#tatyana maximoff x reader
missmonsters2 · 2 years
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—Tatyana Maximoff, Between the Lines Universe
[Series Masterlist]
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blueposthings · 6 years
Subject 302 (Avengers x Young!Assassin!Reader) Part 3
Summary: Subject 302 had spent her entire childhood in a HYDRA Facility.
Her mother was also a test subject of HYDRA’s who had gotten pregnant when she obviously wasn’t supposed to. They took her from her mother the second she was out of the womb, killed the mother afterwards.
Since then, she has been injected, probed, cut, and put back together, over and over again. She was then proclaimed as the youngest out of many of HYDRA’s assassin.
Part 1 Part 2
Warning: Mentions of torture
“It’s still not working.” The woman said with a hint of panic in her voice.
“How is that even possible?” The man beside him asked, irritated.
“He’s a prototype,” she explained, “our first. There could be much more fault in his system than we think.”
"What do you mean fault?!" He yelled.
"I don't know, okay?!" She yelled back, "Maybe -maybe, someone, some how fixed him."
"Fixed him?!" Stanislav held back the urge to punch his co-worker. "Fixed him how?!"
"I don't know!" Tatyana tried to defend herself and her work, "it's been so many years. Technology is thriving, how was I supposed to see in to the future?"
The man sighed an exasperated sigh. “I guess it's time to break him physically.” He said as he eyed the long haired, metal armed man on the other side of the one way glass.
“There’s gonna be a few more people in there,” Steve informed you. “But you will be fine.”
He had let you out of your cell after you promised to be good and go along his and Tony’s plan. You didn’t know what it was with his aura that made you trust him as much as you do. You kept thinking about how everyone else in your life had broke you, hurt you in every way possible. You wondered how could he be different? But here you were, tailing the man as he led you to the lab he had talked about previously.
Maybe it was because you have never felt any compassion before, that when you do, you can’t seem to let go. The warm feeling swarmed your cold heart everytime he speaks. You were speculating on what will happen next, maybe for once you can feel safe. And even though you knew better than to trust him, you did anyways.
Steve came to a stop in front of a silver door. As he turned to you, you inspected the door to find what makes it different that the other silver doors in the hallways that you passed on the way, but you couldn’t find anything.
“You ready?” He asked you.
You, of course, didn’t answer. Every cell in your body was screaming at you to run, but you didn't.
“Here goes nothing,” Steve whispered under his breath as he opened the door.
The first thing you noticed were the metal suits of Iron Man in different colors and versions lined up in their glass cases against the wall. The next thing you noticed were three pairs of eyes staring at you. You subconciously took a ready to fight stance upon seeing the new faces.
“Hey, kid.” Steve snapped you out of your trance, “What did we talk about?”
You looked at Steve hesitantly as he stepped in to the room, holding the door for you.
“Come on,” Steve nodded to the side to invite you in.
You stepped in and Steve closed the door after you and walked towards Tony.
“You might want to call Wanda up here,” he said.
“Yup, that’s a great idea,” the man then left the room.
You noticed one of the person present was Bruce Banner. You recognized him as the person in one out of many pictures that were pinned up on your Creators’ office.
He was one out of many super humans with artificial powers. Your creators had his picture up along with Captain America, The Winter Soldier, the Maximoff twins, and a few others. Those ‘few others’ were later taken down by the Creators. You were told that they are no longer relevant as they failed to contain the powers given to them.
The other person was a girl around your age. Princess Shuri of Wakanda. You were told that she might be there, and her brother too when he’s not too busy ruling a country.
Steve tried to get you to relax but you continued to stare down the two, trying to intimidate them out of habit. Roughly a minute later, Tony re-entered the room with Wanda following suit.
“Lets get this started, shall we?” Tony walked through a fairly narrow connecting door to a small room.
Steve followed him and gestured you to come. You entered and immediately, the object displayed on the center of the room caught you attention. You needed to get out of here.
You pushed past Bruce who happened to be behind you as you rushed to the door. Much to your luck it was locked. You urgently tried to rip off the collar around your neck to no avail. You heard Steve calling for you from behind but you kept going.
Then weird strays of red light swarmed around you and you were soon lifted off of the ground.
“Let me go!” you cried out, you tried holding on to the door but the force pulls you away.
“What’s going on?!” Shuri asked, puzzled, as she helped Bruce get back on his feet.
“That chair, I saw it in one of her memories,” Wanda said, ignoring your cries. “It’s similar to the one she was strapped to when HYDRA experimented on her.”
You cringed at her words, “Let go of me!” you shouted.
“The chair they tied her up to when they cut her arms off,” Wanda continued in a low voice, but you heard.
“Tony!” Steve glared at his friend.
“Well how am I supposed to know about that?!” Tony defended himself.
“Please let go,” You whispered, barely audible. After losing your powers you felt weaker, more vulnerable, and after that little outburst you were getting exhausted really quick.
“Please not the chair,” you begged. “I will tell you everything I know, please. Not the chair.”
Steve nodded to Wanda and she set you down carefully. Your knees failed to support you weight and you fell to the ground. Steve almost caught you midfall but he held himself back, not wanting to freak you out even more with the sudden physical contact.
They watched silently as you hugged your knees to your chest, feeling exposed without your powers. You traced your fingers on your shoulders, where your skin meets the cold metal of your arms.
“The Winter Soldier belongs to HYDRA,” you whispered, repeating what your Creators told you when they sent you on the mission.
“What’s that?” Steve asked, as he didn’t catch your words properly.
“The Winter Soldier belongs to HYDRA.” you repeated, louder.
“That’s not true,” Steve objected.
“The Winter Soldier is HYDRA’s creation, therefore he shall return to HYDRA’s possession.” Again, you repeated the words your Creators had told you.
“How old are you?” Tony couldn’t help but asked.
You became quiet for a while, silently counting in your head. “...sixteen.” You finally said.
“And how long have you been working for HYDRA?”
“Sixteen years.”
“I thought HYDRA is dead?” Bruce added.
“HYDRA has ceased to exist.” You confirmed.
“Then who took him?” Steve questioned.
“Former HYDRAs, Stanislav and Tatyana.” You said. “The Creators.”
“The Creators?”
“They were members of an elite team called The Creators. The ones responsible for HYDRA’s experimental superhumans,” you explained. “Me, The Winter Soldiers, Scarlett Witch, and Quicksilver.”
Wanda visibly tensed at the mention of her deceased twin brother.
“The only ones who survived the experiments.” You continued.
“What do they want?”
“To rebuild HYDRA.”
“And what do they need Barnes for?”
“They can’t rebuild without an army. The Winter Soldier is by far the best soldier HYDRA’s ever had and James Barnes is the only one alive, they need him."
"That guy Zemo killed the rest of the Winter Soldiers, right?” Shuri pointed out. “Then why are you here?”
“I am not a Winter Soldier. I might look like one, but these-” You said, referring to your arms, “are not super enhanced arms The Winter Soldiers have, they’re specially modified vibranium meant to help me control my powers.”
“Vibranium?” Shuri questioned again. “Where did HYDRA get vibranium?”
“I don’t know.” I said.
“We’re getting off topic here,” Steve indicated, “where is he?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Steve asked, taken aback.
“I don’t know.” I repeated. “I do the mission, don’t ask questions.”
Steve let out a miffed sigh.
“Now what?” Tony asked.
“We need a new plan,” Steve stated the obvious. “For now you’re going back,” he turned to you.
Your face fell at the thought of the cell but you stayed quiet. You scooted away from the door as Steve approached and opened the door with a code.
“Let’s go, kid.” He beckoned you to come.
You stood slowly and followed the man back to your cell. You walked in and paused right after you step in. Steve closed the door and locked it from the outside.
You watched as he walked around the glass wall towards the exit. You hesitated whether or not you should call out to him.
“Captain America.”
He stopped and turned to you. “What is it?”
“May I have some food?”
Part 4
tag list: @chas-z
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Van…girl…as a dedicated reader…a fellow writer..I BEG YOU PRETTY PLEASE CAN WE GET A BLURB WITH READER AND TATYANA?? Anything!! Please 😭😭😭❤️
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Don't Go Anywhere Alone*
Pairing: Tatyana Maximoff x Reader (Between the Lines Universe)
Summary: Curious. That's the only way to describe what she feels about you 3 months after telling you that you'd never be alone again if you're hers. Set during Part VII flashback.
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any other platforms (even with credit)
Warnings: None. Just simp after Tatyana like y'all said you would.
Note: Mmm this was supposed to be a drabble but then it ended up being really long. This is a test feeler to see if Tatyana's oneshot will happen after the series is done. Follow the Tatyana Maximoff x Reader tag? 😭
Count: ~1.5k
A curious little thing. 
Tatyana couldn't really explain her actions. She had taken you in under her wing and protection on a whim. It was cute how you had initially curled your lip in disdain at her. But months have passed, and that look had gone away and hadn't made its return.
Vampires came and went frequently. Tatyana had come across many on her travels, but none quite so newborn and alone as you. Perhaps that was why Tatyana told you to come with her. 
There was compassion there, as small as it was. Tatyana knew what it was like to have time pass alone change you. But you weren't like her in ways. You were somber, but you were still curious. 
Tatyana watched you stare at the humans walking around town early morning, making sure to stay away from the sun as you did. You stared with so many emotions flickering through your eyes. 
Hunger, repulse, desire, guilt, loneliness, resigned. 
"Are you hungry?"
You turned your gaze away sharply, catching eyes with Tatyana, who rested her chin lazily against her palm. 
"No," you said slowly, and Tatyana thought you'd look away, but you remained locked in her gaze. "I ate yesterday."
Tatyana hummed. "So that's where you were last night."
You didn't say anything, and Tatyana couldn't help her toes curling as you stared at her. Those expressive eyes now studying her. 
Hidden desire.
Tatyana wasn't sure what the end goal of her actions was. Had she wanted a companion? Had she merely just wanted to indulge her whim and eventually set you free like some wounded bird she healed?
But you didn't look as wounded as you had three months ago when she picked you up. 
And Tatyana had to admit she was growing used to the habit of having you around. You were rather quiet, but sometimes, Tatyana would catch your lips twitching when she said something exceptionally witty or grumbled. 
When night fell, Tatyana wandered the woods for materials for her spells. She flipped through her spellbook lazily. The book had been an accumulation of her trial and error work. There were times when she would pass through another coven and learn what they were willing to share, but Tatyana was proud to have built something of her own. 
Tonight was a good night for catching moonlight essence. It was still in its early trial period, but Tatyana was sure she would soon be able to create a ring or necklace that would allow you to walk in the sun. 
Tatyana couldn't help but grin as there had been times she purposefully slowed her progress, if only to see you hatefully glare outside their little cottage at the sunlight. But it was now becoming troublesome to only be able to move with you at night. 
As she reached her destination, Tatyana began to cast runes against the bark of the trees surrounding her. 
Little white tendrils slowly swirl in the air, moving their way into a bottle prepared and Tatyana is just about done when the air is knocked out of her lungs. 
Searing white-hot, pain surged through Tatyana's arms as she looked down to see an arrow lodged in her bicep. She sharply looked up to find a young man no older than 19 emerging through the trees. His clothes were tattered and his hair dirty, and Tatyana could tell his man was poor, struggling to put food on his family's table. It was the only thing that would make sense for him to be attempting to hunt this late.
"W-Witch!" He accused her, his arm trembling, and Tatyana knew he had taken his time aiming to get her. He probably meant to get her head or heart but couldn't, with fear pulsing through his veins. 
Tatyana used her other arm to cast her magic toward him, but he was much more agile than she thought. It'd be easier to trap him if she had both arms, but the wounded one screamed in agony when she tried to move it. 
"If I can kill her, the mayor will give me a reward," the young man kept muttering as he hid behind a tree, away from Tatyana's view, preparing his bow and arrow for a second shot.
Tatyana immediately got up, knowing she needed to run when the second arrow came out, slicing through her thigh but didn't pierce her. She yelped in pain as the blood began gushing down her thigh and leg. 
Now Tatyana knew she was at a disadvantage. If she didn't get out of her now, she would die. Her only hope would be a close-range battle, but no archer would be foolish enough to lose their advantage of distance. 
Limping, Tatyana moved behind a tree. She needed a plan. Her mind raced, thinking of all the spells in her book she could use to trap a human.
Suddenly, there was a sickening crack of bones, a quiet gasp, a thud, and then silence. Tatyana swallowed, closing her eyes for a second before reopening them and peering out.
Her heart stopped at the sight. 
It was you.
Blood dripped down your chin, eyes glowing as you dragged the young man's body behind you. His body was limp, blood trickling down his neck.
You blinked languidly as you saw her. Dropping the body, you stalked towards her. Tatyana felt her breath hitched. Were you in a bloodlust frenzy, seeing her as food?
Tatyana knew she was in no condition to fight against you and held her breath. But when you stood in front of her, she watched as you eyed her up and down slowly.
"You should stop wandering around alone at night," your voice was gruff, clearly affected by her blood but withstanding it well enough. 
"How did you know—"
"I heard your yelp and then I could smell you," you seemingly emphasized the last part, inhaling deeply, nose flaring. 
Your eyes locked on the arrow lodged in Tatyana's arm, and your eyes narrowed. 
"You're hurt," you point out the obvious, but Tatyana could almost hear the disbelief in your tone. It was rare for her to ever be in the current situation, and she felt a fool for it. 
"I was distracted," Tatyana muttered. 
You didn't say anything but lifted your head slowly towards her, giving Tatyana ample time to pull away if she wanted to. But the witch remained rooted in place, eyes unable to look away from you, and Tatyana was curious about you. 
You had come after her and must've been close enough to hear and smell her. 
Did you follow her from a distance whenever she left? 
You tore her tunic, revealing the wound more clearly. Giving her a quick apologetic look, you gripped the arrow and pulled it out, earning a painful hiss from Tatyana, her power pulsing slightly to warn you away, but you remained rooted. 
Blood rushed out with nothing obstructing the pathway, but you latched your mouth against the wound before Tatyana could yell at you. Your warm mouth encased the injury, and goosebumps raised everywhere on Tatyana. 
Feeding at a time like this? 
Your tongue lapped over the wound over and over, and you hummed as you wrapped your arm around her waist, pulling her closer to you as your other hand held her wrist. 
Your touch was so soft, and your skin glowed under the moonlight. Tatyana was worried as a newborn that you were about to lose control. Before she could raise her good arm to push you away with her magic, you released your mouth, standing back up and breathing heavily as if to control yourself. 
Your eyes glazed over to Tatyana, eyes burning with a desire that swept over her, coiling her stomach into knots. Men had always looked at Tatyana with lust like that was the only attribute that made her worthy. She was an unattainable beauty, and men sought to conquer her.
But the way you stared at her, it was like your curiosity was attempting to trudge past her beauty to see if there was something else. 
Tatyana opened her mouth to say something, but you dropped your knees before her and hiked up her dress until the cut on her thigh revealed itself. Your soft fingers trailed against her skin.  
It was too much, the way you kept your eyes locked on her as if asking if it was okay. As if asking if she liked it.
Your lips found their way to where the blood dripped down her leg, tongue trailing up until you licked the seal of her cut. It both stung and felt warm, and Tatyana lifted her hand to lean against the tree—
Her arm. 
She could move it. 
Tatyana looked over to find the wound on her arm gone, the skin as if it had never been marred. She looked down at her thigh, where you've pulled your mouth from, and found the same. 
You were healing her—not feeding on her. 
You slowly moved her hands away, adjusting her dress appropriately back in place as it fell down her legs. Standing up straight, Tatyana watched as you licked the blood around your lips. You grabbed her hand and began pulling her away towards the direction of their little cottage.
Tatyana turned her head back one last time to the discarded body on the ground.
"Don't go outside by yourself anymore," you told her quietly. "Didn't you say if I was yours, you'd never let me be alone?"
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
I’ve been sick as a parrot van and I need a little pick me up if your willing to oblige. I’m in my Tatyana mood as I literally binge read BTL (even with my high fever and burning eyes nothing can stop me) and I was wondering how would Tatyana react to you being utterly sick? I don’t know about anyone else but I can be really bratty when I’m sick, I’m interested in what Tatyana would make of that 😂 I just imagine her like “my my. Acting bratty are we? Well I guess you don’t want my special treatment” 😂 she’d be so rude but in a gentle way.
aurrr naurrr! I hope you are feeling better bestie 🥺make sure you're getting a lot of rest and staying hydrated!!
you're sick headcanons - Tatyana
if you're normally not very bratty, she'll find it amusing
there is A LOT of home remedies in your recovery
she will make u drink something that tastes like absolute trash on fire but says it's good for you. You're sus about it tho
if you refuse to take your medication, she has to hide in your favorite food and just feed it to you in one go LOL
if you're out of bed when you should be resting, she'll pull on your ear
she will make you soup 🫶
Tatyana has a very strong immune system so she'll still hold you while you're a miserable brat and give you kisses
"I think I'm dying," you whine miserably as you press your face further into Tatyana's chest. You can feel the vibrations of her laughter and sigh. "Don't laugh at me."
"Touchy, are we?' Tatyana says, amusement laced heavily in her tone. She strokes the back of your head, smiling. "I think I like you like this."
"What? Being sick? That's so unhinged, Tanya."
"Keeps you from running around too much, zlatko. Now, you can just lay here and let me fuss over you."
"You're always fussy."
You feel her pinch your butt lightly but also in warning.
"Don't be a brat," she says sternly, but you can hear the beguilement in her tone and you know she's smirking. "Or I'll make you drink the immunity boost shot twice today."
You felt your stomach lurch at the thought, and reeled back your teasing. You pull back to look at her face that was full of delight and mirth. "Um, no thanks. Why can't you just tell me what's in it?"
"My love and care."
"Ha-ha," you say dryly. "But, no, seriously."
Tatyana kisses the tip of your nose. "It's time to rest, zlatko."
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
never been into vampires. Then I read BTL….idea about the spicy headcannons Van. Tatyana letting reader drink from her for the first time 😂😂🤭 like girl would be so mean in the best way.
LOL i actually headcanon that Tatyana would've been egging reader on to do it, just ~sensing~ that reader could control herself. But she was in no way prepared for what it felt like. She thought she would have control over reader in this area, but it was just a huge realization that to Tatyana that she could never let reader feed from someone else unless reader was feeding to kill.
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Intriguing Question coming at you Van…if reader asked Tatyana to singer to sleep would Tatyana do it? Or would she be to embarrassed or just plain tell her no and just cuddle with reader instead? And if so what would Tatyana sing?🧐 it’s cuddly villain hours over here and I thought about my favorite gal.
Tatyana is never embarrassed babe 😌 she would probably cock her brow as she peered at you, a tiny smirk on her lips. She would pull you close, her head propped up on her elbow as she looks down at you, brushing your temple lightly.
If it was the olden days, she doesn't know a lot of songs. Her mother never sang to her and anything she had heard were either hymns, children's songs about morbid events, or instrumentals.
She'd probably just start humming a made up tune and hoped it'd lull you to sleep.
In modern day, she'd probably softly sing songs that make her think about you. It be soft and husk and honestly, you're pretty sure she's doing it on purpose to make you horny 🤨
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
After reading your Tatyana blurb and seeing how much your readers devour her content…I have a question for you.
we know that Tatyana was married before and had a child, but when did Tatyana know that she liked girls? Specifically reader? It’s set in the 1500s so I was wondering what take you would have on that van. was there ever a moment where Tatyana was like *WOMEN*👌
also does Tatyana view reader as like a emotional attachment? Like girlie is the definition of trauma…which this is my hypothesis…is that why she’s so unwilling to let reader go? Beside the whole “you killed me but I love you” vibe we got going on.
OOp this explanation went on so long LOL
I don't think it ever really occurred to Tatyana that liking women was wrong. She comes from a long line of witches, who prefer to distinguish themselves from human traditions. Also sex magic was a thing back then and let's just say it was more common for covens to have more witches than warlocks/wizards 😗
I think for herself, she's just always been open to being with any gender. When she had her arranged marriage with a man, it just turned out to be he was also from a prominent line of magic. If there'd been a woman at the time who could've made a better match, it would've been done.
Tatyana does have a rather traumatic past, which she never really got to unpack and heal from in any healthy way. She's taken those experience and has molded herself into what she was by the time she met reader.
There is an emotional attachment between Tatyana and reader. While reader is not the first person to show Tatyana empathy, honesty, or integrity, she is the first to have also shown darker aspects of herself to Tatyana.
Tatyana doesn't want to be shown compassionate/heroic traits from people who are simply and actually pure of heart. Their naiveness cannot reach Tatyana. Reader is the first to have some form of darkness in her and yet can balance between apathy and compassion. Reader is a very neutral good person, which attracted Tatyana.
The more time went on, the more Tatyana only wanted that good part of reader to belong to her. She only wanted Reader to be good to her. It became, "The whole world can burn as long as we come out of the flames" for Tatyana. For reader, it was more, "I can do whatever it takes to have everything with you but I know we can do it without the misery of others."
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
I was casually making dinner, not having any thoughts distracting me when suddenly I got this question, how do you think Tatyana would react to reader being jealous or needed assurance from her??
damn that bitch really does live rent free in your head LMFAO
If you were jealous:
Truthfully, Tatyana never really does much to ever stir your jealousy. She's really all about you and the disinterest in her face when other approach her is so obvious 😭
This is because there's plenty of other ways for her to punish you if you ever made her upset, there's no need to bring third parties into it.
But there are times when you are jealous and it's only when Tatyana mentions another witch she used to travel around together with, nearly forming a coven with her. It's even w o r s e if you bump into said witch.
If that happens, Tatyana is just absolutely pleased to see you jealous, even if you deny it.
