#thank you for the brain rot food wow
angel-bubbles · 2 years
davey brain rot? yeah. matching keychains (they probably have magnets that click together and form a little heart). movie nights where half the time davey and angel arent even watching the movie, just playfully arguing over where they saw a certain actor from. angel knowing daveys tickle spot and abusing that knowledge to get his attention. late summer evening walks where the air is still too hot, daveys in a pajama shirt and angel isn’t wearing shoes bc they’re just walking up and down the block. davey having some trail mix in his car but slowly stocks up on snacks angel likes to keep them busy on longer drives. deciding who’s playlist to turn on during roadtrips (it’s mostly daveys, since angel adds literally every single one of daveys songs to their own playlists anyway). extra hot days where they swish their legs in their pool. angel laughing as they try to help davey hang up string lights in the backyard, but all they’re doing is holding the ladder and commenting on the view (the view is davey and the joke never tires). deciding on new paint colors for their room together. angel ironing davey a nice dress shirt for a meeting he has the next day. yeah
GASP how did i miss this notification omgomgomg im actually just sitting here in awe like... all of this. literally every bit of it i love domestic david and angel so so so much, i was gonna refrain from going completely unhinged but the image of angel helping with the lights in the backyard…. i just can’t get it out of my head
at first angel starts climbing the ladder to hang them and david just loses his mind saying something like “you’re a mess on level ground what makes you think you can balance on a ladder” and the jokes about david being the view shjdkdhs he’s all flustered so the lights don’t get strung up evenly (he fixes it the next day grumbling about how he even landed on the nickname angel as they’re clearly, everything but)
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kairiscorner · 10 months
my sickness is brain rotting about him 🧋
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
let him take care of you. – miguel o'hara x sick!reader
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"don't even think about it." his low, stern voice rumbled from the depths of his throat and was all that you could hear amidst your sniffling from your congested airways. your teary eyes from your cold was blurring your vision, and your weakly turned around to face his stoic expression–with his eyebrows furrowed up at you as he placed his hands on his hips in his usual commanding demeanor. you groaned as you tried to tell him you were fine, you could go on the mission you were originally assigned as usual–a little cold wouldn't bring you down; but your incessant coughing, sniffling, and dazed, fatigue expression caused him to think otherwise.
he sighed as he grabbed your wrist gently and tugged you to follow him into the infirmary, with you reluctantly joining him as you wobbled alongside his confident strides. he took you into the cold infirmary and sat you down by the patient's bed. you shivered and sneezed upon entering, causing miguel to murmur that he told you, you weren't as robust as you believed you were in this condition. he requested lyla to do a full-body scan on you, to check on your condition and what was wrong with your body right then and there. lyla had reported back to miguel that you had a common cold, and the only remedy being a nice warm meal and a lot of rests and liquids.
miguel nodded as he dismissed lyla and went over to the nearest cabinet and got you a fuzzy blanket. you insisted, with a nasally voice, to miguel that you were just alright–you just needed to shake this cold off by kicking some bad guys' asses... but miguel didn't buy it when he heard you sneezing and wheezing as you spoke. he unfolded the blanket wordlessly as you tried explaining to him that you were just setback a little–you could totally kick ass, just... maybe give yourself a few minutes. miguel shook his head as he lay the blanket on you, not bothering to lay you down before he placed the blanket on top of you.
"enough with your hardheadedness, c'mon, get your ass better soon or i'm kicking your ass for those anomalies." miguel scolded you as you huffed, pulling the blanket off your face and lying down grudgingly. miguel pulled out a cold smock and a mercury thermometer, inspecting it up close and asking himself in a mutter how this thing was supposed to work. you coughed out a guide for him, but he decided to make his job easier and just have lyla monitor you. you had expected him to leave you alone in the infirmary to rest so he could also get some of his own work done, but miguel merely sat on a chair by the end of your bed and worked on the monitors from his watch with a stoic face.
you raised an eyebrow at him as he merely kept working. "what... are you up to?" you asked him weakly as he peered at you from the corner of his eye. "monitoring you to ensure you don't do anything stupid." he said in a low mutter as he kept working. you smiled meekly and coughed a bit as your cold persisted. miguel had gotten up from the chair and went over to get you a paper cup and filled it with warm water and handed you a lozenge from the drawer. "lyla said you'd need them, so... here." he said awkwardly as he handed them to you. you thanked him, with miguel nodding his 'you're welcome' back at you as he sat himself down on the chair again and kept monitoring the multiverse as usual.
a few hours passed and you eventually fell asleep with miguel watching over the multiverse and you all the while. lyla popped in and asked miguel if he could take a small break to get you some food, with him telling lyla that if you weren't whining for food, you probably didn't need it. lyla sighed, "wow, you're a pretty bad caretaker, mig." she said as miguel side-eyed her and gave in. "fine, but keep an eye on them for me, sound an alarm if they do anything close to escaping this room." "you make them sound like a criminal." lyla joked as miguel rolled his eyes and exited the infirmary, on his way to cook you up some fresh food.
he came back with a bowl of some hot soup, which lyla recommended for a cold remedy, and as he was heading back into the room, miguel took note of how peaceful you appeared while sleeping. he set the food down on the table near your bed and heard your breathing get laborious, must've been your body's response to fighting off your illness. miguel would've usually asked lyla to give him a report on your current temperature, but right now, he wanted to know for himself how bad your fever was getting. call it out of character for him, but he did truly care for you deep down... he can only show this side of himself while you're not looking, though; so he leaned over and pressed the back of his palm to your forehead, feeling your warmth all over his hand.
"poor thing." he murmured as he gently placed a new cold smock back on to your forehead and noticing your eyelids gently fluttering open. he pulled away from you not long after and opened the lights. "about time you woke up, eat up now." he said with a softer voice than earlier, handing you the hot bowl of soup he cooked up for you. you wheezed out your thanks to him as he muttered a 'you're... welcome' this time instead of just nodding. watching you eat the soup he made, seeing you look more rejuvenated and healthy kind of made his heart feel... lighter somehow. miguel never told you he cooked that for you, instead, he took your compliments about his dish and told you he'd thank the chef for you; he'd be damned if anyone else in the spider society discovered he cooked for you while sick, that would be a secret he'd take to the grave.
"hey, miggy..." you whispered to him as you grinned as wide as you could, amidst your heated, sick expression. he leaned closer to you and raised an eyebrow. "what, do you need any water?" he asked you, but you shook your head. "thank you... for, everything, really." you said with a slightly embarrassed face that mimicked his own. miguel felt himself get feverish and heated, he had never received a compliment that sincere; well, actually, he had hardly received compliments nowadays. he didn't know what to say to really relay how he felt, he couldn't even tell what feelings he was experiencing right then and there, they were a flurry of feelings that he experienced hammering in his chest all at once. he nodded again and said in a much louder voice as he looked away from you, "right, right, um... you're welcome." he tried his hardest not to sound flustered nor taken aback by your sweet words of gratitude, but your slight giggling made his facade crumble bit by bit.
"anyway... get better soon, or i'm replacing you." he threatened you with no commitment whatsoever in it, with you chuckling now at it. "really? then who're you gonna take care of while they're sick...?" "i don't ask to be anyone's caretaker when they're sick." "because you don't ask, you wanna take care of me, isn't that right, miggy?" you asked him with a flustered grin as miguel went back to monitoring the multiverse again, facing away from you. "just... go back to sleep, you'll need all the rest you can get, go on now." he said as you smiled wider and nodded, falling your head back on the pillow and relaxing yourself to head to sleep. miguel, meanwhile was restless; hearing you thank him and get through to his tough exterior with your gratitude and astuteness... it did a number on him, it affected him in more ways than you could ever imagine.
he looked away from his monitors for a second and peered over at your sleeping self, turned on your side again—and for the first time in a long while... felt the corners of his lips stretch into a small grin and his heart lightening up just a tad bit. who knew he could be a better caretaker than he thought? certainly not him, but even though he wasn't the most well-versed at this whole care-taking thing—but you give him a whole new confidence to work with; it might not be the brightest confidence, but it's certainly something that compels him to keep doing this, to keep putting out effort to care for and help someone get nursed back to health, and it's exclusively for you.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @melovetitties @arachnoia @ophanimgold @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @simsrandomstuff @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok
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f1oricide · 8 months
We all have cravings
Yan! Mikey x reader
This is kinda like a part two for the Yan Mikey hc I made. Also just know this is strictly fiction, I do NOT support this Irl if you do please seek help. This is my contribution to horrortober ig. I did not proof read this at all so I hope u enjoy my brain rot.
Tw: build up, poor writing, blood, kidnapping, yandere themes, cannibalistic themes, anxiety, panic attacks, nonconsensual touching (nonsexual), overall bad time for y/n
I hate my job. Customer service is bitch in a half, I swear to god customer service employees are doing gods work. I can’t even wipe tables in piece without some lady yelling at me about how her frappe has too much ice like it’s a global issue. What’s worse is how I spend 8 hours of my life for this, I need a better job.
Walking down the slightly empty streets of New York, my body aching for my beloved bed. I look at the shops as I walk by, absorbing all the trinkets and doodads inside. One place though, stopped me in my tracks, a quaint little bakery near by an alleyway. the inside had a golden glow to it, it was almost unreal, beautiful, and the smell was amazing.
so as any normal young adult would do, I walk in, not knowing what I want to buy. I instantly feel regret setting inside my stomach, why did I walk in? Oh god I can’t just leave without buying anything, maybe they didn’t noticed I walked in? Looking around right as that thought sped through my mind, I made eye contact with the baker, they greeted me, but god of course they saw me.
Well due to social obligation, I HAVE to buy something. Panic started to rise as I still have no idea what to buy, knowing the baker isn’t even rushing me, the panic is still there. Just as I thought all hope was lost, I felt another pair of eyes on me. Turning I see a man in a trench coat and fedora, staring at me through the glass like I’m one of the wonders of the world. Weirdo. We make eye context for a second before he snaps out of it, and stumbles inside.
Thank god, an out I thought as the man walked closer to the counter. “You can order first if you’d like, Im still deciding.” We made eye contact again, despite the added difficulty the fedora he was wearing made. “Wow, thanks stranger! You know this place has some delicious raspberry sweet rolls! I totally recommend them if you haven’t tried any!” Sweet rolls? As a recommendation? This dude just keeps getting weirder and weirder, but considering I don’t know what else to get, I might as well try it, what’s the harm? “Hmm that does sound tempting, maybe I will” making sure to add a smile after, the man seems to beam at my remark. “Trust me, they are AMAZING especially with some chamomile tea and vanilla scones”
Pfft- What are you? A rich old white British lady? “Pfft hahahah! Good one, it really does sound like I am huh?” He continues to laugh even harder as the “joke” sets in as I stare in shock and horror. Did I really just say that out loud? “My names Mikey, what’s yours stranger?” He says while wiping a tear from his eye. “Oh uhm- y/n” were doing introductions now I guess. “Well y/n it’s nice to meet you” holding his hand out, I didn’t fail to notice the green skin and the three fingers outstretched towards me.
