#stede bonnet the character that you are
seance · 7 months
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i'm unwell!!! because in stede's eyes, ned low was right!! ned says "he [ed] only likes you because of your bumbling amateur status" and calls stede blackbeard's "pet" just like izzy did in series 1
so stede steps up as a captain, kills the man who harmed his crew, and suddenly, for once in stede's life, he isn't a joke! the gentleman pirate is taken seriously and welcomed into the pirate community!
and what happens less than 24 hours later? ed calls their night together a mistake, AND LEAVES.
yes, obviously the situation is more nuanced, and these old men are once again struggling to communicate, but i 100% understand why stede went a bit of the rails at the end of episode 7. stede's been so focused on trying to help ed, that he's completely ignored his own ongoing identity crisis and trauma, and after the incident at the academy in series 1, this meltdown was long overdue.
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transfagged · 7 months
i actually love that stede refused to give izzy the time of day. fandom can have their izzy redemption but its really important that at least at this point, stedes inherent kindness does not extend to someone who tried over and over again to completely ruin his life. stede doesnt owe someone who went above and beyond bullying (turning him in to the AUTHORITIES) anything at all actually, especially when it was to get in the way of not just his happiness but also to try to control ed
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megaawkwardhuman · 7 months
I'm handling the newest episodes soooo well
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tsuyonpuu · 7 months
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Izzy is just a little baby 🥺
(yes I went feral for the new ofmd episodes yesterday )
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celluloidbroomcloset · 6 months
"Stede wanted to be a pirate and now he's not going to be one, which is bad."
Did he really want to be a pirate? Stede wanted to be a storybook pirate; he wanted to be the pirate in his games and his imagination, who had swashbuckling adventures. The entire first season deals with him learning what piracy really is. He sees what it has done to Ed, quite literally history's greatest pirate, within the first half hour of their meeting. Most of the fun he has, has nothing to do with actual piracy - it's playing games with his crew, going on treasure hunts with Ed, putting on plays. He likes making up plans, but he doesn't like actual piracy. When he accidentally kills a man, it horrifies him and haunts him, and continues to until the end of the season. He goes to therapy about it.
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Into Season 2, the entire point of Stede's piracy is still not piracy. It's to get back to Ed. Stede's fantasy in the beginning is about being the storybook pirate who defeats the villain and runs across the beach to his one true love, who isn't mad at him and never was. It's a fairytale. And even there, reality is creeping in - dream-Izzy tells him, "I didn't make you leave him. You did that yourself." The reality is that Ed has gone into a suicidal spiral, and Stede finds him mostly dead.
The one time that Stede becomes a "real pirate" in the real world, it goes to his head, but it's not even because of his love of piracy. It's because he's suddenly popular. People are buying him drinks and clapping him on the back. No one's calling him "Steve." No one's making fun of him. And still, the only thing he wants to do when he does something cool is go tell Ed about it.
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And even then...it's hollow. Everyone around him are sycophants. Ed has left him. His crew are suddenly leaving him. It all ends with him getting his ass kicked by a real pirate. He didn't even like doing the thing that made him popular; he kills Ned Low and runs off to hide. The whole sequence at Jackie'z is a mirror of the sequence at the pub when he goes home - everyone thinks he's cool, but for none of the reasons that are authentic to who he is or what he really wants.
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Stede wanted a family who loved him. He wanted friends who liked him for him. He wanted someone to play with. He wanted to marry for love. And he has all those things at the end.
He's not a pirate. He's not having second thoughts.
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I'm not sure why this is hard to see.
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arsenicflame · 1 year
i Do Not Trust people who make Mary the bad guy in their stories when the show went out of its way to specifically show us how she was suffering just as much as stede was in their marriage and that shes, yknow, a good person
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isombaird · 10 months
*points at fictional traumatised middle aged repressed gay man* this bad boy can fit so much projection of my own problems in him
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saltpepperbeard · 11 months
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yes, but are you mentally ill and/or pirate-deprived enough to make gentlebeard in heroforge? 🫡
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sarucane · 4 months
Stede's *sob* Last Story (Kinda)
(Parentheses in title because I'm a big believer in stories having a life of their own, and hell this is the kind of thing where a cast would agree to a movie in 10 years, and that's before we get to fanfic...but as far as OFMD the tv show goes, this is the last one)
Stede's last story doesn't really begin with him. It begins with Ed.
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Ed's the one who's suggested being innkeepers. Who decided he wanted to stay on this island, to set aside the impossible bird and rest on land. Ed's adding one more story to his cacaphony of contradictory stories. But this one isn't an extreme "I'm THIS now, and my name is JEFF." It isn't a death, or a personality shift. It's a story he'd like to "give a go."
