#taynew are doing so well
ghostvalleymasters · 4 months
I would like to formally apologise for thinking that Cherry magic Thailand wouldn't be good. The original is one of my favourite shows ever, so I was really doubtful about the adaptation, especially since it was going to be thai, but I have never been happier to be proved wrong. This show is a gem. It's so good.
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absolutebl · 2 months
Hi ABL! Can I be what I'm assuming is the 80th person to ask for your analysis about the move of Prem and Boun to GMMTV? Particularly, any thoughts on:
Why did the move happen and does it mean anything that they moved together?
What might this mean for new series with them as a pair and the potential to break up their pairing?
Are there any GMMTV talents that you'd love to see Boun or Prem paired with?
Thanks in advance for any insights!
BounPrem move to GMMTV
AKA Thai BL industry speculation, my favorite game!!
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I am actually cautiously optimistic about this.
They're an ideal pair for GMMTV to get. Especially if GMMTV continues optioning Japanese IP. These two are beautifully suited to A LOT of yaoi. Just imagine them in a Thai version of Takumi-kun? !
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Rise up Broccoli Nation... let's talk kabedons!
Why did the move happened?
From BounPrem's perspective:
I think they've been pretty underserved by their current home and that home is pushing them towards pulps (I refuse to talk about Even Sun and I found Between Us pretty darn disappointing too.) If they want higher quality narratives and content, GMMTV is a better home for them.
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Also it will handle their brand better for sponsorship and longevity. I was shocked not to see them on more stuff in Bangkok. Most sponsor gigs and major promos and billboards and such were GMMTV pairs and... ZeeNunew
Right now there are good indication for pairs who WANT to stick together (even while aging up) that GMMTV can handle it - because of what they've done with OffGun and TayNew recently.
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It's clear that GMMTV will throw a good pair at decent content (or at least popular stuff) pretty regularly. With GMMTV, BounPrem stand an even better chance at landing a prestige piece, since they have an established fan base.
From the pair's perspective, this is a good career move.
Now, from GMMTV's perspective, let's talk...
Does it mean anything that they moved together?
Yes, it most likely means GMMTV signed them as a BL pair. Some of GMMTV's other hot properties like EarttMix, OffGun, and TayNew clearly want to do (and have done) more than just BL for GMMTV. Even "second levels" like JimmySea are being split for het dramas. It means they lose their BL talent for a good potion of filming season, while they film some other property.
If GMMTV can sign a high value pair that's happy to stay doing BL regularly, that will work very well for them.
ALSO they've add a hot property pair into their stable that's on the EarthMix (highly commercial) level AND willing to do high heat. I think this is key. GMMTV has shown they want to move into sexier stuff (NC-GMMTV?) with things like Moonlight Chicken and Only Friends. VERY few of their existing pairs are willing to go there, and can do it as well as, BounPrem. These 2 do lust and thirst in a way that most GMMTV pairs can't (they are just too brotherly with each other).
I think this is a sign GMMTV want's to enter the after dark market, and move international markets too. (The higher heat stuff tends to be particularly popular outside of Thailand.)
Also, I think it's pretty clear some of GMMTV's hoped for heavy hitters last year (like PerthChimon) aren't working out for them, so it makes sense to onboard a solid bankable pair whole cloth at this juncture.
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I said a while ago I thought GMMTV would make a play for ZeeNunew. I didn't have BounPrem on the list as a backup option, but these pairs are kinda similar, and fill the same niche.
Anyway, smart move all 'round, IMHO.
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What might this mean for new series with them as a pair and the potential to break up their pairing?
I think the pairing is now less likely to break up than ever.
I think they've possibly been tempted to sign BY a prestige new series carrot. We could get something historical with them in it. Or, like I said, something Japanese IP. Probably higher heat than GMMTV has given us in a full BL.
Eyes Target the Finder thoughtfully. (It was VERY popular when I was over there.)
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Are there any GMMTV talents that you'd love to see Boun or Prem paired with?
Like I said, I think GMMTV's objective in signing them would actually be the opposite - NOT to split the pair.
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But if you just want me to speculate for fun (and piss stadn off), I'm always happy to do so.
First is great with anyone, so First with either... or both. First is like the MSG of GMMTV, always improves the taste of any dish.
It might be fun to see Jimmy paired with Prem. But in all honestly I really want a Jimmy + Khaotung thing to happen.
I think Mix has some BDE too, so I think he should play the seme for a change, why not him and Prem?
As for Boun, I think he's a little more dependent on the pairing. It's hard for me to imagine him with someone else. Lemme think. Someone with a very soft screen presence, maybe? How about Gun?
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Heh he, now I'm just winding ya'll up.
Let me have my foibles.
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twig-tea · 3 months
Cherry Magic Thailand Exceeded My Wildest Dreams
This series really surpassed all expectations I had for it. I've already yelled a few weeks ago about how this series righted years-long wrongs both with TayNew and with the Japanese adaptation, and encouraged everyone to watch this show. I'm so happy that the finale didn't let me down, ending its run as a near-perfect series!
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The series as a whole did so many things right and only really stumbled slightly on one of the mid-series filler episodes that didn't affect the arc of the main characters or the story overall, so it was forgivable. Everything else in this series is a joy.
Cherry Magic Thailand has perfect character arcs, with relationships that all champion communication all the way through. There's a reason why Kurosawa and Adachi experienced the penultimate episode breakup in the Japanese adaptation but Karan and Achi did not; Karan and Achi worked so hard for this relationship all the way through this series, and that makes them feel so solid that a breakup would not have felt believable or true to them.
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I loved how quickly and fully Karan embraced Achi's magic, and used it to be as embarrassing as possible about his feelings. This worked so well in the Thai version; For a man who is not super worried about homophobia, and is not as worried about being seen as less than perfect (the way the Japanese version's Kurosawa was), but who instead is mostly certain that he's Too Much, finding out that his every thought has been heard by the man he loves and that he fell in love with Karan because of those thoughts must have been the hugest relief. Karan's energy after the confession scene is consistently: I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have this.
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And that's why it's so critical that Achi already has a ring in his pocket in this finale when Karan proposes. There are of course the reasons why this works as an ending to Achi's arc; The story starts in a way that feels like Karan is leagues ahead of Achi; Achi struggles with feelings of inferiority at the beginning of the series, just like he did in the Japanese version.
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I already wrote in a response to @lurkingshan's ep 11 post about how Achi's arc on this was so good, he managed to gain enough self-confidence to build a workplace friend group, move forward in his career, and proactively move forward his relationship. For Achi, proposing is a perfect end to his arc of coming into himself.
But Karan was already self-actualized. If anything, his fear in this relationship has been that Achi would never love him the way Karan loves Achi. Before they ever get together, Karan organizes his day at the office to Achi's schedule, making sure to reduce minor inconveniences and discomforts without ever expecting to be noticed, never mind reciprocated. Karan lies to Achi all the time about how far out of his way he went to do things for Achi (from buying drinks to braving Songkran crowds to bring him medicine). When they first start dating Karan over-plans their first date, and Achi has to remind him that small moments are also good. During the dreaded episode 8 confrontation with their boss, Karan takes the responsibility of their relationship on himself alone. When they were preparing for Achi to be leaving for a month, Achi straight out told Karan he was worried about Karan's ability to handle the separation. He hung out outside Achi's house secretly, and designed a new krathong for them to release at Loy Krathong, but was willing to let go of their Loy Krathong date at the first sign Achi might have to skip it.
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This is the first time Achi really steps up in their relationship, but it's still following Karan's lead--he knew celebrating Loy Krathong was important to Karan, so he prepared a surprise for a different day so that they could still celebrate together. While Achi is on his work secondment, they both prioritize staying in touch, but Karan takes a surprise trip out to see Achi before the month is over. And they have sex, and so Achi can no longer hear Karan's thoughts.
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This means Karan is able to keep secrets from him again, like a proposal. And so Karan buys a ring, retaining what he thinks is his position as the one who does the work to move their relationship forward. But Achi surprises him by asking him to meet his parents as soon as he comes back from his secondment. And then he overhears Achi tell Karan's mother that he is making sure Karan isn't the only one putting effort into their relationship.
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And then Karan is so overwhelmed with happiness that he can't hold back and asks Achi to marry him, and because he's Karan he has the ring already and is carrying it with him. And Achi tells him yes.
