#tenten appreciation month
wing-ed-thing · 10 months
Tenten Domestic Relationship Headcanons
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𓆃 Double income household with no kids baybeeee~
𓆃 Tenten decided a while ago that she wasn't for a life with kids, and instead, you're going to live an uber-fulfilling lives full of experiences.
𓆃 Anything that comes to mind, you have the freedom and resources to do anything you want— including that month-long backpacking trip across the Great Nations to look at rare shinobi tools for your honeymoon.
𓆃 With your duel income, it's all about the projects. With a bit of saving, Tenten got her own weapons shop, but before that, she was doing all sorts of crafting on the side.
𓆃 Metalwork, embroidery, woodwork, leatherwork... Tenten has done it all, and every time she gets into a new hobby, you buy all the necessary high quality equipment.
𓆃 She knows exactly what to get and'll seek out the right people to tell her where to get the best tools. It's not unusual for Tenten to invite herself into apprenticeships.
𓆃 Your home will be littered with all sorts of half-finished projects, and crafting materials. It's especially jarring if you or Tenten happen to be in a sewing-esque mood since your mannequins will stand in the most terrifying places for at least a few months.
𓆃 Tenten is messy in the "cluttered" sense. She will leave things lying around in an "organized chaos," but she often forgets where things are leading to you going on an apartment-wide search.
𓆃 You bond over commission work and dinners on the floor. Tenten isn't one for cooking, so if you aren't either, a good portion of your nights will end with one of you going out to grab take-away.
𓆃 It happens so often, that Tenten will just come home after patrols or mission work with your orders already.
𓆃 Sometimes, you like to trick yourselves into thinking you'll cook something. Sometimes it's fun to try new things and rate them, but it's nowhere near restaurant quality.
𓆃 More "college dorm" level, and if Tenten is involved in the kitchen at all, there's a good chance each time that the food turns out terrible and you resort to eating out.
𓆃 All of your favorite places, the employees recognize you and know your order. Tenten loves Indian food.
𓆃 Horrible joint sleep schedule. You just spend your days in the shop, crafting, and selling. And really, what more can you ask for?
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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Hello, Little one
Words: 1577
For: @shinobimagpie who demanded some cute Team Gai meeting their Sensei's newborn daughter <3 and for @alumort who deserves to see some Team Gai Love
Neji had never held a baby before. There was simply never an instance where he would need to. Even if there was a child in need of holding in his direct vicinity, Lee would usually take the job and lavish the little one with praise and comfort. 
Naturally, he assumed Lee would be the one that Gai-Sensei handed his newborn child. It only made sense and left Tenten and Neji free from the worry of accidentally hurting their Sensei’s precious little one.
He’d been wrong.
Oh so wrong.
As soon as their Sensei walked up to them he made his intentions clear. With his eyes on Neji and his whole body facing towards him, anyone could tell who would be handed the tiny fragile newborn.
Neji had attempted to redirect him. He’d even gone as far as to shove Lee in front of himself in the hopes that their Sensei would change their mind and hand his child to him.
It hadn’t worked.
As soon as he reached them Gai-sensei moved Lee out of the way with one arm and offered his child to Neji.
Now that he was cornered, Neji could only do what was expected of him. So swallowing his fears he took the tiny bundle from his Sensei and allowed the older man to instruct him on how to hold her properly.
After a bit of struggling and reassurances from all of his teammates, Neji was set.
He had a tiny newborn resting peacefully in his arms, none the wiser about what was going on around her, and both of his teammates standing on either side of him staring down at her.
“She’s so cute!” Tenten poked her tiny nose and giggled when the little one squirmed in his arms. “I do feel bad for her though. It looks like she got sensei’s eyebrows.”
Neji rolled his eyes. As always Tenten was concerning herself with things she could not change. 
“They’re the eyebrows of a proud shinobi!” Lee insisted with a passionate voice. “It means that she’ll be a great Shinobi when she gets older!”
“If that is what she wishes,” Gai-sensei said softly. A tone that would usually set Neji on edge, alerting him to some sort of danger. Today, though, it’s a relaxing sound. “For now, she’s just little.”
“She is,” Leaning against Neji’s side, Tenten smiled fondly. “Is this why you and Kakashi-sensei left for a few months?”
“Oh, right!” Lee straighten up, suddenly remembering the random disappearance of their Sensei that had set him on edge for months and almost gotten him benched from missions from Tsunade-sama. She hadn’t appreciated being hounded every day for information about their Sensei and had even thrown Lee through a wall at one point for demanding information.
Sensing a swarm of questions coming his way, Gai-sensei raised his hands in front of him and laughed. “I apologize for that,” he started, cringing when both Lee and Tenten glared at him. “Tsunade-sama took over Kakashi’s duties as Hokage for some time so that we could leave. I wanted to tell you, but Kakashi made a good point.”
“And what was that?” Tenten asked, poking their sensei in the chest.
“Well, he said that whoever we told would want to visit us. Kakashi wasn’t fond of visitors in his condition, and wanted us to have some time alone with her before we introduced her to all of our friends.”
It made sense. 
Kakashi-sensei wasn’t someone who enjoyed a lot of company, and he was in a state that Neji had no doubt he would have been uncomfortable in.
He could only imagine how relieved the Sixth Hokage was to have everything over and done with now. 
“Still,” Tenten puffed out her cheeks. “We’re your team. You should have told us something instead of just disappearing on an ‘extended mission’”
“It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve gone on a mission without telling you three,” his words earned him a glare from tenten, a rather concerned look from lee, and an unimpressed one from Neji. “What?”
“Sensei,” Neji finally spoke up, sighing when the little one in his squirmed. “You’re retired and went on your ‘mission’ with the current Hokage. I may not have agreed with Lee’s insistence for information, but it was only natural we worry about you.”
Not that their Sensei wouldn’t be able to defend himself. A permanently broken leg had done nothing to slow the man’s training and only proved to challenge him more at the end of the day. 
“Well, I'm alright,” their Sensei insisted, huffing when Tenten glared at him. “I can always take her away if you like. I still have many people to introduce her to.” 
He wasn’t sure why, but when his Sensei began to reach out for his daughter, Neji retracted away from him. Curled his arms around her a little bit tighter, careful not to squeeze her but making his desires clear.
He wasn’t ready to let go of her just yet.
“See, Sensei?” Lee spoke up, slapping a hand down on Neji’s shoulder. “You can’t leave yet. You haven’t even told us her name yet, or anything about her really. Surely you’re not going to leave before telling us how much you love her.”
Tenten snickered at his side. “Beside’s, Neji’s attached,” she grinned when her teammate glared at her, sticking out her tongue playfully. “And Lee and I haven’t even had the opportunity to hold her. You can’t leave before we all get the chance to have her in our arms.”
“As long as Lee doesn’t try to use her as a weight.” at Neji’s words, their Sensei turned his focus onto Lee. A firm look in his eyes told stories of all the things that would happen if his precious student dared to do such a reckless thing.
It was nice to see that even his favouritism towards Lee wouldn’t save the Taijutsu user from their Sensei’s wrath in this situation. 
“I’m not going to do that!” Lee insisted, holding his hands up in front of himself defensively. “I swear, Sensei. I would never use your precious child for such a thing.”
Not one of them believed him. Lee was capable of being smart and knowing what kind of things not to do, but sometimes his body reacted before his brain could clue into what was going on and suddenly he was doing something incredibly stupid even though he had promised not to.
Like the time he had told Neji, he would not, under any circumstances, get into a drinking competition with Naruto at his twentieth birthday party, only to do exactly that five minutes after they arrived at the party.
“It’s ok,” leaning over a little, Tenten poked the baby's nose once again. “I’ll make sure Lee doesn’t do anything dumb with you. If he does, Neji will give him a lecture.”
“I won’t have to,” Neji assured her, pulling the child away when she tried to poke her cheek. “Sensei will have words for him, I’m sure.”
On the other side of him, Lee deflated like a popped balloon. “I would never,” he insisted, sighing when all three of them gave him a variety of looks, each of them saying the exact same thing.
We don’t believe you.
“That doesn’t matter anyways,” Neji assured his teammate, returning his focus to the child laying in his arms. “Neither you nor Tenten will be holding her.”
“Neji, that’s not fair!”
            Ignoring his teammates, Neji focused his full attention on the child in his arms, a small smile tugging at the edge of his lips when he notices her eyes fluttering open. “Good morning.” he greeted her with a soft voice, rolling his eyes when Tenten gasped.
“N-Neji?” Lee stepped in front of him and placed a hand against his cheek. “Are you ill?”
“No!” Taking a step back, he glared at his teammate. “Why would you think that?”
“Mmm, It does seem odd,” their Sensei spoke up, placing his forefinger against his chin and peering down at Neji. “I can’t recall a time where you have ever spoken so…”
“Tenderly?” Tenten supplied with a snicker.
“Gently?” Lee added.
“Fondly,” Gai-sensei’s eyes shone with joy. “It seems clear. I should have known, of course. You were always such a good big brother to Hinata after you reconciled your differences.”
Neji could feel his cheeks heating up at the mention of his relationship with his cousin. “Well,” clearing his throat, he straightened himself up. Returning to the calm, confident man that his teammates knew. “Someone has to be a good example to her.”
Lee and Tenten started arguing immediately. Stating all of the ways that they would be better role models to their Sensei’s daughter than Neji could ever be. 
He didn’t pay them any attention. Instead, he focused on his Sensei. The man who had helped him through some of the most difficult moments of his life. Who had stood behind him and pushed him forward no matter how much his anger consumed him, always providing a safe place for him to go if he ever needed it.
“Nakano,” his Sensei spoke slowly, grinning when all three of his students stared at him with bright, wide eyes. “Her name is Nakano.”
Neji couldn’t help but chuckle at that. 
“Nakano,” he looked back down at her, offering a tender smile when she reached out a tiny hand towards him. “A perfect name.”
