#still want this ship to happen though thank youuuuu
opengravesrp · 2 years
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Sweethearts, reimagined: Septimus Weasley and Cedrella Black, as portrayed by Victor Norlander and Ruby Pedersen. 
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buildarocketboys · 2 months
🌵 🛼 🍄 🏜️ !!!
Thank youuuuu!!
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
Guess I gotta share Anni's Cryptophasia playlist lol. But also if anyone wants to send me more asks please feel free to send this one again because there are so many random playlists I'd like to share lol.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Ummm...gonna go left field and share a blam (Sam/Blaine from Glee) headcanon since I feel slightly strange about calling RPF stuff headcanons in the same way, but:
Sam pretty much returns Blaine's crush as soon as he realises Blaine has a crush on him, but he doesn't figure out that's how he feels for a while because he's like 'Blaine is just my good bro, right?' and also doesn't realise bisexuality exists/that's a thing he can be. Then he opens up to Brittany about it (since, you know, he's dating her, and she is also bisexual) and she's like "yeah Sam you can like both" so Sam is like yay yippee I have a crush on Blaine but is still a little in denial about it since he's. You know. Still in a relationship. This is why he's so weirdly pushy about Blaine admitting his crush on Sam to him in Guilty Pleasures. Anyway angsty ending Sam doesn't tell Blaine before Blaine gets engaged to Kurt and now it's too awkward to come out to him since his discovery of his sexuality was BECAUSE of Blaine (and maybe emotional affair shenanigans happen in New York and they get together eventually). And that's what you missed on Glee!
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Definitely like, detailed comments that point specific things they liked (and why) out. Also love when a comment is just someone going insane though.
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maccca-chino · 6 months
Fanfiction Q&A
tagged by @thepagemistress , thank youuuuu! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
a whopping 4 can you tell I don't write fics often!
though there actually used to be a few more short oneshots, but when I fell rather violently out of love with SPN, which they were for I just. couldn't stand to see them in there anymore (and I didn't like the writing itself anymore either) and I ended up deleting them... ^^"
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
41,198 (and the deleted fics would only have added around maybe 1000 words? 2k max but I don't even think they added up to that much)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
the only fics left are for DBH now, I have considered writing for Sandman, but tbh. there's sooooo many good writers in this fandom, anything I want to exist as fics is pretty much already there or in progress of being made and so I'm rather content to focus on art, slow at it though I may be :'D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
er, well since there's only 4 of em:
1. no one can tell where your heart is (885, still in progress. and has been for a while I am so sorry)
2. lay bare the fire in me (328, .....the same as above. but I do have outlines for both fics, they WILL get finished dammit :'D)
3. and I don’t dance, but here I am (87, ...which is the sequel to 1 I couldn't wait to write even though the main fic isn't done yet xD)
4. freedom is a length of rope (34)
also yes, I am indeed very fond of the lower case titles
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do or try to, even if it's just a short answer, because I love engaging with people over things that are important to me (and with comments I don't have to start the conversdation so to speak).
I do however have a few comments left in my inbox that I have not answered due to the crushing guilt of not having updated in so long.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
freedom is a length of rope (technically also in progress to have a more hopeful ending added, but the longer it exists, the more I want to. keep the angsty ending it has. also guess where that title is from lmao)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
and I don’t dance, but here I am though the in progress fics will likely end on the same level of everything is good and nothing hurts
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, people have been very nice and also so infinitely patient with me! TAT
While not hostile, the weirdest I got was someone trying to convince me to let them sort of cowrite the fic with me? I respectfully declined because I did (I do TAT) have the general story outlined.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...haven't yet, but the two fics in progres will have it. We'll find out h kind then I suppose.
No sure I'd ever be confident enough for pwp.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have not and don't know if I would? If I did I'd probably only very loosely do it, because I am not confident I could do each included world/fandom justice. That's easier with art for me than writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but with barely any existing and only half of em finished I would be surprised :'D
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I.. don't think so.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, and tbh I'd probably be very intimidated to try.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
....ohhhhh noooooo, I hate picking favorites :'D
but I think one that's been with me since forEVER is Ace Attorney's Wrightworth (or NaruMitsu as I got to know it hehe).
In newer terms I think Dreamling will stick with me too.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
freedom is a length of rope like I said, the more I think about "fixing" what happened in chapter 1 in an additional chapter, the more I find myself leanign towards "no. this works better as an angsty oneshot"
maybe one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmmm, not sure I write enough to really find em. minimalism? Shorter stories in a more minimal style I'd say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hilariously, I think that's also minimalism. because writing longer overarcing storylines when this is your go to becomes difficult.
Or maybe that's just "long interesting storylines that aren't super predictable or cliché"
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
well, I am German, so if the opportunity presented itself for a character where it works I could.
as far as writing in general in English goes. idk, I spent a lot of my time conversing and writing in English even outside the internet, and it's hard for me to judge how well lI'm doing in terms of er. written eloquence? I try my best and that's all I can do really.
For languages I don't know, I'd probably try to find someone who knows them or make really sure I've got it correct, I don't trust google translate enough :'D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
unless we count the NaruMitsu proposal RP I wrote with a friend in ICQ, but that was never published outside that chatroom xD
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
no one can tell where your heart is
as far behind as I am with updating it and as much as I feel like I bit off a bit more than I should've with it, it's my baby ;w;
Offering this up for anyone who feels so inclined to answer and tagging @wizardofgoodfortune , @wordsinhaled and @academicblorbo but no pressure! <3
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journarl-s · 10 months
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If you hear Labuan Bajo, the first thing that comes to mind probably the extinct Komodo. But, if you explore more, you will find another beautiful attraction around it. Labuan Bajo is so beautiful, so mesmerizing, that all the bad things that happened were all overshadowed by it.
To be honest, I've expected Labuan Baju to be water, water, and water. I mean, I thought island hopping would be swimming, snorkeling, diving, everything about water. I was wrong. Beside water, there was hill. The amount of snorkeling and hiking that I did was not equal, I did more hiking than I thought I would lol. But everything was worth it. Bajo really reminds me of Dinosaurs and Land Before Time (if you know the Dinosaurs cartoon). Here comes several photos of me during Bajo trip, ようこそ!
1. Playing touristy but the big bag is kind of WHYYY (I forgot where I was)
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2. Pink Beach is LOVE
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3. Sylvia Hill (before the sandal incident occurred)
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4. Padar Island, turned out I'm one of your STRONGEST soldier! (sandals for hiking was so NOT comfortable)
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5. Even though I wore sandal, I think I can still endorse you, Padar Island
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6. One more of me at Padar because Padar is just so beautiful
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7. The black dots were bats (Kalong Island) (please forgive my lack of photography skill)
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8. Kanawa is really the BEST snorkeling spot in Bajo I guess even I can see the beautiful underwater scenery with my nearsighted eyes and also got swept up by the current
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9. Kelor island hike with the prayers that my sandal was going to be alright lol
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10. Taka Makassar aaaaalllll whiteeeeeee (except it wasn't captured on the pics)
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11. On the Way to some Cave I forgot the name lol
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12. Me with the Komodo, but I guess the camera was confused where to focus or how to get both objects to be HD
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Those were some photos from the Bajo Trip! although the trip was far less from what I expected (boat scam, no drone or underwater camera, lost one day of the trip due to the unprofessional tour) HUFT, it is still one of the endearing trip that I've ever been to.
Lesson learned is if you want to go on a trip with a travel tour, best if you find all the reviews of the tour to be a consideration whether the travel tour have got good reputation or not, and if it involves sailing, ASK the travel tour to video call you to show you the REAL ship that you're gonna use.
with such an up and down experiences, I found a little gem there. through thick and thin of Bajo trip, here are they:
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and the last but not least, the ones who convinced me to join the trip, A BIG THANK YOUUUUU LUV:
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Now, it is time to part ways. Let's go on another vacation yess!!
XOXO, Sari
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hurlumerlu · 2 years
Also throwing critrole s3 at you for the fandom ask thing, I wanna hear your opinions
thank youuuuu (though given the recent spoilers I kinda feel like you just gently placed a landmine at my feet)
The first character I fell in love with: I mean, Ashton ? I just saw their character art and immediately went "oh shit" because I'm easy like that, but I also really loved their introduction so I was on board with them from the start.
A character that I used to love/like but now do not: FCG I guess ? But it happened pretty fast.
A ship that I used to love/like but now do not: RIP Orym/Bertrand you could have been something, if only in my head.
My ultimate favorite character: right now it's Chetney, I feel like there's so much to explore with him, and it's always nice seeing Travis flex his sense of comedic timing.
Prettiest character: Imogen.
My most hated character: I don't hate anyone yet ? maybe that will change next monday.
My OTP: I still don't have any, but I ship Ashton with literally everyone but FCG and Imogen, and Fearne with everyone but Orym.
My NOTP: way too strong a word, but I don't jive with Orym/Dorian. Idk, I just don't feel it.
Favorite episode: Heart to Heartmoore : so many good late-night conversations ! Absolutely love it.
Saddest death: Well. I guess I'll tell you next monday ? (it will probably be orym's)
Favorite season: Loved the whole Heartmoor mini-arc to bits.
Least favorite season: The whole thing with Yu should have been super exciting but for some reason it didn't work for me ? Same with Fearne's parents, and since the two are linked I guess this is my least favorite mini-arc.
Character that everyone else in the fandom love, but I hate: I don't hate them, and I don't think everyone in the fandom love them, but I mostly dislike FCG. Like, I love Sam's jokes, but I find FCG irritating a lot of the time. But then, it was the same for Scanlan when I first watched Cr1. (also I'm. very ambivalent about the Greenseekers. and a bit surprised that the fandom latched onto them like that)
My "you're a piece of trash, but you're still a fave" fave: Miss Jiana Hexum please call me back <3 <3 <3
My "beautiful cinamon roll who deserved better than this" fave: no clue ! None of them are cinamon rolls and I can't think of a NPC who fits the bill.
My "this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul but I still love it" ship: hahaha so. Fearne/Birdie is a thing. that I wondered about. I wouldn't say I love it though, it's more of an idle thought.
My "they're kind of cute, and I low-key ship them, but I'm not too invested in them" ship: pretty much everyone still ? I'm gonna say Laudna/Asthon because while I think the ship has a lot of potential, I'm still more interested in Laudna/Imogen.
aaaand that's it ! I do feel like the fact that I had a truly hard time answering many of these questions at like, episode 32, tells something about the show, but I'm still not sure wether it's a bug or a feature (would love your take on that btw). I'm still curious to see where things go, but that may change with episode 33 and the next. We'll see !
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
“Bakugou and Deku are graduated right? And they are married, bakugou had a stressful day at work and Dekus laugh is like a stress relief for him so he tickles Deku hehe” -Anonymous Prompt.
I know you’ll see this so I hope you like it!!!
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Guilty Pleasures
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Hey! This was a request!
The breakdown: Based off of the anonymous user’s prompt. Lee!Deku, Ler!Bakugo.
Ships: BakuDeku
Warnings: tickling.
Prompt: Bakugo never knew that it would be this hard to be a pro hero. Even though he isn’t number 1, Ground Zero is desperate for a little leverage in his fuzzy mind. Luckily, his childhood sweetheart is always there for him to indulge.
The door opened lazily to Katsuki and Izuku’s shared apartment. Pro hero Ground Zero trudged through the door, carefully kicking his shoes off. He slowly walked to the couch in the living area, breathing laboriously. Strained eyes glanced at the clock on the entertainment center, barely making out “10:37” in harsh white lettering. Finally, he sat down slowly, his whole body aching.
The blonde turned on the television to watch the news. He knows he shouldn’t, but he needs to see what happened after he went down.
“Breaking News: Pro Hero, Ground Zero, was today’s true savior. After putting up a nail-biting fight, he distracted the villain DeadHat long enough for other pros to come assist him. This selfless hero was able to take a crushing blow to the ground in order to save the city. So we say thank you to Ground Zero, your sacrifice will not go unnoticed.”
Katsuki sighed, relaxed his shoulders and smiled, he had done it. He felt like death warmed, but he’d done it. That damn villain took everything out of him and he felt like literal human garbage, but. he’d. done. it.
The news anchor’s reporting sounded like gibberish as Katsuki’s eyes grew heavy and his breathing slowed.
“Kacchan you know we made a deal to not watch the news.” A green haired man came through the doorway to their bedroom, clad in Ground Zero pajamas and his signature All-Might socks.
He made his way over to the couch Katsuki was sitting on, noticing that his husband was blinking in and out of the Nether Realm, he decided to speak up,
“Katsuki darling, don’t fall asleep here. Come to bed.”
Instead of obeying the latter’s gentle but imperative demands, the blonde pulled his partner into his chest. The greenette yelped as his feet were pulled from the floor.
“Kacchan c’mon. We have a bed for a reason.”
“Mmm-mmn. S’comfy righ’ here, Deku.”
The two men stayed in their spot for about half an hour. Both not actually wanting to move.
“Kacchaaaaaan we can cuddle in bed, I don’t want to sleep on the couch.” Izuku whined, “I let you sleep for a little while. Let’s go to bed before you’re stiff and hurt more than you already do.”
The blonde sighed, he was right. Why did he always have to be right? He just didn’t want to leave; the couch was sucking him into the soft cushions. As Izuku made the attempt to stand up, Katsuki’s grip tightened around his waist.