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And this is the critical bit: Achi then tells Karan that he was also planning to propose to Karan, and proves it by pulling out his own ring. This is physical evidence that Karan is not alone with the intensity of his feelings; that Achi is doing what he told Karan's mother he would, and is putting effort into their relationship himself outside of steer from Karan; that Karan is allowed to love as hard as he does and he will be met halfway by a partner who is a partner in every sense of the word. When Karan says to Achi "I really love you, you know?" And Achi says "I do", it's not just about Achi knowing the depth of Karan's feelings intellectually, but about him knowing the depth of Karan's feelings by reciprocating them. It's about Karan knowing that Achi won't just coast on Karan's love, but will make sure Karan is being taken care of too.
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[The part that breaks my heart about that is that Achi's kindness is the thing that attracted Karan to him in the first place; but Karan is so used to not being taken care of that he never expected Achi to turn his caretaking skills on Karan, even after they started dating. Quietly devastating, nbd]
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Let's talk about happier parts of this last episode I noticed instead. The parallels in this last episode are so stacked on top of one another that I find it almost overwhelming; We have the two Karan/Achi bench scenes in CMT, from when they become a couple and when they get engaged; there's the proposals between Karan and Achi and between Jinta and Min, and how complete opposites they are (in the contrast between each individually having planned rings and having them on their person even for a mutually unplanned proposal, and how that contrasts to using a pen to draw on an engagement ring because neither of them had prepared at all); there's the use of pens as a proposal tool in Jinta and Min's story and in the Japanese adaptation's Kurosawa and Adachi's story; the perfect reverse parallel between the heat levels of the couples in the Japanese adaptation and the Thai adaptation--I love that Thailand flipped this rather than keeping them both moving faster, it makes the universe feel more balanced somehow--and (as @liyazaki illustrated in her post) that final fake-out parallel that ends the Thai and Japanese versions.
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Love the decision to honour the Japanese adaptation while keeping to the manga on which it's based by giving Pai a story that has a clear aroace read while building the foundation for a start to a relationship with Rock that is believable and one I can root for.
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I can't talk about Jinta, Min, Rock, and Pai without talking about how much I love these ride-or-die friends that Karan and Achi have acquired. The way Pai drops everything to get Achi to the airport; the way Rock kidnaps Karan without knowing why; the way Jinta and Achi talk to one another using their powers; the way Jinta looks at Achi and Karan when they have dinner together. All of these things warm my heart so much. The way Duj is the most intense busybody in the office but it comes from a place of caring.
And I cannot end a post about this show without talking about just how funny it is. Karan's internal scream, Jinta being able to hear the cat's internal voice, Pai's shipping constantly being misinterpreted by Achi and Rock, these jokes landed every time.
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This post got out of hand, again. TL;DR I LOVED THIS SHOW. I loved the humour, the friendships, the relationships, the character arcs, and the scenery. I loved seeing Tay and New absolutely slay on my screen again, I loved seeing another adaptation of this stellar source material, and I loved watching something so well put together week to week. It's been such a good run of shows!
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bengiyo · 8 months
GMMTV 2024 Part 1 Stray Thoughts
I have finished viewing the trailers. I'm feeling relatively cool about most of it, and I had a strong negative reaction to the announcements about two adaptations.
Here is what intrigued me in order:
My Golden Blood - When Joss and Mond rose off the ground, I also ascended. Joss and Gawin wasn't on my radar as a potential option, but I am so here for it.
Wadee Gooday - I'm so here for the adult romance, and Thor is here. A boxer and a doctor have such fascinating potential.
The Trainee - OffGun workplace romance and Love Score is playing. We are so fucking back.
On Sale - TayNew in a ghost romcom? We are so fucking back.
Pluto - Film and Namtam and Namtam is lying? I am here for it.
Kidnap - Ohm is back in BL and they gave him a gun and a little brother who shares his name. This is probably gonna be a mess but it looks fun.
Only Boo - Not sure how I feel about an idol trainee show, but Louis is here.
We Are - Why are there four couples? Engineering? Hopefully, this is going to be like MSP, and let us put this behind us.
High School Frenemy - I will have to watch School 2013 before this airs because it looks like the original was well-received and this trailer just looks like boys fighting the whole time.
My Love Mix-Up - Fourth doesn't seem to do slapstick well in this trailer, and Gem doesn't look serious enough. New Hashimoto doesn't have that glint in her eye. New Aida looks solid. I'm skeptical. More thoughts below.
Ossan's Love - Literally why?
Summer Night - Phuwin and Dunk pratfall kiss bait into het nonsense with a BL side. No thanks.
My Precious the series - I feel like any hype I had for this has evaporated. I'm past it.
Ploy's Yearbook - Apparently step-siblings fall for each other in this? No thanks.
Enigma 2 - No idea what's going on but it has clear vibes.
Alright, I'm just gonna say it: The My Love Mix-Up trailer was not good. I love Fourth and Gemini a lot. I think Fourth is really talented, and I think he and Gemini make a good team. That being said, there is a reason KH continues to get content shared on this website, and right now I don't think Fourth and Gem showed the juice to match Michieda Shunsuke and Meguro Ren.
I don't think Fourth is going to generate meme material as Thai Aoki the way Michieda did if this trailer is indicative of where he's going. I don't think Gemini is hitting the seriousness of Ida well here at all. Ida is a demisexual icon and so important to the genre, and I just don't think Gemini has this in him right now.
For those wondering why I feel so strongly about this, I will remind you that Kieta Hatsukoi is free on Viki.
We are now seeing cross-cultural adaptations of BL work, and I think that it's incredibly important to view the source work before we get into big discussions about what each adaptation does well. I am so concerned about Kieta Hatsukoi being adapted because it's so distinctly Japanese in its stylings and the dramatic tension underpinning it. The Thai trailer feels lacking to me because the angst felt so ungrounded. Fourth can moon over Gemini just fine, but there's a specificity to the mooning that he just isn't hitting here.
I will be talking about My Love Mix-Up Thailand as an adaptation of Kieta Hatsukoi. I will not be entertaining debates or discussions about it as an independent work. The trailer has called directly to the Japanese origins and it will be judged as such. If you haven't or won't watch the original or read the source work, please don't tag me, because "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore."
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happypotato48 · 3 months
List of Thai BL dramas i've watched with short opinions about them i guess :P
Thai BLs that i finished:
A Boss and a Babe. It's cute for what it is, i loved the gaming friendships and i'm a sucker for forcebook. 7/10 need more unhinged energy from book.
A Tale of Thousand Stars/Our Skyy 2 : Bad Buddy x A Tale Of Thousand stars. this show reminds me a lot of early to mid 2000s lakorns. it's a beautiful by the book love story, i appreciated that a bl got to take a spin on this kind of quiet thai story. 8/10 loved it but still too vanilla for my taste.
Bake Me Please. Guide Kantapon is the cutest man alive and CAKES! that it, that all i have for this show. 6/10 it's a show that exist.
Be My Favorite. damn fluke gawin is so pretty what was this show about again? :P i'm kidding, i actually really liked this show. i watched it when i had zero knowledge about bl industry, i was oblivious about krist's controversy and i find krist acting to be charming and think kawee is very relatable as a cringe fail human myself. 8.5/10 this show made me want to collected weird thingies.
Cherry Magic (Thailand). oh boy this show. it's was everything to me also the only show so far that i've written extensively on this site. here is my personal feeling about this show. 9.5/10 would kill for taynew.
Cooking Crush. what! the fuc$! look look, i just learned that both offgun are older than me. when i first saw the show i thought they were some rookie actors with how young they looks. watching cute bl is gonna be the death of me. anywho this show is supercute don't have a lot of thought about it though. 7.5/10 cutting half a point cause of no samsee x metha.
Cutie Pie/Naughty Babe. what a fuckin legend of a series. all the characters have zero braincells and somehow all the rich pretty boys are engaged to each other and by arranged marriages nonetheless. wtf is this fanfic version of thailand and where can i get hit by a truck and get isekai to it. 7.5/10 still haven't watch Cutie Pie 2 U, i hope it get dumber.
Enchanté. this show is so dummmb it should've go full camp reverse harem yaoi nonsense but it didn't and ended up being kinda boring. 6.5/10. meh, i'm still a sucker for forcebook.
Last Twilight. UGHHH!! i'm still so mad. this show was going to be THE SHOW for me then ep 11-12 happened i legit mentally check out halfway through ep 12 and i basically blocked the ending from my mind. this show came out at the right place and the right time for me, the first 9 episodes helped me through a very tough time in my life. the story of two people helping each other finding their way out of the dark was very compelling to me. ughh. 5.5/10 (9/10 for ep 1-9) P'Aof why are you like this!!
