kasey-writes-stuff · 8 months
Pumpkin spice
https://x.com/hiddenheavens_/status/1699604957584891925?s=46&t=kkP4Hc550di8WKAyIeM7EQ Wooo decided to join my friend ( @wishitweresummer ) and do this little thing hope y’all enjoy! (Also ty to summer for the title <3)
Punz and Sam were currently at the store grabbing costumes and Halloween makeup for the festival in a few hours! They had been searching through the costumes about an hour having had no plan when they got there and they finally settled on one. They decided to go with the classic Skeleton, they got the cheesy black outfits with bones on them and grabbed Halloween makeup for Punz to do their makeup. They got home and immediately put the costumes on and then Punz began doing Sam’s makeup but there was a slight problem.
“Sam stop moving please!”
Punz groaned softly a small smile on his face
“Ihi can’t help it! It t-tihickklehehss!”
Sam’s head twitched and his nose wiggled.
“Please, it can’t be that bad! Just hold still the best you can a few more minutes okay?”
Punz smiled softly at the younger.
“Fihinnehe I’ll do mihihiyyyy behestt.”
Sam giggled and sighed softly as he attempted to be still.
“See there all done now was it really that hard?”
Punz smirked softly at him.
“Yes yes it was!”
Sam joked back at the older.
“Oh whatever just let me do mine and then we can go okay?”
Punz rolled his eyes light heartedly.
“Yea alright.”
Sam smirked an idea coming to mind.
“Okay it shouldn’t take too long since I’ve basically done it before.”
Punz began applying the make up to his face carefully.
“Hmm well it actually might take a little longer.”
Sam smirked softly as he poked up and down Punz’s ribs.
“EEP! Whahatrtt shahahmmm noho! Youuurrrhehehe gohohnnahahha mahahhkkehehee meheheh mehehsss uhuhuppp!”
Punz squealed squirming as he fell into giggles desperately trying to keep his hand steady.
“Oh? But earlier you were challenging me saying it couldn’t be that hard right? So come on this can’t be too hard for you right?”
Sam chuckled softly.
“Thihisss ihihisss tohohttthahhalllyyy dihihiffheherrrehhennttt!”
Punz exclaimed as he just barely missed making a huge mess up.
“Hmm well I mean maybe it is but the concept is the same so tomato tomato you know?”
Sam smiled softly as he gave Punz’s hips a squeeze.
Punz jumped bursting into a shriek as he accidentally drew a big black line across his cheek and he sighed grabbing the make up remover.
“Ohohokkahhayyy ohohokkahahyyy ihimm dohonnehehe ihihi pprohohommihisshehe.”
Sam giggled out hands raised in surrender.
“You better be or else we’re gonna be late for the festival and miss all the best candy!”
Punz shook his head then began fixing his makeup carefully.
“Pinky promise I am I don’t wanna miss the king sized snickers!”
Sam shook his head quickly.
“Good just another few and I’ll be done.”
Punz carefully worked at finishing his makeup and soon enough was done so the two quickly headed out.
“So I heard there’s gonna be a pumpkin patch there do you wanna get a few pumpkins together.”
Sam asked curiously.
“Yea that sounds fun let’s do it.”
Punz nodded getting in the drivers side of the car.
“Woo I bet I’ll pick a better pumpkin than you!”
Sam says playfully, smiling at the older.
“What no way dude I’m like the expert pumpkin picker.”
Punz scoffed as they began making the drive.
“Nah bro no way I am so good luck.”
Sam shook his head nonchalantly.
“Uh huh whatever just wait you’ll see!”
Soon enough the two made it to the festival quickly getting out of the car.
“So do you wanna do the pumpkin patch first or getting candy.”
Punz asked.
“Definitely the candy because if we wait too long like you said earlier all the best stuff will be gone.”
Sam says.
“Yea true you’re right!”
Punz nods softly as they begin walking to the festival.
“Oh I hope they have caramel apples man it’s been years since I’ve had one!”
Sam says excitedly.
“Yea same that does sound pretty good right now.”
Punz nods in agreement as they finally make it into the festival.
“Oohh look king sized snickers right as we walk in!”
Sam says excitedly.
“No way dude this is alresdy a W.”
Punz smiles following Sam over to the booth.
“It’s because I totally have like, Halloween luck or something. I’ve gotten a king sized candy bar without fail every Halloween since I was like, seven.”
Sam boasts smirking softly as they each grab a bar.
“What- that’s crazy you gotta be lying or something dude there’s no way- wait okay no because you had to have stopped at what like fourteen so you just bought yourself a king sized bar every year didn’t you?”
Punz points a finger accusingly at Sam.
“Okay well… alright alright maybe! But hey it still counts!”
Sam laughs softly as he and Punz walk off to another booth.
“Okay I guess technically but still it’s not like true luck when you’re buying them for yourself!”
Punz shakes his head smiling.
“Oh come on bro I mean at least like seven of those years was genuine though so I still have atleast a little bit of Halloween luck!”
Sam smiles shaking his head a bit as they reach the next booth.
“I meannnn I guess just a little I don’t know thoughhhh.”
Punz teases softly.
“Alright just wait you’ll see somehow I’ll prove my luck!”
Sam huffs playfully as he jabs Punz’s side.
“AYE! D-dohont!”
Punz’s cheeks flush pink jumping before he grabs a handful of candy tossing it in his bucket.
“Sorry sorry you were doubting me I had to you were basically asking for it!”
Sam smirks as he too grabs a handful of candy tossing it in his bucket.
“Okay no I was not asking for it by not believing your little Halloween luck claim.”
Punz squeezes Sam’s hip smirking as they start to approach the caramel apple booth.
“GAH! H-hehehey! Brohoho come on!”
Sam exclaims jumping and giggling shaking his head before grabbing a caramel apple.
“Hey it’s only fair you got me first!”
Punz chuckles softly as he grabs a Carmel covered apple as well.
“Whatever bro let’s eat these and maybe grab a few more handfuls of candy before moving to the pumpkin patch yea?”
Sam rolls his eyes softly as they continue onwards.
“Sounds good to me.”
Punz nods as they hit a few more booths before making their way to the pumpkin patch.
