#thank you for sending an ask <3
zmediaoutlet · 9 months
Happy Wincest Wednesday! What's a headcanon about the boys (either individually or together) from another person in fandom that you have really enjoyed and/or integrated into your views?
this is a silly one but I'm borrowing a headcanon from my good buddy @mannequin3thereckoning -- Sam barely knew the AU hunters that moved into the bunker and kept forgetting their names, so he just kinda called them "hey, pal" and they called him Chief and it worked out fine. When they died it was like, hey Sam, name any three of them right now, and he'd be like... um... Maggie...? So that's one.
a less silly but more hornt one I think I'm taking from... maybe fleshflutter, maybe lazy-daze, one of those o.g. writers, and that is that Sam also has a Thing for planting his seed in a way that is very boneheaded and caveman and if he were in his right mind and calm he'd be embarrassed by it. But in that shiny sweaty haze of post-fuck, Dean (or whoever) shifts awkwardly because they're all messed up and leaking and Sam gets this deep satisfaction right in the gut that says yeah, job done. (Luckily, Dean finds this hot. And then smacks him over the head and demands help with the clean-up.)
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ravendruid · 1 year
Vaxleth, 3 fic recs
From this Ask Game
My Fair Lady by @waltwhitmansbeard A medieval AU where Keyleth is a princess and Vax a guard.
Happily Ever After by @romeoandjulietyouwish An AU where Vax doesn't go with the Raven Queen.
Heaven Couldn't Shake by ScarletSorceress on AO3 This is technically about Orym's upbringing, but it's also Vaxleth. I don't want to give away too much, but he's basically raised by two moms and a raven dad.
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mad-madam-m · 11 months
The Most Handsome Man in the World for WIP Wednesday please!
Kotetsu learned that he had a new neighbor at 2pm on a Saturday, after he'd spent the morning helping Kaede volunteer at an animal shelter downtown, an adventure which resulted in six scratches down each of his arms and cat pee on his shirt. Fortunately, the shirt was an old one, so he'd thrown it away and the shelter had loaned him a different shirt to wear home.
Something he'd completely forgotten about until he was in the elevator heading back up to his apartment, and in walked the most beautiful man he'd ever seen in his life: curly golden hair, sharp green eyes, and a face that was almost too pretty to be real.
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polaroidcats · 7 months
3, 6, and 12 :)
3. what’s your favorite candle scent?
ohh I have the horrible habit of buying fancy scented candles and then hoarding them instead of burning them. I do love a good classic like a lavender scented candle or orange scented ones or pine scented ones and I also really really love the smell of simple beeswax candles!
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
already answered here
12. how are you?
thank you for asking:) I'm okay-ish. Currently hardcore PMS-ing so I'm trying not to take my "everything sucks and everyone hates me" thoughts too seriously. I've been really exhausted and depressed and also overwhelmed with juggling work, caregiving and my thesis recently and often feel like everything is just too much, but I'm trying to take it one day at a time and to not beat myself up too much when I don't accomplish everything (the way) I want to. Emphasis on trying lol
ask game (soft asks)
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tokkias · 7 months
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (for Sting)
fic writer asks . open
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? “And do you really have to announce when you’re going to cum?” He hissed, grimacing at the memory.
“Yeah?” Natsu replied with genuine confusion in his voice, stating it like it was obvious. “She gets mad when I don't, ‘cause otherwise she gets it in her eye.”
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories? i'd say like a good 90% of my stories i don't do any research on stuff because it's all vibes, but when i do have to research stuff i spend way too much time on it. it's that writers curse of thinking that everyone is going to notice your errors in obscure details that don't matter when most readers genuinely do not gaf. without spoiling it, bc this fic is supposed to be a surprise, i've been doing a stupidly unnecessary amount of research on the fic i'm currently working on for something that is so embarrassingly normal. i've been looking up pictures of chili powder a lot if that's any indication
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them - Sting as much as i love sting (mostly bc michael jones is the loml actually), i don't have any of my own headcanons about him but i really like a lot of the ones off of this post. specifically i can really see the avoiding guild meetings thing and the being gullible but only for his guild mates. the just agreeing that he is natsu's brother headcanon is also really funny to me
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silkflovvers · 1 year
30 - favorite skin?
Ah hello anon! You picked a tough one.
Ooh boy get ready for a long answer!
I can't choose just one so I'll break it down into categories!
1. Prettiest Skin
Pinecone - Song a Song Tomimi - Silent Night DN04
This one's a tie between Tomimi's Silent Night DN04 and Pinecone's Sing a Song! I think those two are genuinely some of the prettiest skins. The splash art is just so stunning and pleasing to look at. I love these two a lot.