Laws Of Attraction. yassssssss this show slay(literally :P) the show is a breath of fresh air for me despite how very lakorn of it is. i'm glad that there is a bl that feel this soapy and campy cause like i do love my angsty and innocent school bls but the industry really need show like laws of attraction. jamfilm also were very great in their roles espically film, charn is the most babygirl corrupted cute evil lawyer of all time. 9/10 no note headempty only charn's evil smirks in my mind
La Pluie. now, this is a romance. this show is one of the most romanctic media that i personally have experience. i loved that the show took the cheesy premise of soulmates and work it so well to do both deconstruction and exploration of the trope. i think using rain, thing that isolated people as a narrative tool for love connection is absolutely brilliant. last but not least pat is just the perfect bl love interest, he's an very idealized character but he do feels like an actual person. i want to give a shout out to Pee Peerawich the way he said "มันหนาวอ่ะ" in ep 8 sent me, the raspy voice, the eye twich and combo those with a back cuddle, sir! you just commited a mass murders with that move. 9/10 plz i need season two with my baby boy tien.
Love in Translation. the unhingendness of that first meeting is probably my favorite bl meet cute. look if you don't get into a fistfight with the guy you destined to be with then what is the point of life. this show fake date is very well done it's doesn't feel forced like in a lot of other bls and it make the growing attraction feels very genuine and it pay off in one of the best sex scenes in all of bl, yang is such a freak and i loved him for it. 8/10 the last two episodes did got slightly off the rail for me but i still enjoyed the show.
Moonlight Chicken. one of the most beautiful shows i ever watched. when watching this show i can feels, smells and tastes everything it depicted. from the comfort khao man gai to jim's loneliness, from alan's heartbreak to liming and heart's midnight motorcycle ride. this show gave me all the feels and i still can't completely shake it off. 9.9/10 this show is a healing.
My School President. These boys!!!! i can't, i loved these boys so much, all the boys, YES ALL OF THEM! this show is on the opposite spectrum of Moonlight Chicken for me. while MC give me the good heartaches this show give me unbridled joy it's like heartstopper on cracks. i absolutely adored tinn and gun and the show relentless optimism about thier first love. love is awesome no matter the romantic, familial or platonic kind and i think this show hit the marks with all three. 10/10(i'm super bias but fuck it idc i even liked the singing) this show made me started watching thai bl and it always will have a place in my heart.
My Ride. this show is lacking in intimacy but making up by being all heart. could this show be better if they fleshed out and explore more of tawan and his cheating bf's relationship, maybe but i'm happy for what we got. 8/10 mork and tawan were very cutie patootie, i don't remember much about the het and the side couple were just st ok.
Step by Step. man trisanu is exactly the same height at me and i want everyone to know that is the only reason i started this show🤣 . i feels like this show have a lot to say about stuff but i kinda got lost staring at man trisanu while watching. one thing i really loved is the very fem *ตุ๊ด coworker who got to be a real character not just a jokey sidekick and having a loving relationship with a hottie. 7.5/10 can i get more man trisanu in bl plz.
Triage. asshole doctor stuck in a timeloop for him to find the meaning of life, yes plz give it to me. i loved stories about assholes who need to better themself for love and other junk. tinn and tol are both grumpy bitches and i just loved that the show use the timeloop to soften these nerds. at the end i just want to wrap them in blanket and let's them cuddle each other forever. 8.5/10 the last ep is bit convoluted but i forgave the show for that cute clocktower kiss.
You're My Sky. i started this show for my boy suar and he did not disappointed. the pining and the longing for an older boy who been there for you most you life, chef kiss. this show also very beautiful to look at. 8/10 i'm kinda meh about the side couples, i do think they all got the "good ending" for their stories.
Thai BLs that i didn't finish or gave up and skipped to the ending:
Bad Buddy. Oh boy, am i gonna get murder for this??? sorry but idk why i didn't wholeheartedly love and give this show my undivided attention. i watched this show very weird and out of order, i started with the last ep than just watch other episodes in bit and peice. i think i've seen 70% of this show. plz forgive me this is the first thai bl i tried to get into but can't. maybe i need to give this show another chance and watch it properly. or idk maybe cause the way i watched it, it's ruined for me forever. 6.5/10 i loved the rooftop kiss plz don't kill me.
Dangerous Romance. this show is trash and not the good kind, how this show depicted relationship between a rich asshole and a poor boy feels very gross to me. i fast forward a bunch and gave up after the not just dumb but very cruel breakup. 4/10 it's watchable if you ignore the plot and the chatacters.
Hidden Agenda. wow this is the most nothing show that ever nothing for me. it's a perfected white noise while playing chill video games. i stopped watching after ep 8 cause look like there going to be a dumb break up, i have no desire to revisit this show. 5/10 joongdunk were kinda cutes.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear. this show is too god damn long with too many side plots the one and a half hour per episode killed the momentum for me. i liked the show and do think i want to revisit and finish it one day. 6/10 for now.
Vice Versa. why are they giving jimmysea this show. this show is so boring for me, i gave up in episode 6. 4/10 gmmtv give my babies better shows!!
Thai BLs that i've watched all the sex scenes and have no intention of watching the actual show:
Kinnporsche: heheehehhehehe everyone were so hot, too bad i don't like rich mafia story. mile being a nepobaby also significantly killed the mood for me. 55555/dead bodyguards (idk how many there are but i don't care) the ost are bangers though.
Venus in the Sky and Love in the Air. cringe gay sex for the wins. 69/420.
ok, whoo that was a lot. gonna pin this cause i don't think anyone want to read all that in one sitting. i think i'm gonna make another post for non thai BLs in the near future. thanks for reading my unhinged opinions hope i'm not gonna get moider for it 55555555.
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isaksbestpillow · 8 months
Gmmtv 2024
I'm now going to watch and review all the trailers of GMMTV 2024 part 1! Glad they're splitting up the announcements this year because watching a year's worth of trailers in a row last time was rough for me personally lol.
The Interest ผ่อนรักนอกระบบ Was this movie already in last year's selection or does Bright keep making the same movie??? Not really into the whole guy who can't take no for an answer trope so I won't be camping out at a Thai cinema for this. Moving along!
รักแรกโคตรลืมยาก The Series /My Precious Wait so the first trailer was a remake of a Korean movie and this one is a tv show version of Gmmtv movie that came out like yesterday??? Here's your Japanese word of the day: netagire, running out of ideas. The cast is cute. Moving along!
หนังสือรุ่นพลอย/Ploy's Yearbook Oh thank god the first minute was a flashback because these people are too old to be playing high school students, a minute of horror haha. Namtan, Film and Aye are all talented women, I'm glad they're getting the spotlight but the plot feels confusing. Earth's there, and some other bl guys, so at least they're breaking the mould of those branded pairs a little. I've frankly wanted to see Namtan & Earth for a long time.
We are คือเรารักกัน Is We are the official international title? The original คือเรารักกัน means well we love each other. Anyway. We are at university. Pond and Phuwin are here. They're engineers. Everyone is potentially gay for each other. Stop me if you think you've heard this one before. Moving along!
The Trainee ฝึกงานเทอมนี้ รักพี่ได้มั้ย Annual OffGun bl, a GMMTV staple. The title means The intership Can I love you (/Phi)? Might watch this for silliness purposes. Also for Kapook purposes.
แค่ที่แกง / Only Boo A school setting with actual new faces???? I might not be watching but good for them. GMMTV is probably eager to recreate the FourthGemini magic, we'll see how it goes. Moving along!
Pluto นิทาน ดวงดาว ความรัก I will admit I didn't understand a single thing about the plot but Namtan and Film are kissing and that's enough to lure me in.
บ้านหลอน ON SALE/Peaceful property There are ghosts and slapstick vibes. TayNew are back again. Might watch for culture learning purposes because Thailand is all about the ghosts.
Ossan's Love Thailand No trailer yet, but apparently Earthmix are cast as the leads. This may seem like a very random adaptation at first, but it's actually not that surprising since TV Asahi that produced the original has been heavily involved with GMMTV for a couple of years now and Earthmix are the most popular Thai bl couple among Japanese audiences. There's also a big Japan boom happening in Thailand right now and Japan is eager to get that dime considering the miserable state the of the Japanese yen. In all its silliness, Ossan's Love was an important milestone in Japan because it was the first time gay people were shown in suits in mainstream Japanese media when for the longest time gay has been pretty much synonymous to cross-dressing and funny drag queens. The world has changed quite a bit since 2016 when it comes to understanding sexual harassment so we'll see how this is going to get adapted for this era.
