#tachibana x kiryu
kiryuspcktracer · 3 months
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thinkingotherwise · 2 months
Bofurin my new beloved.
Ways of loving
- five ways to show love, between you and the Wind Breaker characters.
First are the more notable first years (Sakura, Nirei, Suou, Sugishita, Kiryu, Tsugeura) and our dear Kotoha.
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1. Words of Affirmation
Haruka Sakura - admitting love through phone when classmates can hear
You and Haruka were talking on the phone, you just had to talk with him about the depressing mood you found yourself in following the awful morning, knowing well enough that he could motivate you and make you feel much better. After talking almost the whole break your mood got a lot better and knowing that you would meet with him later on seemed to pick you up on its own.
Sakura didn’t mind you calling him and talking about your or his problems but there was always a moment he dreaded the most. No matter how many times you were talking on the phone he tried to go as far away from his classmates as he could. He loved you, he really did and wanted to tell you that even though it took so much confidence from him, but saying so in front of others was on a whole new level, which he wasn’t yet ready for. And so the whole time you guys were talking he was crouching behind one of the buildings to keep as much privacy as he could.
“Okay then, I’ll see you after school. Love you Haru.” You said sweetly and his ears coloured pink at the nickname you always called him.
“Love you more (N/n).” He replied trying to be suave with his wavering voice but then he heard the laughing and it wasn’t coming from his phone.
Sakura quickly stood up and looked back to be face to face with his whole classroom in the windows listening in on his conversation with you.
“Oh, I love you.” Kiryu started drawing out the words in a joking matter.
“Don’t worry (N/n), we will cuddle later on.” Takanashi said and started cuddling Kakiuchi who in return patted his head.
“No, love you more.” Suou joined in and later on a few more guys jokingly mocked the conversation they heard their class captain having.
Sakura felt himself boiling up, his face got all red and he wasn’t sure if it was because he was nervous and embarrassed or because he wanted to beat the hell out of the guys.
“Is everything alright, Haruka?” You questioned worriedly hearing a lot of voices from Sakura’s side.
“I-it’s fine, the idiots from my class were just listening in, clearly they want a beating.” He said firstly nervous but then his eyes darkened at the classmates.
“We will talk later, love you bye.” Sakura added and quickly hung up placing his phone back in the pocket.
He then turned fully to the guys.
“You better run.” He run up the wall and started climbing through the window to get to them as they started running away while screaming and yelling.
2. Acts of Service
Kyotaro Sugishita - doting on you during everyday activities
Filling the documents for your school club took so much of your attention that you didn't hear the people around you gasp and murmur about the moody boy standing in front of the clubroom. Only when one of your friends nudged you with their elbow did you look up and notice that everyone stared at the long-haired boy speaking to your club president.
You smirked at how uncomfortable Kyotaro looked and started packing your things. It was endearing that even though you told him he could wait outside, knowing that he didn't like socializing, he still came inside your school and even to your clubroom just to get you and walk you home.
"Can you just tell me why you are here?" Your president asked interrogating Kyotaro and you stepped beside them first turning towards you boyfriend in acknowledgment.
"Hi there Kyotaro." Then you turned towards your president. "I'll be leaving now, I'll fill the documents home and bring it to you tomorrow." You informed before grabbing Kyotaro's hand and pulling him through the halls and to your locker.
Changing your shoes Kyotaro held out his hands towards you to make it easier for you and you gladly took it. Leaving some books behind you closed the locker and followed after your boyfriend, outside the school and on the way to your home.
While walking home you got thirsty and when you reached for the juice you had in your bag you were saddened as you saw it was empty.
"Oh, it's empty." You looked inside the bottle looking at it as if it would make it full again.
A few seconds later a freshly opened bottle of tea appeared in front of you.
"Here." Your boyfriend held it in your sight.
"Huh?" You were slightly confused but when he took the empty bottle from your hands and replaced it with the new one you smiled at him.
He put the empty bottle inside his bag while you took a few sips of the tea.
"Thanks Kyotaro." You said and kissed the underside of his jaw.
Kyotaro's breath hitched at the action you just pulled. He grabbed your bag and went a few steps in front of you so that you wouldn't notice the blush on his cheeks. Your smile grew and you ran up to him to walk beside him towards your home.
Taiga Tsugeura - piggyback rides when you're tired
You were used to spending your evening with Taiga in the Muscle Power Establishment. You frequently went out with your boyfriend and most of the time it was to go to his favourite restaurant. You usually picked up one of their drinks trying to test each flavour, while Taiga was eating some high-protein meals after his training.
This evening, you had some blackberry protein shake and you sipped it through the straw. Your boyfriend sat in front of you finishing his banana pound cake as you listened to him telling the stories of recent events happening around the town.
You had your chin propped on your hand observing your enthusiastic partner. But even though his voice was always so energetic you found yourself slowly blinking more and more often with time passing.
As you started yawning, Taiga noticed your tired expression and sleepy gaze. He finished his food and started gathering his things.
“Come on, (Y/n), let’s go home.” His voice was softer when he stood beside you and you turned to him not even noticing when he came to your side of the table.
“Hmm.. oh okay then.”
