#supercorp holiday
ekingstonart · 2 years
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“Did no one ever tell you, Supergirl, that it’s impolite to keep a lady waiting?”
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msdanvers · 1 year
Do you have any favorite really long supercorp one shots?
hi i’m sorry this took a while!! so first of all you should absolutely immediately read they don't love you like i love you by @searidings (M, idiots to lovers). yes, also if you have read it before. do it again
and this ask made me realize i read a lot of multichapter fics BUT here are some great one shots that are at least 15k words!!
we are what we pretend to be by @c--and--b (T, fake dating, idiots to lovers, do i need to say more)
lena luthor vs. the outdoors, by @jazzfordshire (E, mutual pining, sharing a bed)
don't let her stick it to your heart by @searidings (G, enemies AND lovers, uni professors AU)
an animal within an animal, by @mooosicaldreamz (E, sexiest fic you will read this year)
let all your damage damage me by @searidings (M, soft & sad & horny). gonna stop myself here and tell you to just read all of faye searidings’ masterpieces because they are ALL great ok. thank you
shaken by @unnecessary-database (mutual pining, friends/idiots to lovers, absolutely amazing, got distracted and reread the entire thing instead of replying to this ask)
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deadbiwrites · 1 year
While You Were Sleeping
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Lena's not entirely sure how she got into this mess.
But in it, she is.
Because now, these people think that she is, in fact, engaged to the woman in the hospital bed.
Who is in a coma.
And who Lena has never actually spoken more than two words to.
"Sometimes, Lena," her mother used to tell her with a faraway look in her eyes, "life doesn’t go how you plan.”
Lena only wishes that when her mother had imparted this wisdom, she’d made it clear that she was talking about Lena’s life, specifically.
Chapters 1, 2, 3
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The Holiday AU - More Headcanons
- while they were dating Andrea didn't like Lena being smarter than her. Like, business acumen is one thing, but her passion for science? Lame. Chess? Only *nerds* play.
- Lena tamped that side of her down, forgoing her passions to be more palatable for her girlfriend.
- she molds herself around Andrea's likes and dislikes to the point that when Andrea dumps her, Lena is bereft of both partnership and her own identity
- when she stumbles across a chess set on Alex's shelf in National City, Lena starts playing against herself, dusting off the strategic thinking and opening moves that had once been second nature
- kara sees the board mid match when she visits, and is all like "you like chess?" And Lena tries to downplay it "oh I was just messing around, it's nothing", just totally used to being judged badly for it.
- but kara is totally into it. When Lena takes her up on her offer of a game or two, Kara takes her trouncing good naturedly. Maybe even remarks how cute Lena looks when she's deep in thought. It's sexy.
- Lena is startled, but totally charmed. "Well, if you ever feel like losing again, you know where to find me."
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shipinsight · 1 year
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My secret santa gift for @rustingcat!
Thank you to @supergirlfemslashsecretsanta for organizing the exchange <3
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incorrect-supercorp · 2 years
Lena: Yeah, we just met, but I would let you fuck me if you asked.
Kara: What?
Lena: What?
Alex and Sam, in the background: *Eating popcorn*
Sam: You said you would let them fuck you if they asked.
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lovepotionnumber5 · 1 year
kara's the editor of the student newspaper. she takes it seriously.
she'd certainly never take over writing the horoscope to secretly send supportive messages to her best friend.
that would be ridiculous.
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formsofcontinuity · 1 year
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chapter 1: partridge
“Did you know,” Kara alights on Lena’s balcony Christmas morning with a snap of her cape, words already out of her mouth before she’s fully landed, “that partridges are ground foragers? I mean, they can fly, but still, they spend most of their time on the ground!”
Lena has been waiting by the sliding door into her loft since Kara texted a few minutes ago to say she was on her way. The blonde’s hair is windswept, her eyes sparkling despite the mild annoyance in her voice. It’s unseasonably cold in National City this week, a place where Christamasses are often 70 and sunny, and Kara’s cheeks are rosy, though Lena’s still not clear on how much her Kryptonian best friend even feels the drop in temperature. 
As usual, Kara looks unfairly beautiful. 
