#especially with how lovingly they animated vegas at the end
stoat-party · 15 days
“How dare they burn everything the Courier loves to ashes!”
*imagines my courier reacting to watching everything she loves burn to ashes*
“…that’s some good stuff. you got me this time todd.”
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anabelle-robinson · 6 years
Vega is obviously sub tho, with his behaviour around Priya... she legit emanated big dom energy during those 20s scenes
Hello, anon! First of all, I am so happy that you actually messaged me instead of just... never responding ever. 😂
So, Priya is kinda an obvious dom, which already can be seen by the way she treats her houseboys. No arguing here, at least not from my part, even though I can def imagine Priya as a sadomasochist, meaning she doesn’t only enjoy causing pain, but also receiving it. Anyway, that’s a different topic. 😅
My point is... There is no way Vega is a sub. NO. WAY. Not with her, not with anyone. (Even though I can imagine them switching it up since they’re both huge doms.)
Your way of supporting your claim is naming the 20s scenes as examples. Honestly, I’m very willing to analyze them. And I’m happy to do this, because Priya x Adam (Pradam, hehe) is def my OTP and I’m glad to be discussing this with you.
Beforehand I gotta say: I take this very seriously, so don’t be shocked about me dropping a huge ass analysis, lmao. This is a lot of interpretation, and I know it’s very vague, but you mentioned the 20s scenes and this is the info I got out of them, so here we go:
1920s Scene 1, Chapter 13:
“The door swings open, and Vega steps into the warehouse with Priya, his arm wrapped around her waist.”
I’ve done a bit of research on this (I just love them this much), and him having his arm around wrapped around her waist doesn’t only (or at least, most likely) mean boyfriend/girlfrend, it’s also a way of him protecting her, having her close. It’s a way of saying “She’s mine”. 
That fits Vega very well, since having his arm around her waist is the closest he gets to being “in control” over her. I mean, they could have held hands as well, but that’d be more romantic, which definitely doesn’t fit the relationship as much. Generally, he’s very possessive. He definitely considered her “his”.
Then, Vega greats Kamilah and Adrian. Note how Priya hasn’t said a single word yet. She’s being in the background, waiting for Adam to take the offensive and introduce her. That, he does when Kamilah asks him who his companion is.
“This lovely creature is Priya Lacroix.”
Notice how he says “creature”? This made me wonder a lot when I first thought about it. Like, why the hell doesn’t he just say “lady” or “woman” or whatever? “Creature” sounds so submissive. It’s usually said by humans to other humans who look or behave extremely odd to the point that their humanity is being questioned. So, why would he call her that?
Then, it hit me. When Priya meets MC for the first time in Chapter 2, the first thing she calls her is... “creature”. The fact of Priya using this to describe her prey clearly proves that it’s a submissive term. Google defines a “creature” either as an animal, or as “a person or organization considered to be under the complete control of another.” Who loves and craves control? Adam. Interesting...
Priya’s response is a happy “Hiya, doll” (to Kamilah), so she obviously accepts this and isn’t surprised or whatever.
Furthermore, there are two ways of Vega keeping Priya “in place”, regarding the whole Gaius situation. Firstly, Kamilah asks why Vega brought her to their meeting, and she says...
“Not to worry. I know my onions.”
This means that Vega has educated Priya beforehand about the whole situation. Gaius, the others, everything. He told her, because he trusted her, which is super cute, and because he would never want Priya to act out of line, especially not in that scene. This is a matter of control. Over her.
That’s supported when Priya asks Kamilah for a cigarette using slang language, which Kamilah has expressed a lack of understanding of. Before she can even react to Priya’s ask, Vega tells her...
“No need to bother Kamilah, doll. I have some.”
Even the act of giving her a cigarette is a form of control. “Don’t bother Kamilah, I have some, so you can’t potentially act up” is a hard way of saying this, but if you think about it, it is what he’s thinking at the back of his mind, consciously or not. This doesn’t mean he didn’t love her, but he definitely controlled her at least in some way, so she would behave, be in no way able to offend Kamilah.