The two of you said bye to the owner of the small restaurant and started your way home. Moving slowly you bumped into Taiga's side with every other step and he eyed you worriedly hoping you wouldn't hurt yourself. It wasn't common for you to be so tired after a long day and he was concerned if you would make it home.
As another yawn left your mouth you felt Taiga grabbing your hand and stopping before you. He smiled at you before squatting down.
“Go on, I’ll take you home.”
“You sure?” You asked looking at him and he sent another smile your way from behind his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I can see you're tired. Besides, it’s like additional training for me.” He said trying to comfort you that he'd be alright.
You nodded and moved to his back. As you tried to position yourself more comfortably for him he stood up and bounced you on his back keeping a firm grip on your legs. Your hands immediately moved around his neck and your head fell on his shoulder.
"Taiga careful." You said near his ear and he laughed at your words.
"Sorry, sorry, are you comfortable now?"
"Yes, please tell me when you get tired, okay?" You asked but you knew he wouldn't tell you, still he confirmed with a nod and started walking in the direction of your home.
You felt so comfortable and warm leaning against his back that you soon closed your eyes. Taiga only noticed you fell asleep when he felt your head weighing on his shoulder. He squeezed your legs and continued towards your house with a smile, happy that he could help you when you were so exhausted.
3. Gift-Giving
Mitsuki Kiryu - giving him hair accessories and styling each others' hair
The fact that Mitsuki easily lost his pins was obvious to you and you were always carrying some spare ones in your pockets. In addition, whenever you were shopping and caught eye of some pretty hair accessories, that would suit him, you immediately bought them. With how many times that already happened, Mitsuki was used to receiving small gifts from you.
"Oh! These hairpins would match with the new cardigan Mitsu has." You muttered to yourself as you noticed the display in the shop you passed by.
Immediately you went in and looked through their accessories picking a few that you knew your boyfriend would like. With your hands full you went to the checkout and paid for everything, getting a small gift bag and placing everything inside.
You made your way towards your boyfriend's home with the package tightly held in your hand. As soon as you were close you sent him a message and when you rung the doorbell, the doors opened to Mitsuki who sleepily welcomed you and kissed your cheek.
Your smile grew and a small laugh left your lips as your eyes met his bedhair.
"Did I wake you up?" You asked as you sat down on the couch next to him.
His head fell on your shoulder and he shook his head.
"Not really, it was time to wake up anyway." Then his eyes followed to your hand and the small package.
"What's that? Did you find some new hairpins?"
"Yes." Your voiced echoed happily and he straighten up.
He took the gift you gave him and opened it checking the contents, he took everything out and laid it on the couch between you two. His fingers followed and touched each hairpin as he hummed to himself appraising them.
"Thanks, (y/n)." His lips met yours for a quick peck and you smiled in return.
"Would you like me to do your hair? We can use the new hairpins."
"Sure, babe. I'll go get the hairbrush." He said and quickly went to his room to collect the brush and comb.
When he came back he sat between your legs on the carpet. You then grabbed the brush from his hands and started running your fingers between his tresses as the hairbrush followed after. His hair was so soft and nice to touch you loved doing his hairstyles, especially after he confirmed that it felt really nice to have you play with his hair.
You spent the next couple of minutes pampering him and running your fingers through his hair styling it the way he usually wore it and putting a little too many hairpins in wanting to use as much of the ones you bought as you could.
4. Quality Time
Akihiko Nirei - thrift shopping together
You were searching through the aisles in the thrift shop looking for something that you or your boyfriend would like. It was like a habit of yours by now, every other week you'd visit some second-hand shop trying on different things and spending time together.
Moving to the next clothes hanger you noticed two colourful shirts, similar in style and kind of toned down on the patterns.
"They are perfect." You muttered to yourself and took them not even checking the size.
You then marched towards the changing rooms and knocked on one of the doors.
"Yes?" A familiar voice replied and you slowly opened the doors.
"I found the best thing ever, Aki look." Your voice echoed in the small fitting room and you shoved the two shirts in front of you.
Nirei straightened up after rolling up his pants he already noticed the shirts in the mirror but he still turned around and took one of the shirts, which was closer to his size, in his hands.
"It has nice colours, but why two?"
Your smile grew on your face as if waiting for that question. You bounced once on your feet as Akihiko took off his button-down to try on the one you brought.
"Well, it's pretty obvious. One is for you and the other one is for me." You said and he stopped when he put his hand inside the sleeve and your eyes connected in the mirror.
You observed his frozen posture and giggled as he stood in his T-shirt and half-dressed shirt. Hearing your words and giggles his face flushed red.
"Matching outfits." He softly whispered and you heard him only because of the close proximity to him.
"Yes, wouldn't it be cool?" You said as he slowly continued trying on the cloth.
"If you don't want to it's fine." You added and moved towards him to straighten the collar of the shirt and he watched your hands move.
"You look really good in this shirt, Aki."
He smiled at your compliment and muttered a small "Thanks."
"And I wouldn't mind if you were matching clothes with me." He added turning his head away from you trying to hide the red on his face but you could see it in the mirror making your smile grow fondly.
"Here, put on your jacket as well." You add taking the jacket he came in and he quickly put it on.
"Do I look like a bad boy in these clothes?" He questioned shyly looking at the mirror inside the changing room and fidgeting with the shirt.
"My handsome vigilante." Your lips touched his cheek and his eyes never left yours in the mirror while a small smile appeared on his face.
