#teahound writes
tea-with-veth · 2 years
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A comic I made at the end of last spring, when I finally got my back x-rayed and found out I have some chronic spine problems. I’m in a much better place now, in many ways (though it’s still hard to live with). But this comic helped me process a lot of my anxiety and frustration with my new way of living. 
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beacon-lamp · 3 years
I followed you because you reblogged my art once when I was just getting started and I've been in your debt ever since.
oh teahound!!  hello i’ve seen your writings on my dash before too, they’re Very Good!!
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dykesymmetry · 3 years
do you have any Antarctic empire fics recs? i swear for how much potential there is there for more phil and techno content it is severally under appreciated as a concept
ok off the top of my head:
to you i gift the end of things - by findingkairos: series with like 10 fics, not all of these are strictly set in ae, but they’re all techno and phil focused and so so fucking good. if you haven’t read kai’s writing wtf are you doing go read now 
dual blades and starlit dragons - by teahound: again, not set strictly during the empire, but they’re both really good and focus on techno and phil and generally is based of ae
technoblade et al. v the world - by aenor_llelo, BattleBlaze, Falrisesi, Otakuforlife19, Rocket999: ok full disclosure im still working my way thru this one but it’s very good, lots of outsider perspectives on techno and phil which is pog
promises to keep - by ozzyyy: this one’s a bit on the shorter side but very in character and good dialogue so here it is
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pigstepping · 3 years
Hello and welcome to another episode of techno fic recs! Here you will find five underrated works with a spotlight on technoblade that I think are well worth a read. All recs are complete, over 1k words, and around/under 5k hits. I'll provide rating, archive warnings, main character groupings, and approximate word count. You provide kudos and a nice comment for the authors.
Remember to check author tags before reading! Here we go:
A Kindling, of Sorts by lambfromfield
T || Graphic Violence || Emerald Duo || 7k
In which Techno loses himself while trapped in pandora's vault. This fic gets pretty intense so pay close attention to the author warnings. There's a lot of pain in the first half, with both physical and emotional whump, but it all serves to highlight the comfort and hopefulness of the conclusion. Excellent whump read if you're into that genre.
Dual Blades by Teahound
G || No Warnings Apply || Emerald Duo || 1k
Short and sweet character study of Techno and Philza. This one was written pre-doomsday last winter, relatively early in the dream smp's roleplay timeline, so it has flavors from that era of the fandom. Features first meetings, smp earth setting, and a father-son-esque emerald duo relationship if that's your thing. Very pretty writing style as well.
dead and undying by skelew
T || Chose Not To Warn || Emerald Duo || 7k
An exploration of Techno's vulnerability post-execution, and the way he chooses to handle it. Really good analysis of how and why Techno cultivates such an untouchable reputation. Be aware that there is gore in this (think that one scene in sadist's hoghunt animation). Intriguing hints of backstory + some lovely moments with Ranboo too.
sunny days how i loved you so by HobblyWobbly
G || Chose Not To Warn || Emerald Duo || 1k
Pure techno and phil queerplatonic domestic fluff. Like seriously, this is literally just 1308 words of concentrated platonic physical intimacy. Techno has the same energy as a massive fluffy dog that thinks it can fit on your lap. This fic will make you want to take a nap in the grass on a sunny afternoon with a loved one.
Technoblade's Tips on Scamming the Government by DOC_Holliday
T || No Warnings Apply || SBI || 15k
Space AU with human Techno. "Humans are space orcs" is one of my favorite tropes, since it has so much potential for angst and humor and banger worldbuilding, and this one has a lot of fun playing with all those opportunities. Happy to report that the author is reportedly working on a sequel, so there's more to come if you like this work!
Happy reading, enjoy the technoblade <3
(Previous batch here)
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antimony-medusa · 3 years
If you're doing the fanfic asks: 5, 11, 24?
I am indeed doing the fanfic asks!
5. most popular fic this year
Okay so if you count by subscriptions, bookmarks or hits, that would be my Syndicate Heist Of Las Nevadas (But Everybody Has Superpowers), The Totem Of Undying Job. Put almost four months and 62k of writing into that one and re-learned how to write and finished a long-form story for the first time in *cough* ten *cough* many years.
