#stranger things hivemind
magic-of-camelot · 1 year
Hawkins Library is the Hivemind's Center
Season 1:
When Will is captured, he is taken to the library. The library is pretty far from Castle Byers, so it's interesting that Vecna took him all the way there to do that ooga booga to Will and stick the vine/tendril down his throat.
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After Nancy, Jon, and Steve fought off the demogorgan, the monster escaped. We can see when Joyce and Hopper go into the UD to find Will, they find a blood trail (from the demogorgan we assume - maybe it's Will's) that leads to the library. Almost like the creature went home to heal because it was hurt...
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I'd like to point out something quickly - scenes of Jopper in the UD are juxtaposed with Nancy/Jon/Steve fighting the demogorgan, and then later Mike/El/Dustin/Lucas running from the demogorgan at the school. Considering Jopper had to get ready in hazmat suits, enter the UP, WALK from the lab to Castle Byers, WALK to the Byers' house, and then WALK into town to investigate, I think the demogorgan would have plenty of time to leave the fight at the Byers, go to heal at the library and then go to the school. Especially if time works differently in the Upside Down.
Next point: there are skeletons in the library. Since (as far as we know) the Upside Down has only been open for a week, how come there are dead bodies that have already decayed to skeletons? They were probably used as food for the creature(s) living there. Kind of like they've taken their kill home. Probably to feed the creature living in the basement (black widow theory). Barb's body has also been taken to the library (may she rest in peace).
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The library has a bell (s4, clocks, chimes, etc…). When Joyce and Jonathan are arguing in town after finding Will's body, because Joyce doesn't believe Will's really dead, the bell of the library chimes 4 times as Jonathan mentions Will's funeral. (This isn't really evidence to it being the hive center. I just wanted to include this because the library is important and we know 4 chimes represent S4s 4 gates.
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Season 2: (this is an EDIT: because I forgot to include this the first time)
As I mentioned before, I believe there is an additional monster hiding in the library basement. We can all agree that Will's painting from season 4 is foreshadowing for season 5. The dragon in his painting has 3 heads and in this game the boys play in 2x01 at the arcade, the game's character (who brandishes a sword, a lot like Mike's D&D paladin, who is also seen stabbing one of the heads in Will's painting) if fighting 1 dragon (1 dragon = 1 of the dragon heads).
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And the game is called Dragon's Lair. One of the monsters - represented as a dragon's head in Will's painting - is hiding in a lair somewhere, which I think is the library. Also, the Mind Flayer in Will's "episodes" always seems to come from a central cloud that gets closer or further away from Will depending on where Will is in Hawkins.
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FIRST: He doesn't see the MF at the arcade, but he sees the same cloud with red lightning that the MF is always around. SECOND: When he sees it at home, the Mind Flayer is further away from him than the cloud and lightning were at the arcade.. Which makes sense because the Byers' home is very far from the library and on the outskirts of Hawkins. THIRD: He sees it on Halloween. It seems closer than at the Byers', but almost the same distance as the arcade. In the Halloween episode, the Mind Flayer is shown to come out from the ground, and in each of Will's "episodes", the MF's body looks like it's attached to the ground - so it has to be coming out from somewhere. FOURTH: He sees it at the middle school, which is the time it takes hold of him (and would you look at that it was Will's fourth episode in season 2...). It's a bit closer here.
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It's tricky to know for sure about the placements of all the buildings because I don't think we have a proper official, clear map of Hawkins yet - however if you look at all the different variations, the arcade, the street they trick-or-treated on, and the middle school are all around the vicinity of the library, and the Mind Flayer is much closer to Will when he is in these places than at his house.
Season 4:
When all four gates opened, they connected at a central point - which just so happens to be at the library.
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In my opinion, when the four gates are moving, it looks like they're about to collide in the library, but just at the last moment they swerve a bit to collide right next to the library.
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I know there's a lot of discussion about the Hawkins map, but each version of the map has the library almost central in Hawkins town and as far as I'm aware this map is the only official release from the ST crew.