You then quickly put on the other colourful shirt and stood next to him, how lucky that it matched you perfectly. He showed you a double thumbs up meaning he also liked it on you.
"Come on my handsome bad boy, let's go pay for the clothes and go for some melon soda." You mentioned while taking off the shirt and he followed taking the clothes he chose and making your way towards the cashier.
Kotoha Tachibana - gardening together
Knowing how much Kotoha loved plants and you having a little free time decided to start gardening which seemed like a great way to relax and spent more time with her. She taught you a lot of things about the plants, including naming each plant you found cute and wanted to buy.
Every time Kotoha visited you, she knew you'd show off one of the plants you bought with her. But she didn't mind, she found your interest in one of her hobbies as a great and sweet gesture.
"Look at the lemon we bought last week, it already started to grow little lemons, so cute." You said excitedly bringing the big pot from the ground and holding it in front of you so she had a better view and didn't need to bow down.
"It seems like you're taking good care of it." She ran her fingers up some of the leaves and smiled at you.
"Of course, you were the one who taught me that."
You put the lemon down and took her hand walking a little further and onto the balcony.
"But the tomatoes are not doing that good." Your face fell and Kotoha thought she saw the imaginary puppy ears on your head drop down.
She stepped a little closer and crouched beside you examining the seedlings.
"Nah, I think they're good."
"They are nowhere as nice as the ones Umemiya-san has on his rooftop."
"Don't worry, you're doing great. Besides, I like your plants more." Your smile immediately got bigger and your eyes glimmered in happiness.
"Maybe don't mention it to Ume, because he'd be crestfallen." She added shortly after.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." You saluted her jokingly making her chuckle.
After drinking some tea and talking about your days, Kotoha proposed to help you with your Chamaedorea, which needed a bigger pot. The two of you moved towards the balcony where you already had the soil and a bigger pot ready. She crouched beside you and started instructing you on replanting the greenery that was becoming bigger and bigger with each month passing.
"Here." Kotoha took off her glove and swiped the little patch of soil from your cheek as soon as you were finishing the replanting.
"You have a little dirt on your face."
"Thank you." You smiled brightly at her and patted the ground in the pot.
"No problem, cutie." She kissed the tip of your nose and you flushed surprised.
Yes, taking gardening as a hobby was such a good idea.
5. Physical Touch
Hayato Suou - handholding anywhere and everywhere, no matter who sees it
The most surprising thing about Suou after you started dating him was his touchiness. To say that this characteristic of your seemingly stoic and calm boyfriend shocked you is an understatement.
At the beginning of your relationship you were baffled and so so flustered whenever it happened. Of course, you just weren't used to it and as time passed by you became more confident in sharing physical contact with Suou.
You took every chance you got to cuddle with him on the couch, be it studying or drinking some new tea, and you especially loved holding hands with him or just playing with his fingers.
Now, the only thing you were still trying to get used to was PDA. You were still quite hesitant to show off your relationship, especially in front of big crowds but somehow you found yourself marching through the street hand in hand with Suou.
He was talking about this new tea blend that he bought and promised to make it for you as soon as you got back and you smiled at him saying thanks.
Suddenly your talk got cut off by some strangers that came to you.
"Hello, we are doing some street interviews in English and were wondering if you'd like to answer some questions." The girl pointed at the camera as she spoke to you.
Seeing that you instantly tried to let go of Suou hand and hide in embarrassment but he just chuckled at you and tightened the grip on your hand.
"Sure, no problem." He said confidently and you hit his biceps.
"Suou, why?" You whined and he patted your head with his free hand before turning back to the girl.
"So let's start." She switched to English and you tried to hide behind Suou but you only got to partially stand behind his left side while you became flustered at the thought of people on the internet seeing you.
Answering question after question Suou tried to include you too and when you got nervous he would caress your hand with his thumb while holding it tightly.
As soon as you finished and said bye to the two strangers you pulled on his hand and continued towards his home.
"You did really good, darling." He said leaning towards you and placed a quick kiss on your cheek making you shiver at the contact and you quickly hid your smile behind your free hand.
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11rosebunny · 5 days
Hiragi will never let you pay for a date when you're out eating, expect a fight to break out if you ever try to pay. This man will NEVER let you spend money on him.
For whatever reason, Nirei had a notebook filled with information about a girl he liked in middle school. One day, a group of his classmates saw his open book and found nearly 6 pages that had random facts about his crush. He ended up getting beaten up by the girls friends.
Togame sometimes pretends he's fallen sick so Choji won't bother him.
In the morning, Sakura couldn't be bothered to ever prepare breakfast for himself, it's become so normal for him to skip breakfast, it even annoys him if someone tries to feed him.
Suo surprisingly gets a bit annoyed with picky eaters.
Speaking of eating, Togame is a human vacuum that nearly eats everything.
Tsugeura is terrible at math.
Endo loves lying, it's so annoying because many people can never tell when he's being serious or not. He won't even tell you if he is or not, you just have to guess.
A small thing that Umemiya punches himself for is when he used to have a small fictional crushes in the comics he'd used to read as a kid.
Kaji sometimes listens to eating ASMR.
People are shocked when Tsugeura had been rejected by a whopping of 5 Highschool girls.
