#taro kagami
atomicpsyche · 9 months
ignore everything in the brackets.
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kaythetrashcan · 8 months
Here are some of my thoughts on DN: short stories!
And it's a lot. I'm crossposting this from my reddit account. Spoilers ahead
Book cover
Why does Ryuk look different on the cover? He looks like normal in all the actual stories but on the cover he has a red spot on his chest and red lips (among other things).
I do really like his right bracelet, it reminds me of the handcuffs Light and L had. I'm not sure if it's new but it's cool.
Speaking of the cover, there is 'Death Note' written in shiny letters and I only noticed once I turned my lamp on. That's such a nice detail.
Onto the stories themselves.
When I read the name Yamamoto, I though it was one of Light's friends from the manga, since they have the same name and appearance (spiky black hair and glasses). But apparently they are different characters entirely, which is kinda disappointing even if it doesn't change anything.
I'm bit confused on what's up with Matsuda. He tries to justify actions of C-Kira and I'm not sure where the writers where going with this. Like he was supportive of the original Kira but I kinda thought that ended when he shot Light several times.
I like that Near's hair got a bit longer from last time. Also the tator card towers are insanely cool.
And the way he just pops out of them on page 22 XD.
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When Near recalls the video chat, we see a kid with a striped shirt, who I'm guessing is Matt
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I haven't seen the Relight movies (I'm planning to one day), but I saw L's monster speech and I'm guessing it's based on this scene. The manga is pretty different from it, L is more forward and cold.
It's pretty interesting to hear that L picked Near and Mello because they didn't ask him any questions, just listened. Also bc of their glares.
And if this is the only time Near interacted with L, how does he know his appearence for his finger puppet? Did he see a photo or did he just get a description from someone else?
I can't believe Ryuk got other shinigamis, including the actual King of Death addicted to apples. Good lord.
Also I love how Ryuk refers to king of death as an "old fart". Makes it sound like he's the shinigami's dad XD
Near just tuning in, calling C-Kira a murderer and then signing out was pretty badass. Rip C-Kira, you were okay.
Speaking of C-kira, we actually know really little about them. All we got was they own a bunch of anime figurines.
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I noticed how many bananas Meadra has eaten. Do all shinigami's have a specific food they like? Although all seem to like apples.
I like Near not being sure if he acted like L and how Rester tells him he's L now, it's pretty sweet and adds a bit of humanity to Near.
Also how are the towers holding together? Near's breaking laws of gravity
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Meadra is such a nice friend, bringing Ryuk an apple.
This was a pretty fun story and it's always nice to see Halle Linder.
I really like Minoru's design. He looks unique but still natural and his hairstyle is bit more modern compared to Light's.
Ryuk picked Minoru rather than just throwing the death note and waiting for somebody to find it. It's a interesting shift from his first appearence.
I love Ryuk's disappointment when Minoru told him he can't read the rules and demanded translation.
Minoru is so based for just trying to sell the notebook and his plan is really clever.
Ryuk holding the sign while literaly everyone in the studio can't see him is hilarious.
Near looks gorgeous with the long hair. <3 And so does Halle Linder with the shorter hair cut
Is that Donald Trump???!!! What even is this story?!
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I love how Armonia just shows up with his chair and leaves immediately.
Wait, Yotsuba??? I was wondering what the Yotsuba group was actually leading, nice to get a conclusion.
I'm also intrigued that Minoru decided to keep only a fraction of the money, but it was pretty smart and he still got a bunch of money from it.
I can't believe Ryuk met Donald Trump.
In the end, Ryuk writes the name of Minoru in his note book. I thought the rule would kill him immediately? Or is Ryuk obligated to write it?
Anyways, this story was goofy, Minoru was entertainingly smart and I liked it.
I love how insane and fun everyone in this. We need more. Also Sayu has more to do. Yay :D
Why does Light think strawberries are more sexy than apples?
Misa's back!!! I missed her so much.
Her swimsuit is really bland, but Light looks great in the Hawaian shirt. He should wear it more often.
I'm not sure how to feel about Misa getting sexualized in this. I'm fine with fanservice and her being sexy, but I feel like she sometimes gets treated more as a source of fanservice than an actual character.
