#sweet paloma
xjoonchildx · 2 months
Miss Ana,
In true “I saw this Tik tok and thought of you” fashion, allow me to send you this https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMf5DFSh/
this is why this fandom will always be number one in my heart
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ivystoryweaver · 11 months
Oscar Isaac Music Poll
Songs below the cut if you don't know them or just want to hear them again!
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softerhaze · 1 year
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lots of firsts being experienced in the abrams household 4 better or 4 worse
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I just finished watching The Neon Barbarian & Neon Wings and the way I BURSTED into tears at that last bit
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“I like sound of it. Until the next sunrise!….. until the next sunrise.”
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pigeonwit · 5 months
the opinions i have on the pets the newsies would have in modern era are:
not even slightly fun or interesting to anyone who is not me
but i persist.
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sarharmonics · 5 months
What would I do without my Sweet Baby, Cherry Pie, Butter Cup, Sugar, Little Honey Bee?
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robinsdearest · 1 year
What I’ve done to upset the stars
Dick Grayson x Reader
(Idea brought to you by “forsaken” by Paris Paloma)
Your feet dangle over the side of the roof. Looking up, you’re sad to see more clouds. You wish the stars would have come out tonight. But you know the stars were selfish. Stars were free- they were free to come and go as they please. To show themselves and to hide and to shine brighter or duller depending on how they felt. Selfish to live and to breathe and to die and to burn out.
Looking back down, your eyes roam between the colors and the gleam of the city below. The night time sky is illuminated by the city lights. The wonders. The stars of the modern world that ignite the clouds with false light. False pretenses. False hope.
The day had been uneventful, to say for certain. You followed your father’s plans, completed his tasks, obeyed his orders. The dutiful child of a crime lord, too small for major vigilante attention, but large enough that he would be a problem in the coming years. You fulfilled his ideas of a servant to the black market of Gotham, funneling the drugs to and fro. Cocaine, fear toxin, prescription drugs, venom- it didn’t matter what was in those boxes, you never knew. Your father played his hand close to his chest to avoid the direct spotlight on you.
You’re not sure that you wanted it, though. The warmth it would bring you would be like the city skyglow, fake and artificial. The dark nights and city lights to encase you within the shadows and blanket in comfort of a past you have always lived.
You know that you have always wanted to be warm, though. To feel the selfish burn, the intimacy. To be Icarus flying on the clouds and to feel the sun warm your wings and to feel free.
“It’s a little chilly outside to not have a jacket.”
The voice comes from the stairwell to the corner of the roof. Not his usual entrance, but welcome nonetheless. The natural born star. The knight in shining armor. The hero of Bludhaven.
You had tracked down the famous Nightwing so that he could take down your father’s crime ring almost two years ago to this day. You had been giving the vigilante information about trackings and shipments. You had even hand-delivered a package to a spot that you knew would get caught by the blue bird. A setup of your own design, skillfully wrought.
Your father had been furious that night. Accused his own men of being traitors. He had sent you across town so that he could take care of them on his own. At home, he tucked you into bed and kissed you goodnight. He sat on the corner of your bed and told you that he was disappointed in the night’s events. Disappointed in you. He had told you that you deserved to go down with the shipment. To fail so that you might learn from your mistakes. That your failures would stain everyone around you- most importantly the only family you had left.
Maybe you deserved to fail. Maybe you deserved the sun melting your wings to plummet into the cold, dark sea. Deserved the stain that melted wax would leave on your skin. Maybe you deserved no lights or warmth at all.
The sound of Dick’s feet shuffling toward you bring you back into the moment. He stands to your left, looking out at the city skyline with you. The heights and shapes of buildings jutting from the horizon that help to obscure the selfish stars. The moon that no longer watched you.
He turns to you, bright blue eyes and easy smiles; the city lights glowing along his skin. This man that you so easily fell for. Months of planning to take down your father turned into months of talks and sleepovers. Secrets and prayers whispered between the two of you. The hard-learned failure was falling in love with your natural enemy: spawn of crime lord and spawn of caped crusader. A heart beating for Nightwing was a heart beating for Dick Grayson, one and the same but entirely different. His charming looks and honeyed words that convinced you you were special. And you felt like you were when you were with him.
But that thought coats your throat with ash.
Your silence tears the smile from his glorious face. You can make out the wetness of his raven hair, the small water droplets stuck to the curls around the nape of his neck. He must have just come here from a shower. He always knew where to find you, when you wanted him to find you.
“What did he say to you this time?” He says, as if he also knows what makes your bones grow tired.
“It’s not about my father.” You reply. 
It’s his turn to stay silent for a few seconds. Your eyes roam his own, hoping that he would find the words you would have too much trouble to get out. He’s beautiful from this angle. Painstakingly pretty in a way that hurts your heart with how much light and warmth this hero had brought to your cold life.
“I’ve told you before that we can get you out of this entirely. I can take you from him and protect you and keep you safe. We can erase your past. Erase anything you might call a failure from his eyes.”
Somewhere between the months of meeting him and falling in love, you and Dick had switched puzzles. No longer were you trying to take down your father- Dick’s first priority was to get you to safety. It was a recent labyrinth to navigate, one that you weren’t sure how it would work. You were more afraid of the plans failing and Dick getting hurt because of a dark past you didn’t know how to grow beyond.
Your father’s words continue to clatter and smash through every neuron in your brain. His words that have shortened “your failures” to “you.” How you have failed him, your family, hell, even Dick. How you will stain those around you. How you were not special beyond what you were to the crime ring. He had warned you that anyone too close could ruin you. And it would be too hard to let Dick get closer and allow you to ruin him.
You stand to face him, your bones and joints stiff from sitting. You had waited a while for him to show, dreading this conversation you knew you needed to have. You would not ruin him.
“We have to end this thing between us, Dick.”
Dick is blissfully brilliant, smarter than you could ever hope to be. He can see through your facade, your self-deprecating issues stemmed from the morals of a heaven-set saint raised in a criminal background. So badly you wanted to be taken away from dark plans, insidious tasks, and evil orders.
“You’re not making this any easier!” You look back to the skies, pleading for something to save you. The selfish stars never listen. You can see Dick out of the corner of your eye. He watches you carefully, painfully. Why can’t he get it? “We can’t keep doing this. This is getting too complicated, too messy. What if you get hurt and I can’t save you and-“
“Then tell me what I need to do to make this easier for you!” Dick interrupts. “Let me help you. Do you want me to stay and help-“ He pauses, thinking over his next words, afraid of what your answer could be. “Do you want to stay with your father?”
“That’s definitely not what I want.” You say quickly, too quickly.
“Then what do you want?” He raises his voice. Dick’s screams wrack your body. It’s unsettling for a fight of this caliber for his raised voice to sound so broken.  
“I want to see the stars.” Your eyes burn with your half-assed answer, tears threatening to spill. You know being this petty can only hurt you more. You raise your own voice. “I want to know why they get to shine. Why they get to choose and why I am stuck here!”
“No,” he bites. He pulls on his hair, almost manic. “You want to be a star.” He motions to the skyline. “Don’t you want to shine the brightest? Be more than what your father has made you feel? Be free to do what you want?”
He knows you so well, knows the inner workings of your brain and your thoughts. Knows how you idolized the stars and the freedom they had.
The moon and the stars must have conspired tonight to hide away, to hide in the clouds to watch selfless people do selfless things when all they want to be is to be selfish. You know you could save Dick from the way you would burn his wax and feathers to his skin. You couldn’t watch him fall. You wouldn’t. 
He throws his arms back to his side. Dick stands still for a moment, flexing his hands and fingers as he counts his breaths. Your name falls from his lips like a prayer, a solemn expression of devotion.
“You deserve to live. This is not living. You deserve to be happy, deserve someone who makes you happy and who can keep you safe.”
You wince, the tears now not waiting for permission. “You don’t get to decide what I deserve.”
You finally look at him, meet his stare: his eyes a mixture of contradictory feelings.
Pain. Desire. Despair. Love.
“Do I not deserve you?” Dick’s question sends a shiver down your spine you attempt to suppress. Of course he notices, he always does, and he continues to press. He takes a few tentative steps toward you. “If you think the stars can choose, then why can’t we? I’m wanting to give you all that you need to shine on your own so that you can shine with me.”
You scoff. “I never asked you to do any of those things. You picked me up and decided that I was what you wanted.”
“I want to give you the stars.” Dick stands too close, inches from your beating heart that you know he can hear; he can feel; he can mirror. He extends a hand, dragging a knuckle across your cheek to wipe away the tears. “But you refuse to let me.” You lean into his hand, closing your eyes. His voice lowers to a whisper. “You’ve always shone the brightest in my eyes. You’ve always been special to me. We can start your life over. You don’t have to be shadowed by the past.”
Dick knew better than anyone, anyone, that your past did not define you- no matter who you were. His own past was tragic and devastating, and in many ways, worse than yours has been. After free-falling through pitch black, Dick’s selfish feet have touched the ground. He has paved his own path for his own life. A star in his own ways. He could do the same for you.
A small whimper escapes your throat. You’re trying to show some resolve here, what little you might have left.
“So why won’t you let me deserve you?”
Your resolve stands tall. “Because you don’t deserve me, Dick.” You step out his reach, wrapping your arms around your body instead. “You’re too kind for this world.” Too kind for me, you want to scream. “I can only be a burden to those around me. I don’t want to stain you.”
You can see Dick’s tears falling now. His arm is outstretched toward you, and you want nothing more than to step into him again. There is an intrinsic part of you that wants to jump, wants to take flight on homemade wings so that the moon and the stars and the clouds and the very heavens could cry out in joy at your freedom. However, your father’s words have a leash on your mind; you know this will only end badly.
And maybe Icarus had done something to upset the stars so that the sun would take revenge. The sun would burn wax and feathers and skin for the selfish beings that were free to do as they please. And you, just like Icarus, would fall from the grace of the light and into the depths. The depths of a city with false light, the depths of a lifestyle with false pretenses, and the depths of a broken heart with false hope. Maybe you had done something to upset the stars, too.
“I will not stop fighting for you.” Dick breaths.
But maybe here the sun was not taking revenge. The sun had gifted you Dick Grayson, this boy wonder, this golden child, this kind man. A kindness that radiated from his every movement, his every being, that it could remind a crime lord’s child that help is there even when you believe you don’t deserve it.
The trails along his cheeks from his tears glisten under the city haze. Maybe you deserved the light and the warmth and the choice and the freedom.
“I don’t want you to stop.” You whisper.
He smiles then, a small one just from the corners of his mouth so that only a small dimple shows on his cheek. It takes every ounce of your being to not close the distance between you and put your lips there, to kiss away the dent, the salty tears, the pain of tonight. Instead, you choose to match his smile.
His shoes turn and shuffle along the roof. The stairwell in the corner opens and closes and you are once again left alone. You sit back down to dangle your feet over the side of the roof.
In your life, your father ruled everything but the heavens, everything but the stars. A crime lord’s child who wanted to fly and to soar.
Dick had shown you that the stars were yours to grab. That you were free to be selfish and to live and to breathe and to die and to burn out on your own time.
If you could fly between the extremes, find what you wanted, you could mirror the stars and shine on your own. And after finding that love and kindness for yourself, you could shine with Dick. This wondrous soul, this shining star, this man who held your heart.
It’s much later when you stand from the edge and walk toward the stairwell in the corner of the roof. You reach the door and stop. Looking up, your eyes widen as the clouds break apart to reveal a midnight sky. With the artificial light from the city below, only a set of two stars can be seen tonight.
You smile and hope the stars can forgive you for whatever you did to upset them.
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makotoscoffee · 5 months
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mcnuggyy · 1 year
Never thought I’d be the kinda guy that has a favorite cocktail but yeah <3
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xjoonchildx · 10 months
I knooooow you’ve seen THE photos by now but I just saw someone comment on one of them
“I knew Hoseok was gonna get those ugly ass boots” and now I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Of couuurse he diiiiid 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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lmaoooooo paloma why is this so accurate?
hahaha in my delulu mind the first thing i’m doing when i move in is stuffing those monstrosities in the deepest, darkest closet he has hahahahaha
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bluesidez · 2 months
The Love Lab presents:
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One Bite for You, One Bite for Me
pairing: Miguel O’Hara x AFAB!Reader
summary: One of the things you and Miguel bond over is delicious food. One day, you notice that your clothes aren’t fitting like they used to. Miguel is there to remind you how beautiful you are.
content warning: established relationship but they’re not married, 18+ so MDNI, non-Spiderman Miguel, LOTS OF MENTIONS OF FOOD AND DRINKS, weight gain, cycles, insecurity about body, alcohol, body worship, unprotected p in v sex (wrap it up 🫵🏾), cunnilingus, lots of praise, a little Spanish (if wrong please lmk)
credit for art + dividers: Me! + @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
a/n: This is actually the first fic I wrote when my Miguel hyperfixation came back in full force. I based it off of this video and a comment saying that girls are usually the ones that gain weight super quick in a relationship. Please know that gaining weight is not a bad thing, especially in this story. Relationship weight can be positive and food is here to nourish your body! Also know that everyone’s body is different. Our bodies will react to things in different, unique ways. If you’re ever feeling icky about your weight/health, please take a step back, breathe, and know that you’re beautiful no matter what. There are also sources out there that can help you if your thoughts overpower your heart. Please don’t hesitate to seek help.
word count: 4.3k
To all my food-lovers and fellow plus-size girlies, kisses to you! You’re beautiful!
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You grinned as you heard Miguel’s shout from the front door. His voice had a giddy tilt as if he made a breakthrough in one of his projects.
“I was finally able to stop by the new Jamaican spot before they sold out and look what I got us,” Miguel says before he slides the take-out bags across the table. “Ribs, oxtails, rice and beans, mac, and your favorite…fried plantains!”
You quickly untie the bags, happy to have a break from your research paper, and immediately get hit with the smell of spices both sweet and savory. “Oh my god! That looks incredible.”
After frantically digging around for a plastic fork, you were finally able to pull a piece of meat off the oxtail. It looked mouth-watering and tender. One bite of the meat and you’re immediately groaning, slumped in your chair. You nod your head and scrunch your face, watching as the juice from the gravy soaks into the pieces of rice stuck at the bottom of the take-out plate.
“That is so fucking good, Mig. No wonder there’s never any combos left by the time you leave work.”
Miguel just watches you eat with a glint in his eyes, happy to see you so relaxed and enjoying the food. He reaches into the second bag, pulling out two bottles of juice, “And to make it better, I got their fruit juice, made fresh daily-”
“Passionfruit and mango flavor!” Your eyes got big as you jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck. He knew how much of a juice fanatic you were, so this drink was just the cherry on top of the large ice cream sundae that was your generous boyfriend.
“Thank you, baby,” you giggled and gave his cheek a fat smooch. You patted his chest twice and moved back to set up the table, “Now, hurry and wash up so we can eat this before it gets cold! We’ve got shows to watch.”
“Entendido, I’ll be right back”
You and Miguel were walking hand in hand along the Cancun Hotel Zone, taking in all the sights. Miguel’s job had given him a promotion along with an extremely high bonus, so what better way to celebrate than to use his PTO and bring the love of his life on vacation?
Granted, the area you guys were currently in was a little touristy, borderline bougie, but it was all worth it when Miguel got to see your eyes light up as you watched the turquoise waves fade into white foam along the shoreline.
You wobbled a bit while clinging to Miguel’s side, a little tipsy from the frozen paloma you drank to pair with today’s lunch. It was a waterfront restaurant with a live band so the vibes were just right for a little bit of liquid fun.
The downside was that the two of you were supposed to meet up with Miguel’s family later that evening and while you were fine with the confidence boost you were sporting, you wanted to be more alert when speaking with loved ones. Plus, you needed to give a good impression to the relatives you hadn’t met yet. It will be nice to put a face to the names of Miguel’s childhood.
“What do you say we stop and get some ice cream?” Miguel suggested, chuckling at you when you grinned up at him, ecstatic over the proposed plan.
“You know me so well,” you said, arms reaching around his waist, face squished into the side of his chest. “I would absolutely love some ice cream. Cool me down from the inside.”
Miguel chuckled and kissed the top of your head. You were especially cute when you got like this.
“Baby, check this out,” Miguel shouted, finally returning to your table with your food.
The fair was packed full of people, especially due to the pop-up food truck festival happening that same week. You had never seen more people run to get fried turnip greens and loaded fries in your life.
Still, this was just another chance to hang out with Miguel. You really didn’t care where you went with him, as long as you got to see that pretty smile.
You look down at the table and see what he brought back. Before your eyes sat the most un-Miguel order ever: birria pizza and two walking tacos, one Hot Cheetos and the other Dorritos.
“Dorilocos, Miguel. Really?” you raised an eyebrow watching him try to steady the open chip bags over some spread-out napkins.
“Amor, don’t look at me like that! I had to get them because Gabriel kept talking my ear off about this new food truck that made them better than the ones we used to eat on our trips back home. I, for one, don’t believe that for a second, so what better way to test that theory than to eat it with my baby?” Miguel gave the saddest look he could muster and slid his hand across the table, trying to convince you to indulge with him.
“Fine, fine. Don’t give me that look,” you say, pulling off a slice of the pizza, making the cheese stretch as long as you can. “Just don’t complain to me from the bathroom while your stomach fights to digest something it hasn’t had in over a decade!”
Miguel pursed his lips while shoveling as much food as he could on one Doritto, “Shouldn’t I be the one telling you that? That’s a lot of cheese, babe.”
“Oh my god, some queso tears up my stomach one time and you can’t let that go, can you?”
“It was once and yet you were in agony about it for days. I think I’m allowed to remind you at least monthly.”
“Just eat your food and leave me and my iron stomach alone. We’ll see what happens between today and tomorrow,” you quip, pulling your phone out ready to record Miguel’s reaction to send to Gabriel.