Kotoha gets lonely sometimes after running the coffee shop by herself, she really wishes another girl her age would roll around and visit the shop to befriend her.
Choji likes drinking those banana flavoured yogurt drinks after witnessing Taiga drink one.
Togame is very forgetful.
Suo has a small collection of different teas from China, his goal is to collect all of them and taste them individually.
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faintrustle · 9 days
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chubypotato · 3 days
When you make crochet for them and people makes fun of it
@hell-hoound for you 🫶🫶 you basically gave me the half of the idea luv u 🫶🫶🫶
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You made him a cute little accessories for his jacket. He loves his jacket so much and wear it often so you made something not too much visible but still something.
Even though Sakura won't admit it he really love this accessory it makes him feel like you are with him.
Suo tents to tease him with it but in a friendly way he would often compliments it till the bi color head become red.
But one day someone dared made fun of it said it was ugly and that he shouldn't wear that.
That's it Sakura took it personally like this person just insulted you.
He didn't need anything else to jump on that guy and beat him hard enough he couldn't talk.
No one and he means it no one would ever insult you (even though they just made a bad comment about your crochet.)
He cherish this accessory with his life.
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You made him a jewelry close enough to looks like his earing but still different. I think you would match it with a bracelet you would wear all the time.
The simple thought you would match with him on something like that or you taking enough time to make him a gift made him fall over you again.
He would wear it every time you are with him or just when he misses you.
When people questioned him about it he just replied that you made it for him. People could feel how proud he was to have you in his life and that you made him that.
One day he was outside doing a patrol with other when a guy started making fun of his earing. Usually he would let it slide but since these one was the one you made him he didn't let that person keep talking that he respond.
He would break this guy emotionally not a single remorse in him. No one should say something about your work only compliments only that.
The guy ended up crying and left running away as far as possible.
The other were just looking at him and swear to never said something about his earing ever not even compliments they were scared.
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You made him a cardigan. Since he loves wear these type of close you thought he would be a good idea to make him one.
You took so much time on it cause well it's really long to make but his reaction worth it to be honest. Boy was so happy he hugged you thight and wear that cardigan as often as possible.
He would be non stop talking about it to the other yapping again and again about how much you are talented and cute and every compliments he could gave you.
One day he was on the street heading to kotoha cafe's with the other talking about the cardigan you made for him to sugushita when a random guy on the street would say it's not even that pretty.
That was too much for him. He tried to keep it cool but he was so pissed of about it.
He went to the guy and made him realised how shitty he was compared to you and that he didn't have 1℅ of your talent. The guy left just like his dignity and ego.
After that Kiryu went back to sugushita telling him how much he loves that cardigan for 50 times of the week.
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You made him an accesorry for his hair. You know how much your boyfriend loves mode and putting things on his hair so it was natural for you to make him an accessory about it.
You thought this guy would cry when you gave him. He was so emotional. He would wear it every day.
Once he got to school he would go straight to Sakura and Suo to show them how cute it was. He was so proud of it. He couldn't stop touching it and smile.
One day while you were waiting for your boyfriend you noticed the unusual time he took to comeback to you so you started looking for him.
And you found him. A guy were talking bad about your boyfriend saying hair accesorry do not suit him and to throw it away.
While your boyfriend were like trying to calm the guy by telling not to say that and to not letting hear you that. You were very protective of Nireii.
Too bad you were behind him. You started to be very angry how dare that guy telling bad thing about your precious angel.
You wanted to throw hand so you started to walk straight to the guy but your boyfriend took you away telling you he wasn't worth it.
After that he bought you food and listen to you being very angry at that guy.
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You made her a cute phone accessory and a matching one. It was a tiny things but still really precious to her.
She would not drag it to people but Umemiya wouldn't stop talking about it and saying he wants something like that too. But kotoha stopped him by telling it was a thing between her and you.
One day she was shopping for the cafe's patiently waiting on the line her turn on her phone when a guy starting making fun of her accessory.
Kotoha like the queen she is started to laugh ironically at the guy and telling him that he must be very insecure about himself to make fun of these kind of things.
She even started listing all the things he must be insecure about. When the situation started to curiously make people turn around the guy would left line his dignity.
Once she come back she would give you a big hug with a cute earing for the both of you to match and asked you to teach her how to crochet.
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You would have made him an accesorry for his glasses. You know how much your boyfriend loves wearing color glasses so one day while he was asleep you take his glasses and crocheting an accessory color matching his glasses.
He was not expecting you to do such a thing and would be so happy. Poor boy would not be used to be cared of like that he is always the one who takes care of everyone.
He would cherish it to much that he would prefer broke his bones instead of this gift.
But one day, one day someone didn't even make fun of the accesorry but of the glasses but Togame took it as it was the same thing.
He would jump on that guy and beat him so hard no one would dared to approach scared by the fact they would end up like that guy.
Later without knowing why you would have a boy on his knees face on the floor begging you for forgiveness.
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You would have make him a little tiger plush. It is so fluffy so adorable that he took it with him everywhere he just love it so much.
I mean how could he left your child alone at his home that is not good parenting.
Boy would even want to change the gang logo by the plush but you told him he shouldnt do that.
He would always show it to togame and even give him a name.
But one day it was the end of the world someone took his plush someone took your child!