I noticed she's the one driving the car. And I don't think I ever saw Light drive. This leads me to a conclusion that Light never learned to drive. Headcanon that Misa just drives him around during those 5 years.
Also I live for Misa and Sayu's friendship!!!
Misa making bunny apples for Ryuk is so cute.
Somehow, "Disappointment" makes Misa and Light into a somewhat healthy couple.
In second to last strip, Light somehow pulls L up using only one arm. My boy is strong.
And the last strip, "Debate" depicts Rem holding a glass of wine (?). Since Rem doesn't have a favourite human food (unlike Ryuk, Meadra and Sidoh), maybe she likes to drink wine? Misa seems to enjoy drinking (in that one scene in the anime). Maybe she shared some with her.
L - one day
Watari narrates this like an animal documentary.
It also gives L both really bizarre and really normal traits, like he bathes in a washing machine and can't be bothered to put a shirt on, but he is fond of art galleries and theme parks.
Also L's a pop fan. Love that but I'm bit said we didn't get this in the main series. I'd love to see what interactions with Misa could come from that.
I'm glad to know that L does more than just sit in front of a computer.
L- Wammy's house
I love L, but he looks so weird as a kid. Glad he didn't stay like this forever.
So L came into the orphanage without a name. Did he name himself or did Wammy gave him that name? How do all the kids get their names? Why does Near have a normal name but then we have a guy named Mail?
How did L manage to defeat a group of kids who were trying to beat him (the new kid) up? And judging from what L says, this might be a common thing, so why isn't anyone doing anything about it?
Kids in Wammy's house share bedrooms so I wonder who did Near and Mello live with.
L and Watari's dynamic here is so hilarious.
Overall I'm not really big on this story. I know it's a matter of preference but L feels really overpowered and inhuman here. I kinda prefer when he gets some grounded moments, like his monster speech in Relight movies or even just his reaction to Misa kissing him on the cheek. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just not really my thing.
Taro Kagami
This is also a pilot for the series.
I noticed that the shinigami's look more human. I'm glad their designs got changed, I don't like how they look like sexy women with weird faces.
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Taro is so cute! I really like his design.
I like how he just uses the Death note as a regular notebook and accidentally kills someone. It's a pretty common concept in memes about DN so it's nice to see it in a serious story.
I appreciate Taro's reaction to Ryuk and accidentally killing people. It's pretty realistic for a kid like him.
Takagi kinda looks like Raye Penber while Yamanaka's design didn't make it into the series. Its kinda a shame, since it's pretty unique.
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I also like to see Taro's mom getting involved. We never really got any reaction from Sachiko.
The conversation between Yamanaka and Takagi about how they'd use the death note is really interesting. Yamanaka makes a great point on how most people would use it.
I also love him saying that Takagi would have to kill half the world to achieve his harmonious world.
And personality wise, Takagi reminds me a bit of Matsuda.
The death eraser is a cool concept. While it probably would be too overpowered in the main series, I'd love to see what could be done with it.
I'm also intrigued by the author of detective novels. His design is cool as well and I wonder if he somewhat inspired L's character. His deductions were great.
And so we're Taru's, when he figured out Miuro is the second DN owner.
The ending itself is amazing in my opinion. Taro manages to twist the truth just right, so Miuro trusts him while he keeps the original note book. Death note becomes a legend but Taru still has it after all these years. The ambiguity is brilliant.
And older Taru looks great with long hair.
I read on the wiki that Taru might have inspired Mikami and I honestly believe that, but he seems like a combination of both Taru and Miuro.
He gets his long hair from Taru, glasses and fanatism from Miuro (who kept screaming "Die, die, die" while frantically writing names of criminals) and being bullied from both.
This was my favourite story. It flows a bit better than the A and C kira stories and it had some really cool ideas.
Final thoughts
While I'm bit sad we didn't really have any female characters (since DN doesn't really have many and as a woman I'd like to see them) I had fun with this book, the art's great and it's nice to see the pilot, shorter funny comics and what's most of the living cast up to after Light's death.
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suddenlymicah · 7 months
and what if i ship that guy and that guy and what if what if what if they kiss
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mechadeimos · 8 months
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jumexju · 28 days
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Ima headcannon that Taro's a fan of shoegaze, doom metal, goth rock, post punk and VKei
long live Taro Kagami
he's so attractive help me 💔💔
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kursed-arcana · 10 months
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null404ish · 10 months
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I think they should have one giant sleepover
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eyecicles · 2 years
Any opinions about Taro Kagami?