“hngh- c-come on K-Kacchan.” The greenette bit his lip, he was still as sensitive as he was when they were kids.
“Wa’ you studderin for? Whaddid I do?” Katsuki inquired with a yawn.
“Nothing! Just squeezed in a weird spot.” Izuku was quick to come up with an excuse.
Katsuki knew what he had just done, he just needed an excuse to hear the most intoxicating sound in the world.
“Dekuuuuuuuuu.” The blonde man cooed, “lemme tickle youuuuu.”
“Wha- why?!” Izuku was nervously trying to pry himself from Katsuki’s grip.
Katsuki was now fully alert and fully menacing, he needed this. He needed it desperately and he needed it in this exact moment. “Therapeutic y’know. Let me get my hands on you, I need to hear you squeak and giggle.”
“I... I g-guehehehehess.” Izuku already started giggling, remembering that Katsuki’s hands were planted on his sides.
“I haven’t even touch- oh. Ohhh.” Katsuki was now aware of this too, gently squeezing the other man’s sides.
“Kahahahacchahahahan. Yohohohourhehehe meahehehehen.” Izuku’s nosed was scrunched up cutely, his eyes were gently squeezing shut. Katsuki longed to see this sight, but he was more worried about hearing the sweet noises leaking out of his partner’s lips.
“Ohhh I know. I’m sooo mean. Poor Deku, my poor ticklish baby.” The blonde man cooed in the latter’s ear.
“HRNHMFH- KahahahaCCHAHAHAHN!” Deku could not handle teases, let alone having the love of his life breathe in his ear.
“What? This is what you wanted right?” Katsuki inquired, continuing to agonizingly but lazily squeeze his husband’s sides.
“Thihihihihis ihihihihis whahahahat yohohohou wahahahanted!” Izuku was trying his best not to writhe, he knew his lover needed this.
“Hmm. I don’t remember asking to have you squirming in my arms.” The blonde man teased, “okay okay I’m finished, you can go sit down.”
“B-but! I want to go to sleeeeeep!” Izuku whined. He sat on the other end of the couch with a Hmpfh. He stretched his legs out and rested his ankles on top of his lover’s lap.
“Ah I knew it.” Katsuki said softly, daring to crack a smile.
“W-what?” Deku has no clue what Kacchan was up to, but it couldn’t be good.
“You still love me tickling you after all these years.”
The blonde hero locked an elbow around Izuku’s ankles. The latter making an innocent attempt to break free. “Don’t lie to me Deku, we both know that your struggle is just for show.”
Izuku buried his head into one of the spare blankets on the couch. ‘Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, do. not. fucking. laugh.’ Katsuki took a single finger and swiped it up the man’s socked foot.
Deku squeezed his eyes shut under the blanket, he couldn’t let Katsuki know he was still ticklish here.
“Oh really? Nothing? Yeah right, there’s no way in hell you just stopped being ticklish in your second worst spot.” The blonde growled, swiping three agonizing fingers up and down the boys right foot.
Light snickers escaped the blanket, to Deku’s demise. He had one job...
“There it is. You know I wanna hear you laugh, babe. Just do it for me?” Katsuki was being sincere, he needed to relax more.
“Fihihihihihine, Fihihihihihne.” Izuku let lazy giggles leak out of the blanket he’s buried his face in.
“Oh none of that.” Katsuki used his free hand to yank the blanket from Izuku’s grasp, “ I wanna see your beautiful giggly face.
“You ahahare unbearable!” Deku whined as he tried to cover his face with his hands. Katsuki took this time to put his feet down and lay across his lover’s waist, pulling his shirt up. “-Ah! C-cold!”
“I’m unbearable eh? Well shoot If I’m unbearable I don’t know what this will be.” Katsuki said with menace lacing his voice.
“Wha-EEEEEIIIIIIIEEEE.” Izuku squealed in delight and agony as Katsuki blew a raspberry into the particularly sensitive patch above his belly button. “KAHAHAHAHCHAHAHAHAHAN!”
“Mmmm thats beautiful.” Katsuki chimed before blowing again, and again, and again.... and again...
“IHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHANT STAHAHAHAHAND IHIHIT!” Izuku was writhing under his lover’s unbearable clutches.
Katsuki chuckled into his raspberries as he brought his hands up to squeeze both of his partner’s sides. The feeling becoming greatly and quickly unbearable.
“HOHOHOHO MAHAHAHAHAY GOHOHOHOHOD! KAHAHAHAHAHAHACHAAHAHAHAN! PLEAEHEHEHEHEHESE! STAHAHAHAHAP!” Deku lied through his pleads, he missed this. It had been years since Katsuki had given him the true wreckage he deserved.
“I know you don’t want me to stop. I can see right through that cute smile and your longing eyes.” The blonde cooed.
“K-HAHAHAHAHA. WAIHIHIHIHIT IHIHIHIHIM SOHOHOHOHORREEHEHEHE!” Izuku’s eyes were squeezed shut, he was writhing back and forth and he was laughing so freely.
Soon a pounding fist was heard on their wall. Oh right, they had neighbors. Luckily, most of the 1-A students moved into the same complex.
“sHUT THE HELL UP YOU TWO! FUCK EACH OTHER LATER!” Jirou’s angry voice sounded through the wall, an angry groan from Kaminari acknowledged his agreement.
Katsuki halted his attack, looked down at his panting husband and smiled. “Let’s give ‘em a real show aye?”
“I am so doomed.” Izuku’s voice leaked out. He didn’t mean for it to, but it just happened.
“Indeed you are, darlin’. I’ll make you scream my name so loud they’ll give us a noise complaint.” The atomic blonde whispered.
After whispering, he made sure to yell loudly at Kaminari and Jirou through the wall, “IF I WANT TO TORTURE MY NERD I WILL DO AS I PLEASE! YOU FUCKERS WANT NOISE? THIS MEANS WAR.”
Groans of protest were heard through the wall. Katsuki looked at his lover calmly, as if asking for permission. Deku sighed and slowly nodded.
Katsuki cracked his knuckles, then started blowing repeated raspberries on the sensitive patch of his husband’s stomach. This caused the latter to start bawling with laughter.
Katsuki wasn’t done. This was a war declaration. Those fuckers asked for an outright coup d’état. Katsuki would dethrone them as most annoying neighbors.
The blonde lifted his attack temporarily. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry for what I’m about to put you through, but we have to show these fuckers up.”
“Do your worst Kacchan.” Deku said calmly.
“Oh you’re gonna regret that confidence, babyboy.”
Katsuki returned to his annoyingly agonizing raspberries, but drilled his thumbs into Izuku’s hips.
The atomic blonde grinned wickedly. This was therapy, who needed to pay $100 an hour to see a shrink?
Katsuki immediately stopped his attack, pulling Izuku’s shirt down. The man panted heavily, but let out a few loose giggles as Kacchan egged on Kaminari and Jirou.
“Love you neighbors! I hope we can continue this tradition!”
But to their surprise, no response. Instead, an angry knock on the door. “Oh shit!” Izuku squeaked.
Upon opening, Katsuki sees a very agitated Jirou and a blushy Kaminari.
“Bakugo I need a favor. This fucking idiot is practically crawling out of skin because of what you just did to Deku. Can you please do whatever you just did to yours to mine? Then we all can go to bed.” Jirou sounded completely exasperated and wholly sincere.
Katsuki grinned evilly. “But of course. Step into my office. Glad to help our friends and neighbors.”
Denki hesitated, stepping inside to see a recovering Izuku on the couch.
“Hi. He’s gonna get you too?” The greenette questioned, cuddling into his blanket.
“Hi yeah. I’m excited.” Denki sheepishly admitted.
Izuku chuckled. “Make sure to tell him your worst spot. That’s how he got me screaming.”
Izuku stood up off the couch and joined Jirou on the other one. They both watched in astonishment as Katsuki dug into Denki’s sides, immediately melting the other into a pool of giggles.
As for Katsuki, he forgot he was tired and in pain. He was having the time of his life torturing his lover and friend. Life couldn’t have ended up better.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for dating Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff x reader
warnings: knife/gun/violence/death mentions
a/n: ILY EM
prompt: @the-radio-star: “wait ok can i request headcanons for dating natasha romanoff?! I saw you were looking for more natasha requests :D”
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you were a SHIELD agent and clint’s partner sent to take nat down
you were desperate to finish this mission but thank goodness clint was there to stop you
“y/n, we’ve gotta give her a chance. she deserves it”
“clint, we have a mission to complete”
he apprehended her, disobeying the shoot-to-kill order, which you were upset about at first
but natasha didn’t seem as heartless as they said she was
“i can tell you want me dead. it’s okay, lots of people do”
“just following orders”
“so was i”
clint and you were assigned to her by nick fury himself, helping “the black widow” out of the rogue assassin role and into a domestic assasin <3
you began to warm up go natasha, though, which surprised you a lot
clint ended up taking off to be with his family for a while, so it was just you and her
nat and you learned a lot about each other (as a trust exercise)
“well, uh, have you had any pets, ms. romanoff?”
“i have not had any pets. but there was a rat living underneath my bed when i was younger”
time actually slipped right past the two of you, as you ended up talking all night
“what time is it?”
“um...oh, it’s four a.m.”
“really? we’ve been talking all this time?”
as time went on, she began flirting less and less subtly
you weren’t opposed to it
it was obvious to clint
you and nat got sent on your first mission together to prove she was loyal to SHIELD and she ended up taking a bullet for you
you thought she was going to die, you couldn’t stop freaking out
but she was amused by your concern
“are you like this with all the agents or just me?”
kissing her just to get her to stop making fun of you
“i’m gonna say you only do this with me? i sure hope so”
fury knew this shit was gonna happen, actually he was planning on it
“you two make a great team, no doubt will you be an amazing couple”
the agents have been shipping yall since the beginning
you were already close with clint’s family, but now natasha was getting the chance to meet them!
“daddy, who’s that girl with the red hair?”
“that’s y/n’s girlfriend, lila! her name is natasha”
“aunt natasha!”
more missions with natasha because you do great together
unspoken movements that flow together so well
when she’s away on her own, she calls you (or messages you) every night to tell you about her day and how stupid her target is
easy peasy
the avengers initiative was activated and you were apart of it, along with nat
so now you guys were a mf power couple
nat was totally soft on you compared to everyone else dhshshha
they were stunned
“loveeee youuuuu, y/nnnnn”
the hand holding mhm yes
tony poking fun at your relationship
“say that again and i’ll cut your eyes out, stark”
“nat, please, no. knife away”
thor thinks your relationship is adorable
and he’s so genuine about it!!
“you two fight your battles together! such a strong bond that cannot be broken! i wish the two of you nothing but happiness!”
nat is a cuddler i swear
if she’s not cuddling you she has to cuddle a pillow so she hates being away from you
making jokes about “engagement firearms”
“be serious, nat, if i proposed to you with a pistol would you still say yes?”
“y/n, if you handed me an old shoe and asked me to marry you i’d probably still say yes”
constantly looking out for each other
she likes to lay on your lap
“i thought you were the black widow, not the black cat”
getting her some of her favorite food :)
nat loves wendy’s
you make jokes abt how she should be wendy for halloween dhahahhah
ahhhh she loves you so much its so cute
especially bc of the minor ways she shows affection, you know its for real
like she’ll walk up behind you and wrap her arms around your waist and put her chin on your shoulder and hum
you love hearingher tell you she loves you in russian
its the sweetest thing
she grabs your hand and puts it on her head so that you’ll play with her hair
you make her feel all tingly inside!!
“babe you’re the best thing that’s ever happen to me”
she’s a spy and you know she has to play another “character” but when she was on the run from HYDRA she kissed steve and he STILL cant look you in the eye because he feels bad no matter how many times you tell him that it’s not a big deal and literally they were trying to throw off bad guys its FINE
“im sorry, y/n”
“steve you’ve never done a thing wrong its OKAY”
you know she’s capable of taking care of hereee but you are always so terrified whenever nat’s in the slightest bit of trouble
you’re prepared to die for/with her
“think it’ll be okay”
“as long as im next to you”
going on the run with her after all the bad blood between tony and steve
it was like a very long and stressful vacation
but there was something undeniably romantic about sharing a shitty hotel with a loved one
“want to order some pizza and watch friends?”
“of course”
she loves adding an element of domesticity to her life
but it always feels weird to her
fighting thanos together what terrifying, you wouldnt gave anything tonsee that she was safe after this
thankfully both of you lived
“nat, are you okay?!”
“yeah, im okay. dont worry”
spending the next 5 years together at the avengers compound and just keeping each other afloat through it all
“can you give me a kiss before i start crying again”
“i’ll give you as many as you want”
helping her distract herself through it all
“i dont know what i did to deserve you, y/n”
when there was some hope, you guys took a leap of faith to save the other half of the population
“see you in a minute”
“you can count on it, love you”
(i dont wanna go any further i might cry shahhaha)
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual //
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withluvgen · 4 years
Dark Shadow - Warren Worthington III X Reader
Request from @val-halla-bitch
Hiya! Can I have a Warren birb fic where the reader has a “dark power” (like controlling shadows or something) and is basically the personification of a vampire, and dresses super goth and stuff and everyone is scared of her, but after Apocalypse, Warren has to room with her because she’s the only student without a roommate and they both have a crush on each other? Idk where this is going. Thank youuuuu <3
Hi!!! I LOVE your writing so muchhh! Can I pretty please get a Warren x reader where the reader has a spooky power (idk what) and most people are scared of her but warren thinks she’s cool and they end up dating and just very fluffy vibes? Thank youuuuuu <3
 A/N: Okay so to the person who requested this I’m sorry it took so long before I actually wrote this. I think they requested it at around August or September the first time? But don’t worry because I’m definitely making this a series. This turned out to be like an introduction part for y/n, so I’m deciding to make this into a series/ mini series. I kinda fell in love with writing this so yeah expect there to be more of this. 
