#sworn translator
fandamnwitch · 2 years
Help me pay half of my exam fee (and make my dreams come true)
Hi Everyone! I am a 19-year-old student from South America and I´m asking for help to pay for half of my exam fee.
Economic context: To this day, my country is at the edge of living another monetary crisis. While prolonged inflation remained a constant problem since the Great Depression 20 years ago, people have started to fear another big crisis -one worse than anything the country has seen before-.
Personal context: Even though I am going to college to become a Sworn Translator, I also take classes in the evenings at a small institute for Trainee Teachers. Becoming a teacher is faster, and I hope to obtain my degree as an English teacher next year to start working and helping my mother and little sister. Despite not having to pay for college thanks to the Law of Common Education, I still have a part-time job on weekends to earn enough money to buy my books and materials.
What is the situation? This year on August 27th, I went to an expo for Sworn Translator students from all over the country. To attend, I had to spend what would be equivalent to 10 dollars, which may not seem like a lot, but it is what I make in a week. Today, I can say it was completely worth it. Not only did I learn a lot about my to-be profession, but I also won one of the raffles the hosts made at the end of the event. I could not believe my luck, since it was my first time winning something. At first, I thought my prize was going to be a book about translation (which would have been amazing anyways cuz those are hella expensive). However, it was even better than anything I could have imagined. I had won a half scholarship to sit for a translation exam from a British programme focused on language competence.
Why is this important? Passing this exam would give me a certificate of international validity, which means the possibility of finding a job abroad. To earn a salary in a currency as strong as the American Dollar or the Euro is something the people of my country can only dream about.
Why am I asking you for help? The thing is, I don't know how I will be paying for the other half of the exam fee. If I were to start saving money for this from my part-time job, It would take me at least two months to collect this amount; but I only have until the last day of September to enroll using the half scholarship. This is a once-in-a-life opportunity, and I don't want to waste it, but I don't know what else to do.
Thanks to the scholarship and what I had already saved, I am not far from my goal. While I can pay in my currency (pesos), the equivalent in dollars is about one hundred and eighty dollars ($ 180)
You can help me by donating "cafecitos" (little coffees) through this link:
Or via Paypal: [email protected]
I would have liked to use a more popular platform such as GoFundMe or Ko-fi, but they are not available in my country.
If you read all this, please consider helping me by sharing this post. By doing so, you are giving me the opportunity to change my life and make my dreams come true. To anyone who wishes to talk to me, my dms are always open.
P.S. The name of the page "Tradu-Siendo" is a homophonous pun in Spanish, my native language. While "Traduciendo" means "translating", "Siendo" meand being/to be. This is important to me because for me to be is to translate, and I can not imagine myself doing something else for life.
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transcriptioncity · 16 days
What Are Sworn Translation Services
What Are Sworn Translation Services? Sworn translation services provide legally recognised translations of official documents. These services ensure that documents maintain their legal validity across different languages and jurisdictions. Translators undertaking this task are often certified by a government or recognized authority. They take an oath to ensure accuracy and faithful translation of…
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mitrapenerjemah · 1 month
Proses Legalisasi Dokumen di Kedutaan Besar Rusia merupakan salah satu proses legalisasi dokumen yang penulis katakan sangatlah mudah. Hal ini dikarenakan, proses legalisasi dokumen tersebut hanya memerlukan sedikit prasyaratnya. Perlu kita ketahui bahwa, pra syarat legalisasi dokumen di kedutaan secara umum adalah dengan melegalisasi dokumen tersebut ke 2 instansi kementerian, yakni “Kementerian Hukum dan HAM dan Kementerian Luar Negeri” untuk kemudian Legalisasi Dokumen ke Kedutaan terkait.
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Why does legal translation are in demand?
While talking about the legal translation service there is an immense amount of service provider in the entire UAE region that you can look upon, whereas choosing the right amongst them is always been a hassle. But nothing to worry about just because Frontline translation is the one which can sort out the issue in just a matter of seconds.
Legal translation is the translation of legal documents, such as contracts, laws, court decisions, legal regulations, and other official documents, from one language to another. Legal translation requires specialized knowledge in the legal field, as well as an understanding of the source and target languages.