He seems like a nice and smart kid, and I feel sorry for him. Not only is he a victim of bullying, he also gets dragged into a series of very strange and kinda traumatising events completely by chance.
And, boy, does he have guts! I don't think many people, especially at his age, would have the spine to do what he did. Confront someone he knows is a murderer, go to the police and confess he accidentally killed people via a supernatural weapon, and then voluntarily die and come back to life.
I don't think he would be nearly as interesting as Light if he had been the protagonist of Death Note, but he's decently written. Especially for a one-shot.
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The Death Note Outfit of the Day is: Taro Kagami’s open white collared button up over a light brown T-Shirt with roomy light blue jeans and all white sneakers, as drawn by Takeshi Obata.
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labraat · 1 month
i present to you...my boyfriend
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isara0408 · 4 months
Kaga x Megami - Actors AU
I have a lot of AU ideas for these two. I can't stop myself. I AM SORRY- 😭✋️
They both started their acting careers at a very young age.
Megami is known to be the daughter of the best actors in Japan. (Saikou Corp doesn't exist in this universe) Her brother is an actor as well. Ichirou began his acting career at the age of 5, so he's been in a lot of movies that came out during the 1980s along with his wife. They both met when they got the role of a movie. The Saikou family is quite known all over Japan.
Kaga and Megami haven't met, but they know each other's existence.
The first time they met was when they were both casted to the mad scientist, and the "Mary Sue" for a series named ' LoveSick'. They were both love interest to each other, and partners( like working together) in the series.
Every character in Yandere Simulator is an actor in this universe. Ayano is an actor. Taro is an actor, and so on. During the time it has been aired, it has gotten a lot of attention and fans that caused this series to have more than one season.
Megami was known for her famous parents, but she's known for being the main female character in some shows, movies, and novels. She had the perfect looks, the perfect acting, the passion for her career, etc. She has millions of fans.
Kencho and Megami get along in this universe. Kencho has a lot of fans as well, but he is quite spoiled (still) They both practice their lines with each other whenever they get a new role in some kind of film, show, etc.
Kaga's parents are not actors. The only actor is Kaga. His parents made sure to put him in the best school for his career and have been by his side once they noticed his potential.
Kaga has worked hard during his youth, and now, for his fame, his acting, and his money. He is determined to show the world how determined and talented he is. Because of this, he is always up, practicing his acting, and always trying to get more roles in different types of movies, shows, novels,etc. Even if he's fatigued, his determination is very high, and he's not giving up.
People call Kaga a "Genius." The main reason why they call him a Genius is because whenever he's been casted to play a character, he makes his research. He goes online to research the character( for example, a character from a famous anime/ manga or a famous actor who has passed.) He is always in his room researching the background of the character, the body language, the personality, the events the character has been through, disorders, etc. He has many papers hung on his wall about the character and puts himself in their shoes. Once he is in front of the camera, people say around the lines of:
"Kaga Kusha is a very talented young man. A talent that is one of a kind. It's quite rare to meet a person with his talent nowadays. A few actors have this amazing skill, and I'm glad I'm able to witness it with my own eyes. He is quite interesting. This young man is very determined and takes his career seriously. Once he is in front of a camera, he immediately perfects the character as if he is the character himself. It feels like the person he is playing is here with us at this moment and room. No wonder people call him a genius."
Kaga is also known to play the villains of shows, movies, novels, etc. His crazy eyes and evil laugh are perfect for the role, even for the broken villains. He does do good guys too, don't worry, lol. (This is also a reason why he was cast as the mad scientist in "LoveSick")
He is also seen in telenovelas cuz he does speak Spanish 👀
Once he heard he was cast as the role of a mad scientist in the series, he was excited. Since he was a mad scientist, he had to wear a wig (the gray-blue-ish color hair. The one in the game), and had to wear those scientist clothing. He has black hair in this universe. ( the whole experiment gone wrong/hair change, and stuff that he made (inventions and experiments) doesn't exist here).
Kaga did have some traumatizing roles. ( Playing the role of real life serial killers)
Megami and Kaga began to work together once they got their roles for "LoveSick." They spent a lot of time together to practice their scenes, lines, and their characters. That's how their friendship formed.