“Vega pulls out a gold cigarette case. He hands a cigarette to Priya and lights it with a match.”
This here is a tiny example of him being a control freak, by not letting her light the cigarette herself. Of course, it’s minimal at best. He’s also a gent, so, yeah. (A bigger one would be his reaction to the Ferals fighting Adrian where even Nicole told him to chill.)
Anyway, later, they talked about their party which isn’t a hint in my opinion, but does make me wonder what kinda party it was. She uses the word “blow”, meaning a party that is wild and crazy, and he says that “the party won’t wait for” them. They’re both grinning... Orgy? 😅😅😂
Regardless, Adam meets the peak of his dominance regarding Priya when she doesn’t bow down to Gaius and asks who he is. For the first time, Adam gets angry. He says...
“I apologize, Gaius. Priya here is new to the Continent and doesn’t yet know the lay of the land.”
He doesn’t let her speak or apologize herself, by speaking for her, about her. He takes everything regarding her into his own hands, the whole time. You’re talking to Priya? Well, you’re talking to Adam, too, automatically. He just makes it his business. The whole situation is new to her, yes, but you can’t deny that Vega takes full control. Especially here:
“Vega nudges Priya with his elbow, hard.”
Vega goes rough on Priya, huh? 😌 Well, quite obviously he has no problems with doing just that to make sure that she acts accordingly, the way he wants her to. I love how they added “hard”. He isn’t the gentle type, knowing she can take it. 😌😂
Priya’s reaction supports just that. She’s not debating him or anything - maybe she has learned not to already? Damn - but lets out a surprised “Oh!” and an immediate bow to meet both the needs of Gaius and Adam without hesitation. 
Now, imagine she would have debated him on it. There is no way he wouldn’t have shown her “her place”. Wanting to protect her is the whole reason, of course. I’m not saying he didn’t love her, just that he’s def displaying dominance (over her). 🌚
After Gaius reveals his full plan, everyone is shocked, and I love the mental image of this: 
“Priya looks up at Vega, eyes wide.”
Isn’t this totally cute? Her looking at him for comfort and reassurance when she’s unnerved, afraid, insecure? Him being her rock, at least for that moment? Doesn’t that make her a small bit dependent, too? In a way, he’s responsible for this, he brought her into the situation. She trusted him with this, let him lead, guide her. Which he did, throughout the whole meeting.
All in all, regarding this scene, I have not found a single situation of Priya displaying any sort of dom vibes over him, and wonder what you’re referring to? For me, it was the opposite. I mean, of course she’s Priya and generally hella dom, but here she’s “hiding” a bit behind Vega, unconsciously or not.
Regardless, he manouvers her through it. He’s in control the whole time, and unafraid to rebuke her roughly. He wanted her to act a certain way and expected that of her, not to disappoint him and do what he had told her before the meeting (explaining Gaius, etc.). Which brings me to my conclusion: Vega. Is. Dom.
1920s Scene 2, Chapter 16:
Sadly, we didn’t get as many hints here since the scene is mainly displaying the fight.
Firstly, they start off talking and a situation happens which makes me able to refer back to what I said about Adam immediately including himself when someone speaks to Priya. 
Here, it’s Lester, reminding her angrily that her complaining regarding the waiting time isn’t helping. Adam makes this his business, taking control, by defending her and saying... 
“We are all a little tense, Lester. Leave her be.”
Obviously, he doesn’t let her handle this herself even though she would have been able to defend herself. It’s a way of lovingly protecting her, which I find adorable, but also not hiding behind her or anything. “Leave my girl alone or else...” That is so dominant.
When Gaius asks them if they agree that his plan is bs, it’s a rare moment of Adam letting Priya speak for herself after he himself has voiced his opinion.