Legal translation service providers offer translation services for legal documents, such as contracts, court orders, patents, and other legal documents. They specialize in ensuring that legal documents are accurately translated from one language to another. They can provide services in multiple languages, depending on the needs of the client. Legal translation service providers also ensure that any changes made to the document are accurately reflected in the translation. Additionally, they are knowledgeable of legal terminology, enabling them to effectively translate documents into the desired language.
Legal translation services are in demand in the United Arab Emirates due to the country’s diverse population and the large number of foreign businesses that operate there. The UAE has a unique legal system that is based on a combination of civil law, Islamic law, and English common law. Legal translations are necessary to ensure that laws, contracts, agreements, and other legal documents are properly understood and interpreted in all languages used in the UAE.
How to do a driving license translation in UAE?
Driving license translation services are very important in the UAE because they are necessary to convert foreign driving licenses into the local language. This is important because the UAE has many immigrants who may need to drive but may not know the local language.
Therefore, driving license translations are essential in order to ensure that the driver is able to properly understand the laws and regulations of the road in the UAE. Additionally, driving license translations are important for insurance companies as they need to be sure that the driver is properly licensed in the country.
What is a sworn translator?
A sworn translator is a professional translator who has taken an oath to provide accurate, certified translations of documents from one language to another. They are also known as court-certified translators and are often used to translate official documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, adoption papers, and legal documents. Sworn translators may also be certified by government agencies or organizations to provide translations for medical, financial, or other types of documents.
Sworn translator services are essential for ensuring accuracy in the translation of legal documents. They help to ensure that the original text is accurately and completely translated into the target language. This helps to ensure that the parties involved in the legal process understand the documents and their implications. In addition, sworn translators are able to provide notarized translations of documents, further increasing their accuracy and validity. This is especially important when dealing with international clients or cases that require documents to be presented in another language.
If you’re supposed to get access to the best services in terms of the translation services then make sure to visit the official website of Frontline Translation where you’ll get access to multiple translation services.
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kanalblog · 1 year
Hal Yang Harus Diperhatikan Dalam Memilih Jasa Sworn Translator Jakarta
Dengan semakin meningkatnya kegiatan bisnis dan pendidikan yang bekerja sama atau semacamnya dengan luar negeri, maka permintaan akan jasa sworn translator Jakarta juga semakin meningkat. Hal itu dikarenakan untuk berbisnis atau studi atau hal lain, yang terkait dengan legalitas, kerap membutuhkan dokumen-dokumen yang harus diterjemahkan secara resmi. Jasa Sworn Translator Jakarta Mungkin masih…
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rassicas · 2 months
I found a kamabo co poster with an eye symbol on it(the square). There is an ad that has a big eye on it in splatsville ....
Is Tartar literally advertising ?
Is this foreshadowing????
Mr. Grizz knockoff
I believe tartar was advertising, especially in the octarian world, and i imagine that was how it acquired some of its test subjects. There is a kamabo ad in the haikara walker artbook on page 191. none of this is ever made super clear though.
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but i really don't think the posters in inkopolis square in s3 are foreshadowing, but the opposite, they look old and torn, i think that's just showing what was there. tartar was destroyed in s2 and side order i think makes that fact clearer since that story is all about the recovery of the sanitized octarians. as for in splatsville, are you sure it's a kamabo co poster? do you have pictures? there's a few signs i can think of in splatsville that feature eyes and arent kamabo. The only kamabo-adjacent thing in s3 i can think of is the sea cucumber phones, with the logo being the same on the CQ cards and text being in deepsea script
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but i dont think tartar has anything to do with this since it is Dead, but rather some other company in the deepsea (likely related to CQ Cumber).
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 month
What animal do you think users are one for all?
I don’t wanna limit myself to just one per… take these with the disclaimer that it’s just one iteration of an answer! This is purely based on vibes instead of anything symbolic.
Yoichi: Weasel
Kudou: Red fox 
Bruce: Badger
Shinomori: Elk
Banjo: Wolverine
En: Fruit bat
Nana: Leopard
Toshinori: Lion
Izuku: Black-footed cat
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
On my hands and knees begging the English translators to find a better word for “sworn siblings” other than just “siblings.” I get that sworn siblings aren’t a concept in western media (or at least not in the same way. I know we have found families), I get that they can’t just say these characters are dating because censorship laws, but like… there’s gotta be a better word for this.