Side note: I also kind of based her mutation on Tokoyami from My Hero Academia. 
WC: 1.5K
Warnings: Curse words, Angst. A little bit of fluff. 
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It was a rainy afternoon when he came into her life. He was new to the institute and was set to be her new roommate. It wasn’t new for y/n to be roomed with someone despite the gender, they didn’t last long as their roommate anyway so it didn’t really matter to her. The longest roommate she had lasted 2 weeks before y/n’s mutation scared them off.
People were always afraid of her, and she was used to it by this time. She grew up with people being scared of her because of her mutation, especially when she was younger and didn’t know how to control her mutation. She never made any friends as a child because of it, and now that she’s grown up she doesn’t feel the need to make friends. She was fine with being alone because she never needed anybody, or at least that’s what she thinks.
Her mutation? Shadow manipulation. She could control the shadows and make them do whatever she wants. Shadow puppets, that was her favorite thing to do with her mutation but sometimes she would lose control over them and the puppets would go wild. This happened a lot during the night or whenever it was too dark, but that didn’t stop her at times even if she knew the risks. She wanted to learn how to control it. It wasn’t until she was 10 years old that her mutation manifested into something dark, one of her puppets wouldn’t leave no matter what she did. It was as if it had developed a mind of its own. She was scared of her own mutation for the first time in her life. That was when she was sent to Xavier’s so she could learn how to control it.
After a year of studying her mutation, Hank couldn’t explain how or why her shadow puppet wouldn’t leave and why it had developed a mind of its own. But the professor had a feeling that it was because she was lonely. She felt as if she needed a friend and somehow her mutation manifested that friend for her.  As she grew older this shadow puppet, was no longer just a puppet for her. She learned that it was part of her now and actually became friends with it. As she slowly understood what the shadow was, she learned that her own emotions can be felt by the shadow and that they somehow have a psychic connection.
She never liked having anyone around, especially the roommates they tried to put her with. They were always too loud or too annoying. She didn’t have the hard to say this to them so at night when she’s asleep, her shadow would torment her roommate without her knowing. The next morning she’d wake up to the other side of the room completely empty.
That wasn’t the case for her current roommate. It has been about a month and Warren was still there. She wondered why that was. She was used to her roommates leaving after a week or two, but something made Warren stay. It made her curious. So, for the first time ever, she was going to try and befriend her roommate.
“H-hey.” She hesitantly said. Warren only looked at her direction with a questioning look on his face.
“Why are you here?” She asked trying not so sound rude.
“Uh? This is my room?” Warren raises an eyebrow at her.
“I fucking know that but I mean, why are you still here? It’s been a month, and you’re still here. I want to know why?” Y/N asks voice raising a little bit because of her frustration.
“Look, I’m not scared of you or your stupid dark shadow or whatever the fuck that thing is. I’ve been through so much worse than that thing tormenting me at night. So, whether you like it or not, I’m not going anywhere.” Warren says sitting up and places the comic book he was reading beside him.
“Tormenting you? Wait what?” she asks as this information is completely new to her.
“Very funny. I know you’ve been controlling that thing to scare me off so quit will you?” Warren says with a straight face as he looks her in the eyes.
“I- I really don’t know what you’re talking about though?” Her brow furrows as she conjures up her shadow puppet. “Puppet, care to explain what my roommate is saying?”
“I don’t know what he’s talking about.” Puppet says as it shakes its head.
“WOAH? That thing can talk?” Warren asks in astonishment.
“Yeah.  It has a mind of its own so I don’t completely control it.” Y/N says as she looks down a little embarrassed. This was the first time she ever told anyone about her mutation because she doesn’t have friends in the institute. She does have a few acquaintances like Jean, but she’s not exactly what she considers a friend. “It has been like this since I was Ten.”
“T-that’s actually pretty cool.” Warren says standing up to circle around puppet. He tries to touch the shadow but it bursts out.
“HEY STOP IT!” Puppet says appearing larger to scare off Warren.
“Sorry. Puppet doesn’t like people much. And uhh…you really think it’s cool? That’s actually the first time I’ve heard that.” Y/N says bashfully.
“I mean yeah? I’ve faced a lot of different mutants in my cage fights but this is the first time I’m seeing something like this.”
“T-thank you.” Y/N says as she feels her cheeks heating. Wondering what this feeling was.
It was a little while later when Y/N was alone in their room that she actually talked to shadow puppet to confront them about the whole “terrorizing the roommates” thing. She wasn’t upset about it she just found it a bit too much. She didn’t exactly want a roommate but she didn’t like the idea of puppet scaring people off on purpose just so she’d be alone.
“Look, Puppet, I’m not mad about it. I just want to know why you did it.” Y/N said as she sat on her bed looking a puppet that was pacing the room.
“I had to. You were feeling really upset about having a roommate and I thought you didn’t want them so I took care of them for you.” Puppet looked at her with sad eyes.
“I don’t want a roommate, but that doesn’t mean what you did was right. Have you done this for all of my past roommates?” She looks at her shadow puppet curiously.
“NO! Yes.” Puppet looks at the ground, as if ashamed of what it’s done.
“What the fuck? You’ve done this for the past 9 roommates I had, 10 including Warren?” Y/N bursts in laughter at the revelation.
“Yes.” Puppet answers sadly.
“It’s fine, puppet. I’m not mad. Just don’t do it anymore.” Y/N says as puppet instantly perks up at the sentence.
“Ohhhhhhhh~ you like him don’t you?!” Puppet exclaims.
“Shut up.” Y/N rolls her eyes as she looks away.
“Ohhhhh my little baby Y/N has a crush on the bird boy!” Puppet says running around happily. Mumbling about how to it should start planning a wedding. Y/N smiles watching her puppet be excited for the first time.
It was a few months later and Y/N slowly started opening up to Warren more. For the first time in years, Y/N actually made a friend. It was weird for the other students to actually see Y/N smiling, but ever since she became friends with Warren, she has been more cheerful than she was in the previous years. Even shadow puppet wasn’t being aggressively scary anymore, well it still was but less often.
It didn’t take the other students to figure out that the reason behind Y/N’s change in demeanor was because of her new roommate. It was rare to see them without the other. Y/N and Warren suddenly became inseparable, and to the older students it was the cutest thing ever. The younger students were still afraid of the two since Y/N was the personification of darkness and Warren was one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
“Here.” Warren says as he hands a cup of Y/N’s favorite drink to her before class.
“Thanks.” Y/N says accepting the drink with a warm smile on her face. The two of them head to class with puppet trailing behind them.
“Is it just me or does y/n seem a lot cheerful since Warren came here?” Peter asked Scott as they saw the two walk past them.
“It’s weird don’t you think?” Scott shrugs as he looks at the pair walking to class.
“I THINK IT’S ADORABLE!! DON’T YOU JUST SHIP THEM?!” Puppet says, popping out from the darkness before rushing to catch up with Y/n and Warren.
“See? Weird. Even her puppet is acting strange.” Scott says furrowing his brows.
“A little bit. But this is the first time I’ve seen her like this. Maybe she’ll finally let us be her friends.” Peter says before rushing to his class.
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irrrationalfangirl · 5 years
Hi! 🌻 I love your writing! I’m sorry this is a little specific but can I get an headcanon or a one shot about being Mena’s co-star and slowly falling in love with each other (and the fan shipping you two) even if you are in a loveless relationship with an other actor. You eventually find out that your boyfriend cheats on you and you can finally date Mena. Thank youuuuu and sorry again if it’s so specific and complicated 💛💛💛
Warning: physical and mental abuse
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“Why are you so upset?!,” you said, running after your boyfriend. “The way you look at him, y/n. That’s why,” he replied. “It’s called acting. That’s all it is!,” you retorted. Your boyfriend walked up to you and looked you straight in the eye. “I don’t care what you call it,”he said, grabbing a chunk of your hair and pulling at it. “You’re dating me remember? I’m the only actor you should be staring at like that,”he said, releasing your hair. He stormed off to your shared bedroom and slammed the door. Gosh, you were starting to hate him. He had never started treating you like this until you became a successful actress and even nailed the audition for the live action Aladdin. When had he become so hateful? Maybe it started with how you stared at the actor who played the title role of Aladdin, Mena Massoud. You found Mena attractive, but you didn’t harbor any feelings for him. Or so you thought…
A couple days later, your boyfriend had an acting gig with the Walking Dead while you were busy with the filming of Aladdin. On set, you were so stressed about him and couldn’t stop worrying if he loved you anymore or not. You were for sure falling out of love with him though, that is, if he continued this abusive behavior. Suddenly, the world around you spinned and then everything went dark. The darkness seemed like it would never end, until, you woke up to notice a man with beautiful brown eyes cradling your head and asking if you were all right. As your vision cleared, you noticed it was Mena. Other cast and crew were standing over you as you laid on the ground. “Hey, she’s awake! Can someone get some water for her?,” Mena asked. Soon enough, you were chugging a bottled water. “Wha..what happened?,”you asked in your dazed state. “You passed out and fell to the floor,” Mena replied. He pulled a stray piece of hair back. A gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by you. “But you’re fine now. We were all scared you wouldn’t wake up,” he said, laughing a little. He stood up and grabbed your hands, pulling you up. “You think you can finish takes today?,” he asked. “Yeah..yeah,” you replied, rubbing the back of your head. “Ok, good,” he said, smiling at you. Wow he had a cute smile. Hours passed and daylight turned to moonlight as the cast and crew as were finishing up the final take of the day of Aladdin being captured by thugs and taken to Jafar. As you stared at Mena, you couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face. He was such a charming actor. As the director yelled cut, your boyfriend sneaked up behind you and picked you up. The smile immediately disappeared. “How was your day?,” he asked, putting you down. “It was good. Other than the fact that I fainted,” you told him. His face dropped. “You fainted?! And you didn’t call me?! Nobody called me!!,” he exclaimed. “Everything was fine. I just passed out from….the heat is all,” you said. “Also, you were filming today. I was just going to tell you when you got here,”you said. This didn’t help his demeanor. “You still could have let me know what happened,” he said, starting to walk towards the parking lot. As he walked fast in front of you, he suddenly stopped and turned around to you. “Let me guess…he helped you, didn’t he?,” he asked in a harsh tone. “Like any decent human would, yes. I was on set with him when it happened so he obviously helped out. If it was anyone else, you wouldn’t be like this?,” you asked. “You’re dang right, I wouldn’t. I’ll be happy when you’re done with this film,” he exclaimed. At that moment, he noticed behind you, Mena exiting his trailer and coming your way. Your boyfriend roughly pushed you against the nearest car and started making out with you. His lips nastily attacking yours.. you absolutely hated it. This went on for a couple seconds before you pushed him off of you. “Let’s just head home, ok?,” you told him. “All right, MY GIRL!,” he said, turning to look back at Mena. You opened the passenger door of his car, got it, and slammed it shut.
Over the next couple weeks, the relationship between you and your boyfriend strained while the friendship between you and Mena only became stronger. You asked if for his number one day on set and it became a daily habit of you sending memes to each other. Your boyfriend would often give you weird looks as you laughed and smiled at your phone often, you told him it was a friend texting you. You made sure to leave out that it was a guy and especially that the guy was Mena. Other than sending memes, you learned more about Mena’s life and he learned more about yours. You loved how passionate he was about his hobbies and just about life, in general. It was charming to you. He loved hearing stories about your childhood and talking to you about your day on days you weren’t needed on set. You wouldn’t admit it ,but when his name lit up on your phone screen, your heart skipped a beat. You just hoped this newfound attraction wasn’t fake just because of how your boyfriend was currently acting. Maybe you were falling out of love with him and in love with someone else, but you didn’t give the idea much thought.