My Golden Blood เลือดนายลมหายใจฉัน Listen I may not have been a vampire girl before but I sure am now haha. What was that and where can I get more. Maybe the special effects are leftovers from that paranormal Win Metawin show, but that won't bring me down. I love Gawin collecting GMMTV men like trash. I've been a GawinJoss shipper for five minutes now and counting. The original title means Your blood is my breath.
Kidnap ลับ-จ้าง-ลัก Is that one of the houses from Bad Buddy??? Is this a bl???? Is Ohm doing another bl????? Good for him. Maybe people will be less weird about it this time. I appreciate actors exploring their chemistry with multiple partners, it keeps it interesting for all of us.
Summer Night ความลับในคืนฤดูร้อน Heterosexuals? In high school? Groundbreaking. You could've merged this with the My Precious trailer and I wouldn't have noticed. Eteenpäin sanoi mummo lumessa, forward said a grandma in the snow!
วันดีวิทยา/Wandee goodday Gays are boxing and performing surgery. Good day, sir. I'm vibing with the casting. That leg cramp during sex was the best thing I've ever seen in these trailers, count me in.
High School Frenemy มิตรภาพ คราบศัตรู Three trailers left, almost there!! This has Japanese or Korean remake written all over it. I don't recognise the story meaning it's probably Korean. Look, there's a glimpse of Mark in a minor role, where are all his major roles!! View's also there, she's a great actor and I'd like to see her in bigger roles. I hope they will both be heavily featured in GMMTV 2024 part 2. Alright, I have now finished watching people get beaten up for five minutes, moving along.
My Love Mix-Up! เขียนรักด้วยยางลบ GeminiFourth are rekindling Kieta hatsukoi. Like I said, Japan is big in Thailand and media houses in both countries are establishing connections so is adaptation is not a surprise. The tempo of the trailer was a little dull for me. The original show is quite short so the pacing is obviously going to be different but we'll see!
Enigma 2 บุหงาหมื่นภมร Buddy I didn't even watch Enigma 1. I consider my work here done.
A lot of big GMMTV players were still missing so I look forward to part 2! I mean there's gonna be more, right????
Thank you for reading!
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: December 2023 ~ 
🎆 Happy 2024!!! 🍾
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 You're My Star (Christmas Special) - December 4th (Philippines)
🌟 Bagan Beginning - December 5th (Myanmar)
🌟 Chains of Heart: The Movie - December 7th (Thailand)
🌟 Cherry Magic Thailand - December 9th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 It's Complicated - December 14th (Thailand) 
🌟 Dear Kitakyushu - December 14th (Thailand) 
🌟 Colorful Melody - December 16th (Thailand) 
🌟 Night Dream - December 16th (Thailand)
🌟 DMD Friendship (reality show) - December 17th (Thailand)
🌟 Scent of Memory (I Feel You Linger in the Air Special Episode) - December 17th (Thailand)
🌟 Dead Friend Forever - December 23rd (Thailand) 
🌟 I Became the Lead in a BL Drama - December 24th (Japan)
🌟 Mr. Nice Guy & the Lonely Man - December 25th (Thailand)
🌟 Love on Lo - December 26th (Thailand)
🌟 You and My Stars - December 30th (Thailand)
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ Cherry Magic - It's cute so far, this is the first adaption where I've actually seen the original and I'm pleasantly surprised. The plot is familiar but they're adding things to it which is nice. It's extended and more explorative compared to the OG but in an endearing way. TayNew do the roles justice, I couldn't imagine a better fit tbh. And even Mark and Junior make the side couple likable who I really did not like in the original lol. Thumbs up so far 🫶🏻
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Knock Out (produced by Dee Hup) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 First Time Love - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Perfect Propose - Coming February 2024 (Japan)
🎥 The Fridge - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Caged Again - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Likay The Series/Let Me Into Your Heart (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 The Only One - Date TBA (Taiwan)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ GMMTV's upcoming BL We Are has started filming. The show will be directed by New Siwaj and stars PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawin and more. It is thus the first production from the 2024 lineup to go into production. Aside from that, many other upcoming BLs have started filming including The Trainee, Only Boo and Wandee Goodday.
❗️This year's Y Universe Awards were held on December 11th. The following BL actors & productions won:
Cutie Pie 2 You - Best Series
Moonlight Chicken - Best Series Script
Aof N. - Best Director (MLC)
Gemini N. - Best Supporting Actor (MLC)
Khaotung T. - Best Supporting Actor (MLC)
Fourth N. - Best Leading Actor (MSP)
ZeeNunew - Best Couple
I Feel You Linger in the Air - Best Series Soundtrack, Best Production
Laws of Attraction - Best Social Reflection
❗️The Japanese BL The Man Who Defies The World of BL is getting a third season to air in 2024. Further details are unknown.
❗️After further copyright issues, the Thai remake of the Japanese BL Cherry Magic had to be removed from youtube and will no longer be aired on the site. The show will continue to only be available nationally on VIU. Viewers with a VPN can still access the site, other streaming options are KissKH, Dramacool and KissAsian.
❗️The streaming platform WeTV announced a new original BL titled Caged Again which tells the love story between a penguin and a panther. Both animals transform into humans while travelling between universes and fall in love. The show is set to air in 2024, the cast is unknown.
❗️The Thai BL production company Domundi announced their upcoming project The Next Prince to release its pilot trailer in the first quarter of 2024. The show stars ZeeNunew and others and has a historical theme. Filming will likely begin later this year.
Upcoming series & movies for January
👉🏻 BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank In Hen - January 2nd (Japan)
👉🏻 Ossan's Love Returns - January 5th (Japan)
👉🏻 Refund Love - January 7th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Time The Series - January 9th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Intern in My Heart (BL side couple) - January 10th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka - January 11th (Japan)
👉🏻 I Wish You Love - January 21st (Thailand)
👉🏻 Beside You (mini series) - January TBA (Thailand)
👉🏻 Love for Love's Sake - January TBA (South Korea)
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babyangelsky · 3 months
BL Challenge 2k24 ✨Day 1✨
Hello and welcome to the 15 Day BL Challenge which has been brought to you by the lovely @negrowhat and can be found here! She has encouraged everyone and anyone to participate in whatever way they like, so please feel free to do so!
First up we have...
Favorite OG Actor Pairing: TayNew
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♡ gif by @namchyoon from this set
I cannot even begin to tell you what a soft spot I have for TayNew. I can't look at them without smiling. My first experience watching each of them wasn't even something they'd done together. I first saw Tay in The Three Gentlebros and New in The Warp Effect.
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♡ gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul from this set
I enjoyed both of them so much right away and when I finally got around to watching them together, the chemistry hit me like a ton of bricks. They're both fantastic actors in their own right and play off of each other so well. They're so enjoyable to watch individually and together, even when they're making me cry.
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♡ gif by @liyazaki from this set
I still need to finish Cherry Magic but I'm already so so excited to see them again in Peaceful Property.
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lurkingshan · 6 months
I’m back, baby! And catching up:
Last Twilight: against all odds, my favorite show airing atm. Me and Jimmy have come so far.
Cooking Crush: everything I wanted, and I don’t just like it because I’m an OffGun girlie at heart. It’s genuinely a perfect food romcom to balance all the other heavy shit airing right now.
The Sign: obsessed, it’s now appointment television.
Playboyy: intellectually interested in what it’s trying to say but not nearly as titillated by the pale imitations of porn as some of y’all.
WDYEY: steady as a rock, I missed Shiro and Kenji.
Middleman’s Love: fell way behind and I’m not enticed enough to go back. Might binge it when it finishes if y’all tell me it’s worth it.
The Whisperer: sad about how terrible it is, I would only endure this for The Dimple.
Shadow: part 2 dropping this week hell yeah.
Still haven’t started:
VIP Only: I have solemnly vowed to watch everything Taiwan puts out so I’ll be catching up soon.
Mr. Sahara & Toki-kun: Drama Shower has been so good this year, I’ll be picking this one up too.
Pit Babe: I suspect the ABO thing is just window dressing and this is a standard mid bl, will wait to hear what people think.
My Dear Gangster Oppa: will binge this when it ends, it doesn’t look good enough to hold up to weekly viewing and I’ve been warned it contains my beloathed noble idiocy trope.
Bake Me Please: seems inessential, holding for now unless someone tells me otherwise.
Twins: ditto.
For Him: ditto.