She teases you about it until she can tell it's reallyyyy making you grumpy.
Tatyana will pepper your face with chaste kisses, sweet and teasing. She'll murmur how you're the magic of her heart and the stars in her eyes. She'll tell you even back then before you've met, she's always been waiting for you.
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Hey Van
I was thinking of BTL (and I'd love to add how fcking talented you are omg omg big fangirl moment) but it's very obvious that our girl Tatyana had a child.
Was R by any chance a mother figure to this child?
Did the child and R ever cross paths?
What was the relationship like between Tatyana and her child? Was the child Tatyanas priority?
So sorry for the amount of questions asked but thank you again for such amazing talent of tours being shared to everyone.
From a massive fan ❤️
thank you so much!! 💘
I believe I answered an ask with an interesting fact about Tatyana's child here.
To further elaborate upon that fact, Reader has never met Tatyana's daughter and never sought her out either upon Tatyana's request.
Tatyana left when her daughter was fairly young, so there wasn't a lot of bonding. Tatyana neither put her daughter as a priority but also didn't neglect her. Tatyana was pretty young when she had her and when she left, it was her belief that being on the run wouldn't be a good life for her daughter.
That being said, when she finds out years later what happened, she goes back and searches for her daughter but when she finds her—well, it's too late. The relationship is beyond repair and her daughter despises her ><
No need to be sorry, I love receiving additional questions about Tatyana! 💘
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
okay tatyana x reader drabble today to tie us over for this week <3
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Between the Lines || XVII
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PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / WandaNat x Fem!Reader Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life. [Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warning: canon-level violence.
Note: What a long hiatus! Glad to be back <3 hope you all enjoy this wild chapter! Please remember taglists are gone but you can follow my library blog for notifs! <3
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Library Blog || A03
Count: ~8.5k
The air smells different. 
You expected it to. The landscape has changed after so many years, but it has still thrown you off kilter. You haven't returned to Tatyana's grave site in many years. It was cowardly, but you just couldn't. 
You didn't feel like you had the right to. It felt wrong to have killed Tatyana and then sit at her grave and mourn. She would've loved it, though, and she'd probably want you to sit there uncomfortable and discontent. As much as it would've been a part of your punishment, you only visited a handful of times throughout the first couple of decades. You had less time once you encountered David, dealing with his newborn tendencies. 
"So, what exactly are we looking for? A gravesite?" Tony asks, his helmet coming off momentarily as he surveys the area. It looked like a quaint little town. Modernized with time, but it was still out in the countryside. The air was still brisk, but it was warming with springtime emerging. You hear children and their parents preparing for the day in the distance, and it’s rather nostalgic. 
"No," you shook your head. "I didn't bury her near anyone. I don't believe the villagers would've accepted having their murderer buried amongst their dead. There had been a flower field miles away that I laid her to rest at." You look around. "Although it's hard to tell if it will still even be there or if something was built over it."
"Can't you, like, I don't know—smell it?" Tony gestures at nothing in particular. 
You roll your eyes. "I'm not a bloodhound. This was centuries ago, there'd be nothing left to smell even if I could pick something up this far."
You keep walking, leading the group, because you smell something even if you can't smell Tatyana's grave. You have yet to mention it to the group since you're unsure what it could be and don't want to get everyone more riled up when they're already so tense. 
The moment you walk far enough between towns, an area excluded away from civilization just past the trees, something inside you clicks. 
"It's here," you furrow your brows. 
"What's wrong?" Natasha asks. 
"I—" but you can't finish the sentence as there are a thousand footsteps at once. On the other side of the clearing, vampires are marching.
"Shit," Steve says.
"Language," Tony says, but it lacks its teasing tone.
Everyone buckles up, raising their weapons as the vampires begin to pick up their pace into a run toward you. You and the team begin to run to meet them, but before either side can reach the middle, there's a strong blast of magic, hitting the ground and nearly splitting it. 
"I don't remember giving orders to move."
You smell her before you see her. 
Spice and hydrangea override your sensories. 
All you can smell is her—the memories. It's the smell of eggs, slightly burnt cinnamon, herbs, the laundry, the river, and grass, and no one could ever understand it, but you could smell the warmth. You smelled somewhere—someone you used to call home. 
Smelling her just felt like you were losing everything all over, and to see her? Your breath hitches in a way that feels like it's slicing against your lungs. 
"Fuck," you murmur. "It's really you." 
Tatyana descends upon the field, her soldiers parting to make way for her. She looks just the way she did those few blissful weeks before everything went downhill—before you lost her. Her defined cheekbones, mauve lips, and sage green eyes that felt like she could always see right through you. 
The field was noisy, settling down into a quiet murmur, but none of it mattered. None of it matters because Tatyana's eyes held yours as she looked at you as if it was just the two of you on the field. 
"My love," her husk voice whispers, but you can hear it clear as bells. 
You feel like you're being constricted, her voice and eyes strangling the life out of every thought you could have possibly been having that wasn't about her. 
Natasha watches the scene unfold before her, unsure what to make of it. She hasn't ever seen you like this, even as you talked about her. But perhaps this was the issue. You always talked about her in a past-tense fashion. Tatyana had been nothing but a wounded memory that left scars all over you. Even when you encountered her previously, she was always in someone else's body.
But now, she was in front of you, clearly alive and unchanged. Seeing Tatyana must've brought you back to the 1600s just before everything went awry. 
Natasha looks over at Wanda, who's struggling to decide what she feels. There's a definite burning hatred there. Wanda wasn't sure she could ever forgive the manipulations and the last encounter. And for a moment, she hated that she had done the same to others with her powers. Yet, there was a displaced longing. This woman was related to her by blood—another family member when she thought there was just Pietro.
"Sveti kurac," Pietro curses. "She really does look like you."
Tatyana turns her head then towards the twins, assessing them. "How misguided," she sniffs with a crinkle in her nose. Her accent is thick as she says, "she looks like me."
Wanda bristles at the tone and words. She could practically feel Tatyana's insinuation that Wanda was a poor imitation to replace her. She narrows her eyes, conjuring up her magic. 
"Feisty," Tatyana chuckles like it's some kind of joke. "It's precious you think you can beat me, child."
Heat floods Wanda at the condescending tone.
"I had the upper hand on this battlefield," Tatyana cocks her brow. "Don't tell me you fools came here thinking I wouldn't have cast runes all over this place."
"My magic's still working, is it not?" Wanda smirks as she raises her hand, sending a blast of magic forward, only for it to make it out a few feet before fizzling away.
Tatyana bursts out laughing, hand over her mouth before she slides it up her face and through her hair, smirking. She turns to look at you, "I know the alternative to you not showing up here would've been devastating, but you were a bad girl, not preparing them more to come here."
You were stricken but trying to gather yourself and not show it. You take a deep breath. "What exactly is it that you want?" You stare on with no emotion. 
It's then that Tatyana's expression changes. Gone with the amusement, and in came the narrowed anger. Her eyes narrowed, jaw clenched with a pinched brow. 
"Don't ask ridiculous questions," she hisses at you. 
"What?" You taunt her. "Don't tell me you're still chasing your delusional ambitions of ruling the humans." You look around, gazing at the improved artificial vampire army that seems to hover, just waiting for Tatyana's command. "They're better than the last batch, but they'll never be the real thing."
"I don't need them to be the real thing," Tatyana cocks her brow. "I just need them to get the job done." But Tatyana doesn't reveal exactly what job that is. 
You pinch your brows, trying to appear annoyed rather than shaken. "Tatyana, just—stop," you sigh almost pleadingly. "Let it go. Let go of your anger at the humans."
But Tatyana just laughs, and it's hollow sounding. "You must not think about me at all anymore if you think I'm angry at the humans." 
"Angry at me then?" You push. "There's nothing I could ever say to justify what I've done but I think the punishment you've left me and the fact that I'll live with what I did for the rest of my life is enough."
Tatyana just shakes her head. "I'm not going to talk about this here with you," she says and holds out her hand. "You've had your fun, and I've indulged your dalliances long enough. It's time to return to me."
There's a moment when you hesitate. There was a time in your life when this would've been all you wanted. You felt like you were walking around with half your spirit carved out for a long time. You missed Tatyana so bad some days that you wanted to join her, if not for Leo and then David. You would sleep if only to dream about a life where you and she had everything. Sometimes you would stay awake to avoid dreaming. Tatyana had been the rising and falling of everything to you.
But—you take a deep breath—that was just a moment in time. 
"No," you tell her softly, but you know everyone can hear it. "That time of our life is gone, Tatyana."
"Don't make me ask twice," Tatyana calmly states, keeping her hand out, but there's a wisp of blue around her finger as she curls it, beckoning you.
You feel the magic jerk you forward, and the titillating of your center of gravity throws you off from fighting it. But before you can move further, Natasha and Wanda grip both sides of your wrist, grounding you. 
You look gratefully at the two, your eyes soft as they smile back at you. 
The intimacy of it brings a wave of white, hot anger into Tatyana. "How dare you interrupt us," she hisses. 
"You made it everyone's business by bringing us all out here," Natasha gives her signature raised brow. "And it's certainly mine and Wanda's business. Hasn't anyone ever told you no means no? You're almost no better than a man at this point."
Tatyana narrows her eyes at Natasha, disgust written all over her features as she glares at the redhead agent. But she doesn't say anything, as if deigning that Natasha wasn't worth speaking to, let alone her time. 
Suddenly, she snaps her fingers. Without words, the army of vampires begins charging again, and everyone has their hands full. Natasha and Wanda have to let go of you to beat off the crowding vampires, but the short moment of their hold has you able to stand on your feet again. Tatyana can't use her magic to try to pull you again, not when you're used to her magic and can throw it off. 
Everyone's holding their own, and Tatyana seems to be refraining from joining the fight, and you're still trying to figure out why. You look around, and Wanda can only cast magic within a few feet of herself, meaning she has to be close to her enemies. Natasha's style of fighting naturally is close range. For the most part, everyone's is. With the exception of Pietro, who can run circles around everyone, and Tony, who can use his suit to fly, everyone is bound to the ground.
Tatyana seems to realize this within minutes of watching everyone fight. She uses magic to conjure something in her palms before sending multiple blasts toward Tony's. They hit him in quick succession at his feet and back. He can't move out of the way in time, busy above trying to shoot off two vampires on Steve's back. Nothing happens immediately. But then, roots begin to grow out from the bottom, breaking the repulsors in his feet, and he starts to drop from the sky. He tries to engage the jetpack in his back but nothing comes out. 
Tony instantly begins trying to use the repulsors in his hands to slow the fall, but he isn't flying high enough from the ground. He's going to land right into a horde of vampires waiting to rip him apart. Tony could send missiles to kill them, but he might get caught in the blast.
"Tony!" Steve yells, using his shield to brutally jab into a vampire's shoulder over and over to release his leg. He starts running, but Steve knows he's not going to make it in time, and it's chilling. 
"Steve!" Pietro yells as he begins to run. "Hold your shield up and brace yourself!" 
Steve doesn't even hesitate. The time spent hunting for Bucky with the young man has earned his trust. Pietro barrels into Steve’s back, keeping his feet planted on the ground as he uses his powers to run the both of them. Steve's shield barrels into the group of vampires, knocking them over with a brutal force from the speed.
When it looks like just the perfect spot, Pietro stops pushing Steve before grabbing his shield and using it to slam into the rest of the vampires surrounding the area. 
Steve catches Tony, but it knocks them both to the ground. You can hear the wind being knocked out of Steve's lungs, but it doesn't sound like anything is broken. 
"Just for that," Tony sounds breathless. "I won't make fun of you for a week."
"At least two weeks, Stark," Steve huffs as the two get up. 
Natasha only catches moments of it from the corner of her eye. She must be careful not to let the enemies in front of her land a blow. Wanda's got her back, but she can tell it's frustrating the young witch her powers are being limited. 
"I have to find where she cast the runes," Wanda says. "If I can, there's a chance I can destroy them and get my full magic back."
The advantage of that would be overwhelming and could lead them to a possible victory. So far, Tatyana has refrained from joining the fight, but they might all be fucked if that ever changed. 
As Natasha wraps her legs around a vampire's body, swinging her way up as she locks his neck in, she uses her widow bites to stun him as she works her way into breaking his neck. She uses that moment to look at how David and Liam are faring. 
David is easily holding his own, watching out for Liam, who stays at the back as support with his alchemy. He seems to be attempting to cast a big spell. 
Tatyana sneers as she realizes there's an alchemist amongst the group. "William! Are you going to stand back and have me do all the work?" 
You tense, expecting something to shift. When nothing happens after a moment, the tension in your shoulders relax just slightly. 
Suddenly, the air changes. 
When a man—no, a predator—steps out from behind a tree, you feel something horrible. 
If seeing the predator in you could make people feel the hair on the body stand, seeing him was like having the first layer of your skin peel off. 
"No need to get yourself in a huff," he rolls his eyes. "You're losing your touch, dear. You can't even take care of a few measly enhanced humans and two vampires?"
He was tall and muscular but not overly so. He had long black hair that would've been popular during the olden days, just sitting at his shoulders. He looked unassuming, but you knew better.
"Don't call me dear," Tatyana snaps at him, but he ignores her. 
Williams looks at you. "Hm," he hums. "You look familiar. Did I change you? But your venom doesn't quite smell like mine."
But you're wordless. 
All these years...these centuries, and this has never happened to you.
You've never bumped into a vampire older than you. 
William changes the battlefield. What once might've been a possibility of winning quickly becomes closer to being annihilated. Both you and David team up to take on William, trying to be more strategic than using brute power that you both know won't win. 
Everyone's busy handling their own fights, but they can't help but watch for the first time to see you outclassed. You brought your elbow into William's rib while David had him in a headlock. Natasha knows that the force alone should've obliterated the bones into dust, and it would've if it were anyone else. 
But William merely grunts as he whips the back of his hand into your face, the force of it knocking you miles and miles away into the distance, breaking trunks of trees as you hit them.
Natasha and Wanda scream your name, horrified. They try to take off after you, but suddenly a horde of vampires conjugate into a wall in front of them by force. They look up and see Tatyana floating just above them, smirking. 
They all knew this was a possibility, that this was what Tatyana wanted from the beginning. Yet, seeing it happen and being so utterly unable to prevent it is devastating. 
"No!" Wanda yells in desperation. She turns around in circles frantically, looking for where Tatyana would've placed the runes. 
Natasha's trying to formulate a plan. If she uses her grappling hook, she can try to aim at the trees over the vampires. She might break a leg, but it was better than nothing, wasn't it? It was better than not doing anything at all and watching you be taken.
"I told you, you stupid, little human," Tatyana sneers. "You're only meant for one lifetime and that lifetime is over." She uses her magic to begin toppling the vampires down towards them, meaning to crush them. 
Natasha instantly turns to Wanda, running towards her and grabbing her before using the grappling hook. Pietro seems to notice them immediately as she shoots toward him. He moves out of the way of the hook that doesn’t catch anything but grabs onto the rope. With all his might, he runs with the rope, yanking it harshly to get them out of the way of the falling bodies. 
Wanda holds onto Natasha tightly, using her magic to create a barrier around their bodies to protect their necks and any damage done to their bodies as it hits the ground. 
Wanda wants to sob at the realization that you're gone. Natasha doesn't even feel like she has the time to process it as she watches William grab onto David's arm, crushing it under his grip.
David lets out a painful hiss as his grip loosens, and he's flung from Williams' back into the ground. It cracks as a tiny crater is formed where he lands. David can instantly feel all his ribs break, his legs are mangled, and the back of his head in danger of cracking. 
William turns back to where Tatyana took off, stunned that she had simply left and wasn't coming back for him. Rage overtakes his face as he realizes he's been abandoned.
"David!" Natasha yells, running towards him, but he screams at her.
"Don't you fucking dare come closer!" David yells, and it's the first time she's heard him curse like that. "Get out! Get out of here now!"
Natasha wants to scream that she can't—she can't just leave him there. You'd absolutely hate her for it. David seems to think something similar: you'll hate him if you let Natasha and Wanda die here. 
This line of work has always taught Natasha there were sacrifices, and you had to live with them. You don't get to question someone else's sacrifice. This was a losing battle, and the only way to survive was if they got to the Quinjet now.
But by the time that happened, what would be left of David? Could she get his brutalized body back from William so he could recover? There has to be some blood bags on the Quinjet, and she could give him her blood if not. He'd heal. He had to.
The idea of recovery gets shot to shit when William pulls out a wooden dagger. And they all know what it's made of. 
William means to end it and end it permanently. 
"Go!" David yells as William steps closer, hovering over David with his two arms raised, holding the dagger. 
Natasha doesn't want to watch, but she can’t tear her eyes away. Wanda's summoning her magic even though she knows she's too far away, and angry tears are spilling out of her eyes. Pietro starts to dig his heel into the ground towards David. Steve throws his shield to the speedster, who catches it with ease. Tony uses one hand to attack the vampires between him and Steve while his other repulsor is pointed towards William, charging up. 
Willam's speed nearly matches Pietro, his hands coming down so quickly.
It's over.
God, it was fucking over. 
It was small at first. But then suddenly—
The entire field is lit up, lightning and vines zipping through them at an unstoppable force. They take hold of every artificial vampire in the area, grasping them in a vice-like grip. The lightning surrounds it in a second hold, squeezing tighter and tighter until they disintegrate. 
William only pauses momentarily at the change on the field before a blur barrels into him ferally. The air leaves his lungs with a grunt. He drops the dagger on the ground, and Pietro scrambles to grab it and take off. 
With no artificial vampires left on the field to battle, they all scramble toward David to help him. 
They all watch, stunned. 
The two bodies rolled on the ground over and over until William landed with force on his back. 
And Liam on top.
Liam's eyes were pitch black, and his fangs bared as he snarled at William, snapping his jaws at him. William was surprisingly having a difficult time pushing Liam away, and it seemed Liam was using all his strength and alchemy to force William down. 
It wasn't until Liam managed to bite into William's forearm that the man let out a piercing scream as poisonous venom was injected into him. Liam held tight, nearly taking a chunk out of William's arm before he released, biting again just a few inches over. 
William began punching Liam in the head with his other arm until he was released. He crouches his legs in, pressing them against Liam’s pelvis as he uses them to knock Liam off of him.
Liam gracefully flips over and lands on his feet. Blood spilled out of his mouth and down his chin as he stood, and he wiped it away on the back of his hand.
"Leave," Liam growled, his eyes still black. "You won't win today."
William considers staying to fight, but he looks at the vines, still moving around. Also, the venom in his arm still pulsates with burning pain. He sniffs. He needs Liam's venom to reverse it; it's not his—
But then William narrows his eyes.
Liam doesn't respond to it, merely repeating, "Leave."
William snarls at the loss.
“Your venom,” William spits. “You know I can only delay the inevitable.”
Liam nods and they both tense as he blurs over to William, biting his hand before he runs back to create distance between the two. 
William only gives him a withering glare before he turns and disappears.
Liam turns, and they all watch, slack-jawed. His eyes are still black, and it makes everyone's hackle rise. But it's like he doesn't register them; he just keeps walking until he's kneeling in front of David.
Liam assesses the damage to see if his venom can fix it temporarily. When he determines it can't, he bites deeply into his own wrist. When he releases, blood starts overflowing, and he immediately places it over David's mouth, who begins to drink greedily. 
"What are you doing?" Natasha finds her voice first. 
"Blood-sharing," Liam answers. "The blood in his own body is already working overtime and its priorities will always be major organs and the head. I fed before we came, so it should be potent enough to at least heal his arms, legs, and some of his ribs."
"You shouldn't," David mutters weakly, trying to speak and not let any blood escape his mouth. "You'll end up feral if you give me too much."
Natasha quickly connects the dots to why David didn't blood-share during the aftermath of Ultron. 
Liam smiles weakly, his eyes slowly returning to normal when it seems like David will be okay. "We'll make do."
"If it's not enough, I'll give you mine," Natasha offers without hesitation. 
David smiles thankfully at her. It's then that the Quinjet comes into view with Pietro flying it. 
"We...we can't leave," Wanda suddenly says, her eyes welling with tears again. "We can't leave without her."
The heavy loss of you settles over everyone. 
"It's okay," Liam says before he lifts his wrist away from David, licking the wound and sealing it up. "Tatyana won't hurt her. She probably can't even take her outside the city."
"How do you know?" Wanda hisses.
"Who the hell are you?" Tony finally asks. "Aren't you supposed to be human? What the hell was all of that?”
"You're clearly older than our two vampires. You're as strong as that William guy," Steve says carefully, assessing the vampire before him.
Liam sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I was William's apprentice. I only got the advantage with all your help to distract him and the fact he was blindsided from seeing me again. If it had just been me, it's possible even my alchemy couldn't kill him."
Liam looked directly at Natasha and Wanda.
"William is my maker, but I'm Elaine's."
Everyone is sitting back in the Compound, nursing their wounds. They sit around Tony's lab as he silently works on repairing his suit, and Tony is uncharacteristically quiet. 
Steve was wiping blood from his brow, inspecting if the cut on it needed to be stitched back together. He, Tony, and Pietro were planning on heading back out to see if they could find any traces of you. 
Steve's phone blinked with a message that he quickly checked from Sam.
Found him. Slippery little bastard, but I'll see if I can set a trap.
Steve lets out a tiny smile before sighing and putting away his phone. He feels disconcerted that you've been taken. He wonders at this point if you and Bucky will ever get to meet. 
"Speak now," Wanda hisses, "and speak quickly."
"What are you?" Natasha asks without hesitation. "How can you be a vampire and also use alchemy? Those seem to oppose each other if one is meant to be a power to be able to protect themselves from the other."
