#thank you for the ask im sorry im so slow
elliesfavflavor · 1 day
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"come on!" the girl calls, reaching for your wrist. she's holding onto the window with her other hand, looking at you, and down in a loop with furrowed brows. you tilt your head to the side, thinning your eyes. "i uh... i don't think that's a—"
"its not that high. really." she says pleading. you nod as she releases your wrist, holding onto the window and settling beside her. "jump in three?" she asks. "okay. jump in three." you both jump down when you hear the footsteps on the hall. you rub off the dirt, trying to stand. "you're right..! its really not that-" not letting you finish, she grabs your hand and drags you to the woods. you're trying to meet her pace, looking back to see if anybody spied on you. "so close" she says, slowing her steps when she catches a sight of the quiet street, which is surprisingly yours. letting go of your hand, she puts them on her knees, trying to catch a breath. "are we good? i think we're good" you say, still looking around cautiously. "yeah, yeah we're good" she says, a smirk appearing on her lips. you chuckle in relaxation, a good laugh following after. you unconsiously follow her steps through the dim lighted street. "so um... name's ellie. hell of a way to meet someone huh?" she says, her hand on her elbow. you smile, responding her with your name. as thrilling as your escape sounds, you two were only teenagers running away from a busted house party, trying not to get caught drinking underage. "where do you know the owner?" she asks. "i don't actually. dragged in by my friend trying to put me in a crowd, dragged out by you" she chuckles at your respond, looking down. "where's your friend?" she fiddles with her finger. quite an anxious girl you think to yourself. "i lost her the second her boyfriend arrived." you smile. "you? who were you with?" you tuck your hair behind your ear, crossing your arms on your stomach. "dina... uh.. the owner. she's my friend so its a must to attend every single one" you chuckle. "yeah, you don't seem like a party person" . she furrows her brows playfully. "you don't seem like a party girl yourself" she responds with a smirk. "yeah... i gotta make friends in school though... its really not easy" a serious expression with a gaped mouth appears on her. "you're in jackson high? how come i never saw you?" she asks. "i was transferred around a week ago, but you caught my eye. been wanting to meet actually" you smile sheepishly, averting your gaze from her. she snorts. "really? why?"
"i don't know" you say, "you seem interesting" slowing her steps, "oh i really don't" she responds. "i'm really glad i met you though" she gives you a smile. "that's me" she points to the house on your left. "you're kidding" you say, widening your eyes. "no? oh... don't worry i'll walk you home. i'm familiar with the neighbourhood." she says. "no, no not that" you chuckle. " i live there" you point to the houses across, the one thats only three houses away. "no way..." she responds. you notice the man on ellie's porch, wandering around furiously. "uh... i think your dad's a little mad" she turns her head to the house, giving apologetic eyes to the worried man. "he's not... do you have any plans tomorrow? i usually go out to skate around 5pm, wanna meet up?" she says hurriedly. "sure, alright" you say. she doesn't waste a second heading home with hops. "i forgot to ask your number!" you shout after her. she doesn't turn her head, instead raises a hand. "you'll get it when i knock on your window!"
hiding your smile was hell of a challenge the way home.
im sorry this is soo badly written and stereotypical but i just had the urgeeee😭 let me know if you like it please cuz i rlly wanna continue to this and make something out of these two🧘🏻‍♀️ also i got your requests but i have to make some researches before writing so its gonna have to wait a lil bit! thanks for requesting bbs
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lovelylittlelevity · 3 days
Im very sorry to say that as of 5/29/24 Lovely Little Levity's blog and game has been decided to become a content archive.
this was a team decision, and due to the lack of motivation and health issues (mental and physical) among us, we've come to the conclusion to simply let sleeping dogs lie. While I wish I could say we ended with a bang or something else interesting, it was a simple decision to choose us and our health before LLL.
below are the final statements of those who wished to speak
While I wish I could say I had fun, that was only true intitially. While I understand I made my mistakes, nothing I did gave the free pass some of y'all think you have to stalk me through multiple blogs telling me to kill myself and otherwise harrass me. I really hope I can find the joy of creating with friends again with the other projects I have ongoing. I guess to the people who still want to make "expose" documents/posts about me all I gotta say is: Grow up. Get a life outside of fandom culture. Some of y'all are forgetting what an actual problematic person looks like/have never faced REAL conflict and it shows.
Honestly it was fun at first but after a while it felt more like we have forced ourselves to make it because y'all wouldn't stop rushing us some of the time and kept on asking when the game was going to be finished. But when we released the demo, y'all said it felt forced. So it didn't feel fun anymore. It just became stressful in the end. Honestly the LMK fandom is just a whole disaster to the point so many are just at each other's throat. I just really hope it gets better for all of you.
