#takes none of rika's shit
theprettyarachnid · 2 years
Which JJK characters do you think would approach their crush first? And who do you think would be the other way round?🌹
a/n: i have not posted in what feels like forever also new font because i dont feel like going through each one and changing shit
warnings: none
characters: itadori, megumi, inumaki, yuuta, gojo, suguru, nanami, sukuna
🕷 yuuji is the type of person who becomes best friends with their crush instead of shying away
🕷 he doesn't even need to tell nobara or megumi that he has a crush on you, they already know, but he insists on talking about you anyway
🕷 yuuji subtly flirts with you but you can never tell if he's actually flirting with you or if he's just being yuuji
🕷 the definition of the tiktok audio of "they're so pretty! what i am doing wrong???" and then proceeds to cry with nobara or megumi awkwardly patting him on the back because this man does not know personal space
🕷 after awhile though, he definitely ends up accidentally telling you that he has a big fat crush on you
🕷 does he like you? does he hate you? only megumi knows the answer to that question
🕷 he's honestly a little helpless when it comes to feelings because of how emotionally constipated he is
🕷 he sends very mixed signals
🕷 like one moment he'll be somewhat protective and almost endearing towards you and then suddenly youre getting the cold shoulder
🕷 it starts annoying yuuji and nobara that they start dropping obvious not so subtle hints that megumi has a crush on you
🕷 they both know that you have a crush on him to and it just consists of them loudly sighing or aggressively face palming themselves
🕷 they definitely start taking matters into their own hands after awhile
🕷 inumaki makes the first move and this is not debatable
🕷 like yuuji he'll become really close to you but his main goal is to fluster you as much as possible
🕷 when you two are talking he glances at your lips or gets really close
🕷 he pushes any stray hairs from your eyes while smiling at you even if you cant see it
🕷 he occasionally gently flicks your forehead when you've done something stupid or 'annoying' him
🕷 he shares his food with you and always makes sure you two are paired up together
🕷 he tries to make it as obvious as possible without embarrassing himself but if you dont get the hint he just writes in really big letters 'i like you dumbass' on a slip of paper
🕷 when he first came to jujutsu high, he would avoid you as much as possible
🕷 but yuuta has built up a lot of confidence over the years, especially because he doesn't have rika attached to him anymore, making him more likely to talk to you
🕷 he always invites you places or asks if you want anything when he goes to the connivence store or even if he's just getting up to grab something
🕷 severely protective but only when you guys are out on missions
🕷 texts and calls you as much as he can when he's sent across the country or even to an entirely different continent
🕷 do i even need to say it?
🕷 satoru didn't really leave you alone even before he had a crush on you but now he really doesn't
🕷 regularly teases you but never goes too far to the point where you get your feelings hurt or you start to ignore him
🕷 loves when you give him the same energy back which leads to the both of you playfully teasing and mimicking each other
🕷 ready to put his life on the line for you at any moment even if he never gets the chance to tell you how he feels about you
🕷 he eventually does though without having to make a big dramatic sacrifice
🕷 i have a headcannon that nanako and mimiko went through a phase of pairing suguru up with literally every single person they saw that they thought would be a good fit
🕷 like literally 'contestants' and everything, they acted as if it was some fucking game show
🕷 but besides that, suguru would approach you first
🕷 despite his reputation, he acts like a total gentleman to you and probably puts you on some kind of pedestal
🕷 goes to you when something's rubbed him the wrong way or when he needs an opinion that he can trust or if he just wants to hear you talking
🕷 rests his cheek on his hand while listening to you talk with this kind of lovesick smile on his face
🕷 i think suguru is a bit of a perfectionist so he would plan everything out before telling you how he feels
🕷 definitely has killed anyone that might've said something to you in a somewhat offensive manner, it doesn't matter if you didn't see it that way, he still has them taken care of whether thats downright killing them or traumatizing them so badly that they wished they were
🕷 i can see him admiring from afar only because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable if you don't reciprocate those feelings
🕷 but he will make very small advances just to see how you react and depending on how you do tells him enough
🕷 also very protective and doesn't like you going on dangerous missions without him
🕷 it's not that he isn't confident in your abilities, it's more that he literally cannot focus on anything else except you and your safety until you get back
🕷 had to hide his smile when he subconsciously rolled up his sleeves and noticed how you stared before immediately looking away with a not so faint blush on your face
🕷 i honestly don't know
🕷 like a part of me wants to say yes but the other part is unsure
🕷 in the scenario that he did approach you first, he gets rid of any competition or threat that might get in his way
🕷 i can see him slowly cutting you off to other people until he makes sure that know you're his and only his or until you're somewhat dependent on him
🕷 he probably pampers you and distracts you so you don't realize that you're seeing your friends and family less and less
🕷 pampers you to no end like whatever you want, you get it
🕷 also has killed for you
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hutaoscoffinn · 2 years
Head in hands
Rika SFW imagine/hc/whatever youre vibing with right now; a GN! Reader. Reader gets cold, how does Rika keep them warm? Holding hands? Lap cuddles? MOTHER BEGS FOR FLUFF
This made me squeal bc this is SO FUCKING CUTE HELLO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m so in love with Rika that piece of shit (affectionate)
Warnings: none, its super fluffy, tooth rottenly fluffy even, Rika is a massive simp because as she should be, gn! Reader, this is so fluffy and cute ohmyGOD
Character: Rika of the Elite 4
Requests: OPEN
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Well it’s starting to get colder so its no shock that you get cold sometimes
Rika usually doesn’t mind the cold, sticking to her usual button up with the sleeves rolled up and dress pants no matter what the weather is
Cmon she wore that at the 8th gym which was in the literal mountains like woman hoW
But when you and Rika start dating she immediately notices how you’ll start shivering in the cold, teeth chattering as the cold air seeps into your bones
So, Rika starts wearing a blazer to pass off to you whenever you get cold during the cooler seasons
Its a thick blazer, good quality that smells like her and as soon as she notices you shiver she’s wrapping it around you
This usually takes place in public settings when she has to keep up professional appearances and can’t get too affectionate with you
In private however?