If you count by kudos, that would be the 700-word sickfic I wrote while the kettle boiled to deal with canon betrayals in someone else's fic (shoutout to knifetrick), that is the only thing I wrote this year that can be described as "fluffy" and also had nine people subscribe to it (?). This Is My Pity Party I do not understand you and how people keep finding you, but I'm— glad you enjoyed? Thank you for the kudos?
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
Uh. This is obvious to anyone who takes a gander at my page, but that would be DSMP, my angsty hilarious broken mans writing betrayals and drama into block game. Or wait, that's not a fandom tag, so *clears throat* my favourite fandom is Video Blogging RPF.
24. favorite fic you read this year
Please ask me something easier, like "when is the world going to get better". I refuse to drop it down to only one so you're gonna get a couple answers. Oh god I went through my bookmarks and you're gonna get a COUPLE answers.
(Readmore to save your dash.)
oh dear, can you see me? by findingkairos, for being the first serious longfic that I'd read in the fandom and making me think about minecraft mechanics as informing story, and about dehumanization and coming back from that, and about inherent dignity, and for like, blowing my mind. This is the first writing of any kind that I went back to re-read in years and it changed my relationship with reading right at about the same time as I was starting to be unable to concentrate on original fiction of any kind and panicking over that. Something about reading on my computer still worked though, and so I did not lose my mind, and instead I went "I am going to google how to be a good commenter on fic and emulate that because I need to do something to express my love here". Pronoun shift my beloved.
Orphan's Path, by @aenor-llelo, Alderous, Anarchy-Schmanarchy (Murder_Schmurder), BattleBlaze, ConcoctionsFromHell, Falrisesi, fluxphage, Otakuforlife19, Rocket999. (it takes a village to write an orphan's path.) Right, so, I am aro/ace. Known that for a good like, six/four years now. Yes I was slow to figure it out, shush, literally no one told me it was an option for the first twenty some-odd years of my life. This is the first time I read a depiction of a QPR, presented as equal to romantic relationship, or in main characters, or in adults, and it undid me. The idea? That you could not be so irreparably broken that you could be enough for someone even if you couldn't give them romance? That you didn't have to play third-string behind the real important family and romance relationship? That you weren't inherently tragic? That you weren't inherently lesser? That you weren't inherently broken? Was a lot? Also it was funny?
Don't Hang Up Now, I'm Not Done, by teahound (@tea-with-veth). The first tubbo-centric fic I read and then I was deeply disappointed to find how difficult it was to find anything that even remotely measures up. But I loved the relationships in this so much, it basically punted me into beeduo fandom. Now I have 20k+ channel points with both tubbo and ranboo (and tubbo alt), and whenever they show up in fic I cheer for my boys.
Hush Now (You Were Lost but Now You’re Found), by @corpse-art. You know when you read something and you're like "oh, this is what everyone else is trying to do with the genre". So absolutely beautifully written and conceived and plotted, sent me down a rabbit hole of superhero AUs which mostly did not measure up, I adore it. The reveal of information is so obviously intentional and crafted? We have learned so much and still actually know so little? It's a masterwork? The intentionality of it all?
the trinkets and the treasures we brought back from the crusades, by Odaigahara (@droidofmay). Absolutely beautifully-done world-building and characterization in a one-shot where one character is only there via an ancient diary and the other person is dying. What one-shots want to be. I try to rec this and I lose my words and I am just grabbing people by the front of the shirt and yelling READ IT.
Bad Beat, by Bee_4 (@theminecraftbee). I do not understand how to play card games. I don't understand bluffing or card counting or the rules. But this managed to keep me absolutely on the edge of my seat for 10k words and then it sucker-punched me. HOW TO TENSION LIKE THIS I DO NOT KNOW.
Whatever Remains, However Improbable, by @7cxrhye. It is a fantastic mystery that made me forget to eat or get up from the computer for an afternoon (I was walking around making tea carrying my laptop with me), and also the author invited me to her discord server and I timidly joined and then I learned that fic discord servers are the best place on the internet, so it was noteworthy both ways. (This is just such a good mystery, you guys.)
