#sub vs. dub
marshmallowgoop · 9 months
I combined footage from my Detektiv Conan Blu-ray with audio from my Case Closed FUNimation DVD and made an HD English dub clip compilation for Episodes 57-58, "The Holmes Freak Murder Case."
#detective conan#case closed#video#funimation english dub script#i wasn't actually gonna post this video to tumblr because it's so long (because i have a lot of feelings about this case!)#but folks on discord liked it and i'm all about my funi dub propaganda so why not right?#the dub script here is just so fun--and does so well at making the dialogue *work* and sound natural in english#and has so much flavor! it does arguably too much in terms of creative liberties but things like#'can i really trust what a kid saw?' of the sub translation compared to 'and what were you smoking before you ran out there?' in the dub#are much more enjoyable to me#(other fun phrasings: 'the one who's always hangin' around you guys' (sub) vs. 'the little-bitty one with the great big brain!' (dub))#(and 'of course not! the reason i applied for this tour was 'cuz i thought i might find kudo' (sub))#(vs. 'who me? no no no. actually i signed up because i was hoping to run into jimmy here. but i guess i'm out of luck' (dub))#(and so many more! this script just has so much character)#and while it is a shame that the dub eliminated heiji's accent i do like the changed line ('i know it's you!')#'cause you've met shinichi *once* heiji lol#but yeah this is a fun case! i'm really happy to have finally hd'd the funi dub for it :')#one of my favorite things about the funi dub is that jerry jewell (shinichi's va) voices conan's thoughts#and it's so nice to hear *shinichi* and heiji deducting together (and the way they finish each other's thoughts and vibe... it gets to me)
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theotherpacman · 2 months
watching death note w english dub "kira" sounds like a name but watching death note in the original japanese it really really does just sound like they're saying the english word "killer" in a japanese accent. which reminds you that they Are
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Daughter Daddies - 10-Year Time Skip - Sub vs Dub Comparison
I’m going to make a proper post for both Episodes 11 and 12, but I wanted to make a short, separate post for the Daughter Daddies segment of Buddy Daddies in Episode12. Having watched this scene in both sub and dub, I’m thinking the disconnect that some people are getting from the character interactions here are from a combination of two things:
1. The one degree of separation that comes about from listening to one language but reading the interaction in another. We know which characters are saying what words and we can see the way the characters are emoting and interacting with each other, but there is still a disconnect with the language being spoken and the translation being read.
2. The sub translations for Buddy Daddies have been extremely good. But having watched the series both subbed and dubbed, I feel that the dub translation comes out a bit more on top. I think that comes from the fact that there is a little more freedom and wiggle room to work with and dub translations tend to fit spoken language better/more, while sub translations tend to lean more into written language and direct translations a bit more. In most cases, these differences don’t really matter, but with this 10 Year Time Skip scene in Buddy Daddies, I really do think it makes all the difference.
And I think that disconnect that some people feel from that time skip scene is due to the combination of these two factors. It resulted in the sub not really being able to capture the back-and-forth/play off of each other nature of Kazuki, Rei, and Miri in the scene that the English dub is able to properly capture. There is a flow there between the three characters that you can hear in the Japanese, but can’t quite see happening in the subtitles. 
I’ll try to show that aspect as clearly as I can in this comparison post, but I also highly suggest just giving the Daughter Daddies segment in Ep. 12 a watch in the English dub to really see (and hear) what I mean. 
Anyway, let’s dive in!
There really isn’t much difference in the scene where Miri is up in her room and Kazuki calls her down, so I’ll start with when Miri is down in the diner area with Kazuki and Rei.
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Sub Miri: Papa Rei! Papa Kazu! Ta-dah! (Rei & Kazu: Oh!) Well?
Sub Rei: A high school student.
Sub Miri: Bingo!
Dub Miri: Papa Rei! Papa Kazuki! Ta-dah! (Rei: Nice!, Kazu: Hey!) How do I look?
Dub Rei: Like a high school student.
Dub Miri: Ding-ding-ding! (They had her say this with the Santa snow art scene too).
Thoughts: It’s small, but the addition of Kazuki and Rei actually say things like “Nice!” and “Hey!” (a “Hey” like in “Hey! Looking good!”) and having Miri ask specifically how she looks, instead of just “Well” and having that question be connected to Rei’s answer with “Like” instead of just “A high school student” helps with the flow and connectiveness of the scene.
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Sub Kazu: I’m so glad you didn’t break bad! 