Miguel takes a bite and just leans against the table, head slumped on his clean head.
“Dios mio, he was right. This can’t be happening,” he groaned, slightly annoyed that Gabriel wasn’t exaggerating. He was also shocked at the fact that someone even came close to getting the local snack right.
You giggled behind your phone, happy that his reaction worked in your favor. You zoomed in a little more on his face, capturing him smacking his lips and licking off excess sauce. He was so zoned in on his food that he didn’t even notice you with your phone up.
“Is it good, Mig?” you asked, mirth in your voice.
He looked at you ready to answer but his eyes snapped to your camera and started to whine, “Amor, please stop recording!”
With a small smile, you made sure to add the video to your folder full of Miguel. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You just look so cute, I couldn’t help it.”
Miguel just mumbled to himself while stacking up another chip, neck heated over the interaction. “Here, just try this,” he said, holding a nacho close to your mouth.
You opened your mouth, just barely getting the chip in. Cupping your hand under your head, you begin to hum, the flavors all tangy, spicy, and savory. “I don’t know what your childhood Dorilocos tasted like, but this is really freaking good.”
“Just know that this one is only slightly better. By 0.00001% to be exact,” he said, rubbing sauce off of the corner of your lips and licking it off. The movement was muscle memory for him as he always liked to watch your face when you ate food, especially when it came to any nostalgic or homecooked dishes you never tried before. It warmed his heart to see you find comfort in his favorite foods.
“Well, I can tell you it’s 100% better than the ‘Taco Tuesday’ luncheon my job hosted last month. Nothing but unseasoned ground beef, endless black olives, and store-bought guacamole for two hours,” you respond, shuddering at the memory of soppy taco shells and your coworkers complaining about how spicy the mild salsa was.
“On second thought, this is absolutely a step up. Was the guacamole name brand at least?” He asked, peering up at you with a twist on his lips.
“I’m pretty sure it was a grocery store brand, so no.”
You were at your apartment in your bed, completely covered under the comforter with a fluffy blanket on top.
It was snowing heavily outside and you were freezing. However, your heater tended to make your apartment feel like a sauna, so you kept snatching the blanket off only to put it back on minutes later. Plus, your cycle was here. Your cramps left you lying on your side, rolling back and forth between the cool side of the bed and the warm side.
Physically, you were exhausted, but mentally, you knew you had so much to get done.
Christmas was just around the corner but you still had so many presents left to buy and wrap. Your job was doing the dreaded Secret Santa gift exchange and you were stuck wondering what gift would appeal to the stuck-up director in the accounting department.
You and Miguel were also hosting a small Christmas party amongst your friends, and there was still food left to buy. To top it all off, you were worried about your gift for Miguel, wondering if a silly little apron saying “Kiss me, I’m Irish” would hide the fact that you spent a ridiculous amount of money on some new tech he was eyeing.
You heard the apartment door open and close.
Knowing it was Miguel, you groan out dramatically.
He opens the bedroom door and peaks inside, “Baby?”
You just groan out again, “Everything hurts, Miggy.”
He comes up to bed and sits on the edge, “I know, amor. I’m sorry.” He bends down to kiss your head. “Want me to plug up the heat pack?”
“Yeah,” you say, leaning into his hands. When he gets up to grab the pack, you whine at his absence.
“I know, I know. I’m coming back,” he says, voice soothing.
Instead of turning the pack on, he removes your covers and sits back down on the edge. You shiver a little bit and he’s quick to cover your body with his, rubbing the top of your head as he kisses your temple.
“Are you feeling too bad to eat something for me?” Miguel asks, the timber of his voice settling you.
You shake your head and lean in closer to him.
“I think I want some food,” you reply, squeezing his body. “I haven’t eaten anything yet.”
Miguel tuts as he sits up and pulls you up with him, “That’s no good, baby. You have to eat so you can feel better. Your body needs it.”
You groan again and put your face in his neck, not wanting to move.
“Come on,” Miguel says, rubbing you from your back to your leg. “I got you some soup and a grilled cheese.”
“Did you get the stuff for the hot chocolate bar? For the party?” you whisper.
“Mm hm. Jumbo marshmallows included.”
You nuzzle his neck before you look at him, “Carry me to the kitchen?”
He makes a swift move to wrap your legs around his body and hike you up.
He gets up and holds you close, heading to the kitchen, “Let’s get some food in you, yeah?”
The short spring break trip that Miguel surprised you with has been lovely. Miguel woke you with kisses down your body, taking you to the hilt with his mouth alone. You had to muffle your cries as to not disturb the neighbors in the inn. As his tongue danced inside of you, you gripped his hair with one hand and his head with your thighs. Miguel wouldn’t want it any other way.
After his first course, Miguel treated you to breakfast on the balcony. You two enjoyed looking over the horizon as you ate yogurt parfaits and fluffy omelets.
Later on, the two of you enjoyed a few tours of the vineyard and the city. The sights were beyond compare and the atmosphere was serene.
“Thank you so much for this Miguel,” you say, interrupting the silence.
“Anything for my lady,” he says back. “You’re doing great work this semester so you need the break.” Miguel stopped and turned to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You leaned up and kissed him, hands warm on the sides of his face.
You both started to makeout for so long that Miguel forgot about the massage he had planned for you before tonight’s farm-to-table dinner.
Needless to say, he laid you out on your bed and oiled your body down. Your head was in your arms as rubbed his hands up and down your back. His hands were heaven and you felt like puddy by the time he flipped you over.
After he massaged your inner thighs he pounded you into the mattress. Something you’re sure the hired masseuse would never be able to do.
Miguel joked and called it the Miguel Magic Massage when you asked if he offered this special regularly. The price? Being his cariño, his amor, his sweetheart.
By the time dinner started, you were glowing. You felt adored and the courses were amazing.
Miguel made sure everyone knew you were his. His hand never left your thigh the entire meal, staring down the older men sitting at the end table who were looking a little too long at the dip of your dress.
You were oblivious, feeding Miguel bites occasionally and humming at how fresh and delicious everything was.
After the last course was over, the men came to you all’s side of the table quickly. All of them started to make conversation with you, plugging in their businesses, and stuffing their business cards in your hands.
It was as if Miguel was invisible. He scowls deeper when they let out hearty laughs at something you said.
“Are you fellas here with your wives?” Miguel asked loudly, completely irritated. “My wife and I have really enjoyed our time here. It’s a beautiful place for couples.”
Some of the men went red in the face flustered at Miguel catching their scheme. Others just scowled, pissed off at being interrupted.
None of them could answer his question.
You looked at Miguel, eyes heavy and relaxed.
“You gentlemen have a great night,” you said, putting your hand in Miguel’s as he guided you to the exit.
“Your wife, huh?” you asked, core on fire. It was hot watching Miguel get so worked up over you.
“Baby, they were looking at you like you were some fresh meat. Like I wasn’t even sitting there,” he grumbled.
“One of them already offered to bring me on a cruise. He’s staying right next to us,” you say, standing outside your room as Miguel swipes his card at the door. You walked your fingers up his chest, heated over the grit you could see from his profile.
He was oh so upset.
“He’s next to us? Right here?” Miguel asked, voice low.
You nodded as you bit your lip, arm around his neck.
Miguel picked you up and dragged you to the bed. You giggled a little to yourself as he plopped you down. Mission accomplished. Silently, you thank those older men. If it weren’t for their overconfidence, Miguel wouldn’t have been tearing at your clothes like he us right now.
Miguel kept you up almost that whole night, making sure that the neighbors heard your cries. Those old geezers were sure to know his name by the next morning. Buying you a ring wasn’t enough. He needed a bat.
It was all worth it to see the tired and flushed looks of their faces when you all checked out the next day.
“What the fuck,” you mumble, looking down at the pair of jeans you were trying to put on.
It was early morning. You had a family reunion that you and Miguel would take a bit of a drive to get to.
You made sure that everything was packed the following night. Some clothes to stay for a few days, a few snacks for the road, a book for you to catch up on, and even a crossword puzzle book for Miguel.
You planned ahead. You were diligent. So why is it that when everything else is going right, your pants decide not to button up?
You pulled at the flaps once more, trying your hardest to connect the button with the hole. It fails as they slip from your grasp. You try again, sucking in your stomach as much as you could. You get the button to snap in this time, but it’s digging unbearably into your skin. The zipper fights against you as you try to pull it up.
You huff out in frustration and the pants snap open again.
Defeated, you let out a watery sigh and look in the mirror.
Your stomach was bigger than you last remembered, fupa a little more prominent. Your thighs were also a little thicker, the jeans hugging them a little tight. Your breasts looked a little big in your shirt. The family name stretches a bit more across your bust than the original design intended. Even your face was a little chubbier than normal. When was the last time your jaw was like this? High school?
When did you get like this?
You felt your throat start to burn, a sob building in your system. You’ve always been fine with your body, loving the dips and curves. Adoring your flaws and finding beauty in what society decides is not worthy.
You knew this. You knew that you were beautiful. Why was it so hard to get that thought into your conscience?
You felt the tears roll down as you peeled the jeans off of your legs. They were especially tight at your hips and you wondered how you even forced them past in the first place.
You didn’t know what to do. It was so hot outside, so you needed something comfortable, but those jeans…you had your mind set to wear those jeans.
You rummage through your closet in frustration, pushing and pulling the clothes across the rack.
By the time Miguel found you, you were squatting in the closet, hot tears covering your face.
“Babe, it’s been almost 30 minutes and we need to head out before the work traffic starts-”
Miguel stopped in the doorway as he noticed the state of the closet, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? ¿Que pasó, cariño?”
You wipe furiously at your face, sniffling loud as you hear Miguel push clothes to the side to get to you.
“My pants don’t fit. I don’t think anything else will fit either,” you say, stuttering out your words as Miguel gets to your side.
You let him pull you up into a standing position. You felt defeated.
Miguel looked at you and wiped away the tears that you missed. You feel horrible as your face scrunches up again, tears forming in your eyes.
“No, no, no,” Miguel says, hugging you close. “Listen to me. I know that this feels like a lot, but this is normal. Your body will always change with you. You’re still the same beautiful, gorgeous woman I met years ago and that’s not changing because you got some extra hips, baby.”
“But Miguel,” you say, voice so sad. “I feel like I just got those pants. And. Nothing else in here goes with this shirt. I’m scared that nothing else will fit-”
“And if that’s the case, I’ll buy you new clothes,” Miguel says, pressing kisses over your face. “If these clothes mean that much to you, I’ll take you to the gym. Let me work out with you, but until then, I’m loving your body as is.”
You stare at Miguel, heart beating at his revelation. He stared right back at you, daring you to question or challenge his words.
“Don’t beat yourself up over something like this. If anyone has ever let you feel insecure about your body, they’re an ass, let me deal with them. If I ever do anything to make you feel insecure, tell me. Yell at me. Question me, because as far as I’m concerned, that’s not me.”
He hiked you up on the closet island in the middle of the room. You shiver a bit as your naked legs hit the wood.
He leans closer, placing his hands on the side of you, “Now, let’s think. Don’t you have a pair of cargo shorts that match the ones I’m wearing right now?”
You whisper out a yes.
“Would you be ok with wearing those? I’m sure they fit perfectly.”
You say yes again, head leaning onto his. You could accessorize it perfectly. It would make a great couple’s look.
Miguel knew this much, he just had to get you to see it.
“I love you, ok?” he says, voice clear.
“I love you, too. Thank you,” you say.
“Anything for my girl,” Miguel says. “My beautiful girl. She’s just for me. I can’t believe it.”
Your heart beats faster as he starts to kiss down your body.
“Her face is so lovely.” A kiss to your cheek and your lips.
“She’s always working so hard.” A kiss to your neck and your collarbone. He pulls your shirt over your head.
“She makes me so happy.” A suck to your breasts as he unclasps your bra.
“Her body is beyond comparison.” A trail of kisses down your stomach, your belly twitching as his breath twinkles on along your skin. “Soft. Amazing. Irresistible.”
“Her thighs are my earmuffs.” A caress to your inner thighs. Your legs snap a bit, ticklish at his ministrations.
“Miguel?” you whimper out.
“I have to relax you before this ride. Can’t have you upset,” he says, kissing his way up your thighs to your panties. “May I?”
You nod your head, fingers grasping at nothing but then a flat surface.
Miguel was swift. He pulled your underwear down and kissed at your clit. You could only hold tight as he pulled your body forward and dove in.
It wasn’t long before you were shaking like a leaf. Miguel sucked at you for minutes, pulling a long orgasm out of your system.
He kneaded your thighs as you trembled around his tongue, humming as your legs squeezed tighter. That was the queue for him to go further, so he added his fingers to the mix, moving his mouth up so that his fingers could pump in and out of you.
It took all of your strength not to let your body drop off the other side of the island.
“Miggy, please,” you wailed. You wanted more.
Miguel looked up at you whining above him. You pull your legs up, holding your hands under your thighs, practically begging for him.
Miguel kissed up your body again. He was swift with removing his clothes. You still had to have these clothes fresh for later and Miguel was about to wear you out.
He moved to push himself inside of you, grunting as you gripped him.
He replaced your hands with his and pulled your legs up by his head. You balanced yourself on the island as he slowly started to thrust.
“So good. Just for me,” Miguel said, watching as your body moved with his movement. “Perfect. And all mine.”
You remained quiet, whimpering softly as he dragged against you.
“You heard me, hermosa?” Miguel said. “You’re beautiful. C’mon. Say it for me.”
“I’m,” you stopped, mind foggy. You didn’t know how you were supposed to respond when he was going so deep.
“Say it.”
You cried out as he snapped harder, “I’m beautiful.”
“That’s right baby,” Miguel praises you, bending further to give you a kiss. “So amazing.”
He praised you until you finished, squeezing at any of you that he got his hands. By the time he was done, your arms felt like jelly from holding you up.
He carried you to the bathroom for a quick shower, never stopping his reassurances of you.
You guys made it in the car an hour and a half off schedule, but it was worth it for the uplifted way you carried yourself throughout the day.
It was worth it to see you happy and healthy.
By the time you made it to the reunion, it was like you were born anew. You greeted your family with smiles and laughter. Miguel couldn’t help but to cheese watching you do your thing.
He felt his heart soar as you caught up with family. Your smile was the biggest as you were out on the floor line dancing your heart out. He was right up behind you when Outstanding came on. The song was really a declaration of how he felt about you.
You giggled as he crooned in your ear.
“You light my fire,” he sang, swinging your hips in time with his.
“I feel alive with you, baby,” he spins you around to him, a smile on his face.
“You blow my mind,” he pulled you out and back in.
“I’m satisfied,” you squeal as he spins you in the air and puts you back down to keep dancing.
Outstanding. You really knock him out.
Another season where Miguel adored you more.
Another season where Miguel wanted you to be forever his.
Another season where he made sure he fed you well.
Another season of you making his heart pound.
Another season of your love reaching to the fullest.
Miguel was excited for the next season with you.
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As always, I hope you enjoyed reading! 💗
Any likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated. Let me know how you feel! 🥺🧁
Until next time,
-Lauro 💗
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mschoiyuki · 3 months
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Trafalgar Law x f!reader
tw : angst. angst. angst. just angst. SFW
wc : 5.1k
a/n : Law is a foolish man. Interaction with the Straw Hat Pirates. I'm not good at writing summary, sorry ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀) And I'm sorry for the grammar error. Actually I've been thinking so hard, should I make it a happy ending or not. But... Oh well...
It's best to read this while listening to :
❆ Taylor Swift - You're Losing Me (From The Vault)
❆ Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
❆ Paloma Faith - Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Enjoy ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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Law used to smile to you like that.
Law used to gave lingering touch to you like that.
Law used to sits next to you like that.
Your heart used to beats faster when you were with him.
But one day, everything suddenly change. You want to ask him why, but sadly you're just his crewmate. Law is your captain. Nothing special between you.
Even though he is your captain, you will give your life for him in a heartbeat. Maybe for Law it's just a natural things to do. Yes, another crewmates will also give their life to protect their captain. What's so special with you giving your life for him too? Nothing.
One day on midnight, it's your turn to on watch. You bump to Law on the hallway. There's some sweet perfume wafts from his body. You clench your fist, greeting him with a smile, "Captain." And off you goes, not wanting to hear any responses from him.
The next week when Polar Tang docked at an island for supplies. You bump at Law again at dawn. You can see a red mark on his neck. You just smile and greets him, "Morning, Captain." And you walk away.
You walk fast to bathroom, letting out whatever it is in your stomach. Slouching on the sink, gripping your arms tightly, you cry in silent. You don't want anybody to finds out.
From that day onwards, you made up your mind. Shoving that feelings deep down, sealing it on your pandora box, throw away the key far far away.
You act like a true crewmate, no feelings attached. Every mornings you wake up, you will perfecting your smile in front of the mirror. You train the muscle really hard, you must to make it as natural as possible. So no one knows it's fake. It has to be perfect.
No eye contact. You will answer Law question short and sharp. Giving your best smile without meeting his eyes.
No lingering touches. You will keep your distance an arm length from Law. As natural as possible. Even you try to eat first or later to not sit at his side.
Week turns to month.
Until one day, you witness it with your own eyes. When you leave the bar and want to go back to Polar Tang, you see him. Your beloved captain, Trafalgar Law, walks to a motel with a woman. His hand on the woman waist.
Your body trembling. Your head dizzy. You want to let out the beers you drank out from your throat, tears are threatening to falls. You clench your fist until it's turning white.
Sachi, Penguin and Bepo walks out from the bar, want to follows you back to the sub. But they halt their steps. Following the direction of your gaze.
They knew. Knew Law been to the bar. They knew there's always a girl at his side. They've confront him about this, but he told them to shut up, Law told them to not meddle his personal life.
