#tale of the fallen
corvid-cr0w · 8 months
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Lillith as she is now and Lillith if she never got banished from the priesthood
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gil-estel · 22 days
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saddest girls in the world
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stealingpotatoes · 22 days
In TL4J, do Morgan Elsbeth and Merrin ever meet?
probably not, but if they did that meeting would NOT go well
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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The trio.
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house-of-mirrors · 5 months
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aaeeart · 1 month
Just got to say that I adore your Inquisitor Kanan au :) so hard to find those!
oooo I'm answering this one soo late 🫣 glad you do! It's weird how devoid of dark side Kanan it is out there, glad to be supplying (if with huge gaps in between posting but still pfppvdb)
Honestly the concept is so interesting to me, I was very much looking forward to Tales of the Empire to see if it could clue me in on more Inquisitor stuff - and sorta?
But I'd probably have to look into some comics and books for more, though I have no idea where to start with that 😅 JFO, TOTE and SWR will do rn
ANYWAY, here's some TOTE inspired sketches, Kanan gets the gi <3
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darth-memes · 4 months
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sadanduncertain · 10 months
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"So imagine how stupid I felt when I actually started to genuinely feel something for you"
I am one blushing, squealing mess
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migorify · 16 days
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(no text version)
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sketchupnfries · 11 months
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Every year without fail, I tend to have an intense hyperfixation during the summer, and it's always my favorite thing since it's happened each year (more so starting in 2016 and then onwards). Also I can't believe it's like officially-ish I guess the fifth anniversary of the Roombalution comics I made, and the chaos they brought haha. This year it's part 2 with Turbo Dogs lol.
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A book dedication after my own heart
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corvid-cr0w · 8 months
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jus a silly lil quick sketch of the tale of the fallen gang
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Okay! So I have seem some people, understandably, critiquing the training exercise that Anakin assigns Ahsoka in Tales of the Jedi.
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This? It's dangerous. It's irresponsible. It's a sure way to give someone a concussion. Over. And over. And over. It's exactly the kind of harebrained and reckless idea Anakin would have.
But the test was not designed to help her eventually survive O66. It was designed because Anakin didn't like the standard exercises every Jedi has to do. He thought the test wasn't tough enough, so designed a similar test that was "tougher."
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And this standard test was likely designed for a couple reasons. The first and likely primary reason is that the simulation helps test a Jedi on their foot control and precision of saber movements. You can see that she doesn't have much area to jump or maneuver around. A secondary lesson might be that the practice could help prepare a Padawan in the event they're in the field and surrounded. The bots are designed to simulate battle droids, after all.
The exercise literally isn't designed with stamina and resourcefulness in mind.
Fortunately, TCW did illustrate, time and time again, that Ahsoka is resourceful in her fights. The Citadel Arc. The arc when she is kidnapped by Trandoshans. The arc in season 5 when pirates attack her and the younglings. And also the "Wrong Jedi" arc when Ahsoka must outrun and escape an entire Gar battalion. So, it was well established that she is able to hold her own and it was established that she had the ability to create the circumstances for her own survival in instances where the field was open and manipulatable and she had assistance. She had already learned how to create her own opportunity or means to escape a sticky situation and how to think in a way where once she had the means or opening to escape, she is able to do so effectively and smartly.
But did she have the stamina and blade skills to create said opening so she then had an opportunity to escape? Especially when surrounded or cornered and alone?
The point of O66 was to literally surround and corner the Jedi. As seen by these dialogue prompts in Jedi: Fallen Order.
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Jedi who found themselves with the opportunity to escape (like Kanan, Cal, and Ahsoka, Obi Wan, and Yoda, to name a few) would escape. And at that point, many of them were as good as gone.
And it has been illustrated over and over that when Jedi are cornered and surrounded:
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like with Minas Velti,
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Ima-Gun Di,
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Aayla Secura,
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Depa Billaba,
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and Jaro Tepal...
... that they can get far and that they have great saber movement and foot control and that they can use their skill to make time for others to get away or survive, but it also always marks the end. It's an impossible situation to get out of. And as much endurance and skill as they might have in many areas, this was never a situation they'd be prepared for or that they were trained to survive. And that was literally the point.
I'm going to hazard a guess that most Jedi did not have "practice" escaping being tracked and hunted (like in the "Wookie Hunt" arc), out running and out witting an entire GAR battalion (like in the "Wrong Jedi" arc), escaping high-security situations while surrounded by high levels of personnel (like in the Citadel arc), or to develop the physical endurance and agility to last long enough to create an out while literally surrounded or cornered (like with the reckless training exercise Anakin puts her through).
Anakin made the test about having no way out and being overwhelmed. He made a test likely about footwork into one about developing the endurance and skill to hold off until you can create the circumstances of your escape while being surrounded or cornered and alone.
Ahsoka said it herself that every Jedi had to take the standard test. And there are a lot of flaws with that it. It isn't designed with the idea of creating the means to escape being surrounded, but to just hold off and hold off until the end of the simulation. I have no doubt that primary purpose would be to practice foot work with blade movements. But in terms of the secondary lesson, it mostly trains them for a speedy defeat against battle droids while having no way out. But the fact that every Jedi has to take it goes to show that they were not really taught to get out of being surrounded outside a quick simulation. Because why would they need to be? Not like they knew O66 was coming.
I get that the reason Dave Felony wrote and produced this episode was just to parallel O66, but I do think that in terms of the test's secondary lesson (developing the skill and endurance and having the practice in the event you're surrounded with no immediate out), Anakin's was far more reckless yet likely more effective.
Because this:
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...was always going to be a near impossible situation to escape from. Without the endurance, foot work, or blade skill to hold off until there was a means and opportunity to escape, Ahsoka would not have survived.
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the efficient commissioner is a fascinating character, not just because of how the fall affected her as a young woman, but because of how she is in the present.
she lives up to her title, chasing answers and aid to prevent the creditor from killing london. she has a tragedy procedure and law at the ready when asked. she is positioned, initially, as someone who might be an obstacle during the inital railway- if you keep her on board.
however, efficiency and readiness is just a part of her character. it is, in my opinion, just the surface.
during dangerous gains, we learn that the commissioner has been suffering from nightmares ever since the start of the railway. you can help her in the viric jungle by easing them in some way, and she reveals the source of her fears: the creditor, and its awakening and disgruntlement because of the tracks being laid across it.
this stress rears its head in a few failure texts during the railway, and her desperation to keep the company from fully destroying the neath. it is also present further ahead, considering all of the endeavours the commissioner undertook to find a way to satiate the creditor until the player is forced to come and help her with the task.
its only at the end that her fears ease up, and the player has the option to listen to the commissioner as she cries and reveals all she's done to try and mitigate disaster.
a character like her is clearly a great authority figure, and unlike other similar characters who get a moment of brief emotion, the commissioner gets a satisfying catharsis at the end of her tale, fulfiling and resolving a debt.
what fascinates me is that her efficiency can be explained by both her stressors and fears, and by years of running the tragedy commission (i think.) neither takes away from the other, and the vulnerability she shows the players makes her a more rounded, more fascinating character.
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dried honey on her lips
daisy chains on her throat
tiptoe, tiptoe, watch the cracking cobblestones
terror in her face and opalescence in her eyes
used up body in flowing gowns, brown, beautiful and bloodsoaked
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solarisrenbeth · 6 months
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don’t talk to me or my daughter ever again
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