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sociieties · 1 year
@bloomingtalent said: 5 (for Menma)
one. she slapped him. they were ten or so and he hadn’t said anything about it at all. the slap wasn’t for him, but for sasuke, instead. uchiha had said something about hyuga and when things went from bad to worse, menma, had gotten the worst of it. hinata was already well on her way to hit sasuke but at the last possible moment, sasuke moved out of the way, suddenly using menma as a shield as he knew that hinata wouldn’t hit him. not menma. everyone else knew it, too. only she did. she had slapped him hard and the sound of impact rippled through the small group before sasuke erupted into a fit of laughter and hinata panicked. it wasn’t meant for him, but the sasuke-intended slap was the talk of the village for the next few days. menma’s face hurt for about five minutes and just that fast, he’d been over it.
two. it’s the first time that he’s seen hinata since things began to change for him. first time since repeatedly broken bones and burnt-blistered skin from chakra that didn’t quite agree with him. the first time since blond hair turned charcoal black and fading whiskers return with a vengeance. he didn’t really expect her to be so understanding, thought she’d be more upset with him vanishing for months upon months just to return for a mission for to vanish again. if she found out that he went and saw other people before her — no, menma didn’t think about that too much. he didn’t have to worry about it when he finally did see her again; they’re out at the park, she’s standing underneath the street light and he’s walking up to her. he’s late and menma’s never late. never. exhausted / late. but he’s here and while he can see her worry begin to peak through the low levels of anger she held onto as a pitiful attempt to cover up just how worried she’d been, he can’t explain it yet. he apologizes for his lateness and instead of giving an excuse, he stands in front of her with his head rested against her shoulder and when his eyes close, the world goes silent. they stay that way for nearly twenty minutes before they go their separate ways. they’re thirteen.
three. one year later and he’s back for good. he’s returned to them for good, having finally finished his training. he hadn’t explained anything to anyone yet and for the meantime, he’s planning on keeping it to himself. maybe tomorrow he’ll open up about it but for now, he’s appreciating how no one is really pushing everything. they’re all supposed to meet up today, something said about a celebration of menma’s official return and while everyone knows that menma doesn’t like big things, they’d gone and done it anyway. big in the sense of banding together and clearing out a portion of his favorite restaurant. menma, however, doesn’t learn this until he actually makes it there, the last to arrive as everyone else came earlier to get things ready. he enters and the moments he hears the sound of something pop! beside him, he’s already turning on his heels to go. streamers fly and stupid little party horns are being blown and menma’s not up for any of it. hinata tries to keep him from leaving, grabbing at his wrist just for him to shake his head and walk off anyway. it’s a nice gesture, it’s just not what he wanted.
four. there’s some promise made to her. it’s made in secret, behind closed door and covered windows. something whispered to her after she’s upset with sakura / ino / tenten again for menma spending his time with someone who wasn’t her. they’re not dating, but hinata’s all but claimed him anyway. everyone’s already known that menma was hinata’s anyway, they’ve known it for years. he’s sure the others have talked about it for years. hinata is menma’s, too, as had it been anyone else getting upset about who he spends his time with, he wouldn’t even give them a second glance. they’re not together, but they’re one another’s. secret turned promise is mentioned again when menma’s removed hinata from the situation — today, it was ino — and when he gets her alone, his hand goes into hers. she’s got no reason to worry about anyone else.
five. it wasn’t supposed to happen this way. not with menma blacking out and hinata being there. she wasn’t even supposed to be there. she wasn’t supposed to get hurt. he didn’t meant to hurt her. never her. that’s what he’s thought about during the entire trip back / what he’s been dwelling on when they’re back to konoha and both sent to the hospital. despite menma being the one left worse for wear, he’s the first to leave his room, only having his uzumaki genetics and the very kyuubi chakra that had caused the issue to thank. he pays no mind to how he’s told he should be resting, too, stubbornly finding his way to hinata’s hospital room the moment he was up and walking. no mind to all the bandages around him, never mind how there’s still blood in his eyes and his bones are screaming at him. it’s been a while since he’s felt the backlash of kurama and that’s how he knows that something went very, very wrong. he’s deal with that later, though. for now, he settles at hinata’s bedside, silent as he lingers while she lays there. she’s sleeping, so he’s quiet. it doesn’t stop him from messing with her hair, bandaged fingers gently brushing bangs away from her forehead before he leans in and presses his lips to the very spot he’d just cleared. he apologizes. he leaves.
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punk-pandame · 1 year
thought i'd give a general update on what i'm up to. haven't been posting a lot lately- being sick and tired tends to limit productivity after all lol- but that doesn't mean i stopped writing or drawing! i've been working on bits and pieces of a lot of things when i have the time and energy. i am still drawing or writing something for everyone who's helped with nova's vet bills at a slow and steady pace while i deal with some health setbacks. thank you all for your patience and generosity. it's appreciated more than you know and we're getting closer to paying it off!
a few people have asked for process pics/videos, and lemme tell ya, i *tried* okay XD i tried to do like a process video but it stressed me out so much i couldn't draw, and stopping to take screenshots or videos as i go along really throws me off my rhythm. so right now, this sketch practice page is about as close as we're getting to a process from me. if you bounce around the page, you can tell for the most part what i drew first and what i drew later; the later stuff is way better (peep that old man asume at the bottom as an example lol, i'm so proud of him). the point of this one was just to get used to a new brush and figure out what i want various styles to look like, from super cartoony to more realistic.
[ID: a greyscale sketch page by Punky. The character faces featured, from left top to bottom right: Iruka, Kushina, Chouji, Temari, Kurotsuchi, Hinata, a teenage Shizune, a teenage Kisame, a sickly Nagato, Orochimaru with a snake tongue, a black Shikamaru, an older Konan, Tenten, an older Anko, Tsume, Itachi, Genma, Shikaku, Ino, an older Ssume, Yamato, Shino, and Kurenai. Random objects also pictured are: Kakashi's Icha Icha Paradise book, a scroll, dango, a fan, a shuriken, Zabuza's Executioner's Blade, Sasuke's sword, and a piece of narutomaki. End ID]
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monthly recaps have als fallen to the wayside for a while now (sorry!), so i wanted to share with you all my goals for 2023 instead:
- draw a comic: i've always loved comics but never actually learned how to draw them, so i've been reading tutorials artists i follow have put out over the years and learning more about comics in general.i think they're a valuable form of art, and would be a perfect way for me to mesh some of the stories i'd like to tell with scenes i want to draw. hence sketch practice
- start including fanart with my fics: this is likely going to be partially dependent on what i'm learning about drawing comics, but also provides an opportunity to throw in the kinds of pieces i already do. i'm already fixating on the writing, may as well include art, right XD
- finish louboutins. we are so close to the finish line besties i just don't wanna deal with emotions right now hahaha. i only got like two chapters left for it, and the emotions will be resolved i promise!
- get to the chuunin exams arc in tto1us
- start updating 1-800-FAKE-NUMBER again
- yes i'm insane and i'm doing kinktober again for 2023 BUT not 31 individual fics like. half that at *most*. i'm not gonna overdo it and it's all gonna be silly rarepairs. more details in a few months.
- that big art project i wanted to finish in 2022 didn't pan out but i'm not giving up! hoping to finish by the end of this year and have it ready for 2024, but if not, push it another year. i'll release more details if i manage to get close but i am promising nothing lol
-if the inspiration is there, do some more high school series drawings that i never finished.
i hope you're all well. i have not forgotten about you all. i love you, and thank you for your continued support even through the silence <3
be the first to get updates and see new stuff, view exclusive ficlets and drawings, request commissions, and more on my patreon and buymeacoffee!
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gracie-buns · 6 years
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NEJITEN | You taste like sunshine and berries
Neji hugs a Tenten, I hug a Tenten, YOU hug a Tenten, EVERYBODY hugs a Tenten coz she’s a BAMF kunoichi, she’s awesome and I love her!
hanabi at the backround be like: NEJI AND TENTEN SITTING UNDER A TREE!!! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!!
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needdl · 6 years
Tenten Appreciation Month Week Three: 2018
“The eye black had smeared down the curves of her cheekbones, and her bangs were slick with sweat, but the look of sheer exaltation in her eyes meant far more to him than anything else.“
Part of a Naruto softball AU
FFN and AO3  
Tenten, Neji thought to himself, had grown up.
He watched her lead the team in warm ups, body curving in a graceful arch as she stretched. She’d always possessed a certain fluidity in her movements, but to see her now was to see her where she was most captivating.
She was standing now, chatting with Sakura as the rest of the players followed her lead. Tenten paused in her conversation, giving directions. The girls started doing lunges down the first base line. Tenten’s back was to him, and he allowed himself to appreciate her figure.
Definitely grown up.
After the game, Tenten came to meet him, face flushed.
“Hey!” She beamed up at him. The eye black had smeared down the curves of her cheekbones, and her bangs were slick with sweat, but the look of sheer exaltation in her eyes meant far more to him.
“It was a good game,” Neji said quietly, eyes intent.
“It was a great game. We really had to fight ‘em for the win. Too bad Hinata wasn’t here for this one, she would’ve been great for that play at third when the runner tried to steal.”
He shrugged blandly. Like he would know.
She grinned at him, catching his train of thought. “Right. Let me go wrap up in the dugout, then I’ll meet you back out here.”
“All right.” He watched her jog back towards the team, high-fiving a few of them as she went to get her bag.
“Neji Hyūga, you are infatuated.”
Slightly taken aback, he turned towards the voice. Ino Yamanaka stood with her hands on her hips, smirking wickedly as she appraised him.
“Hello, Ino.”
She waved her hand dismissively. “Yeah yeah, hi. Anyway. You’ve been staring at Tenten for the entire game.”
He kept his face carefully blank. “I see.”
She searched his face for a few seconds, then scowled. “God. You’re giving me nothing. Make facial expressions like a normal person.”
“This is a normal human expression.”
“See, that’s what an alien would say as it tries to imitate a human. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes, E.T.”
Neji smiled a little at that, despite himself.
“Ino!” Sakura collided into her friend, one leg guard still on. “Sai’s waiting to drive you home, so maybe if your stupid face would get done here- oh. Hi, Neji.” She noticed him standing in front of Ino and flushed with embarrassment. Awkwardly she tugged at the leg guard. “Here for Tenten?”
“Of course he is, Forehead.” Ino tossed back her hair imperiously. “They can’t be separated for more than a few hours, you know that.”
Fortunately, Tenten herself arrived before either Sakura or Neji could respond. “Hey! Great game, guys!”
“You too!” They chorused back, then grinned at each other.
Tenten seemed to read some of the impatience beginning to bleed into Neji’s expression. She hoisted her bag more firmly over her shoulder, then called “See you at practice!” over her shoulder to her teammates as she began walking towards the parking lot. Neji caught up in a few strides. “Don’t you need to get changed?”
“My uniform needs a wash anyway, and I’m fine with keeping my clothes in my locker for the weekend.” She turned to him with a bright smile. “I seem to recall you promising ice cream.”