You take a deep breath and blinks away the tears. And you start walking back to sub.
The man that you loved for years, breaks your heart to pieces. You even haven't confess to Law. Yet you already has the answer.
Then what's the point to stay at here? Why you have to torture yourself more than this? The answer is clear. You chuckle to yourself. Why are you so foolish. You're just a crewmate. Even if you're gone they won't make a fuss.
"Let's just wait for another chance." You thought to yourself.
That night, your heart losing it beats. It's not beating faster when you think about Law anymore. When you wake up with tears stain on your pillow, you lost your voice.
Strangely you're not panicking. Because you remember you read it on a book at Chopper's library, it can due to trauma or it can be from shock that your brain or heart produce.
The others panics. The trio runs to Law, telling him about you lost your voice. Law's face darkened hearing the news. Law immediately rushing to you.
"What happened?" Law try to reach your arm, but you take a step back. Avoiding his touch.
Don't touch me with those filthy hands. Those hands that touched other women.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, you smile and shrug. You write on the sketchbook "No need to panic." And you walks away from him resuming your duty.
Law just stand there, stunned. He remember this scenes long ago. Just like Cora-san when they first met. But are you really lost your voice? It can be you just faking it like Cora-san.
The trio know what Law's been thinking, Sachi breaks the silence "No, Captain. It's real."
Penguin chime in, "We already check on her, we try to prove it. It's real."
Bepo just start to panic and want to cry.
Law's minds been busy, thinking the way out to get your voice back.
But Law doesn't know about your plan.
You know Law's sleeping schedule, mostly Law will be at his office until morning. He rarely sleeps on his bed. Before dawn you slip something under his bedroom door.
While the other are busy getting ready to submerge, you walk out slowly without making any sounds to avoid bumping to other crews. Off to the fresh dawn air. Then you see a merchant ship docked at the harbor not that far, they starts to pulling their anchor.
You start to run faster to the merchant ship, after you reach them you write to them that you need a lift to another island to find your "husband". They agree to help you and they start to sail.
You look back again to the direction where the yellow sub docked behind a hill, the place that been home for you for years. The place full of happy and sad times. The place where your loved one is. The place where your heart used to beats full in love there.
You left your home. You left your family. You left the man you loved. You left your heart there.
When Law enter his bedroom, he step on something. He picks up a piece of paper and open it. His eyes widened and he start to search for you in every corner. Even your room is empty though your belongings still there. Law can't find you anywhere.
"Hakugan! How long have we been submerged?" Law slams the control room door, out of breath.
"Around six hours, Captain." Hakugan clench his heart, shock with the sudden burst and scared if he makes any mistake.
"Fuck! Turn back! Turn back to the island! NOW!" Law is furious now. How can he oversleep until this late? If only he didn’t stayed up late last night.
Sachi runs and stumbling at the door, "The letter... Captain.." Sachi tries to catch his breaths because he runs as fast as he can.
Penguin arrive behind Sachi, holding out the letter, "We found this."
Law snatch the letter and read it. It contains a simple words,
Thank you for the memories ꨄ︎
There's no doubt in it. This is your handwriting. The handwriting that Law always brush lovingly and memorize. The same handwriting on your letter that you left for him.
I loved you.
Law yell the order to Hakugan again, "Turn back to the island!" He walks back to his room, Sachi and Penguin follow behind him. When Law open his door, he rush in and slam the door right in front of Sachi and Penguin face. He doesn't need any lectures now.
He slides down from the door, sitting and read your letters again. The letter for him, I loved you. Loved. That means you don't love him anymore? Did he made a mistake? All of this is his fault? He stare hard on your letter, LOVED.
And suddenly a droplet of water stain the letter. Law choke on his own tears. He want to scream, he want to rips his hair off. But he can't. He punch the door in frustration, there a small yelp behind the door that goes unnoticed by him.
Six hours. Law prays that you're still at the island. He will take you back no matter what. If you ask him the reasons, he will tell you. He will tell you everything you want to knows. As long as it can takes you back to him. He will tell you his true feelings, his feelings toward you. He will do everything, anything. For you. He will make it right this time.
When Law arrive at the island he waste no time to cast his power. He use all of his energy to cast a big "ROOM" that envelopes the whole island. He close his eyes, he wish, he hope, he prays that you will appear in front of him. And he cast the "Shambles".
You don't appear in front of him.
He tries, tries, and tries again.
Penguin grabs Law shoulder, "She's gone, Law. She's left. Let's go back inside."
That moment, Law feels like his heart being torn apart to pieces. It's all his fault he lose you. How could he be so foolish?
Why would he think being with another women will keep you safe? Why he didn't realize your pain? Why he didn't realize your changed attitude towards him? Your smile, your distance, no more lingering gazes and touches. Why he just realize it now?
It's too late now. He hurts you, he lose you too.
Penguin and Sachi follows Law to his bedroom. Law just sit at his bed with his hands in his face. Penguin and Sachi look at each other. Seeing their friend like this broke them too.
"Do you realize all the women you pick resembles her, Law?" Penguin break the silence.
Law still hide his face. "Their height, features, hair colors and lengths it's all resembles to her, you know." Sachi take a step forward.
"I didn't slept with all those women. I couldn't bring myself to slept with them. It never feels right, those women is not her. They can’t give me what I want likes her" Law shoulder is shaking.
Penguin kneel in front of Law, "Then why did you that, Law?"
"I just want her to be safe. You know I've got a lot of enemies. I'm so scared that I can't protect her. What if I lose her?" Law mutter, his voice is cracking.
Sachi sit next to Law, gripping his shoulder "You already lose her, Law."
Law can feel a sting in his heart, the pain almost unbearable. Being so broken Law poured all his heart out to his best friends.
"I shouldn't have let those women get close to me, let their stinky perfumes on my clothes. Gave me mark on my neck. She must've seen it. She must've knew."
"She saw you took a woman to motel, Law." Penguin sighs.
Law freeze and lift his face in horror, "What? When?"
"Night before she lost her voice." Sachi fills in.
"What? Then it's my fault she lost her voice?" Law whisper, his voice thick with sadness. Law can feel the anguish slowly engulf his heart and mind.
Sachi and Penguin wants to comfort him, saying it's not his fault. But the words just won't come out from their mouth. So they just stay there with him, watching Law stare blankly at his hand and crumble.
He will take you back, no matter what. He will travel around the New World again to find you. All he want is just for you to be safe. He prays to all the Gods for your safety, and to gives him your forgiveness.
For four months, Law lost his direction. He will only comes out from his office to give orders and then shut himself at his office. Sachi, Penguin and Bepo try their best to help Law. They will bring foods for him, dragging him to take a bath. If he force himself to sleep at his bed, he will just curls up clutching tightly on your letter praying that he will meet you on his dreams, smiling and holds him tight. He will gives you all his love for you. Hell, he even will says the three words to you. Even if it's just on his dreams. He drifts off to the dreamland with tears to meet you there.
Every times they reach an island, Law will cast the "ROOM", if there's no result he will order them to move to the next island immediately. Sachi and Penguin even beg to Law to stay for a couple days at the island to get some supplies and rest before resuming their journey. They understand Law impatience, but they still try to persuade him.
They think Law is just like a ghost now, losing half of his soul. The only thing that can cure him is you. They also prays every times they reach an island, hoping you are there. To end Law misery. They really want to tell him to give up, but they got tongue tied every times they see his face.
The first month after you left Law, you stay at the island for awhile to collect some berries for your next journey. Sometimes you will help the local doctor, or working at the diner as cook.
When the berries is more than enough, you will move to another island. Maybe you runs away from him, if you stay at the island longer you afraid you will meet him. Heh. There's no way he will looks for you. Who the hell are you? You're not that important to him. You're just a crewmate. Stop thinking so high and mighty about yourself, Y/N. You chuckles and shake your head in disbelief.
The second months, you meet the Sun God. The person you least expected to meet.
Luffy is so happy to meet you again after years. He wraps his arm around you, "Does this mean Torao also here with you? I want to meet him! I miss him!" Luffy chirps.
You just give him a sheepish smile, and you write, "No, I'm alone. I'm no longer Heart Pirates crew."
Luffy just stare and tilt his head, confuse why are you using that sketch book, and you explain to him that you lost your voice. Luffy then drags you to Sunny, "Chopper can help you! Let's go!"
You try to let out your voice, to tell him no but the voice is not coming out. You just let him take you to Sunny.
The other crews are so happy to meet you again. Nami, Robin and Chopper embrace you so tightly. They rush you to the infirmary to check your health. They are so shocks hearing Luffy's information that you lost your voice and no longer Law's crew. As you try to calm them down, "It's okay, it's not a big deal. I'm still strong even without my voice." You give them weak smile while show them the sketch book.
Nami and Robin knows there's more into it. They exchange glances and hugs you, Nami gives you pat on your head while Robin stroke your back. As if they know your real reason. As if they know your pain, your heartbreak. Chopper just hugging you too without knowing why.
For the first time after two months, you cry your heart out. Sobbing in their embrace. You want to let out all of your screams that you've been hold back for months. But you can't. There's no voice coming out. You cry until your throat is hoarse and dry, and fall asleep on their embrace.
The next morning you wake up with swollen eyes. Sanji rushing to get ice packs for you, "A beautiful lady like you mustn't cry, Y/N-chan. Tell me if there's something you crave, I will cook it for you in no time." And he kiss the back of your hand. Nami warned to the other crews to not mention Law's name. It's a forbidden word at Sunny, whoever utter that word must pay a huge amount of berries to her.
"Eeh. Whyyy?? Why can't I say Torao name? I want to ask her about how he's been doing." Luffy whine to Nami. Nami grab Luffy's collar and threaten him, "If you says his name one more time, you won't get allowance for a month. I dare you." Luffy zips his mouth tightly.
"Just stay with us, we won't say anything to him." Luffy sincerely say it while all of them gathering waiting for lunch. You can feels the tears are forming at the corner of your eyes, you mouthed "Thank you." and try to blinks away the tears.
Even though you're not sad anymore, the crews know you changed. You're not the same person as they met back ago when the alliance with Law's formed. Your smile is not the same, you're not the cheerful person like back then. What had happened between you and the Heart Pirates Captain?
One day when you, Nami and Robin enjoying Sanji's dessert at the deck, she can't help her curiosity so she cautiously ask you, "Did both of you broke up?" You put your spoon on your lips and write "We're not together. We're just crewmate and captain." Nami and Robin stunned with your words. Nami try to pushed again but Robin pinch her with her extra hand. They just don't understand why both of you are not together. They saw how Law gazed at you. How Law always following close behind you every where you goes, like a lost cat. But they didn't push further, maybe you're not ready to tell them yet.
Days by days pass peacefully, some part of you think maybe it's not that bad you get on board with Luffy. It's almost makes you forget about your pain. You can saves more berries, maybe someday you can settle down at some island and enjoying the domestics life.
Some days, you help Sanji with preparing foods or wash the dishes. Other times you watch Luffy antics. There's no days pass without fun on Sunny.
Until one day, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Franky make a fuss with the sea king monster. In such a chaotic mess, Nami hit their head until two lumps appear at each heads. And she yell at them, they just lowered their head until a soft breeze blows and Luffy raises his head to hold his precious straw hat, "Oh! Y/N is laughing!" The others snaps their head to you, seeing you laugh for the first time. The real and genuine laugh.
Nami and Robin jumps at you and hug you. The others also laugh, Sanji's heart eyes appear at the sight, and there's a slight tinted blush at Zoro face, and he smile. Even though they can't hear your sweet voice, at least you're laughing now. They just hope you will turns to the old you.
They never thought of you as a guest at Sunny, they treat you like their nakama. When you're down, they will try to cheer you up. Zoro sometimes offer you to clean your katana, or even training together. The girls watching Zoro's behavior and it's so strange for him to interact with someone on his accord.
Nami pulls him and threaten him, "What're you doing? What's your intention, Zoro?"
He deadpanned on Nami, "Nothing, just offer her some companion?".
Nami point her finger, "If your intention is not clear, or you just need someone to warm your bed you better back off."
Zoro takes a step closer and gives Nami a stern look, "I'm. Not." Zoro growls. Maybe he just pitied you, or maybe he just want to take care of you, or maybe he just want to protect you. He doesn't know himself why.
As months goes by, you're getting a little bit cheerful like the old days. And you even gets closer to the crews.
When Luffy see an island holding a festival he decide to dock. Before Luffy and Chopper can scurry off to the town, Nami hold them and tell Luffy to bring one or two crews with him. To watch over him to not cause any ruckus.
Zoro voluntary says he will go with Luffy making the others screech. Nami turns to you "Y/N, can you please go with them? Me and Robin will go later and catch up with you guys." You nods and go to change your outfit. Wearing white shirt with a short and sandals. You run off to Luffy and the others whose been excited to enjoy the festival, “Let’s go!!” Nami shouts from the back, “Zoro!! Please don’t get lost! I’m counting on you, Y/N! Have fun!!” Zoro just rolls his eye at Nami and you giggle while wrapping your hand to his arm. Zoro jolt at your sudden touch and eyeing you, you mouthed “So you don’t get lost.” You grin and lead the way. Zoro just huff and shake his head, hiding the subtle smile.
Tagging along with Luffy that want to eats all of the foods on every stalls, and Chopper want to try all the attractions makes your heart full. “Look! That roller coaster is so cool! Let’s try it!” Chopper shouts and excitedly point at it. “I’m gonna pass on this one. To tired. I will wait for you guys down here.” Zoro already sits on the bench and cross his arms.
You feel bad leaving him behind and want to stay too, but Zoro just shoo you to go with them, “Just go, it’s okay. It won’t take that long.”
Then you go with Luffy and Chopper to enjoy the roller coaster. But when you guys come back down, all of you are drenched. You guys just laugh while Zoro dumbfounded looking at you guys. Zoro put his cloak on your shoulders, “Your shirt become a see-through.” As he looks away from your body. Your face flushed and mouthed “Thanks.”
As you guys walking back to Sunny with hands full with foods, there’s two people looking at you from afar with their jaws dropping. They can’t believe their own eyes. They exchange glances to make sure it is really you.
“Should we call Captain?” Sachi already takes out the mini den den mushi.
“Ugh.. Wait! But look at her! She’s laughing! She’s happy, Sachi!” Penguin grab Sachi hand.
“Guys! It’s-!” Bepo suddenly appears and shout but Sachi and Penguin quickly shuts his mouth.
“Sshh!!!” They gesture in unison.
“Should we call Captain??” Sachi press again.
Penguin is still in agony. “Peng! Captain needs her!” Sachi getting impatient now because he almost lost you on the crowds.
"Fine!! Fine! Call him." Penguin surrender, still unsure if this is the right things or not. Because he also knows you are suffering from Law.
When the news reach Law, he immediately teleport to the shore. He use his power to teleports here and there, to find the Sunny.
And he sees you, draped in Zoro's cloak, your hand grabs on his arm. And you laugh. You laugh with them. The smiles that he missed so much, the smiles that you used to gave to him. You looks... Beautiful. You looks... Happy... Are you with Zoro now? He can feels his heart clench. He will finds out himself.
This time, he will make it right.
Suddenly you see a blue orbs envelopes all of you. You freeze, gripping Zoro's arm. You know damn well this blue orbs. And he appears in front of you. The man that you loved with all of your heart. He looks like a mess. His eye bags getting more darker.
Law so relieve when he see you this close. Finally... He can take you back with him, he moves his hand to reach you but Zoro take a step in front of you and stand between you and Law.
"Move, Zoro-ya." Law stand tall against Zoro.
But Zoro doesn't move an inch, and you still clutching on Zoro hiding behind him. When Luffy and Chopper see Law, they excitedly shouts, "OOH! TORAOO!!" But Zoro prevent them to get close to Law.
"What do you want, Torao?" Zoro still in his defensive stance.
"I don't have any business with you. I'm here for Y/N." Law still looking at you. "Let's talk, Y/N. Please." He's pleading now, you never hear his voice this soft. You still consider should you talk to him? Part of you don't want to talk to him, you don't want to see his face. But maybe this is the time...
You come out from behind Zoro and you nod. You point to a big stone under the shade and you gesture to him to follow you there. You write to Luffy, "I'll be back."
You and Law walk to the shade, you lean on the stone and write, "What do you want?" You shove it to him, but you didn't look at him at all.
Law furrow his eyebrows. It hurts. "How you've been, Y/N?" He reach for your face but you avoid it. It hurts so bad. He clench his fist and take it back to his side. "Please, look at me, Y/N." His voice cracking.
You freeze and slowly turn your head to meet his gaze. There they are, the grey eyes that you used to loved is filled with tears now. But it makes you furious and without you realizing it you hit his chest with your both fist. Law lets you hit him, if it can makes you feel better then it doesn't matter. If it can makes you back to his side, then it's fine. He will take it all, your furious, your hits. Everything.
Your head hung low while you still hitting him for God knows for how long. But Law realize you've been crying. He grabs your wrists, "Look at me, Y/N. Please." You lift your head, still sobbing. Law's eyes quiver with the sight, he pulls you right to his chest. He hug your trembling body tightly, he will not let you go.
"Please come back, Y/N" Law whisper beside your ear.
You snap your eyes open realize this is not right. You shove Law then you wipe your tears with your sleeves and write in a quick pace, "I'm not coming back. You should go back."
"Y/N, don't do this. Please come back to me." Law reach out his hand for you to take it, he looks so sorrowful. You shakes your head furiously. Law take a step toward you still reaching out his hand, "Why are you doing this, Y/N? If you love me then just come back to me." He slowly walking to you.
"I'm not! I don't love you anymore!" You write then tear the sheet and you throw it to Law. Then you write another one and throw it again. He picks it up and read it “I hate you.” Law’s eyes widened and he clutch the sheet, “Lies. You’re lying.” He stands in front of you.
