#tamaki suoh x kyoya ootori
athenasilver7 ยท 8 months
Could I request ohshc x reader headcannons (separately) where reader is being bullied and goes to them?
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader
๐Ÿ’™ Hikaru ๐Ÿ’™
When you come to him crying about being bullied, he just about snaps.
When you tell him itโ€™s been happening for months? He almost loses his damn mind.
โ€œWhat do you mean โ€˜monthsโ€™?! Why didnโ€™t you come to me sooner?!?โ€ He grips at your shoulders a little to hard.
Yeah, he flips out. Not his best moment, nor is it the best reaction to be having right now.
He feels so fucking bad when your crying increases, no thanks to him, obviously.
Hikaru takes a deep breath and calms down. He starts soothing you, holding you in his arm and rubbing your back, mutter a few apologies to you.
When you finally relax and are able to tell him all the details, wellโ€ฆ letโ€™s just say he makes a few calls.
Unfortunately, your bully stays at Ouran. So naturally Hikaru takes things into his own hands.
He starts pulling restless pranks on your bully until they get fed up and transfer.
๐Ÿค Tamaki ๐Ÿค
Tamaki eventually catches you crying to yourself one day in the gardens. Heโ€™s obviously worried and rushes over to you and asked whatโ€™s wrong.
All you can manage to sob out is, โ€œI-Iโ€™m getting b-bulliedโ€ฆโ€
He holds you tightly in a protective embrace, stroking your hair to soothe you as you cry against his chest.
Heโ€™sโ€ฆ quiet. Very quiet.
Tamaki waits patiently until youโ€™re able to collect yourself. He caresses you cheek with a frown.
โ€œMy dearโ€ฆ Who is it? Whoโ€™s doing this to you?โ€ His tone is low and his voice wavers as he talks.
You tell him whoโ€™s been bullying you.
He spends a few days conversing with your bully, trying to talk them in to changing their habits.
If you bully changes their ways, good. Tamaki wonโ€™t care for them, obviously, but heโ€™s at least glad theyโ€™ve become a better person. And Tamaki will be practically glued to your side so this doesnโ€™t happen again.
If your bully doesnโ€™t change their ways, Tamaki will jump though hoops of several shenanigans to get them to stop and keep them away from you. If all that fails, heโ€™ll reluctantly get his father to kick them out of the school. Ouran is no place for bullying, after all.
โค๏ธ Haruhi โค๏ธ
Wellโ€ฆ thatโ€™s just not acceptable.
Haruhi, calmly, goes up to your bully and confronts them on their behaviour.
Sheโ€™s unaware, but as sheโ€™s confronting them sheโ€™s roasting the hell out of them.
โ€œI donโ€™t know, bullying just seems like your lacking a hobby or something.โ€ Her deadpan voice just makes the whole thing that much better.
Your bully scoffs and doesnโ€™t let up as they continue to bully you the upcoming days.
Haruhi eventually snaps when she witnesses your bully trying to shove you into the fountain.
โ€œHey! Knock it off! Seriously, how childish do you have to be? Listen, clearly you have something going on in your personal life, and Iโ€™m sorry, but thatโ€™s no excuse to be taking it out on someone else. And if there isnโ€™t anything personal going on in you life, then just screw off or else Iโ€™m telling the chairman!โ€
Your bully is baffled at Fujiokaโ€™s anger and backs off pretty quickly after that. Your bully even starts avoiding you in the hallways, keeping their distance. Haruhi just glares aggressively at them every time she sees them.
๐Ÿ’— Honey ๐Ÿ’—
Tired from the constant bullying, you eventually spill your guts to him, bawling as you do so.
Honey is taken aback, but still obviously very concerned. And mad. Not mad at you, heavens no. Mad at your bully.
Granted, he maintains a calm composure on the outside to calm you.
He calms you by patting your head and whispering compliments to you, assuring you that the insults your bully throws at you arenโ€™t true at all.
He offers you desserts and milk. You donโ€™t want deserts? Thatโ€™s fine, what do you want? Youโ€™re nuts if you think he wonโ€™t get you a crate of your comfort food.
The next day at school, all Honey has to do is walk up your bully, and your bully is immediately shaking.
Dudeโ€ฆ Honey is practically a human weapon. Who wouldnโ€™t be shitting bricks?
The glare on Honeyโ€™s face is not helping in the slightest.
Your bully is quick to run away, and transfers out of Ouran immediately.
๐Ÿงก Kaoru ๐Ÿงก
Oh, sweetnessโ€ฆ come here.
Lanky arms and legs wrap around you sloth-style.
He doesnโ€™t know why youโ€™re crying. He doesnโ€™t need to know. He just knows that right now you need comfort, and heโ€™s more than willing to give it to you.
I presses gentle kisses to your forehead and cheeks. โ€œShh, shh, shhโ€ฆ Youโ€™re okay. You can tell me anything.โ€ He whispers.
And tell him you do.
Heโ€™s frozen for a moment.
He collects himself and goes back to comforting you, telling you how brave and strong you are, and that you should come to him sooner when youโ€™re in trouble.
The next day, much like what Hikaru would do, Kaoru restlessly pranks your bully until they transfer out of Ouran.
Kaoru may be sweet and nice, but heโ€™ll be damned if someone he loves is hurt and he doesnโ€™t do anything about it.
๐Ÿ–ค Mori ๐Ÿ–ค
Youโ€™re reluctant to tell him for a very long time. Mori is just so calm and tough, a-andโ€ฆ and youโ€™re not. You donโ€™t want to feel like youโ€™re burdening him or relying on him, soโ€ฆ you bite your tongue and deal with it.
Mori, ever the observant one, is quick to notice your change in behaviour the past few weeks.
You startle as Moriโ€™s deep voice breaks through the silence.
โ€œโ€ฆYeah?โ€ You slowly turn to face him, acting casual.
โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong.โ€
You donโ€™t know how, but he managed to phrase that like it wasnโ€™t even a question, heโ€™s telling you to tell him whatโ€™s wrong.
You avert your gaze awkwardly and eventually spill the beans.
Mori listens intently, and when youโ€™re done he hums and nods. He gestures you over to him and wraps a protective arm around you, rubbing your back and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
The next day at school Mori, calmly, punches the wall next your bully and glares down at them. โ€œโ€ฆY/N.โ€ He says.
Your bully looks up at Mori with wide eyes, visibly shaking. โ€œY-Y/N?โ€ Your bully asks, confused.
Mori nods, leaning down face to face with your bully. โ€œLeave them alone.โ€ He demands lowly.
Your bully scrambles a nod and hastily dashes down the hall. Your bully sure as hell never bothers you again after that.
๐Ÿ’œ Kyoya ๐Ÿ’œ
Now, heโ€™s quick to notice.
Although, he feels like an idiot for not noticing the first few days it started happening. But as the days went on, your facade slowly fell, and he quickly pieced everything together from there.
โ€œโ€ฆY/N, is there anything you would like to tell me?โ€ He asks casually, scribbling something down in his notebook, his tone implying that you will tell him something.
โ€œโ€ฆNo.โ€ You mutter.
Kyoya sigh and pushes up his glasses. โ€œAre you certain?โ€ He asks again, a twinge annoyed.
You fidget with your sleeves for a bit before telling him everything about the bullying.
Thatโ€™s all he needed to hear. He wanted to know just how bad the bullying is from your end.
At that, your bully just โ€˜mysteriouslyโ€™ disappears after that day.
You squint at Kyoya suspiciously after a month of your bully not being at school.
โ€œโ€ฆDid you kill them?โ€ I ask Kyoya with wide, accusing eyes.
He huffs in frustration and places down his pen. โ€œNo. They just decided to transfer.โ€
โ€œโ€ฆBecause you threatened them.โ€ You accuse.
Kyoya merely sighs.
OHSHC Masterlist
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thelovinghost ยท 10 months
Hello there!!!! may i request headcanons on how the ouran host would flirt??
YES OMG I JUST SAW THIS REQUEST ON JULY 1 2023 [Yet I'm posting this in almost August...] Left out Mori cause he don't talk
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Tamaki Suoh
A natural born flirt
He's so good, even his regular talking sounds like he's flirting
He's a cheesy flirt, but he has his moments were he's like a poet
"Your eyes are deep as my love for you"
"I'd rather look into your eyes than any stars in the night sky"
He knows how to make anyone blush, even those daring cougars
Man is great at foreplay
You get so used to his flirting that you become immune to it
^ He gets really upset by this, flirting is his best trait
^ Bro gets into a mental crisis. If he loses his flirting ability, will you become unattracted to him?
He loves when you play along with him and flirt back
He loves to flirt and it's his life
Though, if you're better than him at flirting?
He doesn't even know how to process it
Doing it effortlessly? He wants you to stop, because he's afraid you might flirt with other people, even if you don't realize it
You think he's over reacting [And you're right]
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Hikaru Hitachiin
He's mean
At first he flirted with you as a joke, you know, like friends
But then when he gains feelings, he becomes a weird ball of confusion and uncontrolled emotions and he takes it out on you
He's mean to you, because he doesn't know how else to express his emotions
You're very confused
He gives you mixed emotions
One second he's over you like cuteness on a puppy then the next he ignores you
His brother will confront him and will sweep in to help your relationship [If you could call it that]
He'll flirt with you, so that Hikaru accepts his feelings [he doesn't]
In fact, he gets into a fight with his brother when they get mad
Hikaru and Kaoru get into such a bad fight, that it effects their host club activities
Hikaru's scared of rejection and abandonment
He's scared if he opens up, you won't want him
But you think he's fine either way
He's just a bad flirt with someone he likes, to cut it short
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Kaoru Hitachiin
He's genuinely the best flirt
He's sweet and kind and unlike Tamaki he doesn't flirt with everyone
He's able to express every emotion he has for you when he flirts, unlike his brother
It's not even really flirting for him. It's just him telling you how much he loves you and everything you do to him
He'll make you blush and smile so much your cheeks hurt
He's genuinely so smooth
He'll grab your hands and tell you sweet nothings
He genuinely means everything he says to you
He loves you and wants you to know that
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Mitsukuni 'Honey' Haninozuka
He has a child-like idea of flirting
He'll give you his sweets and lets you hold Usa-chan
He loves admiring you and will just randomly say how pretty he thinks you are
He's so cute, he can say the dirtest things and you won't even realize what it means
You'll think it's just cute
But it's not. He is a filthy, nasty, dude
But he has this child-like innocence atmosphere around him
He compares you to his favorite sweets and tells you he'd pick you over Usa-chan
[Damn, that's a compliment]
"You're as sweet as sugar, Y/n-chan!"
He has this sweet smile on his face as he tells you everything
"Y/n have you ever heard of a Funky Monkey?"
"No, why?"
He laughs, shaking his head, "I can show you, if you'd like"
Don't let him show you
He wants you to see him as a man, not a boy, hence the sex innuendos
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Kyoya Ootori
His idea of flirting is pointing out your flaws and criticizing you
Kind of a douchebag ngl
I guess another way to put is that he's not to good with words
He'll take you wherever you wanna go
^ That's kind of his love language
He kind of looks at you and admires you
Though he doesn't admit it
He, like Hikaru, is scared of his emotions
He uses his actions instead of words
It's okay, you understand him well enough to accept this
You don't mind
Though when does open up to you, he'll occasionally, VERY RARELY, say something sweet
"You look nice today, Y/n"
You'll look down at your yellow dress, which you always wear because it's the uniform. "Ummm.... Thank you?"
He feels like an idiot after saying this though, so please don't call him out
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Haruhi Fujioka
Terrible flirt
Can not flirt to save her life
When she does 'flirt' it's not even consciously
It's kind of like a mask
When she does try and tell you how she feels, it kind of falls flat?
Like she says it in such a flat tone and it comes off weird?
"Wow, you smell nice today"
^ "Excuse me?" [She says it like she either doesn't mean it or that you smell awful every other time of day]
She just keeps making it worse by continuing with it and not backing down
In fact, you'll probably be turned off by her for a while, because of her flirting
Eventually one of the other host club members hear her flirting and go to save her
"Haha, he doesn't mean that. He's an idiot." They'll pat her back, before dragging him off
"What is wrong with you? What was that?"
"I was flirting"
They then laugh at her and she frowns
She needs help
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ellssbellss ยท 1 year
I may or may not have been awake for about 48 house, so I wanted to ask a request before I fall asleep.
The hosts when their SO was up for 2 days straight doing work and starts to slip when get to the host club and acting a little bit too much like the Kyoya.
been thinking about this more than my actual story lately, and i have terrible writer's block, so hopefully this will help! {thank you, anon for the idea!}
The Host Club and their Sleepy, Cranky S.O. {Ohshc X Gender Neutral!Reader}
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"mon amour? you need to wake up, darling." tamaki's voice whispers gently in your ear.
the darkness that had surrounded you minutes ago suddenly vanishes as you open your eyes, your head swiftly lifting off of the hard surface that you had rested your eyes upon just a few minutes ago.
it had been just a few minutes, right?
coming out of your tired daze, you feel a warm hand under your chin, and your eyes are turned to meet the concerned, violet gaze of your boyfriend. he is positioned above you, one soft hand resting the club's table in front of you and the other on your face, trailing gently from the point of your chin to the roundness of your cheekbones as his thumb runs gently over the skin there.
"my love, do you know what time it is?" his voice was like butter as dips his head a little deeper, worry creasing his perfect face as he watches you lean into his touch almost automatically.
"mmph..." through his stress about your exhausted state, he giggles slightly as you sigh and shrug, your eyelids dropping more with each second. "i don't know, love."
"it's nine, (y/n)."
"what?" any haze that had chained your brain was broken as you shot out of his gentle hold.
straightening your back, you peer towards the large windows that created a barrier between the club room and the outside world, seeing an endless night erasing any of the natural light you had experienced when you walked in here after class.
"it's nine o'clock?" panicked, the chair screeches across pristine tile as you grab at the things scattered across the table. laptop, charging cords, notebooks and pencils all make their way into your grasp as you hurriedly shove them into your bag. "why didn't you wake me up sooner?"
tamaki had watched the stress bunch up in your shoulders the minute you broke away from his grasp. he watches it wind into your muscles and face as you close up your pack and swing it around one arm, hastily pushing the chair in.
"you look like you needed your rest." he says softly, taken aback by your harsh tone. "i talked to my father to let us stay here a little while longer, since i know you have been working really hard on that project you have, and i thought-"
"exactly!" without raising your voice, he feels the sharp frustration rolling off the tip of your tongue, and it pierces something tender as you whip around to face him. "i have been working so hard not to get behind on my schedule, and now that's all out window. why didn't you wake me up like I asked?"
yellow eyebrows raise as you bite back at him, and he is getting whiplash from the sudden venom in your voice. "i tried, (y/n), but you didn't wake up!" his hands move in an pleading gesture. "you shoved my hand off when i tried to shake you and faced the other way when i kissed your cheek. the end of the world couldn't wake you."
your lips purse as your eyes squint and roll, and you stomp towards the door. stuttering, your golden retriever boyfriend follows behind as you nearly rip the door off it's hinges in your haste.
his words are rushed as he rushes to follow you out of the club room as you make your way down the long, empty staircase. "truly, you're not as behind as you might think, angel, not with all the work you've been doing?"