He reached out and knitted his fingers through hers, guiding her towards his car. “I suppose I did.”
Their ice cream excursion was a success, Neji decided. Between bites, Tenten had chattered animatedly on about this play and that pitch, the strengths she had seen highlighted in her teammates, her hopes for the rest of the season. He remained reticent, commenting only when he had something significant to add.
For the most part he watched her as she worked off her post-game energy. She was still filled with adrenaline, practically bouncing in her seat as she waved her hands through the air to emphasize a particular point. The only time she paused was to eat, first her ice cream and then the actual meal he had purchased for her.
(Much to her initial protests- but he knew she was hungry, and he liked doing things for her, rarely though she let him.)
Finally they had wrapped up, and headed back to the parking lot. By then Tenten was winding down, and leaned against his side as dug out his keys.
“Is Hanabi home alone?” She asked suddenly.
“No,” he replied, opening the passenger door for her. “She’s sleeping over at Moegi’s house.”
Tenten hummed thoughtfully as she entered the car. As he settled in next to her, he felt her eyes on him. He turned to her questioningly. “What is it?”
She gave him a languid smile. “So you have the house to yourself tonight.”
Neji stared at her a few moments, discerning what she meant. Finally he tilted his head a few degrees and stared into her eyes. “I do.”
As usual, the intensity in his gaze brought a flush to her cheeks and she quickly averted her eyes. “Um.” She coughed a little, and he smirked. “So do you want some company?”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” He kept his eyes trained on her face, knowing she could feel his gaze. Her skin reddened even more.
Eventually she mustered her voice again, and muttered “Okay, so just let me drop off my bag at home and rinse off, and then-”
“You could shower at my house.” His quiet invitation startled her into finally looking into his eyes. Whatever she saw there made her bite her lip. It fascinated him.
“You sure?”
“Quite. I have clothes that will fit you.” He paused, considering, and added, “If you even need them.”
She eeped and buried her face in her hands. “God, Neji!”
He grinned. “You started it.”
“Okay, yeah, maybe, but you really didn’t need to- to be so blatant-”
He chuckled as he turned the ignition on. “But you like it when I’m blatant-”
“Neji!” She screeched and wound her fingers into her hair. “Stop it!”
“I haven’t any idea what you mean, Tenten.”
“Ohhhhh nooo, Ino was right, I’ve turned you into a pervert-”
“I’m sorry, precisely what does Ino know about what goes on between us?”
“Okay, no, you don’t to be scandalized now, Hyūga, considering what you were saying not even a minute ago.”
“I think I’m allowed to be discrete about relations with my romantic partner if I so wish, Tenten.”
She laughed. “You sound so stuffy.”
“That’s hardly-”
“And Ino doesn’t know anything concrete about us, you worrywart. She’s just constantly ribbing me about how you stare at me during softball.”
He was silent. Tenten turned to him with an expectant look. “Well? Anything to add to that?”
Finally, Neji gave a miniscule shrug in defeat. “Softball pants look good on you.”
“You wanted me to say something, so I did. You have no reason to be upset now.”
Tenten was obviously refreshed by her shower, and true to his word, Neji had provided her with a set of sleepwear. He truly did not plan on her wearing it for long, but a deal was a deal.
They were sprawled together on the couch now, Tenten’s head in the crook of his neck as he absently ran his hands through her damp hair. They were watching a sci-fi thriller, but neither was paying too close attention. Neji’s mind was on the warm heap of girl pressed to his skin. Based on the shortness of her breath and the curl of her hand against his ribcage, she was of a similar mentality.
Eventually, she raised her chin to press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. He turned his gaze to her, and she took the opportunity to mold her mouth to his. He slid his hands down from her shoulder blades to rest just above her knees. She shivered slightly at the movement, and Neji smirked against her mouth.
“We should go to my room,” he murmured. Tenten nodded, scraping her nails against his chest briefly as she sat up. He shifted his hands to her waist and followed her ascent, pressing his lips against the hollow of her throat.
Tenten stilled at the sensation, then tilted her head back slightly. He grazed his teeth up her throat, then pulled away and nudged her to her feet.
She paused, one hand tracing his collarbone as she glanced around at the array of blankets and cushions strewn around the still-lit television. Catching her train of thought, he grinned to himself. God forbid that they leave this mess as it was.
Sure enough, she slid back from him and scooped up a blanket. “Go put the pillows back,” she ordered, tucking it under her chin to fold it. Obediently, he began placing the cushions back on the couch. He watched out of the corner of his eye as she struggled with the blanket. Finally, she huffed in irritation and tossed one end to him.
They folded the rest of the blankets together, then Tenten snapped. “Great.” She wrapped her hand around his wrist and tugged him after her. “Let’s get going then.”
Neji smirked and repositioned his hand so it was twined with hers. “If you insist.”
“Don’t get smug about this, Hyūga. As if you aren’t just as impatient.”
“The evidence suggests otherwise.”
Tenten whirled around and pinned him to the wall by the staircase, one resting on the wall by his hip and the other fisting his shirt. Her eyes bored into his, and he swallowed at the intent in them. The tables had been turned quite abruptly, and he found he rather liked it.
“The evidence suggests that if you don’t get your cock in me soon, then I’m going to take things into my own hands.”
He stared at her, lips parted and face flushing. She smirked up at him, then casually leaned forward to mouth at the skin underneath his jaw. Neji inhaled sharply and unconsciously tilted his head back, reaching out to clench her hips in his hands.
Tenten slipped her hands underneath his shirt, running her nails over his stomach muscles. Despite himself, he moaned at the sensation, and she positively radiated triumph. Her hand lifted from his shirt to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck, and she drew his head down to slide his bottom lip between hers.
In the next seconds, he pushed her away and hoisted her off her feet as he began walking her backwards toward the stairs. Tenten let out a shriek of semi-startled laughter and swatted at his shoulders. “Neji!”
He turned her around so she could walk up the steps. “Let’s continue, Ms. Huáng. We have a few hours to fill.”
“A few hours? Really?” She turned around and grinned at him. “Well, I hope you deliver on that.”
Neji huffed indignantly as he met her on her step, one hand moving to rest on the small of her back. “Good to see you have such faith in me, Tennie.” He nudged her forwards again and she finally complied, sauntering her way up the steps and to his room. “Let’s table all further discussion, shall we?”
“What, not feeling talkative?”
He reached down and squeezed the backside that he had so admired earlier. Tenten’s breath caught a bit in her throat, he noticed interestedly, and she stared up at him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. Neji was careful to keep his face inscrutable.
He straightened up and walked into his room, leaving the door open in clear invitation. He heard Tenten whisper “Fuck,” and she burst through the door frame a few moments later, shirt already half-off and stumbling a little bit. The sight made him stifle a laugh.
She heard him. “Shut up, Neji!” She finally succeeded in yanking the shirt over her head and whipped it in his general direction. He caught it and deposited it on his dresser. When he turned back to her, Tenten was walking towards him with steely intent in her eye wearing nothing but a pair of boyshorts.
Neji watched her approach, face blank as she shoved him onto the bed and swung her legs across his hips. She caught his expression and tilted her head. “Don’t pretend to be calm now, babe. I can feel that.” She rocked her hips down and smirked when he sucked in a breath through his teeth, his hands flying up to grip tightly at her hips.
“So now that we’re on the same page,” Tenten drawled, still moving her hips on top of his, “Let’s actually get things started, hm?”
“I am started,” Neji promised her solemnly. “Very much so.”
“You’re such a dork.” She began unbuttoning his shirt, smoothing over his exposed skin with her fingertips as she did. Neji willed himself not to shiver.
When he was stripped down to his briefs, she finally leaned down to kiss him again. The slide of her open mouth, hot and sensual against his, made him groan and tug her close to his skin. He skimmed his hands up to rest on her shoulder blades, softly entangling the tips of his fingers in her hair where it spilled like dark honey onto her back.
Tenten’s form shifted on top of him, twining one leg with his as she moved to lay her entire torso on him. She drew her lips away. “Can you still breathe like this?”
“Yes,” Neji muttered absently, craning his neck to catch her mouth with his again.
“Are you sure? What if I do this?” She wiggled a little, settling in. “Now can you breathe?” He caught the playful glint in her eye and mentally sighed.
He rolled her onto her back, kissing her on the nose as she grinned up at him, snickering at her own joke. “You’re dumb.”
Neji ignored her, using his new position to admire her form. Absently he ran his fingers down the side of her ribs.
“You’re not staring at my farmer’s tan, are you?” Tenten grinned up at him, moving her feet to rest beside his calves as she did so. Long hours in the sun during softball practice and cross-country had left her with shimmering bronzed skin on her neck, upper back, collarbone, and arms. The rest of her (he was very pleased to realize that he could in fact confirm that it was the rest of her) was a few tints paler, with a clear divide between the tones.
“I think your farmer’s tan is very sexy, Tenten.” He leaned down to kiss the spot on her chest where her tan ended, then continued to trail his lips along the curve of her breast. She inhaled sharply, hands flying up to dig into his shoulder.
He continued to mouth at her skin, his hands shifting to rest on her ribcage. He followed her sternum down until his mouth was just above her belly button. Neji paused a moment, considering, before he nipped at the skin.
Tenten startled a little, but gave him a breathless “I’m fine” when he looked at her questioningly.
Neji had reached the stretch of skin just above her boy shorts now. Feeling daring, he ran his tongue along the edge.
Above him, Tenten threw back her head and let out a soft moan, hands clenching at his bedsheets. He paused at the reaction, contemplating, before licking his lips.
“Hm? Neji?” Her voice, raw and breathy, was the sexiest damn thing he’d ever heard. He took a moment to recollect himself before voicing his thoughts.
“Would you be comfortable with me going down on you?”
Tenten jerked up, wide-eyed and flustered. “What? Wait, what?”
“I’d like to try it,” he confessed. Admittedly, he had become distracted again when she sat up as he watched her… figure… move.
She saw his line of sight and snorted a little. “Thought you were an ass man.”
“I’m a Tenten man.”
“I’m already having sex with you, you don’t have to sweet-talk me.”
Neji raised his eyes to meet hers. “So are you?”
She bit her lip in thought. “I mean, yes, I guess I’m just- not prepared? Give me a sec.” She disentangled herself and trotted towards his bathroom. He stared after her for a few seconds, entranced, before mentally shaking himself and shifting to rest his back against his bed.