A couple days later, during a break, you went to the crafts table for a snack when you noticed Mena nearby, staring intensely at his script. Your lips cracked a tiny smile and you leaned your head to the right. He seemed worried about something so you made your way over to him. “Hey, you doing ok over here?’” you asked him. “Not really. Naomi’s busy filming Jasmine scenes with the Sultan and I need someone to run lines with,” he said, looking up at you. “Are you busy now? Do you mind coming over to my trailer to help me?,” he asked. “Oh, sure! They don’t need me right now,” you said, a little too excited. “Great. Let’s go,” he said as you both started making your way to his trailer. As you settled on the couch in his trailer, he grabbed an extra copy of the script for you. “Here. Page 107,” he said, handing you the script. “Start from the first Jasmine line you see there,” he said pointing to your page. “Ok. Got it,” you replied. You cleared your throat. “You can not just break into a palace and walk around like you own the place.” “If you don’t have anything you have to act like you own everything. So…what do you say? I did find your bracelet.” “You did not find it. You stole it.” “Correction. The monkey stole it.” “He’s your monkey.” “He’s still just a monkey!” You laughed and Mena looked up at you and smiled. “Ok. This is where Nasim comes in. Do you want to skip this?,” you asked. “Yeah. That’s fine. Let’s go to where it’s just Aladdin and Jasmine. I need to work specifically on getting those scenes just right,” he replied. “Turn five pages and start where it says ‘You have,’”he told you. You nodded, turning the pages. “You have to go, now!” “Oh. Ok,but I’m coming back tomorrow night!” “What?! No you can’t.” “Meet me in the courtyard beside the fountain when the moon is above the minaret….to return this. I promise.” Mena stops and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. A gesture that was scripted, but, yet, reminded you of the time he did it earlier. As he brushed the tucked hair behind your ear, you stared into each other’s eyes for more than a couple seconds. Mena’s eyes staring at your full lips and how your hair laid across your cheeks. Your eyes staring into those beautiful brown eyes as you continued to scan his entire face. Mena didn’t notice it,but he was leaning towards you, but you backed away and stared back at the script. “Ok…what’s the next scene you need to practice?,” you asked him. “How about the kissing scene between Aladdin and Jasmine?,” he asked, laughing. Your cheeks turned red. “Haha. Nice try, Mena. Just let the kiss be natural when you do it..,” you told him, staring at the ground then back at him. “When you do it WITH NAOMI,” you continued, laughing awkwardly. “Yeah. I know. Just trying to sneak a kiss,” he replied, letting out the same awkward laugh. You both continued to stare down at the floor until Mena broke the silence. “Um..y/n?,” he asked, making you look up. “Yeah?,” you replied. “We’re friends, right?,” he asked you. “Absolutely, Mena,” you replied. This made him smile. “And…friends tell each other the truth?,” he asked.
“Yeah,usually,”you said with a laugh. “What’s up?,”you asked. He took a slow breath in and out. “This is awkward,but…I want to get it off my chest….,” he said. Your heart started to race. “I think I’m in love with you. I know you have a boyfriend, so I know you don’t like me, but I just thought I’d let you know because this feeling has been eating at me for weeks,” he admitted. Your eyes widened, but you just placed your hand on his thigh. “Mena, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have feelings for you too, but I’m in a committed relationship with my boyfriend right now. So, I’m sorry, we just can’t be together like that,” you told him.He stared back down at the floor. “Thanks for being honest with me,” you said as he turned to look at you. He let out a deep sigh. “I just don’t understand how you can be with someone like him. He treats you like trash. I saw the way he inappropriatly kissed you in the parking lot the other day and how you pushed him off when it happened,” he said, standing up from the couch. “He just gets jealous sometimes. That’s him,” you said back. He ran his hand through his hair. “I understand. I just wanted to let you know the truth. I didn’t want to keep any secrets between us,” he said. You nodded your head. Just then, a crew member knocked on the trailer door saying they needed Mena on set in ten minutes. Mena ran his hand through his hair. “I’ll..um..talk to you later. Thanks for running lines with me. I really appreciated it,”he said. Then he was gone as the trailer door closed behind him.
At the end of your work day, you were still troubled about how you left things with Mena. You knocked on his trailer. No answer. You checked the parking lot for his car. Not there. I guess he had left early. Your shoulders dropped and you made your way to your own car. Even though you did have feelings for him, you still wanted things to work with your boyfriend. You were extremely loyal and you weren’t going to let his jealousy ruin what you two had. As you opened the door to your apartment, you felt a strange feeling in the air. You called out for your boyfriend and he came out of your bedroom. “Hey. How was work today?,” he asked, smiling at you. “Fine….How about you?,” you asked. “Oh. Mine was great,” he replied. You walked into the bedroom to lay your things on the bed when you heard a noise come from the closet. You looked back at your boyfriend who awkwardly smiled. You made your way to the closet when your boyfriend said something. “Hey. I made dinner. Don’t you want to come eat?,” he asked. “I do, but I hear something strange coming from the closet,” you told him. You continued to walk towards the closet doors. “Babe, wait!,” your boyfriend yelled out. But it was too late…you already opened the door. In the closet stood a half naked woman who looked just a few years younger than you did. You stayed silent for a few seconds as you walked over to your boyfriend. “Fun day at work,huh?,”you told him. He said nothing. “Get out..,” you said in a harsh whisper. “Babe, it’s not what you think. She’s just a friend,” he told you. “A half naked friend of yours hiding in a closet. Yeah. That makes sense,” you said, sarcastically. You threw him and the girl out of the bedroom. “Get your things and get out! I never want to you again…EVER!,” you yelled at him. He went to speak, but you interrupted. “Let me guess. Payback for Mena,huh? WELL AT LEAST I HAD THE DECENCY TO NOT CHEAT ON YOU!!,” you screamed. You threw all the possible things in your sight that belonged to him and threw it at his chest. “We can make this work. I promise it won’t happen again,”he said as you continued throwing his stuff at him. “But don’t you know the saying, MY BOY. Once a cheater, ALWAYS A CHEATER,” you defended. This broke him finally. “You deserved it!! After all, I know you have a crush on that Mena guy anyways. You shouldn’t even be hurt over what I did,” he retorted. “Maybe I do. I don’t know, but I’ve been trying to make things work out between us because we’ve been together for so long. BUT! Like I said, I DIDNT EVER CONSIDER CHEATING ON YOU!!,” you retorted back. This time he stayed silent. “Give me your key and get out,” you demanded. His hands shook as he grabbed his keys from his bag and you practically snatched the key from his hand. You pushed him out of the door and didn’t let him say another word. “I’ll pack up the rest of your things and you can come get them..if I haven’t burned them…another day,” you said, slamming the door. You fell to the floor and busted out crying. You cried until your eyes were swollen and your throat was dry. You didn’t do anything for the rest of the night, but just mope around your apartment and stay in bed. Good thing you didn’t have to return to set for a few days, you were an emotional disaster.
As the days went by, your routine stayed the same which was mope around the apartment and lay in bed. This was until you noticed Mena on set the day you returned. Your face lit up. You could date him now. As you walked on the set, you noticed him getting his makeup reapplied. He saw you and gave you a small, but sad smile. You returned the smile. You started getting your makeup done as he was finished with his. You motioned for him to come over and he made his way over. “Hey, meet me in front of your trailer when we’re free for lunch. I need to tell you something,” you told him. “Oh,ok,” he said, giving you a weird look.
About three hours later, the director called lunch and you walked to Mena’s trailer. He was already standing in front of his trailer when you arrived. “Hey. Do you want to head in?,” he asked, pointing to his door. “Yeah. Sounds good,” you said. He held the door open for you as you walked in. “So, firstly, I just want to say I’m sorry. It took me a few days, but I’m over you. You don’t have to worry about my crush anymore. I don’t want to harm you and your boyfriend,” Mena said, staring back at the ground. “Ex-boyfriend,” you corrected him. “What?! What happened?,”he exclaimed. “He cheated on me because he was jealous of you,”you told him. He walked over to you and took your hand in his. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?,” he asked. “I’m more ok today than I have been since it happened,” you replied. “Is that what you wanted to tell me? About him cheating?,” he asked you. “Kinda. I was going to tell you we broke up,” you told him. He let go of your hand. “That’s a relief. He was a douche. Glad you got rid of him,” he said. “Me too..,” you replied, smiling. Mena grabbed his keys from the counter and smiled at you. “Ok, my good friend, let’s go celebrate this wonderful occasion. Lunch. My treat,” he told you. “Mena…,” you said. He turned around and looked at you. “Yeah?,” he replied. “I have feelings for you,” you told him. His mouth dropped and his face froze completely for a couple seconds. He finally spoke up. “You know I was kidding earlier when I said I’m over you. I just wanted to ease your mind. I do like you. Like really really like you. When did you say you liked me? I never noticed that you menti-” “Mena!,” you interrupted him. “Just kiss me!,” you commanded. “Ok..,” he said, before grabbing your face and placing his lips on yours. His hands moved from your cheeks to your waist as he pulled you into him. Your hands glided down his shirt and under it so you were touching his bare skin. After a couple steamy minutes, you broke away from his lips to breathe. “Guess what?,” you asked him. “What?,” he said, leaning his head into the crook of your neck. “We get to practice that kissing scene now,” you said, laughing. “Oh, we’re going to ‘practice’ a lot more than just that,” he told you as he leaned back to stare into your eyes. He, once again, tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear and leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your lips. You smiled. You finally could kiss him and you weren't going to stop...
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Overheard: 1. "The wall's cheating on me. I want a divorce." 2. "And to conclude, pressu--" *runs out of time* 3. *playing badminton* "It's not my fault these shots--" *hits basketball net*
omg i’m just… thinking about #1
I’m picturing a side who gets just a lil too drunk with his closest, closest friends.
time for some drinking headcanons that went longer than planned.
warning for alchohol, sympathetic deceit
They all think Logan has the highest tolerance but Logan just switches to water or soda after his second drink and no one every figures it out. Roman is fine for about 4 drinks and then suddenly somewhere between 4 and 5 he’s dancing on tabletops belting out showtunes. Dee makes sure to get him to 5 for just this reason because he loves showtunes so much. And he loves Roman. And he loves Logan. And Patton and Virgil and oh my god you guys i just love you all so much. No one’s ever sure how much Dee’s drunk by this point but it’s heralded by sudden attack hugs and happy crying. Virgil is the one who actually has the highest tolerance, but he never really reaches it, because he’s nervous about overdoing it and what if someone gets hurt?
Patton is the caretaker. He always remembers water and gatorade and makes people hydrate. He gets Roman off the tables safely. He tells Dee they love him too. Even Logan isn’t sure he’s ever seen Patton actually drink.
And then one night at home, Patton has far too much moscato. That’s the night they discover that Patton is a feisty drunk. He will physically fight EVERYONE. Even if he’s currently struggling to stand without leaning a little. Virgil carefully guides him to lean on the wall so that he can still see everyone but won’t keep slipping and falling.
“VIRGE i see YOU you’re trying to put me inna corner! Nobdy puts patty in a corner!”
“Pat, you know me, i would never. Uh, no, the wall just really likes you and wants to be friends.”
“Ohhhh friends? Okay. Hello Mr. Wall!’
In the background, Roman and Dee are trying to sing all of Hamilton together. Logan was going to help Virgil but then they got to Guns and Ships and he just can’t resist joining.
Virgil stays by Pat. Eventually he leans on the wall as well, smiling fondly at Patton’s grumpy expression. Pat turns to the wall and scowls harder. 
“you FUCKER”
“Pat, what did I do?” Virge asks, alarmed
“not YOU, virgey, no. It’s this bastard! The wall’s cheating on me. I want a divorce!”
“…you married the wall?”
“Yeah cause sOME PEOPLE won’t marry me instead,” Patton says, glaring fiercely at Virgil.
“Uh, Pat?”
But the Lafayette-wannabes heard that part. “Patttyyyy I’ll marry youuuuu,” Dee croons, grinning happily. “Looooove you”
“Shhh Dee he clearly meant me!” Roman pushes past. “Because Pat and I were simply meant to beeee”
Logan just rolls his eyes, but then Pat’s angry gaze shifts to him. “And wattabout youuu, hmm? Too cool for us all with your ‘no feeeeelings’ and dumb shit?”
(”Did Pat just swear?” “Ro if we actually respected his swear jar he would have contributed about $5 already”)
“Patton, if I thought you were in any way serious, we could have a conversation, but you’re clearly drunk,” Logan responds, though he still automatically catches the shorter side as he stumbles forward. For his trouble, he gets an angry finger jabbing his chest.
“Don’ care! Say you’d marry me! ‘M gonna do it, just you wait”
Virgil tries to detach Pat, but only succeeds in drawing his attention. “An’ that goes for you, my sweet lil… no, wait, no sweet nicknames. Wassa a tough nickname? My bitch”
Logan chokes on his desperate attempt to not burst out laughing. “Well, Virgil, he did ask you a question,” he gasps out. “Are you going to answer?”
Virgil is definitely not blushing, thank you very much. And if he were, it would be due to the alcohol. And it it were happening at all, you wouldn’t see it under his foundation. “Uh, Pat, sure, okay? If you need me to, I’ll marry you too. With Dee and Ro. And probably Lo, too, because we all know it would go terribly if he weren’t involved.”
“Aww thassa good bitch,” Patton sighs happily, throwing his arms around Virgil’s neck.
Dee takes the opportunity to stretch his arms around them all and pull them into one huge hug. “I just love you all so much,” he sobs into Roman’s shoulder. “Gonna marry you alllllll”
“We are literally just aspects of Thomas,” Logan tries to remind him in vain.
“I’ll marry Thomas too, I looooove him,” Dee sighs. Patton nods vigorously, and Roman starts singing “I’m gettin’ married in the morning!”
Virgil and Logan make eye contact over the mass of the other sides, rolling their eyes, but they’re both grinning far too fondly to pretend they don’t love them all too. They may be drunk idiots, but they’re their drunk idiots.
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livvywrites · 5 years
1, 9, 10, 11, 20 for the love of my life
Thank youuuuu. Always happy to talk about the pirate babe. 
1: List five basic facts about your OC.