In all honesty LLL was a mess. Early on we had the Scott issue, and then later more personal issues that slowed work down. Even when we had a pickup on motivation the constant pressure and rude comments were too much. It's not hard to be kind on the fucking internet, the world wont end if you dont click send on that kys message I swear. I could handle it better than the other members of LLL, however it doesn't mean i should have to. Thank you to everyone who was kind in welcoming me and aware of my tone deafness, you are appreciated more than you know.
-xoxo EK
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Tormented Tales (Husk x Reader Coffee Shop AU)
Coffee shop AU with Husk and a twist!
Word count: 2283 Requested by: Melted_Halo on AO3 Ty for the request! I hope you don’t mind my twist on this chapter! Im assuming (like Angel Dust) that Husk had a different name before he sold his soul? Or adopted the nickname Husk later in life/death. So I literally looked up popular names from his time period to make him a name lol.
The bells chimed as you opened the door and walked into your regular coffee shop. Your town wasn’t necessarily big, but it wasn’t small either. It was quaint. If you go to places regularly enough you’d know everyone there, and boy did you frequent this coffee shop a lot. Your best friend actually worked there. “Hey Lily!” You smiled at her as you approached the counter “I’ll take my usual”
Lily greeted you back and nodded before punching your order into the system and waving you off. One of the many perks of having a friend who was in charge of the towns coffee shop, you never really had to pay for your drinks.
After you sat down at your regular spot you noticed someone knew in the shop behind the counter making drinks, being trained by Lily. ‘Who’s this cutie?’ You thought to yourself as you couldn’t help but notice his attractive features. The stranger was around your age, probably early to mid twenties. His face a bit pale, with bushy eyebrows and unkept wild black hair to match.
Distracted by the man, you didn’t even notice when Lily came to give you your drink. “Hello, earth to Y/N”
“Sorry Lily I was uh…distracted” Lily smirked at you, noticing where you were looking before she interrupted. “Who’s the new guy?”
“Oh you mean Charles? I just hired him a few days ago, todays his first official day behind the bar. Teaching him how to run everything”
You hummed, acknownledging her explanation as you sipped your drink.
As days turned to weeks you couldn’t help but frequent the coffee shop a bit more and more to admire the new cute barista at work.
Today Lily wasn’t here, something about a wedding she had to go to out of state. When you went into the shop today you immediately noticed, to your surprise, that Charles was at the counter and seemed to be working all by himself. ‘I guess it is pretty slow at this time’ you shrugged as you approached the counter.
“Hi” you greeted sweetly.
Charles looked up at you with a stoic face “Hey, um, Y/N right?”
You looked at him a bit surprised that he knew your name. “That would be me” you said awkwardly “How did you-“ you were going to ask how he knew your name before he cut you off.
“I see you in here everyday, I’m always making the drink you order…couldn’t help but notice you.” He blushed a bit, “anyway you want your regular?”
“Yes please” you nodded in confirmation, excited that he knew your name and your regular order.
“Alright that will be $5.23” he deadpanned as he reached his hand up towards you for payment.
“Uhhhh” you hesitated before frantically looking through your bag to find any form of payment.
He chuckled softly at you “I’m just fucking with ya doll, go sit down I’ll bring it to you in a sec” he winked.
You blushed at his words before nodding appreciatively and going to your usual spot. You always loved to watch him make drinks, especially when it was yours. It also helped that he looked rather handsome in the uniform, who knew a simple white button down long sleeve could look so appealing on someone?
In no time he walked up to your table with your drink in hand. “Here you go Y/N”
“Thanks” you replied as he turned away to go back behind the bar “Wait a sec!” You said quickly making him pause before he could get too far.
“Something wrong with your drink?” He asked nervously
“No no, I just wanted to know if you’d sit with me, maybe we could chat for a bit”
He looked around the empty shop and shrugged “Don’t see why not” he smiled.
You ended up staying to chat with him for his whole shift. Occasionally you two would get interrupted by a customer, but he would quickly take care of their order then come back and pick up the conversation as if he never left. You two talked about seemingly everything. Your age, his troublesome family, how he lived a casino.
“You know I even do a little bit of magic” there was a sparkle in his eye as he revealed this new fun fact to you.
“Oh this I need to see to believe” you teased. He laughed at you but complied, pulling out of deck of cards he just so happened to have on hand. “You always keep those on you?”
“All true magicians do” He quickly and skillfully shuffled the cards and had you choose a card and memorize it. Next thing you know the card you thought was shuffled back into the deck was getting pulled out from behind your ear.
“Wow!” You exclaimed “You’re actually really good at that! Show me another!” Husk chuckled and was about to protest but his coworker came up to him.
