#thank you for your ask <33333
eightyuh · 1 month
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I found your webcomic from the Dungeon Meshi crossover PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO MORE
RAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! OKAY BUT ONLY CUS UR DOODLE IS SUPER CUTE!!!! TToTT what a strange way to find my webcomic lol but i'm glad you ended up liking it !!!! <333
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Senshi would probably feel compelled to feed / provide for Glen x1000 more than usual-- which would make him feel awkward -- but once he'd get to know him better, Glen would rlly like Senshi
Chilchuck and Glen would just have a .:* mutual understanding *:. of each other's lot in life. they would probably have very different opinions on things, but enjoy some respectful debates. also they both wear scarves.
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Ari I’m crawling through the desert in need of water…humbly I beg & plead for your Ken-geto twin AU headcanons 🙏🙏🙏 I think they’re the only thing that can quench my soul rn
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ODI . MY BELOVED . I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS WAHHHH pls take a seat and get ready for a long long rant……… i’ll do my best to quench your thirst 🙏🙏🙏
OKAY SO . god. where do i even begin………
basically!!!!! i’m writing a fic where kenny is. your best friend’s older brother <33333 the best friend in question being sugu!!! i still haven’t decided if they’re twins or if kenny is a couple years older…… buuuut either way i have lots n lots of thoughts abt their dynamic :33 and how the two of them treat you!!!! sugu is just…. your reliable, soft best friend, and kenny is . the way he is 😭 but anyway…..
i picture kenny as being a bitttt of a bad boy in this au?? not exactly. but like. he has a tongue piercing and moved out really early and he’s maybe a little bit twisted . cares abt suguru but can’t really show it. he’s silly and talkative but also a bit condescending…. a bit of a know it all…… i feel like he almost acts more like a father than an older brother sometimes which suguru absolutely hates 😭 there’s a lot of tension between them!!
personality wise i feel like suguru sort of . adapts to kenjaku? he’s a bit of a social chameleon. and he really doesn’t like the idea of people seeing them as similar…. so if kenny is acting more serious and pretentious, suguru acts more childish — and if kenny acts more silly then suguru takes a more responsible role . it’s like that!!! it’s weird bc i see suguru as being very sincere at heart, and kenny as being fairly insincere, but with the way they act you could get the impression that it’s the other way around. kenny doesn’t care abt how others view him, suguru very much does. but sugu has a sincerity to him that kenny kind of lacks?? ig it’s less that kenny is insincere and more that he’s just. detached. in a way.
also sidenote kinda but !!! i picture both sugu and kenny as sweater boys 😭😭 they LOVE their sweaters. i feel like kenny wears turtlenecks religiously. and sugu goes out of his way to wear more leather jackets and hoodies bc he doesn’t like when they’re wearing the same stuff LMAO…. kenny sometimes makes their outfits match just to piss him off <333
anddddd going back to the whole . brotherly rivalry stuff…… i think kenny was always a bit of a black sheep growing up . and bc of that suguru automatically became the golden child!!! sugu can be mischievous and bratty but he gets away w it bc he’s the youngest/good at hiding it…. and in front of their parents he’s always very straightlaced. it’s almost like suguru holds back just so that he won’t appear similar to his brother, which i think kenny kind of finds pathetic. there’s just soooo much to their dynamic 😭😭 they’re similar and different and just. gah. they give me a headache!!!! bc kenny is such a wildcard in the way that he acts, and suguru is so prone to changing himself depending on the situation he’s in.
but overall i just feel like kenny is pretentious and teasing…. and kinda mean . while sugu is well-behaved and calm, but a little more teasing and silly around people he’s close to….. and he’s also super kind . he’s warm!!!! and kenny is sort of cold. that’s the way i picture their dynamic. but it’s very fluid i think …. sometimes kenny acts like the oldest, sometimes the youngest LMAO
ANYWAYYYY gosh i’m already yapping so much 😭😭😭 I HOPE YOU’RE STILL HERE ODI ….. here’s another drink for you 🧋 .
now !!!! when it comes to their dynamic with you…… 👀👀 suguru is just a protective softie. he loves you so much!!! you’re his bestie!!!! and you’re the only one he ever acts bratty and pouty with…. he just feels comfortable around you :’3 so he can let his guard down and be a little silly… a little teasing….. but he’s always always always taking care of you . a warm sunflower boy <333333
then there’s kenny who . bullies you a bit 😭 JUST A BIT . bc he likes seeing your reactions <3 he’s kind of like your typical intimidating best friend’s brother…. a little scary ……. a bit of a dick….. he looks after you in his own way but . he doesn’t coddle you the way suguru does. when you’re kids he’s someone you look up to, but also someone you’re a tinyyyyy bit afraid of . but you get a crush on him anyway . and he has a soft spot for you. and then he leaves and doesn’t return until a couple years later ………. and he hasn’t really changed. but he’s less of a bully and more of a teaser. maybe a little condescending. but he’s charming, yk? alluring.