The absolute cutest moment is obviously him screaming at Gaius “Get away from her!” when he is choking her. (Only Adam is allowed to choke Priya. 😌😌😉😏)
Even before, he kept his focus on her during the fight, screaming “Priya, look out!” when Gaius gets her, and in the end even risking his life by attacking him.
How cute is that? 😭😭😍😍
Lastly, Adrian gives an order and “the others start to obey, but Vega pauses”. Unlike Priya, bae takes no orders. 💅
Analysis over. 😂
Like I said, there’s no way he’s a sub. It contradicts itself with his entire persona. His need of power was his fall. There is no way he’d give that power and control he craves away to someone else, in no aspect of life. Also, remember she’s a vampire way weaker than him, and was only 50+ while he was 200+.
I imagine they were rough on each other. She’s so dangerous, but not to him. He liked her to “show him what she can do”, but found her cute in the same way. Like, this kinda “She’s so cute when she kills people” thing. This reminds me of an NSFW Alphabet I made for them, in case you wanna check it out. 😂
I hope my analysis kinda supported my claim, even though I know some points are weak, because there’s a lot of interpreting going on. (If you even made it this far, lmao.) Maybe we could continue our conversation via chat, exchange some headcanons? I’d def be down, and thanks for the message. 🤗
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hallierosetaylor · 7 years
Working From the Road
Let me start out by highlighting that I’ve been in a particularly intense situation since I left Austin to live in the van, so this post isn’t a how-to for working on the road, nor is it generally applicable to everyone. I haven’t been handling the normal hardships like theft, bad weather, creeps, or overrun campsites, though I did deal with some car trouble and freezing nights. Rather, this is my personal, crazy story that you might find interesting, followed by some lessons learned.
Ok, here we go.
My relationship immediately started deteriorating once my boyfriend and I hit the road, and like a trapped animal it seemed to panic and claw everything in sight, paying no mind to damage done to itself or the surroundings in the process. This spanned almost 6 of the last 7 months, before we managed to end things warmly and lovingly, with big opportunities for growth on both sides.
Additionally, the company I work for (I am maintaining a part-time day job) got acquired only a month after taking off, so I’ve been rolling with those changes and stepping into an entirely new job description. This has been absolutely lovely and such a good change for everyone involved, but all changes are stressors.
A month after that, I landed a big, fantastic illustration project. I started work the day after I dropped the boyfriend in LA to tour with his band, the day I started traveling solo (though we hadn’t broken up yet.)
A month after that, the van started having trouble in Southern Utah, serious enough trouble to spur me to actually rent a room for two months in Salt Lake City while I found a new vehicle (which I did, pictured above, isn’t she lovely?)
A month after that, my only sister had her first child, Hildegard, who had my heart at hello.
A month later, my boyfriend and I had officially cut the cord, and I came to Mill Valley to work in a beautiful apartment, so graciously offered to me by a friend who out shooting a documentary all month.
A month after that, I wrapped the project and turned 30 years old the next day.
Holy hell, are you still with me? Am I still with me? What even is life?
So in the little bursts of travel between being with family at Christmas, a [day-job] work trip to Canada, a week house-sitting in Vegas, a week at my dad’s house in the guest room, two months in my SLC room, and a month in an apartment in California, I learned a lot about “working from the road.” Mostly I was taking day hikes near whatever desk I happened to be borrowing. Not exactly what I had envisioned, but definitely not a bad situation either. And, I learned some things. I learned so many things. Here are just a few of the main things:
First Lesson: Ask for What You Need
I’ve learned this one before, and I learned it again. A while into this work I ended up asking for an extension on the deadline. Asking was scary, but I’ve found that 9/10 times people surprise you with kindness and flexibility.
Second Lesson: Traveling without Free Time is Driving
When I was too busy to immerse myself in a place, I started to feel less like I was traveling, and more like I was just driving and parking. Additionally, I started to feel less like I was creating and more like I was working a job, so finding places to stay became crucial to continuing to enjoy the work itself.