"How the hell could I not sense you were a vampire?" David mutters, mostly to himself in disbelief. "Vampires are always able to sense each other. It's like a primal instinct that we recognize in each other. And I never saw you feed and we were together almost all the time!"
Liam sighs, almost overwhelmed by all the questions directed at him. "Alchemy is a neutral power but only humans are able to receive it. It has to do with their natural blood. Humans, specifically priests, just used it as so to protect themselves from being prey. I had the gift for it as a human, but it was too weak to fully manifest. Once I was turned, the venom in me unlocked something."
Turning to David, he looked apologetic before pointing to the alchemy spells down his left arm. "This keeps an illusion spell up. It makes it so you can't recognize the predator in me, but I have to be careful because if I force any kind of vampire instincts like bloodlust up, it breaks through the spell. I don't have to feed as often as you being as old as I am, but when I did, I took advantage of the times we were apart."
The room is silent, trying to process the information. Steve and Tony left to see if they could find any trace of you and if they could find any information about where William would be hiding. 
"Let me start from the beginning," Liam sighs. "About who I am and everything that has happened to come to this moment."
Wanda has her lip curled in disdain but doesn't say anything. Natasha places her arm on Wanda's elbow, and the girl softens just a moment, leaning into the spy as they all quiet to listen.
~1400s to 1600s~
The world was an unnaturally quiet place. At least to Liam. The markets were bustling, and people constantly moved during the day, but that noise never registered with him. Liam took in the days slowly with little to no rush, despite how much it would annoy his father and siblings. 
But being the youngest did come with perks. They were generally much more lenient with him, and his mother seemed to hide the fact she'd allow him a taste of whatever was being made for the day first. It was a quiet life, and Liam hadn't minded one bit.  
Despite the feeling that something was rumbling just underneath his skin and the crops he grew were always somehow much better than everyone else's, Liam liked his quiet life. 
Moments of curiosity beckoned him to venture outside their quaint little farm and markets. Sometimes he stood out at the edge and looked out as if he could see anything beyond the horizon. 
He couldn't leave, though. 
Even if Liam wanted to see what he could do outside of growing crops, his family didn't need the uncertainty of waiting for him.
But just like how their little life was quiet, death comes just as quietly. Famine spreads through their lands, and Liam only manages to keep the crops alive a little longer than everyone else. One by one, they starve to death. 
Being the youngest was a curse, always being given everything there was until he was the last one standing. Hunger gnawed at his stomach as he finally ventured past their quaint little farm and markets. 
He was so hungry.
Liam thought about what he could do. Should he try to grow more crops? But the land had suddenly become unsuitable. He was quick with picking up things. Maybe he could try to find a merchant and learn the trade. Only can't remember the last time he saw a merchant pass by. Perhaps he should find a temple and look for work there. He'd have to shave his head, though.
And even as he stumbled upon a gruesome feeding man feeding on another man, Liam stood there motionlessly. 
"Oh," the amused voice turned to look at him. "What have you stumbled upon, lost little boy?"
The words were difficult to understand. The man was white-skinned, clearly not from around here, but he had stayed long enough to learn the language from the locals. 
"I'm not a boy," Liam shook his head and replied slowly so the man could process his words. His voice felt raspy from the lack of use. 
"Could've fooled me," the man laughed lowly. "I can practically see your bones. You wouldn't even be a good feed."
"How can you eat him?" Liam asked as he looked upon the dead body, neck ripped open with blood running down. "Won't you get sick?"
The man raised his brow in amusement. It was strange that Liam didn't seem perturbed, but he supposed they had been experiencing famine for quite some time now. At this point, it was probably eat or be eaten.
"I won't get sick," the man told Liam, smiling sinisterly. "I'm a demon. I will never starve because there will always be blood."
It was quiet for a long moment, and the man wondered if Liam would turn to run. Liam was sweating at his brow and lip half-turned in a frown. Maybe he was too weak to even run away. 
The man thinks that the thought of eating him doesn't even seem appealing. Maybe he'll just kill him and be on his way. 
"Can I become a demon too?" Liam finally asks, locking eyes with the man, not flinching from their glowing redness. "If I become a demon, then I can live, right?"
The man stared, mouth agape. He starts laughing before he drops the body he's holding. "Fascinating, fascinating," he crooned. "It certainly won't be for free."
"I don't have money," Liam told him immediately. "If I had money, I would be searching for food to buy."
The man snorts. "I don't need money. Anything in this world is mine to take." He walks a slow circle around Liam. "What I want is an apprentice. I have plans, and my last one...didn't last very long."
Liam nodded. 
The man smiled, but there was no comfort from it. "I must warn you, I don't have the patience to change you slowly. This will burn." He stepped closer, grabbing a fistful of Liam's hair and yanking his head back. "Welcome to the coven. My name is William, but you will refer to me as master."
William was a radical. There was no telling how long William was around since he rarely spoke about himself. All Liam knew was that William wanted more demons like him. Secretly, Liam could only surmise that being alone for so long must've been lonely. Being lonely for too long does something to your head.
A century passed by. It didn't feel as quiet as it did when Liam was human. It felt like something was pulsating under his skin, making his bones ache. Liam encountered many priests before, seeing what they called ‘God's power.’ The more they used it around him, the more something inside him resonated—the more it felt like something was about to come out. 
But Willi—his master would kill him. If Liam did what he believed he could, he would die for it. 
So, Liam started to study the priests from a distance. When he encountered them, he watched with rapt what they were doing, what they drew, and how they moved. When he finally got his hands on one of their 'incantation and hymn' books, he felt something different about his life for the first time. 
Liam felt awake. There was a constant stream of excitement in his mind. He could copy the drawings in the book, but he needed someone to teach him how to read the incantations. The world had always moved so slowly, and now Liam couldn't help but want it to move faster.
The only time he could practice was when his master was away. Despite the initial resistance, Liam convinced William that building networks with humans was better. If he wanted to create more demons, then they needed more space. 
They needed land and money and their influence to keep the pitchforks and fire away. It was much slower to accomplish, but it was working well. 
Humans were naturally suspicious beings. Too much compulsion and out-of-the-ordinary behavior would have the priests marching right to them. 
"How dare he!" 
Liam folded the paper he was drawing on and slipped it into his pocket as he turned around to see William barge through the door and slam it shut. 
"What's wrong, master?" Liam asked, no inflections in his tone. 
"That Baron Hastings—" William huffed, and his face was flushed with anger. "Not only did he laugh at my proposal to invest, he actually dared to convince others not to invest, saying it was a dupe!" 
Liam said nothing. Even though he knew whoever this Baron was, he was correct. 
"Your idea of this route was foolish!" William gritted out before he ripped off his hat. "I've had enough of this sham. Tonight, we will raid Baron Hasting's estate and take him for all he has."
"Yes, master," Liam tilted his head in acknowledgment. There was no use trying to refute anything William said when he was in this state. He was rather impressed since it was at least a decade since the last time he's lost his temper like this. 
The raid had been like it was every other time. The smell of massacre stopped making him nauseous long ago. Liam prefers to kill the servants by snapping their necks and only taking a bite or two out of them, if only to appease William. The overindulgence was intoxicating for a few short years before Liam decided that the smell of their fear during the massacre didn't make them taste as good. William thought otherwise.
As he finished up, he could hear something outside at the stables, but it was mostly covered by the sound of the Baron's wife screaming bloody murder. She wouldn't stop even as William threatened to kill her slowly if she didn't silence herself. 
Liam took off out the back. The Baron did well for himself, seeing a small stable holding three horses. He wondered who the third horse was for since the Baron and his wife had no children, and it couldn't have been for any of the servants. 
Then he gazed upon something he wasn't sure he'd ever seen. 
You were shaking and crying in your fine, silk-green gown. You were well-groomed and obviously spoiled with luxury. 
A mistress of the Barons, perhaps? How bold of you to be here while his wife was. But Liam inhaled deeply and tilted his head in confusion. While he did smell the Baron on you intimately, he could also smell the wife in the same way. The wife's scent was all around you, over you, inside you.
Strange, Liam thought. He didn't know that was possible. 
"Please..." you whispered, eyes closing as you could hear a woman's scream again, tears running down your eyes. But you don't continue your sentence.
His bones felt achy again. 
"Can you read?" Liam asked, causing you to look up unsurely. You looked like you wanted to bolt to see if you'd make it, but you stayed rooted.
You nod shakily nonetheless. "Yes, a little. The Baron and his wife were teaching me."
Liam nodded. "Master won't teach me to read."
You swallowed, trembling. You obviously were confused as to why this...this demon was talking to you instead of killing you. "Have you asked?"
Liam shook his head. "He doesn't like it if I do other things. If I ask, he'll just be angry. He only taught me this language because it makes it easier for him."
You were gripping the horse's reins tightly. "If you don't want to follow him, why do you?"
There was a blank look as Liam stared at you. "Master made me as I am. I'm not strong enough to beat him."
"Have you tried?"
"If I try and fail, then I'll die."
"If he's too strong, then you need to be smarter. The Baron says being smarter and playing the long game is far better than being stronger."
The words settle upon Liam like a blanket. His eyes sparkle as if he knows that he's smarter, and despite being a mere human, it was like your permission to be so was all he needed.
There was a heavy, pregnant pause. 
"You can leave," Liam told you, gesturing back to the screaming with his head. "If you leave now, the master will probably not notice you. But you can't leave with the horse as it will make too much noise. You must walk, not run. Your heart is already beating so loud and running will make it worse."
"I—" you started to say but choked. The tears that welled up in your eyes earlier fall over your already tear-stained face. "I can't leave without them."
Liam tilted his head. "Why not?"
"The baroness is screaming so I can leave," you told him, choking on your sob. "The moment we heard the break-in, The Baron pushed us both out the back, but the Baroness knew we both couldn't escape. She left me here and went back in."
"Then you should leave," Liam reasoned. "If she did it for you, you should live."
"Just to die another day," you muttered, wiping your tears. "How do you leave the first person to show you that kind of love? I—I can't. I should be in there too."
Liam ponders the words. He kind of understands. He loved his family as much as he could. It was hard to leave their bodies behind, but he kept moving because they had given him every last morsel so he could keep going. 
And while you did not show him anything remotely close to love, you did show him something. And the ache in his bones made him feel like he shouldn't leave you behind. Playing the long game, as you said, will require time. And in the end, Liam knows he can't do it alone. 
"Then die as a human and join them," Liam resounded before he blurred over to you and bit your neck, releasing his venom. There was no scream from your mouth, just your jaw dropping in shock. The taste of fear in your blood repulses him a little, but he hangs on, draining you. He was sorry—genuinely sorry—unlike his master, who warned him with false regret in his voice. Liam was sorry that your change would be painful. 
When Liam felt your pulse nearly stop, he released you. He looked back at the house that was slowly becoming quieter. The screams quelled. He hopes you don't remember much of this. 
Tonight, you'll die as a human and join the Baron and Baroness. 
Then...then you'll wake up a demon, and the long game begins.
Natasha and Wanda feel breathless as they listen to Liam. You told them your side of the story when you were changed, which was very little as you didn’t recall much outside of waking up with a burning pain and smelled the massacre.
To hear it from Liam’s side was…they didn’t know how to describe it. It made them want to hunch over and scream. 
"I watched her in secret for many, many years. I managed to drag William from town to town. Not too close, obviously. That's how Tatyana and William met, I believe. I thought that Tatyana would've joined to get rid of William, but..." Liam rubbed the back of his head and didn't finish the sentence. "When Tatyana died, and Elaine became close to that priest, I saw it as an opportunity. I needed to learn alchemy and that priest and his family were going to be the only way. So, I escaped and went into hiding. William eventually stopped looking and continued to travel further away from me."
"How were you even able to get close without alerting them?" David asks with a frown. "She would've sensed you for sure if you didn't have your alchemy tattoos yet."
Liam shakes his head. "Your senses don't react the same way when you're near your maker. When you said you can always sense the predator in a vampire, what's actually happening is your venom senses other venoms. Your venom is unique to you, but it did come from your marker. Therefore, you can't sense it very well because your venom sees it as an extension of itself. While venom is unique to yourself, it does recognize shared venom. When you bite someone, only your venom can fully counteract it. But anyone in the same venomline as you can delay the poisoning, like a partial healing."
"Huh," David hums, holding his chin. "You learn something new every day. That explains why I never felt any alarms or hackles rise when I saw her. I thought it was because I recognized her as a coven mate, but that makes more sense when vampires form their own coven by changing others versus outsiders banding together."
Liam nods, smiling at David before continuing his story. "I learned a lot from Leonard by just watching and listening to him teach his children. They continued their traditions and upheld alchemy for a very, very long time. Until a child came that didn't have a gift, and they couldn't bear any more children."
"Robert," Natasha realizes, recalling the priest they met in Nashville. Liam nods. "He said you were adopted. They must've adopted you and thought you were, what, 17 at the most? How did you manage that? You look..." Natasha trails. "Older."
"The documents I forged officially said so, but I did learn enough fundamentals of alchemy to experiment on my own to change some of my features," Liam reveals. "I think his grandfather suspected but never attempted to find out. I was a prodigy once I had proper teachings and although awkward, sincere."
"Did you know?" Wanda demanded immediately. "Did you know Tatyana was alive?"
Liam is silent initially. "I suspected," he admits. "I couldn't quite keep tabs on William after I escaped, but his behavior was strange weeks leading up to Tatyana's death."
"We couldn't find even a trace of them." Steve and Tony burst through the doors together, looking tired, angry, and defeated. The news of your disappearance sets off everyone in the room. Angry tears well up in Wanda's eyes, that feeling of loss at her door again. 
And she is so, so fucking tired of losing.
"You knew," Wanda hisses at Liam, malice laced in her tone. Her lips were pursed, and her eyes narrowed in an accusatory manner. "You knew all along that Tatyana was alive and would eventually come after us."
Wanda's eyes began to glow, her magic manifesting around her in angry, red wisps. "You knew and you let Tatyana take her!" Her magic bursts towards Liam, grabbing him like a vice. His body stiffens and jerks in her hold as he releases a gasp of pain.
"Wanda, wait!" David calls out to her, but it doesn't register. He tries to grab Liam to pull him out of Wanda's grasp, but he can't get Liam to even budge. David turns to everyone else in the room, but everyone is conflicted about whether or not to step in after finding out the truth about Liam. Steve looks like he wants to step in, but the anger about losing you keeps you rooted. He wants answers, and if Wanda can get them from Liam, he'll stay in place with his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.
"Nat," David turns to the redhead instead, his eyes pleading. "Please. Liam must've had his own reasons for not saying anything. We need all the help we can get." 
Natasha purses her lips. She'd be more than content to let Wanda rip Liam to shreds. She's so unbelievably angry to the point where it feels like hot needles are pricking her and boiling her blood. You were right there. You had been right there in front of her, and Natasha lost you. There was nothing she could've done to save you, and that's what makes Natasha the angriest.
But it's the years of experience—the training she's endured all her life— that she can put aside her emotions and be rational. Natasha gently places her hand over Wanda's clenched hand. The warmth of her skin makes Wanda look at her, the anger in her eyes slowly dimming as she stares into Natasha's gentle look. 
The red glow disappears from Wanda's eyes, the wisp drawing back into her. She releases Liam from her grip, still glaring at him as he falls into David's arms. Liam's slightly hunched over, trying to regain his breath. 
Natasha feels Wanda slip her hand into hers, and the warmth that seeps out is comforting. She coolly turns her head towards Liam, chin jutted upwards. "As much as I would like Wanda to give your comeuppance, you hold valuable information. You better have a plan or have some knowledge of how to save her and get rid of Tatyana for good."
Liam recovers from Wanda's attack as he gives a slight nod to David that he's okay and stands straight. "I had never intentionally planned for anyone to be kidnapped," he emphasizes, having the consciousness to at least look guilty. "I didn’t reveal myself because I wasn’t sure how Tatyana had been listening in. I truly believed that Tatyana was working with William to overthrow the humans. I'm not sure what changed, but it's clear that Tatyana abandoned William and had no intentions of creating sustainable creatures for his army again."
Natasha and Wanda look at each other for a brief moment. They recall the moment William had looked betrayed. The anger that rushed into William's eyes and the heat that pulsated through him—there was no way that was a part of their plans. 
"Tatyana was able to recreate her body, but there definitely had to be a price paid," Liam continues. "I could feel something different about her, something not human. We need to find out exactly what she did to recreate her body because it was unlikely she was actually able to preserve it after she was killed. If we can find out, we can find a counter spell to undo it."
"That's if we can even stop her from using her magic," Natasha shakes her head. "Every time that woman casts a spell, we're always fucked."
"There has to be a spell to nullify her powers or stop her from using them," Liam thoughtfully says before sighing. "It's a shame we don't know any more witches. Usually, each coven has its own spell book."
"I'm sure I can figure something out," Wanda rubs her brow, a tiny headache forming. "Let's just form a plan first to find William and lure Tatyana out." 
"In the case that there is another army waiting, we need to figure something out. If Tatyana won't create more vampires for William, he might just turn to the old fashion way of changing people. Even just a dozen of them will be troublesome for us, especially if they turn out to have gifts. The more time we lose, the more time he has to change people," Steve points out.
"What was that wood you said could kill you?" Tony asks David. "The...meth...metha...methu...the meth tree."
David gives Tony a look before he rolls his eyes. "Methuselah."
"That's what I said," Tony smirks. "If I can get my hands on a sample of it, I could probably turn it into something more effective to kill vampires...uh..." Tony paused. "Obviously not you guys, though. I'll work something out."
David wishes you were here to laugh at Tony. He lets out a deep sigh before he locks his eyes with Natasha and Wanda. "I'm going to find her," he promises them. "There isn't any place in the world Tatyana can hide her from me."
"How are you so sure?" Wanda frowns. She knows of his abilities, but Tatyana is a witch. They could be in a hut with no technology around.
David smiles, although sheepishly. "I have trackers in both her molars."
"What?!" Natasha narrows her eyes at David. 
"It's fine!" David insists. "She knows, and I have trackers in both my molars too. Sometimes we do really stupid shit, and on two separate occasions, we couldn't find each other, and well—" David shrugs.
They all stare at him.
"Anyway, it's not always on," David says as if that should be obvious. "We just activate it when we can't find each other. I've reactivated it since we returned back here. It just takes some time to ping down a location even if I'm a technopath. The further she is, the longer it takes but we'll know soon."
They all continued to stare at him.
Tony finally opens his mouth to speak.
"You two are fucking weirdos."
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
VAN!!! I cannot tell you how much I have waited for this Tatyana Drabble!! Do you know what time it will be posted??
in 3 hours!!! Be sure to follow my library blog @missmonsters2-library and turn on notifs there as I will reblog to there when posted. Or you can start following the Tatyana Maximoff x Reader tag LMFAO
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a lil peak! this is a hint of the slow burn between the two <3
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
Between the Lines - Masterlist
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PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / WandaNat x Reader
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Series Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes. Therefore this is 18+ series. If you read further, you are agreeing you are 18+.
Please do not repost/translate anywhere. Reblogs/Comments are much welcomed ♥
Main Masterlist || Library Blog
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Character Faces || Tatyana Maximoff Art
Drabble: Don't Go Anywhere Alone (Tatyana x Reader)
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missmonsters2 · 4 years
Between the Lines || XIII
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers & Fem!Reader (Platonic) / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes.
Character Faces
милый - Darling
Count: 8,546
There are some pros and cons of being a vampire.
Like for one, you can't get sick. You're stronger and faster than the average human. You live longer, forever really, if you choose to or you aren't killed.
But some things aren't ideal. Like the thirst for blood. The people around you pass away before you do if you don't change them. The sun, if you don't have searings or a magical item.
And you can still have panic attacks.
Natasha is rubbing your back while Wanda is rubbing your arm after you've finally calmed down.
You were ready to punch David for asking, 'Are you sure?' multiple times, but you couldn't blame him. You also didn't want to believe that Tatyana had come back.
You kept asking yourself how, over and over again.
"How is that even possible?" David runs his hand through his hair.
"I don't know," you mumble. "I...I buried her with my own hands."
"We need to leave," Liam interrupts, having packed his bags and gesturing everyone to leave the house. There were enchantments on the door and every window. "I'll know if someone tries to enter this house, but we should head back to New York. It's not safe here anymore."
When you come back to New York, Tony has built most of the new compound.
"You might hear a lot of construction for a few days, but I've got your rooms prepared," he tells you before letting you know what floor you're on. "If you need anything, let FRIDAY know."
It wasn't entirely necessary since you had your own place, but you were touched Tony still thought of you. You found out quite quickly that you and Natasha shared a room together while Wanda was housed next door. David was across from you, and Liam was next to David's temporarily.
Everyone retired to their own rooms to rest and shower before reconvening in a meeting room that was a floor below them. Tony was to join them, but he was caught up in his own work at the moment. FRIDAY would report to him later regarding this meeting.
Natasha's hair was still soft and damp. She came out with a thin shirt, and you took off your sweater to wrap around her when you noticed she shivered.
"You should've worn a thicker shirt," you tell her soft voice, pulling her into your arms to keep her warm. Her back touches your front, and you feel yourself purring at the contact.
"And miss out on you giving me your sweater and keeping me warm? I think I knew what choice I made," she teases.
You smile, brushing your lips across Natasha's cheek tenderly.
"Not to be that jackass, but I think we need to focus on the problem at hand here. You guys can be disgustingly in love later," David cuts in with a small smile, and you roll your eyes.
Your eyes lock with Wanda's for a brief moment, catching a tense slightly frown on her face, but as soon as you saw it, it was gone.
"So," David breathes. "She's back."
You purse your lips, the acceptance coming easier as more time passed.
"What do we do?" David asks.
"I mean," you start, "What options do we have? We obviously have to find her, find out exactly what she's planning. You heard her. She wants to personally see me lose everything."