"you would think, huh?" another frustrated sigh escapes you, but it's more tuned towards yourself than anything. you push through the grand entrance of the school.
tamaki chases you out into the moonlight. his tall form stops in the doorframe though, when he sees the way the pale light drapes over your figure.
your usual bright stance sags in the night, and the hand he loves to hold rakes harshly through your perfect locks before it disappears to run down your face.
"(y/n), mon amour, what's wrong?" you hear his dress shoes click against the pavement. long arms wrap around your waist from behind, and a soft cheek nuzzles against the side of your face. tamaki tightens his hold, encouraging you to melt into his form. "talk to me."
after nothing more than a second, you do, because how could you not?
your head falls back as your spine molds into the bends and divots of tamaki's long torso, and a deep, shuddering sigh ripples out of you.
"i'm sorry, my love." tamaki feels your apology vibrate against his chest. "i just-, i've been extra stressed lately."
"about your project?"
"why, angel?"
your neck twists, and you meet your prince's gaze in the complexity of his embrace, and tamaki sees the deep circles under your eyes. he notes how they had darkened since the last time he noticed them.
"i just have a lot riding on my grade for this course. my mother is counting on me for the future of her company, and if this project doesn't go well, then..."
"stop it." the comforting hug he had wrapped you in briefly vanishes as his touch pulls against your uniform. his fingers travel up your waist and forearms, gently grasping your shoulders as he spins you around to face him. "stop thinking like that."
when you're looking at him, his hands run up the rest of your body to your face, holding your jawline in his touch. "you've been working and worrying for two days, mon amour. you haven't been taking care of yourself, and there is nothing more important than your wellbeing."
his tone is different from his gallivanting, and incredibly endearing, dramatics. it's gracefully intense, like when he helped a struggling doctor find his way to his estranged daughter. the way he looks at you is also fierce, love and determination swimming in his purple irises.
"why haven't you been taking care of yourself?"
"i haven't had the time!" your voice tries weakly to defend yourself, but tamaki raises another eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "there isn't enough time in the day for me to work as hard as i have been and get a full night's rest."
"then why haven't you come to me about it?"
"i...i don't know." defeated, there is a drop in your gaze as you give up trying to defend yourself. "i thought i could do it on my own."
"you don't have to do anything on your own. not when you're with me." tamaki bends slightly to get into your line of sight. "you know you can talk to me, (y/n); that i'm here to give you anything and everything you need."
your (e/c) eyes whip back up to him. "i know that, love, but i-"
"no buts. you come to me if you need me. that's how it has always been for us."
the moonlight reflects off the small amount of wetness in your eyes, and tamaki's serious expression crumples. all of your stress and exhaustion breathes out of your body at his words. he smiles softly as you bury your face in his chest, placing his hand on your hair and another at your back, kissing the side of your head.
"i need you." your voice sings through the night, into the air as it's carried into the rose garden, red petals fully in bloom.
kyoya has seen this look before.
the tension of your lips as they writhe over your teeth. the slam of your footsteps as you make your way over to your usual seat across from him. especially the small smile you give to whomever greets you.
the smile that doesn't reach your eyes. the smile that falls immediately after you give some random excuse to dismiss yourself from the conversation, and you let it fall because you think no one is looking.
but kyoya was watching.
"good morning, (y/n)." he greets over his laptop as you click open your own, and you meet his gaze briefly before turning your attention back to your computer, giving him the same dismissive smile.
being that he was your boyfriend, that hurt a little.
"good morning, kyo."
he lets his eyes linger on the bored, dull look that you attach to your screen, accompanied by your sluggish movements and purple smudges under your eyes. a dark eyebrow quirks from behind his glasses as your chest rises with a sigh, and your face crinkles despairingly at whatever you are working on.
"what are you doing?"
your lashes flick up to him once more before returning back to your task at hand. "i'm working on the budget."
he blinks a little at your reply. "still?"
the tension from your mouth seeps into your form at his question, and you shift in your seat. "yes, love, thank you so much for pointing that out."
lips parting slightly at the sarcasm in your voice, the club's director raises his fingers off of his keyboard, favoring to clasp them under his chin instead as a more calculating gaze sweeps the figure of his beloved.
he catches an eyebrow twitch, a flare of your nostrils, the way your head bobs slightly before you shake it, as if that could erase the pure exhaustion radiating from you.
yes, kyoya has seen this look before.
in the mirror.
"how much sleep did you get last night, my dear?"
this time, you don't even look at him when you answer. you just shrug at him, too focused on your typing to really concentrate on a reply. "i don't know. maybe an hour or so-."
a sharp flare of concern rises in his chest before you spin your computer on it's base, shoving the screen in his direction with a wary look in your eye. "does this look right to you? i feel like something's missing."
his hands are still at his mouth when he glances at the spreadsheet you two created together, the perfect, color coded numbers arranged into straight columns.
but his brow furrows even more the longer he looks at it. lowering his hands to the device, kyoya pulls it closer to him as he scrolls through, skimming the text for any sign of error or miscalculation.
he finds none.
"(y/n), this is perfect." his pupils dart across the page behind his frames. "i have no idea what you're stressing over."
the laptop is pulled away from him once more as you run a hand through your hair. "no, no." you hit the backspace button on your keyboard, tired eyes squinting over the excel sheet. "something isn't right."
your aggressive typing fills the air once more, a little more frenzied and anxious than a minute before.
kyoya leans back in his chair, still observing. "(y/n), have you been working out this budget since the time i sent it to you?"
"of course."
"that was two days ago."
"i know."
he stands, pushing out his chair, but you don't notice. "have you slept at all?"
"not really. i've been going through the math, the incoming inventory. sure, it looks perfect now, and we are within this month's spending range, but i know there's a way to save more money. if i could just-"
"that," the lid of your computer is suddenly pushed down, closing the screen in front of you. a pale hand with pianist-like fingers attached to it splays across your protective case. "is more than enough, then."
"kyoya!" you sit in front of him, shock emanating from your face as his name is gasped from your lips. "what the hell?"
kyoya leans in front of you, one hand bracing your laptop closed while the other slips into the pocket of his trousers. his raven hair falls into his eyes a little bit, but the gray color is still piercing and raw.
"my dear," he pulls away slightly, adding pressure onto your computer so that it drags to his side of the table. "you need to take a break."
"a break?" you rise as well, trying to keep a cool demeanor. but your director could tell that your patience was thinning. "i'm on the brink of figuring this out, and you want me to take a break?"
"you already have figured it out, (y/n). i looked it over. you found the solution."
"but it could be better."
quickly, kyoya rounds the table, walking into your space to grab one of your hands.
he places both of his palms around one of your own, trying to get through to you through his touch instead of his words, even if the connection was small.
"how much sleep have you had in the past forty-eight hours?"
abandoned by the distraction your work gave you, you now face your boyfriend head on as he studies your movements.
since the moment you met him, kyoya has always watched you intently. as a man who didn't involve himself with anything that he didn't care greatly for, the process of dating him has and will always include him taking the time to observe and study you; to commit your mannerisms to memory. gray irises will forever notice how you bounce your leg underneath your desk when you have something to say but won't say it out right. or how you take your (f/h/d) in the morning, and the exact brand that you use.
or how your face lights up when he comes into view from down the hallway, and you excuse yourself to meet him halfway.
or how you always seem to kiss him with soothing, deep movements, which always encourages him to respond in kind.
but, very rarely is that intent stare coupled with concern.
yet, here it was, bathing his beloved gaze as he waits for your reply, leaving you with an aching heart. you think back to they way you've been acting, cranky and stand-offish, and a pang of regret sparks in your stomach.
your hand adjusts slightly in his as you hold onto his grasp, albeit a little nervously.
"you want the truth?" your beautiful eyes break his gaze as you stubbornly shift in place.
"not very much. maybe three hours." he swallows as that sharp flare of concern burns into an engulfing flame in his torso. "in total."
A disappointed frown etches onto his handsome features, but it's not angry. it's sad.
sad that he didn't see your exhaustion before, not in it's totality. he saw your frequent yawns and the way you tended to drift off mid-conversation, but he was busy with work as well, and couldn't connect the dots until now.
"i know, i know. it's not the best." you take a deep breath and look at him with more confidence, ready to admit to your actions. "the perfectionist in me kind of let loose. i'm sorry, i just wanted it to be the best that it could be. for the club, ya know? for you."
tugging on your clasped hands, a deep hum resonates from the ootori son as he draws you closer. soon, your hands naturally loop around his neck while he settles his hold at your waist.
his forehead rests on yours as he sighs deeply, and you close your eyes as his low voice reaches your ears. "i think the best thing for me and the club is for you to get some rest."
he smirks a little as he feels you giggle tiredly against him. "yeah, i think you're right."
kyoya chuckles softly as he raises his forehead off of yours to place a kiss in the same spot. "i'm always right, my dear."
"hikaru! stop it!"
arms caged yours as you writhed against his chest. your legs were wild as they kicked up into the air, barely missing your boyfriend as he picked you up from where you had sat on your desk.
"put me down right now! what are you even doing?"
he grunts a little as your swinging legs hit his calves before throwing you down on your bed. unceremoniously, the bed frame creaks with your weight as you land face first into your duvet.
a loud huff escapes you as you turn around from your position, seeing hikaru standing at the foot of your bed with his arms crossed, a victorious smile plastered onto his sharp mouth.
"well, i asked you to take a break from your studying. and you said 'make me.'" his fingers come to either side of his head to create quotation marks. "so i made ya."
"i didn't mean literally, jackass." you grumble as you shift. your palms push your body up off the bed and spin you so that you are seated properly on your comforter. scooting roughly to the edge of your mattress, you barely stand up before your pushed onto the bed again.
"nope. not gonna happen."
"i need to study!"
"that's what you've been saying for the past two days!" his rough voice sounds exasperated as he gestures wildly to you. "in the clubroom, in the cafeteria, on our facetime calls. shit, (y/n), i don't think there has been a single second where i haven't seen that textbook open in front of you."
he points to the hefty calculus book open on your desk, three quarters of the pages turned to one side.
"that's what studying is!" you move to get up again with another frustrated sigh. "my test is tomorrow, my love, i can't afford any breaks right now."
this time, instead of simply pushing your back onto the bed, hikaru pins you down. in a flash, golden eyes fill your vision as his fingers clamp around your wrist. when you fall back, his weight takes you down as he flops heavily on your chest.
"you're not going anywhere, baby. not until you tell me what's going on."
"nothing is going on." you huff, blowing a few of his ginger strands out of his face. "now get off me."
"i don't believe you." ever the stubborn twin, hikaru makes a point to wiggle his body on top of yours to amplify the fact that you have no hope of pushing him off. "and i'm not moving until i believe you."
"what?" you bite back.
a more serious tone laces his voice as he scans you. "today, during club hours, you looked like a zombie."
you shoot him a blank look. "thanks."
"a gorgeous zombie, but still."
"not helping."
a crease forms between his eyebrows at your usually soft, bright tone crackling into dry one. "you were dragging your feet, and talking to yourself more than usual. it was creepy."
you rolled your eyes, and hikaru watches as the bags under your eyes moved with the motion, his jaw setting into a firm line.
"so i'm not getting off of you until you tell me what's been up your ass lately."
offended, you gasp and writhe once more, trying to break free of the surprisingly strong grasp the hitachiin twin has on your wrists. "i don't have time for this!"
he chuckles a little at your flustered expression and sinks more of his weight onto your figure. "well, if you're not going to take a break, than i will. i think i'll take a little nap on this comfortable bed."
realizing he doesn't need to pin your arms down anymore with all of his weight on you, he lets go and nuzzles into the crook of your neck, his arms and legs sprawling out over your uniform.
"don't you dare, hikaru!" you say as you try to bring your arms underneath him to push him off, but he's just a block of dead weight.
his breath hits your ear, and you can feel the mischievous smile on his lips. "oh, wow, this is a bumpy mattress." wriggling, he adjusts so that he locks perfectly into your body, and a deep sigh emits from his lungs. "that's better."
another weak push strains your muscles before you give up completely. flopping back onto the mattress, you let out a frustrated groan.
"hikaru, please."
"oh, the mattress speaks?"
"my love."
laughing, he presses a kiss onto the column of your throat. "what's up, baby?"
like a weighted blanket, hikaru's body flush against yours has calmed your heart rate slightly, and all the exhaustion and stress that you have been feeling suddenly comes to a head.
your arms lift from your sides to wrap around his toned back, and you turn your face into the divot connecting his shoulder and his collarbone, inhaling the comforting scent of his cologne and laundry detergent.
"i've been awake for the past forty-eight hours."
his chest rumbles with a sympathetic hum. "i know."
"i'm tired."
his head pops up from the embrace, and sincerity shines in the liquid gold of his irises. "let's take a nap, and then we can figure something out afterwards, yeah?"
you can already feel your eyelids dragging over your pupils. "yeah, that sounds nice."
as you succumb to your fatigue, you barely register the way hikaru rolls off of you. his warmth returns when you feel an arm wedge itself under your waist and pull you to him so that you can lay on his chest with ease. the other wraps around your shoulders, and you feel his breath tickling the top of your head as he settles in beside you.
"thanks for telling me, baby."
"so, i think because i found the magnitude of this vector, than i should be able to find the acceleration, right?" kaoru asks, back hunched over his desk, spinning a pencil in his left hand as he concentrates on the paperwork in front of him.
when he doesn't get a response, he stops fidgeting and looks over to you: his incredibly intelligent, and usually helpful, partner.
you're sat next to him, slaving away at your laptop while he watches the blue light practically burn your retinas.
well, sat is a strong word.
you slouched, your neck barely able to keep your head on your shoulders as you worked at his desk, fingers robotically clicking at your mouse and dragging images to their predetermined place, your graphic design coming to fruition with each release of a button.
at the sound of your name, your spine flinches slightly as it straightens. you whip your head towards him with such a quick motion, that he winces at the twist of the muscle, hoping you didn't get whiplash.
his hopes are dashed when you immediately face the front, bringing one of your hands up to massage the nape of your neck.
"are you okay?"
"i'm fine," you breathe, exhaustion sprinkled in your sigh. "what did you need?"
cautiously, kaoru slides his paper over to you while you shift closer to him, pulling your chair over until your legs touch underneath his desk.
"i don't know if i got this problem right."
through a yawn, your eyes scan his homework, everything coming together in a blurry font due to your lack of sleep. you can barely make out his handwriting on your best day, so the fact that you hardly think straight doesn't really help.
but you couldn't let kaoru know that.
"it looks good, babe."
he quirks a ginger eyebrow, glancing between the paper and then back up to where you sat.
"yeah?" he asks, studying you carefully.
"for sure."