anyway as you can see i’m getting carried away LMAOO this fic is just . fluff?? kind of??? w a lot of tension 😭 you like kenny and he . well. you just don’t know what he’s thinking . he kind of sees you as a baby bird i think,,,,,,,,, and he’s . the big bad wolf. you get the vibes …….. here r some snippets of the fic just for fun!! it’s very near and dear to my heart hehe
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…….. he has me in a chokehold i fear 💔
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might-be-a-potato · 1 month
You leave the best tags ❤️❤️
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ofc my bestie friend chum pal beloved, I'm here to spread cheer and questionable tastes !!!
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glass-noodle · 7 months
Oh yeahhh you think Hank and Connor could learn sign language together??? Connor can’t speak human, so sign language would be a nice way to communicate! Hank would slowly realise the sea creature love of his life is a big fucking nerd lol. ‘Give me math Hank 😞’, ‘I yearn for more knowledgeable books to be read to me Hank’, ‘scratch that I want to learn how to read Hank’ - kamski think a like
Kamski-think-a-like!!! *throws hands up like one would upon seeing that the neighbourhood cat has visited their yard*
He’s a huge fuckin’ nerd and Hank’s definitely been realizing that throughout their time together. Connor is insatiable (in more ways than one *cough*); I’m imagining his eyes going all big and dilated like a cat’s when Hank starts teaching him something haha. He starts bringing in some old textbooks to read to him and practically sees his fishy lil brain light up
They could definitely learn sign language together!! Maybe Hank borrows a textbook or downloads an app on his phone and they both learn together 🥺 Opening up a world of communication between them, allowing Hank to finally really delve into Connor’s mind. There’s something special about Hank having learned how to read Connor (and vice versa, though to a lesser extent since Connor can understand a little bit of English) just through body language and vocalizations, but the opportunity to really get to know what Connor is thinking? Too great to pass up.
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Once again anon you are so right. I think he even says that he doesn’t know how to work his phone at some point in the game?? Which is totally unbelievable as a millennial, lmao. Still, despite the Cage Writing, I can’t help but like that stupid car and its stupid old-fashioned owner. I do like the idea of Hank getting a completely tech-less car after Cole’s death, or maybe just having been pretty anti-technology in general even before that (evidenced by his interest in “real” books, or having a house that’s as void of technology as you can get). Maybe he’s always had a passion for old cars, or things with an older charm. Picturing a young Hank who likes tinkering with old models even though his friends tease him about it, sleeves rolled up and covered in engine grease…..him refusing to give up his car for a newer one even when it sputters and takes five minutes to start (not at all related to his inability to let things go…)
And then this shiny, new-fangled piece of cutting-edge technology rocks up on his doorstep and sends his world into a tailspin 😌
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matan4il · 15 days
שלום! אני חזרתי לארצות הברית ביום חמישי, אבל אני ממש מתגעגע את ארץ ישראל… (אין לי שאלות, אני רק אוהב את ישראל!)
אווווווווו, נוני, איזה כיף שנהנית מאוד מהביקור.
הדבר הטוב בארץ ישראל זה שהיא לא הולכת לשום מקום. היא תחכה לביקור הבא שלך! ובינתיים, אני מאוז מזדהה עם האהבה הזו לארץ ישראל.
שולחת חיבוק גדול וחם! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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dustykneed · 23 days
i am the ice cream anon. whats ur favorite flavor?
hi ice cream anon !! <333
I'd have to say lemon lime or tieguanyin (tea) flavor ^^ haven't had either in some time but I'm definitely craving some now, loll
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im-smart-i-swear · 29 days
What's Tashi's relationship with Webby and Taka like? Cause while I can imagine him being just as protective and smothering, as he's with Stick (maybe a bit less) I can't imagine Webby just letting him do it without having a thousand and one complaints, like I feel like she'll be much more assertive and confrontential than Stick is
thats a great question!!
first of all i think tashis relationship with stick specifically is a bit diffrent - idrk how to phrase it but basically tashi was his role model for a while and he had a lot of respect for him growing up. so theres this weird air of... expectation, almost? the two of them were really close when stick was younger and that coupled with how tashi still percieves him as a helpless confused kid makes their relationship a lot weirder...