“Hey Husker I’m here for my shift so you’re good to go now”
“Thanks,” he said a bit irritated and dismissive
“Husker?” You questioned.
“Dumb nickname,” he replied rolling his eyes before turning back to you “anyways want to get out of here?”
The two of you left the coffee shop and wondered around town still chatting about whatever came to your minds, until you figured it was getting late. “Well I think I should probably head home now, it was lovely spending time with you today”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home?”
“No that’s alright”
“I insist Y/N, its not always safe around here you know that,” He wasn’t wrong, there’s no denying that there was a creeping sense of danger growing in the town recently due to some girls going missing, and you didn’t really want to say bye yet, so you accepted his offer.
As you walked home he started asking you more and more questions “So what’s your dream”
You laughed at him “My dream?”
“Yeah you know, your goal in life”
You hummed thinking to yourself for a moment “Its a bit silly but I always wanted to open a little bookshop cafe.”
“I don’t think that’s silly at all, why don’t you?” He questions. Valid since your best friend ran a shop, who’s to say you couldn’t.
You explained to him that you had responsibilities to your family and it just never seemed like the right time to start something that time consuming, but that you still wish to one day.
He accepted that answer “Well I know you’ll do it eventually, what are you gonna call it?”
“Tormented Tales and Tempting Treats” you said confidently
He laughed at the oddness of the name, but it made perfect sense coming from you and he liked it. “Not bad”
Eventually you made it to your apartment and were a bit disappointed to be separating from him, you throughly enjoyed his company. “Well this is me” you said hesitantly, “thank you for walking me home.”
“Of course, no problem Y/N” you made your way to the doorstep of your apartment building, “see you tomorrow?” He asked.
“See you tomorrow” you confirmed sweetly making your way inside, waving one last goodbye to him.
It wasn’t until later that you noticed writing on the coffee cup from just one of your many refills. ‘Let’s do this again soon’ was written in his sloppy yet beautiful hand writing. You blushed and couldn’t bare throw away the cup anymore. ‘That sneaky magician’ you thought to yourself.
Ever since that day the two of you had a shared friendship that everyone else assumed to be a relationship. You couldn’t really say they were wrong, the two of you did have pet names for each other, shamelessly flirt, and overall acted liked a couple. But then again the two of you also never really confirmed anything.
You found that you no longer had to go up to the counter to order drinks anymore. Every time you went into the shop there he would be, at your usual table waiting for you. Reading a book in one hand and the other next to his own drink on the table, yours sat across from him prepped and ready for you, just as you like it. He’d time it so his breaks were when you came in, so he could sit down and spend time with you, even if it was busy.
Everything was going exceptionally well. You were happy, he was happy.
Until that one unfortunate evening.
Maybe fight is too harsh of a term, but you were frustrated with him. The two of you were supposed to meet at the local book store after he got off work but he never showed up. It was well pass dark now and the shop had closed, you were pissed to say the least. He had been hiding a lot of things from you, things about his family that he claimed were dangerous and that he didn’t want to get you involved in.
You were mad, and since he was supposed to come from work you were holding out hope that maybe he had to stay and work later. With a little bit of hope you began making your way across town to the coffee shop where you hoped he’d be waiting. But unfortunately you never made it to the shop. With everything else occupying your mind you had forgotten about all the scary things happening around town recently, and with your guard down it was too late before you felt a sharp and sudden pain on your head, then everything went black, then you woke up in an unfamiliar red hellish place in an unfamiliar body. You were dead. You were in hell.
It was well into the next day before he had found out what happened to you. He went to your shared apartment with Lily holding flowers, hoping he could make up for standing you up. His family kept him from you that night and he had no way of contacting you. As soon as he arrived outside your building he knew something was wrong. Police cars were swarmed all throughout the street and police officers around your building. He cursed to himself and ran up to your apartment looking for you, only to find Lily, crying, speaking to the police. With the sudden noise of his arrival Lily looked up and recognized the panic on his face and shook her head continuing to sob.
The flowers from his hands fell. He knew what had happen. You were gone.
(Flash forward to Husk living at the Hotel in Hell)
Husk lost track of how long it had been since he wound up down in hell. And he lost hope of finding you even longer before that. There’s no way that a sweet thing like you would’ve ended up down here with him.
Well, that was what he’d thought until he overheard a conversation between Charlie and Vaggie one day. “Oh Vaggie you just need to see this bookstore! It so cute! I really think you’d love it, it was called Tormented Treats? No, that not right Tormented something and something treats…” Charlie ranted but Husk was already alarmed.
“Tormented Tales and Tempted Treats?!” He asked suddenly and loudly, interrupting their previous private conversation.