"okay, well then," your boyfriend flips the paper over, where another disarray of words meet you. he scribbles something out before circling an answer choice from his options, then looks back at you. "that must be right, too, yeah?"
you nod, blinking slowly. "mhmm." you turn to look at him, a small smile on your lips. "you're so smart, love."
his lips curve up into a half-smirk as he tilts his head, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. golden irises squint as he glances over your face once more. "it's a smiley face."
your smile fades. "huh?"
the sneaky twin gestures towards the paper again, and after rubbing your palms over your eye-sockets, a happy face penciled in lead comes into accusing focus.
"i drew a smiley face, and you said i was smart." kaoru summarizes, a deadpan tone only being interrupted slightly as he laughs through his sentence. "what is going on with you?"
a frustrated whine ripples past your throat as you rest your head in your hands. your voice breaks into a quiet groan, and while your volume doesn't rise, your disappointment does. "god, this essay is making me lose my mind! i can't even think clearly, let alone write three more pages of this shit."
"hey, woah." kaoru rests his hand against your spine and rubs it, moving his hand back and forth in calming motions. "talk to me."
another deep sigh rushed out of you as you talk behind your hands, and your poor boyfriend can't hear a single thing.
the hand on your back glides to the side of your face, bringing your chin up and out of your grasp. he locks his gaze with yours as he leans back in his chair. "try again, babe."
"this essay makes me want to jump off a cliff."
"and you were gonna do that without me? i thought we had an agreement."
"shut up." despite yourself, you laugh.
the fingers on your chin shift to your scalp while he laughs with you, pushing only a few of the stray hairs away from your face. "have you slept?"
"not well."
kaoru notes a redness in your eyes he didn't see before. "not well, or not at all?"
you roll your eyes a little, but he knows it's not directed at him. you're disappointed in yourself. "a mix of both." hastily you look back at him, widening your eyelids a little at a poor attempt to look more awake.
"but it's no big deal!" your voice is a little too bright. "i can catch up on sleep once i submit this paper."
the gingered twin squints his eyes, but to your surprise, he shrugs, spinning in his office chair as he refocuses on his work. "yeah, i guess you're right. i get it."
your mouth was slightly agape at the fact that that actually worked. "you get it?"
"yeah. sometimes, people just can't sleep enough with everything going, ya know? i only got two hours of sleep last night, so i understand what you're going through."
there's a pause. kaoru fights a smirk as he scratches an equation into the top right of his paper.
"what?" a concerned voice reaches his ears, and he almost feels bad for lying. "only two hours?"
"mhmm." he hums, not even giving you a second glance.
"kaoru," the sweetest whine escapes your lips as he feels a hand on his shoulder. he steels his expression into one of confused nonchalance as he faces you again, only to be met with the spot you get between your crinkled eyebrow when you're worried. "why didn't you tell me?"
"what do you mean? it's not a big deal."
"yes it is!" your other hand reaches his opposite shoulder, and he turns to face you fully, reveling in your touch as you move to cradle his face. "sleep is important, babe, you can't just-"
his grin widens as a flash of realization flutters across your face. The worry in your features melts into a blank expression, and he laughs as you push his face away from yours, muttering a "jackass" under your breath.
the sneaky twin closes the distance though, pulling your chair ever closer to his to where nothing was standing in his way to pull you to his lap. you resist slightly, pouting as your sat into the space between his legs, but a natural, familiar gravity pulls you towards him anyway, and your face rests gently in the crook of his neck.
"rest for a couple minutes, okay? your paper will be here when you wake up."
a contended sigh seeps out of you as your exhaustion bubbles up to the surface. your eyelids begin to drop when you speak into his neck. "and what about you?"
kaoru's arms come to wrap around your folded form, burying you closer into his chest. "i'll always be here."
mori had gotten used to your talkative nature. being a man of little words, you complimented him well with your bright, energetic commentary about anything that excited you.
he supposed that he hadn't just gotten used to your bubbly personality shining through your lovely voice, he had come to love it; to rely on it.
so, when you entered your usual sparring session with your heels dragging on the wooden floor of the dojo, not only did the air feel off, he felt off.
your white gi hung off your rounded shoulders, the karate belt around your waist haphazardly tied in a knot at the front. and while you still looked as stunning as ever, mori could feel the confusion and worry well up in his chest.
he stood up from stretching out his hamstrings, his long body gracefully walking over to you to greet you with his usual hug. your smile was tired, and when you wrapped your arms around his thin waist, he felt you snuggle more into his hold and release a breath.
still gripping his waist, you looked up at him, your grin still exhausted but content when you propped your chin on his chest to meet his eyes.
"hey." you said, and your voice was airy and cracked.
"how was your day?"
"good." his palms tightened on your back. "yours?"
you could barely keep your eyes open as you shrugged. "meh. it was interesting."
"yeah." still, even in your tired state, you inched your face closer to his, a dazed look in your eye. "but we can talk about it later."
a disbelieving, good-natured scoff left him as a sharp exhale, your boyfriend knowing full-well that would not want to talk about it later. but he met you halfway, and your lips met in a lazy, soft kiss as he lowered his head to yours.
you had nearly put all of your weight onto him at this point, and as you sunk into his grip, he arched his back to counteract the force. his hands glided from your waist to your cheeks as he tilted his head, smirking slightly at the warm hum that left your throat.
pulling away, he kept his forehead on yours as he held you. a breathy left glazed over his face when you separated from him, and he opened his eyes to see a light curve on your plump lips.
"thanks, takashi. i needed that."
that brought all of his worries rushing back.
"(y/n)..." and you opened your eyes at the way he said your name. since mori wasn't the most vocal man you've been with, you learned to pick up on his tonal cues.
your name could be spoken in many ways. a gentle breeze as he tells you that he loves you, a deep inhale as you, yet again, prove your the clumsiest human alive, or maybe a groan in the late, late hours of the night.
this one was a mild warning, forming at the front of his mouth as he stares at you, deep brown eyes boring into yours with earnest.
"what?" you didn't want him to ask. but, he was kind and loving and really fucking stubborn. so, of course he was.
"what's wrong?"
a whine bubbled to the surface of your soft pallet as you dropped your face into the crook of his neck, even if you had to stand on your tip-toes to do so. abandoning your hold on his waist, you preferred to bring your arms up and around his shoulders, locking them around the back of his neck.
"i don't want to talk about it."
"what happened?"
"nothing, really. i promise."
"doesn't feel like nothing. here," gently, you felt a pressure on your hips as mori pushes you out of his hold, instead moving to grab your hand as he leads you to a traditionally decorated wall of the dojo.
letting go, the stoic leans his back against the wall before sliding down, tucking his lanky form into a sitting position before inviting you to do the same. "sit with me."
and he looked so sweet, his gaze hardened on the surface but filled with emotion and weight within it's depths. so how could you say no?
plus, he really wouldn't stop until you told him.
taking a spot next to him, you let your head roll onto the back of the wall before resting it on his shoulder. and the spot was so comfortable, so familiar, you wanted to fall asleep right there.
mori was stubborn, yes, but he was also patient. he waited like a boulder against the tide as you gathered your thoughts, loyal and permanent and determined to help you through whatever was plaguing you.
in your thoughtful silence, he imagined the stress you had been baring when you were assigned that presentation in class. even if you were energetic and outspoken, he knew public speaking terrified you. the pure panic that had erupted in your irises when you told him about the ten-minute powerpoint you had to put together in three days told him everything he needed to know about how your weekend was going to go.
that was two days ago, and he had suggested this impromptu sparring match to give you a little bit of a break. physical activity always cleared his head when he was stretched, and he figured if he could remind you how strong you were, then you could convince yourself that this would be a piece of cake.
but the bags under your eyes and the unanswered calls from him on your cell-phone made him think that this had been harder on you than he had originally expected.
a small snore broke him out of his thoughts, and he looked down at the source.
your eyes were peacefully closed, and your lips were parted as deep, calm breaths washed in and out of your chest. he relaxed slightly into the wall, and smiled as you cuddled closer to him in his small movement.
kissing the top of your head, he rested his cheekbone upon your hair as he rested his eyes as well.
you two would talk later. it wasn't physical activity you needed, or even a helping hand if you had let him.
all you needed, really, was a little bit of rest.
"(n/n)-chan! (n/n)-chan!"
honey bounced up to your desk as you typed away, usa-chan banging against the side of his calves as he stopped at the end of your chair. "wanna play with me, (n/n)-chan?"
you barely spared him a glance, but your eyes met his with a quick shake of your head as you returned your urgent glance to your laptop. "not right now, honey. sorry."
the blonde's bouncing stopped, a little to awe-struck at your rejection to feel sad about it. he was more confused than anything. you never said no to him.
a deep, apparent wrinkle appeared between his brows as the boy-lolita tugged on your sleeve, causing your fingers to slip off the keyboard slightly as you typed. "please?"
"what the-?" your hand having slipped, it gently brushes the cup of tea near your working space, and you gasp before rolling your eyes. "no, honey. i told you, i can't. go play with usa-chan, okay?" you quickly pulled your sleeve out of his grasp and got back to your work, leaving him deflated at your side.
this time he was pouting, and the wrinkle on his forehead turned from confused to determined as he walked around to the opposite side of the table to crawl into the chair across from you.
"what are you workin' on?"
this time your eyes flicked up to him for a longer moment. you wondered why he couldn't leave you alone, but you guessed it was better that he was sitting over there rather than pulling at your uniform and keeping you from your work. "the club's website."
he gasped as he swung his legs on the chair, too short to reach the ground from this height. "ooh, are you making it pretty?"
a sigh came from deep within you as your eyes squinted, zooming in on something on the other side of your screen. "you could say that."
"what are you doing to it?"
you shrugged, still focused on your work. "formatting, graphic designing, boring tech stuff."
"cool!" honey excitedly places his palms on the table, seeing if he sat up straighter, he could get a better view. "how do you know how to do all that?"
you suspiciously scanned him over as he edged closer, pulling your computer forward on the table. "lots of practice."
a high-pitched hum exudes from the third-year as he tilts his head, almost fully on the table now, but something has caught your eye, and your back to your furious typing, not noticing how close he's gotten.
his voice sounds distant in your focus. "couldn't you take a break? for cake? a cake break?" he giggles, but his smile falters when you don't hear his joke.
"haven't taken a break in two days, honey. not gonna start now." your voice is low and inattentive, trailing off as you scroll through the columns and columns of pictures and texts.
still crawling towards you, his brown eyes widen slightly. "two days?" he gasps, and begins to count on his fingers. "that's uhhh..." honey counts his fingers under his breath for a moment before he brightens with an answer. "forty eight hours worth of work! did you even sleep?"
"nope. no sleep. kyoya needs this done by tonight."
"what?!" at that, honey stands to his full height, his small but strudy weight easily supported by the desk underneath him. you jerk back as he points a finger in your face, his voice still young but firm as he speaks down to you. "you need to take a nap right now!"
"honey!" the blonde has your full attention now. "get down!"
"nope!" his pink lips pop the 'p' noise as he shakes his head defiantly. "not until you agree to sleep! kyo-chan can wait."
your hands come up in an exasperated motion and you stand up, pushing your chair out from under you. "honey, this table is not stable. you're gonna fall if you don't get down!"
"will you take a break?"
"i can't!"
"well, then i'm not coming down." folding his arms across his chest, he puffs it out, a proud look on his face.
his confident aura melts, however, when the table shifts with his dramatic movement.
you suck in a breath as honey throws his arms out to balance himself, barely keeping the table at bay as he wiggles side to side.
"okay! okay, i'll take a ten-minute nap! just, please sweetheart, get down from there."
even in the midst of chaos of his own making, honey still finds the. motivation to negotiate. "twenty minutes!"
"fine!" you round the table and extend your arms, and he leaps into them as you pick him up. your heart rate slows as you hold him while the table falls with the loss of his added weight, your tea and computer skidding to opposite sides of the tile.
blankly, you look at honey as he winces at the impact, and then at the dark aura that slowly begins to crowd around your frame.
"i can pay for that." he promises.
your knee bounces under your desk as you watch haruhi's eyes flick over your screen, the words you spent two days writing reflecting back in her dark brown eyes as she reads your work.
your hands are clasped in front of your lips, keeping you from saying anything like 'i changed my mind!' or 'okay, you can stop now', because you're pretty sure haruhi would ignore you anyway.
she had insisted on reading your short story. it was something you did in your free time, and it was something she knew you took pride in.
sometimes, if you felt courageous enough, you would submit them into newspapers, or maybe magazines and blogs if you were really going all out, this past weekend being one of those times. day in and day out, you sat at your writing desk, typing away for what felt like mere seconds as the story in your mind began to unfold onto the pages in front of you. barely any food and close to no sleep rendered a masterpiece of literature, or at least that was what haruhi had assured you she would call it if you let her proof-read it.
your natural host promised that it would take her only a few minutes to read the whole thing, and then you could be on your way to submit it to the magazine's editor. plus, it was the least you could do since you basically ignored her calls and used up all of your study-date time to edit and revise your concluding paragraph.
but finally, finally, after many torturous seconds, your girlfriend leans back. her hands wrap around the edge of your macbook to only shut the laptop halfway and push it aside, turning her full attention back to you.
very briefly, you pulls your hands away from your mouth to ask the question you've been dreading. "what do you think?"
the gentle look that haruhi always wears stays frozen for a moment, but slowly starts to melt into a soft smile as she meets your nervous gaze. "it's good, love. it's really good."
straightening, your eyes widen as you bite your lip. "really?"
her smile gets brighter as amazement floods your cheekbones. "really."
"oh my god." releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding, you throw yourself into the back of your chair. pulling your palms up and around, they rake over your face before scratching through your hair, a groan morphing into a laugh as relief sputters out of you. you feel like you need to say it again, probably louder for good measure. "oh my god! you really liked it?"
the honor student's deep laugh joins yours as watches you bask in a job well done. "why would i lie about that?"
touching down to earth, you shrug, your hands falling into your lap. "because you love me, and you would do anything to make me happy?"
she snorts, leaning forward as she is drawn into your space. "you're right. i do love you. probably just enough to never lie to you again."
a teasing smile curves your lips as you fake offended disbelief, scooting closer so that your knees slip between her own. "again?"
brunette eyebrows work upwards as haruhi mirrors your smirk, nodding as she gets even closer. "mhmm."
"and what have you lied about, haruhi dear?" her breath is mixing in with yours now, and she keeps her kiss barely out of reach, her lips grazing yours as she responds.
"about letting you leave tonight."
"wha-?" your eyebrows knit as haruhi shoots out of her chair, and before you can protest, she is straddling your hips, one of her legs on either side of you as you blush at her sudden proximity.
"haruhi!" but even if your voice sounds surprised, you hold her closer, your palms coming to rest on her thighs.
"when was the last time you slept?" she asks, suddenly serious as she cups your face in her hands.
"last night." you say, but she squints at your response.
"for how long?"
"enough." you whine, bringing your hands around her waist, encouraging her to be flush against you. "don't worry about it."
"(y/n), you look exhausted. i'm going to be worried about it."
you look at her for a moment before realizing that she isn't going to back down. shoulders slumping, you drop your head onto her shoulder, hugging her close to your body. "two hours. maybe."
a displeased noise expels from her throat, but suddenly you feel slender fingers rubbing your back, toying with the hairs on the back of your neck. "you need to sleep."
making a grunt of blind agreement, you melt into her hold, the excitement and anxiousness you felt about your story being blown away by a gust of drowsiness. the scratches on your scalp weren't helping.
