheek, thumb grazing your skin softly as she smiles at you. Your heart stutters, breath escaping you in a startled gasp.
"You're drunk, (y/n)," She sighs softly, shaking her head slowly, "So I won't let myself feel too special tonight… but if tomorrow you still feel the same, and this isn't just some last attempt to cling to high school, then I'll tell you all about how I've liked you forever too."
Nancy grins to herself at your star struck expression, standing slowly as you process what you've heard. She steps out of the bath and holds her hands out towards you, tugging you to your feet and guiding you from the tub. And a grin finds your face when she doesn't drop your hand.
"C'mon," She says softly, "Let's get you home, lover girl."
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Diamond In The Rough Ch17 Epilogue
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(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Nintendo and Game Freak for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.)
"What do you mean he went off somewhere again?''
Elsa shrugged. "He left a good number of days ago. I thought ya already knew that, Mate. Didn't my big bro tell you anything before he left?"
You shook your head wide eyed. "No. I didn't even have any idea he was gone! How long has he been missing?"
"About two weeks ago. Said he had to take a quick trip over somewhere to pick up somethin' after Sonia told him about it. Not sure what tho. But I'm sure he'll be back soon."
"And how do you know that?"
"He called me this mornin'. Said he'll back by tomorrow noon."
That was strange. You hadn't seen Gordie for almost two weeks by now because you both had been so busy lately. You just assumed he was spending time with his family after spending so much time in Pasio. You'd been busy yourself seeing about setting up your new home and bakery. So you hadn't seen Gordie lately but only assumed that was because he was busy with everything. But..he had left without telling you? That was very much unlike him. Where did he go? Why didn't he tell you? Maybe he's been so busy and stressed that he had just forgotten? You'd just stop by to see if he wanted to join you for lunch that day and was hit with the news when Elsa answered the door. Well you'd soon find out what he was doing anyways since he was returning tomorrow. The next day came faster than expected and you were in the middle of work too. Your were in the front restocking some supplies when a man of blonde hair and a smile on his face walked in and you paused in your tracks, eyes widened, as none other than Gordie himself walked through the door sending the little bell above the door ringing.
"Y/n!," he said with a smile on his face turning towards your wide eyed look. "I'm home!"
"Where have you been!?," you asked turning from the shelf and frowning at him. "You took off for two weeks without telling me! I thought you said you were done with traveling for a long while."
He held up an empty hand. "I know. I know. But I promise I can explain. Can I talk to you outside for a sec?"
..You rose a brow. "Alright. I can finish stocking up in a minute."
Well that settled it. With that being a yes you went ahead and followed Gordie back outside just in front of the bakery with the bell dinging away behind you. Once outside he stopped and looked at you silently smiling for a moment however you were still confused. It was only after another second or two you opened your mouth, but was stopped when he held up his other hand. You weren't sure how you didn't notice but the entire time he was holding something, that something happened to be a simple pokeball wrapped in a red ribbon. You stared at him, then at him, then back at the ball, and after a moment of silently staring at it, slowly it from him to which he then lowered his hand back.
"...What's this?"
"'S a pokemon."
"I-..W-Well yeah. Obviously. But why?"
"J-Just open it," he stammered hand shakily reaching up to rub the back of his neck. "I w-went through the trouble of getting it for you. T-Took a bit since I lost my way twice..three times if you count losing the way to your house."
You still stared at him for a moment before looking back down at it. Gordie..got you a pokemon? Well that was an unexpected gift but not a bad one! That's actually really sweet of him to do so! With a smile you immediately pulled off the red ribbon and gave the small red and white ball a toss to summon out whatever it was inside. A bright white light popped out from it and the small critter came forth but the sight of it made you pause. It was a pokemon alright and one you HAD seen before...But by accident. When Gloria accidentally gave it to Hop so long ago. The small pokemon had the small body of an apple with eyes poking out at the top where the stem would be and a small green tail behind it. It blinked before looking around and stopping at you. Giving a curious peep towards yourself.
IT WAS AN APPLIN!! A FREAKING CUTE LITTLE APPLIN!! GORDIE HAD GIVEN YOU AN APPLIN!! you continued to stare at the small pokemon for a silent wide eyed moment for a moment before looking at Gordie.
"W-What's all this about?"
He gave the shakiest most nervous sounding sigh you had ever heard him say. "Y-Yeah...Look. I jus'-....*ahem* I-I-....*sigh* I didn't know how else to ask. Alright?" His head rolled to the side as he nervously rubbed his neck. "I-...I know we h-haven't really t-talked 'bout being together-together or anything official or nothing...So I-...I-I remembered what your mate said about the Isle of Armor. I talked to Sonia about it and found out there was a ton of these lil guys living over t-there in secret. So I just..." He sighed again closing his eyes gesturing to the small apple pokemon who made a peeping sound. "I wanted to get you one and ask-..W-Well it-it's only natural I'd a-ask and make it o-official at least. I-I MEAN! Only if ya want to. W-What I'm asking is....Y-Y/n. W-W-Would y-you m-mind..being m-my..p-partner-" His body flinched feeling a touch on his hand and he snapped his eyes up towards you.
He got his answer when you wrapped your hand around his own and smiled. "Yes."
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echantedtoon · 7 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch41 Epilogue
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Nintendo and Game Freak for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.)
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"What do you mean he went off somewhere again?''
Hop shrugged in front of you a stack of research papers in his arms. "He left a good number of days ago. I thought you already knew that, Mate. Didn't my big bro tell you anything before he left?"
You shook your head wide eyed. "No. I didn't even have any idea he was gone! How long has he been missing?"
"About two weeks ago. Said he had to take a quick trip over somewhere to pick up something after Sonia told him about it. Not sure what tho. But I'm sure he'll be back soon....unless he gets lost again. *sigh*"
"And how do you know that?"
"He called me this morning. Said he'll back by tomorrow noon, unless like I said, he gets lost again."
That was strange. You hadn't seen Lee for almost two weeks by now because you both had been so busy lately.You just assumed he was spending time with his family after spending so much time in Pasio. You'd been busy yourself seeing about adding some more furniture to your home with some unused furniture Mrs. L gifted you from their shed, and working hard to save up enough money to start that side bakery gig you always wanted. So you hadn't seen Lee lately but only assumed that was because he was busy with everything or gotten lost most of the time again. But..he had left without telling you? That was very much unlike him. Where did he go? To see the Chairwoman? Why didn't he tell you? Maybe he's been so busy and stressed that he had just forgotten? You'd just stop by to see if he wanted to join you for lunch that day and was hit with the news when Hop was walking out the door. Well you'd soon find out what he was doing anyways since he was returning tomorrow. The next day came faster than expected and you were in the middle of work too. Your boss and yourself were in the front restocking some supplies when a man of purple hair and a smile on his face walked in and you paused in your tracks, eyes widened, as none other than Leon himself walked through the door sending the little bell above the door ringing.