Cataclysm, by thanotaphobia (blue000jay) (@thanotaphobia). Cataclysm my beloved, the reason I eagerly check the calendar to see if it's friday and sadly droop throughout the week. This is my favourite because it is an astonishingly good fantasy AU with politics where everyone is an unreliable narrator and so much is happening behind the scenes, and it is my favourite because it made me absolutely lose my mind in my desire to know what is going on and literally start a thirteen-page document titled "conspiracy document" tracking facts and alliances and theories, and it is my favourite because I actually got in on the ground floor and got to read this one from chapter one (I was the eleventh comment) and I was recommending it around from chapter one onwards because I knew it was going to be amazing and I was fucking correct, motherfuckers. Read Cataclysm.
mangoball, for being so hilarious that I actually sent it to my non-dsmp friends and went "okay I think this still makes sense outside the fandom, this is so funny, read it, I need you to understand the washing machine joke".
Yeah thanks for asking such an easy question to answer.
fanfic end of the year asks
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ebookporn · 3 years
Inside the massive fandom making Dream SMP YouTube’s biggest hit 
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Ollie was asleep at three in the morning when the Discord app on his phone started blowing up. He panicked; many of his friends lived in different time zones, but they knew how late it was for him. The only reason they’d be frantically messaging him in the middle of the night is if something terrible happened. Bolting awake, he checked his messages.
A high school student and artist, Ollie spends much of his free time making fan art about his favorite Minecraft streamers. Dream, arguably the main character in his Minecraft universe, known as Dream SMP, has more than 2.7 million followers on Twitter and nearly 20 million subscribers on YouTube. So when Ollie saw Dream tell his followers to check out the art on his account, Ollie burst into tears. His own Twitter account went from around 8,000 followers to more than 13,000 followers in one night.
“I decided to write about how the Dream SMP is a brilliant example of how to do fan service properly,” Teahound continued. “But actually, what is happening on the SMP cannot be described as fanservice. It’s collaborative storytelling in it’s best form.”
“In that moment, I felt so valued in the community,” Ollie told The Verge over Discord. “Not because of the numbers that were coming through with the shoutout, but because of how many people I realized were around me, supporting me, and being such amazing friends.”
Describing the story of Dream SMP to anyone not paying attention to every stream or YouTube upload can sound like a made-up language. Dream SMP (SMP stands for “survival multiplayer,” a type of Minecraft server) was created by a YouTuber who goes by Dream. Over the last 18 months, Dream has invited other Twitch streamers and YouTube personalities — including TommyInnit, Tubbo, GeorgeNotFound, Punz, and several more — to join in. Together, they get into hijinxes, stage lengthy feuds, and pal around for a combined audience of tens of millions of people. Dream went from 1 million to 15 million subscribers in one year alone. Some of it is scripted and planned out, driving a larger story, but many of the reactions and circumstances are totally improvised.
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tea-with-veth · 1 year
In light of Grian and Scar’s latest episode can I recommend my own fanfic which has similar vibes to watching the two of them dig their own graves as fast as they can while pleading for Docm77 to spare them. 
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tea-with-veth · 2 years
My gift for @dont-doubt-dopple for the @mcytblraufest! 
My prompt was to create a prank war between two stores. At first, I was intimidated by the prompt, but it didn't take long to realize that it was perfect for me. I've been working two jobs this summer, and the first job is at a crepe cafe! I'd been gifted the perfect setting for my story.
A lot of inspiration about the world of "Magic Mountain Chocolates", "Impulse's Crepes + Coffee" and "Ren's Coffee Shop" comes straight from my life, including the horribly hot weather. In the end, this AU got me through some stressful work days, as I imagined the pranks these characters could play on one another. I started visiting the local chocolate shop often for inspiration, and ate some tasty chocolate too :)
Thanks so much to Dopple for the delightful prompt, and to Droid and Medusa for putting on this fest! I’m so glad I joined <3 
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tea-with-veth · 2 years
New chapter out! 
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tea-with-veth · 2 years
New chapter!!! They make muffins! 
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tea-with-veth · 2 years
this fic has pain and suffering and emeraldduo you wanna read it so bad 
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tea-with-veth · 2 years
Teahound Fic Masterlist
The current masterpost of my fanfics! I’ve listed the series here: I have nearly thirty fics in total, but they are almost all condensed into series.  The Pocketful of Rye series, co-written by myself and @lumberjack-halt stars Philza Minecraft, who has been turned into a crow by an angry witch, and subsequently taken shelter with a pink-haired man with a mysterious past living in the forest. The series stars tasty food, friends, and the unfolding stories of people seeking peace in a world where darkness still lurks. Currently ongoing. 
songs and stardust sons is a three-part series: a philza origin story, a technoblade origin story, and the story of how they met and became friends. One of my favorites, both to write and read.