Talitha studied magical theory at the Magus College, because even though illusions and lightning magic are her specialties, she’s curious about ALL magic. She also wanted to write her own spells, and needed to understand the theory first.
She once wrote her father a 10 page essay on why arranged marriages were an antiquated concept and she shouldn’t have to participate in one. She wanted to get this paper published, but no one would do so. Sadly she no longer has a copy of it, but could probably rewrite it from memory.
She’s barren. This is something that both deeply disappoints her and also relieves her. On one hand, she loves kids and would adore raising one of her own. On the other, she’s also already lost a child that’s close to her, and wouldn’t want to go through it again. She also has doubts of how good a mother she would be.
When they were little, Talitha and her baby sister were obsessed with the airships that docked in Illuminara. They had never boarded one, however. And had never even been out of Illuminara! But, for Lynette’s 12th birthday, 14 year old Talitha stole one of the airship’s lifeboats (which also fly) and took her sister on a trip around Illuminara. They got in a ton of trouble, but it was worth it.
The reason she’s partially deaf is because she constantly forgot (and still does forget) to wear proper ear protection during battles. When very loud explosions were happening. Because of the cannons, and sometimes her own spells. 
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?
Her sister, her brother in law, and her young nephew were killed at the hands of her father’s men. Talitha wasn’t there to stop it, or to see it happen, but she was the one who discovered their bodies. She blames herself, for not doing something about her father despite the fact her sister asked her to. She has nightmares about it frequently–where she watches it happen, where they blame her for it.
10: You are conducting a ritual. What 5 items would you need to summon your OC?
At least one book on magic or Anarian history (extra points if you can get one with both)
A nice bottle of wine, whiskey, rum, or bourbon
A violin or replica
Something shiny, like a nice necklace or pearl (bonus points if it’s enchanted)
A ship in a bottle
11: What does your OC want for their birthday?
A nice bottle of alcohol, preferably whine, whiskey, rum, or bourbon. A ship in a bottle. Books, fiction or otherwise. Blank journals. New quills/dip pens.
20: Post a picture or gif that describes your OC.
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Send me some asks! 3
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darth-dre · 6 years
Against All Odds
Warnings: Some fluff. Some murder. Some slight angst.
Word Count: 2244
A/N: Requested by Nonnie!
I was wondering if you could write an imagine where kylo is in trouble in some planet and reader (wife😭) goes to help him bc she's powerful in the first order (cus she's kylo's right hand), and she's rude and cruel like "kill them all" or something Thank youuuuu💞💞
I hope it’s everything you imagined! :)
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The odds were stacked against them, Kylo knew it the moment they set foot on the planet of Yenma. What was supposed to be a routine scouting, turned out to be a full out ambush.
Everything in his being told him to listen to his right hand, to his lover. To Y/N. She was the strategic one, the one that calculated everything and was ten steps ahead of everyone; she read over reports consistently, never missing a thing.
One simple anomaly amongst the reports warned her that there was something going on in the planet, and she warned Kylo to take a legion of troopers, to crush the resistance before they got crushed. But, Kylo, in his arrogance refused to listen to her.
“Kylo, have I ever steered you wrong?”
She asked him that when they were in the throne room. They had been going back and forth about the planet, and if he had to go, then to take more troopers. Kylo sighed, “No, Y/N. But, it isn’t necessary.”
His eyes met hers; those cold Y/E/C eyes narrowing as she bit the inside of her cheek, no doubt trying to contain her anger. She slowly walked towards the throne, her gaze never faltering. She was a few inches from his face as she leaned in front of him, one hand on either side of the throne, “Do not tell me what is necessary and not necessary, Supreme Leader.”
Kylo knew he was in trouble with her whenever she addressed him by his title, and not his name. His eyes stayed on her though, as she continued, “I am your right hand for a reason, and I am telling you, this is not going to go the way you think.”
He stood from seat on the throne. Y/N stood firm in her spot, but Kylo grabbed her hands and pulled her into him. She still held her tough demeanor, even though they were alone. He planted a soft kiss on her head, “I’ll be fine, Y/N. Don’t worry, I can handle myself.”
And now, as they were being barraged by fire, he chuckled to himself.
HE should have listened to her, he did make Y/N his right hand for a reason; because he trusted her far more than he trusted anyone else in the whole galaxy. In fact, she was the only one he trusted.
Yet, here he was. In the middle of an ambush all because he refused to listen to her.
“Supreme Leader,” one of the troopers called from behind him, “What do we do?”
Kylo peeked out from behind the thick concrete slab that shielded him and his troopers from the blasts. The resistance wasn’t letting up, and they couldn’t head back towards the ship as it would risk all their lives.
As ruthless as Kylo could be, he refused to risk his soldier’s lives. He needed their loyalty, and he wouldn’t win their loyalty by getting them killed. Hux liked to believe he had a hold on them, but he never went into battle with them the way Kylo did.
“We need to hole up here, until we can get reinforcements to arrive,” Kylo began, taking out his comm to open up a link to the freighter. He breathed in frustration when he saw it busted, pieces of machinery hanging out, “Fuck.”
Kylo closed his eyes. He shared a bond with Y/N, with his wife. Maybe there was a way he could get to her, get a message to her.
All he had to do was focus.
Even with the blasts going on around them, Kylo concentrated.
He wasn’t sure how strong the bond was, but he whispered in his mind, We’re ambushed.
A sudden explosion broke his concentration, and the troopers pulled him back, retreating deeper into the forests behind them. Kylo felt a surge of panic overcome him; it would be easier for them to attack them once they were in the forest.
He didn’t know the terrain well, and it spelled trouble.
Desperately, he called out again.
Come, he whispered in his mind.
Y/N pored over the reports. The tips. The information. The connection of spies she held at the grasp of her hands was vast; she had informants in every inch of the galaxy. Willing and not willing.
If there was anything to be said about Kylo Ren was that he was a murderer. But, many people knew that while Kylo was to be respected, Y/N was feared.
A woman that came from nothing, and rose above it all. A woman that was as cold and ruthless as the harsh winters on Hoth. Unforgiving. A woman that didn’t see limits to who would die if they ever crossed her; men, women, children, they were all the same to her. Specks in the galaxy, all of them standing in the way of her goal. Her cruelty knew no ends, and even though Kylo knew it, he still took her as his wife.
Many people felt that while Kylo was the Supreme Leader, it was Y/N that was ruling; as Kylo rarely ever did anything without first consulting it with his right hand. His wife. His queen.
Which is why it came as a shock that he refused her advice on the scouting of the planet Yenma. And if she was being honest, she was worried sick about him.
He was her weakness, and although Y/N didn’t have very many weaknesses to begin with, Kylo became one.
Kylo became the only person in her life that she ever felt anything for; that she ever loved. No one else mattered but him.
Y/N sighed as she tossed the reports aside, her mind already strategizing every possible outcome. Every possible move.
We’re ambushed.
She stood up from her seat; her hand grazing over her blaster and the other grabbing her knives. Her eyes scanned the room… empty.
She stood in her spot, frozen. It took her a few moments to realize it, the voice was inside of her head. And it sounded just like Kylo.
Her eyes widened and she quickly got into contact with her informants on Yenma.
“Supernova 2; this is Silence 1.”
“Silence 1; the crown is in danger.”
That was all she needed to hear for her to calmly walk out of her office and towards the bridge. Once she arrived, her eyes fell on General Hux.
The whole bridge went quiet upon her arrival, “General Hux.”
Hux turned to meet her hard stare, and she saw a tiny quiver to his lip, “Yes, Y/N?”
“Set a course for Yenma; I want us in hyperspace stat. And make sure all legions are ready to depart when we arrive at the planet.”
“May I ask—”
“No, you may not,” she interrupted.
“I don’t think we should—”
Hux fell silent when he saw that Y/N tilted her head, taking a step towards him. The silence in the room was deafening as she faced him, “Do as you’re told, or I will find someone else that will.”
He nodded, and Y/N began to make her way down to the hangar. Within seconds, she felt the jump to hyperspace, if she was correct, it wouldn’t take them long to arrive.
The troopers were bustling with movement in the hangar when she arrived, all of them piling into ships; the pilots for the TIE fighters were preparing their ships as well.
She kept her face void of all emotion; but inside, she hoped that Kylo would hold out just a bit longer.
Hold on, she thought, even though she knew that her words were being spoken to emptiness.
It had been hours when he last tried to get through to Y/N through the force. He wasn’t sure if she heard him.
The troopers and himself managed to hold the line a mile or two out in the thick forest; they fought back when they could, doing their best not to be pushed much further out. If they were, then they would be pushed over the edge of the cliff.
Kylo supposed this was their plan after they couldn’t kill them.
A shot was fired in his direction, and Kylo quickly deflected it, doing his best to try to take out one of them.
This was how it went since they were pushed back; they would fire, Kylo would deflect and try to hold their shots in the air, giving his troopers a small window of opportunity to take a few of them down. Kylo occasionally lifted a resistance soldier in the air and slammed him down hard, but there was only so much he could do. Especially since he was trying his best not to wear himself out just yet.
He needed to make sure that he could last, at least until help arrived.
The soldiers on the other side fired a barrage, which Kylo couldn’t deflect. His small group huddled behind the thick trees for cover.
It seemed like it would go on forever.
Then, a large explosion went off in the forest.
In his confusion, he scanned the tree line, seeing nothing but smoke and dead bodies. The soldiers on the other side, what little he could see of them, ran in the opposite direction of them, shouting orders. It was then that he looked up to find the First Order ships darkening the sky.
The fighter pilots in the TIE ships blasted everything in the distance.
No mercy. No prisoners, he heard Y/N’s voice whisper in his mind.
She was here. She heard him.
Y/N didn’t feel an ounce of regret as she watched the TIE ships blow up everything in sight.
“Kill them all,” she ordered as they descended into the planet, “If they aren’t on our side, they die. No mercy. No prisoners.”
Even her informants. Everyone was going to die.
She casually slit the throat of one of the soldiers she was in combat with, the blood spraying on her face. Her hands quickly threw a knife at another soldier that fired a blaster shot at her, and missed.
It was a rare sight when Y/N would join the battlefield. Kylo forbade it; if anything ever happened to him, she was the one to take over in his stead, to have the both of them in the fight meant that they were much more likely to fail.
But, in this moment, Y/N didn’t give on single fuck about Kylo’s wishes.
She was a leader, yes. But she refused to lead without her husband at her side.
And if she had to get on a ship, fly through hyperspace and kill every single sorry soul on this wretched planet, then that’s what she was going to do.
Her mind was on autopilot. The feel of the knives and blaster in her hands was almost second nature to her, she didn’t need to think much about it. Her instincts were focused and precise. She wasn’t sure how long the battle was, all she knew was that it was suddenly over.
She took a deep breath and observed her surroundings, the hundreds of people that were dead in this one area were probably only a fraction of the rest millions that she murdered with a single order.
There was smoke in the distance, and she heard Hux’s voice on her comm, “The enemy has been subdued. The planet of Yenma is now unpopulated.”
“Have you found Kylo?”
“Our scanners say he is near your location,” Hux answered.
Y/N turned suddenly, eyeing the tree lines in the distance. And he was there, his lightsaber thrusted in a resistance soldier.
His eyes met hers when he detached the lightsaber from the man. He was surrounded by the small band of storm troopers he arrived with, slowly making his way towards her.
She stood still, her stare was hard and cold.
“Leave us,” he told the troopers behind him, “Report to Captain Phasma.”
The troopers did as they were told, leaving Y/N and Kylo alone amidst the rubble and dead bodies.
Y/N’s hard demeanor was slowly crumbling, but she held it back, “You should have listened to me.”
“I should have,” Kylo agreed, “I made you my right hand, my second in command because I trust you and your instincts. I trust them every other time, and I should have trusted them today.”
A small smirk spread on her lips, “As long as you admit it.”
Kylo smiled, and then it was quickly replaced by a frown, “I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t be out in the battlefield when I am.”
Her brows flew up in surprise, she scoffed, “Fuck your rule. You needed me, and besides, you’re not in a position to talk when you openly disregarded my warnings.”
“Fair enough,” he sighed, pulling her into his arms, “I should get you out here more often, I think we’d be unstoppable.”
A chuckled escaped Y/N’s lips, “We? You were barely holding on.”
Kylo laughed and held Y/N’s face in his hands, “Without you, I barely do.”
Her cold demeanor faltered and she pulled him in, smashing her hungry lips against his.
Y/N was cold. Cruel. But, for this man, she was putty in his hands. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for him, no one she wouldn’t kill for him.
Kylo would be the only person she ever loved, and she knew without a shadow of a doubt, that he felt the same way about her.
A/N: Mush in his hands. Just like all of us.. <3
@stargazer1893 @kylo-ren-is-my-supreme-leader @kyloisspacedaddy @thehealthypancreas @inumorph @waywardimagination @onceuponimagines @sleepylunarwolf @take-a-look-the-invisible-girl @mads---world @spacemarkimoo @yessy2012 @sallyp-53
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franeridart · 6 years
I honestly LOVE your bakushima kids, but did you have any ideas on what the rest of the bakusquad's kids would be like if the others did have kids? If you have thought of it, would the next gen of bakusquad be friends like their parents or not so much?
