#thank you for the gift anon!
barefoot-joker · 3 months
So how to deal with that problem? MAKE AN ANOTHER ACC HAHAHA SUCK ON THAT TUMBL--
Time taken: 3hours and 45mins
Application use: Ibis paint and fingers
Anyway this is for you!
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A art gift for you! Sorry my abilities are not up to pron, but I hope you like it.
I love your works and ideas so much!Mainly Only yandere lucifer and yandere alastor (HELP IT AUTOCORRECTED TO ALASTOE--) Please make more with 10k words I hate how I'm enjoying it so much only to realize it's almost finished what a cruel world we live in--
I'm having too much fun with this thing-a-ma-bobs so I better stop
Love and kisses
Ah!!!! Thank you so much, Anon! I love it so much! This just made my day! THANK YOU!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
I'm glad you like my work; I really do appreciate it! I'll try and write some longer fanfictions as per your request, but we'll see where the words take me.
Yandere! Lucifer is definitely my favorite as he's my favorite character. I'll try my hand at Yandere! Alastor soon, so be on the lookout.
Thank you again, Anon! I hope you have a great day/night!
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neteyamsyawntu · 1 year
Immediately thought of you when I saw this 👀🤭
Yessss anon! I love how predictable I’ve become💀 N E WAYS-
MOVE KIRI! It’s my turn 😏 *nonchalantly pushes her unconscious body into the water, taking over her place in Neteyam’s lap* I’m ready bae, revive me 💋💋💋
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soracities · 2 days
I have been thirty for a few months. I never thought I'd make it, truly. I had no plans beyond twenty. I'm a high school drop out with various disabilities, I'm not conventionally 'attractive', I've never had many friends and my support network has failed me several times. And the idea of making plans, after a trail of failures and let-downs (both of myself and others), only filled me with dread. I have to take care of so much. I have my blessings, of course, but not without my own troubles. I have never been on a date, I've never been kissed even though I do want that. I've had to make the decision between bills and feeding myself. I've watched everyone around me fade away or leave. This, however, will pass. This time, in ten years, I'll have been forty for a few months. In twenty, I'll be fifty. And I can see myself being those ages. This year, I planted flowers for the first time and I've watched them grow. I've started reading after years of being told I am too stupid to understand things or that having joys won't make me successful. I've made new friends. I even repaired the strained relationship with my parents, something I never thought I'd be able to do. My life isn't going to be plastered on a big screen or be a bestseller but I don't need it to be. If I never marry or I die alone with no one, I don't think I'll regret it because I'll have myself. My thirties, I realize, are my gift to myself to know love and be loved by myself. Like I ... was the one who grew those flowers that made me happy because I know flowers make me happy, I chose to read the books I love because I know that they will make me happy, I choose to find my little joys instead of the joys others have expected of me. I'll get myself to forty, fifty, maybe even a hundred! I'll continue to give myself little joys because right now that is what is making me happy. That may change at forty! At fifty, a hundred, I don't know! I believe, however, I would like to find out ... and that is something I never would have said at twenty. I don't know if I will make it because as my farmer of a grandfather would say, "You have no idea what a year will bring." And you don't, there is no way to predict what the year, the month, or even tomorrow will bring, but you plant the seeds anyway. You plant them and take care of them as though you know they get to full ripeness and harvest. That process, I've learned for myself, is how I've found love. I just plant the seed today. I may or may not have flowers tomorrow but knowing that I may is enough for me to want to see.
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popsicle-stick · 2 years
Mina and Jack would love the radio, which was very soon widely ditributed after the events of 1897
so this led me down a rabbit hole on the history of radio and it turns out the first commercial radios became a thing around 1920! at which point they'd all be in their 50s, which is NOT too old to be Down With The Kids
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jeeaark · 5 months
I love greygold so much.... and you've inspired me to do my own half-orc playthru so thank you
One of us one of us one of us!
I'm so stoked to hear that, my fellow soon-to-be-half-orc-tav! Yesssss, All the half-orc adventures!
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corrodedcoughin · 7 months
I have a head cannon that Eddie and robin have The most unpredictable relationship. One second they act like boyfriends in law, then they act like mortal enemies, 5 seconds later they’re crying together about robins most recent sad fun fact about animals. Steve can never keep up with where they’re at but I’d glad that his favorite people are so close. (Also when people ask them how they met Eddie will go on and on about how brave Robin is and she just says “we found him in a dumpster”)
Publishing this out into the st universe for everyone to be as delighted by it as I was/am
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akashicblade · 30 days
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jovenshires · 12 days
god that was such a way to cap off the week
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missmungoe · 1 year
If you have a moment, you should go check out TricksterMelon on Twitter :) I hope you like it <3
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I am speechless
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I wish you would write a fic where… the lads are all chatting in the dressing room (Jamie isn’t there) about relationships and that. Someone laughs saying Jamie would defo be the worst boyfriend and Roy is like
“Wtf? He’s the sweetest, most loving little muppet in the whole world. He’d be a brilliant fucking boyfriend. He’s smart and thoughtful and fuck me he’s pretty… can you imagine having him in your bed every night and every morning?” Basically big rant about how perfect jamie Tartt is. Obviously Jamie chooses that moment to walk in and cannot believe Roy thinks these things about him.
