#sweet nonnies
rookthorne · 8 months
Lana!! Paramedic!bucky walk so that firefighter!bucky could run 🥵🥵 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSN2AkTqw/
when I tell you that my jaw was on the floor, I mean it fell to the earths core and I still can’t get it back… holy fuck that is my Bucky. that’s him. help. oh godvwjdjejfjjdjxjajejdbd
I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t helphelphelpheeeelp
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viking-raider · 4 months
to me, you are perfect
Aww thanks!!! That's so incredibly sweet.
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I hope you have a great V-Day, Nonnie. And you're perfect too!
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lovergirllane · 9 months
Wait, are you also into the metal/heavy metal world?!😲
Okay metal yes I would say I’m into it heavy metal/ screamo I can’t do it! it triggers me😭 I also listen to a lot of rock/hard or punk rock. I grew up with parents who were born in the 70’s and grew up through the 80’s and 90’s I pride myself on my taste in music tbh😭
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ellabsprincess · 10 months
Are u and rowie doing good babes? Wishing y’all both happiness !!!
awww sweetie you're so cute!! and yes we're doing great!! think it's best for us to just be more private about our relationship but everything is well with us :))
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toasteaa · 2 years
Please please try to ignore what mean anons say, take what you do at your own pace and remember this blog is all yours!!! You deserve to do what you want when you want.
Trust me when I say that rude anons don't bother me too much! They can be annoying, that's for sure, but I don't actually get too bent out of shape over them!
Something I had to learn is that a lot of times people will hide behind the anon filter to be horribly rude to people and they would never act like that in front of them. They'll talk behind a blogger's back with their friends, think they're actually doing something with it, and then send anon hate. And I always just...kinda shrug at it? Yeah it feels gross when you get anon hate (rude people in any form suck, anonymous or not) but at the same time it's like,
"oh no, this random person on the internet thinks that I - a person that enjoys a piece of media - should stop writing/drawing content that makes me happy because they don't like it."
Like, I'm not going to stop creating what I like to create. I curate my feed and encourage others to do the same. It won't stop the rude anons, but it helps to keep it low and helps keep things you don't want to see off your dash!
Also just a word of advice, if you're someone that can be reactionary or rude anons can make you spiral a bit, just delete the message! You don't have to respond, you don't have to address it; just delete it and keep posting as if you never got it! It's very freeing when you recognize that people hiding behind an anon filter do not control you!
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writercole · 2 years
Hiii I just found you through your mixtape challenge and I gotta say, your blog looks really inviting (as well as the challenge obviously)
I wanted to ask if you're okay with baby adults participating? As in I'm 18 and just finishing school so I'd have to push it back a little anyway
I hope your day having a great day<3
As long as you're 18, you're okay. It's a US law and I could get into hella trouble if you're not.
Other than that, you're good! I hope you find something you like!
Millennial Mixtape Challenge
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emblemxeno · 9 months
I just want to thank you so much for being an adult about these issues. It’s been so nice finding a blog that actually has conversations with depth on these stories, and it’s really inspiring to know that there are people that can talk about something without blowing their lid when someone disagrees with them.
Thank you for the sweet words! <3
Honestly it's all been a work in progress for me, cuz I was honestly a similar type of person when it came to fandom discourse in how I would be set off at the slightest distaste.
However, slowly moving off of twitter (aside from checking breaking news or what my fav VAs are doing) and being busy with uni work-coincidentally one of my classes deals with being a better writer and communicator in different types of settings-has mellowed me out a lot. If I have nothing to do, then negative emotions fester really easily in me, and stream of conscious social media like twitter worsen those things.
But yeah, writing about my interests and avoiding upsetting things that I've written thousands of words about already is a balm to the soul.
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navybrat817 · 5 months
Do you think Bucky would be possessive if you aren't his girl?
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Nonnie, I think you forgot a word at the end of your question.
You aren't his girl yet.
But imagine Bucky is sitting at a table and a few agents are sitting there as well. He tries to block out the chatter, until one of them mentions your name. Followed by his.
"Barnes, you hitting that?"
Which would have him seeing red. Because he wants to fuck you, yes. He also wants to give you the care you deserve. He wants you to be his completely.
"If you're asking if she's my girl," he says as calmly as he can manage, "No."
"So, I have a chance," the agent smirks.
That look is quickly wiped away when Bucky takes a knife out of what appears to be thin air and drives it through the table as the chatter ceases. The blade is right between the agent's fingers. Miraculously, he didn't get cut.
The former Asset is that good.
"You didn't let me finish. She's not my girl yet. So, no, you don't have a chance."