"like right now." she emphasizes, and tries to wiggle out of your hold, but you were stronger. tightening your grip around her slim waist.
her shoulders shake with another endearingly low laugh as she hugs you back. "let's get to the bed, love."
you don't think you've ever slept deeper in your life.
starting to write again, and i used this as a little exersise to get back into it. hopefully it can tide you over! i'll see you soon :)
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xinvisiblestringsx ยท 1 month
do you see the vision ??๐Ÿ˜ญ
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210 notes ยท View notes
violetarks ยท 7 months
fooled around and fell in love!
anime: ouran high school host club
characters: fujioka haruhi, suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya
summary: you have enough charm to make even a host fall for you! why haven't you joined the club yet?
a/n: g/n! reader, they/them pronouns used, second person pov, reader isn't necessarily in love with them, they're just unintentionally getting the others to fall for them, but it can be read however you would like
โ†ฃ fujioka haruhi:
being the little plaything for the host club was not fun at all for haruhi. she would literally rather do anything else than this.
carrying four bags of food for the hosts, haruhi groans in frustration, "stupid rich people... why do they have to drink so many different brands of coffee?" she reaches into one bag, pulling out an order for hikaru. "he doesn't even like the ingredients in this. he just wanted me to say that long order for no reason..."
people watched the student struggle down the hall towards the host club room. haruhi felt a bit annoyed; didn't rich people have maids or something to do these things? a turn around the corner makes her stop on her tracks, nearly dropping the bags onto the floor.
a hand is held out to catch her elbow, steadying her feet. "sorry, i didn't see you." she apologises, holding the bags even tighter.
"it's okay." you retort, sliding your book bag onto your shoulder. you blink at her, noticing who she was. "oh, haruhi. good morning. you seem pretty busy already."
"good morning, y/n." she replies, nodding her head at you, "yeah, the host club needed a refill on a couple things."
"do you... need help?" you ask, tilting your head at her.
"oh no, it's okay." she spoke, shaking her head with a nervous smile, "i'm nearly there, and club activities are going to start soon."
you shrugged your shoulders, taking some of the bags from her hold. "it's okay, my meeting's been cancelled. i can help." you explain, giving haruhi a smile, "i don't mind spending a little more time getting to know you."
she held her breath for a moment as you led her to the music room that the host club occupied. you were well-known around the school yourself, not as much as the infamous tamaki but still. you shared world history class together and sat in front of her. she knew the sound of your voice by the end of the first month here at ouran academy, and it was no wonder why many of your classmates would seek your help for work. haruhi was good at reading people, so she could tell that you yourself didn't have any bad intentions.
you two became friends quite easily, and you had visited her a few times at the host club. you acted as a cool escape from the strange world of the rich that haruhi had to get used to. you spoke to her as if she was always a friend of yours, sweet and kind. she thought that, if you had tried to, you could knock even tamaki off of his pedestal.
"i heard from hikaru that your theme for this week is the opposite of a 'maid cafe'." your voice cuts through her thoughts, and she drags her eyes to meet with yours. heat rushes to her cheeks at the idea that kyoya had brought up to make a rise in sales. you chuckle at her reaction. "well, i'll have to make sure to stop by to see you."
haruhi rolls her eyes, looking out the window to her left. "please spare me the humiliation, y/n." she huffed out, frown tugging on her lips.
you only grin wider. "c'mon, haruhi, you know thatโ€™s the only reason i show up." you say, leaning forward to get a look at her face. she was burning even brighter, and it didn't help that when she glanced back at you, you were staring at her with that welcoming and heart-warming grin you always had for her. "should i switch to always visiting the twins, then?"
haruhi gives you a deadpan look, which makes you laugh. she knows you wouldn't, you literally only asked for her. but she couldn't help the feeling she experienced when you would say her name or look at her like that.
at the host club, you help drop off the bags as kyoya checks everything on his clipboard. at the bell, haruhi escorts you to the door.
"thank you again, y/n, for your help. i'll repay you." she says, knowing full well that all her payments were going to the host club for her initial incident.
you ruffle her hair a little with a smile. "no problem, haruhi. i'll always be here to lend a hand." you say, walking down the hall with your 'goodbye'.
haruhi spares you a wave, closing the door after seeing you turn the corner. when she looks back to her clubroom, she notices kyoya standing a few feet away, back against the wall. "oh, kyoya-senpai. i forgot youโ€”โ€
โ€œtaking a liking to l/n, have we?โ€ he taunts, clipboard under his arm. his glasses gleam with mischief and haruhi gulps. picking it up from the table, he hands her the costume for the day. โ€œis that why theyโ€™ve become a regular now?โ€
she rolls her eyes and grabs it from him. โ€œbelieve what you want, iโ€™m not doing this out of pleasure.โ€ she admits, hurrying to the change rooms. she passes the other hosts, all standing in the doorway and watching the two interact. haruhi stops on her tracks yet again, furrowing her brows. โ€œwhat now?โ€
โ€œwhatโ€™s this? have haruhi and y/n finally begun dating?โ€ the twins chime, wrapping their arms around haruhi as she begins to heat up, โ€œthe love story of the century, two pining young students unable to keep their affections a secret.โ€
kaoru glances to tamaki, who is fixing up his tie. โ€œwhat do you say, boss? should we invite y/n to join the host club?โ€ he suggests.
honey jumps up, holding his toy up in the air. โ€œthey would be so cute together, right taka-chan?โ€ mori simply nods his head, looking indifferent.
โ€œhmm. perhaps a new addition would spark some rivalry between haruhi and y/n.โ€ tamaki concludes, โ€œmany of our guests would love to see the lovers battle to be the best! yes, that is a splendid idea! haruhiโ€”โ€
turning around, he sees haruhi exit the change rooms in her butler outfit. she huffs back, shaking her head, โ€œi am not inviting y/n to join the host club, you idiots.โ€
she walks passed them, ignoring the banter they were spouting and the arguments they had for you joining the club. in the end, it was a definite no.
she didnโ€™t know what it was. maybe she just really wanted you to herself.
โ†ฃ suoh tamaki:
tamaki, like always, was surrounded by the girls of ouran academy.
if there were any sign that today was just going to be another day, it would be that. the sounds of screams and dreamy sighs, the voice of tamaki swooning them all, and the trail of hearts left behind. another day here at school for you.
but, like always, the club members would make fun of him for his eccentric ideas and whatnot. as they leave to go to class, tamaki stands in the music room with a disappointed look on his face. whenever he would put a frown on his face, the customers would come rushing in! hold his face, cling to his side! why must his friends be so disheartening?
when the door opens to the music room, he expects it to be kyoya to drag him back, and he throws on his frown again. "oh, kyoya! i'm so sad!"
"why is that, tamaki?" you ask, closing the door with your sheet music under your arm and your violin in hand. he blinks at you, obviously not expecting anyone other than the club members. "my apologies, i walked into the wrong room. why are you here by yourself?"
to play it off (although he has never seen you attend any club activities, only ever seeing you in his literature class) he stands up, cheeks burning with embarrassment. he chuckles out, arms thrown to his sides, "o-oh! don't mind me, i'm just a bit down. i didn't expect such a sweet maiden to make herself known at such a time! how are you on this fine day, mx l/n?"
when you tilt your head, walking closer to his spot at the couch. "a sweet boy like you should never be left alone to sulk." you state, sitting down across from him. he widens his eyes, gulping. "where are your friends?"
"uh... they are in, um, class!" he says as the end-of-the-day bell rings. you only smile. tamaki sighs, dropping his whole get-up and looking to his hands, leaning back against the softness of the couch, "i suppose they left me here while they went home."
"you don't want to go home yet?" you question. he shakes his head. you only exhale, placing your sheet music on the table and your violin next to you. "well, if that is the case, then i'd be happy to keep you company, my lovely."
he widens his eyes as he looks to you. a faint blush paints his cheeks. "you... would?" you nod your head twice. he then smiles. "truthfully, i have no business being here right now. kyoya had called off our club meeting because of exams coming up and the twins failing some classes. and if they fail, they can't be in the club."
"is that so?" you say, making conversation, "well, i suppose you can spend your time with me."
"do you not have a lesson to get to?" tamaki asks, concerned as he glances to your sheet music, "i wouldn't want to keep youโ€”"
"would you like to come to my practice, then?" you offer, smiling softly that it makes him hold his breath for a moment. you were so charming, in such a different way than he was. it was enticing. "i'm sure you wouldn't distract me. not on purpose, that is."
your little joke at the end makes him nervously laugh. "oh, i... i wouldn't want to bother."
"you're not bothering me, tamaki." you honestly say. he unconsciously leans towards you, eager to get closer. you stay where you are, smiling at his actions. "and it seems you just can't resist me."
he catches himself falling. he almost can't believe it, but he then fixes himself and his posture, standing up straight. "rโ€”right, well, i... you...!"
you chuckle, standing up and taking his arm linked in yours, "alright, prince, let's go."
he gasps as you guide him to your practice room, so confident through the halls. he's scared someone will see him in such a flustered state and his cool prince facade will fade. but luckily enough, you navigate your way easily and shut the door behind you.
except, it doesn't take you to the music room. no, in fact, you and tamaki end up on one of the balconies that overlook the quieter side of school โ€” opposite side from the host club.
"i practice here during our breaks and study sessions." you admit, placing a music stand and clipping your sheet music to it. unlatching you violin, you glance to tamaki. "away from all your fangirls, that is."
he raises a brow, catching himself finding his confidence again, "jealous, perhaps?"
"what do you think?" you say, tuning your instrument.
tamaki blinks, staring at the ground as he sits at the bench in front of you. he states, "there is no possible way you could've gotten the wrong room, you know."
you raise your brows, looking back at him. a slow smile creeps onto your lips. "your club passed me in the hallway before i saw you." you admit, waxing your bow, "i just wanted to make sure ouran's pride and joy was okay."
his heart swells at your words. he doesn't know why, but all of a sudden birds sings for you, flowers bloom in your presence the breeze smells sweeter.
"thank you..." he hums, smiling at you sweetly, "may i hear something?"
you lift your bow, nodding your head, "yes, your highness."
his heart explodes at the first note.
โ†ฃ ootori kyoya:
if there was one thing kyoya was good at, it was analysing people's strengths and weaknesses. the smart one, glasses-wearing, everything. he was it.
but one thing he couldn't understand was why you were so popular.
you were a part of the school student committee, and as a part of your duties, you hd to do monthly check-ups on clubs to see if they were still eligible to continue. while the host club never failed, you would still drop by without a doubt.
today was one of those days.
kyoya could tell you were near by the increase in whispers and gasps around the hallway. once heard, he excused himself and walked off to grab the folder that held the statistics for their monthly report.
as if on cue, you enter, herd of admirers behind you.
"ah, good evening, mx l/n." he says, offering a bow, "to what do i owe the pleasure?"
"it's good to see you too, ootori." you chime, bowing yourself, "is your report ready for this month? it is the 31st after all."
kyoya can almost hear the agonising tone in your voice, hidden by your politeness. but he doesn't waver, holding out the folder. "indeed. like always, we are right on time." he tells you.
you take it from him, opening it up and falting. kyoya raises a brow. "is something the matter, l/n?" he questions.
you look up at him with the faintest smile. "perhaps you're pulling my leg here, ootori. this appears to be last month's report." you chime, pinpointing his mistakes at its core.
he takes the folder from you and reviews the dates. you were correct, this was last month's report. he scans the room until he locks eyes with the twins, who shrug their shoulders innocently and walk off.
"i... apologise. it seems the twins have taken it into their own hands to file the report for this month." he sighs, fixing his glasses, "if you'll follow me, i will find it for you."
you agree, smiling as those you pass before you enter the side room with kyoya in front of you.
as the doors shut, you click your tongue, "oh kyoya, those two run circles around you, don't they?"
the host rolls his eyes, taking out the box of reports from the cabinet and setting them on the desk. he does miss how his name sounds on your lips. so soft.
"they are a pain, but we make do." he huffs, "must your enterage always follow you when you come see us?"
"oh it's not just when i come here." you state, hand on your hip, "it's everywhere."
you were so smug it made him scowl. he opens the box and notices that they are all out of order. he groans, "we have to look through every individual file, i'm afraid."
"luckily this is my last club for tonight." you sigh, taking out a couple folders, "i can help you organise these."
"but wouldn't your fanclub miss you too much, y/n?" kyoya speaks, doing the same thing and looking through them.
"you're one to talk." you chuckle.
"i truly don't understand how you manage to gather so many followers. you're merely treasurer." he complains, shrugging his shoulders, "do you like being followed around like that?"
you roll your eyes at his dramatic personality. you and kyoya had been friends for ages now, and it seems the popularity you acquire puts a strain on your relationship.
"i don't mind being followed, but i do like all of my friends." you state, flipping through pages, "i speak to all of them regularly."
"so they talk to you and you enjoy it?" he questions, raising a brow at you. the thought irked him. why did you speak to so many people? he could call bullshit. but you shrug your shoulders.
"everybody wants to be liked by the person they have a crush on." you say, knowing tone. every one of your "friends" have or have had a crush on you, which is why they speak to you in the first place. "it just so happens that i like making friends."
"that's preposterous." he huffs back, "i don't understand the severity. i don't feel the need to be liked by you."
"that's because i already like you, kyoya. we were friends since forever, after all." you state, putting one report into the correct folder as you glance at him working, "do you not feel the same?"
"frankly, it doesn't matter to me." kyoya says, ignoring how his chest felt at what you said. it was reassuring to know you still liked him.
"what, are you saying that you don't like me, kyoya?" you say, overdramatic voice on. you move closer to kyoya, tilting your head and jutting our your lip. he swallows his nerves "even after everything we've been through? i'm hurt."
"quiet." he grunts, pushing you away as you laugh. his face grows warmer. "just... find that report and get out of here. it's almost time for club activities to end."
you stare at him for a moment, watching red grow on his cheeks in frustration. your friend has always been this way, even though he acts more familiar with you in private, his embarrassed look never changes. you just see it more than anyone else. that's just how you were.
"okay, kyo." you chuckle, moving to the other side of the table and continuing your work.
kyoya sighs to himself, fixing his glasses and calming himself down. how could you be so... charming? and effortlessly so? is this why everyone fawned over you in a similar way to how they fawn over tamaki?
a few more minutes pass before you've found the file and managed to organise the rest of them. kyoya breathes in relief, putting the box away and silently cursing the twins out.
"thank you, kyoya." you hum out, tucking the folder under your arm, "i'll let you know what we come to."
he puts his hand on the door and before he opens it, he turns to you. "you're welcome. please do. it's the only time we ever... see you." he admits, seeing your raised brows.
your smile drops for a second before you sigh, patting his back, "i'll be sure to come and visit more often then. just for you."
when he opens the door, tamaki is trying to swoon your crowd to leave. he cheers and waves his hands, but to no avail. when they see you, they follow after.
