midnights-dragon · 4 months
writing tip: if you're losing motivation, change the font. trust me. it'll make it more fun, especially if it's some kind of old-timey sort of font, because then you can pretend you're a sacrilegious priest hurriedly writing by quill under the cover of night lit only by a single candle, hiding your passions as to not be called a heretic
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mccallhero · 5 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 39/?
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 4 months
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In other news, I finally found a nice nerdy motif that includes eyes to paint on my mask. I wanted a simple, reasonably beginner-friendly design that would read well on the mesh and that'd be easy to fix when it inevitably gets too badly scratched up by, you know, being repeatedly hit with a steel sword. (And in the meantime it's gonna get cool appropriately silvery details as the paint gets scraped off.)
Progress pics under the cut for those interested.
First, redrawing the symbol from a very low-res old rulebook scan, printing it out, and cutting out a stencil. There is a very nice high-res transparent png of this holy symbol available in the BG3 game files, but sadly it's a very detailed, fancy, redesigned version with way too many complicated thin lines to work for this.
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The first step is just black and white primer, airbrushed on, kinda messy and blurry, as expected.
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Then, freehanding in both black and white to sharpen it up and bring out all the details. Moonmaiden, guide my hand! etc etc etc.
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And there you have it.
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nunalastor · 3 months
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this is the perfect encapsulation of this blog 😭
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nevvn · 1 year
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i usually post either solomon or barbatos here and then it struck me that i havent drawn them together yet,,
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fuzzkaizer · 2 months
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PHEADHONES - Noise Swash clone
"... of the 4ms pedal using a custom-etched PCB also by acidrainpedalworks"
cred: pheadhones.tumblr.com
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
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Still kind of annoyed this sprite only shows up once in the wild and not even in his own route
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gribbo · 3 months
theo solomon's delivery of "let's all keep our heads, eh? you...us...nere..." cracks me up every time i play through grymforge
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buromarks · 3 months
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minnnieminmin · 6 months
anyone who gave up on SV because of the graphics is weak. yeah i said it. best pokemon story we've had in years.
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mildmayfoxe · 14 days
on the hoefler&co website looking at the historical allsorts font pack and seething
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onebizarrekai · 1 year
side note if you're a new follower or like you joined this site in the past year, I have like 15,000+ posts on my blog and I've been compiling this neatly organized cursed digital scrapbook for like seven years (feel free to explore it). the nice thing about this site is that tags are blog specific. sure, they show up in main tags or whatever, but you can also use your own tags for your specific blogs. for example whenever I reblog stuff that has to do with zelda I tag it as #zelda stuff, whereas if I post something zelda related myself I use #legend of zelda among others since it's a universal tag. so like, if someone went onto my blog and looked up #zelda stuff they would see all the reblogs I've made related to zelda, but if they looked up #legend of zelda on my blog they'd see only my own posts and no reblogs. I use #danganronpa for posts I make about the series, whereas #dr stuff is for danganronpa reblogs and fanart and whatnot, et cetera. so even if I don't post that often, if you're new, there's lots of stuff that you can look back on.
not everyone has this degree of organization, but some of us do (I personally like being able to sort everything into little boxes and find whatever I need whenever I need it) and the fact that this is an option (in addition to complete customization, so it's basically your own personal library) is why tumblr is actually the best social-media-classified site despite its shortcomings. in this essay I will
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andbloom · 7 months
Spectra Expanded Display
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Someone used my typeface for a project!
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It’s been ages since I posted anything about this, so. I’ve actually accumulated a pretty damn full set of gear for all my swords-related activities.
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Including a second, longer and way chonkier jacket/gambeson (and some upper arm and shoulder protection, not shown here) so I’m not as bruised up as often. Yes, yes, git gud, I know, I know.
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Anyway I wish I could just wear pants like these all the time. Obviously what is really important in life is that this is a comfy pose to hang out in.
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astrito · 11 months
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crimson, merlot, and scarlet ? 👀
crimson: if you could have only one photo or poster on your wall, what would it be?
ok so for context my walls have like, almost no more wall. theres that much stuff on them which makes this such a hard question. i guess i'll go with one of my raoul paintings [there are currently seven in here] i need at least one emotional support raoul. or maybe kingbro winifred [small painting of a frog]
merlot: do you have any unusual fears?
uhh cannibalism. idk if its unusual as a fear but it does freak me out quite a bit. oh also zombie/borg/cybermen style assimilation scares me
scarlet: think of your favourite genre. what kind of media in that genre do you prefer - books, films, or tv series?
well i love adventure! and frankly its just easier to find that genre in books, i feel like they kinda stopped making adventure movies, they just kinda got turned into action movies which ARE different very different
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