Oh my god, what the hell?! An excuse, think of an excuse. “We should probably order, don’t wanna hold up the line” good one me. He looks behind us and I follow suit; low and behold, no one else of course. He chuckles before turning back to me and says, “I guess you have a point”. Retracting his hand he turns to the cashier and places his order. The cashier told him that he’s gonna have to wait for 20 minutes for it to be ready, Mikey nods and turns to me before asking the cashier for those raspberry sweet rolls. Oh god-
“Oh can you make those separate?” I sputter before Mikey quickly answers, “I insist, I don’t want you to waste your money if you don’t like it!” Convincing argument plus free food? You win this round “Mikey”.
After paying Mikey and I go to sit down at a nearby booth. Maybe I have him pegged wrong my mind started rationalizing. Maybe it’s a medical condition? We sat for a good minute in silence as I’m overthinking per usual. “So, what do plan to do with a whole loaf of zope bread?” I say to avoid the loud thoughts buzzing through my head. “Oh! Well I was planning on making it myself but I might as well try this places zone, I’m planning on pairing it with some-“ before he can continue, the cashier called out the raspberry sweet rolls to catch out attention.
I got the rolls and walked back to the booth. “Well, here’s my order”
“So…see ya…”
Before I could even take a step though, Mikey shot up “whaaat?! B-but you didn’t even try it! I want to see if you like it or not!” He stared at me with pleading eyes, like a dog begging it’s human for a treat. Why is he so invested in this? “I didn’t think you’d want to know my feedback..” “well duhhh, I recommend it to you, I just have to know i hit the nail on the head!” Oh… well whatever it takes to leave faster. I grabbed a roll and popped it in my mouth, it was EXPLODING with flavor. I think Mikey could tell with the knowing smirk that spread across his face.
After that we started talking more in the restaurant, I got to know him more. Apparently he has three more brothers, when he made me guess which one he was, it wasn’t hard to tell he’s the youngest. Eventually his order was done, disappointment sent in me because, well, this was actually a pleasant interaction with a not so total stranger. Acquaintance if you will. By the time his order was ready, I already ate all the rolls, so I guess this is it.
“It was nice meeting you, I didn’t really plan staying out this late.” I said as we walked out, the sky nearly dark. “It was reallyyy nice meeting you too, you know…” he stated reaching in his pocket. “If you need any more expert cooking advice, give me a call!”
That should’ve been it, but noooo, I just HAD to call back, we just HAD to get to know each other more, he just HAD to show me his “secret” identity…I just HAD to fall in love…no..for his tricks
It all started with food, a fucking roll no less. He fed me and like a wild animal I kept coming back. I ignored all the red flags, all my friends concerns, not noticing how they quickly left my life after venting to Mikey about them. I kept coming back for more like a dumb dumb animal.
But now here I am, a small closet with one twin bed and barren walls, no fan or vent. What did I do to deserve this? What avengers level threat did I cause to end up here? There’s barely anything to do besides relive old mistakes and sweat. Dare I say it, I even miss my job and being a useful member of society.
The door finally opened the reveal the devil himself, Mikey. But somethings off…I’ve been here long enough to read Mikey’s face like a book. He looks nervous, like he wants something nervous… fear started to creep within me, what did he want now?
Usually he brings stuff in like crafts or food and water, but this time, it’s just him. Closing the door behind him, he speaks. “Hi my Angel…” a grimace grew on my face. That nickname used to make me swoon, but now it makes me want to throw up. “I have a very important question to ask you”
This was the question that ruined my life…and I thought it couldn’t get any worse… he wanted me…ME. To… just the thought is making me gag- EAT HIM. LITERALLY. The thoughts in my head started swarming me, his justifications and explanations fall on deaf ears as the room swirls around me. He gently grabs my forearms snapping me back, since when did I start crying? I can’t even breath right, I feel like I’m drowning.
“Listen, I know it sounds really really REALLY crazy, but I need you to trust me… you’ll be okay. This will be good for us! We’ll be together all the time isn’t that great?” No, it’s not great, far from it actually. “I won’t force you to do it now of course, take your time, I’ll wait, I’ll always wait for you”
Ever since then, no matter how much I stalled, it was only putting off the inevitable. No matter what I did, it never swayed him. Actually, it did, but not how I would’ve wanted. He started giving me less and less to eat. It started off small with a few less portions, but I never noticed the twitch in his smile whenever I put down his encouragement to chomp on his arm. He started giving less portions and no breakfast anymore, id be lucky if he gave me dinner.
Im hungry, starving even. It hurts, it hurts so so much. He would always come in more often, lifting his arm and encouraging me to bite. “Come on, you can do it baby”. It pisses me off. How dare you kidnap me after I gave you my trust. How dare you put me in a cramped tiny room, having to solely rely on you for everything. HOW DARE YOU force me to break EVERYTHING I thought was RIGHT all while you look at me and TELL ME YOU LOVE ME.
I hate you. I failed to notice hot tears running down my face. I hate you. I also failed to notice how hard I shook, how my teeth grinding against each other until it hurt. FUCKING I HATE YOU
Red, it’s all I can see. I used laughing when any character in media say they saw red, can you blame me? It sounds so…dumb, but I get it now. I understand, how ironic. Apparently, I could..taste red too…
Snapping back to reality a brick of drowsiness crashes down onto me, I must’ve had some high adrenaline because my jaw started hurting like a bitch. Liquid runs down my jaw, it’s warm..fresh. Why do I feel something on my tongue-
Shock slaps me in the face, my eyes go as wide as saucers, what have I done?? Looking up at Mikey I see the sheer amount of euphoria in his face, his eyes holding so much love, it might spill out. I need this thing out of me, I need HIM out. I gag trying to spit it out but he quickly puts his hand on my mouth. “you can do it, swallow quickly, it’ll all be over, your doing amazing” I don’t even think before swallow the lump down. The worst part about this whole experience was feeling the lump of meat slide down my throat and plop into my stomach. My mouth instantly starts salivating, and I’m forced to question if it’s because of the hunger still in me or the sheer amount of disgust and horror in me trying to throw it up while Mikey whispers sweet nothings in my ear.
Everything is too much. The air is too hot, too heavy, too wet. It feels horrible on my skin. It’s too noisy, to crowded, too much. Mikey only hugs me tight to his chest, his arm still bleeding , all while I lean in considering how it’s the only comfort I’ll get out of this hell hole. “I knew you’d trust me…I love you.. so so sooo much. I’ll never leave your side. We’re bound together as one, isn’t that great?”
All I could do was sob violently, slowly passing out, everything slowly fading to black.
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callsignspark · 1 year
Mar[r]y Me | part one
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 2.0k
main masterlist
note: happy Friday! I'm so excited to share the first part of Bradley and Mary's story! a very special thanks to @gretagerwigsmuse for yelling in the DMs with me over this. Jordan without you the Bradley brain rot would not have taken over, and we wouldn't be here. after you read this, everyone go read about her version of Bradley and Smart Aleck; they are everything.
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part one - indecision cookies
“C’mon, M&M! You’re not deciding on purpose! Just to be annoying!”
She knows he’s teasing; they’ve been friends for over a decade. That doesn’t stop the hurt from bubbling in her stomach or keep her from snapping at him. “Yeah, Reuben! That’s exactly what I’m doing! I’m purposefully going down to the wire on a decision that will change everything in my life just so I can piss you off!”
Guilt settles in her chest the second she finishes. It’s not his fault she can’t make a choice. “I’m sor-”
“No. Don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have made the joke. I know this is stressing you out.” She can hear him pacing through his house. As long as she’d known him, he had walked at the same volume as an elephant. “I know it’s a big change, and there’s a lot of things to consider, but what’s going on?”
“Nothing. I made indecision cookies. So you know… I’m basically there.”
“Wow, okay, never once have you been close to making a choice and made those. So, that literally does nothing except give you delicious cookies to eat. Which is great, but it’s already been a month, and I can’t even tell which way you’re leaning.”
It’s only been twenty-one days. Her brain interjects, but she doesn’t voice the thought, knowing her best friend won’t appreciate the correction.
It’s been twenty-five days since she flew from Pensacola to San Diego. Twenty-four days since she spent the evening with Danielle, Reuben, and his teammates. Twenty-three days since she interviewed for a new position. Twenty-two since she was offered the job, one that came with a big salary increase, better benefits, a higher security clearance requirement, and a thirty-day decision deadline. Twenty-one days since she returned home, a serious case of imposter syndrome setting in, mixing with her anxiety.
“I haven’t decided because I can’t figure out the right answer. It’s a great opportunity, and I know I’d enjoy the work, but it’s such a huge change, and frankly, I don’t know if it’s worth moving across the country. I like what I do now, I’m settled here, and I’m finally starting to make real friends instead of just having acquaintances from work. It’s taken-” A crash interrupts her. “Reuben! What was that?! Are you okay?”
“I tripped over Boo-Boo and almost took out the side table. Stupid ass cat.” She can hear him fighting with the fat, orange tabby under his breath. “I’m fine. Keep going; we’re listening.”
“You were probably in his way!”
“Stop defending the cat! He can’t hear you, and he was in the wrong! And stop deflecting. You were saying it’s taken…”
“It’s taken me four years to get comfortable, to this point where I’m not spending all my free time alone in my apartment. I move, and I have to start all over again. With everything. The search for where to live. Getting comfortable with the job. Making friends.”
“You have plenty of friends out here already!”
“You and Danielle don’t count; we’ve known each other since freshman year.” Her voice is flat, already knowing where his argument is going.
“Okay, fine! You’re friends with Mickey. And you liked Natasha and Bob! Plus, there’s Rooster and the rest of the Dagger Squad!”
“Reuben, knowing your team’s callsigns and spending a few hours drinking with them when I was out there doesn’t mean I actually know them or that we’re friends.”
“Yeah, true, but they’re good people, and you’ll get along with all of them. And you’ll make friends of your own! What I’m saying is that you’re not starting over with friends; you’ve got a foundation to build on, so that’s one less thing to worry about.”
“Okay, well, I’m also thirty-three and not getting any younger. I’d like to have a family one day; I want a husband, a few kids, and maybe a dog. That dream gets harder to achieve if I have to start over again.”
“Is this because of your parents?” Danielle’s voice is a surprise.
“Damn it, Fitch! Have you had me on speakerphone this whole time?!”
“I told you we were listening!”
“I thought you meant the damn cat!”
“Why would I mean the cat?”
“Because you’re an idiot-”
“As fun as it is to listen to the two of you argue.” Danielle’s scolding cuts them off before it can devolve into a repeat of The Incident of 2013. “Let’s get back to my question. Is this indecision because of your parents?”
“No! Why would you even think that?”
“For starters, you’ve never mentioned kids before!”
Danielle smooths over her husband’s indignant statement. “We know it’s something your parents harp on you about.”
The understatement of the decade. 
Mary’s family is a large group of stereotypical Italian immigrant Catholics from New York. Thirty-one people on her father’s side came from Sicily through Ellis Island in the late nineteenth century and settled in East Harlem. The men worked municipal projects, performing back-breaking labor to build bridges and dig subway tunnels, while the women suffered through the dangerous working conditions of the Manhattan garment factories. The family worked hard, the entire brood saving money to open a bakery just like they had back home. Vertucci’s Bakery – named for the family – opened in 1925 and was an instant success; people waited in lines that went out the door to get a taste of the old country. As the family grew, so did the bakery; everyone working to churn out bread, cakes, and pastries as fast as possible. Eventually, they outgrew the first shop, moving to a bigger location in Brooklyn the same year Mary’s father was born.