“So you going for a big pumpkin or a small one?”
Sam asks.
“Hmm probably closer to the bigger side more space for if I pick a pretty big design but like not too big cause then it’ll just look stupid or take too much time.”
Punz shrugs softly.
“Yea that’s a good plan actually I might steal that from you.”
Sam giggles softly as they go inside the patch and begin their search, after a few minutes they separate. They’re separated about ten minutes before meeting back up but it wasn’t an intentional meet up they just happened to go right for the same pumpkin.
“Oh hi there stranger fancy meeting you here.”
Sam joked playfully.
“Yea fancy meeting you at my pumpkin.”
Punz says with a playful smile.
“What absolutely not I saw it first!”
Sam exclaims shaking his head!
“No way I saw it first!”
Punz shakes his head.
“No way bro I literally touched it first too!”
Sam exclaims again.
“Noooo I totally touched it first!”
Punz huffs softly.
“Okay I think there’s only one way to settle this!”
Sam cracks his knuckles and tackles Punz to the ground careful to avoid any pumpkins nearby.
“What do you mean by THAAAATTT!
Punz’s words turn into a yell as he’s tackled.
“What I mean by that is this!”
He snaps his hands to Punz’s thighs quickly squeezing up and down them thumbs on the tops as the rest of his fingers cover the backs.
Punz shrieked quickly trying to wiggle out from Sam but seeing that plan not working he decided to switch to fighting back! His hands quickly found place on Sam’s chest scribbling on one side and squeezing the other!
Sam squeals bursting into laughter and falling backwards off Punz!
“Hahahaha yehehahahaha nohoh it’s not gonna be that easy to take me down Sam!”
Punz quickly sits on Sam’s hips and his hands dart to Sam’s ribs switching between squeezing at them and scribbling on them being sure to get the backs with each method!
Sam writhes under Punz squeaking as he continues laughing loudly, much like Punz he can’t seem to wiggle out from under the guy. So he sits up the best he can and reaches his hands out he goes for his hips squeezing them quickly!
Punz falls backwards squealing before bursting back into loud laughter.
“Ohoho nohohottt heherrhehe? Why’s that too bad of a spot? Hmm afraid you won’t be able to fight back cause of how much it tickles punzo?”
Sam smirks as he begins drilling his thumbs into the dips of Punz’s hips!
It takes him a bit and a few tries but he finally manages to sit up enough to plunge his hands into Sam’s armpits!
Sam shrieks bursting back into laughter his arms clamp down but he keeps his hands on Punz’s hips one squeezing as the other makes circles and switching them every few seconds.
Punz jerks but does his best to keep his hands in Sam’s pits. His fingers fastly scirbbling around before zeroing in on the middles.
Sam’s hands speed up desperately trying to make Punz break, as he can feel his own resolve nearly breaking.
Punz’s hands speed up practically digging into Sam’s pits as if he’s looking for treasure. To add onto that he manages to lean up and place his head into Sam’s neck. The vibrations of his crazed laughter mixed with his slight beard working very effectively.
Sam retracts his hands continuing to laugh loudly as Punz is still going.
“Hahahha hehehe lehhetttsss gohoho bahahbbbyy!”
Punz slows to a stop pulling his head away and collapsing backwards on the ground.
“Gehehezzzhehehe mahahannn thahattt whahahsss sohoho muhuchhh wohohorrshehehe thhahannn ihiddd ehevvveherrr ehheexxpprhehecctt!”
Sam says through residual giggles. falling back next to Punz.
“Hehehehe yehehaha lihihitttllhehehehe sohohommehheetthihinnggg ihihi lehehhaharrnehehedd.”
Punz says still giggling residually as well.
“Oh really? I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
Sam smirks softly as he slowly gets up and reaches out his hand for Punz.
“Oh shut up and let’s go find you your pumpkin yea?”
Punz says blushing softly as he takes Sam’s hand and the two are off to find Sam a pumpkin.
“Alright alright hehe, Oohh that one!”
Sam exclaims jogging over to one excitedly.
“Oh yea it looks practically the same as this one! Wait so you’re telling me we didn’t even need to do all of that?! This whole time there was practically the exact same pumpkin right here?!”
Punz says exasperatedly in a playfully way.
“I guess so but don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it punzo.”
Sam says smiling knowingly at the older.
“Oh whatever you enjoyed it too if not more!”
Punz says cheeks flushed again.
“Okay- I… you know let’s go ahead and get these pumpkins back and start carving yea? Yea alright let’s go.”
The end
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slimeylee · 2 years
Hey Slime! Here are some headcannons I have I think you might like.
HEADCANNONS for Lee!Philza;
CaptainSparklez tickling Phil after he made Sparklez swear at MCC.
Wilbur allows Phil to tickle his scar where he got stabbed, why can I now imagine that Wilbur and Phil got into a small tickle fight and they both went for each others weak spots. Phil tickling Wilbur’s scar while Wilbur went for Phil’s damaged wing. 
This one might be a bit cute, Phil agrees to watch over Fran for Sam while he’s guarding the prison, however because of him being to into his work with builds, he’s kinda all like tired but can’t fall asleep, Fran being the dog that she is, kinda tickles Phil to help him sleep. 
I also Headcannon that Phil accidentally got a potion dropped on him and he turns into a tiny crow at will, Techno finds him like that  and kinda musses around his wings, finding out that Phil is also ticklish in that form. 
Okay here’s a small Redza (Colorza thing!)
Redza, I kinda headcannon him to be a sarcastic edgy bitch but he has some good intentions, it took awhile for Phil to get used to him, but there doing much better. 
Has a soft spot for Phil, despite denying it, he cares about Phil’s safety like a brother, Phil had helped Red in the past so why wouldn’t Red care for him. 
Anyway Red completely forgot that Phil was ticklish. So on that note: 
Phil really let himself go after Doomsday, he kinda ripped feathers out instead of preening them, and looked much more pale than his normal color. 
Redza, being unsure if he was okay, kinda checked in on him, seeing Phil ripping out his feathers from his broken wings. 