Rika will be all over you
She’s a teasing shit so she will turn down the air to make you cold so you’ll cuddle up to her
And as soon as you start inching your way over to her, she swoops you up in her arms and settles you against her chest or in her lap
She’ll start kissing your cheeks and forehead as she hugs you tight, wrapping a blanket around you both or carrying you to bed so she can hold you nice and close
If you like hot chocolate or prefer hot coffee, tea, or even just warm milk she will make it for you as you two settle down to cuddle
Rika definitely enjoys this little strategy of turning down the temperature in your apartment at night too
That way, throughout the night she can hold you close and enjoy the affection you give her as you continue to cuddle up against her, seeking her warmth
If you ever do catch Rika’s little scheme of keeping your apartment cold and say something to her, she will brush it off as keeping the heat bill down
Despite the fact that the apartment feels like a goddamn tundra in the summer but Rika is more than happy to pay extra for the AC bill if it keeps you snuggled against her
Another one of Rika’s ways to keep you warm is to let you wear her shirts, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, ect
You name it she lets you wear it
She will probably even buy larger clothes to wear not only because she likes oversized clothes cmon have you SEEN how her button up hangs off her? But because she wants you to look adorable in her clothes as well
It doesn’t matter how tall, short, or what weight you are, Rika will get clothes that fit you comfortably and then wear them so that they smell like her before she passes them off to you to keep you warm and enjoy
This tactic especially helps when Rika has to do business for the Pokémon league which may keep her out of the house for days at a time
When she does have to leave, she will make sure you have plenty of her clothes and blankets to snuggle up to while she’s gone so that she can keep you warm even when she’s away~
Paldea was getting colder again as the fall and winter months settled across the vast land. It felt as though the frosty, winter mountain cursed the land to be covered in a hellish cold and you were sick of it. You had already gotten more than enough of the cold when you traveled that god forsaken mountain during your gym circuit when you traveled all over the damn thing to take on two gyms and fight Team Star’s fairy squad.
Which led to now, you gripping a fluffy blanket around yourself as your teeth chattered together thanks to what felt like frost covering your body. You hear a low chuckle behind you and you don’t even have to turn around to know who would dare take humor in your torture.
“Its not funny Rika. Stop laughing,” you huff, annoyed with your partner’s amusement at your devastating situation. You’re ready to curse at her when she laughs louder before you find yourself being pulled into a pair of warm arms.
Rika settles you in her lap, tugging your form tight against her body. She adjusts the blanket around you both and a small smile forms on her lips as you nuzzle your face into the crook of her neck, cuddling closer to her warmth.
“Better?” She asks with a small hum, amusement present in her voice that you choose to ignore in favor of soaking in your girlfriend’s warmth.
“Mmm much better.”
Rika’s chuckles softly before she presses a sweet kiss to your temple as she begins to rub your back lovingly.
“That’s it, just let me keep you warm, my angel.”
Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
Anyone who defends Teppei or pities him has to be such a loser like there’s so so much misogyny in taking the abusive pedophiles side in comparison to the child he tormented
“Ohhhh poor teppei :((“ it’s a grown man who deserves it, get a life
LITERALLY. Imagine sympathizing with the fucking piece of shit abuser over his victim. I don't care if he's trying to be a better person now, his feelings should never be prioritized over the child he hurt deeply.
I'm also sorry for using this as an opportunity to ramble but...
Satoko killing this new version of Teppei who's willing to change for the better for her sake is one of my favorite Higurashi and WTC moments of all time??????????
It's so fucking satisfying as much as it's really interesting.
Like, going back to Satokowashi after Satoko gained looping powers. She started viewing fragments as dispensable because there's always another fragment. She writes off every world except the final one as a mere delusion. They're not any different from "dreams" to her. Those are dissociative tendencies. She's dissociating by detaching herself from emotions such as guilt and empathy because it makes things easier to deal with. It's a trauma response and it's innately connected to her PTSD. She's always struggled with maintaining a consistent internal reality, and she's always thought it's no use trusting and relying on others and that it's best to shut off one's mind to get through traumatic events. It's also why when she blames St. Lucia, she blames Rika. And when she does horrible things to her friends it's excusable in her mind because everything is rotten and untrustworthy anyway.
She's clinging to the ideal of a perfect, happy final world because it's what she craves after what she went through at St. Lucia where she was tormented and had no emotional support, but if she comes to the realization that she's really hurting others by doing this she's going to fall apart. And isn't this reformed Teppei, a change in Satoko's lived reality that she herself said was inconceivable to her, the biggest threat to this maladaptive coping mechanism?
Satoko killing Teppei is basically all the bottled in rage and fury and the dissociation from any part of her world being real. She kills him with her own hands then bludgeons his corpse and it speaks to the idea of rejecting a love that doesn't exist and rejecting others to avoid rejection. Satoko destroys the Satoko of that fragment through killing a Teppei that never existed for her, one that was never even meant to, which is why she defiles and vilifies him so aggressively and thoroughly. The Teppei she knows would never do this so she rejects him as well as the part of her self that tried to embrace that. The Satoko that doesn't want to kill Teppei is just a new self formed outside of her original intent because it's just a theory/fantasy instead of reality as none of this was ever real in Satoko's world. Everything has already happened for our Satoko. She is already the culmination of Teppei's abuse and that's something that cannot be changed. She cannot find it in herself to move past Teppei's abuse and the resentment therein.
I really enjoy Tatariakashi as a whole because it's Satoko writing a play where she manipulates everything in such a way so that Ooishi and the police would suspect and blame the protesting civilians, and in doing so it actually becomes a play where Hinamizawa becomes the very mob that did in fact affect her for years by ostracizing her and treating her as a cursed child.
It's Satoko's ultimate form of repayment for how long it took before any actions were taken in terms of trying to save her or just no longer treating her as a scapegoat. And I really enjoy the political angle of all this because it's a critique of the community that has always been failing Satoko, and it also acknowledges how Ooishi and the police perpetuate Satoko and her family's treatment as outcasts by treating them as a means to an end in their own plans.
It's also all about how Satoko prefers to cling to the known trauma over the unknown.
It's her revenge fantasy coming to a head because she kept growing more angry and detached. It's so good. Satoko is so good.
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meep9898 · 11 months
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"...Wait, are you actually blushing Boss?"
It took Satsuki a bit to regain her balance after being shoved away by her superior on account of all the wobbling the fat caking her body, but that didn't matter right now. A positively radiant smile was immediately plastered on her face, illuminating her cute chubby cheeks a rosy color.
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"You really do like me! I-I thought I was just being stupid, having a crush on someone like ya, so fuckin' strong and beautiful, but ya actually like me!"
It's taking the hogette all of her very limited willpower to resist running over to glomp Rika, knowing that she will follow through on her threats, so she's instead doing a giddy dance to burn off the rush she was feeling before doubling down on her offer.