The touch-tone telephone series stars Tubbo as a young intern at a dubious genetics company, who befriends a hybrid Ranboo who is being experimented on and decides to do something to help. The next two works in the series deal with the aftermath of those decisions.
The and the universe! series is my collection of hermitcraft fics and last life fics. There are currently two fics there, but you can expect more on the way. 
a garden of thorns is my collection of Dream SMP one-shot fics, including some drabbles previously posted on Tumblr, and some more exclusive, longer stories. I highly recommend this series- it contains much of my best work, but is much less well known. 
and sometimes, home a collection of SBI one-shots, primarily emerald duo! Some take place within the Dream SMP canon, while others are AUs. 
throw a penny (for my children) is a Breath of the Wild AU where the champions of Hyrule run a frozen yogurt shop and fall in love with being teenagers about to grow up. 
soldiers and spirits a two-part (incomplete) series involving the Dream Team and a world of chaos, spirits and magic.
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tea-with-veth · 2 years
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I posted 4,081 times in 2022
133 posts created (3%)
3,948 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 764 of my posts in 2022
#4 the lad - 148 posts
#teahound laughs - 89 posts
#teahound answers - 59 posts
#teahound draws - 28 posts
#wow - 20 posts
#ask game - 18 posts
#teahound writes - 10 posts
#teahound talks - 9 posts
#&lt;3 - 7 posts
#teahound updates - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#that the line goes up video essay is very comprehensive and helpful if you want to learn more about nfts and crypto and where it comes fro
My Top Posts in 2022:
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It doesn’t feel like much, in the grand scheme of things, but I’ve seen other people doing memorials in their worlds and I found myself doing one too. 
142 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
I’m just,,,so DELIGHTED by how healthy Mina and Jonathan’s relationship is. They have such deep love and trust in one another, but are both very capable independently, with their own goals and aspirations. And the respect they have for one another!! Man. I’m so happy for them. i sure hope NOthing Bad Happens.
156 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
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See the full post
193 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
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they r talking about space 
251 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Boatem my beloved. 
Also available as a sticker here! 
447 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tea-with-veth · 2 years
Here are some things about the end of the world: It’s amazing how much normal life you can fit into it. How many silly jokes and dumb mistakes and strange half-baked cults can happen while it’s crashing down around you. You can spend an hour watching the moon grow closer and think it’s beautiful and this is the end of it and mean both things. Even as the earth tears itself up, there are more things to build, and more moments to cradle in your hand. 
Here are some things about creating: It never ends. There is always one more detail to add. One more thing you wish you could have done. You go around and add those candles, fix that block that’s been bothering you. You take a step back to see what you’ve made and you can’t say it is finished, because it never will be. But you say it is good and you mean that wholeheartedly. 
Here are some things about goodbyes: They’re not so bad. You look around at the world you’ve made and the things you’ve poured yourself into. They are pieces of you, pinned to a map. They are your friends in stone and clay and mountain. And it’s so bitter to leave, but so sweet to see, and it feels like something sad and kind. There is love, here, in this world, and that’s why it hurts to leave it. Better, you think, to leave what you love than to never have loved it. You have played the game well. 
Here are some things about the Void: It loves you. It has loved you since you opened up the crust of the earth and invited it to be a centerpiece in your home. It’s taken you back into the embrace of stars more times than you can count. It has consumed you and returned you again and again and now it cradles you. 
Void should mean emptiness, but this is anything but empty. After all, you are here, and you are not alone. Here lies the heart of the universe, the place between worlds, and it promises that you are love and you are held, and then there is another world waiting for you.   
Here are some things about waiting: It’s better with friends. Waiting is hard alone, but easy with a hand to hold, and you have so many hands here willing to hold you. 
And here is a thing about home: you are taking it with you. And here is a thing about home: you are leaving it behind. You can do both. The universe is built on paradox, and you are not separate from the universe. 
You close your eyes and you know when you open them, there will be a blue sky, and a new adventure, and another game. 
Wake up. 