Redza immediately stopped him, comforting Phil in the best way he could. Phil was tearing up a bit because besides Techno, Wilbur, Kristen, Ranboo, Niki and Tommy, nobody really cared for him as much as Red was. 
Red kinda grabbed a brush and began moving it across Phil’s wings, Phil flinched back a bit, Red was confused a bit before he tried again, same thing. Red put two and two together and a small tickle fight between the two began. Turned into three once Techno walked in.
Yes, Redza has tickle spots too.
Hope you enjoy these Slime!
i never answered ur ask n i just remembered sorry bat o_O
but these are very cute
lee philza :(/pos
ty for these bat ^^ i have read thru them multiple times
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copepods · 1 year
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live las nevadas reaction
[id: sketches on a white background of dream smp characters. in one, quackity is crossing his arms and saying “so, wilbur and i have some news-” and wilbur, his arms wrapped around quackity’s neck, cheerfully says “we’re together!” in the next drawing, tubbo is staring, shocked, awesamdude is staring judgementally, purpled is playing on his switch in the background, charlie is giving a thumbs-up gesture and saying “congratulations, quackity from las nevadas!”, foolish is clasping his hands and saying “that’s great but can i still get a raise,” and fundy looks like the “tails gets trolled” image. another black-and-white sketch has fundy placing his hands on quackity’s shoulders and saying “did you fuck my dad, quackity?” with a desperate expression. end id]
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imagines-babes · 2 years
Who is She? (C!Quackity)
I've had a week off now I'm back again. Thank you for almost 30 followers and hearts to all my stories honestly thought people weren't gonna enjoy these but thank you. Also the end of season one of dsmp was so good. I did watch tubbo version instead of Tommy. So who did you watch? When I saw tubbo side all I thought was the song As the World caves in by Matt Maltese (story idea?maybe). Anyways I'm rambling. Since everyone loved my c! Quackity I thought why not another. So today story is about the last Las Nevadas lore adding my own thing to it. So this is about the characters. The song is Who is She? by I Monster. So I hope you enjoy this. Ps this does switch to quackity pov to the readers pov. Maybe a another Foolish one will be posted next week?
Quackity List Masterlist
'It's been a few months since you left us. Why did you take his spot? It hurts to wait for you while there is a war on the top. What you didn't know is that you both died. Charlie, that's his name now. Purpled put you both in. So you died for nothing. I cried every night. The nation I built lost already. Awesamdude left once I found out he lied about Dream being in his cell. Fundy left saying nothing. I went to his house but it was empty. Purpled well he is the one that you are in 6 feet under while slime is frozen. I know you saw purple and fundy as navie and young. Importantly you saw them as family. But one left you and the other killed you. Foolish is the only one I can trust he is the one that is loyal to me. The thoughts in my head always guess he's gonna leave as well. He hasn't and I hope he never does. Now I must be going I have a meeting with Foolish.' He closed the book placing it in a chest near the grave. Glance at it once more towards the grave with the engraved.
Beloved by many but betrayed twice as more.
Mí amor
He stood as he destroy the torch walking away from the grave as the light dim. With the distance of a man with a white hoodie with black line beside him stood the man that was gonna destroy the next thing he loved with a book in his hand.
Waking up I started to take in a breath glancing around to see iron bars as well for the door. I start to hit them as I looked around. " Hello," starting the question while I shake the bar, "can anyone hear me please." with that the iron door opened. With as confused I was I step out slowly notices the hall to it felt familiar but nothing was coming to me. Hearing voices at the end of the hall I lean up to the door. "They are gonna wake up soon. What are we gonna tell them?" One voice answers as the other stay his ground.  "Just let me talk to them I've been with them since las Nevadas." Walking in to see three young men. One approach me giving me a hug I didn't even move my hands while the other two talk. "I thought I lost you?" He pulled back tilting his head, "y/n it's me purpled remember?" Nothing came to mind. This also caught the eyes of the other two men. The air in the room started to change as purpled told me everything. Of how I was in Las Nevada, how I was in love with a man called Quackity, how I was purple older sibling, and how I died. "Quackity trapped us both y/n he pushed you in the lava along side slime." I couldn't believe what he was saying. My feet felt week as Purpled help me bring one man over. The man I loved killed me. Not only me but Slime aswell.
After that day I swore to take a life from him. Even if it was to my death. Punz help me train. While Dream and Purpled started to strategize a plan. Purpled brought Slime as he ran to me. He was the only one I remember since being revived. The day was choosen. I thanked punz as I headed inside his tower walking to the top to see lights but the further I looked I notice the sign. The red. The logo. The white. Everything was bright the details on the sign. Something in the air shifted as if a liar came outside and only the wind knew. "Why are you out here? On the top of the tower no less?" He questioned sitting down next to me. All I did was stared front looking at the lights as a staring contest. "Would you ever lie just to get revenge, Purpled?" He stares at me as he glanced down as if he was questioning his words to answer that simple question. That's all it was a simply question. "No I wouldn't lying just gets people killed." Breaking the eye contact with the sign to see Purpled. He was one of the young one. Yeah I saw him as a brother but something in that moment made me doubt his words. Quickly turning my head, "Get some sleep. Tomorrow is when Las Nevadas gets burned to the ground."
We walk near the sign noticing the colors face to face. Walking down the road to see him. A maroon button-up shirt with suspenders along with black slacks. With no beanie. He froze. "Seems like you have seen two ghost quackity?" walking closer to the fountain he started to yell, "Get back both of you." Quackity walked back as we step a foot forward only 15 feet apart. He question what he was looking for as for Slime he tried to calm him down. The fear that quackity had flushed alway. With a smile seeing us both together and alive. "The last thing I remember was y/n going in lava then I went in lava." Quackity tried to make words holding onto my hand walking in front of the casino. Then asked us about purpled saying if we remember what he did. That's what caught my attention. But if it was on cue Purpled and Dream appeared. The smile on his face instantly disappear. The two got closer as quackity yelled at us to go inside the building. The worry of losing both of us once more worried him. It was all over his face but why would he worried if he killed us. Right? Purpled wouldn't lie to me, right? The tnt broke the door open. Dream and purple talked to Quackity. Wanting to take him to the prison and torture him. Like he did to dream. As for slime and I made it to a corner, quackity held out a lever switch it to only hear fireworks. The two in front of quackity tease him more. "I just don't want to just kill you. I want you to die, abandon by everything and everyone that you love. Your city ruins run by the one person that betrayed you. Your best friend Realizing that you're trash. Human Trash. And your partner. Leaving and forgetting about you like Karl and Sapnap once did to you." Slime approach quackity, "Legacy is all you leave behind, Quackity" Slime put on the netherite that Dream and Purpled provide to us as Quackity turned to see him glowing. "So why did you leave us behind." He glanced over at me as I wore the same standing next to Slime. To only see a glimpse of a totem god, Foolish by the entrance running away. Something was coming. So I did what I knew best was run. Dream and purpled stayed with Slime trying to put Quackity in a corner.