"i apologise for extending my stay, suoh." you say, nodding at him as you stand in the exit, your crowd behind you, "i'll see you all soon."
with a wave of your hand, you leave, smiling at kyoya one last time. the twins turn to him immediately.
"so, how was your date with y/n?" they chime, leaning on his shoulders.
"it wasn't a date, you morons. you do realise how much trouble you caused." he says, a sly smile on his face, "seems like a punishment is in order."
the twins dash out of the room before he can say another word, the other members talking quietly amongst themselves about you.
but kyoya only looks down at his clipboard, once again counting the days til you come again for your monthly report.
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint ยท 7 months
Hey if itโ€™s not to much trouble, could I please get a tanjiro! Fem reader with yandere ouran high school host club? I just feel like the sunny personality and hard work would pair nicely.
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Tanjiro Reader | Yandere Ouran Host Clubย 
Your smiles, your optimism, and your empathy make you a perfect guest at the Ouran Academyโ€™s host club. Your sweetness is irresistible and your willingness to help just makes keeping you at the Host club all the better. Too bad you seem intent on chasing after one:
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Tamaki Suoh
โ€œW-whoa y-your strong!โ€
โ€œWell thank you! I do a lot of training.โ€
Is amazed by how much power you haveย 
Over him and in general
Just the way youโ€™re so willing to scoop him up when he dramatically pretends he canโ€™t move
Not to mention you seem so ambitious
But for whatever reason you just wonโ€™t share
โ€œIts kindaโ€ฆ.yeah I think its best if I donโ€™t talk about it.โ€
โ€œB-b-but (Y/n)! I have to know everything!โ€
He couldnโ€™t not know the love of his lifeโ€™s personal struggles
While he could hire someone to find out its just more fun if he goes exploring stalking himself
Letโ€™s just hope he doesnโ€™t die on the way
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Kyoya Ootori
Youโ€™re an elusive character he canโ€™t help but fall in love withย 
So sweet, so kind but thereโ€™s something more
Something fieryย 
And through all his employeeโ€™s research he can find nothing
Only that your funded by the Ubayashiki group and that your sibling is a mute allergic to the sun
But he needs to know more
Like where those scars came from or why your so strong
โ€œWell I guess thereโ€™s only one way to find out. Oh (Y/n) why donโ€™t you travel with m-us to the Ootori resort?โ€
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Hikaru Hitachin
Why were you so perfect?
He was just genuinely askingย 
It was a little weird how you could tell him apart from his brother by smellย 
but he wasnโ€™t complaining when you can smell exactly what heโ€™s feeling
And what heโ€™s been through
โ€œW-what are you doing here (Y/n)?โ€
โ€œWell it smelt like some blood on you, are you hurt anywhere?โ€
โ€œAh uh yeah, right uhm here.โ€
He canโ€™t help but want more of you
Your just so smart
Its hard to protect his place in your heart
But no worries thatโ€™s nothing money canโ€™t fix right
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Kaoru Hitachin
โ€œYโ€™know youโ€™re almost too perfect. Theres got to be something wrong with you.โ€
โ€œHeheh maybe there is!โ€
Youโ€™re so sweetย 
Everyone loves you and you listen to everyone
But who listens to you
What are you hiding
To be so strong, so powerful, so skilledย 
Heโ€™d love to protect you at least once
He can be worthy of you
Just you wait and see
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Takashi Morinozuka
โ€œAh you remind me of Nezukuro. Oh! Thatโ€™s my sibling!โ€
He likes youย 
A lot
Always responsible, always kind
Who wouldnโ€™t love you
Which is what he tries to reason with when others pine for you
โ€œLeave them alone.โ€
He doesnโ€™t like hurting othersย 
Unless its for you
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Mitskuni Haninozuka โ€œHoneyโ€
โ€œ(YYYY/NNNN)! I have some cake for you!โ€ย 
Not many are strong like you or as disciplined
But that doesnโ€™t beat how sweet you areย 
Sweeter than cake!
He just canโ€™t get enough
But heโ€™s an experienced fighterย 
He knows the look of vengeful anger
Who IS IT?!
Heโ€™ll make sure they never breathe again.
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box-of-roses ยท 2 months
โ‡ข ห—หห‹ Can You Keep a Secret? เฟเพ‚
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Characters: Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi
Warnings: Anesthetic
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy, Ouran was one of the first Animes I watched so I may be a little dusty on the characters -> The request Anesthesia + The Hosts
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When you get out of the doctorโ€™s office and into his car he rolls up the divider window and smiles at you
You two have so much fun rambling nonsense to each other
Thinks itโ€™s adorable when you get excited โ€œfinding outโ€ that heโ€™s your boyfriend
โ€œYouโ€™re so handsome.โ€ You say leaning against him. He made sure you were still buckled before he wrapped his arms around you.
โ€œThank you my love, you know youโ€™re pretty cute too.โ€ He finds himself so lucky that youโ€™re his.
โ€œCan you keep a secret?โ€ He nods with a smile and an eyebrow lift wondering what it could be. โ€œI love you.โ€ His face grows red at an almost alarming rate. This was the first time you had told him that you love him.
โ€œI love you too, my love.โ€ His voice is a little wavy but he has a dopey smile on his face. โ€œWhy donโ€™t you get some rest.โ€ He plays with your hair until youโ€™re fast asleep in his arms
The divider window is already rolled up before you get into the car
Has ice cream already situated in the car because he knows youโ€™ll want it
Blushes at how touchy you are before getting used to it
โ€œThank you, youโ€™re really pretty.โ€ He smiles as he sets his notepad down. He hands you your cup of ice cream and the smile on your face grows wider.
โ€œI hope you enjoy, maybe itโ€™ll wear off faster.โ€ He knows it wonโ€™t but he enjoyed how quick you dug into the ice cream.
โ€œIsnโ€™t your partner jealous that youโ€™re here with me? Giving me ice cream.โ€ You poor soul. Youโ€™re so confused.
โ€œI donโ€™t think theyโ€™ll mind.โ€
โ€œWhy do you say that?โ€
โ€œBecause youโ€™re my partner, honestly what did they do to you in there.โ€ He shakes his head and presses a kiss to your forehead.
Little sweetheart brought blankets with him incase you were cold.
As for snacks, you have your own compartment in all of the cars that holds snacks, hygiene products, hair ties, breath freshener, etc.
by the time you come back out of the office heโ€™s holding your hand and leading you to the car
Kaoru leads you to the car and helps you get in before buckling you up and closing the door. He does the same for himself on the other side. He pulls out a carefully folded blanket and places it around your shoulders before taking another one and putting it on your laps.
โ€œDo you have a partner?โ€ Heโ€™s a little taken aback by the statement before he chuckles.
โ€œYes I do, why do you ask?โ€
โ€œCause I think youโ€™re really nice and handsome and I kinda just wanna kiss you.โ€ You pout a little and go back to eating your snack.
โ€œCan I tell you a secret?โ€ You nod enthusiastically. โ€œYouโ€™re my partner, cutie.โ€ Your face grows red as you smile widely.
โ€œIโ€™m so lucky.โ€ Itโ€™s his turn to blush now.
I headcanon that Kaoru calls you cutie because of the little oranges and thatโ€™s how you two got together. (I may expand on that more later)
Teases you about it literally ALL the time
Had his camera set up before you got into car
Thinks itโ€™s absolutely hilarious that you didnโ€™t know who he was
Helped you stumble your way to the car. Donโ€™t be fooled though he was laughing the whole way. Your poor anesthesia filled brain didnโ€™t know why he was laughing and just thought it was adorable.
When you get into the car the camera is already set up and he knows heโ€™ll look fondly on today even if he still thinks itโ€™s hilarious. โ€œYouโ€™re really nice.โ€ You say looking at him like he hung the stars.
โ€œWhy thank you, so find anyone attractive in there.โ€
โ€œWell, can you keep a secret?โ€ Well, that made him a little concerned. Why did you not immediately say no and that you thought he was attractive?
โ€œYeah, Iโ€™ve been known to keep a secret or two.โ€
โ€œI find you attractive. I really hope you donโ€™t have a partner.โ€ He starts cackling at that.
โ€œSorry to disappoint but I do have a partner.โ€ He makes out between laughs. โ€œCan you keep a secret?โ€ You frown a little but nod. โ€œYouโ€™re my partner. And I think youโ€™re the cutest when youโ€™re not in your right mind.โ€ That makes you smile.
Is definitely one of the nicer ones of the bunch
Ask her dad if she could borrow the car/ pick you guys up. Not a problem though because her dad literally LOVES you
Might like you more than Haruhi so he agreed instantly
Snacks are piled high in the car and Haruhi rolls her eyes at the display. โ€œThey donโ€™t need this much.โ€
โ€œNonsense! Only the best for Y/N! I will have it no other way!โ€ He says as he finishes putting the last bag in the car. Haruhi sighs and gets into the car. When they pull up to the doctorโ€™s office Haruhi gets out of the car to help you. When you reach the car youโ€™re in awe of Haruhiโ€™s dad.
โ€œYouโ€™re Momโ€™s really pretty!โ€ They both laugh.
โ€œThank you dear! But Iโ€™m Haruhiโ€™s father remember? I got you some snacks dear, Haruhi why donโ€™t you sit in the back with them.โ€
โ€œI was going to do that anyway.โ€ The moment Haruhi sat down and buckled both of you in you had grabbed her hand. You held both of them up and compared hand sizes. Haruhi wasnโ€™t used to you being this outgoing so she got flustered.
โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€
โ€œComparing hand sizes and hoping you arenโ€™t dating anyone and I can have you all to myself.โ€ You say with a smile. You interlock your fingers and lean closer. โ€œNow tell me, am I too late or am I so lucky that youโ€™ll go on a date with me?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m already dating you idiot.โ€ Haruhi smiles and kisses your interlocked hands.
โ€œWell, thatโ€™s just the best news Iโ€™ve heard all day!โ€
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paunchsalazar ยท 8 months
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babyouran ยท 3 months
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Ouran High School Host Club - have you ever wanted to be a part of the plot? well in this fan fiction, you are put right in! y/n is the daughter of the Takahashi family who owns a successful technology company. through her friendship with haruhi she is introduced to the club and soon enough becomes a member. join her through the silly adventures and blooming relationships with her fellow hosts!
I ~ Trust Me!
II ~ Beware of the Physical Exam!
III ~ Attack of the Lady Manager!
IV ~ The Twins Fight!
V ~ The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type!
VI ~ Jungle Pool SOS!
VII - The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!
192 notes ยท View notes
host-club-hq ยท 1 year
Indeed: ~y/n's Promotion!~
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โžผ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
โžผ summary: A long awaited promotion, indeed...
โžผ word count: 7.4k
โžผ what to expect: "Compose yourself, y/n, smile y/n."
โžผ warnings: teensy bit of angst if you squint
โžผ chapter navigation
โžผ welcome to season 2 of Indeed! i thought we would start it off with a bang :)
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"Oh... dear God." You gawk at the dress placed in your arms by Hikaru, glancing up at him for reassurance. "You're joking." It's more of a plea than a statement.
"C'mon, surely you knew our theme for today was service staff by now." Hikaru scoffs, shaking his head.
"Honestly, Senpai, you're our manager dating our director... how are you out of the loop?" Kaoru tsks with a sigh.
You crane your neck to glance at your aforementioned boyfriend behind you, your glare worth daggers, "This was your idea?"
Kyoya's eyes merely flit to you for a moment, returning to his laptop quickly, "You know me better than that, y/n. Whose idea do you think it was?"
Another quick turn of your head to Tamaki, the same glare present. He sweats nervously, "Those idiots told me you'd look good in a maid costume! It wasn't my idea!" He defends himself adamantly.
You grumble, "Too bad we can't stick Haruhi in this dress."
"We can after club hours." The twins smirk devilishly.
"Senpai." Haruhi whines.
"Sometimes I forget why I didn't just go to London." You drape your costume over the back of a chair, threading your fingers through your hair with a sigh.
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"Because Kyoya-Senpai begged you to stay, remember?" Hikaru and Kaoru deadpan, appearing by your side once more.
You snort, "Oh, yeah. It was just Kyoya. Mhm." You cross your arms with a cocked brow.
"And I didn't beg. I asked." Kyoya pipes up, not bothering to meet your gazes when the three of you turn to him.
"You're delusional." You snicker, throwing him a knowing glance. He rolls his eyes, returning diligently to his work.
"Enough of your bickering. y/n, our guests are arriving soon- hurry up and put the dress on!" Tamaki whines, pushing you by your shoulders to the backroom.
"I don't understand why I have to wear everything that you wear! Can't I just wear black and white? I'm not even a host." You pout as Tamaki shuts the door behind you. You tear the dress from its packaging and begin stripping down.
"You wouldn't be-"
"-as cute that way, Senpai."
"I beg to differ." You grumble, stumbling as you slide the bodice of the dress up your torso. You, personally, think you'd look just as cute in black and white clothing, but you digress.
"Don't forget the headband!" You hear the door handle jiggle at Hikaru's voice.
"Ah! Don't you dare! Give me ten more seconds." You exclaim in a scolding tone.
"Back away from the door, Hikaru." Kyoya pipes up. Hikaru does as he's told, gulping. You nearly laugh.
"How do I look, Haru-chan?!" Honey tugs insistently at Haruhi's arm, forcing her eyes to fall upon himself and Mori dressed in their servant uniforms.
"You look great, Senpai." She nods with innocent eyes, straightening her own bow tie around her neck at the collar of her crisply white button-up shirt.
"Oh! Daddy's little girl looks so cute!" The telltale sound of Tamaki's fawning reaches your ear as you straighten the straps to your apron.
"Look at you in your tailcoat!" By the sound of Haruhi's groans, it sounds like he's smothering her.
You crack the door open and thrust your hand into open air, wriggling your fingers expectantly, "Where's the headband I must wear?" You groan.
"Come all the way out and get it." Kaoru teases.
"I don't have to wear it, you know-" Suddenly, the headband is placed in your palm and you snicker triumphantly.
"Thank you, boys." You chuckle, shutting the door promptly.
You slide the headband over the crown of your head and allow it to sit just behind your ears, straightening it the best you can and dusting off your apron before stepping out hesitantly.
You grumble, "This feels really demeaning." You pull at the ends of your dress, turning in a circle to get a look at yourself.
"Am I going to carry around a tray and do little poses?" You demonstrate your meaning by popping a leg up and holding a peace sign to your eye.
Your ears catch a light chuckle, twisting your neck to find Kyoya dressed in a black tailcoat tuxedo, straightening his clean, white gloves, shaking his head at you.
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"Well, don't you look fancy." You snicker as he moves a gloved hands to his glasses to adjust them on his nose.
"That is the intention, yes." With a somewhat knowing smile, Kyoya peers down at you in your own costume.
"Alright, men!" Tamaki claps his hands to gain each host's attention, and he does so effectively.
"And women." He adds secondly, continuing on with a coy smile, "Our guests will be arriving soon. Now, it is important that we all play well into our roles as servants for our ladies today. Today, we not only charm our guests, but we will wait upon them as well!"