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In this map, the library is clearly a focal point.
Not only that, but in this wide shot of Hawkins and all the smoky destruction after the 2 days later title card in S4. There is one fire in this shot, and if you look closely at it, it's at the library.
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What's interesting is that if you check out this evidence I found, then it's suggested that Mike will die and Will is going to go missing again. After the TV reporter stops speaking, the camera lingers on Mike and Will - the only two in shot - and then it shows them looking at the library. There is a 20-30 second break between the reporter speaking where we are shown their reactions to the library. So I think somehow they're going to investigate the library, and then boom! tragedy strikes.
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That's everything for now.
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kesoo · 2 years
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Mike gets Vecna’d
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freetobeeyouandme · 7 months
The thing about the Mindflayer lore in ST is that everything keeps contradicting itself. The First Shadow is apparently like "The Mindflayer possess Henry, it's an evil alien, it's in charge, Henry is just a pawn." and that makes sense with Dustin's S4 comment that Henry's the "five star general opening gates for it"...except Henry tells El/Nancy that he shaped the MF into the spider creature we know it as, and we know it actually does look like that from Will, so that seems to be true? And then Will says it's weird to know that the whole time it has been Henry that he's felt....as if he agrees with what he's been told by El/Nancy/the others and as if that suddenly makes things make sense?
And sure maybe the MF wants Henry to think he is in charge and Will might not be able to identify the thing he's been feeling and so simply believes when he's told that was Henry. After all they did make a point of how Dustin is usually right and has a knack for conceptualizing the supernatural (except Dustin keeps getting undermined by Steve who is right also. Dustin and Robin crack the code but Steve figures out the Russians broadcast from Hawkins, Dustin says he knows where Skull Rock is, but Steve leads them there, Dustin calls Steve stupid for suggesting Vecna is a vampire but he's right Vecna is a vampiric figure!)
But then why introduce Henry at all, when in S3 the MF already had personal beef with El and it was implied (or at least I interepreted it that way back then) that it was because she foiled its plans and closed the gate on it in S2. Then S4 goes actually maybe that was the moment Henry realized he was dealing with El and that whole thing was because of what happened in the lab back then. So what is the point of the Mindflayer?
Especially when in S1/2 the Mindflayer/Demogorgon/hivemind aren't being portrayed as evil aliens but as alien animals? Like yeah the demogorgon is a vicious predator but it's being compared to a shark, Jancy lure it with blood, it's hunting! And then in S2 they make a point of how the Lab is hurting the gate by burning it to keep it from spreading and so the hivemind burrows underground and then when Will is possessed and sends those soldiers to their death he says it was because they were hurting the hivemind (i don't remember if he says "it" "him" or "us", but the point stands). And Dustin is able to form a bond with Dart because that's just an animal! If you treat it kindly it will not attack you!
So it's like, who is in charge, Henry or the Mindflayer? Who is being used? What even is the Mindflayer like we're still not sure on that, are we?
Anyway I think I might just give up and say it's both and neither. Try to make sense of that
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Maybe Will doesn’t take over the hivemind, but once he frees the monsters from it they choose to fight by his side. Not because they are forced to, but out of appreciation for Will’s display of kindness and love
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8em-em-em8 · 3 months
What about a Steddie fic where Steve doesn't dream of Eddie being still alive in the upside down but he dreams of BEING Eddie still alive in the upside down.
The catch is that they have a hive mind because of the bats and they never were dreams
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Also btw, there *are* different levels of fandom. You can just... watch a thing for fun with your brain mostly turned off and just absorb the plot as it happens without thinking. You can focus on only one plot and then be bored when your favorite character leaves the screen. You can just coast through a story and pick up only what the creators obviously wanted you to pick up and nothing else. You can notice the foreshadowing. You can notice the musical themes. You can notice the faces the background characters are making. You can overanalyze every second of the show and make predictions.