Making my way to the tower to overlook the top. The ground started to shake as little slimes started to appear out of no where. It was Slimes just like Slimecicle but they weren't. I tried to look for Slime, Purpled or Quackity till 1 minute later they ran out of the building to only hear a fuse light us landing tnt everywhere blowing it up. The footsteps by the stairs caught my attention as I waited for then to appear. Quackity was too busy running, in the process I tripped him pulling out my sword. "So you left us and you think you can just get away?" The blade was getting closer to him as he stood walking backwards. "Y/n please listen," Quackity tried to talk. Purpled started to yell. "Don't listen to him he never tells the truth." Purpled started to go in front of me. While quackity started to beg saying he tried to protect us two. All purpled did just denied he left to go in front of quackity. Slime walk forward standing behind the two. The next second to only see him push purpled off the building. One life of his was gone. Slime moved back. "Quackity from Las Nevadas." That what got quackity to smile. While quackity wanted a hug to only see slime walk down the stairs not saying an only word. This is your fault," was all I said once I step closer to him. Holding the blade up looking at him. "This is your fault." He stood next to the ledge. "You thought it was right to torture someone into getting a book to revive people. So you can what keep it." All he did was look at me he never noticed this person in front of him. "For what? Everyone dies you can't live forever!" He kissed me. I tried to pushed back but my heart took over my body. The sword fell to the side as he kissed me. Pulling me in closer. This kiss was a ending of us. "I promised you that I would've loved you till my life ended and I did," I moved his hair to the side getting close to whisper in his ear, "Now it's your turn." With that I pushed him.
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sleepy--anon · 1 year
Sleepy's Fic Masterpost
Vanoss Crew
Say It collab fic with @someone1348 (Ler!Moo Snuckel Lee!Terroriser)
Karma (Ler!Antfrost Lee!Velvet)
Bad's Lee Mood (Ler!Dream Lee!Badboyhalo)
Don't Mess With Sleepy (Ler!Dove Lee!Purpled)
Break Free (Lee!Punz Ler!Dove)
Tickle Skeltons (Lee!Sapnap Lee!Dream Ler!Wither Skelton)
Make It Even (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream Implied Lee!George)
Your Share (Ler!Dream Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Attention (Ler!Punz Ler!Karl Lee!Dream)
Quackity's Day Off (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Quackity)
Marry Me (Non tickles, just Quacknap)
Trivia (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream Lee!George)
Sapnap’s Revenge Tickle Game (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Sapnap’s Revenge Tickle Games Dream’s Turn (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream)
Summer's Lee!George Week
First Time (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Scream Day (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Minecraft But... (Lee!George Ler!Vest?)
Ship Day (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Worst Spot (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Free Day (Lee!George)
Sleepy's Ler!Sapnap "Week"
Antsy (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George Implied Lee!Dream)
Gym (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Punz)
Bet (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream)
Game (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Teases/Ghost Tickles (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream)
Soft/Cuddles (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream)
Birthday (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream Lee!George)
Relax With Me (Ler!Charlie Lee!Nick)
Anticipation (Lee!George Ler!Sapnap)
Accidental (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream)
Cuddles (Lee!Punz Ler!Sapnap)
Weak Spot (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Dream)
"I'm Not Ticklish" (Ler!George Lee!Punz)
Chase (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Flustered (Lee!George Ler!Dream Implied Ler!Sapnap)
Truth (Lee!Carlos Ler!Tk)
Lie (Lee!Hen Ler!Chimney)
Ghost (Lee!Sapnap Ler!Bad)
Squeal (Lee!Sylvee Ler!HannahxxRose)
Sweet or Sour/Bites/Nibbles (Lee!George Ler!Sapnap Ler!Dream)
Sneak Attack (Lee!TK Ler!Carlos)
Soft (Lee!Nick Ler!Charlie)
Tickle Fight (Switch!Dream Switch!Punz)
Unusual Spot (Lee!Chimney Ler!Hen)
Interrogation (Lee!Dream Ler!Karl)
Magic (Lee!George Ler!Larray)
Arms Up (Lee!George Ler!Sapnap Ler!Dream)
Relentless (Lee!Eddie Ler!Buck)
New Discoveries (Lee!Buck Ler!Eddie)
Ticklish Kiss (Lee!Dream Ler!Sapnap)
Pinned (Switch!George Switch!Dream)
Gang Tickles (Lee!Dream Ler!Sapnap Ler!George Ler!Badboyhalo Ler!Awesamdude Ler!Antfrost)
Counting (Lee!George Ler!XD)
Hysterical (Lee!Nick Ler!Charlie)
Massage (Lee!Sam Ler!Foolish)
Wake up! (Lee!Buck Ler!Eddie)
Caught (Lee!Sapnap Ler!Dream)
Aftercare (Lee!Sapnap Ler!Karl)
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apple-but-sour · 1 year
I love that you can actually draw a direct line of causation between the L’Manberg elections and prisonduo.
Schlatt wins the election and becomes president -> people team up to overthrow him -> everyone is against him so Dream switches sides last-minute to make it an interesting fight -> Dream retroactively needs a good reason for his character to switch sides and comes up with the revival book (and The PlanTM) -> Dream wants a fancy pants prison built, so he asks the resident redstone expert Awesamdude who just recently returned to playing on the server after his hiatus due to school -> prisonduo. BONUS -> Sam and Dream both love their intensely complex OCs so much that their power combined is literally too much to even be shown on stream, it can only be alluded to and hinted at. Adding Quackity to the mix, who wants his character to be taken seriously after so long as the comedic relief, serves as a catalyst to all the wicked and wonderful happenings inside Pandora’s Vault.
