#story integrity
I have a very rough idea in my head that I don't think I can clearly articulate beyond "And that concludes tonight's reports on German air forc—WHAT'S THIS? IT'S KING ARTHUR WITH A STEEL CHAIR"
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" Out of Line"
It's the person who's "out of line" who is always told to, "Get back in line!"
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I'm "out of line," and the students tell me to, "Get back in line!" But I say, "No, " and I saw a smaller line, and they all seemed happy and stood out as different. They were dressed in school uniform. So I started making my way over there. And the teacher of the line I left came and asked me to, "Get back in line" and when I replied, "No", immediately that teacher took it to the principal and now the principal and teachers from my original class started threatening me in front of the students. Who were trying to scare me to get back in place. When I started to break down and cry, my original classmates and other students of that class said, "If you would have stayed in line, this wouldn't have happened to you!" Even with that being done, I kept making my way to the other line. Now, the teachers became furious, and bullies from that school approach me, telling me to turn around. Once again, I refused, so the principal gave a "signal" to the bullies, and they said, "Fine, you could go." As I turned and walked a couple steps further, they added by yelling, "This school dressed you! So we're taking your clothes from off your back!" They started ripping the clothes off of me in front of my classmates and other students. "Hahahaha," they would all laugh as I became naked. Once, I was stripped, and the students of that class noticed the scars and bruises on my naked body. The bullies moved aside so all could see, and I saw pointing, I heard whispering and laughing, and from the laughing crowd, words came out, "How long you had that there!" followed by more laughter. I even heard the ones that had pitty for me say, "If he would have only stayed." At that exact time, I got up from off the ground and turned my back against them
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thestrongestjewel · 25 days
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OMFG IM SORRY I DISAPPEARED FOR LIKE 2 WEEKS OR SMTHING LMAO I KEEP FORGETTING I HAVE A TUMBLR SJKJDHKSJ anyway i've been drawing a looot of uvtale stuff recently, but also, I've been drawing a bunch of doodles of my sans oc that i have not shown here,,,, maybe i'll show them eventually ahrh for now have all these
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lastoneout · 1 year
ngl ALL of across the spiderverse was fantastic but that short scene where we got to see a disabled spider-person using a wheelchair and crutches while STILL kicking ass AND making jokes and puns about said mobility aids while doing so singlehandedly cured my depression and added 500 years to my lifespan <3
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
Maybe the problem with Christian fiction is that it's non-denominational. People are just "Christian", with no effort put into showing what practicing that religion looks like for them specifically. No indication that there are other Christians who could have different beliefs. No wrestling with differing ideas and the struggle of how one should live out their Christian faith. And that makes it unrealistic and unrelatable.
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messiahzzz · 2 months
assorted morena dekarios headcanons:
she possesses a sharp wit and is very perceptive, but is also incredibly kind and gentle
strong presence & really eclectic taste. she loves bright colors, extravagant patterns, collecting paintings, and all kinds of knick-knacks. her house is a reflection of her personality: warm, welcoming, and cluttered with ✨precision✨
has a penchant for big jewelry (especially necklaces)
gale deems her “unavoidable” because she has a way of seeing right through him, sometimes even going beyond motherly intuition (and because you’d spot her everywhere)
she always strongly supported gale’s individuality and wanted to give him every opportunity to grow into the person he wants to be
this often clashes cause she does worry about his safety constantly
on that note: would do absolutely everything for her son
her ex-husband had little interest in raising gale and deemed him too exhausting/high maintenance. morena eventually encouraged his decision to split, knowing his presence would do more harm than good
loves books but doesn’t bother to keep them in good condition (much to gale’s horror)
as he got older their dynamic grew to resemble a friendship, which is also why he refers to her by her first name
they banter a lot and it is very entertaining to watch/makes their similarities even more obvious
surprisingly strict whenever the situation calls for it. it’s a sudden 180. don’t mess with morena dekarios
claims she’s not interested in gossip, but is very curious nonetheless
possesses extensive mixology knowledge, but hates being drunk. life needs to be experienced to the fullest with all senses at all times
she’s a natural dancer despite not having a whole lot of practice
very welcoming to a romanced!tav and the rest of gale’s new friends. she has already been filled in by tara and withers. naturally, as long as her prince is happy she is as well
almost rivals gale in the duration of his crying during his own wedding. once he begins to read his vows she’s immediately brought to tears
actively tries to get to know a romanced!tav and makes sure they feel included in their family whenever possible, but will also respect if there’s no interest/some apprehension
she is very respectful of gale’s privacy and knows when to step back, albeit no less worried
she has dark, long, curly and thick hair that is hard to tame. (the envy of all her neighbors her age) she usually puts it up in a claw
tara has her own corner in morena’s sitting room, including her very own cozy armchair. no one else is allowed to use it.