Thanks!!! And to be completely honest with you, the only other kid I have for that specific AU is the todo//deku one :0 not cause I haven’t thought about the bakusquad ones, but cause I still haven’t managed to decide which ships I wanna go with? Do I do kami//sero or kami//jiro or kami//mina? Do I do mina//jiro or momo//jiro? how about sero//mina? I like so many ships for the squad that I can’t manage picking just one haha but what I already have decided is that whoever Kaminari ended up with his kid is Tai’s best friend. I dunno who that kid is, but they’re best friends 👍
Anon said:Hy i have a fan account on ig it’s @o.urarakaa i want To know if i can repost one or your art thanks 🙏
Ahhhh sorry, but as it’s written more or less everywhere on my blog I don’t allow reposts of my stuff - thank you for asking, tho!
Anon said:Have you ever considered MomoJirou????
I have! Have also drawn it and posted it in the past, actually!
Anon said: FRAAAAAAAN! I love your art from the bottom of my heart and every little doodle makes me smile and gasp in awe because they’re beautiful. And since I love it so much, I often comment under it: Is it troublesome for you or I can continue? Idk, maybe it feels exaggerated or repetitive or annoying and I wouldn’t want to bother you :3 Have a lovely day and thank you for sharing your art! (Your KiriBaku give me life)
No no no it’s super totally okay don’t worry about it!!! Actually thank you so so so so much for always taking your time to let me know you liked my stuff!!!!
Anon said:legit crying at your latest comic. its too fucking soft and adorable i cannot handle it. you’re amazing. thank you for everything you share with us
;O; thank you so much???? oh my god!!!
Anon said:I’m always awkward w/ these BUT!!!!! I JUST NEEDED TO TELL YOU I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ART AND YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH!!!!! I always look forward to any new art you post (even if it’s outside my fandoms!!) and I always SMILE/GET MEGA EXCITED WHEN I SEE A NEW ONE!!!! I personally really love your Kiribaku ones though sO THAT NEW KAMIJIROU ONE ESPECIALLY SENT MY HEART SKYROCKETING!!!!!! I sincerely love you as an artist so please know that!!!! Thank you for drawing!!!!!! They make me so happy!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! this seriously means the world to me, I’m so happy I can make you enjoy even stuff out of your fandoms!!! Seriously thank you for sending this ask, it made my day ;O;
Anon said:What do you think of Bakugou/Shinsou? I stumbled across the pairing recently, and it’s a bit of a rairpair, but it’s so cute???
It’sssss not really my thing actually - well, generally I’m a picky shipper with Bakugou anyway, not gonna lie, but the only interaction Baku and Shinsou ever had made it pretty clear Shinsou can’t stand him and I usually don’t ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him ??? I’m more drawn to his canon happy relationships honestly haha
Anon said:Oh my goodness, you’ve opened my eyes on the similarities and contrasts of both kiribaku and kamijirou (also, Kamijirou is one of my otps, thank you so much)
Haha that’s cool to hear !! They aren’t exactly similar as ships, but they are fun ships to put next to each other cause they contrast in some pretty funny ways imho! :D
Anon said:That’s so cute fran, how do you even come up with these comics they’re perfection
Thank you!!!!!! And I’m gonna be honest with you, that kamijirou one came up mostly just cause I wanted to write the “you’re an asshole how do you have a bf”/ ”for one, I’m not an asshole to my bf” exchange lmao
Anon said:your comics (bakushima in particular) make me so happy, thank you so much!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I’m glad I can help you be a lil bit happier!!!!!!
Anon said:I love ur art!! I hope u had a nice day!!
THANK YOU! I hope you’ll have a great day too!!!!!!!
Anon said:R u a cat person or a dog person?
Generally a cat person, but just cause I have two cats and love them with my whole heart haha I love dogs a lot too, tho!! Always wanted one ;u;
Anon said:Hi! How was ur day?
Weirdly tiring, but generally good! I hope yours was a good one too!!!
Anon said:Okay but like… I am 100% a lesbian but your art of Tyki and Wisely is so gorgeous that it makes me feel just a little bit straight. Like, wow.
Holy heck, that’s high praise!!! Thank you so much???? :O
Anon said:Your krbk concert art makes me weep. It’s so beautifullll.
SOB thank you!!! This means a lot to me cause that AU means a lot to me, so really, thank you so much!!!! *hugs*
Anon said: I’m laughing, your Shinsou’s are both the most beautiful and the most relatable. I really love the colour scheme.
THANKS!!! Purple is one of my fav colors so I always have lotsa fun with its shades!!! :D
Anon said:i would love to see more bakucamies from you! their friendship is lit
I love and live for all Bakugou relationships, so more of that one will happen for sure! She made him laugh after all, she already owns my soul for that ;^;
Anon said:How do you feel about the other noahs?
Jasdevi means the whole world to me and I miss them more ever passing day, Neah and Mana are my kids whom I need to protect I really just wish for both of them to be happy though I know that’s probably not gonna happen ;;, Road!!!! is!!!!! My girl!!!!!!! Love her, like her better when she’s not hurting Lavi but generally I’m always happy to see her, I have conflicting feelings about Feedra, Sheryl is slimy and I can’t trust him, everyone else wasn’t around enough to know for sure how I feel about them honestly, I’m interested but not particularly invested :0
Anon said:You’re my favourite noah:)
This is??? A weirdly cute ask??? Thank you!!!! :D
Anon said:genuinely shrieking over your doodle of tyki. i love him so fucking much and aH,,
I’M GLAD TO HEAR THAT he’s!!!! so great isn’t he ;O; *sigh*
Anon said:Fran, did you know that I’d die for you and your art?? And also I just really love the extra little things you put in the tags when you post things, idk it makes me really happy to read those little tidbits and for me it just really completes the art,, also your ocs are actually the cutest things I’ve seen in my entire life ((I may or may not be gay for like half of them))
THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!! the oc thing especially, that means the world to me oh my god ;O; still can’t believe people actually like them aaaaHHHHHHHHHHH
Anon said:A concept: someone getting flirty with Kirishima and a jealous Bakugou
A good concept which I’m always up for, but to be honest with you I’m more of a fan of the other way around :O like, Kiri is so good and bright and friend with everyone, jealousy might as well be something Bakugou’s used to by this point - but Bakugou, people tend to avoid him or think of him as rude and annoying, Kirishima wouldn’t be used to jealousy at all you know? So I like it that way around more haha
Anon said:Hi! as a fellow artist I just wanted to rant bc I thought you might understand how I feel. my art never comes out looking right and it’s just so frustrating ugh is this what you call artblock ;; I just want my art to look good sigh
I wouldn’t call it an artblock, it’s more like… like your mind is one step ahead of your skills, I’d say. If treated right, you can turn that feeling into improving your art! What is it that you don’t like? Can you break it down to smaller things? Is it the line work or the coloring style, or even just the way you draw eyes or hands or noses? If you can focus on the smaller parts of what you don’t like in your style you can then look up a way to do the same thing that you do like, and practice that till you’re satisfied with it! One small thing might not mean much by itself, but putting all these small things together is how you make improvement happen :D 
Anon said:Perdona se non scrivo in inglese, ma sono un totale disastro. Volevo solo dirti che ammiro tantissimo il tuo lavoro ed è un balsamo per l'anima quando appare in bacheca.
AHHHHHHHHH ;O; GRAZIE MILLE !!!!!!!!!! E non preoccuparti per la lingua !!! siamo italiani dopotutto, l’inglese non è necessario per comprenderci haha
Anon said:omg you and your all time low references, I love it so much (everytime I listen to afterglow I think in kiribaku bc of your drawing and now I’m going to do it with the last young renegade 💕)
Hahahaha they’re one of my favorite bands after all, I fall back on them a lot lol I’m glad you like that, tho!!!
Anon said:a concept: angry bakugo next to a smol duck
*me, crying* i-it’s beautiful ;o;
Anon said: *sobs* I LOVE YOUR YULMAS SO MUCH T-T
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE????? Happy yulma is what keeps me going honestly I love them so incredibly much ;O;
Anon said:I ship the squad x Sero’s hammock
So do I hahaha
I DID! Happy you were happy about that!!! haha
Anon said:What’s your opinion on bakucamie? Both as a friendship and a relationship
Absolutely not as a romantic thing, but I love it as a friendship! As I said, anyone who can make Bakugou laugh owns my soul forever hahaha
Anon said:your bakugous are so good!! also you drew my new fave girl camie i love her so much and i espicially love her in your style!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like how she came out, tho I admit I feel like I still don’t have her down properly… will have to draw her more :O
Anon said:Your art style is so amazing, and I love your different au’s and Bakushima comics!! Any plans to draw some BakuCamie brotp in the future?
Thank you!!! And I don’t ever have plans for what I draw until I actually sit down to draw it, but more Baku and Camie is totally possible!!
Anon said:hey fran! i adore your art, been here from the very first page of your tattoo au!!!! i just wanted to say 2 things: 1. when baku laughed this chapter i thought of you! and 2. every time i see your todoroki my heart explodes in my chest he’s so so pretty in your style :00 hope you’re having a wondeful day!
YO THAT’S SUCH A LONG TIME!!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around this long!!! ;O; and thank you for the compliment oh my god!! ;O; Todo is so damn fun to draw, I’m glad to hear he comes out well enough!!!
Anon said:OH MY GOSH LITERALLY ALL THE BAKUGOUS YOU DREW IN YOUR MOST RECENT POST ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND PRETTY AND IM DEAD. The colours look amazing! And his facial expressions are so soft and nice. My favourite is probably him with the dog cos his hair look so freakin fluffy and soFT. I also love him laughing because didn’t everyone just die at that manga panel and you make him look extra sweet! I also love him talking to camie cos he looks exciting and a little shocked to have a friend! /// I love the other ones too obviously they’re all amazing! But I just wanted to share my favourites and how much I love them!
SO MUCH LOVE IN JUST ONE ASK!!!! Thank you so much for sending it all this way aaahhhhhhh
Anon said:Hiii, I hope you are having a good day! I want to know if you sell posters of your art online because I would love to have one of your kiribakus hanging on my wall 😍 idk why but your art makes me happy, like your style is so beautiful and your headcanons are so cute so it is like the perfect combination that always cheers me up when Im sad 💕 thank you
THANK YOU!!! And yeah I do, I have a redbubble shop!!! ;O;
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jungblue · 6 years
OSIDJDJSIEISJS HELLI AGAIN ITS ME THE ANON YOU WANTED!!!! OMFGGGGG WHAT DID I TELL YOU????? I TOLD YOUUUUU !!!!!! THIS FIC FUCKING SCARRED ME PUNCHED ME IN THE GUT RIPPED MY HEART ATTACKED MY SOUL AND THREW ME INTO THE PACIFIC OCEAN I WAS THAT TRAUMATIZED. I was SO sad when the OC ended up alone..I was REALLY hoping she'd get back with either Jungkook or Jimin, or the least make up with Sohee but no...I....I literally have no words. I stopped reading the fic ever since it completed but
I always came back to it and left anonymous comments to the author, mentally wanting to strangle her because of her story left me really upset and I couldn’t stop thinking about it even now. But I always thanked her for writing such a realistic fic, and it’s because it’s written in that way, it makes cheating seem scarier and more destructive that it really is. It broke apart friendship, trust and everything that was binding those friends. I can’t re read the last few chaps because it was so sad
i’m going to reply to every few sections each bc if i try to do this in one go at the very end my thoughts are going to sporadic and messy lmao. but anyways… HOW COULD YOU REC ME THIS. IT LITERALLY TORE MY HEART OUT ONLY FOR THE AUTHOR TO DANCE ON IT WITH SOME METAL CLEATS. LIKE YOUR GIRL WAS HURTINGG. like you said, i’m just upset for the oc. she ended up alone and lost everything. whereas with jungkook he still gets to talk to jimin (well like he’s also stuck in a relationship he didn’t really wanna be in so he got his karma too but still) and it just feels like at the end of it she truly has nobody
And I absolutely hated how Sohee too revenge by getting pregnant. Like what????????? And I literally prayed to God that it was a lie, because she was behaving like a real pain in the ass but at the same time…I really felt how much she loved Jungkook. Her love for him was pure, even her friendship with the OC was pure, but something about Sohee’s past relationships and even how she LITERALLY was the final push to Jungkook’s and Seulgi’s relationship, rubbed me in the wrong way. I felt horrible
NO I DISLIKE SOHEE A LOT. i didn’t like her’s and jungkook’s relationship bc it was all about status to the both of them. she thought that it was alright to help jungkook cheat on seulgi just ‘bc he was hot.’ and whenever she talks about him to the oc she treats him like an airhead jock. she says she loves him so much, but i don’t get why when she thinks of him so simply. like he makes her happy and comfortable i guess, but she doesn’t actually see him. and i’m just gonna say i usually hate that type of plot point. the trapping someone in a relationship through pregnancy plot point, bc i mean it’s just psychotic and usually isn’t done well, bc the character who does it seems cartoonishly evil. but sohee actually doesn’t. she seems like she’s just a real and insecure person who was ready to settle down and marry jungkook before she found out about the cheating and that was her last effort. LIKE I STILL DISLIKE HER BUT WHATEVER
For Jimin a LOT, because he reminded me so much of Future Hearts Jimin, because he was SO selfless and he loved the OC unconditionally really. He was the perfect boyfriend, and I felt my heart sink when Jimin found out about the cheating. I just couldn’t function anymore. He didn’t deserve any of that. He was such a good person, a good brother, a good boyfriend… why is it that all the good people get hurt? ;;;;;;;;;; BUT I HAVEN’T TALKED ABOUT JUNGKOOK YET GOSH. I had opinions about him 
POOR FUCKING JIMIN!!! AND YEAH HE REMINDED ME OF FH JIMIN TOO :( honestly i had a really hard time reading the part where he was going through jungkook’s notebook of poems to the oc. like it hurt to read about him finding out and god it was just awful. he didn’t deserve that at all. he didn’t every possible thing he could to be a good boyfriend to the oc. uhggg it really did make me mildly nauseous seeing him get hurt like that
Because he was such a complicated, mysterious and broken individual. The way he derived his sense of inspiration from his past relationship with his mother hit my heart like a bulldozer. I found myself sympathizing him many times, even though he was clearly in the wrong and the lines between his needs and wants was blurred. I felt so sad for him, and yet I wanted to smack him when he was so ready to leave Sohee even when she loved him so much. But I also understood that Sohee didn’t understand J  
Jungkook the same way as the OC did. I blame Jungkook because he exposed his past and his feelings to the OC first, and he could have easily had done that in the two (?) Years that he has been with Sohee. But I still think Sohee would see him more of a hot jock, nevertheless. I felt so sad for him though, he ended up with someone he didn’t love but it was his fault at the same time. But I still found myself drawn towards him, even if his morals were a bit crooked.