"Now you get to experience what I do everyday." You nudge Kyoya in the ribs, earning a scoff from him. "I doubt it'll be difficult," he replies with a coy expression.
"I never said it was difficult. But remember, I never said you'd like it, either." You tease mischievously, offering him a soft pat to his shoulder as you waltz off to take your position for opening.
And as the first guest of many arrives, the club is there to welcome them warmly in perfect poise, hands folded diligently with deep bows.
"Welcome." The usual chorus of voices reaches the ears of the first guest as they enter, earning a second chorus comprised of gasps and soft exclamations of awe.
You bow traditionally, "Welcome, ladies. May I ask who you would prefer to serve you this afternoon?" In your one hand, a notepad, and in the other, a pen, as you await their reply.
The guests snicker to themselves, flattered by your sudden attention. One of them speaks up. "Hikaru and Kaoru, please."
You smile and gesture with an open hand for the girls to follow you, "Very good, right this way, please." You bring them to their seats as if you were a hostess. That very word causes your heart to flutter excitedly, but it quickly dies down as you focus on your duties that are simply those of a maid.
You continue to seat guests at the respective tables for each host.
The more and more guests you escort to Kyoya's area, the more you become confused. Your romantic relationship is more than common knowledge ever since the twins couldn't keep their mouths shut about the whole stunt Kyoya pulled on the last day of the Ouran fair. You assumed more guests would be devastated by this knowledge, avoiding Kyoya as a host, but it seems his numbers are skyrocketing.
"Kyoya, tell us how you saved y/n again! It's so romantic!"
Kyoya nearly loses his composure at the sudden inquiries flying his way, slotting a hand behind his neck awkwardly, "Well, I hardly think you'd want to hear about that. I'd much rather talk about you."
"But Hikaru says you fell off the bridge! And you confessed your love to y/n all at the same time!"
You can't help the own rosy tint that falls over the apples of your cheeks at the notion that the guests know all about your private affairs. Well, not so private...
"That is true, yes..." At Kyoya's confession, the guests crowding him squeal, faint, and shake each other incessantly.
Both you and Kyoya had discussed the possible repercussions of being together publicly, and he mentioned that he wouldn't particularly mind if his guests seemed to dwindle off into smaller numbers. But currently, you're looking at an insane influx of patrons surrounding him.
"Did you really dance in the water? Did you kiss her?"
"Oh, I wish someone would do that for me!"
"I can't believe she was going to leave!"
You make a mental note to bash Hikaru's head in when you get the chance, a more cherry tint spreading across your cheeks and inching toward your ears.
"Welcome, ladies! Can I get you some tea?" Honey approaches his table with a tray full of steaming teacups, one for each customer. "Oh! You know what would go great with this tea? Some cake!" he says, brimming with excitement. Mori appears at his side with one arm folded behind his back, the other gracefully carrying a tray of cake slices at Honey's suggestion.
"Thanks, Honey!" A guest says, graciously accepting his offering. "Won't you stay and enjoy it with us?" she requests curiously.
"Well... okay! But only for a little bit, because then I have to go back to waiting on you pretty ladies!" Honey leaps onto the sofa beside his guests and promptly munches on a slice of cake offered to him by the guest adjacent to him.
Tamaki glances over his shoulder, excusing himself from his guests for a moment, throwing in an excuse โ€” something along the lines of bringing them more refreshments.
"Hikaru, Kaoru!" He hisses in a whisper, snapping his fingers briefly. The twins slide into view at his beck and call, saluting their leader and mimicking his tone, "Yes, sir!"
"Gather the others and meet me in the back room! Make sure y/n doesn't see any of you." Tamaki implores, shooing them away.
"On it!" they eagerly reply, bolting off to grab the first host in sight. Hikaru and Kaoru sweep up Honey first, who hums in question as they scoop him up effortlessly. Mori follows soundlessly after that, head barely tilted curiously.
"Thank you, ladies, I- hey! What are you doing?!" Haruhi stammers, suddenly feeling Hikaru and Kaoru's arms looped under her own, dragging her on her heels away from her guests. The girls seated in Haruhi's area blink disorientedly as she's whisked away.
Just as the twins are even thinking about taking Kyoya with them by force, he raises a definitive gloved hand, "No need, I'm coming."
They comply immediately, nodding shortly and making their way to Tamaki's designated meeting place.
And suddenly, when you glance around aimlessly for a host... there are none in sight. In fact... they're all gone. Guests slowly get up from their seats across the room, making their way over to you with curious expressions.
"y/n? Where did Tamaki go?"
"Yeah, and Hikaru and Kaoru are missing!"
Your eyes grow wide as you stand speechless in the middle of a sea of guests, all tilting their heads in your direction with questioning eyes.
"Uh..." You murmur, unsure yourself as to where you boys have wandered off to... all... at the same time...
Meanwhile, in another room, Tamaki throws his arms around Hikaru and Kaoru's shoulders on either side of him, forming a makeshift huddle as Mori and Kyoya remain standing upright, all the while participating in the discussion.
"Alright men, we need to think about this carefully," Tamaki begins.
"What exactly are we doing?" Haruhi glances to each host for an explanation, completely and hopelessly lost.
"Discussing the operation, of course." Kyoya vaguely mumbles.
"What operation? What's going on?" Haruhi looks to someone else for a clearer explanation.
"When we go back out there, we give y/n a run for her money! This operation is improv style- come up with whatever ridiculous request you can, and make sure she does it!" Tamaki whispers harshly, earning nods from his fellow hosts, who seem to be following along diligently.
Haruhi tilts her head, "Huh?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Alright, 'Operation: y/n's Host Trial' is a go!"
~y/n's Promotion!~
"Wait, what? We're making y/n-Senpai a host?" Haruhi asks with wide, incredulous eyes. Glancing to Kyoya's side profile, he gives nothing in return but a small, slowly forming smirk tugging at his lips.
"Hikaru, Kaoru: You know your jobs?" Tamaki inquires, pointing to the twins with a determined finger.
Kaoru shrugs, "Make y/n-Senpai-"
"-as busy as possible. We got it." Hikaru finishes, mirroring his brother's shrug.
Haruhi nearly pales, grimacing. When the twins are making someone busy, they're usually not doing it in a way that's particularly... tolerable.
"Are we sure that's a good idea?" Haruhi tries carefully, but no one seems to be listening. And if they are, they're intentionally ignoring her... which is definitely the case โ€” Kyoya sees, hears, and knows all.
"Honey-Senpai?" Tamaki turns to Honey next, who salutes him immediately.
"Make y/n-chan take care of all of my problems!" He beams, contradicting his words.
"Kyoya, you are to-"
"Make sure y/n stays on task and doesn't get distracted." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, interjecting.
"By any means possible! Make y/n work!" Tamaki declares to the general group.
"By any means possible!" The hosts chorus back to him, save for Mori and Haruhi. They glance to each other apprehensively, exchanging concerned expressions.
"Mori-Senpai, I want you to keep a lookout for anything going wrong. Bring it to my attention immediately." Tamaki orders authoritatively.
Mori hums, but he doesn't necessarily agree... something seems off about this whole operation, and only he and Haruhi seem to be the ones who are not completely agreeing with everything Tamaki is saying.
"And Haruhi-" Tamaki begins optimistically.
"Look, Senpai, I don't know if I'm okay with working y/n-Senpai to the bone... she already does enough. Besides, hasn't she proved herself worthy to be a host already?" Haruhi implores, her expression quizzical.
"Nonsense! y/n has never actually hosted before. We need to see if she's up to the task!" Tamaki exclaims with an aura of dedication.
"... and to do that is to give her even more menial tasks than she already has?" Haruhi's shoulders slouch over in defeat when she realizes that Tamaki has absolutely no logic behind these trials... and the other hosts seem to be going along blindly. Which is... worrying.
"Senpai, I thought you were smarter than this." Haruhi grumbles, glancing up at Kyoya with an disgusted expression.
"I don't know what you mean by that. Besides, I don't see the harm in testing her a bit." Kyoya shrugs, not sparing her a glance.
"You realize that giving her hostly duties would be the way to do this? Not more errand girl duties? I don't even know why she still does those in the first place... she's our manager." Haruhi rubs her chin between her fingers in thought.
"She used to have a debt, remember? I just assume it's second nature to her by now to do all of those things." Kyoya proposes.
Haruhi hums thoughtfully, barely paying Kyoya any mind now.
As the two think out loud, chaos has been orchestrating among the trio of idiots with the addition of Honey.
"You all have your jobs, now get out there! We've been gone for way too long!" Tamaki ushers the twins out the door, followed by the rest of the hosts, and only two of them are starting to already rethink this horrible operation.
"There you guys are. What on earth were you thinking, all disappearing at once like that?" You huff, hands angrily on your hips as you approach them.
"Just discussing host things!" Tamaki assures, which doesn't make you feel any better in the slightest.
You raise a brow, irked. Rolling your eyes, you wave them off, "Whatever." You grumble.
Tamaki and Honey make discreet eye contact, and Tamaki nods subtly.
"Wah~! y/n-chan!" Honey wails, immediately gaining your attention.
"Senpai, what's wrong?" You appear to his table in the blink of an eye, brows furrowed in concern as his tearful eyes look up at you.
"I'm out of chocolate cake! Can you please get some more?" He hiccups, his hands drawn to his chest as he sniffles.
Your eyes fall on a perfectly full tier of strawberry and white cake, glancing back at Honey with an unsure expression, "But Honey-Senpai, you have plenty of cake right here-"
"But I want chocolate cake!!" He insists with a whine you rarely hear from him, especially in such an insignificant situation.
His guests chuckle nervously, offering you confused glances, and you return them with an apologetic smile.
"Alright, alright... I'll be right back."
You turn to head to the storage room, stealing a slight glance back at Honey as you go. It's common for Honey to act childish, that's his whole gimmick... but you rarely see him throw a tantrum like a true toddler. Maybe you shouldn't have given in, like a responsible mother wouldn't have. Well, a responsible mother wouldn't allow her child to eat as much cake as Honey does anyway, so that idea is long out the window by now.
Upon reaching the cabinets that store treats and sweets, you find that the host club is completely out of chocolate cake โ€” not one slice to be seen.
You tilt your head. "Odd..." you say to yourself, quietly. You swear you'd seen an abundance of it just days before... Honey couldn't have possibly gone through that much chocolate cake in a few days... could he? Maybe you just need to stay more on top of things. No matter: you mark acquiring more chocolate cake on your mental to-do list and suppose that the academy's refectory will have to do.
You return to Honey, who looks hopeful at your arrival. You sigh, "I've got to run down to the refectory, our cupboards are barren of chocolate cake... I'll be right back."
Honey's eyes water, his prominent pout returning.
"I'm going now! I promise, I'll be right back." You swear.
And before Honey can burst into tears, which he looks like he's about to, you dash off, determined to reach the refectionary in record time... hoping that they either have chocolate cake on hand or that they can whip some up at lightning speed.
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With two armfuls of chocolate cake slices packaged in plastic, you push open the club doors and are immediately bombarded by a host.
"Where did you go? You were gone for quite a while." The not so melodic tone of your partner's voice reaches your ears, arms crossed.
"We ran out of chocolate cake and Honey-Senpai wants chocolate or nothing." You groan, adjusting your stature to better cradle the inconveniently shaped packaged cake slices.
"You still shouldn't leave us without warning, guests have been waiting for their refreshments." Kyoya follows close behind as you start your journey to the storage room.
You blink, surprised at his lack of understanding, "Kyoya, I was only gone for fifteen minutes, you can't pour tea yourself?" You try your hardest to laugh off the comment.
"It's not our job to pour tea."
You haven't heard him belittle your duties like that since he disregarded your debt... since before you were dating. But, before you can react, you're promptly whisked away.
"y/n, where have you been?" Tamaki circles behind you, pushing you by your shoulders to the back room, "Put those away and come out immediately, and bring the tea!"
You blink as Tamaki leaves you to the storage room, putting the cake slices in their rightful place in a sort of daze. The boys have scarcely ever been quite this urgent with you. Even if they are, they try their best to be as forgiving as possible if you're running a bit behind.
You arrange the pot of tea and matching cups on your familiar tray, hoisting it off the table and into your hands as you scurry out to meet Tamaki, who apparently so urgently needs you.
It seems as though every time you pass through a doorway, you're needed by a different host. This time, the twins are at your side in an instant the moment you enter the main room.
"Hey, Senpai, we need your opinion." Hikaru begins, both twins effectively blocking your path.
"Yeah, it's urgent." Kaoru nods with a seemingly forced intense expression.
"Um..." You grimace, fingers tightening around your tea tray, but you don't see the harm in humoring them only for a moment.
"What was it that we wanted to ask her again, Hikaru?" Kaoru inquires, fingers stroking his chin in thought. Hikaru mirrors his twin, humming.
"I can't remember, Kaoru... hm..."
"Guys, I really need to-"
"No, no! We'll only be a second, just give us some time to remember it." Hikaru interrupts you.
You sigh with exasperation, shoulders slouching as you semi-patiently wait for Hikaru and Kaoru to remember what they spontaneously needed your opinion for.
"y/n, what on earth are you doing? We needed that tea tray two minutes ago." Kyoya materializes at your side, checking his watch and beckoning you to follow him.
"Sorry, guys." You hastily apologize to the twins, following Kyoya at his heels.
"Here, Kyoya, can you bring this over? I really need to make sure Honey-Senpai has his-" You offer the tray up to Kyoya as you follow him, but he turns sharply and holds his hand out.
"Nonsense, I have my guests to attend to. I simply don't have the time." He informs you.
Your brows furrow, "Well, neither do I, Kyoya, that's why I'm asking you to do it. If I had the time, I'd-"
"I don't want to hear excuses. Deliver the tea, then attend to Honey-Senpai." Kyoya leaves you with that.
You're left bewildered at his choice of tone toward you, gawking in the direction he disappears in.
You inhale sharply and exhale just as quickly, shaking your head to yourself as you arrive at Tamaki's table, setting down the tea tray and adorning a bright smile, "Here's your tea ladies. Now, if you'll excuse me." You direct your glower in Tamaki's direction, putting a particular annoyed inflection on your words as you find him simply lounging on the sofa, surrounded by swooning guests. Tamaki grins sheepishly.
You turn on your heel to find Honey-Senpai, who seems to be having the time of his life entertaining his guests... until he catches your eye. Suddenly, he blinks in rapid procession and tears are streaming down his cheeks.
"y/n-chan, I need my chocolate cake!" He whimpers, arms flailing in a tantrum-like manner.
"Okay, just a second!" You call over your shoulder, rushing back to the storage room and throwing open the cabinets. You all but snatch a slice of chocolate cake... grabbing another for good measure, and dash out to tend to Honey's blubbering cries. Placing the slices in front of him, you anxiously await his reaction.
His sobbing subsides all too quickly, and he's left beaming up at you, "Thanks, y/n-chan!" And with that, he's devouring his sweets.
You exhale with an aura of relief, folding your hands before you, "Not a problem. Can I get anyone else anything? More sandwiches?"