Sub Miri: What in the heck?
Dub Kazu: I’m so relieved that you never ended up breaking bad!
Dub Miri: Huh? Breaking bad...?
Thoughts: It’s small, but by having Miri repeat the “breaking bad” part as a question also helps with that flow I was talking about above and with it feeling like a more connected conversation.
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Sub Kazu: When you’re a parent, there’s so much to worry about. The ten years I spent since opening this diner really paid off!
Dub Kazu: You don’t know what it’s like! Parents have so much to worry about! That’s why I decided to open this diner ten years ago, and devote my life to honest work for your sake.
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Sub Rei: Honest work?
Sub Miri: Didn’t you slip out yesterday to go drinking with a girl again?
Sub Kazu: That doesn’t count!
Dub Rei: Really?
Dub Miri: I seem to recall someone cutting out early yesterday to go drinking with the ladies.
Dub Kazu: Sorry, what was that?
Thoughts: In the Japanese, Rei does parrot back, “Honest work?” like he does in the sub, but I feel that comes across a bit differently than it does in English. Here the “Really?” sounds a bit more teasing and being more general, and feels less accusatory in nature, more just disbelieving about Kazuki’s statement in general. 
Meanwhile, Miri’s English dub statement clarifies that the doubt that both Rei and Miri express in regards to “honest work” is very specifically about the fact that Kazuki left work early, not that he was drinking with a lady or ladies. Also, Miri saying “drinking with the ladies,” makes it clear that he was likely at a Fairy Lips like establishment and really just out for drinks with them. Not on a date with a lady in particular or anything like that.
The Fairy Lips establishment worked in a similar way as a hostess bar, just with a gambling aspect as well, so nothing sexual (as in sexual acts) are actually allowed (though, I have no doubt that they do sometimes happen at establishments like that). But the true appeal of those places are the illusions of sex and just female company in general. 
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Sub Rei: Miri. Eat.
Dub Rei: Eat up, Miri. 
Thoughts: By having Rei say, “Eat up, Miri,” instead of just “Miri. Eat,” the feel comes off less like a command and more like a general statement that the food is ready for her to eat. There’s a softness to “Eat up, Miri.” Still a command in some ways, but gentler. I also think that in English, one word verbal commands always come off as could and harsh on some level, while in Japanese having a verb just existing on its own is way more common and therefore doesn’t hold the same sort of feel to it. Of course, since we know Rei as a character, we also know that Rei doesn’t mean anything harsh by “Miri. Eat,” but there is likely still a left over feeling of coldness or distance there.
The Rei and Miri exchange of her saying thanks for the food, him asking her how it is, and her saying it’s yummy as always is pretty much the same as the sub without any substantial changes or differences. Basically, nothing worth mentioning here.
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Sub Kazu: I’m glad you got a signature dish with that toast, but shouldn’t you expand your repertoire a little?
Sub Rei: But why?
Sub Kazu: Ever the one-trick pony...
Sub Miri: Hey, it’s fine! Since Papa Rei’s the best!
Dub Kazu: Listen, I know the toast is your signature dish, and that’s great, but shouldn’t you expand your repertoire?
Dub Rei: What for?
Dub Kazu: You are such a one-trick pony.
Dub Miri: Hey! There’s nothing wrong with that. The important thing is that his one-trick pony is yummy!
Thoughts: The use of “listen,” and “that’s great” definitely makes Kazuki’s statement to Rei feel more like general constructive criticism, while Miri’s words in the dub come off more like a warm teasing (like this is possibly a conversation that they’ve had before, lol). Kazuki’s “You are such a one-trick pony” statement also comes off more as more as a warm, sentimental line sort of thing.
The sub translation comes off a bit colder. The way Kazuki’s first line is structured sounds more like just general criticism, as does the “ever” part in his one-trick pony line. Miri’s line as feels less connected, even though it is still on topic, so the comradery feel found in the dub is less present. Of course, tone also matters here and I think the dub really allows for the more teasing and warm tone of the scene to come across than the sub does since, as I mentioned, there is a bit of a disconnect with subs that isn’t as present with dubs.
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Sub Kazu: It’s fine like this, right?
Sub Miri: It’s not! Come on, we’re family!
Sub Rei: Family?
Sub Kazu: Can’t be helped, right?
Sub Rei: Hey-!
Dub Kazu: Can’t we make it work like this?
Dub Miri: No way! C’mon, we’re family, aren’t we?