“I’m not lying.” You look straight into his eyes.
“I don’t love you. And I’m not going back. Leave. Go back, Captain. I’m just one of your crew-mate, you don’t have to waste your times for me.” You starts to walk away from him.
Law grabs your wrist and turns you to face him, “I love you. I love you, Y/N. Please come back to me.” He’s crying. Trafalgar Law is crying in front of you.
You try so hard to hold back your tears. You tell yourself, don’t cry, not now. You shakes your head and yank your wrist, “It’s too late. Goodbye, Law. Take care.” You leave Law standing there in silence.
You walks back to Sunny without looking back at the man you loved. You thought you’ll be strong to leave him again for the second times, but why these tears just won’t stop? As you reach Sunny you quickly wipe your tears.
“Can we sail out now, Luffy? Please?” You write to Luffy. Luffy just nods and tells Nami to set off.
You storms to your shared bedroom and lock the door. You throw yourself to your bed and cry your heart out, screaming to the pillow. The crews freeze when they heard your wailing. When they wish they can hear your voice again, they don’t mean it like this. Not your voice when you’re in pain. They just stand at the deck looking at each other, they can feel your pain. But they can't do anything to erase your pain.
Law walks back to Polar Tang in tears with your sketch sheets in his hand, it feels like he reminisces the old days. The days he cried when Cora-san died. You left him too. If only he could be more honest with you. If only he didn’t act like a jerk. If only he didn’t hurt you. None of these will happen. If only…
When the crews see Law coming back alone they don’t utters a single words to him. He just walks to his bedroom in silence, only the trio follows Law. Law slumps to his bed, covering his eyes with his arm, the other hand still holding on your sketch sheets tightly at his chest. Penguin being the brave one to break the silence, “Is she?” Law answers short, “No.”
Sachi continue, “Do you tell her everything?”
“It’s too late. She hates me. She doesn’t love me anymore. She left me.” Law curls up holding your sheets tightly.
Law can't get you return to his side again. He can't have your heart forever. He can't see you anymore. He can't hear your sweet voice anymore. At least he want to hear your voice before you go.
Law doesn't know you get your voice back again.
Law summon "ROOM", the blue orb surrounds him and he cast "SILENCE".
For the first time Sachi, Penguin and Bepo see their Captain crying in despair. They just hope their captain can get on his feet again.
It's too late now...
Is it too late now?
This is the end...
Is this the end?
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Part 2
dividers by : @saradika-graphics
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konigsblog · 8 months
virginity loss
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alejandro x fem!reader
kinktober masterlist. (day 6)
warnings: soft, slow sex and gentle love making. teasing and virginity loss. dom!alejandro x virgin!f!reader.
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telling alejandro you were a virgin for the first time felt almost humilating. you expected to be judged, mocked or laughed at for explaining that you'd never been fucked before, or ever made love. but, he shocked you — by smiling and holding your hand tightly, giving a few squeezes and whispering lowly in your ear.
“está bien, paloma. lo tomaré despacio.” (that's alright, dove. i'll take it slow.) he muttered quietly in your ear, taking you to the bedroom in bridal style while peppering your faces with soft kisses.
and, although, he teased you, he didn't make you uncomfortable. asking you if you liked what he was doing, and making small jokes to brighten your mood. his face buried in your neck, your sweet essence familiar to alejandro. soft hair between his fingers as he nestled them into your hair, slow and sloppy thrusts making you moan and arch your back.
your walls tightened around him, soft sounds of pleasure making your eyes glossy and causing you to bite your lip through desperation. two fingertips rubbed at your sensitive clit in circles, small and soothing circles making you gasp, his hand replacing yours as he praised you for taking him so well.
“aren't you doing so well, princess?” alejandro asked, kissing your temple as he fucked his lengthy dick further into your pussy. sloppy and full. he didn't ram or rut, instead, grinding his way inside, his leaking tip nudging against your cervix.
alejandro took it slow. sensual words making you closer to your orgasm, and those loud moans encouraging him to continue. you came around him, thick veiny cock covered in sweet cum, and your bodies glistening with sweat. spurting ropes of his load all over your stomach, forehead to forehead.
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keline11 · 3 months
"If you do it I'll do it" pipipipipi
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Missa, Chayanne and Philza on the top of the wall
*Phil jumps and uses his glider*
*Chay and missa get close to the edge and looks like chay is gonna jump*
Missa: ”Are you gonna do a water drop? Are you not using your glider?”
*Chay takes out his bucket*
MIssa: “Really?... If you do it I’ll do it”
*Chay jumps* 
Missa: “Oh my god” *he makes it* *missa does it too* “That’s my egg! I am proud of you son!”
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8 months later
On top of roier's castle
Missa: *getting his bucket out* Chayanne…
*Chayanne takes out his glider and jumps*
Missa: ...ah right, you fly *laughs* I was gonna say if you remembered the good old days *jumps*
Chayanne didn't hear him
(I am definitely not listening to “No more birthdays” - Sophie May, “Slipping through my fingers” - ABBA and "My sweet baby" - Paloma Faith)
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sweetwolfcupcake · 1 year
The Taste of Deceit( Hyung line Part One)
Yandere Masterlist
Warnings: Violence, Dark Characters with Darker Intentions. And the plot would only get darker from here. Disturbing imagery, allusions, blood.
Word Count: 14k+ (Yes, I lost myself in the flow)
(GIF credits to the owner. I do not own them)
Kindly excuse the typos and errors
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The night was young and the stars were restless.
The night was young and the club was booming.
The night was young…
yet it felt like the darkest hour when his eyes met hers. 
(Y/N) worked as a bartender at an elite bar in the city- sort-after, high-end, but oddly lowkey. It was subtle, but an experienced pair of eyes would point out the oddities with ease.
As he sauntered towards her section, she busied herself with arranging the glasses and the mixers.
She had sworn to herself that she would stay out of trouble, and the broad-shouldered man with lips that seemed to be the carrier of kisses from paradise looked nothing less than trouble- big, deep trouble. 
“What specials do we have tonight?”
(YN) almost flinched at his voice, but her actions remained smooth as ever as she arranged the glasses. She managed to put up a smile though
“Cosmopolitan, French 75 and Paloma.”
“Cosmopolitan with olives please.” 
Even his voice was honey-like. But it held an unusual edge to it– some rare kind of honey- light but the right amount of sweet.
“I haven’t seen you before.” 
He stated as a matter of fact.
“I joined a few months ago,” she replied 
“I visited here last week.”
“I used to work the morning shift, it’s my first day in the evening shift.” she replied softly while handing him his drink.”
He smiled as he sipped from his drink but his eyes never left hers.
“Hope it’s not too overwhelming for you?”
“A little.” she admitted sheepishly “But my colleagues have been incredibly helpful, I think I will be settled soon.”
He hummed before finishing off his drink with a swig “I am Jin,” he offered his hand for a shake. 
With a somewhat hesitant smile, she took it– his hold was firm but his hands felt warm and smooth, just like his eyes.
The night was young and the stars were restless.
The night was young and the club was booming.
The night was young, yet when he smiled, 
it felt like slow electricity pulsing through the air
Jin– Kim Seokjin.
(Y/N) noted. The description that she was provided did no justice to what she was experiencing at the moment– his aura, his appearance, everything hit her at once.
The night was still young
And it was a long way ahead.
But officer (Y/N) (L/N) was determined.
“Liya. My name is Liya Grace.” she introduced herself.
The night was young
And she had taken the first step
Kim Seokjin was many things, Liya came to know that with her two years spent with him. He was a perfect gentleman, and he remembered exactly how many teaspoons of sugar she liked in her coffee and he oddly remembered the days that were otherwise insignificant to Officer (Y/N)- the person behind the mask of sweet and charming Liya Grace.
Little things mattered to Kim Seokjin, (Y/N) had realised– when Liya would cook dinner for him and wait up to reheat it even if her eyes would be droopy. When she would remember what tie he liked on certain days. When she would help him with fixing his tie and cuff links. Or when she would bring him his coffee to his home office every two hours.
One might misunderstand those as his expectation at first glance, but no– he never expected or assumed that he was not of the kind.
But the little gestures of care and devotion made him happy. It assured him that his partner was just as devoted to him as he was.
And was he a sincere lover– to the extent that (Y/N) felt a prick of guilt every time she replied to his soft, quiet declarations of love.
Jin was a lover straight out of a woman’s daydreams. 
One would never believe how the hands that touched her so delicately were the ones that pushed his enemies to their dooms.
But (Y/N) knew. She knew because she had witnessed him strangle men twice his size with ease– it was like buying bread to him- mundane business.
His eyes would be chillingly nonchalant and they were the windows for the sinister beast in him to peek through.
But only (Y/N) knew of this side of him– undercover officer (L/N)(Y/N) who was quick and quiet and never even breathed loud but took all the pictures right, and never forgot to set bugs in his office. Officer (Y/N) was subtle and clever, after all.
Liya Grace, however, was naive and oblivious, believing in whatever her beloved boyfriend fed her. He owned chains of hotels, exclusive nightclubs and restaurants. What was odd with that? Some red wine sprinkled on his white shirt? Happens! Why would not she believe him?
That was not technically a lie. Jin did own all of them. But they were the surface, the strong shields protecting his underground illegal weapon dealings– his real business.
It would have been so easy to fool any ordinary civilian, but (Y/N) was no ordinary civilian. 
“You’re late. Again.” 
“I’m sorry Jagi, you know well that I am– it’s those old investors, always looking for loopholes in my projects.”
Potential buyers
(Y/N) corrected him mentally  as she scoffed and turned away pretending to be upset 
“Liya–love, you can’t be angry at me now, it's only–uh– a bit late…” he trailed off as he glanced at his limited edition watch.
“It’s two in the morning Jin.” she huffed while reheating his dinner 
“Hmm, pretty late, but you are still awake sweetheart.”
Just getting some confidential documents.
“I wanted to talk.”
“Everything alright Jagi?” he sounded concerned but her smile soothed his frown
“Just considering visiting my parents. Haven’t seen them in a while.”
“Why? I mean is everything okay there?”
“Oh no, I just miss them.”
There was another thing (Y/N) had noticed about Kim Seokjin. He liked to keep her for himself.
He was a possessive man, more so emotionally than physically. It was normal for lovers to be possessive, but his sense of possession extended a bit too far.
And it made (Y/N) squirm sometimes– she could swear it was just her being uncomfortable, but deep down, she knew that there was a sinister edge to his love and it made an eerie anticipation bloom in her heart.
“Why not we go to meet them this weekend? You can finally introduce me to them then?”
“Oh Jin, no need of that, you already have a tight schedule.”
There was no way that she could let all her hard work go down the drain.
“But Liya, I have to meet them someday.”
“Sure Jin, I want you to meet them too, but I want to see how they would take the news of me already living with my boyfriend– they have always been a bit protective of me and I want things to go smoothly so bad...Let me set the ground first. Hm?”
She managed to muster up her best puppy eyes and Jin finally relented and nodded with a sigh. He was in a hurry to put a ring on her finger, so eager in fact that she already had a promise ring occupying her finger.
“When do you plan to go then?”
Jin smiled and nodded “Just don’t stay away from me long, okay?” 
“Liya! I have cooked your favourites.” 
Her father greeted her on the porch as soon as she arrived.
“Dad I missed you!”
Her father smiled and pulled her in for a hug.
“You have the pigeon feed?” he whispered into her ears without a single muscle faltering.
She hummed, still smiling.
There could be no chance taken. It was Kim Seokjin after all, and underestimating him would be foolishness. The department knew that Kim Seokjin had eyes everywhere and one slip-up could cost them not only all their hard work but also their lives.
“Hurry up, your Mom is setting the table.” he ushered her in as they played the perfect father and daughter for the hidden hawks.
“Here.” (Y/N) handed them a Pendrive. It was the one that contained recordings of his office, some pictures of classified documents and some codes
“Excellent Officer.” her ‘mother’ hummed as she examined the item.
“Now that the pigeons will be feeding, let us have dinner too.” her ‘father’ quipped in– finally at ease now that the documents were in their hands.
(Y/N) had excused herself back to her room. It was cosy yet oddly familiar– detailed to perfection. A typical room that screamed  ‘I spent my teenage years here’. (Y/N) felt exhausted. Not only because she had been putting up a facade for so long but also because the ring on her finger sat heavily– mocking her as it gleamed under the nightlight. But most of all, it was the booming questions in her mind, screaming at her for answers.
She dug into her purse to retrieve a Pendrive. Another Pendrive that held the most crucial information, the deepest vulnerabilities in Kim Jin’s empire, in his security system. The Pendrive contained information that could easily lead to his encounter– no more pieces of evidence required.
She gulped, fiddling with the tiny device. She had always known what she wanted, what she was doing. But not this time.
What was she doing?
Why couldn’t she—why did not she submit the most important Pendrive to her superiors?
It would take them no time to bring Kim Seokjin and his empire of illegal weapons into ashes and yet….
“What’s wrong with me?” she huffed out breathlessly.
Finding no convincing answer, she settled for going to bed. Maybe a bit of rest would do? She had been pretending for so long, acting as the perfect, oblivious little girlfriend to a man so subtly dark, it had taken a toll on her mentally and emotionally.
Drip drip drip dripdripdripdripdrip
It was disorienting to wake up to the sound of an open tap. Without much thought, she stepped into the bathroom, cringing at the wet sensation. It was tap left open and the basin was overflowing. Turning the tap off, she waited for the water to settle down. 
The drain was blocked.
She did not remember blocking it. She had not even stepped into the bathroom.
She pulled out the lid, unlocking the drain as thoughts began to flood in. It was an in-built instinct within her. She never dismissed anything that even felt remotely off.
And at the moment she felt like something was very, very strange.
The sound of splashing and gurgling of water felt louder than it actually was. The silence was no longer blank, or even remotely cosy. It was instead eerie. 
Something just did not feel right.
Rushing to the closet, she searched for any weapons that they have provided her in the room. She let go of the breath that she had been holding as she felt a gun kept between a bundle of empty boxes. 
Fishing it out, she checked if it was loaded before pocketing the pen drive and slipping out of the room as quietly as possible. It was two o'clock in the morning, and while the silence was expected, this silence felt like holding one’s breath– it was filled with anticipation.
Making her way down the carpeted stair, she remained glued to the wall while her finger wrapped around the trigger. She gulped silently as her foot reached the bottom of the stairs. The door seemed locked, the kitchen was empty—
The backdoor!
Carefully gliding around along the walls, she reached the bedroom near the backdoor. The safety of her colleagues mattered the most to her at the moment. 
Much to her relief, she saw them asleep on the bed. Noislesslyy shutting the door, she made her way to the backdoor. It  appeared perfectly—
It was unlocked. 
One twist of the doorknob gave away the fragility of their safety. Her ears tried to pick up any noise behind or around her while her eyes searched for her other colleagues roaming around in disguise. The house, past the lawn, was supposed to be occupied by her colleagues too. She quickly searched for the torchlight she knew was kept there. Gripping it with a tinge of desperation, she blinked it at the house window.
No response.
She tried again. They were supposed to have their eyes on this house for the whole damn night!
No response.
Feeling the panic beginning to build, she took a deep breath in and out. She had been spying on one of the country's biggest underworld figures, there had been people she had taken care of before.
Everything would be under control.
She tried to soothe herself as she made her way back to the bedroom, leaving the door unlocked. If something went wrong, the backdoor would be their safe exit.
As soon as she stepped into the bedroom, she reached out for them, fingers almost twitching to shoot anyone other than her colleagues.
“Sir, wake up.” she whispered as quietly as possible. Not getting a response, she tapped on his covers “Sir, Ma’am please—”
She felt cold at the sensation of the warmth she was familiar with–--warm and wet. Her throat closed up as she felt around the covers. It was all damp and warm inside but her colleagues were still and cold. 
She yanked her hand out with a shaky gasp, only to be further horrid at the sight of her tainted hands in the darkness of the room— she could see it clearly–even under the street light. 
There was a faint noise of something shifting that had her pointing her gun at the darkest corner of the room. Her heart thumped in fear and anticipation as she pointed her gun at the darkness.
It was at that moment when her anticipation came to a  heavy halt— Jin stepped out of the dark corner, taking up the space near the window instead. The streetlight and moon rays falling on his form gave him an eerie illumination.
“Why wait now?… Here I am. Pull the trigger.” 
His inaction was far more chilling than his acts of violence. He was just standing still– and nonchalant and yet, the darkness in his eyes was far deeper than the dark corner he emerged from.
“Is it not what you were sent for, after all?” he drawled, slipping his hands into his pockets. “Now you even have a reason.” 
his eyes flickered to the bed momentarily before settling back on her as he tilted his head slightly
 “What’s the matter Officer (Y/N)(L/N), pull the trigger.” the amusement was clear in his tone.
She would not pull the trigger, even if it was the right thing to do, she would never do that. 
And Kim Seokjin had realised it before her. 
She hid away the pen drive, her hands shook as she pointed her gun at him and her fingers froze at the mere thought of shooting him. 
She shook her head, trying to push back her tears as the realisation began to dawn upon her, like a nightmare merging into reality.
“E-even if I tell you why, you would not believe me.” she breathed out.
It was pathetic. How would he believe her if she told him that she had just realised that she was in love with him? For real.
Why would he believe that even?
The corner of Jin’s lips lifted up slightly at her words.
“Oh Jagi, I know you inside out…” he trailed away as he sauntered towards her.
His movements reminded her of the first time she had met him. Two years ago.
Today was the day– the day they first met.
She stepped back, half in shock, half in caution, her hands lowered far before she had realised.
“Why did you keep the other pen drive to yourself? You had two of them.” 
He knew, he always knew.
“How long?”
Jin’s lips tugged up with smugness.
“The moment our eyes met I knew that you did not belong there.”
She took in a sharp breath.