But the question is, did you happen to walk in and witness the event or did word get around?
Love and thanks! ❤️
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mistresstrevelyan · 2 years
1, 6, 7 and 9 for Rhia
Hi sweet Nonny! How would they solve the trolley problem?
Oof, going straight for the jugular. Here of course several decisions she had to ponder/make during DAO play a factor. Post the Highever massacre Rhia is...in a very dark place. She not only resents Duncan for forcibly conscripting and dragging her away from her parents after almost knocking her out, she loathes him from robbing her of a death suffered while defending her family and the home she loves. So if the one person to save five innocents were her, she wouldn't hesitate to give her own life. However... post Ostagar (Which she never saw as a betrayal at all but a tactical retreat made by an exhausted general) when looking at Orzammar (She chose Bhelen) or the Landsmeet (She signed a document sealing the deal that if Anora's testimony aids her in getting Loghain toppled, she will keep her on the throne and spare her father's life, no matter her feelings for Alistair. Whom she did not inform of this which was another of Anora's terms.), she can be incredibly ruthless and is very much focused on the ruthless calculus (As Garrus states to Shepard in ME3). So I believe she'd be inclined to save the five innocents. But it'd also depend on who the ONE innocent she has to sacrifice is. Her daughter Teleri? Her husband? Leliana? Her brother? This very much reminds me of the very FIRST important decision you have to make in Fable III where your brother, the King, forces you to choose who will die: Your beloved or a bunch of peaceful protesters whom he calls a violent mob and traitors.
In all honesty, in Rhia's case the answer just isn't set in stone. That's the best I got on that one. Does the government have the right to override bodily autonomy?
Given that Ferelden, the only home and society she knows, is very much based on medieval feudal societies (A mix of England, Scotland and Celtic history) and her being the daughter of a wealthy Teyrn (Basically a Duke) Rhia would have believed that the nobility/the state has the right to override bodily autonomy in several ways (IE in war). Until she herself had hers violently overridden by a man driven by a desperate grit to defeat the Blight. It's part of Rhia's privilege coming to the fore that teaches her several valuable lessons. When she herself leads the Wardens (She has been called Commander BEFORE the Landsmeet even. By Loghain, no less), there are no forceful conscriptions, obfuscations leading to heavily pregnant widows or hiding the sinister truth behind the fact that there are so few female Wardens overall. Once Loghain is defeated in the duel and thus made to relinquish the regency, she offers an alliance to the Teyrn of Gwaren, the Hero of River Dane, her father's name and girlhood hero, which he accepts. It is Loghain who insists on becoming a Warden to atone. He keeps his Teyrnir (If Alistair can become King, Rhia refuses to take what isn't hers to take to begin with. Plus, this later leads to her reclaiming her name, Lady Rhiannon Cousland, Commander of the Grey in Ferelden) and serves as Ferelden's General because there is none other more qualified. Which also means that his allies, thus molliefied, will more happily join the fight.) She also OFFERS becoming a Warden to Nathaniel, Velanna, Anders and Sigrun. She'd have offered them sanctuary regardless. So I think that, as she grows and learns, she comes to understand that NO ONE has the right to override anyone's bodily autonomy. Whether it's mages for fear of magic or serfs over the tradition of feudalism practiced in Ferelden. Do they support the draft? Would they draft dodge?
I think the above answers that question pretty well. She'd understand that drafting might be necessary when things get desperate (IE The Blight. The Breach.) but overall? No. She doesn't support it and would very likely draft dodge in most circumstances. Is being rich a moral failing?
It's not a failing per se, it's an obligation. The ancient Orlesian motto, Noblesse Oblige (Details HERE) is very important to her as a Commander, a Teyrna (of Gwaren) and as an Arlessa (of Amaranthine). Rhiannon not only insists on supporting charities and communities in dire need of help (IE the Alienage at Highever receives long due reparations after the Blight), she also invests in creating opportunities and is a regular giver of largesse to whoever needs it without asking anything and those who wish to repair her out of pride or duty she tells to use those funds to support others, thus creating a ripple effect that plants seed that will bloom long after she has gone to the Fade. Rhia has no patience or tolerance when comes to hedonism, greed or materialism. She is Fereldan to the chore and while she may not have lived through the Occupation, her father's and Loghain's generation has. It is why Loghain's deeds in Denerim are what she finds hardest to work past, even if it was mainly Howe acting in Loghain's name. (It was still on his watch, Loghain himself agrees with this.) She also will not stand for Denerim's Alienage to be left in shambles. Not after the aid Myrna Tabris and her community have provided despite humanity not deserving any Elvhen support. It's also why a part of Highever's lands, mainly secluded woods and farming areas, are given to the Dalish as thanks for their aid as well as a new independent Homeland offering alienage dwellers and Elvhen mages a viable alternative. It is overseen by Eluned Mahariel, first Dalish Ambassador to Queen Anora's court. (She later becomes Chancellor and, around a decade later, Queen Consort) To Rhiannon greed and excessive hedonism are anathema. She also had to LEARN that herself, mind. It's why she and Desideria Hawke do NOT get along at all. (Desideria being a ruthlessly ambitious hedonist as well as a hidden mage. Phew, they have some LOUD arguments later at Skyhold. I might fic that if anyone is curious?) ---- THANK YOU, darling Nonny, for asking about my sweet girl. I missed talking about Rhia. I missed writing long Meta posts. It means SO MUCH to me.