Stede used to be so obsessed with his own stories that he couldn't--or didn't dare--see what others thought of them. He had to learn to set some stories aside, in order to live the life he wanted to live.
And that's just what he's done here. The life he wants to live is one with Ed, and this is the life Ed needs to live.
This is the story Ed's telling. So, Stede tells it too. With his whole heart, and no second thoughts, none of the doubts and fears that plagued him for so long.
Stede may be binding himself to land now, to Ed, but he's more free than he's ever been--to tell any story he wants.
Ed is more scared than Stede. Is too willing, as always, to tell a story that devalues himself.
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But Stede takes that story and transforms it. Because telling a story together is far, far more powerful than telling a story alone.
So Stede takes Ed's story and transforms it. Into something full of honest hope. No more buying a boat and crew and pretending to be a pirate hoping it'll change him; no more clinging to vision without action. The house needs work. The relationship needs work. The story won't become reality all by itself.
But it can.
And I love that Ed doesn't quite engage with this (yet). That even now at what turns out to be the end, he's still a bit more uncertain than Stede because he's just not as secure as Stede yet. Because that's honest.
Instead, Ed focuses on the practical. On needing some food , on the need for a bit of violence.
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But that doesn't change Stede's story. And neither does the crappy smell awaiting them inside.
This is a story of hope. And it can shape reality. A heap of painted wood can be a real boy, and a terrible smell can be a smell of the future.
And Stede holds true to that long enough for Ed to finally join in telling this story. To say, "love that," and stop trivializing or devaluing the story he wants to tell.
And then Stede says "Me too." They're in the same place, telling the same story.
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And then--now that the story has legs, now that the core truth of love is where it belongs, at center --Stede doesn't cling to perfection, to completeness. He doesn't try to pretend the smell is nice, or doesn't bother him.
He embraces reality, and goes about doing what needs to be done to make the important story true.
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A seabird to land; a unicorn still standing in defiance of everything and everyone; two mad queers packed with insecurity and trauma finding love and peace together.
A last story, gently setting aside any ugliness of reality, kindly shoring up insecurities, and seducing its listener into becoming another storyteller.
Stede's stories carried him from one family, to another, to one last and truest family. The one he chose, with both eyes open. Took him to a home he'll build with his own hands, alongside his love.
It's story that will shape his reality--and that of those who trust him--forever. A story he'll tell, forever.
Because now, he can. He knows how.
And he won't do it alone.
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seance · 7 months
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This Blog Loves LGBTQ+ Pirates
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entelodontidae · 8 months
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Ofmd doodles in preparation for s2‼️
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daftmooncretin · 6 months
muppet treasure island remake where the only change is the woman from the inn is replaced by rhys darby and taika waititi reprising their ofmd roles (running their inn.) Just ten minutes of ed and stede dropkicking muppets to help a preteen, gonzo and a rat run off with their (probably a scam) treasure map.
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nicnacsnonsense · 2 years
Some facts:
Rhys was chosen to play Stede because of all the actors who auditioned, he was the only one to make Stede seem likable
Rhys has said of Stede’s behavior in the first episode that he’s basically just a kid trying to get the other kids to play with him
This is not the only way to interpret Stede’s behavior in that episode. There is a reasonable sized chunk of fandom who see Stede as wanting/feeling entitled to power & control and his decision to become a pirate captain an extension of that.
Rhys has come out as likely being on the autism spectrum
Stede Bonnet is super autistic-coded
My wild theory based on these facts: all the other actors who audition for Stede’s character were neurotypical or at least allistic. So upon reading the script they unconsciously assumed Stede was also neurotypical and interpreted his behavior through that lens. That lead to then inferring motives and intentions for Stede that made him into a selfish asshole. Meanwhile Rhys’s interpretation was based on his own autistic thought processes, which ultimately lead to motives and intentions that were far more sympathetic and the assumption that many of the potentially inconsiderate behaviors were down to miscommunication or an unfortunate failure despite best efforts.
In short, the reason Rhys was the only one to make Stede likable is not because he’s just so charming (though he certainly is very charming) that you can’t help but like Stede anyway, but because he was the only one to play Stede as autistic, and autistic Stede is genuinely likable as opposed to neurotypical Stede, who’s kind of a big asshole.
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laceratedlamiaceae · 1 year
Stede and Izzy watching the sun rise, drinking tea and discussing the plans for the day while Ed sleeps in.
Izzy and Ed watching the sun set, leaning back and reminiscing over old times while Stede tells the crew their bedtime story.
Ed and Stede stargazing, laying on the foretop and making up stories about the constellations while Izzy gets some well-deserved rest in their bed.
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