The other side of her family, the Romanos, immigrated just before World War II. Settling in Carroll Gardens, Mary’s great-grandfather was a dock worker at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, while her great-grandmother took care of the children and worked as a seamstress out of their apartment. Through the generations and the gentrification, the family stayed in Brooklyn, enjoying the strong Italian community.
Carlo and Lisa met on a busy Saturday morning when he was working Vertucci’s front counter. They fell in love quickly and were married just over a year later. Four boys in the four years after they were married, with Mariella “Mary” Vertucci following several years after the twins. She was a happy mistake. Wording that never failed to make her feel like she was two inches tall.
Despite being the youngest by ten years, as the only daughter Mary was subject to the most guilt trips and punishments growing up, her brothers seemingly unable to do no wrong in the eyes of the rest of the family.
When she was little, she didn’t eat enough food, and the women of her family criticized her for being too skinny. Then with puberty, she gained weight, and suddenly she was eating too much food. The yelling she had to endure when she went away to school - the first one in her family to do so - practically shattered the windows in her parent’s living room. Her mother was exceptionally upset because she had found a nice Italian boy for Mary to date, one who didn’t care that she was chubby. Constant complaints about distance when she moved to Missouri after graduation to work for Boeing, where she learned the ins and outs of all the mechanical systems of the Navy’s top fighter jets and worked on maintenance procedures to keep them running. The knock-down-drag-out screaming matches when she announced that she was being transferred to Florida to act as a senior engineering liaison between the company and the Navy, not once receiving any congratulations for her impressively quick advancement.
Not to mention all the subtle implications that she was a bad daughter for not producing grandchildren yet. Despite all of her brothers being married and having provided numerous grandchildren.
“I love kids, I’ve always wanted them, but given my luck with relationships, they’ve always kinda been a pipe dream. And I barely talk to my family anymore, my parents, least of all, no one knows I’m up for a new job. Only a few people here even know I went to California, and they all think I just went for a long weekend to visit some old friends.”
“If you take the job, when are you gonna tell them you’re moving to California?”
She snorts, “I’ll just call Danny’s wife as I’m about to get on the plane, and she’ll do all the work. By the time I touch down in San Diego, the entire Vertucci network will be informed of the address change.”
“You’d do that to your favorite brother?”
Danny is her favorite by default. Being the oldest meant he usually could be counted on to stop the other three from being too brutal in their taunts, but he also joined the teasing as much as he stopped it.
“He left my name off the Mother’s Day bouquet last year; this’ll make us even.”
“You didn’t chip in for flowers?” Reuben sounds shocked, knowing the importance of Mother’s Day flowers in the Vertucci family.
“No, I did. I covered Michael’s portion, too; that’s when Mia was going through treatment. He forgot to put my name on the card.”
“Yeah, surprised me too. Especially when I got a call at the ass crack of dawn the next day, asking why I was ignoring the woman who gave me life on the most important day of the year.”
“Not to interrupt this venting session, but we still haven’t gotten to why you’re holding back on making a decision.” Danielle interrupts.
Mary hesitates, embarrassed to tell her closest friends about the problem. “I just keep thinking about the worst things that could happen. Which I know is stupid, and it’s just making my anxiety act up even more, but I can’t stop thinking about what could go wrong.”
“Well, that’s obviously not working, so what about the best things that could happen? I can kick Reuben out if you want. He doesn’t need to know everything.”
“Hey! She’s my best friend, too! And I’ve known her longer than you!”
“Only by six months! And you wouldn’t have become friends if she hadn’t taken pity on you and forced you to be her lab partner.”
“Let's see, good things… good things.” She interrupts the argument over who is her bestest friend. “Well, I could live near both my best friends for the first time since college. I could live in the same town as my goddaughter for the first time in her life. I could end up loving the job - not just tolerating it - and work there until I retire. The time difference could be good. I might be able to have a better relationship with my family if there’s extra distance between us. I could…”
She trails off, simultaneously feeling silly about what her next sentence would be and also afraid saying it out loud would jinx it.
“You could?” Danielle gently prods.
I could fall in love. I could be happy.
Her answer is just above a whisper, “I could be happy.”
Reuben gently breaks the silence that follows her vulnerable wish. “Are you not happy now?”
“I’m content. Which is good, but it’s not the same as being happy.”
“What do you think it would take for you to be happy?”
“I really don’t know… Force myself to make some changes? Shake things up?”
“Shit, I hear Annabeth waking up from her nap, but - and I’m sure you’ve already had this thought - but if you think shaking things up could help, I think you have the answer about the job.” Crying crackles over the baby monitor. “Okay, I’m gone. Love you - text me later!”
“Love you too, Dani!”
“So… what are you thinking?”
“How would you feel about turning the office into an official guest room while I find a place to live?”
“As long as you join the diaper-changing rotation, I think we could swing that.”
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tagging: @gretagerwigsmuse | @bobfloyds | @bussyslayer333 | @hangmanbrainrot | @mothdruid | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @rhettabbotts | @roleycoleyreccenter | @roosterbruiser | @seresinsweetie | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @waklman | @withahappyrefrain | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @genius2050 | @ohtobeleah
fic tag | credit for dividers here
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sehodreams · 1 month
omggg thank u sm for ur response!! i’d love to know more of ur thoughts on toxic! boyfriend sungchan then when you have a chance because i’m really curious on how you see him like that…!!!! my brain is so rotted for sungchan, riize in general, and esp toxic riize >:)))))))) so i wanna know (when u have time) how he’d be in ur mind <3333
Oh honey, I wanted to add it too but I didn't know if maybe I was putting too much again 😅, but since you ask, here are some thoughts I've had (that might change since things can go differently when I write).
I wrote too much haha
What I understood from what you put was that Sungchan actively tried to make you lose weight, while, in my head, this boy LOVES your size, and he loves you and your body so much he starts to feel ashamed (because he also believes that liking you is somehow wrong).
Of course, he was the one who made your relationship official, but from the start, he was doubting his actions (and desire) a lot, and he'd convince you to keep your relationship lowkey with some x excuse, when, in reality, he just didn't want others to know much about you two together.
So, another thing that keeps happening, is that he only takes you on dates in places he knows he won't cross anyone from his circle, and if you end up going together to some place as a couple he'd be plainly cordial with you, close, but not enough for others to think ''wow, they're really a couple'' (I really liked the part in which you said something about him making you wear tight clothes since its something Pinching!Sungchan would do, but not the toxic!Sungchan I'm thinking about since he doesn't want you getting too much attention because that would attract attention over you two together as a result).
I imagine him making you feel insecure with more things, and perhaps, you wouldn't even notice these actions (because, in the end, you're still going on dates, he's still around you at reunions, and he's really close to you in the privacy of your room, repeating many times how he likes you and almost everything related to you, his precious girlfriend). Still, you'd get hurt with other comments about your body that he makes you believe he says out of worry from the bottom of his heart, but even if he talked a lot, in the end, he's the one buying you sweets, telling you to order food after fucking and staring at you with desire while you change clothes. With those comments, he makes you believe, even if not directly saying it (perhaps in a fight he'd loudly say it), that, in some way, you're the lucky one to be with him.
In bed, however, he's exactly like you said, he's such a giver, and when he feels you start to get weird (like suspicious of something that you can't clearly point is happening) he does everything for you to not think, things you even feel embarrassed about, like grabbing your rolls with force to make you meet his hips, pounding up into you while you're trying to not suffocate him with your chest (which he adores), and constantly eating you out until you're crying and assuring him that you love him too!
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occasionallyprosie · 3 months
Nah, I don't mind rambling it's just longer than replies on Tumblr will allow.
The wonderful and difficult thing about First is there is not much to go off of even for someone who read First's story in Hyrule Historia. And there's only a few people who have roped him in so it's not like there's a wealth of fannon to build from either.
I personally see him as heartbreakingly tragic. Guy tried to fight evil and ended up locked in a dungeon for years. He was finally freed only when Demise was already a huge problem and could honestly have been so bitter for it. Dude was asked to lead the people when he'd spent years being left to rot. Add to that the goddesses loftwing (who looks a lot like Crimson) basically challenged him of "Are you worthy to be my rider?" And he still tried. He still died defending the people while Hylia raised Skyloft above the cloud barrier. He could have been "look, y'all want me to save you, but you made me so I can't. Maybe I could have (and been willing to) if I hadn't been chained in a dungeon for years..." But he had people he loved enough to go fight even though he had no chance.
@bokettochild has a wonderful characterization of First in her Blood Between Us series. I know she also is rewriting it but seeing First interact with the heroes was one of my first fics where they included him. He's so observant and almost unnervingly accurate of the heroes that get dumped in his lap.
I need to catch up on @adrift-in-thyme 's Give the Lion Fangs but everything else I've read by them is amazing.
And I still didn't answer all the questions but if you're looking for First content, I think I have one more fic rec with his direct characterization in it and one where they paint Warriors in a similar light as a sort of becoming First or channeling him... I don't know it tickles something at the back of my brain Involving First but that's so probably partly because First has a scarf but his is red.
Wow, thank you! That's some great thought food.
Yeah, most of the things I see of First is some mix of Legend, Time, and Warriors. He's got that sense of jadedness usually associated with Legend and Time, he's got that sense of duty where he'd do what's asked of him no matter its effects on him(like every Link). From what I've been looking through, he's very much a Link, and it makes sense seeing as he's their predecessor. The difference is that the first and main source of his trauma and struggles are the people he's called to protect, and yet he still protects them and gives his life for them even after all they'd done to him. A kind man would've turned his back, yet First didn't.
I did love the characterization of First in The Blood Between Us, it leans more into the jadedness that I think would set First apart from the others. Even Time and Legend, who in canon and fanon are the most jaded, don’t compare to what I'm seeing and working on making First into. He's tired, he's seen not just the worst of the darkness in the world (Demise) but some of the worst of the world itself, humans included. But he hasn't just seen it, he's experienced it.
Tell me if I'm wrong, because I have limited experience with anything related to First
But as I see it, he has that unbreakable hero's spirit, but he is broken. He's lost hope in humanity itself, the people are who he will protect but he doesn't hold any hope or trust in them. He still fights, and he will always fight (he is reincarnated to fight again and again), he will always protect the people of hyrule, he will serve his purpose. He will get up no matter what happens to him, he's unbreakable in that sense just like every single one of his reincarnations, but he has broken in that he can't truly trust or believe in anyone but himself and his goddess.
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fangswbenefits · 10 months
popping in to say i Love your work (no jokes, some of my fave miguel stuff out there!!) and how great you treat your readers….
sweet girl has given me Brain Rot and now i can’t stop thinking about miguel putting on relationship weight (this is a scientifically validated thing!!!) bc she’s always making such good food and eating all the stuff sg cooks is an easy way for him to say “I love you”…other spiders might tease him about it but it’s bc they know their big scary boss is slowly but surely mellowing out into a big ol’ softie… (ruby what have you DONE TO US 🙈)
Thank you for stopping by, my friend 🩷
And wow.................. this is so adorable 🥺😭 I love them so much.....
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swk-mac · 11 months
te bluegiy is cool I love him ! Can you talk more about him please ?
Hi! Wow did you really like him? WAA I'm so happy Kidron 💖✨ *does a happy dance**
Of course!! I'll tell you more about him heheh, I still need to develop him more but this is what I have:
Shaiming Dalai has a calm and introverted character, he likes to spend in solitude taking care of his plants, however he also likes to go out from time to time with people he knows, skilled in handicrafts, and he also lives on the Flower Fruit Mountain, he knows Wukong and Macaque too.