This is the perfect time to post this actually considering cc!Wilbur just said all conflict on dsmp can be traced back to his character.
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Dsmp! Quackity & Fundy Fic (Not a Ship/Platonic)
"Two of the most tragic ex-fiances have a somewhat drunken conversation about love and loss of love at a Las Nevadas club"
By: Maple_Fair (aka Me!)
Tags: Alexis | Quackity & Fundy, Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy, Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity & Noah Brown & Charlie Dalgleish & Floris | Fundy & Grayson | Purpled, Fundy & Liam | HBomb94 & Yogurt the Fox (Dream SMP), Alexis | Quackity, Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Dream SMP Ensemble, Mentioned Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Karl Jacobs, Mentioned Sam | Awesamdude, Mentioned Wilbur Soot, Mentioned Noah Brown, Mentioned Liam | HBomb94, Mentioned Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), Floris | Fundy Has A Child Named Yogurt, Mentioned Yogurt the Fox (Dream SMP), Duck Hybrid Alexis | Quackity, Winged Alexis | Quackity, Sad Alexis | Quackity, Alexis | Quackity Needs a Hug, Alexis | Quackity-centric, Fox Hybrid Floris | Fundy, Floris | Fundy-centric, Floris | Fundy Needs A Hug, Sad Floris | Fundy, Floris | Fundy Has Abandonment Issues, Floris | Fundy Angst, Alexis | Quackity Angst, Soft Alexis | Quackity, Wilbur Soot is Floris | Fundy's Parent, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Male/Male Relationships, Past Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy, One-Sided Clay | Dream/Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy's Wedding, Engaged Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy, Past Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap Angst, Engaged Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Drinking, Drinking & Talking, Drinking to Cope, Alcohol, Mentioned Charlie Dalgleish, Mentioned Grayson | Purpled, Talking, Feelings, Feelings Realization, Wedding Rings, Friendship/Love, Past Alexis | Quackity/Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Past Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Past Relationship(s), Promises, Broken Promises, Manipulative Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), manipulative but not at the same time
Note: Some parts might be a little ooc, but I wanted it to be more of healing arc direction . This is my first time post a oneshot of mine here (it's an old one from like December 11, 2022)
The day was coming to an end as orange hues began to bleed over the blue sky. The sun lowered itself in the horizon, leaving those of the world to flee or embrace the growing darkness. One who seemed to embrace it was a dark haired avian who stood in the large windows of a building. It was uncommon for him to indulge in such simple behaviors but he had grown to appreciate them. Especially since he's always thought big for himself. After a harrowing incident had brought him down from his high horse, he searched to better himself and live the life he had left out in peace. Taking small moments to appreciate the little things. He had been leaving his office when he stopped to enjoy the sunset. After what seemed like forever, the large light had flicked out as smaller ones switched on. The orange hue let a darker blue take over, along with its little suns to decorate the sky. The golden winged avian exhaled softly before continuing down the hall. He might as well leave for the day since there was no reason to stay in the vacant building any longer. Maybe he'll go see if he could find any of his crew to spend time with since he was attempting to make amends to people. He already spent many days with the certain totem demi-god and creeper hybrid since they had been re-building the nation's highlight builds after they had been destroyed in the "incident" together but the two had dismissed themselves for other affairs. A traitor had been snuffed out and was probably no longer an option. Said traitor had taken another member of the crew with him and basically disappeared without much of a trace.
Which left one person left.
As the avian exited out the front doors of the building, he pulled out his communicator. He scrolled through his contact icons until a pixel fox icon popped up. He clicked on the call icon and awaited for a response. The device ring echoed through as he made his way down the concrete path. Since the sun had disappeared, the streets were light with artificial light from lamps and lanterns. The once busy streets were seemingly deserted as the darkness settled in. His communicator stopped ringing, so he tried again to call the person. He allowed it to ring in his hand as he took in his surroundings more. Though lamps were evenly spaced out on the path, they were dull enough to bring the other forms of illumination to life. Such as a bright sign with a very provocative figure of a woman on it hanging above a double door entrance building. The sign read: “The Drunk Ram Club '', while red & white lights surrounded it. The golden winged avian has spent a lot of time in that club for the sake of a change in atmosphere. The energy was upbeat and the drinks were intoxicating, so much that you would forget most of one's sorrows. A temptation began to grow on him as he felt attracted to the entire building. Yet not for the reason who would normally be. The upbeat music that would usually be playing had softened to slow jazz and the lines at the entrance were nowhere in sight. It was calmingly inviting and what was in a docile state. He looked both ways on the path before crossing the road towards the building. Just a few drinks wouldn’t hurt, since he needed a way to relieve some stress.
He pushed the doors open since the guard at the door was long gone. The area was light with fainting and flashing blue lights as the jazz music reverberated off the enclosed space. The sweet smell of flowers entangled with the bitter scent of alcohol and sweat. The population of the club was very little, leaving what seemed like two or three drunkards blacked out at tables, a lone pole dancer who was preparing to leave, and the bartender watching over someone at the bar. He squinted his eyes at the person before realizing who it was. A ginger & white haired fox man slumped over the countertop. His bushy tail sweeped gently across the dark floor as he swirled his finger around the tip of his glass.
It was just the person he was looking for.
The dark haired man placed his communicator back into his pocket as he made his way over to the fox man. He sat in the bar stool on the fox man's right before asking for a hangman's blood in old fashioned glass. The bartender nodded before walking away. It was only then when the ginger acknowledged his presents.
"Quackity?" muttered the fox man, looking up from his glass.
"Hey Fundy, didn't expect to find you here at the club. Thought you would have gone home to that your kid by now" greeted the avian, as he turned to face him.
"Yogurt? Oh, Hbomb is babysitting him right now. I needed some time to myself" replied Fundy, as looked down at his glass once more.