Megami did research on Kaga to know more about him. She read about how people saw him and his amazing skill of perfecting a character he got cast as in his past works. She felt quite honored to be in the presence of a genius. Kaga admired Megami very much for her work and talent and how famous her family was. After all, Megami was more famous than he was,so it was an honor to work with her.
They have been in a lot of scenes together during the shooting of "LoveSick.". They have been doing a lot of romantic scenes, intense scenes, wholesome scenes, and some +18 scenes with each other during the series.
They have kissed before many times and have made two +18 sexual scene in the series of "LoveSick."
After and before shooting their scenes, they would always eat together to talk about the series and get to know each other.
Kaga would take Megami to places she hasn't been to before and try new foods that she hasn't tasted before, or simply go in a stroll around the city. They sometimes bump into fans and stuff. They're famous. They can't help it.
They have many fans shipping their characters (👀). A lot of fans also love when these two are together in huge events. They always found them cute together, especially from how different their personalities are. Megami doesn't care much. She's already used to it with other male and female actors. Kaga is an addition to the list. Kaga doesn't mind. All actors experienced this. It's nothing new.
With their time together, the closer they became to the point of sometimes witnessing the dark times each one of them go through.
Megami is always trying her hardest to be perfect, just like her parents. She is seen as the perfect actor and daughter in the eyes of her parents. She wants to keep up that expectation, even if she is fatigued or needs a break. She is pushing herself as much as possible to make her parents proud of her. No failure or mistake is allowed in the family. Sometimes, when it is too much for her, she breaks down. She forgets that she's human. Not a robot.
Many of her fans admire her for being a strong woman even though Megami, deep down, isn't. Some of her fans see her as an object, not a human.
Kaga doesn't suffer the same problem. His parents don't mind that their son makes mistakes. They know he's not perfect. That's something they know and know that no human can be perfect even if they tried. It's impossible. His parents always remind him of that.
However, since he is known as the genius and who can perfectly act out a character, a lot of people believe that Kaga is quite weird for how perfect he can act out a character. Many people say it's for attention, others say he's a stalker, or a creep, others say that he wants to be on top of other famous actors that are way better than he is, and some say that Kaga is losing himself in perfecting the characters he gets casted as. Kaga would always ignore those comments, but some words do hurt him. Some words do hurt him to the point of him feeling down or sheding a few tears when he's alone.
The main reason why he acts out the character so perfectly is because it's what his fans want. That is the way he got his fans and fame. By acting out a character perfectly without any mistake, and that's what he learned to do during his youth. Its something he can't change.
Kaga has caught Megami having mental break downs a few times during them working together, and he has been there for her during it. He always kept it a secret. Megami did catch Kaga during his dark moments, too. Kaga never fully sobbed but only shed a few tears that she witnessed a few times before. She stayed by his side during it. With these two knowing their secrets, this caused them to become closer than before.
With their closeness and trusting each other, the two eventually developed feelings for each other without even realizing it at first.
They never focused on romance because of how busy they were with their careers. They never knew how it feels to be in love with someone romantically until the two actually developed feelings for one another.
They didn't get together immediately. They started slow by trying to understand their feelings and figure out if they actually fell for each other, or it was just a phase of some kind.
Once they realize they actually fell in love with one another, Megami is the first to confess. She goes straight to the point that caught Kaga off guard, but he does confess as well after.
Once they became a couple, their fans were overjoyed for the couple while some were against it. Some believed these two were perfect for one another, some believed Megami could have done better, and some believed that Kaga deserved someone who acted more human than a robot, but the couple would ignore the hate comments.
The actors themselves are surprised by the news, but they are happy for them both.
Power Duo! <3
They don't get jealous whenever one of them has to play the part of being a lover with another actor. It's part of their job. They love each other, and they're loyal to one another.
They always go out on dates when they have a break from filming. They always enjoy each other's company.
Whenever one of them is not playing any character of any show, movies, etc, and they're pretty much free, they go out and cheer for the other one who currently shooting a film, or show, or novel. It's a way to show each other support.
Whenever they are in interviews, together or separately, they always get questions about their relationship, but they don't answer it or change the subject as soon as possible. They would rather talk to each other on what to tell their fans and what information should be in public.