Third and Biggest Lesson: Short-Term Projects Only
From this experience, I think I could maintain about a 30 hour work week on the road. Twenty hours at my day job, and 10 to dedicate to maintaining my business including producing, marketing, administrative stuff, and everything else. That’s slow going, but it’s enough to maintain and even to progress in bursts. You can do a lot in 10 focused hours. If I were to get a client project that put me at 40-50 hours for a week or so, I could probably handle that so long as I had margin surrounding each project to enjoy my surroundings.
Reality and Reasons
Why is it so much different working on the move?
When you live nomadically, especially alone, everything takes longer. Brushing your teeth, washing dishes, getting ready for bed, getting ready for the day, going to the bathroom, getting to a place to work, and especially cooking. These extra minutes added to every activity can easily add up to hours in a day, hours that I no longer had. On top of normal life stuff, I also needed to factor in things like building and putting out fires each night because it was getting down to freezing fairly reliably (I was in the eastern Sierras for the first few weeks in February), and of course driving time, dealing with mishaps, car maintenance, errands, traffic, and so on.
All of this amounted to essentially a constant state of rushing, and I’m a person that thrives on slowness, quiet, and contemplation. I found that I was sacrificing eating 3 meals or exercising any given day, just so I could squeeze in some quiet time for me around work hours. I also quickly realized that it hardly mattered where I was, because I didn’t have the time to go out hiking, meeting people, or climbing anyway. So that’s when my borrowed desk/room/apartment hopping began.
What Now?
As much as I’ve been a bit heartsick as well as antsy to get moving, I’ve also been so grateful for the exciting work opportunity that I just had, and for the forced slow-down that it provided. I got some really good insights during these months that I may have otherwise been too distracted to see, and I’m taking a hard look at my trajectory in life and mainly, in work.
I’m so grateful for any of you who are along for the ride with me here. I’m excited to share my hard work with you, and to get going on some changes for the future.
If you haven’t already, find me on Instagram and Dribbble to follow my art and travels. There's also a sign up for an email list on my homepage. I have yet to write a newsletter. Can we lump this inot said "changes for the future?" Feel free to sign up and join me in my intimidating learning process for how to write a newsletter.
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theliterateape · 4 years
Top Best Highs To Play While Game
by Peter Kremidas
It’s happening, folks. Legal Marijuana is coming to Illinois in just a few short weeks. The thing you always spoke about while standing in a circle right before getting weirdly silent because a stranger walked by. Because standing silently in a circle and coughing is a completely normal part of every social gathering and therefore is in no way conspicuous.
At some point you may be in your home in the state of what kids these days call “stoned as fuck”. And you may think to yourself, “Tree branches look like nerve endings.” Or “I want to play a video game.” Now, according to research, marijuana makes everything better. This is most obvious for music, and extends into video games. Apparently. I am told.
After hours and hours of painstaking research, I have compiled in no particular order this list of video games that may just pair perfectly with Doritos and cheese dip. You’re welcome.
Super Hypercube
I want to get the VR game out of the way first, since not a lot of people have access to VR. But if you do, let me just say, holy shit. Imagine being inside tetris, but you’re looking around a giant mess of an ever growing mass of blocks the whole time trying to figure out which direction to turn it so it fits through a hole. All those words I just vomited for you to read are also a 100 percent accurate description of this game. The tension is delicious. Your motor skills are hopeless. Nothing matters because you are inside Tetris. Your smile is so big it gets mistaken for a light reflector for the tracking camera and your shit gets all kinds of fucked up. You are inside Tetris.
Proteus will never hurt you. Proteus is a world you travel around in and nothing happens and it’s beautiful. It’s an 8-bit world to explore with a whatever-Brian-Eno-sleeps-to soundtrack that lulls you into a world of green and pink square box trees with pink square box leaves and yes there are animals too. This is a game for people who find objectives and deadlines just, like, stressful, man.