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"Sorry Boss, looks like losing weight ain't an option now, this li'l lady has her face far too deep in her trough~ Oh, and I'm going the kick the ass of any guy who stays in this room for more than 10 seconds by the way. I don't give a SHIT how fat I am, I'm still in the top 5 around here Go on, git."
Leaning forward and staring while her gut is hanging out in the open room breeze, the redhead just did the unthinkable by refusing a direct order. Her masochism has no bounds and the delinquent's basically begging to be bullied in any way imaginable while those who took her threat seriously or don't give a shit themselves about this entire situation shuffle out of the room to give Rika a little more breathing room.
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"Can it, airhead! What are ya smilin' for? Are ya deaf?"
Irritating. That's what this whole situation was. Not only had Satsuki ignored one of her orders, but she was also blabbering on and on about her romantic illusions. Maybe she tolerated having the ginger around because of the previous sausage fest there was at the base, or maybe she felt some sort of attachment towards the porker since she viewed herself as her master and trainer, but that was the extention of their relationship. There was no way she had any deeper feelings for the ridiculous redhead.
"The rest of ya, leave the room now or ya'll wake up toothless and with less neurons than ya already have! This one's mine and none of ya get the pleasure of watchin'. NOW!"
While the lovey-dovey high the chubby gal was riding may have caused her to misinterpret Rika's words again, surely seeing the rowdy ruffian rolling up her sleeves was enough to get the message across. She was probably in for the beating of a lifetime.
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"Ya made me look stupid in front of everyone. You deserve to have me bashin' yer skull and draggin' your limp and bloody fatass all over the street. I should break each of yer bones and kick all that lard out of ya...But since ya love bein' a careless cow so much, I have a punishment much more suitin' for ya. Ya wanna be fat? Good, 'cause ya won't be movin' a damn finger ever again after I'm done with ya!"
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bugtransport · 1 year
OKAY ACTUALLY my brain will not let me rest so before i hit da hay for tonight... gay hanamoto theory (i'm gonna talk about like, all of honey and clover here and hanamoto's backstory so if that's something you care about don't read this. i really don't think anyone does but don't say i didn't warn you)
soo for those who don't know h&c is a manga series (and anime and drama but i haven't seen the drama) about a bunch of college students figuring out what they want to do with their lives and falling in bittersweet love with each other. it's a wonderful series i love the way that it depicts love (see below THE MOON SCENE...) and it's one of those series where you really relate to different characters if you read it at different points in your life. it's so fun. one of the main characters, hagu, is also like. pretty damn implied to be autistic. that's neither here nor there that's just a fact that i thought i should mention. anyway, look at this damn fuckin. moon scene:
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love a good moon scene! anyway. hanamoto is essentially like, hagu's parental figure and the teacher for the rest of the students and takes up a reluctant paternal/older brother kind of role for the rest of the class. the way that honey and clover is structured is that there are a couple main love triangles that happen within the series: there's hagu-morita-takemoto, which is the main one, yamada-mayama-rika, and later yamada-mayama-nomiya. none of these triangles are really important to think about in gay hanamoto theory so we can kind of cast them out of our minds, but before we do i should mention that they're not really your typical love triangles - and here's the spoilers for the end, but the hagu-morita-takemoto triangle ends up with none of the characters together, the yamada-mayama-rika->nomiya one morphs over the series into not really a quadrangle, but moreso is just yamada getting over one guy and shifting her focus to actually solving her problems. i would say they are love triangles but they're hardly ever played as how i would typically think of love triangles - they're moreso just shapes propping the characters up so that they can learn more about themselves and grow as people first and foremost.
hanamoto isn't really involved in any of these relationship shapes. however in his backstory there is, if you view him as having a thing for harada... another love triangle. rika (previously mentioned in one of the current triangles) and a man named harada and hanamoto all went to school together back in the day. to recap a long story: hanamoto meets harada in class one day.
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hanamoto and harada become close and move in together.
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harada meets rika and strikes up a relationship with her while still living with hanamoto and the three of them have something... that i'm just gonna let this page describe for itself.
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harada and rika get married and start an architectural firm together and hanamoto begins teaching because he used to teach the two of them and found so much joy in it that he decided that's what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.
and then harada and rika get into a car crash a couple years later before the story begins and harada dies. and hanamoto goes a little…
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you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me that this was written to be anything other than romantic. it's a love triangle in the love triangle series. he doesn't show interest in a single woman throughout the series but thinks constantly and eternally about how everything that he is and the work that he does and the people he knows and the air that he breathes has been impacted by harada. the actual stable poly relationship that's gone to shit. thinking about killing your boyfriend's wife even though you like her because she reminds you too much of him and you just can't take that because you want him back so, so badly. even the end of the series - which, i'll be the first to admit, if you've read it you might be wondering why the hell i like this guy so much, but if you read him as gay and the whole thing at the end as him accepting his paternal role like, it's fine. i do not think shuji hanamoto is in the least bit attracted to women THANK YOU for coming to my TED TALK.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 3 months
Not to put myself on blast but I just wanted to take a break from my batfam brain rot and expose my Mystic Messenger Brain rot!!!
First and foremost none of these people are straight! It is physically impossible. Like Zen can be this much of theater kid and only like women. 7 is canonically bi. Jaehee is not straight in canon either. Does Jumin Han is Gay? V and Rika are into some freak shit. Yoosung, he could potentially be a heterosexual.
Pairings Zen/Jumin, 7/Yoosung, MC/Jaehee. I could be convinced of Zen/MC because he has huge wife guy energy.
All the men are thinks in the game which feels wrong. Zen at the very least based on the text should be buff as hell. Yoosung I don’t think would be over weight at all but like he definitely wouldn’t have an up and down pole body. Jaehee seems accurate enough to how she is described. Jumin is hard to place since he is super attractive in canon but he never really talks about working out so Twink could be accurate. 7 is also canonically super strong so again maybe made him a bit too skinny. (I’m aware Otome love interests usually look like Jack Skelington but I like some variety in my boyzzzz).
V and Rika deserve and eachother that’s all I will say on that. Saeran deserves better. I know he is like a murderous criminal but it isn’t his fault. I am a Saeran apologist.
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mrsjihyunkim · 6 years
A Witch’s Heart Ch 7
Sorry that my updates have been so inconsistent lately. I’ll try and get back on track soon. I posted this chapter on Ao3 earlier today but had to leave for work before I posted it on here. Link here and at the bottom
                                                  Rika’s Truth
Back in the corridor with Rika MC only smiled at the gun in her face. "Really? A gun. Could you be anymore cowardly?" A vicious smile curled onto Rika's lips and she laughed.