"Y/n!," he said with a smile on his face turning towards your wide eyed look. "I'm home!"
"Where have you been!?," you asked turning from the shelf and frowning at him. "You took off for two weeks without telling me! I thought you said you were done with traveling for a long while."
He held up an empty hand. "I know. I know. But I promise I can explain. I was going to meet at your house but I ended up taking a wrong turn and ended up in front of the store instead." he chuckled nervously and you rolled your eyes. "But this works t-too since you're here! Can I talk to you outside for a sec?"
..You looked to your Boss who nodded. "Go ahead. I'll just finish stocking the shelf here."
Well that settled it. With that being a yes you went ahead and followed Leon back outside just in front of the cafe with the bell dinging away behind you. Once outside he stopped and looked at you silently smiling for a moment however you were still confused. It was only after another second or two you opened your mouth, but was stopped when he held up his other hand. You weren't sure how you didn't notice but the entire time he was holding something, that something happened to be a simple pokeball wrapped in a red ribbon. You stared at him, then at him, then back at the ball, and after a moment of silently staring at it, slowly it from him to which he then lowered his hand back.
"...What's this?"
"It's a pokemon."
"I-..W-Well yeah. Obviously. But why?"
"J-Just open it," he stammered hand shakily reaching up to rub the back of his neck. "I w-went through the trouble of getting it for you. T-Took a bit since I lost my way twice..three times if you count losing the way to your house."
You still stared at him for a moment before looking back down at it. Lee..got you a pokemon? Well that was an unexpected gift but not a bad one! That's actually really sweet of him to do so! With a smile you immediately pulled off the red ribbon and gave the small red and white ball a toss to summon out whatever it was inside. A bright white light popped out from it and the small critter came forth but the sight of it made you pause. It was a pokemon alright and one you HAD seen before...But by accident. When Gloria accidentally gave it to Hop so long ago. The small pokemon had the small body of an apple with eyes poking out at the top where the stem would be and a small green tail behind it. It blinked before looking around and stopping at you. Giving a curious peep towards yourself.
IT WAS AN APPLIN!! A FREAKING CUTE LITTLE APPLIN!! LEE HAD GIVEN YOU AN APPLIN!! you continued to stare at the small pokemon for a silent wide eyed moment for a moment before looking at Leon.
"W-What's all this about?"
He gave the shakiest most nervous sounding sigh you had ever heard him say. "Y-Yeah...Look. I jus'-....*ahem* I-I-....*sigh* I didn't know how else to ask. Alright?" His head rolled to the side as he nervously rubbed his neck. "I-...I know we h-haven't really t-talked 'bout being together-together or anything official or nothing...So I-...I-I remembered what Glory said about the Isle of Armor. I talked to Sonia about it and found out there was a ton of these lil guys living over t-there in secret. So I just..." He sighed again closing his eyes gesturing to the small apple pokemon who made a peeping sound. "I wanted to get you one and ask-..W-Well it-it's only natural I'd a-ask and make it o-official at least. I-I MEAN! Only if ya want to. W-What I'm asking is....Y-Y/n. W-W-Would y-you m-mind..being m-my..p-partner-" His body flinched feeling a touch on his hand and he snapped his gold eyes up towards you.
He got his answer when you wrapped your hand around his own and smiled. "Yes."
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ciaossu-imagines · 11 months
I'm also curious about this so could you write a drabble of Shōhei when he gets caught skipping class?
Of course I can, my lovely anon! Thank you for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy the drabble!
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“Yeah, yeah, just give me a sec to grab the rest of the stuff and I’ll catch up to you!” Shouhei said, grinning up at Chitose, who shrugged.
“Sure. We’ll go slow so even your ass can catch up to us,” Chitose responded, returning Shouhei’s smile before lazily heading off to join up with Yata, Fujishima, Eric, and Dewa. The six boys had all decided to play hooky from an assembly. After all, those things always drug on for far too long and they were never really important. It was far better to spend their time hidden on the trails behind the school, smoking and shooting the shit and having fun. Shouhei watched them head off before a bend in the trail obscured them from his vision and then he turned his attention back to his open backpack and the things they’d torn out of it.
He was packing it back up, throwing snacks, lighters, a cigarette case with a few joints in it, and a test key that Dewa had managed to swipe for the upcoming science exam into the bag in no particular order when the skin on the back of his neck prickled and the feeling of someone watching him really started to set in. He packed quicker but still, the feeling remained, and it wasn’t long before he heard the approaching footsteps.
He was just pulling the zipper shut on the bag when the footsteps stopped, right behind him and he turned his head to see a pair of black trouser clad legs. He raised his eyes and his mind started going through every curse word he knew. Still, he grinned and waved a hand in greeting feebly.
“Hey there, Morinozuka-sensei! You didn’t really want to go to the assembly today either, I’m guessing?” Shouhei said, his tone jovial as he grinned brightly up at the stern-faced math teacher standing behind him.
Fuck fuck holy shit this was just his luck…but…was that a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his teacher’s mouth. Shouhei almost could have sworn it was.
“You could say that, Mr. Akagi,” Morinozuka said. “Or you could say I couldn’t attend due to having to go look for a couple of students playing truant.”
“Oh…well, that’s a shame. But you shouldn’t really worry – those assemblies usually don’t teach you too much, so you and those students aren’t really missing much, I’d say.”
“Would you now? I’m afraid I have to disagree, Mr. Akagi. I think they’re precious opportunities for learning that those students are missing.”
“Really?? I mean, I don’t see it,but if Morinozuka-sensei says so, I guess it’s so. So…” Shouhei paused, still grinning like an idiot and trying to find a way out of this. “I guess I should probably head on back to school now, see if I can’t catch the last of that assembly.”
“I think you should indeed, Mr. Akagi…”
Yes! It worked! Shouhei felt a dizzying sense of relief. He hadn’t thought it would be that easy and he was already scampering away when the teacher’s voice stopped him.
“Oh, and Mr. Akagi?”
“Yes, sensei?”
“I think you should also come and see me for the next three Friday’s in after school detention, don’t you?”
Well, fuck, of course it wouldn’t be that easy. But Shouhei just smiled and nodded at the teacher, tossing off a pleasant agreement. He definitely wasn’t going to show up for the detentions…he knew that, the teacher knew that…but fuck, wasn’t it his luck to get them anyway.