“Merry Christmas to you, too,” Lena responds dryly, breath catching as Kara strides into her personal space and begins to rub her hands vigorously up and down over the thin fabric of Lena’s long-sleeved blouse without preamble.
“Lena! Aren’t you freezing?” 
“I’ve been out here for all of two minutes.”
“It’s forty degrees.” Kara hasn’t stopped rubbing, her eyes searching Lena’s face for signs of, what, frostbite?
“Kara, darling, I’m fine.” Lena stops one of Kara’s hands with her own. She stills immediately, eyes flicking to their joint touch before she looks up again, sheepish…and cute, so cute. Kara drops her hands to her sides. Regret pricks at Lena, who suddenly feels very cold indeed. Instead of shivering, she laughs. “Come on in. What were you saying about partridges?” 
Kara dutifully follows her into the living room, dematerializing her suit. 
“I was saying that partridges are ground foragers.” 
“Did you know?”
“Yes, I actually think I did know that. Lex used to hunt them.”
Kara scrunches up her nose adorably in distaste. “But they’re so cute!”
"They are." Lena tries for a straight face, with little success. “This wouldn’t have to do with the song, would it?”
“You know, I’ve wondered about that song my whole life–well, my whole Earth life–but it only just occurred to me to look it up and,” Kara puts her hands on her hips in manufactured outrage, but her pout is ruining the effect, more Superpuppy than Supergirl, "partridges don't nest in trees. A partridge would not be very happy in a tree."
"I doubt they even like pears." Lena turns her head to grin at Kara as she strolls toward the kitchen, egging her on. 
The apartment is sans decorations except for a large tree that her friend had insisted on bringing by last week, bulbs and ornaments hung erratically even though Lena had carefully picked out a color scheme of dark greens and golds, baubles bought at the store in advance of Kara’s arrival and presented to the blonde with an aggrieved air that they both knew was for show. But Kara had brought a bag of ornaments, too–some plucked from her own tree, some new she’d chosen especially (“Lena, look, I couldn’t resist. It’s a microscope. And here’s a little cat wearing a Christmas bow tie…)--and Lena had been powerless to say no, even as she watched her modest decorating schema deranged by a laughing snowman, dog Santa, and surfing reindeer.
This is their dance. All these years playing the same game: Lena trying to maintain her taciturn cool facade as Kara whirled in and disrupted everything. Except now Lena is willing to admit to herself that she wants to be disrupted, that the Kara whirlwind, that all of this, all of her, is everything she's ever wanted. It had taken her five years to admit it to herself; maybe, in another five, she’d tell Kara. 
"I think," Lena hedges, "it's supposed to be a religious metaphor," but Kara is already shaking her head as she pours herself a cup of coffee and mixes in copious cream and sugar, fully at home and moving around Lena's kitchen, around Lena, who's pulling biscuits from the oven, with practiced ease. A little trill goes through Lena at the domesticity of it all.
"No, no metaphors. I'm taking the song at face value, and I don't approve."
"The partridge is hardly the most asinine part of 'Twelve Days of Christmas'."
"You're right, but it's the first. It's what I'm supposed to– I mean, it's supposed to be a significant first gift, and it's a lie."
"I'm sorry, Kara." Lena chuckles, then resumes setting the table for their planned breakfast, a task she’d interrupted to stand watch at her balcony door–even though Kara was certainly capable of letting herself in.  
Kara takes her coffee and flops down in front of the tree, turning her gaze to Lena incredulously. 
“Are we eating at the table?”
Was that a trick question? “Yes?”
“It’s Christmas.”
"That…Is that a non sequitur?"
"It's best to eat breakfast in front of the tree on Christmas, Lena."
"Oh? It's best? According to whom, exactly?" To keep up appearances, Lena has to protest, but she's already sliding the coffee table closer to the tree, depositing her own coffee cup on a coaster. 
"Actually, it's mandatory." 
"Well, in that case," Lena tosses her hands up in defeat, "what choice do I have?"
Before she can backtrack for dishes and the food, Kara catches Lena's hand. For one long, ineffable moment, they just look at each other, fingers loosely tangled, Lena's heartbeat rapid, like a bird's. She thinks about those partridges, minding their own business in the high grass and then a single unfamiliar rustle, a strange scent on the breeze, sends them up, up into the air. Away to safety, maybe, but also vulnerable. Out in the open with the breeze ruffling their feathers, they're more liable to be seen, to be found, to be hurt.