Dub Rei: Well, are we?
Dub Kazu: Get over here, you big lug!
Dub Rei: Hey-!
Thoughts: The dub translation makes things a bit clearer by adding more words and context. In the sub, Kazuki just questions, “It’s fine like this” but what is meant by “it”? The dub line makes the “it” easier to figure out. Adding “can’t we,” “make,” and “work” together with the it makes it clear that the “it” here is referring specifically to the photo arrangement that they had going on (Kazuki and Rei on either side of Miri).
Miri’s lines are largely the same, but by adding “aren’t we?” to the end of it, and then having Rei parrot that with a “well” in front of it, gives a feeling of Rei and Miri sort of coming together in solidarity on this, a little teasing on their end. And Kazuki just going all in on it, with the dub giving him a line that implies a lot of sentimentality on Kazuki’s part towards Rei. “Big lug” is a term of endearment, and implies someone (usually a man) with a strong physique, but a gentle personality, which does fit Rei. 
The Japanese does have Kazuki saying the Japanese equivalent of “can’t be helped,” but...A lot of Japanese translators view that translation of the phrase as being overused and not necessarily the best translation all the time based on situation and context. And this would be one situation and context where I think it doesn’t quite work. 
Kazuki is being put on the spot by both Rei and Miri, “we are a family, right,” him saying otherwise wouldn’t be right and they all know that, while Miri has made it clear that they can’t do their usual photo arrangement, they have to try something new. So, yes, in a sense there is “no helping” the situation. But by the way Kazuki latches onto Rei,bringing him into a one-armed hug, and the huge smile on his face, we know this isn’t a sort of ‘-sigh- can’t be helped!’ kind of situation that that phrase often implies in English.
The dub translation of choosing to translate that as “Get over here, you big lug!” easily implies that Kazuki has accepted this new arrangement for their photo and that they are, of course, a family. The dub has Kazuki use a slangy term of endearment, because that is within his personality. He uses slang and overfamiliar grammar and words, so he would say something like that.
I think the dub does a great job of capturing this new change in the Kurusu family! <3 
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
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I just found the perfect reaction pic to spam at people who refuse to watch non-English language films and undubbed anime because "reading is too much work" or whatever
btw I'm not calling out people with processing disorders or anything like that, just people who proudly have never watched anything in a language other than English because they don't want to expand their horizons
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I have a crush on him and I can’t help it
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Please let me know if you guys would like me to do more of these bc I have some in my drafts
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winchester101 · 9 months
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I personally never moved past this
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Oof, I found a BIG difference between the Japanese and English version here, and honestly I feel like it’s a pretty heavy error. In Japanese, Takao says “when I thought you all abandoned me, all I thought about was how I was the champ, and I lost sight of myself. I lost horribly and was frustrated. But now, it’s different! It’s not all about winning and losing,” indicating that he felt bad about being so self absorbed and only caring about being the champion. Whereas in the English dub, what he says instead is “I came here to win, and that’s what I’m gonna do. My plan was to three-peat as the world champ, and I’ve come too far to let anyone or anything stand in my way. That means you’re going down, Kai!” The English dub completely got rid of his positive character development and made it sound like he’s still self absorbed and only cares about being the champ. 😭
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clannfearrunt · 8 months
youtube anti adblock can't stop me from being unproductive I have *checks files* 444 episodes of anime on my computer and thousands more if I venture out into the world wide web. i should be watching death note
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danshive · 1 year
I might revisit anime dubs.
I prefer subs and want to practice Japanese, buuut sometimes I just want background noise I understand 100% of instead of MAYBE 5%.
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riddlerlesbian · 1 year
my favorite part of yugioh gx is when THE chazz shouts "it's chazzering time!" and chazzes all over the place
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oifaaa · 1 month
actually i prefer mexican dubs to american english dubs because they're more faithful to the Japanese script (usually)
My friend you have missed the point doesn't matter if you are watching sub or dub or reading the manga unless its in the og Japanese your getting a translation English Spanish Portuguese Irish they're all very different from Japanese they all change things to make it make sense its also good to point out that it's not one translator for one language there are multiple people whose job it is to translate and they also deserve to be rated on their own merits anyway if you enjoy the Mexican dub over the American English good for you you don't have to try and justify it just enjoy the show how you enjoy it
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dead-dove-dolly · 11 months
"Oh, Dubbed animes are the same as the dubbed animes! You can watch either one, you'll be watching the same thing!"