Choji would ask togame to look for it with him. This boy would cry if he doesn't find it. He lost your child what would you say, he would lost the privilege to have it with him.
But he finally found it with some people of the gang making fun of it for no reason.
Choji would push the door asking the guy what they are doing and that they better make they payer now.
He would beat them out to unconsciousness and take their jacket. No one on the gang is allowed to make fun of his child.
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Definitely an accessory for his hair you could see how much they were bothering them when he was looking down so you decided to help him a bit.
Even thought he didn't let his emotion showed you know he enjoyed it since he wears it.
Especially with the fact that Umemiya told him it was cute and we could see how proud he was on his face.
You guys were together on the street having fun and stuff. Especially buying new yarns cause you really wanting to make something.
When boy would have receive a phone call he would go outside to take it when a guy started to make fun of the gift you gave him.
The guy didn't even finished his word that he was already on the floor getting punched by sugushita without even a chance to hit back.
When you get out of the store you told your boyfriend to stopped cause you didn't like to see him fight.
He went back and explained the whole situation to you. He was just defending your honor. You thought it was cute he get angry at such a silly things.
To ask for forgiveness he would make a bracelet for you. It wasn't that cute or well maid but he tried the best he could for you and that all that matters.
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi! May I have some headcanons for Kiryu, Tachibana and Nishiki (separately) with a fem or gn s/o who has doll teeth?
I'm insecure with mine, ngl 😕 (even if they are discreet)
Have a good night! <3
Having a Reader with Doll Teeth
Fandom: Yakuza
Character(s): Kiryu Kazuma, Nishikiyama, Tachibana
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I had never heard it being called doll teeth before. I always thought that the gap is cute! But here you go and I hope you enjoy these!!
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He might be a himbo, but he notices that you shield your smile or look away when you open your mouth for anything. It confuses him because he didn't understand what you were hiding.
Kiryu brings it up in casual conversation one day. Just no tact when he asks. You explain you're insecure because of your teeth and he just stares at you for a bit.
He thinks it's cute? But he doesn't want to push you out of your comfort zone. Gradually he tries to make more jokes. He's not really a comedian, but he does try to get you to smile more or face him when you speak. Just slowly tries to get you to out of your shell.
Nishiki notices you hiding your face from him and it causes him to pout. He probably makes a bit of a joke about how he thought he was nice to look at.
Will talk to you when he notices it happening a lot. The idea that something is wrong doesn't sit well with him. You explain your teeth and the self consciousness to him and he asks you to smile so he can tell you how cute you look.
Honestly, Nishiki is the type that he'd compliment you every day to help you grow out of your shell. He knows what insecurity is like and so if he can help you with yours then he'll do his best.
He's quick to notice that you seem shyer when it comes to your face. He's tested it a few times by making small jokes to get you to smile and you always looked away.
Tachibana would speak up about your habit and tell you that it makes him feel a bit sad that you hide from him. He understands your insecurity and doesn't want to push you to let him see your smile, but he is honest with how he hopes that one day you're able to.
Will also compliment you too, but not too much since he doesn't want you to feel more self conscious at the attention you're suddenly getting. If there is anything you can think of that help you then he's sure to do that too.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
The World Ends With You Masterlist
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Neku Sakuraba
peaceful mornings with neku - drabble
neku crushing on an idol - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and shiki - headcanons
Shiki Misaki
being in a poly relationship with neku and joshua - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and beat - headcanons
wearing clothes shiki made for you - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and shiki - headcanons
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
caught in the lies of our love - oneshot
joshua crushing on a tsundere - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and joshua - headcanons
Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito
beat crushing on his oblivious friend - drabble
Raimu "Rhyme" Bito
beat reuniting with his s/o after the reaper's game - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with neku and beat - headcanons
rhyme being your entry fee to the reapers game - headcanons
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Rindo Kanade
out of sight (but not out of mind) - oneshot
yandere rindo kanade - headcanons
Tosai "Fret" Furesawa
dating tosei 'fret' furesawa - headcanons
Nagi Usui
dating nagi usui - headcanons
Shoka Sakurane
shoka & you teasing each other - headcanons
Kanon Tachibana
kanon's s/o being stuck in the reapers game - headcanons
Sho Minamimoto
sho with a s/o who understands his math talk - headcanons
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they lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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Alright Fuckers! Heres a multishipAU I have in my mind for Yakuza
Disclaimer : this is an idea for an au meaning ages are different thw scenarios that play out are different dont come for me because this is all just for fun, if you dont like it the block button exists. if i get any info wrong about the games timelines and such ignore it ive only plaid Yakuza 0 and heard small bits of info from friends and online this isnt meant to be taken 100% seriously this is just a peak into how my gay ass likes to ship shit alright? alright...
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Majima is with Sagawa for a while from age 20-30 almost ten years then they break up after majima gets tortured by the yakuza he leaves the yakuza for good afterwards. he becomes friends with benefits with Nishitani a bit of a relationship but not really.
Nishiki and Kiryu have been together since their teen years so when they hit 20 they start to wonder if their love was real or just a puppy love. they find out it was just that so they break up when theyre both 21.