jungkook’s character was so hard for me bc i hated that i liked him. like what he was doing was absolutely awful, but the way the writer wrote his character made me sympathize with him. and the way the author used this along with the build up of the oc and jungkook made me not as angry as i should’ve been when they cheated the first time. instead i thought to myself, but i like them together??? but it wasn’t me liking them together bc their partners were awful, no that’d be too goddman easy lmao, it was bc they just FIT TOGETHER. like jimin’s great and perfect, but she she fit with jungkook so well. AND I’M ANNOYED THAT I THINK THAT BC GOD WHAT DID WAS AWFUL AND I’M MAD ABOUT IT. as for sohee, i again just think that she sees him as a hot airhead jock, so that’s why jungkook didn’t tell her. but it’s like you said he could’ve, and it’s also his fault bc he was more or less with her in the first place so similar reasons of her simply being attractive. their relationship was just messy to me, not like jimin and the oc’s which i fully loved
But it didn’t happen. I legit cried the laat chapter, because I wanted her to be with someone, I didn’t care who it was. I know it’s really shallow for me to say that haha. But instead she found herself, and I was also happy with that too.. because in the end you need to forgive yourself first before you can move on with life right? Ufff I can go on and on about the characters but it’s been months since I last read and I can’t write in a scholarly, fancy and critical way that you can! Okay so
no but same :(( i just wanted her to be with someone, which yeah is probably really shallow of me, but i just read 90k of fic from her pov so how could i not sympathize with the fact that she’s completely alone. i am happy that she found herself but i’m not gonna lie and say that i’m happy that she didn’t end up with jungkook or jimin (specifically jungkook) bc i think that they could have made it work. and lol i promise i can’t write critically without inserting my emotions into this fic. i’m a mess rn lmao
Enough about the characters, now the writing!! Gosh the quality of writing was soooooooo good!! It had the right pace, it had a perfect balance between suspense drama and romance, every chapter was such a ride to read, and the compositions oh my God!! I asked the author and she said she wrote all those beautiful poems! Wow, talk about talent, huh? Her descriptions were so real I literally felt in the moment, i could literally feel the pain from the characters on to me, I could hear their heart
breaks, I could taste the tears streaming down Jungkooks face when the OC told him to leave, I could feel the tension when the OC and Sohee met at the coffee place for the last time, I felt everything crumbling down on me when Jimin fought with Jungkook when he found out..I think the best part of her writing was how she able to make everything realistic. Like cheating is a realistic thing no doubt, but there are sO many layers underneath that. People can just say “oh it’s just a breakup move on”
But NO. Cheating is more than hurtful, it’s something that can break, tear, cripple someone’s feelings and fringesofsanity was able to write that in such very realistically. Anyone who reads this story can able to relate. Fanfic writers always like to put a dramatisized spin to cheating, and it ends happily with the person forgiving the other, but not in this story. Gosh I really hope you, and none of the people on this planet experience what the 4 characters did. It’s too hurtful, too painful.
yes yes yes i completely agree! her take on cheating and how it affects the people around the act was so realistic and beautifully written. and as much as i’m bitching about the fact that the oc is alone, i appreciate that the ending feels real, bc after something so traumatic happening to the four of them, it’s just unrealistic to think that everything would be happy and perfect. BUT I CAN STILL BE SAD ABOUT IT DAMMIT :((
I’m SO happy you liked this fic. And how can anyone not? The whole idea of the story’s imperfect characters, the cheating, the consequences…but the angst was just a way too much on the heavier side for my weak heart..well cheating is pretty heavy so can’t help it. And it just goes to show how love is such a dangerous emotion indeed. The people who loved unconditionally in this story, were left truly heartbroken. All of them loved each other unconditionally, whether it be friendship wise or
Or romantically. Look at Jimin, poor poor soul. I just wanna wrap him up and hug him forever. As for JK, even though I luh him so bad and he’s my bias, I feel really conflicted about his character. But I feel bad for him too you know… Sheesh I must be filling your anon box too much. Well I could write more but I don’t want you to get bored. I’m so happy you liked this fic! Thank you for boarding the ship of pain and misery, my friend!
EVEN THOUGH IT MADE ME REALLY SAD THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THE REC BC I HAVEN’T GOTTEN MY HEART TORN OUT LIKE THAT IN SO LONG. just oh god it’s just so painful :(((( lmao i’m so sad but i’m happy that i got to read a fic like that ;;;;;;
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thexsisters · 6 years
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A lot has happened in 2017 for me. I started the year out getting incredibly sick and I had my first ever foot injury without being in any kind of sports. Haha. The month of January was awful. Let me tell you. But some of you know. Because you were there for me.
A few months speeding up to March and something really scary happened to my grandpa. Something that I wasn’t sure he could come back from. You guys helped me. Some of you more than others but what matters was that some of you reached out. Even if it was just once and only for a few minutes. Lord knows you all have your own lives too.
My grandpa is now nearly back to the way he was. It’s our miracle of 2017 for sure. I then went to the beach for the first time ever in May and it was a blast! I can’t wait to go to a different beach next year. As long as I don’t see any sharks because for real I may live in Ohio but sharks are my greatest fear, okay???
August started out as one of the most thrilling months of 2017 but within a week it became the worst month of 2017. I had been waiting to move out for so long and when I finally got my chance, I was played and lied to. Like usual. I think on some level I’m cursed. For reals. But anyway, August sucked. But you guys were there. You were. You got me through it.
2017 was also the year I finally learned what all the hype was about this group called BTS. I knew they were popular but I was just so hooked on VIXX that I wasn’t really ready to listen to anything else. And then I came back from my beach vacation in May and the Billboard awards was on. I was like “Oh cool! Kpop is making us proud with that BTS group!” And that was all it took for me to become a baby Army~
In the process of getting sucked into the fandom, I have met so many wonderful people! Army is a fandom that, like many, have good apples and bad apples. But I’m one of the lucky ones that have met nothing but good apples~ I’m very fortunate for that. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. You guys put up with my Jungkook spams and BTS trash posts in general. Haha!
Thank you
Chrissy. My adorable turtle with the cute shell~ Sometimes I imagine us just chilling in your shell while you tell me about things like your book cause I’m a huge fangirl, okay? But not just your book, I often imagine us talking about life and how I wish I could do more for you as a friend. If I could tattoo any quote to your body, it would be the famous quote by Christopher Robin. “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” You fight so many battles in your life. And even when you don’t always win those battles, you never give up the war. That takes real bravery, strength, and smarts. Gosh Chrissy. You’re one of the smartest girls I know. But I also know how anxiety has it’s way of clouding those smarts. Turning us into mumbling stumbling sheep who’ve lost our way. But this year you’ve kicked some major butt, okay? You got a job! You stared your enemies in the eye and you said “F*** you.” You went to that job fair, you got that interview, and you got that job. THE Chrissy that I know can do anything she sets her mind to got a job! I’m so proud of you, girl. This is our second Christmas as friends and you’re forever one of my best friends. There are still many battles to be fought, but let’s fight them together, okay?
Laura. My skanky skank. The Sushi Mama. Sadly I did not get to spend as much of 2017 with you as I would have liked. Being what I believe is 6 hours apart makes things difficult, I know. But of course we always make it work. Bless you and Chrissy for throwing me that birthday party. You guys know how much I loved our AIM chats. Sadly AIM is a thing of the past now. But at least we have the memories in our head and our hearts. That birthday party meant so much to me. You made time out of your busy life for me. That means so much. I miss you. It’s probably selfish of me to say but it’s true. I try to be okay with it. I know you’re busy. But you’ll always be my owl that watches over me. You’re still sitting on my desk with Chrissy. I have those stuffed turtle and snow owl on my desk at work. So that I have you guys with me always~ No matter how often we don’t talk, I know you’re always with me. Thanks for being such an amazing friend and an amazing writer. You never fail to blow me away with your writing.
Where do I even start with you? Aigoo. So much has happened that it feels like we’ve known each other for years. In fact it feels so long ago that I barely remember how we first started talking. Isn’t that awful? Haha. But I do indeed remember me approaching you first. I had been checking the people who were following me but had yet to actually approach me. So I thought I’d hit you up with an instant message here on tumblr. And that’s all it took. Here we are now. Several months later and we have so many ships and it makes me feel fuzzy. You, Chrissy, and one other person are the only ones who put up with all my crazy ideas and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for putting up with that because I know my imagination can get pretty wild and out there. You are most certainly my blessing from 2017. Being strong for me so that I can be strong for my friends and family. I can’t tell you enough how precious you are. Don’t let anyone tell you any different because my opinion is the only one that matters. Haha! Let’s have many more Christmases together, okay?
Oh sweet pea I’m so sorry. 2017 wasn’t good to us and I’m so very sorry for that. Things happened and I was still trying to find my way with how I wanted to rp male muses and you were my guinea pig most of the time. But you really stuck by me. And I just want you to know how appreciative I am of you and all your endless patience with me. Our time zones make rping live really difficult but you put up with it anyway. I’m so proud of you for making your multimuse blog. I bet you’re having a blast, right? heehee It’s so good to see you having a blast and enjoying yourself. I knew you’d love it. And hopefully 2018 will be full of fun moments for Taekwoon and Hyosung~
I’m squealing and flailing cause like I don’t even know where to start, okay??? You’ve grown to be one of my idols. I’ll never forget how our story first started. The first chapter was honestly me watching you pop up on my list of recommendations provided by tumblr. I’d click your blog and instantly start sweating because like um hello. You’re totally above me and like I just didn’t think I’d ever be able to be worthy of your writing. Like I totally believed I wasn’t worth being in your ring of writers. Everything about you is amazing and I just couldn’t. Too chicken. Couldn’t do it. But one day I got the fuzzy dice to finally approach you. And I’m glad I did. Because here I am. And I’m still such a fangirl, okay? You’re always going to be my idol. I’ll never forget that first meme reply. I remember reading it over and over again on my lunch hours at work. Smiling like an idiot and being floored every time I read it. Our cuties are so naughty and cute and gosh I ship it hard core. Seulgi isn’t naughty in her other ships but dang she channels her inner BoA when she’s with her handsome composer.~ Let’s always be rp partners, Army, and most importantly friends.
Waaah~ I know we don’t talk much out of character but from what I’ve seen, you’re absolutely precious! In fact I know so little that I don’t even know if you’re male or female so I do apologize. But this is about the people who’ve touched my life and been there for me this year and you’re one of them. Whether I know anything about you or not. And you deserve to be recognized. Much like with the cutie mentioned above you, I kept watching your blog pop up in my list of recommendations. Sooo many times I’d click your blog and nibble my nails nervously because like dang what if you thought I was weird or something. Like what if our muses weren’t compatible. But wow was I wrong. Like I die a fangirl’s death every time I see Seulgi with Shownu because I keep trying to blow on the sails of the ship. Willing it to sail all around the Caribbean. Haha! I love shipping and I’m terrible at slow burning ships because I just want it to happen now. I want them to kiss now! Haha! Thank you for making my days brighter with our rping. I always have a pleasant morning because there’s a cute reply from Shownu waiting for me in my IM on tumblr. It’s a wonderful start to my morning routine. Let me tell you~ Thank you. For everything. Let’s continue to be rp partners and even friends. I’m glad I got the guts to approach you. Hopefully you are just as happy~
Cutie! Thank you so much for expressing concern over my icky eczema condition. Honestly if I were to bandage all my other patches of eczema, I would literally look like a mummy. There’s one big reason I dislike winter weather and this would be it. Dry skin. But don’t worry, I just gotta make it to at least like March or April and I think it’ll settle down and clear up. Till next time. OTL Anyway! Thank you so much for sticking around. I know there for awhile we’d have mun conversations and you’d share your worries with me. I still really value that and appreciate that. You’re so sweet and I feel like I can approach you any time. You’re a good person. I hope you know that. And gaaaah. Our muses are so cute! I don’t know if it’ll ever be an official ship but I definitely ship shy Seulgi with sexy Eros. I like the rp relationship we have. We’ve had a few threads and even though a lot of them haven’t worked out, that’s not stopped us from trying new pairings and plots. I like that~ I can appreciate and admire that. Thank you. You’ve made 2017 very enjoyable. Let’s keep at it!