"So you came to the Drunk Ram?" uttered Quackity.
"Yeah, I need something to keep my mind distracted for a while" nodded Fundy, as picked his glass to take a drink from.
As he did so, Quackity took in the ginger's appearances. The familiar white freckles danced across his nose, though his face looked a bit puffy as if he had been crying. Eye bags sat loyally under his eyes while what looked like light mascara smudged against his face in a tear like direction. The white streaks amongst the orange hairs were a bit more prominent and some fell into his face. His large black tipped ears were almost constantly pinned down to his head. Instead of the common white work top with tie, a familiar black jacket was across his body as his matching hat sat on the countertop. His posture was far from straight up and all confidence the fox man had was gone. Overall, two words that came to Quackity’s mind as he looked at him.
And Sad.
Fundy was sad right now and gave him a pathetic look.
Yet it was something the avian could empathize with. Because he, himself, was a pathetic and sad man.
The bartender returned with his order and placed it in front of him before he started to speak.
"Has something happened?" asked Quackity, as he accepted the glass.
"A Lot of things happen, Q. Be more specific" remarked Fundy, holding his glass out for a refill.
"To you then. What has happened to you? I know you aren't much of a drink since you tried avoiding becoming like the people you hate"' restated Quackity, pointing to his glass as the bartender.
"So I must ask you. What drink have you had while you've been here?" He inquired.
The fox man furrowed his brows as he looked away from the dark haired man. Though he wasn't dismissing his question, more of sitting on it. Like one would sit on sweet glass.
"Well, I had the hard stuff earlier. Such as whiskey and vodka. Really wasn't in the best state" informed Fundy, as he tapped his clawed finger on the table.
"Did you have another nightmare?" questioned Quackity.
"Well yes but that was after I blacked out here. Something happened earlier today." claimed Fundy, as his tail curled around his stool.
"I got a letter from Slime, or Charlie as you've named him. I thought it was odd until it was who the letter was written" he explained, resting his head on his hand.
There was a pause in the conversation. It seemed Fundy was trying to keep his composure. Quackity wasn't much of an emotional comforter but he hesitantly placed a hand on the fox man's shoulder.
"The letter was from Dream, shockingly. I never expected to get a letter from his sorry ass but here I am." sighed Fundy, as he reached his hand into his pocket.
A crumpled piece of paper was revealed from the pocket and was unrolled to reveal sloppily written words in dark green ink.
"It's basically a shitty celebratory letter because today was, or would have been, our wedding anniversary. A pathetic apology for something that happened two years ago and an awful way of showing his 'devotion' " the ginger reported, as he handed the letter to avian.
"It shouldn't have upset me as much as it did but it already hasn't been a good week" he added, watching as the bartender returned his glass.
"So you tried drinking your sorrows away?" questioned Quackity, as his eyes landed on the poorly drawn heart.
"Yes, but it only made things worse considering my life before I started working for you in Nevadas" sighed Fundy.
A silence hung between the two of them after that statement. The jazz music was still playing around them but it seemed to slow the world down as the duo were losing themselves in the conversation. Quackity swirled around the cubes of ice in his glass while Fundy slowly sipped from his. They both were very aware of how shitty things were before Las Nevadas was even an idea. The fox man was raised in a time of warfare, lived under a tyrant rule, went through the grief of losing his mother & later his father, was basically abandoned by his family, was forgotten by all his friends after their country was destroyed and just became the butt of everyone else's joke for entertainment. To throw a romance that was treated as joke into the mix, can really fuck somebody up. At Least with the aftermath it felt like a joke. The letter in hand wasn't really concrete evidence that the fox man's ex partner really cared for him. Though Quackity’s life has led a different road than Fundy's, they shared many experiences. Especially when it comes to love.
"I'll have to agree with you on that one. Life was shitty after Doomsday" remarked Quackity, as he took a swig from his glass.
"No one really could agree on anything and blame was being thrown at every one. People went their different ways and found their places somewhere else or with others that they could somewhat agree with" he uttered, as he shook out his tensing feathers.
"When there is no place to call home, you are just forced to either find a new one or make one. Which is one of the reasons I built Las Nevadas." he proclaimed.
"Especially that garden venue over by the hotel. A wedding venue, actually" he added, with a slight scoff.
"You said you were going to marry Sapnap and Karl there, right?" inquired Fundy, one ear twitching upwards.
"Was going to marry" corrected Quackity.
"From all the relationships I have been in, I thought the one I had with them would be the one to last. Last long enough to prepare a life for them here" he expressed, as he reached for the hanging rings on his neck.
"But I still haven't learned my lesson. Some things don't last with some people" he remarked, dryly.
"Sapnap visited one day and brought me to the kingdom that he and Karl ruled over, along with George. Everything was so pretty and huge. Better than anything I could have provided them." Quackity stated.
"When I was able to speak with Karl, he was different. He seemed more hostile compared to the last time we spoke and more skeptically. That led to a big argument with him and how everything we ever had meant nothing. As if we had no history at all" he uttered, his voice quivering.
Another patch of silence. Quackity stared into the ice in his glass, seeing his reflection in it. He could tell Fundy was giving a look of empathy but also curiosity. The avian cleared his throat as he tried to get his thoughts back in order.
"What I'm trying to say is, I feel your pain. Your feelings have been played with for so long. To the point where the one time you feel validated and you are being acknowledged, you put all your emotions into this one thing. Just to find out it meant nothing to them." explained Quackity.
"And when you react to it, you are turned into a joke once more. It didn't matter to them yet it was everything to you" he included, his voice growing shake.
"So to me, and I'm being as honest as I can right now, that your feelings matter to me. I know how you feel and I would go and try to beat Dream' teletubby looking ass" proclaimed Quackity, as he placed his hands on the fox man's shoulder.
Silence accumulated the two for a short moment. Then Fundy lifted his hand and placed his hand on Quackity's ,as his dark amber eyes grew shiny with tears.
"Thank you Q. I accept that your feelings matter as well and I wish I could say the same thing in return for trying to get revenge on those who hurt you" replied Fundy, as his brows wilted.
"Then instead of seeking acts of revenge, since we are both very vulnerable at the moment, let us do something else" remarked Quackity, as he reached over for his glass.