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tea-with-veth · 3 years
Dual Blades
They are both already legends when they meet. Maybe that’s part of what pulls them together, like two magnets. In the end, it was always going to be Philza and Technoblade, the angel of death and his blood god.
Phil meets a man (not quite human) who should still be a boy, with voices in his head, and chaos in his soul, and he took him under his wings, and never let him go. And Techno finds a man (not quite human) with a blade drenched in blood and kindness in his eyes, and he vowed to offer him the world if that’s what he wanted.  
They rotate around one another, a dangerous double-sided weapon, as they conquer countries and bring kings to their knees and move on and you can only fight so many battles side by side with another person before you are more than allies. And you can only save one another’s lives so many times before you are more than friends. 
By the time the Antarctic Empire is a name that inspires terror, hatred, and awe Phil and Techno are something more indeed.
Phil is the first person Techno tells about the voices. 
Phil finds him, late one night, when they both should be asleep, slumped against an icy corridor wall, eyes too wide, staring out into nothing, breath shallow, trembling like a leaf.
Blood for the blood god. Blood for the blood god. Blood for the blood god----
“Techno? Mate?”
Blood for the blood god. Blood for the blood god. Blood for the blood god----
Techno’s nails are digging into his arm, breaking skin and drawing blood as he tries to ground himself back into the present, and he can barely hear Phil’s concerned voice over the ringing chorus in his ears. It’s too much and Blood for the blood god. Blood for the blood god. Blood for the blood god----
Gentle hands slip into his and restrain his clawing fingers, and he clutches them gratefully, tethered by the touch, gripping so tightly he feels certain he must be hurting Phil. But his friend doesn’t flinch. 
“Techno,” he says in a voice as soft and quiet as snowfall just outside, “Techno what is it?”
He crumbles, and the words come pouring out of him, telling Phil everything, about the voices, the way they scream into his ears and eat him from the inside, and how they push him and pull him, how he feels trapped in a tug of war with himself and the voices fighting control of that space between his ears, how he can’t remember what silence sounds like--
Somehow the act of saying it calms him, and he’s no longer panicked. Now he’s simply afraid, afraid of what Phil will think. He peers out from behind tangled pink hair falling over his face, trying to read his friend’s face. Phil is looking at him, into his eyes, like he’s trying to see something on the other side. 
“Hey,” the older man says, “I don’t know if you lot can hear me, but if you can, give my friend a little peace.”
Is it his imagination or do the voices quiet, just a bit?
And when, a month later, Philza awakens to find Techno at his door, he recognizes that look in his eyes. 
They spend the night in silence, but he braids Technoblade’s hair, working through the tangles with a comb, and weaving it into complicated patterns, and at some point the hybrid falls asleep slumped against his shoulder, and Phil suddenly feels whole. 
The voices like Phil. That’s one thing they and Techno can agree on. 
Their names echo across worlds, and if people turn to Techno’s blade in war, and Philza’s kind eyes in peace, they don’t seem to mind. 
And when Philza says “you’re like one of my sons,” Techno does not say you are a father and a brother and the only family I’ve ever had, and I would bring the world to your feet if you wanted it, and I would do anything for you because he knows Philza understands. So he just nods and they keep on walking across the barren snowy expanse, snowflakes caught in their hair, and a thousand stars spinning above them, bright as lanterns. 
Eventually, the Empire ends. It’s not exactly planned. But Techno says one day, “I think I’m ready to keep moving,” and the next morning he’s gone.
Phil isn’t worried. He makes his arrangements and packs away the beautiful blue cloak and goes home to his sons. 
There’s a bit of emptiness there, but Phil isn’t worried. He and Techno are something more, two twin soldiers, two halves of a whole, two kings of an empire. Phil isn’t worried, because he knows he’ll see his friend again.
The next time Techno meets Phil, at a tournament, he’s with his sons. They’re like their father, children of chaos, and Techno likes them for it. When, at the end of a long day, dizzy with the euphoria of triumphant victory, Wilbur lets slip that he thinks of Techno as another brother, he’s flattered, and his heart lights up like a smoldering ember in his chest. 
Phil didn’t quite realize how barely-more-than-a-child-he’s-Wilbur’s-age-oh-god his ally was until he sees him next to his oldest son, and they’re laughing together. Suddenly he’s thinking back to all those battles, to those torturous nights back in their frozen fortress when the voices were too much, and he resolves to be something more for this young warrior who has grown up far too fast.
