#stage magician
nivaris · 1 year
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Harriet takes the stage!
Harriet has new clothes and is ready for her magic show! She should have practiced a bit more though
this OC belongs to @harrietbunny I redesigned her clothes and a little of her hair Support me in patreon for alternatives and exclusive content
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Super Magician Comics Vol.3 #2 - Street & Smith, June 1944. Cover art by Al Bare.
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zal-cryptid · 1 year
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DC characters - Abra Kadabra
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vgfmart · 1 year
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Here’s Misha, an OC I created in 2022. I’ve always been a fan of the stage magician look.
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legionnaire-r · 11 months
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Alexander - the vampire stage magician - now in 3D!
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jonreytrevino · 1 year
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Magic Fox
pixel_dailies : stage magician : 3/22/23
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Not just a fan, a Fanatic!
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thanks to @weaponsdrawn for motivating me to complete this cool drawing!
Basically my self insert, an intern at the company who just joined, really wants to be part of the Robodoki team. Eventually she realizes she isn't the main character and self loathes that she isn’t fit to be chosen as a magical girl. Diana and Glitch promise her that she can become one if they get the Robodoki team to their base.
Her power is throwing ace playing cards at people, mainly to steal their powers, but also as combat shirukens and shields. The powers she can steal range from general dark magic, like what Redacted has, to Robodoki abilities and even skills that other people have (such as Helen's ability to think of evacutation plans).
The power copy isn’t perfect, especially with the inevitable nerfing of some op powers. Also, the more powers she takes, the weaker each individual power becomes.
Eventually, my self insert snaps outta it by being told she’s the magical girl bad guy and she’s hurting her idols, like it or not.
Miraging Mini-Fic Under the Cut!
Abby couldn't help but shed a few tears as worries began to cloud her mind. Her sandwhich was left uneaten, her chips untouched, and her feelings were undoubtably conflicted, to say the least.
She had rushed in to try to calm down some dumb Cookie mirage, and Aian- er- Robodoki told her to butt out of it. To not risk her life to become a magical girl like a lot of interns apparently did, because all the slots were taken. And while she did understand why she said that, deep down, that didn't mean it shouldn't have caused SOME feelings of inadequecy, right?
"...She might as well had told me to stay in my place." She sighed as she glanced at her wallpaper, which sure enough had all 5 Robodoki members alongside her, posing for a picture. "And I'd admit...I was stupid for doing that. But...I dunno...isn't that what MADE them a magical girl in the first place? Rushing into danger and attempting to help? Can't I just..."
Her voice trailed off. A black card was inexplicably wedged in her sandwhich. Even more inexpeciably, she picked it up, and a vision of her being a bonafide ace-slash-magician themed magical girl played on its animated surface.
She lit up. Glitch took notice.
Ah, I see you wanna be a magical girl! Very fucking cool goal, if I do say so myself, even if all the magical girls were already chosen before you arrived. His bratty teenage voice echoed through Abby's head. Good thing we have a way to fix that! Make you the strongest magical girl of them all!
Yeah!!!! A mature sounding voice, Mirai, piped in with more excitement than she usually had. She was trying to sell Abby by riling her up. Letting her excitement overcome her logic. You look like the kind of girl who loves Kirby, right? So we gave the ability to steal powers using Ace cards, which you can ALSO use for combat in any way your imagination desires! And of course, we've developed a maho shoujo outfit that'll trump even Doki's frills! AND all we ask in return is to knock the Robodoki gang out of the picture and into our base! She laughed.
"...Really? This isn't me being punk'd?"
Yep, we're willing to do ALL THAT in order to help a fellow dreamer out. That's what we do in MiraiCo.
Hell yeah! So whatdaya say?
Abby lit up in excitement. "If you're waiting me to say I'm fucking sold, well, I'M FUCKING SOLD! THIS IS GONNA BE FUCKING AW-"
Her words were interrupted by being engulfed in a static-covered beam of magic. The beam then proceeded to encase her in a shattered glass crystal cluster, with the inside filling with the same static she was hit with. Said smoke encased Abby's silhouette as the background turned to vantablack.
Now channel your hatred! One arm broke out of the crystals.
Become what you're destined! The other arm broke free.
Fanatic... The crystal fully and dramatically shattered, revealing her new form.
...Our selfish MEGAmirage!!!
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streetshotz · 3 months
Stage Magician Performing a Jaw-Dropping Illusion: The Art of Mesmerizing Audiences
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In the world of entertainment, stage magic has always captivated audiences with its mysterious and mind-boggling tricks. A stage magician's ability to perform jaw-dropping illusions leaves spectators amazed and questioning the very laws of nature. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of a stage magician, delving into their expertise, artistry, and the trust they build with their audience.
The Mastery of a Stage Magician
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A stage magician's performance is a result of years of practice, dedication, and skill honing. They must possess a deep understanding of the principles of illusion, psychology, and sleight of hand. Every trick they perform is meticulously crafted and rehearsed to perfection. It is this mastery that enables them to create seemingly impossible illusions that leave the audience spellbound.
Creating a Sense of Wonder and Mystery
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The primary goal of a stage magician is to create a sense of wonder and mystery among the audience. They achieve this by carefully orchestrating the illusion, utilizing misdirection, and manipulating the audience's perception. Through their expert use of props, lighting, and theatrics, they transport spectators into a world where anything is possible.
How do stage magicians achieve such mind-boggling illusions?