Still, he thought, speeding away towards the direction of the school, pulling his phone out and shooting off a quick text to Dewa, who always checked his messages quick, warning them to hide well from the teacher who was on the way to look for them. Still…could’ve been worse.
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procrastinatorrex · 1 year
As was their custom, Dr. Chevalier and Dr. Nyte had called a halt early on the last Friday of the dig, this time using the ever-present potential for rain as an excuse. The team had thankfully downed tools and headed back to the inn.
Inside it was lively and warm, the whole team was jubilant over the amazing archaeology. The grad students were particularly exuberant, dreaming about the dissertations they’d be able to write and the grants they’d be able to get because of their amazing luck.
There was only one person missing, but he’d been at the site so rarely in the last few weeks it was hardly noticed. The man responsible for their unbelievable luck had made himself exceedingly scarce since the confirmation of his island theory, preferring to spend his time surveying the surrounding area and pouring over maps, apparently looking for some mysterious missing burial.
“Do you think Arthur was real?” In the jubilant, end-of-season atmosphere, the small, round table in the corner where the team leads sat was an island of quiet. Lizzie frowned down at her cheese and ale pie– a specialty of the inn. “I mean, not the magic sword and all that stuff, but the person… do you think he’s based on a king or a soldier who actually lived?”
Lee shrugged. “Percy does, at least he thinks the stories are based on something. I don’t think we’ll ever really know, though, not for sure.”
“It’s fun to look for the pieces, though.” Gwaine piped up from his position on the other side of the table where was shoveling his pie down with gusto. “That’s the point or archaeology, isn’t it? You can never know everything, but you find as many pieces as you can, you push the story as far back as you can.”
“And technology fills in the details, more and more.” Eli added, grinning at his sister. “As we know well.”
Lizzie smiled. “It’s amazing what good technology can do. Sometimes I wished I lived back then, just to see how it really was… but then I think about all these amazing things I’d have to give up and I think… maybe not.”
Lance, tanned from the long summer overseeing grad students and running a field school, smiled brightly at her, “I think that too. It would be so interesting to really know how they lived in the past.” Lizzie blushed, nodding.
“Ah, the unending curiosity of the archaeologist.” Dr. Guy Asclepius sighed, settling down beside the others with his fresh pie in his hands. “I can assure you, from long experience, it is never really satiated.” He spooned up a bit a the pie and grinned. “It’s not so bad, being out of the lab. There’s no pie in the lab.”
“I don’t know if looking at skulls in a nice warm room at an inn counts as being out of the lab,” Gwaine sulked.
“My boy, are you not thankful for the opportunity to gain field experience?”
Gwaine took a very deliberate bite of pie, “Considering the importance of the site, I’d have thought that youth would be expected to take a back seat to— ah— established experience.”
“Cheek,” The elder bioarchaeologist said, primly, “is a poor substitute for wit, Professor Sur.”
There were chuckles around the table, then Eli said, mildly, “You know, Dr. Ambrose reminds me of my mum.”
Lizzie laughed. “Yeah, I was thinking that earlier.”
“Your mum is a skinny, mad Welshman?” Gwaine asked, skeptically. Lizzie laughed again, “no, but she is obsessed with British royalty.”
“She’s from Guyana, she picked up and moved here after her country joined the Commonwealth.” Eli explained, shaking his head. “Absolutely mad about the monarchy, past present and future. She camps out for all the weddings and all that. Poor Lizzie was born just a few years after the family moved over here, she got the brunt of the royalty-mania, I’m afraid.”
“Lizzie, a nickname for Elizabeth, I assume.” Guy asked. Lizzie nodded, blushing, and he beamed at her “A name fit for a Queen, of course. You wear it well, my dear.”
The lead geophysicists waved her hands like she could erase the compliment, the blush spreading down her neck, “oh, well that’s very kind– I mean, it’s not really my name. I mean, it is, but it’s actually my middle name. Well, one of them. Sort of.”
Eli laughed with the wicked delight of a little brother. “Yeah, Guinevere Elizabeth Mary, it’s a right wedding cake of a name isn’t it?”
“It’s beautiful.” The voice was soft, but everyone at the table jumped like they’d seen a ghost. Dr. Ambrose smiled sadly. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” Percy hovered at his shoulder, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “I’ve asked Dr. Ambrose to join us,” the massive site director said, looking pointedly at Lee. “I thought it would be good to catch up a bit. No work talk, just get to know each other a bit.” Heads bobbed around the table, expression varied from surprised caution to friendly smiles to anticipatory grins.
“Welcome, young man.” Guy said, standing and extending a hand towards Ambrose. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
The landscape archaeologist shook the proffered hand, but his response was barely a whisper above the noise of the crowded dining room. “No, I don’t suppose we have.”
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hermespie · 1 year
ehehe i wanna send in a silly matchup req for your valentines event!!! could you give me a genshin impact boy pleeeaaase? :)
my pronouns are she/her and im a silly little enfp.
personality wise im a huge extrovert who loves making friends everywhere I go.. lol people tell me that I could befriend a tree if i wanted. im always drawn to introverted people because i hate seeing someone quiet and lonely lol. i also tend to be a bit of a goof. i like making people laugh. i get really invested and interested in other people's interests and i pick up a bunch of different things to be able to bond with people i meet.
im very much a talker, i can talk people's heads off if it's about something im interested in. I'm basically very energetic at all times. I can never take things seriously and most of the time i really need someone to reel me back in and tell me if i need to be serious or not.
despite all thattt, under certain extreme conditions, my social battery can run dangerously low, and sometimes i need to sit in silence to chill out for a bit. im also the type of person to speak up for others but never myself lol. im a little bit of a pushover in that regard.
my hobbies, i love singing and music and dance with my entire soul. poetry is also something that i love reading, as well as photography. i do a little doodling on the side too!!!! i love writing and history and sometimes i even enjoy a little math.
but..thats all I can think offfff! have funnnn with this oneeee hehehe >:)
HIII omg I'm so excited to see another fellow ENFP! It's like looking myself in the mirror while reading your description ( nah cuz fr)
Thank you for participating in my Valentines Day event and taking your time to write this! Let's see what we can deal with here <33
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I match you up with......
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Credit: Official art
I took a long time thinking about it, and this is the result I had!
Heizou is not an easy person to easily get along with, so I could see that your first encounter with him would be quite awkward at some point. I could see him purposely avoiding you when you're in your extreme extrovert mood as you keep on finding ways to bother him.