7 Days Before Valentine: I still haven’t seen 180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us from the same team and @bengiyo thinks I should watch that first, so on hold.
Starting soon:
Cherry Magic Thailand: my beloveds TayNew!!! I am actually looking forward to seeing what they do with this story because the original has some flaws I think Thai bl and TayNew specifically are well suited to address (I am talking about sex).
In conclusion: I’m trying to watch way too much, my head is probably gonna explode before end of year.
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dramalets · 4 months
2024 Watch List pt2
Mr Unlucky has no choice but to kiss - Very, very cute and silly without being slapstick. This gets a bit lost in its own soup and after about episode 4 it drags some. Also just a bizarre and somewhat anticlimactic ending. The leads are lovely though and they do work well together. 3/5 (22/2/24)
What did you eat yesterday S1 - Just perfect. Watching Shiro & Kenji grow together over the episodes is a treat. This is as warm and tender as it is brilliantly observed and funny. A true must watch. 5/5 (24/2/24)
The Sign - This just got lost in itself. It had moments of absolute perfection but there were, for me, too many threads it didn’t tie up. Personally I liked this show the most in its procedural show parts and less in its fantasy elements, where I feel it had the most work to do. This isn’t one I’ll rewatch but I did enjoy the journey. 3/5 (25/2/24)
If it’s with you - Lovely is the best word for this. Just a little warm hug of a thing. A sweet story of first love. 4/5 (26/2/24)
I became the main role of a BL drama - Very soft and silly. Not much happens but the leads are lovely and fun to watch. Would kind of love a spin off about the managers if I’m honest. Zero complaints. Just a cute, easy, quick watch. 3/5 (27/2/24)
Kabe Koji - Very enjoyable. Absolutely loved the manga come to life concept of this one. It was super fun to look at. Personally, I think this could have done with maybe 1 or 2 more episodes. Neither character felt as explored as I would have liked. A nice watch nonetheless :) 3/5 (27/2/24)
The Man who defies the world of BL s1 & 2 - This is so unbelievably funny and well observed. Atsuhiro is a master at comedic faces and they never feel slapstick or overdone. Loved every silly second. 4/5 (28/2/24)
Candy Colour Paradox - This isn’t the best acted thing and the chemistry is only so-so it also really starts to drag in places. (Inserting Izuka Kenta into a multiple episode arc was a choice because he’s incredible and it only serves to highlight the so-so of the leads.) Having said all these things it still has a charm and I still enjoyed watching it. Just perhaps not one I’ll be itching to rewatch or suggest to friends. 3/5 (28/2/24)
Perfect Propose - A sweet six episode watch that’s really all about being human. Kai has to realise that being part of peoples lives is both terrifying but necessary and Hiro must learn to value the role he plays in the world. Just a gorgeous little watch. 4/5 (1/3/24)
Kei x Yaku - Is this a BL? Not really? It’s more like gay romance is heavily inferred but here is a messed up, lovely little found family so enjoy that. This is so much fun and I can’t rec it highly enough. Very much just tune in and have fun. 4/5 (1/3/24)
Cherry Magic - Zero notes. Absolute perfection. TayNew supremacy. 5/5 (2/3/24)
My Personal Weatherman - Just bored me honestly. It’s not bad but it’s not as good as some make it out to be. I think if I’d watched this before the novelist I might have liked it more? Not something I’ll reach for again. 3/5 (3/3/24)
My Beautiful Man s1&2 - This is very Japanese and, on paper, should not have worked for me at all. In practice tho? I loved this. I understand the reasons this is controversial but I also think if you go into this without any of the disk horse you’ll just see it for what it is; a love story between two broken boys with piss poor communication skills and self esteem issues. 4/5 (5/3/24)
My Beautiful Man Eternal - This movie is the third part of the beautiful man series. I genuinely think you could skip s2 and go straight in for this. It delivers what I would have wanted, but was impossible to give in four episodes, from s2. We see Hira and Kiyoi’s growth as individuals and also together and we finish with them as equals, with Kiyoi speaking to his king Hira. Beautifully shot, excellently acted. Will watch again. 5/5 (6/3/24)
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juneviews · 8 months
a ranking & summary of my thoughts on gmmtv 2024 part 1
pluto: this is my everything already. A GL??? with two of my fave actresses film & namtan??? AND a complex, interesting plot??? I'm obsessed already!!! this looks so good I'm so happy it's happening & it will become my whole personality once it airs!!!
the trainee: I genuinely believed, even with the rumors that off, gun, view, kapook & sea would be in a show together, that we wouldn't get an offgun show this year. AND I WAS WRONG!!! is this what it's like to always fucking win??? like genuinely, my ship is THAT ship, I'm so lucky & happy and I love them so much <3
peaceful property on sale: duuuude, this looks so fun??? I was already hooked when I saw new's over the top character, but a ghost haunting show with taynew, jan & mook??? absolutely incredible! this looks ridiculous & I know I'm gonna love every second of it!
my golden blood: bruh, thank goodness I was warned about jossgawin in advance or I might have had a heart attack, but honestly????? THEY ATE THAT! and mond playing the villain????? babe, that casting is incredible & perfect, I'm obsessed!!! I usually don't like supernatural stuff but I was also a teen wolf fan bruh so atp I'm gonna EAT that shit UP!!!
wandee goodday: you might not know it, but I have a super power. every time I start being a fan of someone who hasn't done bl, they do bl the following year. this year it was nonkul, and next year it's gonna be great sapol. AND I LOVE THAT FOR ME!!! this looks really good & fun, the characters are interesting and the story not too crazy or too basic. I can feel that it's gonna be good!
ploy's yearbook: a female-led show & the return of mond as a main??? BLESS!!! I love most of this cast, this looks fun as hell, I adore my gmmtv girlies... gotta watch this for sure! love seeing earth in more roles outside of his ship too!
enigma 2: I still haven't watched season one, am planning on watching it very soon, but I've heard great things so I'll be sure to catch season two as well! especially since I really liked toey jarinporn in the recent lakorn to the moon and back so I'm excited to see how she does!
my precious the series: as you know I've watched the movie in theaters, but I'm excited for it to be out as a series too, especially since there's extra scenes! seems like it might be even more lovable, and also if it's on gmmtv's youtube channel I'll finally be able to gif the iconic scenes :')
high school frenemy: this looks interesting & I like sky, but I feel like the plot doesn't make sense if it's not a love story... idk I feel like since this is adapted from a kdrama it's just gonna be a frustrating story that should be a romance but is reduced to bromance instead... I might still watch though :')
only boo: this looks kinda cute though basic. I don't know both main leads but might watch it.
we are: this has all ships I like, especially marcpawin & aouboom who deserve more spotlight, so I will be watching, but the plot seems really basic so I'm not expecting anything out of this world...
kidnap: this plot seems interesting but the cast isn't so... yeah.
summer night: I was so confused by who is supposed to be with who in the show lol, honestly I was down for dunkphuwin lmao, but this looks too messy for me :')
my love mix-up: I absolutely despise remakes even though I enjoyed kieta hatsukoi & like geminifourth, and although I'm certain this version will fix the chemistry issues of the original, I'm not gonna be watching it.
ossan's love thailand: same thing as for the previous show but even more so bc ossan's love is such a product of its time & shouldn't be remade in 2024 imo...
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
Goddamn -- there are so many shows! The holiday season and many life obligations are preventing me from writing meta about most of these shows except for the big priorities (my Old GMMTV Challenge project and Last Twilight). So here's a quick round-up of what I'm thinking, feeling, etc., about the dramas I have going on.
I've mentioned before! I'm a HUUUUUGE Cherry Magic Japan girlie. I am a major defender of the movie, AMA. When I joined Tumblr last year, besides Old Fashion Cupcake, Cherry Magic was....I think it was the first gigantic rabbithole I fell in. I love, unabashedly, everything about this franchise, and I think TayNew are carrying it splendidly so far. (Also, the original mangaka of the whole Cherry Magic franchise, Toyota Yuu, is 100% on board with the adaptation and is regularly tweeting about it, and just! COULD THAT BE MORE CUTE AND REASSURING FOR US CM GIRLIES, NO I DON'T THINK SO, BIG HAPPY SIGHS.)
So the original manga exists in the Cherry Magic Thailand universe, huh? I'm gonna admit my unreasonable optimism to say that I am not-so-secretly hoping for a Machida Keita/Akaso Eiji/Kurosawa/Adachi cameo -- but the manga existing in this universe jags that up a bit.