"We won't let her take anything," Natasha holds your hand that's embracing her.
You swallow the words of how Natasha can't promise that. She doesn't know what Tatyana is capable of.
If she could escape death, what wasn't she capable of?
"How do you think she survived?" Wanda asked from the sidelines.
You shrug. "I really don't know. I know I killed her with my own hands. I pierced her heart with wood made from the Methuselah tree because I knew that she had an absorbent amount of my venom in her body to change if I killed her. That is if it was possible to be a hybrid witch and vampire. There isn't supposed to be a way for her to come back."
"There's probably only one way she survived," Liam spoke from his seat. "In Alchemy, there's a way to transfer one's soul or consciousness elsewhere. But as Alchemy is about transforming matter or about an exchange, this technique is forbidden. Performing it would mean you've given yourself to dark alchemy."
"Why?" David asks.
"Think about it like this. You want to bring someone back to life, or you're trying to move their soul elsewhere. In Alchemy, you need something to create something or have something of equal exchange. To bring someone back to life, what do you think is the equal exchange?" Liam throws the question to everyone.
"Someone else has to die," Natasha murmured.
"Exactly, and that's if it's even successful." Liam nodded. "So in the essence that you're trying to move a soul somewhere else, where would you move it. Whose body will you move it into? Where will their soul go?"
"Could you move it into like an AI body?" Natasha asked.
Liam shook his head. "You could temporarily bind a soul into an AI body, but that's only temporarily. A human soul isn't compatible with an AI body, so eventually, they'll separate. It's not the same thing as whatever Tony and Thor created."
"You mean Vision?" Wanda supplies, and you find yourself grimacing.
"Sure," Liam nonchalantly agrees, not really caring. "So," he carries on, "If we have dark alchemy that has these practices, then the equivalent for witches and warlocks would be..."
"Dark magic," Wanda breathes, and Liam nods once more.
The revelation doesn't entirely surprise you. A part of you has perhaps always known that Tatyana was practicing black magic. Forcefully turning people into vampires by magic was a significant indicator.
But you were surprised that Tatyana was able to use dark magic to revive herself. A part of you wondered if she even ever really died.
"So, what are our next steps?" David asks.
"We have to find her," you sigh.
"How? She could be anywhere, and we don't have a single clue. I can try to see if I can find anything, but she could be in literally anyone's body," David frowns.
Liam is holding his chin as he sways in his chair. "It might take time, but I could see if I can find a locating spell.
"I believe I may have some scrolls and notes from Leo. He used to jot down everything he did. Perhaps you could find something there," you let Liam know. "I'll drop them off for you."
Liam looked mildly excited about the news and nodded his head.
"Alright, that's enough for today. Everyone should get some rest. It may be a while before we get to again," you adjourn the meeting.
Everyone begins to shuffle out of the room, but you notice that Wanda stays behind, looking fraught with frustration. You nod your head at Natasha to let her know you would meet with her later in your shared room. Natasha nods as she walks away, leaving you alone with Wanda.
Wanda doesn't seem to realize you've stayed behind with her as you approach her. She's biting her thumbnail as she stares at the table listlessly, lost in her own world.
"Terrible habit, don't do that," you admonish gently as you grab hold of her hand to pull it away from her mouth.
Wanda looks up, shocked to see you for a moment.
"Having terrible nails is the least of our problems right now," Wanda gives you a rather tired smile. Wanda lowers her hand but curls her fingers so she can hold your hand.
The action makes you swallow.
"You seem more stressed about it than you should be," you tell her, giving her hand a tight squeeze of comfort. A friendly tight squeeze of comfort you tell yourself.
Wanda gives a humorless chuckle. "Can you blame me? What is she? My great-great-great-great-grandmother?"
"Oh, there’s too many greats to even say," you try to say to lighten the mood, and it sort of works when Wanda gives an exasperated smile.
"This is must be hard for you," Wanda says, tone full of empathy for you.
You sigh and nod.
"Honestly, no matter how she came back, it doesn't change the fact that I hurt and killed her. I don't blame her for being angry," you confide to Wanda.
The brunette moves to sit on the edge of the table as she pulls you closer.
"You know, when we were being attacked back in Vermont, and she spoke to you, I feel like I recognized that behavior," Wanda looks down at your hand in hers, staring at the glove that covered it. "I don't think she's angry at you," Wanda tells you truthfully. "She wants to punish you, yes, but she's not angry. I think she's still very much in love with and wants you."
"I can't really imagine why," you say, half-joking with an upturn of your lip.
Wanda pulls you closer until you're at the edge of the table between her legs.
It's wrong, you tell yourself, starting to pull away.
But Wanda pulls you into a hug.
You're stunned, not expecting it to be a hug at all.
You feel a hand patting your back in a slow rhythm and fingers delicately playing with the ends of your hair. You're not sure why, but the action makes the back of your eyes burn.
The scent of orange blossoms and cinnamon fills you, and you notice that Wanda's hair feels soft too.
"Don't say that," Wanda says like it's her turn to scold you. Her chin rests over your shoulder. "I don't blame her; it's very easy to."
"Can't sleep?"
You open your eyes and turn your head to look at Natasha. She's lying on her side, head resting on the crook of her arm as she faces you.
"Guilty," you smile sheepishly.
Natasha smiles as she opens her arms, and you immediately slide right into her. Your face rests gently on her chest as you both wrap your arms around each other. She kisses the top of your head lightly, and you sigh blissfully.
Natasha hums as your lips touch her bare skin.
"What's got you up?" The redhead asks. "Other than the fact your homicidal ex has come back to haunt you."
You actually manage to chuckle, the sounds vibrating off of Natasha's skin as she pulls the blanket up higher.
"I guess a little bit of everything. This brings back a lot of memories," you tell your girlfriend. "Some bad, but some good too."
"Like what?" Natasha asks patiently.
"Good memories like Leo," you smile softly. "I spent my days around him after Tatyana was gone."
Natasha hums but doesn't say anything as you continue talking.
"I was pretty miserable and lonely after Tatyana was gone. Leo never joined The Vatican no matter how much they persisted and kept me a secret," you reminisce.
"That's really wonderful of him," Natasha comments.
"Yeah, but also I had to deal with his incessant teachings of God, so don't get too starry-eyed about him," you look up slightly and squint your eye at her.
"You're so cute when you're jealous about your deceased friend," Natasha laughs when you pinch her side slightly.
"Behave," you tell her with a smirk that she returns.
"As I was saying," you return, looking at her pointedly, and Natasha resists the urge to giggle. "I never quite devoted myself the way I think Leo hoped, but I did feed on animals during that time."
"Animals?" Natasha said in a shocked tone like that hadn't quite occurred to her that you could. "How was that?"
"It tastes like literal piss," you tell her with no hesitation. "People are always using metaphors about how a vampire's diet could be compared to humans. Like drinking animal blood is going vegetarian."
You roll your eyes, and Natasha thinks it's so endearing you're so passionate about this. "It's not the same. I can't sautée animal blood in butter and call it a day. Plus, not even to mention how much more blood volume it takes to feel full, and how much more often you have to feed to be safe."
"Squirrel blood not cutting it for you?" Natasha teases, laughing once more when you scrunch your nose.
"I, alone, would end up making squirrels extinct if I could only feed on them," you tell her.
Natasha laughs, moving her legs so she could tangle them in yours.
"Alright, point taken," she says. "Tell me more about Leo."
You hum, shifting yourself to get more comfortable. How you wish you could just meld into Natasha.
"Eventually, Leo did manage to find a way for me to go out in the sun."
Natasha blinks languidly, her hands travel down your back until she finds your ribs, remembering on the x-rays she saw inscriptions there.
You pleasantly hum in the back of your throat at the touch. "Searings are done by a holy knife and fire. He carved it into my skin, and it burned through until it reached my bones."
"That sounds so painful," Natasha mumbles with a slight frown. You smile at her, rubbing circles on her back to soothe her.
"It was worth it, though," you reassure her.
"Did you stay with him until he passed?" Natasha quietly asked, feeling you nod against her skin.
"Yes, I stayed by his side as he met the love of his life, had children, and grew old," you tell her.
"What was his wife like?"
You smile, keeping your eyes closed and remembering it like it was just yesterday.
"Christine was a spitfire," you laugh. "Totally led Leo by his nose. She had absolutely no patience for any nonsense."
You see wisps of long dark brown hair and a pair of blue eyes in your mind, and you smile softly. "But the thing I loved about her was she was kind and compassionate about everything."
"Sounds like Leo got a total winner," Natasha drags her fingers through your hair lightly, enjoying the way you sigh contently.
"Oh, most definitely. It's kind of funny. She didn't even give Leo the time of day when he first started to pursue her. She thought he was a total player since young women from his parish really, really...admired him."
"Oh?" Natasha laughed. "And what changed her mind?"
"A group of vampires kidnapped her, wanting to get revenge on Leo for one of their coven member who was killed by him," you sighed. "At the time Leo and I were investigating another town when we had gotten word she was taken."
"Oh, god," Natasha dreaded.
"I had never seen Leo looked so stricken with fear, even when death was knocking at his door. He turned to me, ready to beg me to save her because he wouldn't have been able to reach her fast enough, and there was still another vampire loose in the town we were investigating," you say. "By then, I had long considered Leo a friend, and before he could ask, I went to find her."
"You saved her," Natasha surmises and smiles. You shift again, so you're able to look at Natasha's face while still being in her embrace.
"Yes, gruesome as it was, they were waiting for Leo to arrive to kill her. Other than some cuts, bruises, and a broken leg, she made it unscathed. I carried her all the way back, and Leo met us halfway," you lick your lips. "He was sweaty and gross from running the entire way, even though his legs clearly wanted to give out since they were shaking like jelly. But the second I put her down, he ran until she was in his arms."
Your hand drifts up Natasha's arm before they come to rest upon the side of her neck. "He cried, so thankful she was alive and safe. I think that's when Christine realized he loved her, very seriously loved her."
Natasha's eyes were drooping from your soft touch and the feeling of security falling over her. She pulls you closer.
"Family," Natasha mutters, and you kiss the tip of her nose.
"Yes," you tell her just before she falls asleep.
You look at Natasha with half-lidden eyes, pulling the blanket until it's up to your chin. The quiet time with Natasha brings peace. You close your own eyes, ready to follow Natasha just as you reminisce about the end of that memory.
"I don't care," Leonard declares, sitting on the ground with you after having made it back to his home safely. "You come to this family when you need help. My children's-children's-children's-childr--"
"I get the idea, Leo," you interrupt him, leaning back on the grass as you look at the night sky. The sound of the pond rippling as leaves fall into it makes way to your ears. "Whatever," you mumble. "I guess I'll make sure the mini priests you create don't die prematurely."
He chuckles, and a moment of silence falls over the two of you.
"This probably sounds crazy, maybe even a little sacrilegious, but I feel like you're my guardian angel. Meeting you was a blessing from God," Leonard says as he looks at you with a smile.
"That does sound sacrilegious," you smirk.
"I'll be your guardian angel too," Leonard declares proudly like it's the best idea he's ever come up with.
"You're going to die long before me," you roll your eyes.
"So?" Leonard says indignantly, "That just means I can be your literal guardian angel after."
"I don't know if God will let you into heaven after your little sacrilegious comment," you cackle quietly when Leonard rolls his eyes and throws loose strands of grass at you. "Besides, what would I need a guardian angel for?"
Leonard shrugs, falling back into a relaxed position. "I don't know, but I'll be there when you need it the most."
The following few weeks pass with little to no progress in finding Tatyana.  Liam spent a lot of his time studying Leonard's scrolls and diary notes while David tried to trace the vampire's steps who had attacked you in Vermont.
Natasha spent her time between helping Liam, David and doing her own investigative work.
You were beginning to feel at a loss about what to do. It was starting to feel like the only option was to wait until Tatyana sought you out again.
"You're distracted."
The slight tug on your hair made you release your bite as you peer up at Wanda's face. She's flushed, but she's got her brow cocked at you. You sigh, breath upon her collarbone as you stand up straighter.
"Can you check if..." You clear your throat, pointedly looking down at her chest. "If you're good."
Wanda continues to cock her brow at you as she pulls her shirt open to check while you're still there, leaning against her.
Getting a full view down her shirt, you notice the dark veins have receded, and you don't see anything except Wanda's bra covered chest and the curse inscription peeking out through the valley of her breasts.
You sigh, "You can just check yourself, and just tell me, you know."
"You're not afraid I'll lie?" Wanda licks her lips with a small jilt of her lips.
"Why would you ever lie about the curse not spreading?" You frown.
Wanda smirks, bringing her hand up to your mouth. She uses her thumb to wipe at her blood that's coating your lips.
"I wouldn't lie about it not spreading, милый," Wanda smirks, and you understand very quickly what she means by it.
"You want to pass out from blood loss?" You weakly say back with a half-smile.
"As long as you catch me."
You take a moment, catching yourself staring into Wanda's eyes. It was late in the evening, and Wanda left her face bare all day.
She looked young without her usual dark eyeliner, but her lashes were still long, framing her green eyes.
You swallowed, pulling away.
"Of course." You looked away at the door and then back at Wanda. "We should get cleaned up. Meet me in the kitchen, and I'll whip you something up to eat."
Without saying anything else, you left.
It's not for another hour that Wanda joins you in the kitchen. The smell hits her instantly, and she knows right away.
"Paprikash?" She says, almost confusedly as she looks at you.
You hum, scooping a ladle full into a bowl for her. You serve it to her with a side of boiled potatoes with paprika seasoning and a Gatorade to drink.
Wanda takes a seat, and you almost laugh at how adorably hesitant she looks.
"Eat up," you tell her with a smile. "This will help you recover."
Wanda takes her spoon, scooping some chicken onto her spoon with plenty of sauce.
"It's delicious," she tells you, eating more heartily. "I haven't had someone cook for me in a very long time."
Wanda says it so nonchalantly like it doesn't bother her, but you feel your heart breaking a little.
"Pietro doesn't cook?" You ask instead.
"Not if we want to live," she says, cracking a smile when you laugh. "I didn't know you could cook."
"Not as good as David," you shrug, "but you learn a thing or two well enough when you have all the time in the world."
Wanda swallows her food and washes it down with a gulp of Gatorade.
"Well," she licks her lip. "I can't wait to see what else you know."
And lately, you find a lot of silences have been falling around. Your heart is thudding in your chest as Wanda stares at you.
The sound catches you off guard surprisingly, and you look up to see Natasha standing there.
"Hey," she greets the two of you. "Smells good in here."
"Yes," Wanda nods. "Elaine made some paprikash for me."
"I see," Natasha says as she walks to you.
"Would you like some?" You ask the redhead. "I made it to help Wanda after the feeding session."
"No, it's okay. David picked up some food for us earlier, but maybe save me a bowl for later," Natasha kisses your cheek, and you nod.
Natasha looks over at Wanda, who is staring at her food.
"Anyways, I came as I think David found something. He wants to meet in the west wing when you're done here."
You look at Wanda, who is nearly finishing up her food.
"It's fine," Wanda waves off, taking another sip of her Gatorade. "I'll meet you guys later once I'm finished up here. It shouldn't be too long."
You purse your lips, wondering if you should just wait until she's done eating to all walk there, but Wanda is already waving you off again as she eats.
"Alright," you concede, "don't take too long."
Wanda nods again, not looking as you and Natasha leave. Once she's alone in the room, she rubs her forehead, feeling an oncoming headache that has been trailing for her a couple days.
She sighs.
"So, you can cook."
Your head doesn't move, but your eyes peer over to Natasha, who is looking straight ahead.
"Yes," you answer, looking back ahead as you continue to walk. "Not as well as David, but I can."
"It smelled delicious," Natasha mumbled.
"As I said, you are welcomed to a bowl."
Natasha shakes her head.
"No," she lightly exhales. "That seemed like it was meant for Wanda." Natasha pauses but then adds, "To help her recover."
"Did you want me to make something for you?" You ask as you start to approach the meeting room where you could hear Liam and David inside.
Natasha shrugs. "I think I'm more of a fan of your coffee," she smiles gently at you.
You return it with your own smile, unsure of what to think of the entire interaction before the two of you enter the room.
Liam was eating a burrito while David was hunched over a monitor.
"Hey," David says, looking up at you. His hair sways slightly before coming back into place. "Where's Wanda?"
"She's on her way. She's just finishing up her meal," you say, and David nods.
"Natasha says you might've found something?"
David starts pulling up a report on the holographic scenes when Wanda comes in, a slight swagger in her walk as she swings the leftover Gatorade back and forth in her hand.
Your brows pinch together, unfurling when Wanda takes a seat next to you, focused on the screen before her.
"There was a report submitted to the local NYPD department this morning. A company is reporting that their employees have been going missing. I think just about four in the last month," David says, but you're focused on reading the report.
"Missing?" Natasha muttered.
"I believe three went on vacation and never came back, and one just stopped showing up to work," David tells them. "All of them had initially reported being sick for a couple days and then stopped showing up. The manager says they can't get in touch with any of them."
"What about where they live? Family? Friends?" You ask.
"Landlord says rent has been paid, so there's no worry there. Most of these people are quiet individuals. Either no family or a very small circle of friends," David sat back in his chair.
"And the friends haven't reported anything?" You frown.
"Most of them aren't in touch often, but there was one person who reported his friend missing in addition to the company," David flips through the screen.
"Why do you think it would be Tatyana?" Natasha asks.
You stand up, placing the report back in front of David.
"There are too many missing people in one place, specifically this company. If she's looking to continue with her plan, then we need to find out. Even if it's not her, then there's some serial kidnapper out there," you say.
"Do you think it's a human, if not her?" Wanda asks.
"I won't know for sure until I check it out. Usually, vampires don't repeatedly hunt in the same location; otherwise, they risk being caught," you purse your lips.
"I put you three into the company as new workers. You start tomorrow," David tells you.
"All three of us?" You tilt your head.
"It's a company with over 500 people. It's a lot of groundwork. The faster we can find information, the better," David shrugs.
"Alright, let's try to get some work done before tomorrow," you say.
"I'll work with David," Natasha tells you, and you nod.
"I'll have Wanda work with me," Liam looks at the brunette who nods and gets up.
"Sounds good. I'm going to make some calls and get some things done, too," you tell them before looking at Natasha. "I'll meet you later."
You walk out the room, holding your sigh until you're far away enough from everyone.
You sit outside the compound. The construction for the day was already done, leaving you in the quiet. Pulling out your phone, you dialed a number before holding it up to your ear.
"Hello?" The person on the other line answered breathlessly.
"Am I interrupting anything, solider?" You ask with a teasing voice, but also half-serious.
"Oh, no, not at all. Just casually chasing down my long-life friend who doesn't remember me at this current moment. What's up?" Steve asked as you could hear him running in the background.
"I can call back, Steve--"
"No, no, I've always got time for you," Steve interrupted. "Pietro runs faster, anyway."
You chuckle before you take a long breath.
"That's quite the breath," Steve comments, earning him another long breath from you.
"I'm not going to lie, it fucking sucks here," you say quietly.
"Yeah, Nat updated me a little on the situation. Need me to come home?" Steve asks, and you shake your head before remembering he can't see you.
"No, not yet, anyway," you say. "It's just...really stressful. Outside of having my ex come back to destroy me and all."
"You want to elaborate on that?" Steve says, and you hear some weird metal clanking noise in the back.
"I just..." you sigh. "I'm doing my best."
You swallow.
"And I still feel like I'm always on the verge of disappointing Natasha."
Steve listens patiently on the other end.
You take a shaky breath.
"Why isn't love ever easy?" You ask, mostly in rhetoric.
But you hear Steve give a short-winded chuckle on the other end.
"If it was, we'd never learn how to become courageous."
By the time you meet up with everyone else, it's well into the night, sitting at 2AM.
You walk back into the meeting room to find that Wanda is the only one in the room, and she looks exhausted.
"Where is everyone?" You ask as you take a seat next to her.
"David and Natasha are still working on a couple last things for tomorrow. Liam decided to run to his room the moment he decided we've done enough for the day," Wanda tells you.
"Why are you still here?" You ask.
Wanda shrugs, looking downwards.
It's quiet, and you find yourself relaxing a little. For a moment, there's a rare peace between the two of you. No flirting. No intensity.
No guilt.
But you find yourself looking over at Wanda, who's looking down at her black nails, hair falling over her shoulder while it's swooped delicately over her ear.
Sometimes you hate that you notice these things about her; her long lashes, soft skin, and green eyes that are different than the ones that currently belong to you.
But more than that, you notice the deeper things. The youth that seems to have been taken away too early. And still, despite that all, the hopeful gleam that's shy and hesitant. The first bloom that dares to better than yesterday.
It makes you--
Wanda sharply looks at you.
Your breath hitches quietly, thoughts paused.
The quiet stretches on. Wanda stares at you with piercing dark green eyes as if she's searching for something in you.
And you pray she doesn't find it.
You don't know how long it is that you spent staring at each other, but eventually, Wanda swallows before taking a shaky breath.
"I have feelings for you. I can't stop myself from having feelings for you, and I want you."
The confession hits you in the back of your throat, and you turn away.  
"No," she cuts you short. "I'm not letting you run away this time."
You swallow.
"I know," Wanda says quietly. "I know you're with Natasha. But you can't sit there and tell me you don't feel something for me."
Your throat feels dry.
"So," Wanda swallows while she looks at you. "Be honest with me. Tell me what you feel when you look at me. When you touch me."
The words ring painfully in your ears, heart thudding harshly in your chest. You're suddenly clenching the armrests of your chair tightly.
"I can't," are the only words the leave your mouth.
Before Wanda can say anything else, the door swings open, and Natasha walks through the room.