"Well you can't be too careful when fighting another witch." MC couldn't hide the shock if she wanted to and Rika seemed satisfied. Lowering her sword MC only laughed a little.
"Alright humor me. How did you know I was a witch?" Keeping the gun up Rika let out an evil cackle and held out her hand. A book materialized in it and suddenly everything made sense. Why she was so interested in the twins, and her refusals to visit them at her home. "So you're a witch then. Is that why you wanted to separate the twins? You knew what it would do to them?" Rika laughed again and it made MC's blood boil.
"Of course I did. Ideally I wanted them both but I knew that the chaos caused by separating them would be that much more sweeter. However V resisted the idea once you came into the picture. He thought you were a better fit." She didn't hide the bitterness in her voice. MC would feel her blood boiling and her magic was spilling out. Clouds began to roll into the room and MC made no move to control it. "However you keep getting in the way so for that I have to kill you. Then I'll make the boys and V love me completely." She began to laugh and MC could feel a murderous intent behind her. She quickly turned on her heel and cut down a black vine that had manifested behind her. A loud bang rang through the room and MC faced Rika just in time to block the bullet coming her way. Rika continued to fire bullets but MC blocked all of them with sheer ease. The gun began to click and Rika tossed it aside in anger. "Just who do you think you are to challenge me? No one is more powerful than me!" More black vines came after MC but they turned to ash before getting closer to her.
"Honestly I'm just someone way out of your league." Rika's attacks didn't stop but neither did MC. The fines that Rika conjuered never got close enough to scratch MC. "Did you really think you could beat me? I can tell by your weak spells that you're barely a hundred. You really should of done your homework before coming after me because the truth is that I'll always be more powerful than you." Rika could feel her magic getting weaker and MC could also sense it. "I am over four hundred years old and you never stood a chance in hell against me." A threatening aura filled the room and for the first time in a long time Rika was truly afraid. While Rika was frozen in her fear MC lunged toward her ready to strike her down, but suddenly a head of mint hair appeared in between them. Both of the women recognized it as V and reached for him. MC was faster and was able to get her arm around V's waist and jumped back with him in tow. When they landed back on the ground MC felt a change in the air and V nearly collapsed to the ground. More vines came after them but MC barely fended them off. It was almost as if Rika's power had doubled since V showed up. As if on cue Rika began to laugh and continued her assault.
"V dear thank you so much for joining us. I feel so much better now that you're here. Come here my sweet." V could feel his body being pulled toward Rika. He looked back at MC and she could see the conflict all over his face. Suddenly MC understood what was happening. Rika was fueling her magic with V's energy, like some kind of succubus. Putting a barrier around them MC made sure her voice reached V.
"Jihyun you have to leave! Rika is using you to power her magic. She could kill you, Jihyun!" At the sound of his true name V stopped walking and faced MC. Rika's vines swarmed the barrier and began to push through it. There was so much that V wanted to say but he only held up his hand to give MC her wand. She smiled at him and took it, feeling the magic flow through more evenly. "Speak your name and you'll be free." It was a simple sentence but it felt like a fire was suddenly burning inside of V.
Read the rest on Ao3
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cosmicrhetoric · 4 years
"kids r too young to understand homosexuality it shouldnt be in childrens shows" bro i fully accepted whatever the hell cardcaptor sakura was doing when i was 7 with like zero problems and i was STILL too repressed to Understand certain things abt myself for like 15 years........@ parents dw if the household is right internalized homophobia finds a way
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anyway since im still pissed that it’s still, despite all attempts to the contrary, fucking impossible to avoid posts claiming that v never did anything wrong and he was somehow wronged to an extent that the rest of the rfa wasn't, i thought i’d just remind everyone that while, yes, his relationship with rika doesn't mark him as an abuser (though he caused a shitload of damage there and acted in incredibly unhealthy and harmful ways that shouldn't be ignored) his relationship with the choi boys, and particularly seven, definitely fucking does, given that:
v shunted seven off to an organization that could and would kill seven if he didn't impress them and constantly follow their orders, as a CHILD
v set himself up as a parental/father figure to seven but refused to be honest with him, placed undue burdens on him, and ghosted him frequently
v constantly and consistently lied to seven in order to keep him loyal and not question him, and whenever seven started to doubt him (like wondering if saeran really was safe) v would lie even more and GUILT SEVEN for questioning him, bringing up the years they've known each other as supposed proof of his trustworthiness despite the fact that, of course, v WAS lying shamelessly. v was so invested in keeping his secrets that even when he was confronted with proof that he had been lying to seven, he lied to seven and denied any knowledge of what seven was seven, going so far as to attempt to gaslight seven, trying to make seven question whether he actually saw what he did (namely, saeran in rika’s apartment)
seven agreed to join the agency because v promised that if he did, v would take care of saeran and make sure he would be safe. however, v admitted that he had NO IDEA when saeran joined mint eye -- he so completely failed in his promise to watch saeran that he didn't even notice when the child he was supposed to be taking care or disappeared off the face of the earth. he then continued to lie to seven and promise that saeran was safe in order to keep seven from questioning him. so, while seven underwent massive amounts of guilt for leaving his brother and doing terrible things for the agency, v abandoned his brother and made the whole endeavor pointless.
and a bonus saeran point:
when v realized where saeran was, he still didn’t tell seven or make a move to help saeran, instead laying low and observing -- not for saeran’s sake or the sake of everyone in mint eye who was being drugged or had been kidnapped, but because he thought acting suddenly would mean rika would face legal punishment. he prioritized his ex-girlfriend who blinded him over the child he was supposed to protect.
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hhhecates · 3 years
New Jujutsu Kaisen hc because I like to suffer and I got this idea after my sign language inumaki hc.
Okay, so... we all know that in animes there's usually that one really stoic and aloof character whose friends are complete fucking idiots and they just have to deal with them, so most of the times they are just annoyed as fuck?? (Yes, I am completely using fushiguro, nobara and itadori's friendship dynamics as a reference)
And we also know that at some point, maybe because faced with their past or because they actually risked to lose their friends, there's that one scene when the stoic character looks at their two dumbass friends arguing over something trivial and they are staring at them from the sidelines,,, and suddenly they just burst into this soft precious smile with rosy cheeks because they realize how much they care for these two idiots even if they drive them crazy?? And everyone looks back at the stoic character completely fucking baffled because what??? They had never seen them smile before and it's just so heartwarming??