“Assuming that I had never known of you– confidence.” he continued to take predatory steps towards her. 
She truly felt like a cornered prey– so small and helpless. His towering form seemed to have engulfed the whole room- and he, her whole existence. She flinched internally when her back touched the wall. 
“But assuming that my sources would never know about you– overconfidence.” he smiled as he reached her. The kind of smile that made her feel cold
There was no way out.
“If you plan to kill me, just get over with it now.” the words felt foreign on her tongue, but she meant them.
“Oh Jagi…” he drawled as if sharpening his sword “ I only intend to teach you a sweet, sweet lesson…I do love you after all.” she forced down a whimper as he leaned closer to her, his lips touching her earlobes
 “After all, you love me too, and you shall scream that to the world tonight”
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Min Yoongi was many things.
He was subtle, he was lowkey, and yet he was powerful, he bathed in money and influence and guess what– he was a well-known face on the top magazines, billboards and newspapers.
He was one of the leading industrialists after all.
To the world.
Behind closed doors ran the chaos and spills of the underworld– white power, red ink and sharp edges.
Min Yoongi was many things, but he was not always very patient– especially during crucial interrogations. His business was vast and deep. And to run such a vast business empire– one he had built himself, he needed money– a flood of it.
 People looked up to him as an inspirational figure– the ideal rags-to-riches man. But to build such an empire by the age of thirty-two, one needed something extra, and Yoongi had nothing– nothing other than a hawk’s eyes and a razor mind. So he used them instead and created a whole ring of underground business. The profit in the market required heavy investments and it came not only from big investors, it was pumped from the underground.
Who would suspect that the man making gaping charities, arranging free scholarships and educating millions of children would be the one running a whole underground business?
The police, who else?
It was an open secret among the top officers. They knew what went on behind closed doors and dark basements in his posh offices and luxurious hotels. Too bad, Min Yoongi was always ten steps ahead.
It had turned into a cat-and-mouse game, they would hunt for evidence, a loophole and Yoongi would hunt for the one digging those holes.
The man’s head was pulled out of the cold water. He coughed and wheezed, struggling to breathe through the remaining water dripping down along with blood.
Yoongi sighed. Twenty minutes– twenty fucking minutes and no information regarding the infiltrator. Though it was no new thing, it was a matter of increasing concern because he had not been able to get hold of the mouse yet. 
The man being interrogated was one too, but Yoongi knew that he was not the spy he should be concerned with.
“Here’s how this is going to be young man…” he began with a cigarette clasped between his lips. He paused briefly to light it up. “You tell me who has been collecting information about my organisation and I give you an easy death.”
Yoongi’s eyes flicked up, finding the dilated pupils of the man, blood and saliva running down his busted lips. He spat out two of his bloody teeth into the water and coughed. He gasped again as one of Yoongi’s men took hold of his hair, ready to dunk his head into the murky water again.
Yoongi rose his palm this time, halting his men’s actions. Pulling the cigarette away, he blew out smoke into the air, momentarily blurring his face “Let me rephrase it..If you do not reveal your partner, I will make sure that you continue to breathe.”
 Nearing him, Yoongi leaned closer, whispering in his ear 
“Besides, your sister would make up for the loss of our money for our clients. Now, that would be perfect, don’t you think?”
Yoongi smirked as the man clenched his jaw and shuddered. He gripped his shoulder and squeezed the bruise hard, making the man scream.
“Think about it, hero– your charity might cost you your sister’s life. She just entered college, didn’t she? Tsk tch tch, she must have so many dreams…” he threatened with a voice dripping with mock concern while his eyes held a promise of acting through his words.
The man shut his eyes, gritting his teeth before looking dead into Yoongi’s eyes
Was all he said before pushing out a tiny bottle from his tied hands, it had been there between his palms. It happened within the span of seconds, one moment the man was there, and the next, he shoved the bottle in his mouth before dropping dead.
“Where were your eyes?” Yoongi gritted out as he looked at his men with fury “Where.the.fuck were you looking when he had this in his fucking palms?”
His men trembled but said nothing, only hanging their heads in shame. Min Yoongi with raised voice was a threat, but he with a cold, low voice with gritting teeth was a warning that barely stood between one’s life and his gun.
Surely, the police officer's body was not the only one which would be laying there.
But to their utter surprise, their boss’ fingers, instead of going for his gun, went to his head, running through his long hair.
He took a few puffs from his cigarette before dropping it on the wet floor and viciously crushing it with his heavy shoes.
He sighed, closing his eyes, the thin cut running through his face could be seen in its complete glory with his eyes closed– it began from his forehead and sliced straight through his left eyebrow, and eyelid, ending on his upper cheek, parallel to his nose. It was faded but only added to the grim aura he carried.
“Find out who is Raven. And don’t be lousy fucky this time.”
That was all he said before marching out of the place.
Min Yoongi was many things but he was not a man to step back from his words, even if it was something he had promised himself.
No blood on his hands on her birthday. 
The front light of the shop flickered before dimming considerably while Yoongi’s car pulled up in front of the flower shop. It was decent, but in Yoongi’s mind, needed a ton of renovation. It was already past midnight and his only regret was that he could not be there to wish her on the strike of twelve.
The door sign showed ‘closed’ but he rang the bell anyway, his heart thumping on hearing the muffled sound of her ascending the stairs.
His lips curved into a smile as soon as the door opened.
“You came? I thought you were busy.”
“And I thought I told you to wait for me at my place. Yet I find you here, sleeping with just a single lock at the main door.” he commented as he walked inside. 
The flower shop was on the ground floor, and the floor above was where she lived. It would seem odd, special in a way– a business tycoon and a florist. But it would turn bizarre at the revelation of his true identity. A man marred with the underground murk and a sweet florist, oblivious to the monster she was letting in almost every night at her home.
“I baked some cookies.”
“Mhm? I got you some fried chicken with cheese and beer.” her eyes lit up at that and she smiled, raining heavens on his heart.
“Oh, Yoongi, you always know what I want!”
 Her voice dripped with delight as she made her way upstairs, while he locked the door, making eye contact with his men stationed just opposite the flower shop, under the guise of some construction workers.
He sighed in delight as her delicate floral fragrance engulfed him while he followed her upstairs.
“Wait for me in the bedroom, I will bring the food. And–what is this? A cake? You even brought me a cake? Oh Yoongi, you did not need to.”
He shook his head and smiled, taking her hands into his.
 “But I wanted to.” 
His hand slid to her lower back and the other hand guided her hand to his shoulder as they began to slow dance in the kitchen, the food long forgotten at the kitchen counter. 
Fishing out his phone, he clicked to play a retro romantic track– slow, lovely and oh-so poetic. He smiled at her, stealing a fleeting kiss on her forehead as they continued to move, like a slow-burning flame that would ignite one’s soul.
“Happy Birthday my love.” he whispered ever so tenderly as she looked up with glistening eyes. 
She tucked her head on his chest, relishing the moment in silence.
One of the best leisure activities had to be sitting on the bed and enjoying one’s favourite meal along with one’s favourite person, Yoongi realised that while placing another piece of fried chicken on her plate. She smiled at him, a smudge of ketchup on her lower lip and it made her all the more adorable to her. All he wanted was to protect her, love her and be loved by her.
He scrunched his nose lightly while wiping the ketchup with his thumb while she munched on the chicken with stuffed cheeks.
Min Yoongi was in love with her, he knew it, she knew it too and he hoped that she would trust him too, enough to believe in his love through thick and thin.
“Gina…” he began as he took her hands in his, not minding the crumbles and oil “Do you trust me?”
She blinked “Yoongi, where is this coming from?”
“Just tell me, do you trust me to never hurt you? To love and protect you with my life?”
She frowned before nodding, but that was not enough for him.
“I need words Gina, do you trust me, love?”
“Yes Yoongi…” her voice shook but there was a crack of uncertainty. 
He would admit that it did hurt him, but he also knew that this was nothing beyond normal human behaviour– blind trust was a luxury and he would taste that luxury soon, he only had to be patient. He knew that her trust would falter with his next words, but he needed to do what was required.
Taking a deep breath, he grasped her hands firmer “Gina…I love you, and I did not wish to lose you…so I hid something from you, but now I must come clean for the sake of our love.” licking his lips, he continued “Gina, you know me as the world does, a philanthropist business tycoon, one with multiple companies under his banner, international projects, the rags-to-riches guy and what not…But the truth is beyond that, darker than that.”
Her frown deepened at that “What do you mean?” 
Yoongi sighed and continued “I have an underworld business, Gina, I have my hands dipped in everything murky you can possibly imagine.”
He felt her stiffening at his words and as she attempted to pull away from his hold, his fear began to take the shape of reality. With each attempt to pull her hands away, his hold coiled tighter like a hungry snake. His jaws ticked at her futile attempts
“You promised to trust me, didn’t you?” his hand crept to her forearm 
“I love you, I love you so much Gina, don’t try to take that away from me.” hissed, turning desperate “I love you too much to let you go. I have everything prepared for you love, you will love the mansion, it has a vast garden and even a patch of woods, there are flowers, beautiful flowers, and the room I have prepared for you is your dream room, Love. We shall move to our room soon after the wedding.”
“Wedding?” she whispered out incredulously as if it were the most bizarre thing to hear from him. 
“Of course Jagi, are we not going to marry soon? I love you Gina and I thought this would be a perfect time to come out clean. I want to keep you safe love, pack up hmm? I have had the mansion all readied.”
“No” she whispered, making Yoongi pause
He scowled, tightening his hold to a painful extent before jerking her closer to him, ignoring the whimper his actions and eyes had elicited.
“What do you mean by No?” he snarled before closing his eyes and looking away– his tongue pushed against the inner wall of his cheek to show his thinning patience as he remained unfazed by her struggle to slip away from his bruising hold. “Gina…I told you that I love you, didn’t I? I came clean to you like a good lover. Isn’t it your turn to show appreciation and fucking listen to me? You are so fucking unsafe here I cannot protect—”
He was cut off by the sound of a click that tore through the otherwise heavy silence like an arrow in a dead forest
He looked at her, hold loosening before she mouthed--
But there was no time for that other than reaching for his gun strapped on his shin but the moment his fingers touched the gun, he felt the piecing of a bullet. Chaos ensued as a figure in black jumped down from the attic, opening the foldable ladder that dropped from the ceiling, and reaching the bed.
Yoongi felt hands forcing him down before he elbowed the assaulter. His palm was already suffering a bullet wound but his eyes never left her– his Gina, or that was the name she had used. She shook her head, tears now streaming down in full force. 
“Min Yoong, you are under arrest!”
How were there so many men in the room? Boots rang across the floor as many men in uniform stormed the room, forcing him down further. But his eyes remained on the woman sitting in front of him, nursing her bruising wrist yet looking down at him with the sorrow only a true lover could.
Her eyes widened as he smiled at her– a genuine smile that came from the realisation that she did warn him to run, that she had pain in her eyes. 
“What’s your name?” he whispered softly making her her eyes widen. “Your name…”
“Oi! You are under arrest for being involved in illegal business, you just confessed that!” 
One of the officers spat out as he snatched away the necklace she wore roughly, making her wince and Yoongi's jaws tick.
 “We have it all recorded you scum!”
 He waved it in front of him before landing a heavy punch, making Yoongi’s head whip to the side, a bruise already forming while blood trickled down the corner of his lips.
But he did not care, finding her frightened eyes once more as her hand jerked to reach him, only to be stopped midway by the officer “What’s your name?” he asked again
 “Get her out of here.” the senior officer barked before the subordinate approached, his actions and tone much gentler than his superior as he helped her get up from the bed.
But before went out, she turned to him one last time, eyes filled with emotions, while Yoongi focused on pushing his heel against the sole of his shoe– one press of the sensor and his team would be ready. He smiled at her as she disappeared from his sight.
Soon, Love…Very Soon.
The journey to the police station involved being shoved into a heavily guarded van with too many armed men.
Twenty men for one person? Even with a bullet wound?
He liked the fear. 
His eyes met with one of the amateur officers, young, naive and so fucking idealistic perhaps– a version of his in his early teens. Yoongi smirked as he watched him gulp subtly.
As soon as they reached the police station at an ungodly hour, he was shoved into an overly guarded prison, the captain watched him from outside as one would while inspecting a feral animal.
The middle-aged man held his gaze as Yoongi made himself comfortable behind the bars, sitting on the bed near the wall, his form faintly visible in the darkness.
The captain held his phone to his ear before speaking up, breaking the tense silence that felt like a bated breath
 “Mission Raven Completed,” 
He whispered out, his eyes holding Yoongi’s gaze in mockery as he cut the call and slipped his phone into his pocket
“Your game is over Min Yoongi.” 
Yoongi sat still, his feline eyes shining with amusement under the minimal light reaching his prison.
“What? Aren’t you scared? The whole world will come to know your true face in a few hours!” he snarled at him.
Yoongi knew that he had made many, many enemies along his climb to the top of the underworld rings. And this captain seemed to take things a bit too personally. But what did he know of the ‘games’ he played?
“ Captain Jiwok…” he watched in satisfaction as the smirk was wiped out from the man’s face “My game has just begun.”
Before the man could speak any further, a deafening boom shook the whole building as rubble began to fall,  he watched the building burst into bedlam, throwing his back into laughter while his eyes twinkled in delight.
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A sunny day, the bright colours of the summer and the gentle breeze playing with the new, tender leaves and the playful petals of brightest and softest blooms. 
It would make anyone smile. But not the mistress of the Jung Estate–(L/N)(Y/N), who could only resentfully look on as the servants, maids, dogs, cats, butterflies and even insects enjoyed their freedom of embracing the outside world– all but her.
The sprawling estate encompassed a vast garden with water channels running around in symbols, hosting a range of koi fish, one more stunning than the other and a number of servant quarters that housed the staff. 
The place would look idyllic to anyone who would first set their eyes on it. But underneath the beautiful estate, laid metal doors, bloody walls and unending, dark body chutes. One might find that shocking, but not (Y/N) – to her, the Jung Estate was an extension of the master of the property– Jung Hoseok– an angel’s face and a devil’s soul. But (Y/N) doubted that he had any soul at all.
Taking her eyes off the garden, she focused on the elaborate lunch spread out for her. At least she had a choice of food, she thought with contempt as the maid served her more rice.
“Would you like dessert after lunch Ma’am?” Lia, her personal maid enquired.
“No thank you.”
“They’re all your favourite Madame.” she pressed ever so gently.
Sighing, (Y/N) nodded. Dessert might do her soured mood some good.
“I will bring them right after you are finished, Madame.” Lia beamed
(Y/N)’s lips tugged up subtly with an amused smile as she continued to eat her lunch. Hoseok, her husband always told her how much he loved her smile. And yet, he had turned the reason behind its decline. 
Jung Hoseok was probably the most feared man in the country and she had made the foolish mistake of walking right into the lion’s den one sorry evening.
“Madame, sweet buns along with mini butter croissants.” 
(Y/N) had smelled the delicious aroma before the oven-fresh delicacies came within her sight. After all, something to truly smile about, without making her cheeks ache. 
“You should have your lunch, Lia.” she offered softly, aching to be left alone, truly alone, without his people following her like some…fucking guard dogs!
Lia, the dedicated girl was obviously not at fault– she was just doing what she was paid so heftily for– taking care of the mistress of the Jung Estate.
The Mistress of Jung Estate…Ironical, really, when she could not even step out of the iron castle without his consent. And if he were to go out of the city, even the garden was out of her reach. Even his pet had more freedom than her. 
And yet…
And yet he would claim to love her the most, adore her more than anything and appreciate even the most mundane thing she would do.
Huffing as such thoughts crossed her path, she violently tore the delicate croissant into two before—
Croissants were not supposed to make any tearing sounds! Or were they?
This time, she looked closer, only to two torn pieces of the same paper peeking out of the halves of the delicacy. (Y/N) frowned as she pulled the pieces of paper out before joining them. Only to part her lips in surprise at the sight of the message written there.
A phone number!
She crumpled the pieces of paper, hiding them away in her fist before carefully peeling apart another croissant– the same number!
This had to mean something, this could not be a coincidence.
Her stomach flipped as she gulped an uncomfortable lump in her throat. 
What is this?
The question rang louder than all other thoughts in her head as she delicately folded the paper and walked up to the closet before hiding the paper in one of her shoes.
Thankfully, there were only two such croissants and the rest had only warmth and aroma stuffed inside them, so were the sweet buns, simple and delicious. The incident felt more like a dream but (Y/N) knew that it was not.
“Who prepared the dessert today?” (Y/N) prayed that she sounded absolutely nonchalant as she fiddled with her food, pretending to mix the sauce with the rice.
Sitting on the terrace, she could have a wide view of the spread-out property– all lit up and quiet, except for nature’s sounds.
“Oh, did you not like it Ma’am?” it was the butler serving her this time– breakfasts and dinners were his responsibility and she had no clue why this was a rigid routine.
“No, it was delicious, that’s why I asked…”
“I am glad Madame, Lia herself prepared the dessert.”
(Y/N) kept her eyes down, afraid that her eyes would give away the surprise. Somehow, she managed a mundane “Oh, I see.” but all she did was restrain herself from frowning.
She did not even remember when she fell asleep, in his absence, sleep seemed to come easy and deep. But this time, somehow she woke up with a start in the middle of the night. It was quiet but tense and while she was alert as soon as she woke up without the usual grogginess she would feel, the goosebumps all over her skin told her that something was just not right.
Squinting her eyes, she tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness when she spotted–
“Lia?” she hissed, annoyed that the girl was there inside her bedroom and had given her a nightmare-worthy scare.
“Lia, is that you?” she felt her parched throat before recognising her rising fear— what if it was not Lia but one of Hoseok’s rivals? What if the person wanted to hurt her? The silhouette matched that of her personal maid but she had not seen the person’s face yet and—
To her slight relief, Lia revealed herself as she stepped near the bed “Madame, you are awake at this time?”