Looking at the two of you, she tilts her head, and you wonder immediately how much she's heard.
"We're done for the day," Natasha says as if she didn't notice the tension in the room. "Let's get some rest for tomorrow."
You nod, and without saying anything else, you get up to leave with Natasha.
And you don't dare to look back.
She blew it.
She knows it.
It was rash and absolutely selfish and insane.
Wanda lies in her bed at the edge, legs dangling to the floor as she stares at the blank ceiling. She wants to mumble to herself, asking why did she do that, but she's scared you'll hear her being next door.
So instead, she takes a deep breath, releasing it stressfully as she lifts her hands to her face.
It was one thing to tease and flirt with you, but lately, Wanda feels like she can't control her own emotions.
From the first time she saw you, something in her shifted, and Wanda knew she would never be the same again. You had started as a simple crush, intense as it may have been.
But could anyone blame Wanda? You barely knew her, and yet, you were saving her. You cared for her.
And then...Wanda just...fell.
You had Natasha; Wanda knew that. She could tell how much you loved the redhead. And when Wanda looked at Natasha, there was an uncomfortable pit in her stomach that she didn't quite know how to place.
Wanda wondered if it was jealousy because her mind would tell her that she wanted you.
And Wanda spends too much time wondering how you felt when you kissed Natasha, touched her.  Probably as much time as she spends wondering how Natasha feels when she kisses or touches you.
Wanda hates it.
She hates not feeling in control of her own emotions, hates it when they spill out like she can't help it.
And Wanda wonders if she's slowly going insane.
Natasha notices you're lying stiffly on her your back, staring at the ceiling while she lies on her side, staring at you.
The two of you probably only lie in bed for twenty minutes before you turn to her.
"Can we go back to my place for tonight?" You ask her quietly.
Natasha doesn't ask why, which you're thankful for, as she nods and gets up with you.
The ride back is quiet, which you're not sure what to make of it. Natasha was quiet when you left with her earlier to retire to the room the two of you shared. She was quiet as the two of you did your nightly routine, and she was quiet when she slipped into bed.
But the two of you knew there probably wouldn't be much sleep tonight as you arrived at your place. You opened the door for Natasha, letting her enter first.
When you slipped past her to make your way to the basement, she followed.
Natasha could tell you were tired, the kind that wore you down. And she knew what had happened.
After all, she stood on the other side of the door, listening. She realized the two of you were too caught up in the conversation to notice her.
But how she felt about it was unexpected, even for her.
Natasha watches as you walk over to the bar, her eyes catching your fingers clenching and unclenching.
As always, you wore the gloves.
And her heart swells.
Even though Natasha knew why you wore the gloves, she couldn't help but desire your touch.
She wanted to feel your fingers on her bare skin, to open herself to you. Natasha wanted you to know every thought she had so you could know the thoughts she had about you; she wanted you to see a part of her future, so you would know you were a part of it.
Natasha wondered if she was always this desperate.
She watched you pour yourself a glass of whiskey, drinking somberly.
"While alcohol doesn't affect me, it still burns the same," you told her.
It was hard, Natasha could tell. It was hard for you to draw the line with Wanda, someone who looked like Tatyana's spitting image--yet was distinctively not her. And you liked that.
It didn't help that Wanda had wanted you too.
But such things never stopped Natasha because she knows you want her too. As much as you may try to keep your feelings in check, try to keep yourself from crossing the line too far, you had always looked at Natasha a moment too long.
Natasha saunters up to you, grabbing your attention as you looked at her, still somber but softer. The redhead grabs your fingers, kissing the tip of your gloves.
You bite your tongue in your mouth.
Natasha takes the glass from your other hand, taking a languid swig herself before she puts the glass down on the table. She leans onto you, pressing her body against yours as she tilts her lips to kiss you.
The strong taste of whiskey enters your mouth, but you also taste a raspberry hint, something you find Natasha seems to always taste like.
Your first thought is that you shouldn't.
Not when you're a selfish coward.
Whiskey drips down the side of your mouth, and Natasha has nothing left in her own as she swipes her tongue at your lip.
The reaction is visceral. You immediately push closer, pressing your lips firmer against Natasha's, backing her up until she hits the table.
You lift her up onto it with ease, her cami nightgown bunching up at her sides as she pulls you between her legs.
Your one hand moves to grip her waist while Natasha holds your other hand down on the table as you lean more into her. She brings up your other hand, breaking the kiss as she bites the tip of your glove, slowly pulling it off.
You tense.
"Nat," you husk, deep with desire but not wanting to push the boundaries.
But Natasha has long decided to cross them, decidedly wanting to take you with her.
"I want you to touch me," she emphasizes, and you catch the underlying words. Natasha wants you to touch her with your bare fingers; she wants you to drag them down her skin and let her feel you as you fucked her.
You can smell her arousal.
Your eyes darken, a low rumble in the back of your throat.
She pulls off your glove, tossing it to the side carelessly.
Natasha has seen your fingers before. During times of your carelessness, she would catch sight of your fingers in the morning when she just woke up, and you were making breakfast, and sometimes right after your shower.
But to feel them...it's completely different.
Natasha pushes the pads of your index and middle finger to her lips, your eyes fluttering as you hear every thought she's ever had.
But all you can really focus on right now is her most recent thought.
'I love you.'
And when she takes your fingers into her mouth, her warm tongue caressing your fingers as she sucks, you follow what the future tells you.
You'll do anything to be between the lines with her.
You pull your fingers away, using them to press her closer to you as you smash your lips against Natasha's in a rough and needy manner.
God, now you couldn't stop touching her skin with your bare fingers. Natasha's skin feels hot as you use the pads of your fingers to scrape down her bare arms or up her naked thighs.
Everything about Natasha overrides your rational thoughts, and you want nothing more than to be consumed by her.
Natasha tangles her hand in your hair, grasping it lightly as she pushes back against your lips with her own.
You stop kissing her but don't move an inch away. Natasha's breathless and her warm breath on your lips as she pants does something to you.
Desire pools in your gut, but something fierce pours into your heart.
"I love you," you tell her, the words vibrating between the two of you.
You want her to desperately understand that.
"I love you, Nat," you say again, squeezing her hips tightly. "I will never stop loving you."
And Natasha lets her forehead fall against yours. She smiles, the action making her lips brush against yours.
"I know," she replies.
The words bring a deep and sharp lust in you, shaking you to your core.
Your hands travel to her back as you grip her cami nightgown, ripping it apart with a strong force until it's into two separate pieces.
The cold air hits Natasha instantly, her nipples hardening as she shivers. Your lips attach themselves to her neck, licking before sucking.
Natasha's soft moans fill the room.
You stroke her skin, wanting to feel every inch, and Natasha rushes to pull your shirt over your head, wanting to feel you too.
A rumble in the back of your throat makes its way to Natasha's ears when her warm hand touches your bare shoulder.
You lower your hands to Natasha's rear as you pull her off the counter, getting her to wrap her legs around you as you carry her.
Walking over to the pulled-out sofa couch, you laid Natasha on it, taking off the remainder of your clothes before covering her bare body with your own.
Tilting her chin to face you, you kissed her, slow and hard. You grind into her, earning a rough moan in the back of Natasha's throat as you kissed.
A hand rests at the back of Natasha's neck as you cradled her, while the other takes hold of her chest. The mound fitting perfectly in your hand as you squeeze and massage, occasionally rolling the hard pebble of her nipple with the pad of your index finger.
Wetness pools between Natasha's legs as she lifts her hips slightly in an attempt to get more friction from you.
Your hand releases Natasha's chest as it travels down, not skimping at the chance to feel the tautness of her stomach. Fingers hit the fabric of Natasha's underwear, and you dipped your fingers into it, not shy at all about touching Natasha's slick folds brazenly.
Natasha's breath hitches in the back of her throat, hips canting at how good it feels.
"Oh..." She moans, her arms tightening around your neck slightly.
You breathe deeply at the sound in your ear, the coils in your stomach tightening.
Your fingers slide up and down between the wet folds repeatedly, teasing her entrance while your thumb pressed and rubbed her clit. Natasha's slick fluids coat your fingers, dripping into your hand.
You begin to drop lower until your mouth is lined up with Natasha's chest, and you take the swollen pebble into your mouth. The hotness of your mouth makes Natasha grip your hair. She can feel her sex getting swollen with need.
You suck relentlessly on both breasts, living dark hickeys all over her chest that make you absolutely possessive for her when you look at your work.
Hot kisses trail down Natasha's body until your bottom lip touches the edge of Natasha's underwear. They're entirely ruined by the overflow of Natasha's wetness, and you lick your lips.
You raise yourself, hovering higher over Natasha's lower body. Taking your fingers out, you put them in your mouth and suck.
Natasha bites her tongue as she looks at you, tasting her.
Your heavy-lidden, lust-driven eyes catch Natasha's as you release your clean fingers. Her chest rises and falls noticeably, breathless even though the best part is yet to happen.
Lowering yourself, you loop your fingers around the sides of her underwear, just lowering them slightly so you can kiss her mound.
Without warning, you rip her panties to shreds, exposing Natasha's naked sex to you. You can feel the heat radiating off Natasha, hear the other woman's heartbeat thudding loudly in your ears.
You hook your arms under her thighs, hands coming over to grip her legs apart. Pulling her open and closer to your face, you pepper kisses to the inside of Natasha's thigh, nibbling on the sensitive skin. You trail closer and closer to her sex, hearing Natasha's breathy moans as she's been long ready for you to do something.
You take a moment just to appreciate how needy Natasha's looks before you, wet and dripping with her hands over her head as she grips the throw pillow above her.
You dip your head, tongue coming out as you start at her entrance before moving up, opening her folds.
Natasha's hands immediately fly to grip your head, fingers tangled in your hair.
"God," she fumbles as she hisses, "yes."
Natasha tastes absolutely divine to you. Her legs tense, her natural reaction to close, and you tighten your grip on her thighs to open them before you.
Natasha's making a mess of noises as you eat her out, tongue flattening, or lashing at her clit, or when you use your mouth to suck on her. Your hands eventually move to her hips as you begin to massage them.
Natasha lets out a cry as her hips buck instantly, the harsh wave of her orgasm rushing over her without warning. Her legs tremble by the intensity, and your mouth only allowing her to take it and ride it out.
Everything feels overly sensitive when you release her hardened nub, licking your lips clean as you come up.
Natasha's breathing raggedly, but you still kiss her, stealing the little air she has. Your arm slides under her neck, your hand gripping the back of her hair as you pull back firmly.
The kiss breaks, and Natasha moans. Your half on your side, pressed against Natasha as your leg hooks over Natasha's, pulling them slightly open. Your hand was massaging her hip before they slide back between her lips.
"I'm not done with you," you lower your head and bite her earlobe.
Natasha whines slightly at the pain and arousal.
"No, I can't anymore--" Natasha wasn't prepared for such an intense first orgasm, her sex feeling sensitive to the touch.
"Yes, you can," you breathe into her ear, already sliding her fingers between her folds, circling her clit when you reached the top. "Because look at you, Nat. I can smell how bad you want it. Your hips are moving with my fingers, just begging for me to fuck you."
Natasha screws her eyes shut, head-turning to the side away from you as if that would somehow subside what the dirty words do to her.
You press your lips at the edge of her jaw under her ear, and Natasha can feel you smirking against her skin. Your hand slides against her scalp to re-grip her hair.
"Don't tell me you thought you could get away with only cumming once."
A strangled moan hits the back of Natasha's throat as you slide your fingers down to her entrance, circling around it once before you thrust two fingers in roughly.
"I don't think I'll ever get enough of touching you now that I have," you murmur against her jaw. "I think I'm obsessed with hearing your thoughts about me."
You thrust with a consistent rough rhythm, driving Natasha's closer to the edge. With how overly sensitive Natasha was, it wasn't hard for you to draw her second release when you curl your fingers and use your thumb to press against her clit.
Natasha lets out a sharp whine. Your lips travel to her neck, resting on the vein as you let it thrum against your lips. Your eyes flutter as you focus on the blood rushing through Natasha's veins, taunting, and teasing you. You inhale her scent deeply as she reaches her peak and comes down.
Your grip on Natasha's hair releases as your arm slides until her head is resting on your bicep. You hand curls over, your fingers nudging Natasha to look at you. 
She's still coming down from her high, unmeasured breaths escaping her as you press a quick kiss to her lips. Then press your lips against her nose lightly, her cheeks, and over her eyelids.
And when Natasha looks at you, you turn completely on your side as you help her turn with you, pulling her close.
Your hand rests on her neck.
Nose to nose with shared air, you confess to her.
"My love for you will always be more than one lifetime."
The two of you fade in and out of sleep the rest of the night, Natasha wanting to return the favor to you, but you insisted another night with how exhausted you made her.
You spend the rest of the night naked on the couch, blanket over the two of you as you held Natasha in your arms. It was barely dawn, and the two of you were softly awake as you played with Natasha's hair lightly with one hand.
She lay in your arms, head resting in the crook of your neck, her hand draped over your stomach. Natasha decided she loved this intimacy more than anything as your other hand stroked her arm across your stomach.
You kiss the crown of her head.
"I love you," you say, and Natasha smiles.
"I know, I love you too," Natasha huskily murmurs and then swallows. "But I know you also want Wanda."
Natasha feels your hands pause, and she licks her lips before she sits up halfway to look at you.
You're frowning.
"It's okay," Natasha cuts you off reassuringly.
"How is that okay?" You ask her frustratedly, pulling your hands away as you press them against your face.
Natasha rests on her side, lifting her hands to pull yours away from your sullen face.
She presses a kiss to your fingers. "Because I know your feelings for her don't mean that you have any less feelings for me."
Natasha sighs. "I don't blame you for wanting her. She is a curious little thing."
"You aren't jealous of her?"
Natasha lulls her head to look at you.
"I don't know if jealous is the right word," Natasha licks her lips before looking straight forward. "I suppose I don't really know what I feel about her still. Sometimes she drives me insane. She's as brazen as she is curious, and she doesn't even try to hide the fact that she wants you even though she knows we're together."
You open your mouth to speak, but Natasha turns to look at you again, giving you a look to not defend Wanda. You snap your mouth shut.
"But that being said, I know you want her, but you deny yourself of it," Natasha's eyes soften. "You like her when I know you can love her too,  but won't let yourself because of me."
You start to deny it, but Natasha squeezes your fingers.
"I know you love me," Natasha tells you. "And because I love you, I don't want to ever be the reason you withhold your love. I think it's a wonderful thing you have such a great capacity to love."
Natasha smiles. "Your love is like..." Natasha tilts her head. "Like pie! You never take away slices; you simply create more pies."
You look at Natasha blinking before you finding yourself laughing.
"That's the weirdest analogy ever," you tell her, and Natasha only grins wider.
Then Natasha grows a little serious. "I'm telling you it's okay. So, promise me you'll talk to Wanda and let yourself experience what may happen."
You stare at Natasha for a long moment before you release a light sigh, bringing her hands up to press a kiss to her knuckles.
"You are much, much too good to me."
Natasha smiles.
"As I promised you, you have nothing to fear when it comes to loving me and letting me love you."
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missmonsters2 · 4 years
Between the Lines || X
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers & Fem!Reader (Platonic) / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes.
Note: Oof I came back and DELIVERED 👏👏 it’s really long I’m sorry. I legit said we’re ending this arc today LOL
Count: 11,007
There's something about the way the golden sky hits the horizon of this quiet countryside field.
It's quiet.
At least in comparison to the city.
You like the tall grass that surrounds the stand-alone home. The air is cleaner, crisper. There's a serene peace that settles in the area, and it makes you nostalgic for things you haven't had.
You can hear children running around inside, and the sink running in the kitchen along with food sizzling. Looking over at Natasha, there's a softness that has fallen over her face, a look you're somewhat familiar with, but in a different context.
This might be home for her, too, you realize.
"A safe house?" Tony tilts his head as everyone stares at the farmhouse.
"Let's hope," Clint mutters as everyone enters into the house. "Honey, I'm home!"
You tilt your head, curious when the woman you assume to be Clint's wife walks into the kitchen. You knew she was carrying based on the conversation you overhead, but you were still surprised to find her heavily pregnant.
She was due soon.
"Hi, company," Clint says in a rush as he gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, I didn't call ahead."
"Hey," the woman replies as she kisses Clint. You hear Tony make a comment to Thor about the strangeness of this, but you were focused on her stomach.
You tilted your head as you could hear its heartbeat.
"Gentlemen and gentle...women," Clint stares at you and Natasha. "This is Laura. My wife."
"I know all your names," Laura smiles while everyone looks at her rather awkwardly because no one but Natasha, you and, David knew about her.
David seemed the most curious, but he has always loved kids and got along with them easily.
"You're due soon," he tells Laura with a smile as he sneaks around you to stand closer to inspect Laura respectfully.
"You can tell?" Laura looks down at her stomach as David nods.
"Yes," he says. "A couple months at the most."
"How can you tell?" Laura asks as you hear tiny rumbling footsteps running towards this room.
"We can smell it," David informs her.
"Incoming," Clint says, kneeling down as his son and daughter excitedly burst into the room.
"Dad!" His daughter jumps in Clint's arm. Clint picks her up as he stands and kisses his son's head.
"Tinier agents," Tony blinks at the scene while Steve looks completely flabbergasted.
"This is Lila and Cooper," Clint smiles softly.
"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The little girl says, and Natasha turns as she smiles.
"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha starts to walk while Lila runs into her arms.
Natasha picks her up with ease, holding her close as she kisses Lila on the cheek. She comes back to you and tense ever so slightly before you relax.
Of course, you spent a lot of time with Allison as you took care of her, but sometimes, being around young kids would cause just a quick flashback of the ones you couldn't save.
Natasha smiles at you, and you return it lightly.
"This is Lila," Natasha introduces you to her and then telling Lila your name.
"Is she your friend?" Lila asks as she stares at you, and Natasha laughs.
"Yes, she's...my special friend," Natasha looks at you with a smirk to which you roll your eyes gently in response.
"I like your braids," you tell Lila softly, who smiles shyly at you in thanks.
"Sorry to drop by in like this," Steve says to Laura.
"Yeah, we would've, but we were too busy not knowing you existed," Tony chirped in.
Clint smiles as he stands next to his wife and has his hand on Cooper's shoulder.
"Yeah, Fury helped me set this up and kept it off SHIELD's files. I'd like to keep it that way, I figured this is a good place to lay low."
Laura laughed suddenly, and everyone turned to see David giving family photos to her.
"Okay, as low as we can," Clint corrects.
Natasha sets down Lila as she drags you closer to Laura.
"Ah, honey, I missed you," Laura pulls Natasha into a hug before giving you a kind smile.
Your nose twitches as you get closer, and you can smell Laura's pregnancy in more detail.
"And how's little Natasha?" Natasha coos as she bends down to touch Laura's stomach gently.
"You mean Nathaniel?" David snickers and you elbow him in the rib.
"What?" Natasha says as she stands up, looking at David before she turns back to Laura.
"Sorry," Laura gives her an apologetic look that confirms what David said.
Natasha leans back down to Laura's stomach, "Traitor."
"Thor," Steve calls out.
You turn your attention as Thor leaves the house with Steve following him.
You hear Thor say how he saw something in his dream and how he won't find his answers here before flying off.
Everyone seems to have reached their limit and wants to get some rest. You, Natasha, and David decided to stay in one room since the two of you don't sleep. David said he'd be out working on a lot of other things anyways.
"Mind if I shower first?" He asks you and Natasha.
"Go for it," Natasha nods.
"If you use all the hot water, I'll kill you," you tell him, and David just pretends to look offended that you would even insinuate he would before walking off.
You could hear Clint and Laura talking in the next room where he's updating her on the mission and what he'll do once this mission is done. You try to drown it out as you turn and focus on Natasha before you.
"How are you feeling?" You ask softly as you lift your hand to her face.
Natasha presses more firmly into your hold. A part of her wishes she could feel the warmth of your actual hand, but she doesn't want to push you, and you were clearly nowhere ready to touch her with your bare hands.
It didn't stop her from fantasizing about it, though.
"Better," Natasha rasps, "I've stopped hearing the lingering voices."
You nodded, using your thumb to stroke her cheek.
"How was it?" Natasha asks, breaking the silence, and you know what she's referring to.
Slowing dropping your hand, you went to sit at the seat beside the window.
"It was..." you sighed, "I don't know. Hard."
Natasha takes a seat next to you, combing her fingers through your hair, and your eyes fluttered at the serene feeling.
"Talk to me," Natasha softly says. She knows you've probably been refraining from trying to talk about it with her after that night. You must think she may not like it.
But Natasha doesn't care about such things like that. Tatyana was a big part of your life, and even though you haven't said anything about it yet, Natasha knows Wanda will be too.
In what capacity will depend on what you'll allow, what you think Natasha will allow.
"I suppose...I didn't expect her to look so much like Tatyana," you smile weakly. "Looking at her is like nearly looking at a spitting image. Pietro has similar features, being twins, but it's easier to ignore that he's a descendant."
Natasha nods, understanding as she continues to comb through your hair.
"I'm still working on confirming something," you tell her honestly.
"And if what you suspect is true?" Natasha asks.
You purse your lips.
"Then, we have a new set of problems."
The day continues on, and everyone, for the most part, has freshened up. You leave Natasha to her own devices with showering even though earlier she had given you a look that suggested that they could save water if they showered together.
You had felt a hot liquid pool form in your lower stomach as you licked your lips.
But now was neither nor the time to engage in such activities, though you did give her a languid kiss before excusing yourself.
You could hear Tony and Steve talking--passive-aggressively arguing outside. You were about to go out to break it up when your eyes honed in on something.
"Just great," you huffed under your breath as you headed out to the field where there was a tractor.