“Yes! Oh that’s it! Have you been there before Husk? Wasn’t it-“ before Charlie could finish her sentence Husk ran out from behind the bar and out the door.
By the time Husk had fully processed his actions he realized he didn’t really have a plan….is it just a coincidence that there’s a shop down in hell with the exact name you envisioned? What if you weren’t really there? What if you were there? He was far too old for you by now. What would you think of his new appearance? How would you even recognize him?
This and many other insecurities started racing through Husk’s mind. But it didn’t matter now because he was standing in the shop, infront of the check out counter, being greeted by a beautiful demon who he hoped to satan was you.
“Hello? Earth to kitty. What can I get for you”
“Um,” Husk hesitated “Is Y/N here?” He asked softly, afraid of being told no.
“That depends who’s asking?” The woman in front of him stood up straighter and was visabilly on guard now.
“Charles,” Husk breathed “Charles Husker”
Her eyes widened “No fucking way. Charles?!” She made her way out from behind the counter to get a better look at him before bringing him in for a tight embrace. “It’s really you?” She asked nuzzled deep in the fur on his neck.
“Yeah doll its me” he said softly, reciprocating the hug, bringing you close to him even tighter than before “I’m sorry it took me so long, I didn’t think you’d be down here”
You laughed at him before pulling away a little, “Its okay Its not like I did a great job of finding you either.”
“To be fair I do go by Husk now…” he trailed off sheepishly.
“Husk, you mean like the ex overlord Husk?!” You asked surprised
He smirked a bit at this before confirming.
“Oh my satan how did I not fucking put that together. WAIT AN OVERLORD?!”
“Ex-Overlord” he clarified.
“Yeah yeah whatever, get the fuck over here so we can catch up,” you pulled him into the back room of your shop, where your office was “I missed you so much”
“I missed you more doll, we have so much to make up for”
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0pheleschimera0 · 8 months
I'd listen to you ramble about Sunstreaker. Because I know nothing about him but you seem to like him and that made me curious.
hi i am so terribly sorry to be replying so late, mental health is a bitch lately but heres my questionably comprehensive rambling about Sunstreaker
He's a very simple character compared to like majority of main autobots from g1, he's a vain pretty boy who thinks he's better and prettier than everyone around him, which is not even exactly untrue, but you're not really gonna go and tell him he's wrong. it's been a staple of his persona throughout all the stories he's appeared in to my knowledge. my interest especially arose when he was a central piece of some idw comics.
i made a whole small piece of writing about him months back, but essentially, what i gathered from very little he has in a whole scope of things, is that he was not a good person. period. he was a law enforcer who fancied watching mechs fight to death. he wanted to join megatron on the arena. he's lavishing in the limelight and he's not unwilling to stomp down anyone who doesn't meet his expectations. that "someone" happened to be his own brother who stopped him from joining megatron.
i always find sibling dramas interesting for personal reasons, and i relate to sunstreaker a lot as a person who had to learn to grow and be better, not just everyone but my sibling first. sunstreaker underwent an extremely traumatic experience that was worse than death - but you could also consider it the death of "Him" as a person. he was merged with a species completely unlike his own. he was forced to be connected to the copies of him while immobilized and in pain. he begged to be killed only to be forcefully saved.
his grudge against humanity is understandable, and his betrayal was something that could've been the end of his dignity. he was ready to accept death in self-sacrifice, still in pain and turmoil over what he had done to his team, to his brother.
he's the kind of character who you aren't supposed to really like. he's not a good person, even if his intentions are for the better - he's doing it to stroke his ego, the autobot cause is not what he ultimately fights for, or fought, at least how i see it. compared to his brother, though, who's there just to fight decepticons because they're "bad guys", i think Sunstreaker saw the lines between "bad" and "good" more blurry. He almost became a decepticon. He was regularly cruel to his brother. He values his self more than others.
Then he had to grow to understand He is not where the world ends. He always cared for Sideswipe, he always cared for people around him, but it took him to almost die, almost risk everyone dying, to understand, and it sucks.
He's a martyr to me in a way that he endures all his heavy self and burdens when trying to be better while world will never be the safe place to him. He gets a service dog about it.
Anyway i think his design is also one of the coolest things ever have you seen him
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his fins are EVERYTHING to me
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basketobread · 1 month
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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ask-moon-and-pebbs · 5 months
Is Pebbles alright? He looks like he got put in timeout
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shkika · 18 days
you are space dog so have some space :)
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I LOVE THEM. thankyou so much making them my home immediately
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waterfallofspace · 5 months
Do you have any fics in progress by chance? You’re such an amazing writer :)
Hiya!~ Thank you for the ask dear~
Honestly, despite how much I love getting asks like this, they always surprise me! It's still such a foreign concept that people not only enjoy my work, but are actively curious about it!