But now, just consider sarcastic and annoying reader, soft spoken and polite to the point of mockery towards higher ups and loud and stubbornly undaunted when crossed. Reader is basically the pissy intj of the situation who is halfway between self-deprecating and god complex (gojo probably raised them lol, let's be real). And contrary to the stoic character, who's a little tsundere sometimes?? and who doesn't want to admit they care, intj reader just doesn't care. They don't want to. They don't know if it's worth it and are probably afraid that it's not.
Imagine them being a second year, and they're infamous because as much as you'd like to hate them (and prob a lot of people do) their "friends" really can't. Because reader is all about gratuitous sarcasm and soiled stubbornness that makes you roll your eyes, but they are also the first one to believe in Maki with everything they have got when she talks about her family history, they're the one that silence harshly the petty remarks of the Zenin whenever the most important families in Jujutsu meet, and no, it's not because they think maki can't fight her own battles, they'd never dare open their mouth to defend her because they know maki's own actions and achievements speak much louder, but they will never tolerate the Zenin's disrespect towards her.
They are the one that secretly buy books about sign language to learn it for inumaki, and before that they had an evergrowing list of his onigiri vocabulary on the noteapp of their phone. They're the ones that stay to the dorms with Panda when the others go get snacks because Panda can't really go out on their own, and reader always brushes it off by saying that they don't like going out anyways. They're the one that firstly greeted Yuuta with a half smile, tired but not forced nor fake, and called Rika a "pretty girl" because while she might have looked "just so scary", reader knew better than to dismiss the little girl still behind that "scary" appearance.
Reader is the one that exasperatedly yells at fushiguro, bite in their voice but none in their words, when they tell him that his thoughts and concerns are real and valid. They are the one that huff at itadori's sulking about sukuna and flick his forehead, then reassuring him not to have regrets for wanting to save people's lives when he ate that damn finger and that "whatever stupid thing you do, your senpais will have your back". Reader is the one that tries out new bakeries for Nobara in their free time so that she doesn't have to visit every single one in order to find Saori, and then brings her back her favourite pastries. And they're still the one that when gojo whines loudly, halfway between truly joking and self-deprecating, sigh at him and say in a joking tone "You might be standing alone as the strongest, but that doesn't mean that you always need to stand alone, you know that right?".
And it's so frustrating, because if any of the people at Jujutsu High was to be asked to describe reader, probably that would still leave every single one of them with their mouth hanging open in search of words, because they are annoyingly stubborn and loud, probably a little bit pretentious too, they're also soft and caring and attentive.
But they also know nothing more, nothing else about them. So what the fuck are they supposed to say??
Now, imagine that it all comes tumbling down one day, the elders come to Tokyo Jujutsu High to take reader with them (I imagine reader being like part of one of the main families, not the main threes, maybe a really important one just for the politics?? And the kind that just marries off their children to the three main families in exchange of retaining a high position, and like reader wasn't even born into it, they were adopted because they had like a really strong cursed technique or smth, that's why people from Jujutsu High didn't know who they were, cause they kept their old surname and basically escaped from their old life, cause fuck it, if the elders want them just to be someone's spouse, they are gonna be petty like that and become one of the best sorcerers instead).
For the first time they see reader scared out of their fucking mind, cause no, they don't want for their friends and their teacher to see them like this, to get their past thrown back at their face and drag everyone down with them. It makes them feel weak and helpless, and they fucking despise it.
But ofc no one there is gonna have any of the elders shit, gojo in the first place, and the second years too, boi they are so pissed, the first years just throw all caution towards the elders outta the window, cause they don't care.
They just refuse to hand reader over like they're not their own person.
And let's say they manage to send the elders back empty handed (for now at least, cause yes, I have more hc). But everyone if so fucking shocked??? And naturally now they see reader in a completely different light. And they treat them differently too.
And of course reader notices, how could they not, and they feel so disgusted cause they don't want their pity, they don't need it, they had spent already enough time pitying themselves.
But the thing is that they aren't acting like this out of pity, they don't pity reader, quite the opposite, they just see them as stronger. Because now they saw that reader too has weaknesses and insecurities, and all those things that reader calls disgusting and tries to hide, all those things that make reader agonizingly human. All those things that make them even more of a precious and admirable friend in everyone's eyes.
And so like, imagine that reader has closed themselves off in their dorm room, and no one is allowed in. They come out just late at night to take something to eat, but this time, they find everyone there in the kitchen/living room or whatever, and when they see reader coming all of them start stumbling on their words: the first years and their calls of "senpai! Please don't go back!" fushiguro is there too, and even maki looks worried, inumaki is weirdly serious, yūta visibly wants to speak but can't seem to find the right words and gojo sensei is there too, trying to silence everyone because of course, he is the teacher so "I need to be the first talking!".
And reader is just there, standing and watching all the people they care about the most argue and stutter. And it's a whole fucking mess, but it's okay, because reader is a bit of a mess too, and afterall who isn't?
And suddenly they all turn around to look back at reader because they be on the floor laughing their ass off at the scene, and then they stop laughing and look back at them with the biggest and yet softest smile ever.
And they take everyone's breath away, not because they had never seen reader smiling or laughing, they have, they do it plenty of times, but it's never like this. It's never this happy.
And it's in that moment that reader understands. They see it, and it's as clear as a day. They want to care. They care so fucking much. Because them, all of them, they are worth it.
Wheew, this turned out to be longer than expected,,, I’m so sorry shsjsksk. Also, thank you SO much for everyone who read, commented or liked my previous headcanon about inumaki knowing sign language, I really didn’t think anyone would read it, I just wrote it for shit and giggles but and now I don’t know how to respond???Also maybe I’ll be posting more of these, like a series with this reader? Yeah, I really can’t keep my mouth shut so lol.
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juminsfakecat · 2 years
I’ve been playing mysme for shits & giggles lately, and the one thing I will always crack up/think the one concept cheritz went off with is making rika — this very beloved and persuasive event planner, who moved everyone so much by doing nothing but being NICE to very vulnerable people — a fricking CULT LEADER 😭 like by doing the routes in order of release (aka casual > deep > another), you as the player quickly gain the ability of knowing what to say, and who exactly those words would effect. rika’s “role” is not as complex as it comes off as; she just talks well. but nevertheless, having a famous & rich photographer boyfriend, a hot and successful CEO best friend, and an upcoming talent that’s gaining popularity quickly… it’s not like she would’ve needed much convincing. that’s not even including how often yoosung switches hobbies + is constantly looking for different organizations, the efficiency of jaehee, and seven being a hacker; they’ve only helped her even more!!
