#sweet hashtag
chefrishabhsingh · 2 months
How To Make Red Mill Pancake Mix Recipe
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The Red Mill Pancake Mix is a breakfast sensation that has captivated taste buds with its fluffy texture and wholesome flavour. This article will guide you through the Red Mill Pancake Mix Recipe, shedding light on what makes this mix unique, uncovering the essential ingredients, and providing a detailed step-by-step guide for preparation.
What is Red Mill Pancake Mix?
Bob's Red Mill Pancake Mix is a meticulously crafted blend of premium ingredients designed to deliver a delightful breakfast experience. Known for its high-quality organic flour and whole grains, this mix simplifies pancake preparation while ensuring a hearty and nutritious meal. The blend strikes a perfect balance of flavour, texture, and nutritional value, making it a popular choice for breakfast enthusiasts.
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mushroom-punk · 3 months
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laios with a weighted blanket and noise cancelling headphones, REAL
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willingly unloved
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anakinstwinklebunny · 4 months
I don't care which character he plays, I'll always see Anakin whenever he's angry
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rowrowronnie · 9 months
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anyone remember that pyro is a robot headcanon? yeah um erm i also remembered that and also sorta maybe mightve gotten carried away a little bit.. tee hee..
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aktosage · 11 months
“Lost time is never found again”⏱️
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ANOTHER ONE FOR MY WATERFALL TEARS THING!!! Whirl…… beloved what did JRO do to y- *breaks him even more*
Love him, love his arc love his claws but sososo miserable…. Wah. I loved working on thus, and since I abandoned it for a year I noticed in real time how much I improved which is always good :3
Process pics!! + a link for a the time-lapse if u wanna see my process <3 [u soo want to sub to my youtube]
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drarrily-we-row-along · 5 months
All My Dreaming, It's Only Given a Name
Inspired by the Hozier song "To Someone in a Warmer Climate"... I'm fucking obsessed with it. I can't stop listening to it. If you haven't heard it, you simply MUST.
Harry woke up slowly, the room was still dark, his body warm and so content he couldn't be bothered by the ways his muscles twinged with the need to shift.
There was a comforting weight around his shoulders, a hand in his hair, anchoring him to the warm presence beneath him. A second hand had slipped under his shirt, hot palm cupping his side.
Godric, he never wanted to move again.
"Hi," murmured softly against his temple, lips brushing over his forehead in a lazy approximation of a kiss.
His heart swelled and burst, pressing against his ribs, pushing his lungs until he couldn't breathe with it; this easy, gentle affection. A love so full, so gentle that it felt like the tide washing over him and pulling him along. Words seemed to great a feat, so he just pressed his nose into Draco's collarbone, hoped it was enough.
"Hello, darling," whispered soft and sweet into Harry's hair as Draco's fingers carded through the curls there, his other hand drawing Harry even closer, lightly squeezing his side. "It's so early, love."
A low whine escaped Harry's throat, his body pressing closer, stretching out against Draco's until their bodies were aligned.
"That's it," he murmured encouragingly, holding Harry like he was something precious. "Come closer," he added, "close as you like."
"I'd like to crawl inside of your skin," Harry mumbled, then realized how odd that must sound.
Draco just chuckled softly, "I do understand that impulse," he said. "It doesn't ever feel like I can get close enough to you either."
He sighed, let the short-lived worry of being misunderstood fall away. "I used to dream about this, you know?"
"Did you?" he asked, voice warm like honey; indulgent, like he wanted to hear whatever Harry wanted to say no matter how ridiculous it might be.
He shook his head, "Not exactly," he said softly, turning to prop his chin on Draco's chest.
The other man shifted a bit so that he could look down at Harry, chin scrunching up in a way that should be unattractive but that Harry found impossibly endearing.
"My dreams are paltry in comparison to the reality of you," he murmured like a confession.
"Poetic," Draco replied, lips tilting up at the corners to soften his words, to tell Harry he was teasing, that he was feeling shy about being praised.
He hummed, "My whole life," he whispered, "There's this," he broke off, searching for the right word, "ache," he said, tapping his fingers against Draco's breastbone. He shook his head, "There's always been this yearning to be loved, to be held, to be cared for without the expectation of what I'll be able to give."