Newer anime MIGHT BE MORE ACCURATE in the dub, sure! But older anime? No. Some hot localized and mistranslated so bad, they are completely different.
Newer anime fans, I beg of you, WATCH YU-GI-OH. WATCH BOTH THE ENGLISH DUB AND THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE. OH, HOW ABOUT YOU WATCH THE SEASON THAT NEVER GOT AN ENGLISH DUB! SEASON 0! In which we see some pretty gruesome shit, especially those last few episodes with Bakura, where Yami Bakura literally stabs the sharper parts of the millennium ring into Bakura's chest! Oh, and stabs his hand on a DND castle.
I'm so serious, the dub of Yu-Gi-Oh took out SO MUCH. They cut at least 40 Episodes! The Shadow Realm wasn't even a fucking thing in the original! You just straight up died! Never forget that Marik developed DID from extreme trauma because his father carved a tattoo into his back with a burning knife! Amongst so much more.
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How about Yu-Gi-Oh GX! Where 4!Kids literally took out the LGBT+ rep! And 40+ episodes to boot, an entire season that gave context to Yubel and Jaden's relationship! How about the fact the protag is bi or pan, is poly, and has a NONBINARY LOVE INTEREST AND A MALE LOVE INTEREST! Oh, don't forget, they made the nonbinary Duel Monster spirit a female in the English dub.
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I'm begging you, PLEASE, if you're going to watch older anime, especially those dubbed by 4!Kids, just watch the original Japanese instead. It is NOT the same thing.
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matt0044 · 2 months
"Only 12 Voice Actors"
The "only 12 voice actors" thing in anti-dub circles is frustrating because I've seen animation that only had a limited amount of actors to spread across multiple character. And a lot of them are damn impressive with all that they've had to work with.
Monsuno only had Cam Clarke, Chris Corey Smith, Karen Straussman, Kirk Thorton and Keith Silverstein. Each played one of the five man band protagonist group but also had to play many of the characters either reoccurring or one-offs.
Code Lyoko, a childhood favorite, only had nine voice actors to spread across the show. Aelita and Jeremie, the main couple were both played by Sharon Mann. David Gasman played William and Jim among many other supporting or one-off cast members.
But going back to Anime, it's actually exceedingly rare these days for any dub to have two characters share the exact same voice actors. You only get double casting when it's with maaaaaaybe a random extra but even then, there's additional voice credits for other VAs.
Hell, it's surprising given how dubs aren't known for going for high paying rates. If they wanted to cheap out, they could legit go with a limited amount just for main roles. Yet each character has one voice actor these days.
Buuuuuuut the anti-dub crowd doesn't know about this because it would run against their viewpoint of what they hate passionately. Like... the fact that they think that it's only FUNimation and that they have a "clique" of select voice actors is amazing.
Like... maybe a lot of voice actors get a lot of roles across these dubs because they are good at their jobs. Additionally... it is their job to get a role that can pay period. If they don't voice act, they're not doing their job. Which is to voice act. Ah, doy!
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies E8 - Sub vs. Dub Comparison:
I did this for Episode 7 as well. I want to start with the most interesting difference in the Episode 8 dub vs sub, then I’ll go into some other changes that are still intriguing in their changes, but not quite to the same level.
Okay, so, first up: Satoru’s Last Words
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Sub: I’m on my way. Dub: My love, I’ll see you soon.
Of course, hearing anyone’s last words is an incredibly special (as in, like sacred) and intimate thing. But, “My love, I’ll see you soon,” is extra intimate. And since Satoru and Rei are being paralleled in a way, with Kazuki and Miri paralleling his significant other...oof.
Let’s move over to some more amusing lines. Like this one from the dub taken out of context: Oh, yeah!? That’s interesting, because I don’t seem to recall hearing any complaints at the time! 
Context: Kazuki to Rei after Rei told him that kinda sucked as a hitman when they first started working together.
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Okay, now let’s go back to the start of the episode and work through this in a more linear way. 
Miss Anna’s Song:
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In the sub, we get “Close your hands! Open your hands!” though, technically it should be “Open, shut them! Open, shut them!” (or “Close them, open them!”) since that is the song she is singing here:
(Video of the Japanese Song: むすんでひらいて - Musundehiraite)
But the English dub chose Jack and Jill, likely to make it sound more diabolical: “Jack fell down! And broke his crown!” lol
Shigeki (Rei’s Father) : 
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A lot of the dub lines hold more assertiveness and sound more emotionally manipulative than the sub lines. The dub lines also tend to come off more distant/cold sounding than the sub lines (though, those are plenty cold too, the dub lines are just icy!)