Kiryu leaves the yakuza too discouraged to look for work feeling hopeless and thats when he meets Tachibana and they slowly fall in love. (oda isnt involved he can choke)
Nishiki leaves the Yakuza looking for work actively looking around he settles on the grand a caberet place and majima offers him a job as a waiter but nishiki looks at the ladies there and wants the same attention theyre getting he becomes a host and majima spoils him.
events of kiwami and kiwami 2 ? i think... happen Nishiki gets hurt and goes a bit cold and loses it as does Majima not as severe as he does canonically but it eventually happens...
Kiryu loses Tachibana . the relationships are slightly torn.. Nishiki sacrafices himself for Kiryu leaving only Kiryu and Majima left .
Majima gets worse after the loss of Nishiki,
After majima loses Nishiki he tries to commit suicide by his own katana but Kiryu stops him and majima slices off half of his hair in the process.
Kiryu holds him tells him hw knows what it's like to lose someone they love he lost tachibana he lost nishiki too not the same way majima did but he lost his brother .
So Majima falls for Kiryu and after he's recovered he cuts his hair and it a bit unhinged like his past lover Nishitani
But Kiryu is just happy his new lover is alive and well ... as well as he can be for someone who's lost many lovers and tried to take their own life .
He humours him acts like he doesnt like his advances and ridiculous ideas and it makes Majima laugh .
Hes do anything for the last bit of happiness in his life ✨️
least thats how i see it going i havent finished the game just yet… but man this game has me making headcannons and ships and whole different timeliness and shit man ...
I'm out here like Charlie day just :
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But realistically I'm probably more like this all proud despite being horribly wrong :
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...anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk.... I'm fucking trash for these idiots
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windbreaker-timely · 1 month
wind breaker blog
hi all!
this is a fan Wind Breaker-centered blog. it will have:
official updates when possible
asks (?)
run by @asa-pike, with help from @apparently-artless, currently not accepting additional help but if it gets big that might change!
please keep in mind:
will contain manga spoilers, but they are tagged.
there's a queue running for 7 times a day!
i run the blog from an entirely different account from my main to keep myself from burning out and getting overwhelmed; don't be sad if i miss something, just message here.
asks welcome, but no ship or character discourse allowed.
mod uses she/they/he for Tsubakino, is open to all pronoun options until a clear preference is stated by Tsubakino in the manga. no discourse on that allowed, either.
i'm always open to questions you may have about stuff (especially Endo! lol)
no NSFW asks; please keep it clean
will not reblog opinion posts, fics, explicitly shippy fanart, and "x reader" type content. (i want to keep ship content to an absolute minimum)
mod's first source blog so be nice if i mess up plz
let us know if any fanart reblogged is stolen! things might slip through
following #wind breaker, #wind breaker (satoru nii), #windbreakeredit, #wbktimely
have fun!
#official - character profiles, official images, magazine covers, etc.
#satonii - art by the mangaka
#wbk manga spoilers
#updates - for any updates concerning the series, ie manga schedule, etc.
#analysis - any unbiased analysis of characters and symbols in the series
#aes - things that remind me of the WB manga as a whole (rarely but might happen)
#blog update
#ask group posts will be tagged only by who's the main focus or by the group's name (or both, but i won't name every individual character HAHA)
#bofurin: Sakura Nirei Suo Tsugeura Kiryu Sugishita Anzai Kurita Kakiuchi Takanashi Kaji Enomoto Matsumoto Kusumi Yanagida Uryu Uryu Umemiya - #ume Hiragi Tsubakino Mizuki Momose Shiina Azusawa Tochimoto
shishitoren - #sst: Choji Jo Kanuma Arima Sako Saruwatari
#keel Natori Kongo Tone Kaga Kirishima Mogami
#gravel Suzuri
roppo-ichiza - #roichi Nakamura Miyoshi Hidaka Otowa
#noroshi Endo Takiishi Banjo Shakushi Tarumi Hashirao Sugichi
etc: Neo Tenjin Kaito Kotoha Tachibana Sasaki Nagato Tsuchiya Shizuka Shitara
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tetsunabouquet · 7 months
Tetsuna's Kinktober Finale: Shipping Edition
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one-vivid-judgment · 2 months
what's your personal ship with kiryu (outside of majima because rgg don't let my man's heart's desires catch a BREAK) if i may ask? cause i love date but kiryu needs a Best Bro (also i'm such a sucker for date/adachi) and date is the BEST of the best. i love the idea that of course he was down bad for tachibana, but because of their lack of just being able to Have Time Together among all the chaos, it just became an unrequited scar upon his piles of piles of self-loathing.
Tbh Kiryu is not my favorite character by a long shot. I don’t hate him by any means! I just find other characters more interesting and like their personalities more. 0 and 8 are peak Kiryu for me, and I think it has a lot to do with the amount of character interactions: he is still learning the ropes in 0 and relies on and interacts more with other people (Nishiki, Tachibana, Oda, even his interactions with Kuze I found pretty cool). In Infinite Wealth, just the fact that he has an actual party to interact with elevated him to me—that dynamic intro where he and Ichiban tag team Wong Tou, or the little moment where he, Chitose and Tomi are filming the video and just... hanging out and being chill for a change, for example. Those little moments made me like him much more when I used to be pretty indifferent aside from like, his interactions with Haruka which I found the cutest thing ever.