"Thank you, Laura," a deep voice spoke as he caught your eye as you came up to them.
Laura greeted you, and you nodded in response as she slipped out to do her task.
"Maria tell you to come out here?" You asked, looking at Nick Fury.
"She thought it would be best for me to assess the situation," he shrugs. "I wanted a little word with Stark, anyways."
You shake your head. "Your words will mean nothing to him, you know."
"Then perhaps I should talk with you," Fury redirects. "I hear you're quite involved with this case."
You remain silent, not taking his bait.
"What do you suggest I do?" Fury says, curious about what you'll say.
Before you could answer, you hear Tony approaching, catching the two of you after looking at the tractor.
"Ah, Mrs. Barton, that little minx. What are the two of you doing here? Did Maria call you?" Tony asks as he turns to look at Fury.
"Artificial intelligence, you didn't even hesitate," Fury cocked his brow at Tony.
You tune out the two of them talking as you focus your attention elsewhere. You could hear Steve a little ways away, still ripping woods apart with his bare hands. Inside the house, you could hear the water being turned off, indicating that Natasha was done with her shower, and you decided you would go in soon to shower yourself before helping where you could.
"--you didn't," you catch the end of what Fury said before the man walked off, leaving you alone with the genius billionaire.
He was frustrated--annoyed, you could tell by just looking at his face. The light grimace and pinch between his eyebrow were a clear indication.
Tony catches you staring at him, looking miffed as he peers at you.
"Well, I suppose you have something to say, too, huh?" Tony mutters.
You take a long minute to stare at him, his conversation with Fury not lost on you.
"Not really," you say in the end. "Nothing I haven't already told you, anyways."
"Right, like my ego being too big, and I'm not the be-all, end-all."
You shrug. "No one is the be-all, end-all. If the world had to only rely on one man, we would've gone extinct before cavemen even had the chance to evolve."
"And I'm the man that's going to cause that," Tony persisted.
"No," you shook your head. "You know as well as I do that it was only your fear being shown to you."
"Do I?" Tony scoffed. "All I know is that I saw all my friends dead, and I caused it because I couldn't save them. Who are you to say it's not the future I saw?"
"Because she can't show you the future!" You burst at him, grimacing at your own outburst. You sigh, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. "That's not what her power is. In the best-case scenario, she can use telepathy to read your mind to experience your memories and thoughts, and then using that to project hallucinations onto you. In the worst-case scenario, she can use her powers to alter reality to make what she wants to come true. I don't think she's there yet."
"And how do you know all that?" Tony asks, narrowing his eyes at you.
"You know that I came on this mission for my own personal reasons."
"And what? That Maximoff girl is your personal reason?"
"They both are," you tell him. "Her powers aren't entirely unfamiliar to me. Different, yes, I imagine from the scepter, but not unfamiliar."
"I don't see the difference between her powers and my future." Tony blinks at you.
You grumbled, sighing as you try to explain. "It means, dumbass, that Wanda either doesn't realize that she can alter reality or that she doesn't have enough control of her powers to do so yet. I'm betting it's a mix of the two. I felt it when I fought with her. She's chaotic, and her powers are unrefined. Because of that, she can only snoop into your mind and then send you your worst fear in the form of a hallucination. You weren't shown the future, Tony, you were emotionally exploited."
You wanted Tony to understand, not so sure why you were so concerned with it. Tony, like everyone else, was a complex person with a multitude of different faces and layers. On the surface, he was a nonchalant, cocky dickhead (though, you were also sure some of that was truly him on the inside too), but he was also someone who cared.
A lot.
And people who tend to care a lot always overdid everything to protect everything and everyone they care about.
Tony was already hurting.
And Wanda was making it worse.
It was a painful reminder that Tatyana had hurt people too, and you couldn't stop her.
"How do you know that isn't the future for sure? How can you confirm that's not my legacy?" Tony murmurs quietly, looking at the sky as if the low volume would allow him to admit his fear without you hearing.
You stare at him for a long minute, biting your tongue before you draw a long sigh that gets Tony's attention.
Tony watches you, taking off one glove, pressing your lips together as you do so.
You hold out your hand to him.
"If you tell Natasha I touched you before her, I'll break your dick."
Dinner is a pleasant affair. You had gone back into the kitchen swiftly after finishing your talk with Tony. Laura was starting to make dinner, and you let her know not to worry about you and David as the two of you don't eat.
You had taken a step out with David while everyone was bustling around before dinner. It had been a while since you last fed, and you had a feeling things were going to start happening back to back, and you needed to be prepared for it.
The two of you headed into town to the nearest hospital, compelling a nurse to bring you both a blood bag to feed on and forget.
It wasn't a lot, but it would be enough to get through the mission without damage, hopefully. You didn't want to end up taking too much from the hospital and causing a problem, even though the two of you were too far from your own stash.
It would've been better to go to a blood bank, but this town was so small they didn't have one.
You were sitting closely next to Natasha as she ate her dinner, your arm around her, and you fought the urge to hide your face into her neck.
"You should head to NEXUS in Oslo to pick up JARVIS," David tells Tony.
"Is that where he is?" Tony hums. "Smart guy to head to the fastest internet hub on the earth. I'm such a proud dad," Tony pretends to tear up.
"Great, you got one good kid and one fuck up, classic!" You say over Natasha's head while Tony scrunches his nose at you.
"Why did I come?" Fury muttered rather loudly. Seems like all the information he was bringing was already brought up by David.
"For a good time, boss. But you wouldn't happen to have anything else, would you?" Natasha pulled a piece of her bread apart.
"I have you," Fury shrugged. "We ain't got nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. So stand up and take out that platinum bastard."
"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk," Natasha teases.
"You know what, Romanoff?" Steve jokingly threatens while she smiles mischievously at him.
You had been only half-focusing on the conversation at hand, jumping in here and there to throw in remarks. You were thrumming your fingers at your side quietly.
There was something about that first night you had all encountered Ultron.
"So, what does he want?" Fury asked.
"To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies," Steve licked his bottom lip.
"Person bodies. We're outmoded, biologically speaking, but he keeps coming back to it," Tony leaned back in his chair.
"He wants the human race to evolve; therefore, he needs to evolve himself," Banner mused.
"I don't think evolving the human race is his goal," David muttered.
"How's he going to do that?" Fury asked.
And then it occurred to you.
"Has anyone talked to Dr. Cho?" You pursed your lips.
There was a lot of noise as everyone was getting ready to leave the Barton household.
Thor was still out on his own, so no one held high hopes he would be coming back for this one.
"Alright, I'll head to you guys as soon as I collect JARVIS from NEXUS," Tony, lets everyone know.
"I'll take David and Banner to the Stark Tower," Fury said. " "Mind if I borrow Miss Hill?"
"All yours," Tony nodded. "What are you gonna do?"
"I don't know, something dramatic, I hope," Fury shrugs.
"Alright, everyone else goes with me," Steve attached his shield onto his back.
You nod as you stood next to Natasha.
"You know, I miss the days when I was the weirdest thing science created," Steve mused.
"What do you mean?" You looked at him with a smirk. "You still are."
"I swear to God--"
"Swearing is not good, Steve," Natasha joined in on the teasing.
"I hate you both," Steve shook his head with a good spirit.
There was something that rubbed you the wrong way when you entered the laboratory.
Sparks from exposed wires filled the air, and you could smell blood and hear the shallow breathing of a woman.
You recognized the scent.
"Dr. Cho is in there," you say quietly for Steve to hear, and the two of you race in to see that she was sitting on the floor, resting against a cabinet as she was clutching her stomach tightly. She had blood dripping from her head and lips, but she was still alive.
"Dr. Cho!" Steve called out as he race to her, bending down to see if she was okay.
"He's uploading himself into the body," Dr. Cho heavily breathes. "You can't just destroy the cradle. You need to get it to Stark."
"I got to find it first," Steve tells her.
"Go," she nods in the direction of outside. He purses her lip at her, but she nods to let Steve know she'll be okay.
He starts to head out but then looks at you.
"I'll catch up," you say offhandedly as you bend down to assess the doctor.
She was bleeding profusely through her stomach, where Ultron shot her. Dr. Cho had done her best to stop the bleeding, but it started to soak through the cloth. You looked around to find her technicians dead, and you frowned.
"Maybe I will get your venom after all," Dr. Cho says with a smirk, bringing your attention back to her.
You cocked your brow at her with a smile. "It's quite the risqué position. I don't know if my girlfriend would like that."
"I'm sure she won't mind you helping a frail, dying girl," Dr. Cho jokes but winces in pain shortly after.
You snort at the word frail but lick your lips nonetheless. "Listen, Doc, I don't wanna catch you doing experiments on yourself after getting my venom, alright?"
She nods, and you lift her hand away along with the cloth. You lower herself down her body, feeling the venom pool in your mouth.
You hear her breath hitch, and you're not sure if it's because she's in pain. You remind yourself you need to be careful. While you could drink the blood that was pouring out from Dr. Cho, you opted not to.
Dr. Cho realized this as you were carefully licking her wound, feeling something amazing happening on her skin under your mouth as she was being healed.
"What a loyal girlfriend you are," Dr. Cho mutters.
"I'm always picking up after you boys," Natasha grunts as she Steve's shield and gives it to you to hold.
You were on your way to Steve when Natasha dropped from the sky on a motorbike, and you found yourself hopping on the back of it as she passed you.
"Seriously, Steve, I've seen people treat their trash better than how often you drop this thing," you joke.
"Little busy, guys," Steve grunts back, "wouldn't say no to some help."
As you get closer to the truck where Ultron and Steve are, you whip his shield to him, and Steve uses it to knock Ultron's arm off of him. Ultron falls, catching sight of you two and uses his power to lift a piece of the ground up to stop Natasha in her tracks.
"Go!" Natasha tells you, and you get up on the motorbike before using your strength to propel yourself onto the truck as you leap.
Ultron sees you and immediately uses his ability to manipulate gravity to launch himself towards you.
But if Pietro was too quick for him, you were just a step behind. You blur to the side, back kicking him with a brute amount of force as Ultron passed you.
The strength of the kick alone had done a lot of damage. Your foot had impaled him halfway as he passed, bolts, and gears falling out of the hole you created.
"Look at us," you look at Steve, "we're a dream team."
"I always wanted to tag team with you," Steve smiles.
"Of course you do," you say as if it was obvious, "I'm your favorite."
"Ugh!" Ultron screams as he flies into Steve's direction this time, but Steve uses the momentum to take them both into the train that was moving next to them.
You followed as you spoke into the intercom, "We're taking the party elsewhere. The truck's all yours with the surprise inside, baby."
"I love when you leave gifts for me, so romantic," Natasha cooed.
"Please stop, or I will vomit," Clint says.
You snort as you follow through the hole Ultron and Steve created when they crashed into the train. You land with grace, noticing there are passengers on the cart.
Steve hits Ultron with enough force to send him flying, and you move as fast as you can over to a young teen to force her lower onto the ground from her seat to avoid being crushed.
"I guess I've got civilian-watching duty," you say almost glumly.
"I'd be happy to trade," Steve huffs as he stands up straight.
You could hear Natasha and Clint talking through your earpiece, and for a second, you wished you had stayed with your girlfriend when you hear that the truck is airborne, but you knew she could handle it.
"No, you seem like you got it," you shake your head with a smile. Luckily with a psychotic robot and turbulence on the train, it was too hard for anyone to grab their phone and record.
Ultron barrels into Steve, knocking him into the corner before Steve uses his foot to kick back.
"Of course," Steve puffs.
Even though you had said that you still helped out when you could, with the narrow pathway the train provided, the two of you had to be careful of making sure civilians didn't get hurt.
Ultron was extremely diligent in keeping you at a distance from him, realizing you were nearly as fast as Pietro and much, much stronger.
But then you heard it.
The light footsteps atop the train at first, then then your eyes easily adjusted to a blur that went past you, knocking into Ultron.
It was Pietro.
Your eyes easily found their way to Wanda as you turned around. She was looking at you, unsure what to think when your eyes met.
Ultron turned back to start towards Pietro, but two metal railings were bent to prevent him from doing so. Ultron turned back to see Wanda, and it was clear on his robotic face that he was hurt, but he also knew he couldn't best Wanda.
"Please, don't do this," Ultron's tone soft and pleading.
"What choice do we have?" Wanda's thick accent hung in the air, and you bit your tongue.
Ultron stilled for a millisecond before he turned around, shooting a blast out from his hand. Everyone dodged, and the explosion shot straight through to the train's front where the conductor was. Taking the momentary distraction, Ultron bolted out of the train and flew away.
With the conductor out, the train started to sway unsteadily, everyone losing their footing, and no one could go after Ultron.
Steve hopped up, heading to the front to check if the conductor was okay, but she was out cold. "We've lost him! He's headed your way."
The train flew off its railing, and everyone hung on the best they could as it kept going even on concrete and dirt.
"Nat!" Clint shouted through the intercom. "Cap, do you see Nat?" His voice was panicked and strained.
You looked out the window of the train in the sky. You could see Quinjet, but Natasha was nowhere in sight.
"What the hell do you mean, Clint?!" You shouted.
"I got the cradle, but Ultron grabbed her the last second we got it. Do you have eyes on her?!" Clint asked, his head moving jerkily as he looked around out the windows.
"If you have the package, get it to Stark!" Steve instructed. "Go!"
You heard Clint frustratedly curse an expletive before he flew the Quinjet away in the other direction.
Warning bells were already going off in your head as you were about to take off the train and see if you could locate Natasha, but Steve's voice stopped you.
"I need you to help stop the train, or these people might die," Steve's jaw was tight, and you knew that he didn't want this either. If he could stop the train on his own or trusted the two twins enough, he would want you out there looking for Natasha too.
You looked around, seeing the humans' petrified faces, all sorts of people on this train, no doubt children too.
You clenched your jaw, swallowing painfully, but you resolved to trust that Natasha was okay and could take care of herself. She had been long before you, you reminded yourself.
"Alright," you breathe out in a huff.
"Civilians are in the path," Steve told Pietro, who rushed off.
"I need you to help me stop this train," you turn to Wanda.
She stares at you but nods once firmly.
You make your way to the front of the train, hopping over the conductor and a few feet away from the train, turning as it approaches you.
Steeling yourself by digging your feet into the ground as you get into a stance with your hands out, the train collides into you. Instead of crushing you like it would an average human, your body hardens to take the shock, and the train pushes you back, gravel and dirt flying everywhere.
It slows down slightly, but it won't come to a complete stop before the train would barrel right into a building. You can see Pietro working around you, and Wanda uses her power to stop the wheels from turning.
The train comes to a full stop smoothly with all three of you, and no one was harmed.  People began to exit the train, and Steve came out to check on you while Wanda checked on Pietro.
"I'm fine, just need a second," you breathe, hearing Pietro say something similar to Wanda.
"Did you get the cradle?" Wanda asks, her eyes floating to you. Your eyes caught hers for a moment, but you turned quickly to your intercoms.
You had tried to contact Natasha, but it was obviously a bust as she didn't answer back. Your next contact was with David to tell him to start searching.
"Stark will handle it," Steve tells Wanda.
"No, he won't," Wanda looked distraught.
"You don't know what you're talking about, you don't know him," Steve defended Tony while Wanda looked more upset as the seconds passed.
"He will do anything to make it right," Wanda says, knowing what she saw in his head. "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and killing it...where do you think he gets that from?"
Steve pursed his lips because as much as he didn't want to admit it, the girl had a point, and Steve was still miffed about how Tony had kept all this artificial intelligence stuff a secret.
"Stark, anyone, come in?" Steve said into his comms, but it was silent.
You turn around, jaw clenched as you were upset about Natasha taken.
"It'll be fine," you tell the three of them, the confidence in your voice that made everyone quiet. "We need to head back."
You were pissed.
And everyone could tell.
Natasha was taken, and no one knew where Ultron may have taken her. You understood at the time that Steve needed you there to help him, but it didn't help that Natasha was gone.
You were mostly pissed at yourself.
"Well, she's not dead," Tony says as if in an attempt to make you feel better. "If she were, Ultron would be rubbing it in our faces."
You didn't say anything in response, jaw still clenched tightly.
Wanda watched from the other side of the room, looking at you peculiarly with her head slightly tilted and arms crossed together just under her chest. She had gathered that you and Natasha were together, and from the information she got from reading other people's minds, it seemed that it was still relatively a new development.
There was something in Wanda's chest that flared annoyingly at the sight of you so...so worried over the redhead. She didn't quite understand it herself or what was the underlying cause of it. But you looked different with that expression on your face.
"You think Natasha might've left something for you outside the internet? Any old-school spy stuff?" Tony asked as he turned to Clint.
"I can cast some nets to see if I catch anything," Clint pressed his lips together, also eager to find his friend.
Your eyes were glowing red angrily as you tried to control your emotions. David came up to you, putting his hand on your shoulder to try to ground you.
"I'll find her," David promises you.
You were gripping a countertop as you were slightly hunched over it.
You needed air.
Suddenly, the edge of the countertop snapped under your grip, crumbling into smaller pieces, and you let it go as you stood straight.
"Find her within the hour," you tell David, walking briskly out of the room.
When you came back, everything was in chaos.
Everyone was arguing about the body in the cradle and what to do with it. You could see from the corner of your eye that Bruce was angry with Wanda and picking a fight with her.
It was escalating so fast. All of a sudden, Pietro took off as he started destroying lab equipment.
"No, go on," Pietro stood next to Bruce, but the next second afterward, the glass floor shattered underneath him, and he fell through where Clint was.
"Pietro!" Wanda went to help her brother, but then Bruce grabbed her from behind.
Tony and Steve were fighting each other, and you blinked before clenching your jaw.
You blurred over, and just before Steve and Tony were about to collide again, you intercepted, grabbing both their wrists and twisting.
"Ah!" They both yelled as they staggered, almost kneeling on the ground.
The room stilled as everyone look at you.
"We do not fight each other," you snarled at them, looking at Steve and Tony pointedly. "Keep this up, and I'll snap both your wrists."
You grip just slightly tighter in warning before letting them both go, and they stumble a little as they stand up straighter.
"Jesus Christ, I could feel the armor just about to give," Tony says, holding his hand up to inspect his suit while Steve rubs his wrist gingerly.
You then blur over to where Bruce and Wanda to separate them, shoving Bruce a little harder when he refused to let go of Wanda.
Wanda stumbles into your arms when Bruce is forced to let her go. You steady her with your hand on her back. Your scent fills Wanda's nose, and she's almost reeling at how it invades her.
"I get that you're beyond pissed, and what she did was not okay," you tell Bruce, eyes flickering to meet Wanda's for a second before looking back at him. "But clearly the situation has changed, and for now, she's with us. Steve brought them here. This isn't the time. Focus on the mission at hand, figure it out with her after."
"You want me to forgive what she did?" Bruce said incredulously.
"No," you shake your head, "I want you to be an Avenger and put it aside for now because your teammate has been captured, and there's still a maniac robot out there hellbent on making humans extinct."
Your words hit Bruce and seem to sober him from his anger, and he relaxes his clenched jaw as he sighs and nods. You pat him on the shoulder twice before you walk away, leading Wanda with you.
Best to not tempt it again if they're too close together.
Wanda looks at you as you walk with her. The words, 'are you upset with me?' want to leave her mouth, but she forces them in. Of course, you'd be upset with her. She had done so many things to the Avengers, including harming your girlfriend with hallucinations.
Wanda looks away and grits her teeth because she shouldn't care if you're upset with her or not.
But then she feels a light pat on her back.
Wanda looks at you. You aren't looking back at her, there's no indication that you had done that as you keep your head straight ahead.
Wanda had understood the gesture regardless, hearing your voice in her head.
'It's not okay, but I understand. You will get a chance to make it up to Bruce, and he will forgive you. Give it time.'
Before Wanda could say anything, Tony and Steve were at it again, but this time using their words.
"Tony," Steve's face daunt and tight in disapproval, "shut it down!" Steve demanded.
"And I'm telling you, this is will work!" Tony shot back as he caught you coming up to them.
"Tell them!" Tony looks at you, drawing Steve's attention to you as well. "Tell them what you--"
You shoot Tony a warning look, getting him to shut up.
Sighing, you looked at Steve. "Trust me when I say that it will be okay."
"You want him to bring another android to life?" Steve said in disbelief. "We haven't even defeated the first one yet!"
Before you could argue some more, Thor flew in, bringing his lightning hammer on the cradle, bringing the body to life.
"Wait!" Bruce yelled, but it was too late.
For a moment, it was silent, but suddenly, the body smashed out of its cradle.
Glass flew everywhere in its surrounding area. You immediately grabbed Wanda, pulling her to shield her from the flying glass as you used your hand to protect her head.
You felt a piece of glass slice through your cheek on the surface, momentarily stinging before it mended itself.
When everyone stood straighter as the glass settled, there was a giant red android standing in his naked glory, and a giant yellow stone plastered into his forehead.
You had known this was coming when you touched Tony's hand. You had seen quite far ahead;  everything from this, to the fight with Ultron in Tony's perspective, and even a little after that.
When the government and the United Nations wanted to be involved in the Avengers' affairs.
That would be a tricky one to navigate, and you wanted more time to think about it.
When you had relayed what you had seen back to him on the farm, you reassured him that he doesn't kill anyone in the next while, but you didn't exactly tell him what he will do in the future in detail as it could cause counterproductive results and change the future again.
All you could tell Tony was that he was on the right path, he was going to create something to help win the battle, and a heat seal would come in handy.
But back to the matter at hand, you knew this was coming, and yet, actually seeing the giant red walking toaster rubbed you the wrong way, and you weren't quite sure why.
He was floating and quickly flew towards Thor, who easily deterred the android away.