He doesn't like to have his flowers stepped on, he hates spicy foods and having his hair down (that's why he always has a tail) although I drew him with his hair down so you can see how he is that way.
Of defects, he is very shy and cannot meet so easy new people because he gets very stuck, sometimes he works too much
His favorite color is green
His sexuality: demisexual and demiromantic (he's on the asexual spectrum hshs)
Another thing is that he has a cat heheh (I still don't draw him with his cat, but soon I'll do)
Aah and by the way thank you very much for asking me!! You don't know but this really made my day
Here I have another drawings made by my friends/awesome artists:
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This one is made by @itsthedeadlyduo
And this other by @sun-wukong-brain-rot
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janelevy · 1 year
thoughts on lottienat? they're making me want to eat drywall this season tbh
my brain is normally so shaunajackie-focused that i failed to pay as much attention as i should have to nat and lottie during the first season. but thanks to jackie’s, um, absence in season 2, i’m finally giving the other girls the attention they deserve, and WOW.
i think something really resonated with me in s2e4– lottie’s whole “fuck me,” trip to hallucination mall, cursed food court noodles sequence added so so much to her character. i really love her. the fact that she was pitted in this (technically quite dangerous) contest against nat, who in that moment was busy being pissed off and very much being lottie’s foil in more ways than one… incredible.
and then the BATH scene. good lord. the banter! just the briefest wink of “it’s gonna be okay even if it’s not” surrounded by a frozen ocean of reality. but for that single minute, it was just them and they were warm and safe and alive to see another day, and that was enough. and then in s2e5, nat is back to being lottie’s skeptic. i think this is one of the most important roles nat serves in the wilderness, aside from the hunter. her voice, that “what the fuck does that have to do with anything?!” will prevent lottie from falling into an echo chamber. this will shape her character, will always make room for a shred of doubt. lottie’s mumbled “fuck me” was herself, but there was some nat influence in there. she has laura lee to guide and haunt and push her out of the wrong plane of existence; and in real life, she has natalie.
honestly it made me want to see more of them in pre-crash flashbacks. i need more than just “i like your pilgrim hat” interactions. i need to see more stark contrast between them back in new jersey’s suburban clutches: class, style, personality, academics, popularity. there is so much to chew on here. and this is without even touching on their dynamic as adults, but i adore that too. anyway YES my brain is also absolutely rotted to the core for them, thank you for asking
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Also let me scream into the creative writing Void
Chef kisses, left no crumbs
I love how you are defying the past! GhostRoach and dead fiance! Roach rule by twisting it up making them establish and alive all while soap is like “i need to have them both carnally” FUCK YOUR PAST! GHOSTROACH
(Not a request btw) Although I also wanna read a dead fiance! Soap because I think that’ll be hilarious in a “how does that make you feel GhostSoap shipper with Past! GhostRoach hmmm? How you like them apples??” But like i need them to have a good communication and instead of roach being hurt that he cant have ghost its more of Roach helping Ghost to heal in a healthy way that makes them have a good relationship from the start and then them establishing a healthy relationship later too
I was also laughing so hard when Roach asked Ghost if he’s been telling everyone he died, bro was about to break off the wedding (I also love how u made them fiances here my roachghost heart healed a little) its giving “i can still hear his voice” “quit telling everybody I’m dead”
I do have a question though, is roach also military in this? Or is he retired or have a different job?
When your boyfriends are fast food ❤️
ASDSFHDKDLFL I AM in love with Monsterfucker, I will eat it up everytime especially if its love between different monsters?? Slurping that bitch up like its soup
Also i need to yell about the fact that Ghost is a Vamp-Demon hybrid here?!!! And that he scares people but then Roach meets him for the first time and he fully wants Ghost and Soap goes along with him💀💀💀 me too roach, me too, its giving, you should be more scared of the person holding the leash than the dog itself (im sorry I had to) like imagine living out your whole life and people are scared of u even tall behemoth of men, but then this small funky mousy haired guy just looks at you with so much lust?? Ghost I would fold ngl
I know u haven’t written this yet but Im going to yell about this anyways because this has got to be my fav AU, i really just love streamer love stories despite the whole reborn not being canon that was still a hilarious take, Ghost would make so many “in my days” joke every time someone tries too hard in a game
And I absolutely am stealing this from real people’s experience; but what if Ghost is a faceless streamer and when he just started getting to know Roach, trying to flirt with him, he face reveals in front of Roach while roach is streaming and roach is just speechless and going redder by the second all while his chat is going insane
Im gonna go to my corner now and buzz around while i brain rot
On Ghosts Dead Fiance:
I just love when Soap see's Ghost and Roach and is just immediately in love (especially with Roach) its my favorite dynamic ever and I think he's just enough of a himbo for that to happen sjdjdjdj
I would still like to eventually do a flipping it on its head in the method of killing off Soap version, but we probably won't get that until I get enraged by dead Roach content again ahsh
And I'm 100% going to make them more healthy than any of the SoapGhost fics but I'm also gonna throw in a line like "because of you I forget that I was ever even in love with Soap" just to pass people off because I'm evil like that
Then in the comments I'll hit 'em with "wow guys, Soap sent Roach for Ghost guys 🥺 he knew that he was better for him"
Also Roach is meant to be retired in the story, hence why Ghost has one of his dog tags. Since Roach wasn't going to be out in the field anymore (personal choice he made because he was tired, and he works CIA now with aunt Laswell) he decided to give Ghost one of his tags so he would "always have a piece of me with you"
On Monster AU:
*scary powerful monster walks in the room*
Roach, immediately: I'll just take that, thank you very much *seduces him*
Roach and Soap and even Ghost in this Au are definitely the be more scared of the person holding the leash than the dog itself thing. Roach has these two men wrapped around his finger dude and he's so good at playing innocent here
I think I mentioned but his whole thing is like seducing people while making them think that they're seducing him. He just chooses his partners though and gets Soap to growl at any unwanted people (most people) while he enjoys his two hot fellow monster boyfriends 😌
Also love making Ghost panic and run out of the room like a bat outta hell because he knows if he stays he will absolutely end up sleeping with these two members of his team who he's not even properly met yet. Poor guy is in for it though cause Roach isn't going to let him get away that easily
On Camboy/Streamer AU:
If I didn't have to write part of an essay today I would be drafting up part of it right now because ACK
I just know they'd have a shit ton of fanfics written about them
Also on the line of if this Ghost was reborn Ghost I've been thinking about that more and like...streamer AU's Gaz and Soap being his gaming buddies (Price is Gaz's controversially older boyfriend who hangs out with them on stream occasionally)
And I can just see people shipping Ghost and Soap from the streams and someone is like "Are you two dating" and Soap just playfully drops "No, Ghost is whipped for another streamer, take your bets on who"
And it starts a whole big thing and when, eventually, Ghost and the squad start streaming with Roach everyone just knows that this is the guy that he's whipped for
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ravensilversea · 7 months
the first fic of yours i thought about was I'll Tell You How the Sun Rose! even if i only get half of it considering it's a crossover and i know nothing about the other fandom lol, the way you wrote colonnello in it is simply *chef's kiss*. the way you wrote him in this very lowkey but also so tangible and real way i personally haven't seen done often and gave me the opportunity to think about him in new ways. also this line you left me in response to my comment: "I may not have been the best brother, but I’ve always been a worse son.” hello?? it has absolutely been ROTTING my brain ever since, thank you. <3
also i scrolled through your khr works on ao3 just to make sure i wasn't forgetting anything, and what do you know, i almost didn't mention Steady as the Rain. and it's a short one so i reread it and listen, i'm always gonna hold this fic close to my heart. i love it. just--*gestures at the whole of the fic*.
and now i realize i just love the way you write colonnello full stop actually!! thanks for the quality food <3
That line slipped into my draft, and I FOUGHT to keep it. It was so good, though I'm not too upset with how it actually turned out in How the Sun Rose: "He’s always been a shitty son, and this is now the second life running he’s left his mother grieving while he fucks off into danger to run away from his own grief." But the rawness of the original!!! Anyway, I'm really glad you took a chance on it despite it being a crossover because your essays on R56 and Colo/Lal/Reborn definitely gave me brainrot and well... *gestures* There's just something about being separated during the apocalypse and finding each other in the next life and the world that came after that apocalypse that works for them
Also wow! Steady as the Rain is such a throwback, I wrote that in my creative writing class senior year of high school. It's five years old and I don't think I'd change a thing about it. Honestly, high school!me had some takes on Flame Lore, and I do kinda want to go back and poke them. Especially if they pop out lines like this: “Rain isn’t always a soothing drizzle that washes the Earth clean. The rain in a storm can never be called soothing and tranquil."
Aaaaaa, you're welcome! Colonnello's a bit harder for me to pin down when writing (he's much quieter than Reborn and Skull are), so to hear you say that really means a lot!
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yumiluna · 2 years
UHH IDK IF THIS IS THE RIGHT ACCOUNT OR ANYTHING BUT I AM DESPERATE FOR OPINIONS ON THEM SO. Vanlock thoughts? Planning on writing them again soon and I need something to rotate in my mind until then
💜also your content is great!!! The wonders of being able to create your own food,,, self sustenance,,
AAAAAAAH IM SCREAMING YES THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE BUT OHH MY OPINIONS I okay idk where to start or how to go about this or if im doing this right but i will do my best 🏃‍♂️
First of all, I think they're extremely fucking neat and continues to just Rot my Brain. I always saw Barok as a "I fucking hate this man (affectionate)" towards Herlock whereas Herlock is the "I can fix him" towards Barok but more on the mindset that he knows Barok has been through so much shit and all he really needs is a loving family that Herlock knows he can provide (and more) just so that he can see some genuine happiness cross the man's face for once after so long and I 🧍‍♂️ Herlock knows when and when not to be serious around him, it's just more so that he acts Like That when around Barok because maybe he just loves to piss him off (affectionately) or that's the only way how he knows how to show affection and tbh either is👌👌👌👌👌👌 Just the whole "im gonna tease the person i like because im too shy to say i like them!!" but instead of children it is Two Grown Men. Just love these two men who are playing gay chicken with each other and having their kid be like "lord just KISS already"
I also really like to think about how as a result of Barok wanting to spend more time with ris to make up for lost time, he HAS to spend time with Herlock and just the idea of his feelings for herlock developing into something more because of it makes me do fucking Backflips 😤😤
I also love love love to think about how the two may have bonded over loves never meant to be (Herlock -> Mikotoba; Barok -> Genshin) for just a Drop of Angst. The two being left alone in one of the most vulnerable times of their lives (Barok and the Professor/Herlock and Surprise Fatherhood) with the two probably seeing each other as kindred spirits in that sense and taking solace in each other's company when time allows like "wow your Married w/ a Child Japanese Best Friend that you totally had a thing for left you/betrayed you I'll Drink to That/Wanna Make Out" 😳 Perhaps they find that they have a lot more in common than they thought but they only start to really get together after the events of dgs2 when they've both (barok specifically) really dealt with their trauma...
I could probably just Go On but i hope this helps!!! You make me wanna do the "Understand My Ship in 5 Minutes" meme now LOL thank you for enabling me to ramble on about vanlock
And thank you!!! I love to sustain myself and I'm hoping that my sustenance is feeding others too 🙏🙏🙏 the world needs more vanlock content and i am here to Provide...