Gently, Kara squeezes Lena's fingers before releasing her. Her voice takes on a serious tone. "I'm only letting you go if you promise to come back." She pauses, then adds, a smirk curling her lips, "With food. Come back with food."
And Lena does. She brings the bacon and biscuits and these delectable little egg bites she made from a Martha Stewart recipe, pleased when Kara's eyes widen in excitement. Lena settles onto the floor beside her, their bodies making multiple points of contact–arms, hips, thighs–as the blonde leans over to fill her plate. 
"I guess we're the ground foragers now," Lena offers while they eat, staring into the agonizing and glorious chaos of her tree. It's a half-joke, her uneasy attempt to make normal the feeling that her heart is flying free and wild and out of her chest for all to see. 
Later, they'll exchange presents, but the way Kara laughs just then, genuine and joyful, bumping Lena's shoulder with her own–that's the gift Lena's still thinking about hours later. That's the one that matters most. 
To be continued...
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leighlew3 · 6 months
Give yourself a Holiday treat. Enjoy laughing your ass off.
I love the SC fandom.
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trulygrey · 1 year
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jtl07 · 2 years
Supercorptober 2022 Day 27: October
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(I'm not even making these up)
[Supercorptober 2022 prompts]
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mylesficfavs · 1 year
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jazzfordshire · 1 year
no rush getting the updates finished!!! i’ll be equally excited if it takes longer than that. hope you enjoy your holidays :))
Thank you!!! My girl has her Christmas onesie on and we are snugly waiting out the rest of this storm before we head north tomorrow morning so I am FEELING THE SPIRIT
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The Holiday AU Headcanons
- Veronica is Andrea's new girlfriend, which cuts Lena agonizingly deep because Andrea has heard Lena describing all the ways Veronica was awful to her in boarding school and made her life a living hell
- Alex's reason to escape NC is twofold-- the first reason is that her fiancee Maggie cheated on her. In the ensuing argument, Maggie declares that she needed a break from being someone's "first". The second reason is that Alex is an FBI agent on the edge of burnout from working to get a promotion for which she's repeatedly passed over.
- Kara is a successful artist who also on the side teaches beginner art classes to both kids and adults. She pops over to Alex's house while she's gone (and Lena is there) to collect some paints she accidentally left behind the last time she was there.
- Alex's decision to house swap was so impulsive she didn't even tell Kara before leaving, leading to an awkward standoff where Kara is confused, Lena is confused, and Alex gets a call from her guest asking why someone claiming to be her sister is at the door.
- Afterwards, Kara introduces herself properly, and ultimately declines to go inside to get her paints. Because Lena came for a break, to relax, and Kara doesn't want to infringe on that. She can get them when Alex gets back.
- Lena is secretly disappointed, because Kara is beautiful and incredibly charming, and Lena is *into it*.
- Lena also finds a meaningful connection with.... someone. Not sure who. I really liked Kate Winslet's connection to the old guy composer in the film, so I would want something with similar impact. Maybe someone who knew her birth mom? Idk. Not magic related tho. This is a no powers au.
- Maggie comes over to make amends (superficially), and Lena is the one who receives her. She miiiiiiight let Maggie believe she's Alex's new girlfriend.
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autisticlenaluthor · 1 year
I can't promise I will get to all of them but I reeeeeally want to write at least one christmas and or Hanukkah ficlet this year so im opening my inbox to prompts again!!
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msdanvers · 2 years
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@pscentral​ event 09: comfort ↳ comfort fics [supercorp]
i’ll be your west coast, honey by @thebluewritingbench
don’t go slow ‘cause you’re gonna be someone by @i-am-robie​ㅤ
stay the night by @lynnearlington
it’s all happenin’ at the zoo by @searidings​
there’s a big old moon shining down at night by @jazzfordshire​
we are what we pretend to be by @c--and--b​ㅤ ㅤ
she shines me up like gold on my arm by @itllsetyoufree
kryptonian tradition, or something like it by @sapphic-luthor
you & me & holiday wine by @ekingston  
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