Since I was indifferent for the longest time, I never thought much about which ship of his I like most. I really dig him and Kaoru though, but I’m not sure how popular that is 😭 Also, Nishiki, of course! I’m not too picky though, I think I’ve read fics of pretty every Kiryu ship just cause I thought they looked interesting and were well-written. My favorite AO3 author has written Kiryu with Majima, Nishiki, Saejima, Ryuji, even Someya, and I eat up all their fics like nobody’s business.
Man, it’s been a while since I thought about Adachi x Date though 😭😭 I’m more into Adachiwagi, but what little I’ve read of him and Date has been very good so like, potential new OT3 here 👀 Adachi not getting any luck with women but being a hit with old men is such a funny concept to me. They just love this bear of a man, and who wouldn’t?
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thinkingotherwise · 1 month
what's your headcanons on the windbreaker characters and their ideal types?
Oof that's a tough one, because I like to believe that you can fall in love with someone that isn't your type, but you find this certain connection with them. But I'll try my best 🤞🤞
Wind Breaker characters' "ideal type"
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Haruka Sakura - sporty and passionate; because of his drive for fighting it would need to be someone who understands the passions and even better if they share it; someone ready to throw anything at any moment and run to you if needed, really dependable that you can tell all your secrets to;
Akihiko Nirei - nice and confident; someone who'd pump him up, his personal cheerleader, being the sweetest and nicest person known in town with such a lovable voice and words coming out of you, but when he is self-hating knowing just the way to change their words to firm and confident making sure he knows how loved he is;
Hayato Suou - kinda tsundere; someone not keen on PDA and easily flustered by it, and someone who likes discussing things - able to talk with Suou for hours on end about the topics that are interesting to both of them;
Kyotaro Sugishita - "big sibling" type; taking care of everyone and making sure he's part of the group, always making him feel included and sometimes making him socialize with others, even people he seems to hate (Sakura);
Mitsuki Kiryu - gamer; confident in skills and ready to throw hands if someone insults them or boyfriend, someone who looks sweet but in reality has a sharp tongue and can win any argument;
Taiga Tsugeura - someone who likes to take care of themselves; doesn't necessarily mean thin, but someone who likes to spend time making sure they are healthy, maybe someone having these daily trackers that they prepare to have better time management;
Kotoha Tachibana - playful but responsible; someone who gets shit done but is so playful about it, teasing and laughing every second they can, easily convinced to help and sometimes taking too much on their shoulders, struggling to finish things;
Hajime Umemiya - caring and extroverted; giving pieces of advice to everyone and surprisingly ready to help others with school work, touchy - meaning they love PDA and hugging, they would be the perfect duo, to help each other whenever the other one struggles or has some bad days;
Toma Hiiragi - street smart and brave; being tangled in enough trouble to elevate some stress off him, when they help other students solve issues, but also to be able to make his blood pumping and belly ache while causing just enough of the aforementioned trouble;
Ren Kaji - understanding and music fan; someone who would understand his issues and help him through them, being very supportive, also someone who likes different kinds of music to talk to him about it;
Takeshi Enomoto - stylish and a fan of Japanese history; someone who readers too much mafia/yakuza au!, or stories and would like to spend evenings watching action movies, someone who likes fashion and can spend too much time trying to find the perfect outfit for the two of them;
Yuto Kusumi - animal lover; someone who loves animals and loves taking care of them, maybe someone trying to become a veterinary or someone spending their time helping neighbours and shelters with animals, very empathetic and emotional;
Tasuku Tsubakino - open-minded and friendly; someone who gains trust easily and is friendly with everyone they meet, someone that has no problem with the different hobbies of Tasuku and easily supports their every move;
Seiryu Sakaki - pretty/handsome and popular, someone interested in skincare and makeup, very eye-catching and bringing others' attention to them, someone who easily follows along his pranks;
Uryu Sakaki - curious and someone who likes to eat and try new dishes; spending time searching through internet looking for new restaurants and food booths maybe even recipes to try with him;
Choji Tomiyama - complete opposite of him, meaning looks like they could kill you is a cinnamon roll; someone who people could mistake as the leader, like with Togame, but really they are all smiles and ready for cuddles, probably couldn't hurt anyone, only if they were really angry;
Jo Togame - kuudere- popular and disinterested; surprisingly very popular because of their "cool" behaviour, but they are simply disinterested in most things, when others talk to them or while others ask for help, but their loving boyfriend, that can make smile bloom on their face and somehow can interest them in anything he likes;
Kota Sako - someone who has sweet tooth; with his love for sweets it would need to be someone who also doesn't mind going to try sweets every now and then, maybe even someone who takes photos of said food and shows it off on their social media;
Minoru Kanuma - teasing and confident; being the 'comedic relief character' for everyone when they are annoyed by teasing the shit out of them in funny way but also not hurting their feeling in the process;
Yukinari Arima - loving and easily flustered; someone who adores being his centre of attention, even seeking it out, but also being easily flushed the moment he touches them or calls them with endearment;
Teruomi Inugami - equally joyful but more calm; someone who loves the puppy energy of his and hypes him up even more, although they look calm they are excited to spend every minute with him;
Tags: @misticbullet
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Hello and welcome!