Aghagh and to answer the actual question, yes I do! I usually have at least 10 different prompts sitting in my google docs, but I find I have less WIPS since I'm a fairly 'get going on it and finish it in one - three goes' type of writer. Recently been a bit burned out of my hyperfixations, and finding it a bit hard to just write things (perfectionism kicking in).
That said, I actually have two started! One that's almost finished part one of two (A m/agnus a/rchives fic, two different focuses for the different chapters of snzdom~) and one that's been started, and is abouuuttt halfway done I think~ (A c/huuya centric fic as a so... sooooo late birthday gift for the amazing Hachii, which is turning into a new years/christmas thing too agghh ;-;)
Thank you for the ask!~ I always love getting uh... basically any asks haha~
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pancakehouse · 2 years
hello bab!! absolutely obsessed with this prompt game idea xx im giving you a choice between 12 and 19--take your pick xox
send me a richard siken line and i'll write a mini fic inspired by it
hi omg HELLO ridi!! isn't it insane! prob the worst idea anyone's ever had im so excited about it!!!!!
ahhh god okay i went with:
19. i take off my hands and i give them to you. (oh also, vaguely nsfw? like not at all but also sorta, to be safe!)
“Did you know I’m left-handed?” 
The question startles Remus. At first, he’s sure he’s misheard, muffled as the words are, spoken into the small dip of skin where his collarbone meets the bony juncture of his shoulder. It was never a spot Remus thought was particularly notable or interesting, at least not until the day Sirius Black decided to attach his lips there, and make it so. 
Remus' breath hitches. “Hm?” he murmurs. His hand tightens in Sirius’ hair, fingers scraping scalp, and he tugs lightly until Sirius lifts his head. “What?” 
Night sky leaks through the curtains, and Sirius’ eyes are shining, lips parted and cherry red. There’s always something that sits heavy in Remus’ stomach on the nights they do this, like holding your breath underwater, or the slow tick of a broken clock. Something that’s over, inevitably, just as soon as they're brave enough to admit it. 
“I said-” And Sirius is grinning, because surely he’s only thinking of the bulge in Remus’ trousers, and how they can be as loud as they want now, here, in their flat, and is not - like Remus - thinking of all the ways he’d break himself apart, limb from limb from limb, if it might drag this thing out a little bit longer. “I said…” Sirius leans in, presses a kiss under Remus’ jaw, “-did you know-” another kiss to his throat, one to his chest, “that I-” cold fingers, skirting under his waistband, “...am left handed.” Sirius finishes with a poke and a loud, wet smack just above his belly-button. He snickers into it, warm breath tickling the hairs there. 
“Yes, Pads,” Remus huffs, stomach trembling, his voice horribly shaky. “Seeing as I shared a dorm with you for seven years, and classes for just as long…yes, Sirius, I had noticed sometime in there that you were left-handed.” 
There’s a moment, still and quiet. The sheets are warm, and balmy summer air drifts through the open window. A bird perches on the sill, claws scratching into chipped white paint and grass that’s sprung up between the cracks. They look at each other - him and Sirius, not him and bird - and the heavy feeling in Remus’ stomach feels sort of nice. Like a weighted blanket.
Eventually, Sirius nods. Slowly. “Well, good,” he says. His mouth quirks in the corner. “Good, because I’ve noticed things about you, too.” 
Remus’ hands find themselves back in Sirius’ hair.
Have you? he wants to ask. What kinds of things?
And then: because there are so many things i’ve noticed about you. i noticed that you went for a run in the rain yesterday and your legs were hurting after and your hair looks lovely when it’s damp. and last week at the park your hands smelled like orange slices and sometimes you smile when i walk into the room and also sometimes you don’t. 
…have you noticed how i always smile? when i see you. but maybe it’s not obvious. maybe you don’t think it’s obvious, just like you don’t think i know you write with your left hand and have a scar across the middle knuckle from Prongs and maybe you don’t realise i kiss it every time i have the chance and maybe you don't notice how the smell of oranges in summer always makes me sneeze. have you noticed that? what else is there to see?
“Alright,” he says instead. Because it’s their flat and it’s his bedroom and Sirius’ knees are around his hips, and maybe he doesn’t feel like being brave enough to acknowledge anything else right now. 
“Alright?” Sirius laughs. “You’ll allow it?” 
“Sure.” Remus cups his cheek, grins slowly, hesitantly, into their next kiss. Do you feel this? he wants to ask. My hands, these hands, these lips…they’re all yours. Do you have any use for them? “Yeah, alright, I’ll allow it.”