But I think after days after days 'trying' to avoid you, instead of completely neglecting you and mind his own business, he starts to find out interesting parts about you and got to know you better.
Like how you suddenly drain out of energy and just sits down below a tree and mind your own business. It's really interesting for Heizou to see you out of your extrovert mood. And we all know Heizou loves random mysteries he discovered.
Having a relationship with Heizou would actually be very entertaining. The two of you would have an absolute fun with each other joking around and pranking people. Probably something like run up to a random person and yell "tag, you're it!" and create confusion.
Something also tells me that Heizou's love language is quality time. He likes to look at you when you're both just doing nothing and stares at your eyes. He also likes to hear your rambles as if it was an opportunity for him to get to know you better, kinda similar like getting clues for a detective case or some sort.
Heizou is a person that is fun, but doesn't lack intelligence. So you don't have to worry if you can't read the room sometimes, cause Heizou would remind you about it respectfully. He is quite reliable on serious times, so it's fine to be yourself around him.
For him, you're his endless mystery and he just loves to spend time with you, no matter if its just a normal night having dinner with you or a grand event. And I think the two of you could actually get along pretty well!
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Thank you for reading till this far! I hope you enjoyed it <33 likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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The First Week: Con and Pro
Monday Sept 12 Last week ended with me speaking with and planning observations etc. with various professors for this week. I was in a fine mood after that and I said goodbye to Ibu Yusnita (who is my closest colleague) for the weekend. It's not great to have to spend all that time alone, doing little, but I had plenty to look forward to. So I did some shopping, cooked some dinner, and cleaned up my house. Then the rain started falling. And by Saturday night the roof was no longer keeping the rain out, and my kitchen was about half an inch deep in water that had nowhere to drain away. The water leaked from three different locations, including my bedroom (that wasn't the worst, thank goodness), and a stream developed from the living room, through the hall, and gathered with the water that was showering down from the central beam hanging over the kitchen. Half the flooring is concrete and the stains and crud on those floors indicates that the water has been leaking there for some time. The back half of the house is tiling, which becomes dangerously slick when wet, and quite dirty when stepped on with feet that have gone over the concrete flooring. So I had to tip-toe around half of the house to avoid falling down, and I had to wade in the kitchen to get anything done there. All of which to say that I was far less sanguine about my experience over the weekend than I had been on Friday. I know settling in is not easy, and so I put this challenge into that category and pretty much hid in my bedroom as long as I could. On Sunday morning I told Ibu Yusnita, who last year returned to Malang after 6+ years in Adelaide, Australia, working toward her PhD, that I was ready to move out of that house. We spent half of Sunday then driving around Malang (with Fidel, whose English is excellent, and who previously worked in the Language Center where I'll be working) looking for a suitable apartment for me. I've mentioned some of my psychological tactics for not giving into despair on this adventure - much of which is related to not allowing expectations to get too high. But in my orientation, I was told that the standard for an ELF (English Language Fellow) like me in Java is a one-bedroom apartment with a western toilet. This expectation has painfully disappointed me because "one-bedroom" in Java means "one room with a bed in it," not a separate bedroom. So every apartment I walk into is essentially a studio with a kitchenette, and none of those has been especially "clean." Even so, yesterday we finally found a two bedroom place that would be suitable for me, clean, near the campus, furnished sufficiently. It would be a little big for me, but if my family does come to Malang (debatable at this point because there really isn't enough to see to justify making the trip here), then the space would be just right. The cost of that apartment is $1000 per month, about $500 more than my allowance from the program. So, while I felt we'd found the place for me, the rug was pulled out from under me and I'm still searching for the place to settle into for the long-term. That's the bad news. The good news is that, as noted above, the new week has brought me new opportunities to assert myself as a teacher. My first task today was to meet Ibu Yusnita at Balai Bahasa (the Language Center - where the tutoring occurs) and her upper-class students to begin working on their theses (their most important undergraduate papers). There were only 5 students, and I sat down to look at the first paragraphs of the first student's paper. There were various grammatical problems, so I began to speak of the three basic rules for sentence structure, 1) strong subjects, 2) action verbs, 3) compression. And I ended up sharing these basics with 4 of them and going around sentence by sentence to help them see how they could improve their writing with these ideas in mind. They seemed to appreciate it, and I sure felt like I was contributing. Next, Ibu Yusnita and I went to the Opening Ceremony of the Pre-Departure English Course (PDEC) for doctoral students. It's an intensive course of reading, writing, listening and speaking meant to prepare those students who will be pursuing their PhDs in English-speaking countries. There are approx. 150 students throughout Indonesia in the program, sponsored by the government, so these are select, high-level students who will get a free education, with the agreement that they will come back to Indonesia to teach and share their expertise. This will be one of my main duties during the school year. It was a formal Zoom ceremony initially, then we focused on the 50 or so students who are situated here at UM. Then they served a nice lunch! I had stir-fried papaya leaves with hot peppers - nice! I had a nice veggie soup and a corn fritter. It was really good, even though it was served at about 11 a.m. Then, after the professors left, and the students were eating their lunches, I took occasion to stand up in front of them and introduce myself, and the ways that I hope to help them. After I introduced myself they asked me to sing a song. I asked, which song? They said, "one of your own." So I sang the first two verses of Song for Woody - https://themicrocosmicexamples.bandcamp.com/track/song-for-woody - a capella!! They were interested enough to keep a clapping beat for me. It was pretty ridiculous, but fun too. Now, I'm in the Student Access Center, where I'm supposed to interact with students during lunch, you know, casual-like. But nobody knows me and nobody is bold, and so I'm just hanging, writing my blog. I feel that I am well and truly underway, but not fully settled. And that imbalance is likely to stay for a while, and I may not really know precisely when I am "settled in." Which is fine, for the moment.
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How Damn Obvious Do I Have To Be?
Me? Posting my writing? It's more likely than you think!
Something between Indigo and Steve set during late S3 shortly before Indigo is turned. I wanted to give them a sweeter start.
Warnings: None I think
Indigo tried not to bitch about her problems too often. She didn't think of herself as having that many. All things considered, she was doing pretty well. And she was definitely lucky to have someone like Steve in her life.
But why the fuck wasn't he taking the damn hint that she was interested?
Lately the closest thing she had to a confidant in this regard was Jimmy, although he seemed less and less patient with her lately so she'd switched to Ravi just to give him a break. Which would surely come as a relief to Jimmy if he knew about it, but seemed to be confusing Ravi quite a bit.
"I mean, really, how much more obvious do I have to be?" she asked.
"Dunno," Ravi said distractedly. He was weighing some organ that looked like a very large flat blood clot. "What've you tried so far?"