Thor raised his hands as Steve and Clint were ready to fight. Pietro came back, looking at you with a quirk of his brow when he saw you still holding Wanda.
You let go awkwardly because you were distracted, forgetting that you were still protecting her.
Why Pietro was staring at you like that, you didn't know. It's not like Wanda stepped out of your arms, either.
"I'm sorry," the android came back, sounding very similar to JARVIS. "That was odd...thank you," he looked at Thor.
"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve said as he eyed the being before him.
"I had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that," Thor says, pointing to the stone in the android's head.
"What? The gem?" Bruce clarified.
"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities," Thor explained.
"Then why would you bring it to life..." Steve pursed his lips, even more suspicious of the new being.
"Because Stark is right," Thor says, almost looking pained to admit.
"That's just gonna unnecessarily inflate his ego," you mutter while Tony was accessing what he helped bring to life.
"We can't defeat Ultron," Thor says, but then catches David entering the room. "Okay, well, maybe he can, but he seems like he has a lot to do."
"Help is good," the android tilted his head.
"Why does your 'vision' sound a lot like JARVIS," Steve's brows furrowed.
"We...configured JARVIS' matrix to create something new," Tony explained.
"I think I've had enough of the new," Steve pursed his lips, never taking his eyes off the android.
The android looked over to Steve. "You think I'm a child of Ultron?"
"You're not?" Steve countered back.
The android shook his head. "I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis...I am...I am." Since he had yet to name himself, and due to Thor's vision, everyone decided that's what his name would be.
Wanda looked at Vision suspiciously. Her eyes narrowing at him. "I looked in your head and saw annihilation."
"Look again," he prompted her, staring at her intensely, and you resisted the urge to curl your lip back.
Wanda does what he says, a curious look on her face.
"Yeah, her seal of approval means jack-shit to me," Clint says.
You watched as everyone goes back and forth, with Vision ending with a long, windy, talk about himself and that they need to go. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Sokovia. Natasha's there too," David answered, giving you a look when everyone questions where they were going.
"Then let's go," you lick your lips.
The ride back to Sokovia feels long, even with Tony flying the Quinjet as fast as possible.
You stand in the back, looking out the window as the clouds pass by. You hear someone come up to you, but you don't move.
The smell of cinnamon and orange blossom floats you're way, so you don't have to know who it was.
The two of you stand in silence, appreciating the view outside.
"Sometimes...sometimes I can see a glimpse into your head," Wanda says quietly, so the others don't hear.
Your eyes peer over to her before slowly looking back out.
"It's not polite to snoop," you say equally as quiet.
"I can't exactly control it..." Wanda mumbles.
"Even so, you should at least pretend you don't know," you moisten your lips.
It's quiet for a moment before Wanda speaks up again.
"I...saw someone. Things I can't explain," Wanda says unsurely, and you know what she's talking about.
Even though you know she can't help it, you can't help but also feel a little miffed.
You knew that Wanda had a right to know, and yet, you didn't say anything.
"You were looking for me..." Wanda realizes.
"And Pietro," you add, giving her a look, almost laughing when she scrunches her nose.
"We're...connected," Wanda slowly says, turning to face you more.
You swallow as you turn to face her as well.
Wanda's staring at you intensely as if drawing in every little detail about your face and committing it to memory. There's a tight feeling in both her stomach and chest, and she doesn't understand.
She doesn't understand you.
You nod softly.
"Will you tell me about it?" Wanda asks.
"After everything has settled," you tell her.
Wanda swallows.
"You want me to stay?"
She says it so softly, you're surprised such a tone can come out of her when lately she's been an angry bull.
With the time you have, you take in her features. Her long dark hair behind her ears, round face, with define cheeks and jawline was familiar. Her long lashes framed her eyes, and her dark eyeliner and the lighting inside the craft dimmed the color of her eyes.
She looked at you with an intensity that made you dizzy.
"Yeah," you rasp. "How else will you make it up to Banner?"
Natasha hears you calling her name as you run-up to her cell. She stands up, meeting you on the other side, her hand touches yours.
"You okay?" You ask her, accessing her thoroughly for any kind of injuries.
"Yeah," she tells you, smiling a little at your protective behavior, and once you're satisfied that she's relatively unharmed, you look back to her face.
"We gotta get going, team's already out there, and we're missing all the action," you say, liking the way Natasha smirks.
"Don't suppose you found a key just lying around on your way in, did you?"
You tilt your head, looking at the built-in lock on the cell door. Placing your hand over it, you yanked with a substantial amount of strength, forcing the metal underneath to give way.
You threw the hunk of metal behind your back and looked at your girlfriend. She smiled at you as she slides the door open, jumping into you to hug you briefly.
"Let's go," she says as she pulls back.
The two of you navigate your way through, but the ground begins to shake as you're almost out of there. The two of you stumble slightly before steadying yourselves.
"What's the situation?" You ask into the comms.
"Ultron's got Vibranium under the city. We're up in the air," Tony advises.
"Shit, we need to get out here," you say, turning to Natasha. "We're not going to make it on foot, so I'm going to carry you on my back."
Natasha nods, and you turn around, lower yourself so she can get on. Once she's secured on with her legs wrapped tightly around your waist, you adjust here once more before you're satisfied.
"Keep your head down and close to me," you tell her, feeling her following your instructions. The speed you'd be going at could accidentally break her neck if you weren't careful.
With that, you race out, quickly reaching the outside. Everything seems to be crumbling at you begin to maneuver onto the rocks, leaping onto another one as they fall. Eventually, you reach the cliffside wall, using your hands along with your feet to climb up.
When you reach safe ground, Natasha gets off.
"Didn't even break a sweat, huh?" She says to you.
"I have great stamina," you joke, but Natasha raises her brow at her, quirking her lip on one side into a seductive smirk.
"I'll be sure to test that out one day."
You feel awful.
Sokovia is falling apart, people are screaming and crying, and it's a war zone out here.
You separated from Natasha, warning her to not get kidnapped again because you don't think you could live with that kind of worry. She merely kisses your cheek before she races off to go help Steve and Thor.
You met up with David, who was huddled up with one of Ultron's robots, and a laptop next to him. The robot was powered down by David, who had his hands on its chest intensely.
"What are you doing?" You ask, looking at his laptop screen to see he was uploading something.
David didn't break his concentration or even open his eyes, but he answered you. "I'm trying to reprogram this bot's mainframe. The Vision is deleting Ultron off the net, so if I can do this, then I can turn this bot over to help us, and then spread it over to all Ultron's other bots."
"That would definitely turn the tide on this," you say, crushing a flying robot towards David.
"I...I got it!" David exclaimed, powering up the robot in hand. It stood up, accessing you, and you stood on guard, but it started to attack its own kind as a threat in the next moment.
"I just need to finish uploading the software to be spread," David picked up his laptop. "I'm going to take cover to finish this, and then find The Vision. I'm good here, you should go."
You nod at him before you take off at high speed. On your way, you bumped into Clint and Wanda. They were being overpowered as they tried to help civilians out of the area.
A group of bots begin to close in. It seems David is still in the process of uploading the software, so the attacks haven't ceased. You notice a bot hellbent on self-destruction as it plummets towards the ground.
Clint is already moving towards Wanda, shouting at her to move. You rush towards the two of them, jumping and pushing them through a building window just as an explosion hits. There are shots still being fired even as the three of you take cover.
Clint's already sitting up, alert as he tries to look at the situation outside without getting shot. Wanda crawls towards the wall, gasping and whimpering.
"How could I let this happen?" She's so distraught.
"Hey, hey, are you alright?" Clint asks, but you put your hand on his shoulder.
Clint looks at you. The situation outside still needs to be handled, and he seems like he doesn't have the time to try to give her a pep talk. You nod at him, and he nods back. Getting up, Clint readies his arrows before he kicks open the door.
"This is all our fault," Wanda cries quietly.
You grab her face, getting her to look up at you. "Look at me," you tell her. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is. It's your fault, my fault, it's everyone's fault. Regardless, this is happening."
She looks at you, breathing harshly as she blinks rapidly.
"I know you're hurting, but this is your homeland, and it's up in the air. Literally. Hopefully, if David manages, we won't be fighting an entire army of robots, but we still got one bad guy to fight," you swallow before hearing something approach as you push and move Wanda out of the way just as a shot fires through the wall.
Wanda looks even more frightened, and she's hanging on the front of your jacket as you readjust to move away from the wall.
"We can't change what we've done, we can only try to fix it going forward. I don't care about anything you did or who you were before this."
"I can't fix this," she bellows to you.
"Yes, you can," you backfire immediately at her. "If you scared and want to let everyone else clean up your mess, I'm fine with letting you do that. You'll be safe here, and Pietro can come to get you. But you can't sit here and tell me that you're okay with letting your fear control you. You can do this, I know you can."
Wanda stares at you, eyes shaking as bites her tongue, letting the silence fall.
"Why do you believe in me so much? Care about me so much?" Wanda asks quietly, feeling something stir in her stomach.
You look back at her, noticing that Wanda seems calmer. Maybe because you feel like you're looking at someone so similar to Tatyana in many ways. That Wanda feels like she's the villain who had caused this.
Perhaps thought she had wanted to be a villain at the start.
But it wretches your gut painfully.
"If anyone could become a hero, it'd be you."
"David, please tell me you're almost finished," you say into the comms as you, Wanda, and Clint fight the rest of the robots in your area.
The three of you need to work your way to Steve and the rest of the gang when Pietro flew in to take Wanda.
"Keep up, old man!" He teasingly says as he darts off.
"I hate him so much," Clint breathes deeply.
"If you want, I can carry you," you shrug.
"I both want to and hate the idea," Clint scrunches his nose but allows you to carry him.
"I'm really close guys, just hang tight!" David tells everyone.
"The next wave is going to hit any minute," Steve says. "What do you have, Stark?"
"Working on a heat seal," he tells everyone.
"We don't have the time," Thor says, "Ultron is trying to get to the core. We need to make a choice."
"That's not a solution," Steve firmly says.
"There's no math here, Steve. Everyone up here versus everyone down there?"
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it," Steve doesn't budge.
"I'm not saying we should go," Natasha counters back, nodding her head back and forth as she considers something. "There are worse ways to go. Besides, where else am I going to get a view like this?"
"I have at least fifteen other places that have better views than this."
Natasha looks over to see you had shown up with a disapproving look on your face.
"I think we might have to settle," Natasha gives you a self-deprecating smile that shows all too much that this is the only way.
"I don't settle."
With that, another voice comes on the radio.
"Glad you think the view is nice, hopefully, you think this is much better," Fury comes in with a Helicarrier in view. "Nice, right? I pulled her out of the mothballs with a couple old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."
"Fury, you son of a bitch!" Steve says with a smile.
"Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury replies in teasing.
Natasha looks over to you, smiling as you come up to her.
"Did you know?" She asks, and you shrug, not wanting to tell her that you touched Tony.
"If Fury decided to show up at the farm with actually nothing else planned, I think we would have to vote him off the island," you offer instead.
"That's comforting," Fury sarcastically said.
"Anytime," you reply.
Within seconds, lifeboats are deployed, and everyone is helping with the evacuation.
"The odds aren't looking too great here," Thor interrupts. "The core is getting bombarded."
"Rhodey, get everyone on the Helicarrier!" Tony says as he flies towards Thor to help.
"This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"
"Like the old man said," Tony looks at Steve. "Together."
The bots begin to rush towards everyone, and you swallow.
"Wait, guys!" You hear David through the comms. "I...got it!"
Just like that, the bots stop dead in their tracks and power down before powering back up again.
This time, they turn their attention towards Ultron.
"Are you kidding me?" Ultron grumbles as the bots rush towards him, firing shots away that Ultron easily deflects.
Because The Vision burned him off the net, Ultron has no way of accessing the software David created to try to change the bots back to his side.
The Hulk rushes towards Ultron, punching him square in the chest and sending him flying miles away.
Everyone turns to look at each other as David blurs into the area with his laptop.
"I feel like we missed a very epic battle scene," Tony says, "like a defining moment in a movie."
"Oh, I'm sorry," David says sarcastically, "if you want, I can totally fix that for you."
"Nope, we're good," Steve says quickly. "We still need to get the stragglers, but if Ultron comes back to the core, we're doomed."
"I'll protect it," Wanda interjects, looking at you as she does. "There's no one better than me."
You nod as Clint looks at Nat.
"Nat, let's go," he nods outside. She looks at you, and you nod at her as it would be faster for you to find civilians on your own.
You look at David. "Alright, nerd, you're going with me. I think you had enough alone time for today."
"You are so ungrateful, oh my god."
"I love you," you smile.
Tony is using the extra bots to help push the rock further into the sky. If they can get it into space, using the heat seal would cause the least amount of damage to Sokovia.
"I can't believe I'm going into space again," Tony mumbled, glad he had made the adjustments to his suit so it would be suitable to go into space better this time.
He had been prepared since the alien invasion.
"Maybe you chose the wrong career path and should've become an astronaut instead," you joke, getting a low chuckle in return.
You had run the perimeter with David, seeing that there were no civilians left.
Natasha volunteered to try to convince The Hulk to either change back or get his ass on the Helicarrier. You would've volunteered, but you don't think The Hulk would be happy to see you, and you can't keep biting the man to force him to change back either.
"I think I can hear a woman screaming," David mumbled. "I'll go check."
He takes off, and you are about to head back when you hear shots fired in the distance. You turn and speed over.
You felt your stomach dropping when you approach the scene. Everything seems to happen in slow motion.
Ultron in his jet, shooting down at Clint, who has a little boy in his arms. You turn your head to see Pietro.
He looks at you, giving you a smirk that feels all too familiar like it's his last one.
Pietro is a step faster than you, he probably always will be. But that doesn't stop you. You force yourself to run. Run faster. Run harder. The sheer amount of force causes a sickening crack in your legs, but you make it just in time.
Pietro only gets shot once through his stomach before you push him out of the way and cover Clint and the child.
The shooting stops as Ultron flies away.
The silence settles, and Clint looks up to see you standing straight before him. You've been shot all over, multiple times in multiple areas.
You suddenly puke up blood as you fall to your knees.
Pietro immediately gets up from the ground rushing over to you, catching you in his arms.
"Why did you do that?!" He yells at you, hands over your body, but he doesn't know which areas to stop the bleeding.
"You idiot," you tell him. "Can you heal from being shot? I don't think so."
Though you say that, the only thing that healed, even though rather slowly, was the crack in your leg.
"You're not healing," Clint says, his tone urgent. He looks at you as blood pours out. "Why aren't you healing?"
"She doesn't have enough blood in her system."
Clint turns over to see David, looking horrified. He kneels down, taking you from Pietro's arms.
"I told you, you fucking idiot, that we should've just taken more blood bags from the hospital," David scolds you.
"This is hardly the time for, 'I told you so,'" You reply weakly.
"Get the kid onto the boat," David looks at Clint and then looks at Pietro. "You need to go collect your sister. There are no more civilians, and we're reaching the stratosphere soon."
"What about--"
"I got this," David says as he bites into your neck. You hiss at the sudden pain. Clint and Pietro have more questions, but they do as David says and take off.
"You better pray to God that we make it back in time," David purses his lips as he pushes your sleeve up to bite in various places.
The damage to Sokovia is still devastating. It's not entirely obliterated, and people will be able to rebuild their country.
The Hulk, unfortunately, had taken off on his own in stealth mode. He didn't want to be found.
It seems The Vision has taken care of completely destroying Ultron, taking this chapter to an end.
It's not the perfect ending, but it could be a lot worse.
There was only one problem left.
You were dying.
Or at least, on your way to either going completely feral for blood to help you heal or going to a deep slumber until you were fed.
Either one was on the table at this point.
"What do we do?" Natasha asks David sharply as they're still in the air being transported back.
They were on the Helicarrier in their own private section away from the people as they didn't know what you were going to do.
"I only temporarily closed her wounds to stop the bleeding," David tells everyone, explaining why he bit you earlier. He was injecting his healing venom. "Venom doesn't quite work the same way on vampires as it does on humans. She still has a lot of internal bleeding that won't stop, and the only thing that can stop it is if she drinks blood."
"We don't have any blood bags on here!" Steve says as he looks at you, full of worry.
"We could...we could cut and drain our own blood," Natasha looks at you before looking back at David. "She can drink the blood as long as she's not biting us, right?"
David purses his lips as if to consider it but then shakes his head. "She's too badly wounded, it won't be enough. Plus, none of you are in the state to lose any more blood, even if you guys all donate. I can heal your wounds, but I can't make your body produce more blood."
"Then what do we do?" Natasha wants to scream. She can't lose you. She just can't.
At that moment, Pietro and Wanda come in. Pietro can hardly stand up himself, so Wanda is supporting him. They had heard part of the conversation as they came in.
Pietro looks at you, face full of anguish because you're only like this because you saved him.
You're tense on the table, occasionally arching your back up in pain and need. David is holding you down by your arm in case you suddenly get a burst of energy and massacre everyone in this room for blood.
Wanda looks at you, jaw clenched.
The feeling of loss is threatening her on her doorstep. You had saved Pietro, God knows if she could survive to lose her only family.
But Wanda was not ready to let you go either.  
It has occurred to Wanda that outside of Pietro, the only person in this world that may understand her, believe in her, protect her, care for her...would be you.
There was something there, something undefined and frightening. Wanda was sure you felt it too with her, though ignoring it for Natasha.
David looked at Wanda. He knew that he shouldn't.
Yet before he could even stop himself, Wanda looks sharply over at him, catching his thoughts.
You would be entirely beyond pissed at him.
It would cause a whole new set of problems for everyone.
He was sure you would rather die.
But David wasn't willing to risk the chance of you going feral, which was almost guaranteed at this point, or your death.
He just wasn't.
"She can drink my blood," Wanda says, drawing everyone's attention. Wanda was the only person who hadn't sustained any significant damage or got shot. She could afford to lose blood.
"What?" Steve looks at David, who has his lips pursed.
"It would work, wouldn't it?" Wanda also looks at you, your eyes glowing a red she's all too familiar in seeing in herself. "It would be even better than drinking from a blood bag to feed directly from me."
Wanda doesn't fully understand what you are, or the concept of vampires, but she catches pieces here and there from everyone around the room.
And there's a feeling of intrigue and possession that flutters knowing that she was the only one you could drink blood from, aside from her brother.
Pietro grips his sister's arms tighter, torn because if you could drink her blood, you could drink his, but he was also in no shape to lose any more blood.
Wanda pats his arms to assure him she'll be fine. Pietro leans against the wall as Wanda comes closer to you.
"It...would, but..." David's eyes shift over to Natasha.
Natasha clenches her jaw.
The words about how feeding can be an incredibly intimate and private act come back to her.
It's not that Natasha is particularly jealous of Wanda in that way. She's more jealous that she can't do anything to help you herself.
Natasha can't muster the words out of her mouth, so she tersely nods.
With that, Wanda stands right next to your lying body on the bed.
"Everyone, stand back," David says, trying to keep you still, but it's like you can smell how close to feeding you are.
The burst of energy does come, but you use to break out of David's grip as you fling him across the room.
"Shit!" David yells, convinced that you're going to kill Wanda to drain her blood. He stands up, reading to try to fight you even though it would be a losing battle.
But he stops.
You merely stand before Wanda, her face in your hands as you tilt her head up to expose her neck.
You press your nose against her neck, taking a long inhale as you purr at the scent.
Wanda can hear alarm bells in her head that tell her you're a predator, and she's your prey, but she doesn't tremble. Instead, she brings her hands up to hold your wrists as if to keep them in place.
You chuckle throatily, attitude nothing like your usual self, "How brave."
Wanda swallows slowly, the action very visible as the muscles in her neck move.
"It was you who taught me that I could be a hero," she says quietly as if it's only for your ears.
The words seem to trigger something in you as you sink your teeth into her neck, a mouthful of blood rushing into you.
It's been too long, you almost forgot what it was like.
It was hot in your mouth, as fresh as it was.
You could feel a warm body being pressed you, hear a heart beating, and smell the arousal.
A deep moan left Wanda's mouth, unable to control it. A hot, liquid fire shot down to her lower stomach, pooling in her gut.
Wanda couldn't describe how it felt, what she was experiencing, but you were doing something to her as you drank from her, holding her close to you.
You suddenly lift her into the air, wrapping her legs around your waist as you blurred over to the drawer cabinet against the wall, pushing Wanda up on it roughly. Your hands held her possessively.
Wanda was pressed to the wall as she sat on the cabinet, her legs still wrapped against you tightly as she fisted her hand into the back of your hair.
Everyone watched in astonishment of the act, David biting on his tongue as he looked at Natasha, who had no expression on her face to indicate what she was feeling.
Blood was rushing into your mouth, and it was delicious, making you delirious, but that didn't stop you from realizing there was a crowd in the room watching you feed, watching Wanda unravel.
You released your mouth from her neck.
"Leave," you demanded lowly and roughly, hardly coherent before you resume sinking your teeth back into Wanda.
Natasha stared at you, you seemed lost in your own world as you fed, and Natasha knows that you are only like this due to how injured you are.
As everyone leaves the room, Natasha looks at the two of you once more. Wanda's hand is buried in your hair while she's arching into you.
As she exits the room, Natasha catches Wanda's eyes, staring at her intensely with an unknown meaning in them before her eyes flutter close just as the door shuts.
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missmonsters2 · 4 years
Between the Lines || IX
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers & Fem!Reader (Platonic) / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes.
Note: Everyone last chapter: “I’m ready for Wanda to fucking ruin me.” LMAO SAME. 
Count: 4782
That was the best way Natasha could describe your place. You had more warm colors for your walls and older styled furniture that made her feel like she was transcending time. 