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carpetbug · 2 months
tell me ab your bug and cat playlist!!!! (this is my main I’m zodoods dhsjvdsjj)
HI ZO 💕!! THANK U FOR INDULGING MY SILLY LITTLE SONG LISTS! i’ll give you a song or two from a couple <3
Chat Noir
Break (Alex G) - oh my god it just screams his sacrificial tendencies paired with his love for ladybug. obsessed with this song for him. I also see these sort of reflections? of other sides of him in this song? “I could disappear, if this is what makes you feel so real” cat walker out the fucking wazoo hello! “In my head I see bright lights… I think I’m feeling it now just like you did” “And I’ll break for you baby cause you make it feel so good” CHAT BLANC HELLOOOOOO!! anyways i’m super normal about this song and totally don’t have any plans to animate anything to this 👁️
happy news for sadness (Car Seat Headrest) - i see this song fitting both LB and mari! the obvious line being “You can never tell the truth but you can tell something that sounds like it” relating to how deeply she values honesty and truth, but ends up having to lie and hide things from almost all the people in her life. “Everytime I think about love, I think about me thinking about you … Everytime I think about love, I think about you thinking about me” sorry this is just so fucking ladynoir? thinking about you as in thinking about adrien, this boy i’ve devoted myself to loving, but when i think about love I also think about you, chat noir, thinking about me, ladybug, the girl you’re so openly in love with. how can those both be love when they’re so different? how can they both be the truth? are they even?
Gambling Addiction (Leanna Firestone) - i’m so insane bonkers crazy for this song ITS SO GOOD GO LISTEN TO ALL OF LEANNAS MUSIC anyways. how marinette falls quite literally head over heels when she’s in love! but she ultimately feels like she’s always playing a losing game! I also love the whole concept of marinette being both luck as ladybug and unlucky as herself with always saying the wrong thing, falling over, etc. “I wanna be pulling lucky numbers and praying to lucky stars, finding four leaf clovers and counting all my cards but i’m walking under ladders, seeing black cats, spilling table salt, and stepping on every crack” “so i’m crossing all my fingers, i’m pressing all my luck cause I know misfortune just won’t be enough to keep me from betting it all on love again”
TV (Alex G) - adrien’s relationship with his parents! especially with emelie just sort of being gone? and he never gets to have that closure? ESPECIALLY WITH HER BEING AN ACTRESS?? AND GABRIEL NOT LETTING ADRIEN WATCH HER ROLES?? “I get feelings from the TV, they can’t hurt me, they don’t know me” “He gets lonely, he forgets me and he bought us a TV cause you don’t come around anymore” IDK GUYS I CANT PUT IT INTO FUNCTIONAL WORDS BUT DO U SEE THE VISION??
Chat Blanc
The Wolf (Fever Ray) - i love this song for chat blanc so much! (here is a drawing i did with lyrics from it!) I just am so obsessed with the vibe and tone, how deep and echoey it is, but with the intermittent hollers! it gives a very specific feeling, I love it. “And it’s poison in his blood. Big fire, big burn, into the ashes and no return” just like a perfect reference to everyone being turned into literal ash! it works so well with the chaotic, destructive nature of blanc.
DICTATOR (REI AMI) - i think the general vibe of the song is so fitting for her! especially the really direct transition to a much softer and emotional tune/lyrics! RAAAA it’s just so telling of how she makes shadybug into this terrifying powerful figure that can and will hurt anyone in her way when she’s just marinette, this lonely teenager with one too many problems and a shitty/dangerous coping mechanism! “I am not your queen, i’m your dictator. bend the fucking knee, yeah bitch, that was an order! what you say to me, huh? bitch speak louder! you know i reign supreme” it’s just screams shadybug to me. also hehehehe reign supreme get it
Romeo & Juliet (Peter McPoland) - okay imma be so fr this one makes me feel a little too silly in the heart so i unfortunately do not have the words to explain but please imagine and chew on these lyrics “I’d say “oh I love you” to my Juliet, if you only knew, i’d kill for you, i am for you, i am just who you need me to be” “i hope you mean it when you say that I am yours and you are mine”
I Love You Too (Peter McPoland) - i’m a sucker for this man’s music he makes some bangers but yeah this song it just screams adrinette to me. especially post season five, seeing them get to explore starting a relationship together and navigate their own love!! also just really shows how devoted adrien is to loving marinette, how he holds her to no expectations, values her comfort and happiness above all else during their interactions LIKE GOD HE LOVES HER SO MUCH HES WILLING TO SIT AND WAIT AND LOVE HER IN SILENCE UNTIL SHES READY FOR IT TO BE AS LOUD AS IT FEELS!! IDK!! “i love you too, too much to say” “i love your hands held close to mine, the way that our fingers all intertwine”
Best Song Ever (One Direction) - guys. do i even have to explain. it is so chat flirting with ladybug. it is so entirely season one ladynoir. “maybe it’s the way she walked straight into my heart and stole it” “I said “can i take you home with me?” she said “never in your wildest dreams””
Shameless (Camila Cabello) - some fun ladynoir reveal brain food! lb getting fed up with identities clogging her emotions and deciding to throw it aside and let chat make the decision himself “it’s been a secret for the longest time” “now that you have me, do you want me still?”