with ryou (taka) hes obviously very protective and smothering, bc thats A BABY!!!!! ryou takes it well for the most part i think, at least before becoming a teen - hes the youngest, he likes attention and being papmered (most of the time)<3 also, by the time ryou is around 13-14 tashi is already starting to get a bit better after the whole stick fiasco, so its also that his older siblings sorta made his life easier? bc now tashi knows what he did wrong and is trying to not make the same mistakes again(not to say he doesnt fuck up at all tho!! he does! a lot!!! but at least its not nearly as catastrophic as w stick lol, and hes just one of MANY adults in ryous life, so it evens out more).
also, bc of how young ryou was, he didn't really fully comprehend just how bad tashi was getting at the time, and that helped him a bit? when we're young we dont really see our caretakers as people who are flawed and make mistakes. that comes w age. and i think it was very confusing for ryou to realise that the man who raised him since he was five is NOT some sort of a wise higher being but instead just. a messy guy. who is a bit cringe. so i think ryou lets him pamper him a bit (it helps that he is not that good w people and would rather stick to ppl he already knows), bc he knows neither webby or stickbug will let tashi do that. its annoying sometimes, but ryou is way better at establishing boundaries than stick was, so they get through it somehow.
webby has always been pretty independent (or at least tried very hard to appear as such) and she does NOT handle tashi being overbearing well AT ALL. out of the kids she has always had the least respect for tashi and the other adults in her life, so her relationship w tashi was a bit more levelled? equal? ever since the beginning she was pretty good at being assertive (and was a huge help to stick when he was figuring out the whole 'setting boundaries' thing), and that helped her wriggle out of tashis hold, at least partially. she was also whole-heatedly on sticks side when he was getting sick of tashis shit and she WILL yell at him whenever does or says anything stupid.
she still loves him tho. they all do, in diffrent ways, and they want him to be happy, despite his parenting being less than stellar a lot of the time. i think the thing that allows their relationships w him (and bud and soup too) to heal and strenghten in the end was them just simply GROWING UP. when the power dynamic of tashi as a caretaker was gone, they could finally start seeing each other as people! yay!!
sorry if this answer is more messy than usual lol!!
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shootingstarrfish · 3 months
Hey!! first of all I loooove your art it's so pretty! I wanted to ask, would you ever consider selling prints of your work?
hellooo, thank you soo much!!! <3333
i actually already do sell some prints on my etsy! i believe at the moment in terms of obey me prints specifically i only have my redraw of the belphie and lucifer card up, but if you had any specific requests let me know and id be happy to add them!
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turtleinsoup · 5 months
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Omg, I love it yes!! :3
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i'm thinking of suguru sitting next to you... his hair is down and your hands are in his. he's rubbing hearts into your palm and whispering sweet nothings into your neck... oh my god i'm so sick and in love with him it's not even funny 😭😭😭😭😭
also sugu with his hair loose is very. intimate and sweet and soft, i've seen people talk about how his hair is symbolic of his mental state/behaviors and i completely agree... but we deserved to see him let loose and show his 100% true colors in a happy context too!!!!!! BUT BACK TO THE MAIN IDEA he's so beautiful and handsome and and.. i wish i could say more but my imagination is not very good. which is why your thoughts are so helpful!!!
also ABOUT the last ask... i will share with you when the stuff comes... probably will be late may so i can save on shipping :(( i can show some stuff i have rn tho!! AND WHY DID SENDICO NOT WORK FOR YOU. ugh. i'm so sorry ari 🌖
okay so this . made me insane? completely??? i don’t have words to describe the longing that poured into my body after reading this like it’s SO serious. YOU’RE ALWAYS OUT TO GET ME :(((…… all my moots and anons collaborating to make my brainrot worse……. sniffle………… soft intimate moments w sugu make me so emotional :’3 rubbing hearts into your palm.,… he’s suchhhh a loverboy i’m gonna cry. whispering sweet nothings into your ear…. treating you soso gently and delicately bc he just loves you so much…… bc you always treat him so gently in return . sniffle sob sniffle….