Tenten came out of the bathroom a few minutes later. “Alright, I think I’m good-” Neji stopped listening the second he looked at her. She had removed the boy shorts, evidently figuring they would become redundant anyway, and was walking briskly past him to set them next to where he’d placed her shirt.
Neji immediately stood up to follow her path. When she turned back around, he was a step behind her, staring her down intensely and reaching for her waist. “What the hell, Neji, what are you-”
He drew her close and kissed her hard, tilting her entire body back as he did so. When he pulled away a few seconds later, she was breathing hard and her lips were crimson. Neji pressed his forehead to hers and stared into her eyes. “Go lie back on the bed with your knees over the edge.”
She stared back at him, looking a little dazed, but turned around and complied. He sank down to his knees in front of her, cupping her calves in his hand and sliding them over his shoulders.
Tenten let out a sharp breath. “Okay, so now. This is happening right now.”
“Ideally, yes,” he murmured, pressing slow kisses up her right thigh. Her heels dug sharply into his mid-back, and out of the corner of his eye her saw her hands fist the bedspread.
Neji looked her in the eye seriously, flexing his hands on her legs in a way that hopefully came across as sensual but in actuality was sheer nerves. “You’re sure you’re comfortable with this, Tenten?”
She propped herself up on her elbows to see him better and gave him a sweet smile. “I’m sure.”
Neji dropped Tenten back off at her home on his way to get Hanabi the next morning. She hopped out of his car and walked to the trunk to grab her bag. Neji watched her in the rearview mirror, smirking a little at the way she was walking.
She paused by his open window, pressing a kiss to his mouth. “Thanks for the ride.”
They grinned at each other at the double entendre, before Tenten kissed him again and  straightened back up. “See you Monday.”
“Bye. Love you!”
They both stopped short for a moment, before Tenten muttered “Son of a bitch!” and booked it towards her house. He stared, agape, at her retreating figure, before snapping to attention and calling after her, “Tenten! Wait!”
“Nope! Bye!”
“Tenten! I love you too!”
She turned around and beamed at him. “That’s great but I’m still feeling flustered so I’m going inside now!” The door slammed shut behind her.
Neji rested his forehead against the steering wheel and fought back a grin.
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heroineofcolor · 6 years
Hushed Insanity
Week Two - Insanity/ 67%
Sorry guys I am late but I am here :)
Tenten turned the shower off and reached out for her towel. She just came back from a mission which didn’t went too well. They had casualties and Tenten got poisoned due too he fact that their informant hadn’t been honest. Neji had to beat the truth out of him which was part of the reason for the almost failed mission. Fortunately, they kind of made it and brought a wanted criminal and stolen records back to Sabaku no Gaara – the Kazekage. Their team reported their case dutifully to Gaara while Tenten got a checkup in the medical station. Afterwards Lee and Neji checked up on her and told them that they were leaving in two days. The usual. Tenten wasn’t worried about that she was more worried about the things that were coming. Later the guards of the Kazekage had picked her up from the medical station and escorted her to her assigned room in the Kazekage building.
She took a long hot shower, toweled herself dry and used some light scented lotion which was especially put there for her. Sighing she left the bathroom and froze. Gaara sat on the bed and stared right at her. Tenten blushed and clinged to her towel which was the only thing that covered her.
The Kazekages gaze rested upon her. He seemed calm and collected but Tenten could see a shine in his eyes what told her that he was irritated. „Your mission. “ He started to speak in a calm manner and got up from the bed. „Was a disaster.“ He walked right up to her until he was millimeters apart from her. Tenten could feel his warmth and she knew he must hear her heart beating fast. She knew that she didn’t have to be afraid of him and she wasn’t. Actually she got excited.
It was a known fact that the Kazekage fell in love with a kunoichi from Konohagakure. At first it caused an uproar especially with the Daimyo of the land of wind. The Daimyo was disgusted and threatened with sanctions and consequences of massive proportions. Temari and Kankuro were worried and tried to talk to Gaara about his interest for her. Even Naruto the seventh Hokage tried to coerce Gaara into a simpler option. But Gaara did not want to talk about it or be forced to decide different.
Because this love he felt for that kunoichi had not been love at first sight. And for sure not love at the second sight but after the war and even a few years later, she walked past Shikamaru, Temari and him. She shared a few kind words with Temari and Shikamaru and smiled at him. And Gaara realized her beauty and charm. Months later he saw her perform for the academy students in Suna. Performing flawlessly and promoting her little weapons shop afterwards had been impressive and amusing. Gaara realized her ambition. What sealed the deal for Gaara was fate because on one of his night walks he met her by accident. Talking to her made him realize that she must be the one.  
Making her realize his love for her had been a story of its own. Gaara visited Konoha so often that Sunagakures shinobi got worried. He slept even less and he only managed to eat when she agreed to a dinner date. Dating in secret was a game he never wants to repeat again since everyone knew him and many people in Konoha knew her. The weapon mistress and the Kazekage. Rumors tore up the easy life in Konoha.
In the end Gaara got what he wanted before she could drive him insane by denying her own growing feelings for him. Still Tenten wouldn’t move to Suna so they only saw each other when she had missions for Suna or he visits Konoha. Gaara knew very well that she took on any mission which was connected to Suna. Just to see him. Sometimes he wondered why and if it was okay for her. But she only giggled and rolled her eyes at him.
“We had a deal, Tenten.”, he murmured with a low voice. A shiver went down her back while her eyes and thoughts were mesmerized from his beautiful turquoise eyes. “You will never get yourself hurt and therefore you get to stay in Konoha.”
Tenten wanted to say something to defend her actions but she didn’t know how. It was just a second in which she hadn’t been careful. That was the second in which the senbon hit her lower back. Thankfully Neji saved her with herbs and some chakra infusion. “It was an accident.”
“You said your teammates would protect you.”
“They did.”
“They did a bad job.”
“Gaara!” Her blush on her face receded a bit and she took a step back to look at him. “I am not a child. You know I hate it when you treat me like this! As a kunoichi I serve Konoha.” Even though she was excited as hell she was angry too. How dare he to shame her and her team like this. Neji und Lee were here teammates and not her bodyguards. They had a mission to accomplish and Team Gai doesn’t do failures.
“You may be a shinobi of Konoha but you are also my lover! Your death will drive me into insanity.” His voice was cold but his eyes stayed heated and pierced into her head. “So just…” He stopped and the eye contact broke. His eyes started to falter and his hands formed fists. With a deep breath he looked at her and touched her cheek. “Just be careful.”
Tenten swallowed as Gaara stepped towards her. His head lowered itself a bit until his lips caressed hers. At first Tenten considered to reject him but having him this close always clouded her judgement. Kissing him back she had to open her lips right away because Gaara never played games. A few seconds into the kiss and Tenten could feel Gaara pulling roughly at her towel which fell to the ground immediately. His hands wandered down her body and caressed her breasts in a caring way. His other hand went down her stomach and grabbed her hip. Deepening the kiss, he pulled her into his body. So much closer that there was no room between her bare skin and his Suna clothes. Her arms circled around his neck and his warm tongue played games with hers. She was a bit tired from the mission but she didn’t saw Gaara as often as other couples saw each other. Every second were of meaning. They couldn’t waste their time with fights or childish behavior. They had to make each second count.
That’s why she didn’t say anything when he laid her onto the bed or touched her between her legs until she could only moan into the kiss. “Ga…aara!”
“Hush.” He commanded and added a second finger into her. He moved them slow and grinded them against her walls. With his thumb he stimulated her clitoris. Tenten tried to stay quiet and kept her eyes shut while she enjoyed the sensations Gaara made her feel. Gaaras other hand moved to her breast and massaged them passionately while he started to kiss her again. With his tongue he mimicked the movements of his fingers.
Things heated up and Tenten didn’t know where the feelings were the most intense. Everything was too much. Her hands moved to Gaaras shoulders and another surge of arousal went through her entire body when she felt that he was still fully clothed. Unlike her.
Tenten moved her face away from the kiss and breathed hard. “Gaara.” A squeal left her lips as he pulled her nipples. “I’m…”
“Tell me, Ten. How close are you?”
Tenten flinched and her grip on Gaaras shoulders got firmer. He knew very well how close she was. “Gaara, don’t… don’t….”
“I know. But I must.”, he whispered and kissed her jaw down her neck. His hand left her breast and caressed her body down to her hips. His movements in her got slower. “Please please please please…”, she begged but with a last kiss to her pulse. Gaaras slipped his finger out of her and got off her. Tenten sobbed with the loss of her lover but hid her face in her hands. Gaara watched her shaking flushed body and her damp thighs. He started to take off his clothes and threw them into the general direction where he left his gourd. “Are you alright?”, he asked her. She didn’t answer him and she didn’t move.
“Tenten.” With all his clothes gone he stood in front of the bed his gaze lingering on her sinfully body. “Look at me.”
Slowly she moved her hands from her face and her blush increased as she saw Gaaras naked form. He was fully erect with his glistening manhood standing up proudly however his face showed no sign of arousal. Although his eyes burned a searing passion into her body. “I asked you to be careful and I will not ask again.” Grabbing her legs, he pulled her to the edge of the bed and got between her spread thighs. “I have to give you a taste of insanity, Ten. So, you never even consider making me go down this road.”
His mouth got dangerously close to her hottest spot on her body. It was the place where she craved him the most. The place on her body where she needed him the most. But here he is – punishing her.
“Gaara…” her voice was raspy and her thighs trembled a little bit. Gaara shoved her legs on his shoulders and kissed her hot glistening folds. “Gaara!”
Team Gai stood in front of the Kazekage to receive a message for their Hokage Naruto Uzumaki. Neji und Lee were well rested and ready to leave Suna. The two shinobis had trained and tried out plenty new restaurants. They had been able to rest very well in these two days unlike their teammate.
Tenten had a light blush on her cheeks and her chakra signature flickered. Neji tried to ask her if she was alright but she only blushed more and told him not to worry. In front of the Kazekage Tenten seemed to be even more agitated.
“Give Naruto this scroll with information and my apologies for this idiotic informant. I took care of him yesterday.” Gaara said and handed Neji the scroll. “You did well even though there were…” His eyes wandered to Tenten. “…problems.” The kunoichi looked at him with shrewd eyes and tried to stay calm and professional in front of her teammates.
“Thank you very much and have a save journey.” Gaara dismissed them with these words.
They bowed and were about to leave when Tenten stopped. “You guys can wait at the gate. Temari asked me to give Gaara-sama something.” Lee nodded and gave her a nice guy pose while Neji tried to not make a face at her. Not many people knew of her relationship to the Kazekage but Neji did and he assumed her behavior was linked to her love life.