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hereticaldetective · 10 days
Thinking about…John and Sherlock…flying out of a window…hand in hand…hovering over the great city of London…gently removing the roofs… peeping in at the queer things which are going on…
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i-heart-hxh · 1 month
One thing that I deeply love about HxH as a whole is how seriously it takes the trauma of its characters.
Rather than things that happened in the characters' pasts being relegated to just simple flashbacks, their pasts legitimately feel like they shaped who they are as people in the present of the series, in both obvious and subtle ways.
I love how the significant events of their past and how they grew up are shown continuing to affect them even many years later, and not just in a straightforward "Oh, that's sad," or "This one personality trait/goal and nothing else came from that," kind of way. They make decisions based on what they've been through, the ways they understand the world are different as a result of it, what they prioritize and strive for often comes out of it, even their nen choices are often related to it.
It gives the characters a strong sense of being human, and I think this theme of trauma and how it affects people is something Togashi explores with unusual sensitivity, care, and weight. HxH doesn't lose sight of how much a deep loss or a life of abuse or neglect or abandonment shapes someone, and at the same time the narrative offers so much hope for the way connections with others provide second chances, meaning, and eventually healing.
I could go into examples, but honestly the series is full of them, almost wherever you look. All of the main four especially exemplify this. It's one of the elements that makes HxH so special to me, why it resonates with me so deeply. Plenty of stories explore this kind of theme, and a lot of them do it well, but HxH does it in an especially convincing and beautiful way, in my opinion. Because the way the characters are affected is so genuine and multifaceted, it's easy to empathize with them and find meaning in their struggles.
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The motif of home is an essential concept to his character. Kaveh describes ‘home’ being different than to that of a ‘house’, as in a house indicates a solitary object, whereas ‘home’ refers to people
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This is explained in the loss of Kaveh’s family resulted in his home becoming a house: “"Home" went from a sanctuary of warmth and light to a cold and lonely hall” (Kaveh Character Story 2).
The concept of a home, then, is particularly important in regard to Alhaitham as Alhaitham invited Kaveh to live in his house after Kaveh sold his family house to pay for the re-building of the Palace of Alcazarzaray. Kaveh, at this point in time, is described to be “homeless”, which is indicative of him not only being without a place to live, but without people which ‘home’ could come into fruition. After meeting Alhaitham for the first time in years after their parting, the concept of ‘home’ is directly related to Alhaitham:
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Upon seeing his family’s house, his old “home”, which he had sold in order to provide the funding to rebuild the Palace of Alcazarzaray, Alhaitham prompts Kaveh to reflect on the pursuit of his ideals, whereafter Kaveh acknowledges that his ideals were not in the wrong, it is his method of achieving them. Kaveh resolves not to give up, and a second chance is presented to him in Alhaitham inviting Kaveh to live with him.
Where Kaveh ‘sees’ his old “home”, the family he no longer belongs to, all he lost due to his regrets, Alhaitham “sees” through Kaveh, understands him, and asks him a question which simultaneously renews his beliefs in his ideals and the future. This passage links Alhaitham’s sense of home to Kaveh, and offers Alhaitham as a home for Kaveh.