What kind of question was that?
“What are you doing in my room at two in the morning?”
Lia only smiled at her counter-question, but there was something condescending about it.
“Don’t you feel better? More refreshed than mornings?”
“Wh-what? What kind of question—”
“I assume you’ve got the number and are smart enough to hide it in a safe place?” she cut her off,
(Y/N) gulped, feeling increasingly uneasy with the situation. She was alone, vulnerable in her room with her supposedly personal maid who seemed…just off.
Lia sighed and tilted her head “Don’t worry, I'm not here to hurt you. In fact, I can help you.”
“Help me?” she could feel her voice crumble at her words.
Help her as in helping her get out of the place? But who would dare to?
“No, woman, I am not a rival’s spy or something if you are worried about that. I work for the government.”
(Y/N) gasped quietly at that. Why would the government of the nation take the pains of infiltrating Hoseok’s home to rescue a simple girl? She gulped again, feeling her mouth grow increasingly dry.
“Don’t,” Lia’s voice was quiet but strong, halting (Y/N)’s movement immediately as she reached out for the water bottle placed on the nightstand.
“I was just feeling thirsty?” she could not help but feel fear beginning to grip her in the face of the uncertain situation.
“You can drink that once we’re finished with the conversation woman. You drink that right now, you will fall asleep again.”
“What?” (Y/N) frowned while Lia rolled her eyes with a slow shake of her head 
“You are such a naive girl, no wonder you are still stuck here.” 
 She sighed before explaining
 “Don’t you feel weird? It is only the butler who serves you breakfast and dinner, prepared by him in the boss’ absence? Don’t you wonder why you feel so sleepy, even after breakfast? You sleep until noon and yet feel tired after dinner”
“So…” (Y/N) gulped, feeling her stomach beginning to flip “So, y-you are saying that the food, the water is compromised?”
“‘Compromised’? Don’t soften this up now, you know what it is, just acknowledge it.”
“He–he won’t–I mean he couldn’t have—”
Lia smiled again, the same condescending smile that rubbed the ugly fact on her face and made her stomach churn.
“You are saying that—that the food and water I consume are…drugged?”
She knew that Hoseok’s ‘love’ was toxic, but this was straight out of some nightmare-inducing psychological thriller. She let out a shuddering breath as the horrible realisation dawned upon her. It was sick, absolutely sick. 
“You see, morning and night are the only times when guards change shifts and take breaks, he could not take any chances. You are after all his most treasured possession.”
She drawled, and her words slapped the bleak reality of her marriage right on her face. Was it even a marriage? She felt like a prisoner before, now she was reduced to a precious little pet.
Weren’t you always his fucking pet?
Her subconscious mocked her as she felt tears beginning to gather.
“It took me a while to figure out what was he giving you, but today I managed to slip an antidote in your dinner. How does it feel to wake up refreshed?”
When she did not answer, Lia threw something beside her, making her flinch 
“In case you realise how deep you are in. All you need is to call.”
(Y/N)’s eyes remind of the buttoned cell phone, she did not even hear Lia leaving– she left as quietly as she came.
But she left behind a storm brewing in (Y/N)’s mind.
Despite knowing the consequences, (Y/N) tucked the phone away in some safe corner and drank the water, she was absolutely parched. Everything was too much to take. She knew that Hoseok was no saint, but this made her sick to her stomach. She feared Hoseok but now…now she was terrified of him.
The sky rumbled before her eyes found the window gigantic window of the place– big droplets of rain had begun to dot the glass. From that height, the sky seemed nearer, yet all the more distant– it was just a better, clearer sight, especially when one could leisurely watch the thunderstorm up close– clouds flashing, clashing and the skies illuminating with blinding cracks.
No one seemed to notice, or care, but her. It felt like it was only her– just like her four years old relationship– it was only her there. She was the one making the effort, she was always the one apologising, she was the one making her plans, her schedule flexible, initiating dates and she was the only fucking person in a relationship involving two.
And it took her a whole bad fight and a slap on the face to realise that. It was the worst fight the two had, and also perhaps the third major one in a span of four fucking years– so used to ‘sweeping things under the rug’ and ‘keeping the peace’, she had was, for once glad to let it all out– the bottled disappointments, suppressed anger, resentment, frustration hurt, envy, jealousy– every ugly emotion one could come up with when they had to carry the weight of a dying relationship and when she was spitting the facts on his face, he retorted with a slap that shook everything– the relationship, her perspective, her beliefs— everything shuddered and began to crumble with nothing. 
Noted, she had pulled his parents’ failed marriage in a fit of rage but reacting with violence? Was it ever okay?
Thankfully, she knew the answer. She did not even remember how she simply picked up her phone and wallet in dead silence after he stormed out of the house in tears. She had her vision blurred with unshed tears as well, but she did not let them escape her eyes, at least not until she drove back to her apartment. She had seen her first-ever serious relationship crumbling into nothing and she had no clue how to deal with that.
After days of crying herself to sleep and being on autopilot, her friends decided to intervene and drag her away to the fancy event. She had blocked him from everywhere but she was not sure if he even tried to contact her. Even in the glittering and gilded place, she could not stop thinking about him and the relationship she had dragged on for such a long time, but not romantically. She could not bring herself to do that after what had transpired that evening.
“Ma’am, a drink for you.” 
(Y/N) frowned as the bartender slid a fancy-looking shimmery drink in front of her. While her friends were busy chitchatting and flirting with people they knew, she had excused herself to the quieter part of the gigantic hall, a bar. But she had not ordered anything yet.
“But I did not order anything.”
“The gentleman bought you this.”
Not all drinks were free and the drink definitely looked like it had soaked up a fortune. Her eyes followed the bartender’s gaze and found a man she had never seen before leaning against the other end of the long island.
He looked sleek and mysterious and every last thing she wanted at the moment. While he smoked and raised an eyebrow, she smiled apologetically before shaking her head before getting off the barstool and making her way back to her friends.
She did not know what she needed at the moment, but she did know what she did not need.
As the event dragged on (Y/N) had begun to feel more uninterested. Maybe such high-class parties were more suited for her millionaire friend who had thrust the invitation card in her face. (Y/N) knew that all she wanted was to make her feel better but the event was quickly turning her eyes droopy. 
Bidding her friend goodbye with an excuse, she sighed in relief the moment she walked out of the hall, as the door closed, she was greeted with a silent hallway leading to the exit of the building.
“Hello there” the voice made her jump as she turned around, only to find the same man just a foot behind her.
“Oh, didn’t see you there.” she mustered up an easy smile as her feet remained in the direction of the exit.
The man hummed and assessed her with a ghost of a smile on his face, the tilt of his head had a few strands falling on his exposed forehead. He was an attractive man, no doubt, but she was just not interested. He seemed well above twenty-five, even past thirty perhaps.
“Did you not like the drink, Pretty?” she cringed internally at the nickname.
“I am in a hurry actually, thank you for the drink by the way.”
His lips tilted into an amused smile “Let me have the honours to drop you home, pretty.”
“I have my car.”
She had come with her friends and she had no car, but a cab would always be nearby in a posh locality.
“Oh yeah? Let me walk you to your car then.”
She tried to rack her brain for some excuse but the glint in his eyes confirmed her fears, he knew that she had no vehicle to return home and he was taking advantage of her situation. Even if he only intended to flirt, he was making her easy. 
“There you are!” the loud and buoyant voice startled her.
The man cornering her turned around, giving her a view of another man approaching them.
“And there I was, searching for you in that hall!” the new man beamed with a blinding smile before turning to him “Hi Juk, you’re here too.”
“Mr Jung, I did not that she is—”
“She came with me.” he declared, finding her gaze briefly before flickering back to…Juk– or whatever his name was.
She understood what he was trying to do and played along. 
“I was searching for you too!” even if her voice showed her relief, she did not care anymore.
Oddly, she felt less threatened in the smiling stranger’s presence. Juk came up with an excuse before walking back into the hall, leaving them alone. His gentle gaze fixed on her before his smile turned soft.
“Are you okay?”
“Eh yes, yes, thank you—I should get going now.” she bowed to show him her gratitude as he shook his head.
“Ah, it’s nothing, sometimes people here get pretty intense. I’m used to this.” he explained before realisation flashed in his eyes “I never saw you here before?”
“Yes, I came here with my friend.” 
“And you are leaving alone?”
“Yes, I was bored.” she slapped her hand over her lips immediately as the realisation dawned upon her. But it was too late.
Now what if he was the host?
“N-No I mean–I’m sorry—.” she was immediately in damage control mode, but he only waved his hand, laughing.
“No, no, I appreciate your honesty…I’m Hoseok by the way. Jung Hoseok.” he offered her his hand for a shake.
“(L/N)(Y/N).” she shook it with a smile.
When she opened her groggy eyes again, the room was illuminated with the sunshine filtering through the curtains fluttering. She rubbed her eyes as they began to close again.
Wait, she would never leave her window open at night?
“Good afternoon, Love!” 
Her actions paused as she rose from her bed, pushing away the comforter, only to find Hoseok standing in front of her, dressed in his casual olive t-shirt and sweats. Her eyes widened in surprise, the conversation with Lia floating back in her mind.
But he did not give her much time to think, instead, he got on the bed and pulled her for a searing kiss, never minding her morning breath or her stiffness.
“I missed you so much Jagi!” there it was, the deceiving smile that had blinded her to all the bright red flags once.
His arms engulfed her, pulling her towards his chest as he hummed in delight “You were sleeping when I returned, so I made breakfast for you myself.”
Schooling her expression and keeping her voice steady, she hugged him back “Thank you Hoseok.”
“Oh, no need to thank me, Love. I have been gone for a while, haven’t I? It must have been hard for you.” his voice dipped to a tone of regret before he pulled away and cupped her face “Being locked in here all by yourself. But you know it's for your safety, don’t you?”
Gulping, she dropped her gaze and nodded. He smiled in return before kissing her once more. “There, there, nothing to worry about anymore. You can even go to the garden unattended! But why bother about a garden when we have a whole vacation planned?”
Surprised, she looked up, earning a coo from him as he placed a kiss on her forehead. 
“Like, out of this place? This city?”
Hoseok nodded “Now, freshen up, I will serve you some breakfast. Okay?” 
 With a nod and a small smile, she made her way towards the bathroom, feeling increasingly uneasy in his presence. As soon as she was out of the bathroom, she was relieved to find no trace of her husband in the room. The bed was freshly made and crisp, everything seemed right in place, speckless. 
A vacation…
Lia’s words never left her mind, not even for a moment since she woke up. Did she want out?
Yes. Of course, she did. And she knew that deep down, Hoseok knew that too— she never asked to be here. That was why she was not even allowed to step out of the mansion in his absence.
But the real question was…
Was she safe?
She pondered as she held the phone in her grip.
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She cursed herself as the thick rain pounded on her back while she jogged her way back home. Had she brought an umbrella, she could have avoided this situation. She hated getting wet in the rain. She hated such stormy evenings overall.
She cursed out loud as she stumbled before slipping down on the ground, her one leg folding painfully in the process. Gasping out in pain and shock, she tried to steady herself.
Breathe (Y/N), keep calm, you are almost home, you can have a good sleep and—no, not a peaceful sleep maybe but you will be taken care of.
Nodding to herself, she rose from the ground and continued her way home with a limping foot while the sky rumbled unpleasantly over her. She should have slowed down before.
Her apartment was quiet when she entered it. Closing the door with a huff, she took off her now-soaked shoes but gasped when she rose after putting them away. 
There was someone in the apartment with her!
She cursed herself before hastily switching the lights on, only to fall into a fused state of relief and annoyance.
“Namjoon!” she hissed “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? And why were you just standing there like a creep?”
Namjoon chortled and folded his arms over his chest “Why? Did I scare you little bird?”
Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) shook her head “I’m not a little bird Joon.”
“Oh Little bird, you are dripping.” he cooed as he made his way towards her.
If there was someone who could simultaneously get on her nerves and warm her heart, it would be Kim Namjoon, her boyfriend of six months. 
And she wondered often how come he was a college professor. At the rate he lost and broke things while managing to look like the most innocent soul with round eyes and full cheeks and–no wait, he was annoying at the moment!
“There, there.” he gently patted her with a towel and yet had the audacity to tease her in between “You look like a dunked kitten by the way.”
She simply sighed. There was no stopping him, she had realised that within a month into the relationship. He was like a child sometimes, really.
“Move, I have to get changed.” Pushing her laughing boyfriend away, she made her way to the bathroom.
“Hey kitten, I have turned on the heating, be careful not to burn yourself!” He called out from behind as she slammed the bathroom door shut.
(Y/N) had met Namjoon in the most cliché place possible– a coffee shop. One moment he was passing by her seat and the next, he was tripping on plain ground and the entire content of his ‘extra-large’ cold coffee was all over her.
Before she could even turn around with smoke leaving her ears, he was on his knees apologising profusely with repeated bows, so much that he had hit his forehead twice on the table in the frenzy and his ID was on the ground, taking a dip at the spilled, frothy cold coffee.
The rest? Looking at them, anyone could have guessed the rest. 
It was hard to believe that a man this clumsy was teaching at a reputed college. She often wondered ‘How did he survive this far?’, especially when he tried helping her in the kitchen.
He was banned from the kitchen for a reason.
When she entered the living room, Namjoon was busy cleaning the muddy footprints near the apartment entrance.
“I ordered us some chicken ramen with some snacks and beer.” Namjoon perked up as soon as he saw her enter the room
“Finally, something good to look forward to!” she beamed
“Oh, was work not good?” His smile faded with a frown of concern replacing it.
(Y/N) smiled and shook her head dismissively "Nothing, just the usual running around. We have some sillies coming in with bizarre complaints” she scoffed
“So, where else people would go if not the police?”
“Joon, there were claims of alien sightings.” She huffed, rolling her eyes as she plopped on the couch “Thanks for cleaning up though. I am so tired.” (Y/N) could not stop the wince when she tried to stretch her legs. 
People might consider that once someone joined the police force, they attain immunity against injuries and pain– the fact was, she and officers like her, were only human.
“What happened?”
“Nothing, I just slipped while jogging back home.”
“(Y/N), how many times have I asked you to not rush? It's even more dangerous during the rainy season!”
He was immediately by her side, bunching the loose gown she wore to her mid-thigh. He winced at the sight of the bruised shin and knee.
“Look what you have done to yourself now.” Namjoon chided as he gently ran his fingers through the darkening bruises.
“I’m a police officer Joon.” she scoffed, attempting to pull away, but he would have none of that 
“So? You are still human. Moreover, it has barely been a year since you joined.”
“A year Joon, a year has 365 days.”
Namjoon simply smiled and for the first time, the warmth was missing “Oh, little bird…I bet you’ve seen nothing. The world now rivals hell.” he leaned closer and placed a peck on her knee “So, be careful what you fly into.”
Although his eyes held a playful glint, they darkened under the light, ironically, they seemed to swallow the light falling on them, not reflect. It felt like she was starring at the eyes of a stranger, a man she had never seen before and—
Ring! Ring-ring!
The doorbell rang, shoving her out of the trance as she flinched– eyes darting towards the unanswered door, the smart LED mounted on the wall– anywhere but him.
Namjoon rose and walked up to the door in silence. Looking through the peephole, he unlocked the door and opened it, while she rushed to cover her legs and look decent.
It was their dinner. 
“Dinner’s here!” he turned to her with the paper bag dangling from his hold as soon as he shut the door. 
His smile was warm, the one she knew– it was her Namjoon. 
“Don’t worry, I will set it up. Why don’t you play the sitcom we were watching last time, hmm?”
She smiled as he walked towards the kitchenette. It was so usual of him– he was Namjoon, her boyfriend. Why did it feel different then?
Shaking her head, she moved to switch on the TV– she was just tired.
There was a thing about being in the police force. One came under numerous circumstances, met numerous people and remembered most of them. It was a part of the training, or maybe the experience she had over a year of joining the Police. 
The spies, the police, and the military had somewhat of a peculiar kind of instinct– in fact, they were trained to follow their instinct, trained to not hold the gaze for too long without the necessity and to never stare at the back of the head of the people they were supposed to keep an eye on.
The training, perhaps made the observation and the intuition stronger– like their subconscious would note things before their conscious mind realised.
Even after days after Namjoon’s visit, (Y/N) could not forget the moment– the brief, dreamlike moment that, even for a part of a second did make her see her boyfriend under a different light. Even if it was just for a moment, the Namjoon she knew seemed to have turned into…someone else- someone who made her…uneasy.
So, aside from the cases she already was handling along with being a part of a confidential project, she took it upon herself to research more on Namjoon– her boyfriend. He had told her that he had discarded his 'original' surname, he was just Namjoon– even his ID showed that– ‘Namjoon’. But he had been making official changes for adding 'Kim'
And that made it all the more difficult for her to dig more about him. It had not bothered her before. In fact, she had not even bothered to dig up about him, she never felt like he was hiding something or even remotely pretending. He was an unsuspecting College professor– a clumsy, endearing gentle giant who loved bonsai, flowers and everything small and cute.
Until that one night.
It is just to ease my tension. Just to ease my suspicion, it's nothing probably.
She kept telling herself as she searched through digital file after digital file without a trace of anything familiar. At one point, she even thought, why bother anyway? It might just have been the light doing its trick, or maybe her tired brain making up things.
But there was something that distinguished a person in uniform from an ordinary civilian– their reliance on their gut feeling. Even if people might find it strange, the police relied heavily on their gut feeling.
So if her gut feeling sensed something, she was trained to go with it– no matter who or what. She might be an amateur, not a speedy learner like her colleagues but she knew her job and she knew was, at the end of the day, a police officer.
“The police in Busan have discovered a shipment... cocaine.”