AND . HIM W HIS HAIR DOWN…….. let’s discuss this 🌖 anon . we Need to talk abt it. suguru’s hair is something so personal to me….. not JUST bc it’s silky and beautiful and fluffy but also bc it rlly is so very Symbolic……. the fact that he kept it in a bun during high school, let it all flow during his defection and then finally put it into a half-down bun……. it for sure symbolizes his mental state but most importantly his control . and his true self. teen sugu is very guarded …. very controlled….. when it comes to his fake smiles and emotions and just. everything. so him wearing his hair up is almost like a way of conforming, yk?? not letting his true self show. but during his breakdown he’s so tired and depressed he doesn’t even have the strenght to put it into a bun or take care of it…. he doesn’t have the strenght to put up appearances :((( n i think that’s also why he blurts some things out to haibara and yuki. he’s just . soso tired……
and when he finally defects and fixes his cognitive dissonance, he has the control and strenght to put his hair into a bun, but still lets it flow freely and. to me that’s . a symbol of his conviction. his decision Not to conform anymore :’3 i just love metaphors like that sm…. BUUUUT sadness aside it’s basically just a symbol of his true self and how comfortable he is showing it!!!! so for him to let his hair down in front of his s/o…. 🥺🥺 i just think. it’s a sign of trust. in a way. he’s willing to bare his heart to you…. and he trusts you to treat him w care. trusts you to wash his hair and comb it bc he knows you aren’t gonna tug on it or threaten to cut it off the way satoru does LMAO. he just trusts you soooo deeply and that’s so rare for him i think :(((((
ANYWAYYYYYYY I MADE MYSELF YEARN 2 MUCH. thank you for the tasty brainworms my beloved 🌖 anon <33333 AND PLSS I’D LOVE TO SEE YOUR CURRENT MERCH!!!! feel free!!!!! :3
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
HEY HI UH...yk this ask https://www.tumblr.com/whereismyhat5678/730843455670091776/hiding-in-anon-but-im-going-to-like-ramble-about?source=share
THAT WAS ME- lol uh...i keep seeing you pop in my noficiations and i stim so hard heheh- uh just wanted to say like.. YOUR ART IS AMAZING LIKE SUPER DUPER AMAZING AND I LOVE HOW CARTOONY IT IS YOU ACTUALLY MADE ME DO A SORTA CARTOONY ARTSTYLE WITH PT WHEN I DRAW PT AND I JUST WANTED TO LET YA KNOW YOUR FUCKING AMAZING and cool..and awesome....and now i shall vanish again *RUNS*
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AAAAAHHGG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
It makes me so happy that someone stims when they look at my art I JUST- *DANCES*
GOSH that makes me so happy that you again SO MUCH!!!!! (AND YOU’RE A COOL ARTIST OMG- 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗)
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llondonfog · 9 months
🎤 what do you want to see happen for the conclusion of lilia & silver's arc? (you could take this as just how you want their story to be resolved at the end of book 7, or even post-canon after all is said in done with the game's main story)
(and I hope you have a lot of fun on ur trip!! 💕)
not me getting emotional about the thought of lilia leaving, this sTUPID OLD MAN
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jaggededges123 · 2 months
I don't know why but I fear fandom would forcibly cinnamonrollify you, ignoring half of your personality traits and canon behavior, and police all your most obvious/popular ships for being too toxic and problematic for their pure 1 dimensional cinnamon roll they created in their head
oh i can super see that, i feel like people would put me in that "useless but sweet" box and then never let me out 😂 god, i can't believe i would be subjected to antis, let people ship me deliciously!! ajsdkfljsdlkfjskl
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folklouire · 2 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
heyyyyy hey hiiiiiiii and thank you for the ask <3 ok so i'll list 5 songs i've been listening to lately
love is just a four-letter word - joan baez
light years - the national
you've lost that lovin' feeling - nancy sinatra, lee hazlewood
river of youth - colyer
patricia - florence + the machine
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
I just remembered! I forgot to tell you about my new additions to my Christmas tree! (It’s a big deal I have exactly five trees of various sizes and they’re all for specific purposes (but Halloween is still my favorite holiday okay))
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Dustin just came out this year, of course I had to have them all once I got him (the whole tree is a bunch of characters but I groups them so they’re with their people and also now my tree topper and tree skirt make me think of Dustin too - he would insist Steve have them for his tree because they’re Star Wars and that’s their thing)
my first thought is that I love this tree and the ornaments so much, and will maybe possibly steal this idea next year <333
my SECOND thought is that oh my god, Dustin gets Steve a Star Wars tree topper and Eddie is just like, "why? wait, is this another one of those pre-Vecna things I missed out on? does Steve actually have a fuckin' lightsaber or something? are those real, too?" Steve hands Eddie the topper and looks at Dustin. they smile, nod, and go full on into their dorky little handshake routine! they haven't missed a beat and devolve into laughs and hugs at the end. meanwhile, Eddie stands in front of the tree with its multi-colored lights and kitschy, thrifted, and/or gifted ornaments, Star Wars tree topper gripped in both hands, staring like:
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
do i have to watch all of hxh to read your chrollo fics? i just love your writing
i don't think it's absolutely necessary, however, i love hxh's worldbuilding/power system so i tend to include it pretty heavily in my fics. it isn't anything that requires a PhD to understand though, especially since it takes place in the modern world. i'd say the best fic for a non hxh-watcher to read and still get pretty well would be idée fixe, since it's exclusively from reader's POV and she's ignorant to nen for the majority of the story.
watching up to the yorknew arc should be enough to get the most out of it though!!
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