#teen wolf last season
thepunkmuppet · 7 months
ok if this is just me then it’s whatever but for me teen wolf finishes at season 3b.
like allison dies, the end. the rest of it is what my brain and the brains of talented fic writers can conjure up, because it could be absolute nonsense and still be better than whatever the hell season 4 onwards even is.
liam is okay I guess. I like the season where stiles disappears. there are some (emphasis on some) really great moments and plotlines. but season 4 is such a fucking shitshow, honestly some of the worst tv I have ever watched, which is made even worse because I have to watch it play out with characters I love.
isaac, who had the potential to be one of the best characters, disappears without a trace, and later so does the wonderful kira
malia (who I high key really hate, sorry but she sucks) and scott get together at the end which is just. what the actual fuck
alison’s aunt comes back in the most contrived and stupid way I’ve ever seen (were-jaguar?? ik this show is weird and silly but give me a fucking break)
danny also disappears in favour of a personality-less gay best friend (sorry if you like him, he never did anything wrong it just pisses me off bc he only seems to be there for diversity points. I literally can’t even remember his name)
jackson comes back and is dating one of the also personality-less twins for no reason (and yet they couldn’t even confirm stiles is bi??? what a joke)
and the writing is just bad it’s just so bad… where the dialogue in the first seasons was campy and fun now it’s just cringe and borderline unwatchable, and the plot points are sketchy at best and completely incomprehensible at worst (aka whatever the fuck happened in season 4 I still don’t know)
sorry I’m really dredging up some 2020-teen-wolf-obsessed-in-lockdown emotions here but god I just hate it so much. there is so much potential in that show, so many great characters and concepts, but it all just devolved into twilight-level awfulness and honestly full on character assassination, all culminating in me not even giving a single flying fuck about the (objectively insane and exciting) movie coming out whenever tf it did.
yeah I love teen wolf but it finishes with season 3 the rest is up to fanfiction for me idk what to tell you 🫡
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glowspider · 9 months
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teen wolf sketch dump pt. 2
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pzyii · 2 months
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what if I was a banshee and you got captured by magic cowboys and forgotten by everyone but I brought you back (or something I haven’t rewatched it in a while)
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maddy-ferguson · 6 months
thinking about the fact that scott wasn't even a veterinarian in that damn movie...is teen wolf: the movie the worst movie ever made
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
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if no one else has got me i know s1 scott mccall and s4 liam dunbar always do
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acelessthan3 · 3 days
Was gonna say that SO much TV drama could be avoided if the pretty people would just stick around to eavesdrop on the entire conversation instead of storming off dramatically as soon as they hear something sus, but then I remembered that's the basis of like most dramatic works ever.
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mlobsters · 2 years
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you came back for beacon hills? no. came back for you.
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1jemmagirl22 · 1 year
58 days till Shadow and Bone season 2, and 14 days till Chain of Thorns.
And I hate the fact that I’m probably gonna end up watching the fucking Teen Wolf movie just out of desperation for distraction from the waits of these two pieces of fictional perfection. 
At least I get Miggens in February, that can distract me. Oh fuck, I get Miggens in February, damn I thought I was safe!
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i’ve been seeing tweets say they broke up stydia in the movie....yeah, wtf?
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kurokoros · 2 years
the Stiles Stilinski to Steve Harrington pipeline is so personal to me
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i’ve never been able to decide if i like stalia or stydia better but it might be stalia bc like everytime i see them i just get warm cozy vibes they’re just so cuddly and cozy looking together and it’s giving fall, blankets, and coffee. does that mean anything to anyone who’s not me ?? probably not. but in conclusion stalia. and we were robbed.
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they’re just so cutesy
but i also like stydia ugh idk
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cashmerebutch · 2 years
today’s dumb theory: there’s something deliciously heist-like in fanfiction that is so much better than its source material. it’s like getting away with something.
like for example, jkr and her terf bullshit can fuck off forever and it brings me untold delight to know that there are thousands of fics writing “her” characters and world better than she ever could and in a way that she cannot profit from at all.