HandClap (Fitz and The Tantrums) - ok it’s honestly just the part “Every night when the stars come out, am I the only living soul around? Need to believe you could hold me down cause I’m in need of something good right now” BUT HEAR ME OUT!! Marinette and Chat seeking each other out when they need comfort, someone to vent to. Finding each other, making this connection and this safe space with so much warmth and care between them that it grows from just mutual support to adoration. I need something good right now, I need you.
Vampire Empire (Big Thief) - tbh i’m not like 100% sure what about this song is so entirely marichat to me but. it is. More angsty, it makes me think of marinette and chat trying to foster a romance between them but it just tasting… stale? like a dead plant drowning from being overwatered. “the milk has just expired, all the leaves are dead. I’m not quiet, you’ve been quiet, just receiving what you said.” They do want each other, and there’s such intense love between them, but it just always feels like they’re going about it the wrong way. “Where you can’t seem to hold me, can’t seem to let me go, so I can’t find surrender, and I can’t keep control”
Sports (Beach Bunny) - Ladybug getting to explore Adrien’s hobbies with him as they get close! spending her time with him, learning any new skill he’s willing to teach just to make him happy “if you feel lonely, I could be lonely with you! Tell me baby, why do you seem so blue?” but eventually kind of getting tired of playing these games around their feelings and just wanting to be with him outside of these activities “I’m tired of waiting, I was never good at sports. Save the games for the girls on the tennis courts”
We’ll Never Have Sex (Leith Ross) - THE SOFTNESS!! THE GENTLENESS!! THE CARE AND COMPASSION AND LOVE AND SIMPLICTY! “If I said you could never touch me, you’d come over and say I looked lovely” ITS JUST SO THEM!! Adrien respecting these boundaries, listening to his lady, caring for and loving her regardless of what form it comes in. “Oh you kissed me, just to kiss me, not to make me cry. It’s was simple, you are sweetness, let’s just sit a while”
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stormyoceans · 3 months
monica! i need your best slow burn pining recommendations, i feel like you're the right person to ask <3
the thing is. i feel like 'slow burn' is an extremely subjective concept. for example, the only criteria a lot of people take into consideration to define a story as slow burn is when the characters enter an official romantic relationship, but to me it's also a matter of the characters' awareness when it comes to their own feelings: i personally have a hard time labeling a story as slow burn if the characters are attracted to each other from the first episode, or if one of them is already in love with the other at the beginning of the show, even if it may take them the rest of it to officially get together. and on the other hand, just because the characters aren't attracted to each other right away that doesn't automatically make it a slow burn to me
if i went with my idea of slow burn, tho, this list would be REALLY SHORT (like.. probably only 3 series would fit that ;;;;;;;), so first and foremost i’ve tried to pick shows that i think are the closest to my personal view of what a slow burn is and that have a good balance between pining, awareness and official romantic status, but after that im also gonna give you some different options just to cover a bit more ground, so here we go!!!!!
a tale of thousand stars. what could i even say about this show that hasn’t already been said. it simply has everything: great story, great characters, great chemistry, great slow burn and tension and pining that will make you scream at your screen.
enchanté. this show isn’t half as bad as most people say it is and this is a hill im willing to die on. features one of the best childhood friends to lovers romances with levels of tension and pining that are honestly out of this world and that made me want to punch through a wall in multiple occasions, which is why im willing to put it in the slow burn section even if it’s obvious that both akk and theo are aware of their own feelings for the other since the beginning.
i told sunset about you. it’s hard for me to call a show with only 5 episodes a slow burn, and yet it still very much feels like one. i don’t talk much about itsay because it speaks to the queer experience in a way that hits a bit too close to home for me, but the chemistry and the tension are truly unparalleled (in this house we do not talk about i promised you the moon tho).
my ride. kind overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi driver in one of the softest, sweetest, most underrated slow burn romances ever put on screen. i don’t really know what else to say except that this is one of my comfort show and that it never fails to make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
SOTUS. look.. im fully aware this show has its issues. aside from the hazing (which personally doesn’t bother me, but i know it can be triggering for other people), it belongs to a generation of BL where the concept of any other sexuality aside from straight and gay did not exist, so you will have to bear with now thankfully outdated tropes like ‘gay for you’ and a certain amount of sex negativity. despite all this, it still does many things right, including giving us an enemies to lovers slow burn romance that to this day no other BL can compare to.