(Update: For more analyses like this, the essay this is taken from is now uploaded! It can be accessed here and here as as a pdf <3)
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thefandomexpert · 2 months
ok. i see u complaining about how long it takes to get to shb, how are you supposed to get your friends into the fucking WONDER that is shb when they have to get through all of The Other Stuff First
I used to have this problem with Homestuck, people who wanted to skip to the trolls, or pass on the intermissions. I will repeat what I said then now:
The later stuff is mind-blowingly good BECAUSE of the setup slog. which is also fun btw, you’re having trouble selling it because you keep saying it’s a slog. it’s good storytelling! yes even arr and sb (i didn’t say it was the best storytelling!! but i’ve seen way fuckin worse!!!). You need to spend 300 hours with the characters and to watch them grow gradually for a LOT of the little character moments to even register later on, and i’m not even talking about the ascian reveals. estinien is a completely different character. thancred’s deep-seated issues have been brewing subtly since 1.0. the socio-economic political climate of the universe is SO important and SO well set up by the arr random task/fetch quests (BABY INCONSEQUENTIAL QUESTS. YEAH THE STUPID ONES IN THE INTRO PRE-SASTASHA SEQUENCES WITH THE NPCS YOU DONT REMEMBER. THOSE.) and that info is integral to character decisions made in every expansion afterwords, and is built upon consistently. the consistent build-up of the lore is, in my opinion, almost entirely the reason ffxiv’s writing stands out against other games of the genre. and it’s BOLSTERED by the fact that it’s a live service game with a shit ton of expansions you HAVE to play through single file when you start fresh. narrative games are usually 15-20 hours. ffxiv is giving you 500+ in msq alone (won’t get into how much the optional and side quests support the storytelling as well).
It’s like one of those long-running book series. you can’t ask someone to read Just the last book of animorphs and expect them to understand the narrative implications of what’s happening, or to get attached to the characters enough to care. that attachment and understanding is built by spending time and reading the other 1500 books prior. shb should not be treated as a stand-alone. in fact it’d be a bad standalone. it’s good BECAUSE there’s 500+ hours of playtime required to get there.
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galedekarios · 5 months
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truly love how slowly but surely every companion is turned into a spineless doormat so as not to offend the fragile egos of the lowest common denominator of their playerbase or inconvenience them ever so slightly 💀
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bobosbillionsknives · 29 days
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Concept sketch for a Knives planet gunsmoke figure set because I'm completely fucking insane and I'm losing my mind
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rheakira · 3 months
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Outdated concepts of Yue (Integrity). Their updated design can be found here! 💙
These might be two months old by now? Possibly more? But yeah these were the OG Yue concept doodles I made. I'm planning to give him a proper updated ref sheet soon!
A little bit of lore and info on them below!
Yue Info!
He/They Pronouns. He jumped at 15 years old. (Closeted transmasc)
Golden Child and a talented ballerina. Had a lot of pressure at home and at school to be a perfect student and role model to others.
Attended an all-girl's school and was very popular. Had a lot of friends, but none so close that they knew him well as well as his secrets.
Had a lot of issues with his temper that he kept under control in the face of others. Would have outbursts and panics when alone.
Absolutely hates ballet. Would rather be doing literally anything else, but their mother insisted upon them being a ballerina and raised lots of funds in the name of the dance troupe they were part of.
Didn't really mean to leave Toriel. They fell down a hole in the Ruins and ended up in the Dark Ruins for a while. They didn't really view her as a parent, though.
Has history with Charlie (Perseverance Kid) and none of it is positive. In fact, they have very negative feelings about them that are one-sided. (More on that in the future.)
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local-fire-dumpster · 7 months
I love how One Piece takes place in a world where Government corruption,slavery and genocide are the norm and yet rather than make the Revolutionaries the main characters the focus lies on Pirates. Not only are the main characters Pirates but the story implies multiple times that in order to make the World Government fall, Pirates are NEEDED. (See Whitebeard stating that a massive war will follow once someone finds the One Piece).
Pirates are the antithesis of the WG.They follow no rules,no laws and no societal norms. They are uncaring of what the World Government demands, free to do as they want and chase their dreams.Unlike the Revolutionaries there is no structure,no root to pluck,no leadership to kill, in order to make the main organization fall.
Roger with his dying words inspired thousands, if not millions to set out and find his treasure because if there is one thing the government can't control it's people's dreams. He started an Age in which Pirates stand opposed to the WG with the hopes that one day a Pirate would appear, who has the power and allies to take a stand against the WG.
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stoat-party · 2 months
“How dare they burn everything the Courier loves to ashes!”
*imagines my courier reacting to watching everything she loves burn to ashes*
“…that’s some good stuff. you got me this time todd.”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Omg idk if you talk Spanish or if it’s just XXC, but with that little and wonderful doodle you gave me the amazing headcanon of XXC being bilingual and just randomly speaking Spanish out of nowhere and nobody understanding him
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[TL: XXC says "don't do coke in the bathroom"]
Shout out to the Spanish speaking MXTX fans. I don't think this is remotely what you wanted. (bonus below cut, TW: Drugs)
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