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Stage magicians employ a wide array of techniques to achieve their jaw-dropping illusions. Let's explore a few of their tried and tested methods:
Sleight of Hand
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Sleight of hand is an essential skill for any stage magician. It involves deftly manipulating objects in a way that is imperceptible to the audience. Through practiced movements and clever misdirection, they are able to make objects appear, disappear, or transform right before the spectators' eyes.
Optical Illusions
Optical illusions play a crucial role in stage magic. By utilizing perspective, angles, and strategic placement of objects, magicians create visual trickery that confounds the audience's perception. They play with the viewer's expectations, leading to mind-bending moments that defy logic.
Psychology and Misdirection
A stage magician's ability to manipulate the audience's attention and perception is vital in creating jaw-dropping illusions. Through psychological tricks and misdirection, they guide the audience's focus away from the secret workings of a trick, allowing for a seamless execution of impossible feats.
Establishing Authority and Trust
A stage magician must establish authority and trust with their audience to truly captivate them. The audience must believe in the magician's abilities and suspend their skepticism. This trust is built through the magician's confidence, showmanship, and flawless execution of tricks.
How do stage magicians build trust with their audience?
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Confidence and Charisma
A stage magician exudes confidence and charisma, captivating the audience from the moment they step on stage. Their stage presence and commanding demeanor instill a sense of trust and belief in their abilities.
Flawless Execution
The flawless execution of tricks is another aspect that builds trust with the audience. Even the smallest error can shatter the illusion. A well-practiced magician ensures that their tricks are executed seamlessly, leaving no room for doubt in the minds of the spectators.
Audience Engagement
Engaging with the audience on a personal level is a powerful tool in building trust. Stage magicians often involve spectators directly in their tricks, making them active participants in the illusion. This level of interaction fosters a connection and strengthens the audience's trust.
A stage magician's ability to perform jaw-dropping illusions is a testament to their experience, expertise, authority, and trust. Through their mastery of illusion, creation of wonder, and establishment of a deep connection with the audience, stage magicians continue to mesmerize and inspire awe. So, the next time you witness a stage magician performing a jaw-dropping illusion, prepare to be transported into a world of enchantment and mystery.
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puppyeared · 6 months
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im so predictable
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thewertsearch · 17 days
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GC: 1 DONT SUPPOS3 1 COULD T4LK YOU 1NTO PUTT1NG H1M OUT OF H1S M1S3RY B4S3D ON TH3 R3SULT OF 4 CO1N FL1P >:D […] TG: put your fucking death coin away jesus […] GC: YOUR3 OV3R3ST1M4T1NG 1TS R3L3V4NC3 H3R3 4NYW4Y […] GC: 4FT3R 1 FL1PP3D 1T, 1 D1DNT 3V3N LOOK 4T TH3 R3SULT!
As we've already covered, she didn't need a coin at all, because she wasn't the one splitting the timeline. Dave was the one tricked into splitting the timeline, and he did so by merely thinking about a coin.
I feel like I'm starting to understand the general idea of what it means to be a Seer of Mind, but I can't quite put it into words yet.
TG: i sent you the money i got all the fraymotifs tell me what is there thats left besides you jerking me around […] GC: YOUV3 GOT SOM3 WORK TO DO, 1 C4N T4K3 4 H1NT 4ND G1V3 YOU SOM3 SP4C3 TO DO 1T >:] GC: J4D3 1S GO1NG TO N33D YOUR H3LP ON H3R N1C3 FROST3D M4RSHM4LLOW PL4N3T
Hell yes!
Assuming Dave takes Terezi's advice - and assuming we don't get trolled, like we did when John and Rose met up - then Jade is about to meet another human for the first time in almost a decade.
...fuck. Jade hasn't seen another human in almost a decade. Sometimes I forget just how isolated she is.
TG: i still dont really get what you did TG: was the trick really necessary TG: it sounds like TG: the splitoff was a result of both possible decisions i could have made TG: and had fuckall to do with your coin or randomness or luck GC: 3X4CTLY!!!
Fortune and luck are more Vriska's department. Terezi only ever pretends to use luck, tricking people into thinking she's playing a game of chance, when she's actually playing chess.
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The coin never actually matters - and if she's convinced you that it does, she's already won.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
In the equineswap au does everyone know that wwx lost his magic bc his horn is gone or does he pretend it's there somehow?
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Wen Qing casted her scotch tape spell
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callmegaith · 5 months
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All eyes on you, Houdini... On stage you're the center of attention. You craved it so much it killed you.
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ipomoea-batatas · 2 years
Ed is so inventive?? Those fuckeries clearly take a lot of engineering and he clearly loves that process SO much.
When Lucius cuts his finger off his first thought is “OMG that was amazing, how did you do that??” just so impressed thinking the Revenge crew have come up with this amazing new illusion and he just HAD to know how it worked. He probably thought of five different ways they could have done it in the next 30 seconds
"I don’t even need to be on the boat.” Ed probably barely gets to do fuckeries anymore. No more problem solving, no more coming up with new illusions, no more engineering and making stuff and being creative
I wish we could see the missing scene of Ed and Stede coming up with the mechanics of the lighthouse fuckery! They were probably both so activated! So engaged! Bouncing ideas off one another! Ransacking the cabin for stuff they could use! It was probably everything Ed’s been missing.
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secret-subject · 8 months
For my first trick, let's make your mind disappear...
🎨: itchob
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tboyswag · 20 days
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teller from penn and teller has tboy swag!
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teacupballerina · 4 months
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Can a crystal enthusiast boy and a skeptic science girl really be together???
Bonus obscure meme
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