I do believe that rika’s a cunning character. she’s still one of my favorite game villains because she’s ridiculous, and her relationship with every single character is so fascinating. but with all that being said, the cult leader concept was so perfect for her. it would’ve been very easy to make her a typical appears-nice-but-is-mean kind of character, but no. it takes all of her skills and the effect of her disappearance — because it would be one thing that they were mourning a friend, but these are all characters who haven’t had kindness and basic friendship in so long that they latched onto… not even a person! but the equivalent of (ironically) an A.I. — this one title neglects none of that, because why? why wouldn’t this group of people who are basically each other’s only friends, be not close in the slightest? especially if the “glue” holding them together was this warm person that brought everyone together? they feel more like strangers than they do friends, or even co-workers?
it was just… such a brilliant reveal. it feels outlandish because, hello, a CULT?? but it’s not surprising in the slightest if you think the RFA as her test group before moving forward. of course not intentionally, don’t be ridiculous, but it’s just so good. I’ll never get over it.
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hottieivy · 3 years
jjk boys + k-drama clichés (pt.2)
warnings: none
pairings: yuta, toji, choso, noritashi, geto x gn!reader  genre: fluff. cringy kind obvs would you guys be so kind to let me know that if you’d like to read k-drama clichés with jjk women as well? 🙄 
RANDOMLY FALLING ON TOP OF SOMEONE: yuta, although your destination was a familiar room, for some reason the corridor leading to the room was getting more and more elongated in your eyes because you were having trouble walking with a lot of boxes and files blocking your vision, praying not to fall. under normal circumstances, completing a task given by principal yaga wasn’t such a difficult task, but ever since maki left you all the work with a brief excuse, you’ve had more than you can carry in your arms. you’re out of balance and starting to wobble because of the cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other that just don’t hold steady. suddenly you hit something- or someone? in the hallway and stumble. before you knew it, the boxes and the files inside were thrown into the air as you dramatically fell forward. however, your body didn’t meet the hard ground you’d expect. instead of, you feel loose arms around your figure and when you open your eyes, you came across a familiar face that was a bit too close to your face. you both just stared at each other’s faces for a good 2 mins in a strange silence and could have sworn that you saw the red color creeping around his cheeks. lol you better run before rika shows up
BAD BOY TURNS GOOD: toji, it happened so slowly and insidiously that you don’t even remember when it really started. his little gestures and favors that you didn’t put too much meaning behind at first. but it’s like him memorizing your coffee order. it’s like the little grins he starts giving after his constant taunting and sarcastic comments. it’s like when you were lying sick on the couch and him throwing a bag full of medicine at you. like how he’s now the one who came into your arms after a long day, even though he used to be unresponsive to slightest show of compassion. it’s like him letting you trace your fingertips over the wounds on his body. like him constantly replacing your favorite flowers in your vase with fresh ones. just as the ‘’bad boy’’, who finds the lead annoying at first, certainly treats them and only them well at the end of the drama.
EXAGGERATED HEIGHT/SIZE DIFFERENCE: choso, no, it doesn’t matter what size you are, because no matter, choso’s tees with ridiculous phrases or odd social messages on them will always be big on you. you had to take a shower in his apartment and now you're standing in the kitchen in a giant t-shirt that says ‘’save the planet, eat less shit!’’ and as he puts a plate in front of you, he says ‘’here’s your shitless pasta’’ with a stupid expression of satisfaction on his face. you don't know how it works every time, like magic, how the t-shirts that are normal to him looks like a ridiculous dress on you. maybe it's because it's a kdrama one morning you wake up with the sound of his brothers laughters coming from the hall, and when you leave the room to greet them, you were like:
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SKINCARE: noritoshi, with his head on your legs on the big red sofa, he looked fairly bothered. sometimes he dangled his legs off the seat, sometimes he threw them on the seat, but without an exception, every time you plucked a brow, he raised his legs up with a loud whimper as he jolted in pain. you pushed the hair that fell on his forehead so that you could have a better view of his trimmed brows, slightly getting annoyed with his whining and over-dramatic whimpering every time you plucked a brow. ‘’i didn’t know tht you hated me this much,’’ he said with a fake pout on his shiny lips. ‘’you, literally asked me to do this,’’ you said as you blew air on his face as an answer, which only made him leave the loudest whining of the night. rolling your eyes, you grabbed his face and said, ‘’just hang in there a little more baby and when i'm done, we can put massaging oil on your face. it’ll make you feel better, okay?’‘
SHARING ONE COAT IN THE COLD: geto, taking shelter at the bus stop, you were trying to protect yourself from the torrential rain that suddenly caught you. the seasonal jacket you brought with you before you left the house didn't work. you got caught in the rain. your clothes weren't too wet, but every time the wind blew, you almost shivered because of the cold he brought with you. ‘’ugh, they said it would rain later, like in the night or something,’’ you told yourself. you were about to turn to your boyfriend to continue complaining to him a little more, but you were stopped with the feeling of his arms around your figure and a big black coat that entered your point of view. he buttoned his coat over your chest and you immediately got lost in the warm coat. as you rested your back against the familiar chest, his hands were around your waist. he bent his chin over your head and spoke in a cocky manner, deliberately poking his chin in your head with every word of it, ‘’well, love, it is april after all,’’ and you buried your elbow in his stomach for a minor attack before receiving a laugh from him.
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sweet-seishu · 2 years
That was amazing 😂
Now do the same thing (ranking and shots) for JJK or the unicorn gets it 🦄 🔫
doing all males for this one, hope that's okay 🥺
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1. Nanami — ugh my beloved, i need no shots, sober af, i want to remember everything this man does to me
2. Megumi — zip, zero, nada
3. Gojo — honestly, i know this mf gets around, so maybe 2, just to ease my nerves
4. Toge — 3, not because of nerves, but bc i need to listen to him say "tuna" or "bonito flakes" while we're going at it, and it's weird, understandable, but weird
5. Toji — i need at least 5, because i would be nervous af, and i need courage just to look at this mans tiddies 😩
6. Sukuna — listen, i would need 7, maybe more, bc we all know the rumors of this man having 2 pps, would need it just to be confident enough to take em🥴
9. Geto — 4, would probably try and pull a curse from me or some shit.
7. Yuji — ugh, this sweet boy. i feel like we'd both need at least 2 or 3, just because we'd both be shy, and liquid courage always helps.
8. Choso — none, absolutely sober
i think i got them all?