Tenten locked the door after Neji and Lee left and turned with a heated gaze to Gaara. The Kazekage watched her with a raised brow. His pose was relaxed in his big chair and his demeanor was calm as always. “Can I help you, Tenten-san?” Slight amusement could be heard.
“Cut the crap, Gaara and finish this.”, she hissed with a few threatening steps toward him. Gaara looked at her fuming appearance she seemed to be distressed. She was distracted. Her thoughts circled around one thing. She was focused enough to send her teammates away but she forgot about the Kazekage guards. Or maybe she just didn’t care about them. Not anymore. Well it looks like Gaara accomplished his own small mission. “The second night was just cruel!” she almost whined.
Gaara smiled, denying her the climax so many times hadn’t been easy on him either. Maybe exaggerated last night. When he had to leave last night she almost cried while begging him to finish it. Except for the fact that he liked his game – she seemed to enjoy it too. Otherwise she would’ve got her orgasm on her own. Still she didn’t. She played along and Gaara loved it. “It was only cruel because I took satisfaction in the fact that I killed that foolish informant.” Gaara stated and got up from his chair and walked around his big desk.
“Fine.” She swallowed. “However, would you let me leave like this?” She inquired with big teary eyes. He walked up to her and touched her warm cheeks. “Never. Would you leave me?” Shaking her head to hard but making clear that she knew that he wasn’t talking about leaving Suna. He was talking about dying on a mission. “No.”
“Don’t let me go down the road of insanity, Tenten. I love you too much.”
With these words he sealed the windows of his office with sand and finished what he started.
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effeminateboyninja · 3 years
♡ konoha 11 wedding hcs pt. 2 ♡
+ kakashi
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she makes a reservation at your guys' favourite restaurant, and the staff are all in on it because she wants it to be perfect. when you arrive the table has flowers and candles
at the end of the meal she orders a desert for you two to share and at first you don't notice the flash of gold on top the small cake, you're too busy staring at her. but when she finally points it out you throw yourself across the table to hug her, accidentally getting some icing on your shirt, "yes, yes! I do!"
glamorous and classy summer wedding! instead of one person waiting at the end of the aisle, you decided to enter from opposite sides and then walk up together, hand in hand, and she doesn't let you go until the ceremony is over. you invite everyone you know and throw a huge party for your reception!
your song: at last by etta james
he debates for a long time whether he should even propose. i mean, do you really need a piece of paper to love each other for the rest of your lives? but he knows you'd appreciate the symbolism. and if he figures if he's gonna do it he might as well come up with a plan, but the day comes and nothing is working out as he had imagined
you end up loving every bit anyway though. then he gets down on one knee after one too many mishaps and says, "(y/n), I'm sorry today wasn't perfect, but I think you are. marry me?" but you thought it was perfect the whole time anyway, "of course!"
you guys elope one bright, spring day. he's not one for a big wedding and you don't care as long as you're marrying him. it's just you two and the officiant, surrounded by the trees of nara forest, and it couldn't be more perfect. when you guys get back from your honeymoon you have a reception to celebrate with all your friends
your song: dead sea by the lumineers
gets shikamaru to help him plan the proposal, and he's really nervous but he knows how much you love him. he really wants to make it personal and not generic, he knows you'd expect him to propose at a restaurant
so he decides to make a gourmet meal for you himself at home! you walk into your apartment to the smell of delicious food and find him sitting at the table waiting for you, that adorable smile on his face. he kneels and asks you to marry him, and you enjoy your meal as a newly engaged couple
big wedding!! Ino does florals of course and they're perfect. Choji is such a sweetheart i feel like he wants everyone to be there. he does not hold back when he sees you, you're just so perfect and he's not afraid to show it so he's beaming and let's those tears flow with pride
your song: lucky by jason mraz and colbie caillet
he knows for a long time that he's wanted to marry you, but he's also a naturally hesitant person when it comes to this sort of thing so he considers it for a long time before he decides to make his move
one day he wakes up beside you and he just knows its time, so he talks for a walk to a scenic pond, and everything is going perfect - until it starts pouring. but he's not giving up, so he gets on one knee and looks up at you with his long hair stuck to his face from the rain (*swoon*) and asks for your hand in marriage
(yes he says it like that, he's cute n traditional ok??)
anyway, a romantic, private wedding where you two can really express your feelings for one another. it takes place in the morning instead of the evening so the sun is rising above you while you say your vows and the way the morning light hits his face he you can't believe he's your husband
your song: till kingdom come by coldplay
you guys both got rings for each other and have been carrying them around for months because you share a braincell. and one day you're walking through the village together and she's looking at your gorgeous face laugh at something she said and she's like, this is it
so she gets down on one knee. and you just start... laughing more? and at first she's so scared but then she sees you pull the ring from your own pocket and get down on your knee as well. then she throws her arms around you joining in your laughter, "I love you so much ."
whimsical, midsummers night dream type summer wedding. your guys' ceremony is super personalized and non-traditional, everyone has so much fun at the reception that people are talking about it for weeks after
your song: you and i by ingrid michaelson
first person he tells when he knows he's going to ask you is Gai of course, and he's so happy so him he cries. goes all out for the proposal, i feel like he's the type to do something wild and extravagant because he just thinks you deserve the world
we're talking this man tried to spell it out in the sky but due to some logistic issues he had to "settle" for a perfectly planned proposal in front of all your friends along with a pre-schedule professional photographer. he thought of everything.
spring wedding under the cherry blossoms, it's perfect in everyway. like Choji he is not afraid to let his emotions for you show so he's practically bawling as he watched you walk towards him. vows of just absolute devotion and love
your song: make you feel my love by adele
actually so nervous to pop the question, stresses about it and confides in team 7 (big mistake) they're of course, SO enthusiastic but less than helpful
one day he's just looking at you and realizes there's no such thing as the right time. he even forgets to get down on one knee, just pulls out the ring beside you on the couch. you're not sure if you're imagining things at first. "is this real?" "yes, (y/n). marry me, please?"
fall wedding surrounded by the changing leaves in a small, intimate ceremony with your closest friends. he doesn't cry when you walk down the aisle, he knows how to keep his composure in front of others, but by god does he want to. your vows are so personal and full of emotion people almost feel like they're intruding listening to them
your song: first day of my life by bright eyes
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tentenappreciation · 2 years
One Month to Go!
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Hi everyone! We are exactly one month away from our first official Tenten Appreciation Event happening March 7th - March 9th!
Please take a moment to like, reblog, share etc. to help us celebrate Tenten in this awesome 3-Day event! Don’t forget to use our hashtag #TentenAppreciation2022
Day 1 - March 7th: Teamwork | Future
Day 2 - March 8th: Dream | Friendship
Day 3 - March 9th:  Tenten’s Birthday | Free Day
Our full event rules and guidelines can be found here - feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 
-  Mods: @naturally-meek​ & @spellcasterlight​
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greatest time of year
oi vei, i'm running out of ideas... well kinda. i have a few, but i want them to be later in the month. i was griping about things being too long, but now i'm hoping i can come up with enough of an idea to make them long enough. i'll do the best i can.
today is precious baby lee's turn! i've really never considered writing for him, but i do adore him.
i'm also running out of song ideas. i've got a good list, but half of them are too religious. i really hope i can make this work. if i pull it off, i'm never doing a daily christmas challenge again.
disclaimer: the plot and takara only are mine to own, so if you feel inclined to sue, fuck off and leave me alone.
word count: 852
You loved Christmas. You loved the whole season. The warmth from drinking hot chocolate and warm apple cider, from gathering around a cozy fire, and from your own heart as you saw joy spreading like a wonderful contagion.
You thought you loved it more than anyone, until you met Rock Lee. His enthusiasm for not just your favorite holiday but everything he did was unmatched. It was admirable and terrifying at the same time. When the two of you were together, you were pretty sure he absorbed your excitement and multiplied it by ten. His friends both resented and thanked you. The resentment was for increasing his exuberance, but the appreciation-
“Come on, Takara!” Lee called as he dragged you by your wrist.
-was for being the main target of that exuberance.
You glanced back at Neji and Tenten, pleading for help. She just laughed, while he shook his head, as if to say you brought this on yourself. He was right. You agreed to go see all the decorations and set ups around town, knowing what Lee would likely do.
“Okay, but I have two feet! Please, let me use them!” You requested, and he slowed down just a bit.
“Is everything alright?” He questioned.
“Yes, but it is kind of icy, and I’m afraid of falling.”
He flashed you a grin. “I would never let you fall! I will always catch you!”
A new kind of warmth flooded your body. “Thank you, but I’d rather not take you down with me.”
“Do not worry! I will make sure neither of us touch the ground!”
“I trust you, Lee,” you told him with a smile, “but still, let’s be a little more careful?”
“Very well. Let’s still try to hurry! There’s so much to see, and it all looks so different after dark! We also must take advantage of the snow and build a snowman! This really is a time to celebrate and we should take advantage of every minute!”
“Okay, okay!” You laughed. The two of you turned back to see the stragglers, and you got an idea. You whispered it to Lee, and he chuckled as he nodded, worrying his friends. It was even more worrisome when the two of you disappeared on them.
“Neji, I don’t like this,” Tenten stated warily.
“I don’t either,” he agreed. “When those two work together-”
He cut off with a cry as Lee came up on his left, hooking arms with him while you did the same with Tenten on her right.
“Give us a break!” She groaned just before you started pulling her along. Not as fast as Lee had been pulling you, but faster than they’d been going.
You just laughed. The four of you spent all of the chilly afternoon wandering around, not evening thinking of going home until after you’d gotten the best hot chocolate you’d ever had and the giant tree in the center of town was shining like a beacon. If only you had a picture of the moment the four of you stood side by side, staring at it with smiles of varying sizes. You really wished you had one when you linked hands with Tenten and Lee, while she took hold of Neji’s. There was a special feeling you didn’t think you’d ever be able to replicate.
When you were all done, Neji went to take Tenten home, and you and Lee stuck together.
“Today was great,” you said as you headed home.
“It really was. There is something about this season that you do not find in the others. I like the rest of the year, but…”
“It’s just different. Each season has its charms that the others don’t, and there’s nothing with appreciating those charms. However, there’s no question that this season does tend to inspire more goodwill than the others. Even though it shows the worst in people, it also shows the best. Maybe it’s just because we put so much more emphasis on it.”