Hello I am pike and this is where I post my filthy writings, my main is @lovingrobertfloyd
Kinktober 2022 masterlist
I write for rooster and Hangman mainly but I’ve been venturing out towards Bob and Phoenix, I may eventually write for Fanboy and coyote. I won’t do any requests dealing with anything non consensual, incest or anything pedophilia related.
I mainly write fem!readers but I want to write more gender neutral readers.
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Let’s get loud-Fem!reader
Great balls of fire-Fem!Reader
Rooster nsfw alphabet-Fem!Reader
Feel me up masterlist (stripper reader)
Smart and dirty-Fem!Reader
Forever devoted-Fem!reader
Make my heart race masterlist (series)
Nsfw alphabet
Coming soon
Cold as ice (drabble) gn!reader
Poly fics
Relentless (rooster x hangman x gn!reader)
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Stress reliever-gn!Reader
Mild self indulgence-Fem!Reader
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Harry Osborn (Rami)
Need you more than ever-fem!reader
Soft and delicate-gn!reader
Real genius
Chris knight
Tutoring methods
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prpfs · 5 months
hey hey! 🫐🩵💀
I’ve been hyper-fixating over Yakuza and Yuri on Ice! but I also have some other ships/fandoms as well.
please be 18+, and be okay with playing canon characters! not looking for doubles at the moment! also I prefer long term, and advanced-novella, and writes in third person!
nsfw is okay! however, I only write the bottom/power bottom role.
for Yakuza I am looking for Kiryu, to write against my OC! But I will also do: Kiryu x Majima and Kiryu x Tachibana! (My muse is Kiryu and Tachibana!)
for Yuri on Ice, I am looking for: Yuri x Victor or Yuri x Chris (I muse Yuri)
for other ships and fandom: (* = who I write!)
My Hero Academia
Deku* x Bakugo
Deku* x Shinsho
Deku* x Kirishima
I also do oc x oc! MXM only!
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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mejomonster · 1 year
I have branched off from Yakuza games and am now playing Judgement
1 this game is so fucking pretty
2 Ryu ga gotoku games are like. 1/3 fun weird do what you want slice of life 1/3 serious deadly angst crime drama 1/3 cutscenesssss (the movies so many movies and I'm used to kingdom hearts level cutscenes but damn rgg games feel like I'm Playing a yakuza TV show sometimes for both good and bad)
3 Yagami wears skinny jeans I'm calling him a millennial (although he may be Gen x and older than me? Depends how much younger he is than kiryu I guess o3o) I just think it's funny I'm playing this adult private detective in a white undershirt a leather jacket and skinny jeans he just looks like me in college lmao. U roll up to the yakuza family who paid ur lawyer degree and can commit crimes while ur fucking Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright who accidentally got a real serial killer acquitted and u look like a bisexual college disaster. Congrats. Ur really rocking A Specific Vibe my dude. Nothing like Kiryus "I'm wearing my 80s suit forever or else a Hawaiian flower shirt" vibe but definitely A Distinct one. It makes Yagami feel way more modern but like... My age group modern rather than the gen z modern kid who probably just turned 18 when this came out
4 Yagami. I'm a gay shdjfj I'm sorry death note did this to me. It's beyond hilarious to me he's got a same last name as Light Yagami thank FUCK this Yagami is an ex lawyer and now private eye. If he'd have been yet another cop I would've well. Dreaded his potential as anything but evil frankly. Even Date, Kiryus bro, quit the force to be a journalist (at least for a while).
5 finally a return to form in the sense there's MULTIPLE CUTE MEN ON SCREEN. Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2 all basically gave u hot leads and hot bad guys. Basically if a fucker was hot and not ur best friend then he was gonna be the main villain. Then I played Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon and for the most part very few hotties (saeko, tianyou, the guy with white hair, and maybe ichiban if you happen to like that kinda guy but if u didn't think kiryu was eyecandy then ichiban isnt really either). I'm glad there's now like at least 1 cutie on screen again at all times. Cause I can be shallow sometimes. Djdjf also the pick for Yagamis coworker ex yakuza guy is like nishiki eye candy compared to the kiryu/ichiban variety (which I love with my whole heart but it's not oogle type). His coworker is like akiyama or Tachibana or majima design wise. It's <3 and with a flowery kiryu type shirt but long sleeved and silky
6 I am still reeling that ur basically playing Phoenix Wright if he fucked up and saved a serial killer. But still impressive u know, to win as a defense attorney in Japan with that 99.9 conviction rate (also kudos to the game saying it immediately). I wonder if Yagami has his own Edgeworth? (God but not shinitani his sempai nooo not him he's introduced to early! Tho... u could argue he's his lawyer rival kinda).
7 playing all evening I still haven't found any side missions? I hope this game still has side stories??
8 I actually love the detective portions which I imagine annoyed some people but I love being a little fucking detective figuring stuff out it's why I love Devil Summoner Raidou game and mystery shows and novels and its just fun to me puts a little spice on a murder mystery story shdhd in yakuza games kiryu just hears a bitch dies, now I get to go figure out if the fucker actually killed someone. It's fun to be in like a random outsiders shoes while functionally the same opening to Yakuza 0 happens where kiryu doesn't kill a guy but is suspected. Except instead of playing the suspect, u play the outsider trying to figure out who's actually dropping ppl dead in kamurocho. It's a nice fresh perspective shift on a pretty common plot occurrence in the yakuza games.
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