They do work together in other films, shows, etc. They're either lovers, friends or enemies. They find it quite fun when they two are cast as enemies.
Megami sometimes gets taken back by how perfect Kaga can go and act as his character. It's unsettling for her, but she's intrigued and would love to know how Kaga does it.
They do experience long-distance relationships once one of them has to leave Japan and go somewhere else for a film, show, novel, etc. Both of them try to call each other as much as possible or send a text. Kaga mostly sends Megami heart emoji whenever he can't fully type a sentence because he's busy with filming.
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lifesliced · 2 years
i forgot to give taro a birthday too and since he’s 4 years younger than light (roughly) i gave him the bday 04/04/1990 because 
“There are six unlucky numbers in Japanese. Traditionally, 4 is unlucky because it is sometimes pronounced shi, which is the word for death. Sometimes levels or rooms with 4 don't exist in hospitals or hotels.”
“People go as far as to avoid giving gifts in packages of four or scheduling important events on April 4th, which is considered one of the unluckiest days of the year. People in Japan sometimes also consider Friday the 13th unlucky, although this is due to Western influence.”
and taro died via the death note before being revived with the eraser, and ryuk asked him what it was like in “the world of the dead.”
“An Aries born on April 4 will possess the enviable talent of being worldly and spiritual in equal measure. They inspire through example yet never seek to force others into their way of thinking or behaving.”
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kohanakonohana · 1 year
Happy new year, and much peace, love and joy to you all in 2023...
Btw, this is my new year. I enjoy ordering the new year cuisine after 2020,then I bought one from Kita-no-Chef this year.
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The traditional stews are homemade. I had ozoni of Kyoto style that made with circle type mochi, taro, and white miso. And otoso is necessary.
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Small kagami-mochi and the flower ornament. Then, I'm going to start weave tomorrow!
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violyane · 5 months
There has been this thing, that I've been thinking for a while about Kaga and The Saikou family. Do you think Kaga would be accepted or disregarded as a potential Megami's husband by the Saikou Family?
It's an unchangeable fact, that Kaga will be Megami's suitor for the matchmaking elimination. Like it or not, there is just too much evidence to deny it any longer. But the matchmaking elimination seems harmless only for the previous rivals since their dating life is not as strict as Megami's. They can have boyfriends with no consequences. When it comes to Megami (and the Saikou family in general) their relationships are rather arranged and planned, probably with no dating period. Just straight marriage.
My inner debate is whether Kaga is a good or bad potential husband for Megami in the eyes of the Saikou family. I'm curious if Ichirou (and Saisho, but he's dead so oh well) would even approve of Kaga. It is true, that the Saikous are looking for the best of the best, which makes Kaga's chances high, considering his genius and talents. But he also has many flaws and a bad reputation so if Megami already sees the red flags, why would Ichirou ignore them?
Also, If I remember correctly, YandereDev once stated that Taro would be an ok candidate for Megami because even though he's a basic character, he has a good personality because he's calm, obedient, careful and conflict-free (which is the exact opposite of Kaga lol)
I created a poll but feel free to reblog or comment what doyou think because I'm really curious! :)
Personally, I see both scenarios as possible, but I prefer if the Saikou Family didn't like him (I think it's mainly because of my Kagami headcanons established in my head lol)
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mochinek0 · 1 year
Daminette December 2022: 6-Giggle
Kagami had never seen her best friend so happy. She was use to Marinette's tiny giggles. They always meant something, but this one seemed new. Kagami sipped on her orange juice and continued to watch Marinette.
'Marinette has changed so much over the last three years.'
She smiled thinking back to the Marinette she had first met. Marinette use to wear pigtails and was so unsure of herself. Past Marinette wore pants and double layers. The Marinette across from her wore clothes she made herself and was confident about them. She now wore her hair down, most days. This Marinette wore off the shoulder tops and floral shorts. She even wore heels, daily.
Marinette wasn't even paying attention to her; she was too busy looking at her phone and sipping her taro boba.
"Adrien send you another cat video?" Kagami questioned.
"No." Marinette smiled, "Damian sent me a video of Titus chasing a squirrel in the park."
'Damian? Titus?'