Indigo launched into a recounting of her various attempts to catch and hold his attention.
"And yet another case solved," Kavanaugh said with that smug smile he was known for. "What d'you say, partner? Thai or yakisoba?"
"Soba, the Thai gave me the runs last time." And just like that, they were gone.
"Not even a thank you to the people who actually solved the case," Indigo said. Steve laughed.
"There never is," he said. "Bad enough that we have to dumb everything we say down to a level they deem understandable, we never get the credit-"
"Or the salary-" Indigo added. Steve acknowledged her with a tilt of his head and one raised hand, poised to show off his gleaming black nails.
"The respect," he concluded. "Such a fulfilling profession, don't you agree?"
"It pays just well enough that I can dress like this," Indigo said, indicating her outfit- which she was particularly proud of today, might she add. "So I'm not gonna complain too much." Was she imagining it or had Steve's eyes flicked over the corset belt at her waist and the ribbon at her throat?
"Have you been to Perversion?" he asked. Been there, done it, bought the harness, Indigo thought, but she didn't interrupt. If this was finally it, she didn't want to ruin it. "It's a bar on ninth. I think you'd really enjoy it."
"I bet I would," Indigo said. "But I don't go to new bars alone." So ask me to go with you, she added mentally. His eyebrows raised, settled again as his chin pointed down in a nod.
"Smart," he said. "Still. I hope you find your way there." Damn it man offer to go with me.Indigo left that conversation feeling more than a little frustrated.
"Well that one's obvious," Ravi said. "When you said you don't go to new bars alone you made it seem like you weren't even considering the possibility of going with him."
"But I emphasized alone while looking at him," she said. "I gave him a big long silence in which to say, 'in that case, maybe you'd like to come with me next time I go, Indigo.' I told him I agreed that I'd probably enjoy it!" She sighed. "Whatever, maybe you're right. In any case..."
Indigo was a little embarrassed at how eagerly she jumped at the opportunity to spend time with Steve outside of work. What could she say? She liked him.
And the new look wasn't hurting things. The haircut definitely did something for him.
Plus the time they spent together was always so relaxing but never boring. Today in particular it was a Japanese restaurant for a late lunch-early dinner type deal and then they were catching a showing of Paranorman at some creepy goth theater nearby. The movie had been Indigo's idea and the Japanese restaurant Steve's.
Sharing her plans and her life came so naturally to her, when it was him.
"Okay, I know you're wary of it but you really ought to try the sashimi," he said. He smeared a generous amount of wasabi on one piece, just the way she liked it, to entice her to take a bite. Then he held it up on his own chopsticks.
Trying to hide how flustered the gesture made her, Indigo leaned forward and took the offered bite.
"Tha's good," she agreed through her mouthful, as politely as possible while blurting out a comment through rice and fish.
"I know," he said. "How's your udon?"
"Pretty damn good," Indigo said. "Here, have a bite." On the way to the theater (it was a nice overcast-but-warm-ish day, so they were walking), Steve asked the question he hadn't managed to get to earlier.
"You seem especially excited for this, and I can't help but think it's not about the popcorn," he said.
"What? No, that stuff's practically buttered cardboard," Indigo said. "I just like Paranorman." She hurried to justify herself.
"When I was a kid I wanted to work in animation," she explained. "Laika studios is what got me that far into it. I just thought it was really cool that they had to put that much work, that much love into it in order to get it to work. Bigger names get rich churning out a bunch of low-quality crap and milking an idea to death nowadays, it was nice to see something that people liked making." She realized how much she'd just said all in a row and tried to backtrack. "I've just... held onto that idea since I was a kid, I guess. It sounds dumb now."
"No, it doesn't," Steve said. Indigo smiled, bumping her shoulder against his as they walked.
"Knew you'd get it," she said. "I'm glad I asked you to come with me."
"I'm glad you asked me to come with you."
"We should get together more."
"Perhaps we should, yes."
"Missing the part of that story where you asked him out," Ravi said.
"I didn't!" she said. "This is about him not getting the hint, remember?"
"Fine, fine," Ravi said. "Have you tried being more obvious?"
"I thought that was obvious!" Indigo said. "I thought telling him I like spending time with him and want to do it more would get the message across. How damn obvious do I have to be?"
"Maybe he's just not into you," Ravi said.
"Yeah, maybe," Indigo said. "I just thought... we've spent a lot of time together and he seemed like he was really opening up, even about stuff he apparently hasn't told Jimmy or the rest of his party. I took it as a sign. I guess."
Not long after that she was venting to Jimmy again. She figured going to Ravi again would just get her hit with the 'he's just not into you like that' stick again. And while probably true, it still hurt. A lot.
She really, really liked him.
He was the total package- smart, funny, sweet, enough of a life outside of her that he wouldn't rely on her too much, emotionally, but with a big enough empty spot in his world for her to curl up comfortably.
It sucked that he probably didn't like her like that.
"What do you mean he doesn't like you like that?" Jimmy fumed.
"I was pretty sure that was a straightforward sentence," Indigo said.
"I've tried everything I know. He hasn't responded. Not a lot of lines to read in between."
"He likes you so much," Jimmy grumbled. "I've been listening to it from both sides, one of you says 'apparently I'm consulting on the same case they are, is that a good excuse to go talk to them?' And an hour later I get the other in here telling me 'it's really weird, I almost thought they were looking at my lips the whole time we were talking, but they've never been great at eye contact so that could be nothing-' and one of you needs to take one for the team and ask the other out before I start ripping out my hair and screaming."
In the wake of that monologue, Indigo stood there with raised eyebrows. Is that true? If it was, she didn't know how else to read that than fucking victory.
"Oh," she said. Off to a great start. "Gotta go, then."
"Wait, now? Seriously?" Jimmy asked. Indigo nodded. "Well, I just wanted to talk about some stuff I had to put up with lately from the aquarium murder-"
"Why are we talking about the aquarium murder? Steve loves me! I gotta go!" Indigo called over her shoulder, already throwing the door open to run up the hallway to IT and find Steve.
Ignoring the disgruntled shouting and grumbling of everyone she passed on her way up, she burst into IT and shouted, "Steve!"
"Is in the morgue, helping Babineaux and his pale shadow on a case," someone responded, and Indigo resumed her sprint in the other direction.
By the time she burst into the morgue, breathless and having aggravated everyone in the vicinity, Indigo had drained all semblance of intelligence from herself in the sprint.
"Steve!" she gasped out. "How obvious does someone have to be to tell you they wanna go out with you?"