Local Host
Or, you know what? Fuck that. I’m the kinda of pot smoker who wants to think about the future, man.I say things like “I mean, right?”
That’s why I play Local Host. Because when I’m in a fragile state of mind, I want to see how well I handle moral quandaries. If you’re the type of person who gets stoned and watches Black Mirror, mouth agape in sweet sweet ethical dilemma, boy do I have the game for you. Local Host is a game where you are tasked with disabling a series of AI programs, while they talk to you and try and convince you to please not do that, please. If you’ve ever fantasized about your toaster begging for it’s life before you unplug it, you will love this game.
Journey shows up on every list with the words “games” and/or “best” in the title. The reason is because, somehow, this little escapade (it’s only about 3-4 hours long) takes you through an entire emotional arc.. All the while on your exhibition you may encounter other players playing from all over the world. Fear not, they cannot actually talk to you. Actual talking strangers are anathema to a good buzz. Especially, and this cannot be understated, when it comes to video games. But those same said strangers can and will chirp at you. And you can chirp back. “Chirp chip,” you will say to your new friend, who you can either stay with through the whole game or go do your own thing. Journey is all the fun of interacting with other people without any of the power (and therefore, crucially, responsibility. It is known.) of a real conversation. And an emotional jaunt filled to the brim with “whoa” moments. You will say “pretty” out loud, several times.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (character creation screen)
Imagine super mega high def Proteus, and it’s a country of shit talking villagers and very committed city guards. Also are a sword wielding sneaky wizard person. But best of all, you can make your character’s face look however you want. According to my research, if you are high, this is the part you will get stuck in. The game opens, you break out of jail, and you create your character. But before you break out of jail, that’s where the fun begins and never stops.
Also if you ever bother to play the game beyond this point you will lovingly lose yourself in it. If you get it on PC, you can also change up the game with hundreds of great mods. For the uninitiated “mods” means “breasts”.
Any game with the word “Katamari” in the title
There’s either 8 or a billion versions of this game, but there are at minimum 10. They all work, they’re all the same. The king of the universe tasks you to push a tiny sticky ball around a populated, DVD quality version of the Proteus world, and roll the ball around as it picks up everything from thumb tacks, to cats, to human homes, mountains, and beyond. It is absurd and colorful, and the soundtrack is literally series of relentlessly happy big Vegas showroom songs dedicated to the love and wonder that is Katamari. They are also genuinely catchy. Aside from the wanton destruction and disregard for the living things in this giant ball (the balls get turned into stars, long story), it is just a great big smile.
“Well, yes” you say, “but what if I want to be in a David Lynch movie?”
I give thee Paratopic, a huanting, 45 minute dream logic simulation that allegedly also tells a story. It’s a trip, and I don’t want to spoil this for you. More weird than scary. Do your thing, pay the seven bucks or whatever for this game, turn off the lights, put on headphones, and dive in. Trust me, it’ll be real weird.
Kind Words
Or you know what? Maybe you don’t even like video games, you just like lo-fi hip hop and saying nice things to strangers. Maybe you also like receiving nice notes from strangers. Perhaps you would even like those nice things to be delivered to you by a deer. All this plus decorating your room and no more can be yours with “Kind Words”. Feeling lonely? Some strangers (usually several) will write a bit of comfort right back to you. I have spent a few hours speaking to people’s worries and receiving their anonymous support. I have found shockingly zero toxicity along the way. Be nice, check it out.
I almost didn’t include this game because it’s actually the best game to play on acid. I’ve never done LSD, but I imagine this would buh-maze my eyeballs and brain. You play as...well, everything. A herd of buffalo, some clouds, and even a rock. You move as whatever group you are, rolling around in about 3 frames of animation, as Alan Watts poems are read to you. You can even set the game on automatic and just...watch. It’s deep thinking with no effort, which is a hallmark of marijuana culture. Say it. Say “whoa”. Now say it again. Congratulations, you are playing ‘Everything’.
Happy new year, everybody.
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