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lorebird · 2 years
Your ask game thing inspired me to actually draw the blorbos from my brain lol so thanks for that lol
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The mer can shapeshift and one time the fisherman brought the mer into town in a fish bowl. They were astounded and loved seeing the things that theyve listened to fisher ramble about for hours on end. Although after seeing the scales for sale in the markets they were a bit put off wanting to go back any time soon.... they still enjoy hearing fishermans stories though :]
They meet the pirate a few months after meeting each other and falling in love. Pirates ship had been obliterated after a nasty storm. Mer had been swimming around in the storm having fun because water go whoosh in a way that it doesnt get in the deep when they saw drowning lady. At first they tried to greet her as they would any other mer before they realised that , oh heck this is a human ! Humans arent supposed to be here! , so they swam her to shore as fast as they could while trying to hold her above water level which is more difficult said than done, especially with the rain pelting down still. They manage and call for the fisherman. He rushes out, saves pirate lady and the rest is history! They all hold each other when she recalls her crew, how her partner and first mate would love them as she does. Shes burdened with the guilt of losing her ship, her crew, her friends but the mer and the fishman help her. Help her rebuild, reignite the love of others and the love of explorationa and adventure, teaches her to swim in the storm of her mind.
Gosh i really need to think of names for these characters,,,,,
Also fisherman meets merfish because mer wanted a snack and wow thats a conveniently placed morsel of food! Chomp! Owwww! Fisherman was very scared and not prepared for shark shaped mer...
And yeah he does pose in typical white guy with big fish fashion while holding mer. Theres no phones but sometimes he just gets this instinct that he needs to pose. Mer doesnt mind and usually gives fisherman a kiss on the cheek when he does.
Uhhhhh yeah,,,, do with that what you will,,, its your fault that im brain rotting over them again and while i thank you i also should be studying,,,
OH MY GOD THE HAT HELP SKFKSGNSKFKDK. My friend I fucking LOVE these guys oh my god....... Thank you for sharing the brainrot it's contagious
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icharchivist · 1 year
ahh... an early valentines day! the last event :0 before act 2!!! like i said, i'd do it before the new year! I’m so hype for a tenma and homare event it’s not even funny. they are some of my favs. i was so confused when they said masumi yuki juza and tasuku have worked at the actors cafe before but then later i realized like. there was probably an actor cafe banner and stuff. mostly i realized this bc i saw yukis outfit, went HOLY SHIT and then remembered!!!! this event!!!!! this event ran when i started a3en!!!!!!! i checked the poster for one day princess and i remember doing that event as well!!! i had the juza ssr for that event!!! crazy... oh speaking of event outfits i know this card was not a part of this event but yukis actor cafe card is one of my FAVORITES. i just think the yellow looks so good on him as does his hair in that card. when i was doing the event missions or whatever i remember he'd pop up and i was always like "ah wow... yukis extra charming in this outfit"
anyways actual chronological thoughts as usual.
homare: oh? you have barely touched your carrot salad, tenma. allow me to finish it up for you.
tenma: thanks, arisu. sorry for always making you do this
me, wiping tears from my eyes: homare you are so so incredibly loving.
its like man... homare u are so. i know why you thought you were incapable of building relationships but u are sooooo good at loving people it makes me feel crazy. anyways i feel tenmas pain. im also picky about food. this is why i learned how to cook. oh but back to my point abt homare like when hes dragging hisoka to the vday shift and hisoka is like "pick me up more gently, arisu" that got me. like wow he is just carrying him around. makes me feel emo but also makes me think. does homare have muscles. side note does everyone in a3 call homare arisu? ive noticed it from tenma and hisoka but am unclear if thats the case for everyone. if it is then it does indeed make a lot of sense why his name is alice in the group chat. whether its just a couple of people or everyone i think its cute anyways.
tenma going "making sweets will be a cinch." is so funny to me tho like I do not believe that tenma is anything other than an unmitigated disaster when cooking. same with homare. it seems like they went thru the process with minimal disaster but they would obviously not be good when left to their own devices lmao.
i do think its sweet that tenma seems to actually like make an effort to eat some of the chocolate that gets sent to his agency? instead of just letting it rot or whatever. idk. its nice. also love how often ppl (me) just forget tenma is super famous. like its really easy to forget. the lil test acting skits they did were so fun! i thought homare and tenma executed their prompt excellently. and taichi with fifanialpalpero tanaka... hes so funny. tsuzuru's writer brain making him lose his mind during it was also great. i bet citron would ace this kind of thing tho.
actual day of... the giant rose display for homare makes me think his publisher must love him. I rly want to know what homares published work is like since he does seem. somewhat popular. like thats so interesting to me.
man. it sucks that like. tenma doesn’t get to act though like :/ poor kid. doesn't get to give out the chocolates he helped make either like man. he went so far out of his comfort zone to do comedy for the summer troupe and u forget it bc it’s like. oh he does such a good job! but then it’s like… he can’t really do all these fun acting challenges the way everyone else can. like for the longest time he never rly super challenged himself to do improv before summer etc. but i also think a part of it must be like. did he ever really get the opportunity. any other troupe would've been like oh my god, thats TENMA SUMERAGI. also that part in act 1 where tenma’s dad punched him and we just forgot abt it. makes me feel crazy. 100% accurate to how middle schoolers / high schoolers would act about it though. it was at this point that i reread pt 26 and 27 of act 1 summer because my god... im going to cry about it for real. like tenmas SUCH a character im content to just see him bicker a lot of the time bc its fun and nice but hes also so. yeah... the way kazunari starts of the ch by offering up his opinions (and theyre good opinions!!!) and that like line of him being more confident in offering opinions will go through to sardine search... the way that tenma's like. mm. i gave my agents contact instead of my parents. whatever. and he also refused a movie offer. and the way hes like no worries i'll go talk to my dad. i'll be back for sure. and he ends up like convincing his father and talks abt his like one previous experience with stage acting and its like... oh this is just a kid who is trying his best to become a better person. gahhh. anyways i dont want to retread over past a3 stuff too much... though i definitely sent shorter asks back then, huh.... wonder how my act 2 messages will look like now hahaha. back to the actual event. hisoka that’s an INCREDIBLY COMPLICATED balloon object. that cake... at first i was thinking to myself like "how do i justify this as assassin training like its a wild skill but unless he was doing some crazy espionage why would he have this skill. well ok maybe thats enough actually some wild spy/assassin experience. alternately he worked in a murderous circus, an option i'm only presenting for the kinda rhyme and bc its funny to me personally" BUT THEN homare says "hm, hisoka did mention that he took a position as a part time balloon artist a while back" which i'd say is even WILDER than any of my conjectures about what his pre-amnesiac life was like because who, post-amnesia, chooses to do that as like. hmm well now that I’ve got no idea what to do with my life guess I’ll work part time as a balloon artist. gotta get money for marshmallows somehow. that's what you decide to go for???
ah and then tenma coming in to save the day with that rose idea!! they don't really touch on it but i imagine the crowds wouldve gotten WORSE with him showing up tho haha... i guess homares publisher brought a truly insane amount of roses. its so funny seeing ppl faint over tenma. such a contrast to his usual vibes. when he showed up though i genuinely thought to myself like in my head "ahh… he’s our reliable leader after all, isn’t he?" like oh my god. i'm not a member of the summer troupe. but tsuzuru going "you really showed us why you’re the summer troupes leader" made me be like :) hehe. we agree.
oh and then the cg!! homare giving tenma carrot cake was so sweet. it was just such a pleasant event and cg i think. their dynamic/relationship is so nice actually. it’s... just nice to see tenma being doted upon if that makes sense? like i think its great that he gets to be made fun of like. in a way i think that goes a long way in terms of making him be more comfortable but its also nice to see this as well. and izumi made everyone chocolate… how sweet of her!! i thought it was cute that tenma thought the chocolate was just for him lol... mb he thought it was a thanks for his rose save at the cafe? but lol. no of course she'd make chocolates for everyone. oh my favorite part though was when that last part ended and it cut to the app and i IMMEDIATELY recognized shoutai... was that ur bg music for the a3en server? thats so lovely. speaking of music i have been looping carry on (we'll be here when you get back) so much this past week. such a fun song. for act 2... i dont think i'll get through it in one stretch of time... so you’ll probably get multiple asks if that’s alright lol?
OMG YOU ACTUALLY DID IT! YOU FINISHED ACT ONE BEFORE NEW YEAr!! I'm impressed you really did amazing there omg!!
I'm so thrilled to see you were thrilled ahah. And yeah, there were a few events which were banner-only with the backstages being acknowledged in future story (for exemple, in Blazing Beach Summer, Juza and Omi are both seen using motorbikes. It's because there was a special biker banner for Tasuku, Juza and Tenma, and Juza's story was especially highlighted with Muku's freaking out about Juza taking up biking and Omi being a little uncomfortable because… You know…. Nachi….). The actor coffee thing def happened with those guys back then.
And OMG!!! this is when you started it!!! man, how it all comes back somehow. But i FEEL YA Yuki's outfit looks SO good. So so so good and charming.
Onto the thoughts!
AND GOD YEAH HOMAREEEEE. You're so right, it shows Homare's loving side so much. Like Homare is really always doing so much for the people he loves, he cares for them, he gives them so many words and poems to express his love, and most of all, he gives as much service as possible he can. And i think it also explains why he's so hard on himself when he can't be of help and it must mean he doesn't love enough, while it's just, he loves so damn much if it is what has him worry… He's just so good. so caring. RIP for your picky eating, at least it fits with Tenma just fine ahah
And DLKFJDf Hisoka's scene is so cute. Homare is really doing everything for this DIVA. Good question about Homare's muscles, i would assume he doesn't but i think he must have a descent built still? One of the later act 3's play Homare is a lead at is a ballet event and this requires a lot of body control to even manage, so i would suspect he's pretty descent still??? That said in Autumn/Winter camp event Tasuku does mention that his whole team is just as strong as a twing except maybe Hisoka, but Hisoka being asleep all the time means he's a wild card, and the rest of Winter is only good at psychological warfare. Schrodigner Muscular Arisu. As for the name i think it depends on people, i don't think it's that wide spread, and also there could be a case of his phone nickname influencing how people end up nicknaming him outside of it. But it's pretty sweet Tenma calls him Arisu too.
AND LMAOOOOOO. I totally agree as far as cooking goes. i would be inclined to believe Homare could cook well if he didn't make "artistic choices" on the way. And for Tenma i think he could have some rafined knowledgeable stuff (like how he lectures Yuki on cleaning the Rice in the first summer story), but he probably hasn't done anything too complicated ever. I believe they're disaster in the making.
TENMA IS SOOO GOOD, he's really trying his best for everyone. And i do love how everyone forgets that as well. Itaru has a minichat at some point about how he saw an Ad with Tenma in it and then came back home to see Tenma be silly and he mentions how much he forgot Tenma was this famous but how much he loved to see Tenma being the way he is in Mankai. Another funny "famous" moment is a Banri minichat saying he saw Tenma's face on a canned soda and found it so funny and wanted to support him so much he bought it, but when he went to the fridge to put his drink in it he saw a huge amount of those canned drinks with different name labels on them in the fridge, meaning others people at the dorm had the same idea. It's just. So funny to me that Mankai either forget he's famous or when they remember they're being so teasy about it.
