#sweater twins
stephreynaart · 1 month
if you’re still doing the requests, could you perhaps make a Ford and Mabel bonding somehow? I love your art! always very happy to see it on my dash!
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thetiredtrans · 9 months
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One of my headcanons for Ford is when he’s making a pinky promise. If he uses two fingers, he means the promise, if he uses one then he’s lying.
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twilights-stuff · 8 months
Got back into the Gravity Falls rabbit hole and decided to draw some monster falls
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Also sprinkled a bit of sweater twins for the heart
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ypipie · 1 year
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a couple cutiees
[Image description: a digital sketch of Mabel and Ford Pines from Gravity Falls. Mabel's carrying a pitcher of Mabel Juice and smiling at Ford as he rubs his chin, laughing sheepishly. He's wearing an apron that reads: "I make bad chemistry puns... periodically" next to an image of a glass flask with liquid inside it. Splashes of pink Mabel Juice are visible on Mabel's face and Ford's apron. End description.]
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duskiefloof · 1 month
Have some pone ford art! ^^
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 8 months
I love how mabel’s accident with the leaf blower parallels ford’s kissing-practice-robot incident
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aceofstars16 · 2 months
Oh look, another Gravity Falls fic! I started this one a while ago but finally got around to finishing and editing it! Title is from the song "It's Alright" by Mother Mother
And hey it actually kind of fits Week 4 of @forduary cause it is older Ford *jazz hands*
You can read on AO3 but I will put the fic under the cut here as well!
Summary: Weirdmageddon is over, everything should be fine, right? But Mabel and Ford find themselves confronted with feelings they'd rather forget, and find comfort from each other. (Aka, Mabel has nightmares and Ford is there to comfort her because we love fluff and Mabel and Ford bonding)
It was late. Ford wasn’t exactly sure what time it was, but the kids had gone to bed hours ago, and he had sent Stan off to get some sleep, what? An hour, two hours ago? Something like that. His body was drained and he knew he should sleep. But he knew what awaited him if he did. Sure, Bill was gone, but nightmares would still come, he knew it. Especially after all that had happened. Even in the waking hours, he couldn’t get rid of the image of him pointing the memory gun at Stan, no matter how hard he wished it would leave him. After all, despite Stan remembering more and more, there were still holes in his memory. Which is why Ford was still up, rifling through boxes he had long forgotten about, looking for anything that might help his brother fill in those holes.
Pulling out another photobook, Ford started flipping through it. He had already put a few aside to show Stan when he woke up, but this one was mostly pictures from college. He put it in the useless pile – though he supposed he might share it with Fiddleford at some point. Ford wasn’t sure if it was irony or a sign of his poor life choices that two of his closest friends had lost their memories because of his decisions.
With a sigh, Ford picked up a frame from the box, only to freeze when he heard a floorboard creak.
Quickly looking up, he was expecting to see Stan – it hadn’t been uncommon the last day or so to find his brother up and about at any hour of the day or night. However, this time, it wasn’t his brother who was up. Instead, he saw his great niece walking past the doorway.
“Mabel?” Setting down the frame, Ford stood up, trying his best to ignore how hard the movement was. Maybe he should try to get some sleep…
Mabel had already walked past the room, but a second later, her head poked into the doorway. “Oh, Grunkle Ford! I…didn’t know you were up.” She fiddled with her nightgown, her eyes flickering to and fro much faster than normal.
“I was just looking through some old boxes.” Ford gestured to the box he had been perusing. “What are you doing up at this hour?”
Mabel glanced at the box, then the floor, then at Ford, then at the wall, before looking at the ground once again. “I uh…” She swallowed, then said in a quiet voice, “…nightmare…”
Sadness pierced Ford’s heart. He was used to nightmares, and in a sense, he knew it was his fault that he had so many. But Mabel? She was far too young and innocent to be dealing with such troubles. He took a step forward, but stopped. He didn’t want to make anything worse. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Looking at him, Mabel opened her mouth, then closed it and bit her lip before shaking her head, which only made Ford more worried about her.
Glancing at the box by the couch, Ford decided a different tactic might be helpful – one that he used quite often with himself – distraction. “Would you like to help me look through my old things?”
Mabel perked up at that. “Really?”
Ford nodded and gave her his best smile before motioning her to come closer. “Of course. There is a lot to look through and I could use the help.”
A smile slowly grew on Mabel’s face and she made her way to the box and picked up an old framed certificate – his diploma. For a moment, she just looked at it, then she spoke. “Wow, the seventies! You really are old!”
A chuckle escaped Ford before he could stop it. He reached down and took the frame from her, shaking his head as he placed it in the useless pile. “I suppose I am getting a little old.” He reached down and picked up another photo album then sat down, patting the space beside him.