Sobs sobs sobs. I miss youuuuu. You were one of the first few people to pick me up when life around me was ending as I knew it. You were one of the first few people to help me dip my toes into the idea of being multiverse. I still only really had Tiffany at the time but I wanted her to have other verses. And you dived right in with me. Our ship is the longest lasting ship on this blog and it’s always going to be special to me. I hope you’re well. I really do because I know I don’t see or hear from you as often. But you’re still important to me. So you deserve your spot here with all these other wonderful people. Because you will forever be wonderful to me in my book. Let’s continue to be amazing friends no matter how far apart life tries to keep us, okay? Heehee~
Hellooooo~ Another one of those cuties who I don’t really talk to out of character but you’re still so wonderful to rp with! I like our plot. I honestly don’t know much about mafia plots no matter how many BTS mafia fanfics I read but haha! I promise I’m still having a blast no matter what. I have always wanted to dip my toes in the type of plot we have going on so it’s a joy and an honor to be able to rp that with you. I like how rping is casual and enjoyable while still being thrilling all at the same time. Thanks for putting up with my tumblr IM rping style that I’ve seemed to take quite a liking to lately. It’s so convenient and it’s still just as fun! You’re a wonderful rp partner and I hope we can also be good friends too!
Ah sweetie pie! Thank you so much for being such a wonderful, understanding sweetheart. I was kinda sorta losing it and going out of my mind with panic the last time we spoke and I do apologize. I probably seemed so irrational. Apparently that’s what happens when eczema, stress, and coming down with a killer migraine falls upon you within two weeks’ time. I really do enjoy all our little threads we have going on. I’m glad we didn’t give up. BoA and Donghae are sooooo OTP material. heehee~ She’ll die if he ever proposes. haha! Thank you so much for being a wonderful rp partner. But not just for what you do within the rp community, but also what you do outside of it. You risk your life every day and I will always admire that. Stay strong and be safe out there, okay?
My fellow Ohioan! Congratulations on your wedding! I bet it was absolutely beautiful and hopefully you had lots of fun on your honeymoon~ Thank you so much for rping with me. I know it’s not something that happens often but I still enjoy every second of it. I never take it for granted. Your Leo was one of this blog’s first verses when it was still just Tiffany. Our muses have been through a lot and came a long way. I’ll always treasure the memories between our muses on this blog. You helped me learn what it was like to be multiverse so that I could one day become more confident in what I was doing as a writer and a mun behind the muse. Thank you. You’re wonderful and I hope you’re doing well!
Sweet pea! I miss you bunches and I hope you’re doing well. I’ll never forget all that you’ve done for me. You were there when I was in so much pain. You managed to stay neutral while helping me piece myself and BoA back together. You know how much that means to me? When I was so sick that I could have physically puked. You were there. You were there. And I know we’ve had our ups and downs. But I think that’s what makes some of the greatest friendships. The strongest friendships. We always manage to gravitate back to each other. Through thick and thin. Thank you. I keep my pink haired Hongbin photo card at my desk and every time I look at it, I think of you. You gave me so many gifts and I wish I could give it back to you doubled! Please take care and never forget that you can always come to me to talk about anything~
New cutie friend person! Heehee~ You’re already turning into a partner who’s gonna fly with any idea I throw at you. I can tell. Thank you for embracing those crazy ideas and shipping with me from day one. Literally. Like I can tell we’ve got great chemistry as writers and I sure do hope I don’t annoy you with my out of character messages in tumblr IM. I get awfully paranoid when I realize that tumblr might not be sending my messages through. Seulgi and Baekhyun are just such OTP material and I’m excited for Tiffany and Jaebum. I love the rocky, unstable aspects of our two ships so far. It’s fresh and new and doesn’t scare me because I know in the end it’ll be okay for them~ I’m excited to see where they go in 2018!
Sweetheart! I sure hope you’re taking care of yourself. Color in a Hello Kitty coloring book for me, okay? Heehee~ I miss you and I really truly do hope you’re doing well. I know the last time we talked, you were getting life figured out which honestly is a full time job in itself. Remember, any time you wanna talk or need someone to just listen, I’m here. Our rping hasn’t exactly been a thing and once upon a time it really upset me but I’ve tried to grow up and be a big girl about things like that. Especially now that I’m gaining perspective and know how hard it is to keep up when all you wanna do is focus on other things. I’m sorry I ever made things difficult for you. I hope you can forgive me. I just really loved your writing and I wanted to be a part of it. But having matured over time, I really do hope you’re taking care of yourself and doing what’s best for you~ You be good, okay? Heehee.
Whines I hope you’re taking care of yourself, sweet pea. You know how much I worry about you. Overworking yourself or living in conditions less than healthy. Stay warm this winter. I wish I could mail you a bunch of blankets. My grandmother made me a ton that I could give you. We’ve had our fun moments though, haven’t we? Time and schedules always seem to get in our way of rping. But I’ll never forget what you told me not too long ago. How you enjoyed my muses and thought they were wonderful. That’ll always mean a lot to me and I still blush like an idiot over it. I often worry that my girls are too....out there and weird. Haha. So thank you for taking the time to admire each one of them. I’ll always treasure that. One day we’ll get to plot and rp. I don’t know when, but it’s gonna happen. Count on it!
I miss you, dear. I hope you’re okay and enjoying life~ Hopefully life is treating you well. It’s been awhile since we last spoke but I still think about you and I still try to watch over you from afar. We’ve had a lot of fun and exciting rps though, ne? You’re a great writer and I don’t ever want you forgetting that. Our out of character conversations were always enjoyable and heartfelt. I treasure those moments because you were able to open up to me and I appreciate that. More than you’ll know. You take care of yourself, okay? Be good and stay strong. You’re doing a wonderful job. Heehee~
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summerrobrts · 7 years
for all of our ships! ☎ (they are so many i'm sorry)
angel 💖
home by edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros
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[TEXT FROM ANGEL 💖]: I’m going tomorrow. I don’t know when I’m going to be able to talk to you, but you will be the only thing in my mind.[TEXT FROM ANGEL 💖]: I love you.
[TEXT TO ANGEL 💖]: I keep watching videos with you on it and seeing old photos too. I miss your voice. I miss your laugh and your smile. And your jokes and puns, as awful as they are. I miss everything about you.[TEXT TO ANGEL 💖]: I don’t even know when you will be able to see this message, but I just think you should know that. I love you so much, babe. Get well soon.
teddy 🐻
back to you by john mayer
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[TEXT FROM TEDDY 🐻]: I’m sorry I didn’t pick up baby, my phone was silent. I was in a reunion.[TEXT FROM TEDDY 🐻]: Did anything happen? Do you need help with anything?
[TEXT FROM TEDDY 🐻]: It’s okay, babe! I just called you to tell you I got reservations at our favorite restaurant.[TEXT FROM TEDDY 🐻]: So, I wanted to know what shirt you wanna use for it so I can iron it.
a bug’s life 🐜💕
lost in your light by dua lipa ft. miguel
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[TEXT FROM A BUG’S LIFE 🐜💕]: I’m passing by my sister’s restaurant. Do you want your usual or something else?[TEXT FROM A BUG’S LIFE 🐜💕]: And don’t say wine, Marina or I swear to god.
[TEXT TO A BUG’S LIFE 🐜💕]: YOU SAY THAT LIKE IF WINE IS A BAD IDEA.[TEXT TO A BUG’S LIFE 🐜💕]: But the usual is cool, anything your sister’s make is great. [TEXT TO A BUG’S LIFE 🐜💕]: Also, I just took a buzzfeed test ‘which dwarf from snow white you are’ and I got Doc….. I don’t know what to think about it.
prince 😻
lovebug by jonas brothers
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[TEXT FROM PRINCE 😻]: Today has been stressful and I’m still not done with the pizzas. Is it okay if we go tomorrow?[TEXT FROM PRINCE 😻]:  Unless you really wanna go tonight, of course. Then I can push myself a little bit
[TEXT TO PRINCE 😻]: No no! It’s okay. I’m also tired with all the ballet practices.[TEXT TO PRINCE 😻]: But if you wanna pass by here and cuddle me for a little while, I wouldn’t complain.[TEXT TO PRINCE 😻]: Just be quiet climbing up to my window
beautiful 💚
remember the time by michael jackson
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[TEXT FROM BEAUTIFUL 💚]: Hey, just letting you know I’m passing by later to grab the rest of my stuff and leave my keys.[TEXT FROM BEAUTIFUL 💚]: I will leave the keys under the mat.
[TEXT TO BEAUTIFUL 💚]: It was good seeing you at Anthony’s birthday last night.[TEXT TO BEAUTIFUL 💚]: Hope we can catch up again soon.
king 😏
better together by jack johnson
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[TEXT FROM KING 😏]: You will be the death of me one day, Diana.[TEXT FROM KING 😏]: But yes, of course. I will take her to an ice cream parlor and you can meet us there if it doesn’t take long on the vet.[TEXT FROM KING 😏]: And keep me updated on Cookie.
[TEXT TO KING 😏]: I was supposed to pick up Lena at school, but Cookie started to feel ill and I need to take him to the vet[TEXT TO KING 😏]: Can you pick up her for me? Pretty please?[TEXT TO KING 😏]: You know I can be very grateful if you do that to me
mozão 😍💋
wild thoughts by dj khaled ft rihanna and bryson tiller
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[TEXT FROM MOZÃO 😍💋]: i’m sorry i won’t be able to be there with you 😔 but you know how work is.[TEXT FROM MOZÃO 😍💋]: but i promise you a week off and we can go anywhere you want and celebrate anyway you want.
[TEXT TO MOZÃO 😍💋]: i just received the flowers [TEXT TO MOZÃO 😍💋]: thank you for not forgetting my birthday even though i know you are swallowed in work 💕[TEXT TO MOZÃO 😍💋]: and now teddy is giving me a dirty look because everyone is looking at the flowers and not paying attention to class[TEXT TO MOZÃO 😍💋]: best. gift. ever. 😘 and i love you.
martyn 👑
she by KISS
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[TEXT FROM MARTYN 👑 ]: just finished the job.[TEXT FROM MARTYN 👑 ]: everything went exactly as i planned and i’m coming home to youuuuu
[TEXT TO MARTYN 👑 ]: wait… what job?[TEXT TO MARTYN 👑 ]: i didn’t send you to do any of the dirty work.[TEXT TO MARTYN 👑 ]: MARTYN[TEXT TO MARTYN 👑 ]: ANSWER ME, WHAT JOB[TEXT TO MARTYN 👑 ]: but at least you are coming home ❤
ultimate annoyance 💙💨
all i wanna do by jordan fisher
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[TEXT FROM ULTIMATE ANNOYANCE 💙💨]: one of your siblings told me you were saying my name while sleeping.[TEXT FROM ULTIMATE ANNOYANCE 💙💨]: having frisky dreams about me? ;-)
[TEXT TO ULTIMATE ANNOYANCE 💙💨]: yeah….[TEXT TO ULTIMATE ANNOYANCE 💙💨]: i was dreaming about how good would it be to put my foot up in your ass so you stop annoying me :)[TEXT TO ULTIMATE ANNOYANCE 💙💨]: anyway, wanna sneak out to the city?
minnie 🐭
u just can’t be replaced by gnash ft. roasbeales
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[TEXT FROM MINNIE 🐭]: Do you want me to buy you something from the store? I thought of buying those chips we used to eat when we were kids.[TEXT FROM MINNIE 🐭]: Because grandma is making dinner for us, and we can’t be too full. You know how she is.
[TEXT TO MINNIE 🐭]: Yes, sounds great.[TEXT TO MINNIE 🐭]: Also, bring beer? So we can drink after dinner, of course.[TEXT TO MINNIE 🐭]: Don’t want your grandma thinking I’m a bad influence, even though I am.
big bad wolf  👅
summer love by justin timberlake
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[TEXT FROM BIG BAD WOLF 👅]: You are a fucking tease.[TEXT FROM BIG BAD WOLF 👅]: I’m on my way.
[TEXT TO BIG BAD WOLF 👅]: File_Attachment.jpg[TEXT TO BIG BAD WOLF 👅]: if you come to mine in the next 10 minutes you get to play with them. Be wise.
kit 🔪❌
i don’t fuck with you by big sean ft e-40
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[TEXT FROM KIT 🔪❌]: rowan, tell your parents i’ll be coming home later. [TEXT FROM KIT 🔪❌]: please, it’s important.
[TEXT TO KIT 🔪❌]: after the curfew?[TEXT TO KIT 🔪❌]: well, i could. but you will have so much fun hearing them preaching about responsibilities :-)
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[TEXT FROM RAYMOND]: You really need to go out with the whole football team, don’t you Crystal?[TEXT FROM RAYMOND]: I know it’s your life, but you are being called names now.
[TEXT TO RAYMOND]: And you care because??[TEXT TO RAYMOND]: Like you said, it’s my life. So I will do whatever with it, and I don’t care about a label. I know who I am.
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