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l3viat8an · 5 months
Do you ever think about demons being a little confused about what gifts humans do and don’t like during ‘courting / courtship’ say MC LOVES getting jewelry (fairly standard counting gift across worlds) but when one of the demons gifts them a beautiful set of REAL still a little bloody eyeballs they scream and that’s just so confusing for the poor demons. 
CW: Gore mentioned (cuz like bloody eyeballs)
Especially Asmo and Mammon- but I’m gonna focus on Asmo for this <3
He always wants you to have the best of the best!!! He’s always gifting you the best jewelry, lovely new outfits, anything he thinks you’ll like he gives you in the hopes that you’ll understand just how much he cares for you. How often he’s thinking about you and what you like.
So when he overheard you telling another demon in class that his eyes are ‘such a beautiful color!’ well…..it’s only natural that he gets them for you!!!
Surely you’ll love them!!! Asmo takes extra care to clean the blood off the eyeballs, before he puts them in a adorable little pink gift box and leaves it on your bed, right where he always leaves your little gifts <3
You’ll love it!!! He can’t wait to hear you gushing about your new gift later!!! What he doesn’t expect is to hear you screaming, calling for whichever demon is closest to get them out of your room- why????
He put so much care into getting them for you!! he runs to your room and sees Beel taking the box away from you, telling you not to worry about it, he’ll take it away and Asmo wants to cry- what did he do wrong??? they really were beautiful eyes- you should love them!!!
Beautiful jewelry and clothes are fine but an even more thoughtful and important gift, he had to rip out himself isn’t??? It doesn’t make sense!!!
Why do humans have to be so damned confusing???
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rookthorne · 7 months
Hi! I just needed to let this out and I felt like you were the right person? I have this friend named James who is admittedly attractive right? But boundaries have been made so clearly we’re just friends. ANYWAY! I saw this tweet about how guys named James had to decide on their nickname, sticking to James, Jimmy, Jim, Jamie, or Jimbo and I asked him if he had that pressure to choose a nickname and you know what he replied? “I think you can call me Jamie. My jimbo days are over.” AND I WAS LIKE??? I DIDN’T ASK WHAT I COULD CALL YOU!!! I ASKED YOU IF YOU HAD THAT PRESSURE OF DECIDING. BUT ON THAT SAME NOTE. JAMIE??? I CAN CALL YOU JAMIE??? And my god all the Bucky shit came up out of nowhere where reader calls bucky Jamie and I— why am I kicking my feet giggling over this shit??? Jamie. Be fucking forreal, JAMES. I—
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nonnie, babe, darling, this was wild from start to finish and I am seriously considering bursting down your door. I wanna convince this guy that you, in fact, should not be just friends.
because I fucking ship it. oh, my heart. I would have died, I feel like you're living my Bodyguard!Bois dream and I am dying
are there any updates? what's happened with our boy, Jamie?
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and, please, never be sorry for sending me these asks! I was in tears laughing and my heart felt, and still feels so full that you came to me to gush - this is beautiful and I am so happy about it. thank you for making my weekend. 🥹 so much love and forehead kisses to you! 💗💗💗 also, I am a gift? me? 😭😭😭 don't mind me, just gonna go sob in a corner because *indistinct screaming*
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beforeimdeceased · 2 months
i love ur fics sm!! its my bday today and i was wondering if u could do a drabble on fem reader riding ellies strap. i can just imagine ellie getting absolutely pussy drunk on the sight alone.
happy birthday beautiful angel!
you’re so right about her getting pussy drunk. she’d be in a daze, fucking drooling all over herself watching the way it slides in and out of your cunt, the slick coating on the strap plus the way you clench on it would drive her up a wall. hands gripping onto your waist, guiding your hips up and down and back and forth. letting out a low “atta girl.” that sounds like she choked back a moan to get it out.
and there’d definitely be moments where she bucks up into you just to hear you moan and watch your body fall into hers. hands gripping onto her shoulders for some sort of balance. barely being able to catch your breath because you feel so fucking good. and she lovesssss making you feel so fucking good. eyes low while she bites her lip.