There was an emergency meeting held as soon as the station’s in-charge received an e-mail.
“But they are suspecting that it is not the whole shipment.”
“Sir, what is the amount?” (Y/N)’s colleague Han raised the much-awaited question
Their superior’s eyes turned grim as he sighed.
This did not seem good
“48 kilograms.”
The room fell into a tense silence.
“And how do we know that it is not the whole shipment? 48kgs of cocaine is no joke.” (Y/N) spoke up this time.
“Yes, (Y/N), but the shipment was most probably for Gangnam. I had some people working for the police keeping an eye out. Those people are cunning– they evaded the Busan police– I had spoken with the station’s in-charge there and got to know that only the shipment was discovered, not the dealers.”
 He switched on the projector and the screen showed a map of major cities in the country but there were places marked. 
“You see these places? These are the places we have foiled major shipments in the past year.” He pointed at the flagged locations “But there is a worrying pattern here. These are the areas where most hotels, resorts, and other tourist destinations are. And before last year, neither these places nor such a jump in the number of drugs was detected…You know what this means, right?”
“There is a new snake in the town?” (Y/N) guessed.
Their senior nodded “Yes, most probably– you see, this person is experienced, cunning. They know what happens in the streets, they know how things work and yet we get are able to sack the major shipments, but not a single dealer…It seems deliberate.”
“Deliberate? Those cost billions Sir,” Han was right, but so was her boss.
“Hmm, but we have no idea how vast this empire is, do we? It is the underground we’re speaking of, Han, these people are powerful dangerous, cruel and cunning. You never take them as fools. That might be your last mistake.”
Han nodded at his words before he continued -
“For now, we need to increase the patrol. Patrol officers here, keep vigilance and let some officers loiter around in civil attire, we need to keep an eye out for this area, we have  quite a few tourist places here. Dismissed for now.”
With that, the sounds of screeching and pushing chairs filled the room as the officers made their way out of the room one by one. 
“Officer (Y/N), please wait, I have a discussion with you regarding the burglary case.”
“Sure sir.”
As soon as the room was empty he walked up to the door and closed it.
“Sir, the case has been–”
“Closed, I know, this is regarding the shipments.” he paused before continuing "It's a mind game (Y/N). I’m sure of it.”
“May I know the reason, Sir?”
 “This time, they have targeted Busan. It's like a flag of ownership and victory, not a missed shipment. Whatever actual shipment was headed for Gangnam, has already reached there while the police were distracted with this one. It's like a declaration– they have their hold beyond this city now.”
“But 48 kg of cocaine costs a lot Sir, and Han was right, whatever shipments we have found over the months, they cost billions.” 
“And..do we know if those belong to this new…snake?”
(Y/N) frowned at his response
“The underworld, (Y/N) is no stranger to brutality. As I mentioned before, this new player knows the streets. They’re experienced. Do you really think that they will make such an amateur mistake? Not a single dealer caught, no man caught. They are mocking us, making us run around like puppies...But now, I have a name for the snake…”
“A name?”
Her boss nodded before handing her his phone. There was a message from an unsaved number. A message with only two letters.
“So–so who is this?”
“Can be anyone, a business tycoon, a philanthropist or whatever, but a looming figure in the underworld with eyes and ears everywhere. Ever since the last major drug dealer was shot dead in Dubai last year, we have been receiving anonymous alerts on such shipments.”
“So, you are suggesting that this…person has replaced the notorious Don? He was a Godfather, Sir and wasn’t his son about to take up—”
“And where is his son (Y/N)? Vanished, we have no idea where he is but this is not their pattern. We know that. Their businesses are sealed– legal or illegal, their bank accounts were frozen, properties here sealed– the family is not a threat now (Y/N). But this…” He pointed at his phone in her grip “This is. They are a clear, looming threat and it is so obvious that they fear no, nothing. It's like a game to them.”
“So, what do you want me to do?”
Her superior sighed and nodded as he took his phone back “It is not easy but I know I can trust you on this. I am forming a team, and I will update you soon about that but for now, we know that this snake knows the street well, maybe they belonged there once. Take a few days off and take a sweep of the street meanwhile. We need to have more information.”
“Sure, Sir.” she squared her shoulders
He nodded “Okay, you can go now, do not let anyone suspect anything until I inform you of the rest of the team.”
“Sir.” giving him a salute, she turned to walk away.
“And (Y/N).”
“Yes, Sir?”
“Be careful. We have a cunning and venomous one here.”
“I will keep that in mind, Sir.”
“Okay, you can go now.”
The place looked as peaceful as ever. The aroma of roasted coffee beans, blended with that of butter and chocolate– it was a typical cafe. And the same cafe she had met Namjoon for the first time.  And as she watched the couple sitting across the place, the same seat she had been sitting on months ago, her meeting with Namjoon, her interaction, it all felt surreal. Their story was indeed novel-worthy! Like a perfect romcom—
(Y/N) froze completely for a moment when the realisation struck her– her chewing, her fiddling, even her breathing and blinking.
Each movement spent with her boyfriend flowed in and each moment seemed so…Perfect.
Beautiful or not, (Y/N) knew one thing about the world…Nothing is perfect.
Yes, there were some shortcomings here and there but the meetings, the bumping into one another again…Everything was indeed perfect.
She gulped, then blinked.
No, she was thinking too much. Namjoon was a true gentleman. A man she was falling for, she really liked him. Maybe–maybe even loved him? She was not much sure about love but she knew one thing for sure, her job’s stress was spilling over on her personal life and affecting her personal relationships.
Before her thoughts could spiral any further, the chair in front of her was pulled out and her boyfriend took a seat in front of her, boring holes into her form as he made himself comfortable.
“Oh, Hi Namjoon.”
Namjoon did not respond immediately, he just sat there, staring right into her eyes, fingers folded into a contemplating posture. For the first time, (Y/N) realised that indeed, it would not be difficult for him to take control over a class of even hundreds– he had a commanding presence.
“You have not been answering my calls,” he stated. 
There was no questioning regarding the possible reasons. There was no trace of ‘questions’ in his tone at all.
“Yes, I have been a bit busy lately– just the usual, police things.”
Namjoon simply hummed, eyes still searching hers without a shift. “What are you getting, little bird?”
“Uh…Coffee?” she was left baffled at her own reaction. 
It was Namjoon, just Namjoon. So why did she feel… scrutinised? She was reminded of the night she had seen a glimpse of…something in his eyes. 
“So– what would you have?” her gaze dropped to the menu card in front of her.
“The usual.”
She nodded to a waiter passing by 
“Would you like to order Ma’am?”
But before she could speak up, Namjoon ‘s voice intervened “One cappuccino frappe and a caramel macchiato along with some choco-chip cookies please.” 
As soon as the waiter was gone, he reached out for her hand on the table and sighed “You scared me (Y/N).” his eyes looked so soft and vulnerable, she thought she was crazy. Something had to be wrong with her to doubt a man like him.
“I’m so sorry Joon, I was so stressed about my job I…” he squeezed her hand gently and nodded.
“It must be stressful, right? See, you have dark circles forming.” His fingers reached out and traced the subtle bags forming under her eyes. “But please let me know (Y/N), let me know that you are okay, not too stressed, not hurt…I was so worried!”
Guilt encompassed her as she stared at his vulnerable gaze addressing her. He had been so worried about her and there she was, letting her investigative brain rush to conclusions and scenarios.
“I’m...I’m so sorry Joon, I should have informed you– I was so wrapped up in things and—” she stopped herself lest she would accidentally let something confidential slip out. And no matter who it was, having a loose tongue as a police officer was unacceptable.
“It’s okay, I understand Baby. Just never...” his hold on her hand tightened with a pause “Avoid me again.”
Everything was settled. Han, her, Dok and Kyong were in the special team. They met up at Han’s place in order to discuss their strategy.
“So we have a layout of the regions where we found drugs worth millions and from different cities. Each time, different location and different day.”
“Where’s the pattern though?” Han questioned, 
“In the fact that everything time, it is a city, a town at least, no remote area.”
“Yes.” (Y/N) added. All eyes turned to her and Kyong nodded “Not yet.”
“So, where do we begin?” Dok asked the much-anticipated question
“ As we know, we are on leave on paper. This is a highly confidential mission. First thing first, Sir asked us to be lowkey. No matter what we need to risk, just don’t get caught. The department would refuse any connection without activities here.”
“If it's a special mission then, why not involve the intelligence?”
“We are yet to receive any message from the higher-ups,” Kyong explained
“So we are on our own?”
“Definitely,” Han added.
“What we can do now is to track where the recent shipment was supposedly headed for– Gangnam. Why don’t we all spread to different high-profile clubs? Meanwhile, tell our informants to be on high alert, especially in Gangnam and nearby localities, even universities and colleges.” (Y/N) proposed.
“You’re right. Shall we go tonight?” Dok proposed
“Yes, we can but would not this be obvious if anything happens tonight? We found a shipment yesterday.” Kyong suggested,
“The weekend then?” 
“No (Y/N), the weekend is just too obvious. If anything does happen this weekend, it might be planned too, maybe to distract us—right–Kyong, your best informants are active nearby airports, stations and docks right?”
Han perked up as if a fuse went off in his head
“Tell them to be active tonight and especially this weekend. We can spread it in different clubs in Gangnam. If anything happens there, we shall also alert the informants and the police near dockyards, train stations and transportation areas. Because if they do plan to distract us, they might be up to something much bigger. Shipment, I assume, for now. We can catch them red-handed.”
“But where would be the official orders? Like, we are involving police officers from other regions Han.” Kyong had a point.
“Well, right, we can speak to Sir, right? He will provide us with the required.” Han proposed.
“Han is right, if this is a special mission at the department level, there is no way that the higher-ups have no idea. And even if they have no idea and Byuk Sir is risking it all for this mission, he has to have some loopholes in his mind. He can manage and he can help us all manage.” (Y/N) added.
“But, wait, we were supposed to just collect information, not arrest anyone.” Dok pointed out.
“Well, not this RM, we can’t reach to such a level by ourselves, but maybe get out hands on this…RM’s men? Won’t this be a breakthrough?” Kyong argued.
“And would alert them further? We don’t even know if this is a man, woman, organisation, or group–we are in complete darkness!” Dok pointed out and he was right.
“Dok’s right. We will only collect information, a full-fledged operation would happen only after approval from the higher-ups, we don’t know who we are dealing with Kyong and if something goes wrong, the whole department, especially Byuk Sir would be under fire. We have to first find out this…RM’s reach and standing.”
“Seems obnoxiously confident to me, deliberately giving away billions worth of shipments,” Han added.
“And we will let them be confident. Won’t take long to turn into overconfidence– one misstep and we can have them.” (Y/N) spoke up and everyone nodded in agreement.
“This weekend then.” Dok reminded.
“This very weekend Dok,” Kyong assured.
“Are you free this Weekend?” Namjoon asked as he poured her some wine. 
They were dining in a moderately fancy restaurant to celebrate his promotion as the Department Head. Now he would be responsible for all the inter-section activities and event organisations for the Literature and Culture Department of the University.
“I wish I were Baby, but I need to help a friend out. She’s a colleague, her mother is sick, I need to take care of her baby for a day.”
“Oh, what happened?” he asked before sipping his wine.
She hated the fact that she was having to lie to him. But what was needed, was to be done.
“Oh, the type?”
“I don’t know much, it has been rough on her, I’m trying to help as much as I can.”
Namjoon hummed before smiling “It’s okay, Jagi, we will get to spend a lot of time later. Just take care of yourself, hmm?”
“Yes, sure Joon.” she smiled back, but guilt continued to tap within.
But it would be alright. Once she was done with this case, she would make up for the lost time with her Joonie. She reassured herself.
“Okay, I’ve reached, Dok,(Y/N), Han?” Kyong’s voice was clear despite the thrumming music across the floor littered with moving and blinking streaks of neon. The earbuds were incredible.
“Yes, I’ve reached. Over.” (Y/N) responded and followed.
“Okay, you have your informants inside?”
“Yes.” (Y/N) replied, as she neared the bar, body language relaxed and dressed up to mingle with the crowd.
She ordered a drink– her eyes met with that of the bartender. They flashed with recognition and he nodded and prepared her drink. He poured yellow syrup over it.
A subtle sign that he was suspicious of someone in the nightclub.
“Here you go Ma’am.” he smiled and leaned further for the final garnishing, and as he leaned, he managed to whisper out “A man in a white shirt, scotch on rocks– corner seat.”
Taking her drink, she turned around and looked around the area. It was too chaotic and dark. And if there was someone, she did not want to seem even remotely suspicious. Fishing out her phone, she connected with another informant in the place– a waitress.
“Man in a white shirt, scotch on rocks, a corner seat. Use a bug.”
For an hour, whatever she had heard had been irrelevant but then, something caught her ears
“Yes, whole forty-eight, the shore, where else? Let's talk upstairs…”
From where she stood, she could see the man, partially visible under the shadows– he was a middle-aged, bulky man. But he was not alone, there were three more people. As they moved, (Y/N) slipped further under the shadows, pretending to be just another girl on call. Yet, from the corner of her eyes, she could see them beginning to walk towards the more private space of the club.
Under the shadows, she was about to stalk them when, with a beep, her team reconnected with call.
“ This is Kyong. We have information regarding a suspicious shipment at the dockyard, I repeat, we have information regarding a suspicious shipment to be loaded at the dockyard within an hour. Over.”
“Kyong, I think we have a suspect here. Over.” (Y/N) informed.
“We have to move to the dockyard first (Y/N) give the tell your informants to stay alert there. Over.” Kyong spoke
“Kyong, this might be important.”
“(Y/N), this is more important, you are alone there anyway. Just meet us near Cafe 18.” he named the meeting point in coded language.
Sighing, (Y/N) threw the door leading upstairs one last look before reconnecting with her informants 
“Keep an eye, bug the place if possible. Also, keep tonight’s footage ready. I’m leaving now.”
To their utter disappointment, there was no suspicious shipment discovered at the dockyard. Everything was in place. But the people the informant was suspicious of, had vanished into thin air as well– tightening the knot on the case further. 
“It's far more complicated than I had expected,” Dok spoke out, running his hands through his hair. 
After such a hectic night, the four of them decided to call it a day and grab some dinner at a good, old ramen shop.
“This is only our first attempt Dok, we can’t lose hope like that.” (Y/N) patted his back.
“It makes no sense, they are in the CCTV footage but they never reach the dock.”
Wait–CCTV footage!
“Oh right, I think I have found a lead.” (Y/N) dropped her chopsticks and perked up. She prayed that at least the bartender would have his hands on the CCTV footage.
“Really? What?” Han asked, 
“See, I have the recordings, I already sent them to each of you, just listen.”
Fishing out their earbuds, they listened to the part of the recording she had sent them. 
“Sounds familiar? He did not use anything directly, not an amateur for sure but the words, forty-eight, shore. Don’t they ring a bell?”
“They surely do. Can we have access to tonight’s footage?”
“I hope so too. By tomorrow I guess?” (Y/N) prayed what she said would come true.”
“Okay, as soon as you get hold of that, inform us. Han, is your girlfriend home?”
“No, she has gone to her parents’.”
“Perfect.” Kyong clapped his and together.
“Have you watched the footage yourself?” Kyong asked as Han began to set up his laptop.
“No, I came straight here.” (Y/N) replied with her eyes still stuck on the laptop screen 
“That's a good move, what if people are keeping an eye on us too?”
“Quiet possible.”
As soon as Han clicked on ‘play’, the strenuous task of analysing the video began. But four pairs of eyes were far better than one.
(Y/N) could feel her patience waning. The man and those people with him had been so exceptionally discreet, there was no trace of them in the footage even after hours of watching and—
“Wait, wait wait! Rewind that.” She jumped up as soon as something caught her eye.
“What, this?” Han was clueless.
She tasked and took the laptop before rewinding the footage again. Narrowing her eyes, she zoomed in.
“It's him, the man.” She declared and placed the laptop in front of everyone.
“I see. We need to save this picture, take a screenshot Han.” Kyong suggested as he clicked a picture on his phone too. 
It was thankfully, not blurry enough to be unrecognisable, and the fact that they had not reached the end of the video made them more hopeful of catching something else. 
Han clicked on play again before they discovered the people with the man as well. One by one.
“Hmm, there are three more men and a woman. But only their backs are visible until now.”
“Wait!” (Y/N) yelled out, catching them off guard.
“Did you find something?” Han asked as he paused the video once more.
(Y/N) licked her lips and took hold of the laptop. Rewinding the part, she watched closely again. The second man…Even though his back was to the camera, he was too familiar to her.
After a few seconds, they all turned to the side to take their seats. There, she could see his side profile and her legs were fast turning brittle.
“You have seen anyone from here (Y/N)?” she could not answer Dok.
Instead, her eyes stayed on the frozen screen, she zoomed in and a wave of nausea hit her.
It was Namjoon!
Her boyfriend Namjoon. She would recognise him anywhere– from the way he walked, to his back, his hair and now his side profile. Too many coincidences could never be a coincidence.
“(Y/N), you know him?” Kyong asked.
She wanted to scream a ‘yes’ but she just could not.
“No, I was just…taking a good look at them.” she deadpanned.
“Hello, this is (Collage Name) College, how may I help you?” The receptionist’s gentle voice echoed through the phone, but it only turned (Y/N)’s heartbeat erratic.
“Hello, I would like to leave Professor Namjoon a message regarding the upcoming semester.”
“Let me check Ma’am, please let me know your details.” She requested
“ Choi Hana, Guardian of his student.”
“I request you to stay online, please…Yes, thank you, Professor Namjun you asked. Let me transfer your call to the Economics Department.”
“Economics Department? But isn’t he a professor in the Department of Literature and Culture Studies?”