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nakanospring · 6 months
Oh, the parallels…
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I see what you’re doing, Kishimoto
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banjomelodies · 1 year
Honestly about to completely ignore the wonky en translation and continue enjoying my funny little pairing 😭
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lord-shitbox · 1 year
I like how as the season goes on it's made more and more clear how Kirishima's shift from "demon" to "kind and reliable adult figure" isn't actually as unprecedented as some characters in the show feel it is. Like with him entertaining Yaeka when they were both younger, before Miyuki's accident, and how he went with Sugihara to apologize to the antique seller lady when theyd just met.....like I just. love how it shows he always had the seeds of kindness in him! even in his terrible youth! It's just that he's finally starting to grow them now
#the yakuza's guide to babysitting#kumichou musume to sewagakari#kirishima tooru#ygtb#YK..LIKE....ALSO. HE HAD MIYUKI AND AOI TO LOOK UP TO IN HIS YOUTH. AND NOW NEITHER OF THEM R REALLY THERE IN THE SAME WAY#theyre not Gone gone but he's stepped forward into those roles in their place (''brother'' for sugihara + caregiver for Yaeka)#yk....hes growing up...from being the one in a position to be cared for hes growing into being a kinder person that can care for others#from that state of such violence. yk.#I WAS GONNA POST SCREENSHOTS BUT THE SITE ISNT WORKING. NO VISUAL EVIDENCE SORRY.#from episodes 7 and 12. like he did not have to take sugihara in and did not have to go with him to apologize for stealing!#& how he played w baby yaeka...like! hes always been a kind person it just wasn't expressed much!!#put brother (2 sugihra) in quotes because you know how translation is. fucked up. literally translated it's brother but in like a sworn bro#kind of way. frat bro kind of way. idk i dont work here#+ not really sure how to explain why taking sugihara to apologize is so significant to me but im p sure it's a Thing. its a Gesture#could also be him demonstrating 2 the shopkeeper that the sakuragi family has her back. but still he couldve handled the situation in#many other &less kind ways. also the fact that he let sugihara apologize on his own instead of forcing him or like beating him up &dragging#him to the shopkeeper.#ill rewatch ygtb and take notes on kirisugi relationship ive got headcanons#aro krishima and bi sugihara homiebestieship agenda
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yilinwriter · 3 months
Mini Profile: Qiu Jin 秋瑾
For the month leading up to the launch of The Lantern and the Night Moths (officially releasing on April 2nd, 2024), my forthcoming book of translated Chinese poetry and essays on translation, I have decided to make mini-profiles for each of the five poets included in the anthology to help folks get to know the poets.
First up is Qiu Jin.
I am also including a c-drama and tea pairing per special request.
Let me know what you think in the comments. :)
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bluezakus · 1 year
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The fact that Ramba Ral and Hamon just straight up hold hands and flirt with one another and kiss right in front of their crew...they are still so in love and it's so hsjsjsjkkakshdhjd gaaah!!! the others don't even react like yeah this is just a regular day of Lieutenant Ral absolutely loving his wife
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astranauticus · 10 months
a handful of chinese songs that give me big robit energy
translating cpop songs is like my second favourite hobby so it's frankly surprising I haven't made this post sooner
Him - Floruitshow (马 - 福禄寿)
I've talked about this song on here before but this is the 3.7 song for me
the second chorus is definitely MR-SN but i like to think of the first chorus (Let me take a good look at your visage as we count down the time till the curtains’ close. Forgive me for holding back my voice so soon, do you know, in your graceful escape, all I see around me is disaster?) as VR-LA during the flashback sequence
specifically 'all I see around me is disaster' because yeah not wrong
'This time I’m not here to bring you home' just kills me like the please please take care of yourself because I can't be there with you anymore of it all
'Oh spring, oh warm sun, please come sooner, grant him a smooth and safe journey' same point, just the desperate plea for the universe to protect VR-LA because he can't do it himself anymore
How can I make you stay - Floruitshow (我用什么把你留住 - 福禄寿)
(conveniently I have actually done a full translation of this song!)