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2. Favorite Skin For My Favorite Character(s)
Asbestos - Glen Sonata
This skin was so long awaited for me. It was everything I could have hoped for. It's so fun and the vibe is immaculate. Asbestos out here beating the D and F cup allegations fanartists kept giving them. No offence to people who headcanon them with big boobs, but I believe in the saying "flat is justice".
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3. Most Fun Skin
Robin - Gift of Wild
I had to have this category because the utter JOY I felt when I realized Robin's skin included little buddies that followed her around was insane. I love her little outlaw bandit raccoon friends and their silly little hats. I've died a few times by getting distracted watching them during a battle lol. Honorable mention goes to Skadi's beach skin since she whacks people with a bright red orca inflatable.
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4. Honorable Mentions
Leonhardt - Hope Cruise Leonhardt - Finder in the Rough Scavenger - Survive
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Had to mention Leonhardt's skins too since they give him three little lionhead rabbit friends in his battle sprite that are oh so cute.
And had to throw Scavenger in there because this skin is pure sex is so good. I love the details in the outfit, the background, the atmosphere, all of it. It's so good. so Good. Gives me Soma vibes? For some reason? Just so good.
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Striga, is it hard to do some things with nails the size you got? or are they only large on one hand?
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TC: V N-No no... they are both uh... that length... and they like to stay at that length too and yeah... they like to get in the way... V
TC: V I usually ask the plants for help with some things that I can't handle with them, but I also cut them off if I have no choice. They just go back to normal too quick so I dont cut them unless I really have to. Its a sisyphean task otherwise. V
TC: V It also helps that Im well practiced with them by now? V
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mesh · 2 years
your current “on repeat” song
So hard to narrow it down to one song tbh but all these have been on repeat this week + a few more
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togeqii · 1 year
31, 67, 83!
hi yvonne!!
send a number 1-100 and i'll tell you which spotify wrapped song it corresponds with!
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lil-lemon-snails · 10 days
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decided to draw some of your guys' tags from my harlequin sun and moon post!!! These guys are so much fun and you're all so funny >w<
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Hello, I really like your art, and I assume you’ve likely already made a fire dragon, but a picture I took reminded me of your dragon art. So I thought I’d send it anyway and see if you could make a dragon from it or link towards the post of the fire dragon if you’d already made one.
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#107 - 火焰 (huǒyàn / flame) - Summon them with just a few dry sticks and a match! 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥
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spitfire-of-the-sea · 2 years
gonna need that part four to the volcano series pls 💳💥💳💥💳💥
Hiiii!!!! <3
Me too...! I updated two fanfics this weekend, but next in line is the volcano series :D although I guess now I need to think of a new natural disaster Ace can stumble into!
I'm a slooow writer.... v.v but I promise there will be a part 4!!
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ravendruid · 1 year
Vaxleth, 4 favorite headcanons
From this Ask Game
Vax took Keyleth on picnic dates every week when they were in Zephrah so she could at least have a day off.
Keyleth would weave flowers in Vax's hair all the time, but when they moved to Zephrah she would do it every morning.
During the first few weeks after she returned home (post-Vecna), Keyleth druidcrafted the same kind of flowers she used to put on Vax's hair and left them by his hairbrush, which hasn't been touched since the morning they left.
When she noticed the Raven started coming to visit every day, Keyleth started bringing small things for it, like food or baked goods, or she gave him a different druidcrafted flower every day.
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16, 52 and 69☺️
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
A bit tired cause I'm just coming back from playing with our puppy hahaha (she has way too much energy), but also inspired!! I'm about to start planning a new fic 👀
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I'm not sure actually. Sometimes I like to believe that it does, but there are also some things where I just don't get why they have to happen? But I guess everything that happens leads to something else, so in a way I'd say that yes, everything does happen for a reason. At least that's how I try to think about the stuff that happens in my own life and affects me personally.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
In a way, yes. But I don't believe that everyone only has one soulmate^^ imo a soulmate can be many things - a friend or a lover,... but in any case someone you feel a special connection to!
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Send me a number~
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polaroidcats · 1 year
Fuschia please! 🧡
Hii & thanks for sending me an ask! <3
ask game
fuchsia— describe your personality in three words!
okay this was a lot harder than I thought but here we go:
caring, loud and passionate
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smarti-at-smogwarts · 2 years
🤑 for Theodosia?
Theo is absolutely too impulsive and tends to process bad feelings via not processing them doing reckless shit
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Negative trait ask!
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