Techno likes Philza’s children, and so it’s for their sake as well as his old friend’s that he comes to their aid when the local government needs some of his signature anarchist chaos. 
(“How does one go from an Emperor to an anarchist?” Wilbur asks, late one night, as they sit around the fire in Pogtopia, eating baked potatoes)
(How does the son of an Emperor become an exiled ex-president who just wants to watch the world burn? Techno wonders) 
He does not speak to Phil again, until that terrible, beautiful morning, the sun rising across a very different snowy plain when Phil knocks on the door of the little cabin. He looks different than Techno remembers, shattered. It’s not just the wings, feathers burned into crumbling ash by explosions, it’s the broken expression in his eyes that Techno doesn’t recognize. 
“Come in,” he says.
And Phil does not say I saw my son again today, and I didn’t know him anymore, and I killed my son, I killed my son, Wilbur is gone--
And Techno does not say They used me, they used me, I was nothing but a weapon to them all, in the end, I didn’t matter, and he doesn’t speak the bitter taste of betrayal on his tongue. 
They don’t need to say it. They know.
But Techno holds Phil tightly in his arms when his friend breaks into fractured sobs, and later that night they sit by the fire, and Phil re-braids Techno’s hair, gently smoothing about the tangles, and the voices quiet. 
And they do not point out that their tangle of allegiances means that technically they are enemies. Because, when the lines and swords are drawn, they know exactly where they stand.  
“I think I’m going to retire.” 
“I think that’s a good idea.”
They are two soldiers, twin blades, and they know they never really rest. 
But it’s nice to pretend they have a chance at peace.
Phil leaves with a compass in one pocket and an emerald in the other, and though he’s going back to L’manburg, his heart’s home is a small cottage in a snowy field.
They know where they stand. Phil and Techno will stand with one another.
After all, dual blades should be wielded together. 
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tea-with-veth · 3 years
Teahound fic masterlist (the updated version)
Here it is folks! My fics! That I’ve done! pog! 
soldiers and spirits series: The first fic, and as he fell (you walked away) is a Minecraft Manhunt AU staring the muffinteers on a quest to collect a bounty on the elusive forest spirit, Dream. The second fic in the series, vengeance of the risen is still incomplete (and unfortunately will remain so for a bit yet) and is a follow-up adventure/political drama stuffed full of all my favorite troupes. 
a garden of thorns (Dream SMP one-shots) contains mostly character studies-- there’s lots of Tubbo and Tommy. 
and sometimes home simply means being together (sleepy boys drabbles) series has something for everyone, with one-shots full of fluff, angst, or both. It includes some of my most popular stories including: 
i'd shoot a demon for you son: Philza is a specialist at dealing with the paranormal and he’s got a big job tonight. Unfortunately, he also can’t find a babysitter. 
Dual Blades: A reflection on Technoblade and Philza’s friendship through the years, and it’s follow-up Starlit Dragons where Techno and Phil confront the aftermath of Wilbur’s death, and Phil’s destruction, both physical and emotional. 
The songs and stardust sons series also revolves Techno and Phil, and is in my ways a continuation of Dual Blades. It includes i was sleeping in the garden (when I saw you) a prequel explaining how Philza met his wife, got his wings, and became the Angel of Death, and wrapped up in pure gold (tenfold) a Technoblade origin story.
The heart of the series is the words of an emperor (verba amici) a 5+1 fic that continues to explore Techno and Philza’s friendship, starting with their first meeting to their rule during the Antarctic Empire, and the reunion during the Dream SMP era. 
Finally, the touch-tone telephone series: 
don't hang up yet, i'm not done is a modern AU where Tubbo, an ambitious young intern for a genetics research facility in London, discovers a strange creature kept prisoner in the laboratory, and is forced to confront his ideals while figuring out to protect his new friend, Ranboo. i'm rehearsing what to say (when the truth comes out) is a short, fluffy follow up that deals with the character’s struggles in the aftermath of the events of don’t hang up yet. i'll get it right (but maybe not tonight) follows Sapnap, Karl, Techno and Quackity as they go on a international adventure to find Dream, and some answers, in a buddy-cop style roadtrip tale.
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