Kagami looked closely at Marinette's face. It was practically glowing. The fencer quickly realized what was going on.
"You like him!" she announced.
The baker's daughter began to turn red.
"N-No!" Marinette answered, quickly, "Da-Damian is-"
"Don't you dare turn into Adrien." her friend interrupted.
Marinette closed her mouth and pouted.
Kagami questioned, "Does he make you happy?"
Mari nodded.
"Is he available to meet up?" the fencer continued.
"Damian doesn't leave here." Marinette answered, "He lives in the U.S."
'Long distance? I can work with this.'
"How do you spend time together?" she asked.
"We call each other, text, or do video calls." the designer admitted.
"So, ask him out!" Kagami declared.
Marinette placed her phone in her lap. Kagami couldn't understand the sadness overcoming her best friend's face.
"D-Damian is a lot like you." Marinette began, "He doesn't really…….He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. He keeps it hidden so I really don't know. I can honestly say we're friends and he doesn't use that word so easily."
"I see." Kagami frowned, "Tell me more about him. Is he like Adrien?"
"Nope." Mari continued, "Complete opposite. Damian is bluntly honest and doesn’t hide behind words. If he doesn’t like something, he'll say it to your face. Honesty is something I have always admired. He loves animals and we talk a lot about art. He's one of the few who understands my art ramble nonsense, the most."
"What about us dragging you out to do things that don't involve work?" the fencer questioned with a smirk.
"He doesn’t know." the designer declared, "And I'm not telling him."
"I should tell him." Kagami smirked.
Marinette shouted, "No!" pulling her phone closer to her chest.
Gami chuckled, "What is he going to do? Is he going to get on a flight, come over and yell at you?"
"He might." Marinette flushed pink, "If not, he'll blow up my phone."
"Then," Kagami began, "I wish to fight him in combat."
"No!" Marinette exclaimed.
"Is he weaker than Adrien?" the fencer questioned.
Mari bit her lip, before admitting, "I think he's stronger that you both and I don’t want you to get hurt. He's been trained to fight with blades since he was four. He's told me he has scars; Damian ususally dresses in layers."
The Tsurugi heir smiled, "Then, it seems you will be protected and taken care of. He sounds worthy of you."
Marinette blushed, "Kagami, I….I don't know if I can do this again. I can't wait to figure out if I'm going to get my heart broken again for no reason. I know I like him, but it……different from last time."
Suddenly, Marinette's phone began to ring. She looked at it and saw Damian was calling her. She began to panic.
"Answer it." Kagami demanded.
Marinette gulped and answered her phone, "Damian?"
"Marinette, I'd like to have the pleasure of taking you out on a date." Damian spoke, suddenly.
Marinette turned red. Kagami began to nod her head and Mari mirrored her.
"Yes!" Kagami shouted, "Words, Marinette! Use your words!"
"Yes?" Mari answered.
She could hear Damian chuckling at her response.
"I will call you later with more details of when it is possible to meet up." the Wayne heir continued.
Marinette smiled at the thought of meeting up sometime soon.
"Also, Habibiti, I loved your confession." he concluded.
"What?" she questioned.
"You called me, first. I did try to get your attention, but I can certainly say our feelings are mutual." Damian replied, before hanging up.
Marinette quickly pulled her phone away from her ear. She clicked on the call icon and saw she had called Damian and the call had lasted almost ten minutes. Damian had ended the call and called her immediatley.
'I called him!'
Kagami began to laugh at her friend's misfortune.
"Not again!" exclaimed Marinette.
"Again?" Kagami questioned.
Mari nodded and set her head on the table.
Kagami seemed perplexed, "This happened before?"
"Alya got me to call Adrien to ask him out, once, but I got his voicemail. I thought I had hung up. I went on this long rant; I called him 'Hot Stuff'. When I found out the voicemail was still going, I ended up breaking into his locker and stealing his phone to delete it." Mari admitted.
Kagami looked at her friend and began to laugh. Marinette giggled nervously, before breaking out into laughter.
Kagami's laughter died down into a giggle, "I think this time, it will end well."
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miss-misamisa-amane · 7 months
AU where Light gets the death eraser (taro kagami short story) and brings L back. has this been done before? i feel like not enough people talk about the death eraser do yall remember that did yall read the short stories. hello. where is everyone. im scared.
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