Their acting this event was so damn cuteeee yes. they all did their best and that's amazing.
AND YEAH FOR HOMARE. He's really popular it seems and his work is really beloved a lot. I really want to see some of his work as well too. Tbh though i always keep thinking about my English Poetry Teacher in uni who went on to tell us that Real Poetry Lovers listens to and read poetry in language they don't understand only to try to feel the vibes from the sounds of it. I was bewildered to meet someone with this opinion IRL and it made me go "wait so the fact Homare is famous oversea as is hinted in have a great trip is… like….. actually realistic??? Poetic nerds are just like that???" it still drives me insane.
YEAH POOR TENMA. It's so sad to see that he can't just approach acting the same way as everyone else yknow? Mankai gave him a lot of opportunities at normalcy and at trying things he couldn't try out as a famous actors but there are still limits due to his fame and that's so sad. Mankai makes him feel so normal at times i wonder how isolating it must be when his past reality comes back and settles in. But yeah god. With what happened with his dad. fucking awful. And yeah i feel you for Tenma :( He went through a lot and his arc was just so. so damn good early on, and i think his story especially is one that works so well with the retrospective aspect of remembering just how far he's come. He's so. So good. I can't wait to see how your act 2 rambles shape up after all this :3c
YEAH HISOKA. Wait no "murderous circus" thE FURTHER AWAY OUR HISOKA FROM THE ONE WHO SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED THE BETTER WE ARE!!! I think though that, Hisoka is just very good at picking up new skills. I feel like the balloon artist thing is more recent but definitely because he's pretty good at picking stuff up from a longer time. And yes, money for marshmallows. …. and gifts, actually because Hisoka is so cute. In the valentine's backstage and in some birthday backstage Hisoka mentions he picked up some work especially so he can pay back the people who took care of him by spoiling them a little as well. Basically you can expect that the plushy he got Sakuya is bc of that as well. He's so good…. even if it's weird stuff to do!!!
TENMA'S PLAN WAS SO GOOD YEAH. I can imagine people snapped pictures on instagram/Twitter or something and the cafe got flooded. But yeah tbh, i'm so used to Tenma being both bullied (lovingly) by the Summer Troupe and him being respected for his serious hard work and his input on things that i totally forgot that he was like. THE Teen star people love because of other reasons it's so off from his vibes. I love that for him. But yes. He truly is our reliable leader. We're all honorary summer troupe members when we get to beam with pride over Tenma's development. Our Boy!!!
THE CG IS SOOO CUTE IMO. I guess Tenma&Homare make this good duo of, both famous people with established fanbase but who didn't get an opportunity to create deep friendships because of their difficulties with articulating their feelings and reading the room, so all they had is this fame and not much more, but now they have people to really back them up and they can bloom and improve on the stuff they struggled with. And with Tenma being his youngster and Homare still learning from the "put yourself in his shoes" advice, i could imagine Homare connecting to Tenma and dotting him even more thanks to that. Winter have similar storybeats to Summer imo but with the aspect of, it's been so long since they are going through their pain that it's harder to unlearn their coping mechanisms, while Summer can adapt and bloom as long as they're well guided. I feel like it shows in the Winter/Summer dynamics like, say, Azuma and Yuki's whole thing. And for Homare and Tenma it just, works so organically and sweetly and it's just so nice to see them interreact like this. And Tenma being doted on by Homare is so so sweet. (would make you forget Homare destroyed one of Tenma's bonsai in a backstage. By trying to help, but. yeah. Rip king.) And yeah for Tenma being made fun at making him more comfortable like, the boy really needed to learn from the catharsis of comedy didn't he.
Izumi is SOOO cute at that. Tenma is being cute at that but goodness.
AND HELPPPPP. Yeah personally i had Shoutai set up as my background music, with Unmask, Usotsuki wa Mahou no Hajimari, es no Yuutsu and Pride of the Knights kind of rotating after that. Shoutai was always the 1 song i always had though!
And omg! so glad you like this song, it's sooo catchy! i really end up looping it a lot too it's soooo so good.
And sure!! i def think you'll prob be better to take it bit by bit, even if by the end you end up making a quick synthesis of everything.
Of course i'm okay with many asks are you kidding me, i'm so excited about you starting act 2. I fucking love act 2 i want all of your thoughts. It'll be fun, i cannot wait :D please do send as many ask as your heart's content!
Thank you sooo much once again for the detailled message <33
it's going to be new year in about 10 mins for me, so, happy new year!! onto a new year and more messages hopefully ;D Wishing you well in the meantime <333
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chezzyspam · 3 years
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Wow, I didn’t expect the amount of love my Heisenberg piece got!! Thank you all so much!!
Okay so, I’m fully incapable of joining a fandom and not creating an OC for it, so have my new Resident Evil Village OC, Hazel Prunello!! Wasn’t bothered to write their bio in the ref, so have it here:
Name: Hazel Prunello
Nicknames: The Candyman, Nutty, HazelNut, ‘Hyperactive Nutcase’
Age: approx 20
Gender: non-binary (they/them)
Affiliations: Mother Miranda’s Five Houses, Prunello Family
Occupation: candy store owner
House: Prunello’s Sweet Shoppe
Status: deceased
“Hazel Prunello
Confectioner who owns the mysterious Prunello’s Sweet Shoppe, and one of the Five Lords who serve Mother Miranda. They crave only the sweetest foods and is not afraid to use anything in their recipes”
Miranda’s notes:
“Subject name: Hazel Prunello
Cadou Affinity: Favorable
Brain functions: Normal, but with some irregularities
Little physical changes on the outside were made, except for the rotting of teeth and the crumbling of skin. The most noticeable change is their taste buds morphing, causing them to be only able to taste incredibly sweet foods.
However, on the inside, the Cadou has turned their blood into a slimy, almost candy-like substance which can be hardened or softened at will. However, to access these abilities, they must slit their palms open to access the blood.
In addition, the Cadou seems to have increased their hyperactivity and emotional state. It makes it hard to sleep at night.
Unfit vessel for Eva.”
well there you go!! As for their relationships with the others: 
Ethan: obvious,,
Miranda: initially they looked up to her, but she began being more rough on them because of their hyperactivity.
Dimitrescu and her daughters: they don’t really get along. Prunello likes to tease the four of them
Donna and Angie: they like playing with Angie, but finds it hard to talk to Donna,,
Moreau: initially they liked to mock him, but began going soft on him, eventually becoming friends!
Heisenberg: they’re closest with him, sharing a similar personality and sense of humour. They trust him with their life.
okay that’s all for now,, if y’all have any questions for them, ask away!!
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joheunsaram · 3 years
To Make A Power Couple - 07 (knj)
Chapter 7: Blanket Forts
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Summary- At the hospital, Namjoon tries to make sense of what transpired as Y/N recovers.
word count- 6k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, fluff, angst, action, strangers2lovers
warnings- violence, blood, stalker, hospital, extremely fluffy scenes of Joon as a caretaker
a.n- wow i literally wrote this the fastest i’ve written any chapter! i hope you like it. although there is angst there is also a lot of tooth rotting fluff. special s/o to @jungkooksbroski for beta reading this 💕
As always feedback appreciated. Send me an ask! 💌
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach, @sscheherazadee, @rjsmochii , @jinjccns​ , @joyful-jimin @sideblogger @agustdpeach @diamonddia-mond
Namjoon held your hand in both of his, his forehead resting upon them, as he waited for you to wake up from surgery, the beep of the heart monitor far too loud and ominous. His hood was on his head as his elbows dug into the ratty blue basketball shorts he had thrown on in a hurry. Even though the doctors had assured him that you were going to be fine, he was still worried. He couldn’t believe that you had gotten hurt at his own house of all places and he felt responsible as he replayed the scene in his head.
You looked so small next to the woman attacking you, it made his blood run cold. She was easily twice your size and the malice her gaze held was frightening. He barely registered her presence, how could she have been in his room the whole time he was home? Why didn’t he put his bags away so he could have caught her before she attacked? Why didn’t he hear someone else was home? He remembered hearing a noise while starting food prep and he assumed it was Moni just messing around. How stupid he had been. He was supposed to be your boyfriend, wasn’t it his responsibility to protect you?
He wasn’t even fast enough to pull her off you. He remembers time slowing down, his arms around the intruder as he tried his best to move her away but she seemed to be on a rampage, stomping on your arm. He remembers the moment her heavy boots almost flattened your arm. It was as if she wore them for the occasion. How did she even get in? He had never been happier to have Jungkook and Jimin around. If it weren’t for their help, he doesn’t even want to imagine how he would have managed. He could still feel the adrenaline in his body, hours later. The guards downstairs had been quick to arrive and he remembers sitting in his underwear trying to wake you up as he watched your arm twisted in an unnatural angle. Your scream still ricocheted through his head and he held your hand tighter, wishing you’d wake up already. The doctor had said it would take a couple of hours but he was on edge.
“But I love you!” the intruder had screamed as she was being dragged off by the guards and Namjoon hated his fame once again. He hated that it affected you, that it hurt you. If he was a nobody, you would’ve never been in this situation. You deserve someone who could hold your hand in public without fear that it might cause a controversy. Someone who you could show off at your events, someone you could travel with, someone who could take you out at normal hours to exhibits and didn’t have to sneak around with at concerts. Someone who screamed his love from rooftops, unlike him who only hid you away.
“Hyung. She’s okay. The doctor said she will be okay.” Jimin spoke softly, his arms around Namjoon’s shoulders as he hugged him back, feeling dizzy. Across from him Jungkook paced in the deluxe private hospital room that their company had reserved for them. The big room had a large bed, couch and television. Its warm wood furnishing and several fake plants were meant to emit a feeling of warmth but regardless of the size or decor, Namjoon felt like he was suffocating.
“She’s in surgery. Surgery. Because of me. Jimin what do I do?” He could feel a lump in his throat as he tried to stay strong. He knew logically that you would be fine, but all he could think was 1%. That’s what the doctor said the chance was of anything going wrong. He knew that millions of people broke their arms and were perfectly fine after a few months but you were his one in a million. The fact that he even met you was so random that he thought it fate. You always managed to do the impossible and in his emotional state that 1% chance was too large. Far too large.
Yoongi had arrived shortly after Jimin messaged the group about the home invasion and he stood next to Jimin and Namjoon, his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder as he tried to force him to drink water. The three men tried to reassure Namjoon in vain as he finally let go of Jimin to sit on the couch, his eyes glued to the door, pulling on the sleeves of his sweater as his leg bounced on its own accord.
After almost two hours he saw the door open as you were brought in on a stretcher, still asleep as the nurses moved you to the bed, checking your vitals. Yoongi had to physically restrain Namjoon from running over to you so the workers could do their job, but as soon as they were gone, he was by your side.
You were okay. Nothing went wrong and it felt like a boulder had been lifted off his shoulders as he all but collapsed, holding your hand, his head gingerly resting on your stomach. The boys bid him goodbye soon after making sure he was okay, giving the two of you privacy but ensuring Namjoon that their phones would be on them in case he needed someone with him. No one was getting sleep tonight.
Before Namjoon could let his negativity flood him further, he felt your hand twitch between his and he sat up, looking at your face intently as you finally opened your eyes looking at him groggily.