"I like to think I'm smart enough to pick up on the more subtle signals, but I'm told they'd have to just go for it and kiss me to get the message across," Steve said, eyeing Indigo's visible derangement with some wariness. "Why?"
By way of answering him, Indigo grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. He tasted like that sharp minty chapstick he used. Indigo's lungs were flooded with the scent of some mild but intoxicating lotion or body wash or something.
When Liv wolf-whistled, Indigo realized she had done that in front of people and hurried to pull away. "That's why," she added, somewhat bashfully.
"Not to interrupt... whatever that was," Babineaux said. "But I was just handing over the victim's boyfriend's phone. If you could pull his email off it and whatever other forms of communication he and our vic shared..." Steve looked back and forth between him and Indigo for a moment and then nodded, took the phone while avoiding everyone's eyes, and glancing back at Indigo.
"Perhaps we should discuss this later," he said. "Let's say, Perversion, eight o'clock?"
"Oh now you get what I meant," Indigo said. "See you then, Steve."
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shycoconutt · 3 years
I Need You (Kakashi x Reader Smut)
A/n: Oh boy do I got some smutty smut for you. This is my first time writing smut and I think I did okay! Please let me know what you think and, as always, feel free to send some requests my way! 🤍
Summary: You find yourself unbelievably horny waiting for Kakashi to get home from work. The night goes exactly as planned.
Word Count: 4200
Warnings: NSFW ( minors, there's the door -> 🚪), fem!reader, vaginal sex, rough sex, doggy style, cunnilingus
Gods, why am I so horny?
Sat in the reading chair in the corner of your and Kakashi’s bedroom, you find yourself unable to focus on the new novel you picked up at the bookstore this morning. Each time you try to focus on the words in front of you, your eyes start to drift off the page and fall on your bed across the room. The bed where Kakashi and you have had sex now maybe a dozen times. You two have been platonic partners for years, but it wasn’t until recently where you both allowed your feelings to blossom into romance. Some would say that your relationship with Kakashi came on fast, but those who say that don’t truly know either of you.
After the war, and after keeping your feelings for each other bottled down for years, Kakashi took you on a vacation to a quaint village on the outskirts of Konoha. During your stay, you two could finally relax and find comfort in each other. The future seemed less uncertain, and you allowed yourself to open up in ways you never had before. You both knew you loved each other, that you were meant for each other, but the stress of war and the lack of knowledge that either of you would come out alive prevented anything from happening. The last thing either of you wanted to do was take the other’s heart six feet under.
It was the third night on the trip when he proposed to you. Kakashi and you were naked together in the natural hot spring, embracing each other in the water. The words he spoke to you that night are etched in your brain, never to be forgotten.
“My whole life I’ve been fighting; fighting for Konoha, fighting for my team, fighting for our friends, fighting my demons, fighting the truth, and fighting the feelings I have for you. I never understood why it was so hard to escape you, but it isn’t until now where I finally understand. Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do. Our love is so natural, so pure. It pains me to know that our reality has muddled it for so long. You are the best thing that’s ever come into my life, and the gods only know how thankful I am that you have been by my side through it all. Everything I’ve ever gone through, every challenge I’ve had to overcome, you’ve guided me along the way. I used to think I was undeserving of your love, but now that we both are standing here, bruised and battered by our past, I realize that it was always supposed to be this way. You and me. Forever.”
That was the night you and Kakashi shared your first kiss. The night you first held each other in a naked embrace. The night you touched the skin normally concealed under each other's clothes. The night you trailed kisses down his chest, to his stomach, his hip, and up his shaft. The night you grabbed him in your hand and stroked him while looking into his eyes. The night you felt his tongue draw across your nipples. The night you felt him suck and nibble at your neck. The night you felt his fingers, god his fingers, trace up your wet heat to rub onto your most sensitive spot. The night he held onto your hip and slid into your tenderness. The night you whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears while he pumped into you. The night you made love, four times.
It’s been a week since your mini-vacation of ultimate bliss. Immediately after arriving back to the village, you both moved out of your individual apartments and moved into the Hatake estate, per Kakashi’s request. When you asked him if this is truly what he wanted, he assured you that this was the place he wanted to make a home with you and your future children. He also liked that the estate is largely removed from the Hokage tower, where he will be spending the majority of his time in the future. Renovations are far from over, but your bedroom was the first area of the house to be set up. It’s your shared sanctuary, and to be completely honest, you’ve never felt more at home.
The only word to describe this week between you and Kakashi is passionate. Even with opposite schedules, you both make time for one another every day. You’ve been insanely busy at your new job that you acquired post-war, spearheading the mental health resource center for war veterans and shinobi still in active duty. Kakashi is busy shadowing Tsunade while she sorts out post-war rehabilitation plans for the village. This is your first day off and, unfortunately, Kakashi is out doing future Hokage duties. Though frustrating, both of you are super understanding of each other's roles in this village and you respect that time with each other may be limited in the coming years. That’s why any chance you get, you both check in on each other throughout your day. Whether it’s offering to take his ninken on a walk while he’s in the office, or him bringing you breakfast when you get to work, you find opportunities to be present in each other’s daily lives.
The evenings, however, are a whole other story. Both of you are usually home a little after eight, and you’ve adapted to having late dinners with each other. After cleaning up, the rest of the evening is spent wrapped up in each other. One thing you weren’t expecting about being with Kakashi is that he is constantly touching you when you are alone together. His hands are either on your thighs, wrapped in your hair, caressing your face, squeezing your arms, massaging your shoulders, touching your lips, or any other way he can get them on you. You crave his touch, so to say that you enjoy this side of him is an understatement. Not only does Kakashi adore touching you, he also adores being touched.
Touching leads to caressing, caressing leads to groping, and groping leads to passionate lovemaking.
Well, geez (y/n), maybe if you stopped daydreaming about Kakashi’s hands all over you then you wouldn’t be this goddamn horny.
Here’s the thing with you and Kakashi’s newfound sex life. You are in the early stages. All the sex you have is all about romance, making up for the lost time, and finally expressing your feelings with your body. It’s amazing and you wouldn’t change your lovemaking for the world.
But right now, you don’t desire lovemaking. You desire rough, animalistic, dirty, dirty sex.
The kind of sex that makes you shudder in desire and fear.
The kind of sex that makes in between your legs sore the next day.
Realizing you’ve been daydreaming for the past fifteen minutes, you close your novel shut and toss it aside. You look over at the clock on your nightstand to find that it’s almost time for Kakashi to be home. Usually, you would already be cooking something up for dinner, but you have a feeling that any food you make would just get cold. Eating is not your priority right now, Kakashi is.