“you look so pretty on top babe. why don’t you be a good girl and make a beautiful mess for me to clean up?”
all while her hand slips down to spread your slick all over your clit, rubbing teasing circles. pushing you closer to the edge.
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Your nose and your pink hair!
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ellabsprincess · 11 months
do u and rowie ever go thru rough patches? me and my partner are and i can’t help but feel like i’m breaking. u n her seem so perfect… i’ve got to know that it gets better
oh baby, rowie and i are far from perfect! i am so so sorry that you and your partner are going through a rough patch. tough moments and conflicts can very very difficult, but you can make it through. the easiest way is just to talk to your partner.
rowie and i may seem perfect to you, but you're only seeing one view of our relationship. we're still a relatively new couple, so we haven't had like necessarily a major fight or a significant rough patch, but we've still had our tough moments. sometimes we misunderstand one another, and sometimes we disagree on certain things. i don't want to get into the details but just the other day we had a big misunderstanding when talking about our futures and what we wanted out of our relationship.
but, we just talked it out. we kept talking, and it was tough and a bit awkward to be so vulnerable, but we talked through the conflict and the misunderstanding and everything was fine! we went back to being us the next day.
every couple fights baby. no couple is perfect, it's just how relationships work. now, i don't know you or your partner, or exactly your conflict or anything, but i promise you it can get better. it just takes empathy and communication.
maybe try sitting your partner down and just being very very honest with them. tell them how you feel about your current situation. just let it all out. it might be ugly, but being vulnerable like that is key to a healthy and strong relationship.
i'm so sorry you're going through this, but i know you can make it through. no matter what happens, you will live through it, and you will be okay. you are so strong, and everything happens for a reason. love you sweet anon <3
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toasteaa · 2 years
Rest up and come back when you feel better. Post whatever you want, I know I'm sticking around. Joined for JoJo but honestly you're just a really cool person. Might get into Genshin because you make it sound so cool... and hot lol
Thank you anon!! I've somehow convinced you all that I'm not terribly shy and that I'm actually cool!
Luckily, I got blasted with the jjba love beam a few days ago and a few of those thoughts have been cranking up in the ol think tank. On the other hand though, the 3.1 genshin update is about to drop so I MIGHT get wrapped back up in that again immediately lmao
If you're really interested in getting into genshin, now is a great time! With 4 open regions and tons of content in the game already, you probably won't get bored or tired of meeting new characters! Some tasks and missions can feel like they go on forever, but it's all pretty fun once you get the hang of it! And! You don't have to be p2p in order to enjoy it! It's the kind of game that you kind of forget is gacha game imo. There's just...there's always something going on and always a new way for you to save primos for banners that you want to pull for.
Sorry I got off on a tangent, I just really like the game and really enjoy talking with others about it! If you think this is a lot, just imagine what it's like when I start going off about Khaenri'ah and LORE!
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littlelioncub43 · 1 year
Eddie Munson is always in the mood for nasty, slutty hickies. Doesn't care where you are. If your neck looks especially delicious, he's going for it, and he expects you to return the favor.
You're damn right, he is
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With all that free relaestate 🤤
He makes time to give you hickies, weekly. As long as you're down and ok with it, the man is mouthing at your jaw nearly daily, it doesnt matter what you're doing. You could be washing your dishes, folding your laundry, or anything and he'll sneak up behind you, trap you in one of those intoxicatingly sweet back hugs and let his lips work their magic along your skin.
"Eddie, baby, what are you doing?"
"M'writing my name in hickies," he chuckles, "now, hush, I need to concentrate."
He has also totally cum in his pants from you giving him hickies. It was just a culmination of everything that was just too much, too perfect for him to take. You were in his lap, front seat of the van, going at him like a fucking feral animal and he was enjoying every second of it. He could feel you rutting into him, your hands caressing his jaw to hold his head to the side for you to kiss and suck and bite— he felt so exposed and vulnerable while also feeling unbelievably desired and consumed.
One well timed kiss/bite/suck combo to the special spot on his already marked up neck sent him to the Afterlife.
"JESUS CHRIST!" He arched his back, moaned like a wanton whore and then proceeded to cum in his pants. The way you cooed at him and cradled him to you did not help him at all, if anything it made him cum even harder.
But man, the look on Wayne's face when he sees the disheveled mess that is his nephew when Eddie comes home— priceless.
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