Honey's guests shake their heads, smiling, "We're okay, y/n, thank you!" They beam politely. You nod and slip away.
But you don't get a moment to yourself for long before the sound of shattering glass catches your ears, silence falling over the room after a round of surprised gasps.
You turn to find Hikaru and Kaoru at the scene of the crime, both standing over a mess of what looks like two broken teacups... that seem to have fallen straight from their hands and onto the floor... at the same time...
"Whoops! Clumsy us!" They chorus, a certain undertone of mischief present in their voices.
"y/n, could you get that for us-?"
"- yeah, we've got other stuff to do." They link arms, sauntering away to attend to their guests who are just as confused as you are.
You groan all too loudly for Kyoya's liking, apparently, as you make your way over to the mess and start to gather the bigger pieces.
"Remember, y/n, compose yourself. You'll have to learn to be compliant with anything if you want to get anywhere." Kyoya reminds, carelessly scribbling in his notebook as you slave away on the floor over a pile of broken china.
"Compose yourself, y/n, smile y/n." You mock in a high pitched tone under your breath.
"I heard that." Kyoya lifts his eyes briefly from his half-written sentence to meet your sheepish eyes, your lips drawing into a thin line. Kyoya's unamused eyes bore into your soul.
"Heard what?" You don't give him a moment to answer as you're off to discard of the larger pieces of china, acquiring a broom and a dustpan for the smaller shards.
Watching from afar, Haruhi crosses her arms, "They can afford to break fine china. If I broke a saucer, I'd be paying it off for two weeks."
As you pass her slouching figure, you giggle, "Yeah, double standards, am I right?" You snicker, dumping the shards of china into the nearest waste bin. Haruhi beams.
After making sure your palms are clean of glass, you swipe a tired hand across your forehead, sighing in relief at the momentary break you receive.
The key word is momentary, and you're not even sure you can call it that, as you're leaping to attention when Honey wails deafeningly once more. You grimace at his volume, cautiously peering over your shoulder to see what could possibly be the matter now.
"y/n-chan, I spilled tea all over my pants! I need new ones!"
Surely enough, just as you arrive at his side, your eyes immediately fall on the dark stain covering his pant legs, still slowly growing. Luckily, you know Honey's tea has been sitting out long enough to have grown cold. Still, you cannot fathom how he would be comfortable in a pair of damp slacks.
"Did you pack an extra uniform, Senpai?" You question, tilting your head.
Meekly, Honey shakes his head no. You suppress the strong, strong urge to groan loudly, as that would only upset him further.
"And I suppose you want me to find you one?"
At your offer, Honey beams, "Yes please!"
You feel your eye twitch involuntarily, forcing a strained smile, "Sure thing..." You say through clenched teeth.
As you turn around and lose Honey's attention, you snatch a throw pillow from a nearby sofa and shove it over your mouth, muffling a loud, frustrated groan, stomping your foot.
You inhale deeply through your nose, quickly regaining your composure and putting the throw pillow back in its place. You clear your throat and dust yourself off before setting off on your new mission.
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The only solution you found for Honey's problem was nothing short of embarrassing... to say the least. You've managed to venture all the way to the primary school building, thoroughly out of breath and practically begging for one of the sensei's to lend you their spare pair of boy's uniform shorts that they keep around in case of the elementary students having accidents.
You return to the club with the fresh shorts slung over your arm, receiving immediate attention from Kyoya.
"Where did you run off to this time? You were gone for-"
"Give me one second, please, Kyoya, I'll never hear the end of this if I don't give these to Honey-Senpai now." You forcibly shove past him, leaving him to watch you approach the elder, feeling anxious at the new frustrated attitude you've adopted.
Cautiously, you gain Honey's attention by tapping on his shoulder. "Senpai, these are the only pants I could find you," you say, presenting him with the elementary school uniform shorts. Although they're small, you expect them to fit. And, well, they're dry.
You barely notice the way, Honey glances to Tamaki for approval, as he would be fine accepting the pair of shorts you are offering him, but his boss shakes his head discreetly, indicating that Honey must give you a reason to do something else.
He sniffles on que, "I'm not gonna wear little boy's shorts! I want my uniform pants!" He hiccups.
Truthfully, by now, the wet spot on Honey's pants is mostly dry, and you can't even see the liquid given that his slacks are black to begin with.
You sigh in exasperation, "There's really nothing else I can do. These are the only-"
"No!" Against his better judgement, Honey smacks the shorts out of your hands and to the floor. The room grows silent at his outburst and everyone is patiently awaiting the next choice of words from either of you.
"That's embarrassing, y/n-chan! I don't wanna wear elementary shorts!" He insists, brows furrowed.
Your teeth grind in a heavy effort to reel in your outrage, afraid you'll explode and say something you regret to the poor boy.
"Senpai," Your tone is wavering, eyes shut as you do your best to regain a steady composure. "Unless you want me to drive all the way to your house and personally select another pair of trousers from your closet and come back here, there is nothing else I can do for you."
Honey can sense the sheer frustration in your voice, so he doesn't say anything further. He's decided he's played too much of a part in this little game, and he doesn't think it's very fun anymore... someone else is going to have to step in.
And someone else does. Just as Tamaki is starting to realize that this little "trial" has gone too far, Hikaru opens his mouth.
"Come on, Senpai, isn't this your job?"
Even his brother's eyes grow wide, tugging on Hikaru's sleeve to tell him not to push you anymore, but Kaoru freezes while doing so as you turn around menacingly, your gaze tearing daggers through Hikaru as you fume.
"No, Hikaru, it is not my job to be your personal servant-"
"Don't you serve your dad all the time at home? Get to it, y/n, we don't have all day."
Your fury is replaced by absolute astonishment at Hikaru's choice of words paired with the insult of lacking an honorific.
"Hikaru!" Kaoru scolds with a gasp, seemingly pushing HIkaru's consciousness back into reality as he realizes what he's just said to you.
And that's when Tamaki realized this entire operation was a mistake, uncrossing his arms in a state of shock.
Haruhi's attention turns to Mori as he stands adjacent to her. His eyes are closed in disappointment, as if he knew something like this would happen.
With an indignant huff, your voice slightly breaking, you throw the elementary boy's shorts to the ground, as a loud smack! echoes through the silent room. You manage to suppress your tears as you storm past the onlookers and to the grand double doors, slamming them behind you and bolting down the hall.
Tamaki does his best to disperse the crowd, directing intrigued guests back to their tea and snacks with a polite smile. As the crowd dissipates, Tamaki throws a panicked expression in Hikaru's direction.
"When I said make y/n as busy as possible, I didn't mean make her busy crying!" Tamaki stomps his foot, fuming.
"I didn't mean to! I just wanted to make her mad!" Hikaru whines, feeling the immense weight of guilt pulling at his heart strings.
"She was already mad, you pushed her over into hurt." Haruhi pipes up, arms crossed. She could have guessed that this was exactly what would happen if you were pushed to your breaking point.
Hikaru hangs his head, ashamed of his words toward you as his heart pulses painfully. Kaoru clings comfortingly to his side. "Don't worry, I bet Senpai knows you didn't mean it," He assures. Hikaru only nods slightly.
"I didn't think she was gonna cry!" Honey cries, now bursting into genuine tears. Honey seeks Mori for comfort, lip trembling as his mind runs rampant with his intolerable behavior toward you. Mori places a still hand atop his head without a word.
"I think we'll have to move ahead with the plan a little early." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, taking hold of the reins of this operation.
"Tamaki, could you have the room ready by the time I get back? I'll go make sure she's alright." Kyoya tucks his notebook and pen away.
Tamaki nods, "Good idea, Kyoya. You heard the man, get to work." He orders, clapping his hands twice. The remaining hosts scurry away at his command.
As Kyoya withdraws from the clubroom, he has the slightest inclination as to where you might have run off to. Trusting his intuition, he sets off to the place he has in mind.
It's a bit of a longer walk, and Kyoya can't imagine that you ran all the way here, but his intuition was, indeed, correct. He nearly smiles fondly to himself when he finds you perched on the edge of a familiar fountain in your maid's uniform, knees drawn to your chest. Kyoya's chest aches painfully when you brush a stray tear from your cheek, sniffling quietly. He can barely hear you over the calming sound of trickling water flowing in the fountain.
Kyoya steps out from underneath the covered walkway and you notice him immediately.
"Oh." You straighten up, quickly wiping your damp cheeks and hoping your nose isn't too red. Luckily, your cheeks darken to the same rosy hue to match the tip of your nose.
"Want some company?" Kyoya offers gently. You nod wordlessly.
At your given consent, Kyoya sits on the ledge of the fountain beside you, craning his neck only slightly to peer over your shoulder as your back is turned to him.
"Are you alright?" He tilts his head.
You sigh, closing your eyes for a moment, "I know he didn't mean it, it's all part of some stupid charade you're all doing, but it still hurts."
If it wasn't for your last statement, Kyoya would have laughed. Of course you were aware of something going on, you're incredibly observant.
"I know. I'm not entirely sure where that came from, but it was unnecessary." Kyoya reaches out tentatively. His fingers gently caress your arm with an aura of hesitancy. He can't quite tell if you want him by your side or anywhere else.
Soon his uncertainty is settled, however, when you swivel your body and lean into him, still hugging your knees to your chest. Kyoya slithers a casual arm around your shoulders, holding you secure to his side.
"I don't want to go back in there," you say. Kyoya can practically hear the pout on your lips. He smiles softly.
"I think you'll be surprised." His optimistic tone brings your head up toward him to meet his eyes, looking hopeful.
Kyoya knows without a doubt that what they have planned for you will raise your spirits in the most wonderful of ways. He angles his head to face you, eyes landing upon your expectant irises. The warmth in his heart spreads across his whole chest.
And when Kyoya promises something, you don't have a doubt in the world. A faint tint of red spreads across the apples of your cheeks, reaching the bridge of your nose when Kyoya places a gentle kiss just below your hairline.
You sigh quietly to yourself, hoisting yourself from the side of the fountain, "I better go and give Hikaru a chance to apologize anyway, I bet he's worrying himself sick." You tease, walking closely to Kyoya's side and nudging his shoulder.
Kyoya chuckles, "You know him all too well." He puts a simple, guiding hand to the small of your back.
"Well who do I have to thank for that, huh? Back in the day when you used to boss me around..." You quirk a brow, grumbling.
"Something good came out of it, right? I know they're a pain, but they certainly hold you in high regards." Kyoya says, moving to shove his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, I sort of figured that after they staged an entire fight to get the chance to visit my house." You scoff, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
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You reach for the handle to the clubroom, but you're quickly stopped as Kyoya grabs it before you. You glance up at him with questioning eyes, hand poised mid air.
"Allow me." And with that, Kyoya pushes open the door. It creaks all too familiarly, and unexpectedly, you're flooded with a surge of rose petals.
You swat stray petals away from your line of sight, thoroughly confused: "We already opened for the day, what's with the theatrics?" You blink, realizing the room is shrouded in darkness.
"... are you guys just sitting here in the dark?" You squint. You turn to find Kyoya for an explanation, but he is nowhere to be seen.
The echoing thud of a spotlight switching on turns you around, and Tamaki is standing illuminated under a beam of light.
Lining a pathway toward him is an additional, less spectacular row of lights that flash from above. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi stand on one side in a row, and Kyoya, Mori, and Honey stand parallel from them. They all stand as if they're uniformed soldiers in their butler costumes, arms folded behind their back and eyes glued to you.
You blink, brows furrowed at their unusual formation. You haven't got anything planned... no special event or party that requires a dramatic entrance.
"y/n, would you please step forward?" Tamaki bows like a true prince would, one arm pressed to his chest and the other outstretched, head slightly angling up to glance at you.
Stunned to silence, your legs carry you to move closer to him, barely sparing each host an apprehensive glance on your way to the King.
You cannot even begin to fathom what is going on, a million ideas running through your head at a hundred miles an hour. Are you in trouble? Are they going to ask you to join a cult? Have they joined forces with the Black Magic Club and this is your initiation?
"You've proven yourself worthy against our trials, my dear." Tamaki announces in a royal tone.
"Trials?" You tilt your head to the side, looking curiously at the hosts around you.
"And so, I present you... with this." Tamaki looks to Kyoya a moment. Kyoya hands him a luxurious pillow, meant for ceremonies. Something is sitting a top it. It doesn't look too big, and it looks quite delicate.
When Tamaki is handed the pillow, he moves it into the light, lowering it to your level to reveal...
... a yellow rose?
"A rose?" You have to admit, it's quite beautiful, in perfect condition. However, you can't help but wonder what on earth he's giving it to you for... and in such a formal fashion.
"Your rose." Tamaki corrects in a gentle tone as if he were speaking to only you.
"My rose?" You parrot.
And then, it clicks.
Your rose.
Your rose.
The rose meant to represent you. To represent you as a host.
Your eyes tear from the beautiful flower to meet Tamaki's lilac irises, your lips parted in disbelief.
"Are you serious?" You absentmindedly take the rose with gentle fingers. The gorgeous pale yellow of its petals glisten under the sharp light above Tamaki's head.
"It's long overdue." Tamaki nods. He can't help but smile at your complete bewilderment.
With a cheek splitting grin, you let out a purely delighted laugh, surging forward and throwing your arms around Tamaki's neck, arms constricting tightly around him.
As surprised as Tamaki is at your reaction, his arms are quick to reciprocate, the warmth in his chest spreading to his lips as they smile fondly.
"Thank you." He hears you sniffle. He chuckles.
"It's wasn't my idea." As Tamaki gently lets you go, you know immediately who to look to.
Your gaze falls upon Kyoya's, already fixed on you with a soft simper.
He truly is a vision in his butler's tailcoat, arms tucked behind his back and eyes focused entirely on you with such an aura of adoration that it makes your heart pulse in the best of ways.
As you approach him, you can't wipe the smile from your lips, "You're really okay with this?"
Your consideration for his anxieties sets Kyoya even more at ease with his decision than he was before.
It's not necessarily the fact that you're becoming a host that excites you. Sure, it's a role you've longed for these past few years and you think you'd be an excellent candidate... but that's not the reason you're over the moon.
It would take only a bystander to realize how uncomfortable the notion of you becoming a host made Kyoya in the past. The idea of you catering romantically to anyone didn't exactly sit right with him, but that was when your combined futures were uncertain. That was before he knew the extent of your affection for him. It used to make him nervous to see you interact in such a way with others, but now...
Of course you're excited to become a host and explore the possibilities, but you're ten times more moved by the fact that you have gained such trust from Kyoya. A trust that exceeds his boundaries, a trust that allows him to put your ambitions above his anxieties.
And that is more important to you than anything he could have ever given you.
Such a notion brings a few tears to your eyes and your lip trembles in the slightest, a sound of appreciation caught in your throat as you reach toward him, hands cradling his jaw as you pull him down for a searing kiss. Although he hadn't expected it, Kyoya's hands quickly find their place caressing your waist, eyes slipping shut as he basks in the feeling of your lips pressed together.
Kyoya pulls back only just, gaining your attention and flicking his eyes behind you briefly, jerking his head in the same direction with a faint smile.