A devious smile forms at your lips when you consider what you plan on doing with him when he walks through the front door. Should you take him right there? Get down on your knees and beg for him? Run a warm, candle-lit bath? Put whip cream on your tits and tell him that you’re his dinner? All great options, but none are really representative of how much you need him.
In one swift movement, you are up off your chair and running towards your closet. He could be here any minute and there’s no time to waste. Once there, you take in how disorganized your closet is. You have yet to unpack any of your clothes, as all you’ve worn the past week is your jonin uniform and your pajamas. Rummaging through the boxes sprawled out on the floor, you finally find which box you are looking for. The box looks like any other box, but written on the side in marker is the word intimates.
One might think you are a sex fiend with all the lingerie you own, but that is far from reality. The truth is, lingerie has always made you feel sexy. Most of all, it’s just so pretty. You love the power it gives you. You love the fact that no one knows that some days you are wearing the world’s skimpiest lingerie underneath your uniform. It’s like you have an edge on someone that they don't even realize. Also, when you did happen to end up in bed with a man, you were over-prepared. The look on their faces when you stripped off your clothes was priceless. It was your way of telling them that you expected them to want you.
There are way too many options to choose from, and you find yourself starting to panic as time passes on. You know you’re overthinking this as, honestly, Kakashi would love anything you put on. Some things you know about Kakashi are that his favorite color is blue, he loves your thighs and is obsessed with how soft your skin is. Therefore, you should obviously go for the baby blue lace and silk set. It includes a lace balconette bra, a thong connected to thigh garters, and a silk robe to go over the top. After putting it on and taking a look at yourself in the mirror, you knew you made the right choice.
Before finding a comfortable spot on the bed, you quickly grab some baby oil and rub it all over your body. The oil will allow Kakashi to slide his hands all over you effortlessly, which is exactly what you need. Satisfied, you grab your book and lay on top of your made bed. You weren’t planning on actually reading, but you think your casualness while wearing such a sexy outfit will have Kakashi’s head spinning.
So there you were, belly down, ass out, feet intertwined, book in hand, when you heard the lock click and the front door open. Perfect timing.
You could hear Kakashi kick off his shoes and take off his vest as he walked into your home. Usually, you would be standing in the kitchen where he would come and give you a warm embrace and kiss you until you told him that he has to eat dinner. But, you're not there, and you can sense his confusion.
“Where’s my babygirl?” Kakashi’s voice projects throughout the house, a hint of concern in his voice. You smile at the thought of the pout that’s probably on his face right now.
“Sorry sweetheart, I’ve been caught up in my new book. I’m in the bedroom,” you call back to him.
You hear what sounds like a sigh of relief as his footsteps make their way down your hallway in the direction of your bedroom, the sounds of pieces of his uniform dropping off of him every few steps. You make sure to keep your head turned to the door so you can take in his reaction to your state.
“Oh, the new book you got this morning? How is it? Let me guess, you already finished-”
An indescribable feeling shoots through your whole body as Kakashi enters your bedroom. He just finished pulling his mask down his face, as his hand is still caught to the fabric pooling around his neck. With a smile on your face, you soak in his expression as he’s stood in the entrance of your room, a deep blush forming on his cheeks and his mouth still agape in mid-sentence. His eyes dart back and forth from your face to the bottom of your ass that’s hanging out of your silk robe.
Damn, you really did that (y/n).
“What’s wrong, Kashi?” You say in the most innocent voice you can muster. You bat your eyelashes and flip over to sit up so he can get a good look at you. You let your book drop off the bed and land on the floor.
There’s another pause before Kakashi slowly walks towards you on the bed. Without speaking, he reaches a hand out to you. You take it and he pulls you up so you're kneeling on the bed as he stands in front of you. His dark eyes bore into yours as both of his hands drop to your thighs. Slowly, he grazes them up over your hips, your waist, up the sides of your breasts, to wrap around the back of your neck. You can feel the hairs on your skin stand in anticipation. With his hands still wrapped around you, he brings his head down to you and grazes his mouth on your jawline. From there he plants small kisses up the side of your face until he reaches your ear where he nibbles before speaking to you in a strained, low tone.
“You’re a very dangerous woman, (y/n).”
He must have felt you shudder because you could feel him smile against your cheek. Standing up straight again, Kakashi’s hands drop to the tie of your robe around your waist.
“May I?” he asks, giving you the sexiest look you’ve ever seen. Kakashi has been so effortlessly attractive since you met when you were young. Having these intimate moments with him almost seems surreal.
“Of course, Hatake,” you smile up at him.
Taking the tie in his hands, he starts to unravel the knot keeping your robe together. Once loose, he lets it fall over your shoulders and off your body completely.
After a few moments taking in the sight of you, Kakashi lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head.
“You’re so out of my league,” he confesses to you.
You let out a small giggle.
“Absolutely not,” you protest.
Without missing a beat, Kakashi grabs on to you and tosses you back on the bed so you are laying down underneath him. One of his hands wraps around the back of your head while the other cups your breast. Pulling the fabric of your bra down, he kneads your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. One of his knees lands in between your legs and he brings it up to press on to you. You can’t help the moan that escapes as you feel him all around you.
“So what’s the deal?” Kakashi teases. “I leave you alone in the house for one day and I come back to this?” He looks down at your body and back up again. “Where did you get this outfit, hm?”
“Oh baby,” you start teasing him back, “I guess one thing you don’t know about me yet is that I wear lingerie like this all the time.”
“Oh really?” he questions.
“Yep, all the time.” You smirk at what you’re about to say next. “Actually, remember that one time we were stationed together in the Earth country for a month for that S-rank assassination mission?”
Kakashi nods, confused where you’re going with this story.
“We let our guards down and almost hooked up the last night before we came back to the village.”
“I remember.”
“Well,” you pause for effect, “guess what I was wearing underneath my uniform that night?”
Kakashi remains silent, brows furrowed waiting for you. You smile at him deviously as you say your answer.
Kakashi lets out what can only be described as an aroused, defeated groan when you utter your confession. He quickly comes back down and your mouths crash together in a heated frenzy. It isn’t until now when you realize that his bulge is hard against your leg, asking to be broken free from the confinement of his pants. While making out, you reach down and slip your hand under his waistband and grab onto his throbbing cock, stroking it in your hand. Although rock hard, the skin of his cock is soft and velvety.
Kakashi moans in your mouth when you make contact with him, but quickly escapes your grasp and gets up off of you. Sprawled out on the bed, you watch him strip down naked in front of you, starting with his shirt, then his pants and briefs. His body is truly something to marvel at, as decades of being a ninja have carved his body into perfection. You love the way his member slaps against his lower stomach when he pulls it from its confinement, excited and eager for you. He stands for a moment, contemplating what to do with you.