Mabel grinned and plopped herself down next to him, leaning her head against his arm as he opened the book, only to straighten up.
“Oh my gosh is that you and Stan as teenagers?!?” Her smile was contagious.
“It is…” Ford said quietly, trying not to think too much about the lump that grew in his throat as he was faced with the memories the pictures brought to the surface. Hopefully that was a good sign that they would help Stan remember. Even if they only served to remind him of all the things he wished he could change.
 “Ooo who is that?” Mabel pointed to another picture.
And so, the night continued, Mabel asking questions and Ford telling her stories of when he was younger. Ford was in the middle of talking about one of his favorite classes at a summer camp when he glanced down and realized that Mabel was fast asleep, using his arm as a pillow.
A soft smile grew on his face, and he carefully set the book they had been looking through to the side. He knew he should simply take Mabel back to her bed and continue his work. There was still so much left to go through. But then, in her sleep, Mabel curled up closer to him. He supposed he could rest his eyes. Just for a few hours…
The sky split open, turning the world red. Laughter filled the air.
“Thanks Shooting Star!”
Bill’s voice echoed around Mabel.
“I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Bill’s voice sound behind her. Spinning around, Mabel shrunk back as the demon grew bigger and bigger. Screams surrounded her, growing louder and louder until she couldn’t hear herself think anymore. Chaos reigned. Then suddenly the noise died and she only heard one voice.
“Who you talkin' to?”
She was looking at Stan again, confused, lost, not knowing who he was, or who she was. He turned and looked at her, then a chorus of her family’s voices spoke all together.
“It’s all your fault.”
“I didn’t mean to!” Mabel cried out, tears growing in her eyes.
“Your fault, your fault, your fault!”
The voices grew louder and louder, no matter how hard she pleaded, tried to apologize, they wouldn’t stop. She was drowning in guilt, it was pressing down on her chest, heavier and heavier until she couldn’t breathe.
Gasping, Mabel started awake. The voices were gone. The only sounds were Dipper’s quiet breathing and the occasional bug hitting the window in the attic. But her heart was still racing, and the guilt from her dream was still pressing down on her. Waking up hadn’t freed her from the reality of her actions.
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t haunted by Weirdmageddon, and all of the events of the last week. And she hadn’t even lived in the apocalyptic world that long, not compared to the townsfolk or Dipper - there were times when she had heard him muttering in his sleep. And then yesterday she had once again stood face to face with her mistakes, when she had found herself lost with thousands of versions of herself.
Holding out her hand, Mabel saw her entire arm shaking. She felt cold despite the humidity of the attic. Swallowing hard, she looked at Dipper. For a split second, she considered waking him. She knew he wouldn’t mind, not that much at least, but…he didn’t know the whole truth. About how Weirdmageddon had really started.
Forcing herself to move, Mabel got out of bed and shakily made her way to the door, then down the stairs. She didn’t quite know where she was going. Maybe to find Stan… he always make her feel better. Or…Mabel didn’t realize where her feet were taking her until she was standing in the doorway to the secret room her and Dipper had fought over what seemed like ages ago.
It was Ford’s room now. Though there still wasn’t a bed in it, just a couch where Ford was conked out…had he really been sleeping on the couch for weeks? How had she never realized that until now? Just another reason she was selfish. The guilt in her chest grew.
Ford’s voice made her jump. She thought he'd been asleep. But he was sitting up now, one hand resting on his hip and the other straightening his glasses.
The guilt monster pressed down on her more. Ford needed sleep. Only a few days ago, he had been staying up till all ends of the night. He was finally resting and she had ruined it. Swallowing, she opened her mouth, trying to make herself apologize and tell him she was just going to get a drink, but the words wouldn’t come.
“Nightmare?” He asked quietly, concern lining his voice.
Hugging herself, Mabel tried blinking back the tears that were growing in her eyes, she shook her head. Her performance must not have been very convincing however, because Ford patted the couch next to him.
“Come here.” It was a gentle invitation, and despite knowing she didn’t deserve it, Mabel couldn’t stop herself. She rushed forward and sat down on the couch, curling up in on herself as she did.
A gentle hand rested on her shoulder and pulled her into a small side hug.
“It’s alright…it…everything is okay now.” Ford spoke quietly as his hand moved up and down in a comforting motion.
However, they had the opposite effect on Mabel. Tears blurred her vision as the guilt and regret pressed in on her.
“No it’s not!” A sob shook her body and she curled in on herself even more.