“I do not know about that, but whatever it is, it’s hard not to get that good feeling.”
You nodded. “For some people, yes, the love and cheer is natural, but it shines more at this time when it’s not as strange to show strangers how much you care because we’re all human. Sadly, not everyone feels that way.”
“Those are the people that need the joy the most, and we can only try to share it.”
“Absolutely.” It was much too soon that you reached your doorstep. “Goodnight, Lee. I’ll see you soon.”
“Yes, of course… Would you… Well, would you care to do this again tomorrow? Maybe just the two of us?”
You were taken aback by the invitation. You’d only ever heard Lee ask one person out, and that had been quite awhile ago. Still, you smiled as bright as the Christmas lights.
“I’d love to.”
He returned your smile, and he didn’t walk away until you were safe inside, not knowing you were giggling like a child, leaning back against the door, letting out a dreamy sigh.
“What a good feeling indeed.”
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shikadaii · 3 years
we got more things my friends said but theyre naruto characters
“omg am i finally getting cancelled” -sakura
“Hi welcome to McDonalds how may I help you?” -naruto
“That’s a Walmart shirt dumb bitch.” - sakura
"temaris crush is jesus" - ino
"amen" - temari
"im so fuckin independent i dont need no mans" -tenten, immediately needing help after
“why not huh- riddle me that.” -shino
“its women appreciation month¿ well fuck women!” -sasuke
(that one was a jokeslbsjsv)
“Bless you! .... FUCKING BITCH.” -temari
"Daddy's money."-sasuke
“i can treat the cat pen like my siblings” * hits it off of the table over and over * -gaara
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Movie Night Argument
Team Gai Week Day 1
Prompt: Movie Night
Characters: Hyuga Neji, Tenten, Rock Lee, Maito Gai
Words: 1592
Edited by: @kyu-pine 💜💜💜
Movie night is a sacred event for Team Gai. Once a month the four of them gather at Gai-sensei’s apartment with more snacks than they can eat and enough blankets to cover all of Konoha.
It was a night that every single member of the team looked forward to. Lee thought of it as extra bonding time and would often try to turn it into some sort of training opportunity to no avail. Even Gai-sensei wouldn’t back him up on these nights, reminding him that movie nights were for relaxing. Neji and Tenten always appreciated that their Sensei would put his foot down and allow them one semi-normal activity as a team.
Tenten enjoyed the monthly activity because it provided a safe, private place for her sensei and teammate to be as weird as they wanted. Without the concern of people seeing them and judging she was able to relax a bit and enjoy some of the things that they did. Seeing Gai-sensei pointing out poor fighting styles in the movies, or Lee bawling over the cheesiest romance scenes was rather fun when it was just the four of them.
Even on nights that Kakashi-sensei joined them, she was still able to enjoy herself. It wasn’t as if he had a right to judge anyone on their dorkiness when he tied with Gai-sensei for ‘dorkiest man in all of Konoha’.
Neji enjoyed a quiet night away from the Hyuga compound and had found a new love of historical flicks. A love that was currently giving tenten a giant headache. While Gai-sensei was in the kitchen making popcorn for their movie, she was in the living room arguing with her teammates over which movie they were going to watch, and as always Neji was refusing to budge.
“Like Wind and Fire'' is a critically acclaimed movie about the life of the first Shinobi ever recorded using scorch release. The things we could learn-” “No,” flopping against the couch, Tenten plopped her movie over her eyes in annoyance. After a long day of training, the last thing she wanted to do with their movie night was more learning. “An action movie is what we need. Hit by a Kunai is full of fights, danger, and quick thinking. It’ll be way more interesting than your boring biography flick.”
“You haven’t even given my movie a chance,” Neji argued. “You can’t call it boring without seeing it first.”
“Does it have fight scenes?”
“In a historical context, yes.”
Lowering the movie from her face, she turned her head and scowled at Neji. “That sounds boring. Lee, back me up here.”
At the mention of his name, Lee straightened himself up and nodded in agreement. “It does sound like a movie that is more likely to put us to sleep rather than excite us.” With Lee on her side, Tenten had no doubt she would come out of this victorious. Even if they needed Gai-sensei to make the final decision, he wasn’t going to support Neji. Not when both Tenten and Lee were standing firm against him. “I think we should watch this,” he held up a third video, crushing Tenten’s dreams of winning in an instant. “Strangers in Battle. It has grand battles,” her ears perked up. “A difficult enemy that must be overcome in a passionate battle,” perhaps Lee’s movie choice wasn’t so bad. If there was anyone she could trust to deliver on promises of endless action in a movie, it was Rock Lee. “and the main character falls in love with one of his enemies and has to struggle with what to do about those feelings. To ignore them and focus on the job, or give in and try to save the one he loves from darkness.”
“Arge!” flopping back against the couch, she stared up at the ceiling. “You would ruin a good action movie with ‘Love’.” She bulked at the cheesy description her teammate had given. “We all like action so why not just watch my movie?” Then she could avoid the awkwardness of having to sit through terrible romance scenes that would make any normal person cringe. 
“Really, Lee,” Neji sighed, throwing a crumb of support to Tenten. “You’re spending too much time with Kakashi-sensei.”
A fact that she couldn’t help but agree with, seeing as the biggest romance dork they knew was their Sensei’s Eternal Rival, but one she didn’t fully blame Lee for. It was difficult to spend time outside of training with their Sensei and not find Kakashi-sensei nearby. The two were damn near inseparable when they weren’t training or away on missions.”
“A good romance story will only add to the excitement of the action,” Lee states, his words sounding exactly like something Kakashi-sensei would say. “My vote is for Strangers In Battle.”
“Like Wind and Fire,” Neji slammed his movie down on the coffee table.
Lifting her head off of the couch, Tenten sighed when she saw her teammates glaring at each other over the coffee table. If either of them had a movie that she was even slightly interested in seeing she would throw her support behind them. That way a full-blown argument would be avoided and they could enjoy the rest of their night.
Except Neji’s movie sounded like a serious snooze fest and she had been subjected to a two-hour-long romance movie last month thanks to Kakashi-sensei’s interruption of their team bonding night. 
The thought of sitting through either of those movies sounded like a night of torture created specifically for her by some sick, twisted person who wanted nothing less than to see her suffer.
“Snacks!” Neji and Lee whipped around, forgetting about their argument in favour of seeing what treats they were getting tonight. Seeing an opportunity, Tenten bolted off of the couch and straight for the DVD player.
“Hey!” Neji spun around, glaring daggers at Tenten where she stood, triumphant in her goal. “That’s cheating!”
“Is it?” Waiting for the DVD player to open, she made a show of cracking open her DVD case and popping the DVD out of it. “Why don’t you fight me?”
For a second it looked like Neji was about to take her challenge, but before he could ever hope to move, their Sensei placed a hand on his shoulder. A quick and effective way to end an argument. 
“What is it we’re watching tonight, Tenten?” Gai-sensei inquired as he handed a bowl of popcorn to Neji and took the bowl of chips balancing on top of his head and handed them to Lee along with the bagged candies he had already given him.
With a triumphant grin, Tenten held the DVD case out in front of her for all to see. “Hit by a Kunai,” she answered her Sensei’s question. “Neji and Lee were just about to agree with me that it’s the best choice.”
“We-” one hard look from Tenten silenced any protests Lee was about to make.
“It seems the logical choice to make,” Neji agreed far too quickly for a man who had just scolded her for sneaking in the win. “Tenten did offer to get up at five am for a week to take part in early morning training in exchange. I thought she was just being desperate, but if she’s putting her DVD in it must have been a serious offer.”
The world came crashing down around her. The only thing worse than their sensei’s intense training was the early morning wake-ups he would sometimes force them into, and Neji had just trapped her into a week of them.
An entire week of dragging herself out of bed before the sun even thought about rising, all for a video. The worst part was she didn’t regret it. A stupid early wake-up still sounded more bearable than the movies her teammates has suggested. 
“Tenten?” her sensei had an uncertain expression when she glanced his way. “A week?”
The lie was so unbelievable that her Sensei could tell something was up and chose to offer her an opportunity to back out. To avoid a week of early morning torture sessions.
She wouldn’t do that though. If she did, Neji would find another way to get back at her. Something even worse.
She couldn’t take that risk. So, swallowing her pride she plastered a smile onto her face. “Yep,” it pained her to agree, but the look of utter shock on all three boys' faces made her future suffering a little worthwhile. “Bright and early for an entire week.”
Gai-sensei and Lee cheered, already planning out the week of training that was guaranteed to force her into an early grave. Meanwhile, Neji slid up to her side and gave her a rather unimpressed frown.
“You’re really going to do it?” 
“Uh-huh,” she grinned through the pain.
“You’ll collapse on the first day.”
“True, but I’ll still show up the next day,” she promised. “And the day after that.”
Neji examined her, waiting for the smile to crumble away and the complaining to begin. She refused to give in, though. Denied him the satisfaction of knowing just how much she was suffering because of his little trick.
“Make it five whole days and you can pick next month's movie too.”
Her ears perked up. A deal she simply couldn’t refuse, no matter how much it was going to suck fighting towards such a goal. “Deal.” two months of action flicks. No boring history, or cheesy romance, and most importantly no arguing with her teammates about it.
She refused to give that up. 
Toss A Coin to Your Writer 💜💜💜
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thirdstartokonoha · 2 years
"That too." She agrees, unbothered by the lack of imagination in Temari's answer. A hand lifts, offering a peek at a sizeable sliver of wood. "Remember our spar about a month back when we blew up that tree? Finally found the last splinter." Her love of explosions and Temari's wind apparently weren't the best combo- at least in what should have been a friendly fight.
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Closing her eyes probably wasn't enough to fool Tenten into thinking Temari didn't find this hilarious. But it was her attempt at being polite, so she better appreciate it.
"Ah," she starts, trying to be diplomatic. "I see, there it is..." They had gotten in trouble for blowing up that tree, it was really old or something. Tenten's snarky response of Tell us which trees we /can/ blow up and Temari's Why was a training ground built next to it? went widely unappreciated by the civilian forestry engineer who had been called to tell them to stop blowing up the forest. The fact that their snark was delivered simultaneously worsened the situation, and Temari is fairly certain he was going to threaten to ban them before he finally, at last, after several minutes noticed the biceps of the women in front of him.