BUT! Toyokawa still exists in the universe... so does that mean that Kurosawa/Adachi do, too? I'M NOT GOING THERE, BUT I AM.
ANYWAY! I noted last month that I really appreciated seeing a lot of Japan in the Cherry Magic trailer -- "Karan-san," Karan speaking Japanese, "san juu," the fact that Toyokawa is still the company that all these guys are working for. But I also love the very overt Thai visuals -- the Buddha in Achi's apartment foreground, the offering to the monk (which replaces the onigiri guy in Cherry Magic Japan, lmao) -- I'm just, covering my mouth in happiness at noting that these details are very well-placed, and very intentional.
That's it, I enjoyed every last second of this first episode in total joy of seeing this Thai remix. With X Nuttapong behind this show -- yes, oh yes, I loved seeing literally the phrase "theory of love" in the subtitles, and good on him for going there a bit.
2) An Old GMMTV Challenge update! So, I interrupted the OGMMTVC to catch up with La Pluie, because I know LP will be on a lot of best-of-2023 lists later this month.
By episode 4 or so, I knew La Pluie had to, HAD TO, go on the OGMMTVC syllabus, so on it went. And I'm going to pause on writing about it out of chronology. I'm watching Secret Crush on You (2022) now, I'll do my watchlist thing, and I'll rewatch LP.
La Pluie was a motherfucking important show.
The subversion of the romance genre in Thai BL. I mean. Give me a mallet to crack the gigantic egg on that on. @lurkingshan's La Pluie meta round-up post has been a walking stick for me as I've stumbled to get my thoughts together around this show, and honestly, I'm not ready to write about it yet. I need to finish 2022's shows on the watchlist and get through some important 2023 rewatches to fully write about La Pluie in its context, and to understand how such an important show came about this year by way of the straightforward honesty it took in dismantling and rebuilding some very key expectations that we may have carried about romance in Thai BL before its airing.
If you haven't watched La Pluie yet, do it before this year is over. DO IT. IT'S INCREDIBLE AND SO MUCH.
3) Playboyy, episode 4: I have a lot of thoughts, and no time to write about this show, but episode 4 was really different than the first three. It was CAMPY AF, way melodramatic (wtf Zooey/Soong), but it also had many more nuggets of a plot than I had expected to see by way of Nont finally revealing himself to WAY more people than I had expected. I'm sticking with it with the expectation that Cheewin will know how to get himself out of this mess, BUT, one huge criticism -- the intimacy is getting harder to watch, because it's being lazily acted and filmed (..... you had y'alls' shorts on, Prom/Nont, ahem), and it's just a lot, and can we just, like, get more to the story, I'm gonna put that in the show's request box.
Clown theory: I think Prom knows more than he's letting on and is using Nont in some bad ways to get back at those other dudes for leaving Playboyy. But I'm trying to not get invested-invested because a) still sooooo many names to remember, GOD, and b) soooo many shows airing, my brain can't take it.
4) The Sign: I'm putting this guy on pause. I heard yesterday's episode was 90 minutes, and I can't commit to a weekend show that needs that kind of time commitment. I'm following y'all in the gifs. This is no knock on BillyBabe. I REALLY LIKE THEM TOGETHER. GO SAINT, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU. But I'll watch this when there's a lull in the midseasons.
5) What Did You Eat Yesterday?: WDYEY and Last Twilight are the best shows airing right now. When a show is so good, it doesn't need meta? That's WDYEY. Nishijima’s quiet “hai” to start the conversation with Kenji’s mom? Some of the best acting in all of BL.
The amazing @isaksbestpillow threw down some clutch background about this past Friday's episode that's WELL worth reading, about chosen family and what Kenji's family was offering to Shiro. Gorgeous, screaming, crying, etc.
That's all I got, happy Sunday, y'all! The OGMMTVC will come back with SCOY when I wrap it up, hopefully soon!
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absolutebl · 7 months
This Week in BL - a shocking upset to the rankings
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Nov 2023 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 - It remains absolutely delightful. We already knew this pair does boyfriends damn near perfectly. It’s a pleasure to watch them as a couple, coupling all over our screen. The relationship does feel a bit rushed but frankly I like the pacing, it’s kind of Korean style which makes sense considering the original IP. 
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 1 of 10 - You know what this is? It’s FUN is what it is. I haven’t felt this way about a BL in a while. Sure is has an uneven story, fight sequences, pacing, and acting but still… yay! Billy is great, he very good at thirst. It’s a crime Lee Long Shi isn’t in this, but otherwise weeeeeeeeee!
(Also was that Bangsean I spotted?)
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Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 3 of 12 - The montage of them learning and training together was so stinking cute I can hardly contain myself. Plus a little language play? (Did you catch the added “na” on to thank you? Gah! So sweet.) Have mercy. I love the banter that these two can execute so smoothly. It reminds me the most of TayNew back in their Kiss days. Or Nanon & Ohm in Bad Buddy.
There’s this breezy casualness to friendships and long-term relationships that Asian BLs seem to find really hard to execute (I’m thinking about something like Hospital Playlist as the best example). It’s more a friend chemistry than a lover chemistry, although of course it can morph into that.
Anyway, I am waffling, but I’m loving this show. (The bit with the teacher made me cry.) I also really love how much actual Bangkok we’re getting from it for a change. 
Finally... how much did @respectthepetty and I love the pink milk shirt moment? SO MUCH. Color theory, plot devise, fashion, food, and a trope reference all in one. Well done GMMTV! Very well done.
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Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 4 of 10 - I would like it if we got onto the BL section of this BL. Please and thank you. 
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 2 of 14 - it's delightfully trashy, btu slightly less trashy than last week because they introduced AlanJeff who are my new babies of age gap delight and you cannot have them. THEY ARE MINE. Also Way. WAY IS MINE. Also, I decided to do a trash watch.
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Bake Me Please (Mon Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - It’s nice. It’s fine. Atmospheric and pretty and full of deserts. What’s not to love? Is it inspired? No. Definitely has an Antique Bakery (play it again, BL). But I do love food based cinema. 
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI ep 3 of 8 - What’s annoying is that this could’ve been so good. It’s a poster child for squandered potential. 
Absolute Zero (Weds iQIYI) ep 9 of 12 - Because of the temporal paradox, and Thai BL not being all that great on narrative consistency anyway, this is a confusing piece as well as a painful one. Now Ongsa seems to be nothing more than a stalker who cries all the time. 
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 2 of 14(!) eps - This really feels like Thailand is trying to relive the gory days of Japan's pinks. I wasn’t into it then and I’m certainly not into it now. It’s a mess and weirdly mechanically not sexy. I’ll stay watching it but, like Only Friends, I don’t think I’m gonna warm to it. I just don’t like shows where there are no likable characters. 
Also imma say it, so plug your assears. This is about as deep as a dildo can go. Which is to say, the size queens seem to be finding it more deep than the rest of us who are already bottoming out. Just make sure you're taking adequate lube prep with your psyches.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Friends Forever ep 14 of 24 - No thank you. 1/10 
I've decided, for spreadsheet reasons, that each of these is going to be tracked as its own 2 part show.
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
A Breeze of Love (Korea iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 8 - The shopping together scene was absolutely darling. But I’m getting a little frustrated not knowing exactly what happened in the past.
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 1-2 of 10 - Of course it starts with the crash into me trope, oh Taiwan. It’s cute enough, I love the support cast, and it’s always nice to have something from my favorite tiny island on my dash. 
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You tell me: is it safe?
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) 6 eps - This one finished. It's an adaptation of Harada’s manga (which I did not like and dnf'd) about a clerk who nearly dies and ends up cohabitating with an angel. Thoughts? Is it sad? Is it meh? TELL ME!
It's Airing But...
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 1 of 10 - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). He has dimples (My Ride) but I don't think even that gives me the will. You can tell me how this goes if you can find it.
SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 14 eps - I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all) even one featuring Singto and Fluke. I'm holding off. If told it's good, I'll binge.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk. Adapted from y-novel of the same name, directed by Tu (180 Degree) stars Jet (Why You… Y Me?). Giving me Luminous Solution vibes, so I'm waiting to binge if told it's safe.
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) 8 eps - House of Stars meets Boyband. I was NOT impressed with ep one. Waiting to be told if I should bother.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
In case you missed it
I posted 20 BLs with the BEST Thirst! and decided to distinguish the different type son need in BL as follows:
Thirst wants to slide a hand under his waistband right tf now and grind.
Horny wants to rip his clothes off, and probably pop buttons and laugh about it.