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twpsyn-who · 1 year
"Why did you choose to join the Scouts, anyway?" it was a question that has been bugging Stiles for awhile now, ever since that night.
"I mean, don't get me wrong-" he began before Derek could get any words out, "- but you never made any indication that you would join Scouts. It doesn't make sense, you're in the top ten. The Big Ten. You know, the elite ones who get the secret third option?? Why not join Lydia and finally live an easy life? If I were you- like, with your life story and everything not just your body and flexibility which, by the way, should be illegal- I would have chosen that. Give myself a break, you know?"
It wasn't until then that Derek regarded Stiles with his attention. There was something in his eyes, an intensity that Stiles would sometimes catch glimpses of any now and then but it has never been pushed so forward into his hands. He could barely breathe while looking into them, getting lost in the forest that was hiding inside Derek Hale's eyes.
"Everyone I care about is going there." the answer came so nonchalant from him, like the confession wasn't life changing. But Stiles found his answer not in his friend's words, but while finding his way out of Derek's eyes.
"Because you're going" it went unsaid, locked deep inside the greens and the browns. In the way the eyes softened for a moment when he said 'care' and tried to break contact on 'going there' before thinking better of it. In the little frown while saying 'everyone', like that wasn't the right word but he didn't- or couldn't?- say anything else.
And Stiles? Didn't know what to do with that confession. With the knowledge that Derek gave up everything just to stay stuck with skinny, defendles, most likely to end up Titan food during his very first expedition outside the walls, Stiles.
Because Stiles was ready to die just for an eclipse of freedom, but was he ready to take Derek with him?
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localgirl12 · 8 months
today i saved one of my besties from being catfished on tinder by recognizing a 6b teen wolf actor :)
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bobbyskid · 11 months
miss my weewoo show:( Think i have to rewatch it after i’m done with my teen wolf rewatch
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Why is everyone's first solution to somebody acting out in a mental hospital always a F*CKING SEDATIVE?!
They did that in an episode of Supernatural too and it just...IT MAKES OUR JOBS HARDER! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US?!
I f*cking hate mental hospital episodes. They just stress me out. XD
I am just going to keep my fingers so freaking crossed that the lines are still prominent enough that he'll be okay, and that the Nogitsune won't be able to take control again. Because WE NEED MORE TIME GOSH DARNAT!!
That said, Malia and Stiles actually make SUCH a good team. Like, that was super clever and super slick and super awesome and I am all for that team-up. I hope we get more of it (assuming they both get to get out, which, I'm guessing they do, because I feel like I've seen clips where Malia is a part of the pack later, and I know there's a Malia/Stiles romance at some point too, so...they must lol.).
Also, I honestly do feel really bad for Malia. Like, I guess we didn't really think about how much turning her back into a human would affect her life and relationship with her father after being gone that long, and I guess that explains why she's in the mental hospital. We probably could've handled that a little better.
I mean, I don't know what else we would've done, but...I think we're doing it now by offering to help her learn how to change, so, ya know, there's that.
As far as happy reactions go:
"This is a really bad plan." "It's not that bad." "It's not that good."
I laughed so hard omg. I love our little pack.
Also, Allison being all like “we will do this, because we're losing Stiles” is so great. I love how much they all care about him.
That whole scene with Malia in the bathroom I'm dead. XD
He's literally such a good guy, because he's, like, trying to be so respectful and, like, not weird, but it makes him so awkward, and the way he just keeps backtracking and being like "wait no, that's not what I meant either" until Malia is just finally like "oh my god shut up I really don't care". XD XD
That was so great. I love him so freaking much. Stiles baby I HAVE MISSED YOU!! <3 <3 <3
Okay. Time to find out if I lost my baby to the Nogitsune again. :(
But first, adorably awkward Stiles again. XD <3
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(I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I CANNOT!! XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
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