"I told you to find a new training ground for us. You want to work on your remote detonation techniques, and blasting away explosions is all about timing, and I haven't mastered it. Have you found it, yet? What's taking so long? You're from here. If I'm able to find a place faster than you, that's pretty pathetic." Tenten should know the village like the back of her hand, and thus Temari had been waiting for her knowledge to come in handy.  She had only lived here for several months, but if Tenten wasn’t up to the task, Temari would gladly take over--for efficiency’s sake.
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gracie-buns · 6 years
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NEJITEN FAMILY | Tea break with family in the shop.
Happy birthday to my fav anime/ manga character TENTEN!
I have a hc where Ryuu and Keiko go to the weapons shop for snacks in school breaks or after school, and Neji gives great tea, while Tenten does the books and does seals for her clients. And that Ryuu and Keiko knows how to tend the counter too. Neji is such a good husband :D.
I borrowed Keiko from @papabay and Ryuu from @ghostbananas
I put in a lot of easter eggs in this art. I hope you find em :D. Clue. weapons, picture frames, finger
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needdl · 6 years
Tenten Appreciation Month Week Two: Insanity/67%
“In which Tenten experiences the trial of preparing dinner in a house of unhelpful morons.“
i was actually planning on posting this tomorrow, but i was feeling PUMPED so here we are.
Also available on FFN and AO3
Tenten was in a very sour mood.
She had asked Lee nearly half a dozen times now to take the stupid trash out and get a new bag, but he was apparently right in the middle of these squat sets, please Tenten could you just wait for a minute for him to finish, quitting is for the weak-hearted and unyouthful.
“A minute” is what he said, anyway. They evidently had two very different ideas as to how long a minute was, because it had been a good half hour now and the fucking trash was still full.
She stalked over to the room where Lee was working out, fuming. She was actually going to kill him this time. No ifs, buts, or maybes about it. One quick cut behind his ear with her knife. Neji would help her scrub the blood out of the carpet, probably.
Tenten slammed the door open, glowering menacingly. Lee jerked his head up to beam at her from where he dangled from his pull-up bar. “Tenten! You look just as lovely upside-down!” A blatant lie, seeing as her face had gone splotchy with burgundy rage.
“You!” She brandished her knife at him. “You said that you had one more set of squats to do! What the hell are you doing?”
“Pull ups! I must keep my abs crunchy!”
“Crunchy? What kind of description is that?”
“You know, firm! Unyielding!”
“Just say that, then!”
They probably could have kept up their very intelligent and highly stimulating conversation, but in that moment the door opened. Tenten froze, because oh my god is that Gai why is he so early dinner is not nearly ready but Neji’s voice called softly through the house, “I’m back.”
“OH! MY BABY!” Tenten sprinted towards the door, Lee forgotten behind her. “Is he okay? What’d Kiba say? Oh my god, is he dying? He’s dying, isn’t he? He’s dying and there’s nothing I can do, oh god-”
She vaulted around the corner, prepared for the worst. Neji was straightening up from where he had placed his bags down on the ground. He raised a sardonic brow at her. “Are you planning on stabbing me?”
She blinked at him, thrown. “What?”
“You seem well-prepared for it,” he replied, nodding at her hand. She was still clutching her knife, white-knuckled in apprehension. Oh.
Recovering quickly, she shouted, “You’re avoiding the question! IS MY BABY ALL RIGHT, NEJI.”
He rolled his eyes and turned to hang up his coat. “Of course he is, Tenten. It was just a check-up.”
“Oh thank god.” She knelt down next to the carrier, crooning “Hi sweetie! How are you? I’m so sorry you had to go to the vet without me!” Riceball blinked peacefully at her, his paws tucked under his chest. After a moment, he mrowed politely.
“Kiba did say he was slightly overweight,” Neji commented, hanging his coat on the rack. “Sixty-seventh percentile, I believe.”
Tenten harrumphed, fingers wiggling at her cat through the carrier. “Skinny cats are pointless and Kiba can rot.”
“Touching. Be sure to pass that along to him.” She rolled her eyes at the comment and ignored him, enamored with Riceball’s thoughtful licking of her fingers.
“You want to come out? Here, Neji, bring the knife back.” She impatiently flopped her hand in his direction.
He scowled at her. “Why.”
He let out a long-suffering sigh before prying the knife from her fingers and padding further into the house. She swiftly turned her attention back to her beloved squishy furball.
“How are you feeling, little man?” Mrow. “Oh, that’s good. You aren’t traumatized for life, are you?” Mrrt. “I’m glad.” She unzipped the front of the kitty carrier, and Riceball obligingly walked out. He stretched and scratched, before pressing his head against her hands. “Aw, I missed you too.”
“I was gone too, you know. Aren’t you going to profess the same to me?”
She tilted her head up to grin at Neji, her hands still scratching the cat’s chin. “Would you like me to?”
He smiled at her, in the softly hesitant way that she was still getting used to, the one that had been giving her butterflies. “You know how much I like chin scratches.”
She laughed out loud then, and stood up to face him. “Alright, then.” She stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips against his jaw. “I missed you.”
“Hm. Clingy.” His breath ghosted over her mouth. “I was only gone a few hours.”
Her retort was muffled as he pressed his lips to hers in a chaste kiss. She smiled slightly, just a small curl of her lips, and slid her hands from his shoulders to comb softly through his hair.
Riceball brushed past their ankles as he walked towards a sunny window, and they pulled apart. She smiled up at Neji. “Thanks for taking him to the vet for me, by the way.”
His hand on her ribcage squeezed absently. “You’re welcome.”
They split apart for real then, with a few feet of space between them. Neji went to gather up the groceries still by the door, and Tenten returned to the kitchen in a much better mood than she had left it last time. Her knife had been placed neatly next to the vegetables she had been cutting up.
The trash was still full.
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heroineofcolor · 6 years
Namie Uchiha has all the stars lined up
It was late January when Sasuke Uchiha said the most dreaded words to her.
"Let's have another."
Tenten Uchiha was in the kitchen and prepared a snack for their son Sora Uchiha. Sora was now one year old and had been born on a rainy October day. Tenten would never forget the day her beautiful son screamed for the first time.
Sasuke was immediately smitten with their child and his eyes had been overflown with pride. Tenten had blushed and vowed to herself that she would give Sasuke the family he deserved.
So, that's why these words out of his mouth let her heart drop down and cold sweat break out. He stood right behind her with his arms loosely around her waist and their bodies touching. Sora played in the living room with one of his friends.
"Another vacation?" she asked without turning around. Shaking she grabbed the cucumber and started to cut it.
Sasuke laughed quiet into her shoulder and kissed her neck. "No. Another child."
"Oh right." How would she get out of this? "Sure. Another child." She sounded lame like she wasn't convinced at all. Her husband of three years took the knife and the vegetable out of her hands and turned her slowly around.
"Tenten?" he looked at her with a confused gaze. Tentens heart already hurt seeing his sad confusion.
"Don't you want... I thought you wanted more children." He tried to see what she wanted without showing his emotions about this topic. But Tenten wouldn't have married Sasuke Uchiha if she couldn't read him like a book. The worry and hurt in his eyes were immediate and it hurt her too.
"I am sorry Sasuke. Of course, I want a brother or sister for Sora." She touched his cheek and pushed his black hair out of his face. "I was just surprised."
"Are you sure?" he questioned her still a bit unsure. She nodded and gave him a peck on the lips.
Inside of her head she had a mild panic attack because her libra son will not get an incompatible sign as a sibling!
"Sora, don't run!" Sasuke called out to his son. The young boy who looked just like his mother with his brown eyes and his brown hair didn't listen at all and ran gleefully to their front door. Sighing he grabbed the boy at the collar and carried him inside the house. It was time for Soras bath and nap.
"Tenten we are back!"
"Mamama! Mama!" The little boy ran into the living room and fell over one of his stuffed animals. Sasuke smirked and went upstairs to the master bedroom. He knew she wasn't in the first floor so she was probably in the shower. Her reaction this morning still had him insecure and in thoughts. Usually she always dreamed about many children and grandchildren so he expected her to react differently. Maybe happy or excited.
"I am here!"
She was in fact in their bedroom and … packing.
"Are you going on a mission?" He really hoped she would answer with yes because if she was leaving him he would literally die. Sora would be raised by Sakura and Naruto would be his only father figure. Good God his son would die too.
"Yes. The Hokage summoned me. Weird, huh? I will be back in two weeks."
It had been a while since Sasuke had felt the sweet feeling of pure relief and love. What was this woman doing to him? "It's been a while since you went on a long mission." He watched her carefully and observed her messy hair buns and her light blush on her face. She was packing in a hurry.
Tenten walked to a drawer which was sealed with a fuuin jutsu. Hurriedly she unsealed it and grabbed her scrolls. "I know. But I'll be back soon and then…" Her eyes raked over his body and her cheeks turned rosy. "… we can do that baby."
The Uchiha smirked and stalked towards her to give her a hot passionate kiss. Tenten moaned happily into the kiss and put her arm around his neck, kissing back with all her love.
"Mamamama! Mama!" Someone demanded her attention.
Sasuke broke the kiss and kissed her forehead slowly. "So, two weeks?"
"Two weeks."
Two and a half weeks later Tenten came back from her mission. She was beyond exhausted and dirty and tired. She hadn't meant to take longer but it had been impossible to avoid it since she had some… problems on her way home. Tired she walked the stairs up in her home and put her scrolls and bag as quietly as possible in the corner.
"I was worried." The sudden words in the darkness startled her and turned her blood cold for a second. One of her kunais appeared faster in her hand than she could react. Her husband caught her wrist before she could hurt him accidently.
"Damn, Sasuke…" she hissed and let the Kunai disappear quickly. "You know damn well how sensitive I am after a mission." As apology he kissed her cheek and looked her over for injuries. Her brown eyes were tired and exhausted, dark circles were visible. Her clothes were stained with blood, earth and grass stains. The hair buns she loved so much looked like they weren't remade since Konoha.
"Are you alright?"
Smiling she nodded and felt immediately bad for leaving him. Two weeks had been easy when she was alone back in the day but now she was a mother and a wife. Missing her family had hurt so much. "I am glad to be back.", she whispered and kissed Sasuke slowly. The Uchiha grabbed her hips firmly and pressed her body against his.
Tenten craved him and his touches so much. But she couldn't afford to get distracted. Getting pregnant in February wasn't ideal for her. She pushed him away and kissed him on the nose. "Let me go I have to shower."
As Tenten came back into the bedroom Sasuke was already in bed. Braiding her hair into one big braid she sat on the bed. "Sasuke. I have my period in two days."