For a moment, there was no response, then Ford spoke again, his voice heavy with remorse. “I’m so sorry, Mabel…”
She froze at the unexpected words and slowly looked up at him. He was staring at the ground, his face downcast. “Wh…what?”
He turned to look at her. “Weirdmageddon…everything that happened. It…it’s all my fault. I let Bill into our universe, I couldn’t stop him before…” He shook his head. “I’m sorry my mistakes hurt you…”
Each word weighed down on her more and more. “Grunkle Ford it’s not…it’s not your fault it…” her throat tightened and she closed her eyes tight, resulting in a tear rolling down her cheek. “…it’s mine…”
Even with her eyes closed, Mabel could feel Ford straighten up. “Mabel, it is not your-”
“Yes it is!” Mabel opened her eyes and looked right at Ford, not even trying to stop her crying. “I-I gave B-Bill the rift! I…if it wasn’t for me W-Weirdmageddon never would’ve happened! Stan wouldn’t have-” Her voice broke as sobs overtook her whole body, guilt pulling her down, down…
Arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a warm embrace.
“It’s not your fault, Mabel.” Ford’s voice was soft and kind, not the angry disbelief she had been expecting every time she had thought about telling anyone what had happened.
“Bill is a master manipulator…he’d do anything, say anything to get what he wants…wanted.”
Hiding her face in his sweater, Mabel was tempted to just let it go at that. Bill was awful…But… “I know…but I…I still didn’t want summer to end. I…I was scared and selfish and…I want to be better but what if I mess up again?!? What if I keep being selfish?” Anti-Mabel’s words echoed around in her head as Mabel curled in on herself.
Ford’s arms tightened around her and after a moment, he sighed and spoke softly.
“I know how you feel.”
Mabel froze. “You…you do?”
“I do.” Ford said, regret lining his voice. “When I was younger, I was so focused on what I wanted, that I hurt the person that meant the most to me. And then I ignored all of the warnings I saw about Bill because I wanted to make a name for myself…Even now…I…I was so…caught up in my frustration and desire to make things right that I didn’t even…think about how my distrust could backfire…I didn’t want to admit my mistakes and…by the time I did…it was too late…and Stanley paid the price for my pride.”
Looking up, Mabel saw Ford staring at the wall, tears pooling in his eyes.
He seemed to sense her gaze and turned attention to her, but not before quickly wiping his eyes and clearing this throat. Then he gave her a gentle smile.
“You’re a better person than I am, Mabel. I…the fact that you want to change now, at your age, shows more maturity than I’ve had for most of my life.”
Mabel saw the sadness lingering under his smile, and she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. “You’re not a bad person, Grunkle Ford.”
Ford was silent for a moment, then he sighed. “I…I’m glad you think that, Mabel.”
Sitting back a little, Mabel met his gaze. “I don’t think so. I know so! Maybe…maybe we both have some things to work on but you aren’t a bad person. You are just the right amount of nerdy for Dipper, and you’ve done everything to get Stan’s memory back and you’ve sat with me and helped me feel better after I’ve had a nightmares. I wouldn’t want any other person to have come out of the portal.”
The smallest laugh escaped Ford. "I…okay, Mabel…I…thank you.”
Mabel smiled at him. “I can remind you any time you need it!”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Any time?”
“Cell phones!”
“Oh, right…I’m not the best at using them but…”
“Stan can help! At least…” Mabel hummed in thought. “Well, he can kind of use one, and you can learn!”
Ford laughed lightly and smiled. “I’ll do my best.”
“Promise?” Mabel held out her pinkie. For a moment, Ford just stared at it, then he interlocked his pinkie with hers.
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mkthedingus · 2 years
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Karaoke round two!! With the sweater twins of course :)
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Your Cassidy design gives me life, exactly how I envisioned her.
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I’m so glad y’all liked my Cassidy design!!
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jerreeeeeee · 29 days
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excerpts from the journals
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stephreynaart · 2 years
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For my fwiend @novelistservant
A scene from her newest fic
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tsuchinokoroyale · 19 days
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Sweater season is OVER… nakey time once more…
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Miss sassy grumps is back… I kiss her anyways…
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nettlesketches · 4 months
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🎄🚂Merry Christmas! 🚂🎄
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berrybanana-arts · 3 months
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Ford has a dream about Bill. Stan is there to help him pick up the pieces with a sincere sibling hug.
For Forduary 2024!
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duskiefloof · 8 months
Here's a drawing I drew of mabel and ford from my mlp au! They are going for a morning fly together. The design of Pony! Ford is by one of my friends. The design of Pony! Mabel is by me.
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ypipie · 1 year
draw dipper and mabel hanging out! mystery twins style
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mystery twins style
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