Yearning wants to run both hands up his back while they kiss deeply.
Hunger wants to lift him by the ass and slam him against the wall.
Next Week Looks Like This
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(Today) 11/26 Cooking Crush (Sun YT) 1 of 12 - OffGun are back, trailer here. Adapted from the novel “Love Course! เสื้อกาวน์รุกเสื้อกุ๊กรับ” by iJune4S this is about Prem who runs a not-so-popular restaurant with 2 friends. About to go on a cooking competition with a huge reward, Prem gets involved with Ten, a stressed-out med student who wants Prem to teach him to cook.
11/30 For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - high heat trailer From the people who brought us Unforgotten Night (please no) based on a y-novel, man nursing a heartbreak has a one-night stand, but the other boy didn't want it to end. It looks terribly trashy so I'm in!
Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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Look at how gd cute they are!
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Ah yes... (both Last Twilight)
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We stan a supportive bestie/brother (orphans together? - not sure on the backstory)
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It is a rule universally aknowledged that an cutie in a baceball cap must get his brim tweaked. (all from The Sign)
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Way is the best.
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I kinda love the BTS for Pit Babe.
(Last week)
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 4 months
Currently Watching - February
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 29.02.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
I am happy about gif-requests 🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
Tracking: #josistag
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in January with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. 1000 Years old (2/13 on Gaga - Thai)
Well the first episodewas really just to get to know the characters and their group-dynamic. I am not complaining. I think the acting wasn't that bad, the mains are kinda cute and the story... we'll have to see. There were fake teeth as a cliffhanger for the second episode, so I can't wait.
2. Anti Reset (5/10 on Gaga - Taiwanese)
The premise is promising and I love how obvisiously attracted both are to each other. At least thhis is what I want to think at this point. The story about the AI Ever Nine who turns the life of an emotionless professor upside down has a really nice start. I guess I like it.
3. Cherry Magic (11/12 on Viu - Thai)
I love the japanese version and I try to not compare those two with each other. And I really like this version. I love TayNew together and the chemistry is so chemistrying. Even though I don't like GMMTV and the japanese network for their contract and copy right shit, I appreciate the english subtitles on Viu so we international fans still can enjoy the show. And I do enjoy it so much!
4. Cityboy_Log (11/? on Youtube - Korean)
Soon-to-be Idols, actors and models vlog their days of photo shoots and meetups and how they fall in love with each other. It is surprisingly good and the acting is excellent. It really feels like a "real" vlog and that is what we are all here for. I really enjoy those four men on my screen.
5. Dead Friend Forever (9/12 on iQiyi - Thai)
The story is so much more than I thought and I am positively surprised. It's a very complex story that is unravelled piece by piece and I like it. Most of the characters I really can't stand and I appreciate the series for it. I wish them all the worst! But I didn't expect to see Ta's naked ass on my screen... but I don't complain, he has a nice ass.
6. My Strawberry Film (2/8 on Gaga - Japanese)
This is what I call a love triangle. And the fact that the screenwriters worked for Eien No Kinou or Jack o'Frost is promising some heartbreak and teenage angst. I am looking forward to it. The acting is good, the story for me interesting.
7. Perfect Propose (5/6 on Gaga - Japanese)
A story about childhood friends who promised to marry each other when they're old and then lost sight of each other. But it happens that Kai finds Hiro and starts living with him and helping him sleep with a hand-job. This came out of the blue, but I am not complaining.
8. Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (7/10 on Gaga - Japanese)
Love at first sight and a confession in the first episode. I hate the MDL comment section, saying Soga isn't pretty, and having a not so good looking actor playing that role seems interesting. What is wrong with people? First of all: He is damn pretty and second: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I liked the first episode and I am looking forward to the next one.
9. Unknown (2/12 on Youku, Taiwanese)
The story about found family, childhood trauma and struggling topped with a lovestory between "brothers". They aren't really brothers so I really don't care and just enjoy this forbidden and hurtful lovestory to the fullest. I liked the first episodes and want to see more!
Finished in February
Love for Love's Sake
How? How am I supposed to move on from this show? How am I supposed to think of anything else than the fact that Myungha committed su*cide and his friend loved him so much, wanted him to be happy and found a way to grief, that he wrote him into this novel so that he could have this happy ending? How am I supposed to move on from Myungha and Yeowoon being so in love with each other? How am I supposed to move on from Myungha's quiet "I love you" after this picture-perfect kiss at the beach once they overcame death and time and are finally this happy? How am I supposed to move on from Love for Love's Sake? I really don't know. This is the best drama I have watched. Like ever. I can't think of anything else at the moment. 100 out of 10 for me. I can't put in words how much I love this show.
Sahara Sensei to Toki-kun
Well. I knew I don't have a problem with step-brothers and now I know I don't have a problem with teacher/student. I think this show was adorable. Toki was a little bit over the top sometimes, but I enjoyed their interactions and the plot. Would I like this in real life? No, not so much, but in this fictional little world I really could enjoy this show. I give this 8 out of 10 little punches.
Annarasumanara (no bl)
This series broke my heart and healed it two minutes later, only to break it again. It was a rollercoaster for my emotions, but I really enjoyed it. The acting was good, the music was great and the story was very entertaining and heartbreaking. I give this a 9 out of 10.
Something In My Room
This was such a nice surprise. I started this series a while ago and put it on hold. I came to it this month and I enjoyed it so much! And it had the ending was hoping for! I loved the ending! It was so perfect. The plot was a little weak at some parts, but I was too distracted by Nut and his beauty. He is such a cutie pie! It gets a good 7 out of 10.
Happy Ending
In Strongberry we trust. Do I have to say more? I enjoyed this miniseries about two highschool classmates who obviously like each other, told by one of them in the future. He is scrolles though his old diary and remembering their time together and changing the plot by writing down, what he wished he would have said in the past. It has kind of an open ending, but in my mind they are together now and happy ever since :) It is not Strongberrys strongest series, but something good for in between. I give it a good 8 out of 10.
Pit Babe
Yeah it ended... It wasn't my cup of tea. The story was... exhausting. I didn't liek the fact Charlie and Jeff tried to solve everything by themselfes. Why tf did Way needed to die? I mean, give this man a break and give Pavel a break. The first times he needed to carry the emotional package of this show was fine, but at the end, it was just too much emotional stuff going on. it was too much. And to be honest, I skipped a lot, especially the Charlie x Babe plot. But Alan and Jeff! They were the reason I kept on watching. I love them so much! And I was kind of looking forward to Pete x Way, but this ship sunk like the Titanic... In the end, it was too much of everything and at the same time not exciting for me. But I get why people like it. Only 6 out of 10 for me.
Tomorrow (no bl)
I was a little bit unsure in the beginning. Choi Joon Woong was a little bit annoying for the first three episodes or so. But that was all forgotten in the end. Such a good series and one of them that made me cry with every single episode. I really liked the idea of a grim reaper department to prevemt su*c*des. There was always a story of the week and really good back stories! Enjoyed the whole thing and I am happy I watched it! 10 out of 10 for me.
Cooking Crush
Okay, I am not the biggest fan of OffGun. I think their chemistry is, well not really there for me. I don't know why they are so popular, but that is just my personal feeling. The series itself left me with a meh impression. I don't need drama all the time, but if there is not much plot, let the plot be entertaining at least. And that is what was lacking for me. I wasn't entertaint that much. And I didn't like the characters that much. Just not my bl. 5,5 out of 10 for me.
The Glory (Part 1, no bl)
Uhhh, this is so good! It is intense and I can't wait to see Dong-Eun get her revenge finally! I hope they'll suffer! It is a hard watch, especially the flashbacks. That is really hard stuff to watch, but the rest feels just so good! I like the characters and I enjoy hating the majority of them! I started the second part and can't wait to see how this turns out and ends! And I am curious if Yeo-Jung really has to kill someone and if he can work on his trauma too. 10 out of 10 for me.
The Glory (Part 2, no bl)
This felt so good. Just pure satisfaction. I wish we could have seen some of Yeo-jung's revenge too, but I am happy she decided to stay. Dong-eun's and Yea-jung's relationship might be highly fucked up, but it is one of the most romantic I have seen and I am in love with them. And I am happy Do-young could have his happy ending at the construction site and in the UK with his daughter. I wish them all the best! Such a good series! Loved every piece of it.
A Killer Paradox (no bl)
It had a promising start and I would have loved to whitness more of Lee Tang's "special powers" and his growth, but it ended with a complex mess and a story that wasn't that interesting. I really liked Lee Tang's character and I wished I could have see him, I don't know, shine a little bit more. Not as good as the trailer was promising, but entertaining. I give it 7 out of 10.