And none of those paths make anyone a bad fan? Or a bad consumer of stories? Because we pay attention to the stories that matter to us in ways that excite us?
I find that as a creator, I'm just thrilled when one person gets it. I create things assuming that most people won't pick up the very specific thing I put down. And that's not because I created it badly, but because people are so subjective. We all interact with stories with our own perspectives and talents and experiences. It's a good thing, that I might draw a sunrise and give it to someone who thinks it's a sunset, but it's still beautiful.
And quite frankly, I'm always so intrigued by the ideas people take away from my work that I never even thought of. The ideas that make so much sense, I really could have created it exactly for that reason, but I didn't. Someone took my work and gave it new meaning and then told me what that meaning was and it made me love my creation even more.
And I think we underestimate how often that happens with professional storytellers too. Alex Hirsch, who created Gravity Falls, often would read fan theories of his own story, that he himself admitted made a lot of sense even though he didn't think of it.
Idk, I just think everyone needs to calm down sometimes about What The Creator Intended or What This Scene Actually Means or What This Character Is Supposed To Teach Us. The intention is not the beginning or the end of all the beautiful things that can come from an art, stop limiting it by being so certain you're the only one who can be right. And don't be quick to blame someone else for not seeing what you saw.
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i’ve been thinking. i think the events of blood in the bayou jrwi would be corruption ritual attempt. i think there could be some flesh in there, but the whole hive mind thing. that’s so corruption
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monsterkingu · 2 years
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Like a bat out of hell, the master of puppets, et cetera et cetera.
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whynotimtired · 2 years
My Mike is Lucas, El is Dustin, and Will is Erica agenda...
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by-lers · 2 years
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steveshairychest · 2 years
I love that we all collectively agree that Eddie reads Steve the lord of the rings only for Steve to fall asleep on his chest
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magic-of-camelot · 1 year
ST: The Black Widow Theory
Disclaimer: I have pretty bad arachnophobia (just writing this is making me paranoid and I feel like things are crawling all over me) - I can't even stand to look at pictures of spiders - so I've had to rely on my friend researching for me.
I was really interested in why the creators decided to use black widow spiders in S4 because the classic use of black widow references in media doesn't exactly fit Stranger Things. They could have used a different kind of spider, or just spiders in general.
We know that Henry was obsessed with them, and later used his powers to morph the shadow monster into the shape of a spider. So what's the significance of black widows?
I think the big bad in S5 will not be Vecna or the Mind Flayer, which I think most people agree on. I think there is a creature hiding in the library's basement, and the vines and the hivemind operate as the creature's web.
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The obvious - vibrations. Will gets a tingling in his neck (his lil spidey-sense) whenever the threat of the Mind Flayer is close. But also, I think the vines represent the threads of the web. If you touch the vines, then it sends signals to the center - and I'm pretty sure someone in the show said in S4 that if you touch the vines, Vecna knows where you are - and I'm pretty sure it was Steve?? - but I couldn't find that exact moment. This isn't exactly a black widow specific thing though - just a spider thing.
IMO I think parts of the Upside Down's vine system, especially at the library, look like webbing.
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It looks like the webs have been there a while, especially in the library, and looks like a place where a spider would rest and/or lay their eggs - IMO.
I have my own theory that the library is the center of the hivemind, which I will be posting very soon. So, it would make sense that the creature stays hidden there - resting or hibernating at home like it hasn't "really woken up yet".
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Unrelated side note: something I despised is that after volume 2 was that my tik tok feed suddenly had a lot of spider related content and I was SO UNHAPPY I contemplated deleting the app.
[picture below] I would definitely say the vine system is irregular, tangled, and it looks pretty sticky.
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Black widows, as stated above, live in a nest near the ground, in "dark, undisturbed areas". Like under a desk, furniture, or…………. a basement.
When Henry found the nest of black widows - he found them under the floorboards in his house. A nice, dark, undisturbed area. [insert the creepy cgi'd spiders that crawl onto henry's hand after he stuck his hand in the nest].