"What are you having right now?" he asked, gesturing to the ginger's glass.
"Hm? Oh, Arise My Love. It was one of the cocktails I had at the failed wedding" hummed Fundy.
"Then I shall have one too" claimed Quackity, looking towards the bartender.
They nodded in response before going off to create the drink. The duo watched patiently as they watched the skilled drink maker shake and pour ingredients into the drink mixer. Once finished and freshly poured into the glass, Quackity shakily stood to his feet and lifted his glass into their air.
"I am, Quackity HQ. A man who has been doomed to eternally failed love and being a horrible person. Tonight I shall be taking you, Fundy Soot, as a companion of forlorn life and to attempt to stay at each other's for as long as well both shall live" declared Quackity.
"And I am Fundy Soot. A man who lives as a forgotten child and the victim of every sick mockery. I accept you, Quackity HQ, as a companion of a shared forlorn life" replied Fundy, with a weak smile.
"To the Never-Weds" spoke Quackity.
"To the Never Weds" nodded Fundy.
With that, the two hooked their arms together and drank from their respective glasses. A promise yet a not promise made in the middle of a nightclub. As soft jazz music began to drown the drunken duo laughter as they talked about everything to nothing into the night.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
breathe the haunted air
by marvel_middleearth
Wilbur dumps his satchel on a chair, debates doing homework but decides against it, and switches his snow-soaked jacket for his favourite yellow sweater. He grabs his book and flicks back to the second page, returning to a world of angels in basements whose wings have been locked away.
A couple of pages on, the story changes, and then changes again.
Wilbur’s breath catches in his throat.
The third part is about him.
(The boy is the brother of the fortune teller.)
  or, Wilbur Soot finds a book in a library. The last thing he's expecting is for it to drag him into a world of magic doors, shady organisations, and a fight to find out how his story ends, before time runs out.
  (or, a DSMP Starless Sea AU.)
Words: 5192, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Kristin Rosales Watson, Alexis | Quackity, Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs, GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo, Jack Manifold, Zak Ahmed | Skeppy, Cara | CaptainPuffy, Aimee | Aimsey (Video Blogging RPF), Eret (Video Blogging RPF), Sam | Awesamdude, Clara the Astronaut (Dream SMP)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & Wilbur Soot, Clay | Dream & Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & Kristin Rosales Watson & Phil Watson, Alexis | Quackity & Wilbur Soot, Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot, Alexis | Quackity & Karl Jacobs & Sapnap, Kristin Rosales Watson/Phil Watson, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit, Alexis | Quackity & Niki | Nihachu, GeorgeNotFound & Wilbur Soot
Additional Tags: Twins Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, sort of but also not really?, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Magic, Wilbur Soot-centric, Mystery, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Foreshadowing, so much foreshadowing it's actually insane, Platonic Soulmates, that's right folks it's mutual pining platonic edition, (slaps fic) this bad boy can fit so much twins duo content, Niki | Nihachu and Wilbur Soot are Siblings, They/Them Pronouns for Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), karlnapity are in a QPR because i'm aro and i said so, c!tommy is the kinda guy to ask "is anyone gonna be that guy's brother?" and not wait for an answer, one (1) mention of fundy, schlatt is implied, wilbur's constant mood in this is confusion, Secret Organizations, Books, Inspired by The Starless Sea - Erin Morgenstern, featuring c!wilbur collecting siblings like pokemon cards, way too many mentions of lavender tea, cw for canon-typical swearing, quackity is the real mvp of this fic ngl, adding tags as I go
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yushox · 1 year
Soo, im thinking of a DSMP×BNHA crossover.
Awesamdude as Endeavor. His quirk is blueprint. It works a little bit like Yaorozu's. But basically if he gets an idea for something he will see a blueprint for how exactly he can make that thing and then create it out of anything available around him. The first gun he used was made out of a pen and some trash. he has a weapon wielding license even without proper training, because more often than not, noone else knows how to use the creations he uses in battle.
Alyssa as Hagakure, because I don't see why not.
Ponk as Recovery Girl, he is inhumanely good with medicine and chemistry. Not enough to make miracle medicine, but good enough to speed up healing by multiple times.
Tommy as Izuku, born quirkless, but gained his quirk by his mentor. Before turning to the hero side he did some on and off heroic vigilanteeing, albeit nothing very serious or noteworthy.
Tubbo as Bakugo, yes he did bully Tommy in middle school (but only for parallels sake). His quirk is radioactivity. As a side effect he never gets sick and is always clean of any bacteria. He has immunity towards tumors and radiation. As a consequence, he never got kidnapped by the LOV because the LOV knows to avoid him. He can control the radiation, making it non-ionizing or ionizing on a whim, so he can be touched and he can be around other people, but everyone knows to be careful.
Ranboo as Kirishima, (only bc Kiribaku), his quirk is Perspective. He can switch other peoples perception of reality, from one dimensional to eleven dimensional, he can also add effects like grayscale or inveeted colors to other peoples perception. But his quirk backfires often, though he is used to the instant confusion of the backfires. His vision is also permanently with inverted colors.
Niki as Uraraka, quirk is slightly like Bakugos, she can't make explosions herself, but she can emit flammable gasses, she also can withstand explosions pretty well (not the collateral damage or the knockback, but everything else doesn't really affect her).
Fundy is in the support course, he studies specifically in the logistics and programming department. He is quirkless.
Wilbur as Mirio, his quirk is float.
Eret as Todoroki, his quirk is Dazzle. Kind of like Aoyamas, except she wasn't born quirkless.
And finally, Philza, the student of late Captain Puffy, and the mentor of Tommy. His quirk is wings of void. - Night Watch
Vigilantes / Others
Technoblade as Stain, he was a hero years ago, but a betrayal from his most trusted comrade, Philza, made him run away. This betrayal cost him his quirk. But although he is quirkless now, it doesn't mean that he isn't dangerous. He is more heroic, but holds astronomically different values than the hero society in this world, and for that he is regarded as dangerous because "he can cause discord and unrest amongst civilians". He was born with a foresight quirk, being able to see souls through any material, it was erased and destroyed by a long-since detained villain named "Orphaneer".