"Darling," Draco whispered, and Harry could hear the ache reflected in his voice. It was like this sometimes, like Draco took whatever was hurting Harry and held it in his own body, reflecting it back at him with an empathy and tenderness that left Harry elated and terrified all at once.
"But then there was you," he continued. "And all of my dreaming, it seems like a shadow compared to the reality of being loved by you. All of my longing, my yearning; the restless pursuit of something I never thought I could actually have-" he broke off, eyes stinging.
Draco's thumb brushed away a tear and lightly traced his cheekbone.
"I found all of the things I'd dreamt of in you," he managed. "And more," he added. "This is the fulfillment of everything I've ever wanted; a simple, cozy love. A shared bed, a shared home. Dinner together and evenings on the sofa, weekends attached at the hip. Someone to hold me gently, to kiss me tenderly. Someone who will let me hold them and love them with my love that's too big and never sufficient all at once."
"Darling," Draco murmured again. "You're not too much and you are enough," he assured. "I don't need anything more."
Harry nodded, snuggled back under Draco's arm, resting his head on his shoulder once more. "You make everything better."
"I love you," Draco breathed in that way of his, wondering and helpless, like the way he loved Harry was something that he found immense pleasure in. Godric, Harry loved it when he said it like that. "I love you so much," he repeated. "You make everything better too, darling."
"I love you too," Harry said softly, the simplest thing he knew. The truest thing he knew.
"Do you want to sleep a little more?" Draco asked through a yawn of his own.
He shrugged a shoulder, "Maybe," he said, "I do want to stay like this, even if I can't sleep any more."
"Alright," he agreed, dropping a kiss to the top of Harry's head. "Do you mind if I go back to sleep for a while?"
"Of course not," he said, squeezing Draco's ribs and kissing his collarbone.
Draco hummed, squeezed Harry a little tighter. "You're alright?"
Harry nodded, "Better than," he replied truthfully.
"Kay," Draco whispered, then as though sleeping was as easy for him as breathing, he dropped back off to sleep.
He lay there, listening to his beloved breathe, and couldn't fathom how his life had turned out sweeter than his very best dreams.
(Read more of my fics, if you'd like)
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vesperione · 2 months
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Tumblr what does this mean to u
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sunw00d · 3 months
can people stop going "I KNEW IT" about f1nn5ter figuring out his gender stuff and going on hrt. can we stop doing that. can we let him just explore his gender in peace without pointing and screaming "AHA I KNEW HES TRANS I KNEW HE WAS AN EGG". can people explore their gender in peace
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babooshkart · 1 year
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It’s Harry’s dream house. A brick cottage, covered in ivy and crawling vines, sits at the end of the driveway. It’s dusted in snow, trees reaching over the garden beds, and chickens are clucking and pecking at the ground. Draco takes a sharp inhale, and pulls Harry through the wards, and Harry knows that feeling - it’s the way Grimmauld greets him. The magic tangling around him, welcoming him home.
A Melody of You & Me by @academicdisasterfic (65k, rated E)
The perfect read for the holiday season. Rooney, you are a marvel. Merry Christmas, everyone!!! Go read this gorgeous fic!!! 💕💕💕
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phishferno · 1 year
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something simple
messed around with a new brush to get out of artblock
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mea-no · 2 months
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Wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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artsoflilo1 · 3 months
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Another funky story I’ve been cooking up. I had a ton of fun with this! I wanted to come up with a story that had an art style complex enough to test my abilities, but still fun to draw. And I think I got there with this! Hope you guys like them ❤️
Also, in case you’re wondering who’s who, from left to right, the character’s names are Markus, Mac, and Malte.
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itsalwaysforyou · 2 months
jay not asking coach about letting lonnie onto the team bc he doesn’t want to do anything coach might disagree with…….