I think there is probably a basement or something equivalent in the library where this big creature resides. It's dark, it's in the ground, and it's completely undisturbed. Maybe it's even boarded off in the real world - so definitely undisturbed. I can imagine the gang investigating it in S5 and it's just DUSTY as heck.
What I found most interesting if you can't tell by the red highlight, is that black widows hang upside down near the center of its web until something wanders in and gets stuck in the web.
Hangs upside down = literal reference to the Upside Down. Near the center = the library is the hive centre [my theory is here].
There is also constant use of the Wheeler's basement throughout the seasons to constantly have us thinking of basements.
TL;DR - The big bad monster for season 5 is hiding in the library basement in the Upside Down like a black widow spider would do in its nest.
ALSO…..! Something bad is going to happen to Will and Mike at the library is season 5 - please check my evidence here and again here in my hivemind theory.
Is this... library gate?
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bylertruther · 1 year
the byIer fandom really is a hivemind bc every time i think i came up with a cool fic idea i'll eventually see posts or fics from other writers spring up showing tht we all had the same exact idea down to even the same exact nitty-gritty details and headcanons for them without ever interacting with each other at all. like... bro. 💀 We're Connected..
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blush-and-books · 2 years
joe quinn: *makes "how did they know" joke when interviewer asked about eddie and Steve*
steddies: omg say it king he totally knew what he was doing with that and he knows we love it!! joe you're amazing omg omg look at him he loves steddie you guys he intended for it to happen
joe quinn also: *comments that him and grace acknowledged that their characters had a base level of trust that he interpreted in a romantic way*
steddies: oh my god poor baby doesn't know what he's talking about. well now im going to go cyberbully an actress for enjoying the character that she played😌
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Speaking my truth. I think destroying the Upside Down would be lame
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
she likes the boys in the band (i'm her all time favorite) - ch 1
Clutching the flier he’d picked up off the street tight in his fist, Steve isn’t sure if it or being friends with Robin was the worse idea. "Robin! I can literally hear your thoughts. Which is at least one thing we've experienced together that is weirder than this."
In the relative safety of the Family Video, it was still hard to ignore the wakes that Starcourt left behind. He had adjusted for the most part to the constant behind the ear pressure of his fancy new hearing aid that the government had given him. Just like he’d adjusted to the glasses and contacts he had to wear to bring the world back into focus. He hadn’t adjusted to the feeling of both his hearing aid and his glasses on his ears, but he didn’t need Robin anymore to put his contacts in for him in the morning before work.
Really the hearing and vision loss were a small price to pay for everyone making it out of that bunker alive. Steve would sacrifice them and more in a second if it meant making sure Robin, Dustin, and Erica made it out okay. 
The doctors had been amazed it wasn’t worse. Explaining in their patronizing way that Steve likely had further degradation to look forward to, and then getting even more patronizing to the kid with a grade 4 concussion when explaining what degradation meant. The government doctors were a little nicer at least, when they were doing their scans and running their tests; but he figured they knew that a good bedside manner meant the difference between a signed NDA and a leaked press release about all the shit they weren’t taking care of.
Even they were surprised by the lack of memory loss and other fun brain trauma symptoms that Steve should have been showing.
But then they had all conveniently left out the fact that he could feel his coworker in the back of his brain when they were detailing his current symptoms. Her thoughts, feelings, memories of being tortured by people who didn’t feel all that different from the ones that had been poking and prodding them.
That might have gone a long way in explaining the brain stuff. If they’d decided to share.
But then after being tortured, he also wasn’t seeing a huge difference between the government that tied him up, drugged him up, and threatened to break all his fingers and the government with a history of kidnapping, drugging, and experimenting on children but hadn’t done it to him yet.
"Sorry, I'll move back about forty feet before I keep thinking about how you want me to go to an amateur metal show with you."
They were figuring it out anyway.
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