“Oh thank fuck!” He exclaimed, standing up without letting go of your hand, instead squeezing it tighter as he looked over at you. Your other arm was in a cast, laying over your stomach, both your eyes bruised and swollen underneath, your nose still red as you looked at him with wide eyes. His heart pained as he looked at the evidence of his failings, but for you he smiled, small and not reaching his eyes. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m sorry. Who are you?” you whispered, your voice hoarse. Namjoon felt his heart race, like it was going to fall out of his chest, panic slowly rising.
“Who…? You don’t know me?”
“Wait… aren’t you famous?” You asked again and he dropped your hand in shock, shaking as he rushed towards the door. Memory loss? That wasn’t a symptom they mentioned. You didn’t have a concussion and it scared him that the doctors missed something, fear making him almost sprint the short the distance.
“What the fuck? Okay. Don’t worry. I’m going to get the doctor!”
Before he could reach the door, he heard you giggle, turning around in disbelief as he heard your next words. “Joon! Stop! I was kidding!”
“You were kidding? You were KIDDING?!” He almost yelled, before checking himself. His mouth hung open for a moment as you watched him walk towards you slowly and standing over you, his brows scrunched into a pained expression on his face. “Red. Red, Y/N. You can’t joke right now, do you know how scared I was?” He whispered, sudden relief turning into exhaustion as he felt his knees almost buckle. He had never felt this overwhelmed before.
“Hey. Joonie, baby. I’m sorry.” You called to him gently, reaching for him, your fingers squeezing reassuringly around his forearm that hung next to you. Hearing him call red made you feel suddenly guilty. Even in your worst fights where you were both screaming at each other, the most either of you had called for was yellow. You had only wanted to lighten his mood, crack a joke to make him smile for real but your post-anaesthesia brain couldn’t come up with anything better.
“You’re sorry?” He looked at you incredulously before his long arms were placed gingerly around your waist as his head reached for the crook of your neck, resting there and he inhaled. You smelt different, like disinfectant and he hated it, feeling his lip quiver as he spoke against your skin in quick, flurried words.. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, baby. Fuck! Why are you even with me? I literally put your life in danger! You should break up with me! You’re gonna have a gigantic scar and like metal inside you forever! You deserve so much -”
“Oh man! A scar? Who’s gonna marry me now?” You interrupted his rant and tried to make your voice lighter, wanting to ease his worries, assure him that you were back to normal. You looked at your useless right arm, wishing you could hug him but settled for slowly running your fingers through his hair with your left to calm him down.
“I’ll marry you. I’ll do it right now!” He moved his head away from your neck, leaning his weight on his hands that now rested next to you on the bed, looking at you intensely. His eyes brimmed with unshed tears and you felt your heart break. You cupped his face, your thumb stroking his cheek as you tried to comfort him.
“Come here. Lie down.” You winced a little as you scooted to the side despite his protests, making room for him. He reluctantly laid down, his head in the crook of your arm and his feet dangling off the end of the bed. You slowly caressed his shoulder and felt him relax as he nuzzled the side of your chest, his arm draping over your hips carefully. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. You’re the one that’s hurt.” His voice was small, muffled against you as his thumb traced meaningless patterns against you where it lay.
“Baby you literally asked me to break up with you and marry you in the same breath - you are not fine.” You spoke softly, your hand squeezing his shoulder as he took a shuddering breath. You looked at the dim tv that had the hospital’s menu channel on, displaying the time, 3:21 am. He argued not to worry about him, but you couldn’t help it. He had never looked more exhausted in your presence - even after twelve hours of dance practice on three hours of sleep, he didn’t look this drained. Your fingers moved upwards lightly scraping his scalp, his arm tightening around you, as you spoke. “I love you, you know that right?”
He sniffled, the hospital gown getting damp as he told you about his earlier worries. You hushed him, comforting him with words and coaxing him to sleep. His hand wrapped around the index finger poking out of your cast as he fell asleep after a while, his snores music to your ears. No matter what he believed, you still felt safe with him next to you.
You looked at the soft light of dawn as it flows through the window, trying not to move as your arm throbbed in the cast. In the few hours since he fell asleep, Namjoon’s head had moved, now resting on your chest as his arm was draped over your hips, but he looked so peaceful that you dared not wake him up. You barely slept, your pain medication wearing off much too quickly. You had never broken a bone before, and as you thought about how dumb your fifth grade self was for wanting a cast, you wished your boyfriend would wake up at his own accord. You desperately needed to call the nurse for some paracetamol, but you grit your teeth and bore it. You knew you were being stupid and Namjoon would be genuinely pissed if he knew, but looking at his mouth hanging open as he drooled over you made you smile at the endearing picture infront of you.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?), soon a nurse walked in for his morning rounds, waking up a groggy Namjoon who startled, almost falling off the bed, making you hiss as he accidentally held on too hard to your side to keep balance. He stood up, running his hands over his face in order to wake up properly while the nurse did the checkup, providing you with the pain killers you request. Once he leaves, Namjoon moves back to you, putting his arm under your head as this time you nuzzle into his chest. You talked about nothing as the drugs finally took effect, helping you doze off. Namjoon kissed the top of your head as you dropped off mid sentence, a smile on his face because you were alright, but a heaviness in his heart as he looked at the bruises on your face, dark blue and almost black.
“Shh… Guys come on. Let her rest!”
Namjoon’s theatrical whisper is the first thing you hear when you wake up again. Your eyes open to your room filled with all your friends. The room had seemed extremely large the last time you were awake but now it seemed tiny. Jiyoung was sitting on the couch typing on her phone with a frown, an Apeach plush on her lap, next to her Siwon was talking animatedly with a tired looking Jungkook munching on some chips. The coffee table in front of them was full of snacks, gifts, and flowers. Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin were talking about something hushed as they stood near the television, serious looks on their faces. Hoseok was bent over the humidifier in the corner which seemed turned off, messing with the controls and grumbling to himself. Harry sat in the chair next to the bed, talking to Namjoon with Jen standing over him with her hand on his shoulder. Namjoon sat on the bed near your legs, his hand on your calf, and Taehyung sat next to him clinging on his waist. Needless to say, it warmed your heart to see all the people you loved here. Maybe getting injured wasn’t that bad.
You winced as you moved up the bed to get more comfortable and suddenly all the attention was on you, the room turning into a cacophony of “How are you feeling?”s and “Are you okay?”s. Everyone was now crowded around the bed, looking at you with worry, Seokjin even handing you the RJ plush he’d brought along with him stating its healing powers. It was odd to be coddled by such a large group. Overwhelming, but in the best way.
“I’m fine guys. It’s just a broken arm.” You tried to diffuse the worries.
“You should look at your face dude.” Siwon stated, causing Namjoon to sigh, annoyed, and you to ask for a mirror. Oof you looked worse than you felt. By the bruises on your face it was a wonder how your nose wasn’t broken. Sheepishly you tried to explain to the group that it wasn’t that bad, but your friends were not convinced.
Soon the conversation turned from worries about you to who the attacker was in the first place. While you and Namjoon were in the hospital, Jungkook and Jimin had been to the police to give in-depth statements. Turns out Namjoon had a stalker - someone the company and security had been keeping an eye on for months, but who seemed to have fallen off the map 6 weeks ago. Apparently the same one who had caused the dates at the beginning of your relationship to always be under the watchful eye of his security team. No one knows how she had managed to break into the dorms but apparently she had been hiding out in his room for a week, his closet was full of tins of food she had consumed during her stay. It was surreal to hear that someone had been in the house and no one had noticed. It made sense to an extent - no one had been actively living in the dorms for a few weeks, especially not Namjoon so his room was never opened. The boys seemed extra distressed about it, and even thought themselves guilty. Namjoon’s words from last night echoed in your head. He put himself at fault, when really it was this woman’s fault.
No one knew what her plan was when Namjoon returned, and you didn’t want to find out. It might seem odd but you were glad that you were there to protect him in a sense. Apparently seeing you had started such a rage in her that she refused to talk further than the death threats she spewed against you. She was in jail and you hoped she stayed there for a long time.
“The police haven’t taken into account your assault. You should file a report.” Hoseok spoke for the first time, his face hardened. The room seemed in agreement, but you hesitated.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea…” you started, only for Namjoon, who was now seated next to you on the bed with his arm around you, to counter but you continued. “I’m just saying. Police records are public and if someone looks into this person who was charged with stalking Joon the same night as attacking me, they might put two and two together and I don’t want that to reflect on him or any of you guys.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Y/N?” It was Yoongi who spoke, clearly irritated and impatient. “Who cares about that? She attacked you, she deserves to be in jail.” His voice was quiet, but the frustration in his tone was not lost.
“She’s already in jail though… It’s not gonna make a difference.”
“Noona… I know it’s not our decision but you didn’t see yourself when she was attacking you.” Jungkook’s voice wavered as he looked at you with hurt in his eyes. “She deserves to pay for what she did…”
“Guys… I know you want the best for me, but it’s too risky… Even you all being here right now is too risky!” It was time for your voice to waver as you suddenly realized the impact of having all of them in the room. All it took was one shitty quality photo from a nurse’s Samsung to ruin their image. You didn’t know how you’d be able to handle it if you were responsible for their first big scandal.
“Okay. I’m going to stop you right there. This is a private place we always use. This is not a risk.” Seokjin spoke slowly, enunciating each word as if trying to explain the situation to a five year old. He didn’t do it in a condescending manner, more to make you understand. “Please stop worrying about us. Our company has stopped way bigger scandals from surfacing. Namjoon, can you please make her understand?”
Namjoon sighed loudly next to you, his arm tightening around you to pull you closer. It felt comforting, but you still felt slightly cornered. You just couldn’t see the logic in what they were saying. The attacker’s jail time would probably not change much with an assault added, at least you didn’t think so - so why was this a big deal.
“It’s her choice, hyung. I’m not going to force her to press charges if she doesn’t want to.” Namjoon looked steely at his member, before turning to you and softening. “But Y/N, I really do want you to make that decision without thinking of me or the rest of us. Can you do that?”
“No. Sorry. I can’t.” You were adamant and now you were starting to get annoyed. Namjoon was right - it was your choice - and it felt nice to have him on your side, at least partially, through this argument, but it didn’t make sense not to make it an isolated discussion. “You’re part of the situation and I can’t just make the decision without adding you to it. I’m not pressing charges.”
You heard a loud snort from Yoongi. “Why are you being an idiot?” He spoke to which Hoseok vocally agreed, causing you to almost yell your explanation in exasperation, before Harry broke the argument asking everyone to take a break and to lay off you.
There was thick tension in the room and it seemed to have sapped the air out of you. You felt uneasy, like no matter how deeply you inhaled you were breathless. You felt claustrophobic suddenly, squeezing Namjoon’s thigh, trying to control your heartbeat. Namjoon saw the distress on your face, immediately requesting everyone to move outside. It didn’t take them long to leave and somehow that helped you feel calmer.
When the room was empty, Namjoon looked at you. Turning to him, you buried your face in his chest, squishing the white alpaca between you and moving your injured arm on his stomach to hug him, despite the sharp pain that made you hiss. Breathing in his scent, somehow made the stress of last night catch up to and you cried. Namjoon held your head gently to his chest as you tangled your legs in his, wanting to almost disappear into him. You didn’t know why you were suddenly crying, but you couldn’t help it - it was like a dam broke, like you were leaking, your emotions cascading out of you onto Namjoon’s sweater. You couldn’t control your sobs and you wondered how loud you were being.