#‘coach trusts me…’ like what if i cried#man i wish they made more of a thing of jay being TEAM CAPTAIN#<- i’ve made a post before abt how easily he gives it up & jay not liking positions of power etc etc#but i do think he treats the role like it could be taken away at any moment#coach TRUSTS him. holy shit coach trusts him#the first positive adult figure in his life trusts him to take care of the team#train them and critique them and lead them to victory#and coach probably wouldn’t have cared abt lonnie being on the team#but jay is sooooo hesitant to ask#coming from the ‘if you want it take it and if you can’t take it break it’ guy#like this is the one thing he doesn’t want to risk breaking…….#and then obviously he gives it up!!!!!#he gives up the thing coach TRUSTED HIM WITH bc it was the only way to let lonnie on the team#& mr ‘my only dislike is women being unhappy’ was like I CANNOT REST UNTIL LONNIE IS ON THE TEAM#it’s suchhhhh a sweet gesture not only from a hashtag feminism standpoint#but also character wise for jay#like this precious thing that coach has trusted him with but didn’t really want that much anyway…..#it’s going to mean more to lonnie if she had it. even though it means everything to jay#oh it makes me crazy#damn my mum was right. i think too deeply about things#im like i analyse things a normal amount and then i’m writing essays about 1 line from descendants 2#I AM UNWELL#anyway. jesus christ#descendants#jay son of jafar#EDIT i’m not finished actually#do you think jay fears the repercussions? what would happen if he went against coach’s word?#bc sure. he knows coach is nice. he knows auradon isn’t like the isle#but. ‘you don’t want to be at my house at dinner time’…….#he is still scared of his dad. you know. he can never get the lamp he can never do anything right
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starscream works as the dad 2/mentor character for hashtag because each terran has gotten a mentor that has something in common with them (wheeljack is the one that made the drone that twitch got her alt mode from, nightshade and tarantulas are both scientists, and grimlock and jawbreaker are both dinobots that dealt with difficulty regarding their alt modes) and not only had she already been making references to the seekers already (the improv bit about being in Villain School with skywarp/playing starscream when the malto kids pretended to act out the battle over the allspark), but Hashtag, who had still been processing what Dr. Meridian did to her, came from a place of understanding when she tried to reach out to starscream and show him compassion about his trauma from megatron's abuse - one of the first times anyone in any onscreen TF continuity had ever done so - and as a result, starscream came to care for her and acted selflessly for her despite being a very selfish character and it ultimately made for a very good episode. starscream also works as the dad 2/mentor character for hashtag because it is objectively one of the funniest fucking things the earthspark crew could have done
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dapperrokyuu · 1 month
Needing a Sua perspective from the ALNST auditions to Round 1. I never put much thought into what happens to the cast post-Anakt Garden graduation (do they immediately go to the auditions? Is there a period of time where they dont see each other until they recognize each other at the audition? Theres a considerable amount of time between the auditions and their Alien Stage season, did they see each other often between then or...? etc.), but regardless, imagine being her and having to choose between sabotaging your own audition so you dont have to go the the Sing, Win, or Die Show or putting your in your all in hopes of winning and spending just a bit more time with this girl you love because you know itll likely be the last time you see her. Imagine...
#dee p thoughts#alien stage#alnst#vivinos#like. not as if life wouldve been sunshine and rainbows if sua failed the audition and never went on alien stage hashtag Im a Pet to Aliens#but like. sua was definitely more in the know. Im not the type to believe mizi was completely naive but I think mizi may have bought into#the idea that dying Wasnt That Bad due to what she was taught and her trust in her owners...until round 1- maybe mizi was confident she'd#truly win and/or her owners praised and made her feel so. sua: ''My dream is Mizi's dream. (paraphrased)'' etc etc#maybe it was the dream of mizi's owners that mizi wanted to fulfill or mizi just wanted to impress her owners in return for their care...#but sua knew. she knew it would either be she never sees mizi again whether she dies or achieve such fame that sua could never reach her...#or sua can spend a little time with her. whatever they have left. whether it was her or mizi the likelihood of them ever seeing each other#again... because mizi is intent on this. she is going to join alien stage. she is going to pass the auditions because she is so dazzling.#...I need to be with her.#I think considering the ivan and sua comic anakt garden may be a pipeline to alien stage? its functionally a music school iirc so I think i#at least gives them a leg up and humans are put into anakt garden with at least some intention of having them try out for alien stage-#but nonetheless I imagine there was a liminal space where none of the cast really knew where their lives were going post-anakt garden.#not that they have much choice in the matter but still dalkjdalkbn- that liminal space mustve been a dark time for majority of them#because well. their owners. and they couldnt meet each other and may never meet again...#regarding the time between the auditions and their alien stage season I imagine its funnily a lot of. training. pr vocals visuals...#they have autographs despite them all potentially dying quickly they had them draft and practice and perfect autographs guys adjlkbnadlfkjf#the look mizi and sua shared in sweet dream when they both passed the auditions together...AUGH.....
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