Skeppy and Karl are both vigilantes, but their quirks are not documented, Skeppys quirk simply doesn't fall into any existing category, and Karls is always just a big question mark.
Quackity as Hawks. He is a spy for all sides and doesn't work for anyone other than himself and his closest comrades, his hero name is Thalia and his villain name is Melpomene.His quirk is shape shifting. He also doesn't know what his real face looks like.
Slimecicle is another vigilante, as for his quirk, remember the movie "Flubber"? Exactly! Except he is way more involved, it is able to seep in through pores and control a person from inside out. It often forgets that his victims do not bounce like he does.
Dream as Shigaraki. Green puppet string quirk, but it works like the invisible hands from Elfen Lied (only because I have to paralel the two characters, normally it would be a parasitic mind control type of quirk). - Ventriloquist
George as Dabi. But his main quirk is like a mixture between Midnight and Shemage. He has two quirks. The main quirk is weaker. But the second quirk ads on to the main quirk, making George very dangerous. He can basically enter other peoples dreams and memories and attack the mind from within. He is known for leaving people as mindless husks in seconds. Due to how widespread his quirk can get, he could technically wipe out entire districts if he lets his mist go long enough. - Crash
Sapnap as Toga. His quirk is like Endeavors, not exactly, but close enough. He burns his victims from inside-out, it took a while for authorities to catch him in the act as he can do this without raising a hand (they caught on only because when they reviewed footage they noticed him staring at his victims). - Nick
Callahan as Twice, his quirk is silence, it backfired on him when he gained it, but basically he destroys vocal chords and eardrums by "screaming". His scream is ultra sonic and seemingly silent, victims often report that they can't even see for a while after the attack. At it's strongest it can crack tempered glass. Basically, if his mouth opens for anything other than eating or drinking, you're fucked - Mute
BadBoyHalo as Overhaul. Explanation as to what his quirk is is in his villain pseudonym - Nephalem.
Anyone else?
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mienfoo-master15 · 2 years
Hey hey! I thought I'd do an intro betore
I actually decide to get this account into
one I will actually use
Hi! My name is Mienfoo, although I prefer the names Zed or Hypno! But I go by Mint, Moss, XW, and Luc aswell
But I am open to other names/
nicknames as long as they aren't weird (I also like when my names are switched around and not overused <3)
I am in many fandoms, but mainly
HermitCraft, DreamSMP, SockSMP,
MCYT, Heartstopper, Fairly OddParents, LL/3L/DOUBLE LIFE!! and some other stuff that I currently can't remember didisix
I am a pansexual-asexual B)
Any pronouns!! Except for it/its (same thing as the names, don’t overuse my pronouns but you’re allowed to use he/him a lot because that makes me happy <3)
I am not the best at communication, or
talking to anyone in general, but I am
getting better, so I may not respond immediately
Comfort C/CCs: Hypnotizd, xBCrafted, Zedaph, TommyInnit, Awesamdude, Eret, Cosmo, Cress, Zane, Dareth, Kai, Jay, Laff and Joocie
Bye bye!!
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anastoundingmango · 3 years
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badlands but make it a little kids educational show
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dreamcraft404 · 3 years
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draco123-universe · 3 years
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BadBoyHalo’s stream right now
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sleepy--anon · 1 year
Ficlet Masterpost!!
Quiet time (Lee!Sapnap Ler!Dream)
Not ticklish? (Ler!Karl Lee!Sapnap)
Wake up call (Ler!Karl Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Tummy problems (Ler!George Lee!Dream)
Wrestling (Switch!George Switch!Sapnap)
Cuddles (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Smile (Ler!Dream Lee!punz)
Shirt (Ler!Punz Lee!Karl)
Feathers (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Punz)
Tease (Ler!Sapnap Lee!Punz)
Nails (Ler!Tina Lee!Punz)
Movie night (Ler!Dream Lee!Punz)
Drunk night (Ler!Punz Lee!Awesamdude)
Grumpy (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Take it Down (Lee!Dream Ler!Sapnap)
Shut Up (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Sensitive (Ler!Karl Lee!Punz)
@wishitweresummer 's Birthday Ficlet (Lee!George Ler!Dream Ler!Sapnap)
Tired Tickles (Ler!Punz Lee!George)
Mushie's Lee!George Week
Stop Complaining (Lee!George Ler!Sapnap Ler!Karl)
Brotherly Love (Ler!HD Lee!George)
Health Pot (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Hold Still (Lee!George Ler!Hannah)
Finish Him (Ler!Sapnap Lee!George)
Break Me (Lee!George Ler!Sapnap)
Wakey Wakey (Ler!Dream Lee!George Ler!Sapnap)
Challenge (Lee!Buck Ler!Eddie)
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mangobubbletea7 · 3 years
I cant take the lore seriously with the calming music in the background AHSVQGABNA
Sam: I’m going to have to take your arm...
Ponk: My friend, you can’t be serious, look what this prison is doing to you...
Background music:
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
eye of the beholder
by rinredacted
“Your move, kid,” Blood God says in his body, before disappearing entirely over the edge of the roof. Tommy hears another loud crackling zap of electricity after that, and then another, and realizes that the man is jumping from roof to roof, escaping between Tommy’s fingers before he even has the chance to act.
He doesn’t want to panic. He shouldn’t panic. He’s still smart, and capable, and a hero.
He’s totally panicking.
or: hero Voltage and villain Blood God accidentally switch bodies in a scuffle involving a potion. Nothing goes well, because when does it ever?
Words: 31241, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot, Niki | Nihachu, Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Sam | Awesamdude, Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle
Relationships: Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit & Technoblade & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu & Technoblade & Phil Watson, Niki | Nihachu/Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu & Technoblade
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Body Swap, Freaky Friday esque, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Dream SMP Ensemble are Superheroes, Superheroes, Villains, Supervillains, Hero TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Villain Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Villain Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Villain Niki | Nihachu, Hero Wilbur Soot, Hero Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Crime Fighting, Magic, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Bickering, Mystery, Potions, Potions Accident, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brotherly Affection, Secrets, Found Family
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40780500
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