definitely one of the Maxim songs of all time
"You’ve believed that you can let your life pass in numbness, but [...] why do your tears fall in the moment of letting go?' YEAH because we've seen so many times how Maxim keeps trying to convince himself that he can stop just caring but it never works
'You say don’t fall in love, yet you’re unwilling to let go' same point, this man is in such denial about how he just can't stop caring
specifically the second verse feels a lot like Maxim waiting for VR-LA to return from Tu'narath
'You stay silent, holding onto starlight as you wait through your darkest hour. Your mind is struck, when familiar murmurs pierce your ears once more' aaaAAAAHH
the bridge (?) as a conversation between VR-LA and Maxim, VR-LA inviting Maxim to see the beauty and wonders of the world ('Do you want to see the sea of flowers blooming?', very 4.5 wedding invite honestly) but Maxim's trauma just would not allow him to take that risk ('If none of them come back, then who should I live for?')
fun fact the second version of the bridge in my translation ('You must stay to see the flowers bloom' onwards) is exclusive to that live performance of the song so it's not in the spotify version i linked here. as for which version you think fits Maxim more.. well.
Borrow - Mao Buyi (借 - 毛不易)
finally banging out a translation for this song was kinda the inspiration for me to make this post actually
the tldr of this song is that it's an unnamed/unidentified speaker asking to borrow various small things for the sake of somebody else (like 'an inch of frozen sunlight' to provide warmth in a cold world) so you can probably see where i'm going with this
'A simple ‘we have plenty of time’ etched into the soul to prepare for the chance of forced separation' ouch ow okay
'Those blown apart by these winds will say that they never loved deeply' / 'There is a sincerity that cannot be blown apart by this wind' DX-TR betraying the old crew vs VR-LA fighting through so much just to get them back
'There are tears that cannot be washed away by this rain' this line just haunts me. like in general
'An acre of land for him to call home, an ordinary life for him to live' as MR-SN watching over the old crew like I can't be there for you but I hope you will find peace and a home...
#rolling with difficulty#rwd starship#rwd professionals#my feel good hobby! as opposed to art: my feel bad hobby /j#im actually learning to play how can i make you stay on the guitar right now its a lot of fun but ow my fingers#ive also found a score for him but its super outside my skill level so we'll see how that goes#bmadd11 my beloathed#/also/ working on a little something based on that song but that wont... come into play for at least the next few weeks so#its an absolute monster of a project and school has started so i dont have high hopes for getting it done soon#i dont think i got to mention this on the actual post for borrow but ive literally been spinning that song in my brain since like 2020#genuinely. i've been thinking about how to translate that song for upwards of 3 years#grammar is just weird sometimes#i was gonna include let's go wandering by bibi zhou but i couldve SWORN i wrote a translation for that song before i just cant FIND it#spent 30 minutes hunting for the doc in my drive thats 30 minutes of my life wasted#but 'lets go wandering with a smile because we carry our home in our hearts' just fucks severely#also considered including forget your sorrows when the flowers bloom by zhou shen#bc im not gonna make a cpop post and *not* try and subject more poeple to zhou shen#but like that songs vibe is too... cottagecore to really make a good point there im just obsessed with one specific line#'If my memories are stolen and I forget all my love; I'll say to you “Hello!”#post amnesia vrla to the old crew??? the 'i dont know you. id love to get to know you again' of it all????#did this instead of my programming homework :|
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Sworn Translator
If you are in need of a sworn translator, look no further! We are experts in sworn translation services and can help you with any document you need translated. We offer competitive rates and quick turnaround times, so you can get your document translated and not have to worry about a thing.
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francy-sketches · 1 year
just randomly remebered a book series i read as a kid ok no actually i just read books 3 4 and 5 for some reason and there's like 6 but I was really into it for a while. anyway it was one of those geronimo stilton books but the stupid rat was not in them idk why they had his name on the cover they were actually kind of gruesome from what i remember. ngl they went hard they had cool little sketches in them too and there was this blue dragon with half a tail i loved him sm i was so upset when i couldnt find fanart bc nobody knew this book u.u I'm like 99% sure it was never translated so its just an italian thing but. any of my fellow italian girlies remember this. was I the only one to ever read it
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