Namjoon felt his heart break as he held you. He had only seen you cry like this once -  the night he asked you to be his girlfriend - and it pained him that he was partially responsible for your tears today. He didn’t know what to do other than whisper “you’re safe now” repeatedly against your hair as you clung to him clumsily. He shouldn’t have let everyone visit so soon. He should’ve thought ahead. Of course you were overwhelmed, you were traumatized. He was an idiot.
When you calmed down enough to look at him, he wiped your tears gently, barely even touching your skin, and handed you some water from the bedside table. He tried to assure you the best he could, interrupted intermittently by nurses and discharge forms. He didn’t bring up pressing charges again and you were grateful to him for that.
He helped you change into clothes Siwon had picked up for you, insisting you take the wheelchair to the car despite your protests (“My arm’s broken, not my leg Joonie!”). Before you entered your apartment Namjoon asked his security team to do a sweep. You would never admit it to him but having the place checked out before you entered made you extremely relieved. You knew it was irrational to think you’d have another stalker waiting for you but it genuinely made you feel lighter, your anxiety ebbing away.
He spent the next few hours quietly worrying about little things, changing the code to your door, checking every lock, making you tea, and even cleaning your place to ensure you had “optimum comfort”, while forcing you to stay in bed regardless of your protests. After a while you couldn’t take him running around and murmuring to himself, especially when he decided to order from six restaurants for dinner. Walking into the kitchen where he obsessively cleaned a single spot on the countertop, you pulled him away.
“Joonie. Stop.” you gently touched his hand, startling him anyways as he looked at you in alarm.
“Oh. Do you need anything? Tell me, I’ll get it. Water? Bathroom?” He bent down slightly to look you in the eyes, searching your face for any discomfort.
“Namjoon, I have a broken arm, I’m not an invalid.” You rolled your eyes. It was sweet that he was this concerned but you seriously needed him to stop running around worried.
“Wait, you said Namjoon. Are you mad at me?” He looked alarmed, his eyes wide. Now that you looked at him closely, he didn’t seem to be doing too well either. His eyes seemed sunken behind his glasses, the crease between his eyebrow deep, and his stubble growing out more than you’d ever seen. You wondered if he got much sleep after you dozed off this morning. He even seemed skinnier somehow, though you chalk that up to your imagination.
“No baby I’m not mad at you. Just stop… obsessing. I’m fine. I swear.” You cupped his face with your working hand, thumb circling his cheekbones in an effort to relax him. He leaned in closing his eyes.
“Oh… oh. I just want to show you I love you. You know like you do…” He mumbled in a slight pout, averting your gaze.
“What are you talking about?”
“You always take care of me when I’m down. I want to take care of you.” You felt your heart glow in your chest. Sometimes you forget how much you love this man, but sometimes he says things that, for a lack of a better analogy, punch you in the face, reminding you why you love him. You wrap your arm around his waist, nuzzling your face into his chest, as he tentatively puts his arm around your head.
“You don’t need to deep clean my kitchen to take care of me babe. Just sit next to me. Let’s watch a movie.” You lean away from his chest to tell him, trying to tug his unmovable body towards the living room.
“Are you sure? I’m almost done. Just this one stain…” He lets go of you to grab the wipe again, only for you to pull at his hand.
“Joon. Leave it.” You say sternly, holding his hand as you lean up. “Kiss me.”
“What? No. You’re hurt.” He moves back and you have to convince your irrational feelings that he wasn’t rejecting you, he was worried about you.
“If it hurts, I’ll tell you.”
“No you won’t. I know you.”
“Joonie!” you whine and he relents, although it’s not a kiss you were hoping for. He settles for a series of small pecks against your lips, so light that you barely felt him. Sure even puckering your lips was slightly painful but you were annoyed, rolling your eyes at his lame attempt. And this was the man who had spanked you so hard once that you couldn’t sit without wincing for two days. The audacity.
Before you could protest he walked with you to the living room and turned on Netflix. Picking a brainless comedy, you forced him to lie down on your lap and even before the title had come up he was asleep.
“What wrong baby?” Namjoon came from the studio to find you lying on the ground still dressed in your pajamas with half your hair tied lopsidedly as you whined at seemingly no one, ignoring Moni as he licked your face. If he wasn’t worried that you somehow fell, he would find the sight of you throwing a tantrum like a toddler adorable.
It had been three days since you returned from the hospital, but Namjoon hadn’t seen you looking this dejected before. You had been completely normal on Sunday, even agreeing to the guys coming over for dinner so they could apologize for their behaviour at the hospital. You had riffed like usual, making fun of Jin and Yoongi as they cooked even though it seemed like you itched to get in the kitchen and help, even getting especially giddy as your childhood dream of getting a cast signed by your friends was fulfilled. The next two days, despite everyone’s insistence you had returned to work, working from home. Fortunately Harry and Siwon had rescheduled or taken over all your client meetings to lighten your load. Namjoon had returned to work too but made sure to text you throughout the day and had spent every night with you, regardless of your protests of being an “independent woman that needs no man”.
“I hate this! I’m so frustrated! I feel useless and gross!” you whined as you thrash around on the floor comically with the biggest pout he had ever seen you sport. Dropping his bag near the door and trying not to chuckle at your cute behaviour, Namjoon walked over to you kneeling next to you.
“Aww baby come here” He opened his arms invitingly as you sat up, only for you to sit crossed leg in front of him to begin your rant. Moni moves between your legs and you scratch his head absent-mindedly.
“No! I can’t attend any meetings till my face doesn’t look like fight club, I can’t shower for two more days, I can’t cook because of this dumbass arm, I can’t even tie my hair! TIE MY HAIR, JOON. I’M UGLY, USELESS AND DISGUSTING. Please leave me in my misery.”
Your face turned red as you continued listing minor inconveniences that your broken arm bestowed upon you as Namjoon made his way behind you and put his arms around your waist, his chin on your shoulder in an effort to calm you down. Instantly you relax, huffing as you leaned into his chest. Today has been tough for you. You had spent two hours on a call relaying your game plan for a potential client to Harry and walking him through his nerves about the meeting, which drained you mentally. Your laptop had restarted two times without warning, your roomba had gotten stuck under the couch and you couldn’t reach for it, you had almost fallen in the toilet because the seat was up, you ran out of coffee, and to top it all off it took you ages to write anything with your left hand alone. You felt miserable and dejected.
“You’re beautiful. My slightly stir-crazy, extremely capable, beautiful girlfriend.” Namjoon kissed your cheek as you turned your head to scowl at him, not buying his flattery. He traced your features gently. He wasn’t lying, even with your face patchy with your yellowing bruise and a scab on your lip, you were beautiful to him and he felt his heart swell the longer he looked at your face. He still had trouble believing that you were with him.
“You’re only saying that cause you love me.” You whisper softly as you avert his gaze before starting to whine again as you adjusted your sling. “Ugh I just want to eat McDonald’s and die.”
“Not going to let you die, but let’s get nuggets.”
“Baby I got us Chinese!” Namjoon called out as he walked in your home, hands full of takeout. Hearing no answer he called out again to hear your voice coming from the bedroom.
“Joonie! Crawl under here!” He saw you emerge clumsily from the floor, cast pulled close to your chest, as he entered the room where you had piled the blankets between the edge of the bed and the chairs that you had brought near it. “I made us a fort!”
Your giggles made his heart sing as he grinned and crawled under the fort, taking care not to knock it down. You had brought the lamp from the side table under as well, lighting the small space with a soft glow. He could barely sit up, his height making it difficult not to knock down your creation so he opted for laying down, his head on your thigh as you played with his hair. He sighed in content. It felt somewhat meditative sitting in silence with you under the many sheets, the pile of soft pillows in the corner adding extra coziness.
Soon you’re laying side by side, your fingers intertwined as you bounced your hands against each other. You were both looking at the makeshift comforter ceiling, soft smiles on your faces.
“Why the sudden fort?” Namjoon asks after a while, almost in a whisper, not wanting to break the spell of comfort you both were under.
“I don’t know… It’s stupid.” He turns on his side to face you, cupping your face to make you look at him. It’s the look he always gives you whenever you doubt yourself. A look that says I’m here for you, I’ll never judge you. “I used to build these when I was a kid and missed my mom… I guess I’m feeling kind of homesick. I know it’s dumb.” You chuckle a little at how childish your comments seemed. You were almost thirty and talking about missing your mom.
Namjoon hadn’t thought of this before - the fact that Seoul wasn’t truly your home. Sure you had introduced your mom to him over Skype a few times but he thought about how much he missed Seoul when on tour, did you miss Toronto that way too? You always seemed so content in Seoul, so content with your friends that he never thought about how your family wasn’t there.
“We can go visit home if you want?” He kisses your lips chastely as he continues, his nose nuzzling yours. “I can take a few days off. I’d like to meet your mom in person.”
“We don’t have to. I’m just being a baby.” You laughed as you moved closer and he put his arm under your head to pull you into his chest. You knew this bout was homesickness was temporary, but Namjoon’s words made your heart glow in your chest. It had been two weeks since your attack and although Namjoon had been a rock, helping you with everything from ensuring that you ate to shaving your under arms, you were nostalgic about when you were sick during high school and your mom would take the day off work to take you on a drive, buying you ice cream and snacks that definitely did not help your illness. His idea wasn’t a bad one but with how your injury had messed up your work schedule, you didn’t think you could take time off for a while, and you told him as much. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence again after that, dinner forgotten on the kitchen counter, as you laid under the blankets soaking in the cozy atmosphere.
Caressing your hip slowly where your shirt ended, Namjoon cleared his throat slightly, breaking the spell before he spoke in another whisper. “I could be your home… if you want.”
Moving your head from his chest you look up to find him gazing at you with a soft smile as he turns on his side again. You follow suit, the fingers of your uninjured hand tracing his chest where it stuck between the two of you. Your heart beat faster as you slowly comprehended what he meant, but you still needed him to clarify. “What do you mean?”
“Do you want to move in together?” Namjoon was nervous - more nervous than he had been on your first date, more nervous than he had been when he asked you to be his girlfriend, more nervous than he had been after your first fight. The last two weeks had been some of his favourite with you, regardless of the circumstances that landed him there. He liked coming home to you every night, arguing over what to have for dinner, waking up each morning with his arms around you. You technically didn’t need him around anymore, your schedule was back to normal and you were more than used to navigating with one hand, but he didn’t want to go back to seeing you once or twice a week. How could he do that when he could see you everyday? The domesticity of your morning routines of coffee and reading the news together that had once scared him, were things he craved now. He even loved your playlist of the week startling him awake.
Your prolonged silence made his heart race as he bit his lip in anticipation. Before he could take back his question with a joke, you kissed him. Your lips molded around his tenderly as you took his lower lip between yours, relishing his strawberry lip balm. You break the kiss to whisper a soft yes, barely audible over the sound of your heart in your ears, and Namjoon couldn’t help breaking into a fit of giggles, his forehead against yours as he pulled you closer. He tried to control his reaction but the happiness flowing through him made him feel like he was floating.
“And they were roommates!” You made the dated reference as you giggled along with him.
“You are such a dork. I love you.” He said as he brought his lips back on yours.
“Yeah, your dork!”
“All mine.” He smiled, his eyes disappearing as his cheeks hurt from the joy he felt.
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