You turn to glance over your shoulder, making eye contact with the twins: particularly with Hikaru. He looks as though he might chew his lip off, eyes darting away from yours the moment he sees you looking at him. Kaoru nudges his shoulder a bit.
Kyoya turns you around by the waist and you take the initiative to make your way over to Hikaru.
Hikaru fidgets with his sleeve, "Senpai, I'm really sorry about-"
But as you lean up on the tips of your toes and peck his cheek, Hikaru's words catch in his throat, eyes growing wide as a flush spreads across his cheeks. He gulps as you flash him a charming smile.
"I know. Thank you." You nod, seemingly convincing Hikaru that you don't notice the profuse blush spreading to his ears.
"I'm sorry too, y/n-chan!" Honey exclaims, leaping into your arms. Although you have less than a few seconds to react, you quickly support his weight with ease, playfully grimacing as his hair tickles your cheek.
As you set Honey down, patting the top of his head, you glance around at the hosts surrounding you, "Who's going to do all of my chores now?" You inquire curiously.
"All of us." Mori declares, allowing the corner of his lips to twitch slightly upward when you turn to him with an appreciative smile.
"Yeah, we're all gonna chip in a little." Kaoru digs his fist into Hikaru's arm playfully, who rolls his eyes and rubs over the spot that Kaoru punched.
"It's the least we can do." Haruhi grins widely.
Tamaki sweeps in, taking you by the hand, "Without further ado, allow me to introduce our newest host type!"
Ever a lover of theatrical presentations, Tamaki turns you to face the rest of the hosts, bowing.
"The gentle type."
As your heart swells, gripping your yellow rose tightly between your fingers, the hosts erupt into applause.
"Does this mean Senpai has to flirt with our customers too?" Hikaru raises a brow.
"Guess we're gonna have more male patrons." Kaoru grumbles.
"Guys, your jealousy is showing." Haruhi deadpans, flashing you a knowing look. You return it with a smirk.
"Indeed." Kyoya teases, unable to suppress the smile spread across his lips.
"Now, y/n! Allow me to teach you everything I know about the art of hosting!" Tamaki takes you by the shoulder, casting his hand to the sky and starting on a monologue that you couldn't be paid to listen to in a million years.
Turning over your shoulders with a desperate call for help in your eyes, Kyoya merely shrugs. You roll your eyes.
"When talking to a customer, ask them questions about themselves! Everyone loves to talk about themselves-"
"Do they now?" You quirk an unamused brow. Tamaki completely overlooks your interjection.
You groan. It's going to be a long, long day...
๐ŸŽตI run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.
Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until Iโ€™m OK?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors. ๐ŸŽต
๐ŸŽตThe world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now! ๐ŸŽต
๐ŸŽตRaise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!
And youโ€™ll cut through the darkness make it go!
The time to start is now! And I can show you how.
Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before. ๐ŸŽต
โ™กNext time, on Indeed...โ™ก
It's a certain someone's birthday who doesn't seem to share the same desire to celebrate it as much as everyone else...
โ™กWe'll see you then!! โ™ก
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist ๐ŸŒน
and here's my bts blog๐Ÿ’œ
want me to write something you want to see? request something๐Ÿ’Œ
have any questions? talk to my characters!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
Adieu~ ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน
480 notes ยท View notes
iโ€™ll tell you what, the friendship dynamic between kyoya ootori and tamaki suoh is absolute perfection
tamaki โ€œi must make everyone like meโ€ suoh saw the one person in the world who was least likely to put up with his shenanigans and said โ€œah yes, i will force him to be my friendโ€ AND IT WORKED
it worked because of sheer force of will. tamaki clung to kyoya and refused to let go. even when kyoya is being both a wet blanket and a rage monster time bomb (kyoyaโ€™s reluctant day out) what does tamaki do? THIS:
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he couldโ€™ve shrugged his shoulders and let kyoya rot in his room but no. he puts that motherfucker on his back and takes him out anyway. he wanted to have a good day with his friends - All Of Them - and by god he was gonna do it. yes, he may have forgotten the 5โ€™11โ€ sack of dead weight on a random bench but hey no one is claiming tamaki is the brightest crayon in the box
the point of all this is their friendship is so special because kyoya is the type of person to isolate himself but tamaki was not going to let that happen
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loveemii ยท 2 months
๐‘พ๐’†๐’๐’„๐’๐’Ž๐’† ๐’•๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐‘ถ๐’–๐’“๐’‚๐’ ๐‘ฏ๐’๐’”๐’• ๐‘ช๐’๐’–๐’ƒ!
เผป๐ป๐‘œ๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐ป๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘ เผบ | please excuse any mistakes |
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๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘ƒ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘๐‘™๐‘ฆ ๐‘‡๐‘ฆ๐‘๐‘’๏ผš ๐‘‡๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘– ๐‘†๐‘ข๐‘œโ„Ž
- Tamaki had always thought you were gorgeous, for a commoner
- You and him were in the same class together, he sat behind you, occasionally passing notes to get some answers he missed
- Overtime you two would just pass notes to talk, and that turned into walking out of class together; then to class together
- Eventually you and Tamaki began to date, but it had to be kept a secret ofc; if word got out that the prince of the school was dating someone in the school, it could end badly
(by badly i mean everyone will think youโ€™re with him for fame)
- Secretly dating Tamaki means sneaking out of class and making out in the club room
- Or hanging out in the hedge maze until the school bell rang for the second time
+ spicy
- Sometimes when you two would sneak out of class to make out, it would get pretty heated
(meaning heโ€™d occasionally run a hand under your bra, sometimes down your uniform skirt)
๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐ถ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘™ ๐‘‡๐‘ฆ๐‘๐‘’๏ผš ๐พ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ฆ๐‘Ž ๐‘‚๐‘œ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–
- Kyoya had been doing his research on you for sometime now, noting down your likes and dislikes, etc
- When he finally approached you it was after school in the garden where you normally read; he gave you a single white rose he found
- You two actual had a lot in common, like blood type; books and food tastes. He asked you on a date at your favorite restaurant
(which so happens to be his favorite restaurant too)
- On the date you two would read each other, profile each other; heโ€™d even go as far as saying that youโ€™ve liked him for a while now; and he wasnโ€™t wrong
- After the date heโ€™d call a limo to pick you two up, driving to your house first he walked you up to the front door and kissed your hand
- Making sure you went inside safely heโ€™d wave you off from the car as he noticed you staring from a window; you waved back, he left you with a slight smile
+ spicy
- Dating Kyoya Ootori means having large areas to hang out alone together; mostly his familyโ€™s private beach or water park
(to make out ofc, and occasionally heโ€™d go down on you)
๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐ต๐‘œ๐‘ฆ ๐ฟ๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘Ž ๐‘‡๐‘ฆ๐‘๐‘’๏ผš ๐‘€๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘ ๐‘ข๐‘˜๐‘ข๐‘›๐‘– ๐ป๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘–๐‘›๐‘œ๐‘ง๐‘ข๐‘˜๐‘Ž โ€œ๐ป๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘ฆโ€œ
- This was always one sided, thus Honey reminded you of your younger brother
- Every time heโ€™d ask if youโ€™d wanna eat sweets with him, youโ€™d say yes; but heโ€™d always bring up his romantic feelings towards you; which sorta ruined your appetite
- Donโ€™t get him wrong he means well, but the fact that he is 17 and loves the same things as your younger brother a bit much
(no offense ofc but it could be weird if you dated him)
- Heโ€™d constantly give you bouquets of your favorite flowers though, and whenever he needed help in a class youโ€™d help him
- Not to mention if anyone tried to physically hurt you, heโ€™d be there to fight for you
- And anyways you two had sweets without him bring up his feelings again
๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘†๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘‡๐‘ฆ๐‘๐‘’๏ผš ๐‘‡๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘Ž๐‘ โ„Ž๐‘– ๐‘€๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘œ๐‘ง๐‘ข๐‘˜๐‘Ž โ€œ๐‘€๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–โ€œ
- Morinozuka was never the talkative type of guy, heโ€™s always quiet unless he is spoken to
(which he almost always nods or makes a reassuring sound that indicates he understands)
- He needed a tutor for a specific class and you were a voluntary student; sessions began after school in the library; you brought him tea on the first day
- Quickly Mori grew romantic feelings towards you but never knew how to express them; when he did it was quick and simple he simply spoke โ€œI like you.โ€ and left you to do the rest
- But when you two began dating, heโ€™d talk a little more; asking how your day went or if you wanted to hang out
- Things in the relationship moved fast, but not too fast; although the both of you kissed on rare occasions you and him would get really shy over small things like eating in front of each other
- That quickly went away though and you two became more and more comfortable ever since Mori dropped condiments on his uniform, and how you fell out of your chair one time in class
+ spicy
- The closer you and Mori grew heโ€™d become more confident like pinning you down by your wrists anytime you two made out
(and on some occasions heโ€™d find his fingers inside you)
๐‘‚๐‘›๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ โ€œ๐ฟ๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘ก๐‘™๐‘’ ๐ท๐‘’๐‘ฃ๐‘–๐‘™โ€œ ๐‘‡๐‘ฆ๐‘๐‘’๐‘ ๏ผš ๐พ๐‘Ž๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘ข ๐ป๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘–๐‘›
- Kaoru Hitachiin quickly knew he had feelings for you (his classmate) and unlike his twin brother he acknowledges it
- Heโ€™s a host so ofc he began to gift you followers before school, and even started to walk to school with you instead of taking his limo
- The more you got to know him the more your tiny crush grew; and when you two began to date heโ€™d gift you even more gifts
(or surprises like going out for ice cream after school)
- When the two of you did go out; it was usually somewhere small in town like an ice cream shop or a restaurant you really liked there
- But when he took you shopping there wasnโ€™t a budget heโ€™d always tell you to get what you want, but ofc like the good girlfriend you are, you got stuff that was at a good price and never went over $100
- At school he didnโ€™t really care if anyone saw you two together, as long as you two were happy that is all that matters to him
+ spicy
- Sometimes when the two of you were alone in the club room heโ€™d go down on you on the couch
๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ โ€œ๐ฟ๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘ก๐‘™๐‘’ ๐ท๐‘’๐‘ฃ๐‘–๐‘™โ€œ ๐‘‡๐‘ฆ๐‘๐‘’๏ผš ๐ป๐‘–๐‘˜๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘ข ๐ป๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘–๐‘›
- Unlike his twin brother, Hikaru is very bold in a relationship; he never told you how he felt because he was always in denial to himself
- So ofc it forced you to make the first move, and surprisingly he wasnโ€™t too scared of the romance he had felt with you, and once he was more comfortable with himself he was all out
- Buying you dresses or cute clothes he knew youโ€™d like, heโ€™s a gift giver
(something he shares with his brother)
- And also he is a HUGE fan of pda, itโ€™s his thing; either putting an arm around you in school or a kiss on the forehead as you walked into your class
- Also holding hands is an absolute MUST for him, he at least has to be touching you at all times in some kind of way
- Like holding your hand under a table or squeezing your pinky, or even having a hand on your thigh
+ spicy
- Speaking of thighs, he loves to give you hickeys on them; and in between them
๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘™ ๐‘‡๐‘ฆ๐‘๐‘’๏ผš ๐ป๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘ขโ„Ž๐‘– ๐น๐‘ข๐‘—๐‘–๐‘œ๐‘˜๐‘Ž ๏ผˆโ€œ๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘™๏ผŸโ€œ๏ผ‰
- Haruhi didnโ€™t completely know she had feelings for you, but she knew you were special to her
- So (like with Hikaru) you had to make the first move, and you explained to her that she feels the same way; youโ€™ve always noticed the way sheโ€™s look at you
- The first week of dating Haruhi was hesitant to touch you, she thought it might make you uncomfortable but she got some reassurance when you first held her hand at school
- Ofc a few people were angry that you and Haruhi were together but you two didnโ€™t care, in fact the both of you would make it even more known
(not to the extent though)
- Small things like kisses on cheeks, or leaning on each other in the garden as you read a book or while she studied
- And definitely laughing at people who would talk abt how annoying you two would be by making it public
+ spicy
- Haruhi isnโ€™t really the type to do anything spicy or freaky but sheโ€™d have these thoughts that made her feel a little guilty and whenever you asked her what sheโ€™d be thnking abt sheโ€™d be so quick to say nothing and blush
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thelovinghost ยท 1 year
Y/n, addressing the squad: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box. Tamaki, writing on a piece of paper, before realizing something: But โ€“ thatโ€™s just a trash can :( Y/n: It sure is! Kyoya: When did you start getting suggestions? Y/n: Since people realized they like me better than you
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athenasilver7 ยท 2 years
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader
Scenario: When you cry.
There you are! Heโ€™s been looking everywhere for you! You really worried him, you know!
H-heyโ€ฆare you okay?
What the..!
โ€ฆ.Come here.
Stay still, just let him hold you.
Geez..he was all worried about you. Turns out you just wanted to cry in secret?
Tell him next time! He wants to be there for you!
Come on now. Let him wipe those tears away.
Shh, shh, shh.
Youโ€™ll be fine, this feeling wonโ€™t last forever.
He hugs you and pats you head.
โ€ฆ.You got his shirt wet with his tears.
You owe him a new one.
Gentle hugs all around.
Sheโ€™ll make some tea for you. She tells you tea always work for her.
She explains that sheโ€™s always going to be there for you.
She never wants you to go through something alone, especially if sheโ€™s around to help.
Itโ€™s okay, take your time.
Ohโ€ฆoh no no no no..
Get over here.
Thatโ€™s right, just settle yourself in his arms. Itโ€™s okay.
He canโ€™t stand seeing you so vulnerable and hurt.
Please, tell him what you need. Heโ€™ll do his best to help you.
Here, let him cover you in blankets and pillows.
You need maximum comfort!
Here! Thereโ€™s some cake and tea on the table if you want any.
Forehead and cheek kisses.
He invites you to lay down with him and rest on his chest.
He even tears up while holding you. Itโ€™s almost torturous to hear your sobs.
When youโ€™ve calmed down enough, he reaches over for the remote and turns on your comfort show.
He cradles your face and wipes away any remaining tears.
Nose kiss.
Heโ€™s here for you, dear.
โ€ฆDonโ€™t do that. Donโ€™t. Youโ€™re causing him physically pain with that expression.
He feels his heart shatter.
He immediately picks you up.
He knows you like being in his arms. He knows it makes you feel safe and secure.
You can stay in his arms forever if you want.
Itโ€™s hard for him to offer any words, so he settles for small gestures and gentle touches.
OHSHC masterlist
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chealinks ยท 1 year
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Reread ohshc, drew this in an hour, passed out
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notafandomblog ยท 3 months
Haruhi Ships And The Types Of Love
KaoHaru - Philia (Friendly love or bond)
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HikaHaru or HaruhixTwins - Ludus (playful, flirtatious love)
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HaniHaru - Storge (Familial Love)
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Yes, I chose Storge for HaniHaru because I think they have more of a brother-sister type of relationship than a romantic one.
KyoHaru - Eros (Passionate love)
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TamaHaru - Pragma (commited, long-lasting love)
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