“I don’t want to take that pretty outfit off of you just yet. I guess I’ll just have to work around it for now,” Kakashi says as he stands at the end of the bed. Grabbing your ankles, he pulls you towards him and bends your legs upward until your knees meet your chest. Holding both of your legs up with one hand, he takes the other and spanks your ass cheek with a loud slap. You whimper from the sting while he rubs the mark he left. Kakashi sucks in another loud breath.
“Ugh, (y/n), you look so good for me.”
Before you can respond, Kakashi takes your thong and slides it over so you are exposed to him. Getting down on his knees, he brings his face to your glistening cunt and flattens his tongue against it. There he gives you one long lick up your slit to taste you. A moan erupts from him as your wetness meets his taste buds.
“You’re already so wet for me baby,” Kakashi breathes before going in to suck on you.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” you confess through your moans. “I only get this wet for you.”
“That’s because you're mine and mine only.”
Kakashi takes his time with you, almost as if this is his last meal on earth and he wants to savor it. He’s delicate in some moments and fierce in others. Incorporating his fingers, he slides them into you and curves them up to hit your g-spot repeatedly while eating you. Your hand instinctively cradles his face while the other intertwines with his silver locks. You start to feel tightness in your lower stomach as he brings you close to climax. The sound of his moans muffled inside you is enough to send you over the edge.
“Kakashi, baby, I’m gonna-”
“Come for me, baby,” Kakashi nods, giving you permission to let go.
Letting go of Kakashi, you grip onto the sheets around you, feeling the tightness build and drop out of you. Closing your eyes, the waves of ecstasy ripple throughout your body causing you to scream out in pleasure. Riding with you, Kakashi slowly continues to work you through your climax, cleaning up whatever juices spill over.
“Good girl,” He says to you while bringing your legs back down onto the bed. Slowly, he kisses up your thighs while hooking onto your thong, bringing it down off of them. While he does this, you reach around and unclasp your bra, throwing it aside. Once the thong is thrown aside as well, Kakashi lifts himself off the floor and flips you over so you're laying on your stomach, another smack landing on your ass cheek. The high from your orgasm is immediately replaced with anticipation for what he plans on doing to you next.
You feel Kakashi’s naked body slide on top of you until he's flush against your skin, his body completely enveloping yours. Once his face is level with yours, and his cock is hard against your backside, he brushes your hair away from your face.
“Are you ready for me?” Kakashi whispers into your ear.
You nod into the mattress, chest rising and falling with every strained breath.
“You need to use your words, (y/n),” Kakashi scolds you while tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I need you, Kakashi. Please, I need you.” Your words come out as a plea, not being able to take his absence any longer.
You feel Kakashi’s weight lift off of you as he reaches around your waist and lifts it up so your ass is tilted upwards. From there you can feel him position his tip at your entrance, slowly rubbing it up and down to spread your wetness.
“Please, Kashi, I need your cock inside me,” you beg.
Without further hesitation, you feel every inch of him slide into your folds until he’s bottomed out inside you. The feeling of him deep within you sends you into euphoria and you can feel yourself tighten around him.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Kakashi whispers.
Starting off slow, he pumps into you with control. You feel pleasure and pain as Kakashi kisses your neck while grabbing onto your hair. After each thrust you feel him going faster and harder, your bodies smacking against each other. To gain more leverage, he lifts off of you and brings you up onto your hands and knees. With his hand gripping your shoulder, he pumps into you with ferocity.
“For years I’ve touched myself thinking about getting to fuck you like this baby. You’re so beautiful and so good to me. Everything about your body draws me to you,” Kakashi says in between moans. You feel him start to twitch inside you, his thrusts getting more out of control. You look over your shoulder and meet his gaze.
“We deserve this baby. You deserve this. Give me everything.” You both know your words mean more than just sex, and Kakashi relishes them.
Lifting you up by your neck, Kakashi brings you toward him so you're both kneeling while he continues thrusting inside of you. He brings one hand around your front to circle your clit and the other cups your breast. Your hands lift up behind you to grab onto his face. Turning your head to him, you kiss him with every ounce of passion you have left. This new position is hitting you at your core and you can feel yourself tighten again. Kakashi must have felt it too, as he broke free from your mouth to tilt his head back in pleasure. Without exchanging words, you know you both are at your limit.
With a few last staggering thrusts, both of you reach climax in unison. Feeling yourself go limp, Kakashi wraps his arms around you to keep you steady. You feel streams of his hot semen pool inside of your contracting walls. With Kakashi’s moans singing in your ear, you can’t help but smirk at his vulnerability. With him still inside, you hold onto each other, trying to catch your breaths. After a few beats, you both begin to laugh at your exasperated states.
“Stay here, I’m going to get a towel,” Kakashi says while shifting out of you. After pulling a towel from the cupboard in your bathroom, Kakashi brings it to you and cleans up between your legs. Before you have time to move, Kakashi picks you up bridal style and spins you around in his arms.
You scream and start to laugh as he plants kisses all over your face. “Kakashi!”
“Hm?” he hums in your ear, pretending he didn’t just lift you with little to no effort.
Holding you up with one arm, he grabs a blanket off the bed and carries you to the chair in the corner of your room. There he sits down and places you sideways on his lap so you’re facing each other. He then takes the blanket and wraps it around you both so you can stay warm while cuddling each other. Kakashi has always had a knack for knowing exactly what you want at any given moment.
“I thought we could get some inspiration for our next round,” Kakashi says with a smirk as he pulls out a copy of Icha Icha Tactics from underneath the cushion.
“What? How did that get there?” you laugh.
“Oh, I have multiple copies of these everywhere,” he jokes, waving the book in the air.
You laugh and lightly hit his chest. Tucking the blanket up closer to your face, you lay your head down on Kakashi’s shoulder while he flips open to a page in the book.
Before he starts to read to you, Kakashi lifts your chin to kiss you. Every time your lips touch his, flashes of your joint past enters your mind. Although it was hard, and you faced many difficult trials on the way, you are forever thankful that you were both able to live long enough to experience these moments. You took care of each other, lifted each other up when they were in the dirt, and now you can finally share the love you’ve always held for each other. You wouldn’t change any of it. After your kiss, before pulling away from you, Kakashi looks deep into your eyes.
“I love you, (y/n).”
You smile up at him, tears brimming in your eyes.
“I love you too, Kakashi. Forever.”
A/n cont.: Well, whattdaya think? :)
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