They had just gotten back from visiting Allison, who was beyond ecstatic to see you and Natasha. Her mother seemed to be all better now, and no longer needed the extra care for Allison. The babysitter you had recommended last time seemed to be working just fine for them when her mother needed to pull extra shifts, but you still promised to visit Allison when you could.
"Your place is nice," Natasha smiles softly, and you turn your head around to smile back at her as you grab a cup from the cupboard. 
"Really? David says I have the taste of an old person. To my defense, I am old," you snort. 
Natasha chuckles, "I like it."
She feels a little excited because it looks like you're making coffee for her, and it feels like it's been such a long time since Natasha has had your coffee.
"Even though I've lived so long and have adapted, this style makes me feel more at home," you softly explain, and Natasha's eyes turn tender.
You finish brewing Natasha her coffee and bring it over to her. She takes a sip, sighing with bliss.
Grinning at her, you're about to say something else when your phone buzzes in your pocket. Pulling it out, you check to see that it's from David.
"We've got to head out," You tell the redhead. "David's got a lead for us."
Your search didn't yield much more than what David could find, which was annoying. Luckily, you didn't end up having to use your gift and instead used compulsion to find information. 
Natasha trailed along, watching you work but also making herself useful when she could. 
Within two hours, you felt like you already found out what you could before heading back to shower and head off to the Stark tower again. 
When you get there, you already see David talking with Steve and Maria.
"Fatalities?" You could hear Steve ask. 
"Only when engaged," David says as he catches your eye when you enter the room. "Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears, and something too fast to see."
"Maximoffs," Maria mutters, and you're curious about Wanda's powers. They seemed similar to Tatyana's, but you want to confirm if Wanda's powers had only come from the scepter. 
"That makes sense that he would seek them out. They have something in common," Steve said as he saw you approaching. "Find anything?" 
"No more than you did, apparently," you shrugged.
"Well," David says as he's looking at his tablet. "Nothing in common anymore." He flips the tablet and a picture of Strucker's dead body and the word 'PEACE' written in blood on the wall next to him.
"Lovely," Maria huffs. 
You see Clint on the phone just a couple feet from you, and Steve notices him too. 
"So, you're not coming home tonight even though you explicitly said you would," you here a feminine voice on the phone. 
"That's a negative," Clint says.
"This better be your last one for a while, I don't care what your boss says," you hear the woman respond. In the background, you could also hear two kids screaming, 'Is that dad? Can I talk to dad! Dad!'
"I answer to you," Clint responds almost dutifully. 
"...If you miss the birth of our child...I'll kill you..."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Barton," Steve interrupts, "We might have something."
"Gotta go," Clint says quickly before he hangs up and turns to face you all.
"Who was that?" Steve asks.
"Girlfriend," Clint's eyes travel to you and David because it was obvious he knew you had heard him.
Steve doesn't pay it any mind as he leads everyone back into the room. You and David lag behind because Clint is walking beside the two of you.
"It's none of our business, Clint," you cut him off with a wave. "We didn't hear a thing."
Clint sighs and gives you a smile of thanks.
"Although, you should be more careful if you're trying to keep them a secret," David says as he tapped away on his tablet.
He then holds up his tablet to you and Clint, a photo dated two years ago of Clint and his family on a ride at Disneyland.
"This you?"
You've known as a vampire, it's impossible to get headaches, but it doesn't stop you from feeling like you have one.
Everyone is getting ready to get out onto the Quinjet to take off to the next location to find Ulysses Klaue as you'll be likely to find Ultron and the twins there. 
There isn't much for you to ever prepare for, so you laze around in the kitchen before Natasha strolls in, the first to finish.
"Hey, you," she smiles, and you walk over to her.
"Hey, yourself," you smile as you inspect her suit. "Got everything?"
"Hopefully," Natasha shrugs.
You know you'll most likely meet Wanda soon, and something inside you tells you it'll bring chaos. 
Nothing ever truly feels like it's over, but you have Natasha. 
You look at her with slow eyes.
Sometimes it feels wrong to be this happy with Natasha, to allow yourself that kind of privilege. But there are no words you could use to describe what Natasha is to you and how you crave her. 
Natasha peers through her lashes, catching the look in your eyes. She walks backward, pulling you with her until she hits the counter before she hops herself up onto it. Pulling you closer by the collar of your shirt, you end up between her legs, your hands automatically around her waist while hers are around your neck.
"When you have that look on your face, it makes me want to just...eat you," Natasha licks her lip, and you can't help but laugh lightly as she traces her thumb over your bottom lip. 
"You know how funny that sounds, right?" You smile.
Natasha merely smirks as she lowers her head to press her lips against yours in a soft kiss.
She tastes like remnants of peach candy, and you hum into her mouth. Licking her bottom lip, you hold her hips tighter.
She smells good.
Like vanilla and dry leaves. 
You bite her bottom lip gently, appreciating the way she moans lightly. It seems to excite her more as her heart pounds in her chest. You pull away, lowering your head as the tip of your nose drags against her side of her neck. 
You inhale as Natasha holds your neck a little tighter.
You could hear it, smell, the blood rushing through Natasha's veins.
It would be so easy.
Natasha would be delicious, you just know it. Her blood hits every part of your sensories, and she would feel so good.
Your teeth drag lightly where your tongue had been.
'You can't.'
The voice and words ring in your head loud and clear. 
Immediately, you pull away, almost panting as you do. 
Natasha calls your name, but you shake your head.
"I just need a moment," you tell her, taking in a deep breath.
You haven't felt this way in so long, you felt like a child experiencing bloodlust again. 
It had been so easy throughout the years to control it, knowing the consequences if you did it.
Yet, having Natasha tested every limit you had again. 
You never thought you would ever experiencing wanting to drink from someone again. 
"I'm sorry," Natasha says hesitantly. She had been so caught up in the moment, and you felt so good. 
For a moment...she...she wanted you to bite her.
You clear your throat as your head clears again.
"Don't apologize," you give her a tight smile, "I should have better control."
Natasha is about to say something else when you help her down from the counter.
"C'mon," you say as you pull her along, "we should head to the Quinjet."
And Natasha's words die on her tongue. 
"Don't compare me with Stark! He's a sickness!"
You all come in time just as Ultron has sliced off Klaue's arm as he rants about Tony. 
"Ahh, junior," Tony appears with Thor and Steve behind him. "You're gonna break your old man's heart."
"If I have to," Ultron tilts his head.
"Daddy issues, am I right?" You lean over to David to say, but loud enough for everyone to hear.
"He's not a villain without one," David says back.
You hear a laugh disguised as a cough from Pietro. He smirks at you, and you give him a slight quirk of your lip back. 
But then your eyes travel next to him.
It hits you in the gut. 
A million flashbacks happen to you, and you feel like someone just knocked all the air out of your body, and you're breathless. It's like you're going through a spiral of vertigo until you look her in the eyes.
She looks like her. 
You were prepared to see the similarities, but this was more than you had expected. 
But you knew it was not Tatyana.
You blinked, eyes focusing on Wanda. 
She was staring at you too, but she didn't seem sure of what to make of it.
"You two can still walk away from this," Steve's voice interrupts the two of you.
"Oh, we will," Wanda rips her gaze from you, tilting her head as she smirks sardonically at Steve.
"I know you've suffered," Steve acknowledges, and for a second, you see rage flash through Wanda's eyes because while Steve knows, he doesn't truly know what they've been through.
Ultron lets out a groan of disgust. "Captain America," he says with a certain tone to his voice. "God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war."
"I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." Ultron tilts his head, looking at Steve.
Thor tries to urge Ultron to keep the peace, but Ultron obviously declines.
"What's the vibranium for?" Tony asks.
Ultron looks as giddy as he can. "I'm glad you asked since I wanted to take this time to reveal my evil plan!"
Suddenly, Iron Legion Bots break through the glass and start attacking. 
You and David have split up, he's taken off after Pietro and you to find Wanda. 
Taking out Klaue's men along the way, you keep walking in the direction you could hear her in. 
Her footsteps were rather light, and she had a distinct smell of cinnamon and orange blossoms. 
"Thor! Status!" Steve yelled into the earpiece.
"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty," Thor trailed off.
You knew immediately what was happening. 
"Nat," you called worriedly.
"I'm fine," she reassures you. 
"David?" You called next.
"Still good," he grumbles. "Fast little bastard."
"Wait," David calls. "She's got Natasha and Steve in a hallucination."
You're about to turn around immediately to go back to Natasha, but David stops you.
"Don't," he warns. "Nat's still okay, just caught up in whatever she's seeing. If you want to put an end to it, catch the girl."
You grit your teeth but huff in agreement. 
You stand along the empty hallway, breaking the wrist of a man who tries to charge at you. Flinging him over the railing, he lands on sacks of dirt and groans. 
It seems you don't have to go to Wanda because you hear those light footsteps behind you, creeping up.
She stands behind you, unknowing you can hear her heart beating as she raises her hand, tendrils forming at her fingers.
You turn around abruptly, grabbing her wrist. Faced with Wanda's shock widened eyes, you quirk your lip at her. 
"Cute," you tell her, "but it won't work on me."
"And why is that?" Wanda asks accent heavy in her voice that sounds so familiar to you.
"To control--compel, me to what you want, your will has to be stronger than mine," you tell her, pulling her closer by her wrist to show that even as close as she was, she couldn't use her mind control on you. "So? Do you still think you can play your little mind games on me?"
Maybe you had tugged too hard, but now Wanda was too close. Her eyes staring into yours as if she was searching for something. Lips slightly parted, you could feel her breath on you. 
"Why?" Wanda murmurs as she tilts her head slightly at you.
"Why what?" You return.
"Why do you stare at me like that?" Wanda gets closer.
You should pull away. Disarm her, and go secure Pietro to finish the mission. 
But it feels like there's an electric pulse in the air that seems to keep you rooted.
"Stare at you like what?" You husk.
Wanda licks her lips, drawings your eyes. "Stare at me like you want to save me."
"You're helping a homicidal robotic manic who wants to destroy the world," you quirk your brow at her. "I think that warrants needing to be saved or at least some sense beaten into you."
"He will save the world by putting an end of the Avengers," Wanda hisses. She draws forth the red wisps again in her other hand, holding it close to you. "Perhaps I can't 'play my little mind games' with you. But power is power."
Immediately, you feel Wanda's power surround your body before she uses it to force you through the window. You find yourself staring at the sky, blinking as you fall. 
You swiftly turn around, positioning yourself upright as you land on the ground, creating a good-sized crater. There's a momentary crack in your ankles from the pressure and height you fell from, but as quick as it happens, it heals. 
You look up, shards of glass falling around you, and you sigh.
It seems your suspicions were correct, that Wanda's powers were genuine. The feel of it was too raw and similar to Tatyana's.
And that made things complicated. 
"Hey, hey, look at me," you coo as you hold Natasha's face in your hands, turning her to look at you. Her eyes are unfocused, and honestly, it's a little challenging to get her to actually look at you. 
You had arrived shortly back into the facility after hearing Clint saying they needed to move. Clint had been trying to shake Natasha out of it, but it wasn't working, and so you stepped in.
"I have no place in the world," Natasha mutters. 
You had a pretty good guess about what she was seeing, and so did Clint.
"How do we get her out? Do we just have to wait?" Clint asked you.
"No," you say, stroking Natasha's cheek, tilting her face up as you look down into her eyes. "We overpower it."
Your pupils explode into liquid pools, swirling as you forced Natasha's to do the same. It would take a little longer, with Natasha not even being lucid. 
"Look at me," you tell her softly. Natasha blinks. "Wherever you are, it's not real."
You start to see flickers of speckles in Natasha's eyes and lick your lips.
"Come back to me," you compel her softly but with a slight bite in your tone. "You have a place in the world. Here, as an Avengers, with Clint and everyone else." The fog is clearing from Natasha's mind, your eyes responding more to yours and your words. 
"With me," you faintly say.
"Come back."
Life comes back to Natasha, her eyes no longer dull as she comes face to face with you. She's got a massive headache and slight nausea.
Natasha swallows as you still hold her face in your hands. She wants to say something, but Tony interrupts. 
"Guys, I could really use some help. Maybe try the lullaby again?"
You look at Natasha, but she's in no shape to try to go against the Hulk.
"The rest of the team is down," Clint responds.
You look around to see David trying to get Steve out of his hallucination. 
"David will handle things here. Get everyone back onto the jet. The twins and Ultron are probably long gone by now. I'm going to help Tony."
You look once more at Natasha, who lifts the corner of her mouth.
"Be careful," she tells you.
"Aren't I always?" Giving her a wink, you take off in a blur.
"Coordinates, Stark," you say into your earpiece. 
"Getting my ass beat right now!" Tony groans.
"Coordinates, Stark, not status. I already know you're getting your ass beat," you smirk.
"Don't be a dick," he mutters, but you're unsure if that was to you or Banner. He tells you where to meet him, but it gets easier to figure out as you get closer, and you can hear glass and building being shattered, and Banner's roars along with civilian screams.
You pick up speed, reaching there as you stand a few feet away, and Tony spots you.
"What's the plan?" Tony asks.
"Get him away from the city. Damage's been done, but we should try to stop him from doing any more," you see Tony struggling to hold him down. His suit is bulked up, and you're sure he prepared this specifically for Banner.
"Where do we bring him?" Tony's punching Banner in the face, trying to get him to 'go to sleep.'
"Few miles from the Quinjet. There should be some open space."
"Alright," Tony says, having no other choice but to trust you.
He gets VERONICA to send in a new Hulkbuster arm, using it to suction in the Hulk's arm as they take to the skies. You start to run in the same direction they're going.
"Alright, what do we do after we get him in the area?" Tony's overworking the jets in his feet while the Hulk struggles to get the upper hand in the air.
"Can you trap him in his spot?"
"I have one extra set electric bars, but he dug a hole in the ground to escape it."
"Just set them in the ground, wide berth and electrodes on."
You enter into a clearing, and Tony drops Banner, breaking the ground as he lands. 
Immediately, giant plates dig into the earth, surrounding Banner as he gets electrified. He screams, arching his back before he turns and snarls at you.
"You gonna try this compulsion thing?" Tony asks through his mask.
"Try being a keyword," you mutter, "I have a feeling he's not going to be receptive towards it."
"Is anyone receptive towards compulsion, really?" Tony grumbles.
"Yeah," you smirk, "humans."
You walk around the perimeter of the plates, and the Hulk turns his body as his eyes follow you.
"You're angry," you acknowledge. "She made you angry."
The Hulk only roars and glares at you, the surrounding area of his eyes were red. 
You lock eyes, pupils expanding as you try to reel him in. 
"But look around you, think if there's anything right now to be angry about," you say to him. His head moves side to side, but you can tell the Hulk is fighting it. "Are you really angry, or did she just tell you you're angry? Who are you outraged at? The civilians who've done nothing to you? Tony? Me?"
You kept circling, keeping your eyes locked on his. 
"Yourself?" You asked, and when the Hulk lets out an enraged yowl, you know you've hit the spot.
"You need to calm down," you lick your lips. "Before you do something that will really make you angry with yourself."
The Hulk is huffing and puffing as he continues to stare at you, and you try to expand the compulsion stronger. 
For a second, you think it's working. The Hulk is shaking his head, stumbling backward.
But as quick as that happens, suddenly he punches himself in the face, knocking himself out of your control before he lets out another bellowing scream. 
He starts running even as the plates send out electric shocks, bombarding through one of them as it breaks. 
"He's too ravaged for me to even try to influence him to calm down," you tell Tony quickly as you take off towards the Hulk.
"I think I got that," Tony has to move out of the way before the Hulk steamrolls him. 
"New plan," you say, running towards Tony.
"What are you--" he starts to say, but you cut him off.
"Throw me onto his back!" You leap, forcing Tony to catch you as he spins around once before whipping you in the direction the Hulk took off in. 
The speed propelled you straight towards him, he didn't even see it coming as he was approaching the Quinjet. Everyone had come outside, hearing his thundering footsteps as he ran in their direction.
You latched onto his back, wrapping your tiny arms the best you could around his neck with crushing force, almost enough to snap his windpipe. 
He chokes, feet digging into the ground as he abruptly stopped. His hand comes up to your arm, and you only have a second before he forces you to release him via breaking your arm. 
You open your mouth, teeth sharp as venom pooled to them before you dug it into his neck. 
He was grumbling at you before, but he was definitely screaming at you now. 
The sound of agonizing wails leaves his mouth as he falls to his knees. You let go of his neck. 
Falling forward, the Hulk writhes in pain, and you could see the venom traveling in his veins as they turned a dark green on his skin. He was crawling as he groaned.
Soon, the venom overtook his system to the point Banner began to change back to a man. He lay there, moaning in pain as Tony came forward along with Clint, who threw a blanket over him.
"What did you do?" Tony asked, and David came out, blurring over to carry Bruce into the Quinjet.
"Forced him to change back," you mutter as you also got onto the Quinjet. 
David put Banner on a makeshift bed while Clint flew the Quinjet out of the area. 
Bruce was thrusting off the table as he still writhed in pain while everyone else stood around.
"What's happening to him?" Steve asked. He was covered in dirt and grime, and he looked a little defeated.
"The venom is breaking his cells down," you say, eyes drifting to David, who nods, restraining Bruce down.
You could hear more questions being fired, but you didn't answer. You threw the blanket off of Bruce, and everyone could see his veins, dark and poisoned-looking.
Leaning over, you began to bite him various places until the discoloration in his veins began to disappear. The seizing slowed down in Bruce as he came to a restful stop, but beads of sweat ran down his forehead. He was still breathing heavily, and his eyes remained closed.
"He's going to have to sleep that off," you spitting out blood into a nearby bucket, and wiping your mouth. David hands you a bottle of water, which you use to rinse your mouth, spitting it out until your mouth was clear.
Natasha comes up to check on you, putting her hand on your back softly as you try to give her a smile that ends up being more of a grimace.
"What was that?" Tony asked as he inspected his friend.
"I told you," you say as Natasha gives you some gum. "Venom can be used in three ways. That was one of them."
"But what does it do," Tony emphasized.
The mint flavor spread throughout your mouth, and you were thankful for a change in taste. Lately, it's been getting harder to control your thirst.
"When venom is used to harm, it attacks the cells in your body. Specifically, it makes them explode. It's painful as it travels through your veins because it's basically shredding everything in its path as it moves. The more venom you inject, the faster the deterioration goes," you say. 
"Why did you bite him again?" Steve asks. 
"There's only one way to reverse it," you peer over to Bruce's sleeping form. "Only the venom of the vampire who inflicted it can undo it. I injected the healing venom to counteract it. He'll be fine, maybe just a couple scars, and feeling sore for a few days."
"We need to lay low while we can," David interrupts as he looks at his tablet.
"That's a great idea," you hear Maria chime in through the intercoms. "The new is loving you guys. No one else is. There's no official arrest warrant for Banner, but it's up in the air."
"Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asks.
"Already on scene. How's everyone?" She replies.
"We took a hit, they're shaking it off right now," you mutter.
"Well, stay in stealth mode for now, and don't come back here," Maria warned,  knowing it would be ugly.
"So, run and hide?" Tony seems displeased.
"Until we find Ultron, there are not many options on the table," Maria sighed, disconnecting after that. 
Tony goes over to Clint, slapping his hand on Clint's shoulder. "Need to switch out?"
Clint shakes his head, "Nah, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now would be the time, we're still a couple hours out."
You look over to Clint, noticing the dark bags under his eyes, and for the first time, you see how tired he must be.
"A couple hours from where?" Tony asks.
"A safe house," Clint answers, looking at you and David, and you know immediately where he's taking you.
You turn to Natasha, and it seems she knows as well.
Taking the time to sit near the back, you hold your girlfriend in your arms, stroking the side of her arms. Natasha's worn, you can tell by the paleness in her skin, and she's upset. 
You sit in silence for a good chunk of the time. As much as you hate it, the image of Wanda doesn't leave your mind. There was something that brewed deep within you, and you felt haunted. 
It isn't until Natasha decides to speak and breaks your thoughts.
"I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't gotten me out of that hallucination," Natasha says quietly to avoid drawing the attention of the others, but now used with David unintentionally being able to listen.
"I wish I could've been there sooner," you say at the same level of quietness, but Natasha shakes her head. 
"Sometimes," she starts, licking her dry lips, "it's so easy to live every day like that part of my life didn't happen. Even though it's my sole reason to do the things I do. I want to clear my ledger, but it's..."
"It's complicated," you finish for her when she drags.
It's silent for a few minutes as the two of you rest, you lean your head on top of Natasha's, breathing slowly as you try to comfort her.
"I had never thought about wanting kids," Natasha starts quietly again, and you hum softly in the back of your throat to tell her you're listening. 
"I'm not even really sure that I do or not, but then I get reminded that I can't either way."
You hold her bicep tighter, turning your head to press a kiss to her head.
"It's okay to mourn the loss of the choice," you murmur. 
Natasha nudges herself closer to you, inhaling your scent as it eases her. The images don't quite go away. They linger in her mind, a wretched memory of everything she's endured. 
"I suppose it's easier," Natasha mumbles. "It's one less thing to worry about, one less thing that would matter more than a mission. It makes everything easier, even killing."
"Don't do that," you admonish her gently. "While those things can be true, don't make yourself out to be a monster."
Natasha remains quiet, not the kind where she doesn't believe you, but the kind where she doesn't quite have the right words to say for once.
"You act like you don't already have things that would matter more than a mission, things that you don't worry about," you lift your other hand up, using your fingers to tilt her chin until she's facing you. 
Your lips are so close, the warmth vibrating between the two of you. 
"Because you already do, don't you?" You murmur. "Everyone on this ship is your family--I'm your family, just as you are mine."
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