Cue Roy getting a snog and not even realising why at first… then all the lads celebrating and being happy xxxx
Thank you for the request anon! Happy holidays! I hope you enjoy <3
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sammy8d257 · 6 months
that post you made about purple being free to express anger at ko reminds me of the abuse cycle (in which a victim becomes an abuser) but in a comparably more healthy way. it's so good ☆
Anon I am tucking you gently into bed with your favorite midnight snack and drink /pos
I think it's less of Purple is perpetuating the cycle of abuse in a healthy way and more that they're unlearning some unhealthy habits regarding the expression of negative emotions
Because something that I've definitely had to relearn is that having anger, being sad, being scared, all these "negative" emotions are natural and normal. And having them is not a bad thing and you are not a bad person for feeling them
The issues arise with how these emotions are expressed and handled
So in my headcanons,
Purple learned to express anger through aggression from their father, but they also learned that you must always respect figures of authority, so that that anger can never be directed towards said figure. Additionally, they probably learned it'd be a death sentence if they showed any "weakness".
Similarly, when their mother falls ill, Purple was given the role of caretaker (probably while they were still in their teens btw) and a whole new sense of responsibility is put on their shoulders. But they can't show that they're stressed, or that they're sad, or god forbid they're angry. Because what kind of monster would have these feelings about their sick mother?
So the logical conclusion (in Purple's mind) is suppression. Just keep everything inside. It'll be fine.
That's why it's such a big thing when Purple finally does express these emotions in front of King because it's like, confirmation that Purple sees them as equals and that they trust him enough to be vulnerable.
(man if someone reminds me, I would LOVE to do a deep dive on my headcanon on how Purple's trust with King is different from their trust with the Color Gang. Because there is a difference. These 2 relationships are not the same)
And of course, Purple will eventually learn better coping mechanisms to handle their emotions because like I said above, the harm is not from having these emotions but from how they're being expressed.
But I do think there's something beautiful about how messy it must be when Purple finally cracks and lets their raw emotions out
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kiokodoodles · 7 months
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does this mean I’m part of the bone club
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mothercetrion · 7 months
AU where Kenshi is still a Yakuza member and he and Johnny have an affair :) multiple chapters planned
directly inspired by @tokillaking13 and their incredible Johnshi art (support it here and here!)
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2aceofspades · 6 months
"grumpy grumpy"
okay but I love that grumpy pout face
that muppet frown is exactly the frown i give when you post emotionally angsty art
i adore it and its so good, but godammit i am muppet pouting at you
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Sometimes I forget that there's lil ol' you out there, morse anon, that can actually decipher and read my morse code notes like...with no problem.
I mean..
How could I forget?...
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Hey hey wait...does this count as like...you know...not angst?
Bet you're not muppet frowning at me now...mehehe~
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butmakeitgayblog · 7 months
Spoiler? for fear the walking dead. if you care about that? Alycia did it again 💀 I’m not sure about anything else that happened since she left but apparently her character finally reunited with her mother
Baby I seen, and she looks fine as fuck
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I haven't seen exactly what happens entirely cuz people are being slow posting clips but it's fine cuz I'm,,, pretty sure it's offensively nonsensical plot wise anyway, but whew. Damn Alycia, back at it again. Girl will do community service for all the busted ass shows of her past and I suppose I respect that. Loyalty and all that
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thegetoufather · 1 year
goin a little manic thinking abt an erejean sandwich...specifically where eren's in the middle of said sandwich getting pussydrunk on you, effectively leaving you both absolutely stupid and needy, while also getting the attitude fucked out of him by jean
oh….plz my head broke a little bit
because eren doesn’t listen to you, not when you whine that its too much or when youre blubbering from being so sensitive.
he hums drunkenly in response, looking up at you all half lidded before sucking at your clit again. your head falls back against the pillow, practically melting into the sheets. you weakly extend your hand out to thread in his chocolate locks, only to brush past jean’s large fingers.
“sorry baby.” his voice is a low rumble, the clearest sound in the bedroom that pulls your focus back to earth.
jean punctuates the sentence with a roll of his hips, making eren moan into you as he slides up your sex with the force. the motion makes him lick a flat stripe with his tongue, your nerves on fire as you watch jean make a mess of eren. It makes you needy, clenching down on nothing as you wait for jean to notice what you want. so you reach out for him, brushing past his fingers in the mess of eren’s hair.
jean’s smiling down at you, lacing your fingers with his before tightening his grip in erens hair. “gimme a minute baby. need to finish putting him in his place”
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