10. Yuta — 3, just because i know this one would wish you were rika
11. Mahito — lol there is not enough liquor in the world
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Does anyone else think Gou/Sotsu make OG Higurashi worse...?
Look, I'm not saying it didn't have good points to it.  Hanyuu pulling that miracle out of her ass at the very end was pretty cool.  Not well build up to, but cool to see nonetheless.  The Teppei redemption arc was something I didn't need or want, but it is fun to see a horrible perform genuinely become better.  That was nice.  Satoshi gets to be alive!!!  And........
Uhhhhhh, the animation was good?  When you know, they gave us some new animation instead of showing us the same scenes for half the season.
I don't know.  OG Higurashi was about a lot of things, but the central theme I, personally, took away from it was the Power of Friendship.  Cringe. I know.  That was the big appeal of the series to me.  A horrific supernatural psychological multidimensional murder mystery solved by the power of friendship.  Where else was I EVER gonna come across something like that?  It was a hodgepodge, but I loved it.  
It was only through EVERYONE'S belief and work that they finally broke through their Fates.  It was shown time and time again, that EVERYONE's combined power was what created their happy ending.  And I guess what I hate most about Gou/Sotsu is that... it kinda shits all over that message, right?  Like I'm not the only one seeing this, right???
By narrowing down the core cast from 5 to 2, and basically making it so Rika and Satoko's friendship is the only one that matters anymore, it's kinda saying that Shion, Keiichi, and Rena don't matter to either of them...  Shion is Satoko's older sister.  Keiichi is Satoko's older brother.  Rena is Satoko's friend.  Do none of them matter?  Making them kill each other all for the sake of Rika staying by her side over and over and over again just makes Satoko's other friendships seem meaningless in hindsight.  
I didn't like this show the moment I saw the episode where Mion went away to college and stopped contacting her old club mates.  And when Keiichi started changing the rules of the club, even though he's like SUPER AWARE of the gamestyle that Rika and Satoko both loved.  Changing things to be more "fair" at the expense of his friends he nearly got killed over trying to protect from the Mountain Dogs.  It hurts double, because canonically the club was created FOR SATOKO as something for her and Satoshi to do instead of going home to their abusive Aunt and Uncle.  
Also we all know that is Shion, QUEEN, would never have allowed Satoko and Rika to enter the environment that damaged her so badly at St. Lucia's.  Because you know, she cares about the both of them???
And the final message of "Sometimes Friends Grow Apart, even Twins Grow Apart" just really, really hurt coming from a series where friendship was supposed to be the solution...  Like I get it, "Sometimes Friends Grow Apart" is a good message to have, because it does happen!!  But in a show like Higurashi it just seems misplaced.
Rika won her happy end after a 100 year loop of torture and death, because of the connection she shared with her friends.  They taught her how to fight Fate and hope and create Miracles.  And now, she's just a Looper.  She'll continue looping through realities forever I guess?
Like I know this whole series is just bullshit Umineko Bait, and don't get me wrong, I LOVE the first five chapters of Umineko.  But I liked how it was much more ambiguous how Bernkastel emerged from Rika.  Forever we assumed she was a culmination of all the bad ends Rika faced, a separate entity that broke apart from the Rika we loved and saw fighting and who won her happy ending...  But now they're basically the same again.  At least I think.  Don't come at me.  When They Cry can be hard to decipher at times.
Gou/Sotsu just destroys the happy ending they won together, because it invalidates the relationships we saw create that ending and tacks on more strife and conflict from a story we thought had resolved.  
Gou/Sotsu takes away the happy ending from my (formerly) favorite series of all time, and I guess that just really bums me out.  
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akajulester · 3 years
don’t read below unless you don’t care about Higurashi no Naku Koro ni spoilers
why must Satoko torture Mion, I just want my favorite character to be happy and vibe in peace.
It’s interesting how Mion seemed to be pretty much fine (just more emotional/confident in her crush on Keiichi) despite being injected with H137, up until she saw Keiichi with Shion. I guess Rena was more affected since she was already in a bad mental state and has suffered from Hinamizawa Syndrome in the past. I also like to theorize the Sonozaki family might have some kind of immunity (however small) to the syndrome, and that’s why Mion never got it until now (and the explanation of “she’s just too level-headed to ever get seriously affected” helps her or something).
Kasai continues to have great Dad Energy around Shion. I love their dynamic.
also lol I love how in the loops from Gou and Sotsu Takano isn’t crazy anymore and isn’t the villain, and yet she still does incredibly sus shit like that “craning my head to look over my shoulder as creepily as possible” when she tells Keiichi and Shion they’re partners in crime now haha. Even when she’s reformed, she can’t help but do incredibly sus things for no reason.
I like that whatever mistake Rika made while doing her dance wasn’t shown. I was worried they’d show it and remove the mystery from it (as inconsequential as it is, I think it helps add tension to the Watanagashi arcs - a sort of minor confusion and terror on Keiichi’s part to mirror the confusion caused by Mion and Shion taking each other’s places).
What is up with Ooishi in this show? He was always weird and suspicious in the original show despite being a good guy, but it’s like the people behind Gou/Sotsu are trying to take it even farther by having him constantly smirk and making his voice even more over-the-top. This is probably the question I’m most looking forward to having answered in Tataridamashi-hen’s answer arc (along with “was Keiichi actually attacked by Teppei or was that just a hallucination?”). Especially so since both Tatarigoroshi-hen and Tataridamashi-hen have Irie refer to Ooishi as “Oyashiro-sama’s familiar,” which the former arc never actually addressed (to my knowledge). It makes sense Ooishi would be closely watching Satoko and her uncle since Teppei was already on a police watch (according to Minagoroshi-hen IIRC), but Irie seemed to suggest something deeper than that. Idk maybe I’m just dumb lol
Holy fuck, Mion’s confrontation with Shion was a little hard to watch. Shion’s torture of Mion in Meakashi-hen (and presumably Watanagashi-hen) was awful, but something about how brutal and gory it was kinda dulls the horror for me, especially since it’s less about the sisters’ conflict and more about Shion being batshit insane and grieving for Satoshi. This conflict was focused on the two sisters (and also Keiichi, for Mion at least), and the contrast of Mion’s emotionless questioning with Shion’s terrified pleas was honestly horrifying. It felt more real in how it was more grounded and physical. I feel like there’s more I want to say, but idk how to put it into words. It was just a good scene.