Some examples:
Sub: The time may have come. Dub: I think it’s time.
The sub is in passive voice, while the dub is in active voice, so more assertive and certain in tone.
Sub: Return to this home. Dub: I want you to move back here.
The sub uses the word “home,” the dub does not. And while both are commands, the dub is centering Shigeki’s wants, while the sub is more of a general command. Going back to the use of the word home, when I worked as an ESL teacher and was preparing my students for the Eiken exams (English placement exams), one of the things I would focus on where the small, nuanced differences between English words. Since that could make or break student’s understanding of long texts or in the multiple choice vocabulary section. 
House vs. Home is a good example of this. House is the place where we physically live, while our home is the place where we not only live, but where we have people waiting for us that love and care for us. 
In Japanese, Shigeki uses 家 (ie) which means “house, residence, dwelling,” but can also mean “family, household.” It holds a colder mean in this way than 家族 (kazoku) does, which also means “family,” but more in a way similar to the difference between “house” and “home.” The dub really captures the colder, commanding aspect of Shigeki demanding Rei return to the here, not to his home but to the residence and household he left. 
We see similar coldness with the dub deciding to say: “carry on that name” instead of “carry on your family” like the sub went with. In this case though, I can understand why they went with both options, since “family” ties in with the family aspect, while “name” in this sense also denotes “family,” it just sounds colder and more distant.
The emotional manipulation of Shigeki comes across more intensely and clearer in the dub. The two examples of this are:
Sub: You belong here with us. Dub: Of course not, because the place where you belong is here with us.
The sub feels more like a general statement, while the dub line involves denying any thoughts of Rei actually leaving and reaffirming that the place he belongs is with the Organization. Not anywhere else.
Sub: You’d better not betray my expectations. Dub: You know how I feel about betrayal, don’t you, Rei?
The sub does still convey the underlining threat aspect that is present in the dub line too. But the dub line as an emotional aspect to it (”how I feel about”) that highlights more of how Shigeki has emotionally controlled Rei over the years, since the wording (and tone of how it was stated in the dub) makes it feel like this is a underhanded threat that Shigeki has made to Rei before.
After all, the dub also translated the bit when Kazuki is telling Miri about why Rei left his “home” with the Organization.
Sub: I guess rebelling against his dad was part of the reason he left home. Dub: I think that’s a big part of why he left home. He finally had enough of his father controlling his life, and decided to take a stand.
Subs always have to be a bit more concise in how they word things because of word limits and the like, so that is a factor here as well. But the dub really gets across the point that Rei was being emotionally controlled and manipulated by his father, something we see in the conversation taking place at the same time Kazuki is explaining this in slightly kinder words to Miri. The sub makes it sound more like teen rebellion or something similar to that. Of course, we can tell from the visuals (like the state Rei was in at the time Kazuki first met him) that it was far more than just that.
We know that Rei’s father has had Rei view him as his “Boss” since he was a child. But, interestingly, Shigeki is still able to read Rei fairly well. In the sub, Shigeki was able to pick up on Rei’s dislike at the thought of returning back to the Organization and taking over, stating: “You don’t like that?” The dub changes that line to “We had a deal, right?” Which kinda fits back into that emotional manipulation aspect that the dub really went into with Shigeki. 
However, the dub does show this more perceptive side of Shigeki, in regards to reading Rei in this bit:
Sub: It seems you’ve formed pointless ties. Dub: And yet, it seems there’s something holding you back.
The dub definitely alludes to reading Rei’s character and what he isn’t saying, and adding a bit more of an emotional aspect to the “ties” Rei has made (Kazuki and Miri).
Shigeki’s threats come off with a little more bit and weight to them in the dub as well, with him stating: “Over the years I’ve learned ow to deal with bad influences,” and “If that’s what needs to be done here, I can certainly---”
That last line was the one he says that causes Rei to cut him off and tell him that Kazuki has nothing to do with this.
This post is already long (and gets longer, lol), so I’ll put the rest under a Read More. Under the Read More, I talk about Ryo, Miri, Kazuki, and Rei’s lines.
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Now let’s take a look at some of Ryo’s lines and dialogues here. I feel the dub lines makes his thoughts come across a bit better (as in clearer and more natural, not like, in a good way) than in the sub. That’s what a good dub translation should do, since the focus is on making the dialogue sound more like natural, spoken language.