In the following silence she finished her braid and covered herself with the blanket. Sasuke grabbed her and pulled her close to him. "Don't worry. I'll get the ice cream."
"Sora! Don't do that!" Stressed out Tenten took the family photo from his hands and the small boy in his arms. "You know that we don't climb the furniture!"
"Babababa…" Sora babbled and reached out to the door where Sasuke stood and smiled at them.
"You have a stubborn shinobi on your hands." He commented amused and relieved his wife from their son. Tenten put the picture back and positioned it nicely. "You don't say." She grumbled and watched her two men interact.
It broke her heart to do this but she still needed some time. It was now mid-February and her period was over. She was sure that Sasuke would want to try it tonight and secretly she wanted to but… conceiving now could get her a Scorpio child. She would love it nonetheless but she couldn't stomach the thought that her children could rival each other. All she wanted was harmony and quiet peace. And some weapons and adventurous missions with her husband.
With a deep inhale and a loud exhale, she straightened her back. "Sasuke."
His dark orbs met her soft brown eyes.
"There is a note for you from the Hokage."
"From Naruto?"
Yawning Naruto filled his instant ramen cup with hot water until the marked line. He closed the lid and drove his hands over his blond messy hair. Since the Jounin exams were coming up there was a bunch of paper work to take care of. The exams would be held in Kumogakure and the Raikage didn't do things easy for Naruto and Konoha.
A firm knock on the door let him look up. It was late in the night and Shikamaru already went home. "Come in."
The door opened slowly and Sasuke stepped into the office. "Ah Sasuke. How was the mission? It sure took you a while."
Sasuke rolled his eyes at this and reported the success of the mission calmly. He had been gone for three weeks and it could have been longer if he hadn't worked and fought with all his strength.
Sasuke gave Naruto a scroll with the report. The Hokage nodded and thanked him grateful. "Thanks man. Didn't know you were up for these kinds of missions but you were a big help."
Sasuke frowned at that. "What do you mean 'you didn't know?' "
"Tenten told me that you were interested in a longer mission. I was surprised since you told me that you wanted to help Tenten for a while but I really needed someone good for this. So, thanks."
After Sasuke came back from that three-week mission Tenten had been weak. Sasuke and her had had a good sex life – it was balanced and satisfying. But leading him along for six weeks drove herself crazy too. Sasuke didn't initiate anything sexual but his kisses got slower and his hands lingered more. His heated gaze got her confused and his temper was definitely worse.
Tenten shouldn't complain because she caught herself in a bad mood a few times too.
With sad eyes she watched Sora play in the front yard. The little boy ran after dragon flies like a real champion. Sora was adorable with his pale skin and quiet demeanor soon he would have a sibling to play with - just this sibling could never be a Capricorn. Now that the Scorpio chances were lowered she had to avoid a Sagittarius. Both signs might get along well with Sora but not as perfect as an Aquarius. If she would overcome the Capricorn chances too then…
Big cold hands raked around her waist and up her stomach. "Sasuke. What are you doing?" Tenten stood on the porch and had been deep in her calculations when Sasuke appeared. Apparently, he didn't mind their public presence since he kissed her neck and caressed her stomach. "I need you, Tenten."
"B-But… Sora…"
"Tenten. Please."
How could she refuse when she needed him just as much. When his kisses made her knees all gooey and his hands on her body seemed innocent but were already dangerous. "S-Sasuke…" He pressed her against his body and Tenten could feel how needy he really was. Cursing she took a good look around in search of a Genin. Sasuke was already undoing her buns – damn that animal.
Her eyes caught a familiar trio. "K-Konohamaru!"
Konohamaru and his friends were passing their house with a cat in tow. "Oh… look it's the weapon mistress." Whispered Moegi with wide eyes, Tenten would've felt honored and flustered if it weren't for her horny husband.
"Could you watch our son for 20 Minutes?"
"An hour." Sasuke demanded.
The three Genin blinked confused. "ehm… sure?"
"Thanks! Bye!"
The only thing that saved her in that week was Sora and her Kunoichi Seal. Her Kunoichi Seal was a fuuin jutsu made by a medic-nin. It was a protection from getting pregnant in case of rape. Since Tenten was an active kunoichi who went on missions she also had an active Kunoichi Seal. Therefore, in that week in which Sasuke used all her weaknesses and gave her mind-blowing sex as soon as Sora had a babysitter she stayed without a pregnancy.
"When will you go on missions again?" Sasuke inquired one morning after he woke her up with oral sex. Tenten groaned annoyed already exhausted when she had to think about missions.
"I think I'll stay for a while and do small things around Konoha. This two-week mission was harsh on me.", she mumbled against his chest.
"Then… Sakura could unseal the Kunoichi Seal, right?"
Tenten swallowed loudly. The chances for a Capricorn were still too high. Capricorn and Libra just didn't work together. "Hmm."
A day before her birthday Tenten left the hospital with shrewd eyes. It was two weeks ago since Sasuke first suggested to unseal her protection and he didn't shut up about it since then. For two damn weeks. Tenten almost punched him in the face yesterday because the first thing he said was: "I can get Sakura if you want to."
The only thing she wanted was to sucker punch him.
Well now Sakura unsealed her Kunoichi Seal and she was open for Sasuke and his sperm. Yay. Maybe her family wouldn't break apart. Maybe her children would kill each other and Sasuke would blame her. So many maybes.
Now even her birthday was coming up. Maybe Sasuke would give her celibacy as a gift. Just three more weeks.
Her birthday was perfect. They had spent the morning together as family with a big breakfast. Sora hadn't known what day it was but he was happy and excited nonetheless. Later they went for a nice walk in the woods with Sora. While Sora chased after beatles Tenten and Sasuke fought each other with fun and love. When it was time for lunch they went back and were surprised with all their friends in their home ready to eat together.
All the women were drinking coffee and chatting about politics in Suna while the men were on the porch and talking about missions and politics in Konoha. Neji provoked Sasuke as always while Lee and Gai-Sensei were gushing over Sora. Kakashi came late as always and congratulated Tenten kindly. He offered to take Sora till tomorrow for what Tenten got some knowing looks.
Rejecting the offer wasn't on the table so Tenten said yes and thanked him politely. Kakashi left with her boy and with him the small gathering in her home ended. About an hour later even their last guest Naruto had left the married couples to themselves.
Sasuke and Tenten sat on the swinging chair on their porch snuggled up against each other and just enjoying the presence of the other.
"Thank you, Sasuke."
"For what?"
"For today."
Scoffing the Uchiha eyed her carefully. "I didn't do anything."
Giggling she snuggled up even closer. "Sure."
Later that evening they lay in bed and were making out heavily. Sasuke touched her in all the right places making her moan and squirm. "Sa… Sasuke…."
"Tell me."
His lips kissed her jaw down to her neck until he reached her pulse point where he started to worry her skin with his teeth.
"Tell me why you don't want another child." He breathed against her skin and Tenten froze. Her arousal was gone just like that and panic was there instead.
Sasuke was above her and looked her in her eyes. "I am not stupid. Naruto told me that you suggested to send me on that mission and he also told me that you wanted to go on your mission. Sakura told me that you just recently approached her about the Kunoichi Seal. And you think I don't care but I do – that's why I know that you have a short period and yours isn't until 10 more days."
Surprised about all this Tenten blinked a few times and pushed him from her. She sat up on the bed and watched him with wide eyes. "Looks like Team 7 has still a strong friendship." She hadn't considered that Sakura and Naruto were tattletales.
"Yes. Looks like it." He watched her with shrewd eyes. "Spill."
Tenten knew that she could not get out of this situation. The truth must be revealed.
"It is the 9th march."
"You don't say."
Rolling her eyes at his sassiness she explained further. "You wanted a child in late January but Sora is a Libra and I couldn't be sure to get another Libra in late January so I decided to get an Aquarius. But I must overcome the chances for a Capricorn. So, we have to wait three more weeks. Two Libras could've been beyond perfect but impossible because you were late! So I wanted a good sibling for Sora that's why I want an Aquarius! But that cannot happen till April."
A deep frown and a big question mark were visible on Sasukes face. He didn't understand anything. Tentens interest in astrology weren't news to him but he didn't know that… "You are obsessed about this."
"Very funny."
"Let me get this right. Our son is a Libra. By chance." She nodded. "And you want to determine the sign of our next child because…"
"I want a perfect family for you. If I get pregnant now then we could have a Capricorn. I would love the child either way but I couldn't bear seeing my children fighting each other. Capricorn and Libra just don't work together. I want you to have a peaceful family. I vowed that to myself."
Sasuke smiled because her words warmed his heart. "When did you vowed that?"
"When you held Sora the first time. You were so happy and everything worked out so smoothly for us. I just want a happy completely functional family." With lowered gaze she started to play with the corner of the blanket.
Sasuke watched her with an almost dreamy gaze. Here he thought that she reconsidered her life with him and wanted to distance herself from him. He thought he'd lose her and that she didn't love him anymore. But the opposite was the truth, she loved him so much that she tried to build a perfect family for him. With questionable methods.
"You know I don't care about these things Tenten and I don't have a problem with rivalry among my children."
Hesitating she looked up and down again. "I care though." She was pouting and looked like a child with her two buns and her teary eyes.
A laugh tried to escape Sasuke but he knew if he laughed know he would be nailed to the wall. And not in the good way.
"Alright." He stated grinning and hugged her tightly. With a surprised squeak she fell into his arms and then their heads into their pillows.
"What sign is your goal? Aquaman?"
"Aquarius." She chided and pinched him in the side. Sasuke laughed quietly but got ahold of himself. "Alright. Then when are we trying?"
"In late April." She mumbled into the silence. They just cuddled and enjoyed the warmth of the other until Tenten added smugly. "I bet you regret that missing Kunoichi Seal now, huh?"
It was mid- January and Tenten started to hate that month. It was the month of bad news. Sasuke got her pregnant in mid-April or something Sakura had said. Now she was highly pregnant and extremely annoyed. "What do you mean these are contractions?!" she screeched. Sakura looked to Sasuke and then back to his wife.
"Yeah. You are early but that's fine. I can handle this and your child will be alright."
Sasuke put all his effort in to suppress his laughter. He tried really hard and failed.
Namie Uchiha weight 3892 grams and was 53 cm small. She was a spontaneous birth and it only took her three hours to be born.
Namie Uchiha was born on the 19th of January at 10:32 pm. A wonderful Capricorn.
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