This scene also hammered home to me how much of a villain Satoko is. Like, Takano was a crazy bitch trying to play God, but she at least didn’t know she was putting a little girl through ~100 years of torture (and other people to a lesser extent). Satoko knows full well what she’s doing by not only putting Rika back in the loops, but also forcing their friends to brutally kill each other. Her motivations and emotions are understandable, but a good explanation doesn’t also mean a good reason. This is why I hate the RikaxSatoko ship (aside from seeing the two more as sisters). Ship whatever you want, it’s none of my business, but I find it baffling how people think they would ever make a good couple after all this. I don’t think Satoko is 100% evil and irredeemable, but I fail to see how Rika could ever trust her again after being betrayed this intensely. I really hope Sotsu has a bittersweet ending where they reconcile but end up going their separate ways (especially since “sotsu” Japanese means “graduation”). It would be way more fitting than a cheery “we’re still friends! :D”
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uwumessenger · 3 years
i love love LOVE ur page pls do rfa and maybe v, saeran, and rika if they were exchange students at rad? 😏
ilysm THANK U :( <3 i love making mmxom! stuff ngl. also, love ur avi :')
for the sake of this let's throw the idea of religion out the window KCJSKDJSKSK bc most of the mm characters are canonically religious and that would make this post a tad more boring...or chaotic. idk
btw i dont usually write for rika but this is an exception ! ;)
when zen wakes up and sees the demon brothers plus diavolo and barbatos, it takes him a minute to process what's in front of him
he would try to go back to the human world so many times...poor bb
since zen is going to be there over the course of a year he would eventually begin to butt heads with asmo. they would not get along...
he'd hate lucifer from the start bc lucifer reminds him of jumin. got along with satan until cats were brought up
irritated by mammon and levi, though he is secretly fond of levi bc levi reminds him of yoosung in a way
is fine with beel, doesnt have many issues with him but is constantly concerned for his skin. totally jealous of beel's body.
diavolo also reminds zen of jumin in a way, but like, if jumin was more likeable.
likes luke and simeon a lot! thinks solomon was brought to freak him out because solomon lowkey resembles zen. like...super lowkey...
hates that it's night all the time
if any of the brothers flirt with him, he'll immediately shoot them down. he's not interested. would never date someone who could outlive and overpower him
visits belphie in the attic once then never returns. he knows a thing or two because he's seen a thing or two
yoosung is screaming and crying so much diavolo actually considers sending him back to the human world.
literally, the entire first day is yoosung BAWLING and swatting the brothers away like flies
eventually he warms up to levi, and levi only. he befriends luke and simeon too, but is suspicious of solomon. doesnt like barbatos bc he thinks he's like jihyun...
doesnt visit belphie in the attic, period. he shits bricks when he sees lucifer so if lucifer says not to go up to the attic, yoosung obeys
even if the brothers start flirting, yoosung would never notice. he's way too oblivious! he becomes more like family, because he kinda resonates with them and the whole lilith thing.
but he actually has a fairly good time. may or may not turn into a cult leader like his dear cousin afterward, though...
simply accepts her fate and agrees to spend the year in devildom
tells lucifer all about jumin...then comes to learn that lucifer is actually more like her and v?
she and satan get along well, but she befriends barbatos and spends most of her time with him and luke instead. baking and bonding over being pushed around by their bosses :')
helps diavolo with some of his work and gives him a lot of pointers for organization!
she would not like mammon. he reminds her of elizabeth the third.
one of the few who actually helps belphie out of the attic ! except when belphie tries to kill her, she'd fight him. and win. ur not allowed to disagree teehee
she most likely wouldnt pursue any romantic relationships with anyone bc she simply isnt interested in any of them HAHAHA
after the program ends she'd be one of the few who actually keep in touch with everyone, and would follow the canon storyline (minus all romantic interactions).
caught off guard bc wtf? is that....his twin?
the whole room is distracted bc of how much jumin and lucifer resemble one another, at least physically
hates every second of it and makes it very clear
although he likes talking with satan, and diavolo and barbatos
gives belphie some kind of inspirational asshole speech...doesnt help him out of the attic at all
jumin would actually come up with an escape plan and it'd be flawless. he would actually successfully escape back to the human world at least once
but the others have like, powers and shit so they can easily bring him back
would ghost everyone after the end, especially solomon
he thinks hes in a coma. doesnt believe it's real at all
when he does realize it's real, it's too late, he's being killed by belphie JCJZMXJSM
after hes brought back he warms up to everyone a bit more and is much more respectful of the environment.
he likes levi the most because when hes with him it's like hes with yoosung again! introduces levi to LOLOL, and they actually get to play with yoosung online every now and then
unfortunately for the obey me men, none of them are saeyoung's type. he does like that everyone is swooning over him tho
he warns all of them to keep things lowkey because of his hacker job, and says that it's too dangerous for them to visit him in the human world
before he leaves he gifts everyone some kind of gadget as a way to remember him. gives the whole im-dangerous-man speech, then disappears, never to be seen by them again.
so we're talking saeran as in good ending saeran, right? because this mf is getting sent straight back to the human world if it was suit saeran 💀✋🏻
and if it was only ray, he'd be crying the whole time. poor kid.
anyway he totally lets belphie out of the attic. naturally, belphie reminds him of himself, so he tries to help.
i think after everything settles down saeran would warm up to beel and belphie the most because their dynamic reminds him of his and saeyoung's. he easily relates to belphie and all of belphie's issues, and wants to help him through it!
like his brother, saeran is uninterested in everyone romantically because none of them are his type. he may or may not have had a fling with satan, but satan was giving off too much rika vibes /:
keeps in touch with them and will help them when they visit the human world
v is similar to jaehee where he simply accepts the situation at hand
v and solomon would be really good friends omg CAN YOU IMAGINE????
two old men just cracking jokes and cooking poisonous food!
he is the only person who is immune to solomon's cooking.
helps belphie out of the attic. somehow doesnt allow himself to nearly get killed tho
mammon accidentally becomes his therapist...! and everybody except for belphie thinks he should break up w rika
v might have a fat crush on asmo...or maybe even diavolo. but wont touch asmo bc his bff is solomon. pursues diavolo on the down low
oh gosh...she'd get sent straight back to the human world.
if you want someone who will help create peace among the three realms, you are not going to achieve anything with rika.
if she did manage to stay back, though, she'd probably be able to weave her way into levi's heart
she gets along well with satan
when it comes to the whole belphie thing? oh no. OH. NO.
this mf would probably help belphie kill off the entire human population 😭 the whole obey me storyline would flip upside down and they'd start another war
interesting concept ngl
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