triage. TIME LOOP + MEDICAL MURDER MYSTERY + SLOW BURN = A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. i know this show isn’t for everyone – for some it’s too slow and complicated, for others there’s not enough romance – but it is made for me specifically and i will never stop recommending it.
the untamed. okay so.. i guess technically we can’t call this a BL because the show has been edulcorated by chinese censorship, but even if there are no kiss and no actual declaration of love in the series, this is still very much a romance, and it’s also the perfect example of what slow burn is to me: excruciating and with the power to reduce you to a rabies-ridded violent little gremlin.
vice versa. IM THE MOST PREDICTABLE WOMAN ON EARTH IM SORRY. and alright, this may be a little bit of a stretch because if i put vice versa here then it’s fair to argue i should put other shows as well, BUT IN MY DEFENSE. episode 6 and episode 7 caused me irreparable damage with how much i was screaming at my screen for puen and talay to just kiss and get together already. these two idiots also confirmed their status only in the last part of the very last episode, and just for that they deserve a spot here. ABSOLUTE BUFFOONERY.
other shows that fit this and that are not my cup of tea but maybe they’re yours:
stay with me [cw: sad ending]
SHOWS THAT I THINK COULD BE CONSIDERED SLOW BURN (maybe. possibly. perhaps? ;;;;;)
dear doctor i’m coming for soul
i will knock you (is this show good? no. did i watch it until the very end laughing my ass off and having the time of my life? yes. it is EXTREMELY cringey and pretty low quality tho, so be aware of that ;;;;;;)
light on me
my tooth your love
our dining table
unintentional love story
other shows that fit this and that are not my cup of tea but maybe they’re yours:
minato shouji’s coin laundry
step by step
my school president
old fashion cupcake
we best love: nr. 1 for you
other shows that fit this and that are not my cup of tea but maybe they’re yours:
plus and minus
bad buddy
the eighth sense
history 3: trapped
laws of attraction
love tractor
not me
semantic error
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sneez · 6 months
i think your colors are nice muted colors like in an old library. navy blue and forest green and dusty brown like the leather cover of an old book (:
oh auster that is so so lovely, those are all of my favourite colours :,-D treasuring all of these in my heart. i love you
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raineandsky · 7 months
BRO #78 ATE THAT UP!!!! If u were up to it, I would love a part two <33
THANK YOU IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT!! i dont have any plans for a part 2 honestly, but if i do manage to get the Idea Machine crankin i'll be sure to get it out :)
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chitter17 · 7 months
helloooo @ chitter 17 im curious how can i start getting into aphmau? i luvvvv some of the fanart youv reblogged :3
HELLO! you've come to the right person!!! aphmau is one of my special interests :3c
if you want to get into her roleplays, i suggest you do it in this order:
minecraft diaries -> phoenix drop high -> falcon claw university -> regular mystreet
mystreet is the "modern au" of minecraft diaries, aphmau's original roleplay series!
aphmau got more interested in mystreet though, so mcd was never finished while mystreet got like 10 seasons LOL! i would highly suggest watching MCD before anything, but you dont have to if you arent interested. it'll help you understand a lot though ^_^
phoenix drop high is basically the mystreet cast in high school, and falcon claw university is them in college, and then mystreet itself is when they all have their own houses.
but keep in mind: phoenix drop high is a prologue, so it was made AFTER mystreet. theres a few plot holes you just have to ignore :,3
you can also skip PDH and FCU if you feel like it since its not too necessary to the plot (i personally skipped FCU because it was... not good)
she also has other roleplays that are not connected to the mcd / mystreet storyline (to my knowledge) such as my inner demons, who has an entirely new cast of characters ^_^!
minecraft diaries: one , two , three
phoenix drop high: one , two
falcon claw university: one
mystreet: one , two , three , four , five , six
minecraft diaries: remake (this never got completed and i dont think she's picking it back up...)
phoenix drop high: spin-off (this takes place in pdh, but from a different point of view!)
my inner demons: one (note: this series has, like, 100 dirty jokes in every episode. just letting you know!)
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m1d-45 · 1 year
yknow how sometimes you crave a food you haven’t had in a long time and when you eat it tastes just as good as you remember?
that’s what your writing tastes/feels like
…oh ok yeah im- yeah yeah that makes sense i- (/pos)
thank you. i know exactly what you mean and i’m so honored. thank you.
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cheollipop · 9 months
I've been so bad with replying to reblogs and just,, tumblr-ing in general lmao. things have been weird, but I'll get back into it soon (hopefully)!
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