The Sign
I don't know if it was the two weeks break for me to finally watch the final, but it felt kinda... uneventful. I mean, we have this huge soulmate-romeo-and-juliet-thing and it looks as it ends just like the first time and Tharn dies. And it was just predictable and the ending was kinda rushed for me. Tharn talking to Mr. Snake to finally understand him and let him live with Phaya was a little bit out of character for Mr. Snake. I wished for them to be together, but this felt like lazy writing. Overall this isn't a bad series. I just wished for something more to be honest. A little bit more mystic and a little less crime solving. But that is just me. And to be honest, the last love-making-scene was just too long and with that a little bit boring... A solid 7 out of 10 for me.
The Good Bad Mother (no bl)
I saw s many good things about this drama, so I decided, I can't do much right now, so I can watch this. It was good. I loved how Kang ho get back on his feet and overall the growth of all the people in this small village. I really enjoyed this. And it was a little bit predictable, but I enjoyed the ending so much! It felt just a little too long at some points. I would recommend it, but I wouldn't hype it that much. It is a good watch. A 7,5 out of 10 for me.
Well, this show was something... something else, something different, something bad and good at the same time. It is hard to describe it, but I liked it. The cinematography was very good and the theatrical feeling I got was brilliant. I loved the settings for the different couples and how they played with the sex to deliver the story. But I lost the plot somewhere between cringy popcorn blowies and the pure madness these characters drifted into after a while. I still enjoyed the show though. The ending is a different chapter and yeah, no. What was that? It was a betrayal and an annoyence! To be continued... A solid 7 out of 10 for me (I might change that in the future...)
Short Film
Dropped in February
For Him (1/12 on iQiyi - Thai)
Hm. I kind of knew I would drop this after the first episode. It couldn't entertain me enough to stay interested. And there is so much more out right now that fits my interest more. Perhaps I binge watch it one day, but for now: goodbye.
Looking forward to in February
Anti Reset - Teaser (Feb 2nd GagaOOLala / Viki)
City of Stars - Trailer (Feb 2nd iQiyi)
Perfect Propose - Trailer (Feb 2nd GagaOOLala)
1000 Years old (Feb 14th WeTV and Gaga)
A Secretly Love
Kiseki Chapter One
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bengiyo · 4 months
Cherry Magic TH Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Achi and Karan tried to prepare for their upcoming separation by not living together for some reason. It didn't go well! They missed each other. Achi also ended up frustrating Karan by trying to read his mind to confirm he was just putting on a brave front. Thankfully, the squad came together and helped Achi do a grand gesture for Karan since they are going to miss Songkran. Meanwhile, Jinta struggled at being away from Min for a week and was also jealous because shippers ship Min with his bandmate. I'm looking forward to Achi working the new position.
Hey, look at Achi starting to understand Karan without his power.
Poor Achi. This is not a great starting line with his team.
Welcome back, Guy! You've been with us for so long.
I really like this thing where they film phone calls like both people are present. It lands every time.
Achi asking for advice is a good sign that he thinks of Karan more like a person.
They did now use candy PPL to have Achi befriend kids. My goodness.
The Jinta and Min moments continue to tie in well with Achi and Karan.
Was the daughter watching OffGun vids??
Curious to see how much structural homophobia we'll deal with here.
Call Pai! She'll get you to the audition on time.
I love Jinta so much.
My boy suited up and broke his nose for the squad!
Suddenly, Karan. I knew he wouldn't stay away the whole time.
My man Karan is like my other Big Dawg Patts. They both leave notes to explain their absences.
Overwork! My boy is down!
Excellent use of Achi's power, Karan.
I really love Achi having a positive experience when he came out to his team. I love that their motives in asking about his partner were well-intentioned. That was very sweet.
They were smart to use Sing Harit. I'm always susceptible to his charm.
Thank you, Thai BL Beach Trip, for not letting me down. Tay and Newwie are very pretty kissers.
Oh, the conversation about Karan voice and Achi nodding yes was solid.
Pillow talk, my beloved.
Wow, meet the families next week.
That was excellent. I love that distance didn't hurt them, and I loved them still succeeding at their tasks. I am so glad Achi was able to connect to more people without relying on his power, and instead relying on the advice and support of his partner in conjunction with his own natural good nature. I'm so happy that the team responded to that and accepted him. I am also relieved that TayNew got to play these characters because their chemistry delivered what I've been needing from Cherry for years. We won today.
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lazzarella · 3 days
I started watching Asian BL series at the end of January this year, so I'm still pretty new to them, but I thought it would be fun to post my top 10 so far, and then check in every now and then to see how it changes! At this point I've watched around 38 series, not including specials, etc. (16 Thai; 11 Japanese; 10 South Korean and 1 Taiwanese)
Anyway, the current top 10:
1. My Personal Weatherman (2023, Japan)
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I've watched this 5 or 6 times now! Miscommunication (or, even better, total lack of communication) is one of my biggest weaknesses! I live for it! I often hate when characters talk their feelings out too soon (or sometimes at all lmao), so this is like... perfect for me! And their dynamic was so delicious too
2. Moonlight Chicken (2023, Thailand)
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This was my first BL and so it was also my introduction to EarthMix (who I'm now obsessed with). It's always nice to see adults falling in love, but I think the contrast with young love was really nice too! But I definitely preferred the JimWen plot. Earth did a great job of embodying a character ten years older than he is and Mix was great too and I love how everyone actually looks sweaty and it's just a really beautifully made series
3. KinnPorsche (2022, Thailand)
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This was the first BL series I ever heard of, I think! But I couldn't figure out how to watch it in 2022 for some reason, so it took me a couple of years to get there lol I'm going to be honest, it's not what I was expecting at all! Everyone kept talking about how dark and fucked up it is, but it's so funny and goofy!!! Like, there are dark elements, but the delivery overall is very silly to me (in a good way), and it's honestly one of the funniest things I've seen in my life haha and the romance between Kinn and Porsche is everything, really
4. Cherry Magic (2023, Thailand)
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I did watch the Japanese one first and adored it, but there's something about TayNew and what they bring to these characters and romance that really had me hooked. Plus I prefer Jinta to Tsuge XD but this is just such a sweet and heartwarming show ;__; I wish it hadn't had the copyright issues because it's kind of a PITA to rewatch
5. Boys Be Brave! (2024, South Korea)
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Full disclosure: I didn't care for the side couple but I'm OBSESSED with Jinwoo and Kisub. They're both low key weirdos and there's nothing more I love than weirdos finding love in each other! Plus, they're opposites attract, another favourite of mine. It's a very cosy and comforting series
6. Old Fashion Cupcake (2022, Japan)
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Hit me right in the rapidly approaching 40 feels! I just... It's just gorgeous. Just so lovely! The romance is beautiful and it looks beautiful and the acting is beautiful! BEAUTIFUL!
7. Cherry Magic (2020, Japan)
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I've found that, while I gravitate overall to the Thai shows so far, the Japanese ones make me more emotional? Maybe it's because they do the ~I'm not worthy of love thing so well. But this was so sweet and special 
8. A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021, Thailand)
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There were some aspects that bothered me that kept it from being perfect, but it's a lovely story and Earth and Mix really have something special together onscreen (well, I love their offscreen interactions too haha) And I love the setting! And knowing this was Mix's first acting gig???? Incredible!
9. Cupid's Last Wish (2022, Thailand)
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Didn't care for the side story with the aunt and uncle, and it gets a bit wishy washy toward the end, but I LOVE road trip stories and I love body swap and I think the way it was done here was really good. The transitions between Jan and Mix playing Win were SO well done and Earth gets to play a slightly more lighthearted character and there's a lot of lovely scenery and some cute cows! Plus, Jan and Mix are both so cute when they eat lol
10. Manner of Death (2020, Thailand)
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As a life long lover of mysteries, I didn’t feel the mystery plot was particularly strong, but this series is kind of batshit and I love it. Plus smalltown mysteries are my jam, strong or not! And it has the most unhinged proposal I've seen to date
Aaaaannd that's it for now! I can easily see Wandee Goodday making its way into this list when I do an update (probably even my top 5)
Oh, but for fun, my average ratings by country:
Japan: 8.2; Thailand: 8.3; South Korea: 8.6
Which is funny because the South Korean ones have, overall, been less enjoyable for me lol but I've seen fewer so I think that the few highly rated ones have bumped the rating up haha
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