#text pot
transgenderastarion · 11 months
Hey pro tip if u want people to reblog ur art dont put fucking flashing banners on it
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zolusbian · 2 years
noa and mine’s top non-brazilian vacation destinations at the moment are peru and mexico but i don’t want us to go to peru until we are in good enough shape to do some really good hiking. but i want to go to mexico so badly !! 
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hemuchang · 3 months
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its ok to be a little silly sometimes
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cabinette · 28 days
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They go way back.
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helios-hawk · 2 years
i hate you breathlessness i hate you brain fog i hate you dizziness i hate you tremors i hate you joint pain i hate you fatigue i hate you racing heart
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
I was with a potted plant and we danced in a ballroom of sorts, which was really just me spinning around in circles holding their plant pot and stem.
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madohomurat · 4 months
I love using "no attraction to men" as a key part of lesbian definition. its my favorite thing to do actually. I especially love it when the queer men get angry about it
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geeses · 2 years
Chronic Illness Tools Master post
Hi! I'm Laura. I am disabled with Ehlers Danlos, MCAS, and POTS. Here are a few mobility aids, physical therapy tools, braces, comfort items, and other things that I have acquired over the years that significantly increased my quality of life. I hope it helps someone.
Mobility aids:
Folding cane
Instant seat
Shower stool (nice quality)
Shower stool (cheap but works)
Physical therapy tools:
Exercise ball (small)
Exercise ball (large)
Exercise bands (with handles)
Yoga wheel
Cervical traction
Resistance bands
Theraband (get that GRIP)
Foam roller
Grip strength resistance bands
Adjustable ankle weights
Neck brace
Wrist widget
Thumb splint
SI Joint Belt
Knee brace
Wrist braces
K-tape (non-bulk)
Back brace
Elbow brace
Comfort items:
Heating pad
Neck and shoulders heating pad
Massage gun
Hand fan
Acupressure mat
Large Icepack
Leg pillow
Neck pillow
Bulk epsom salts (guess this could also go in the next category)
Saltstick fastchews (orange and watermelon are my favorites)
Salt pills (that don't upset my tummy)
Cell Salts (these help my migraines)
Quercetin (for allergies)
Neti pot
Bug bite thing
Hand warmer
Bed tray table
Toilet seat cushion
Yoga swing (yeehaw cowboy)
Cooling towels
Huge Mason jar pitcher thing (revolutionized my access to water)
Pulse oximeter
*Notice* All of the above WERE Amazon Affiliate links. They no longer bring me money because Amazon decided that Tumblr is not an authorized site to use links on. Fuck amazon. I worked hella hard on this list.
I am a disabled queer artist. As I'm sure you know, it is very expensive to be disabled. These links won't bring me anything other than the joy of helping someone else. Please enjoy and share! Knowledge is power.
if you are feeling generous, here is my venmo for tips.
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cleromancy · 3 months
extremely important to understand that dick transed tims gender. dick served so hard at the tender age of 8 or 12 that it permanently altered the course of tims life. u dropped this king 🏳️‍⚧️
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barbietoiles · 4 months
You know what i like about phil ships. He is just soooooo obsessed with the other person.
Pissa = old man crying over seeing skull. Old man sobbing over missa mention. Old man excitedly running towards husband when he shows up, then proceeds to declare his love at the end of every sentence. "kiss me right now, on the lips" 👈 LOVESICK WET BIRD
Codebreakers = have you seen how much he brings etoiles up. Every chance he gets hes babbling on about how cool and capable etoiles is. When they meet, ANY chance he gets to interact with him he WILL. Spots a pixel of etoiles in a crowd must approach must call him the goat. Theyre both so enthuasiastic about praise, they simply keep stacking compliments. Phil just wants to play around and have a praise battle in a loop forever
Fitza = to be fair fit is instigating things more but they just keep piling weird and genuine compliments higher and higher. Every chance at praising fit he gets, he takes it. Every chance at showing off to fit, he takes it. Fit showing off to him he loves and vocalises this love in peculiar ways. Whatever fit says phil is nodding along to. So true bestie.
Philhalo = Another guy he talks about often when capable and cool people are brought up in conversation. Phil respects badboy but he also wants to antagonise him sooooo bad. He sees badboy he NEEDS to punch him. One manditory swear word drop per interaction BUT after that he will respect the language policy (as best he can, he is very bad at it). I need them together more i need phil trying so hard not to swear and also praising badboy and also being a bastard about it.
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artisfaction · 1 year
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Spider man: Across the spider verse Text Posts
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aropride · 1 month
dni unless you've eaten salt out of the palm of ur hand before
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thercgrettes · 10 months
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yellowjackets x textposts
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cedarspiced · 9 days
PSA for THC and CBD users:
you can, in fact, overdose on THC or CBD, contrary to popular belief. it's especially easy to do if you're already on a medication that messes with your serotonin levels (SSRIs, SNRIs, etc.). it's even easier to do if you're on an SNRI and also have bad chronic pain that you're trying to manage via CBD and edibles (hi, that's me!).
i found this out the hard way last weekend by using too much of a CBD tincture in combination with having an edible, and had to be rushed to the hospital with serotonin syndrome.
how did it feel? well, not great. i genuinely felt like i was actively dying and needed to get my affairs in order.
i'm going to talk in detail about my experience below the cut. if you don't wanna read all that, i do ask that you please at least look through this link if you use cannabis products.
before i go on, i want to be very clear that the symptoms of serotonin syndrome are different for everyone. the link above has a more complete list of symptoms. i'm going to be describing my own personal experience with it.
the first signs that something was very wrong were the severe anxiety and confusion (both of which i chalked up to just being high at first).
then came the tremors and rapid heartbeat. i couldn't stop trembling. i spilled my tea everywhere when i tried to pick it up because i was shaking so badly.
by the time i got to the ER, i was fighting hard not to pass out, because i felt like if i did, i wasn't going to wake up. my skin was so hot it felt like i was on fire, and my heart felt like it was going to explode from how fast it was beating.
they wheeled me into a bare, grey room with nothing in it aside from a window with blinds, a black plastic chair, and a single bed. they asked me to put on scrubs and grippy socks. they gave me an anti-anxiety medication. and then all they could do for the next 6 hours was monitor me.
once the edible and CBD oil wore off about 4 hours in, i began to feel less like i was on my deathbed. definitely, absolutely not back to normal, but better.
i'm used to full body pain, but this was something else. if you've ever wondered what it would be like to be put through a meat grinder full of salt and lemon juice while staying alive through the whole thing, i'd imagine that was pretty damn close. i'm not sure if that's caused by the serotonin syndrome itself, or if that was just my body making sure i was still alive, but by god it was not fun.
i'm ok now, but i've decided that i'm not ever going to use any cannabis products while i'm still on my current medication.
if you made it this far, thank you for reading. i do want to be clear that this is not a 'don't ever use weed!!!1!' post. this is an 'if you do use weed, please please PLEASE be aware of how it might interact with any other medication you're on, lest you end up like me' post.
so please, do NOT end up like me. be smart. do your research. it's a lot cheaper and less stressful than a visit to the ER, i promise.
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cryptidmuffin · 24 days
Born to be horizontal. Forced to be vertical
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helios-hawk · 10 months
too nauseous to eat, even more nauseous bc I don’t eat 😭 I am like that fucking guy with the boulder
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