“Ma’am we only have Cultural Studies Department. Literature is a separate Department. Shall I forward this call, Ma’am?”
“Okay.” (Y/N) managed to squeak out.
After a few beeps, another voice greeted her.
“Good afternoon, this is the Department of Economics of (College Name) College, how may I help you?” Another woman’s voice filled her ear.
“Can I speak to Professor Namjun, please? I am a guardian of one of his students”
“I am sorry Ma’am, he is attending the Department meeting right now. But you can leave a message.”
“He is the department chairperson, right?”
“No Ma’am, not anymore, he was, two years back.”
“Yes Ma’am, would you like to leave a message?”
“Sure, please let him know that…that I would be thankful to him if he could give me an appointment to meet him. It's an urgent matter.”
“Surely ma’am, would you like to share your name and contact?”
“Yes, uh, Choi Hana.” she gave the email address she used for her undercover investigations before the line was cut off.
(Y/N) felt her throat close up and her eyes turn blurry. The park was scarcely populated during the afternoons– thanks to that. But she would still not risk breaking down in a public place. Se ought to hold herself up like a true officer.
Leaning against a tree, she tried to gather herself together. But with each passing moment, her lips quivered just a little more.
No. Not now. Now now!
She tried to school herself. But nothing seemed to work. One stubborn tear managed to escape her eye anyway.
I loved you.
Another tear followed.
I trusted you
Then another.
But she managed to stop herself from bursting into a fit of tears and the scream that was itching her chords with deep, calming breaths.
A drink.
Yes, that was what she needed.
By the time she was home, the sun had already set, but it was a pleasant evening– ideal for walking home. She was not drunk, or even tipsy. It was just a buzz but it could not make her feel any better.
The apartment was plunged into a tense darkness when she stepped in. Her fingers twitched, ready to reach for her gun at any moment, but she kept her body language calm– casual and unassuming.
“How was babysitting?”
She jumped at his voice. But it was too dark for her to see. 
Before she could reach the light switch, Namjoon switched on a table lamp, illuminating the space enough for her to see him sitting on the sofa but somehow making her own apartment appear threatening. 
With him in it, the place did not even feel like her own. She no longer felt safe with him.
Switching on the lights anyway, she schooled her expressions to that of being pleasantly surprised, even though her throat felt parched. Sometimes, working in the police paid off immensely.
“I was babysitting yesterday Joon,” she replied, putting away the titbits she had bought on her way home.
Namjooon gave her the heart-melting smile her heart had fluttered for. She managed to smile back at him as she made her way towards the kitchen. The delicious aroma of her favourites hit her. Switching on the kitchen lights, her suspicions were confirmed as takeouts from her favourite ramen stall awaited her at the kitchen island.
“I missed you awfully today. Couldn’t help myself.” Namjoon's hot breath teased the back of her neck, making goosebumps appear all over her body.
“Oh, Joon…you didn’t have to.”
“I don’t mind doing this for you, Jagi.” He placed a kiss on the back of her neck as she held back a grimace, keeping her smile plastered on her face.
Her heart stung bitterly as his lips tenderly traced her cheek and the side of her neck. She was greeted by his warm smile and soft eyes as he turned her around, fished out his phone from his pocket and played her favourite song. Perfect for slow-dancing to.
“What has gotten into you?” (Y/N) chuckled, keeping her composure as he led her steps, twirling her now and then.
“I love you so much, Jagi. You know that right?” his fingers wrapped gently at the back of her neck as he pulled her into a breath-robbing kiss.
“Yes, I know that.”
Now that I know your true face.
His lips descended to the side of her neck as he pulled her closer. 
Bear it.
She told herself.
Do not let him be suspicious.
“Then why are you trying to investigate me?”
His voice dropped into something heavy and unrecognisable and everything stilled. But before she could think of anything, she felt his fingers pressing at the side of her neck and her eyes rolled back.
Pheww! It was a long part, but I enjoyed writing it and hopefully, it would not disappoint you all!
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sunkissed-zegras · 8 months
✮ 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞, jump then fall au
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au masterlist! masterlist!
♡ ─ word count | 2.7k
♡ ─ summary | cece has been working for adam for a month, forming a bond with paloma. she comforts paloma during a tantrum and later helps adam when paloma won't stop crying, late into the night. they discover the meaning of paloma's name as they bond over it.
♡ ─ warnings | toddler tantrums, sleep-deprivation LMAO, um nothing else (i think)
♡ ─ taglist | @literatureluster @itsnotgray @valluvsu (fill in form in my navigation in you are interested!)
♡ ─ ev's notes | after weeks of writer's block, we GOT OVER IT. war is overrrrr, finally. we survived the great war. anyways, this chapter is so sweet and i love it so much. i also realized my love for adam is very much eternal and undying, i will love him more than anyone else 4ever and idc. should i start a go-fund-me so i could get his jersey?? help a broke college student get her fav hockey player's jersey✊🏼✊🏼 also happy spooky seasonnnnn!!!
also if anyone has au thoughts please send them in for my entertainment, i love love LOVE asks.
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It had been a month since Cece had started working for Adam and she has loved every second of it.
Well, maybe not every second but Paloma was the sweetest girl she's ever worked for. She was funny and easy to work with, unlike some of the other kids she's worked with. Cece had quickly adapted to the rhythm of the new job, finding ways to connect with Paloma and make their time together enjoyable and overall fun. She had become an big part of Adam and Paloma's daily routine, and it was clear to everyone that Paloma adored Cece.
Cece was sitting comfortably on the floor next to Paloma, watching her favorite movie, "Beauty and the Beast" for the fifth time she couldn't help but smile at the toddler's enthusiasm. Paloma's eyes were glued to the screen, and she occasionally mimicked the characters' actions or lines with her limited vocabulary, making Cece laugh in the process. She was adorable, her heart melted with every little word she mimicked.
As Belle and the Beast danced in the iconic ballroom scene, Paloma attempted to mimic their graceful movements, stumbling slightly in her excitement. Cece chuckled and gently held Paloma's hand, helping her "dance" along with the characters.
She laughed as Paloma kept her dance up, "You're doing good, sweetheart!"
Paloma beamed happily at Cece's words of encouragement. Her tiny feet shuffled clumsily on the floor as she continued to "dance" with Belle and the Beast. It was a sweet sight, and Cece couldn't help but feel a deep affection for the little girl.
Right as the dance ended, the apartment door had opened. "I'm home!" Adam's voice rung out through the entire apartment. As he walked into the living room, he smiled at the scene in front of him.
"Hey," Cece greeted him with an equally bright smile as him, still sitting on the floor next to Paloma, who had now shifted her attention from the movie to her dad's arrival.
Adam bent down and scooped Paloma up into his arms, eliciting giggles from the toddler. "Did you have a fun day with Cece, sweetheart?"
It was sight she had grown used to now, Adam and Cece had become a staple in her life even if it only has been a month. She couldn't help but feel like she was a part of the family, somehow, even if she wasn't exactly blood-related.
Paloma nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Daddy, dance!" she exclaimed, her arms moving in an attempt to recreate the dance moves she had just seen on the screen.
Adam laughed, sharing an amused look with Cece. "You've been dancing, huh?"
Cece nodded, her smile warm. "She was quite the dancer, just like Belle."
Adam chuckled as he watched Paloma's attempts at dancing. "I see that. Thanks for keeping her entertained, Cece."
"No problem," Cece replied, a light tint of blush coming onto her cheeks. Adam continued to play with Paloma, making her giggle and laugh. Cece watched the father-daughter duo with a fond smile, her heart warmed by the sweet scene before her.
After a quick lunch, Adam had to go back for a team meeting so Cece had to stay with Paloma a bit more, which usually wouldn't have been a problem ─ except now, Paloma had suddenly decided to have a tantrum because of her father leaving.
Cece tried her best to soothe Paloma as Adam prepared to leave for his meeting. She understood how difficult it could be for a toddler when their parent had to leave, especially when they were as attached as Paloma wa.
As Adam headed towards the door, Paloma's cries grew louder, and she reached out for him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Cece held Paloma close, trying to comfort her. "It's okay, sweetie. Daddy will be back soon."
Adam paused at the door, his heart aching as he looked back at his daughter. He wanted to stay and comfort her, but he also knew he had responsibilities. "I'll be back soon, sweetheart," he reassured her, his voice filled with love. "Cece will take care of you."
Cece nodded at that and gave him a quick nod, gesturing for him to leave. He sighed and nodded, exiting the apartment as Paloma's cries continued for a while. Cece did her best to distract her with toys and games, hoping to ease her distress until Adam returned.
They played with her building blocks, read some of her favorite books, and even had a little tea party with her stuffed animals. Slowly but surely, Paloma's tears began to subside, replaced by the occasional hiccup.
Cece kept a watchful eye on the time, knowing that Adam would return from his meeting soon. She didn't want Paloma to be too upset when he got back. As they continued to play, she whispered comforting words to Paloma. "Daddy will be back before you know it, sweetheart. He loves you very much."
Paloma, still a bit sniffly, looked up at Cece with her big blue, teary eyes and nodded. Cece couldn't help but smile at the toddler's resilience. Paloma gave her a whine and gave reached out her arms towards her, gesturing for her to pick her up.
Cece gladly picked Paloma up and held her close, cradling her gently in her arms. Paloma's sniffles gradually turned into contented sighs as she rested against Cece's shoulder.
Cece awoke with a jolt as she felt Paloma being carried from her arms and Cece almost screamed until she realized it was just Adam. Relief washed over her as she blinked away the remnants of sleep, "Shit, you scared me."
"Sorry," Adam laughed softly, his voice filled with warmth as he held Paloma against his chest. "I'm back. How was my little princess while I was gone?"
"She was, um... she was good." Cece yawned, her eyes watering at that. Sudden embarrassment washed over her as she realized that she fell asleep on the job but before she had the chance to apologize, it seemed he had read her mind.
"Don't apologize, I get it." Adam offered Cece a reassuring smile as she nodded, gratefully.
"Thank you," she laughed softly as she got up from the sofa, standing in front of him. She never really realized just how tall he was but suddenly, she felt like he was towering over her. Sudden butterflies emerged in her stomach as she looked up at him and they gazed at one another.
They both spoke in union before they paused, looking at one another for a second until they laughed. God, they were so in sync. "You, um, you go first," Adam smiled down at her, Paloma looking very pleased with the scene before her.
"I was just gonna say, I have a Chem test tomorrow and I haven't studied for it," she explained groggily, exhaustion clear in her face.
Adam couldn't help but feel disappointment building in his stomach as he heard those words come out of her mouth. "Oh, yeah of course. Go, don't worry, I'll take of our Paloma." It had come out so naturally he almost didn't catch it. Our Paloma. It sounded so... perfect and Adam could feel himself getting used to staying it, our Paloma, our girl.
Luca's words kept repeating in his mind as he waited for her response, "No girls." But as he stared into her eyes, her big, beautiful, deep─
"Yeah, our Paloma," she repeated softly, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Thank you, Adam."
"Of course, no problem. Um, get home safe and good luck on your test tomorrow."
As soon as she reached the door, Paloma whined. You looked back at Adam knowingly as Paloma started reaching for Cece.
"Hey, hey." Adam started trying to distract Paloma which did nothing but make it worse, somehow. "Princess, it's alright, she's coming tomorrow."
Paloma's whines grew louder as she continued to reach for Cece, her little arms outstretched. Adam didn't know what to do; she usually stopped crying after he comforted her, but this time, it seemed she only wanted Cece.
Cece hesitated at the door, torn between her responsibilities and the adorable toddler who clearly didn't want her to go. She looked at Adam with a questioning expression, silently asking for his help.
"It's fine, Cece. I can deal with her." Adam's voice was gentle, and he tried to hide any disappointment he felt about the situation. He walked closer to Cece, giving her an understanding smile. "You should get some rest and study for your test. I've got this."
Cece sighed in relief at Adam's understanding. She bent down and gently placed a kiss on Paloma's forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart," she whispered softly to the toddler before reluctantly stepping out of the apartment.
Adam watched her go, feeling a mixture of gratitude and disappointment. He knew that Cece needed to focus on her studies, but a part of him wished she could stay. He turned his attention back to Paloma, who was still crying in his arms.
"It's just you and me, kiddo," he said with a soft smile, carrying the crying Paloma back to the living room. He was determined to make the evening as comforting (as he could) for his daughter.
As the night wore on, Adam did his best to comfort Paloma. He played with her, read her a bedtime story, and even sang her a lullaby, but nothing seemed to calm her down completely. The toddler's cries continued, growing more tired and desperate as the hours passed.
He felt like he didn't know Paloma anymore, he spent less time with her than he had done in the past. Was he being a terrible dad by prioritizing his career over Paloma? He didn't know, he felt truly helpless as his ears began to sore from the constant crying from his daughter.
It was around 1 am when Adam realized he was at his wit's end. Paloma had been crying for hours, and he was exhausted and frustrated. He felt like he was going to go insane, especially because none of his family was here to give him a break. That was until he remembered: Cece.
He pulled out his phone and sent a text message to Cece, his fingers typing quickly.
Adam: Hey, sorry to bother you, but Paloma won't stop crying, and I don't know what to do.
He felt guilty for even asking, knowing Cece probably has her own worries and problems. But he truly had no one else to turn to, his body sore from practice and he was fatigued from all the crying, on top of everything.
His phone started buzzed almost immediately and he looked at the caller ID: Cece was calling him. He slid to answer,
"Cece, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
"No, I've been up." Cece laughed through the speaker. But Adam could hear the exhaustion in her laugh, as much as she tried to hide it.
The guiltiness hit him like a truck when he heard her voice. He almost wanted to cry, "I'm sorry, Cece. I just had... no one else to call who I trusted."
That statement made Cece's heart swell. He trusted her? "Oh, Adam don't apologize. That's what I'm here for. Do you want me to come?"
"No, no. It's too late and I don't want anything to happen."
Another soft laugh escaped her before she started hearing some crying from his side. She was almost concerned, thinking it was him until it registered in her sleep-deprived mind that it was just Paloma. "I'm a big girl Adam, I'll be there in 10."
Before he could protest, she hung up and Adam let out an exhausted sigh before he turned to Paloma, who was still crying. How much tears could one little girl have? Adam thought to himself.
Cece arrived at Adam's apartment right on time, her heart heavy with worry for both him and Paloma. She had come as quickly as she could, not wanting to leave Adam to handle the situation alone any longer. There wasn't any traffic because it was 1 in the morning, the only real plus of this whole thing.
When she entered the apartment, she found Adam sitting on the couch, looking utterly exhausted, with Paloma crying in his arms. She had never seen him so tired, his hair messy and his eyebags visible. Without hesitation, Cece went over and gently took Paloma into her arms.
"Hey there, princess," she cooed softly, rocking Paloma gently. "It's okay, I'm here now. Shhh, it's alright."
Paloma's cries gradually began to subside as Cece worked her magic. Adam watched in awe as the two of them seemed to have an unspoken connection. Cece had gotten Paloma to quiet down after four hours of nonstop crying but Adam was too tired to feel anything but exhaustion. He had been at his wit's end, unable to calm his daughter down, and seeing Cece work her magic with such ease was nothing short of amazing.
"Thank you, Cece," Adam whispered, relief washing over him as Paloma finally began to calm down. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for the young woman who had come to their rescue once again.
Cece smiled warmly at him, despite her feeling just as (if not more) exhausted than him. "No need to thank me, Adam. I'm always here to help." She looked down at Paloma, who was now resting peacefully in her arms. "Besides, I think I've started to become quite attached to her."
Adam couldn't help but chuckle softly at that. He appreciated Cece more than he could express in words. As he looked at her, holding the most precious thing in his world like she was also the most important thing in hers too, he felt his heart do a little loop-di-loop and he couldn't stop it even if he tried.
"Thank you, Cece," he repeated, this time with a warmth and admiration that went beyond words.
"You know, Adam," Cece began softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "I'm here not just for Paloma. I'm here for you too."
Adam's heart skipped a beat at her words. It didn't feel like some grand confession, it felt like just a simple fact. And now, as he gazed back at Cece, he no longer questioned if she was responsible or sweet enough for his daughter, he knew it for a fact.
"I know," Adam's voice sounded even more exhausted than before, smiling back at her.
As Paloma fell asleep in her arms, Cece took a seat next to Adam on the couch. They both knew she wasn't going anywhere for at least a couple hours until Paloma is fully asleep, so she got comfortable.
As Paloma fell asleep in Cece's arms, a sense of calm settled over the room. The exhaustion and tension from earlier seemed to fade away, replaced by a peaceful stillness. Adam and Cece sat side by side on the couch, watching over Paloma as she slept.
In the quiet of the room, they didn't need to say much. Their presence was enough, and it felt strangely comforting. It was as if, in that moment, they were a small, makeshift family brought together by circumstances.
Cece was the first to speak up, her voice tired. "Do you know what Paloma means?"
Adam was too tired to say anything but shake his head as she continued, "It means Dove, I looked it up earlier. Isn't that cute?"
Adam had named her after his great-aunt (per request of his mother) but had always liked the sound of it. He had never thought of looking up the meaning but now that he knows, it's perfect. Dove, Paloma, it was just perfect.
Adam smiled at that. "That's so cute. Our little dove." His head fell on Cece's shoulder as he yawned, his eyes feeling heavy. "Dove, that's a cute nickname."
"We should start calling her that." Cece's eyes suddenly felt heavy too as she yawned along with Adam, nodding.
"Dove," Adam repeated softly, a smile playing at his lips. "I like it. Our little Dove."
Cece nodded in agreement, her voice barely above a whisper. "It suits her."
The exhaustion of the long night finally caught up with them both, and they began to drift into a comfortable silence. Adam rested his head on Cece's shoulder, and she gently leaned into him, their shared warmth and the sense of family they had formed providing a profound a great sense of comfort.
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