So, first we have Ryo calling Satoru the target in the dub, instead of that man like he does in the sub and Japanese That definitely comes off as a bit colder, makes it clearer how he doesn’t really view humans as humans.
The dub also makes him like 100x creepier when he asks Rei why he kills. In the sub he asks Rei, “For fun?” But in the dub he asks, “For pleasure?” in a really goosebumps inducing way. Also, pleasure always has this added sexual connotation and nuance to it that fun doesn't, and the way the line was delivered, i definitely think that was what they were aiming us to get the implication of with that line.
Other dub lines that just clarify his mindset are things like him saying “Out of curiosity” instead of “For the concept,” when explaining his reason. He goes on further to say, “What’s not so clear to me, is why people exist.” And then he finishes with “Such intriguing questions” instead of “I speculate on the answers.” The dub still gives him that edgelord aspect that the sub does as well, but the way he explains it feels more natural and conversational.
Of course, there is something to be said about how the dub lines feel more human, while the sub makes Ryo sound far less human in his conceptualizations. Either way, looking closely at Shigeki and Ryo’s conversations really does show how the two are very similar in how they view their job and the business from a less human perspective. Shigeki from a more contractual POV and Ryo from a more conceptual POV. 
Kazuki, Miri, and Rei:
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I’m going to devote this last section to Kazuki, Miri, and Rei’s lines. 
With Miri, the dub makes it extremely clear that she learned the phrase, “Men are a mystery” from her mother. The dub also added in a line with Kazuki asking her if she learned it from TV lol.
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They also have Miri’s English VA say her last line (outside of the Birthday Song) as she is walking away from the table and towards the couch to sleep within a yawn. So you can’t really make out what she says (unlike in the Japanese and subs). It helps to show just how exhausted Miri is.
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Kazuki is also pretty savage to Rei in the dub, lol. A lot of the lines are very similar to their sub counterparts, but there are slight differences that make them a bit more sassy, imo. Like the word order as well, which I’ll explain a bit more in a second. Some examples:
- Listen, just be back by dinner. Are you able to handle that much?
- He’s not really sad that’s just what his face looks like.
- ‘Back by dinner,’ I believe I said.
- Hey, you! What in the hell dumbass?!
- Rei: Look, you don’t understand --- Kazuki: You’re right! I don’t! Now get in!
- Look, asshole, Miri was upset... (The sub started with “Miri was upset” and ended with “you forced my hand, asshole.” I think changing the order makes Kazuki’s line a bit more savage in the dub though.)
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Instead of having Rei say that Kazuki is “overprotective,” the dub goes with “Always going too far.” Both lines are true to Kazuki’s character, though the “going too far” one is interesting, especially in regards to anything that might happen in these remaining episodes (11 - 13).
Rei tells Kazuki in the dub that “I didn’t really see a point in saying anything” instead of “I didn’t think saying it would change anything,” in regards to Kazuki’s lack of hitmen skills (in the more gunmanship way, I would imagine). This is one change where I think the sub line works better, since it continues the theme of “change” that’s brought up here (first with Satoru, then here with Rei, and then again at the end of the car ride scene, where Rei asks Kazuki if he thinks they can change. That line is left largely the same in the dub though).
Finally, I just really love how the dub worded the part where Rei talks about Kazuki cleaning his apartment:
But, then one day, I looked up, and noticed you were cleaning the place.
I don’t know, it makes it almost seem like Rei suddenly “woke up,” and I feel this wording by the dub really captures what Ayase mentioned the title of the OP is about - the SHOCK of someone coming into your life and changing it. That feel of being like shocked awake by love and care, that sort of feeling.
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icantthinkwell · 3 months
Watching the dungeon meshi Dub and seeing Dub v Sub discourse again makes me so tired. I mean, it's mainly on Reddit from what I've seen. Shocker.
I really don't care if someone likes subs, its their own taste. But it just boils my blood to see these people say that the English voice actors suck. That ALL English voice actors suck. I agree that the one or two dubs or VAs they actually like are good, even great. But it's so upsetting to see people insult such amazing voice actors. You don't have to like them. You don't have to like dubs in general. But another thing that upsets me is that they make other people who like subs look so bad.
Anyway, can you tell I like SungWon Cho as a voice actor a lot.
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just realized Ino Takuma and Mahito have the same dub voice actor and now I can’t listen to the show the same …
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